Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 02-06-2025

Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 02/06/2025

Hello, all. Even the wrong glasses, man. I can tell you, it has been a day and a work day.


So, sorry for the late start, guys. Very fruitful, busy day, but till the RV, I’m still working a day job. Crazy busy.


I did have the pleasure today, spending quite some time on the phone, well, not on the phone, but on a Zoom call with Wendy Bell from Wendy Bell Radio. What a super sharp lady. That was neat.


Look forward to us doing some things in the future together or podcast. That was awfully, awfully neat. But without further ado, let me get two things so we can bring in the illustrious, notorious, infamous Dr. Scott.


After an extremely warm summer in 2024 that saw a spike in power bills, now households are seeing the same problem with heating bills. As America heads into the peak of a frigid winter, families are bringing attention to exceptionally high heating bills they received earlier this month that are almost double that of the previous month. My daughter’s was three times in East Carolina.


The rising utility costs are even forcing some of us to have to decide between paying food, medicine, or their heating bill. So, I use amazing portable heater. Absolutely love it.


It is pretty cool, guys. I did play with it and enjoyed it and then sent it back to North Carolina. How toasty warm it makes the house without added heating costs.


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How are you doing? Man, worn out. Hectic. Extremely confident that things have truly started yesterday, but working through what details Ken can’t share and busy vetting that statement.


What are you hearing? Anything good? Nothing right at this moment. I mean, other than what I see out there, you know, and so that’s kind of what I’m looking at. I think it’s interesting that cash was pushed off for a week and I still kind of go back, you know, will Trump just get pissed off and say, you know, I’m closing you down.


The second article of the third section says he can close down Senate and do it himself. So I’m just waiting for that kind of thing out there. The way he’s been going hardcore at it, taking no prisoners, I would not be surprised because he is not giving the deep state time to rally, to circle their wagons.


He has kept them so off balance. Now, of course, they’ve started, you know, I mean, they had lawsuits, they won, but we’ve seen four in the last couple of days, major ones where they’re trying everything now. He did announce, which to me is good because now he suddenly has a lot of the West Coast swamp scrambling.


Trump says he will investigate California’s high-speed rail project, says it’s criminal what they’ve done with what little money and he is going to go after him, find out where the breakdown is. So I’m wondering if he’s doing some of this because all of a sudden all the politicians out there, they got to kick back like, oh crap, because that is, I mean, you look at Nancy and I mean, so many of the people that hound him are from the left coast. I’m just wondering if he is keeping them off balance right now so that he can push through these appointments.


Well, and I think the appointments are important, you know, and I still wonder if that might be part of what he’s waiting for, but I got to tell you, you know, I was having a conversation with a friend of ours, Trina, and, you know, we were talking back and forth about different ideas. And I think it takes weeks and weeks and weeks to get everything to line up correctly. So he would have had to, along with the military, had to set the date, you know, whenever they wanted to set the date, it would have had to been done weeks ago to set for a point in time down the road.


And one of the more interesting ones that we’ve always looked on on the 17th letter is Super Bowl Sunday. There’s conversations of the Super Bowl Sunday, it’ll look like a puppy bowl right after the Super Bowl. Pam Bondi just has gone down there and she’s securing the New Orleans site.


So. Now, are we, we are supposed to see Trump actually attend Super Bowl. We’ve got some other high profile ones there.


I mean, this is, when it comes to security, et cetera, this is kind of a scary time for me, but he has clearly been more in control and had better foresight than me. I am seeing it left and right. I am, I’ve definitely misread some of it, but he is 10 steps ahead of me right now.


Right. I think he’s fully secure. I don’t think they have any ability to get to him in that way.


That’s just my, my big thing. But well, if you’d like, I’ll let you, if you don’t mind, let me kind of click on a couple of areas. The first thing I want to do is bring up this the first slide says RVRQ.


Let me see. You tell me if I get the right one. It’s the next one over.


There you go. I was got this, I got this remark. I kind of blanked out here.


Dana asked an interesting question and I love it when accountants get in the middle of this. We need more accountants to step up to the plate. I was talking about overall, she’s looking at, at these, the Boulevard, you know, the 2020, the 2019, there’s also the 2021 and just, they don’t make sense, you know, an overall basis that’s, you know, what, what she’s looking at is there’s so many zeros.


She’s talking about the difference between what she might see versus other people. I mean, I’ve heard conversations of 33 cents. I’ve heard $3.


I’ve heard higher. And, and then you say, well, yeah, but for which part or for what thing. And, and so I decided to kind of take an historical kind of basis here.


So if we can kind of flip over to the other one with the website. Yeah. So if you click over to that other, other thing, let me kind of bring that one up.


It’s the, it’s the first one. There you go. Perfect.


Okay. So I decided to kind of take a more historical kind of viewpoint here. When we look at Venezuela and it’s talking about the fall of the petrostate.


Now remember the petrodollar came on in 44. And ever since, sorry, I’m still getting over a lot of congestion. Ever since 44 and especially post-World War II, we saw lots of little, you know, nations that were, that were, you know, up, they were really powerful in and of themselves.


And then they dropped down to the ground and we see this and, and we see this kind of response over and over again, that the petrostate is trying is, is losing every time we turn around. And so when we, we see this and it starts happening in around 2014, when the, you know, they’re a hundred bucks a barrel and it goes down to 30. Now, Saudi Arabia was taking it on the chin too, but they weren’t taking it on the chin the same way.


And so you have to ask the question, why were they taking it on the chin? As we look a little bit more at the economy in there, and I have some other things too, it actually starts around 99 to 2013. And they’re talking about Hugo Chavez to Maduro. And you’re like, wait a second.


And, and of course we all know, you know, Hugo was, you know, a fascist slash communist, whatever you want to call him and other ways, and brought in huge amount of overspending was, was supported by the three letter agency, the CIA. And so we have that, that particular group that loves to mess with them. And, but yet this is a very, very rich company, a country, excuse me, just even use the same thing, same as that kind of stuff happens to Zimbabwe with that too.


