Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 01/09/2025
praying for you crypto Kenny hope you are getting better or do get better soon Sue it’s okay Dr Scott loves you too hello Cat he’s smiling in the background he’s in the studio um hello catcha hello Miss KLA hello Jim sabic I put the thing of my Bob inside the Whatchamacallit turn the doohickey and the whatever ritis doesn’t work any suggestions it’s good to see you back in form savic hello Mel of s hello Okie Bob Gary seven hello Brit and Pam and Paul havet shiny oh wait got my first Blue Egg for
my Americano today woohoo sh I’m excited for you I remember my first bluish greenish egg from an American it was a special magical moment hello C Marie hello Nana and cubal Texas artist always a pleasure pleasure uh another Leslie hoer Happy Hound Lily I feel rough for you crypto Kenny if it makes you feel any better I mean it’s like sympathy feeling better no I’m I feel great but I do feel bad for you hello me um note me the cbii would make the announcement and then there would be an RI wait no there would be an RI and then
they would make the announcement who I Got That One backwards no they’ll tell you after they do it not before hello Fred hello Bonnie Audi hello poly colly we’re going to dive in pretty quickly this evening because I have had a long day looking forward to the looking forward to the uh bed this evening hello Chris F and Boise Ido good to see you in the house Blue Egg poly colly we’re talking about Marico exit leg they they have all kinds of nicknames from Easter egg chickens to americanos there’s another
name before they did the Blended black Americano looking chicken with the feathers there was another one that did colored eggs and I’m trying to remember what it was called I don’t believe it was like mostly an all black iridescent chicken though uh T yeah I think we’re all devastated watching the fires oh I forgot they had the Grinch pillow in the background the Grinch time to clean everything up from the holidays wi Fredo it’s good to see you winter storm watch in Georgia that explains why all the eggs are gone in
the grocery stores Judy here’s a question for you all right all the other folks in the regions that aren’t hit by snow often in the Carolinas we make well I swear the only thing that makes sense because the mass run you hear there’s going to be sleep in three days and the stores get wiped out but it’s milk and bread gone so I just assume everybody in the south loves milk sandwiches whenever it snows they don’t want a warm pot of chili they don’t want potato soup they don’t want chicken noodle soup chicken and dumplins
they don’t want anything normal they want milk sandwiches it’s the only thing that I can figure out make sense because you will you go in the whole store is packed plenty of meat marshmallows hot chocolate but the milk and the bread gone disappears so I just assume people in the South well in North Carolina and South Carolina have this thing for milk sandwich when it snows Mr cob I’m ready for the fires to go out milk toast oh see I didn’t know maybe they were toasting it but they toast it until the power goes out then
they just have milk sandwiches and put the like jug milk and the snow bank outside yeah Jeff they don’t even grab toilet paper when it’s going to snow I guess they just wipe it with a snowball or something wow Prosper Texas north of Dallas just got 11 in of snow today that is crazy aie mom I’m with you uh Susie do any do you wait have you ever known anyone who’s contracted the bird flu personally no never a soul how about you guys anybody just kind of curious I mean since we’re all dying of it right now or the whole world’s going
to implode from it they would like to convince us as more people like reach into Insanity they said a guy Alabama died from it and then I read another story from uh from Alabama that is saying he had like all kinds of pre-existing health conditions in other words the wind could have blown and he would have died but I don’t know how factual because well you can’t find factual news very often anymore I’m not a bird birds don’t get flues negative on the bird flu hello Anna in Florida Gloria just said I made potato
soup tonight for me and my son Snow’s still coming down we don’t get snow very often enjoy enjoy Robin likes my pillow now before I can forget I better dive in here and do this thing right as we enter 2025 dollarization is accelerating China and Bricks nations are reducing their dependence on US dollar and their secret weapon gold China’s buying gold quietly Under reporting their purchases I had no idea like 10x Under reporting China and Bricks they’re preparing for something so why are they quietly not reporting
well why because they know Gold’s Global value its ability to withstand economic shocks and its immunity to manipulation this isn’t just about Nations it’s about you gold is your personal hedge against uncertainty Noble gold Investments uh can help you secure your financial future with gold you can visit at Noble gold investments.com or you can go to markz gold.com with a qualified account right now they’re giving away up 10 of these puppies American Silver Eagle coins that is Noble gold Investments or markz
