MarkZ (Uncut) 01-23-2025
Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott young. 01/23/2025
Booger, it’s good to have you back. Georgiana, praying for that defrosted, thawed water. Many in that shape right now and suffering from that.
Hello, Maverick, Mr. Lee, Sissy, Wolfcat, Grammy, Evie. Hello, Rain Man. Hello, Miss Kukla.
Hello, Tommy. I’m going to dive right in. We have Dr. Scott this evening as well.
And a surprising amount of news. I’ve only had so much time to digest it, but holy smokes. We were always told, disclosure, disclosure.
It would start running hard when we were close. And my God, the disclosure we’re seeing is just awesome. Nobody likes getting older.
One of the biggest reasons why is because our muscles become weaker, making the activities we used to enjoy more difficult to do and less enjoyable. What if you didn’t have to get weaker as you got older? What if you could actually become stronger? Celebrity fitness trainer Tony Horton says he’s found a way to turn the impossible into a reality, his reality, which he is now using to help thousands of Americans remain healthy and active as they hit middle age and beyond. It’s actually a lot simpler than you think.
Horton, who is 66, told us it’s a method anyone can do. It takes about one or two minutes a day. Within a very short period of time, you can start to feel stronger, probably healthier than you have in years.
Almost everyone begins experiencing some degree of muscle loss, age-related muscle loss, starting between the ages of 40 and 50. It’s perfectly natural and nothing to worry about. However, it can make it harder to exercise or even perform routine activities you take for granted, like playing with kids or pets or carrying groceries.
On average, people lose about 0.5 to 1% of muscle mass each year. While that may sound minor, it can add up over years and decades. Increased frailty is a big reason why elderly people are much more prone to falling down, which can lead to prolonged bed rest, hospital stays, which can mean even more muscle loss.
It becomes a vicious downward spiral. Health experts have long believed age-related muscle loss is simply an inevitable aspect of getting older. But Tony Horton says he’s found a much more effective way to help you fight age-related muscle loss and even build new muscle.
It came as quite a shock to me because I’m the biggest workout guy on the planet, said the man who’s trained Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, and Stevie Nicks, to name a few of his celebrity clients. But the results are undeniable. Best-case scenario, you actually have a chance to get into the best shape of your life, and it couldn’t be easier to do, he laughs.
In fact, the results have been so remarkable, Horton is now the subject of a short report detailing exactly how his body-strengthening method works. It’s online and free for the public to view and share. Go to forward slash Mark Z. Now to watch the video yourself, that is forward slash Mark Z. Or you can just click the link in the description way easier.
The video has since gone viral, first being shared by users on Facebook. So far, the comments and feedback have been outstanding, with thousands of Americans claiming they feel stronger than they have in years. I never would have believed I could feel like I did 10 or 20 years ago if I didn’t actually try Tony’s method.
One viewer wrote, Swimming again. If my body feels good, rape another. This really works.
Horton does make a simple request for the people who watch this report. If watching this helps you build more muscle, get your body back and feel stronger, even get more energy and confidence, Horton says, then please share this video with your friends and loved ones. Together we can help as many people feel better in their bodies.
As with any new method, individual results can and will vary. But give it a shot. Go to forward slash Mark Z or click the link in the description below on YouTube and Rumble because that’s way easier than remembering forward slash Mark Z. It’s kind of a bit.
Let’s see, a little warmer and a little, wait, and a little snow today in mid-Michigan. How are you guys holding up? Whoa, is it blurry over on Rumble? What is going on over there? Hello, Chef Melanisa. Mouth doesn’t want to work properly.
It’s been a long day in traffic. My butt’s sore from, like, sitting in the car seat. Stop reading too much into it.
I mean, Treebeard, Trash Panda, what are you all thinking? Daniel’s screen keeps freezing. Yeah, it’s Internet. Internet must be having an issue right now.
We’ll see how it goes when we bring in Dr. Scott in just a little bit. I’d like to get through some news first. Sounds great.
Video sucks. Yep, blurry. I was afraid of that.
That’s an Internet issue. Maybe we should do things backwards tonight and let Dr. Scott go first and see if my Internet improves. What do you all think? Blurry, blurry, blurry.
Hill City said good here. It’s the fog. South Carolina freezing cold.
Hello, Polly Collie. I’ll go out and come back in. I’m going to leave Dr. Scott in charge for just a moment, and then we will go from there.
Hello, Dr. Scott. Hey, how you doing, man? Man, I’m great. Let me find out which one of these to put up, but I’m going to go out and come back in.
Let’s just put the left one there. Yeah, let’s do that. I’ll run with this one for a little bit.