And so we have, you know, Zimbabwe notes have this massive amount of, of notes. And we look at them and we’re just like, they’re, you know, how do you, if you look at any of the notes for all of these, these countries, I say, you know, what is it about them? Why did they lose their value? We’re not talking about a country who doesn’t have a lot is incredibly poor. Because when you, when you look at these countries, I mean, and I’ve, I’ve mentioned this about eight times, you know, online several, you know, and I think it’s 2021, 2022 Zimbabwe suddenly found $13 trillion of diamonds, you know? So, so obviously these countries have a huge level of hyperinflation.


You go, was it just poorly mismanaged? And the answer is partly that, and partly America jumping in and stealing their wealth. And so that’s what, that’s what the struggle is when you look at this. Now, I just kind of bring you to the, the quintessential hyperinflation of 1923, actually twenties all the way through the twenties.


And this is directly set up and they, they kind of say that they really have bad information on, on some of these sites. The reality was that after world war one, the Versailles treaty put on massive amounts of money that they had to pay all the other victor countries. And, and even Wilson at the timeframe was saying, no, this is not what I want to do.


But he was so sick. He really couldn’t run. He wasn’t even able to run the government.


Couldn’t say anything in the role of the Versailles treaty. And, and what it did is, is the, the, the powerful point that you realize they were burning their, their currencies, or they would take it at a wheelbarrow and get a, a loaf of bread. So this same kind of thing has happened over and over again.


And so you go, okay, fine. I get that, you know, so Dana might be looking at it and say, I hear that point. So listen to this.


We’ve got, and we’ve looked at this several times before the American first trade policy starts with the secretary of state, secretary of state and treasury. Again, why is it that treasury gets to be, you know, basically second chair in here and the fed has nothing to do with it. And then we’ve talked about this, you know, I showed this to Mark several times too.


And he was, he was, you know, talking about it. We’re talking about the, the misalignment of currencies. And so we’re talking about balance of payments, adjustments provides for trading partners with an unfair competitive advantage.


Now, if you look at what the American dollar is compared to most of the other currencies, you’d say, well, man, we’re way ahead of the other currencies. Right. Okay.


So if you don’t mind doing me a flavor, just kind of click on that little, the third one in. Yep. There you go.


Okay. So I kind of want to show you a little bit more information that will help you, by the way, you know, Mark and I don’t ever do, you know, QFS crypto. It’s not us.


You’re talking, please stop. We leave, we leave that for Zester. And by the way, I put in a FBI case on all the things that have been done to me.


And I’m, I’m going to, I swear to you, I’m going to take them down. I will, I will be suing all of these companies, you know, these social media companies for more money than you can imagine. I’ll be jumping into those class action suits and there are a bunch already in the works.


So if one of them, if one of them jumps up, we’ll all jump on that same one. And I think it’ll just, you know, tip over really fast with that too. So now look at this oil production and you say, you know, the oil production from 2008 to 2020, why does it go down? And you say like, have they lost oil there? I mean, because that’s actually what you’d think if you’re, if you’re looking at this, right.


And the answer is, so when it’s at 30 bucks a barrel, it starts to reduce the production. I’m like going, okay, and that’s OPEC jumping in there and not letting them do this. And so then there are sanctions that come out against the Venezuelans and this is the deep state messing with them, right? So when we look at this one, look at this highest inflation rate, and this is in 2023, look at the two that are on top of the list, you know, so why are these always showing up? These, these boys always getting just knocked down.


Iran, I didn’t even put it in the list here, but some of the ones that I always, I always kind of go back to this one. How come we fought a war in Vietnam? How come we fought a war in Iraq? Huh? The Dong and the Denar, the Zimbabwe, the Zim, the Bolivar. Do you see the connection there? And if you’re not seeing that, that war connection, you know, you’re not paying attention a little bit here.


So Dana, it’s not like you’re not paying attention. And this is the one that I brought up many times. This doesn’t even show as pretty as it really is.


But when we look at the amount of currency that has been created, this is by the Fed, you see, you know, the steady rise, right? By 2010, something is going on. And, and by the way, that’s the exact same time frame. Bolivar, you see, you know, Iraq is getting smacked.


I mean, because Iraq is invaded around here, and that’s the second time it was invaded the first time, what, around here-ish, I mean, in that kind of range. And so we see, you know, a steady increase, but it really hits on Obama’s time frame. And, you know, we were looking at, we were working on policy procedures, we were just looking at different issues.


And when you realize some of the stuff like HIPAA actually came up in the same time frame. And I remember when I first had to put HIPAA in place for my clinics, it was like, wait a second, no one ever gives away their information. I mean, it was so frustrating to watch what they wanted us to do.


And yet they violate the HIPAA agreements all the time. But that was also about the regulations. What they were doing is bringing on regulations.


And we now know from 2020 to 2025, 80% of every piece of currency that America’s had was created in this time frame versus this time frame. And yet even today, and I didn’t, I’m not showing you on the screen here, but even today, the currencies of the Bolivar are still pennies on the dollar in comparison with that too. So they’re still undervalued in that way.


And again, we keep coming back to this, that, you know, debt is a massive problem. It is unfixable. Those people who don’t believe in NASARA, and I don’t want to bring up the name because some of you guys like this person, but you know, there’s a person who believes in the RV, doesn’t believe in NASARA.


There’s several of them like that, right? And I go, fine. And this is the Scott area, right? Fine. You think that the RV or whatever part of the RV is going to happen, and yet the NASARA thing happens.


Go ahead. I just sit back and go, you fix it too. You tell me how you actually fix this, because Doge doesn’t just fix, Doge fixes this part, the fiscal part of the year, but you have debt that is up the wazoo and it’s unpayable in that way.


And I keep saying this. I mean, this is what the media tells us. And then, you know, the guy, you know, the guy they’re painting the picture isn’t painting the right thing.


And when you look at the public debt of the US versus Greece, one of the worst run countries out there, you know, went through its own ugly situation of bankruptcy. They went through a bankruptcy and we haven’t yet. I mean, there’s a video I’m pulling right now.


I’m going to play with this quite a bit here. Greece per GPD was not as messed up as we are right now. Yeah.


Yeah. I mean, think about that for a second. I mean, Iceland, when they overthrew their bankers and jailed them, was not in as bad a shape as we are right now.


