Evening News with MarkZ. 01/08/2025
Biz that would be nice hello Adam hello bliss now Gypsy let me see if I can keep up with it h working on ironing it hello Lori so sorry about being late guys there’s enough Breaking News out there right now to keep me awfully bus busy Miss KLA always awesome Jay and Amy good to see you flying squirrel oh wait what chilly 40° went to put dogs outside the cold hit my male doxy he didn’t an about face and ran back in that smart dog I assume doxy means like dashound is that right did I get that right hello
Thomas I hope to get to wear it in the next like you know week two or three at the maximum things are looking good and there has been a a lot of activity suddenly a number of banking contacts have been checking in which is exciting all right I’m going to keep it right there hello C Well for now I mean at the news time I’ll go into more fires in the LA Basin more snow forecast for Virginia region is God cleaning he may be cleaning house the winter storm or the second wave of the winter storm is now trending
further south um it’s actually putting the Carolina is up through somewhere in the I don’t know uh sax bahal um area somewhere like little east of Mid Carolina is now expecting to be like in the crosshairs it’s getting interesting what’s going on right now just weatherwise oh but Banking and politics even more interesting Kirby stay warm oh wait a minute yeah I’ll send you an email we got to talk I got to get you try some uh coffee uh cjh um we should ask Miss KLA she talks to Larry every couple of every week or
two checks on them Etc um between his back his wife his responsibilities he checks in actually he like lowkey hangs out and chat on occasion um he’ll join us when he can uh T Meer my daughter’s in Arcadia California wait where the hotel is pending an evacuation order surrounding towns engulfed prayers requested so much on that front Roger they canceled fire Insurance in La two weeks ago that is more than a little suspect hello jbril Donna sax bahal home of the sisal Indians beautiful area too Donna I mean
beautiful area Cory from Canada fires of Hell hitting the city of Los Angeles City of Angels they kind of forgot about the whole Angel thing didn’t they hello Dr Sarah hello Ray hello Gerald good to see you in the house Deo snort twice win once I wish I knew for absolute certain but how about I snort it once and wink twice CU I do believe we’re that close wait a minute Dick Van djk who was 99 years old was carried away from his Malibu Wildfire by his neighbors he was trying to protect his mansion from going up in
Flames paty anybody interested in a funny story tonight I mean like you know somewhat embarrassing but at the same time a funny story I’ll save it for whiskey and wisdom somebody remind me during whiskey and wisdom to share my dick van djk story you’ll appreciate it I’m not sharing it now uh James Wood said his insurance was canceled four months ago fire only you know have you guys ever noticed that fires only seem to happen when the government wants to grab land it’s almost like magical I’m not saying
that’s what happened here not saying at all just saying this smells like I don’t know burnt did I say that yeah I said it uh KLA thank you for putting that up let me do that and sorry about the late start guys it’s it’s been an interesting week you may get a few more of those in the coming days as we enter 2025 dollarization is accelerating China and bricks and nations are reducing their dependence on the US dollar and their secret weapon gold China is buying gold quietly Under reporting their purchases why because
they know Gold’s Global value its ability to withstand economic shocks and its immunity to manipulation this isn’t just about Nations it’s about you gold is your personal hedge against uncertainty Noble gold Investments can help you secure your financial future with gold visit noblegold investments.com or markz gold with a qualified account received 10 1 o Silver American Eagle coins Noble gold investments.com or markz gold.com the description excuse me the link is in the description YouTube and in
Rumble Betty bushan what is your thought thoughts on Zuckerberg he’s running scared I think Zuckerberg is he blows whichever or bends bends whichever way the wind is blowing in the wind right now is blowing in what he considers the right direction I believe in the past he was covering his butt but if you’ve ever really done a deep dive on the beginning of Facebook he pretty much stole it in my opinion uh from these really these brothers all right I am not going to get into this um we’ll get into it later and
I will get um zester to comment on it not a big Zuckerberg fan same time free speech is so worth it and I hope there’s been an epiphany I mean how many of you guys would have accepted Saul for that whole road to Damascus and he became Paul he had that Epiphany he realized that he was very much in the wrong and changed everything I like that one Gary he’s been processed possibly so possibly so Frank [Music] 2.0 Greg no the CIA wishes they had created Facebook at the same time they probably put a lot of prom otion behind
it once they realized his power right let’s make certain we catch everybody here Nancy a little help Nancy I appreciate that between me right now and the folks in need we appreciate that thank you the people own all the dirty corporations they do uh Al it’s good to see you we’ve not forgotten your brother I know we’re struggling you’re struggling we’re trying uh give the wife our best now I’m kind of with you I trust him as far as I can Pi them up pick them up and toss them Randy all right you’re
right trust uh Sharon my grandfather once told me something that I thought was very important my father’s father my Ernest Ernest Eugene yeah that’s where I got that middle name um hey do you know in ancient Sanskrit it meant lordly one if you were like brought into the royal family they would change your name to Eugene so as much as we love picking on people name Eugene it’s kind of really important in Antiquity if you became royalty you got that name so I picked up that middle one but anyways you didn’t need to know that
