Dinar Guru Uncut

FRANK26 (Uncut) 01-18-2025

FRANK26….1-17-25……..BANK OFFICER

thank you this I just got to keep refreshing okay no it’s still zero let me know if it’s okay on your side okay yeah it is it is check this out ain’t I blessed that page might have been frozen or something but I kept refreshing it you know show me for [Applause] 3 2 1 go the recording has started I used to be a newbie until I watched Frank’s with a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need all f i tune in to Frank 6 he’s got the latest greatest news from

the street to theight in here this is the now take it from me Frank is No rookie it’s okay think give this man a cookie you never know my suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I need fix I tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the sit up be patient and get ready Frank got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the new Keeps Us straight come on Iraq can you give us the R soever I

need f i tune in Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the D hey think I need a cookie started come on tank I deserve some cookies uh-huh uh-huh cookies cookies cookies cookies come on tank give up the cookies greetings family welcome to another one of your ktfa frank26 ubby tubies it’s good to be with you it is a special conference call tonight what is the title of your ubby tuby wouldn’t you love to talk to a bank officer you will tonight everything that we say to you is

strictly in our opinion we don’t offer you a date we don’t offer you a rate this is a speculative investment you are to respect it you can’t ask those two questions but you can ask other questions and that’s what we do we give you hopefully an impactful and informative conference call and before we go into that realm before we do anything we always go to our heavenly father and we pray to him first the reason why is because we are ktf always.com which stands for keep the faith always in our heavenly father we

are a christian-based organization so allow me to pray and to prepare my heart my soul my spirit for what we are about to do tonight join me ABA heavenly father I Run To You I Run To You by the blood of Jesus Through the Holy Spirit thanking you God for another day of my life with you every day I seek you because every day is difficult not until I am in in your Paradise in your heaven will I be stress free debt free where I will be happy not sad where there will be people that love me not hate me where you will

be not where Satan is at on this Earth until that time I really need help Father no that’s why I come to you that’s why I pray right now please give me the strength for tonight with my body please give me the strength for tonight with my mind and give me the strength father to walk with you because if I don’t walk with you I walk by myself or I walk with Satan and it’s just too ugly it doesn’t feel good good so I ask God that you hold my hand as we go through this conference call tonight and and share our opinion I ask

that those that are with us that they would that they would find curiosity that they would find a reason to ask me Frank why do you love Jesus so much I pray for America I pray for peace and I pray for the hostages to come home I pray for the killing to stop everywhere again I thank you for this opportunity because tonight you have brought a special guest to us I’m very very grateful to you father I’m very very appreciative of this man’s time and I pray that those that are with us tonight would understand the value of

what this man is going to bring us it is in the name of your son Jesus by the holy spirit that I pray to you Heavenly Father amen amen amen amen hey Frank yes Andy why do you love Jesus so much well because he died on the cross for my sins if he hadn’t have done that I wouldn’t have I just won’t I just don’t have a chance so I can’t help but to love him endlessly because of that act Amen to that what’s that last YouTube Last YouTube amen amen amen thank you Andy God bless you brother uh thank you sir what the 14th uh Friday

the 14th was Tuesday the 14th was our last time we were together so let me fast forward the 14th and get to the 15th uh ladies and gentlemen as always we are going to study the Iraqi dinar and everything that I say to you is just strictly my opinion and what we’re going to do tonight is uh once again triec we’ll break down our study into three parts the very first part starts out of course with the Articles because we want to see what they say you know we want to see what they say we want to analyze it

we want to compare it to what they said before and see if there’s any advancement if there’s anything new that we can pick up on in order to understand the monetary reform processes so with that in mind that we’ll look at the Articles and then the second part I’m going to bring in a gentleman who has been a a uh a bank uh officer and executive for uh his whole career now granted uh he’s retired but he called me and he says Frank um it’s possible that I may be of help to you and I said how can I help

you sir he says well I’m a former bank officer and I worked with the the uh with with the feds um and we I I was a bank examiner with the United States Treasury I said get out of here can you what for real he says yeah yeah I’d like I think you can help me can I ask you some qu well wait a minute I’ll tell you what would you mind joining me on my next conference call so that I can ask you questions or better yet would you be willing to help my ktfa family to understand what banks do he says oh yeah I’d be glad to they need the help I

tell you what um I’ll tell them what a bank does how they you make their money I’ll tell them what questions to ask what questions not to ask uh what things to take with you you know driver’s side two sets of IDs you know I mean yeah I can I can do that and then we had a gentleman on my form that uh asked me when I was putting up uh uh the premium wasn’t that amazing premium in club 26 wasn’t that amazing what we released it was a freaking newspaper wasn’t it but the the contents of it it was just very value valuable to to

understand what Eddie and Mr Sammy were trying and Neo were trying to tell us I’m very grateful and I’m glad I was able to share it with you in premium and Club 26 but tonight that’ll be the second part we’ll go over those notes and more and then um we have a we had a phone call last night at 1:20 in the morning and then a second phone call at almost 4:00 in the morning and uh it was from um from walking stick when he first called I said whoa something’s up he says Aki called or excuse me no he says um he said the

East uh called we we call Aki West and we call the firm that woning stick worked with we call that East so he says East called whoa they haven’t called in almost a year what’s up so he gave me the information and that’ll be the third part of our traffic of our study tonight the first part the Articles the second part A Bank officer that that his his career was uh he worked with the with with the feds uh he was a bank examiner with the United United States Treasury I hope you understand the value

of this we’re at about almost 1,200 sincerely I would tell you to call as many people as you can call your friends call the other sites they need what we’re about to give tonight actually what this gentleman is about to share tonight and then uh on my form when I was putting the information up on premium there is a gentleman by the name of RV doc RV doc hey buddy his name is Bill isn’t it yeah Bill how you doing I met I met bill in Hawaii many many years ago and he bought me a a coconut and he put the Ten Commandments

on it I have that coconut and I’ve and I treasure it but RV dog suggested last night when when I was in the form he says hey Frank would you think that we can ask this Bank exe this Bank officer some questions ourselves I thought hm didn’t I I didn’t think about that open it up for Q&A all right I’ll ask him and I did about an hour ago and he said but of course whoa I would take advantage of tonight call as many people as you can and tell them about what we’re about to do let’s get started you want

to I know that you’re a member of ktfalways.com thank you I see I see your numbers and um I uh I’m asking you to go into our form at ktf always.com and I’d like for you to see where I’m at I believe it’s um let me see let me go back up to the top I am on Page 246 that’s where we’re going to start page 246 and we’re going to start with final article number 4,915 thank you Donald thank you God bless you anybody that wants to help us with financial contributions that help a lot of people thank you tonight I give you a report on

the church that we’re building remember in Nepal uh I give you a report we had somebody that donated $1,000 and if you recall we needed 3,500 we’re getting there final article number 4,95 Al Sudani I will present the British uh agreement to the Iraqi Parliament what do I say up on top what’s the blue title Sudani seek security and stability with everyone and that’s why he has kept everything away from Parliament he went to to London and he presented what do you think he presented to London hey London is your bridge falling down good

because my program rate sucks yeah it’s 1310 I’m here to pron to announce that to you yeah you like that no you don’t like that what I shouldn’t have come to deliver that message okay yeah well guess what I’m pulling your leg okay I’m here to tell you about a new chapter in the country called Iraq a new what what what did Donald Trump call it what did he call it for the United States of America well I call it the same thing you know why because Donald Trump is right next to me oh you think I’m kidding I can prove it to you

by the end of tonight Al Sani I will present the British agreement to the Iraqi Parliament Iraqi Parliament you want to know about it yeah we want to know about everything anything just talk to us no I will feed you crumbs when I see fit don’t you love that family when you read the article you’ll understand keeping everything away from Parliament spit spit has brought a secure and stability what did Dr shabibi want for the monetary reform thank you final article number 4,916 non oil GDP growth in 2024 will

raise National investments in 2025 Al Sudani adviser tells us what do I say up on top for this article no Dutch disease for the monetary reform and that’s extremely important because if you put all your eggs in one basket that’s dangerous for those of you that are going to exchange your currency what are you going to do to protect it well I’m going buy insurance what are you going to do to protect it I don’t I don’t know what do you mean why don’t you protect it with gold uh gold assets other words you should not spend

your money but that’s not for me need to teach you that you need a lawyer you need a CPA you need an IRS agent you need a team I told you I don’t intend to spend any of the money that I exchange for American dollars when I turn in my Iraqi 30 notes I intend to use that money to make money with it how do you do that tonight we will bring in a bank officer that will tell you that the only reason why Banks exist is to make a profit with your money no Dutch disease whatsoever because it cannot it cannot it cannot

exist and destroy the Iraqi dinar monetary reform that they have and on top of that diversification is extremely important not only for the investor but also for the country of Iraq final article number 4,917 Al Sudani from London what uh the Iraqi investment law is the best in the region what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this investment law and new exchange rate are the best in the region I mean look stop and think about it so a Sudani is sitting there talking with all these London investors and you

think that they’re interested in a in a program rate you think they’re interested in signing contracts with Sudani you think they’re interested in coming into Iraq be for at a 13 rate programs punish sanction rate you think this right oh you don’t think this well then you’ve caught up Al sodani continued in saying that we have cooperation with the United States Treasury we got power what I just say didn’t I just tell you that Trump is right next to me Al Sudani says we have cooperation with the United States Treasury and