And consider this. What happens when Greece gets out of the EU or, you know, they go belly up? Because here’s the funny thing. 40% of the Grecian people were working for the government.


Does that not sound familiar? I mean, not exactly the same numbers, but 40% of them working for the government. That means 60% is trying to drag along a huge ball and chain. And then Germany was very mad about this.


And this is more than likely one of the direct reasons that Britain got out of the EU. It’s called the Brexit with this. And it’s all Greece and we are doubly bad than Greece is.


And this is why I just look at this going, listen, you guys think that, you know, that Nassar piece isn’t super important. I’d say to you, absolutely 1,000% have to be fixed. So today- Great reminder here, Dr. Scott, every time in the past where they’ve changed monetary system, they have wiped debt.


If we get nothing out of Nassar, we don’t get a new political system. We have Trump cleaning house, giving us Nassar light or heck pretty much the full blown thing. And we still get that debt wipe.


So call it what you want, call it Nassar, call it debt forgiveness, call it fraudulent debt cancellation, use a different name if it makes you feel better. Well, and so to Dana’s basic point there, you know, which obviously your point and Dana’s point, but you have to rebalance the currencies. Trump is talking about it.


And what you’re thinking is, you know, when we look at this, so that’s America trading first, right? Or America first trading policy. And I’m going, yeah, but how do you balance this? And I think the one thing that when I first started getting into this and started learning that there was an actual QFS team, this is a global team that was looking at each of the nations and saying, okay, this is what your potential is. This is what you do.


This is what you have. And they were trying to come up with a value. And then there’s obviously massive negotiation that was going back and forth.


That’s a huge area that comes up and you’ve got to rebalance the currencies based upon that. So we do a brief note because I see so many people in chat talking about this that I cannot resist. So I was going to throw this one in, Dr. Scott, I know it’s going to be no surprise to you.


A number of news agencies have broken this story or derivatives thereof. Holy cash, Bishop who rebuked Trump’s immigration policies from the pulpit, pocketed 53 million in taxpayer dollars. It is all over the news right now.


Boy, I tell you what, she was full of righteous indignation. Well, paid for righteous indignation. I just, every time you see something and I remember seeing it and I was thinking, what’s going on? I mean, why is this freak up there talking? She was being exposed.


It was time for her exposure. And frankly, it’s time for the DC level exposure. It’s all of the DC courts, the DC churches.


I mean, what is it like 94, 96% of the DC people are left-wing in their viewpoint. We don’t need them anymore. No, they don’t fit.


Yeah, D. Flynn, I wish they’d pulled the plug on all the chemtrails. I think you just saw a day without many in your area. There are more and more whistleblowers coming through.


Trust me, they are going to get to the bottom of it. It will be exposed. And what are we supposed to get? Was it today, the Martin Luther King? Yes.


Where are we at in that process? Do you know? Yes. And I do know that this is the end of the day. Is it by the 7th? I remember it was 6th to 7th is about the timeframe.


Depends on when he actually… No, it could be when he filed it. And when I looked at it, it came up to the 7th, but don’t know. And a lot of people are saying, I did a long video with my lawyer guy, Roger, and just looking at it.


When this thing hits, when the JFK files hit, I think we’re really that super close. And by the way, it’s in the timeframe that many of us are all thinking or hearing. Fits.


Slagger asking, and Dr. Scott, I have no idea. I never listened to TNT ever. Never.


Not once. Not worth asking me. I will say this.


I have no idea what was said on the call, but if you’re asking me, guys, I’m never going to because it creates circle tail. I’m not going to listen to other Intel people, Guru people, because then all we do is confirm each other or agree with each other. And then no real information ever gets disturbed.


You need us not to talk to each other about those so that we can use our own independent sources. So we have a much better chance of getting to the truth. Now, if we hear something and we’re a little uncertain, it may be worth a conversation with each other.


But by and large, we should never have discussions like that all the time. Not unless we are discussing real life research, government studies, government reports, or directly from the politicians or the bankers involved. Otherwise, all it does is lead to circle tail.


So I have no clue what you’re talking about the disinfo, misinfo out of TNT. That’s not me being mean to Tony or TNT or any of the group over there. It’s just me saying, guys, you do not want us talking to each other all the time because all you’re going to get is circle tail.


You’re going to get a big circle jerk because everybody slaps each other on the back and agrees. It’s just not conducive to truth. And I think Tony definitely has got some information at times here and there.


But again, one of the things I do know is that he doesn’t understand the Nassar piece. He just doesn’t doesn’t do it. And you got to remember that crew over there hates Trump.


Yeah, they do. They loved Bush Sr. and they loved Obama. The two people who did the absolute most to stop the RV.


So that’s just my thoughts on that one. That’s not being mean to them, not saying they don’t have great information. I’m just saying I don’t want to lead to more circle tail.


Yeah. Where are we with the whole like cash Patel thing? They are delaying it for one week. What’s going on? So they said they are, you know, and both sides are talking about this.


They were delaying it for a week. And I’m like, well, if the files have to be dropped and cash has actually said, I’ve seen all the files, even the unredacted ones. Mike Pompeo said he saw them.


What’s going on there? I don’t I don’t know why this is the case. And I don’t know why this doesn’t just bring on Trump saying I’m I’m confirming them anyway. All right.


And this is probably a good spot here. Bobby Ray, would you mean beginning when you said it seems like it’s already started? No, you did not miss here just after the number of phone calls today in between work. And if you’re looking for a new segment tonight, you’re not getting one, guys.


The real job, the day job, the one that pays the bills had me slammed today. I have had. I don’t know, it’s probably midnight tonight before I eat dinner.


It’s just been one of those days with so much on my plate and projects and so many things coming due all at the same time that I just haven’t had time. And hopefully you guys will understand. I did take a couple of calls.


I took a couple from let’s just call it out west because I don’t want because a couple of them were not from Reno, but they were from out west. And I very much at this point am very confident. I don’t know what that time period is to play out.


But after those calls, I feel very confident that it started in force yesterday. I know I’ve had that feeling before that whatever. But at this point, I have I feel like I’m absolutely confident unless I get something to break my confidence in the next few hours.


