Coffee with MarkZ. 01/14/2025
hello all Bobby happy belated hopefully you recovering from that uh hospital visit hello Annabelle’s mom hello Kevin hello shett depal hello Katja hello miss Lynn K staff flight level tippa Brier girl Hello Jack and Danielle hello Miss Sharon way what do you know are Delby there are moments when one has to choose between living one’s own life fully entirely completely dragging out some false shallow degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands a’t that the truth waiting for more people to figure that
one out today we have Ali’s 16th sweet 16 enjoy hello dink art jart Taho tobo Lany right uh Lany it is it’s important people got to learn to live instead of living everybody else’s life live their own let’s see Shirley’s 82nd today Tracy’s Mom Shirley surely we’re there right hello Hill Country Texas hello gravity fil hello Greg let’s see complete the secondary yeah isn’t it getting exciting Greg we got a few more little pieces out of parliament today from Iraq that uh uh kind of give us a little bit of warm and fuzzy hello Harry
and the Hendersons uh Marine up I’m praying it’s now hello Teresa uh yeah fully realize that uh Martin Luther King Day and the presidential inauguration the same day and generally it’s my brother’s birthday well not generally but on January 20th Jesus believer has see uh mevin representing New Hampshire in the house ah boy I’m gonna try to forget right norin it’s not my birthday dorine can we celebrate anyways you know we want to celebrate with you hello Jeff Demers UFO Wisconsin this is do a fly yeah Yoda do
a flyby and pick me up Ser UFO Wisconsin this is not the weather you’re looking for right have a Little Star Wars Fun Bob I don’t think so at this point Bob want to know if I think it could uh stretch into February I don’t think so at this point I’m just not getting anything indicating or pointing to it yeah Tommy shago really is a prime time to do it I mean prime time to do it with the extended weekend of Martin Luther it really is festivities going on for three days around the inauguration 18th 19 actually
four days I guess 18th 19th 20th itself and then the 21st with the National Day of Prayer following reading a few of these hello M stock and Beach brat whip are you keeping them straight hello Vicky braz brail let’s see how much time I’m told we have at least 30 days Jeffrey good to see you in the house hello Diane before I can forget a Cutting Edge 2024 study reveals nearly half of all adults in the United States oh wait a minute guys that’s not what I’m supposed to be talking about this morning it’s still
true um I am supposed to to be uh talking about uh stop what you’re doing and ask yourself this food supply collapse tomorrow how long would you survive it really is I mean guys this happens a week three days the harsh reality is most people wouldn’t even make it that long look around a catastrophic event biblical proportions is looming prices skyrocketing crops failing cyber attacks natural disaster solar flares terrorist attacks and more put us at risk of not being able to eat or provide food for
our family so I’m protecting my family that risk with famine fighter and wouldn’t want to be caught in a disaster without it famine Fighters designed to help my family not only survive but Thrive with 16 scrumptuous varieties of food and long-term storage the long-term food storage solution includes beef white chicken uh buttermilk pancakes macaroni and cheese honey wheat bread chocolate pudding and so much more plus all the food is stored in thick Ultra durable packaging securing its quality for
months or years do your family favor secure your food storage while they are having a New Year special only at surviv before disaster strikes plus if you order now you also receive 30day risk-free trial and free copies of final famine and the red dragon report once again that is survival the Link’s in the description it’s easier than remembering survival it’s in twitch and Rumble wait not in twitch Rumble in YouTube Liberty having fun with some of you guys that’s it I’m getting hungry too let’s
do it David David’s birthday the beloved Son of be me up who in their right logical mind would want to wait right no I’m with you it’ be like wh I mean if you just had surgery and you have to wait a few days or a week or something we understand but I’ll be like a uh I’ll be like a Charlie’s Daniels song guys it’ll be gravel flying uh asses are catching and all those things for oh what was that one uneasy Rider I think was the uh or was it the do drop in I’m trying to remember the name of that song you won’t have to worry about the
door hitting me in the butt I’ll be in and out like uh time for happy dance please pray I’m having surgery this Friday for a biopsy to remove a mask in my right hip doctor thinks it’s benim but we’ll send it to pathology to confirm thanks for your prayers it is going to be benign praying for you time for happy dance Penny need stuff that lasts a century we can like start working towards some really good like free free R then we got 25 years uh norin I was wondering how this P Pete hexit guys one of the most
controversial as we hit the is going to be considered his toughest appointment or at least the one that’s going to get run through the ringer the most um Pete hearings on first uh first five solid minutes he was trashed and bashed and he’s handling it like a man he is a man he’s uh he’s strong Cory heard reports of Golden Gate Bridge shut down due to deteriorating from lack of Maintenance not California folks in California sound off with any updates on that one so we can get the truths wow holy smokes are you sure you
meant to do that confort Dent one because that is unreal blowing me away don’t know what to say uh thank you but totally understand if that was a uh mistake on the finger and the clicker uh trout whisper good morning to all we are all growing stronger together from the Mustang Racers good to see you trout Whisperer and thank you watching the Pete H there was just an outburst from the audience you guys are going to have to keep me up to speed as we jump in on everything else I love Texas team roper folks