today and today all transfers are conducted through correspondent banks with reliable steps well that’s security and stability in your banking system that you never had before and we have provided Sovereign guarantees to the private sectors to to reduce risk in the productivity projects in the country stressing that the Iraqi Development Fund works as a new idea for the state in embracing and empowering the private sector once again a program program R can’t do that once again all the different things that they have been

going through Parliament stealing lying delaying they can’t do any of these things but they are therefore Ergo in my opinion we are talking about a new golden era final article number 4,918 in Iraqi Parliament response to the United States state department your interference in the budget is [Laughter] unacceptable I’m sorry I I I have to laugh at both both both okay I have to laugh at both humor and stupidity okay and this happens to be both humor and stupid Donnie oh Donnie above and be thank you kindly sir God bless you D

it’s good to see you my brother this article once again Iraqi how many Iraqi Parliament articles have I given you so far why what’s the reason you know my pattern Iraqi Parliament responds to the United States to the US Treasury yeah really what you what you what what did you hey Parliament what did you tell my US Treasury hey you’re interference you Americans your US Treasury no no you know it’s unacceptable you cannot be M we we we we interfere with the budget we delay the budget that’s our job okay no

no no you it’s unacceptable you just cannot interfere with the with the budget in Iraq no okay US Treasury Sudani Parliament says uh we can’t interfere with the budget Parliament Sudani says pick a finger okay what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article oh Mark Mark and England England angland England mark angland thank you thank you God bless you yeah you’re number one in my heart too God bless you thank you kindly um so Iraqi Parliament respons to US Treasury and says you can’t interfere

in the budget it’s unacceptable well you guys interfere with it you guys lie about the budget bud you guys delayed you guys don’t show up for a quarum wait a minute am I talking about the US Senate the Democrats or am I talk oh oh wait a minute am I talking about Minnesota’s Democrats that didn’t show up for the house of speaker vote oh no wait a minute wait am I talking about Parliament that acts exactly as all evil politicians do Point made thank you what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this you you cannot

interfere US Treasury dude they’re on the eighth floor dude they got rid of you Parliament dude they answer to Trump dude Sudani talks to Trump and walks with Trump you got it haven’t you noticed that everything Sudani is telling you is exactly what Trump wants so what do I say up on top uh MPS you know what MPS is right the minister of par Ministers of parliament MPS um um get it done or just get the hell out of the way if not all hell will break loose boy that sounds familiar you know I’m actually kind of

sad that we have a peace uh treaty if the hostages hadn’t returned then the 4AGE club would have been destroyed but now that they are being returned the 4 Club is being put on a medbed for further terrorism but I got a funny feeling Trump and Sudani have something up their sleeves final article number 4,919 Central Bank closing the electronic platform enhances uh Financial stability don’t you just love that did did you hear that Mr Frank just had my cookies for tonight I thought MP stands for military

police and I was in the first grade in Germany four years old two MPS came in and they asked for Francisco via they took me out into a bus with my mother and a bunch of other women with their children we were being rounded up and we were put in caves for three days days kushev got mad at Kennedy and says take your missiles out of turkey Kennedy said to kusf take your missiles out of Cuba and the Cuban Missile Crisis was born the Bay of Pigs people don’t know why it’s called the Bay of Pigs it’s because our

Navy our Navy surrounded Cuba find article number 4,919 the Central Bank closing the electronic platform enhances Financial stability that’s what we’ve been studying that’s what we’ve been talking about the closing of the auctions the closing of the electronic platform auctions enhances Financial stability of course that’s what we’ve been studying to see it in an article is good re reinforcing the issue and it’s making it very obvious that they’re moving towards releasing a new exchange rate it’s that

simple this is of course in my opinion what do I say okay Central Bank closing the electronic platform enhances Financial stability what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article uh this is about closing the auctions to give birth to the uh to a basket or a float remember a few weeks ago we talked about it’s either a basket or it’s a float and what did I say I prefer the float I don’t want to be in a basket start out slow it might be good you know control better control of everything all

inflations GDP everything but I’m from America we want a New York nanc right now I’d rather just go over the float start at 322 and let it go up to wherever you want it and then cap it the aim of this step is to control Financial operations and work within the international scope because they never did before had a program rate therefore that tells you they don’t have a program rate anymore stop and think about the logic at an international scope in the process of foreign transfers and adopt the method of correspondent Banks

because they can never could before stop and think about the logic which contributes to enhancing the stability of the financial sector in the light of the of the current circumstances which is exactly what Dr shipi wanted security stability to bring forth the new exchange rate stop and think about this I wna I wanna this is a beautiful article and I just spent some time with with the title and what I put as the blue title for it and I just spent some time reading you an article uh uh excuse me a paragraph but as you scroll down I

now want to walk with you and I want to read with you listen listen carefully Thank you Lisa God bless you prayers my husband I down with a horrible Nora virus God bless you guys get a get a get a an automator get a something that makes you know like Vapor mist and get yourself some Vick in there cover your head over it uh that will help to open up your bronchos your avas stay away from Dairies uh don’t eat uh ice cream milk cottage cheese uh dairies have a tendency to create to to to create more flim in your

respiratory tract and that’s the last thing you need try to do if you get you know congested um purse lip breathing you can Google it and study it’s what a pregnant woman does when she’s delivering a baby she goes you see that I made a narrow opening in my mouth and it caused back pressure which opens up my lungs hope to hope the to and drink as much water as you can and if you can get a straw you can drink much much more water more volume more often with a straw than just sipping it from a glass God bless you I hope you feel

better now ladies and gentlemen I want to take you with me on a little walk here listen carefully this is what we been teaching you I’m the only one that taught you the difference of between a basket and a float I know that now listen there was a reason why I taught you those things wouldn’t you love to be able to read them in an article let’s say from Sudani he also pointed out that if the Central Bank wanted to reduce the Gap in the dollar which this what they have done it should open the door to Co

competitive competition between Banks and rely on a basket of currency to expand the options available in the market oh I wish I would have said that calling for amending the criteria for evaluating local banks and raising their Capital capacities which would contribute to achieving stability and increasing competitiveness and stabilizing the dollar price comp security and man I wish I would have said that continuing he also suggested the possibility of transferring the dollar to trading Platforms in the stock market

like Forex and going out into a b into a float I wish I would have said that to be sold to those entities to it to it through direct transactions instead of selling the dollar exclusively to the bank stressing the need to organize these operations yeah you mean cancel the auctions I wish I would have said that and deal directly to the to the banks yeah I wish I would have said that by switching to the Forex markets I wish I would have said that and implementing mechanisms that ensure that funds are not transferred until the

goods arrive with the bank’s guarantee ladies and gentlemen I wish I would have said all that huh oh there’s more he added also saying the central bank has created has created has created the ne the necessary conditions for conducting transfers by establishing direct relationships between local banks and International Banks through major correspondence Banks well that’s article eight that means you can do anything you want with your banking system with your currency with your exchange rate that’s

what that means continue which means oh okay what it mean which means that transfers can be conducted in accordance with International standards whoa without the need of an electronic platform no more no really well we they killed the auctions good Al tamini the Speaker of the House says explained that the central bank has replaced the electronic platform the mechanism that was stealing money the auctions uh with regular and and natural transfer mechanisms through solid local banks which provide

Merchants with direct ways to transfer money stressing that these mechanisms contribute to uh to their obtaining the dollar at the official price no more black market I wish we would have said that which helps to in general reducing inflation as a result of the stability of the official dollar price really that was the goal I wish we would have studied that he also stressed that with this measure the need to deal in The Unofficial Dollar on the black market is reduced you’re out of here sorry Parliament which enhances the stability

there it is again of the financial Market in Iraq stability and security how clean is the CBI floor instead of granting it exclusively to foreign Banks a proposal to offer the Dollar on trading platforms well these are all the subjects that we have been studying deeply and talking about to you family in fact there’s still more to this article check this out he pointed out that the Central Bank wanted to reduce the Gap in the dollar they did they killed the auctions it must open the door to competitive Banks

uh between Banks and rely on a basket of currencies to ex what you pointed out Central Bank wanted to reduce the Gap they did to the dollar they did now they must open now that it’s going to it must open the door to to comp competition between Banks and rely on a basket of currencies to expand the option available in the market stressing the need to regulate these operations by switching to Forex Market you want to abandon the black market how they going to steal your money you’re going to go to Forex on a

in in an international basket how they going to steal your money I’d still rather you float but hey if you want the basket knock yourself out I ain’t going nowhere family I’m sorry how did you miss all of this I’m asking sincerely I’m not asking with a a cocky attitude how did you miss all of this ktfa family uh they didn’t they tore this apart they ate it they were like they were like hungry wolves getting a a hold of a of a of a carcass they tore it apart and then when I brought in information in premium in

club 26 it was really fun but the majority of the internet that how can you miss these articles how come they’re not talked about how come they’re not highlighted final article number 4,920 Iraq is off the red list of risk assessments je is I mean every day it just gets better and better wait a minute you’re off the oax list well been off of that forever well what red list the Red List where everybody was condemning us and telling us that we were a high risk you’re not a high risk anymore no 1310 is extremely high risk what are