I’m going to feel the same way in the morning. And unfortunately, because who they are and their jobs and roles, I’m not going to share who they are, what they said. But I feel extremely comfortable saying I feel like things are well.


Buckle up, get everything ready. Could be days, could be two weeks. Just get ready.


And unfortunately, it’s the safest place I can put it without. I mean, I just guys, I’ve not had an opportunity to pick it apart and ask the questions from everybody involved what I can or can’t stay. Yeah, I get I get sent, you know, emails with loads of video on that’s an hour and a half.


And I’m like, I don’t have time for that. Yeah, people send me those all the time. And God knows, I wish I could watch them.


I want to watch them. I want to share that information. I want to tell you what I think about it.


I just. It’s bad, because, like, for me, a long video is like a 30 second TikTok now. Right.


I just I don’t have time for it. And there are times that I mean, what I will tell you what what probably Mark and I are looking at, I mean, in different ways, it has nothing to do with any of the other Intel people. I’m looking at a completely different area of of what, you know, other levels of people are giving me given information.


So I’m looking for what the world says about what’s happening with Trump in essence. And those are the more interesting parts. And then I’m cutting those things up a bit.


So and I know you’re pulling articles from all kinds of areas, too. So you don’t really want us doing, you know, looking at what someone else said and then commenting on that. God, some of you are asking questions I cannot answer, but I appreciate that you’re asking them.


I just don’t get pissed off when I ignore them because I’m answering them just to give you peace of mind. And me losing the ability to exchange. It’s just not worth it.


One teach and I don’t know the right word. You know, Mark Z, do you need an assistant? I need 20. The problem is I don’t have time to train one.


So we’ll get across the finish line and then you guys get your own assistance because I’ll get mine to. Yeah, I think we’ve all been waiting for that next week and we’re all frustrated. And fortunately, I’ve nailed pretty much everything with the timing of the RV.


I nailed inflation, I nailed the overhaul, nailed the metal prices, the bond prices, the inversions. The reason for the debt? When I’m at it, I’m at like 99. I even know the exact electoral count, electoral college count.


I still think though that your reason is super powerful when you look at the historical part. You’ve said this over and again is the reason for the debt forgiveness is that’s some of the most powerful things. It’s what has happened every single time you go to a reset.


And that is one of powerful things. And I like to use the executive orders and the constitution. They’re right there for you.


They’re right there for you. And there is a tremendous historical precedence for what we’re going through. A tremendous.


It is one that is easily followed through history where they have reset currencies. Pup Grammy says, which debts will be forgiven if they’re a bank loan of any type? Even if it’s… Sometimes you see loans that are like it says some XYZ thing and it doesn’t look like a bank. It’s been given with real interesting information, but basically it has a compound interest.


It has a repayment schedule, all the things. That’s a bank loan. It’s just been dressed up differently.


And that would be forgiven too. Well, here’s going to be one. People are desperate.


No, Jim, I know they are. We have people losing homes. We have people can’t afford medical treatments.


No, I know people are desperate. Their desperation doesn’t put me in a different level of no, unfortunately, as much as I want it to. So they have to understand that part too.


And I know it’s difficult. God knows. I mean, if you guys had any idea of the actual amount that this program gives to those in need, it is mind numbingly more than I guarantee anybody else out there.


The only person that gives more and per capita less is probably going to be Mr. Beast. We give so much because I have a day job. So most of the money I make from this, you get.


I just save enough to do taxes. Dennis, where did you hear it? I still have not figured out who is spreading that crap. I wish I could find it so I could at least ask the person, where did you get this? Because it doesn’t match anybody I’ve talked to, period.


So what podcaster out there is telling you guys no debt forgiveness until August. I’m not saying it’s not possible. I would just love the ability to ask them, where’d you get it? Because I’m not hearing that from anybody.


I hate to say a lot of people I see and I kind of, every once in a while, I will say, every once in a while, I kind of dig down a hair and then I’ll see it. And I’m like, wait, what was that? Where’d you come up with the reason? Where’d you get that? And I heard it from a source. Oh, okay.


This one’s going to be a tough one night. I don’t think anybody’s getting interest back. No.


I keep saying this, there’s one guy that brought up the interest idea and when I called him on it personally, this is a long time ago, when I called him on it personally, he attacked me in different ways through social media. And then he said he was taking disinformation. They flipped back over, there’s going to be a debt forgiveness and then there’s not going to be.


I’m like, stop. The reality is the interest payments is a conversation about fairness, simply put. Restored Republic.


Remember guys, Restored Republic aggregates whatever somebody sends them or they have somebody do like transcripts. They don’t do Intel themselves. So whatever you read on Restored Republic, you need to take the time to find out who said it on Restored Republic and then ask them, not Dr. Scott, not me, ask them.


I’ll give you my thought and opinion on it. My thought and opinion on the no debt forgiveness to Augustus. I’ve not heard that from anybody and I don’t think it’s accurate.


That’s my thought and opinion on it. The person telling you that may know a crap ton more than me, maybe dead on, dead on right. I just, it’s not what I’m hearing from any of my sources.


Restored Republic tends to, I mean, I’ve seen it where people sent me the exact kind of quote. It’s like, I never said that. So I don’t know.


Moki, you’re missing what I said completely. You’re patting yourself on the back where people are suffering. I know they’re suffering and dying.


I’m not patting myself on the back. I’m saying I’ve gotten so many things right, but I don’t have the timing right. And I know people are hurting.


Sometimes I feel like people don’t listen to me. Do you ever feel like unappreciated? All the time. Moki, let me put it this way.


What do you want Mark to do? I mean, seriously, what do you want him to do about people are suffering and dying? And I mean, someone brought this up here. Very, very powerful point. You know, Jesus said, you’ll always have the poor among you.


I mean, that is a very powerful point that you need to look at. If you have the answer of what you want him to do, then tell me and he can, he can say it that way. I mean, if that would make you feel better.


God, Michael, I’m glad you said that. Um, wow. What can I share on this one? Um, because I do not want to get the source in trouble on this one.


Uh, but I can tell you there have been a lot of very important extreme, uh, meetings inside of IRS and different groups and management groups. And to say that there is absolute pure panic and many people preparing to take job offers to get out. Yeah.