already being thrown out of Pete’s questioning for heckling it’s going to be controversial guys we we are in for I’m surprised the circus didn’t start already that it waited this long I mean they’re not even expecting nearly as many protesters or demonstrators at Trump’s inauguration as originally uh that they were anticipating uh young at heart uh welcome thank you guys for your dedication as well Mark 7D just said who knows I saw an AI post that said the rate was changed to 347 last month and we’ be able to
exchange it February we’re just getting close we got a lot of confused information out there yeah Steve good to see you in the house faltisco some protesters got kicked out of the heads with uh hearing two outbursts no make that three oh an VD says I don’t think we will have an inauguration if he is still present what do you guys think I still think we’re GNA have one at least four appearances what is you all’s take third Outburst Saturday is supposed to be an anti-trump Trump rally Lily Pad they should be very very
careful because seems like the FBI likes to implant people now I’m serious they they do Ian we’ve seen it we documented it Todd I think the Greenland deal is viable um for those that don’t know Denmark has reached out to the Trump crew and said hey look can we ratchet down we will agree to a much closer relationship with the US and Military for Greenland we can just back off this one so it is interesting to watch this one move forward uh Rachel says no inauguration if it is a ritual for the corporation song and verse it does make
you wonder if the white hats are actually in mostly full control I expected major interference and protest since the election still cautiously wondering what’s next song and verse I’m the same way I’m just waiting am I missing something are we stronger than we thought Are we more in control are we just waiting for the next shooter drop Sue I wish they would do a private inauguration for safety too we got so many more important things to tackle Tommy I’m with you said Barrett Jackson starts this weekend come on
RV 80% strong I’m reading a few I know we need to get to let’s get to it uh wait I missed one bear with me philanthropic where can I get info on magic mushroom mud doing curing PTSD boy this one is an easy one I’ve put together links on this before I don’t know where where they’re at now um let’s see mush rooms for PT SD all I’m going to do is a search actually probably your best place to do this search if all you do is do a search philanthropic for mushrooms for PTSD uh you will get a number of
Articles um from some from you know Feelgood magazines some from uh University studies scientific studies uh but you’ll get a bunch of them you can also if you want to do keep it brief to start with you can just go to YouTube and do the same search I’m gonna go to YouTube punching the search parameters which is simply uh mushrooms for PT P SD and hit it and you will see psychedelic drugs cured my PTSD according to this gentleman this veter use magic mushrooms to treat PTSD wants them to be decriminalized I can’t tell you how many
military folks that I had that were non the one in particular he was absolutely nonfunctional he wasn’t there for his family his marriage was on the Rocks he couldn’t be there for the kids uh the waking up the sweating the trying to self-medicate I mean it was rough and he gave it a shot um just mic producing I’m not talking about going having trips sitting around playing drums in circles out in the woods nothing like that guys I’m talking about a medical science-backed approach to it and within a few months it only took a
few months he was back living with the wife the family happy uh being there as a father and this is guys we’re going on seven eight years ago and he is still solid from that treatment um it’s yeah I can’t share enough just how I have seen that change people’s lives not a doctor do your research uh Floyd Greenland has an existing US Air Base and a 1950s 60s new discovered deep underground military base I have heard about ba military Dums there and uh possible um submarine bases all right let’s get to it
guys what was that was that anything good oh that was a decent update going on over here uh from uh the mountains if you guys have been keeping up with it I’ll include it in links by Jason Ward coordination framework soon we will vote on amending the budget law we’ve had our first two readings guys they are sending tables and demanding the rest of the tables this amendment will solve part of the financial and oil dispute between Baghdad and herbal uh we’ve seen major progress in the last couple of days
today particularly last three days have been big days for Iraqi Parliament uh budget and rate potential Iraq to create a new state-owned bank uh we’ve been talking about this for a few days I’m certain militia man crew have uh touched on it racki cabinet has approved significant banking reforms including the establishment of a new Innovative financial institution named rafadan First Bank government will be a 24% stakeholder uh uh another 24% going to General Public 51% being retained by the bank itself as they
modernize uh with their current structures and focus on Exchange I’m I’m enjoying these things guys you’re watching them lay the groundwork everything shabibi said they would need to do everything that uh Sudani said they would need to do I mean we’re just watching this this execution at a at a really solid clip on everything they said they need to do to support their value and lift the purchasing power of all Iraqis this is so important and lift the purchasing power of all Iraqis Trek for life thank you very much for that
just said blessings for our family let’s keep going Economist describes the establishment of the First rfam Bank as an excellent step these are uh just more of these you can see from different news outlets in the region how excited they are about the progress I am as well a news the Region’s commitment to deliver oil revenues is a prerequisite for guaranteeing the salaries of its employees a lot of Back in Forth in Iraq the Kurdish region uh whether the Kurds send don’t send in the dollars but they