you talking about we’re not at 1310 didn’t you just read the article that says that we oh you haven’t read the article yet have you what are you talking about keep reading Frank Iraq is off the red list for risk assessment what do I say about top uh I risk my dollars for the Iraqi new monetary reform that’s right now keep reading okay let me see what else is here dollar dominates the markets amid anticipation of Trump’s economic policies dollar dominates markets amid anticipation of Trump’s economic

policies Iraqis no Iranians yeah they’re all buying up the American dollar in IRA R yeah but they’re not supposed to anymore yeah I know they’re going to get in trouble they get busted they lose their business they lose their Banks they lose everything there there’s no more nonsense what’s the blue title for this article as we said the dollar is popular again thanks to Trump the dollar dominates the markets of mid anticipation well this is what we call the bubble remember the bubble the dollar is growing like crazy

but wait a minute didn’t we deped from it did we have banded it hey bricks we ain’t got the dollar right oh yeah how’s the dollar growing expanding gr gaining ground it’s only one word what’s the word Trump yeah dollar dominates the markets amid anticipation of Trump’s economic policies well that’s what’s happening in every country all over the world from China to Turkey to London to America as we said the dollar is popular again thanks to Trump did we not predict this did we not share this with you did I not

tell you constantly stop worrying about the dollar it’s going to be extremely powerful now I told you sometime towards the end of this year maybe a little earlier final article number 4,922 government advisor rafin bank I will I will I will be classified as a private bank government advisor okay I can trust you and you’re saying that the RAF one of the four State Banks you got Trade Bank you got rased Bank you got rafin Bank you got what you rafin bank is going to be classified as a private bank wow well then you just

open the door for the cens of Iraq to have more ability more services and make make make the monetary reform the exchange of the three zeros into the lower notes even more easier oh that’s the purpose of doing this what’s the blue title of this rafin Bank reaches out to the International Banks not only internally to the citizens but externally as well too this is amazing I’m curious what does this article say the goal is to transform rafin Bank in part into market operations outside of government banking operations which

means opening up to Global Banks creating strategic Partnerships with intern National Banks and effectively integrating into International Investments and financing environments all these words that I just emphasized and exaggerated cannot exist at 1310 final article number 4,923 Al masaani uh throws the ball all of obstruction into the gold of the blocks stay away from narrow calculations hey what does this boil down to remember when they were supposed to show up Parliament and they didn’t they didn’t have enough for for the

meeting for a quarum to to to vote on and what did I tell you Sudani did I don’t care 14 15 14 days later it’s going to be law I don’t care I have an operational budget I have a something I have a backup for you do I talk to you guys I don’t care M speaker of the house you’re telling me that uh uh the ball of obstruction has been thrown in uh by these blocks uh and you’re telling them to stay away from the narrow calculations ma’am Speaker of the House yeah Sani yeah what they didn’t even show up so you see ma’am what this

article is really about is me telling everybody not just Iraqi citizens but everybody that I am visiting right now don’t trust these people yeah here’s their names here’s their here’s their pictures uh here’s here’s the here’s their camel pictures yeah uh-huh um that one you can see it’s got an ingrown toenail we’re very very I mean very specific yeah that one right there yeah that’s their names that’s their addresses Ari citizens you want to protest something go protest them yeah go embarrass them because

they’re not going to be around much longer are they you’re going to vote for them again iri citizens huh they’re the ones that are doing this Sudani what who told you to do this I don’t know who’s whispering in your ear you don’t know this is brilliant I know it is brilliant they embarrassed I bet you they show up next time I bet you they do Sudani parliamentary legal committee attributes repeated failure to hold Parliament session to obstruction of three procedures what are those three procedures who cares final article

number 4,924 European engulf officials Baghdad to receive imported leaders in the coming days what do I say up on top the blue title Sudani wants to show off the program rate not look at all these people look at all these people look at who they are find article number 4,925 4 days separate Iraq from a full from a phase full of unexpected events now I’m not going to say that in the next four days we’re going to have a new exchange rate but I can say you know with with with a little confidence that

in the next four days it could show up and in the next four days so much is going to happen and you know what those things are in the next four days that are going to happen things that Donald Trump wants from Iraq from Iran from Sudani four days separate Iraq from a full phase from a I’m Excuse me four days separate Iraq from a phase full of unexpected events what do I say up on top what’s the blue title again the world is waiting for Trump that’s it when you read this article you you you you’ll get that feel observers confirm

that Iraq has no friend but America observers confirmed that Iraq has no friend but America who’s whispering in your ear Sudani uh for many reasons the most important of which are the Iraqi Financial situations where’s our US Treasury and the American care protection and continuous support for Iraqis since you know 2003 until now whatever it’s a good article it is super long and it is filled with a lot of information that well that I that I’m asking you to read I’m asking you to read look check this out here’s another

example and this is part of this uh this article he he confirmed by saying therefore the Iraqi government is required to adopt a national policy that is not Iranian otherwise Sudani and his government will pay the price for that with the Advent of a new era for Iraq in the Middle East that may may ma a y may possibil may could May begin on January the 21st and whosoever does not realize the evolution of time will pay a heavy price ye who mock me you will pay a heavy price final article number four oh wait

a minute uh to my guests I I pray that you’re with me and listening right now hang in there with me Bill I’ll be with you in a second I got about four more articles and then I’ll call you sir final article number 4,926 Iraq whoa okay hashmark hashmark Iraq what’s this about step in uh uh Stephen Stephan Stefan Stefan uh wiof uh says Trump’s Envoy Stefan Wilcock is the guy that that that Donald Trump sent and is whispering in Sudan’s ear stepan Wilcock is the voice of Donald Trump going into the ear of

Sudani Stephan wilcott Trump’s Envoy with full powers are you serious okay wait a minute so this is the Convoy the second one that’s being sent by Trump and the and Stephan you’re sending it and of course you’re talking straight into the ear of Sudani and this is you you’ve been given full powers for for 1 2 3 4 five looks like five six topics that you’re bringing over from from the United States Treasury from America to Sudani what are those what what what what what what do you what did you whisper what

did you scream in Al Sudan’s ear Mr Trump number one we are responsible for the currency let me make a phone call okay ring it ding ding ring it ding ding hey Trump you love a program right no oh no no okay you you’ve been given full Authority by Sudani full Powers it says here and you are responsible for the currency of Iraq are you going to leave it at 1310 oh okay yeah have a good day too thank you byebye we are responsible for the currency we are responsible for the weapons and we are responsible for the

oil in Iraq what do you think the responsibility for the exchange rate of the currency of Iraq is ladies and gentlemen do you think it’s 1310 what do you think that the responsibility is for the weapons do you think that we’re going to allow Iran to uh steal the weapons that America supplies to Iraq and um let’s see what is this oil oh hey Trump what did you tell Sudani about the oil stop misusing the dollar with your oil grow up grow a pair grow your own currency and back up your your own your

own oil oh my gosh okay number two we will not allow the smuggling of dollars and oil to Iran well yeah because the oy are gone well you did that you did that US Treasury Trump did you do for years he never did it but it was done just right after you became president we are responsible for the currency we’re responsible for the weapons we’re responsible for the oil of Iraq number two we will not allow ow smuggling of the dollar and oil to Iran well that’s just going to make the change powerful in

Iraq number three any Iraqi official loyal to Iran will not remain in power I like that that’s my favorite how clean is the CBI floor Mr Trump that clean wow number four any militia that refuses the term of discernment will be terminated I’ll be back and and I’m going to terminate you okay because dude militia if you even pick up a rock they’ll terminate you you know what that means gone okay you though wow this is all from Trump right yeah well it makes sense this is what I would be doing okay next one number five um I

want an Iraqi no I want an Iraq okay I want an Iraq without uh militia and without Iranian influence well that’s almost like the LA the one before well no the one before says you’re going to kill them but this one says you just don’t want any militia you don’t want any Iranian influence in Iraq Sudani do you you don’t either whoa bani how about you you don’t either okay ktfa how about you okay calm down calm down calm down ladies and gentlemen this is amazing this is amazing and shame on the on the internet

for not talking about this article and these powerful points this is overwhelming when you get somebody well nobody not no bank is telling you it’s a scam anymore we showed you that pattern final article number 4,927 uh cougar emergency budget covers all emergencies o hey Trump what can’t touch that no Sudani wait about can’t touch that either Frank wow emergency budget covers all eer emergencies I wish I would have said that well what does the blue title say operational budget operating I told oh I can’t say

it can I say it one time T no I can say it you can say it yeah say it he told you so yeah I told so what are you guys saying hey Krueger what’s up what’s up what’s up well the members of parliamentary finance committee explained to Dave Friday that the emergency budget in Iraq is not limited to natural disasters only but rather includes all emergency situations such as environment Cosmic natural indicators or even humanitarians and uh and uh political what and uh and political I can’t hear you and and and

political ones you yeah I guess I don’t know emergency budget covers all emergencies yeah so you think that just because you didn’t show up we’re going to panic you think because there’s no Quorum you think there’s no vote do you think because you’re not paying attention and this is exactly what we told you family and that’s the end of the Articles now we walk into the second part and the second part is for me to call this gentleman and you’re going to you’re going to you’re going to you’re going to thank God for what we’re

about to do here okay Bill here I go oh cool your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message no no no don’t say the number okay let me leave him a message and hold on well actually actually message when you have finished recording you may hang up or press one for more options hi Bill it’s Frank I’m calling like I I’m about 10 minutes late I apologize but if you get this call please feel free to call if not I’ll try to call you in about 30 minutes thank you sir and before I walk away from it let

me also send a text hi Bill I just tried calling you but no answer hi Bill minutes hey prank hi hey go ahead and turn down the volume in your background before I oh yeah have I got you yes sir well Bill Bill first of all me guys that I didn’t pick up the phone right away I’ve got a new phone and it’s IQ is is way smarter than my IQ no problem sir um bill first of all I want to you know thank you from the bottom of my heart you’re very very kind to do this you’re you’re going out of your way above and above and beyond the

