Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 01/16/2025
Oh, man. There we go. Sorry about that guys.
Hello, Miss Cukla. Hello, Jill Kurt, 7, 7, crown care, and I’m still laughing at that one. Would not surprise me at all.
Hello, David, Dave Boyd. Let’s see. Say, good evening all.
I stopped in my local Wells Fargo branch today to talk with the wealth manager. I was told they do not now nor will they ever exchange. Trust me.
I’ve heard that story before, and then I had somebody in wealth management reach out because they wanted me to come in so that they could role play exchanging my currency in preparation. So yeah, no, I’ve heard that story before. I just have also heard from too many and wealth management that is.
Yes. What’s the background picture just says evening news. Hello, Roger.
Hello, Nard. I am so ready, Jerry, as well. Hello, Laney.
Hello, J. Slack, Florida Gator. Hello, J. Simple, Captain Peggy. Probably hurry through this one, guys, when we get Dr. Scott in here.
Tell Dr. Scott to get some delta eight sleep gummies. Oh, hey, Dr. Scott. Could we like send you some? Would you try them if we send them to you? He said, yes.
All right, we’re going to work on that one. You just got to text me your address. I’ll send them your way.
We’re going to like get him sleeping. We’re going to make Dr. Scott great again or great her again. However, that works.
Kurt, good to see in the house. Mark, good evening from Kentucky for more days. I am so ready.
Hopefully, that means we’ll get new rates and all that. We’ve got a few things to talk about. Some positive comments.
Oh, wait a minute. Kevin, no, somebody’s got to send me that one. Just said, you see the CBI forex article? Wow, militia man’s beside himself.
I do not think that I have seen that one, although he and I have talked a lot lately. Back and forth, Rick, he said they would come in next week. He will try to talk some of this crew to see if they’re interested in joining.
Okay, I added that he didn’t say that, but we’ve talked about it in the past. Yeah, we definitely need to bring him on and bring him on soon. Oh, quest her.
I’m jealous. You got some toss. Oh, that gives me an idea.
I need some toss. Quantum healing, a low hot Nancy land shark. I need the email with the forex and the CBI that screams international, which kind of fits with some of the things we’re talking about this evening.
Rick, there’s nothing to tell you on the ZIM story. I am waiting for approval when I get it. I will share it.
Until then, I cannot share. I have had a second source come forward and saying that they may be opening some groups for ZIM agros, but at this point, it takes 1000 of the agro notes to even have the conversations. If you don’t have that many, don’t email me.
And I have to wait for them to give approval and say, Hey, this is the person put us in contact. I wish I had more I could share right now. It’s tentative.
It’s really cool, but it will be irresponsible to say it before I get approval because he’ll go nowhere. A lot of people have excited and then run into a brick wall. I am so ready to lace up the dancing shoes.
But man, have I gotten obliterated? I think I have 200 emails just today on the whole ZIM thing. Guys, when I know and can add to it, I will. But it makes me feel good.
And the only reason I shared the interest was because I want you folks with agros to feel better about having agros because I feel better after listening to them about having agros. Pango J. I wish I’m still I’m hearing Zilt. I mean, like nothing like drop a pin, drop a whatever.
I mean, I’m hearing nothing on the Pango wish I was. Jay Salak have agros missed that. That’s okay.
He’ll take a bunch to even get in the ballpark before they will even have a conversation. Where’s the video? I have your photo. I’m here.
Mr. Happy hit the start button. Hello, Roger. David bonds.
I’m getting obliterated with bond folks contacting me and saying, Hey, they’ve told us between 21st and 22nd. You will start seeing bond payments. Other than that, I have got nothing else to share with you because I haven’t heard anything else.
Let’s see market info from a platform triggering bond payments Friday and funds for bonds on Tuesday, the 21st. Wouldn’t surprise me. Gino.
That would make sense based on what I’m hearing, but I’ve not heard something to confirm it, but it would certainly fit with the timing that I’ve been told repeatedly over the last few days. Thank you for reminding me. Stop what you’re doing and ask yourself this.
If the food supply collapsed tomorrow, uprisings, inauguration, deep state, whatever, pick a reason. How long would you survive food supply interrupted? You do realize that there’s less than two or three days worth of groceries in New York City for the entire city. I mean, it would implode that there was a problem with the food supply.