gold.com who are they buying all the gold that buddy we kind of talked about that a little bit this morning they’re buying it from all kinds of places from private individuals wealthy companies mostly they’re buying either directly from miners right now I mean they’ll just get like a crudely um refined Dory bar not even like Hallmark Quality Gold they’re just trying to get it they’ll get I had reports from guys I’ve worked with uh over the years telling me they are going villageo Village in Africa buying the
Gold Dust before it even becomes a Dory bar right now nuts how quick how the efforts they’re taking to accumulate gold o God servant fried egg sandwich with cheese that is one of my favorites not even like good cheese I need like the crappy craftter R Vito with it um Robert Ferguson said Mark my friend just uh they just got evacuation orders in Woodland Hill California the fir is spreading um you’re wait I in Calabasas and Hidden Hill oh the fire is spreading into Calabasas and Hidden Hills H Joseph I don’t know on the
silver backs cost more than the gold backs I assume based on the amount of metal in them if I remember the guys from uh from Utah gold the company that makes them I remember what that story was there’s considerably more silver in the silver back than in the lower domination go back but I’d have to double check it’s been a while since we had them on I should have them on again yeah Jennifer it is kind of curious isn’t it that fires just seem to whenever Trump’s going to come in power California starts having fires maybe
they just need somebody to [Music] blame all right I need to get to it no not glint Carolyn this is something from I I’d have to look it up and share share the link real quickly I’m not prepared for to have it pulled up Nathan just said lost my house in Paradise California in 2018 same thing shut off all the fire hydrants at 7:30 in the morning the whole town burned down we lost everything devastating uh when I was 16 the family home burnt down Christmas morning and we lost everything but at least we had Neighbors
at least we had our grandparents next door so we had some place to to go we had friends family church so many of these folks don’t I mean it’s I can only imagine when it’s entire neighborhoods like that everything’s devastated it’s not like a quick rebuild it’s going to be tough praying for you guys Michelle just said my friend lost his house in Paradise California also It’s just tough heart’s breaking for you folks um let’s get into a little bit of news and get to Dr Scott as quickly as we can it’s been very quiet today we’re
going to touch on what we have do not expect much we are counting on Dr Scott Dr Scott young the man the myth to bring us the heat today no pressure Dr Scott none at all but we’re not gonna have any great news unless you’re here for us I love doing that um the first of these is Nobles all right translation sucks on this one discussions begin on merging armed factions with security forces with the returning militias slash whatever the stepping down after Isis uh they’re trying to roll some of them the
ones they believe are better trained um better motives into the security forces inside of Iraq we’ll see how this one goes it would be kind of like the US military recruiting uh proud boys and everybody else we’ll see how this one goes but it is making the news uh the biggest part though is they are trying to make certain that they the government itself can handle these groups fold the better ones into uh the government uh and security forces police forces military Etc kick out the others it’s going to be interesting it’s a it’s a
neat approach we’ll see how they execute kurish roadmap oh wait a minute we really should mix we got some other good ones I didn’t do them in a good order Kurdistan rope road map on the sudin table to end the salary crisis they are are having a powwow tomorrow um to uh no wait Saturday this Saturday they are sitting down to try to work through the last of the issues with herbal Kurdish uh pay uh fees that go they’re trying to pound out this weekend the last of the differences on HCL I really did mean for that to be the last
one and I didn’t put it in the right spot the government is determined to remove all foreign forces from Iraq this uh article should have been over here uh next to the first one they want to remove all of them including Americans now this is not necessarily the entire government this is the head of the Parliamentary block of the national contract Abdul Amir Al Maui revealed on Thursday the government’s intention to remove all foreign forces from Iraq including US forces you know what it takes for them
to remove all forces Counting Americans Donald Trump’s told us we were told by shabibi back in the day we’ve been told repeatedly means we will have been paid and everything will be good and they said they were moving them this year I think we’re about to be good in days weeks Etc so I did find that interesting that they are pushing again because I do know that one of the stipulations is you and I and our government being paid so I thought it was worth sharing that one we already talked about that oh I just
