FRANK26 – BANK STORIES (Uncut) 01-28-2025
What was Friday? The 17th. 17th? Yeah, but you did one on the 21st. Oh, wait.
24th, I’m sorry. Okay, so 24 was the last one? Yeah. So we’re looking for 25.
It’s still backwards. You ready? Get it. Excuse me.
It’s so moist. 3 2 1 Go. Frank’s Teachings reaches far and wide.
So whenever I need a D-nar fix, I tune in to Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street. Tune in now, tune in here, this is the D-nar beat.
Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie. It’s okay, take, give this man a cookie. You never know what suit he’ll be wearing.
So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring. So whenever I need a D-nar fix, I tune in to Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is the D-nar beat. Sit up, be patient, then get ready. Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie.
Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight. Come on Irag, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a D-nar fix, I tune in to Frank26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.
Tune in now, tune in here, this is the D-nar beat. Hey Tink, I need a cookie. Come on Tink, I deserve some cookies.
Cookies, cookies, cookies. Cookies, come on Tink, give up the cookies. Greetings, family! Welcome to another one of your Frank26 YouTubeys.
We are and it stands for Keep the Faith Owes in our Heavenly Father. Before we do anything, we always go to our Heavenly Father. We are a Christian-based organization.
KTFA stands for Keep the Faith. Keep the Faith in our Father. Will you join me? Because right afterwards we’re going to get to studying.
Now family, the title of your YouTubey is what? Let me see. Bank Stories. You want some? I think that these bank stories, oh, stories, you know I like things in threes.
Would you like three bank stories? These bank stories are geared. They are in position. They are brought to you to educate, motivate, lift you, and to give you better understanding of what the banks are doing.
In my opinion. Everything that I say is in my opinion. My name is Frank 26.
In my opinion. You know, I had a guy one time, he says, why do you do that? What? In my opinion. Every time you start.
It got your attention, didn’t it? Yeah, it’s goofy. You saw me say in my opinion? Yeah, a whole bunch of times. Mission accomplished.
What we do, family, is we trafficate our study into three parts. The first part, we look at the articles. I know that you’re a member of our forum.
Please join me now. Go into and we’re going to go to the second to the last page tonight. We will be starting with final article number 4,955.
Final article number 4,955. You better go double check. No? Right.
I’m sorry. Give me a second. We’ll be starting our final article number 4,955.
Now, granted, that was an article that we talked about the last time that we were together. But if you caught on to my pattern, we always look at the very last article when we were together for a reason. These articles are put together in a sequential order for you to understand, get better knowledge, have a wisdom of what they’re trying to say.
If we just throw them out there randomly, scatter them all over the place, you’re going to be confused. These articles are put in a linear fashion for you to see the progression of the monetary reform. Okay? Good.
So that’ll be the first part where we study these articles. Even though they’re articles, I’ll give them to you in my opinion. Then what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at Eddie’s report.
Last time we were together, I didn’t give you Eddie’s report. Mmm. I think I shall tonight.
Then we have three bank stories. Instead of giving you WalkingStick and my team’s report, we can talk about it next time we get together. And you know what the report is from my team’s? It’s about Trump.
Yeah. But we’ll see. Instead, for the third part, how about three bank stories? That’s where I’d like to take you.
We’re going to have a wonderful time tonight. We’re going to have a lot of good information. You’re going to be really motivated.
You’re going to be uplifted. You’re going to have understanding, wisdom, knowledge of what’s going on. Even though it’s all in my opinion, um, I am proud of my teams.
And I am proud of the report that we bring to you. And I ask you to please take it to God in prayer, as I am about to do now. Abba, Heavenly Father, I enter your throne room by the permission of the blood of your Son, Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, the comforter that you left for me, to tell you that I love you.
To tell you that I’m very, very grateful for tonight. For all those that contributed in putting this program together tonight. I pray for those that are listening with us right now, that you hear their prayers, God.
That you soften their pain. That you help them. Show them who you are.
Answer their prayers. If they have the faith to pray to you, answer their prayers. I apologize, Father, about my attitude.
I apologize about my anger, my envy. I apologize about my sins. I don’t want them.
You can have them. Because you can forgive me for them. I’m sorry for when I sin, and I don’t even know it.
You can have them. Because I don’t want them anymore. I’m sorry for when I sin.
Even maybe when I’m asleep. I don’t know. But if I do, you can have those nightmares.
Forgive me of my sins. Allow me to walk in your light. Why, Father, is there light? Why is there light? Because there is darkness.
Nothing lives in the dark. Nothing lives in the darkness. Everything lives in the light of your Son, Jesus Christ.
And by that light, by that blood, by that name, Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, I pray to you, Heavenly Father. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Amen. Hi, Andy.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Thank you, Andy. Love you, my brother. Yes, sir.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get to work, because we have a lot to share with you tonight. Yeah. Where are we at? About almost a thousand people.
It is my prayer that the other thousand that normally come will show up. We have some things that we want to share that I think will be will be useful. Yeah.
First of all, we’re going to look at the articles. Let’s get started. And like you know, we always look at the last article, the last time we were together.
And I overlap. I overlap. I want to see what the last thing is that we were looking at before we look at the new articles.
Now granted, they’re not necessarily new, because the last time we were together was Friday. So that’s Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Here we are Tuesday, four days later.
Almost five days later. And we’re going to start with the final article, number 4,955. Good news.
Good news for our Iraqi employees. You know, the only good news for Iraqi employees is a new exchange rate so that they can get paid. Have they been paid? No.
Have they been promised to be paid? Every month. Why haven’t they been paid? Waiting for a new exchange rate. Do we have the new exchange rate released yet? No.
Good news for Iraqi employees. Parliamentary Finance announces the date of the launching of bonuses and promotions. Hmm.
The Finance Committee and Iraq City Council of Representatives clarified on Friday that it is waiting for the Iraqi government to send the 2025 budget schedule for approval. Hi, Mark. Bless your heart.
Thank you. God bless you, Mark. Humbled.
Extremely humbled right away. Thank you. Thank you, Mark, for helping us financially.
Isn’t that ironic? The Finance Committee spit, spit, spit. They want to clarify, okay? They want to make sure that everybody understood that last Friday they told, hey, we’re just waiting for the Iraqi government to send the 2025 budget schedule for approval. That budget was already sent to you.
The amendment, Amendment 12-2C, we’re still waiting for you to do it. Why do you say that you’re waiting for it? Why do you say that you don’t have what you need? Why do you lie all the time? Why is the far left of Sudanese government the exact clone, the exact mirror image of my government? That’s not a coincidence. Think heavily about what I just told you.
There will always be cockroaches. The Finance Committee is waiting after the budget amendment is complete. The committee will complete it, stupid hypocrite.
For the government to send the budget tables that will show whether there are specific increases or otherwise. Of course there’s increases. Have you seen the massive budget? Of course there’s an increase in the exchange rate.
Of course there’s an increase in the budget tables. But all we want is for you to do your job and just get one simple little amendment done. Have you done it? Final article number 4956.
Will spending be disrupted by delaying the budget amendment? A government advisor explains. What did you just ask? Government official? Will spending me, the government, the money that I use for all these massive budget projects, will spending be disrupted by delaying the budget amendment? You know, like what Parliament is doing. They’re delaying the budget amendment.
Will my spending be delayed? A government advisor is asking. What are you, stupid? What’s the blue title? Yes, sir, it will. Why are you asking the dumb question? Because they’re delaying it, Frank.
Yeah, I know. I know. I mean, everybody sees it.
It’s obvious. It’s right there in front of you. The far left of my government will tell me, oh, no, your borders are secured.
I can see it’s not. Oh, no, what you’re seeing is not what you’re really interpreting. You’re freaking lying to me.
Will spending be disruptive by delaying the budget amendment? Ask a Parliament guy. Will it? Oh, no, it won’t. You’re lying to me.
That’s why this question is asked. Final article number 4957. President of the Republic.
We operate, excuse me, President of the Republic, and it’s one of the presidents. We cooperate with many countries to invest in Iraq. Well, for your economy sucks.
No, it doesn’t. Your inflation is insane. No, it doesn’t.
Your reserves are crappy. No, they’re not. Your exchange rate is at 1310.
So you think. Don’t be playing games with me. What are you talking about? So what do you think? President of the Republic.
We cooperate with many countries to invest in Iraq. What do I say up on top? Yeah, and the reason why is because we are secure. We are stable.
We are ready. Security and stability. That’s what we needed, right? Yeah.
Quote. And we now have security and stability, which is one of the most important needs. Okay, family? Rest assured you have security and stability.
Rest assured that that’s what was needed in order to bring forth the new exchange rate and the new lower notes. Rest assured that this is what Dr. Shabibi wanted for his monetary plan. Rest assured that that’s what Dr. Shabibi told our blue star John.
Hey, John, you know, when we have security and stability. And this is what we constantly are seeing them brag about. I’m surprised they don’t have the Goodyear blimp going by and saying, we have security and stability in Iraq now.
Yeah, I know you do. Everybody knows it. The whole world’s pouring into your country.
World banks are going crazy. Everything that should not be happening to your country because you’re at a program rate is happening. How is this possible? What is this? Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.
This is the twilight zone. What you’re seeing on your television screen is actually not real. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.
We now step into the new dimension called the monetary reform, giving purchasing power to the Iraqi citizens. Ohhh. Why do you say that? Quote.
Because we now have security and stability which is one of the most important needs for the reform. Final article number 4,958, IBBC to host innovation conference in Baghdad next month. The same thing before.
I’m serious, Iraqi British Business Council, IBBC. I like saying that, IBBC, IBBC. No, really, look, Iraq and the British Council, they’ve always met.
They’ve always met. But what’s the blue title for this? IBB, IBB, IBBC, for the first time you’re going to meet in Baghdad? Why? Because we know what’s happening in Iraq. I guess so.
You always avoided it. First, you said it was a war-torn country. Then you said it was a terrorist country.
You always avoided it, IBBBC. Now you’re going to Iraq? What for? To host the innovation conference in Baghdad next month. Wow.
This is actually an important step on your behalf, IBBC. Can you tell me a little bit more? Sure, Frank. Quote, the statement elaborated that in his paper on ease of doing business in Iraq, Professor Frank Gunther, who is speaking, pointed out that modernizing and digitizing the financial system not only will enable swifter transactions, access to international funds, but also reduce the opportunity for corruption.
Oh, security and stability. Yeah. Cockroaches, they’ve been squashed, Frank.
Oh, we still have a few of them, like you do. Final article number 4,000, you mean you have cockroaches? Yeah. And we have cockroaches? Yeah.
Is that a coincidence? No, that’s a pattern. Final article number 4,000, why do you think he’s firing everybody, man? What do you do? I am the official dog catcher for the east part of Iraq. You’re fired.
Today, today, $50 million from my tax money to buy condoms for people in the Gaza Strip? Are you serious? And you’re going to sit there and complain? Then we’re not passing your stupid budgets. People are hungry in Iraq, Parliament. You’re serious, you’re not going to pass these budgets? You’re taking your sweet-ass time, huh? Final article number 4,959, curcuit oil on the cusp of a major boom with British BP.
Family, when does BP sign? Yeah, somebody answer me. When does BP sign? Thank you, Claire. Claire just put the article up there for you to see it.
Oh, look at Makia, Makia, Makia, you’re Hawaiian, huh? Makia, February the 1st, very good. Mark, Mark Van Der Schoot’s February the 1st, Cheryl, February the 1st. Yeah, Steve Lee, the 1st, uh-huh.
Tevra Will Williamson, the 1st, yep. Carol Lee, all of you. Not one person has got it wrong.
Holly, the 1st of February. Can I ask you something, family? OK, here’s the next question, since you answered the first question. And I like things in threes, so there’ll be three questions.
So my second question is this. If you were the board of BP, and you were about to sign a massive oil deal with Iraq, are you seriously going to sign it at 1310? You’ve never signed it before. Show me something that you’ve signed in the last 20, 30 years with Iraq’s oil company.
No, they got their own oil company, don’t they? Yeah. BP, why, out of nowhere? Oh, they put out the fires that Saddam made? No, that’s not why. Heck, you guys went over there and helped them put them out.
BP, you didn’t do anything back then. Why didn’t you stick around and continue refining it? BP, on the 1st of February. Well, let me see what my family is saying, OK, before I go any further.
Let me see, let me see, let me see. I have no idea what that is. Thank you.
Thank you, staff. Cheryl says, nah. Scott says, no way, Jose.
Donnie Inman says, no, sir. Miss Jeannie says, nope, no, no, no, no. Tony says, nope, nope.
Can I explain the delays on Article 12 passage? Are you serious? What do you think I’m doing right now? What have I done in the last 20 minutes? Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank. So yeah, very good. Very good.
Oh, oh, look at Joe’s making an interesting. Joe Grana, first non-memo of understanding signed, Frank. First, you know, they got to sign that.
Yeah. Could end up delaying the signing if the rate hasn’t been changed by then. Oh, pass out King one.
Very good. Yeah, so if we go past February the 1st and BP still hasn’t signed it, what does that tell you? There’s a new exchange rate. And they’re waiting for it.
Now, if the new exchange rate comes out before February the 1st, well, yeah, let’s sign. Do you understand my thinking? OK, here’s my third question. Is there logic in my thinking? If you were BP, if you were the board of BP, you already told me you would not sign.