So how long would it last a week? Three days? How long would you last? The harsh reality is most people wouldn’t even make it that long. Look around a catastrophic event of biblical proportions is coming. Crisis skyrocketing crops failing cyber attacks, natural disasters, solar flares, terrorist attacks, and more put us at risk of not being able to eat or provide food for our family.
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Mira, it’s good to see you guys. See you in here. Fred, good to see you as well.
Yeah, Ray, I announced that this morning. Mr. Baseball, Bob York, dies at 90. Kind of a sad day.
Larry, I’ve not heard anything about a roundup weekend, but it would certainly make sense. Okay, where are we at? Let’s bounce over here. Wait a minute, did I really click that one? I have no idea what I’m showing you guys.
Let me back up and try to do that again. What was that? Oh, that’s Dr. Scott’s thing. He had up there.
I was very confused. Now I’m back on a back on page next week hosting an auditing data within the Iraqi parliament to settle the dues of the Kurdistan region. This is how close we are to pounding out the final remaining issues between the herbal and the rate.
And there’s some pretty good stuff coming at you this evening guys. Before the tables can go, they need a rate and we are starting to see. I shouldn’t say starting.
Today’s been a good day for news out of our rack. So getting ready, put it all on the table, pound this out. They’re saying next week that starts on Sunday.
Clarification, the importance of the central banks decision to ban the sale of real estate above 100 million to ours. They’re tracking private real estate sales, public real estate sales. They’re starting to track them so that people can’t use.
Laundered money, et cetera to pick up property. This is all. This is one of the last pieces that we heard about in the white paper reforms.
That the Sudanese talked about before, they can raise the purchasing power that in our. Al Adani Sudanese visit to Britain resulted in removal of Iraq from the red list from risk assessment. What does that mean? International.
They’ve been removed from the UK, removed from the US list. What else do they need? That means we’re getting ready to be unfettered. No more sanctions.
No more restrictions. These are big pieces coming together, parliamentary finance without amending the budget law. The government cannot send tables.
That. Article should have you guys doing a dance. They can’t amend the budget law.
Without changing the value based on how we understand it. I understand it. Many others understand it.
This one is a big one. This one to me is screaming get ready value change. The visit of the command of the US Central Command to Baghdad at this time opens the door for speculation.
I’ve had a number of contacts come forward. Tell me that they will be working directly with the Iraqis in a very positive manner. To make certain that they become the.
Safe secure spot in the US. Even had a conversation with somebody that helped run things going into Fallujah. And they’re telling me that.
A lot has been decided within Iraq between the Iraq and the US. I should be very specific though within the Trump administration. To move forward that it is time to revalue and the US will have a presence there.
But it will be in conjunction with not in control of. Meaning we’ll be working as partners with them to secure the Middle East. I’m really excited about some of the news I’ve received today.
Has been pretty excited. Let’s keep moving. Can’t wait to see what Dr Scott has for us this evening.
Watching can be seen on high alert. 5000 troops deployed for the 60th presidential inauguration. Have you guys noticed that there’s a lot of back and forth under what.
The inauguration is which speaker a house. Some of these numbers aren’t matching. Could be the Republic.
I just wanted to add that may mean nothing, but we’ll see. Give it a week. I may sound like an idiot or may sound like a sage.
The sand is. DeSantis chooses Florida. A.G. Mashley.
Ashley Moody. Mashley. Can I make it? Mashley.
Audi. Ashley Moody to replace Rubio for the Senate. That one surprised me.
I did not think she was going to be the pick. Good pick. All right.
Let’s get to Dr Scott. Have you spelled? Yeah, a lot to spell here. Let me remove that.
Bring him in. How you doing? I’m good. How are you? Man, I’ve been.
It’s been a day. I know. I have no feelings.
I’ve been talking so much. Oh. Yeah.
It’s my 32nd anniversary. Oh. And you’re still here with us? Yeah.
Well, you know, you guys are important too. I’m going to need to call Wendy and see if it’s okay or if I need to kick you out of here. She’s good.
She actually our garage door broke today. So the garage door guy’s coming here in a minute. So super fun.
Yeah. Good times. Oh, I was thinking about your little statement about the gummies for sleep.
And I thought of this one patient. I’ve been doing my feel for 34 or 35 years, something like that. And my second year out.