Call of Duty and um what we’ll do is you and I well you you’ll do the talking I’ll ask a few questions but then at the end if you feel you know that you are capable if you want I believe the family would like to also ask you questions as well too sure okay no problem with that at all as long as they understand if I don’t know the answer I’ll tell them Le let’s start at the very let’s start at the very beginning tell me about your career tell me about your career well I started out in banking as a

teller in uh back in about 1958 and uh went through the operational side of it then moved to Southern California and went on Bank of America who at that time was the largest bank in the world and had the best training program that there there was and I went on their officer training program and then at the end of that I was offered an opportunity to come to work and help start a new Independent Bank in uh Southern California so I took that opportunity and from there I was approached by the FDIC to come work for

them as an a field examiner but the president of my bank at that time I went to him and I said look Dutch I said uh I’ve been offered a deal that’s a little hard to turn down from an educational standpoint and he saidwell look I used to be a National Bank examiner with the OCC which is part of the US Treasury right he said let me set up a meeting go down and talk to them hear the hear what they both have to say and make your choice whatever that is I’ll support you so I went down to the the um the

National Bank examiner in charge sit down with him liked their program had about a year of background check on it to find out if my eyes were really green and my hair was red and uh but got approved and then I I spent uh a number of years with them in examining National Banks in in my region was California Hawaii and Nevada which was not a bad deal at all and uh but after the towards the latter year and a half or so of my career they formed the first special team that went around the country and examined Banks that were in

trouble and our job was to decide can we save them or do we have to merge them in and so I take the team and we go do that and uh and then I uh uh I got out of the uh the the department because my kids were growing up and they didn’t recognize their dad and the dog barked at me when I came home so uh uh I then became I most of the Bank problems back at that time and still are and uh as we saw in 2008 we’re tied to real estate and I became kind of a specialist in real estate and U solving the problems

and so I was approached again to help start a real estate development company that I owned for about 20 years where we develop home uh residential developments in Southern California we would go in buy the land take it through the entitlement process saw it to a builder and he’d build the homes and we get to go back through through there and look at the kids playing in the front yard so uh and then I uh I moved back East uh I’m kind of have a tether to my oldest granddaughter and uh she was back in

this this neck of the woods I came back here and I was approached because of my back banking background to join joined an organization called infragard which is a uh public private partnership that’s existed since 1996 with the FBI and then uh Homeland Security joined in 2001 after the 911 and U I started out as just a member and then became the president of the local Tennessee chapter and then went on to the national board holding various positions in the last one before I retired from there was vice chair

chairman of the board and then since then I’ve just been um playing with the the kids dogs and uh taking care of the honey to-do list and that sort of thing well Bill that’s an impressive U resume thank you sir for sharing that with us and for your service for that matter bill as a as a as a bank official you worked with the feds you were a bank examiner uh with the US Treasury and you know the pattern you know what banks are are are in business for can you give us a quick five minute little summary uh to explain

what are what are banks in business for make money keep their keep their sh shareholders happy and they do it with your money and they they leverage it for every dollar you put into your your checking account they will leverage that by Lending out 10 15 20 times fold and the number that number as it increases depends on the quality of the bank whether they they have a good good solid leadership uh with good experience they uh they have good strong diversification in their their asset Investment Portfolio but the whole whole

objective of banks is is to provide a service and and but they do it mostly with your money they charge you for the services now most of them and U and they’ll take your money and lend it out 10 15 20 times which is is called the vested position and um and they’re very successful at that doesn’t cost them anything for me to walk in and put a hundred bucks in my checking account and uh then they will uh they will lend it out and if I write a check on that maybe it’s 10 or 15 or 30 days before that

check clears they utilize float on it so it’s it’s a if a bank a bank is is a very simple business uh they like to make it complicated but it really isn’t it’s all about common sense and if they utilize and exercise common sense in the running of the bank they could provide a service take care of their customers and make a huge amount of money and Banks come in about three different Cate categories there’s the large big Banks like B OFA and Chase and City and Wells and those then you have the regional

Banks like oh I don’t in our area Fifth Third whatever which their title never made any sense to me then you have the smaller independent Banks which in my opinion are the most valuable Banks there are is because they really care about the communities the the larger Banks uh their their interest is in your deposits and what they can how they can leverage them and uh and the bigger Banks uh you know when we get down to the point where there there is a new rate and everybody starts running to the

the bank my suggestion would be don’t don’t jump on it just wait have a little little patients and the bigger Banks and this is where they can offer a service is most of the large banks have what’s called a private banker and depending on the amount of assets that you have or that the amount of assets that that are uh that are that are generated as a result of the revaluation uh that makes you a very very attractive customer to the bank and they will do lots and lots and lots of things banking is no different than any

other industry in the world it’s competitive and everybody along the process whether it’s money or it’s an apple that a farmer grows on a tree everybody makes a little bit of money along the way and um so it’s uh I think there’s there’s strength if people rather uh when you go if you go to a one of the major Banks or one of the regional Banks and have branches when you go in and talk to the manager there he is going to more than likely very likely he can’t make any decisions his instructions are going to

come from main office and that’ll come from the the international currency division of the main office so I re commend to to people let me just say what I’m going to do and if they want to do that that’s fine that fine thank you uh is that I I will uh I will go and uh I will look up up the bank that say I bank with with Chase Bank okay or I have one of their credit cards something like that I’ll pick I’ll I’ll Google them find out where is their private bank do they have a private bank Division and that’s a separate Division

and that’s the elite that’s what we talk that’s that’s for the the uh the upper net worth but I don’t you have to find out what their criteria is but I think anybody that has got any amount of of dinar or other currencies that you’ve talked about on your podcast are they’re going to be extremely interested in sitting down and talking and the more of those people that can congregate together and go and go to a bank or select a representative to go to their bank and say you already know what the what the rate is is going to be the

question becomes what are they going to charge you for a a uh a fee and that can be significant it could be anywhere from 1 to 3% and you you want to you want to get it down and the more people that you can say I can bring to that bank the the better the opportunity uh of getting that cost of that that exchange fee down because that’s gonna come right off the top so so I you know if I go with my church members if I go with my my my my children with my sister if I go with other people the more volume the more

Dinars I take the better it is for me in the sense that the that the spread could be lowered exactly exactly it’s negotiation it’s a fee and there and it’s not locked in and think about it’s not locked in pardon it’s not locked in it is negotiable go ahead you were going to say and think about what we going to say yeah I I think it is negotiable and I think the more that you bring to the table the better negotiating position you’re in what I would suggest is that if you’ve got a group of people that

have all got some currencies i’ get them together and and and create a a a Q&A for the bank and send one or two people preferably two I’m a I’m a believe big believer and don’t go to meetings by yourself you only got one set of ears and half the time you’re thinking about what you’re going to say so take a take two people with you go sit down with with ask for whoever whoever is in charge and don’t talk to anybody else yeah uh not not a teller not a not a uh customer service representating find out

because they don’t know and I would from a professional standpoint I would set up a meeting and say this is who I am this is why I’m coming in this is what I’d like to talk about I’d like an appointment when when can we get together at that time I tell people make sure that you have your team whether it be your lawyer uh uh people like like what you just suggested people that want to go with you to also exchange to lower the the fee um I I I I’ve always said that create a team and I like what you said

my pair my ears can only hear so much but yes backup for a backup and I know in my case half the time I’m thinking about what what he just said and what I’m going to say next so I’m not hearing what he’s saying yeah that’s a mistake God knew what he was doing when he gave us two ears yes sir so and and two kidneys by the way I lost one uh oh oh sorry about that listen um what are some of the can you teach me what are some of the question questions I should not ask what are some of the questions I should ask are there certain

things that can you know make it go bad for me sour for me go south for me if I do something wrong no I don’t think so because they want your they want your business yeah think about this everybody along the the the path from the the tree that the Apple was picked off of until till uh your your bride pays for it at the store is everybody is going to make some money on this deal yes the IRS is going to make some money because they’re going to charge some taxes uh the we the people that that bought it for next to nothing

are going to make some money the bank is going to uh pick their time of when they’re going to sell it to the treasury and float it up and they’re going to make some money and then the treasury is going to they’re going to make some money either directly or indirectly with tradeoffs with Iraq right back to the CBI country it may be that’s right I don’t think I don’t think I I would suggest just keep it simple you know know know what the value is going in check the Forex if it’s on it uh and then just the the only thing that you

want to do is really determine what is going to be their exchange fee and can you negotiate it and and also there’s a there’s a couple other questions one is do I need to open account yes and if if and they’re going to want you to open account they’re going to want all your business they’re GNA want sell you trust they’re going to want to do your financial uh planning for you they going to want a checking account a savings account a CD the whole whole nine yards that’s that’s what they do and uh so if

