Weekend Coffee with MarkZ. 03/22/2025
This is a test. Good morning, all. I see the folks in YouTube back.
I see all the folks over on the Rumble side. Good to see you in the house. Hello, Mr. Lee.
Hello, Docton. Hello, Crypto Kenny. Hello, wait, Zenozia, Sissy, Chicago Mama, HalfPint.
See the crew over there on the kick side. Amy Jo Johnson, 62 today. Happy birthday, Miss Amy.
Miss Janie, looking at house plans. We’ll talk about what we’re hearing. See Bob in Michigan in the house.
Lisa, Texas Veritas. Yeah, we just have to really go over our top. It’s not even like we have to behave.
We have to quite literally play stupid in order to stay on YouTube. Mar, good morning. Ask guys what they have for gout.
We’ve had a number of people comment on that one. All right, I’ll make myself a list. Greg, I like that.
Said, love my wife, but question her choices. We celebrate our six-month anniversary yesterday, and she said she’s going to keep you. Rossi, what are you thinking? That’s just great.
Probably need to just get to it. And let’s see, my son’s 43rd birthday. Happy birthday to Lisa’s son.
Spirit Pen, Spirit Pen, happy pre-birthday. Yeah, we can try to avoid much in the way of metal. We’re just going to give lots of disclosures, and nobody’s going to claim cures, treatments, etc.
As for certain, the Uncle Bear, 55 years of marriage to my wonderful wife, Shirley, was attained yesterday because of God’s love through her. I have four daughters, eight grandchildren, one great-granddaughter. You are truly blessed.
Hello, J. C. Maldonado. Let’s see, Justice. What’s David? A lot of folks I’ve heard using Borax, but I don’t, I’ve never studied the mechanisms.
Today is my mom, Jones, big 89. Happy birthday, Jones. I think it’s time to probably get started.
Yeah, George Foreman has passed away at 76. Saw that, woke up to that this morning, day eight. Buddy had sent me that one.
Warned me on that one. All right, but mostly, guys, what I’m hearing, I’m just going to get a really short one, then we’re going to get to the CBD gurus. Plenty of stuff happening on the Iraqi side, but on the domestic side, I have more groups.
I’ve got many, many rumors and reports of groups now bringing in and staffing up for early April. When I say that, guys, calm down. Listen, for starting to take in new exchanges.
In other words, new dollars, groups are very aggregated. So to me, that tells us we got to go somewhere between now and then is what makes the most logical sense. So to me, I thought that was just fantastic news because it gives us at least some clue on timing, but we’ll talk more about it during the news hour.
Right now, we’re going to enjoy some time with our favored sponsors. Uh, Lucas and Matt. Well, we got Lucas.
We don’t have a Matt. Ah, no worries. You got this one.
Wait, you were the one that wasn’t supposed to be here. I know. Isn’t that weird how that works out? Right? I mean, wait, can we do that and leave Matt in charge next week and you and I both don’t show up? That would be, I think that plan needs to happen.
I think it’d be a great one. I don’t know, though. Man, I kind of like, uh, especially lately, everything that’s been in the news, everything going on.
I don’t know. I don’t want Matt on that, on that challenge. There’s so much.
So what do you think will happen faster? XRP, uh, getting their ETF and skyrocketing or, uh, the reset? I think we’ll get a reset first. But I mean, it’s going to be a race to who wins. But I think they’re both going to happen pretty quick.
I do too. I think they’re both going to happen very quickly. It would be, yeah, we don’t get Matt story time with Matt if Matt’s not going to be here.
So we’re going to have to have story time with Lucas. We’ll get Matt. Uh, there, now you’re threatening me.
Just a promise. Barbara, the day we have Matt in charge of the show for a day, we’re going to make certain we are on rumble. Yes.
100%. Are you back on YouTube? Finally, finally back on YouTube. Finally back on YouTube.
Well, that’s a green eyes. Gary Suneetha. It’s a weird seeing everybody back here.
I like it, but I did enjoy my time on rumble pretty much, uh, only. Yeah. It was nice being able to say.
What do you think we want? It’s got to be difficult to hold my tongue right now in this period of, uh, mass insanity and stupidity from the left. Fortunately, the left continues to shrink by the day. So it makes it a little easier.
Yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s fantastic being able to see a lot of these people who were, you know, mid, you know, mid left or whatever that are now like, well, I’m a conservative liberal. I’m like, okay.
Call it. Whatever makes you feel better, whatever. Yeah.
But, you know, um, but I mean, being on rumble was nice being able to, uh, uh, you know, be able to kind of talk about CBD and THC and the benefits, especially the mushrooms and not have to constantly be worrisome about, you know, them coming after. But, you know, honestly, I think eventually it’s going to switch over to YouTube as well. Uh, you know, we even see it with Facebook with Zuckerberg and, you know, being able to, they’re like, oh yeah, we’re totally on board for free speech.
And, you know, so I think, you know, over the next few years, I think we’re going to start seeing, um, that being a requirement and not just, uh, you know, a privilege. Yeah. I think you’re, uh, I think you’re going to be right on that one.
I think you’re going to be right on that one. Um, let’s see, what else do we have going on today? Oh, wait, we don’t have Matt. Do we jump the gun and tell people how to get in there? Or do we just start like, you know, letting people ask questions and ignore them? I say we just look like we can just talk about, uh, you know, some of the products or if people have questions and then when Matt gets in, we don’t want to steal his thunder.
Uh, no, absolutely not. And, uh, no, we don’t want to steal his thunder, but we’ll see if he makes it or not. See, I can have a free speech, uh, question here.
Um, uh, let’s see. Mitch, Mitchell ham. If you think about it, Mark, you are allowing YouTube to quash your free speech for a buck.
Everybody has a price. Yeah. Mine unfortunately is because there are many people that watch us on YouTube that just absolutely refuse to switch to anywhere else.
So I think my plan moving forward is to give just a brief, uh, you know, dinar RV update on YouTube and start moving everything else to rumble. Some just refuse to move and refuse to leave and puts us in a tough spot. Well, and you can look, I mean, sure.
If he wants to look at it from that direction, but I think it’s more so the fact that YouTube’s platform allows for a larger audience. And if you can reach more people about the RV and on the news through YouTube, like, why would you, why would you not use that tool? Yeah, exactly. I mean, that’s their tool against them.
I mean, I could use, I mean, honestly, I could, uh, rebuild a motor in my car with a set of, uh, you know, pliers. But, uh, do I really want to take off a 12 millimeter socket with some pliers when I can just use a socket? Um, I just, it’s just no different than any other tool. So no, I think that’s a, I guess that’s one way to look at it, but that’s not really the intention behind using YouTube at all.
No. Uh, yeah, it’s a, one of those, unfortunately for this community is a necessary evil, but you guys, if you are a big believer that, um, I shouldn’t be using rumble. I mean, excuse me, uh, YouTube and that they’re just doing bad things and censoring.
You can make the decision and move yourself over and watch on rumble. And that will beat them up far more. If well, the only people we leave on YouTube are the new folks or the folks that just refuse to embrace free speech.