are dedicated to fix the issue uh so that they can solve HCL and we do have uh voting going on on that front as we speak we just just discussed it backtrack to those AR Les really good progress between herbal and Baghdad in the last few days I love this one Iraq enjoys stability and is about to prosper economically and has returned to its influential role in the region uh this is according to Al mashhadani that Iraq andjoy civility is about to prosper economically what is that mean to you about to prosper
economically like suddenly somebody’s flipping a switch they’ve laid all this groundw I mean are we going to like yeah and in the future we are going to prosper no we are about to prosper anybody paying attention they are telling you that’s the fun part on Iraq uh from the bond side we still have a lot of Hope most of mine pointing between the 16th and the 22nd we’ll see how it goes guys I’m still still extremely hopeful uh groups been very quiet Indian nations have been nearly silent uh on me since uh Friday or
Saturday i’ have to go back through my notes so I just don’t have much from any of those sources because they have been quiet uh Denver girl alone no update on the Zim story yet my goal today is to properly finish tracking it down yeah nothing like getting attacked under false pretenses cantion out of the influential role in the region boy it seems to be an American go-to for a foreign policy in the past hopefully we can correct that I was excited about this one all right World politics Laney thank you Miss Sunshine
Laney uh lit you don’t have enough information on the Zim for me to share it uh I’m trying to track down a better idea of rates from a source that says they have some really solid information on it uh they’re going to try what do we do with digital what do we learn sorry I’m just watching these all right Susan once again there’s nothing to tell yet I’m tracking it down uh Native American when we refer to Indian Nation I will always refer to India the nation or the Indian nations I will make it a point when I’m
referring to India when I’m referring to the country otherwise assume I’m talking about the Indian nations here in the US oh dear Jesus Todd that would be a long one I’ve done it before to was just saying would love to hear a story of your work history boy that’d be a long one I’ve done it a few times it is about time to uh go down uh Memory Lane again at some point just for those that are curious all right the key of independent 65 oil tankers drop anchor after latest us sanctions against Russia according to a
Reuters report called The Shadow Fleet there about 180 ships worldwide supposedly that don’t mind kind of pushing it with oil from different regions hey look you buy it they’ll get it to you they have parked a bunch the US and British sanctions going hard after Russia and Iran and any in between 64 more tankers just like all right fine we’ll drop anchor if you want to keep playing this game we’ll drop anchor watch what happens to oil prices in the coming days or weeks as these ships drop anchor meaning they’re going to have to
pay more for unsanctioned oil a lot more what does that tell you as we get closer to Trump’s inauguration they’re doing their absolute best to crash uh or well actually to Jack oil prices Etc up they want to make it really uncomfortable so that what your memory is is a really crappy World When Donald Trump is inaugurated they’re trying to make that mental hook trust me on that one guys they won’t admit it but that’s exactly what they are trying to do they want you to associate uh the name and his rise to
power with crap now don’t forget there’s nothing he could have done in the last four years because he’s not in office he hasn’t passed any laws executive orders Etc according to them play along with a movie but they want him to be responsible for it on the 20th before he even takes an inauguration so that you have the mental hook of how bad it was how unsettled it was I was just watching uh everybody’s G Whiz It’s me trying not to curse I’m trying trying to uphold right all right let’s just reading all you guys
um free energy incoming well we’ll still need oil for lubricants and there will be a transition period reading a few of these then going back to it Greg really not a whole lot of significance to this one all other than Iraq getting more and more uh Prestige these things rotate as to who has the presidency of the g77 uh China meeting anyways uh emerging economies uh they’ve got their own things within un Etc different groups to to work together to build their economies to partner up Etc Iraq’s foreign minister they’re going to assume
the president for a year next year it’ll be somebody else kind of like bricks one year this country is in charge of bricks the next year another country is in charge of bricks don’t read too much into that one Greg is the short of that other than if they are allowing the country to take positions like this again that means that they’re in good standing they’re becoming prominent again they’re becoming leaders again which is very important because they say give a safe stable and will’ll give you
a new increased rate there’s going to be your takeaway all right Chinese money suppli is about to become a global Central Bankers Nemesis what does that mean I’ve been telling you guys that China is been on the Rocks very very it’s a hot potato right now waiting for it to uh pop because their economy has been in the crapper for so long they have finally switched in hopes that they can bail some of them out to WID scale printing in other words increasing that M1 monetary Supply we know what happens
when they do that we tried that in the US with uh covid funding and then by took it to a whole new level uh greatly increased inflation well now Chinese the world’s largest manufacturing base is printing money left and right which means the largest manufacturing country in the world is going to fuel the Flames of inflation if we do not go to a sound money or an asset back money this will force the issue because it will rip through Europe and then the US you guys cont track the monetary Supply we can go deeper on these if