if you you go to your own bank and you already have an account and you do the exchange you want to know how long are you going to put a hold on this and if they say anything over about 10 days say I’m sorry I gotta go somewhere else and I would recommend that that folks check out two or three different banks and see what their their Exchange ring because I think this is going to be this is this is really very this is significant dollars to everybody all along the path yes and so they’re it’s going to become very very

competitive and just because you do business with One bank doesn’t mean you can’t go over here and negotiate to do business with another bank you know bill so far everything that you have said makes me feel so good because you are literally reciting word for word of what we’ve been teaching all these years let me hit another topic uh I I tell people look I think most banks only cover you for about a quarter of a million Dinars with insurance um you may want to consider supplemental insurance what is your idea

about protecting ourselves you know with insurances well I I listen to I I am a uh uh not very bright when it comes to uh to the Internet so your your uh UB Tubi as you call it tonight was kind of cutting in and out on me a little bit funny when I was on the national board of of infer guard about a third of our members were it really smart people and they used to give me a hard time on the board because I didn’t know this that or the other thing I said I said why the heck do I need to know I’ve got 30,000 people that are way

smarter than I am I’ll just pick up the phone and ask I uh U I’m sorry I went down a trail there and I shouldn’t have okay uh insurance is what what is your opinion about covering ourselves with supplemental insurance uh for our money in bank accounts well um they’ve got the quarter a milon per account right uh beyond that uh it’s it’s exposed now will you lose it in the history of the FDIC they’ve never done they they’ve never lost any money and that’s what it’s there for okay but I’m a great believer in

diversifying assets yes sir and you made a comment tonight when my my uh my YouTube was working being nice to me yes sir uh that you’re not going to leave much in the bank you’re going to invest it invested wisely whether it’s in Precious Metals whether it’s real estate investment trusts whether it’s uh CDs in a bank whatever but I’m a great believer in diversification do not put and I don’t remember because I’m really new to your your your your podcast I see and uh so I’m a little little uh not as not as up on it

as what I should be frank but but to me it’s never been smart to put all your eggs in one basket but you had a terminology for that that I thought was interesting and I should have wrote it down and I will when you tell me what it is okay but it’s uh just you know just plan ahead yeah don’t race down to the bank uh allow this I like your idea of of come out at 3:22 and then float up yes don’t get greedy there’s going to be a a ton of people that are going to race to the bank with their hair on fire that

are going to try to exchange and they’re going to leave a lot of money on the table the the key is to watch it watch it closely but don’t get greedy if you get greedy it’s gonna bite you we’ve always said don’t uh you know don’t run don’t run to the bank I said uh walk take your time and here I heard you say that tonight that was one of the very first things you said you want to take your time and the reason I taught that is because you want to see any changes you want to see any mistakes that have

been done that are that are being corrected by the bank or the CBR whatever it may be take your time in doing this once the exchange starts it’s not going to stop overnight you’re going to have plenty of time in fact in fact what is absolutely agree what is your opinion sir how long let’s just say that they uh let’s say they float how long do you think that a float would be out there for I would this is my opinion exactly everything we’re saying tonight is just strictly in our op sir thank you yeah

exactly is is I would think that it’s probably going to float for somewhere around uh six to nine months there you go I said 6 to 12 man I’m feeling good so far um the then then it’ll settle down and I think it’s going to set somewhere in the in the $5 range 475 I’m looking at and which is incredible when you stop and think it this is going to change lives this is generational income bingo I encourage people to set up a trust take care of your kids take care of your your your your your loved ones and uh you know I

I’m kind of hate to admit this but I’m I’m 87 years old so I don’t have the last time I looked I don’t have that much sand in the top of the hour so but I do plan on sticking around for another 20 years my go is 107 and and I may change that I may feel better but but about once a week I I’m in the ring for about 10 rounds of boxing so that’s cool for you good for you my friend yeah it’s don’t get the big hurry no pay attention ask good questions keep it simple uh invest wisely and enjoy your life indeed indeed and get and give back

and pay forward help others that’s why that’s why I’m doing this I believe in the I believe that the banking industry is a necessity but they they they basically spend a lot of dollars advertising how to get you in the bank and then they will offend you and you wind up going away that’s Banks Banks have one thing to they have two great assets they have their people and they have their services and and if if they take care of their their their uh their their customers through those Services a bank can grow

and grow and grow I’ve been asked many many times Frank to start a bank over the years when I was much younger and I always wanted to start it I I thought about one time some guy called me and he say well he said Bill we’d like you to come start this bank and run for us and I said okay but I have three prerequisite he says what are they and I said well first of all I I want I want to be able to pick my own team I want to uh uh pick the name and I can’t remember what the third one was has been so long ago and he said well

what are you gon to call it and I said I’m going to call it the the last chance National Bank and he just laughed he said you got to be kidding I said no I’m not I’m not kidding at all I said this this country has so many people that can’t get banked because of circumstances that were beyond their control true whether they lost a job whether they lost his spouse whether they medical bills whatever we are Bankers make decis a good Banker will make decisions based on on statistics and that’s performance a the typical Banker today

they make their decisions B based on three things a tax return that we all know is only everybody wants to make a lot of money and and declare very little oh true two they have a credit report that that statistically in front of Congress for years that that 70% of the information is incorrect or inaccurate and then three a financial statement that only represents assets and liabilities as of one one day the next day or a week down the road those assets can all be gone so My Philosophy was I I called it the last chance IAL

bank because I’d set him down and say okay if you got a problem call me ahead of time we’ll take care of it we’ll take care of you hey Bill when when we go to the banks to exchange again we have uh prepared our family but you what are some ideas that what are some of the things you think that we should take I said to take you know take your minister with you but what I mean by that is like maybe like two forms of identification my driver’s what is passport what are some of the things that I should take with me here

are the things that take take your your your your uh your currency your your evidence that you purchase them from a legit legitimate registered uh currency uh vendor and some identification and that’s it they they will give me a card where I can withdraw my money sure sure you you know that’s that’s going to become a part of negotiation they’re going to want to hold it but they know as well as you know that it’s good so they will probably say to you well we’d like to we’d like to put a hold on this account for 30 days

absolutely not I want I want a maximum a hold of 10 days and I want availability of a percentage of that amount of money right now because I got some bills to pay well why would a bank hold my money why why would I want to do business with a bank that’s going to hold my money all banks want to hold your money oh because the holding period allows them to use my money to make their money you you put you deposit that money into your account they’re making money on it from that night on gotcha okay all right no more and you suggest

no more than holding the 10 days that they can play with my money yep well I tell you they want more than that go somewhere else I’ll tell you what I’ll let you they will beat you to the door well I’ll tell you what there’s no way they’re going to charge me a spread a fee of any kind I mean if I was bringing in you know a million dinars okay I can see that you’re going to charge me but what if I brought in 10 million 20 million 30 million uh don’t you dare charge me a spread because because I’m

going to leave most of this money in your bank anyways and you’re going to use it okay so there is no fees no charging me you’re not you’re going to make money off my money and then on top of that you want to make more money by charging me fees come on no I want nothing to do with you I’m walking out the door oh no no no wait wait we can we we can negotiate darn right you can I’m Mr clampet and you’re Mr Dale and it’s your job to please me Frank you don’t need them they need you and they want you and this is going to

be big and there’s going to be I mean all you’d have to do is is if if a whisper got out that you had some every Banker in Town’s gonna be bangging on your door they’re already brother I got I mean I get hundreds of phone calls and there’s so many people telling me right now Frank I’m getting calls from this place from that place that investor JP Morgan this that I don’t have any money yeah but they know you got Dinars how they know I got Dinars every purchase has to be reported to the US Treasury prank can I ask you a question

yes sir okay only fair huh yes sir go ahead you got me nervous here go ahead roughly how many people do you have having your family you mean in ktfa yep the last count was 80,000 and about uh 90 countries and how many of those do you think have would be interested in this conversation that we just had well all of them because they have the next step is to go to a bank a credit union an exchange center that’s the next step do you realize how much muscle you’ve got and how much influence I mean I do sir put the

numbers in your head real quick I have they if they just had each of them a million I talked to thousand I talked to Aki and I told him the same scenario that you’re painting right now uh I told him I said sir I know why you’re in business I know you can’t have possess any Dinars and you’re in America you can’t have Dinars you know you’re not you’re you’re you’re working for the CBI you you can’t own Dinars and I know why you have come all the way to America uprooted your family from your from your Homeland to

come to America to do this this satellite bank that represents the CBI I know why you’re doing it to make money and he without I mean without hesitation he says yes well let me ask you something I have about about 80,000 members uh wouldn’t you love to have all those customers yes well I don’t think they’ll all be able to come in but I will definitely encourage people to know about you okay it goes well thank you and I’m looking forward to going to his bank and opening an account because like you say uh some of these banks are going

to require a an account to be established um yes sir is he does he have a private banking division within his bank well that’s just it he’s a bank within a bank you know what I’m saying yeah okay he he got permission to be licensed in the United States then he got permission to be in this building because it’s not necessarily A you know quote unquote a bank he’s an exchange center and um he’s going to collect as many thre zeros is possible for the CBI that is okay so he is not a banker uh yes he is a banker oh yes he

is a definitely a banker yes okay he owns that bank to be like what we used to call a second Story Bank uh no he owns the bank he owns it yeah he put all everything he put everything and to be in charge of this bank and make the money behind it it’d be interesting to talk to uh I you know what we were scheduled we were going to be able to go this week or next week I should say but unfortunately his daughter and his uh wife have RSV that lung infection and to be honest with you the last thing I want