um trust and respect my grandfather was very clear it is something you loan somebody when you meet them until they earn it which means if they don’t earn it you can be really nasty you don’t have to give them any respect at all that was grandfather he really didn’t give many life moment suggestions when he did they were very meaningful and that was one of the ones that that papap which is a term we called him an endeared would give us he would tell us or tell me Tell all the kids I don’t know how many of the siblings remember
all those moments but he would talk about what it took to be a man he told me a man was defined by how he took care of his responsibilities I mean you could be a complete but as long as you took care of your responsibilities meaning your family then you were okay you were allowed to have those flaws he told me that you loaned respect until they earned it he had so many just really he wasn’t a sage he didn’t go around saying he just quiet lived his life he did his thing and lived exactly how he believed right wrong Andi I loved
it it was great experience it was great learning it was a great mentorship whatever you guys want to call it he was a wise man hardworking man uh Harry no nothing fresh on the Zim rates at this point are still still expected lowest I’ve ever heard is 11 million for 100 t-note most of what are hearing right now is between 33 and 50 million for 100 t-note still hearing 330k per 1 billion on aggros I hope it’s accurate oh I love this Maran said my nana told me the same about respect we missed that wait I missed at
somebody’s birthday tomorrow you have to remind me tomorrow all right it is way after I need to get to it guys let’s uh excuse me let’s go ahead and get to news where do I start I’ve got some really big ones uh zester dropped an absolute bombshell on me a few minutes ago and that’s why I was late as I was trying to do some very frantic searching and he is dead on and if it does not if it does not cause the biggest backlash against our government and banking instit tions and politicians in of the last 50 years then
somebody is dead asleep we’re going to talk about that at the end and probably way more during whiskey and wisdom all right let’s get into it sudin directs to finance the Kurdistan region with more than 176 billion do why do I bring this one in here they keep sending the money they keep fighting with kurish region and there are so many rumors now that Sudani is the problem I’ve got a lot of I got some really good contacts in Iraq and they’re telling me that’s absolute and utter that he is fighting it
and fighting it hard but the Maliki crew is connected to the Kurdish crew and the Shiite crew which is causing issues don’t believe it it’s not going to pause us it’s not going to slow us at this point that damage has done in the past it’s all I’m going to say about that based on my contacts I believe them to be very accurate but expect a lot of craziness on the boards in the coming hours over said subject I’ll leave it right there I am told very clearly he is not the issue they’re trying to paint
him as one so they can point the blame somewhere else all right let’s leave that one right there I mean all right who’s been the problem from day one the last 15 years who’s been the problem anybody if Maliki wasn’t the problem would it already be done how many central bank managers or Governors have already told you would already be done we’ll leave it right there you guys figure it out probably going to need the sare jar tonight for it’s done all right let’s leave that one right there Kurdistan government threatens
Baghdad to withdrawal of salary problem persists here’s the problem they keep sending it you don’t send them money they send you money it doesn’t get distributed did Curtis region just said hey we’ll give you 11 months but not 12 months of your salaries even though uh it was already sent where do we you know where what what do we believe oh wait a minute I think it’s probably right here no I had another article with the uh receipts showing how they had sent the money I just don’t have it pulled up I’m
so sorry guys meant to share that one I’m with you old Stokes there are some craziness going on right now in the blogosphere on Iraq all right minister of electricity a plan to reactivate the contract for importing Iranian gas why did I put that one in there the boards seem to be covered up there let me get rid of this Banner gets in my way seems to be a flare up for many of you guys based on the number of emails I’ve gotten that you’re very worried that Iraq and Iran have been having conversations since Monday Monday and
Wednesday uh specifically Iraq is just now capturing their gas they’re just now coming online they still have natural gas power plants that need natural gas they do not capture enough they produce plenty they flare it off they burn it off they sell the oil so they need Iran right now also Iran’s their neighbor whether you agree politically with them or don’t agree with them politically they’re still their neighbor they still need their gas they still need their power as they build the infrastructure themselves
they have to have these conversations do not read too much into it there are way too many folks right now in the dinar reset whatever world that are reading way too much into that relationship it is a necessary symbiotic whatever it’s kind of like the US and Canada we can’t live without each other it’s like the US and Mexico we can’t live without each other we need each other could we live yeah just not live as well do not read too much into what you are saying over the last three days all right there