somebody wants to I doubt anybody really wants to but any time you crank up your M1 you invite inflation always the question is does it take six months or 18 months to bite you in the butt them as a larg largest producing company means it will buy extra hard because they’re not just a consumer they’re the manufacturer and a consumer Biden T’s foreign policy Legacy says he’s leaving Trump a stronger us this is probably where you guys like clutch your stomachs laughing and roll out of your seats or spit your coffee
all over your computer screen or your phone however you’re watching me this morning or listening laughing as you’re going down the road Biden truly believes this he believes he has left Trump a much stronger us he claims he hasn’t started a single War he claims that manufacturing’s better the economy’s better the people are better do you have any idea what he’s done for you all you folks that have lost your houses become homeless lost everything you’re confused Biden’s been really good for you according to
Joe Biden the postc Cold War period is over a new era has begun Biden said noting that despite fa multiple crisis and tests over the past four years the United States has emerged stronger all right the post Cold War period is no you just reignited the Cold War period we just descended into another cold war this time instead of just uh the US and Russia it’s the US Russia China and Iran all fighting over military superiority uh so yeah you missed on this one A new challenge will certainly emerge in the months and years ahead but
even so it’s clear my Administration is leaving the next Administration with a very strong hand to play know we have a moderately strong hand to play despite you uh I just said to me this is just nuts throughout of speech Bon focused on his accomplishments aiming to reassure Americans that the country is in a much stronger position and compared to its adversaries here’s the thing you would not need to convince us if we were in a much stronger position after four years that’s a thing about your record you
don’t have to tout your record your record touts itself unfortunately for the Biden Administration and the left that’s exactly what’s happening your accomplishments and your reputation is damning you because well what you’ve done how you’ve behaved your policies but I am getting a kick out of the incredibly Herculean effort to spin this thing as a win when Putin invaded Ukraine he thought he’d conquer Kev in a matter of days Biden said the truth is since that War Began I’m the only one that stood in
the center of Kev not him he said referring to his surprise and historic visit to Ukraine right how does that fit just kind of curious I did I got such a hoot out of this one makes me want to go back to putting more videos on trolling News Network Trump’s inauguration schedule released I thought you guys would find this one interesting for the days going up to it it is a multi-day about a 4-day event starting on the 18th next uh weekend was it next Friday guys did I get that one right no wait no next
Saturday a reception and fireworks will be held at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling Virginia reception for cabinet nominees and dinner hosted by vice president elect J Vance this is on uh Saturday the 18th we’re going to move to the 19th Trump a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Arlington uh Victory rally at Capital One Arena home of the Washington Wizards and Washington Capitals on the 19th and then Trump will host a candl light dinner now we’re going to go to the 20th the actual day of the inauguration
zester and I are planning guys the schedule for next Monday will be different I will do my normal morning in between a long day of lives it will change his schedule of mine we will be doing them over at Liberty on Maine all right Inauguration Day the day will begin with the service of St John’s Church after the church service Trump will have a tea at the White House with Biden well Joe and Jill at noon Trump will take the oath of office at the US capital the oath reads I do solemnly swear or affirm that I
will Faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States boy I think a few past presidents did not pay proper attention to that oath after saying goodbye to Biden vice president Cala Harris the president will hold a signing ceremony near the Senate chamber will he will likely sign nominations so that his cabinet selections can be confirmed expeditiously the lunch will be hosted by The Joint Congressional committee on
inaugural ceremonies boy I wonder if they feel important which organizes the inauguration events including the swearing in ceremony prior of the parade the capital uh well prior to the parade from the capital of the White House the president will review the troops this part really these parts scare me parade down Pennsylvania Avenue at the White House Trump will hold a signing ceremony where he is expected to sign a flurry of executive orders Trump will attend and address three inaugural balls the
commander-in chief’s ball the Liberty inaugural ball and the Starlight ball I guess what I’m saying is there will not be a Monday night stream because we will be streaming all day over at Liberty and Maine up through the early evening hours now the day after this is uh Call It The Hangover party call it whatever you want the final uh cherry on top of the Sunday trp Will trump will attend the National Prayer service concluding inaugural activities it’s G to be a busy day see today tomorrow and Friday there are
confirmation hearings happening in DC Pam Bondi is on the docket today second hearing on Friday Kos is not scheduled this week I’ve read that there are enough votes for all the trumps should be enough votes for all of them but we got to go through the whole crazy party right yeah I pray you’ll have a lot of protection the country does not need that right now the world does not need that right now je Ty is preferable to btan speeches you guys are killing me reading some of these I like that Rita said Inauguration