Well, and that’s what we, and that’s maybe the best Avenue, honestly, Mark is for you to acquire, you know, new people on YouTube and just get them to switch over to rumble. And until YouTube wants to, uh, clean up their game at some point, I mean, 80% of all content is driven by conservatives. At some point, conservatives won’t be on YouTube or YouTube will change.
That’s the, that’s the natural evolution. It is. And that’s why we see it with, uh, you know, all these other platforms as well.
YouTube’s just a big animal. It just may take a little bit longer, but it’ll eventually happen. It’ll eventually happen.
Rudy YouTube’s easier for the technology. Technologically challenged individuals have a hard time using rumble. Rudy, a lot of people agree with you.
A lot of people agree with you. Yeah. And, uh, rumble’s real easy.
You just go. I mean, it is, it’s a super simple, uh, I do wish their tech was a little smoother and easier to search, but I put the link there for rumble where we’re at today for anybody that’s interested. All right.
We need a new podcast for friendly platform. We just need rumble to update their tech. Some, and they, they tell me they are trying and working hard on it.
So we’ll see how it develops till then. We’ll keep trying to walk the tight rope. Um, all right.
Any questions? Actually, we’ve got big Matt. Now we really should let Matt do his thing and walk us through this getting in. Yeah.
Hey, good morning guys. How are you doing? Hey, cool. Let’s see.
Uh, what’s new guys, anything we’ve already had, we, we have, we decided that we were going to let you, cause we didn’t want to steal your thunder. Uh, you know, go through the specials and, uh, then we’ll, uh, you know, then we’ll have a little fun after. Okay.
Here we go. Thunder from down under. Let’s go.
Okay. I don’t think you think that means what it actually means. That means that was a, I think there was a, um, a dancing group from Australia or something they used to tour around and it would have been, you know, as like Lucas all beefed up, you know, and.
So you do know what it means, which scares me even more than you even used it. Come on. I used to be a limo driver, man.
I used to drive all the gals and when they would come to town, that was a big night. Boy, just load after load of gals going to see thunder sounds like you drove a lot of boys around too worried. Hold on.
Well, it was Minneapolis by the way. Yes. So anyway, that explains everything.
Yeah. It’s, uh, but you know what? I’m out of that business. And, uh, that was, uh, it was a very exciting business.
The story I had never even got in any of the stories there, Mark, you know, but, uh, but I will, if you want, if you, you know what, I can give you a good one today for sure. Anyways, here we go, everybody. It’s, uh, it’s the fourth.
Well, it says the 14th of March, but that’s wrong. And so is that, is that right? It was that what it’s probably the 22nd. Yeah.
You know what? I just refreshed it. It is the 22nd. Yes, sir.
And I knew it was, I was thinking. Scott, he didn’t refresh it, but he did. And, uh, and, uh, the, uh, here’s what we got, everybody.
It started at eight 45 today. We got, uh, Mark Z, we went up one from 14 to 15%. Yep.
Whoa. And, and that’s a celebration for me. And I’ll tell you why after we do the specials.
So anyways, um, let’s see, we got, uh, every order over a hundred dollars, not including discounts and shipping. So, and here’s how it works. I tell the guys at the warehouse, you know, I say, Hey, if it’s over a hundred and over and, uh, give them that a hundred thousand dog and 10 million Boulevard, or if they put in their, um, the, the, uh, 15%, they don’t get it.
So you get one or the other. Okay. And, and if you do the deal and, and you got it net $92 and the warehouse people just go by what’s a hundred or over.
Guess what? Ah, you didn’t get it. Okay. No big deal, but just get her up there to follow the rules.
Everybody. Okay. So minus the postage, you gotta be up a hundred and over, and then you get a hundred thousand dong and 10 million Boulevard.
And, uh, let’s see, we got, uh, if you have any questions. Um, and here’s the question that, that we, isn’t a good question. Call me to put in an order.
Well, that turns into telephone tag stuff. So just call the 6 1 2 4 1 2 8 3 4 3. If you want to put it in order. Okay.
And, uh, you’re all set. Wendy. I’ll answer Amy.
I’ll answer. And if those two are too busy, I’ll answer, but usually you can get Wendy 90%. The time the Navy might follow up.
She’s like on deck. Okay. What do you guys think of that so far? So far, I mean, you’re killing this one.
You want to tell them about any of the specials down here? Do you just want to start taking questions? No, no, for sure. On the specials. Yeah.
And, uh, so we got the first specials. We got our 10 count, uh, five milligram gummies. Okay.
And, uh, we got different flavors in there. And those are, uh, $8. Okay.
And they get 10 of them. Now, if you want 30 of those mixed flavors, 23 bucks. So you save a buck.
Now we get the lion’s main gummies. We got the lion’s main capsules. We got the turkey tail capsules.
We got the mushroom coffee, which I’m drinking right now. I’m on my, well, it’d be my second cup. I ran out already.
And, uh, let’s see, we’ve got the regular gummies. For 25 bucks there. We got the sleep gummies for 25.
We got our miracle gold gummies for 27. We got the pain cream for 23, save seven. We got our lotion 2000, which is, I hate to say it, but it’s my favorite lotion now.
Well, I don’t hate to say it. I’m saying it because I like it. I use it for shaving.
I use it on my, uh, my bunions. I use it on my, um, zits. I don’t get many zits, but sometimes I have a dream, you know, and I dream I’m back in high school and I’m all zitty like I was for about a year and a half.
And you know what? I even had a counseling session about my pimples from high school and I wish I would have had this. So if you got any kids with pimples, I think it would really help, you know, but don’t, you know, don’t take it on super bad. I mean, just kind of rub it in and I think it will help it out.
And anyways, um, then we’ve got the roll-on. That’s, uh, that’s a great product. I’m proud of you on that product, Luce.
It’s the roll-on. It is a good one. Yeah, I really am.
And I, Lucas thinks I’m joking right now, but I’m not that, cause it’s so convenient the way it works. You just, you can just lean over your shoulders either way to the side and hit the love handles, you know, even, you know, I can, I was going to say I could do it with the opposite arm on the opposite love handle, but I can’t because I’m too fat right now, but I’m trying to work out and get in shape. But, uh, we’ve got the Delta 8 gummies.
We’ve got the Superfull 1500. That’s a great product there that you got about 70 milligrams of THC in there in each serving. So don’t down, you don’t down the bottle.
You just take a dropper of it or a half a dropper to start with. A lot of people, if you haven’t touched THC before, don’t go crazy on it. Like we had, um, on the chocolates, I even recommended to, uh, an individual that, uh, just take an eighth of that chocolate to start.
And, uh, that was perfect. That was, uh, a grandma at the nursing home. She said, I appreciate that.
Cause if I would have took the whole thing, it would have been too much. Does that make sense? You guys. That makes sense to me.
Yeah, you’re an idiot, but anyways, but anyways, we’ve got the 10 count, 10 milligram gummies and we’ve got a great fan base. They love those. And I, I like it too.
I like all our stuff. I really do. There’s not a product I don’t like because if we didn’t like it, we wouldn’t have it on there.
What would we Lucas or Mark? We really wouldn’t. Why would you, we’ve had, we’ve had products in the past that we’ve made. And, uh, you know, uh, that haven’t worked out well.