I was working for an ear nose and throat clinic. And so we had these. We take impressions of ears.
So you mix up a material and you have this little injection mold thing. And you inject deep, deep down in the ear. So you kind of get real deep down the ear and you’re injecting, injecting in the ear.
And then the person feels really closed off. So we’re always sit, we always have these high up chairs where they would sit. And so I walk in the room and sometimes people’s eyes are closed.
It just happens. It’s not a big deal. But, you know, again, I’m like the second year out or whatever.
And this, this, I walk in the room with this patient and he’s got his eyes closed like this. And I start to like, you know, touch his ear to like pull out the impression. And he’s like, ah, he had narcolepsy and he would just, and he, then he, every time I turned around and we touch his ears, if I walked out of the room, he’s like, ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
And, you know, then I’ll do that on purpose for fun. Oh my God, it was just like, I was like, oh, like, oh, and then I saw it. I mean, you know, so the little sleep thing was kind of a weird thing for me.
And the dude had to show up and find me when I moved to a new clinic and I’m like, dang, I can’t have the narcolepsy dude that just always like screams and he’ll scream as loud as possible. possible like you’re snapping him. So anyway, that’s my story.
I’m sticking to it. Yeah, right. Should.
I found two good articles. I thought you guys might really like. So yeah, really.
You know what though, when you’re 32 years, it’s hard to remember before. I mean, you know, 32 years, I mean, I mean, I don’t even remember, you know, like, what it was before that time frame. It’s just weird, you know, very strange.
I mean, come on, that’s funny. That’s funny. That’s funny.
Gary seven posted a girl in a nudist column in a problem with fashion. Nothing looked great on her. Yeah, it does.
It really does. We got to snip it from the article stressing the need to organize these operations by switching to the forex market and implementing mechanisms, specifically IQD discussion mainstream media talking about it going on forex, like unrestricted, which means international guys, this I’m getting so excited. Dr. Scott, all right, if you’re anything good before we turn you loose.
My big thing to is there’s just a lot of chatter about what the inauguration means. And does the inauguration trigger more of the military effect, which then triggers the the conversations for RV kind of thing. So that’s kind of where I lean on with that too.
So that’s, you know, I mean, I think it’s one one thing I think is really fascinating date is I’ve been asked this many times. Why is he having a rally in DC on Sunday? I mean, and you go, I mean, like that literally makes no sense because, and I’ll kind of give you a couple of ideas that that have bothered me for a while. So when he does a rally, it’s, you know, it’s a lot of music.
And then, and you know, some people talking and then he gets up and have has his long speech, right? So don’t you think the inauguration is going to be kind of a rally? I mean, it’s a more sedate rally, but I couldn’t figure it out. And then I realized to what what Sunday the 19th is, it’s called popcorn day. I mean, it’s national popcorn day.
I just think that’s just too weird with that. It’s actually strangely poetic. I know 19th is like popcorn day.
How many of us have been talking about sitting here eating popcorn, watching the craziness? I mean, that’s that that’s such an interesting day. I just just find it fascinating with that too. So let me bring that on the screen, if you mind, and I’ll show you a couple of things.
This is something I found pretty dang fascinating. And I’m just kind of lean into this a little bit. When you think about the price of gold, no, we don’t have price really before this time frame.
Remember, this is Andrew Jackson time frame. So look at the price of gold as per the currency. And it stays almost dead on steady, even through the Civil War, which I find super fascinating with this too.
Now 1871, remember 1871, we have a change to the 1871 Constitution. And it goes up by a penny and it stays there too. So that’s an interesting date.
Something changed a little bit. Now it moves around a little bit. It doesn’t change very much.
And then we hit 1913. And yet it’s still, you know, 1892, right? 1914 between this and here is the Fed. So the Fed changes the price.
And then through World War One, it stays exactly the same. But after World War One, something changes. And it’s because we have the the peace treaty, the Versailles, peace for you lost the name for a second.
And that actually brought money in the coffers of the of the cabal. So we have them, you know, boosting up the power, or boosting up the price. Now I’m going to show you something kind of interesting.
So 1932 to 33, the price of gold is $20 and 60 cents. Dogs are freaking out with the background here. $20 is 60 cents.