Day prayer meeting at my home at 9:00 amm was celebration and Gathering after yeah get a tea taster I don’t think I would want that job yeah Woody we all love the way Biden handled Afghanistan Ohio Tennessee North Carolina California border crossing crime and American inflation did I miss anything big uh Woody I’m trying to think I mean because there’s been so many epic moments for him right uh I would like to point out guys don’t forget we still have people that have devastated and lost everything in
Florida uh so many folks in Western North Carolina Eastern Tennessee Northern Georgia Etc that we sometimes forget but we do right there are tons of people that FEMA and our government have neglected all over the country but I don’t want to forget those from natural disasters in Florida as well as well of course what we’ve got going on California right now it really is sbm or SB McFall too many epic moments to list you could not list them all Lily p hearing we have a gut Punch coming yet Trump to be taken out optically for the
military take over until a real election I don’t know what do you guys think is there another shoe going to fall is it just because of what we’ve been through are we just suffering from our own version of BTSD and we’re just waiting for the next gut punch the next plants from a three-letter agency of some sort in our daily lives to fill us with unrest and craziness or to divide us a lot of people are in that and I I I really praying for the best hoping for the best expecting the best but I will
admit I got a little PTSD from the politics of the last 10 years in America I haven’t looked at the Dell Karen they are expecting a bounce oh wait oh it’s just up 160 points nothing big right now right now it’s just a consolidation after many days down you saw the same thing guys in 29 you saw a little correction then you saw a skew uh the big drop hasn’t hit yet if we follow anything historic all right we got another uh one that we are going to call the wrap on uh articles here before Ron the inventor
joins us from Walter’s best choice he’s coming on this morning don’t know what he’s got in store but he’s always fun supposed to be a traumatic traumatic week not just stock market volatility actual martial law level chaos I would not be surprised going into this weekend us Corp is bankrupt the Republic inauguration will be March 4th I’d be okay with that too Kino I hope you’re right and yes I have been reading all the stuff on it I’m watching it I think it’s going to be more tame than that we will see I would be all about it
I think the majority of people with common sense have some PTSD I agree with you I agree with you on that one Donna why hold a rally the day before yeah know I’m I’d be keeping things as lowkey as possible I’d quietly be getting through the door then come out swinging trying to keep up with so many of these all right let’s get to it based oh I love this Bobby said based on my blog post yours are likely being blocked to zck full of it yeah Bobby and and they want us to trust them not happening not happening all
right here’s the uh one that I probably have enjoyed the most this morning uh after my chuckle of course with Joe Biden telling us how much better things are and how he didn’t start any wars and the whole world on from a foreign policy perspective respects us more than they did before I mean it really was laughable I mean it was an enjoyable laugh I love comedians in the morning uh in a huge protest in huge protest Romanians rail against doover election targeting populist NATO skeptic upwards of 100,000 Romanians of
various political Stripes took to the streets on Sunday to express outrage over the voiding of a presidential election that seemed poised to put a NATO and Ukrainian War skeptic in power George Simeon leader of the of the right-wing Alliance for the unity of Romania and summed up the intent of the demonstrations his party organized we are protesting against the kudeta that took place on December 6 we are sorry to discover so late that we are living in a lie and that we were led by people who claimed to be Democrats but we’re not at
all we demanded a return to democracy through the resumption of Elections starting with the second round what they did because they didn’t like the outcome of their primaries is they tried to say they were obviously wrong because their polls told them that this candidate would only get a certain percentage now I would like for you to remember the least trusted uh one of the least trusted Medias in the world is in Hungary very leftwing controlled so the leftwing came up with all the numbers they’re the ones that controlled all the
polls and said look he’s polling here he’s only going to get this don’t worry about him he’s a nothing but he actually did really well in the polls now they’re trying to claim that he only did really well because Russian Bots and accounts uh talking about how great he is that without that help he never would have done well so they they just voided it not whatever doesn’t matter that the people voted this way doesn’t matter that the people had that opinion that way they’re trying to say that the
Russians swayed their opinion so they just said n null and void no big deal democracy doesn’t matter to them suffrage meaning voting doesn’t matter to them they know better because obviously the people are too stupid to know better for themselves because if they the people had any intelligence they would certainly vote for a globalist that wants to take all of their freedoms away and control them right I mean this is the way they think so the people took to the streets and said hell no now here’s the interesting
part many of the liberal extreme side of the Liberal Party joined them they were horrified that they would just say yo your vote doesn’t count because they could see it happening to them this wasn’t one of those where they came for the Socialist first I said nothing because I want a socialist know they jumped in with them and took to the streets because they want sovereignty Freedom a non-authoritarian government how many different places have risen like this of late watching it to me it is a worldwide