I mean, I wouldn’t say that they didn’t work out well, but it was like, well, yeah, well, and people would call and be like, Hey, we’d rather have this. You know, we did, uh, you know, even the energy gummies at one point with cat, you know, a lot more caffeine in it. People like, Hey, I don’t like it.
Like add more cordyceps or this or that. So, you know, depending on what the community wants and what they like and what they see as being beneficial, you know, we alter the products to, uh, you know, make it for you guys. We don’t just throw out a product and be like, Oh, here it is.
It’s like, no. Um, and we have actually a couple of new products coming up here soon, Mark, uh, that we’ve been kind of developing. So, uh, you know, we’ll do the same thing.
We’ll, we’ll do a small limited run. We’ll get feedback from people, see what they like, what they didn’t like. And we’ll, uh, you know, we’ll continue altering it until we get it.
Perfect. That’s that’s the way you do it. That’s the best way to do it.
I’m starting to get all kinds of questions, Matt. So I’m going to take you back. There’s a lot more specials in there, but that’s all right.
Just check them out. Everybody. It’s good reading material.
Seeing though that’s not football season, there’s football on TV. So now you can look at all the specials here. No, no, Matt.
Uh, we did have people asking about chocolate. What is going on with chocolate? Are we on hold for the, uh, warm season? Are we, uh, uh, temporarily out here? Here was my thought and I’m just going to throw this out there over the air. Lucas, it was like, you know, we talked about it for almost six months about stocking up on the fridge, you know, in the freezer, because we don’t want them to melt during the summer.
It’s horrendous to ship chocolates and what’s happened to the shipping. And it’s the same thing. Here’s what happened.
And the Amazon started it. They went their prime deal. And then they, in the fine print now the prime or whatever they call it can be like 45 days or something.
I’m not sure. It’s something like that. And then all of a sudden the post office did this and then the, uh, the UPS kind of did it.
Well, and they kind of all follow suit, you know? So now a lot of the package times that used to be. Yeah. Three days.
Now they’re five, six and every, anything you order. I order stuff and some most time now it takes two weeks. It doesn’t matter who it is unless it’s a company that is close to you, you know, where maybe in the same state or the next state.
But sometimes I order stuff out of state and it’s the way it is right now. They’ve all, they’ve all went to this new formula where the packaging, the shipping that used to take two, three days, and now it’s taking longer, put it that way. And they, they charge you the same price, you know, and it’s, it’s horrendous.
But so to leave chocolate sitting out there in a box for five, six days in a 90 degree heat in a trailer that all of a sudden becomes 120. And if it’s 80 outside those trailers inside can get up to, you know, pretty hot, 110 or whatever, man, it’s, it’s doesn’t number on those chocolates. So that’s for a month and a half.
I’d say on there, freeze them, buy them, freeze them. So I don’t know, Lucas, do we get more and just sell them and like we did before and then just say, freeze them and put them in a special shipping container? I don’t know. The hard part, like, so I’ve thought about it.
The only way to do it, I think, is if we get an actual freezer and we put, you know, like cold packs in the small little boxes and then just put them, you know, but if we do that Mark, you would have to be like, you have to buy, you know, I was going to say it would start getting not very cost effective because you’d almost need like a styrofoam to put it in. I mean, you’re, you’re running out of time. I mean, it may not seem warm to these folks, but by the time you put it through the pipeline, put it back in stock and start shipping it out, we’re talking about a month from now and a month from now, much of the U.S. is already going to be hot.
Right. And then the shipping that used to take three days now costs double you guys out there. And so if you ship it at the same price that we used to pay, that, that takes longer and that stuff ain’t going to stay cold in those boxes.
So I, it’s almost like… Gosh Mark, can we talk about that for a second? Gee, shipping has doubled and the shipping times are now twice as long. How does that work? Explain that one to me. I’m still trying to figure that one out.
I guess they’re all taking advantage of the opportunity. We know the post office has been losing money. So now, you know, FedEx and UPS know that they can push harder because postal service has to go up so they can push everybody harder.
And that’s pretty much it. Yeah. So the price of the chocolates, we got to consider, we’d have to talk about that.
So it would be almost like a special delivery type thing. So the chocolate price would have to go up probably, what? Double? Triple? I don’t know. And I don’t know, and all the people, the hundreds and hundreds of people who bought a hundred of them and have them freezing, they’re not going to buy them.
They’re going to wait till next fall when we can ship them normal and they won’t melt. So it’s, I don’t know if we have that big of a customer base that’s willing to pay triple on the chocolates. I just don’t know.
I don’t think we do. We’ll start feeling that one out. Yeah, we’ll figure that one out.
All right. Questions. I had somebody, the first question I had somebody to ask for gout suggestions again.
And honestly, I need to pay better attention when you answer that this time. That, we’ve had a lot of people that have, especially for the pain and kind of the inflammation, a lot of people, or at least in the community, have really went toward the full spec, the 14,000 full spec, both topically, as well as in, you know, ingesting that. Lucas, I like the miracle gold with THC for my puppy.
You know what, Matt, it’s crazy enough is that I actually kind of forget that we do the THC and the miracle gold in some of the miracle gold. So we have THC miracle gold, and then we have our regular miracle gold without the THC. But I forget that sometimes we have that option for people.
Yeah. I mean, my feet ain’t that puffy. They’re not like balloons.
They get a little puffy. I use a miracle gold. It goes down.
So, you know, I don’t know if that’s, I don’t have gout. I mean, so is that related? I think so. I think it is.
I mean, I used to get that little feeling in my feet and for some people, it’s a big feeling. I get that. Most people, it’s a really big feeling.
Yeah, it’s a big feeling. For sure. But it seems like the miracle gold just takes it away from me.
But, you know, so I don’t get the big feeling. I don’t get that big feeling anymore. Carl asking what’s good for lower back pain.
I’m immediately going to think one of the heavier CBD gummies if you’re THC opposed. I’m going to think the pain roll on just because of the convenience, because you can reach your own back with it. And that’s going to make like get to that local area.
I’ve found for myself when I’ve got back pain or pushed muscles, I’ll do like a D9 before I go to sleep and really relaxes me overnight. Makes a huge difference in my pain level. Any other suggestions coming from you, Lucas? I think that, you know, the roll on is a great option to kind of help relax.
But honestly, Mark, do you know what 99% of lower back pain is from? What? Tight hamstrings. Really tight hamstrings. In other words, stretch.
Yep, it’s your hamstrings. Because what happens is, is that when your hamstrings are tight, you’re like, well, my hamstrings feel fine. Well, yeah, because they’re super tight.
And what they do is they pull all the way up to your your gluteus medius on your upper side, like kind of the upper part of your butt. And that actually pulled those are actually connected to your lateral muscles. In your lower back.
And so all of your hamstrings, when they pull your hamstrings feel fine. But then your lower back pain, you’re like, how do I have lower back pain? It’s like, well, you have tight hamstrings. And so a lot of people, when they let it go, they’re like, my lower back’s just killing me.
It’s like, well, like, but use a roll on, use something to relax and kind of reduce the inflammation and pain. But so when it does, then you can start actually trying to take care of it by, you know, stretching, you know, stretching your hamstrings, rolling out your calves. Like, you just got to take care of yourself in that way.