closed one give me a minute guys I got a happy fingers going to have to pull up a link again there it is let’s drop this one in here before we get to Dr Scott the West regains ground in Iraq as BP British Petroleum finalizes terms on a huge kcook oil project including capturing the gas instead of flaring it uh pretty substantial numbers here it’s huge why am I pointing this out we’ve seen a lot of advancement of Russian interests and Chinese interests in the oil fields especially in the northern regions in
Iraq feels good to see some Western countries now back in play on large projects means International widely accepted International all right that one’s it there really wasn’t much to cover so now we need to uh bring in uh the illustrious the guy with the heat today I where the heat is yeah that probably ill time for me with the cold front moving through exactly we kind of let the our staff off for tomorrow because you know it’s just supposed to be like three to five inches total and I mean every time I
turn around my my favorite one in the in Tulsa you know growing up in Denver you grew up in in in Pennsylvania it’s like snow belt used to it you know it’s not a big deal but you know yeah you’re right people will like take the bread out of your hands so like yeah they’ll tackle you when you go past the kebler cookies and uh take your bread from you right it’s crazy so anyway I want to share with you um a little PowerPoint I kind of presented for you um and then we’ll have a video I’ll show you I’ll tell you when
to to pop that in with that too right um I can leave your little face down in the corner if it makes yeah let me have actually let me have a side if you don’t because I still have stuff there yeah perfect um so I you I get this question all the time that we have all these people who don’t believe and assara and and a lot of them are misplacing what RV is and their their disbelief in it in the nisara thing and I see this so much of the time and and I then I asked this question because one of the central
points is to make a Gob back currency and this is the central idea that you have to deal with and I say to people okay fine you don’t believe it then you tell me how he’s going to solve the issues that are out there let me show you what I mean when you look at um some of the stuff how do you solve it how do you look at this because the reality is this is 2008 this is what 2025 is I mean the the debt crisis and I’m going to I’m going to show you more about it but the debt crisis in the way this thing this
thing lives you’ve got to fix it by a gobat currency you’ve and that’s why people I know it’s so frustrating not to see it day by day but it has to get solved and it has to get solved pretty quickly um I’ll I’ll use this in a second when I I see this but I you know when I hear people as a scam if you don’t mind bringing this up on the on the screen down here the below Mr M what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close
to anything that could be considered a rational thought everyone in this room is now Dumber for having listened to it I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul okay a simple wrong would have done just fine one my favorite ones out there so we go back in our our the PowerPoint here um I I just say to people all the time is listen you have to have this you have to have you have to have the nissara piece here with that too so if you can click on the um the PowerPoint for me again there you go okay so let’s
talk about a couple things that I find interesting in here did you know know that 80% of all the dollars that were made were made within the last five years this is this is startling and I thought we were at a bankruptcy phase in 2020 look at the numbers here that means 80% of everything that happens we should be in a massive hyperinflation and I know you go yeah we’re in the hyperinflation no we’re not I mean things should actually everything that you you see should be you know 80% or 800 times more um more pricey than that
and yet we’re not seeing that in that same way because there’s a level of a they have been you know tamping down the craziness that that could have happened now it doesn’t mean that things aren’t crazy but they’ve been tamping it down a bit so and and here’s one of the things I find fascinating how come bway uh birkshire hathway has been adding up money in cash for a very long time frame it’s because executive order 13818 says they have to convert everything to cash why are they doing that it’s not because
they get to keep that money it’s because they’re not going to have that money and that flips in to the St Germain fund as far as we know is that and I just think about this all the time you know the death Surplus when we look at Surplus time frames this would be World War um two we had a post World War II we had a little bit of a dip up you know uh the death Surplus was really nice during Eisenhower um but Kennedy dropped off then obviously we started to see a surplus around here right around pre
Carter time frame but then they took all the NAA money and I mean they started to add up more in the three-letter agencies and then we see you know the the deficit part that happens all through Reagan no one ever really pays attention to that and then the first Surplus actually happens in Clinton’s time frame and is more of the fascinating part we had a surplus of money with that too and then we see the drop off these are the 911 then we see the 2008 crisis and this is where we are right now it’s an unsolved
