Dinar Guru Uncut

Militia Man (Uncut) 01-18-2025

MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Ancient Symbolism-CBI-3x Electronic Payment System-Global Vision-USA-UK-Equal

Hey everyone, before I get started, I just want to remind you that if you like my content, hit that like button, subscribe to my channel, and then join the Militiaman and Crew Patreon community by clicking the link in the caption. Hey, good evening everybody. It is Friday night.


Militiaman and Crew here. Just want to welcome everybody and I want you to thank you for being with us. It’s been a pleasure to keep doing what we do.


It’s because we bring lots of good information and I think it is beneficial for me to be able to help those of you that appreciate the content that we bring. And thank you very much for being with us. But to get started, we have the opening of the Iraq Cultural Center in London, receiving an ancient tablet dating back to the Assyrian era.


Well, I think this is really important, to be fair, is because that time frame goes back to about 883 to 859 years BC, according to what the data says. But it says here that the minister delivered a speech during the opening on behalf of the prime minister, in which he stressed that the opening of the Cultural Center is an important step to invest in Iraq’s cultural heritage and activate the role of Iraq intellectuals and elites and artists abroad, as this is an important impact in the strengthening of Iraq’s cultural position on the international scene, which is what the government is keen on in this field. So think about that, you guys.


These guys are getting ancient artifacts back. This one’s coming from the United Kingdom, which is powerful in nature of itself. I’m fairly sure that the United Kingdom has a lot of artifacts that they don’t give back very easily.


Okay. Interestingly enough, the United States has given back, I think at one point in time, six months to a year ago, gave back, and publicly stated that they gave back like 30,000 artifacts. I think they went back to the city of Ur, that’s spelled U-R, and that is a very ancient city.


And if you guys go back in time, in history, and if you can get it, because I think that’s a lot of that information seems to be hard to get these days, teasing a little bit, but it’s powerful because it’s exactly what they’re talking about. They’re positioning themselves on many levels for the international scene. And I think that’s, it’s very telling.


So think about it. He goes on and says that the Iraq embassy in London received the British side for this tablet. And it represents a part of the winged genie that decorated the Northwestern palace of the archeological site of Nimrod.


So anyway, that ancient archeological site of Nimrod is important. And obviously Great Britain felt like that was the, now was the time to be able to give that back. Al-Sudani came with a lot of progress, a lot of things have been taken care of.


Remember, Great Britain is the second largest financial center in the world, and the United States being the first. But also, remember, we talked about insurance. There’s some very big businesses and insurance businesses in Iraq.


And insurance needs assurance that people are going to do what they say they’re going to do or have less risk. So keep that in mind, because what we’ve been talking about, to be fair, are about things that have taken place for the last like 30 years. And the reason why it’s important is because the United States and our allies, Great Britain, have been involved with Iraq, and they’ve been there for a long time.


And this is the newest little young lady. This is Winnie. She looks a lot like her brother, but I think she’s a little bit more feisty than he is now.


So anyway, just wanted to share her time with you guys. And she’s fascinating. She comes and goes, and we’ll just keep moving forward.


But it was fun that she just showed up. Here’s an article that’s about the real estate bank. Its electronic payment services achieved three times the collection amounts collected in cash.


Look, for the last year or so, I’ve had a lot of comments about the fact that Iraq is not going to function. It’s not going to work. They’re a cash society.


But the evidence is going to support that we’ve seen that that’s changed. And that’s changing in a big way, because now we have this new technology that’s out there. We know that electronic payments are part of this process.


And so this is a little bit of that information. It says that electronic payment services achieved three times the collection amounts collected in cash. It says, including launching this electronic payment collection and collection services under the direction of the Prime Minister, his government plan.


It says, within the government program of the Ministry of Finance. The results of these measures have been positive and resulted in that three times collections amount. So they’re hammering it down.


So they’re saying that it’s been successful. It’s an ongoing process. But the bottom line is they’re having success.