to talk about his money when he’s worrying about and then his daughter she was rushed uh from the from the large hospital that they were at uh to a university hospital so that mean yeah exactly so that told me that oh dear so the last thing I want to do is talk to him we we’ll we’ll catch up and even if I don’t go to uh to Michigan to Aki to a CBI private bank so what I’m gonna I’m I’m all set to go to Chase I’m all set to go to uh a Wells Fargo uh I’m set at many different places if one place disappoints me bye-bye I’ll go to the

next one if they all disappoint me bye-bye I go to um uh Aki’s Private Bank back maybe at at another time tomorrow or sometime the next few days we can get together and kind of uh compare some thoughts on on the approach I’d be glad to sir I would be got some ideas I I know you have some ideas and maybe we can collaborate a little bit Hi and then what I would like to see happen is something really really good and beneficial and win-win uh with a one or two or maybe three uh financial institutions

that we can then provide that information and those instructions to your family and they could go do that I’m gonna I’m going to assign that to you you’re you’re you’re you’re more profession you know you’re the professional of the banks if you honestly feel that there are you know a handful of banks that we can encourage and and tell the family about I would encourage you to give it uh you know spread it out north Southeast and West and Central uh five different locations and maybe we can help help uh our family

in that respect brother do you do you are you do you feel that uh you want to answer some questions sure good let me go back a little bit here and see if there’s anybody asking any qu family go right ahead and post and tell keep keep it simple keep it Kiss k i SS right yeah absolutely so what we’re going to do bill is I’m going to look for some questions uh I’m I’m going back here right now to see if there’s anybody that P I don’t know I’ve been running days so family go right ahead and post your

questions here’s one will there be more than one rate at the bank will there be a special rate snow whisper no snow whisper the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar will only have one exchange rate do you agree Bill yep thank you uh let’s see here question for Frank what if you have some Dinars in your family I’m sorry what if you what if you have some dinars to your family members they will not have proof of purchase but I will I got that bill Patricia take the receipt that you got when you bought let’s say

you bought a million Dinars take that receipt down at the bottom put I Patricia on this day your name your email your associal care everything that identifies you say I I turned over x amount of this receipt too and then put all their information make a copy give them the copy you keep the original Let’s see we can find another one can we put our money yes sir can I add a a thought to that please is uh write it up and have it notorized where they’re gifting it to them thank you I have always said that

it doesn’t really need a notarization but with you uh I I walk with you I back you up I say yes so be it a notarization would Al also be a good back back up for a backup no doubt yeah it’s it’s a comfort for the comfort I like that there you go let’s see if there’s another question feeling so good bill okay good uh Bill do you know anyone else in the banking system that’s uh been in the banking system that has Dinars like you I do not you know when you went through all your credentials all I kept thinking in the

back of my head dear God bill you must have been vetted by the FBI I have been yeah on several occasions when I went in the treasury Department I was I was vetted by him also by the Secret Service and then when I went with infer guard and as I progressed up the ladder uh I got higher clearances and was vetted by them at each interval yeah well praise God that you called me and we had a good we had a Frank conversation yeah a Frank 26 conversation there you go tank do you see any questions there’s lots of them

okay hold on let me go all the way down to the bottom here we go Bill I’m gonna go all the way down here hit me with a question tank what if it was inherited and you don’t have proof for taxes what if it was inherited and somebody gave you the yeah well if you if someone gave you Dinars and you don’t have a receipt from them there’s not much you can do when somebody gives you a Dinars ask for the receipt or you write one create one have them sign it but if you don’t have a receipt that’s going to affect you

with your taxes any comments on that bill yeah the only thing I could think of there that might help them is if they have an existing banking relationship go where they know them because they have statements bank statements credit card yeah you can get a receipt there I’ve taught that as well too next question tank will they take taxes out when you exchange will they take taxes out when we exchange nope I don’t think so that’s right banks are not equipped to DOS is gonna come with their hand out i’ I’ve never

known them to pass up an opportunity hey Bill wouldn’t it be amazing if next year president Trump decides n we’re not going to uh uh have a American citizens paying taxes anymore we’re going to do tariffs oh my gosh the United States of America would explode with such great power that that might be a reason not to run to the bank Bingo that’s right I mean it’s actually happened in the history of the United States in the early parts we didn’t pay taxes until you know you know this is that would be

a brilliant they came in in the 30s it to be temporary at that time yeah it was supposed to be because of of the economy and the war when we were coming out of the Roaring 20s into the depression of the 30s um hit me with another question tank I recently heard that Banks can’t use your money if it’s in a non-interest account is that true if your money is in a non-interest account does that disallow the bank from using your money to make money for them I’ve never heard of that never heard of it next question

you put your money in the bank they’re gonna use it they’re GNA use it next question see here let me see what I can find is it better to give a child uh Dinars and have them go uh with you uh to cash or should parents keep control and then set up the trust funds yeah no don’t S no children this is serious okay you can take your children with you if you want them to experience it and and witness everything but no no no no no put everything in your name you are the adults act like it next question tin I

recommend that if they have a trust to do that before the revaluation okay if you want to do that with your your family that’s a good one very good you know a lot of people ask me Bill should I have a trust before the value goes up so I could put my Dinars in there you don’t have to but it is a good thing because it’s going to protect it in the trust the you know the dinar itself but then when go ahead there there is what they call Asset Protection trust and I would suggest that they look that up

very good and I would I would Absol absolutely I have one and uh and it there’s protection from from a half a dozen different things I mean the the people lose their their life savings today because of of uh civil litigation and the and uh identity theft yeah are the two biggest ones so protect yourself I mean you you waited for in some cases 20 years for this to happen don’t let somebody take it away now through a lawsuit yes sir go spend a couple couple thousand dollars get a trust and uh and put those those assets

into and then assign them to your your your kids and with an asset protection trust you still control it so the kids for whatever reason are not responsible enough either from an age or whatever or or uh a challenge of something you still control the money but it’s theirs Timothy is asking when I exchange you know in your opinion at a large bank with a delaro machine do you feel that I’ll have 100% access to all my funds when I walk out of that bank or will there be a waiting period and you’ve already said it could be up to 30 days

right yeah I I it’s going to be a matter of of the banks going to develop a policy for this and it may not be 30 days uh I but I would say that depending on the amount that you’re depositing I would tell them look guys I’ve got some bills to pay I want to go buy my my bride a new new car release a percentage of those immediately so that I can walk out the the door with that that amount of money and then if you want to hold the rest for the for another 29 days or 15 days or whatever they come up with

that but again remember here’s the key it’s your it’s your currency it’s your money and you’re in control you’re in the driver’s seat they do they have policies yeah doesn’t mean they can’t change them and and they sure as heck don’t want you to go down to the the bank three blocks down because they’re going to lose a lot of money if they do that’s right Kevin is asking in your opinion what is a reasonable percentage of my funds that I should demand to have Avail availability to uh to me on day one now now I know

you said it could be up to 10 days and so forth but what what let’s say I put uh uh um let’s say I put $100,000 in the bank and and they’re going to lock it up for 10 days or 30 days what percentage of that can I say 10% 10% that’s but you know that’s that’s just a that’s just a number I would I would figure out what do you need and that’s why it start gotcha can you get a POF from a bank a POF yeah I don’t know what that is do you Bill no I never heard of it yeah me neither uh let’s see Frank do

you feel that there if you can they probably charge you for it sh I’ve never heard the term sorry my wife says I can only say serious for so long um P maybe they proof of funds proof of funds like house yeah you don’t you don’t need proof of funds unless you’re G to buy a house or buy something then you got to prove you got the money you know yeah you just have to prove that these are legitimate uh notes and that you purchase them legitimately and provide them with the the uh the bill say and support it with the

documentation that says you’re you you know one of the things that I’ve always said and somebody’s asking a question that’s somewhat tangible to this I tell people when you go to the bank if they say to you well we have to send your dinars to another bank uh because we cannot uh you we we cannot verify the authenticity of these uh notes Here I always tell them ask for the uh ask for the address of that place and you go and you take it to that bank I don’t I don’t ever want to let let lose sight of my

Dinars what if I give do not you’re absolutely right Frank do not let them out of your hands God God until you get a deposit slip that says that corresponds with whatever whatever the uh the value was man I tell you I’m really grateful to you sir for many years I’ve been teaching everything that you’re saying I I spent a UB tub one time and I went step by step by step I even told them what to dress up you know you know I mean we’re a tie be reasonable you know don’t walk in there with a pair of jeans or something you

know but we we we’ve laid it all out and everything that you are saying tonight has been a blessing to us uh let’s see here want to know this what honey go ahead and say it Canadians is it the same thing for them well they’re asking U the Canadians will all of this advice be the same for Canadians yeah they follow International laws is that about right sir yeah sure sure just you know the I don’t know what the exchange rate between a US dollar and and a Canadian dollar but it’s gonna it’s going to be

the exchange rate with the Canadian dollar and yes if they’re in Canada yes indeed uh what is this C change how see change uh if a bank is holding funds I have to get a car the dealership May require proof of funds yeah yeah I’m going to do the same thing if the Lord blesses us let’s say tomorrow I will get uh uh proof of funds that I deposited in that bank and then I’m running uh somewhere to buy uh homes I’m not going to buy a home I’m going to buy many homes that’s where I’m going to be diversifying and investing in Precious

