Gregory Mannarino (Uncut) 01-12-2025
okay everybody here we go it’s me Gregory manarino Sunday January 12th 2025 I still can’t get used to saying that anyway look man we’re here and and we have to talk about a few things you know before I get started just real quick um this is free to everybody executive Global magazine did a nice uh a nice article here covering the World Market crisis that we’re in featured by Yours Truly here here um the hard copy is not free but the article itself is free if you want to read it I would suggest doing so executive Global
magazine check it out you’ll enjoy the article I think it’s uh it’s absolutely On Target now with that let us now move forward let’s talk about what’s Happening Here what we’re seeing again no surprise not not a single one of you out here is surprised at all about what is happening here I have been we you and I have been talking for years how the debt Market is a time bomb it’s ticking faster and it’s ticking louder the selloff in global debt that we witnessed last week it actually got started couple of weeks back but it
really got going last week with the mmri hitting a record high 325 I believe right now it’s about 32 4.4 again free to everybody Link in the description of this video manarino Market risk indicator keep your eyes on that um this selloff in the debt Market is a major issue now I want you guys and girls to stop focusing on this freaking freak Show of a stock market which makes no sense at all now let me just show you what I’m talking about this is market watch talking about the stock market valuations makes no sense imagine our
shock really no really people finally understanding that it doesn’t make uh a shred of sense at all where we are again it’s all Easy Money easy money has propped up this Market into the stratosphere and it’s not going to stop until it does until the debt Market meltdown are we on the cusp of that is it already started well I don’t know I’m going to read something to you in a little bit that’s going to allow you to to maybe get a better perspective on this but you’re ready all of us here every one of you who follows this blog
is prepared AC across the board um for what is coming and there’s no way to stop it it is Unstoppable and is being fostered and fueled more um surging Global de out of control uh all this stuff obviously adding to the issues here I want to show you something else you and I have been talking about Bank of America for quite a long time one of you out here brought this to my attention this is the economic Times have a look at this headline big worry for one of America’s biggest financial institutions as yield sore Bank of
America braces for massive Bond losses now let me tell you something about massive Bond losses they’re all losing they’re all losing here everyone thinks the party is going to go on forever and it’s not and pretty much that you and I have been have been saying this forever it’ll go on until it doesn’t and we’ve taken advantage of all of this from every angle honestly now let’s talk you and me a little bit more this is what’s happening right here and right now with regard to the global debt market sell
off again please those of you that are locked in your little boxes that you’ve been put in stop focusing on what’s Happening just here in the United States it’s everywhere around the world but again it’s about assigning blame it’s our politicians playing games with us the fact of the matter is we are all in the same boat we are all being pushed right off of a cliff and I’m not just talking about AI from a financial standpoint people they’re going to throw things at us you’re not going to believe
we’re going to face a problem with regard to Resource availability that you’re not going to believe as the system is taken apart Peace by piece by peace and how are central banks colluding with so-called world leaders doing doing this they’re destroying the purchasing power of the currency artificially suppressing R ballooning the debt as the economy of the world contracts at its fastest Pace ever you’re not allowed to know that anyway look let’s um let’s talk about this here World liquidity crisis we are
in one people this is in your inbox right now if you subscribe to my newsletter 100% free Link in descript of this video this is there right now you guys and girls get this before anybody this is going to show up in the trans journal and a few other Publications I’m sure as well but you guys and girls get this first you know why cuz I take care of you we take care of each other and that people is part of our strength let us talk here so I’m going to read this to you as I usually do and I’m going to go
through it as well all right World liquidity crisis we are in one in finance liquidity generally refers to the ease uh of which any asset can be converted into Cash most of you are up to speed on that but let’s let’s look at what this means on a macro scale on a macroscale economically liquidity is the backbone of the system the flow of credit also known as debt through an economy is the single factor which allows the econ economy to function without the flow of credit or cash or debt through an economy in this
case we’re talking about the world it ends it ends right here and right now so everything depends on the continual flow of credits debt through the system if the flow of credit debt through an economy is interrupted then all transactions stop all transactions stop that’s the real issue forget about the stock market that’s where they want you to look look over here don’t focus on what’s really going on because that’s how they keep you your mind locked into some other kind of Paradigm which honestly isn’t even real the valuation
in this market don’t make any sense the stock market is in La La La Land sound familiar to you let us move forward the very nature some of this is going to be review the very nature of the modern Central Bank Run debt-based system is this it can only operate as long as the system is fueled with more debt why do you think they come up with they are politicians colluding with Central Bankers come up with every reason imaginable things you can’t even think about and maybe even have a nightmare over with regard to how they’re going to
pull more cash into the system they’re going to come up with things you can’t believe on they’re going to expand War as well this is not going to stop um and they’re going to find other reasons even if they have to throw another convid situation at you to pull trillions Into the Now it’s what it’s all about it’s a con game you understand run by con artists who do nothing but keep the public in the dark uh about what’s really going on no politician can tell you the truth as to why things are the way they are per
get used to it anyway so the system can only operate as long as the system is fueled with more debt the system therefore can only function in a continual black hole sounds familiar it is precisely this black hole vacuum of Relentless debt creation which continually demands even more debt creation 24 hours a day 365 days a year perpetually meaning it can’t stop until it does and that what I’m talking about is the implosion of the global debt Market people there’s no accident why we’re here right now again no Comedy of