phenomenon Progressive Movement around the world as the plebeians We the People rise up this one really did make me feel good now there was another article I forgot to uh discuss tether will relocate headquarters to El Salvador after securing license now guys I am not a tether fan because all they’re doing is tethering to I mean there are a few crypto projects out there that scare me I love the idea of crypto I love the potential for it but it is a double EDG sword tether to me is not on the good
side of that it’s my personal opinion um because I can see the control that it would give and for me things need to have an asset that backs it doesn’t have to be gold but it needs to be something that backs it tether the only thing backing it is the US dollar and that really to me doesn’t count uh so anyways it’s still is big for Al savador because it shows you that they want a decentralized future they are leaving leaving the British Virgin Islands moving to El Salvador because they believe the country stands for sanity
freedom Etc you can either jump on board or get left behind there’s a Revolution coming Miss Mary’s 80th birthday I’m gonna have fun with you guys’s uh comments whip yeah you definitely is not your style I yeah I don’t think I’ll ever trust Zuckerberg in this lifetime don’t get me wrong I am encouraging what appears to be a seismic shift in his opinion but I don’t trust it Linda Robinson asking for a prayer asking for prayers from a son he fell October 28th with multiple breaks healing great but septic shock now in
ICU with kidney signs oh dear Jesus that’s got to be painful and he can’t even move because of the fall in the bones prayers Linda guys if you need a prayer request sound off I may it see it but we have so many so many prayer warriors in here uh Scott I think tether is much like the FED printing money out of thin air I mean they print based on the number of dollars they hold which is Fiat so for me yeah pretty much we’re going to do the birthday thing and then get over to Ron this morning Bobby uh uh what do we got is that
Alice aly’s uh granddaughter Shirley David Mary anybody else sound out the 72z saving his own RS I agree with you that’s exactly what’s happening Zuckerberg goes with a wind how many politicians have we seen that are that way to me if you don’t have the strength of your convictions what do you have not something I understand it’s it’s cost me dearly in life the strength of my convictions on both sides it’s both helped me and hurting me but anyways we don’t need to go down that one right now so they tell me it’s your
birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to all those celebrating I’m I’m sorry I was reading a few of those okay guys let’s uh let’s bounce over to our son Brett’s birthday Leroy Maggie say happy birthday to your son Force I’m gonna try to catch any that I have missed um while Ron uh takes the uh takes the reins I think Travis is Gerald’s brother Travis is that a birthday for Travis as
well oo now I’ve not seen this did anyone see the post about ingr Sol Lockwood apparently there’s talk about the world fair are we is that like still a thing oh I want to do World fairs all right guys let’s uh let’s bring you the uh the man the myth how you doing mark I’m good how about your best how about yourself fantastic it’s amazing how Biden’s trying to take credit for all of these things when we clearly know it’s been Obama behind the scenes anyway but we’re gonna leave that one alone because we’re one week away the
world is about to change we’re lit up our whole house red white and blue for this week straight through the inauguration we have new things that have to go up you know on the the outside we can’t get more patriotic here if we tried it’s all about the change of the world so going on with that we wanted to go really quick through a couple of the different products that we do have here um we know that they’re trying another Global pandemic they’re doing the bird flu now they’re doing other things California is lighting it
back up but I think their fires are burning the germs right out of it so it’s not spreading like they thought it would but we wanted to protect people from emfs and radiation and the 5G Towers the cell phones because this is all still real and it’s still happening doesn’t matter from your TV set to your alarm clock next to the bed plus all of the things that they’re putting in the air the pesticides in the food the micro Plastics we wanted to come out with something to combat these different things and it’s such a simple little
product it’s simply called Ard fancy little box for it this is what does it right here you can’t change the environment but you can protect yourself from it and that’s what this excuse me campaign is all about what does it come with it comes with your instruction manual beautiful right in the case the igard what does it do what don’t it do putting the body Back in Balance that’s right A lot of people have high blood pressure diabetes so many different things but the body if it’s misfiring cannot protect against it with this the
frequencies that it comes with the original nine frequencies we are now throwing grounding frequencies in with it absolutely free it comes with the unit plus we have digital detox we know that they’re radiating US during the nights so so important inside of the band 100% copper band we have all the different Stones crystals frequencies that people need for shielding and protecting against viruses germs bacterias all these pathogens that are in the air plus it’s almost like a faraday cage Shield you from the viruses germs
bacteria as well as the cell phone the 5G the towers something so small so simple but so effective we came out with this just before covid and we donated a bunch to the medical emergency teams the nurses basically in emergency rooms and only one actually came down with covid and it was only because she admitted she didn’t wear it so the Ard is so powerful and basically what is it we have it set up to do three main functions uh we want it to shield and guard as we just discussed but also a preventative wearable piece of