And that’s what you had to turn in your gold. And you got that from the from the Fed, or from the federal government wherever you would say that. And then 1934, the price of gold goes to 34 bucks.
It stays stable all the way through, through even through the Brettonwood Conference, even though it kind of goes up and down a little bit. And then we have the 1971 timeframe, or right after that, it unpays to that situation. And then you see it just going up in dramatic fashion.
So so I would say one of the things I find fascinating about this whole thing is that, and there’s a lot of conversation of people going, yeah, but what might the price of gold be? It’s going to be dramatically higher than whatever 2800 that it is right now. So I just think that’s a fascinating part that you might look at with that too. I found an article that I thought makes no sense.
Now, think about this, and it just talks about the systemic look at gold back cryptocurrencies during COVID kind of timeframe. And I’m like, okay, it’s in October of 2021. So they’re talking about you know, a go back cryptocurrency.
And I’m going, okay, the article itself doesn’t bother me necessarily. But note that the National Library of Medicine or NIH is actually funding this particular thing. What the flock are they doing talking about go back currencies in relation to the to COVID? And so many people have remember Operation Warp Speed.
When you understand what Warp Speed is that people think, well, yeah, but that was for, you know, the jab and all the other stuff. Was it? This is one of the deepest points that I think it actually indicates that this was actually related to a gold back currency. So I found these two articles pretty darn fascinating.
I hope you guys find that that way too. So that’s the way I would kind of start with that kind of stuff too. So what kind of questions can we answer for you? See here, code was made for the jab.
Yes, it was with that too. Corn popped a well, I don’t know if we’re going to see him go out. I don’t know, we’ll see which one it is.
I was having too much fun with that one. I know. Yeah, Dr. Young at what point does the World Trade Organization make the announcement that Iraq has joined the organization or waiting for the R.I. or R.B. Yeah, to me, they’ll announce as soon as we have it.
I think some of the major organizations are going to only announce afterward. I don’t see them necessarily saying that. To me, I don’t either.
I mean, they announced Kuwait what 10, 11 days after it happened before they announced anything. I just don’t see it. I don’t see them going, Oh, here we go.
And just the same thing like we think about Nissara. Are they going to say, Nissara is here and like, no, they’re not going to do that. They’re going to go.
We fixed the IRS. Oh, now we fixed, you know, term limits, all portions of Nissara can’t back to any idea. Well, okay, when I first started looking at at ZIM, you know, it’s obviously a note.
And there was a strong conversation in the gold currency, or the gold treaty, excuse me, that you had to pay it, you know, for the exact amount of that of that. So for instance, 100 T note, you got $100 trillion. And I’m going, okay, that’s just a such a nutty number.
And I remember asking this question, like, how does the process work? And so what I was noticing, or what I was told a little bit is that, you know, the money comes out of you, it goes through treasury, treasury then pays the bank. So there are some fees that happen out there. Treasury then sends that money out to the particular country, you know, if it’s a rack, a rack in that way.
But then I was like, okay, yeah, but it, you know, but how does, you know, if someone has 10 100 T notes, I mean, that’s just on a godly number amount of money, that’s more than anyone could ever spend in any amount of lifetimes. And they go, wow, that’s when they kind of say, well, you know, it would be tronched over 30 years, and I’m going still again, it’s it’s a it’s a ridiculous amount of money. And you would actually go into debt just by putting an interest rate upon that number it, it doesn’t fit, you know, and that was one of the things.
What I was told, you know, later on, is that the Chinese the good ones were buying the ZEM at a discounted rate. And that’s when we started coming up with this idea of, you know, the 18 to 60 million per 100 T kind of thing. So that’s, that’s what I’ve heard.
I have a couple pups. One is a mini toy or one is a mini golden doodle. And the other one’s a toy ossie doodle.
And that’s the mini golden doodle is the one that’s barking like crazy with the the guy out out front working on stuff. So do I think the military will happen inauguration happen. Here’s what the lawyer that I had was mentioning I have this guy Roger and his statement is this.
So Trump is out front. He’s giving the, you know, getting the inauguration, you know, swear on the Bible kind of thing. He has to go back and sign some of the papers for his oath of office.