Do you want, like, me present like this? Or do you like that? Let’s do a me present a little bit. The other way on the side. There you go.
You got it. All right, folks, I’m going to kind of freeze and disappear and come back and see if it improves my video. So I have a couple things I want to show you about here, guys.
This is really, really cool. You know, the JFK files are coming out. Guys, if you think about who is – it’s the thing that brought me into all of this.
So the JFK files, they will implicate the CIA, the FBI, the mob, DOJ, LBJ. We’ll just keep going with the three-letter guys, right? And it is relatively scary. Now, here’s the funny part that he said.
Declassification’s got 15-day order date for DNI to come up with the answer. Now, they also have another 45-day period in there for RFK and MLK. So the JFK files first.
It’s real interesting why that first versus the other one. Guys, is that a possibility for something cool like an EBS? Are we in a short countdown for that? I don’t know, but that’s – I think when that thing comes up, everyone’s going to go, wait a second, because it doesn’t just start and end with JFK. It makes the ball rolling downhill.
The second one that I found here is just as interesting, and this is the strengthening digital financial technology. As you read through it, it talks about digital assets, and some people go, oh, my God, it’s the Mark of the Beast. No, it’s not Mark of the Beast.
We don’t have the Antichrist before we get a Mark idea. This is not talking about that because what it’s doing is talking about digital assets, blockchain, and related technology. But what it deletes in the concept is that it says, we are not going to deal with CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Who does the Central Bank Digital Currencies? That means the central banks. So it’s the Fed has no ability to handle this. And every single time it brings up this digital asset and the blockchain thing, ask yourself the question, do cryptos have the capability to be backed by anything? The answer is, first off, cryptos aren’t backed by anything necessarily.
Bitcoin has some level of that, but it’s not talking about Bitcoin. And then people say, well, yeah, but XRP is going to be backed by gold. The first article under the eighth and 10th section says that you have to have assets done by Congress.
So a currency has to be done by Congress and it has to be paid with gold or silver. So debt has to be paid with that. So that kind of deletes the idea.
It doesn’t mean that XRP and XLM and maybe some of the other ones can’t be a back road point, mean a payment mechanism. We’ve talked about that many times on this channel too. So I think that we have cool things out there and capable.
These things coming up here are going to wipe down the systems. And on top of that, there is another executive order. I don’t want to bring this up for a second, but that other executive order tells us that we are going to see an inflation reduction along with price reduction.
And there’s a new article that came out by the Fed that said 80% of every dollar that has ever been created was created in the last five years. So if that’s true, what else is true on there? And when we have a second, we’ll try to bring up this other one here that Trump showed a demand for interest rate changes. In essence, he’s basically said, he’s demanding the Fed change the interest rates.
And they said, well, do you think the Fed’s going to do it? And he basically says there’s no choice on that. But he doesn’t say that the rate has to change like the Fed rate has to change. He’s talking directly to the banks to change the interest rates down.
That’s a conversation, I believe, of compound interest. This is something we’ve talked about over and over again. So these kinds of things are so cool.
I just think that we’ll be fascinated if we don’t pay attention. We have to slow down and realize these things are coming with that too. So let’s answer some of the questions.
I’ll try to answer a few questions before Mark gets back up here. Little Ferns says, debt will be obliterated. It will be obliterated very rapidly.
And that’s what Trump was talking about today. And I believe that’s the only way to obliterate debt is through a flipping of a goldback currency. I did a video.
I’m doing a video. It’s coming out sometime next week. And the Chinese have 1.4 billion people.
800 million are in massive debt. 400 million of those people are so far behind they can’t possibly get any money. They’re in super trouble.
Now, let’s answer some other things. You said CD says you got a bit back or is Bitcoin isn’t backed by anything? Yes, it is because it’s been mined. There’s a mine point.
And XRP, the other ones, are actually going to have a function. Of course, that’s exactly what I said. They’re going to have a function, in essence, of a replacement in the SWIFT.
So that is what I was saying. We just misunderstood each other on that one. Let’s see what else we have.
Oh, you’re back. I don’t know how well it’s going to go, but I’m back for now. Do you want to move on to your next one? Do you need to rip through things? How do you want to handle this? No, I did those two.
So let’s go ahead and let you rip through your things. Oh, fantastic. All right, buckle up.
This will get fun for just a moment. We’ll hit the news banner one. Keep in mind, we were told massive disclosure as we approach the end or the reset, or the beginning is what it really is.
It’s not the end in any way. So it’s looking a little better. Reset just about everything.
Hopefully this works. We’re going to rip through a few things. This may lead… Oh, wait a minute.