Is that logical for you not to sign in cases at 1310? Is it the right thing to do? Is that logical? Is that the wise thing? Is that the prudent thing? Is that what you should do? Let me see. Most definitely, Sir Scotch. What’s the matter with you? Roger Berns, Bernstein says the signing will be people will be delayed.
OK, and if it is delayed, are you going to go, no? Or are you going to go, hey, elementary, my dear Watson, uh-huh, I know what you’re not signing. What, you think I’m stupid? No. I am brilliant.
Yes, Miss Jeannie, absolutely. When they write the contracts in February, Peggy says what? Yes, Frank, lots of logic, says Carol Lee. OK, good, I got one that agrees with me.
Yeah, that’s right, Eric. That’s exactly where it’s buried right now. That’s why everybody’s coming over and signing and doing all kinds of things in Iraq.
Let me see, Eddie. Hey, Frank, with all the garbage you get, I can’t believe you asked that question. That’s funny.
Donnie Inman, good evening, with a yes, with a new rate. Frank, you’re the best. Oh, Christabel.
Oh, you’re sweet. Now we’ve got to convince everybody else, OK? I know article number 4,959, Cricut oil on the cusp of a major boom with British BP. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title? IQD follows, excuse me, IQD flows without restrictions.
So does Iraq oil. So does Iraq’s oil. Yeah, their currency flows without restrictions.
Well, of course, they’re going to raise the value. And Iraq’s oil, it flows without restrictions. Final article number 4,960, parliamentary finance, spit, spit.
The government must expedite spending the 2025 budget tables. Excuse me? What did you say? Take this for me, will you? Trace it for me. Add it to the list.
Just add it to the list. Parliamentary finance, the government must expedite spending the 2025 budget tables. What are you, geniuses? OK, parliament finance wants the Iraqi citizens to know that the government must expedite spending the 2025 budget tables.
Well, you must pass the amendments, you knuckleheads. Then we can go right ahead and expedite spending the 2025 budget, you hypocrite. How is it that you can blame others when what you are blaming them for is your errors? I’ve had it.
I’ve had it. I’ve had four years of it, enough. The Iraqi citizens have had four decades, five decades, six decades of it.
Enough. Parliamentary finance, the government must expedite spending the 2025 budget tables. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title? Laughing out loud.
You funny. Final article number 4,961. Oh, hello.
Now, now, now, now, this is good. This is good. Here we go.
Ready? The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq meets an official delegation from the United States of America. Oh, really? OK. Who is the official representative that you met from America? I met with the US Chamber of Commerce.
That’s good. Were you talking about the Iraqi Stock Exchange? Forex? Dow Jones? What were you talking about, guys? Well, basically, the Chamber of Commerce is saying, let’s change the exchange rate. Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq meets an official delegation from the United States.
His Excellency, Governor of Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. whatever, whatever, whatever, Alak, receives whatever, whatever, this vice president of the US Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of the US-Iraq Business Council, really, and his accompanying delegation in Baghdad. Why are you guys there? We’re at 1310. No, you’re not.
During the meeting, they discuss banking and economic relations between the two countries and the upcoming visit of the Central Bank of Iraq delegation to Washington and their meeting with the US Chamber of Commerce and American Companies next April. The meeting discussed the desire of American companies to invest in the energy, infrastructure, and modern technology sectors and to invest in security, stability, witness. You get that? This is a beautiful article.
We want to invest in Iraq. We’re bringing over our stuff. I’m bringing over my pajamas.
We’re staying overnight. Oh, this is forever. This is a great relationship we have with the American businessmen, with the American Chamber of Commerce.
Yeah, and by the way, by the way, all of this infrastructure and modern technology sectors, and the reason is to invest in the security, in the stability that is now witnessed by Iraq. Well, that security and stability is now going to witness a new exchange rate. And that’s the only reason why you’re there.
You’re not there for a program rate. You’re not there for a sanction rate. You’re not there for your currency to have restrictions on it.
No, you’re not there to lose money. You’re not there for the auctions to steal your money. You’re not there to lose money.
No, you’re there because you know exactly what’s going on. And so do you, KTFA family. You’re good students.
The two parties also discussed the mechanism of international trade and the process of Iraq’s transition to a fully operating and foreign transfers through correspondent banks. Why? Nobody has ever in the past. Because they all know what’s going on, right? The Central Bank of Iraq announced the support for the US investment opportunities.
Why? What do I say up on top? Invest in the security and stability of Iraq. Beautiful article. Look at this, three articles in a row, boom, boom, boom, all together.
There must be a reason for that, family. The Central Bank receives an American delegation and discusses with its Iraqi foreign transfer. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title? Foreign transfers and 1310 is like oil and water.
They do not mix together. So when you read these articles one after another, boom, boom, boom, you’re going to realize exactly what the plans are for their budget. And it’s not 1310.
So when is it going to be framed? When are they going to do it? I don’t know. This is the Middle East. I don’t know how many times I’ve got to tell you.
After they agree and they sign on the dotted line, when they come in the next day to activate what they signed on the dotted line, they are going to change it. That’s the Middle Eastern way. And if you haven’t understood that by now, I have a shame on you.
The Middle Eastern way. When they come back in the next day and they say, okay, now we want to add this to it. Okay, now we want to take this away.
Okay, no, now we want a better percentage. Okay, now we want, no, no, no, no, no. You’ve already signed it.
Yeah, we signed it. So what? We want this here. No, no, you can’t do that.
What do you mean, Mr. American? We not can do it. What are you talking? This is the Middle East. This is what we do.
You should be offended if we don’t do this. If we don’t bicker and dicker, what does that say about me? If you don’t allow me to bicker and dicker, what does it say about you, Mr. American? Greedy, huh? We want the best for our family, for our tribe, for our sect, for our area. So yeah, we’re going to renegotiate.
Yeah, we’re going to re-talk this over again. I don’t care we signed it yesterday. You Americans, what you American, a New York minute? No, no.
What’s Mr. Frank say? It’s a New York nanosecond. You want now? You want now? Now? I’m sorry, go somewhere else and get now. Not in the Middle East.
Final article number 4,962, al-Sudani confirms Iraq’s readiness to coordinate between regional countries. Now, now, now? Well, okay, you can have it now, now, now. Al-Sudani, are you ready? Yeah, I’m ready.
Now, now, now, now for these Americans wanting now, now? Are you ready, Al-Sudani? Al-Sudani confirms Iraq’s readiness to coordinate between regional countries. What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title? Trump’s orders fulfilled peace in the Middle East. When you read this article, family, you’re going to find out that the only way to get all of these things is through channels of peace.
This article is brilliantly put together for that. Final article number 4,963, al-Sudani, economic reforms have raised the level of foreign investment in Iraq. There you go.
Hey, Donnie, isn’t that twice for Donnie tonight? No. Oh, okay. Thank you, Donnie.
God bless you, sir. God bless you so much. Thank you.
Man, you’re always faithful. Thank you, Donnie. Final article number 4,963, al-Sudani, economic reforms have raised the level of foreign investments in Iraq.
What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title? Sudani also meets, shows security and stability to everyone. But this article is telling you that economic reforms have raised the level of foreign investments in Iraq. The only reason that the economic levels have been risen is because of the security and stability that has been brought into Iraq.
That the auctions have been removed, that you no longer have the terrorists acting the way they have with the power that they had in this country before. The way that these terrorists in parliament were raping Iraqi citizens is the same way that they were gonna rape investors. Not one investor got near.
It was taboo. You don’t get near Iraq, you’ll get ripped off. The whole world’s pouring into Iraq now? What does that tell you? Quote, Al-Sudani explained that economic reforms have raised the level of foreign investments in Iraq and because I can trust this now, trust us.
And that American companies are invited to participate in the development renaissance that Iraq is witnessing and the attractiveness and the business-friendly investment environment. Heck yeah. Let me tell you something.
No, maybe I better not tell you something. Final article number 4,964. Minister of Trade calls for holding a quote, made in America exhibition in Iraq and the presence of American companies in the Baghdad exhibition session.
Whoa. Remember when I was a kid, I used to always say made in Hong Kong, made in Japan, made in Mexico. No, everything now says made in China.
That’s disgusting. Thank you, Nixon. But soon your children’s children will see made in the USA.
Minister of Trade calls on holding a made in America exhibition in Iraq and the presence of American companies in Baghdad exhibition session. Interesting. What’s the blue title for this article? The hand of Trump, the hand of God in the Middle East.
God bless America and Iraq. That’s a fact. That’s a fact, Jack.
Let me trip. Quote, he called on an American company to hold a made in America exhibition inside of Iraq and organize a forum between Iraq and the American private sectors to review investment opportunities and available projects and hoped that American companies would be present in the session of the Baghdad International Fair. Are you kidding me? Everybody showed up.
Everybody showed up. Final article number 4,965. US banks want to invest in Iraq.
Yeah. US banks want to invest in Iraq. Central Bank will provide support.
You see the sequence of these articles and where it’s taking you? Follow the money family. Follow the star. US banks want to invest in Iraq.
Central Bank will provide support. Oh, I’m sure you will Central Bank. What’s the blue title for this article? Wow.
US banks, you want to invest in Iraq at 1310? Oh. Okay. Final article number 4,966.
Economists. Trump, notice the pattern of these articles where it’s leading to. This is the fourth one in the same direction with Trump.
Trump is changing the rules of the economic game through gold. Trump is changing the rules of the economic game through gold. An economist in Iraq is saying that Trump is changing the rules of the economic game through gold.
Remember the last, was it yesterday? You saw an article and it said that Iraq has over a hundred tons of gold. For those of you that are in premium, Club 26, you saw what I posted these past few days, didn’t you? It’s not a hundred tons of gold. It’s 152 tons.
This morning when you woke up, there’s the article. 152. But you ready for this? No.
It’s much more than that. Why would a country have so much asset back? Could it be for their currency? Family? They will never tell you. Remember last year or two years ago? Yeah, we got like 60 something tons of gold.
Last year, we got 75 tons of gold. I keep telling Eddie what? No, they don’t. It’s more.
The last time I think they told him, they said, we have 110 tons of gold or something. And I told him, no, it’s not, Eddie. This morning they said, we have 152 tons of gold.
No, it’s not, Eddie. You ready? Your gold? It’s immeasurable. Tell me, what kind of an exchange rate can you come out with? If you do go in a basket, those seven countries are the most powerful countries on this planet Earth.
Brilliant. That’s their asset back. What’d I say? If you’re gonna go in a basket, make sure that you’re asset back.
Personally, I say just go asset back and float at three plus and take all the other Middle Eastern currencies with you. That’s what they’re waiting for. Trump is changing the rules of the economic gain in the world through gold.
That’s what this article is telling you. And it comes from Iraq. And what’s the blue title? What do I say? Gold will change many currencies soon.
No, I’m not into Nafara, Jazara, whatever that stuff is. If you are, okay, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, more power to you. But I am looking at the fact that Trump is using gold to do some amazing things.
And it is about to affect, hey, Rebecca, thank you, sweetheart. Thank you, Rebecca Hill. Trump is doing some amazing things with gold.
And in my opinion, these movements that he’s been making are going to affect a lot of currencies. No, I’m not into Nafara, but I’m into studying a basket that I hope they don’t get into. But because they study it, I study it with you.
Gold will change many currencies soon, in my opinion. Good article. Final article number 4,967.
Parliamentary committee reveals the date of passing the budget amendment in parliament. What do I say up on top? The budget is the key. The budget is the key to unlock everything.
And here you got parliament teasing and coming out. Okay, I’ll tell you what, we know when we’re going to go ahead and sign this amendment. You know what? Just forget it.
Just forget it. You’re not worth anything. Nobody pays attention to you, parliament.
You are a fading echo. Final article number 4,968. No enmity with Trump and America, but we are friends.
Yeah, no enmity. We ain’t got no, he’s not our enemy. Nope, nope.
We parliament, or excuse me, we the framework. You know, same thing. Yeah.
We Maliki, same thing. We got no enemies. We got no enemies.
Enmity. We have no enmity. We have no enmity with Trump, okay? He’s not a booger butt.
No, no, no, no. He’s just a booger, no. No, no, he’s a good guy.
Yeah. Even that, you know, Sasquatch. What’s his name? Sasquatch.
The governor from that year, one of your states. The big guy that wears the gym shorts. What’s his name? The bald headed guy.
Lurch. He even said he thought that Trump was a good guy. He talked with him a couple of days ago.
Yeah. Fetter, fetter, fetter, header, header, better, better. Header said he was better.
That’s what he said, yeah. Okay. So with that in mind, we got no problems, says the framework.
Who is in big trouble? Who doesn’t know anything? Who hasn’t received one update? Who hasn’t had any audience with a lot? Who doesn’t have any information on the reforms? Who is angry? Who is, oh, they’re so angry their cash cow is dead. Murp fell right over. All four legs sticking up in the air.
They are so pissed, excuse me. They are so in a bad mood. Coordination framework.
We don’t have any, no, and to me with Trump and America, we are friends. And you’re in the figment of your imagination, maybe. You think America considers you a Iran, a nuclear weapon, want to blow up Israel, a friend? Of course not.