And his statement was he thinks that there’s some executive orders he’s going to do the secret kind of executive orders in the back. And then he was kind of saying then, you know, then you come forward, you go through, you know, much of the pomp and circumstance with Arlington and then into the White House blah, blah, blah, blah, you’ve been walking around and going to the White House. And then they do the major executive orders that are out out in front.
Does the oath of office trigger the military? Does the oath of office trigger something, you know, to to what everyone was waiting around for? Don’t know. So, along until Trump team policy has taken effect. I’m not sure I understand that one.
Trump team policy. I don’t know if I could make sense of that one. Yeah, just like in general, all the changes.
Oh, I’ll apologize. I think I think the policy is going to take a lot of time. Listen, the financial piece is like this.
Okay, but making sense of it, dealing with what the markets will do, dealing with the term limits, you know, each piece is going to have to be done. And and again, I love what my friend Roger, you know, the the lawyers talking about, you after you do, you take out the rats, you have to take out the roads that led the rats to the position that they’re in. So you have to cut all of the ties that allowed this kind of stuff, which is a huge amount of legal entanglement.
You know, when you look at how bill bills are done, and they put these earmarked pieces on there, and then you get these hundreds and thousands of pages of bills, you see the entanglement issues that have to be, you know, basically repealed left and right. Some people go, well, aren’t you going to repeal everything back to the 19th, you know, president? Yes, but it doesn’t mean that every single thing, like social security, would that be is that a bad thing? Hey, listen, FDR did a lot of socialist things, but that isn’t necessarily one of the things I want to delete, you know, so will house prices revert back to 71? First off, houses, I mean, prices of things, I mean, you might look at a house and say, I mean, because my parents bought a house in 72. So they bought this house, and we were on five acres.
And I don’t remember the square footage of that particular place. And that was, you know, it was it was bought for 50,000, right? But it’s a much more simple house than than today. So can you compare the house of 71 to now? You can’t compare it.
So if we’re if we’re saying real comparisons with with technology in there, you’re going to see the prices down, but it is not going to be tied to a number of a year. I just don’t believe that with that too. I also believe that some prices are not going to reflect a huge drop in prices because people the market will ask for it to be up there.
So sorry, I don’t know enough about HCL to give you any answers on that one. I’m not, that’s not my area with it too. He signs the first oath of office and goes through the optics inside kind of a reverse order.
It might it might be. I think I I’m guessing for the most part because we’re not just talking about, you know, the monetary part that that we all are more interested in. You still have to deal with exposure, you know, the external exposure, the deletion of the media, all the stuff that you’ve got to deal with, and that has to occur.
So there is a trigger point. So it’s I always think about this. And I think back in June 5, 1944, not like I was there, but when you study the date, you know, Eisenhower was the last guy.
He had the go or no go response. So once the go is given, and again, it had to be the day before because you had to launch, you know, the airborne and drop them in behind enemy lines. And the, you know, the boats had to go out for the next day.
So when you have the trigger event, you know, his written trigger event, there’s a whole load of things, host of things. Could that trigger event happened days and days before? We see the end result. That’s been playing in my mind as well, too.
So that’s just something to think about. I mean, play with some theories. So 119.
So let me let me read that through a closer here would be used to announce Nisara Epstein, MSM, as Grassley takes over, you know, until the real inauguration of March 5th. No, I’m I’m telling there’s some weird conversations about a potential delay. But I’d be asking the question, why are we delaying Trump to March 4th? Do we do we need to delay all the way out to that time frame? You know, I think we have to show an insulation of the president to protect him and to protect his legacy.
And but you know, the president still pushes in in essence pushes the first button. Then the rest of it just think about like the nuclear football. He’s put in, you know, he’s not inputting codes.
He’s given codes and says go. And then that triggers a whole load of other things. And so I don’t think that takes super long.
I mean, you know, from now to March, you know, I think that would be kind of a long time frame. So I would say if if it was a trigger point and you had to have a bit of a delay, does Grassley take over for a little bit? Sure. Maybe.
Well, there’s a really weird statement or a tired person in there is I love your still your meme in there too. Trump has had on his hat 45 dash 47. And it basically says a continuation with that too.
I don’t know. I know everyone would love it to him to say 19th president. I think that would be so beautiful to see that too.
So if the interest rate is say 2% versus 18% today a big change in the house prices. Yes. But remember what what we still had at the time frame is 2% compound interest versus 2% simple interest or 6% you know, simple interest versus 6% compound interest.