Um, let me see what kind of permissions I can get from those. Uh, but, but he’s, yes, I believe it’s going away. I don’t know the details yet, but I very much at this point believe it is going away finally.


Well, uh, his press secretary, whatever her name is, um, she just, she, she basically read off, you know, a whole bunch of things about USAID and then talks about deaf. I mean, that talks about IRS deaf. I mean, they can’t be more clear.


It’s going away. Um, boy, Jay air. You’re right.


Some people are too busy looking at the chat. They don’t listen to what you say. No, you’re right.


And a lot of people, and I get it. There’s a lot going on. I mean, you got 10,000 chats run past you, me talking, Dr. Scott talking, uh, Jacob, I liked that one.


Maybe your path is tough because your purpose is greater. I love that thought. Love that thought.


I agree. Um, well, this is an interesting question here. It says, um, rave to mama.


I think I said that right. So is there a golden treaty as one thing and the RV as a separate event? Um, when we go, go back, we’re, we’re there. I mean, you know, we’re, when you, when you see any of that kind of stuff of, of a go back currency, like everything starts flowing at that point.


Um, right. Uh, I getting so many reports. I had somebody who just had 17 grand, um, dismissed or forgiven, whatever you guys want to call it.


Two days ago. Um, I’m getting so many of these right now from so many different sources and it’s not just student loans. It’s credit cards.


It’s mortgage. We had a mortgage. It was like 170 some thousand dollars.


Uh, and I swear it’s, I don’t know for certain guys, nobody up on high called me and told me, but to me it makes sense that they are preparing for necessarily to see what people do. What’s your behavior going to be when they cancel that? Are you just going to go on a spending spree, rack up that much more? Are you going to do something good? Are you going to help neighbors? Um, you’re going to help family, you’re going to take care of yourself or are you going to go cocaine and strippers? Um, so I mean, I, I honestly, I feel like they’re tempting us with these to see how we behave so that they know what they can roll out and how quickly they can roll it out. That’s what I think is going on on that front.


Um, New Mexico gal Patriot. Dr. Scott, do you agree with my take on this one? I’ve told the arrests happen at the same time. Yes.


And no, I would say, I would say some of the rest have already occurred, you know, because we’ve seen the little neck, you know, issues that the little rolled up neck issue. So you see some of those, there are other arrests that have to happen at the timeframe of, of the EBS too. And, and, and again, you won’t know exact moment in time.


So, yeah, but in essence, yes. Uh, Jackie, tell us, we don’t want to fake boy. I wish I could.


Do I think there’s an excellent chance you won’t have to, I think there is beyond an excellent chance you won’t, but at the same time, IRS still has the ability to ruin your life. So yeah, don’t play Russian roulette unless you’re prepared for the consequences yet. Right.


I’ve said that for years. I mean, you know, listen, I don’t do anything until I prayed about it. And then I’ve, you know, kind of come to that final answer.


Uh, but, but, you know, I have to always be prepared for everything. Um, Oh God, I see so many lovely chats in here. The people that need, um, I, you guys are going to do amazing, amazing humanitarian things.


Just, I caution you to make certain that you invest, uh, small humanitarian stuff first. I get it. You have people in need that you want to help totally understand, but please, for the love of God, make certain you provide for your own and your family security, make that a priority and then start helping people kind of like when a plane’s going down, they tell you to put your mask on first, put your mask on first so that you can be here for everybody else.


Cause we have so many in our own community suffering. And I’d hate for you guys to go, Oh, now I’ve got all this and you give it away. And you’re in the same, back in the same spot in months, weeks, even five years.


Hey, that would be too soon. I don’t want any of us to go back there again. I’ve been so broke before I gave the cat the last piece of cheese out of the fridge so it could eat not this cat that was, I was a little younger back then, but, and it was a slice cheese, not even like real cheese.


It was like, you know, this craft single kind of like knockoff cheeses. I remember, I remember this and I gotta tell you, I mean, you know, I was running a business that was over half a million dollars and I had $5,000 in savings. And you think that’s like a lot, that’s the, you know, one day could wipe me out.


And I used to pay my second mortgage. I mean, I pay my first mortgage with my second mortgage. I mean, that’s pretty dangerous kind of levels.


And so, and I lived there for years in that circumstance. So I get it. Yeah.


I spent more nights than I care to admit in a car cause I didn’t have a bed to sleep in. Um, and it’s not the kind of thing you are proud of or write home to your family and say, Hey, knockoff cheese. That is a imitation cheese product.


Uh, reading some of these, uh, Mary Jane Riley, don’t you all get taxes back during this year? I was told we will get federal taxes back, not state, not sales and use, but your federal income taxes. What Mr. C was told. Um, I’ve also heard that from a number of other, we’ll call them the Sarah related sources.


Um, I’ve heard the same thing from other countries as well, that you’ll get your national income taxes back, but that’s it. I don’t know what to tell you folks other than that’s what I’ve heard. I’m going to do a deep dive on a state income tax.


Um, you know, it’s one of the weirdest things out there. Um, when you really study, like just, you know, people always want to talk about the IRS from the federal level, the state income tax does nothing for your state budget. And in Oklahoma, governor just said, we’re going to kill off the state income tax when the IRS fed goes away.


So does the state, I believe, um, Kevin Peggy, that’s why I don’t look over there often. That’s an inside joke for the rumble crowd. Um, how about the straw man accounts? I’ve been told over and over that that is fraudulent money that was created by the deep state.


And that’s part of what we’ll reset. And we don’t get our straw man accounts. I wish I could tell you something different, but that’s what I’ve been told.


So I’m just sharing that. And to me, it makes sense. We all received our straw man money of every one of us received millions and millions and millions of dollars.


Every person in this world who’s going to raise your, uh, zucchinis, who’s going to, you know, raise your rice or grow your corn. I keep going back to this one thing, everyone, if you want to answer this question, all you have to do, go to Google, type in what if every person in America had a million dollars. Don’t, don’t take my word for it.


And it uses perfect economic statements. And there’s an AI thing that comes up and talks about it. Perfect economic point.


Linda, I love that. I mean, Braden, give it away. I love the little things you guys do.