Your people are, your people are beautiful. There’s some of the more beautiful Arabs in the Middle East. Your music, the food, the history.
Hey, I mean, the history alone of Iran is amazing. My Christian faith is, there’s a lot of history there. We could be so good friends.
Let me see. No, and to me, Trump and America, but we are friends. Yeah, that’s a figment of your imagination because we’re not friends right now.
What is it that I say up on top, ladies and gentlemen, for this article? When the light, when the light of security and stability is turned on, the cockroaches run. Of course, they’re going to sweet talk. They’re desperate.
And you should be extremely excited about that state. Final article number 4,600, and I’m sorry, final article number 4,969, coming from Erbil, a convoy of American military vehicles arrives in Assad base in Anbar. What do I say up on top? USA is going nowhere.
You got that, Parliament? Quote, a security source in Anbar province reported on Sunday that a convoy carrying American vehicles and equipment arrived at Assad base, coming from Erbil province. It is a large American convoy carrying American military equipment and vehicles arrived at the Assad air base in Al-Baghdadi area in the hit district west of Anbar. Yeah, yeah.
The blue title, USA is going nowhere. You got that, Parliament? You got that, KTFA family? We ain’t going nowhere. I’ve always said it.
There it is, in print. Please enjoy. Why do you think we’re going nowhere? Trump.
Do they, are they willing to pay us back with oil? Yeah. Do you like that deal? I did, but I don’t anymore. Why not? We were there for 20 years.
Yeah. I’m gonna drill. Baby, I’m gonna drill.
We’ll have more oil than the Middle East. So I don’t want them to repay me back with oil. What do you want them to repay you back with, Trump? Protect my dollar? Don’t give oil to the Americans.
Don’t give oil to anybody, especially Iran. I’m sorry, don’t give oil to my enemy, especially Iran. And raise the value of your currency.
That’s what I want. What do you want? Fine article number 4970, Iraq boosts financial stability with huge dollar and gold reserves in US and Europe. Seriously, Iraq? You boost your own financial stability, you know, in order to bring forth a new exchange rate.
You boost your own financial stability with huge dollar and gold reserves in the US and Europe? Okay, what else do you have to say? A country that has huge reserves of hard currency is considered an economically stable country. There’s that word again, that can intervene at any time to address imbalances in its balance of payment structure. Look what I say in blue parentheses.
And to increase the purchasing power of your currency country, continuing. It also provides an important element in establishing the country’s credit worthiness, enhances the country’s credit rating in international transactions and provides cover for its local currency. You think 1310 provides cover? You think that this investment of this massive, huge gold and dollar investment into the reserves of America and Europe is something that is being done lackadaisically just for the heck of it? There’s a purpose, there’s a reason for it, isn’t there? Of course.
What do I say up on top? No. No. No.
Even 152 billion is not correct. Iraq’s wealth is immeasurable. What does that say to you? The article talks about the idea of how much that they have in reserves.
The article here talks about the fact that they have 100,000. Here they say to you that the report, the latest report as of now today, Iraq has 152.6 tons of gold in their reserves. No.
And then the article talks about foreign investments, talks about foreign coins, talks about variable reserves. Why? You’re a good student, you know why. Final article number 4971, Baghdad and Erbil agree.
Parliamentary consensus to pass the budget law amendment soon. Yeah, I know, I know, I keep hearing it every day I wake up and, oh, we passed it, well, we’re gonna pass it soon. We passed it, well, maybe we’ll pass it tomorrow.
We passed it, but no, we ended up passing gas. We passed it, but I don’t know. Yeah, what do I say up on top? Yeah, they agreed with more demands and this is the Middle East way.
And that’s why I gave you that example, family. This is the Middle East. Sure, you may have an agreement with Baghdad and Erbil, but you think that Parliament is happy about that? They’re so jealous.
No, you don’t. What? No, you don’t have, no, no. Kurdistan and Baghdad do not have an agreement on the oil.
No, we are Parliament and we are telling you, you do not have an agreement. Iraqi citizens, are you listening to us? Erbil, they just said, Kurdistan, they just said they had an agreement with Baghdad. No, they don’t, no, they don’t.
Nope, nope, nope, not at all, not at all. Well, you see, what happened was that, yeah, they agreed. And then Erbil just very simply did what they do in the Middle East.
Hey, listen, we also want to add this onto it. Okay, fine, fine, we add it onto it. Hey, do you see that? You see, they don’t, they don’t agree.
They don’t agree. You see, they want to put, they changed it. You see, they don’t agree, okay? Shut up.
You disgusting troublemaker. And that’s what this article is about. So when you see that they say they be in the troublemakers’ parliament, oh, no, there is no agreement with Kurdistan.
There is not going to be any oil coming in. The budget is screwed. That’s why we can’t vote on it.
Oh, no, no, no, no. Now you know the truth. Final article number 4,972.
Budget amendments proposed spark disagreements between Iraqi government and parliament. What do I say up on top? A temporary solution, maybe. Maybe the amendment won’t even need a vote now.
What? Once again, the budget amendment proposal sparked disagreement between the Iraqi government and parliament. Parliament says, oh, no, Baghdad, you don’t have an agreement with Kurdistan. No, no, no, no, no.
And then all of a sudden it turns out that Sudanese says, yeah, we do. No, you don’t. Yeah, we do.
We have a temporary solution. Kind of like, you know, that I can create a, what do you call it, a supplemental budget. Yeah, we have a temporary solution.
They just want a few extra things. And I said, okay, fine. We’re going to throw them in.
But what do you do? You exaggerate. You make it seem like it’s the end of the world, parliament. Get out of here.
And they walk away like a dog with his tail between its legs. Shameful. They… Need my side tank.
They walk away like my far-left Democrats. Every time they open their mouths and make fools of themselves. I mean, it’s not like I’m lying.
The world sees it. Our Democrat party, for some reason, is just so bitterly angry. Angry.
And this is not good for their health. This article in itself is telling you that there are no democrats in this country. There are no problems.
And anybody that tells you that there is, they’re just flat out lying. Here, you read this article because it’s got a lot of good stuff. Look it, there’s another article right underneath it.
The oil minister. Parliament is studying a draft law to receive the Kurdistan region’s oil. No, they’re not.
They’re flat out lying. When you read this, you’ll find out. Go to the next one, page… Go to page 249.
For the advertiser that we have. Who is it, Jan? Ann. Ann, okay.
Hang in there, Ann. I’ll bring you in in about five minutes or so. All right, family.
Now we continue. Final article number 4,973. Kurdistan regional government opens bank’s accounts for 2,000 nine… I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
Let me do this again. Kurdistan regional government’s open bank accounts for 290,000 retirees. Really? They open accounts for citizens in Baghdad.
Now Kurdistan is doing the same thing. We just opened your account, retirees. You’re going to need this.
What do I say up on top? Whether they want it or not, it’s for the monetary reform success. Final article number 4,974. Quote, finance.
What? Resumes meetings to amend the Kurdistan region oil item in the budget and warns. Here we go again. I really shouldn’t even waste any more time in putting articles up from parliament, but I want to put them up so that you can understand the difference between good and bad, the difference between hot and cold, the difference between light and dark.
What do I say for the blue title for this article? Parliament has to stop these games. Oh, we’re going to vote. Oh, we’re not going to vote.
Oh, we’re going to vote. Oh, we’re not going to vote. Oh, they don’t have a… Oh, we didn’t have enough people to show up.
We got to stop these games because nothing that you’re doing parliament is helping in any way, shape or form. Sudani doesn’t pay attention to you. The only success you have is maybe once in a while you piss off my friend, Eddie.
That’s about it. You got to stop this. You got to work as a parliament with the cabinet of the GOI.
Stop this, Democrats of the United States of America. Final article number 4,975. I’m not saying that the Republicans are perfect and they’re saints.
No, they’re just as goofy as the Democrats, but they’re not insane. Final article number 4,975. Why do you think that Jesus came? Why did Jesus come? It was just 10 laws.
That’s it. Moses gave you 10 laws. But what did you do, you Pharisees? You sent hindrance.
You said to Jesus, all you preachers, you’re high and mighty hypocrites. You stand in the corners and you pray really loud so all the citizens can see you and say, oh, look how holy you are. You’re a hypocrite.
You’re not even praying to God. You’re going through motions. Jesus did not come for the 360 something, 360 laws that you added to my 10 laws.
You messed it up. The same thing here. The same thing here.
Parliament is messing it up. They keep playing games. Final article number 4,975.
World Bank officials pledge to Saddam Hussein to finance several oil, energy and infrastructure projects. Well, that’s fantastic. What do I say up on top? World Bank does not pledge to 1310.
The World Bank officials, they pledged to Saddam to finance several oil, energy and infrastructure projects. Are you serious? Those are billions. You pledged this at a 1310 rate.
That’s why I say up on top, World Bank, the World Bank does not pledge anything at 1310. Final article number 4,976. Between economic experts, they are warning the government denial.
The value of the Iraqi dinar is at stake. Remember in gun smoke when they had that triangle and it was dinner time, de-ding, de-ding, de-ding, dinner, de-ding, de-ding, de-ding, de-ding. Well, somebody get me a de-ding, de-ding, de-ding, de-ding, de-ding, de-ding, de-ding, de-ding, de-ding.
Holy, oh my word, look at this. Between economic experts, the experts in Iraq, who are warning the government denial that if you don’t add value to the Iraqi dinar, well, then our currency is at stake. Our currency is at stake.
The government is denial. What do I say up on top? The only denial of the monetary reform is in the belly of parliament, and Sudani has, he’s just full of it. He is just full of it, but he is also full of control.
As informed, government sources denied on Tuesday, January 28, 25, that the Iraqi government has, it has any intention, the Iraqi government has any intention, we deny this, to reduce the value of the dinar against the dollar. Are you listening to us as Iraqi citizens? Did we not tell you not to listen to the rumors? We, the government, we deny. Excuse me.
We, the government, we, daddy. Who’s your daddy, Iraqi citizens? That’s right, God. Well, who’s your backup daddy? Me, Sudani.
I know, okay, I broke my oath. I wanted so badly to give you purchasing power, to go up before the end of the year. Hey, I missed it, but I’m still here talking about it, ain’t I? Did I run away? Did I turn into a coward? Did I deny anything? So I’m here to tell you, no, we’re not, we deny.
We deny that. That’s the only thing we deny, what parliament is telling you, that we’re not gonna add value to the currency. They’re full of, they’re wrong, Iraqi citizens.
We deny this. The intention to reduce the value of the dollar, the dinar against the dollar, despite rumors, okay? Despite rumors indicating upcoming measures to confront economic pressures and challenges in the international markets, okay? And what do I say? What’s in blue parentheses? Parliament rumors. Please just die.
Just die. The news about the government’s intentions to reduce the value of the dinar against the dollar is absolutely incorrect. You know very well what Sudanese has been telling you.
He added, the government is working to stabilize, there’s that word. The government has been working to stabilize the official exchange rate set by the central bank and to seek, and seeks to control the parallel market. Any change in the exchange rate during the current stage or within the 2025 budget schedule will lead to negative results.
And that is why the government is committed to strengthening the current rate. You got that, parliament? You listening, Iraqi citizens? How many times do we have to tell you not to pay attention to these idiots? On the political, quote, on the political front, political affair experts, Azawi, pointed out that the US president, Donald Trump, who is expected to return to the White House, may change his policies? May change his, do you want them to pay you back with oil? Yeah, I did, but we got, I’m gonna drill, baby, drill. So instead, I want them to.
So you heard that speech I gave you. You heard that speech I gave you. Now you hear this.
Azawi pointed out that the United States president, Donald Trump, who is expected to return to the White House, may change his policies towards Iraq. Azawi explained, Trump, as an economist, realizes that politics is managed through economics. Now, do you see why I told you what I told you earlier? Good.
If you’re with me for the first time and you don’t know my teaching style, I apologize. I’m not a teacher, I’m not a professor. I’m just a student like you.
But I teach in a specific way, in a certain way. What I present, at the conclusion, it will all be summarized and understood. Right now, you just experienced a portion of that.
That’s if you’ve been with me from the beginning. Final article number 4,977, Egyptian prime minister visits Baghdad tomorrow with a large delegation of businessmen. What do I say up on top? Why? Why? Mr. Egyptian prime minister, don’t you know it’s a scam? Final article number 4,978, government advisors reveal Iraq’s gold reserves and hedging against ill-considered race to buy it.
The economist, prime minister Mohammed Shaleh, revealed Iraq’s gold reserves, which are estimated at about 152 tons. The gold reserves is undoubtedly an important part of the Iraqi foreign exchange reserves as it contributes to enhancing financial stability and confidence in the national currency. According to the announcement data, our gold reserves have reached about 152 tons.
What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for it? 152 tons? No, much more than that. Final article number 4,979, parliamentary finance, parliamentary pressure on the government to send the 2025 budget table. What do I say up on top? How ironic, you hypocrites.
You ask for what Sudani demands from you. Final article number 4,980, releasing salary of Popular Mobilization Authority members. Wow.
Do you know what Popular Mobilization Authority members is, family? It’s kind of like your glorified buddy. Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts. What do I say up on top? Salaries released, but at what rate is the question? Final article number 4,991, Donald J. Trump, at real Donald Trump, quote, the era of America decline is over and the golden age of America is officially underway.