Number one, you’re not going to see compound interest. So whatever rate we see that hope, you know, homes they’ll still going to be a loan ability. And whether it’s one, two, three, four, whatever, percent, or some type of number, I still think it’s going to be a simple interest kind of payment.
So that’s cool. His trumpet is in reality. They’ve been the president of the background, perhaps the events of this one weekend are just optics.
Oh, my gosh, Kirby 100%. I think more than anything, these are all optics. In essence, I’m trying to think of how this this might be.
I’m this might not be perfect. And Mark will kind of get this reference. But what does it mean to be an interim head coach versus a head coach? I mean, seriously, so the biggest Raiders.
So they’re Oakland. They’re still Oakland to me. And so they, they fired their head coach.
And they had what’s his name that just got fired. And he’s been there for like a year and a half. So he was an interim head coach for like five or six games.
And then he’s been given the full title. But when you count the number of wins that he has, it includes the interim title. And what if that’s a little bit of this too? What if, you know, the essence of it is he’s been the interim president all the way through.
So I have not seen that particular thing. I know that is like just last few hours written. Supposedly, there’s a judgment like, yeah, all right, this is for I mean, this may be like, no Sarah slapping us in the face.
Well, it could be the comp or it could be compound. Yeah, exactly compound interest. I mean, if I really have to read that one.
Boy, I got to write it down here. So Zachary Moore versus Alliance. You just kicked my butt here.
So I mean, in a good way, this one’s been breaking since I’ve been working this afternoon. This one. So I’m, yeah, I’m chasing it as well.
I’ve been running all day long too. So I even slowed down. I will check on that one and see if I can do a video on that too.
So, but I mean, it easily could be just talking about the compound interest in how they’re illegally done or it could be talking about what I talked about from the beginning. Contract law stipulates two sides have to sign it and two sides never sign those things to it. If military takes over and then sorry, it’d be 120 day period.
And, and, you know, I used to think about that 120 day period is like this hard and fast. You got to have 120 days. So X to Y. And what if that 120 days is a recommendation? What if that’s one of the, the changes that you have to do? Because maybe it says within 120, that’s one of those I wish I still had access to the that’s what I that’s what it said.
It literally said within 120 days. But what if what if that has to be changed? Because if you do what we all think it’s going to be done is you basically have to wipe the whole slate clean. I mean, all the way down to city councils, this is I know this sounds crazy to most people.
But do you go all the way down through the state levels and the city levels? And, you know, when do you not stop? Because most of those, I mean, I’m talking to the Doge people in the Oklahoma area and through the Freedom Caucus people, I’m going to have freedom caucus person on. Do you know how much on Kamal influences is down on the city level? It’s it’s all the way through. So you have to flush the thing through.
So how do you present to the American people, you know, Joe and Jim and John, all these people that need to run for office, how will people know about it? Will they have a, you know, really kind of cool website that has been vetted so that you can be able to put your information on and it could be available for everyone to see? I mean, might that take six months to kind of put all that stuff together? Would we all be upset about that? I wouldn’t as long as it’s going forward, you know, so just a thought there. What’s important is going to change so much in the coming days for folks? Henry with a question. So if the RV of Iraq goes, doesn’t Assad not activate same thing? Yeah, yeah.
I mean, in essence, the RV, what most people keep missing. And these are the other these other kind of RVs guys that get on this conversation, they keep missing. The RV starts with the gold back currency.
I mean, it you, there are the some of the one in 10% in the nine percenters that have to be paid. There are a couple things that have to be paid before, you know, Nisara actually starts. But what everyone’s focusing on for the moment of this thing happening is a gold back currency.
When that flips, everything changes around you. So that’s that’s the key element element with that too. To clear its sovereignty and intent.
Now I’m curious. I’ll look it up here, but I think I think where most people are going on this is, you know, have we? What does the QFS do do the QFS actually is a part of making you sovereign? I mean, that’s really some of the coolest parts out there. All right, Derek, straightenings, re-inhabitated.
Two-part, well, one, Derek, we could always drag you on here to explain it to us sometime, if you would like. Family Man, Dr. Scott, two parties actually do sign mortgage documents. The bank has an officer sign and doors documents without your knowledge of yeah, without your knowledge or consent.
