you know what I don’t believe in coincidences I really really don’t honestly and that why did they shut me down at that time I just checked my internet speed it’s blazing fast look man they don’t want this information out there and you guys and girls all know that um I sincerely hope that you got to see the first half of this and we’re going to we’re going to start here where I finished I just just I tell you man this is too much honestly look guys and girls this is what I told you I ended the last video my first part of this
live stream explaining What’s Happening Here the setup is simple the Federal Reserve will use every Avenue imaginable and things that you can’t even believe to continue to inflate whether it’s another scam demic whether it’s burning down an entire state whether it’s more war imperialism I don’t care what it is this is what they’re going to do collectively central banks around the world people you and me did it’s a wipe out I’ve been telling you this like forever so the setup is very very simple what’s happening here
okay as I said Trump was selected please do not freak out on me take a deep breath nobody get triggered here for two reasons and two only number one to bridge the system to make us the crypto Capital world to mainstream crypto to deregulate the banks deregulate and merge cryptocurrencies to allow us to start to trust that system the dollar okay it’s a dying asset we all know that Central Bank issued notes around the world dying assets okay the move to this one world system has beun right here in
the United States and we are leading the way as Trump said to the crypto capital of the world you understand the setup is simple here with regard to the second reason why Trump was selected was to help the Federal Reserve bring rates to more than likely negative Trump is a proponent of this again don’t don’t get triggered don’t flip out look at what he said during the last tenure bonee heads not going negative the FED needs to lower rates blah blah blah lowering rates means currency super power loss
and you lose he can’t tell you that he can’t also tell you that’s the fed’s plan but what they’re going to set up here is very very simple as the economy continues to Crater everywhere and here in the United States as well the setup is going to be Trump is going to start calling out the FED lower rates lower rates the fed’s goingon to fire back and say we will lower rates when appropriate let’s see if they leave me on because this is where they cut me off last time okay that back and forth thing is going
to lead to the FED obviously doing what they want to do and that is cut rates lower rates lowering rates allows every Central Bank to inflate it it causes them to obviously devalue the currency now it takes more currency to buy anything you get pressured you understand they are not done in any way shape or form creating dependency on the system that exists as they thrust us into the new system which we don’t want and we would we did not vote for I think I can speak for every single one of us here that we would rather have a con
institutional money system we would I personally and I think I like I said I can speak for everybody we would like to see a return to a constitutional money system not a the crypto capital of the world are we on the same page but that’s what we’re getting anyway this was being set up prior to the selection here prior to it again there was no election you may think that there was you may believe in a dead system it’s the truth you still believe in the tooth fairy as well maybe I don’t know I want to burst
anyone’s bubble here but the fact of the matter is they put whoever they want in a position to keep the people distracted make them angry whatever they got to do to divide the people not to bring them together here the from the Trump to the creature Biden to the Trump again here now the society has already been conquered with divided and we are a conquered Society we cannot come together on an issue I’ve told you this has been their design design why things are the way they are should be pretty obvious but but
going back to what we’re seeing here um nothing nothing it’s no accident here why we have an a global economy in freef Fall Again The Common Thread that no one is going to tell you okay but it should make sense to you just by you know looking at What’s Happening Here is artificially suppressed rates currency person power destruction which is an economic Destroyer it doesn’t build the economy you have to understand this is called quantitative easing okay when a central bank any Central Bank institutes
a policy of buying all the debt monetizing the debt uh stimulating a free economy it’s done temporarily kind of like a drug let’s say like adrenaline let’s say some is in heart failure they’re pumping adrenaline in there uh at one point that adrenaline becomes toxic and it doesn’t the patient dies the same situation here but here they want the patient to die slowly and suffer here the mechanism again of central banks inflating the system again and everything you see things of nightmares like what’s going on right
now you and I called it they’re not done this is just one another element to it because again it’s GNA fall on you it’s going to fall on the federal government forget about credit the fall swaps again these insurers the ones that do exist and the ones that bought the credit to full swap they’re not going to be held to account you are it’s already being set up on the mainstream meter they’re telling you who’s going to be responsible and it’s going to be you and again you meaning the debt is going to be put on your back
for everything else because it’s the Federal Reserve who’s going to supply all the cash that is needed to to keep the system liquid blocked wide because they don’t want people to hear this stuff Madison should be pretty obvious oh you’re you’re blocked no you’re not blocked Madison I would never block you me on the other hand I’m surprised I’m still out here man they’re playing games oh anyway guys and girls look it’s um it’s out of control what we’re seeing but it’s exactly the way they’ve planned
this out here even the timing of this okay just before the inauguration don’t I mean come on do you really really honestly believe that this is just by accident too nothing is nothing wait till you see where this is going to go and with regard to the price what’s happening right now I told you you have energy as we called would happen you got natural gas surging you got crude oil surging everything is shipped via a mechanism using energy th those costs are going to be passed on to you just like tariff costs are we have
tariffs right now how many of you you know that how many of you know that all of Trump’s tariffs are already in effect Biden did it you you couldn’t know that it wasn’t even brought up actually I believe that Trump did raise that during the uh the the runup and the debate too but we’re going to be adding more tariffs but again who pays for the tariffs oh yes it’s the importers and exporters and they passed that on to you it’s going to work out real well um this part of the mechanism here of pressuring
people um we are going to be forced to suffer and endure much more moving forward as the economy is deliberately taken apart piece by piece but they’re GNA have a solution for you they’re gonna have a solution just be ready for it part of it is the bridge to the system the crypto system making you used to it getting you comfortable with it they want you to accept it then they can make the real move this is just a bridge just a bridge to the full tokenized system you understand and everyone knows