That’s not working. I forgot I’ve got to reactivate all these things after resetting stuff. U.S. intervention in Iraq’s oil dispute sparks backlash.
In other words, the U.S. is pushing hard to get things settled in Iraq on the budget. This lends a lot of credit in my book to the argument that the U.S. is now pressuring Iraq to wrap this thing up. We want to value… Now, don’t read too much into it.
They’re just whining, hey, back off. We’re sovereign. We’re getting this done.
But it does lend a lot of credence to the stories that we’re hearing right now that Trump is really pushing hard. Stellar Energy signs $2 billion in Iraq power. Memorandum of understanding.
I really hope this meant they were going to be bringing in Stellar XLM to move all kinds of things. But it’s Stellar Energy. This is part of the upgrade of their grid and separation from Iran, where they no longer need them.
These are important things in the stability side. Iraq welcomes the U.K.’s downgrading of Iraq’s security classification. We’ve talked about this for days.
This is part of the international… Now allows them to be… Well, it is a step towards fully international tradable. We’re going to keep running on these. We’ve got some fun ones.
Iraq is stable, secure, and attractive environment for investment. Allow me. Once again, Shabibi said, give me safe and stable.
I will give you more purchasing power. I’ll give you a new dinar. And we are saying these words over and over and over.
Stable and secure. Here’s a fun one for you. Vietnam police announced dismantling of 1.2 billion money laundering ring.
Going after it, cleaning up the system. Another one of those things we were told to expect. I mean, the news out of Vietnam has been really fun this week.
Going after the corruption, going after their version of Doge, 20% of their government being cut because they don’t need them, cleaning it up, embracing a free market and democracy after being a communist nation. These things are really fun to watch, guys. I mean, we’re watching history being made live.
I’m going to take the banner off just to get out of my way for news articles. Before I share the next one, I hate we could not have Andy on this week. If there’s ever a time where people that can afford to should be considering silver, right now is it, in my opinion.
Gold-silver ratio is now over 90 to 1, indicating silver is historically underpriced. We’re talking about in the entire history, the recorded history of the world. It is whacked in valuations.
The modern era of the gold-silver ratio is averaged between 40 to 1 and 60 to 1. And even those are only because of recent history. Historically, we go back a little further and it has never been that way. It comes out of the ground at a 7 to 1. We’re trading at a 90 to 1 ratio.
That should show you just what silver is capable of. I couldn’t resist that one. I had to cover that one.
All right, I’m whipping through things before we get back to Dr. Scott. Looking forward to getting back to him. And Juan, thank you for taking the anchor.
You have been just, I mean, over the course of months, years or whatever, Dr. Scott, you’ve just been an enormous help as a friend, as a guru, as all those things. I can’t thank you enough. All right.
CNN plans to lay off hundreds of employees and cut costs NBC plots, firings. I love this. Guess what just made the news? What I’ve been telling you for the last two days.
Sometimes it’s kind of fun to be ahead of things. There you go, guys. Many news outlets now reporting what we broke days ahead.
Sometimes it helps to have friends that are in the industry. Yeah, I’ll have to make out one that works at CNN and a couple at NBC. It is always fun to confirm the dying death throes of mainstream media.
We broke mainstream media. Dr. Scott, you’re part of that. We broke mainstream media.
We broke the propaganda machine. We broke Mockingbird. And we are watching the pieces deteriorate.
I love it. All right. The big one of the day, the disclosure.
Trump signs executive order releasing additional JFK assassination files. We can get into all the details if you want when it was supposed to, how many presidents have extended that, delayed that. It’s my understanding with the 15 days that that is as quickly legally under the current system that he could pull it off.
I am told that there is a good chance we will get information sooner. It also discloses the information on Martin Luther King Jr. Just the… Here. You talk about how big that one is.
MLK was told by the CIA to kill himself. I mean, it’s just absolutely crazy. And Bobby Kennedy actually said when he talked to Sirhan Sirhan, he said he didn’t do it.
There’s no way that he did that, that issue. That’s one of my little news points I brought up too. So that was a really kind of fun stuff.
I mean, just earthquake. We were told we would get disclosure. We would find out the sins of our administrations and currencies.
I mean, excuse me, countries. I mean, we’re getting exactly what they told us. I mean, he is spilling out in this area.
He’s talking about flat taxes. He’s talking about government efficiency. He’s talking about ending all these woke programs.
I mean, he is screaming. He is shoving. No, Sarah, down your throats right now.
Just not terms you’re looking for. But for those that are feeling depressed, you should feel so excited with what we’re watching. All right, let’s keep running.
Huh, wind rider, I just saw that. All right, just a couple more and then we will spend that time with Dr. Scott. In case my internet goes out, I just want to get through it.