Metals uh I’ll be diversifying in as well too um yes sir I would and this is you know do whatever you want to do but uh being a landlord is is right up there with be a a rot Canal but I should have clarified it sir I invest in homes to sell them to resell them there are people that that do what they call uh quick fixer ERS F flip flips yeah flips like that but I I would be doing at a at a at a higher level uh and I have the team uh ready to go that would be doing these flippings for us well we have that

other conversation offline Frank I’ll tell you about another way to invest in real estate where the yield is dramatically dramatically wonderful and a lot less headaches we want to talk uh Kate is asking at the exchange would it be smarter to let my finance attorney do all the Talking yeah unless unless you’re filling out some forms or something then answer their questions huh but uh what do you think there brother should we let the F the the experts do the talking well I I guess if it gives them

the that comfort zone yes uh if if not I I’m not that interested in paying them $500 an hour to uh to do what I could do all you know it’s a simple process any anybody can do it it’s uh uh uh we can we can probably put something online that will give them a stepbystep process from the time they walk through the front door until they walk out if if that would be helpful uh let’s see what is this they do a small amount first just to test the water that’s an idea Bill what if they did a small amount just to test the

waters of that bank oh sure sure and then also you’re taking advantage of of the the element of time of it floating upward here’s uh R Troyer once again reaffirming that the the things that we’re hearing from banks are different it’s no longer that it’s a scam Troyer says I have been to three major banks in Canada all have said that when the dinar uh it would when it goes up it would be sent to the Bank of Canada to be verified yeah banks are preparing not the tellers not the managers but the uh the the the

executive levers yes sir headquarters headquarters there you go and then they tell their their managers of the banks what what’s going down that’s exactly right um someone is asking do you think that other currencies are going to go with the dinar that’s not the question they ask a banker that’s you know that’s more that’s spective investment question uh let’s see it might be simple but how do we know about the fees involved and how much we should pay in fees snow whisper uh Bill already said it and I

already said it and it matched exactly what I said remember I told you in my opinion you shouldn’t pay any more than one two 3% if it’s anything more than that just walk out just walk out in fact they’re not going to charge me one penny to exchange my currency because I’m not going to go in there with a million Dinars I’m going in with more than that because I’m going in there with with a truckload of people an Entourage I’m going in with a squad uh and I’ve already told you all of these things family I already told

you how to do it how to protect yourself how to go in you know what I was going to do tonight I was going to show you a gun I’ll do it on the next UB TUV I’m serious I want to show you a gun I want you to protect yourselves you’re going to need it any other questions uh Tink should yeah oh here here here’s one that I I’ve drilled into their heads Bill uh I tell you what let’s just make it three more questions and we’ll call it a night because you’ve been so helpful to us well the qu the thing that

I tell them is take a picture of your Dinars why well for a lot of reasons uh number one let’s say for example your house burns down insurancers would really love to see those pictures of what you’re claiming take a picture of your Dinars because what if they get lost by the Banks you have the backup for a backup take a picture of your Dinars from the front not necessarily in the back because the front will have the serial number the batch number what do you think about the idea of taking a picture of your currency bill I think

it’s an excellent idea thank you be I’m writing it down I had thought of it myself I’m sorry say again I I’m glad you called me thank you if you show a gun YouTube will not like that maybe oh really guys yes I didn’t know that thank you for telling me that oh what a shame it’s it’s it okay I’ll tell you what it is what if I show them a picture I don’t know we have to look it up because that one more and that’s it yeah one more strike and I am out completely all right well then um maybe I’ll just

talk about it because it’s called the Burna Burna uh it’s not you know like a gun with with with bullets and leads and all that this is amazing it shoots something called CS uh CS is a gas that makes you very nauseous and you throw up yeah when sound like politics politics that’s a good one let’s see how much does Bill charge per no no no Bill’s not charging to uh for any Services here he’s just coming here to help us that’s all uh let’s see one second one one two their money’s no good Cas should enjoy it there you go JD

says I got too much currency to take pictures so it’ll take me a week that’s fine go ahead and do a massive massive picture because you can also blow up the picture yes sir I’m sorry Bill you were gonna say I’d say take a week take the week and make the copy of them look at Cody says I got to burn aren’t those cool man I love that thing all righty let’s see about we’re down to one more question Frank must have a lot of [Laughter] pictures if you give a family member we’ve already talked about that you uh

can post a link yes I will Frank in my opinion do you uh you do not want to yep okay thank you uh for non-m well it looks like it looks like there’s no more questions can you ask about the perks from a bank for example of Bill when they go and they talk not to the bank but JP Morgan um they’re going to have lawyers there representing uh JP Morgan they’ll open up trust funds they’ll help me to invest um what what what kind of perks uh is the bank going to offer me you can the the the quickest way to

answer that question they will offer you everything that they’ve got and they want you to take advantage of all of it and u uh but you can go to for example go to whether it’s Chase Wells BFA whatever go to their website and go to their private banking department and it’ll list the services and you can see them right there and what what they constitutes and you will have a good idea of what services but they will like a PR private banking will give you a line of credit they’ll give you debit cards they’ll

they’ll uh you know when you when your grandkid turns three they’ll have a birthday party for them or whatever they really the difference between a Commercial Bank Commercial Bank is what we we we see as we drive down the street in our communities uh and they they they they take deposits they make loans and that’s about it gotcha the private banking is is the elite this is where you go this is where the the wealth of the world is always gone they used to call them Second Story Banks but now now they’re

called private Banks and you go in there they want your business so you’re in the driver’s seat and I hate to keep repeating that but you are don’t forget it and if if if you don’t if you don’t like the direction that that they’re steering you in or you’re steering you in at that particular bank there’s a lot of banks out there a lot that’s interesting there is no shortage in everyone wants money and everyone them wants the same things so well bill I thank you from the bottom of my heart family don’t you agree that what bill is

telling us tonight is exactly what I’ve been teaching you our teams have been teaching you for for years literally years we uh we did a couple of these YouTubes where I sat and I talked to you for over an hour telling you step by step by step by step by step of what to do what to take how to how to talk you know when it comes to the changing of the dinar and uh here people are saying yes absolutely absolutely yes yes 100 yeah uh and that makes me feel good that makes me feel good that we’ve been

teaching the right way Bill Bill I’d like I’d like for you to go ahead and call me whenever the you know you want in the in the near proximo future we’ll talk I’ll um I’ll learn more from you that we can apply and then you do some homework if you feel that there’s uh four or five banks that you want to that you want to focus on I’ll be glad to let the family know about them because you’ll be able to tell them yeah yeah this is a place that you’ll be able to exchange every week uh if I can remember

I am posting two new banks in premium and in club 26 uh but if you find us four five six whatever it may be yeah maybe we can we can talk about those okay sound like winner thank you Bill thank you thank you uh Brian uh Thorton says great information backa says thank you Bill thank you thank you thank you um what is that fasted says thank you everybody saying thank you to you sir God bless you Bill and uh look at here you call me and down the road uh maybe we’ll bring you back again when when we need to talk again

okay anytime oh thank you Bill yeah this is going to be a progressive thing and let me leave you with one more thought as you know some some folks this is going to change change their life and possibly the life for generations and uh you the tough job is not now waiting over this last 20 years for people the tough job is going to is going to wisely make wise wise decisions uh for for the for good not just buying a new car buying a new house or buying new but what else you can do with it that can make this a

better world indeed indeed Better Community you know Bill that’s why I did this uh 20 years ago I got involved uh I didn’t want to do this I never ever ever dreamed that I would be doing this you know for as a living for 20 years but apparently God put me in this position because I strongly believe that this is a blessing um a wealth transfer uh for what I call you know the church I believe it I believe it with all my heart and soul and we we we have to be of good stewardship proper proper stewardship good etiquette and and

making sure that we control this because it is generational I intend to make sure that our our children their children children um are well protected especially historically Frank people that win the lotto blow it oh I call them lottery winners y I don’t I don’t want to see this happen this this is really a once in a lifetime opportunity that’s at our doorstep and I just want everybody to to be equipped with all the knowledge that they need to protect preserve and enhance their their life and their and their uh for them and

their their loved ones from this point forward this this can provide for Generation after generation after generation if they do it right my desire is to provide for myself everything and not allow the government or anyone to try to provide me I will provide for myself for everything even my own even my own air Security even my own air my own wa I will make water out of the air I will not drink it from the fountain I can’t thank you enough Bill God bless you sir and we will talk in the future okay sounds good we’ll get together next

few days thank you sir bye bye now Frank thank you to you and your team and and uh introduction to your family yes indeed I got a feeling I got a feeling you’ll be back we want you back we’ll talk to you soon Bill take care brother bye bye byebye remind me to put his uh phone number in my my phone babe okay permanent here well family what do you think uh Sharon and jock says thank you uh Bill God bless you and yeah that’s right we thank God for Bill it was amazing uh to hear that everything that

he was saying pretty well validated everything we’ve been teaching you family isn’t that something all righty so the first part of our triec study tonight was uh the Articles oh my goodness two of those articles knocked my socks off and the Internet isn’t even talking about those two articles and what do they say huh well you heard me read them you can’t I love the one that from Trump and to the speaker we are in charge of the currency yeah that’s why the eighth floor of this of the new CBI building is just all US