What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for this article? Quote, sir, a new exchange rate for Iraq’s currency is also officially underway, in my opinion. Those are the articles that I wanted to share with you. They are powerful.
Right now, I’m gonna stop because I wanna bring in, who am I bringing in? Oh, I forgot. Oh, Anne. Anne, it is 10 after.
Take this until about 15 minutes. Are you there, Anne? I’m here. Hi, sweetie.
I’m here. How are you doing tonight, Frankie? You look so dashing in your blue suit tonight, and I’m sure that you two would agree to that. You’re very kind and sweet.
The floor is yours. Take it to 725. Now, hold on.
Family, listen to what Anne has. Write down her phone number, her email, however it is that you can get ahold of her, because that’s the only way you’re gonna be able to get this product for right now. As you know, I went through cancer, and I strongly, strongly believe that there are many ways that we can get cancer.
I deal with hundreds of phone calls. The stress that you put me through might have caused it, but I also know that fungus and bacteria are also the cause of cancer. Please listen to our sister, Anne.
The floor is yours, Anne. Okay, very good, Frank. Thank you very much.
And before I begin my talk, you can make some notes. Anne too, highly advanced blood clinic. We’ve never even told even when she was born, there were no genes.
And even to dozens of people every year would bring their sheep and doves to the city of Jerusalem to be blood-stacked for human life and blood-stained for years. So let’s give some people we need to survive. Did you know that we can only live five minutes without oxygen or else we could experience severe brain damage? We’re counting on our blood to, you know, neutrify our brain and deliver vital oxygen at all times.
Did you know if our blood stops delivering oxygen to all of our body parts for a duration of 10 minutes, we’re gonna die. Blood is also responsible for delivering nutrients to every single cell in the body. And without a continuous supply of nutrients, our body cells would starve to death and die.
Blood aids in our immune system because it’s our blood that delivers our white blood cells, chemical messengers, which travel through our blood in order to regulate processes, usually transports our toxins that are pushed out from the cells. The blood will take some of those toxins to our lungs where we, you know, the odor or colon, we’re gonna do those toxins out. And if the blood takes those toxins to the kidneys, we’re gonna pee them out.
So remember, life is in the blood, blood is the river of life. And for all the good things our blood can do for us living in this world of toxic soup, we really should be doing whatever we can to help our blood out and to keep it as clean as possible so it can freely move around. And, you know, why? Because of fungus and mud.
You know, picture a river full of sludge and pollution. Do you think a highly polluted river is gonna flow as freely as a blue-green, pristine river? Certainly not. To build up, and in causing inflammation, they press on nerve endings, and that can cause… So when we have clean debris, they’re delivering our oxygen, white nutrients, hormones, and stem cells where they’re needed to go to keep everything working.
And fortunately, scientists have recently become aware that there’s another extremely harmful thing that is really gunking up our blood. That is a thing in this modern time in fish swimming gators in Florida. Did you know that most of us who live from the blood, you know, look on the internet, looking for institutes to give you an idea that contributes to premature death.
Researches in humans. My first short of time, because… You got five more minutes. Okay, then I’ll continue.
I’m getting… I always want to be aware… Hey, hey, hey, Anne, Anne, Anne. Yes? This product, honey, this is, you know, I appreciate the education that you’re giving us, but we want to know about this product. It is amazing.
Plastic particles have been embedded into our foods, into the air, into our clothing. It is in our bloodstream. It is plugging up our veins, arteries, and capillaries.
It’s destroying our micro capillaries. It is everywhere. It is plugging up our circulatory system.
This product that you have, if I remember, I think you said that there’s a liquid or a gel or a pill. Tell us about the product. Go ahead and say whatever else you want, but tell us more about the product.
How do we take it? Even what does it cost? How do we order it? Because it is going to help people with prostate problems. That’s what the real big, big reason of prostate issues, swelling, is bacterial and fungal infection. You got a product that has proven track record and history on it.
Yeah, we want to know about this. And this product also dissolves the microplastic in our bodies. This is amazing.
Go right ahead. Keep on talking. Okay, so yes, this is very highly scientifically formulated and I had the opportunity to talk to one of the scientists.
What he shared with me is a class situation. He told me that fungus, which is found in, he said fungus disease is so fresh to too much fungus plant. And if you call me, I can give you even more websites to read something in your book so you don’t have to read that book, right? Okay, he started torturous death.
I have a torturous death, okay? Just get on a product like this, do your research and give me a call. My name is Anne. Anne, I thank you, sweetheart, because this is a major issue.
We are baby boomers right now. I am, this year I will be 70 years old and I have lost my prostate and it was cancerous. But if I would have had this product, I mean, I don’t know, I don’t know.
But there are many, I mean, hundreds of people that I have talked to that have gone through cancer, brain cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, gallbladder, you name it. I have had every phone call that you can think of. And a lot of this cancer is fungal and bacterial.
I believe that this product may be a blessing to a lot of people because once you start using it, especially gentlemen, if your flow is diminished, if you are having pain when you urinate and you use this product and you notice something, I mean, it will work rather quickly. It’ll kill that stuff very quickly. It’s not like it’s a tumor.
We’re talking about fungus and bacteria. I think you’ll be impressed with this product. So go to the website that Anne told you about so that you can study.
And if you wanna order it, call Anne. Her phone number is 276-235-170. Or you can call me and I’ll connect you to Anne.
Anne is the one to get you the product. You tell her you’re with KTFA so that we get credit for it. I appreciate that.
And, or you can call me and I’ll hook you up with Anne. My phone number is 419-283-2552, 419-283-2552. No, seriously, Anne, us baby boomers that are falling apart now because we’re 60 and 70 years old, this is a very interesting product that I think it would be a blessing to a lot of people.
And then this epidemic, this crisis of plastic in our blood. Family, look this up. If you don’t know anything about this, Google it.
Google it, go to YouTube and bring up pictures of circulatory, human being circulatory system clogged with plastic. Every human being, everybody has plastic in their veins, arteries, and capillaries right now. This is gonna be a wonderful product.
God bless you, Anne. I look forward to talking to you again, okay? Okay, thank you very much, Frank. You bet, I’ll probably call you tomorrow.
You take care, bye-bye. Yeah, I mean, I am grateful to Anne. I’m grateful to God that this product has come.
I wish I would’ve had it before my conditions, but that’s okay. Alrighty, family. The very first part of our study tonight was the articles.
Horriful articles, huh? Horrible articles, especially the last one from Donald J. Trump. Now, what I’d like to do is, the title of your UB2B tonight is bank stories. So I’m gonna eliminate some of our study and I’m gonna replace it with some bank stories because they will be helpful.
They will be informative. They’ll be motivating. And this is the time when you need this.
The pattern that we picked up, hi, Dr. Tooth Fairy, how are you? It’s good to see you. Thank you kindly. Thank you.
Every time I see you, I should smile. Anyway, thank you, Dr. Tooth Fairy. God bless you.
Oh my word, what was I saying? The bank stories. Yeah, what about, but anyways, these bank stories at this stage, oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. The thing that we noticed in the first week of January, three weeks ago, we noticed a pattern with these banks.
Back in November, we noticed that they stopped saying that it was a scam. Okay. In December, they still said, we’re not saying it was a scam.
Okay. And more so December, the end of it, it was like, yeah, we’ve been going to meetings. Yeah, we know what’s going on.
Okay, yeah, okay. But then the first week of January, banks kind of like shut down. They became silent in just talking.
They won’t tell you it’s a scam. They won’t say, they just feel like, leave me alone. Hmm.
That was an interesting pattern because they were all acting that way. So I’d like to play you. Actually, what happened was I have a bank story and then I had a phone call with another bank story.
So you’re going to hear them back to back on the same recording. And then when we’re done, oh, actually, you know what? Let me save these two because they’re back to back on this recording. Instead, let me call this other individual.
Because this bank story, I told the person, I said, no, I’d like for you to come on. I want you to express to the family the way you are expressing to me what happened to you. So halfway through the bank story, I told her, stop.
So I want to hear the rest of the bank story myself too, because it was pretty good. And Tink, if you hear that she misses anything, let me know, okay? All righty. So here we go.
I’m calling you, Mrs. T. Let’s see if she answers here. Hello. Hi, Mrs. T, this is Frank 26.
Oh, hi, how are you? Mighty fine. I’m excited to talk to you because I only got the first half of your story. And the first half, my eyebrows couldn’t go any higher.
They kept going higher. What, what, what, what, what? And my wife, my wife, then she teased me and she started to tell me some of it. And I said, no, no, no, no, no, just stop.
Let her tell us tonight when she calls. So Mrs. T, I am grateful to you. First of all, what state are you in? Illinois, right down the street from me.
And what bank did you go to? So I bank with a credit union, actually. Oh, this is even better, a credit union. And when did this happen? Oh my God, yesterday, Frank.
You’re still, you’re still high. You’re still on the fumes. Go right ahead, the floor is yours.
What happened? So this was unexpectedly out of the blue and I had to maintain myself, if you will. Okay, so I went in there to take care of some banking business. And what happened was I got my banking business done and then I was pulled into a private room.
Well, wait a minute, wait a minute. Why did he pull you in a room when you were just doing some banking? Does he know you, recognize you? You have a history with him? Okay, yes. I didn’t know how much time I had.
You have all the time you want, girlfriend, because this is a great story. Okay. Okay, so what I’ve been doing for the past four years is going in there and they’ll say, well, hi, how are you today? How would you like your money back? And I’d say, oh, you know, the USN notes, the ones that don’t have that federal nasty on them anymore and all in hundreds, please, rainbow preferably.
And then as they were changing systems, I would say, mm, quantum. And then, you know, time went on and I said, oh, DeLarue machine. And then, so I never told him I held currency.
I just started pointing out things. Okay. And then finally I went in to get a car loan about August.
And finally, during the process of getting the car loan, you know, the topic of gold back, you know, world is coming back, the gold standard, we’re coming back to the gold standard, et cetera. Right. And we just happened to be talking about, you know, XRPs and, you know, denars and things like that.
Okay. And I still did not tell my loan officer that I held currency. However, she opened her drawer and said, I hope that it’s true what Trump’s about to do because I can’t wait to cash this in.
What? What did she have in her drawer? Denar. What? Yes. Okay.
Along with a few others. However, that was the end of that. Like that day, there was no more conversation of it.
Right. And when was that? When did that happen? In August. Continue then, then continue with your story.
Okay. So then, Monday, I got told that I needed to come in and take care of a banking matter. I said, okay, sure.
I’m on my way. So I’m going in there thinking, you know, I’m just taking care of the banking matter. So I did that.
I took care of the banking matter and then I was getting ready to leave. And they said, well, do you have a couple minutes? And I looked at her and I said, well, yeah. Really? So, yeah.
And I said, mind you, I didn’t ask. I didn’t approach. I didn’t ask for nothing.
The same lady from August. Well, and two more people. Are you serious? Now, wait a minute.
In August, did you establish that you had the NARS? No. No, I didn’t. All right.
So, okay, in August, did you establish that you have foreign currency? No. I said, yeah. I said, I hear a lot about that kind of stuff.
I said, but, you know, I said, it’d be nice if it’s true and people that invested in it were successful is what I said. Okay. And so, just because of the things I was saying to them throughout the four years.
Yeah, they knew you were a student. You were not talking like an average person. They knew you as a student of this currency.
So, the three of them gang up on you and they asked you, psst, psst, psst, come here, come here. And you walked into their office. Did they close the door? Yes, they did.
Go on, Woodhop, go on. And so, while I’m in there, they asked me, do you happen to hold Dinar? I said, yeah. Then they said, well, do you hold Dong? I said, yeah.
They said, well, do you hold Zim? Yeah. So, basically, they named off some currencies and I held quite a few of them. And then they said, nevermind, tell us what you don’t hold.
Let’s reverse engineer this, okay. Okay, so then what? So then, they finally realized, you know, I am somebody that obviously knows something. And now they know why I’ve been saying the things for four years.
Right. And then they say to me, well, we kind of got something overnighted in an email for morning banking business. And it pretty much states in there, things are changing in the world.
I can’t elaborate on it. Wait a minute, wait. I can’t admit or deny if I saw the letter myself.
These three people told you that their office got a letter that currencies are about to change? A lot of things in the world, in financing, business. Are about to change. Yes.
All banks got it. If you’re in the room, they got it? All financial institutions did, yes. I’m not gonna ask you any more about that piece of paper because it’s too dangerous to talk about.
But who sent that piece of paper? Let’s just say it came from the government. Our new blessed team. I don’t know how much further we should go with this.
Are you serious about this? Cross my heart, honest to God’s truth, swearing on family members that I don’t ever, you don’t do that. You know, I always say, thank you. I always ask for the state and I always ask for the name of the bank, but this is a credit union.
I don’t know if we should give this credit union name out. I don’t think so because the problem is, is they’re not for sure yet if they will be one of the places that may be involved. They even know that? Yes.
Yes. So all three of them were basically happy for you, I guess, how’s that? Well, let’s just say I have a bad habit of not leaving my money in the bank. And they said, well, are you gonna start trusting us a little more? Will you put some money in here? Are you gonna charge me to exchange my currency? I said that, and who’s your resources? Oh, you’re, oh yeah, oh yeah, you’re a student.
