EU ‘Accelerates’ Digital Euro Launch (Uncut) 03-10-2025
EU ‘Accelerates’ Digital Euro Launch: Revealed Date of Programmable Digital Currency Roll Out
A financial reset is only month away Christine lagard the head of the European Central Bank announced that there is a new push to accelerate the transition to Central Bank digital currencies at digital Euro she’s working closely with European Council she said and European commission to put in place the infrastructure that is needed to implement the cbdc lard indicated that the Deb deadline is October of 2025 that’s right you heard it right the deadline for a digital Euro roll out is October of 2025 in fact it is only
several months away the head of the EU Central Bank urged EU Parliament to finalize the legislative process without which she says it will be impossible to roll out the digital Euro now this does pertain to wholesale cbdcs and Retail cbdcs if you’re not too familiar with the difference between the two a wholeale cbdc is used by large institutions by large banks by commercial Enterprises to settle multi million doll transactions for foreign direct investment transfers and so on so forth so think large scale Financial
transactions while retail cbdcs are for consumers to to make everyday purchases to save and to invest so here is Christine lagard making this important announcement take a LU on your second point I tend to share your views nature doesn’t like vacuum and we started working on on the digital Euro uh way back actually when I started my term five and a half years ago and I’m not claiming you know parental parental on the digital Euro because my colleague benoa C had already committed a speech on this matter before
I arrived but I certainly uh carried on with that project and subsequently Fabio paneta on the board and then Pio chipolone uh who has replaced Fabio have you know taken the lead together with a very very uh good team uh which is focused on accelerating the pace and hopefully campaigning enough with all the stakeholders meaning European Parliament meaning European Council meaning European commission so that we can eventually you know not put to bed but put uh to reality this digital Euro the deadline for us is
going to be October of 25 and we are getting ready for that deadline but we will not be able to move unless the other parties the stakeholders as I call them uh commission Council and Parliament actually complete the legislative process without which we will not be able to move and I think it is critically important and it seems to the agnostic or the Skeptics it seems to be more relevant and more of an imperative now than ever before both on the wholesale and on the retail level both Europe is on track to have the digital
Euro rolled out in just a matter of a month this means that pilot programs have been completed presumably and effectively they’re just finalizing the legislature as lar stated in her video for the EU to adopt its very first the first ever fully controlled Central Bank digital currency Global central banks work closely with the bank for international settlements the bis is frequently referred to as the Central Bank of central banks its managing director in a now notorious video clearly indicated that once the
cbdc is rolled out the issuing entity which is de facto a government of a state via its Central Bank will have full control of how that currency is used this is because banks have to comply with government regulations and with the laws so the managing director of the bis is named Augustine Carston you will see the video in a second and effectively in this video he is explaining that uh cbdcs are intended for control that is the purpose not stopping crimes as some may claim here’s the clip take a look our analysis on CBD
in particular for the use of General to the general use we tend to establish the equivalence with cash and there is a huge difference there H for example in cash we don’t know for example who’s using a $100 bill today we don’t know who is using a 1,000 PES bill today a key difference in with the cbdc is that Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of Central Bank liability and also we will have the technology to enforce that those are
those two issues are extremely important and that makes a huge difference with respect to what to what cash is it goes without saying that cbdcs are a great risk to our personal freedoms because a cbdc is owed not by you but by the issuing entity a central bank which means effectively the government its functionality depends on the features that are turned on which are of course determined by the government so there may be an option to block payments of an individual who might be let’s say blacklisted who who doesn’t comply who
doesn’t who doesn’t comply with the laws and requirements so for example if a person go on protests against what he or she believes is a violation of human rights such as let’s say maybe he does so on a University campus that person may be banned from being able to purchase groceries or gasoline for example or or to be able to travel another feature of a cbdc that you may want to be aware of is realtime transaction tracking unlike a traditional currency bank note a digital Euro retains full information of its
previous owners and also the transactions that they’ve conducted so while it may be able to simplify efficiency it makes things efficient it transactions are settle in real time sure however I think it does infringe upon our personal freedoms in a way unseen before the third feature worth reminding you of is an expiry date see cbdcs or a digital Euro in this particular case may have an expiration date so you may not be allowed to save it you can either spend it or lose it needless to say other restrictions might
be put in place as well such as limits on withdrawals on what may or may not be purchased with that particular cbdc and even your taxes those may be withdrawn by the IRS automatically for example so there’s no same person who would choose to use a cbdc voluntarily in my personal opinion let me know what you think instead of regular cash or regular transaction methods because there is absolutely no need for the government or a central bank or even your financial institution to have absolutely unlimited
control over your personal finances well now it appears that Christine lagard is telling us that in October a reset is indeed coming are you ready to adopt a cbdc if you’re in the EU let us know how you feel about this news and of course what are your thoughts and plans if you are in the EU let us know in the comments below we would love to hear from you make sure that you are subscribed to world affairs andc for more content and thank you so much for joining me for yet another video I appreciate you being
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