it every body knows it that’s what drives me crazy but no one’s pushing back against it and why would P people push back against it they’re going to push back against the system that they’ve created so many depend so much dependency on of course not no one’s going to push back again they’ve been conquered it’s absolutely out of control and uh I don’t think they’ve lost control at all Kings salmon fish they’re in full control and everything that we’re seeing is deliberate uh thank you Lion of Norway
oh awesome man great name love that oh anyway guys and girls look uh I’m sitting here preaching to the choir we’ll um we’re going to have to see where this goes from here honestly so uh anything you Evolution you know look do I think it’s Evolution when you have a handful of people thrusting the people of the world the the multitudes down a particular pathway I don’t think that’s evolution um I think this is a deliberate means of Destruction um and what else would you expect when you have a people that can’t
unify that can’t stand up against anything number one because again they feel like they can’t do anything about it they have a sense of learned helplessness two um I think that people just don’t have the guts anymore not you and me you know we call it out here we at least are trying to raise awareness as to what’s happening why it’s happening here but I just look man if you take anything away from this is understand yet again this episode here they’ll burn down an entire State they’ll burn down half the nation
they’ll they’ll they’ll they’ll do what what they got to do to allow the system to inflate because the the the fact is without another mechanism to keep the system liquefied as you already know it operates in a Perpetual vacuum that’s the nature of the debt-based system so they have to come up with reasons things that are real things are made up things that are man-made warp speeds whatever it is they got to put it on you again to allow again who’s who runs the system who’s the core what runs the financial
system always follow the money and you can find out who benefits here we lose in this case of course is the central banks they win that’s it and their goal is to own it all imagine being a central bank who can do whatever they want with their product with no oversight zero or there is calls to raise that debt ceiling so we can continue to borrow don’t we were supposed to be cutting on spending here we were going to cut that vastly back oh no we’re going to raise the debt ceiling and then not just raise the debt ceiling
we’re going to suspend it in perpetuity so our loving caring Representatives can’t tell us why they’re going to keep inflating because they can’t tell you not a single one from the president’s select on down what’s really going on you understand but you and I know it we already know it we’re too slick we’re too slick um anyway guys and girls we’re kind of there right now before we get out here between these two videos it’s been kind of long um is there anything you guys and girls want to cover specifically before we get out of here
stack food obviously people very important here look expect I’m going to tell you right now because I’ve been telling you already expect supply chain disruptions and they’re going to blame it on whatever they’re going to blame it on here okay expect much higher prices again they can’t tell you that it’s the fact that rates are being cut as the FED is doing and the calls for lower rates which is destroying the purchasing power of the currency okay which is an economic wrecking bow you all know that to have a
strong economy you need what a strong currency to have a strong currency need what a corresponding rate of interest high enough to support the person’s power of the currency how come nothing like that has ever come out of the mouth of like a politician okay uh maybe maybe Ron Paul um but you won’t hear that out of any puppet today they can’t tell you that they have to again they have to distract you with nonsense and tell you that and blame this group of people or this person it’s it’s all again it’s a
game to assign blame once a blame is a signed and you can convince people of it real or not you’re done they got your brain and you become a slave sound about right you know it is all of you here you you you know it’s all right Allan how are you buddy good to see you here I love that Alan satosi Green freaking great um guys and girls and energy you know look man they they they don’t want so solar energy you know that they want to drill they want to do all that of course there are alternatives but you can’t know these things as well
um whatever man um I think personally we should be investing in renewable energy um we’re killing ourselves via the air and the food and everything else but but that’s okay right how’s the dog Thomas Cindy she’s doing okay doctor says she’s doing all right and um so so we’re on the right track so yes Market risk is Extreme Billy box we’re at an extreme level here we are it’s pretty freaking ugly um anything else you guys and girls want to cover before we get out of here honestly you think we kind of I know I have a
drag car and it does burn c16 $24 a gallon could you believe that and do you realize I burn up about a gallon and a half per run in 8 seconds a gallon and a half in 8 seconds unbelievable unbelievable all right guys go I think what’s my take on xrp you if you must be new here I love xrp I I made a recent purchase before the big runup in xrp as a matter of fact I’m happy to say that I think it’s something that you need in your portfolio uh especially as we’re being thrust uh into this new thing the
highest mmri score right here since the publication of the mmri when we started the mmri we were in the green all right and the market was ripping higher we can’t do anything right now we did put a gain on the Dow today we’ll see where it goes we’ll see where this goes guys and girls you know that oh anyway look guys go I love you all from the heart I I I I had nothing to do obviously with they shut me off last time I’m surprised that look the information that we talk about here you I can’t imagine where you’re
going to get this stuff from but you know I want to tell you something what’s going to bother me I want to say it one more time with regard to the insurers over here you’re going to be responsible for this despite the fact that they have credit default swaps in other words they they package up their debt their their risk they sell this off to the investment Banks who are supposed to pay via the credit default swap but what you’re being told and this is what bothers me the mainstream media is already telling
you you’re going to pay for it the federal government the federal government well hold on a minute the federal government is completely broke with $ 37 trillion do in debt at face value not counting derivatives so the federal government doesn’t have the cash the federal government is going to be sucked out of you because the fed’s going to print it out of nothing disperse it because they’re the real government here and they’re gonna add it to the national debt that’s another reason why we have to suspend the debt
ceiling well that’s what Trump wants right because you can’t know what’s going on are we kind of on the same page here guys and girls I think we are I think we kind of WR um you and I are going to part ways just until the morning people um if you got anything out of this video please thumbs up share it get it out there or my first version of this uh you got to check that one out okay and I will see all of you tomorrow morning all right people look until we you and I see each other again and I can
see every single one of you right here please people take care of yourselves and and take care of each other all right see you in the one