Treasury they ain’t going to mess this up like I don’t know when it’s going to happen but but but by my by my spider senses by my arachna [Laughter] phobia I really I mean I I can’t help but to say yeah yeah oh a he’s one over Fred Funk a friend of ours is playing in Hawaii right now and uh his wife just told us what his score is all righty so the first part yeah we took the looked at the Articles and they were just beautiful the second part was to have Bill who was a former uh Bank officer with the feds uh as a bank examiner with

the US Treasury um and uh and he he he he verified everything we’ve been teaching there wasn’t anything that that we have said to you that he disagreed with even taking pictures he said oh yeah you better I’m very very grateful to God because God has been holding our hands we pray to God God guides us the examples that we set to in front of you all because we pray anyways family now the LA and the second part yeah okay we just finished so now the third part of our triec study would be walking stick well here’s what

I’m going to do because ah because I think you have a lot already to think and consider I’m going to give you one page all these um Pages let me let me let me let me get to this last page here family of walking stick’s report here it is and um I’ll give you this and we’ll call it a night it was around 1 1 120 in the morning oh here it is there yeah you can see there it says 120 in the morning what’s that say bullets or two oh just ignore I’ll ignore it it’s okay I’ll ignore it oh okay let me get rid of that there so

walking stick he he sends me a text at 1:20 in the morning and he says um Euro Crona in the basket excuse me and I said to him um with with with the IQD he says yep there is uh a chilling too odd currency excuse me odd currency but um but with value um now I was told um that there are nine currencies with little to no value and I said well then that that that that’s encouraging for for me I want I want the float if the basket has no value why why why go in it he says yeah the rumor is according

to East and I told you what East is Aki is West for us but the whole firm that you know about the whole company uh that he’s been with him for 30 something years uh they’re they’re they’re East so he says yeah the the the rumor is that they got nine currencies in a basket it may be more it may be less but those uh those are in it and um it could come out acidb as we talked or it could come out with a float and the float makes more sense than coming out in a basket but east is saying if it is a basket we’re seeing the Euro the British

British pound we’re seeing the Crona which is uh Swedish currency Swedish currency hi Dr to fairy thank you kindly God bless you thank you kindly thank you thank you so much Crona was which is a Swedish currency and the Shilling he thought well that’s that’s that’s odd but Silling that is uh Austria currency so I asked uh well in this basket that they’re rumoring about scuttlebutt I didn’t see the on the list I don’t see the American dollar in it in the basket and he says and you won’t you see family Donald Trump

doesn’t want anyone messing with the American dollar inside or outside of a basket so so far nine currencies are rumored and it depends on whether they go asset backed or the float if this is even of any value to us how’s that for a conference call don’t forget everything that I told you just strictly my opinion strictly my opinion God bless you all I wish you the best I sincerely do I want you to be happy in everything that you do send I do it again okay look at who just text right now Frank Eddie says now to keep they

keep hearing the Forex and it’s also coming from the CBI too they’re explaining how much more can be done on Forex they are preparing to leave the Border Frank Forex would be International um and like you want the float yeah it would be Eddie but again we still don’t know today I found out uh about more currencies I I’ll tell you I’ll fill you in later today uh AP this is what just right now just just came in they is a there is is what he means there is a let me read this first holy sh oh my goodness

well well well really Eddie you sound like an American so allow me to respond to this text well well well of course lol l one two 3 well well well really you sound like an American so allow me to respond to this text well well well of course here’s what’s going on fam boy you getting a bonus tonight and look at people have already left um that’s all in fact yeah I’m gonna this is very good this is super good this is your dessert God bless you all I want to thank you for being with us tonight

sincerely mean that our pastor Kendall always says walk with the Lord walk with the King I’m sorry walk with the King be a blessing be a blessing and remember and remember Jesus never fa Jesus never there’s Andy Jesus never fails well you know family may I suest that we should U we should walk uh in the fear we should walk in the fear of the Lord if not you’re walking in your own Pride that will eventually kill you I walk in fear of disrespecting my heavenly father I walk in fear of not praying enough I walk in fear of just

one little mistake that I probably didn’t even realize I made that would separate me from my father yes I walk in fear of God if I would walk with my pride that would eventually kill me you know no discipline is until it’s over no discipline is joyful until it’s over but it’s worth it may you apply the discipline of patience in your life not just for this investment but for everything from waiting at the light to turn green from waiting watching for the commercial to end from waiting at for the pastor to

finish his sermon no discipline is is joyful until it is over soon the discipline of being patient and this investment will be over and it will be worth it God bless you all stay strong with God okay stay strong with God I I I I want thank sincerely oh my goodness look at this David Dyer thank you for the people that helped us with financial contributions David Dyer Wayne Bennett Donald Donnie Inman thank you Donnie Mark angelan Lisa Mohler Danielson Valley and Dr Tooth Fairy you all were very very very

generous God bless you and know that this money goes to help a lot of people today or no yeah yeah today walking stick got his uh treatment and unfortunately as you know it’s burning it it burns in his stomach for about three days so keep him in your prayers and uh cliff and Tony tell me something really quick how how’s it going brother Frank thank you buddy uh just awesome Mo Studios is cranking out the hits uh uh We’ve doing a lot of uh you know custom songs for birthdays anniversaries of course right now we’re

covered up and doing Valentine’s love songs matter of fact Frank we doing so many love songs I might need a break I need to get away and go listen some rock and roll or something I can’t TV without crying in the god of the V baby I get you some good I need to go I need to go put my headphones on and get away for a minute all that Mushy Mushy stuff huh too much Disney yeah I watch I watch Andy Griffin and started crying the other day [Laughter] it’s you need you need to watch Iron Man we’d love to do one for you have a

lot of fun around here and Frank we appreciate you and T having us part of the family family if you want a custom song call me at 423 367 7648 and we’ll be glad to get that done for you still plenty of time to get that love song done we we’re cranking them out we got two or three to do here on the wall right now uh they’ll be done and uh we’ll get them done for you and and I’ll get through it I I’ll manage thank you my brother God bless you and I’m extremely proud of what you guys do thank you thank you sir

appreciate you indeed byebye all righty family well look at here yeah those songs are amazing wouldn’t it be nice to have your own personal song in fact I want to show you something before I play the uh um UB tub song Frank 26 song and then I give you dessert oh look at that we’ve lost about another 200 people they’re going to regret um remind me dessert is uh the what what what Eddie just sent me okay but look I want to show you something watch watch watch watch watch turn it up sing the song again this the prank

of you got the latest you believe that that’s what life’s about y’all take care of each other okay ABA heavenly father I thank you for this day I thank you for this night I thank you for this conference call I thank you for Bill that came and helped us I pray for all those people that are with us tonight I pray that there’s a smile on their faces I pray that there’s joy in their hearts but above all things I pray that they believe in your son Jesus Christ that he died on that cross and three days later you arose him for my

salvation oh there are so many different types of religions in this world heavenly father they all demand that in order for me to be saved I have to do works good works but your son taught me I am saved by your grace thank you in the name of your son Jesus by the Holy Spirit I pray for tonight’s call amen amen amen amen hi Andy Frank you know family Frank can I just say that yes anyone whose name is not written in The Book of Life will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire think about that

thank you brother Andy God bless you my my friend and I will see you soon okay yes sir well ladies and gentlemen this is your dessert before I play our Goodbye song they there there is a news program on television right now talking about currencies and the countries of these currencies it looks like they want to give us more monetary reform education before they give us our new currency they’re they’re saying to us that all the different ones around the world and and one of them is they

say the Kuwait dinar and they and and and they say the Kuwait dinar with like 105 million in reserves and their currency is $323 currently with 105 million in reserves well Mr Frank we Iraq we like have 145 million in reserves and we say that we are like 43% higher in reserves in Kuwait well well well he do well well well we should be we we should be also having a stronger currency too as as as you know as we see it I mean well well [Laughter] well to to which I said to him well well well oh really Eddie you sound like an

American dude so allow me to respond to what you your your text uh well well well of course everything that I’ve shared with you tonight is just strictly my opinion except for for one thing I love you in the Name of Christ y’all take care okay when’s our next ubby tuby tank y don’t know you don’t know Monday is a holiday Monday’s a holiday yeah and what’s Tuesday um Rosie’s coming oh Rosie okay and uh anything nope nope so Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time if I feel like it I may sing at 3:

if not then we will be together at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time premium you saw the value of Premium this week didn’t you yeah you’ll see it again because there’s so much coming in um more than likely I’ll have to load you up again tomorrow with the information that comes in do you have a good time did you learn a lot I hope so I’ll see you soon okay pray for each other talk to each other call each other visit each other support each other love each other sweet Aloha I’ll see you soon

bye-bye I used to be a de on new until I watched Frank to with a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side FR teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need I did not fix I tune into 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now you can hear this is the now take it from me Frank is no it’s okay T give this man a cookie you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I need not fix I tune in Fr 26 she’s got the latest greatest news from

the street tune in now tun in here this is the sit up be patient and get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us the R so whenever I need I tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tun in now tun in here this is the hey ttin I need a cookie oh come on ttin I desert some cookies wo cookie cookies cookies cookies come on tank give up the cookies it broke y’all take care God bless I love

you I’ll see you soon okay sweet of read the articles that we showed you today they’re telling you bye-bye goodbye goodbye woman scares me every time

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