And it’ll, it’ll eliminate 90% of your back pain or your lower back pain. Sorry. That’s, that’s neat to know.
I do have one quick one, Jana. Today is no sales tax in Pennsylvania. Do the gurus do that? I can’t imagine you guys have a mechanism just to remove sales tax whenever it’s time.
What was that? No, the sales tax. It’s no sales tax in Pennsylvania today. You know, it’s like one of those one day only certain states do it.
Some do it for a weekend. Somebody just asked if that means there’s no sales tax in your state. I, I really don’t know anything about that part of it on the no sales tax in Pennsylvania.
The one thing I do know about Pennsylvania is they got the Steelers and I’m going to go watch them again this year. We only charge sales tax for Minnesota. Yeah.
That’s right. You get that lovely gray area. So you got to like that.
All right. So yes, we are also celebrating no sales tax in Pennsylvania today. Yes.
So yes, we’re celebrating with you. Uh, Clinton Vanwell got a tough one. Uh, I’m 180 pounds need a dosage for non THC CBD to compliment an aggressive metastatic bone cancer treatment with Ivan and Ben and other non-pharma remedy.
One always work with your doctor. None of these things are, you know, a miracle. C word, C U R E word.
Any of those make certain that you, uh, boy, I’m trying not to get kicked off of a YouTube again. Right. Yeah.
But, uh, I mean, we’re not doctors, um, kind of look back at our, you know, our, uh, even our mycelium Mondays, um, you will find that, uh, you know, a lot of the research, which you can look at yourself, um, would show that, um, you know, in something to bring to your doctor’s attention, um, is the research that is done with, uh, reishi and turkey tail, um, for, you know, for kind of those specific cases. And what’s, what’s your strongest, just CBD, non THC, just CBD, uh, product, um, to make certain there’s no chance of, uh, tripping anything. Cause some people going through treatment, I mean, they, they shut them down as soon as they detect any THC, which is kind of, I mean, it’s so anti-science, but come on.
I mean, in today’s world, science doesn’t matter. It’s the dollar that matters. Well, and that’s why I kind of suggested the, uh, you know, the, the mushroom because it lacks THC, but probably the highest, many doctors will suggest you do that with their treatments.
Correct. And so the non THC would probably be the 7,000 milligram tincture of CBD, which is broad spec. The broad spec 7,000 gummies, uh, that don’t have any THC just, you know, plain regular gummies as well.
Yeah. Cause those are 50 milligrams of CBD broad spec. There are actually a lot of other cannabinoids in there as well.
Um, some CBC, some CBG, uh, but, but the regular gummies, uh, that just have the 50 milligram broad spec. I think it’s like they’re labeled like 1,500, uh, regular, uh, gummies. They, they won’t have any, uh, THC in them.
All right. Um, best for inflammation issues. Uh, overall, if you were taking probably that 14,000, what do you think? I mean, they’re just trying to put a Nixon inflammation throughout their body.
I would do the 14,000 full spec. Yeah. If you’re okay with a slight amount of THC and the reason why we do such a high CBD concentration with the low THC on that front, um, is the THC actually is a great carrier, uh, to your endocannabinoid system to be able to deliver the CBD.
So your body is able to absorb. And so actually crazy enough, Mark, one of the, one of the big studies in this was for, uh, what was it? Um, uh, cheese, what brain just kind of fried there for a second, but, uh, they use CBD to treat seizures. And I’m trying to think of the actual medication.
Um, the pharmaceuticals came out with the actual name. And so what they found was in this study, you know, as the pharmaceutical was going toward, this was that they could actually the delivery method of CBD. They had to up the dosage for, for the medication because it was just pure CBD isolate.
Um, because CBD isolate by itself, you need to take a lot more than if THC is present because THC helps the CBD, um, kind of enter into your endocannabinoid system. It almost opens up your receptors. Which makes sense to me.
I had, uh, that means osteoarthritis of the knee. I keep thinking, uh, the pain cream on the knee itself and then something to get ahead of it. Like, well, like on the arthritis or anything specific other than just treating it like pain and inflammation that you can think of that makes sense.
Uh, and, and guys never hesitate to ask your doctor about these things too. There are so many doctors now that suggest many, I’ve seen a number of general practicing or doctors lately that have like their own CBD products. They’re selling there, not their own, but repping it like quite literally it’s being embraced by so many doctors now at their offices, especially with the older aches and pains because they use it and they found it worked.
Yeah. And they, they can’t deny the benefits of it. Um, and that it has, you know, like the zero side effects as opposed to the medication there, you know, they’ve always been pushing it like, yeah, yeah.
And so, um, I think with, with that, um, you know, using something and why another reason why the, uh, the 14,000 works so well, especially for aches and pains and kind of on that front is because, uh, a lot of people don’t want that high feeling. Well, the 14,000 has THC in it, but because of the large concentration of CBD as well being present, it actually nullify, I shouldn’t say nullifies, but it lessens the felt effect of the THC. Um, so the more CBD concentration there is, um, it actually plays on the same receptor.
So if you took, let’s just say five milligrams of THC with zero CBD, your felt effect would say be like an eight. And then if you, uh, as you add CBD concentration into that mix, your felt effect decreases on the THC concentration as the CBD concentration goes up. Yeah, Matt, you’re right.
Most doctors continue. I mean, so many of them come around ones that were just adamant against now, or like, yeah, okay, this works. Enough of their, uh, patients came to them and said, well, I found some relief here.
And they are, they’re starting to, uh, embrace, um, let’s see, wait, wait, trying to find it. Matt, your rapper name could be Puffy Feet Johnson. I like it.
Interesting. That is funny. Yeah, no, it is.
I know before we were allowed to squeeze out of here, I know we got a lot of, uh, questions, um, uh, that we need to get to at some point, but we do need to make certain because Matt skipped out on us Wednesday and we didn’t have story time with Matt. Oh, okay. What do you, we either need a story time on Wednesday, or you’re going to have to share a story today.
I will tell you an inspirational story of me and, uh, me and my wife. Okay. All right.
Okay. So I don’t know if you remember at one, how long we’ve been on the air together. Mark was, uh, what? Three, four years, four years, maybe.
Oh man. I think it’s, I think we’re going on five because I remember we were talking at the end of Trump’s first. Yeah.
So it’s been, ah, man, it’s mine. It’d be fine. Yeah.
Yeah. Yep. You’re right.
Yeah. And, uh, I said, my whole goal was to, uh, get a motor home. I mean, I got the Winnebago, which was nice, but it was just nothing that would work, you know, and I didn’t get a big one.
Cause I didn’t want a big one. Cause I hate driving big stuff down the road. You know, it’s crazy, man.
You know, you get blown away sometimes. So when the semis come by, but anyways, so I said to my wife, I said, we just wrote it down and you just set a goal, you know, and you divide it by a certain amount, which is maybe whatever, 50 bucks a day. And you say, okay, when we get to a certain point, then we get a motor home.
So you get, you just keep saving every day. You have a goal, you know, no matter what you got to do to get to the goal, you know, if you got to do an extra job or whatever, you just do it, you know, and then I do my job, you know, so I saved money for the goal, you know, so I went down in Texas and I picked up my motor home. It’s not a big one, right? And actually I got a really, really good price on it.