Errors got us here this is all deliberate again why do you think the last three presidents here in the United States have more than doubled the debt take every president again going back to George Washington the last three have hyper for hyper is no word for it inflated the debt three presidents double the debt going back to George Washington you think that’s an accident too really you really think so unbelievable this dead based Central Bank managed mechanism in and of itself which is responsible for Relentless debt
creation and therefore currency debasement in other words loss of purchasing power is why the world today and the people of the world stand at a Tipping Point and people we have a problem you if if you’ve been with me for any length of time I heard me talk about a paradox here’s the Paradox that you need to understand if you’re new here Global debt is Skyrock at a at a pace which has never been seen before ever meanwhile are you ready there’s not enough debt you heard that right and that is the Paradox how can there not be
enough debt it seems like we’re debt saturated right no because the system demands more debt be pulled into the now via any mechanism they can come up with if they have to kill M and slaughter people if they have to shut down economies to allow the FED to inflate during convid you know 3.6 trillion some people say it’s a lot more than that but you see where we’re going with this you have to understand that everything you’re seeing is deliberate everything nothing is left to chance it’s all following a script a
guideline here at the end we the people are being strung along and being used as nothing but a means to an end let us move forward the mechanism of Relentless debt creation must expand exponentially simply to allow the system to function at its current level sound about right to you by inflating Global debt currency debas debasement speeds up you understand the more debt that is fueled into the system the more the purchasing power of the currency is sucked out unbelievable the effect of currency debasement is also
accelerated by artificially suppressed rates you know this already at least I hope you do artificially suppressed rates and therefore currency purchasing power losses allows a central bank to create more currency and it as it now takes more weaker currency to buy any goods and services this is just too easy you understand this is literally economics 101 but no one’s going to tell you that no politician no Central Banker nobody they got to make sure you’re kept dumb you understand anyway let’s do this here
currency creation is an integral component of central banks inflating the system it’s their Achilles heel central banks have only one product and you all know that debt and the more debt any Central Bank is allowed to create or is called on to issue the stronger they become regardless of what some YouTubers are trying to sell you right now who have no conception of how the financial system works there’s a lot of talk out here going on how central banks are they’re they’re collapsing on themselves
they’re ending and Trump is going to put an end to it this is what we heard last time any all central banks operate and get stronger by allowing being allowed to issue more debt or called on to issue more debt today the here in the United States the Federal Reserve has been V Ed to the Pinnacle of power on the back of what the last three US presidents who have inflated the debt more than every president before them combined going back to George Washington if that hurts your feelings you don’t understand
what’s going on that I am not sorry you better get up to speed anyway the central bank’s one product is debt and the more debt they can issue or are called on to issue the stronger they become as an example of a central bank being called upon to issue more debt would be if a politician were to call on a central bank to lower rates or even perhaps go negative let us move forward over the last week World debt markets have seen massive Capital outflows these Capital outflows have caused bond market yields
to spark to uh Spike sharply here in the United States The Benchmark 10year yield has risen rapidly which sparked a sell-off in the US and World stock markets regarding World stock markets and debt markets people they are on a direct Collision Course without more debt creation SL buying by central banks the stock markets of the world will drop substantially World stock markets today function are you ready for this you’ve heard it before only as a derivative of action of the debt Market stop markets
functioning as a derivative means that world stock markets are deriving value from easy money policy debt creation and currency debasement who’s paying the price for it the world economy and its people we have for how long have I told you they they want us on our knees they want us to beg for a new system do you see the connection here why we are being bridged into a new system why we are being made the crypto capital of the world or this or does the truth still elude you let us move forward if central banks
if central banks do not act immediately to stop the current selloff in World debt markets the stock markets of the world will fall and could fall dramatically but that is not the issue the issue is the potential for a halting of the flow of credit or debt through the system which would cause a locking up of the system itself a credit freeze people you’re not allowed to know certain things you have to be kept in the dark the real problem in ‘ 08 wasn’t the stock market crash the world financial crisis it was the fact that
the system was locking up henceforth why they brought in the illustrious Ben Bruni to a loving caring Representatives as I’ve been telling you and binki said the Fed chair at that time to our loving caring Representatives that if they if they don’t start to pump billions into the system over that weekend by Monday we wouldn’t have an economy meaning this all stops transactions stop you can’t there’s no cash in your bank accounts transactions stop it’s over that’s what they’re pushing us into Now problem
reaction solution I’ve been telling you this for a thousand years that’s why the new system is being built so rapidly they started building the new system before the presidential selection understand there are reasons why certain people are put into office we don’t get to choose at the time you understand it’s too easy to to to to see once you allow your your brain to start to function they’ve dumbed you down they don’t want you to think they want you to believe that things are what they appear