And that’s very good, because the world is going electronic. And they’re going to digital payments. And they’re going to digital currencies effectively, in my view.


So this article is about director of Al-Nasik Islamic Bank. We pay great attention to electronic payments. The managing director of this bank, it says that he confirms that the paths of development electronic payment in Iraq are proceeding according to the country’s needs.


The citizens, they focus on this. Interaction, their interaction with electronic services has become clear. And the banking system inside Iraq has begun to indicate that.


And this is in harmony with the directions of the government and the Central Bank of Iraq. So this Islamic Bank pays great attention to developing the reality of economic payment and developing the reality of performance in this aspect. Basically, this is just more evidence that the electronic payment systems are in place.


And what they’re doing is what they were designed to do. And that is to go a little less cash. And the fast ease of use, all that that comes with it, is taking hold in the country.


You’ve got to remember, the vast majority of Iraq population is very young, very young. So anyway, it’s a good indicator for us to realize that them doing that, doing so, is going to be basically to be a part of the global financial system. And which I think Al-Saddani had a nice speech in the UN Assembly meeting in 2023 about being somewhat of a savior of that global financial system.


So he may very well hold true to his words. It might be not on everybody else’s time frame, which they thought. But the bottom line is, are they still doing it? The answer, I think, is yes.


This gentleman says, his name is Hassan al-Dafari. It says, developing the banking system is a government desire and economic necessity. So there’s an importance.


It’s necessary. It’s a necessity. And what we’re seeing is evidence of that happening.


This is a financial expert. He stresses that the strengthening of the banking system is an absolute necessity for the country, especially since Iraq is facing a large volume of work. So what do you mean by that? Especially since Iraq is facing a large volume of work.


Well, the development road project is going to be what? A large volume of work to do. So he’s not lying there. But Iraq is in dire need of creating a banking system with global services.


So they need to be able to interact on a global scale. So they haven’t been, but now they need to be. It’s a necessity.


So the push is on. What for? It says it’s in order to provide products that suit the requirements of global investment companies that need to deal with large companies. So they’re literally stating it.


They need to do this because of the requirements of global investment companies. And why? Because they have to deal with very large numbers. He goes on and says that the continuous government support in the central bank of Iraq helped develop the reality of financial transactions and contributed to the expansion of the volume of electronic transactions.


And they say that this means that the banking system has become aware of the importance of developing the financial services in Iraq. So obviously they’re telling investors Iraq is ready for the global environment that she’s going into. I think that’s powerful evidence that we’re seeing.


So basically they’re showing it and what they’re using now is in the citizens’ eyes. They’re basically ready to go. They’ve been doing it.


So here’s the director of al-Sudani’s media office. So this is coming from al-Sudani. It says the prime minister has spent those four days.


Well, remember this. They said one day, then they said three days that he was going to be there. First off, it was just one day.


Then it was three days. And then today’s article basically says, well, the prime minister spent four days in Britain. And so what was it starting with? It started with the meeting of the king, the king of the country, ending with a meeting with the Iraqi community.


So anyway, it goes on and says the director of the prime minister’s media office confirmed that the prime minister spent four busy days in Britain. It says the four days witnessed intensive economic meetings with about more than 46 companies in various specialties. So they’re hammering at home.


He adds that those four days also witnessed the signing of 25 agreements and a memorandum of understanding in various fields, in addition to 33 political and diplomatic and media activities. So he had a busy schedule. So when they said one day, they weren’t telling us the whole truth.


Okay. So anyway, if you think about that in totality, is that why? Why did they just tell you that he was going to be there one day, then change it to three days, and then ultimately say that he stayed for four? Okay. I knew it.


It’s something to think about. So anyway, here’s an article that was done by a Dr. Safa Alshamari. And why is this one really important is that first off, I can’t read it all because I’m telling you it’s eight pages.


There’s a lot. But I think what we’re going to see is that the point is at this article, and I’ll go through some of the key points. But if I don’t get to all of them, realize I think it’s about eight pages long.