And, uh, but, uh, driving it back, it just, all I’m saying is it’s a story that whatever your goal is, you just write it down. Like if you want to buy something, you just divide it by what you think you can save per day. And in this case, it took, uh, what did it take? Um, about 2000 days to get to the goal.
You don’t just wake up one day and say, oh, I’m going to charge everything under the sun. You just keep saving and saving and saving until you’ve got enough. That’s you don’t, don’t buy nothing on credit, you know, and make, unless it’s a house or something, especially cars.
Cause they entice you to buy something fancy or whatever, but write it down, save every day and get your goal. Everybody should do that. And that’s what we did because my whole man, I thought, man, I got all the freedom in the world.
So now I got my little motor home, you know, and it’s not big and it’s, but I can sleep in it. It was great, man. Driving it back.
And I was kind of worn out. I took off on, uh, God, what’s the Saturday? Yeah. I took off Friday, Thursday morning.
I got home, uh, yesterday at, uh, I don’t know, noon, you know, stop at a place and you just sleep outside and, you know, not outside, but in the parking lot at a rest stop or something. It’s awesome. So, yeah, you just reach your goal, say 50 bucks a day and you reach your goal.
You know, you just don’t wake up and say, oh, I want this. You know, you gotta write it down. And, but the motor homes went way down in price.
You know, that really helped, you know, and, uh, yeah, you just gotta set your goal. Don’t just don’t charge stuff, you know, no matter how much money you get, even if this RV just goes nuts, just don’t, it’s don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t go nuts. Cause you know what people, and it ain’t me, but I’ve known people with money, man.
Oh my God. They can get in the hole faster than regular people. And it just, boy, oh boy, boy, oh boy.
They can get in the hole faster than anybody. Don’t go crazy. If you ever do get any money, don’t, don’t, don’t just set your goal and save for it, man.
I’m, I’m real thrifty. I’m a thrifty person. Yeah, that’s good life advice.
All right. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. So I drove back from my, I love Texas.
Texas is awesome. Texas, you guys from Texas out there. You’re all a lot of them.
And a lot of them are worried because Texas is pretty much declaring a THC war on CBD products. So, uh, they’re worried that they may not be able to get as many CBD products down there soon. So, well, they can get it from us.
Just order them online and we’ll send them in. There you go. We’ll send in the reinforcements for you.
Dave Ward, turtle. Thank you. Now, booger, this one from Arizona one.
This is a question that will get me in trouble. Ask the question. Can I make them and then Ben does all be taken with chemo pills? Do a web search.
You will find a lot of people’s suggestions, but I am terrified to touch that one. So I’m going to leave it sitting right there. But people in chat over there on rumble can, can say what they think about it.
That’s up to you guys. I’m, I’m yeah, I’m going to play that one safe. It’s my first day back.
It’ll be my last day here. I think three thoughts on it. Dude, do you have like a certain amount of warnings that they give you? Yeah.
The next one will be two weeks and then the one after that one will be permanent and forever on any channel with me on it on YouTube. Oh, geez. But as long as we don’t get another warning or strike between now and June 15th, it’ll go back.
It’ll reset down to nothing. Then I can get a strike, which would be a week. And then another one would be two weeks.
So a lot of your questions on there. I’m not going to be able to answer unless we start doing a rumble only. I mean, it doesn’t matter how many doctors I bring on or how many studies I show.
There are certain things you just not allowed to talk about on YouTube. But I think of the industries, that’s their biggest advertiser. It’s pharmaceutical.
It’s all about their money. You betcha. Hey, if you guys want to get into the site, I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but you go in there, you go into the wholesale when you’re in the CBD gurus dot com, you go to Marcy wholesale and you got to put in a lowercase, all the new people, K.R.A.M.C.B.D. And and that’s how you do it, you know? And yeah, it’s awesome.
Because we we just have to start doing a mushroom and CBD show that’s rumble only. Oh, right. A rumble only one.
We do it once a week. We invite like doctors to I mean, like medical, medical doctors, maybe some naturopaths as well. And we do it that way.
I don’t know what a great option to go. I think it’d be a great option, one where you can actually have it and let doctors talk about it and let you guys make your decisions. I got an old doctor.
He was a referee. I think he went under the name of Dr. X for a while. He uses my product.
Can we have him on? He’s about. Yeah, absolutely. It really helps him and he loves it.
So, but Dr. X on. I don’t know if he’ll be able to say his real name. I hope he.
Dr. X. The rest. But anyway. OK, fire away.
Well, right now, I’m just blown away by the number of people even on YouTube that think it’s a wonderful idea. So that one makes me feel good. Miss Calpito, I the research is clear.
Do you know that when they have medical marijuana in states that they have found that? Oh, what’s the I want to make certain opiate use prescription opiate use when they can have a prescription cannabis instead. It drops the drops the consumption of the opiate based by 80 percent, 80 percent reduction when they have when they’re offered a legal choice to go with it. It’s it’s huge.
But anyway, you know, and thank God for Mr. Trump. He’s signing that farm bill and he knows that he knows what addiction can do to people. He lived it in his family life and he knows that.
So that’s why he made it legal for everybody throughout the land. And hopefully the states don’t go against the great president like that and try and ban it. And because if they do, I think they’re going to be a little bit of heat, put it that way.
So Texas, don’t worry. He’s Trump’s got your back. Yeah, chances are good that he’s going to remove the option for Texas to make it difficult.
I think you’re going to see at least from within his DOJ and his farm, I think you’re about to see a major change on that one. I don’t think he’s going to get the ability to tell Texas or any of these other states that they can’t sell the CBD slash THC. And Kennedy’s a fan, too.
All right, Kennedy. I always liked all the Kennedy’s. Well, not all of them.
I was going to say Ted was a bit of a slime ball. But yeah, most of them I liked. Ted, he just needed direction and friends.
He just didn’t have the right friends. Booger says Specter managed to get back on YouTube. Maybe he stayed a low enough key or use somebody else’s name, but I’m glad he made it back.
I doubt he’ll stay long. He’s Specter. He’s he’s not going to be able to control what he says.
And good for him. Well, Mark, is there any more questions? Yeah, it’s probably that time for a little bit. I was having too much fun.
We got news time. Can I say one thing about the people from I just want to really and I’m not just and I know the people from Oklahoma and Missouri and Kansas and Iowa and Minnesota on the way up stopping. Boy, all good people along the way.
They’re all good people and especially the people in Oklahoma and Missouri. They’re so nice when they stopped there. And I didn’t stop.
No, I didn’t. Maybe I didn’t even go to Kansas. I can’t remember people.
They’re all they’re all nice people going right up the middle of the country. And then we get to Minnesota. Oh, my God, the liberals here.
I don’t know. I got a that’s why I got the motor home so I can go to those other places now. Yeah, I can’t wait.
Good people. God, they’re good people on the way. Thanks, everybody, for being good.
Yeah, we love wonderful people. Yeah. All right, guys.
Thank you for joining. Thank you for being such a big part of the community. And I guess I see you guys on Wednesday.