Think about that for a second. You know, but who executes the document? It’s the title company. You know, you got title company does does the real banker sign it.
And and one of the ways that you get around this kind of thing is you have someone else sign it so that you have like a, you know, I didn’t know kind of thing. This is what I’ve been seeing on there too. And even if they’re in the technicality of the law, it’s it’s not it’s not really correct with that too.
Sure, source employee. Yeah, this is there’s going to be a lot of those. I mean, is he I don’t know, expose them? Is he bringing them in because they’re reformed? Is he bringing them in because they know the inside and can help? I mean, there’s no way out if you just said to, he said, I don’t see any reason why the treasury needs to have a CBDC.
I mean, like I was getting sitting and going, thank you. Okay, so if money is safe, will it not be sold? Okay, first off, the whole point of the part that I never understood years and years ago when I was looking at some of the Nisara documents, and I actually kind of saw documents wait for some of the the original other documents and the real conversation was is how do you have financial privacy? I didn’t get it until I started to understand what the QFS does because the QFS in the blockchain, so it’s a distributed ledger blockchain. So what it does is it it’s you are the only one that has access to that.
You have to allow someone else to have access for that moment in time, whatever that might be. So in essence, it can’t be stolen that way. So it and what we keep hearing over and over again from those people have gone through specific classes on on their on the QFS that that’s that’s coming is that it is a trust in and of itself.
Now, that’s kind of why Mark has been so right on this whole thing all the way through. It doesn’t mean that you don’t want to have trust in other ways. I mean, because, you know, trust aren’t just for the money, trust are for legacies and other kinds of things.
So, I mean, that’s just a thought. You know, trust for so many other things. That’s just it caused people nothing at this point to get educated on this one.
And by the way, no one has the ability to do to do the type of trusts that people are going to want in a constitutional republic. I mean, there’s not it. They’re doing their best version of a common law trust.
But I mean, I put money on the fact, everyone I’m going to have to be adjusted a little after this goes unless I’m just like totally missing it. And that’s possible. Okay, so I’m going to I’m going to try to get this kind of shorter when I love this question.
I mean, how do you feel about it as a Christian? I mean, I keep your vibration up do this. And I just want to constantly remind people, you know, no man come with under the Father but through me. No woman, no man, no man come, whatever.
I mean, make, I mean, put Jesus in God. I mean, you got to get that through your head. This isn’t a feel good, sit around your drum circle.
If you believe that, that is one of the first things we learned. If you read the Bible, they were given to you as lies. It’s feel good.
Right. I mean, we got to blend the two, but we can’t separate the two. All right, I’m leaving this one to you before I get myself in trouble.
No, no, I mean, I don’t disagree with you almost at all on that one because that’s another way of thinking about this. But you know, I came into 2020 asking the question, are we in the end times? And and then when I started to look at, you know, what’s happening and the the PPP loans and and all this stuff on the sardah, I kept asking the question, is that Mark of the Beast? Is that end time stuff? And the answer was no. And I had to realize what and why it was there.
What I also found over, you know, the last several years here is what I would pull apart scriptures. What I found is there are scriptures that were fulfilled in obviously in Old Testament timeframes. There were scriptures that were fulfilled for the first coming of Jesus.
There are first there are scriptures that are referring mostly to the early church or church ages on a general basis. And there are end time scriptures. But what I started finding is there’s these weird scriptures that don’t fit with the first coming or the second coming of Jesus.
And they were really referring to a potential time frame, which I like to call this Scott word, no one else’s word, a post-asar time frame. It’s it’s for a time frame before I believe the Lord is coming back. And so I frame everything in my life.
I’ve got a short time frame before the Lord comes back. I have got a massive work that he needs me to do. And I’m asking every single day, what do I do today to prepare for that time frame.
So that’s how I look at that. And possibly prepare. We don’t know the timing, thief in the night, whatever, but I’m going to keep preparing.
And I am working. I’m moving a link from Derek to you guys because I have no idea what it is either. Christ Scott, see, I don’t know cue ball.
That worries me. Christ, conscience, whatever know, it’s Christ. I have no idea what Christ consciousness is.
I really don’t. I mean, I know what people think they think it means, but it’s not anywhere in scripture. So you want to bring something up.