But the bottom line is that the Iraqi’s government policy has been to encourage investment and adopt a policy of economic openness that began with the issuance of a law, number 13 of 2006, as amended regarding investment. So when I said it’s been about decades, this article shows you that they’ve actually done things and been working on this project, if you will, to invoke Al-Alaq, the project to delete the zeros. It’s been on the table.


It’s been part of that process. And if you remember, I said things talking about privatizing the state banks, and we’ve talked about that. Okay.


But if you think outside the box and you read this whole document, you’re going to have to, you know, you don’t have to denar glasses on to read it. And once you’ll see, you’re going to go, wow. So we have talked about all these things.


We have seen this progression for so long. And obviously now what they’re doing is showing the end of the game. That’s how I see it.


I don’t have a date. Don’t have a rate. Any of that.


I’m just telling you what the news brings up and it’s powerful. So anyway, to move on, it says the preparing of the appropriate legal framework for investment is one of the important elements for improving the investment environment and stabilizing transactions and raising the degree of confidence in the competence of the economic system as a whole. So effectively that was the goal that they had.


And they refer back to 2006, but look where we are today. We’re not 20 years ago. We’re not 15 years ago when I got into this.


They’re not even five years ago, but they’re talking about it in the sense of, look, we’ve accomplished all these things. That’s what, that’s how I read it. It says because legislation helps create a suitable economic climate, the more governments succeed in issuing appropriate legislation that is suitable for their local conditions, Iraq in this case, and responsive to international changes, which are happening globally, the more this is reflected in the response of more investors to investment expansion to growth.


So investment volumes rise and growth rates increase. There you go. Which leads to increased exports and decreased unemployment levels, all of which Iraq needed because they had a massive unemployment.


So here’s another point that I wanted to bring up. It says because legislation is one of the important elements influencing the formation of the economic climate in which investors operate, legislative instability means instability of rules of the game. So not a good thing.


So they, as they say, which leads to an economic climate characterized by uncertainty and investment risk and makes investors hesitate a lot to make new investments or tend to focus on projects with large and rapid return. So that’s just a component of they’re telling you the pros and cons, right? It’s noted though, that the legal reform is not limited to establishing rules that respond to social needs, seek justice and are characterized by clarity. But this reform must also include the devices, the utility, the tools, the devices, the mechanisms and procedures that ensure that these rules are put into practice.


They’ve done all that. Okay. So it says fundamental changes have occurred in the investment strategy in Iraq since then, since 2004 even.


Okay. It says the period that gives the past three decades that has witnessed several developments. So there again, it says it right there.


Three decades has witnessed several developments that resulted in a number of successive investment legislations that aim to liberate the national economy from the restrictions imposed on the economic activity increasingly. And it was to activate the local and foreign private sector, exactly what we’ve been watching. And it will grant many incentives and guarantees and provide it with more freedom to practice its activity.


So he’s just describing what they plan to do and what they’ve been doing effectively and what they are doing. And they date back for the reform process. It says back in early 24, 2024, no, forgive me, 2004, the economic reform process began to accelerate after the agreement with, an agreement with the international monetary fund and the world bank and the beginning of the cancellation of part of the external debt.


Investment trends were determined by focusing on government investment on preparing the necessary infrastructure elements and social services while opening wider areas for national and foreign private sector investments in all their forums directly or indirectly. So technically what you guys, if you think about it, all we’ve been here, I don’t care if you’ve been here for 20 years or 21 years, it doesn’t matter. They’ve been working on this for a long time.


So anyway, it says the state moved to remove this legislative and institutional obstacles that limit the scope and effectiveness of the private sector and increasing reliance on market mechanisms. The increase in its share and total investment is sufficient to demonstrate the importance of private investments responding to these indicators that they’ve already done. He says, therefore, a comprehensive and broad-based economic reform program was formulated, which we’ve witnessed.


So it’s just an explanation. So anyway, it says by adopting this ambitious economic reform program, which took some of its main steps in 2006, its first and second phases ended successfully represented in curbing inflation. Iraq is low inflation now.