I think you can’t see what they’re talking about. I’m seeing some of it too. This is pretty darn funny, man.


You’re having more fun with me right now. Like some of the words you said, Holy cow. You don’t want to bring them up to rumble is split between like two channels right now.


Um, because I had first started the channel. I started posting everything to my profile. Uh, I did not know how rumble worked.


Um, and then you can create a channel and you’re supposed to create a channel. You’re supposed to have both anyways, rough learning experience, bad tech rumble. Um, rumble is as big as YouTube now, but they chat.


They are a screen. You guys ever want to have fun? I know. I think you’re happy.


We have fun at YouTube and Twitch as well, but those folks over there, they have a ball on rumble. Uh, let’s see. Hey, Mark, something just happened with the military helicopter.


I’m trying to get the details. Now. I think there was another crash.


I would like to remind you. I did have a few more military contacts, uh, reach out today. We have more and more folks being notified to prepare for deployments.


We are referring to special operation groups solely for, let’s just call it drug cartels now that they are considered terrorist organizations. I would not to be, I would not be surprised in the coming days, weeks, whatever, to see a, a worldwide roundup of cartels. I think it’s, I think a lot of it’s more than, more than you realize has already happened.


So I think you’re right. I think you are probably absolutely right. Bowler, how about the hair product called Brill cream? I don’t think it was spelled that way, but I think it’s pretty close.


You remember how Brill cream was spelled? Um, I thought it was B R I L L cream. Boy, that’s why I think I remember it. Um, Richard wants to know, Dr. Scott, do you see Trump just announcing, Hey, the storm is upon us.


We are gold back now and bam, or do you see a crisis? And then that, in other words, do we have maybe a historic crash, uh, a cyber attack, uh, whatever, and the market implodes. And then he says, or do you think he’s just going to come out and say, boom, I don’t think he says anything of any of those areas. I, I think what, what occurs is around him that, that covers him.


Like he didn’t like create it necessarily situations happen. He responds to it with a, with EBS kind of thing. But in the same basic timeframe, you’re, you’re seeing like boom, go back, boom, deaf forgiveness.


And it just happens in a blink of an eye in some of those background areas. And then the markets always react. They always react and they could have been closed for a time.


And then they start reacting and we’ll see a 25%, 30%, you know, drop for a bit until they kind of take control. Yeah. All right.


They nailed it. Oh, it’s two E’s. I guess, uh, I didn’t pay attention, but real cream.


I think my grandfather, Ernest used that one. Ernest Eugene. Um, I think he used the real cream.


I know he, uh, had the little white bottle of old spice, you know? Yeah, it’s a very distinctive smell. I always say there’s that. I mean, that’s one of those distinctive smells, but, uh, mimeograph copies every time I can, I could smell it right now.


Brings me back to football plays. So yeah, it’s one of those. I love that one.


Uh, Jay Z, that is going to be a great question for Mr. C tomorrow. Um, he’s a firm believer that within moments of him putting in codes, we will get all kinds of announcements, uh, from the debt cancellation or debt correction to new currencies to constant run of news, EBS, whatever it is you guys, but we should definitely see if he has any different thoughts tomorrow. Um, Josh, I don’t know, Dr. Scott’s on this.


Me, I, we have to have a way to still collect some taxes. We still have things to pay for city services, things like that. So a lot of those I think are going to be greatly reduced.


Now I have heard from a couple of sources that I consider reasonably or just legit connected, um, that they plan on canceling all past property taxes. And we start with a clean slate. Um, and then we have much lower, but that’s, that’s what I’ve heard from a couple of sources so far.


Uh, one of them, I very much believe is involved at a deeper level with the Sarah. I mean, I’m hearing on, you know, I’m talking to a Oklahoma Doge kind of groups and they’re hearing that they’re going to kill it off in Oklahoma. But here’s the thing.


It’s a state problem, you know, so it cannot be solved in a federal level. It’s got to be solved in the state levels. I agree.


State County levels, um, consumption tax. That is, I mean, we’ve been told over and over that that’s what it’s going to look like, like a VAT, a sales tax, whatever you guys want to call it. That is thought absolutely makes the most sense.


I mean, I’m pretty certain Mr. C’s heard the exact same thing as well. It’s, it’s constitutional. I mean, you read through the constitution, especially in, uh, the first article, um, it’s over and over again, you know, levels of consumption or use tax.


Your thoughts on retirement age. I know what I’ve heard, but I don’t know what’s reasonable if we’re truly getting med beds and we’re going to live longer than the age really needs to be longer or how are we going to support a society? Yeah. I just don’t see it.


I don’t see the reason for it. You know, I mean, I’ll be 59 this year. I mean, like, so some people go, can’t you do it for 59? I just go guys, when you get past this, um, I gotta say most men need to be working.


Uh, so I don’t know that that’s just my big thing. Men, men need to work and you know, most people need to have something, you know, to, to do. Hey man, I’m not talking about someone who’s 70 years old and try to figure out, you know, still has to work a job or two.


Um, but you know, you’re going to find a way if, if that is your dream, you’ll find a way to retire. I just don’t believe it’s going to be like, oh, we’re going to back the age down. I just don’t believe it.


Um, I have heard that the age will come down like by year that they will grandfather it and it will come down to 62. So only like a three year change over time. Um, that’s, that’s what I’ve heard.


I don’t know what’s real on that one. Um, Robert, thank you for that because that jingle, I was trying to find it in my head a little dabble. Do you now remember the commercial? So Robert, thank you for putting that one in there.


Um, Fred, uh, I don’t know what Dr. Scott has heard. I have heard it is on end use, meaning the final product, who, who buys it to consume it. In other words, when you buy a new house, but not a tax, when somebody buys your new house from you, when you buy a new car, it’s a tax, but not when somebody sells it as a used car, if that makes sense.


That’s what I’ve heard on the sales tax. Well, it’s not going to be on, you know, I mean, and obviously there’s an argument on, on the, the, the one that, uh, Carter put out was HR 25 and he was putting up 23 or so percent. You know, I, I personally have heard, you know, 14 to 17%, but, but it, you know, and I, I remember first hearing the conversation, just, you know, reading it and hearing it on the original timeframes, um, of, of, off of new items and you know, the original kind of Nisara, you know, conversations that, that was happened in 2001 when they signed it.