aable issue and I always say to people this and I did the math on this and you might not like the exact number of the math but I want you to think about your one of your kids coming to you right now and says you know I make $35,000 a year I need help with my money I need money from you Dad okay let’s see your budget but then you realize their budget they’ve been spending $100,000 a year that’s how far off this our situation is with the government you can’t just bring in Doge and fix everything Doge doesn’t fix everything
it just makes it where we’re in within a budget and then after that you still have the debt that keeps pressing down on you it’s falling down on them in ways that you look at this and this is one of my favorite kind of little memes here um you know when you look back and I’m going so how are you going to fix that tell me that you’re really going to be able to do do that this are not going to be able to do that to to fix it right that’s why you have to when we when Mark says look at the fundamentals these are
the fundamentals these are the things that you see on the screen it says it’s coming that’s the imminency that we think of one of the things I find fascinating is is the way that we think of eminency and eminency in the Bible there a conversation about Rapture and I I don’t want to get off in that one it’s one my favorite other topics but you know when we look at this I I’m G to bring something else on the screen I’m gonna read this to you here in a second but when when you think of eminency people
it does not mean immediacy it means that it’s imminent it’s like the next thing on the on the stage that’s what you know the RV the nisara piece really is this actually came I don’t know where my wife got this but I’m going to read this here so um I am with you and for you when you decide on a course of action that is in line with my will nothing in heaven or on Earth can stop you you may encounter obstacles As you move forward toward your goal but don’t be discouraged never give up with my help you can overcome
any obstacle don’t do not expect an easy path on the journey ahead be hand inand with me but do remember that I your very present helper I’m omnipotent much much stress results from you wanting to make things happen before their time has come one of the main ways I assert my sovereignty is in the timing of the events if you want to stay close to me and do things my way ask me to show me I mean show you the path I have forward but Moment by moment instead of Dashing along headlong toward your goal let me set the
pace slow down and enjoy the journey in my presence and this is from Psalms uh this last part here Psalms 461 through three God is our refuge refuge and our strength a very present help in time in trouble therefore we will not fear even though the Earth may be removed though the mountains be car IED into the midst of the sea though the waters Roar and be troubled though the mountains shake with its swelling do you kind of feel some of that stuff when you see some of the Palisade issues going on I mean have
friends of mine over that in that area and I’ve been checking in with them you know here and there guys this none of this stuff is surprising to God it’s so frustrating for us to be in but that’s why you got to like walk in a pace that he sets not the pace that you set so that’s my story and I’m sticking to it so questions oh all right I was busy just uh enjoying and listening um and we need those constant reminders thank you um yeah praise God for his glory his messages are always so good through his messenger
uh still blown away I keep reading some of this uh fire stuff in California um all right let’s see Kevin said Mark you should bring on Andy with Scott and MRC the lack of gold auditing will open their eyes to a much different world of reality no way of Nera without knowing our gold sply guarantee we know our Gul we know the money that’s backing the currency we probably have no clue what if any is in h Fort Knox yeah and it’s not there I mean you know I’ve been trying to figure that out I remember in
in 2020 I had a clue that it was like 286 million ounces but I have no idea and and here’s the reality in in the Philippines there was an argument over someone selling and I cannot remember the number like a million ounces I please don’t don’t uh quote me on that but there was this there was this insane amount of of of gold that was sold this was this was a few decades ago and no one believed it it really did happen there’s more gold than people understand and they haven’t seen it out there now I did have
somebody present something interesting they keep telling us Gold’s going to destroy the central banks what if and I I I find this one an interesting I’m not saying this is any way going but I do find it an interesting um thing to think about gold comes out of the ground at a higher ratio than silver so I mean it’s tougher to get silver out of the ground than it is gold out of the ground what if they suddenly dump a huge amount of gold on the market all these central banks are aggregating gold left and right they’re