we’re going run them with that one so they’re reactivating contracts so then get that Iranian gas until their fields are up to speed Iran knows this Iraq knows this they need each other it is a mutual beneficial relationship ship there is no fear for the regime in Iraq as long as America and the Maria are satisfied government towards independence what does this mean this is yet another leader in Iraq telling you things are great as long as Iraq excuse me keeps as long as Sudani and Trump stay on the same page
everything is chep I mean what’s yeah I don’t remember how to say that everything is great as long Astic on the same page copasetic thank you don’t you like how that works I mean it’s like instant I mean if Facebook could get like Community notes like that they’d be set all right couple more things Biz proud to donate to the swear J no pinching Google Biz you got a free that is EP all right can I leave that one up for a little bit that one’s yeah all right yeah always keep your enemies closer oh nano CBD Governor Wayne
Gretzky I love that one love that one I mean now that they’re goingon to become the 51st state that is yeah I love the auto correct all right let’s keep going uh now we’re going to move to something totally different unpress presidented fires scorched 3,000 acres in Los Angeles forcing 49,000 people to evacuate too many from our own Community have had to evacuate they cut 20 million from funding for firemen it is not a very good time to be Karen bass I mean if you’re gonna be mad at a Karen be mad at this
Karen mayor Karen bass stands in stunned silence for nearly 2 minutes as a reporter asks her if she regrets cutting Los Angeles’s fire department budget by nearly 20 million bucks and being absent as her citizens homes burn down it’s heartbreaking guys you know I love picking on liberal State politics because they just as well intentioned as they are it’s a train wreck California’s even more so Canada trying to compete this one is heartbreaking I know too many people that have already lost too much
um K Trump and California pushing for more of the underbrush clearing some of the things they have changed it has consequences decisions have consequences to your politicians out there you need to think what are the long-term consequences to your decisions as an individual you and I we know if we don’t behave the way we should if we don’t do the right things make the right decisions we pay for it down the road we’ve all experienced it me probably more so than others but it’s been a great learning experience as long as you
learn and change moving forward it’s okay it’s still tough California is having a tough time learning right now what we can do though is pray and be therea to help them pick it up pick up the pieces put their lives back together it’s like the whole Christian thing you don’t need credit for it you just need to know you did the right thing do the right thing all right leaving that one oh yes it was Miss jeie heartbreaking interview with James Woods with Laura Ingram it was he told her like it is must watch
you are so right Miss jeie uh going to be plenty of Calis California real estate for y’all that won it after the RV um Floyd I did matter of fact let me see if I can find one I’m going to try to find a repost I did give me a minute guys oh I can’t find it boy I had a good one all right I’ll I’ll try to dig for it and share it during whiskey and wisdom let me keep running I’ve got to wrap up so I can get a break um that part’s done now I’ve got one more soon as zester pops back in I’ve got another one I want to share
with you coinbase clo Chief legal officer did I understand that right uh zester yes yes yes that is the uh coinbase Chief legal officer on that one and uh the title doesn’t really express everything that’s going on in this story this is a continuation of operation chuko um which is being referenced now as operation chuko 2.0 um while I say this um for you guys that are uncertain what no bond news by the way um it’s been very quiet um I did forget one piece those zester before we take off I am up to four confirmations
today from different banking contacts that I’ve known for years that are telling me they are now expecting I I had a really strange one just maybe 30 minutes ago hey that thing you’ve been waiting for looks like it’s going to happen by Saturday they’re they’re telling us to prepare for new rates so what I’m saying is and I do not know how accurate this is take it with a ton of salt stay calm I’ve had four contacts today on the banking side um last I mean it’s I got pretty excited um since I saw
zester last Forest podcast I got the last one from somebody I know when real life not a electri electronic or digital contact but a real life contact uh he came on board to say hey remember when we barred your currency they’re telling us we expect a new rate by Saturday or on Saturday could be before could be after we don’t know all right let’s get back to this one because this choke point debanked me and many others now take it away zester m oh no it’s definitely the the right time for it to happen and yes this article I
think is going to be a very very important one and actually Pops I do want to kind of steal your screen if that’s all right no please do just so that I can kind of uh highlight certain parts of this article because this one was very very big and not just about cryptocurrency it’s a matter of disclosure and these disclosures are things that we’ve been waiting for remember that our three-letter four-letter agencies have been absolutely disregarding the Constitution now for decades and so this in particular is about the fact
that as a part of operation choke point 2.0 the FDIC while working with the Federal Reserve and other government institutions sent out secret pause letters to all banks in the United States all right back up secret pause letters they informed them that they were not allowed to disclose these letters at any point in time um they even went ahead and redacted any and all of the disclosed documents because they were informing the banks that they were not allowed or that they should do to the best of their ability