Chicago community braces for possible deportations of illegal immigrants. Local leaders say this is kind of a feel good piece, but I thought it was important because many of these people are human beings. We work with them day in, day out.
We meet them out. We talk to them. We have conversations from restaurants to whatever, but it also gives you a, you know, more of a in-depth look at it.
Was it 44% in Chicago, the restaurant are immigrants. It’s industries dominated and they’re just talking about knowing your rights and they’re just saying that, hey, it’s not going to be as bad as you think if people embrace it. I mean, most of the folks that could be affected have been here for years and years and years and could be legal if they would have pursued it.
So they’re taking a different approach, the business leaders and the legal immigrants in Chicago are taking a different approach saying, hey, it’s time. Get legal, get there quick. Go do your paperwork.
Do everything you were supposed to do. And if you’re dirty and a criminal, you should probably consider running right now because we’re going to turn you in. They’ve been very upfront.
Hey, we’re going to work with them or we’re not going to give the authorities more than we have to, but at the same time, we want them to do their job. This was an interesting article to read if you guys are interested. Because it talks about real people, real business owners in Chicago, and it is happening, it is occurring.
I did find it interesting though, even if you, well, all they’re targeting to start with, and I think this is smart, of the Trump Organization, administration, they are targeting illegal immigrants that have committed crimes. So this is who they are focusing on first. This gives those that have not committed crimes an opportunity to go do all those things you should have been doing over the last 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, DACA folks, getting legal, filing your paperwork, taking your classes, jumping through your hoops.
So what he’s removing first is the violent, illegal, the criminal aspect. I mean, you can make the argument if you’re illegal, you’re a criminal, bam. It makes sense, it’s logic.
You can’t, I mean, that’s not a logic you can dispute. Not rationally with any thinking human being. But irrational people on the left, sure, you can totally float that crap.
But I like the way they’re going about it. They’re taking the violent or the criminal first. This creates a push for those that aren’t to get there as quickly as possible, start their process so they’re not removed.
I think this is smart. It secures us, saves us, and the folks we really do want to be here, the folks that want to integrate, want to help, want to be American, it’s your last wake up call. You better take it.
It’ll be interesting to get your take on that one, Dr. Scott. Judge blocks Trump’s birthright citizenship order. We knew this was going to happen.
Trump knew it was going to happen. And they knew it was going to force it to go to the Supreme Court. You’re watching a chess player, a master play chess right now with the system.
I tell you, if we’d have had this Trump four years ago, we’d have a whole different nation. Problem is the people weren’t ready. All right, US government backdoor FISA searches are unconstitutional, federal judge ruling.
Well, they are, so it’s going to be really fun. They violate the fourth amendment and they use cases to point out that they violate the fourth amendment. These are all the things that we were told to expect with Nassara.
Cleaning up the system, back to the Constitution. It’s like, you know, right in your face. I’m so excited about it.
All right, now have fun. Well, you have a couple of people that had good questions. Fiery Leo said, you know, what does the bank require proof for just depositing cash? And then Joyce just down there a little bit farther says it’s infuriating when you’re trying to do, you know, get a hold of cashier’s check for seven days.
I found a video that in China, this woman, and I’m looking over here referring to it. She had 200,000 yuan and she, which is 27 K. And she tried to take it out of the bank. And they called the police on her and they arrested her.
And the only reason this is happening is the banks don’t have any money. And so they’re coming up with their little idiotic ways of doing it. It’s super crazy what’s happening out there.
It is super crazy. All right. I see one I really should dive on coming from Rumble, which I think would be an obvious one.
But Emma Hartmark, real question, brother. Why do you keep doing ads? If you truly feel that we’re getting ready to RV, you at least owe us an honest answer for that. Please just be honest.
I’m brutally honest with you. How many times have we thought it was tomorrow? How many times in the past have you thought it was tomorrow? If I had not kept doing those ads, because we do. I mean, the money goes to you guys.
I mean, we’ve, we helped. I can’t tell you how many families we gave away between all of us, donations, myself and ads, tens of thousands of dollars, helping people last year. It would be absolutely irresponsible of me not to continue to, to continue to do them until we cross the finish line.
It’s the difference between some folks having a warm place to stay. Some people dying, some people being able to afford medicine, et cetera, basics and not, it would be so irresponsible of me just because I believe it’s tomorrow because I believe it’s, I don’t believe it’s smart. I believe it’s very soon, but not necessarily tomorrow.
It would be horrendously ill-advised for me to stop. I backed off before and we couldn’t help as many people. That was a learning lesson for me.