You listen to me a lot. That’s exactly what you need to do. You’re gonna need to go in there with more power in order to waive those fees.
And even then, even then they’re gonna tell you, oh no, corporate will not allow us to waive those fees. And then you say, well, hey, I understand. I’m gonna go to another bank.
And you get up and you start walking out. The next thing you know, they’re gonna be like the nine pin that refuses to fall down. They’re gonna wobble back and forth and they’re gonna say to you, well, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute.
I’m the president from Venezuela. I changed my mind. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
I’m the president from Mexico. I changed my mind. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
I don’t know who I am, but I changed my mind, okay? Right, right. Wow. Things are getting very, very exciting.
And I’ll tell you, Frank, we had to try to maintain professionalism because I didn’t know if I was coming or going sideways to Tuesday yesterday. I’m sure you were jumping, like inside you were going crazy, but yet you had to be cool, calm, and collective. You didn’t wanna melt and turn into a five-year-old that got a piece of candy and you’re all excited about it there.
But I can’t believe that they were professional with you or were they laughing? I mean. No, in fact, then the other two loan officers came in the room with the three of us that were already in there and three of the loan officers hold it themselves. And I’m not just talking Denar.
That letter, it was not sent by our government. It was sent. It was not sent by the banking industry, by the banking structure.
It was sent. I know who sent that. Oh my goodness.
It was, I’m in charge. The gauntlet is about to drop. I don’t know anything.
Me no speak de English muy bueno. Ixnay, mixnay, pixnay, or something like that. That’s all I know.
So you understand the letter I’m speaking of then? The same letter I just called you. Yes. Okay, let’s stop right there.
I am very, very grateful to you. Is there anything else that you wanna share with us that they might’ve told you that, I mean, they don’t know if they’re gonna be a part of it, but they’re preparing for it. And I mean, and then they, oh, you see, we can’t talk about what- No.
No, we can’t. Let’s just say the golden age has started, or if not, maybe has already been going for a little bit. There it is.
Here, allow me to read to you two pages from WalkingStick that I did not intend to read, but based on what you’re saying. Frank, President Trump put the world on notice that- That’s what he did, he put the world on notice that the American dollar will be the reserve currency of the world with or without you. Trump protects the United States dollar and the IQD.
Today, our military forces have poured into Iraq from one area to refortify what we have. Why? To protect the reforms, to protect the currency. Trump was saying, I’ll take your oil, but I’m going to drill, baby.
And therefore, I’ll take a new exchange rate for the IQD that I have in my reserves. Deal? Deal? Deal or no deal? No choice deal. Oh, no choice deal, did you hear that? No choice deal.
I need that. Oh, that’s a good one, Mrs. T, that’s a good one. All right, I’m glad you didn’t give the name of that credit union or they would be bombarded.
I’m glad that you shared what you shared with us. I know exactly where that letter came from and who it is, but I don’t talk about it. You opened up a new file.
You opened up a can of worms that we’re not going to talk about. We’re going to leave it right here. Well, can I share one more thing with you? No.
No. As long as you don’t say who that letter’s from, go right ahead. No, first and only one.
Careful. R-I-R. Yeah.
Okay, yeah. So yeah, yeah, the weather in Jamaica is really good right about now. And I like vanilla ice cream, and I’m trying to change the subject here.
Put some chocolate syrup on it. You know, I have been introducing banks in premium and Club 26, and I’ve been introducing credit unions. A lot of people were asking me, what? What do you mean credit unions? I said, yeah, well, you’ll be surprised.
But anyways- That’s what she told me, because I said, you guys weren’t even supposed to be involved. Yeah, they really weren’t supposed to, but there’s a demand for recruiting all the help that can be trusted. Well, that’s ding, exactly.
And you know why? I was told, because in the upper echelon of the banking world, some people were told it was a scam in the banking business. Must be, must be. Go ahead.
Some people are mad that Trump did this, and they’re cleaning out. There’s no need for the employment of so many not-so-good bankers. Bingo.
They’re cleaning out the floors of many banks, just like they cleaned out the floor of the CBI. They’re getting rid of them. Yeah, and so they’re trusting in the ma and pa banks, is what I was told.
A lot of employees are disappointed and angry with their own bosses at the banks, because how dare you tell us that it’s a scam when it’s not a scam? Yep. Why did you take this away from us? Exactly. So, he didn’t believe it, but he’s been teaching us 100% accurately, appropriately, and he’s been spot on.
And I will say, no, I won’t say that, because we don’t do that, but I know things a little further, but I can’t, so. I can’t. We’ll leave it at that.
God bless you, and hey, nah, I was gonna say get a copy of it, but nah, let’s not mess with it. God bless you, Mrs. T. Oh, you, okay, we’ll talk tomorrow, okay? I’ll call you, I’ll call you. Hey, for real, no, for real, for real, I’d like to talk to you tomorrow.
Thank you, Mrs. T., God bless you, and we’ll call you tomorrow. Have a good evening, and thank you for sharing this with us, in your opinion. Yep, in my opinion, yep, God bless.
Love you, love you, and Tink, and call me any time. Yes, ma’am, bye-bye now. Bye-bye.
Ooh, I mean, what do you want me to do? It is, it is. It is. It is.
All right, family, now kick back, relax, story number one, bank story number one. Here’s your bank story number two. That was powerful.
Now you understand why I’ve been giving credit unions and premium. Not everybody belongs to premiums, so not everybody knows half the things that I do. I put, I told you I was gonna put everything behind closed doors.
Oh, please, Lord. Yay! Wow, this thing must be old. It took forever to light up.
Okay, here we go. So, hit play. Kick back and relax, family.
This is two stories, 26 minutes right here of bank stories, two of them, back to back. Please enjoy. Okay.
Yesterday, so this is Chase Bank. Go ahead and tell me, what happened to you? And then I saw Chase. I said, huh, this is new.
It was all lit up, and I got a flyer in the mail about Chase. And they were saying how you could become a private client. You know, and I was going in to ask about the flyer, and I went in there, and it had on the window, J.P. Morgan Chase, Wealth Management Division, Investment Division.
I was so excited to see all of that. And it didn’t look like an ordinary bank. You walk in, usually I see tailors at my banks when I walk in.
When I see a tailor, I just saw three big enclosures, three big offices, all glass enclosed. And a gentleman called me in, and he was very friendly. And it happens we were both living in New York at the same time, at the same place, and we became friends right away.
He put me in the computer, and I said, now I have to open an account, because I don’t have an account with Chase. I didn’t even know you existed till the other night I was driving by. They’re popping up all over the place.
Yeah, I knew it was very well lit up. So he said to me, we haven’t been here long, but I said, well, I’m a hit to get right to Chase. Do you exchange foreign currencies at this branch? He said, we will be, and you will see the tailor around the corner, and you can’t even find a tailor.
They had two tucked in the corner, just mean, big offices outside. He said, do you know, I didn’t have to say a word. What? Wait a minute, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
So you’re sitting there in his office, and what did he say about that they have these, what was it again? Repeat that. He said, if you want to exchange your currencies, you’ll go around this corner, and there were like two tailors tucked in the corner. Oh, I see.
I see. And notice that those two tailors were separate from the rest of the tailors of the bank. There were no other tailors there.
That’s right. His office is in Glass and Cushers. Yes, they’re trained specialists that will deal only in the exchange of foreign currency, whatever foreign currency, I’m not being specific, but yeah, and it just popped up that, and you are blessed to be in one of them, and you sat down, and the guy says to you, well, you told Chase, but I love how you told Chase, I’m gonna cut to the Chase.
I have several, and he just pointed out, do you have the denier? And so when you said you had foreign currency, you asked him if the exchange, he flat out asked you, do you have the denier? Why, and what did you say? What did you say to him? I said, yes, I have a lot of different ones, but yes, I have the denier. He didn’t ask how much or anything like that. Okay.
And he said, well, we have a wealth team. He was going on, we have an investment team, we have a division, and he said, well, wait a minute, I’m going to get you to the name, the CEO or the vice president, I can’t remember, but he said, the secretary came in and said, he sees an appointment, and he has an appointment for the rest of the week. So the assistant vice president popped in the room.
Oh, kidding. The three of us sitting there, you know? We’re traveling fast in that bank that you were in there, and they all came in to see you. Yeah, the assistant vice president, I’m sitting there with the officer, the assistant vice president, and the secretary.
And they all just talking, making small talk. Talking about my house, just making friendly checks, you know? Did you tell them what color you wanted your fingernails painted? You in charge, you understand? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. So what you can see is that he has an appointment for the vice president to go in.
He was also complimenting me, and he got me in, like, tweed jackets. I had a tweed blazer, and they were both talking about my blazer, and just making small talk. And he said, well, you know, on the computer, but when you go in, they can flip it to, we find out the schedule is clear.
So, I sent my guys over an email. An email! Your appointment is scheduled, I did, 11 a.m. Now, when you go, sister, when you go, you wanna suck up all that they have to offer you. You don’t wanna know a date, you don’t wanna know a ring.
I don’t care about that, right. You know what’s going on. But this is a new bank, new service, and guys, you have a new division here, specialized in exchanging foreign currency.
Well, guess what? I not only have the Iraqi Dinar, but I have boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Tell them. I told them I had some, too, but I didn’t, I said, I have several, I have to listen.
Wait, we’ll wait for that. That’s the best thing to do, is to diversify, because we don’t know what the basket is going to entail. Although I have a much clearer understanding, and I’ve been teaching it.
We’ve narrowed it down to seven currencies to countries, but I just hope that people are listening to what we share with them. But you wanna find out every perk, everything that they’re gonna do for you. How are you going, first of all, how are you going to exchange my currency? Are you gonna charge me a fee to exchange it? And they’ll tell you, yeah, 1%, 2%, 3%.
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait. Before we even go any further, before we even take the next breath, I gotta ask you a question. Do you think it’s fair for you to charge me to exchange this currency when I’m gonna put it in your account, and you’re gonna make money with it right away? Aren’t you making money, aren’t you making money? I’m taking notes, I’m taking notes.
Aren’t you making money off of my money, and then you may freeze my account for 30 days? Aren’t you making money off of me, and you’re also now wanting to charge me to exchange this and then put it in your bank? You wanna charge me for putting it in your bank? I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I got one of two options. I hope you write this down. I’ll tell you what, I got one of two options.
I’m either gonna say goodbye to you right now and go to another bank and see what they got to offer me, or you gonna pick up the phone and drop those charges for me right now. Okay. It’s that simple, Mr. Bank Officer.
Can I take those CPAs? Now, they’re gonna fire back, and they’re gonna tell you, well, these are corporate rules and regulations. Yeah, and they can be changed because I got a lot of currency. So, do you want my business or not? Now, as far as you taking a CPA, nothing wrong with that.
I would take a lawyer, but- Not yet, not yet, right. Well, you don’t necessarily have to do any of that right now. You’re not in position to exchange.
The day that you’re ready to exchange, oh my goodness gracious, take everything, take the kitchen sink with you, take Bigfoot with you, huh? When he emailed me, he said, please bring your driver’s license back because you’re already incomputable. We’ll need your driver’s license and another form of ID first. They’re creating a profile about you.
And if you may have a wealth team here could help you if you choose to go with us. And by the way, did you buy your dinars at that place, at that bank? No, I bought it from you. Okay.
You’re a broker and I have others that I just ordered from Great American Co-op Exchange. Do you have any other friends in the Virginia area that can go with you? Because if you go by yourself, okay. But if you go with other friends that have a lot of dinars too, all of a sudden what you’re asking has even more power, more authority for them to waive it.
You know what, Mr. Frank, it’s crazy just to say that. I told him I have another friend, but he doesn’t have as much as I do, but he has, because they had a flyer and they only ask him for like a hundred grand or something. I said, but he far exceeds what you require for a private client.
So I’m bringing him with me with his dinars. Okay, all right, that’s good. And then, don’t lie.
Never lie, but hint that, because you probably do, hint that, listen, I’m bringing you an example of one person. I can bring you many more. Okay, okay.
Because if this is successful, shoot, shoot. You don’t think we’re going to put that bank on our KTFA form for everybody to know and everybody can go there too? Oh my goodness, I’ll give you the address. Yes, the whole purpose, and that’s what I’ve been teaching.
When the blessing occurs, we are the only site on the internet that’s going to release thousands of places that the CBI has private banks for you to exchange at. Number two, all the family members of KTFA, when they are successful, they will call me, they will tell me where they were able to exchange, and I will post it on my form after we’ve vetted. All right, I’m from Virginia, that’s where I was, 1700, I forget it, 1700 something.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, that’s right. Well, I’m very, very proud of you. Now, you’ve got the mission.
Well, when you go back, ask all these questions, ask them, you know, start out with that fee, because if there is no fee, then you continue and you ask more questions like how much can I take out on a daily basis? What kind of insurance do you have? Do you have a vault that I can use? Do you have lawyers here that I can use for, you know, real estate investment or whatever it may be? What are all the things that you can give me? Do you give me regular or decaffeinated coffee when I come in? What are the things that you’re gonna do for me? Ask every question and see what they can, because every time you ask a question- This call will be recorded, go on the floor, again. Because every time that you ask a question, it opens the door for them to not only answer it, but to give you more answers. Okay.