But Lucas and Matt, I’ll reach out and we’ll set up a CBD hour. It’ll be fun. Right.
Sounds good, Mark. Thanks for having us on. Thanks, guys.
Thanks. Bye bye. All right.
Let’s get into some news out there. Don’t know how it’s going to work yet on the dual citizenship thing. I think Trump, for the most part, floated it because of politicians that were dual citizenship.
Of course, I think I totally understand what he’s pushing for here. Teddy Roosevelt did something similar. He cut off all after a large percentage wise or per capita influx of immigrants.
He cut off all immigration for a while to give America time for these folks to settle, to acclimate, to embrace American culture. Many countries around the world have done this. This is not just a U.S. thing.
This isn’t fear of other people coming and any of the BS they’re trying to spit down your mouth. They need time to be absorbed, to learn what’s acceptable, what’s not, what our societal norms are, which leads to a better fabric as people get a better societal fabric. I mean, it’s done throughout history, throughout nations, throughout countries.
It’s been done throughout our own history, many of the times by Democrats. So it’s not just a Republican thing. They put the brakes on to allow to absorb so that America doesn’t have to change for the people coming here.
The people that are coming here have to change for America. I think the biggest push for him is just it’s the number of politicians that are still not certain what country they come from. They’re legislating in America for the benefit of their home country instead of for the citizens.
And that’s not acceptable. It really is not. Think about it.
Stop, drop, think about it. And on the immigration side, as I looked at the left screaming, I can’t think of a single nation in the world where I can illegally overstay my visa, go without citizenship, without being removed. I can’t go to Mexico.
I can’t go to Canada and ignore those without somebody coming and picking me up very quickly within 30, 60 days. And they’re expecting us to behave very differently than any other nation in the world. And it makes no sense.
It is completely devoid of any common sense or logic. And how they can’t see that is astounding. They just continue to say, look, two plus two equals five.
And it doesn’t, no matter how many times you try to say it. It doesn’t. All right, let’s get into the news and news banners here.
We’ll put it up. Parliamentary electricity, the floating platform received gas from three countries in compensation for the Iranian sanctions. Guys, I told you they were making every plan to remove every bit of Iranian influence.
And this is a huge piece. Everybody was like, yeah, they’re not going to be able to look. They have sped this thing at a pace and a speed, which is astounding.
This one will be a two way. Not only would they be able to receive gas, but they will also be able to start pumping gas out as they over the next year or to start capturing their flare gas and become a net exporter instead of importer of natural gas. So this one, this one’s a big one.
It’s all part of the reforms. It’s also part of the U.S. forcing or pushing or helping whatever term makes you feel better. Iraq be independent so that they can move forward with their white paper reforms, revaluation, stability, et cetera.
Now, we do have one interesting caveat on all of this that we’ll share towards the end of the news out of Iraq proper. Parliamentary defense confirms the first reading of the popular mobilization law next Monday, this coming Monday. This one has been a huge sticking point for the U.S. to give the go.
We may have an answer on that one as early as Monday. In other words, the popular mobilization forces, the militias, et cetera, being absorbed into the military for safety so that we don’t end up with a new Iranian guard set up, kind of similar to what we saw in Iran. So that’s all part of just making certain there’s stability.
Mike Walz discusses Masar Barzani, the formation of the regional government, resumption of export of Kurdistan oil, which is expected this coming week. A major push in the U.S., one of the biggest problems, has been settling out Erbil before they can – and HCL before they can move forward. This is part of that.
Now, you have – I mean, a considerable amount of U.S. pressure and support – I should say maybe support and pressure – to get that done. These are all the final pieces of those white paper reforms, which gives us more purchasing power for all Iraqis again, again, again. They keep beating us with it.
Now, this one I did find an interesting article out of Iraq, and I’m wondering if this is a warning to the U.S. Iraq’s foreign currency reserves cover 18 months of imports. In other words, you could shut them down and do away with all of their oil revenues for 18 months and they could still import everything they need to keep their country on track. I think that’s an important one.
That’s one where they’re saying to the U.S., yeah, we’ll work with you, but if you don’t hurry up and get it done, we can go without you. In other words, keep your oil money, we’ll start selling it somewhere else, and we’ll take in money on a new system. I think that’s – I think that’s their way of saying we’re tired of U.S. politics that slowed us down and us getting blamed for everything.
At least that’s my thought on that one. Jerry, anyone heard about bonds being paid in Zurich, a few other European countries? I’m hearing great things about them setting up, and I’m being told they’re going to pay them all out at one time. We have seen some movement, some dollars from resellers.
We’ve certainly seen a number of facilitators, and now we have a number of these bond groups that are making travel arrangements for their holders that still physically have them to turn in. They’re getting awfully close. Kukla, I got Tormas on the list already.
I saw that one. Well, Tormas, I’ll catch you in May. We’ll catch you in May.
I’m sorry, I’m reading a few of those things. Some of the chat’s in here. Chris, turning 31 tomorrow.
Happy pre-birthday, Chris. All right, let’s get back into some more of the news. This one’s economic.
We can probably take a short break here and just chat for a moment. Twitch said something like 16 currencies being revalued was out there. I think about 16 that will be sizable movements.
A lot of people are asking me, well, how about this one and how about that one? They really don’t have enough assets to make much of a change, and their currency’s already worth a considerable amount, so I want to make much. I would be looking for the ones that have the biggest room for change. What makes the most sense to me? Yeah, just reading that.
Yeah, Cybers, Comcrest. Let a number of us go ahead. If some of you folks are worried about how you’re going to get an appointment, I had two different banks tell me that they were going to send exchange directions out to the news aggregating site.
The only one I’ve had specifically named to me from one of the banks was Denar Recaps. They planned to issue theirs, hey, this is how you reach out to us to get an appointment or do whatever. They were going to send their instructions.
So if you’re wondering how in the world that you’re going to find out if this thing goes, same thing I tell family and friends. Go at denarecaps.com. Sign up for their free email newsletter. Doesn’t cost you a stinking thing.
You don’t have to do the paid. You can do the free. You’re still going to get it.
You might get the notice 10 minutes behind the people that pay. But does that matter? Happy birthday to Austin. And we’re not talking about Austin, Texas.
Rose, Rosie, how many days do we exchange? I’ve been told we’ll have at least 30, most likely 90 days to exchange. That’s what I’ve been told over and over and over to the point of ad nauseum. Breaking news.
NASA is considering closing its Washington, D.C. headquarters as part of Trump’s initiative to reduce the size of the federal government. Makes sense to me. Then they can put more into actual research instead of having a cool office in a city they don’t need it.
They’re not doing any research there. That would make sense. Let’s see.
Rachel, do I see us going into April? I don’t know. Nobody knows the timing. Is it possible we could be going in? It’s sure it’s possible.
I’ve seen a number of movement of employees to get people in place for early April. So for more exchanges, it would make sense for me for it to go before then is what makes the most logical sense. But even if it went before then, the bulk of all exchanges would be done in April if it does.
I mean, just stop and think about it based on the date. It’s the 22nd. Let’s say this thing, let’s say they give us a notice next Wednesday or Thursday or something along those lines.