I will never back off until we cross the finish line because people matter. You matter. Yeah.
People’s grandmothers matters. Daughters matter. How many we, uh, Mika matters.
Too many people matter for me to stop. That’s why I keep doing it. Yes.
Do I think we’re close? I just, if I’m wrong, somebody starves, somebody can’t get their medicine, somebody dies and cold in their sleep. I can’t stop. All right.
But that one, I’m not beating you up for it, but that’s exactly how and why I feel that way and why I keep doing it. I would love to stop. But I would say this too, guys, I, you know, this is Scott talking.
This is not Mark talking, speaking only for me, but very few people have any idea how much time it takes to do even one video. And Mark does two of them a day and one on Saturday. Yeah.
On average, about four hours of video you spend just for the videos. I mean, I did, I did these, I did four videos today, ran four videos. It took me literally like nine or 10 times to get through them because I kept breaking something or messing something up.
And then that has no, that doesn’t even tell you how much time it took me for me to find the right, you know, video and cut it down. There was a time I spent probably six to 10 hours cutting some videos down that I could utilize for different things. And so listen, you have no idea how much work it takes with that too.
So Gary seven said, do you see Trump stepping in on harp or other weather modifications? I personally believe that’s a military issue. I believe that there are going to be military related things that, that he will let them do and other things that he will jump in the middle of, because I think that is potentially offshore. And, and let me, let me just throw out an idea.
Why in the world was he talking about buying Greenland? Just a thought. Possible. I still think it’s manifest destiny.
I mean, look at how effective though the Panama conversations were. There’s now a full blown audit going of the Chinese port companies to see if they’re even going to keep them in Panama and to lower the cost. I mean, you watch what he does.
It is cold. It is calculated and makes sense. He may not like his style, but he works.
It works well. And Rubio’s already gone down there to Panama to talk about it. I mean, already.
I mean, he didn’t even signed in. I mean, sworn in and the suckers off, off, you know, out to Panama. That’s amazing.
Yeah. Eddie, I not explaining myself worried about that. No, I mean, it was a legitimate question.
People are like that. Hey man, if you’re so certain we’re so close, you know, why keeping, I just wanted people to know why I do believe we’re that close, but I’m afraid to back off. That’s all.
I was not beating on him at all in any way. I think he asked a very legitimate question because it sows a seed of doubt in some people’s minds. Well, he wouldn’t be pushing an ad if he thought it was tomorrow.
I just want to know the why and how important it is to me. I backed off one time and then I wasn’t there when some people needed help and that hurt. And now I froze again.
Now you’re back. Yeah. No, I’m here.
So I’m there. It’s really interesting. Lynn said, if you don’t think it’s going to happen, just walk away and take a break instead of getting mad.
I really think that’s a good point. There are times I get mad. I know there’s times that Mark gets mad.
I know that almost all of those truthers you see out there, there’s some anger out there and they’ve got stuff going on. And trust me, I mean, we can kind of sense it when we watch some of them. It’s frustrating.
And that’s why you have to, like, you know, renew your spirit or you just are going to freak. I think if you take a week off, you might miss it happening. But I highly suggest everybody take a week off on occasion.
Right. That’s my two cents on that one. Yeah.
Every now and again, you’ve got to re-plug into the world. Because here’s the thing. When this happens, however long it takes, the sun’s still coming up tomorrow.
No matter how bad it gets, the sun’s still coming up tomorrow. Still going to be another day. And we’ve still got to live through it.
I like that. Renew the spirit. That’s a great picture, too.
My God. Yeah, I love that picture. Isn’t that great? Holy cow.
Oh, did you see that? Talk about the penny going bye-bye. You may have talked about it. I’ve missed much of this evening.
No, I didn’t. I didn’t know that. DOG doing the math, going, oh, mightn’t that make sense to have a penny? I don’t know.
I think revaluation makes a lot of sense to have a penny. But I mean, from a physical standpoint, having a penny? Maybe not. I kind of get it a little bit.
But from a digital standpoint, I think that we’re going to be having many more digits behind there when we do some of the larger sums. I don’t know. Yeah, I’m just reading through some of these, trying to get some good questions before we dive in.
Not that I’ll be able to make it much longer. I’m going to do one for you. So Kathy H says, Wells Fargo is the, why is Wells Fargo the only bank at the RV? They’re not the only bank.
Right. We know that they stepped up first. But we know that HCSB is the one for the international one.
And certain areas, not my penny. You can’t get rid of my penny. My cat.
But I mean, it does. It costs more, most coins, it costs more than they’re worth. Of course, they’re durable.