they should deny American citizens and American institutions access to taking their US Dollars their Fiat dollars and moving them into crypto parency these are the same laws and the same secret documents pause letters that restricted you from being able to buy xrp and xln they are also the same documents that halted your access to PayPal during the Canadian trucker um yeah that’s where I got debanked can I tell you and so during that same exact time it turns out that the FDIC and the Federal Reserve um and we do not know which
other institutions yet were sending out documents to all of the banks and telling them to deny and block certain people’s crypto wallets and access to the banks and what’s important here is that this is the first time that we’ve actually gotten proof we’ve known that this is ongoing um but ultimately just because we know it’s not the same as being able to prove it in court this is a matter of it being proven in court and so what we are seeing through this process is that the FDIC abused foyer exemption 8 in an
attempt to hide Court compelled information they legally told the banks that they had to deny certain people access to cryptocurrency based off of unconstitutional regulations this is going to end up being a huge civil suit I would highly expect in the next couple of years that we will all be getting an opportunity to jump in on this one I will be they took away your First Amendment right you have the First Amendment right as a matter of freedom of speech is a matter of what you choose to spend your
money on if you want to buy dinar you have the legal right to do so it’s your money it’s protected by the First Amendment if I want to buy cryptocurrency same thing it’s protected by the First Amendment and they denied the American people the right to utilize their first amendment and they forced Banks to hide the fact that they had legally removed a portion of your first amendment or illegally removed portion of your first amendment now this is important your First Amendment freedom of speech it is been accepted there is
all kinds of Court uh precedence how you spend your money is your free speech how you donate to a campaign what you do you send me 10 bucks whatever it’s freedom of speech this is an absolute Universal acceptance of the term freedom of speech I just wanted to point that one out yeah and I will I will jump back up I don’t want to uh all right there there there we go but the letter sent by the FDIC to to fin financial institutions were aimed at stopping Banks from providing services to clients associated
with cryptocurrency activity the letters noted that the services may not be provided until advice from the regulator but it is not known if this advice was ever provided in most cases clients were left without explanations over the reasons for the service ceasing at several instances Banks admitted that they blocked account accounts duee to unexpected activity or things like this or delayed delayed your transaction for days and in hopes yeah that’s another way of doing it and what we got from it
also 25 disclosed letters from March of 2022 to May of 2023 we have 25 unconstitutional requests to Financial instit tions to cease providing services to specific individuals or specific companies based off of unconstitutional reasoning and that is why this is so important this is a part of the disclosures that we need to be seeing also it is backed up by a 2022 document issued by the FDC an internal memo where they discussed the fact that they were going to be halting payments or halting financial services for
essentially anyone that fit into the category of we don’t like them and that’s where this actually is tied into operation chokepoint because it’s not just crypto that they did it to it was honestly it seems as if cryptocurrency was kind of thrown on at the end what they also blocked and what I want to make certain that I can specifically highlight here the FDIC and so as a part of operation choke point 2.0 a colloquial name for the series of efforts by the FDIC the Federal Reserve and other institutions
to block services for clients performing transactions associated with cryptocurrencies religious groups clients associated with African countries and other law abiding customer groups these are the same laws that have been used to make it difficult for you to acquire currencies outside of the United States the same exact operation and so while they were trying to Halt our ability to purchase xrp and cryptocurrencies they were also halting ing our ability to fund Christian religious groups they were halting our
ability to purchase foreign currencies like the Iraqi dinar the Vietnamese Dong things of that nature while they were also cracking down on other ideological or political groups and so the big reveal here is that we finally have genuine proof we all knew it already but what we didn’t have was the ability to prove them wrong in a court of law and now we do we have the ability now to prove in a court of law that the United States government unconstitutionally restricted our right to access or to utilize our money in the
way that we so chose and so I think that this is just the beginning of the disclosures that we’re looking forward to this is the beginning now we’re seeing them finally admit that the reason that I had to tell everyone for the past 10 years hey the first time you go to buy cryptocurrency expect to get denied you’re going to have to call them and you’re going to have to force them to send the transaction Well turns out it was Operation chokepoint and and now we’re going to be able to prove that and for many folks okay well let’s think