Okay, I hope that makes sense. You’re so helpful. Okay, so you wanna know what kind of insurance, I know you’re recording now, so what kind of insurance is the bank gonna offer me? Because the FDIC of 25, what is it, they only cover you for a quarter of a million.
I cover a quarter of a million, right? Yeah, and that’s a joke. That’s for what I have. So do they have supplemental ways of protecting your currency? I mean, there can be.
There can be insurance programs, Lawyers of London, there’s many different ways, and you wanna ask if they can help you. What type of, what can you take out? If you wanna take out $50,000, is that permissible? Do I have to make an appointment to ask for it if I want it physical? If I wanted physical cash, how long does it take for that to get to me? Okay. All the- Take notes, do take notes.
All the privileges, everything, well, all your investors, all your people, all your experts, I wanna know more about what they’re gonna offer me. Okay. Well, because I do need money, I wanna help my family.
Yeah, I don’t have- Hold on, I have to put somebody on hold, hold on, hold on. Brother G, can you hold on, because I have someone on hold, I’m working with them right now. I’m at your service, I’m holding on, sir.
Thank you. Override. Okay, sister, I am very, very proud of you.
I’m so excited. I can’t wait until you get back and see what else they have to say, because- I could, because they’re after the meeting. Because they already know, they already know.
Whatever meetings they’re going to, shoot, what did they say? You got dinars? They didn’t ask you. Yeah, they didn’t ask me, it’s just perfect. He didn’t wanna know if you had cookies, if you had hoes or Twinkies.
He wanted to know, you got dinars? Why you ask me if I got dinars, fool? Don’t you know it’s a scam? What’s the matter with you? He’s excited. I feel grateful for the gentleman you had on to help us. Yes, he’s offering classes, he’s doing that.
Oh no, that’s the other gentleman, the real estate guy, he’s doing our classes, and those are good classes. I would encourage you to think about those too. Well, now look here, I’m grateful to you.
I got another call, and I’m gonna wait until you get back with me, okay? All right, and you’ll be on this evening at six, right? Yes, ma’am, six o’clock, and I’m gonna play you a recording. Thank you, bye-bye. Thank you.
Thank you for the call. Bye-bye. Hey, G, I actually have a recording going on right now because I just recorded a lady with a bank story.
Are you by any chance calling me about a bank story, a continuation of what we talked about before, or are you calling me- When we talked last week, sir, you said you wanted me to do a follow-up this evening, but I’m at your service. May I record you? You want me to record that now or tonight? Right now, right now, right now, because I just finished. I did not stop the recording is what I’m trying to tell you.
I am still recording. May I record your story? Yes, you may, sir. Roger that.
What state are you in? Florida. What bank? Wells Fargo. Oh, yeah, that’s right.
And this is the follow-up of the Wells Fargo. You talked to us before. I called you George.
Yes, correct, sir. All righty. Go for it, George.
The floor is yours. What happened? Thank you, sir. Greetings, family.
Yes, a follow-up. Frank had asked me to contact who we affectionately call Mr. T, my contact at a Wells Fargo branch in Central Florida to find out the follow-up information, what they can provide, et cetera, et cetera, to bring everybody up to speed. I wanted to give you a little short, short history.
Wells Fargo, in the years past, has said we do not recognize the Dinar, the Iraqi Dinar. And then a year ago, they started talking about we do not handle the Dinar, Iraqi Dinar. Now, two weeks ago, I walked in, and recapping the initial call a couple weeks ago, and I just happened to say, I understand there’s a lot of activity in the international world with concerning international currencies.
And as you all heard that we’re on the call before, my contact, who has been promoted to a upper middle management position, came up around the corner and stated, oh, yes, there’s a lot of activity. And I said, especially with Wells Fargo, he did say, oh, definitely. Now, he told me at that time, what he inferenced, excuse me, he didn’t tell me other than what he said verbally.
There’s a lot of activity in the international market concerning the banking world, brother, concerning international currencies. When he came up closer to me behind the teller line, he looked at me and winked because he knows my assets are in the Iraqi Dinar, the Vietnamese Dong. He was trying to communicate something to you? Well, he was, but he winked at me.
Now, that was what I reported two weeks ago to the family. And you asked me then to give me my marching orders to go back in to see if we can take him to lunch, dinner, or whatever, because he’s my personal banker who’s been now promoted out of that position into a upper management position within the branch. Now, I did call him, sir, to ask, I said, hey, Mr. T, how’s it going? He says, oh, yeah, a lot of activity.
I said, well, yes, well, I’m calling you tonight if we get together for a lunch so we can talk. He said to me this. He says, George, the last week, which would have been a week after the week I reported this to the family and to you, sir, he said the information spigot has been turned off.
The heightened activity at the local branch levels have been diminished. How, at the meetings I was originally attending, they’re not having those discussions at the meeting at this time. Now, I thought this might have been a Debbie Downer kind of situation, but it’s not, and I’ll explain why.
He says all that information about the currencies, international currencies, foreign exchange currencies, et cetera, is at a higher level, and they have cut the information pipeline intentionally. It hits me to me, however, the branch manager knows more than what he lets on about going, and that’s the one that used to give me the evil eye when I used to come in, you know, and he gave you a smile the last time you were there, yeah, I remember that. Oh, yeah, but then, Frank, at the end of the discussion, and I’m saying, well, so you don’t wanna meet for lunch at this time? He says, I don’t have any much more to tell you, but he did say this to me, he says, because I wanna get in and help, excuse me, the most important stuff, the information.
I said, well, who is your wealth management group for the Wells Fargo branch? He said to me, Goldman Sachs handles this region. Now, he didn’t qualify that it’s national, you know, that Goldman Sachs does everything, so I got the impression maybe, you know, Fisher or Sherman, you know, the other ones, though, would be handling other parts of the country, so I don’t know if Goldman Sachs does it nationally, however, the region at Central Ford, do they do? I believe, in my strong opinion, yes, they will be involved in that area. Okay, perfect, well, he said to me, they have the premier package that they offer all the above, you know, the accountants, the lawyers, how to set up a trust, et cetera, et cetera, so they will supply you, as you taught us, 18 if we already don’t have one.
Now, he said something very interesting to me. He says, Google Goldman Sachs, and you’ll get more in-depth of what they offer. They do charge for their services a 2% fee on the high amount, initially.
Now, I have to get clarification, do they charge us for that services, like we would pay a stockbroker, et cetera, et cetera, so I don’t know if it’s high, low, or acceptable range, I don’t know that. I don’t mind paying any fees for the people that are gonna help me to invest, but I am very touchy about a bank charging me a fee to exchange. I get that, sir, yes, sir, and we’ve learned from what you said, always get up and walk out, correct? Yes.
But another thing he said before we closed the discussion, he said, George, I have your number. I said, I will call you as things break. And he said to me, because I said, I’m interested to know how we’re gonna handle my assets.
He says, oh, Wells Fargo knows your assets. And when he told us, we bought from a credible people, which, you know, you’re a group, and I bought through, like, Wells Fargo, I mean, I bought a lot of dong back on your own. You’re gonna be well taken care of, brother, you’re gonna be well taken care of.
Yeah, so then he said, oh, yeah, we know what you have. You will be hearing from us, and that was it. So then I called you to let you know I’d followed up per your instructions, and it looks like it parallels a lot what was going on with the Morgan Chase group.
Good, yes, sir, they should, yeah, yeah. Well, I’m very grateful to you, George. I’m very grateful you’re, how is it you put it, you’re my errand.
I am your errand, yes, sir. Well, thank you, and I got a feeling they’re gonna follow up on this very soon. If they do, let me know, okay? It’s a pleasure doing that for you, sir, and I’m at your service always, you know, to the Lord first and to the family.
But I tell you, it was a very interesting call. I think he’s been kind of told from his manager to cool it, and that’s why he didn’t wanna jump right into a small community. He doesn’t wanna be seen, but I get that.
So I’m assuming, but I guess that’s exactly what’s happening, but he will call me, trust me. In the first week, George, of this month, we noticed that, we noticed a complete shutdown. Aki won’t, I haven’t had a chance to talk to Aki since at least two weeks, and that was, the reason was because his family’s sick.
Okay, I’m not gonna touch it, I’m gonna leave that alone. But still, then we had to open the door to the East, our East connections, and they were willing to talk to us and tell us, yeah, we see those lower notes in those pictures, yeah, they’re using the three zero notes. We asked, why are they using the three zero notes? Why don’t they show them the real lower notes? They said, because the real lower notes are gonna look like the ones they’ve got now.
What? Yeah, they’re just gonna drop the zeros, the colors and the shapes will still be the same. The only one that’ll be different will probably be the 25, you know how big it is, it’ll be smaller, and it’ll be a 20. Oh, so, yeah, it’s hard to get information, but what little bit we’ve got is just so encouraging.
We’re waiting right now for this parliament to stop acting stupid. We’re, in the sense of passing the laws, passing the amendment, it’s amendment 12-2C that we want. That’s it.
It’ll open up the budget and expose a lot, and that’s what these banks have been told, in my opinion. That’s why they’re on pins and needles. What the next step of the monetary reform process is going to affect every bank on this planet Earth, well, every bank that is involved in exchanging foreign currency, and they all know it.
They all know it. Why do you think all the U.S. Treasuries meeting everywhere all over the place? They all are on pins and needles waiting for this to happen. Now, what is it that they’re waiting for? I don’t know.
I’m suspecting what we’re looking at today, the Secretary of Treasury. That would be nice to have him in our back pocket. I don’t know, but I’ll tell you what.
I got a stronger feeling every day that I wake up that a lot of the decisions of this reform are now being done by a far better leader. I get you, and I know where you’re coming from. Yes, sir.
All right. I agree. Hey, I salute you.
Thank you. Salute you. I do have a, if I can get three more minutes of your time on camera.
Yes, okay. Let me turn it off. What I believe is a prophetic dream I had, and I want to tell you about it before we share it with the family.
Okay. Because you’re welcome to share it, but no, it’s okay. Let me turn this off, okay? Hold on.
Thank you, sir. Those were your three bank stories, family. Seems like every time I bring you bank stories, they just get better and better.
We give all honor and glory to our Heavenly Father. He’s the one that allows us to have this relationship with a lot of you. I appreciate that you are willing to trust me.
If you have bank stories, nobody will know your name or phone numbers. I’ll make sure I take good care of you. And I certainly do appreciate every time that somebody calls me and they tell me what happened to them at a bank.
Now what I’m going to do, family, what time is it, babe? 8.14. Oh, it’s already that late? Yep. Well, let’s see how many are with us. Oh, we have a good, family, it’s up to you.
Do you want me to give you Eddie’s report? We should stop, probably. Been with you over two hours now. But it’s up to you.
Let me see. Would you like Eddie’s report? Baby Crab Cake says, no, I don’t want it. No, she says yes.
And based on your response, and I’m seeing, and there goes the machine gun. Yeah. Oh, wait a minute.
What’s that? I don’t understand foreign language. It says S-I. What does S-I stand for? Sports Illustrated? It already went by.
It went by so fast. Oh, look at it. Someone is speaking in Russian.
Karen, D-A-H. Da. Alrighty, guys.
Well, then if you don’t, if you don’t mind staying up a little bit more with me, when will we last together, Jan? Friday? Friday, the 17th. So I’m looking for Saturday, correct? Now, family, when we read this, you have to put your mindset back. You have to go back, okay? We are now at Saturday.
And Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, wow, a lot of things happened, and we talked about it. Is yes in this, and Mark’s telling me, it means yes in Espanoli, Frank. What’s the matter with you? You know something? There are many, hundreds of you that speak Spanish, and you are always asking me to help you in Spanish.
I mean, what can I say to you? Would you allow me, family? Two minutes. Two minutes to help the Latin community, okay? Okay. Este, hermano y hermanas, vamos a ver si le puedo dar un reporte de lo que está ocurriendo ahorita con este investo del dinario.
Resulta que parliament, que son una bola de flojos. How do you say that in English? Son una bola de flojos que no quieren hacer el trabajo de pasando las leyes. Es todo.
Son leyes para el budget. El budget es donde se encuentra todo, todo lo que necesita para el aceite, el HCL, el HCL, para el pago, para los retirements, para todo lo que se necesita que pagar, todos los proyectos que tienen y todos los contratos que tienen con todos los otros países. Este budget tiene todo eso adentro, como la matriz de una mujer que va a tener un niño, verdad? Pero nada está nacido, nada está creciendo porque falta solamente una cosa.
El exchange rate, el nuevo exchange rate. Porque el exchange rate que tienen ahorita de 14-10 no trabaja, no sirve para ese budget. Es imposible.
Es como decir, voy a caminar a la luna. No puedes caminar, tienes que ponerte en un cojete, en un roquete o algo, verdad? Para irte a la luna. Es imposible.
No puedes caminar a la luna. Y la misma cosa con esto. Este monetary reform, monetario reformo, necesita el nuevo exchange rate.
Necesita que los números que están en el budget, que trabajen con el nuevo exchange rate. Porque el viejo no hay valor. So vamos a ver si podemos orar que Parliament pase las pinches leyes.