So if you’ve looked at it over time, I think it would be a huge punch in the face, even if we’re not. I’m counting on a reset and our money being worth more so that, you know, as far as I’m concerned, we need the coins. We need the smaller nominations, all those things.
But I do see the logic process of, hey, but it costs more to print these duties. But it is such a, can you think of the moral blow to the dollar to start getting rid of pennies and nickels because they’re just not worth that much? I mean, that is, do you think the US government can afford a reminder of just how bad the Fed has been to them? How bad the politicians mismanaged, Congress has mismanaged our money is. I mean, you take away the pennies.
That’s a real slap in the face, but launching a story about it, showing how they have devalued our currency to such a level. Now that gets the people on board with a reset. So yeah, put it in their face.
Doesn’t mean you’re going to do it, but it points out every time they say, hey, the penny is not worth anything because everybody kept over printing and we kept spending too much. I think that’s very effective marketing for us, for Nisera. And by the way, there’s an interesting statement by MoneyTree says, what happens to your QFS account when you die? Again, every account that you have, whether it’s an IRA or whether it’s a bank or checking account, I mean, whatever type of account will be in essence, and this is Scott words, QFS compliant.
They’ll be flipping into that kind of mode. And what we do here is that maybe your access point into it will have the ability to flip you to, you know, have it set up under a few different people in essence, a level of trust. So that’s what we hear.
Boy, a lot of back and forth. And I guess just a lot of research data information hitting. I have heard that some Zen will be, Zim will be exchanged in military base.
I’ve been told very explicitly, not all of it, that military tend to hold more currency than non-military just as a per capita. So it makes sense to do exchanges on a base when available, but it doesn’t have to be just if the logistics work out and yeah, but. And it would depend on where you are.
I mean, you know, like if you don’t really have very many banks around or the right kind of banks, maybe they just set it to a military base. That’s much easier to do. So yeah, it just logistics.
It’s easier in some. So yeah, you’re totally going to see some done in banks is my opinion. At least that’s what I’ve been told.
And I did some of the banking personnel that brought me in to look at the currency, look at the security features and, and train some personnel on it. They did. They asked me if I had any Xen they could see, but I don’t live close enough anymore, but I did tell him I’d be glad to let them see some when I was back.
Which I find, I think it’s great that we have bank folks. They’re not trying to take it from you. They’re not trying to whatever.
They want to see it so they can touch it. So they’re prepared. Why in the heck would they want to see my currencies or anybody’s currencies if they weren’t ever going to trade it? I mean, why do they want to be familiar with the security elements of these bills and what it feels like, what it smells like, all those things.
If they weren’t preparing to exchange it, that was probably one of the things that’s been years ago. It made me feel really good about this thing. I saw this one.
This is pretty funny. Carolyn Brown said, for those that follow Wolverine, he said that you and Dr. Scott are being used for disinfo. No one’s talking to me from the military.
Yeah, no. And I don’t have any gamblers. No one’s talking to me.
At the same time, everybody is being used to some degree or another to keep us uncertain of timing from mainstream media to articles in Iraqi newspapers to, I mean, you pick it. They’re trying to cloud the timing of this thing. And I would go back to your definitions because really people get this one messed up.
Disinformation is not known to be wrong. It was thought to be right by the person that gave it. In essence, misinformation is like kind of what a spy does to another country in essence.
And that is purposeful information from a government source. The person knows that he’s transmitting it to the other people and knows that it’s bad information from the get go. It’s a different kind of thing.
And the other one is kind of nefarious with that. Crypto canning. Unfortunately, guys, I have no good solid update on bond stuff throughout the day.
Catherine, unfortunately, it didn’t pass the muster on the more credit union case. As far as goes, Supreme Court, we can track it to a district, but we can’t track it to the Supreme Court yet. I did have a question that keeps coming up here.
Article 12 of the budget law is dead in the water. Again, the Kurdistan region is talking about some different concepts. Is that something you know anything about? Sorry, I was reading another one.
I’ve got to admit I was distracted trying to do the next question because I thought you were handling this one. Hit me again. No, it’s just I’m hearing statements about article 12 of the budget law is dead in the water.
Again, the Kurdistan regional government announced it for Thursday. And again, I have no idea. Could that be, that could be some levels of misinformation or.
It certainly could be. There’s a lot of fighting right now and they’re waiting for a key piece from the consulting company on the cost. Try not to let yourself go crazy on that one.
The next conversation on it happens in just a few hours in Iraq. We’ll know more in the morning, but there is a lot of fighting going over that. There is a lot of pressure.
And that’s what we, one of the very first things we shared this evening was that, that dispute over that cost is the U.S. is leaning on them to get it done quickly. Me personally, I think Iraq is they’re totally ready to have it done. And we’re waiting for the go ahead to say, oh, look, it’s done just reading some of these.