about how big of a deal that lawsuit is going to be because say you denied me the ability to purchase xrp in 2017 and well wait how much was it going for back then uh well we could find a couple pennies at certain times through 2016 and 2017 you denied me the ability to invest in Bitcoin at $100 well now I am not only going to argue that you took away my First Amendment right right I’m also going to argue for the damages that would separate the difference between $100 and $100,000 oh no no here now add that how
many like I mean this is an easy argument I mean you know people that have had health issues if they’ had that money they could afforded a better doctor they wouldn’t have lost their home when you think about damages on this one not only they deny you that profit margin they denied you everything you could do every vacation with your kids tuition for your children your uh your cancer treatment your insulin your whatever I mean the lawsuits that will happen from this one would be enough to bankrupt most governments mhm and uh for
for it to have been perpetuated intentionally by the federal government um I this isn’t even a matter of being able you know the banks should they have ignored the federal government yes but ultimately we can’t blame them we can’t because well they were following orders they were following orders but they knew that law orders were orders and not legal so for me I think we can blame the banks and the government yeah I would I would argue there’s culpability to be shared back and forth and that’s what makes this one
even more interesting though Daisy Duke these Banks were informed to not even discuss with the federal government well yeah they weren’t allowed to tell the Trump Administration what they were doing they weren’t even allowed to respond to them and so they were informed by federal institutions that they either restrict Americans access to spending their money on certain things or something bad is going to happen and what the government never did is Define what that bad thing is but that doesn’t make it anything
other than a threat that’s a blatant threat and so they essentially held our financial Serv Services industry at metaphoric pew pew Point um and so they restricted all of us from doing what we want well why did PayPal shut down all the Canadian truckers operation choke point why do you have to go through an insane rigma rooll in order to find properly properly sold currency operations choke point why can’t you buy xrp or spend your cryptocurrency at different businesses operation chokepoint and now we finally have proof
we knew it was happening that we already knew you know we we’ve been awake for a while I know folks in the community are more than aware of all of the Shady stuff going on but there’s a big difference between us knowing and us being able to prove it in a court of law because ultimately we need to be able to prove it in a court of law and guess what we finally can I mean just huge the uh that’s this is enormous all right we need to have a quick break before uh the next podcast say for as much as I really want to dive
on this one and we’ll probably do a longer Deep dive on this over at Liberty on Maine uh in the next day or two um check out there I’ll let you guys know he’ll let you know we’ll let you know um maybe we can get um J black conservative Patriot a few others to uh dive in with us on that one but that alone should shake should obliterate any credibility the SEC the FDC and pretty much the Federal Reserve has I mean that is damning and I I will I’ll definitely be going through this is new information guys and
so I’ve only had since the article was released and the information started to be disclosed to even dig into it I am certain that we have far more to to look into here um right now these are more of just the first things that could be picked out from it because I personally know people that were denied on massive transactions um I personally know people who had bank accounts Frozen I know businesses that were obliterated because they froze their banking accounts legitimate legal businesses yeah and so I
me no it will never be made truly right but no there is no way for them to make this one right you can’t Wheel of Time But ultimately we can ensure that uh that Things become just going into the future and the beginning of things becoming that way and so yeah I’m uh I cannot wait to find out all the heads that roll on this one and also there are some very funny messages coming out of Gary guinsler and a few others right now that I have a very good feeling um have a lot to do with the fact that they’re
very very worried about the incoming legal cases that they will be uh looking forward to and so I have a feeling this story is not going to end any we’re going to get a little bit of um a little bit of the metaphorical blood that we’re looking for in terms of being able to hold some people accountable yeah ingred Canadian truckers had their children taken from them Americans had their children taken from them because they couldn’t provide for them because they had their bank accounts Frozen no this one this one I
mean yeah this one’s huge all right let’s call that one a wrap thank you for popping in Sor zester for those who would like to we’re g to try to keep whiskey and wisdom a little more light and have fun it’s our first real one of the Year let’s have a little bit of fun tonight ah yeah truth transparency and accountability for 20 20 25 amen amen all right folks um I am I hate if I left anything out here oh I did leave um one thing out that I wanted to mention um Mount St Helens that fault line is sending some
very questionable things including uh along the same line some unders events how many folks remember the 19 was it the 80s when Mount St Helen went I mean I remember North Carolina I mean we had I mean you couldn’t it was overcast there was Ash we had Ash falling on the East Coast from it and uh it’s looking questionable praying for folks in that area all right now we’re headed to Whiskey and wisdom see you guys