going to prop themselves up they’re going to be able to avoid any sanction by going gold what happens if we go silver heavy and devalue gold and way up value silver you would destroy CCP you would destroy the fed you would destroy all the evil central banks around the world if we dumped a huge amount of gold on the market and then base the value on Silver and let the market decide the values because silver would go skyrocketing up I thought it was an interesting Theory somebody presented I think I think like
when you think about it just from a financial issue the the answer is like like let’s say you got a mass murderer in front of you and he goes I will pay every single person that I murdered um $5 million if you don’t send me to Jail the answer is after a while you gotta say nah it doesn’t matter how much you pay you’re going to jail and and I think that’s where we are right now I I think that’s and that’s why you know people talk about the central banks and you know and what how much money they have
do they really have that money I I I’m not convinced that the central banks actually have that money I think you’ve got the uh the good guys who have the money and the central banks are just the only place that you might seed it with that to I don’t think they have any control over it I don’t think they have much the way to control either but let’s see it’s just me again if Nera doesn’t happen before the real start of tax season will it need to wait another year heck no no I you know you can start it
you can start it tomorrow and then what you’re doing is you’re you know you’re refunding back you know that last year or whatever that that is so heard Julie green word silver and gold hey look that’s the only constitutional money we have that’s the only real money according to the US Constitution that exists is real gold and silver so when I look at all these cbdcs and all that are we I mean we just going to play a game pretend it’s not illegal and unconstitutional nope not happening yeah Trisha says you know central banks
are taking over of course they are and that’s and that’s the key element I think that we don’t see I mean there’s two sides of this fence we talk about the financial side but you got to deal with um the justice that is coming and and that is coming like a flood guys um I do believe did Kennedy want to back the US dollar with silver not gold he was pushing to back it with silver I find it interesting 11110 or something like that that he he did that about six months later he was he was killed so there you go golfer in
Savannah who will hold the central bank’s accountable the FED yeah they won’t no we have to the market free market does it’s it’s the military you know one of the key elements I always I was I struggle with and know some people will disagree with me on this but I believe that it starts you know that that tier one stuff starts with the military if you some people believe it’s opposite where the tier one is like the governments and then your military other people are down below if you start with governments they’re just GNA do it
incorrectly I believe you have to start with the military who is telling the governments no you’re not going to do it this way um D this probably a good question for you and I definitely have some opinions thoughts and uh knowledge on this front have you heard anything about Trump in favor of the IQD he’s been working with Iraq he bought 14 million us worth of it probably 12 14 years ago before he ever considered running um heck Warren Buffett what year two going on two years ago spent like 20 some million dollars buying IQD said he
thought it was a great long-term investment he wasn’t looking for it immediately but he thought it was a great long-term investment you can hate Warren Buffett all you want but he has a tremendous history with his long calls he doesn’t make short calls he makes long calls uh it’s how he has done his stock market picking whatever uh for for his entire career he says all right here’s the long this is what there’s going to be ups there’s goingon to be down but we know what the answer is we know the long term and he spent big
personal money not birkshire Hathaway money we’re talking about Warren Buffett’s personal money he bought a lot of dinar with um so there are a lot of the big PE famous people out there that are betting on it but no Trump has very much pushed and it’s probably one of the reasons he wants Iraq to be the calming central leader the compass for the Middle East and he’s putting so much emphasis on it right now he knows just like JP Mor just like Jamie Diamond said Iraq’s going to be the financial savior of the world
I I I always keep going back to this guys we just keep forgetting it all the time and the media keeps forgetting about it he’s an economist at heart I mean you didn’t just like you know H bring in a general Flynn kind of character you brought in an economist college for economics IQD what he went to college for economics and business I know like you know the guy has you know people would say you know one of the things that they they complained about Trump is they complained when when he was running in
2016 is he’s never done International politics you know like like Hillary was and I’m like are you this is before I knew much about Trump you know I mean i’ I’d heard that the military in 2014 military wanted in him in I didn’t believe it at the time in 2016 they were complaining about him and I was like oh my God this is a guy who has run an international company who has to deal with with governments and security forces across the planet in different ways he is the number one person a a big business kind of person is the number