Increasing the growth rate of the national product. So they have gone from oil to non-oil revenues. And we talked about the Assyrian thing, tourism.


Okay. That key component, a lot of money involved. You guys realize that Iraq’s got many, many different avenues for revenue streams.


Now realize that the other day I posted an article and I gave a comparison specifically about how much oil Kuwait has and what the currency exchange rate is to the dollar. Okay. Well, Iraq’s got 43% more oil than Kuwait.


What they don’t have is those non-oil revenues. It’s very powerful. It shows that Iraq is totally capable of having a real effective exchange rate that could be at least competitive and similar to the region, just like that Arab League, right? Remember that? Well, if you remember what the AMF has, the Arab accounting dinar, they talk about baskets of currencies.


You got to think deep. You guys, it takes a long time to be able to grasp all this. And those of you that are new investors really would be wise to pay attention and, or at least dig in.


And I know that we bring all this information that I read to you guys is my opinion based off news. And you can find that on patreon.com forward slash M-M-A-N-D-C-R-E-W and in our free discord chat room. So come on in as a paid member.


You’re more than welcome to read it all, all what we have and you can be the judge. So enjoy. So not only did they do reducing the burden of external debt and increasing and accumulated foreign exchange reserves of the central bank.


Well, think about that. Iraq has massive amount of reserves, far more necessary than the requirements of the IMF. And they’ve increased their gold reserves.


So they did all these things. Now you could probably see some like, wow, I remember that. I remember that.


It says the law number 13206 on investment guarantees. So investment guarantees, remember that they’ve been talking about sovereign guarantees for investors the last year or two since Al Sudanese, they’ve been focusing in on that. Okay.


These incentives were issued in response to the new needs of the economic changes that occurred. And in order to emphasize investment guarantees and incentives and expand them to boost growth rates, develop less developed areas and increase employment opportunities. It goes on and says, one of the most important advantages of this law is that it has collected to all incentives and exempt exemptions in one law.


So they designed the law and they made it better over time, making it easy for the investor to identify the areas that enable him to benefit from these incentives. This law also includes long-term tax incentives and exemptions to develop investment. In addition to what the law includes regarding non-discrimination between local and foreign investors.


So foreign and local created equally, which is an investment incentive in and of itself. Okay. It says all companies currently, well, all companies, currently the capital companies, that’s the money people enjoy these exemptions, guarantees, and benefits stipulated by this law.


So it says they do now, effectively, all companies enjoy these exemptions. So that’s something that they’ve, they’re getting now. And it’s, it’s really good.


So since the idea of forced pricing and profit determination can limit investment. Okay. They had to move forward, but they say now it says there’s no longer a need for this exception, especially with the success of the state in its reforms programs and the relative increase in the level of per capita income.


And then I think lastly here, it says the right of the establishment to own real estate and land provided that the companies and establishments have the right to own building lands and built real estate necessary to carry out their activity and expand therein. It says regardless of the nationality of the company owners, their place of residence, or their percentage of participation provided that the approval of the board of directors of the investment authority is obtained. So if they play by the rules, they can, they can take advantage of what they have in place.


So really you guys, it’s an in-depth report. Everyone as investors should take it seriously. I think everybody should probably read it and get a little bit of an understanding of why this report comes out.


It’s an educational bit. It’s one of those things that, you know what, if you don’t know what you own, you probably shouldn’t own it because then you can’t make good decisions. But the bottom line is they’re telling investors what they’ve done and they’re just, they’re just supporting their data, which we do in Militia Man and Crew.


I provide support for all my opinions to the best of my ability. I’m not always right and I’m not always wrong, but I can tell you this. I’ve been very consistent.


I try to be very consistent with what I report. If we make a mistake, we always talk about that. Well, I try to anyway.


So based on partnership of equals, this is another article. British Ambassador Baghdad and London have entered a new phase of relations. So things have changed.