And then I kind of thought, well, why? And, and yet the reality is if I buy something new, if I buy this thing new and I pay sales tax on it new, which, you know, it’s $10 a page sales tax of 8%, whatever, $10 and 80 cents. Right. So that comes in, it’s paid.


Why should, you know, I sell it at any other kinds of thing. I mean, it gets sold to whatever place as a used item, but you can buy a lot of stuff on Amazon for used. And why does it have to have a sales price sales tax? That thing was already taxed and that’s a taxation for making it.


Um, so charging sales tax is, is a doubling of tax. For instance, in Oklahoma, we have to pay property tax as the business. And it’s not on the property that you have.


It’s on the stuff that is inside of my office. And I’m like, and they set the mill rate and then I’ve got to like reduce it by different things. I’m like going, I paid tax on that desk.


Why do I have to pay you an every single year tax on it? Um, yeah, exactly. You buy the debt, the desk, and then you pay like property tax on the desk every year, even as they depreciate it. Um, doesn’t make any sense.


Sales tax proposal is on new items only from what I’ve read. I keep saying 14% to eight, five, six. I have seen anywhere from 14 to 17%.


Um, which makes sense to me because if you look at what the U S government revenue wise, it’s usually somewhere between 14 and 17% of, uh, the GDP is what they’ve taken in taxes. So we can, it’s clearly easy to argue that that’s exactly where it needs to be. Of course.


Now, Elon Trump is throwing that a curve because that was based at the past spending, um, and spending coming down. So if spending say dropped in a half and you could, it can be like seven to 9% and still meet the bills. Yeah.


But, but there’s another way of handling it too. It’s what has to be taxed. I mean, there’s going to be, and the other thing that’s I’ve, I’ve felt, felt for a very long timeframe is we have all these categories of like LLC S corporation, C corporation, you know, and then we have all the nonprofit ones.


Right. And when you have no IRS and you don’t have, um, so I think it would just be, I mean, you can still keep the LLC or whatever. I mean that you would already have, but it will be like, I believe it would be easy way to do it is you’ve got the profit organization and nonprofit organization.


What they’re talking about is you have a nonprofit organization, you don’t pay sales tax at all, which already occurs. And so there’s going to be a lot of fun things with that one. But if you’re a profit organization, you know, you, you’d be paying sales tax with that too.


So, um, but you’re collecting it too. Right. Hey guys, how long after the bonds people are paid, will we get paid? Dr. Scott, have you heard anything on that? I know what I’ve heard, but I’m curious to see if you’ve heard anything on that front.


It depends upon where the bond, where the bond people are, you know, are they up in the tier two-y kind of area, the tier three area on the bottom of the tier three, um, where they, I know this for a fact, some people who are a higher up in the chart kind of got sideways with the people and they moved down. Uh, and, and some of them are going to be paid after, um, a timeframe. So, you know, I would say the, the reality is it’s, it’s, you know, a conversation of 30%, 30, 35%, you know, has to get paid out before, you know, the, the actual go back currency set up, you know, RV reset point happens.


Um, so in that range, but it doesn’t, does it mean 35% of the people or 35% of the funds paid out? I don’t, I don’t know which one of that I was told of the funds paid out is what I was told. And then they let us rip. But I was also told that once, um, treasuries, um, not central banks, I was told that once treasuries, because all the steps in between there will be bond deals before then, but they won’t be directly with the treasuries of those nations where the bonds are related to, there’ll be a lot of flipping, flopping, moving back, uh, where they plan to turn them in, make more money.


So there’s going to be a lot, there’s that part’s already occurring. We already see people getting paid for bonds, but they’re not getting paid from that, that final end use the treasuries that have to redeem them. Um, it’s like, let’s say Dr. Scott knows he’s got to deal with the U S treasury where he can trade every one of the bonds for, let’s just pick a wild number $1 billion.


So he goes around all these people that have one or two bonds. They don’t have big boxes. They don’t have a, uh, a connection at treasuring.


He says, look, I’ll give you guys 500,000 for each one. Then he goes sells them for like a million bucks. So he like makes his big money.


Um, but it’s not until the treasuries start paying directly that we hit that, that final countdown. And I was told when they hit somewhere around 30% of the bonds redeemed, that that will be a go, uh, of the, of the value, uh, on that one. And, and I was told that that would take two to three days once they start.


Yep. I was told, and I was told that probably 12, 14 years ago. Right.


And, and it’s, it’s always like an, you know, conversation of hours to a few days, you know, so, and it always depends upon when, you know, and, and then you might notice it at, you know, the notifications come out a little bit after that or whatever. So yeah. Mark, as a, as a car guy, that one really irritates me.


Everybody’s paying another tax on a used vehicle. I’m like, it’s already been taxed. The guy before me paid a tax, the guy before him, the lady before that, the person that bought it new.


I mean, like everybody has paid it over and over and over. It’s that is so on stinking constitutional. And especially with price of these cars right now that are just overwhelmed in pricing and, you know, the interest rates, I mean, I just like, it’s just unbelievable.


Um, money. That’s exactly what I was going to do if I didn’t have Dr. Scott to rescue me this evening because of the work schedule. Um, that pretty much my plan, uh, for tomorrow night, because Fridays have been so dead is to do just that share what little we have.


And then just saying, Hey, what do you guys think it’s going to look like? I’ll tell you what I think it’s going to look like. Um, I can tell you from probably 2011 or 2012 when, uh, I was asked to sit down and let them role play with my currency. I can tell you how that went.


Uh, but then again, you know, what’s changed in the since. Um, so I can give you what I think what makes the most sense, but let’s just plan on that. That’ll be tomorrow night.


Cause the chance of us having news on a Friday night are pretty slim. Dr. Scott, you know, you’re free, not on a date with that, that hot lady. When do you go out with? Yeah, we could do it.


Just send me over the invite. I’ll do it. Okay.


Um, and that’s just us talking about what do we expect? I can tell you what I think. Uh, Dr. Scott can give you what he thinks and you guys can add to it. I think as a group, we will be pretty stinking prepared.