I know one thing that keep, I keep hearing and there’s a lot of weird stuff about it. Yeah, that was the, that’s what we’re talking about with that too. Do you think AI development has to do with med beds being introduced to society? That is possible.
I mean, what like half a trillion dollars and a hundred thousand new jobs with it. And then some people are talking about like, you know, doing a level of a job related to some bad things that, you know, by some bad people. I don’t know.
It’s, it’s hard to say. And there, there’s a lot that we don’t know in some of those areas. A lot.
We don’t know. Yeah. Old Stokes, the Shiites are historically been a lot of problem.
I mean, it’s, they very influential in Iraq and Iran, and they have caused a hell of a lot of problems for the Iraqi nation. Not all are bad, but yeah, I don’t even know where to go on that one. We get to get into travel politics for the next like, you know, months.
Mr. C is planning on joining tomorrow. They’re getting an Oscar Adam. What is the Academy? Do they do Oscars? Or is that a different one? But I think, I think the reality is that each of the countries are doing when they’re in that negotiation, they’re in negotiation to get a higher rate for themselves.
So obviously that probably has been affecting things over the months and years that we’ve been dealing with us. Yeah. All right.
Let’s see. No, you’re right in no time. Well, I don’t know.
We’ve gone through some pretty rough times. Somebody just saying that, you know, this is historic time. Nobody’s had to suffer this much.
We are definitely suffering. Joe, where does the go ahead come from? My understanding is it will come from the, the folks that are releasing the gold. People like calling them dragons.
People like calling them whatever, but from some of the oldest banking families in the world that want the reset, that a good way to look at this would be the banking families that were served when they went to Fiat and the fed. In other words, the people got the people that got screwed down in Jekyll Island. These are the people putting it up.
And it’s my understanding they get to give the go ahead. That’s how I understand. How do you understand it? Yeah, here’s the same kind of thing, but you know, it’s partly military as well.
Cause this has to be a military operation too. So, you know, I think there’s a lot of statements that kind of come up there. A lot of it.
And it’s, and it’s complicated too. I mean, I keep going back to the idea of go, no go. And you’ve got many systems who could, could, you know, have a pause, no go kind of thing.
Here’s actually a great one. Oh God, fiery Leo. I had a good one on that one.
So I’m glad you asked that question. I’m coming right back to one and I’m going to read something. I got it.
I got a couple to read you guys that I dropped the ball on with all the tech issues. Speaking of helping people, were you able to help the gal in Oregon that was homeless with her son a few days ago, Greg? No, I don’t have any contacts. I am desperately hoping that, that person will reach out and email me at the original I’ve had a number of people offer now we’re just waiting for them to reach out so that we can try to be there for them.
So Greg, I’m really glad you put that one in here and fiery Leo, boy, was your timing. Awesome. Let me read something from somebody that I consider a mentor and really influenced my take on the world.
Help me ground things, uh, share this one with me and I want to take a moment to read it. Hopefully I’ve got it in here where I can find it quickly. Uh, here we go.
Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Like baiting a fish, fame disorder and crush him. Sun Tzu said this, the recent announcement of project Stargate by Trump alongside influential figures like Sam Altman and Larry Ellison has left many of us in a state of profound confusion, particularly as the conversation shifted unexpectedly from data centers and artificial intelligence to MRNA vaccines.
What are we witnessing? For hours I’ve grappled with this startling revelation, the timing of such a bold declaration on the second day, knowing it would send shockwaves through his base suggests that there is far more beneath the surface than we can readily comprehend. There was always more isn’t there. Let’s delve into the significance of the name Stargate project.
This echoes of the CIA’s cold war initiative aimed at exploring extra sensory perception. Intriguingly, it coincide coincidentally aligns numerically with the phrase triple stranded DNA in Gematria. Additionally, the term Stargate invokes imaginary reminiscent of the beloved movies and series, which explores themes of portals, time travel, and DNA manipulation.
Could this hint at a deeper coded message? Not long ago, Sean Ryan illuminated the troubling aspects of the CIA Stargate project. Well, Tucker Carlson raised concerns about Sukir Balaji, a brilliant engineer who once worked for Sam Altman. Balaji declared Altman’s actions to be criminal, tragically became a whistleblower and was later found dead under suspicious circumstances.
While California authorities labeled it a suicide, the evidence available paints a far more sinister picture. Now seeing Trump allies Sam Altman at the forefront of this project raises alarming questions, especially when the announcement of Stargate was quickly followed by claims regarding acceleration of individualized MRNA vaccines. Elon Musk, who has voiced deep mistrust of Altman stated clearly, I don’t trust Sam Altman and I don’t think we want the most powerful AI in the world controlled by someone who’s not trustworthy.