Then you’re suddenly you’re talking about 26th, 27th. People are going to consolidate, make their appointment. Most of them will be making them in April because they don’t want to be the first one at the bank.
No part of me is saying that I think it has to wait till then or any of those. I’m just thinking through potential logistics. Patriot-Malmaul Kuwait was 10 days higher amount than a few days at current rate.
I don’t look for it to happen the same way as Kuwait. I’ve been told over and over repeatedly that they do not want the wild swings they saw in Kuwait. So it would be a very fixed or managed float, less than 2% per year.
They have screamed that at me from day one. I don’t think you’re going to see that wild 10 days up. I think you’re going to see a contract that’s very fixed.
What makes the most sense? Monkey Works is wondering why so much action in Reno. A lot of people are like, well, how do you know this is happening or how do you know that’s happening? It’s all available on the internet. You can go see the plane traffic.
You can talk to people that work in hotels and they can tell you there’s suddenly all kinds of people there that are talking about currencies. This is one of those things where this isn’t inside information. You can find it in the real world.
You can see where the hotspots are. You can see what they’re talking about. You just have to take the time to reach out.
And pay attention. Jay Branch, I think you were right. I do think that Kuwait was somewhere around March 24th, because I know it was towards the tail end of Ramadan, unless my memories just failed me.
And it’s happened before. Usually when I go into another room and I’m like, what did I come in here for? And then I got to go back out and then I remember. Normal human condition.
But for some reason, I want to say it was a Tuesday or Thursday and it was late March. Let’s see, Lady Mag, a big news article, Chase Wells Fargo closing hundreds of branches. Guess they don’t.
Regular people, they must need wealth. Well, it’s a combination of that. And very few people go to a branch anymore.
Probably 70% of Americans go once or zero times a month to the bank anymore because it’s online. They can do everything they need. They don’t need to go take the time out of their day and show up in person.
Jeff, we don’t know if the IQD rate will adjust with inflation. And that’s because of the amount of currency printed. You suddenly want to suck up all the extra that was printed.
You look at the inflation rate. You can pretty much just reinstate it exactly the rate before. And if you don’t correct for inflation, correct for inflation.
Then you got to have more assets. Well, Iraq has doubled roughly the number of assets since Adam Hussein and is expected to be the largest oil reserves in the world, provable oil reserves in the world sometime next year, putting them ahead of even Venezuela. According to articles we had just this past week, they can certainly support a considerably higher rate than they had before.
I like this one. Oh, my bear. Today, I’m so blurring my 36th anniversary of the birth of my first son, Brett.
Happy birthday, Brett. Stan, I’d have to see that before I could, like, really make a comment. But Stan saying, our recaps say that their tier 4B should be receiving notifications between the 21st and 25th.
Your thoughts? I’ve heard it from way more than just that one spot. I’ve heard it from folks in Reno. I’ve heard it from folks in Zurich.
I’ve heard it from folks in Hong Kong. I’ve heard it from many. I just keep in mind, none of us know the exact date.
So just stay calm when you’re hearing those things. Manage the expectation. Let’s see.
Sam, HTFuel. If gold is revalued at an insane rate, will it affect gold-rich Iraq currency? It’ll help them support a higher rate. Absolutely.
Savick’s in the house. Felt uncomfortable driving into the cemetery. The GPS blurted out, you have reached your final destination.
Oh, I could see where that’d be a little freaky. Yes, I have a graveside sense of humor. Quilting for life, giving us an update.
Said Kuwait revalued on Palm Sunday during Ramadan. I like that one even better. All right, speaking of my weaknesses, well, before I forget, Claire and Wayne, this stuff is like pure crack.
It is so good. They sent me some of their homemade like chocolate caramel corn or whatever you call it. It was like through the roof awesome.
I just saw it sitting there. And I had to say that. Well, let’s see.
Corey, how many RV centers people was in? I don’t know for certain how many. I’ve been told repeatedly that 90% of Americans will have a center or an exchange option within 50 miles of their home. Then I figure the rest of us will figure it out.
Mike, Gordon, Frank, there are no tears. We’re all stupid. Hey, I guess we’ll find out.
History will let us know. But if it’s only IQD that’s selling, well, anyway, I just need to leave it alone. Kirby, I love the CBD talk on a secure platform.
Also love where we are this week. May just move and watch there. Oh, come on.
Ow, oh, you got MD too? What version now? We’ll have to talk about that one. Your progress. I haven’t done the second visit.
Funds just a little bit too tight with everything going on. I hope to go this summer. I would like to get the point unless we’ve got our med beds.
And I really do truly hope we do. I’m supposed to try a preliminary version of a med bed in June. I’m looking forward to reporting on that one.
I don’t know what to expect at all. Working on the travel details for it now. Reading a few of these before we go back.
I need to just go back to more news. Let’s get back to more news, guys. Trump effect.
German auto giant Audi looks to move production to the U.S. to avoid tariffs. Looky there. They don’t want the tariffs.
So rather than charging Americans more because they know it will devastate their sales, they’re looking to do their manufacturing here for cars sold in the Americas. This is how it’s supposed to work, guys. This is part of bringing manufacturing back to the U.S., bringing high paid automotive jobs.
Gotta love that effect. It really is crazy how common sense, well, leads to common sense solutions. Tesla trade in spike amid the must backlash and competitors capture more EV market share.
Edmonds reports Tesla stock price has fallen by 42 percent this year amid widespread protesters, vandalism and arson at Tesla facilities and charging stations nationwide. Isn’t the left funny? They go and they pick it in front of all these other companies. Now they’re suggesting you go buy a foreign EV and don’t even buy American Tesla.
Arguably one of the only American car companies, especially when you look at like GM and Ford and Chrysler now with overwhelming majority of their cars built somewhere else. You could have a Tesla built in America by Americans. That’s not enough.
You could save the environment, go electric, all those things, which is all their sales points. But now, no, no, no. What they’re telling you is their hate of Donald Trump.
Is more important than their love of the U.S. and the global environment. They’re more concerned about their hate for Donald Trump than they are about their concern to save the planet. The Paris Climate Accords went right out the window because they hate Donald Trump so much.
Don’t you just. I wonder if they ever look in the mirror and think about common sense. I wonder if they ever stop and have that thought.
Does this make sense? Does it make any sense at all? It would be exhausting being a liberal. I wouldn’t even know how to play the ping pong in my mind. Stefan, is she still involved with CMKX? Yes, she’s just very heavily involved in bonds and bond redemptions, which has kept her very quiet on our side.
And I’ve not brought her on because you folks can’t control asking questions that you know you’re not supposed to ask. Not you specifically. I’m just saying way too many in the community.
When they know she’s not allowed to answer and they continue to ask anyways. I’m just, I don’t want to put her in that position. So probably the only way I’ll bring her back on would be to do one where we don’t allow comments.
But I would love to have her back on. She is a close friend for many, many years, decades at this point. Columbia University makes policy changes in response to Trump administration’s demand to combat anti-Semitism.
Trump administration’s pulled $400 million in federal grants to the university over the alleged failure to address. And guys, it’s not even alleged. It’s factual.
When you are inundated with an extreme amount of facts on this front, you don’t get to say alleged. It’s just true. And all of their actions have proven.