Now we’re in a new phase. Why do you, why did they, the British people in government give back ancient artifacts? Symbolism, I think. So it says here, we have opened a new page in the bilateral relations between Iraq and United Kingdom and have we, and we have entered the stage of a partnership of equals.


So, so really, so what right now is we have the largest financial system in the United, in the world is United States. And then we have the second largest financial system in the world, the United Kingdom. And now we have entered the stage of a partnership of equals.


So the United Kingdom is effectively saying Iraq’s an equal. Doesn’t that ring a bell? Savior of the financial world, Al-Sudani, UN, later restore confidence at the Davo meeting, right? That’s what, those were the themes. You can look this up.


So anyway, those are the things that you can think about and say, wow, put the pieces of the puzzle, take that picture, make it a little bit bigger and see what, what the painting looks like. You’re going to see like, wow, it’s pretty powerful. So anyway, it says the main challenges in Iraq lie with the scarcity of water.


And yes, of course, we know that dealing with Turkey, electricity, we know that dealing with Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, everybody, but they’ve been working on all that stuff. They’ve already got that stuff, you know, under the, under, under the, underway. You got, you see the, the memorandums of understanding, who are they talking about? They were talking about GE.


Okay. So they were talking about big companies, big businessmen. Okay.


So it says the signing of eight memorandums with understanding with Iraq, public and private sectors, public and private sectors and British companies, the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the British Petroleum Company, the signing of a memorandum of understanding on climate change, the environment, carbon economics, and the signing of memorandum of understanding with the sovereign guarantees, sovereign guarantees. That’s about investors, initiative committee, and the British export credit guarantee corporation, which is what? Insurance. You just, we’re not making it up.


So anyway, what Al-Sudani has done at this stage of the game is, is flat out amazing. The British financial center, the United States, all sets are everything that they’ve done is set the stage for Iraq to do what? Become in a partnership of equals. I think that is insane.


Very good. And so then it’s like a reminder. This one is like a reminder to, to those in parliament.


I personally believe that the parliament doesn’t have any control over the exchange rate of the Iraqi currency. They do need to be a little bit on board. So I think Al-Sudani is giving olive branches to his people, especially those in politics that seem to be bucking the system and trying to create constant problems and they don’t want to, you know, get with the program.


But Al-Mashudani and Mandalawi discussed the mechanism for activating committees during the upcoming legislative session. The parliament speaker, he’s the new guy, Al-Mashudani’s office stated that the parliament speaker received the head of the Iraqi foundation coalition. And they go on, says the meeting discussed the role of block leaders and urging members of the house of representatives to attend the council sessions that discuss important laws awaited by the people, such as a retirement law, general amnesty, personal status, and others.


Well, it’s about the people, but they’re not mentioning specific things that could come with that because they say others, of course, there’s more because some of that stuff is sensitive. One of those would be put about what is going to bring them purchasing power. Just like we talked about the tripartite budget, the investment side of 2024, the amendment was, I think it’s 12 second C component of that amendment that they haven’t exposed yet publicly.


Why? Well, they haven’t exposed their exchange rate yet. That’s my view. So anyway, Al-Mashudani renewed his call to the political forces to take account the country’s interest in approving laws that benefit the people and avoid breaking the legal quorum when holding sessions.


So they’re getting kind of smacked around a little bit because they’ve had some problems having quorum, playing by the rules, doing what they should do. Playing by the rules is not having a quorum, of course, but the bottom line is that they just are trying to hinder progress. And change is big for people, especially if it’s clipping your pocketbook, which the new electronic systems are doing to those that are in power, that have the banks, that have problems.


They have to do and abide by this new system. It’s an electronic system. So ultimately, everybody, you can see that the progress is being made.


And again, the last few videos that we did, they all kind of portray that Iraq is going international. And I think you can see that when they state Iraq’s an equal to Great Britain, I think you can see that they did that for a purpose. All right, you guys, thank you for being with us.


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Thank you so much and have a great day.


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