one person to run a government so um Le lover question for you if I take a$ thousand dollar worth gold of coins to my bank and ask a deposit in my account will they take it no no actually asked that I’ve asked some of the questions about about you know different types of let me just put it this way like if you had high value pennies quarters dimes nickels they would go no we’re just gonna give you a dime for it um yes Trump’s trialing uh trial sentencing is tomorrow um they they do plan on S it’s going to be interesting
to see what happens we’re being told no prison time um or no incarceration excuse me no incarceration they’re going to try to make it as embarrassing as they can uh it’s it’s an allout war on him and what it means to the Deep State um Kevin who’s exactly is gonna flip the switch invisible white hats who many doubt Congress isn’t gonna Congress already approved it yeah a long time ago military guys it’s military that’s that’s who does it yeah all right while I’m thinking of this one so many people out there in
Thea uh are they really going to can debts all that here’s something that’s happened every time they have gone from Fiat to commodity they have to cancel all the debt even if we don’t have the official Feelgood they don’t call it Nera we still get all those C they can’t Rebo you can’t bankrupt without getting rid of the debt debt and that’s exactly what we’re doing right we’re declaring bankruptcy on the Fiat and then backing everything with assets every time it has happened in world history in human
history they have wiped the debts it’s still part of it when I hear people say oh my God you know the’s never going to happen it doesn’t matter if it’s in Congress or whatever that removal of the debt still happens right which is what 99% of the people want there’s a few of us that want more but most just want the debts to go away well I mean now we’re seeing that’s what I’m trying to show you now we’re seeing the debts are unsustainable I mean you can’t even like pay for you know the the interest of the debt the
interest of the debt every single day sitting about 16% I mean of the federal budget you can’t even possibly handled that no yeah I agree with you Roland I mean military steps in you know and we’re not screwed military knows exactly what’s going on here if if if you thought that Biden was really running things then you’d believe that screwed Part I find some of these Freudian slips interesting Fox News said while covering Carter’s funeral uh they said on Fox we have had 45 presidents well almost 45 in
a few days wait a minute is he gonna be 47 I love it um easy chair military a lot of people believe military is the only way it’s only thing that makes any sense guys I mean if you’re not going to trust in this I mean here’s what happens you either have to have um the people rise up and they just wipe out Washington which they could uh or you got military there’s only two things left to I wonder when you asked um and man I’ll see if I can dig it up over the last few days we shared a PDF from Chase Bank showing
that they are preparing to uh exchange IQD so I get a kick out of it when they go in and they tell you something that we know is patent false um just like JP Morgan D Jamie Diamond they you know some of the biggest consultants and private Banks uh working with Iraqi Banks so I mean it’s total BS we can see it we we can like you can look through their own documentation on their own corporate sites where they talk about exchanging it and taking it but they’re going to keep telling you that I just
assume the people that work for him are so ignorant of reality that they honestly believe it too somebody above them some supervisor told them guys remember 90% of people in this world they go to work do what they have to and leave they they don’t want to learn anything more they’re doing their eyes straight on the goal getting through the day going home to whatever they believe their life is they don’t ask any more questions it’s the painter can’t tell you how the paint’s made he can just put it on there are some that can tell you
all about it what’s in it how it works why it binds but the overwhelming majority just know I like using this one couldn’t tell you anything about its manufacturer and that’s most banking employees are the same way um do you see any fun ones in here Dr Scott trying to look at um Trump is I sent a letter saying is a strong said so white wolf has an interesting statement um how many days of military lockdown um first off I don’t believe in a lockdown um do I think that we’ll have if if you know we
have a EBS I don’t I’m always of the opinion and I know Captain Kyle’s probably the only other guy that has the same basic opinion it’s it’s a I think it’s a three-day thing but I don’t think it’s a mandatory lockdown point so I don’t um take this one then I’ll highlight uh White Wolf um do you know if will will will uh exchange currencies that’s who’s the only one we’ve ever heard in America and there was a conversation about Chase jumping up and doing it instead Wells is the number one that we just keep hearing about I based