But now they are suddenly doing a reverse. They came out sounding strong, but they decided $400 million a year is more important than their stance. So they are making all the changes they believe are necessary.
I did get a kick out of this one though. This one’s about as useless as you can get. Change includes a student mask ban, unless for health or religious reasons, revised admissions and recruitment process, and strict administrative oversight from a new senior vice provost who will monitor certain academic majors that in the past have provided anti-Semitic instructions.
Some of the majors that they offer, you want to talk about absolutely useless. Let’s keep moving on. Now it’s time to ramp up for World War 3, 4, 5, whichever one we’re on right now.
Outrage after German intelligence chief says the Ukraine war should keep going for another five years. He said the quiet part out loud. They think if they can drag this out till about 1930, then Europe can strengthen their military.
In other words, if we can just keep the Ukraine filling body bags until Europe is ready to take on Russia, then it’s all going to be good. You want to talk about blatant. I’ve told you before that the U.S. and the West, well, the U.S. under Biden and Europe were perfectly willing to fight Russia until every Ukrainian was dead.
And they’ve clearly shown that. Now it gets even more interesting. It gets even more interesting on that front.
Now we’ve got Poland to lay 1 million anti-personnel mines on its eastern borders, says deputy defense minister. They’re going to bow out. They’re going to withdraw from the Ottawa Convention that they worked out Canada helped negotiate to do away with landmines in Eastern Europe.
But they’re going to go back to manufacturing to secure their border, their wall. U.S., one of the few that don’t have a wall around their country. Another one of those things, these pesky facts.
Poland’s plan to lay up to 1 million anti-personnel mines along its eastern border as part of its newly announced East Shield Defense Initiative, according to Pawel Bezda, Secretary of State of the Ministry of National Defense. Yeah, they want to protect themselves from Russia and from Belarus. They’re worried in the future there might be a problem.
So they want to take their own security into their own hands. Well, look, I’m all about taking your own security into your own hands. I think any nation that doesn’t is foolish.
But now we’re going to keep running. Macron’s now unveils a major nuclear expansion by 2035. They’re trying to ramp up at another nuclear capable, let’s call it Air Force branch, on their border with Germany.
Isn’t this getting interesting? As they’re all like positioning themselves. Now this one, why Russia only just now decree that Ukrainians must legalize their presence or leave. Their number of Ukrainians fled into Russia because of the war.
Because, well, many of them spoke Russian, but they’re now asking them to make certain that all their papers, et cetera, are legal. Many folks in Russia believe that that is a sign that Russia believes that they are about to come to a resolution with the Ukraine. So they need to have all the facts.
How many people they have, how many do resettle, how many want to go back. But it is looked at in, well, I shouldn’t even say just Russia. It’s looked at in Europe.
It’s looked at in the former Baltic states. It’s, well, I shouldn’t say former in the Baltic states, the former Russian states and Russia. This is considered widely a step for them right before they reach a peace settlement.
So I thought this one was very interesting. We’re looking at Europe, wishing that they could drag this thing out for more years so they have time to build what they think they need. I believe they are giving into fear mongering.
Completely believe they’re giving into fear mongering. I mean, let’s stop and talk a little bit of long-term logic here momentarily. Who does Russia really have to fear more than the US? China.
They share a large border. They’ve got resources. China desperately needs more territory.
Russia has to have it in the back of their mind. China has made it very clear. People’s Republic of China or the CCP, whatever you want to call them.
They’ve made it very clear that they want world domination. They want to have the whole world. They believe it’s theirs.
By right of might, right of history, might of whatever. Taiwan would just be a step. They have global ambitions.
Religiously speaking, Russia is massively, predominantly Christian or Orthodox Christian. Who do they have more to fear from? A Christian nation of the US or a communist, non-Christian country of China? Russia’s got to have this in their brain. There’s no reason we have to look at Russia as our enemy.
We should probably be making many more… We should be having some really sit-down talks over how we think the world should go. It would make way more sense. At least that’s the way it looks like to me.
When you stop and think about the logic and which way the world’s going. Poland is mining its eastern border to keep the Ukrainians from buying up all the luxury vehicles. I’m reading some of these.
You guys aren’t right. Batman. I was thinking about moving to Las Vegas after the RV.
Do you think I should be worried about Mike? No, I think he’d have a lot of fun showing you around. He makes a good tour guide. I was just reading a few of these before we dove in.
Penny is not at my desk, guys. She was earlier. I was just reading a few.
I guess we can start wrapping it up. It’s about that time. Peach King.
Mark, I concur. Logical roundtable. We need to have more logical roundtable, which makes more sense.
Gino. Not all the bond contacts are MIA. I’ve shared what I can share.
A number of them are MIA, though. Nope. Kukla, it’s supposed to come in the 25th, so it’s supposed to come in early next week.
- Mondano. The webpage for prayer therapy. Pretty certain it’s my red light.
He is to join us. Let’s look. Uh, yeah, he is supposed to.
Otto is supposed to join us again on the 25th in the morning, so he’s going to be here. I believe that’s what? Tuesday morning? Tuesday morning at the end of the podcast. You’ll be able to ask all those red light questions in person.
We’ve got Wade on Monday with water, and we’ve got Ron slash Walter on the 31st. Mushroom ladders are coming at us Tuesday night this week. Alessandro.
I’ve not heard of single change in Zim. I don’t know if repeating it over and over for the thousandth time makes any difference or not. I’ve not heard of any change.
Most still say 30 to 50 for 100 T. Million is your take home. That’s overwhelming. Majority of people have told me that.
Epic’s on a rip over and rumble, guys. Harold. It’s good to see you in the house.
Harold. I won’t be able to go through and find an individual one unless I rewatch all of it. Be easier, man.
Just send me an email. Be way easier for your brother. That way, you know, I’ll see it.
I’ll look for it. All right. Let’s call her a rap.
Let’s sing happy birthday to Amy Spirits, Penn, Joan, Tormas, Chris, Austin, Brett. Anybody else? So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling.
May you live. May you love. Make all your dreams come true.
Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to all those celebrating. Fred, I would love to have one of the new Tesla wheelchairs if they ever decide what they’re actually going to look like. There’s so many videos out there, but none of them are from Tesla itself.
It’s just people guessing at what it’s going to look like. Ready for the real thing. Act like ready for med bed, not need one of those Tesla wheelchairs.
That’d make me even happier. Although all the attacks on Musk and Tesla definitely has me thinking I should go find a Tesla. Problem is about the only one that’ll work for me because of need and wheelchair, all that’s the truck.
Waiting for the price to drop. Waiting for some pissed off liberal to want to sell theirs and then I can buy it at a discount. That way I can support him and take advantage of their insane views.
Eagle’s Quest, happy pre-birthday. One thing I did learn though after this past week was I want to do more standalone stuff on Rumble. I enjoyed my time over there.
I missed the convenience of the tech on YouTube, but I very much enjoyed my time at Rumble this past week. I’m going to spend more time there. All right, guys, let’s do it.
See you folks Monday morning unless we get breaking news, mods, I cannot. Thank you enough for your hard work and look forward to seeing you folks on Monday.