A ver si… Did I say that? Oye, wey, pase las pinches leyes, hombre. Verdad? Anyways, ojalá que eso te ayude un poquito. Cuídense mucho.
Muchísimas gracias. A ver, espérame. Oh, I don’t think I can translate that into English.
No, no, no, no, no. How do I translate pinche, babe? Pinche. Ah? Pinche, pinche.
Pinche? My wife knows it. There we go. We’re going to now study together.
Okay, so let’s start with Saturday. The third, fourth report that came in Saturday. Hey, Mr. Frank, Mr. Eddy says that Mr. Sammy and him had a talk.
They had a very good talk. And it turns out that in their opinion, it’s very clear that Article 140 is done and completed. And for the very first time in like 23 years, we never had that before.
They tell us on the television that the salaries and the bonuses have not been paid. No kidding, right, Mr. Frank? Yet they say that it’s because the 25 budget, the 25 budget tables are not presented. And we know that they still have that Article 12-2C left to pass.
That is the big key. So it’s like pay will be back, pay retro. Remember how you told us that they could retroactive the whole year? They just told us that for our pay.
You were right. So can you imagine that check? OMG, this Article 12-2C gets completed, and we will see all this rolling. We almost at the finish line.
I don’t know. I think it’s the reverse, isn’t it, Jan? Yes. Oh, they can’t see this unless they have a brain like Leonardo da Vinci.
Leonardo da Vinci was ambidextrous. He could write with his right hand. He could write with his left hand.
And then on top of that, he could write backwards with both hands. Why did he do that? Because he would put his secret formulas or ideas backwards. And the only way you could read it is if you held it up to the mirror and you read it backwards.
That man, he was special. So I’m sorry, but I don’t think you can read this backwards, can you? Sorry about that. But there’s Eddie making it very clear to me, hey, we know what we need.
We need Article 12-2C. Once we get that, everything is cool. We’re all set, man.
We’re right there at the finish line. Fifth report on Saturday. The television is saying that Baghdad now will be the center of resolution.
These are the talks between the Kurdistan and Turkey and Syria, and they are helping to resolve all the region’s dispute. Isn’t that funny, Mr. Frank? You got parliament telling us that Kurdistan and Baghdad are not working together, and yet we’ve got all these countries in here helping to resolve this issue. Yeah.
Yes, Eddie. Me. Yes, Eddie.
I have always said that Article 140 is being used for the census of the HCL, and they will take more census later. But everything is in position. Every day I wake up anticipating that they have released a new exchange rate, because it’s that close.
That’s the next step, Eddie, to decide if you’re going to float it or if you’re going to put it in a basket with acid or if you’re going to come out acid-based. Very exciting times. Oh, I repeated that.
Very exciting times, very historical, very epic. Mr. Frank, Eddie says that he thinks that maybe that ruling that occurred on Tuesday is what is holding up the last vote on Article 12-2C. They appealed the three controversial laws that were passed, and their hearing is next Tuesday.
I say, isn’t it interesting, Eddie and Mr. Sammy? We are going from a basket of laws to a basket of currency very soon. Yes, Mr. Frank, let’s hope that they do pass it. And if not, I guess we’ll be OK no matter what.
Frank, Eddie says he feels like the appeal judge will rule the voting was constitutional and squash that appeal Tuesday. That’s why he said what he just said to you. My turn.
Thanks, Neil. Hey, guys, I agree, gentlemen. It seems that Parliament has painted themselves into a corner where they have no other option but to cooperate and move forward with or without their cash cow.
That’s it. It’s time for them to grow up and move forward with Sudani. Stop the stealing and stop the lies.
Yes, Mr. Frank, we agree. Sir, with this journey soon coming to an end, hopefully both of myself and Mr. Sammy and Mr. Neil would still keep in contact with you and your KTFA family. We all want that, please.
My brother in America will have new fish market, and he will welcome you and all your family always. Mr. Sammy coming over in few, he will send what he tells him. So that’s very sweet of you, and I appreciate that.
And yeah, yeah, we’re family. We will stay that way. You know that.
So then, family, man is still alive. Thank you, staff. Roger, we don’t talk about other people.
You know, thanks, buddy, for understanding. Always Mr. Sammy coming over. OK, so now, so Mr. Sammy was coming over to talk to Eddie and give him a report.
But before that, I said, Eddie, trust me. Well, actually, to all of them. Trust me, gentlemen.
We will unite, and we will take a long walk on a beach somewhere where we will remember these days and laugh. I look forward to meeting you and all of your family, and even working with you guys. God bless you, your friend, Frank 26.
Sunday morning, our first report coming in on Sunday morning. Television shows a big delegation from the United States Banking and Chamber of Commerce. They have the Chamber of Commerce vice president talking about strengthening our banking and investment opportunities.
Isn’t that interesting, Mr. Frank? We’re at 1310, but everybody wants to invest in our country. That’s another indication. We are picking them up, just like you told us.
And we are understanding. Now, saying a delegation from the CBI will also go to the USA in early April. Eric Sims, how you doing, buddy? Good to see you.
All right. Sunday, the third report from Sunday. Television saying that there is high-ranking Kurdistan delegation is coming to Baghdad tomorrow to discuss the budget allocations.
Ha, ha, Mr. Frank. I guess Parliament is going to have to admit that they were wrong, to which I say the following. That’s good to see, you guys, that the Kurds are coming to talk about the budget because it indicates that they are opening the budget very soon.
If not, trust me, the Kurds would not come and waste their time. They want to know what’s in that budget as far as their fundings. Then he says, yes, Mr. Sami told Eddie they’re coming to make sure their part of the budget is what they have been promised and give OK.
This is his opinion. Well, it’s my opinion too, Mr. Sami. Sunday, next report, 7.14 in the evening.
Mr. Frank, we are seeing a huge convoy of USA military equipment soldiers coming down to the Ashid Air Base from Erbil and a flight of USA military. We hear all this coming to the base. They’re not sure, but it looks like they’re about to surround us one, and that’s it.
Then the next report. Hey, Mr. Frank, one law can solve the Kurd oil problems, you know. I know, Eddie.
Sunday, 8.59 in the evening, a late report that came in. Basically, it’s this Monday morning. Mr. Sami told Mr. Eddie that Article 12-2C has not been read.
It was voted on because a lock from the CBI will have to do his thing either right before or the same time to give that rate that is in the 12-2C. This is all in our opinion. Yesterday, 7.32 in the morning, Sudani is on television.
He’s signing a memorandum of understanding with the UAE. Pictures are being taken. They’re all standing there side by side next to each other.
They’re all happy because they know they’re going to make money. Where’s my money? Okay, Eddie. Continuing with Eddie.
Sir, the Kurds are announcing that they, along with Baghdad, have agreed on the agreement in the budget. You are right, Mr. Frank, to allow resuming flow of oil from the region, and the television just showed a lock met yesterday with a high delegation from the USA and the CBI. A lot is happening, sir.
Television specials saying Iraq 100 billion in reserves backs Iraq’s stability and credibility in the world. Eddie, it’s over 152. Eddie, it’s much more than 152.
And your ability, your security and stability, Eddie, is immeasurable. Sudani now is on television, and he’s meeting with the chief executive officer of Abu Dhabi Security Exchange. It looks like we’ll be doing business with them and their exchange centers as well, too.
He means, like, the Iraqi Stock Exchange. Television shows Kirkut moves forward on Article 140. Compensating packages are being offered.
Television talking about a surge in international investments in Iraq and a transportation industry. Mark, thank you, Mark Anglin. Thank you so much for helping us.
God bless you. Yesterday, I don’t know what report this is, 1 something in the afternoon. Mr. Frank, it’s so confusing here.
One minute, the television shows the Kurds are happy with the agreements to let the oil resume and happy with Baghdad. Then 15 minutes later, the parliament speaks out why oil and gas cannot be passed. And they say, saying parties are making new demands and blaming Sudani government for the failure.
So we get two reports totally different. Yeah, but if you remember, KTFA family, as we read the articles I explained to you, no, they just added some demands. You want to say demands, fine.
In the Middle East, even after you sign the contract, I’m sorry, you can still change it the next day. That’s the Middle East, okay? It’s not New York. It’s not a New York nanosecond.
It is done at a slow pace. It is done with full understanding. Even after you sign on a dotted line, the next day they can come in and change it, demand other things.
And it is normal. It is an accepted practice in the Middle East. An American will sit there and go, what, you’re wasting my time.
In a Middle Eastern, they will say, what, why do you insult me? This is what I am supposed to do. I get the best from my family, from my sect, from my group, from my tribe, from my region. What is wrong with you, American? And that’s the problem.
I told you, stop asking an insulting question. What’s the date? What’s the rate? And then he says to me, only way Kurds agree to resume flow of oil is that they are happy with what they are getting and happy with the new rate, in our opinion. Yeah, that’s why the Kurds are working with Sudanese shoulder to shoulder.
That’s why you see the oil flowing. That’s why everybody’s patiently waiting for the HCL, for the pay, for the gas, for the retirements, for everything. Everybody knows the truth.
Even the troublemakers parliament know the truth. Why do you think they’re urinating on everybody? I then respond and I give him my report. And unfortunately, my report’s a long one.
So you kick back, relax as we talk to Eddie here, okay? It goes on. There’s no end to this. It’s long, stupid long is what it is.
Alrighty, gentlemen, I want to thank you for your report. First of all, it is very good to see the Kurds inspecting and looking at the budget to make sure that they got what was promised to them by Sudan. I have no problems with that.
The fact that they’re looking at it tells me that there is a new exchange rate. If there wasn’t a new exchange rate, what would they care at 1310? They want to complete their projects just like Baghdad wants to. And the fact that they’re looking at the budget funds tells me that there’s a new exchange rate.
Why would they care to study it at 1310 rate? Now, concerning the high military convoy that is coming into your country, I told you so. Not to you, not to you. I promise I would never say that to you, but to Eddie, I told you so.
I told you so, Eddie, didn’t I? We’re not going anywhere. We’re staying. And as much as everybody wants us out of there, as much as parliament and Iran or any other party wants to kick us out of Iraq, it’s never going to happen.
We are actually increasing our presence in Iraq, you know, kind of quietly, whether they like it or not. We are there to protect the reforms. We are there to protect the reforms.
Now, concerning article 12-2C not being voted on or passed yet by parliament, that’s because in my opinion, article 12-2C and the new exchange rate are married. And Allah is performing the ceremony right now as the wedding minister, laughing out loud. Eddie, I am very encouraged to see that they announced that they agree with Sudani.
They agree with Baghdad on the flow of the oil for the budget. I don’t care what parliament lies are. And in my opinion, this is happening because Trump is acting as the wedding minister for the American dollar, laughing out loud.
In order to see the television, it’s good to see the television have Sudanis say to you Iraqi citizens that we have over 100 billion in reserves. That isn’t an announcement, Eddie. That isn’t an announcement that you have a new exchange rate, in my opinion.
For God’s sakes, you have over 100 million, excuse me, 100 billion in reserves for 1310? That’s not how it works, Eddie. This 100 billion in reserves is for your currency. It is for you.
It is for you, Iraqi citizens. It is for you purchasing power. It is for Iraqi stability.
It is for Iraq’s credibility. It is for Iraq’s, like I told you, you have the highest security and stability and credibility in the world right now. And those are the perfect conditions, according to Dr. Shabibi, for a new rate and the introduction of new lower notes to match that rate.
And finally, Eddie, parliament is going to complain. Of course parliament will do that. 10 seconds later, they come out and they speak against what the courts have agreed with Baghdad and Sudan.
And you’re letting that bother you? Really? I know you to be way past parliament. Parliament is a figment of their imagination. They don’t even exist, Eddie.
Of course parliament is speaking against what is good for you Iraqi citizens. They are green in the face with anger. They are red in the face with hatred.
They are yellow in the face with cowardness by stealing from you. They refuse the truth of Sudan and the truth of Iraq. So once again, don’t let parliament bother you.
You’re stronger than that, Eddie. And he is, he is. Mr. Frank, did you know that Barzani, you know, the leader of the Kurds was actually born in Iran? He’s not even an Iraqi.
Yeah, I knew that. And that also is a very powerful indication that your country is sick and tired. It doesn’t want to be abused any longer by Iran.
Even good Iranians in your country know that this is true. That’s why Barzani is, even though he’s Iranian, he’s a good Iranian. He knows the truth.
That’s true, Mr. Frank. We are going, or excuse me, we are under a philosophical change here in Iraq. But Mr. Frank, it’s all good.
Sometime after being broke for so long, you kind of forget who you actually are and what you are entitled to. Exactly, Eddie. You hit the nail on the head and it is going to be all for the good.
It is to remove the evil that has tortured your country for so long. Mr. Frank, we know our worth as Iraqi citizens and we know our purchasing power and our money from oil reserves is coming. We know this.
We know this. Doesn’t matter what parliament says. Mr. Frank, they just told us the gold reserves is 152 tons.
Sir, it looks like Kurds bought new demands today for Article 12-2C of the budget. But bingo, they know that Article 12 of the budget has the new rate in it. But bingo.
I agree with you, Eddie. And they did it like they do in the Middle East. Hey, look, okay, we signed.