Yeah, I’ll, I’ll pull up some stuff for it too. No, even better. Um, yes, there are still plenty of mods hiding in here.


Although most of them, we’re having a ball and rumble. They are, they’re on a rip tonight. Uh, beetle bug, hold down the room for us.


Jayster. We’re going to do it at 7 p.m. Eastern tomorrow. Same time as tonight.


Yeah. We’ve got a role play with my currency and you’ll get a kick out of this one because, uh, it was a friend of mine and we, they were doing the role play and they kind of set it up. And, um, I want to give you the person’s name cause it’s more funny with the name, but I’m not cause he still works for a certain bank.


And, um, he was, he was going through and then, you know, he was kind of directing or whatever. And then he looked at this one female said, okay, you’re now going to role play with his dong. And he did it on purpose.


That’s good. Poor lady’s face just went red. He said, no, no Vietnamese dong.


That’s what’s it’s called. I mean, total deadpan did not crash mile. And she was so embarrassed.


And I was just like, I know he did it on purpose. I know he did it on purpose. I know he did it on purpose.


I thought it was hilarious. Um, Hunter got like that. I want to be prepared, not stinking.


So we won’t want to be stinking prepared. We won’t be pleasantly prepared. Don’t want to deposit CMKX monies into the bank.


Unfortunately, you’re not going to have a choice. It is my understanding dig by Dasco with our CMKX funds, what I’ve been told for some time now, and I am desperately trying to get my best contact to agree to one more CMKX only podcast where nobody is allowed to ask a bond question. Um, just because their role in bonds cannot be discussed.


Um, but I would like to have them bring on, but I’ve been told over and over, and I don’t know if any of that’s changed, that they will be, that meeting will be with the wealth managers to get our account. Our account already exists. It is already funded and they will give us access.


In other words, they will, Hey, these are your credentials. Boom. Here’s your account.


That account is already in existence. Um, that’s what I’ve been told. And it comes with what they were terming a five star trust.


So it comes with its own trust in an account. The account is held by the trust. That is what I have been told for more years than I can count.


I was even told that by Al Hodges when we sat down. So for me, I think that’s how they’re going to handle CMKX. Um, I don’t know.


I mean, I, I do know a contact that knows way more than me getting her to agree to it may be difficult. She has done stuff on here with us before in the past at an extremely good one with, uh, with Mr. Cutrell. But I do, I’ve got no clue what date or where to find it.


I’d have to do the same thing. I would have to go through every single video I’ve ever done and listen to part of it to find it. And that’s, that’s too hard for me.


I I’ve done that same thing. People ask me where it is. I’m like, just go search for it in the, in the search engine of, you know, like, can’t you search for it? Like, yeah, I got nothing to do for the next six weeks.


Yeah. Marty, just turn off your chat feature. If you want to podcast about bond questions.


No, I will just like you automatically be removed for life from the podcast. If you ask anything about bonds and let the, uh, mods have a, uh, ball. I don’t know how else to handle that one.


I would love to have her on, but I, I just don’t know how to handle that one. So maybe we’ll do it like invite only and make it smaller. I don’t know how to handle that one.


So Tivo, yes, that is who I’m talking about. And that is one knowledgeable, knowledgeable lady. Really? Unreal.


Um, let’s see. I don’t understand why they can’t get rid of property and they may unique face. I’ve heard backs and forth.


So I’ve been told that the worst case they wipe anything past and start on a clean slate with lower property tax. But I have to agree because I was told that, that that’s maybe not the exact figures you’re getting. Uh, but that overall, and then a certain portion goes to this bed, certain part goes to the state, certain part goes to the County, certain part goes to the municipality.


And that’s how I have heard that before. That is pretty much the overwhelming opinion that that’s how they’re going to handle it. But I have also heard that there is a slim chance that there could be a small property tax.


Yeah, I don’t, I don’t believe, I don’t think there’ll be a property tax. I just don’t believe it. And especially with it all coming out left and right.


Um, state of Oklahoma is really interesting. They’re, I mean, they are pushing all of the levels we’re talking about. So yeah.


Yeah. Susan, so many bank changes, how many stories, I mean, you guys sound off. How many of you guys have had massive changes construction-wise to your banks recently? Every one of them.


Uh, Sapling chiming in said, I believe Charlie Ward said five years ago, the consumption tax will cover state and local. Now guys, you know, so many people enjoy beating up on Charlie, but he’s been one of the most accurate. Oh, I could do this one.


The last one, if you want to do one last one here. One last one that I need to wrap. Yeah.


So grandpa of two said, um, Mark and Scott, uh, what’s going to happen to people who’ve lost their homes in the past? In essence? Um, I don’t see a way that you can say, well, you’re going to get your last home, get paid back. You know, I, it, what I believe it’s going to be is it’s going to be, it’s this date. Everything before that timeframe is, is, is paid for.


You go out and buy something right afterward. Trust me, that ain’t getting, uh, getting covered in that, the debt forgiveness. So that’s just a way to do it.


It’s just the cutoff date. Makes sense. All right.


I would love to keep going guys, but I need to close it out. Um, I think whip has a great, uh, uh, idea here. Dr. Scott, are you up for closing us in prayer? We can do it.


Lord Jesus. I just come to you right now and just say right now to every single person who’s struggling through a lot of sickness, I just cover them in the blood of Jesus right now. I cover the people in their, in their anxiety.


You know, do not be anxious for anything, but with prayer and supplication, present your request to Christ. And we just do that right now. We set them before you.


We set them before the throne and we leave them alone. Don’t, we don’t go pick them up anymore. Like we just promise you that’s what we’re going to do.


We’re going to set them out there and we’re going to leave them alone. And I just thank you for that Lord. God, you name it.


Pray. Amen. Amen.


That was fantastic. Short and to the point and folks, I apologize, but we’re short with people this evening. I’ve never had a day come so hard and so fast at me from the moment I crack my eyes, uh, until I get to lay my head down.


So I appreciate all of you tremendously. And Dr. Scott, once again, you’re my savior this evening. Thank you.


And for the rest, we’ll see you tomorrow night.

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