technology that’s unbelievable you just wear wear it and you’re shielded you can power it up and run frequencies it does come with because it’s an 8 and 1 half inch band so that’s a pretty big band that comes on it inside the Box you have a data charge cable that’s also in that neat little packaging headsets so if you need that personal time you got your headset for it also an alignment tool just in case you needed to remove a couple pins to fit a little bit better the tool actually comes right
with it but a lot of people the newer kids don’t mind they like the bigger band that whole Smartwatch look to it but some people don’t like all of the technology so what did we do we came out with something we called the Stargate and that’s the beautiful packaging that it comes in and there’s the unit you just wear around your neck it has an adjustable band on it so it can go up or down 6 in doesn’t matter if you’re tall or short this will work for you on the back of it beautiful little pendant obviously you can see why we
called it Stargate everybody always says what does that mean because the numerals aren’t lined up it’ll figure it out because everything adds up no matter how you do it to 369 that whole Tesla thing but on the back of it you see that round rubber piece that is a bone conducting probe you don’t need headsets nothing it sits right on that chest cavity and it can put the frequencies in as the rest of the beads are shielding protecting 100% copper going right into your bloodstream and when it mixes with the iron in your
blood the copper it supercharges your immune system which is phenomenal that’s exactly what we’re looking for that extra protection during these crazy crazy times I don’t want to forget some other things that’s the igard and Stargate probably two of our most popular items that we do have obviously we have our little uh O2 inventions behind us some of other things that we do have out there but with anything anything that you’re doing the holidays are over you’re looking to lose weight and stuff we have you covered with
something as small and simple and easy as the wave the wave look at that the size of a fountain pen fits in your pocket or purse it is you open it up you have your instructions right here how to use it and there it is it slips right into a 16 ounce bottle shake for 30 seconds let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes everything you were thinking about doing to your water pH balance oxygen enriched you want to magnetize the water you want to structure the water how about remineralize the water right here this
can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars to have out there with all these different machines but who’s got three four hours to take water from all these different machines forget the cost what about the counter space I don’t want to spend three hours to get one glass of water so we made it small we made it portable you could take it on vacation with you wherever you’re going what else does it do what don’t it do we also have a challenge on the website using the Wave It’s called The Wave water diet
guaranteed you want to lose 10 pounds in a weekend go on to the website it shows you how to do it with simple wave water you don’t have to change what you’re eating eat the same way eat as much as you think all you got to do is have a glass of wave water before and after every meal and we have one other thing the 10-minute Chair workout it’s absolutely free it’s on the website so twice a day one in the earlier time one in the evening you do this 10-minute Chair workout 10 lbs three days that’s the challenge that we have running on
that we have so many other little products I don’t want to go through too many of them at one time why well it gets time consuming and we really don’t have a lot of time we know everybody’s time is very valuable and super precious so we try to get the highlights of what we have here but on the website we have the full writeups you want to know every frequency how it’s used how it affects your body it’s right there we have some audio files to go with them as well as some videos it’s amazing the wave is
phenomenal for whatever you’re doing just for better overall health we know that cancers and other diseases cannot survive parasites cannot survive in a pH balanc oxygen enrich body it’s so small so simple $25 for this simple but we to get the different deals because now all of these $300 for the wave I’m sorry for the igard or Stargate same pricing on both but we always have to do the markz special and how do we do it to make it really simple and easy we’re throwing 50% off that’s right 50% if you’re
looking for the igard in the promotion code you want to put Ard Z50 and same thing with the Stargate Stargate Z50 if you’re looking for something different like the Vault for people that are trying to really manage pain and uh or muscle discomfort building or toning muscle we also have something that we simply call and I’m just drawing things all over over the place the Vault comes in this beautiful little packaging has everything that you could need four different channels fully Wireless self adhesive pads four modes mode number one
is your pain management you can switch it wirelessly again to mode number two which is muscle massage so your pain management is like the joints and Lig ments arthritis things like that but sometimes we get the sore muscles just wake up sore at this time and we could just drop this on in mode two here’s what it looks like here it is with the little magnetic case four separate channels and each one could be used for a different body part at the same time or just one as soon as you take it off it turns on automatically self in us it
pads comes in a beautiful little carrying case look how small it’s smaller than my phone the carrying case and right there s and Easter pads four of them mode number two like we said is for muscle massage mode number three is for toning muscle we all want to get that muscles toned especially after the holidays we ate an awful lot now it’s time to shed some of the pounds those extra pounds are slowing us down it’s wearing on our health on our heart on our everything digestive system everything so so