Hey, we agree. Hey, no, no, no, shoulder to shoulder. Oil’s flowing, okay? But look here, I want a little something, something extra in there, okay? All right? I want a linoleum floor in my bathroom, okay? And I want a golden cover for my toilet seat, okay? Just add it on.
You can do that for me. You do that for me, okay? You do that for me? Oh, okay, all right. And they did that for them, okay.
It was no big deal. It was no big deal. You can call them demands.
You can call them whatever. But the reason why Eddie says that they did that, because they know there’s a new rate in the budget. You can afford it, Zutani.
To which I say, wow. Wow, okay, whoa, wow, okay. No, I did, I said, wow.
Hey, you can read that backwards, so. I said, wow, you guys are now being told that you have 152, 152 tons. Hey, Eddie, are you ready for this? Hey, hey, Eddie, are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready for this? If you double that number, you’re still not even close to the truth.
Eddie, they will never tell you how much gold that they have. You know why? It’s an immeasurable amount. Frank, Eddie says that he has about 152 dinars.
That’s about it. Not 152 tons of gold. Hey, that’s a good point.
I’m responding to what he said about earlier. That’s a good point about the Kurds, but I don’t think that there will be much friction to grant them what they are asking for. Besides, this is how the Middle East does business.
You never agree on anything one day, in one day. You never agree on anything in one day, and you guys know that. Let’s let this process work itself out.
Personally, I don’t agree with that. I love what I’m seeing. Hey, Neil, tell Eddie, I have 152 Kentucky fried chicken legs.
Eddie says, he will take those Kentucky fried chicken legs, all 152, and original recipe, please. And I say, I know, right? Original recipe is the best. I really don’t care for the crispy one.
Yesterday, 8.45 p.m. in the evening, television has oil ministers saying parliament is studying a draft now to receive the oil from the Kurdistan region. Ha ha, parliament, you lost, Eddie. Continuing with Eddie.
Today, oh, so now we’re with today’s report. Oil ministers on the television and giving a big report, Iraq will bring gas emissions down to zero, and we will continue gas production and operations for more than 100 years. And they talked a lot about this issue, to which I said, Eddie, that is a big issue.
You’ve been burning off your gas all this time. That is another source of income that is astronomical. And they tell you that it’s going to last for more than 100 years.
No, son, it’ll last for over 1,000 years. ALOC, Mr. Frank, on TV announcing the near launch of an initiative to finance the industrial projects. ALOC is assuring them that we have the funds.
Television’s showing parliament deadlock over the oil and gas Article 12, saying it’s controversial and at its complete deadlock, but we don’t pay attention to them. Mr. Frank, World Bank also here. We pay attention to them with ALOC, and they’re talking about financing projects.
Oh, this is good. We want to hear more. Also on TV, Channel One, Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange and Iraq in cooperation.
Again, Mr. Frank, this is really good, isn’t it? Why would they want this? I respond. I respond to Eddie. All this swelling of investment and interest is working with Iraq.
I’m sorry. All this swelling of investment and interest to work with Iraq has nothing to do with a program rate. If it did, none of them would be talking to Iraq right now.
Frank, Eddie says parliament may play games and say it’s stalled and won’t pass oil and gas, but contrary to what they think, the government is doing all these deals for nothing. One thing won’t hold up this, so both Kurds and Baghdad are in agreement. It’s just the corrupt in parliament trying to hold this up, and it’s kind of ridiculous.
It’s kind of ridiculous. To which I say, wow, Eddie, you sound like me. Wow, Eddie, now you sound like me, and I’m proud of your attitude today.
Stay strong, Eddie. Let them say what they want. You never fight against a bully.
They are talking to the echoes of their words. Nobody pays attention to them, and I am glad that you finally have that experience. In your understanding, stay strong, my friend.
We are soon to land. Follow the star. Follow the money.
To which he said, explain, and to which I stop. I hope you enjoyed your time with me tonight, family. I am so sorry that I went a lot longer than I had expected, but I pray to God that we were able to help you, that you were able to understand some things that might have been a little confusing.
I am grateful to my teams. God bless them all. I want to thank Mark Anglin, Christabella, Donnie Inman, Rebecca Hill, Dr. Tooth Fairy, and Eric Sims for your financial contributions.
God bless all of you. Thank you so much for your desire to help. Go right ahead, gentlemen.
Hey, Brother Frank, how you doing, buddy? Mighty fine. How’s the music industry? Well, it’s doing good. I got a couple of bones to pick with you, though.
Number one, I know up north you all love the snow, and you cherish it, so your snow is down here in my yard in North Carolina. I need you to come get it and take it back home. It’s actually stupid.
Tink said, no. No snow. No.
No, you need to come get it. It’s not good. We don’t want it.
And then number two, suddenly or another, the sickness that you and Tink had has spread its way from Ohio to North Carolina. Cliff and I both have been severely sick for the last four days. We’re trying to get better, but God’s got us in control.
We’ll be all right. Jim, thanks for the info. We will be looking into that.
Indeed. I hope you feel better, guys. God bless you.
Tell the family how they can get a song. Real quick, just tell you, Frank, we appreciate you. Yeah, the custom song business is doing well.
We’ve still got some time left for Valentine’s. Guys and gals know that roses will fade away, but a song will last forever. And the people that have got songs from us are just, they’re a cherished thing that they enjoy.
And we really are honored to be able to do that for them. So if you need a custom song for that loved one or someone that’s hard to buy for or whatever, I promise you a song about them with their name in it, detailing the information about them, whether it’s a love song, a birthday song, Valentine’s, you know, anniversary, whatever, we’d love to create that for you. And we got that going on now.
So if you want some more information on that, give us a call at 423-367-7648. And we’re excited to continue to keep doing it. And thank you and Frank and Jan for giving us the opportunity.
You’re more than welcome. I’m just so proud of you guys because this is very personal for you. For someone to write a song for someone that they love, they care, a family member, for someone to, you know, purchase it and invest in it.
Yeah, it’s very, very personal, very intimate thing. And then the songs, I mean, family, you know the Frank 26 theme song that I sing every time we start, every time we end. That’s Cliff and Tony’s work.
Give them a call, family. Give them a call if you are interested in having a song written for someone that you love or for yourself. Commemorates an event that was important to you.
Have a song that will be in your heart forever and ever. Maybe they should make a song that says, take back your snow. I may have to come up with that song.
Take back your snow, Tink. Take care, gentlemen. Yeah, the only thing that made me mad about being sick, Cliff and I were actually, just a quick side note, we were on our way to visit Logan.
He’s about three hours away from, we were gonna do a little Christmas get together with Logan on Thursday. We’ve had to cancel that nationally because of this crap. Yeah.
But we’ll get there and we’ll get him done. Yeah, you better wait at least a good, it took me and my wife and I at least three weeks to get over it. It’s amazing.
It used to be a three day weekend call. Nowadays, it’s a three week to get over anything that’s out there. Y’all be strong.
We will, thank you, buddy. We’ll keep strong. Yeah.
God bless you. Take care, gentlemen. Bye-bye.
Thank you, brother. Good night. Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Did you enjoy your conference call tonight, family? I did. It was full of a lot of information. I leave you in peace.
I leave you with a prayer, if it’s okay with you. And I ask you to take the work that we do to God in prayer. Would you do that for me? And pray.
You know, I always say pray for each other, right? Last time we were together, I prayed for Biden. Yeah, no, I did. And I prayed sincerely.
He’s a child of God. You think, don’t you think that God’s heart is broken when somebody doesn’t want to accept their son or a Christian life? I mean, I am serious. What’s Biden gonna do? Does he tell God in his prayers, well, God, today we aborted 1,200 kids.
Yeah, okay. Today, we allowed all these illegal people to invade our country and kill them. Yeah, okay.
And today, I also call people, yeah, okay. So you see, that’s why I don’t know what he prays about. And the interesting is that people like Mr. Biden, people like me, there’s going to be a special day for us in heaven.
It’s dedicated just for me, just for Biden, just for you. A special day, man. Pumps and Circumstances.
I mean, you’re gonna be centerpiece. There you are, front and center, right in front of the stage there. And that day is called Judgment Day.
Family, God loves people like you. You know how I know that? Because he loves people like me. Abba, Heavenly Father, by the blood of Jesus through the Holy Spirit, I come to you at the throne, brother.
You are my God, you are my wall of protection, and I see it in everything that I do. Oh, oh, oh, death, where is your sting? Oh, sins, where is your stench? Nowhere. For I walk with you in the light.
Why is there darkness? So that light can overtake it. Nothing grows in darkness. Everything lives in the light of your son, Jesus.
Thank you, God, for this evening. It was good, you know? Like when you have a really good cup of coffee. Not that I know, I don’t drink coffee, God.
But you know, like when you have a good barbecue, yeah. And you like barbecues, don’t you, God? Yeah, your word says that you enjoy the smell, the smell of the burnt offerings. You like the smell of incense.
I do too, God, I do too. I think I will enjoy heaven. I like talking to you.
I like being with you. I like singing with you. I like laughing with you.
I even like crying with you. Thank you for being my God. Forgive me of my sins by that blood of your son, Jesus, that is so special.
And through the Holy Spirit, walk with me, talk with me, as I pray to you, amen. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Oh, you’re still with us. You son of a gun.
I’m still with you. Thank you. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
God bless you, Andy. Love you, my brother. Hey, family.
You know how I always leave something at the end? Let me see where we are. Oh my goodness, Jan, we still got about 1,900 people. That’s amazing.
And they stayed for the show. I’m so proud of you guys. I’m so proud of you.
I’m gonna give you a big piece of candy. I might give you a cookie. Well, let’s not exaggerate.
But you know how I always save something, right? We just prayed. And would you like a little something extra for dessert? Let me see, let me see, let me see. Let me see if you’re even listening to me.
Say yes or no. Say, da, si, yes, yavoy. Why not? It scared me.
Where’d that come from? Is that you, God? I just snorted. Well, yeah, somebody put a porpoise. Look at that.
They just did the spam commercial, por favor. Okay, get a pencil and paper. Get a pencil and paper.
Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop. Por favor, there it is. Si, po, I like that one too.
Pia just said, si, po. Okay, get a pencil and paper. I want you to write something down.
Okay, you ready? Okay, here we go, here we go. This is gonna be fun. You’re gonna like this.
Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm. So, Mr. Real Estate Man, they accepted my proposal for the house? Yeah, they want $1 million for it, Frank. Okay, take this letter and propose this to them.
I have Iraqi dinars, homeowner, yeah, homeowner, yeah. I have Iraqi dinars. And, oh, you do know? Yeah, you saw it on the news too? I know, I did, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, okay, you didn’t get a chance to buy any? Oh, that’s okay, don’t worry. I have Iraqi dinars and I’d like to buy your house. Would you accept my Iraqi dinars to buy your house? Why? Oh, because I would be paying you your million dollars.
But if you held on to those million dinars, it will eventually go into a float or a basket and gain even more. You may double that money. You may triple it.
You, I don’t know. Why don’t you think about it? Why don’t you pray about it? Okay. Next day, they call me and they say, okay, we accept.
There’s a million dinars. Give me your million, home. Have a good day.
They wait a year. That million dinars may be worth more. Now, is this legal? Is this permissible? Can one do that? I don’t know.
But isn’t it an amazing thought? So I’m gonna pursue this and I’m gonna find out if this is something that can be done. If it can be done, I’ll avoid bank fees. Oh, and the seller could double, triple, quadruple.
Oh, thank you kindly for being with us. God bless you all. I’ll see you.
When will I see them again, sweetie? Friday the 31st at six. Friday the 31st at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. And once again, we’ll have a good time, okay? God bless you all.
Sweet Aloha. Pray for each other. Talk to each other.
Pick up the phone, okay? Don’t text. Pick up the phone and talk to them. Go knock on their door.
Make sure they’re alive. Put a mirror underneath their nose. God bless you all.
Sweet Aloha. Bye-bye. ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ I used to be a Dena Newbie ♪ ♪ Until I watched Frank’s You Be 2B ♪ ♪ With a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side ♪ ♪ Frank’s teachings reached us far and wide ♪ ♪ So whenever I need a Dena Newbie ♪ I tune into Frank at twenty-six He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Deen Heartbeat Now take it from me, Frank is no nookie It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie You never know what suit he’ll be wearing So I wear my sunglasses, because they are so glaring So whenever I need a Deen on a fix I tune into Frank at twenty-six He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Deen Heartbeat Sit up, be patient and get ready Frank’s got some news from Rocking Stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight Come on Iraq, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Deen on a fix I tune into Frank at twenty-six He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Deen Heartbeat Hey Tink, I need a cookie Come on Tink, I deserve some cookies Cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies Come on Tink, give up the cookies This is uh, what do you call it? Bundt cake or what do you want to call it? Lemon pound cake, is it for me? All of this for me? Yep, I’m gonna take a bite Tastes like apples, no it doesn’t, oh no, oh I’m sorry Tastes like lemons, yeah, wow this is good stuff Thanks baby, you like me, I love you, you love me, you wanna kiss me You wanna kiss, come here kiss me, oh you don’t wanna kiss me That’s okay Oh man, Mmm Is that better than cookies? Oh yes, because it’s so rich I mean this is semi-cookie Thank you sweetheart, I love you for it, my goodness it’s so good I’m sorry, here, I should share, there, okay take a bite I need therapy