That’s fine. Baseball wasn’t talked about in scripture too, but that’s okay. The principles of rules and fairness and other kinds of things, we can kind of get what that sport is about.
But to bring in some, you know, quasi-Christian thing, hey, listen, you don’t have to be a believer in Christ. You really don’t. I’m not, I’m not asking for people that I’m around to always be Christians.
That is not, that’s not my desire, my desire is for that. But that’s not my push for every little situation that I’m just beating you up with the Bible thing. But when you start bringing over, you start stealing words from the from the Bible and you want to apply them to the world.
And I go like, I say, you know, people say all the time, we’re in biblical times. I go, well, no, I don’t care what the 17th letter says, we’re not biblical times yet. So, yeah.
Oh, geez, I just noticed a time like holy smokes, we’ve been going a long time. I know. I’m like, whoa.
Billy Bush master said, I believe we’re living in a little season before after a thousand year reign of Christ. First off, I believe it’s called post-millennialism, but I would disagree with you on that, that viewpoint. Scripturally, I believe that we are pre-tribulational pre-millennial reign.
So anyway, we forfeit a redemption appointment if we cash in some of our currency. Okay, this is my thing. I cannot verify this 1000% on it.
But if Joe gets, has X number of currency, he goes in on Tuesday, make up a date. And then he has, well, you have till next Tuesday to get to come back and bring in your other currency. What if he goes out and spends every dime he could come up with and buys a whole bunch more currency, and then everyone buys more currency, he tells all of his friends to do the same thing.
And we’ve overloaded some of the system with that too. What if a whole bunch of people do the exact same thing, and now you devalued that system? I just don’t see it. I think it’s a bad idea.
And I wouldn’t trust that in a heartbeat at all. So I’m with you. All right, anything you want to add before we wrap this up? I mean, we could keep going for the next like three hours, but now I’m pretty good.
That’s, you know, just love answering you guys’ question with that too. One, I mean, I straight up, I could be wrong. I’m going to totally reserve the right to be hardly hardly wrong.
I think we’re going to be before next Thursday. You’re going to join us? I’ll be here. I mean, now, I mean, I will definitely, I heard you talking about, you know, something on rates and stuff like that, or, you know, some, some other idea.
I just got to say, I think, I think the NDA might be pretty restrictive. I just don’t know. Yeah, totally depends on if they hit us with one or not.
And I did like your statement too, Mark, that you were talking about, you know, what would happen if it goes beyond the 20th? Hey, listen, I’m in for the whole thing. I have asked that same question. I’m in, it doesn’t matter how long I’m in because I cannot get away from the financials, the financial pressures that are happening on the world.
What is it going to take for the button to get pushed? I don’t know that answer. But that’s what I’m in for for the whole thing. I know fundamentals win.
I just don’t know when. Yep. They always win.
It’s an inevitability. Just like the sun sets, the sun comes up, it’s an inevitability. God loves you.
You probably don’t deserve it. I know I don’t, but he still loves me. It’s just one of those just count on it.
It’s guaranteed. That always makes me feel a little better. All right.
Anyway, it’s all right. Dr. Scott, thank you for joining us. Always.
My money, by the way, I will tell you this. I used to my money money, my own personal money, and made Wendy God and get some earrings too. So, yeah.
That’ll be a good thing. Somebody just said, David, the Narri Valley, same way as the Turkish Learr were all screwed. One million Learr became one Learr.
No, fortunately, Iraq has been very clear on that. It’s the reverse. Yeah.
David, that is just a re-denomination. That is not a change, a re-evaluation, a re-instatement. That is just, they just bring you new bills and took off some zeros or edits on.
That’s what Venezuela did. That’s what the YMR Republic did. That is nothing.
And Iraq has been extremely specific that they will raise the purchasing power and issue lower denominations. Similar to how Germany did it coming out of World War II. After the YMR Republic, similar to how Japan did it coming out of World War II.
Similar to how Iraq has done it three times in the 1900s. Similar to how Kuwait did it. Now, they’ve been very clear.
Don’t worry about that one, David. All right. Now we’re getting out of here.
Do you want to wave goodbye or do I have to wave goodbye for you? I pick up your hand here and like wave. Can we do that here? You wave your left hand and I’ll pretend I’m like waving it for you see? Perfect. Well done.
See you guys tomorrow.