to be in no way is that the case once you start to break out of that and you realize that we’re that this is a game a very dangerous game that is being played and it’s nothing but to bring about a particular system a system of control that’s what this is all about and a vast reduction in the global population okay um once you understand that this is and this sounds a little far too farfetch to you I should put on a tin foil hat okay maybe one day you’ll wake up if that’s how you feel because that’s exactly
where we’re going here um central banks are not going to stop what they’re doing here the process here or the mechanism of artificially suppressing rates with the FED right now cutting rates cutting rates cutting rates cutting rates in an environment where inflation continues to rise just assure that the system is going to deteriorate faster via again artificially suppressed rates destroys the purchasing power of the currency you’re not allowed to know that no one’s going to tell you that some people are going to tell you that
we even need negative rat wait for that to happen Okay certain people have been put into office now for that reason they’ve been chosen for two reasons number one to bridge us into the new system number two to bring us uh into a negative rate system uh uh set of Dynamics here which is again you all know this people does it make sense to you I’m going to tell you again to have a strong economy you need a strong currency or does it sound better to have a strong economy you need a weak currency what sounds better to
you obviously you need a strong currency right and how do you support the person of power of the currency by lowering rates or by having higher rates obviously it’s higher rates higher rates supports the purchasing power of the currency when you hear of a central bank cutting race any Central Bank or if you hear of a a prospective president let’s just say hypothetically saying uh I promise you lower rates during a campaign what are they telling you they’re telling you he or she in this case is clearly he you know what I’m
talking about I’m not putting anybody then I’m telling you what the facts are if it this hits you the wrong way if it hurts you you need to think about why if you’re being told by a politician that I promise you lower rates something they cannot deliver without working very closely with the central bank to lower those rates you understand you can see the connection here they’re working together to destroy the system and destroy you if that doesn’t make sense to you and you think that Greg is really out there and
doesn’t understand what’s going on at all well maybe to you who doesn’t doesn’t understand it um it’s too simple there is no Saving Grace here we are being wiped out and this mechanism is going to get a lot worse now if if in fact we are on the precipice of a of a debt Market meltdown that means we are on the precipice of a locking up of the system a credit freeze I’ve been warning about this for over 10 years if in fact as I said here the FED does not act in this case the federal central banks collectively do not act
immediately this is a worldwide phenomenon the debt market around the world is selling off they don’t stop it it’s just over it’s absolutely abely over and this is what they’re pushing us towards problem the system locked up everyone but we have a solution for you here it is problem let the the public is going to go absolutely there’s going to be pandemonium in the streets imagine for example you can’t use your debit card you can’t use your credit card you cannot get any cash out of the bank because it’s not
there it’s not there anyway the fractional Reserve System well we have a zero Reserve System you understand now the looking to deregulate regulate the banks in fact completely deregulate the banks as they merge us into the new system here uh this new crypto system which is nothing but a conduit to the tokenized system do you see where we’re going you didn’t vote for this you don’t want it right but are you speaking out against it when was the last time you wrote to your representatives or even president Trump select Trump to tell
them you don’t want this I bet you haven’t done it I’d be willing to bet that those of you who I don’t know you don’t want the system but you’re not willing to stand up against it they always tell you what they’re going to do before they do it and now you’re going to let that happen to you I suppose right problem reaction solution problem we have a liquidity crisis a credit freeze reaction pandemonium in the streets you can’t buy anything zero it’s over no cash in the bank you can’t use anything it’s just done solution hey we
got a solution for you uh it’s a completely digital system and you’re going to use it and you’re going to like it what are they doing creating dependency on the system this is what they’ve been doing for many many years um again people once you understand the Dynamics in play all of this all of it becomes very obvious till you open your mind a little bit just a little bit and you break out of the little boxes that they put you into the we divided Society here we’ve been conquered around the world no none more so than the United
States over the last presidential selection here you know that people can’t come together to elicit change this is also why design once you understand that you’re being played maybe you’ll start to wake up until that point you will remain lost and you will suffer the most as they finish what I have been calling their final solution this guy here loves you a lot from the heart people and listen I will not see you in the morning why my dog Vega with the eye problem she has to see her doggy opthalmologist in the morning
like I said it’s about an hour and 45 minute drive for me one way so a long drive for me I got to take Bea there in the morning to see her doctor so I will not see you in the morning um I will see you post Market just real quick a reminder this is free to you I’d like you to read this article just look it up for yourself executive Global magazine read the article um that I wrote for the for this magazine here I think you’re going to get a lot out of it again it’s absolutely free if you want a hard copy
um I don’t think these hard copies are free they sent me a couple of these things they sent me five of them um it’s a whole spread it’s pretty cool honestly and I think you guys and girls will really enjoy this anyway uh that’s it love you all from the heart remember I won’t see you in the morning but I see you postmarket tomorrow you got something out of this video I want to hear from you uh if I earned only if I have earned your thumbs up please give me a thumbs up if I have not earned that from
you well I guess then you’re going to give me a thumbs down and that’s okay too um please share the video if you got something out of this get it out there um love you all people think about what we’ve talked about here do you understand what’s happening you finally seeing it here um it’s it’s pretty pretty much in our face here you see this kind of stuff for how many years have we been speaking about this you think we’ve been ahead of the cural just a little bit see you tomorrow