on my contacts in the banking world is preparing for it Wells Fargo was definitely one of the ones handling it I know there are a lot of rumors out there but the real world flesh and living contacts very much disagree um Dr Scott this is the one you were talking here you take it so uh when Trump became president I sent him a letter indicating that it was a real strong he was a real strong uh he was a strong real estate developer I said now it’s time for you to show what you can do after he made his world tour to me
the world leaders I sent him another letter thanking him for the world tour do we I think we have to I I think what I have been seeing and this is just something I’m feeling in my heart so the first um time that he was in office 2017 to 2021 there he was um setting up the military situation that we had to do a lot of the crazier things happened and we never saw them then you add the 2021 to 2025 time frame of and almost everyone to a a t believed that Trump would be in office a day after that fake
inauguration or any of those kinds of things and then we thought in 2022 they would for sure not less go through another fake election and then 24 for sure not going through a fake another fake election we were wrong I I think what we’re trying to we’re seeing is this full cycle of of saying the full cycle is fake but I had to take the full cycle to fix the things in the back end now I believe that you have to have the real Victory lap the only way to have a Victory lap and and to be in the gold
times are ahead is to have the war be done yeah um Beach lover they bought a considerable number of shares a group of what we call Elders dragons whatever the banking families bought considerable shares it’s publicly traded company they do not own all of Wells Fargo but they bought what many consider to be the controlling share and just like hcsb is I say that right hcsb should be the international one for instance yeah I love it Jay was like ah Jay’s here said they won it and then somebody else pointed I mean the CBI
names two American banks that they work with and correspond with and exchange with and that is JP Morgan Chase and City Bank that we know actually 100% no question buy and sell currencies IQD dollars back and forth with the nation so I mean I it’s Jay it’s kind of special somebody up there said just tell them we don’t do it doesn’t matter if we do or don’t it’s like listen I mean if if you were to ask someone in my office a particular office policy you have to ask my wife okay um sometimes I know I’m most of the time
know it because I’m the owner of the business right but she’s the one that actually knows the policy but if you got into a deep portion of the policy do you think my employees would know every single policy out there no here you go simple Uh Kevin just pointing out JP they they’re auditing new banking mechanisms for transfers Etc they’re helping them go International yeah mili man’s covered it I’ve covered it Dr Scott you probably covered it I mean this is not a secret um yeah the Supreme Court uh has um denied Trump’s uh
request to stay sentencing for tomorrow um the normal crew I mean uh the SK scly I’m trying to think of all the ones that came on board and they were outvoted uh some of the newer appointments are the ones that threw Trump under the bus um the oh geez now I’m to start forgetting in clearance Thomas the the the normal crew came to his came to his rescue I’ll see if I find that while you take another question as to which one Ved I have a good one here that Mary put out there uh Mary’s zanowski I think it is
uh she said any thoughts updates on the Boi um so uh the December 23rd the Boi was uh reversed by thre member group you know back to saying you know you had to do it um on the 23rd fascinating date because that’s when the Fed was created the 27th of the month the the real Court of the fifth circuit they they kind of got together and said you know what that’s ridiculous we’re still gonna keep it um unconstitutional so you didn’t have to do it now it’s sitting in in Scot’s desk and they actually have said they need to
do it by tomorrow so and I know the other things are out there but they’re asking for the Boi thing to be set up for tomorrow so that they can deal with this issue too and and listen I’ve already said I’m not doing it i’ I’ve just put it out there in many ways here’s the funniest thing that that I think is is fascinating who puts put this thing through it’s the treasury and the first case that came through in Texas was in December 6th but guess what we found out um around Christmas time that on December 3rd
China hacked the treasury so it means everyone who put their Boi information for to you know to be safe which you should hope that it’s safe that information was hacked I’m going of course there’s a reason why I’m not doing it um it is unconstitutional of every way shape and form so sorry come tracking uh this one down um that looks like Amy Comey Barrett is the one that threw bus uh Trump under the table in some chief justice Roberts and Amy Comey Barry cided with Justice appointed by Democratic party presidents John