Yet Musk appears to support Trump’s overarching mission while hesitating on the specifics of Stargate. This contradiction begs further scrutiny. What of RFK Jr.’s perspective? How does the Make America Healthy Again initiative intertwine with this web of AI and MRNA developments that seem so terrifyingly tangled? What if this announcement serves a greater purpose? Could it potentially shine a light on the machinations of big tech? Is it strategically unveiling of the transhumanist agenda, the digital matrix that looms ominously over our future orchestrated by the globalist elite? What if Trump’s apparent provocations are a calculated move to let these forces expose themselves, essentially giving them enough rope to hang their own narratives.
In a world shrouded in uncertainty, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and discerning, questioning the motives behind these announcements and their implications for the future. Let us maintain our resolve to seek the truth amidst the chaos. I like that one.
I really like that one. What do you think of that, Tate? I love it too. So I don’t have enough to say much more about it though.
All right, now here’s one I want to share and I want to make certain I don’t mess up and let anybody see who’s from, et cetera here. If you search for a job right now at USA Jobs, if you’re looking for a government job, this is where you go. And you’re looking for one at the Internal Revenue Service, who is desperately understaffed, was given billions and billions of more dollars, but now follow through on this one.
This is another one that smacks big time of Nassera. Internal Revenue Service occupations, agents, et cetera, USA Jobs. You can do the search.
You can go to the Internal Revenue Service. No jobs. No jobs.
That’s funny. Is that not something? I mean, they’re trying to hire how many thousands of new agents? They’ve got all this extra money. No, they don’t have any jobs available.
And that is just so funny because, I mean, Trump just put a hiring freeze on everyone and, you know, every single one of his executive orders are been, have been going lightning speed. Except for the J6 ones. And now Marshall’s are getting involved with that one.
I mean, like websites are getting deleted off of the government sites. I mean, just crazy. Like, here we go.
Yep. No, I love it. All right.
Yeah. And the federal hiring freeze. To me, this is just awesome.
Watching the Trump effect kick in. All right, guys, my voice is quickly going away. If I’m going to have one in the morning, I better call it a wrap.
Well, I just, I’m actually, you know what? I’m going to pray. So I’d like us to, you know, just, just pray right now. So guys, I just tell you right now, the Lord is not concerned with timing because he already knows the day and the hour.
So I just asked the Lord God that you would heal the people. We just put the blood of Jesus over people so that they can sense your presence right now. Whatever they’re feeling right now, Lord God, whatever that illness is.
I just said some people would kind of put their hand over that body part and just say right now in your name, I am healed. And we believe in that. Lord God, we just thank you so much that we cast our cares upon you because you care for us.
That I do not have a spirit of anxiety upon me, but I just have a spirit that is uplifted. I just thank you so much, Lord God, that that is coming and it’s coming like a flood. We just thank you for that so much.
In your name, we pray. Amen. Amen.
Thank you for doing that, Dr. Scott. And, uh, that was a little salty. All I can do is apologize.
I didn’t mean to be salty. Cause, uh, in my take, the guy asked a very legitimate question. It was good.
It was very legitimate question. And a lot of people out there because of the fear and doubt, um, which is one of Satan’s favorite approaches to attack you as a, so that little seed, the little water and let you grow it yourself. So, I mean, to me, it was a very legitimate question and I did not take it as an insult in any way.
Um, I’m just very passionate about it because I feel so responsible when I backed off before and then people suffered and I couldn’t be there for them. So, um, yeah. Don’t hesitate to ask the tough questions.
It’s okay. Dr. Scott and I are tough enough. A lot of your podcasters are not tough enough.
That’s right. A lot. Aren’t tough enough, but, uh, all right.
Yeah. Oh God, Kukli, you were so key in that too. You did such a tremendous job.
The difference between the number of people that would have gotten helped in and, or one of is just enormous. So, make certain you give yourself a pat on the back and everybody that helped everybody that either donated or pushed or talked about or in the past or, uh, watch the ads and suffered through them quietly. Thank you.
Cause we’ve helped a lot of people. All right. Anything you want to share before we leave? No, that’s it.
That’s why I appreciate every one of you. Um, I’ve not seen the person from Oregon again. I just, uh, I wish I knew surfer more.
I can tell you. I just hope they will reach out to me. Um, I know it’s embarrassing to need help.
Don’t be, it’s part of being Christians. It’s our job to help take care of you. All right.
I’m getting out of here. Mods. Thank you.