important to build tone lean muscle mode three and four building mode four toning I’m but building muscle amazing comes with the manual everything that you need small that’s like your massage therapist that’s your chiropractor that’s your gym all in a tiny little box that has its own uh battery Bank built into it it’s fully Wireless so you could take this anywhere you’re traveling on a plane you could drop this on and if you have pain discomfort nobody even knows once you slap it on you control everything from
here little RF controller absolutely amazing amazing to have I really just wanted to go through some of these things there’s more things on the website it’s Walter’s best is where you can find these different products please don’t forget each one of them even for the vault the promo code is going to be Vault Z50 to get that 50% off unheard of 50% off we all also create our own frequencies that have been amazing that’s going on we have over 300,000 we had our site crash and we are rebuilding it as we speak but when you
go on to the website if you go to frequencies we’re building it back up we should have most of it back up by tomorrow these are custom frequency specialized frequencies like healing frequency well what does that mean um healing frequencies are from the honeybees the honeybees is proven that beekeepers have the longest long longevity of all different professions and they attribute it to the bees not just the bees but the frequency as they’re taking care of the hive it’s creating Health and Longevity for people
we have that frequency loaded on the site right now we have a bunch of frequencies absolutely free you can you don’t have to download it we know everybody’s worried about viruses and things like that on our free frequencies you can click on and listen to them right there if you want to download them it doesn’t matter if you’re on an Android or an apple you can your phone your tablet your computer and you could take the frequencies absolutely free as well as the digital detox or the grounding frequency which has the
Schuman resonance built into it they’re also free and we’re adding even more the other frequencies for specialized things um are roughly $5 but some of them have 23 different frequencies just to make up that one thing like for diabetes 21 different frequencies you’re getting so for five bucks pretty amazing and to work it with anything you have remember additional frequencies try the ones that they come with the igard Stargate they work amazing people are feeling it we have a testimonial page please check it out
read through what people just like you are seeing saying and how it’s working with them and that is the greatest thing besides what’s about to happen come Monday the inauguration and I know he’s having a rally the night before which is fantastic I am out of my seat with all of these things going on we still got a whole lot of things that we got to do for the house and to decorate inside outside and keep it going the best part one of the best parts in conclusion when you purchase things yes there are things out there yes they are
a lot more expensive there are a lot of people copying which is flattering but it’s also disheartening because I would rather them make the product better not worse so we put a lot into it and here’s something you don’t get anywhere else our customer service we go on a Sunday conference call that’s on the website it starts at 6 PM Easter and any question problems thoughts that you might have on any of the products we open it up it’s an open Forum we will answer any question and every question and we don’t get off the conference call
until every question is answered it’s normally two two to three hours on the call to get to everything how longest one went six hours because I promise I won’t get off until every question is answered so you always have us you don’t have to talk to computer uh AI systems when you call in that send you back to the website that you got to type and no no no we’re always there we back our product and we put our face behind it uh Garen and I have been working this for quite a few years now and we keep trying
to perfect make better add on and with that we never charge we always just do so Mark I can’t thank you enough for always allowing us in 2025 we made it and a week away this is crazy yeah I’m telling you a week away finally making it through Walter’s best choice they also have net andc either works the do forwards you to theet theet is just the first address he had so uh it’s the one I post but it’s Walters bestest or Walters bestest choice. net uh the waves on there the the ards on there and the information for their
Sunday conference call is on there as well right there it’s got the Sunday 6 PM Eastern there’s the call the PIN everything you guys need to know to get there again it is Walters Walters bestest choice. net whichever your happy little fingers want to plug in there awesome awesome well we got a lot of things to do it’s 17 degrees here in this sleepy little mountain town in Pennsylvania but it’s not going to stop us we still got a lot of stuff to do Mark as always what an honor and a pleasure working with you can’t wait
till the next time when we have freedom ringing on the next time we see you thank you again take care is there a discount quote code they need to know about I don’t think there in on each one any product that you’re looking for type in the product name like iard Z50 for that 50% off Z50 folks Z50 Braun I appreciate you thank you thank you and we’ll see you post inauguration yes right to the rest there he’s excited to the rest folks I will see you this evening at 7 for those that are going to join for the evening hopefully we get
some solid news going on the world if nothing else he’s Ron is so ready love it we’ll see how confirmation continues today all right guys see you tonight everyone