Roberts not surprised at all the ones uh stepping up standing up were Justice Thomas Alito Gorsuch and Kavanaugh um they would have granted and dissented strongly uh on this one of course all the liberal judges and on the conserv or supposedly conservative side um it was uh Roberts and Amy Barrett throwing him under the bus and I I don’t know about you guys but I’ve been very unimpressed with Amy Comey Barrett and Roberts I mean we don’t even need get we don’t even need to have the conversation yeah but I think that’s
just I think that’s part of the movie guys I if you’re thinking about what scotus is doing or what what Congress is doing or any of the other ones um I I do have an inside source that told me just two days ago um very very deep inside person said he knew every bit of the budget did you know that everyone in um the three-letter agencies are absolutely terrified at what’s coming they terrifi they don’t know if they’re still gonna exist yeah they they’re so terrified it and it it’s beyond just terrified of the Doge thing because Doge
if you really if you just did Doge it’s probably going to take you four years to do and you only get about through about third of it that that wouldn’t scare you enough they’re terrified right now and I can’t even tell you how the The Source because I’m protecting that that particular thing and that actually come actually came from two different people that I’ve had some some direct contact with they’re super terrified of this yeah can’t wait for them to upad all right it is time to you have Roberts is
definitely corrupt it is time for me to start wrapping things up Dr uh Scott uh anything you want to cover before we do it’s been a long day I’m looking forward to uh calling it wrap here in 30 minutes and uh getting my feet up yeah no I gu I just I just keep going back to the the point is I think we’re on a pace that our soul is taking us to okay our mind our will and emotions are trying to go on a pace that God’s not on and so you can either keep with your anxiety and keep that pace or you can kind of back
up where where Jesus is and say you know what I’m gonna go at his Pace because he’s obviously not worried about it so I’m gonna go in his pace and I think that’s a really powerful thing it’s one of the reasons why my wife gets irritated with me I’m up at 3: and 4 in the morning I mean like I forgot got to turn off the alarm at 4:45 when I walked out the door yesterday so she’s been up she was up since 4:45 yesterday but like I mean I’m up and in prayer and so that I can be calm I understand that I’m not
seeing my House burn down around me with that too I’ve already been through a lot of my crazier things that I could get into just be calm guys you can’t you can’t fix everything speaking about being up uh early in prayer would you close one out I mean between the winter storms uh the number of people that I mean they’re we will lose people to it especially in Western Carolina Eastern Tennessee North uh Georgia there are plenty of folks throughout the country it’s going to be a problem um but between that and the folks that are
suffering from the fires in California I was just hoping you could close us out in a prayer this evening absolutely well I just thank you Lord God we because we put we put your uh the blood of Jesus over North Carolina still the the Carolina through the Florida area as it gets colder right now Lord God they still haven’t had the homes Lord God I just ask that you would put a covering over each of them that they would feel your presence Lord God we just thank you for the people that that will come in
like a flood to take care of them and we just ask for that physical flood the physical water flood that that will start coming to the LA area all the way through that that area and just quench the fires we ask Lord God for justice we don’t ask for Retribution we ask ask for justice because right now God you can’t have a country when you have no justice and so we just claim your Justice not fairness of any type but just your Justice to come and we just thank you Lord God for that we know that you’ve
got this thing figured out we’re going to see the timing and we I I see it right now I see that timing and I just say Lord God that I’m going to rest until that moment and then be activated to do a whole bunch of work I just thank you Lord God for that I just thank you for the healing that are coming to the people that are struggling in their own healing issues I’m for for Mark for I have my own issues and so do all so many other people I just thank you Lord God that we rest in that by your by your
stripes that we are healed we just thank you for that in Jesus name I pray amen amen thank you for doing that Dr Scott much appreciated for the rest of you folks do have Mr cell in the morning we’ll be back 10: am Eastern um Dr Scott when’s your next live I haven’t I’ve never done a live I I did I do have a video uh tomorrow by the way I do have a a video at 10 o’clock Central Time so it’s after Mark I was kind of try to do after Mark it’s with guy Roger who’s the lawyer so I think you like him awesome
all right and uh then I gotta lean on you to sell Freedom Forge coffee wait here’s my coffee yeah now we’re talking okay all right everybody see you uh tomorrow uh back again next week Dr Scott yep I’ll be here all right everybody take care good evening and see you