Dinar Guru Uncut

TNT Superfantastic Conference Call – 20 December 2024

Blog talk radio.

Tony, how you doing?

Yeah, I’m super fantastic every day super fantastic.

Wake up, wake up. It’s the TNT Denard. We’ve been waiting so long but we made it this far if you’re feeling like I’m feeling you know it’s so hard gotta keep your head up keep your faith in the Lord and re restore the truth Breaking down the walls over 10,000 people waiting on a call and win it all coming to real reality is over with it’s so close I can feel it like a super if you never had it, you keep your head when you cash it, outlast it, you ain’t even got a flash. How you doing Tony?

I’m super fantastic. Far from past it now close your eyes and imagine those that bend down bouncing back like elastic how many really trying to do something that’s so drastic Asking if you see another fella of the north era of making their life better yeah Getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V. let’s go.

We getting ready, ready for the R.V. we Getting ready for the R.V. getting ready for the R.V. getting ready for the R.V.

getting ready for the R.V,’ getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R. V. Remember that we on the same map Tony and Ray ran the brothers on the same path it’s time for a transference of wealth and ain’t trying to be left with my life on the shelf can’t do it by myself we gotta do it together.

A life of wealth we living life to living forever. Let’s go. Getting ready for the R.V. we getting ready for the R.V.

let’s go. We getting ready for the RV we getting ready for the R.V. getting ready for the R.V yeah we getting ready for the R. V.

We getting ready for the RV yeah we getting ready for the RV it was all a dream but now it’s a reality now it’s what it has to be to keep your faith in you as deep cuz the catastrop fever Just be patient though. Incredible how he used the hottest things to bless your soul. TNT the nar Tony, Raven, where you at? People waiting on the intel call to hit you back Raymond got the ladies going crazy on the open mic call Midnight till the break of dawn is going on living in a time where we really know we need it you gotta believe it ain’t no time to be this blessed life I cherish like the air that I’m breathing no grieving listen to the words that I’m speaking Lifetime of wealth transfer to the believer know somebody ready I can hear through the speakers IQD revival evaluation waiting with anticipation I’m patient and impatiently waiting to be patient Getting ready for the R.V.

yeah we getting ready for the R.V. getting ready for the R.V. yeah we getting ready for the RV getting ready for the R.V. Getting ready for the R.V yeah we getting ready for the RV we ain’t got the ladies going crazy on the open mic Midnight breaker down is going on Living in a time where we really know we need it you got to believe it ain’t no time to be conceited this blessed life I cherish like the air that I’m breathing yo breathing Listen to the words that I’m speaking Lifetime of wealth transfer to the believer know somebody ready I can hear through the speakers IQD re evaluation waiting with anticipation I’m patient and impatiently waiting to be patient let’s go.

Getting ready for the rv we getting ready for the rv Getting ready for the rv we getting ready for the rv Getting ready for the rv yeah we getting ready for the rv let’s go. We getting ready for the rv yeah we getting ready for the rv Getting ready for the rv we getting ready for the rv. Let’s go.

It’s time.

Welcome to the information superstation tnt. Hosted by that dynamic duo, Tony and Ray Renfro. They’re super fantastic and fantabulous serve to the empty green. Bringing you the latest and greatest Iraqi dinar revaluation information from around the globe, east to west.

It’s the best.

So sit back, relax and get ready to have your mind blown in the TNT Intel.

Good afternoon TNT super fantastic family. Today is Friday December 20th, 2024. Raven 98 here along with.

Good Afternoon TNT. It is Friday the 20th so guys we’re gonna do a short call cuz I waited this late because I only wanted to do one call today but I still might have to do two. So we got to get this one in now anything happens. All right.

Did I have anything to say right?


Oh, I gotta think about it for a minute. Oh yeah. The good news is contractors got paid yesterday just like they said they were. They were going to pay them on Thursday.

They paid them yesterday. The rate was 391. So I had three different contractors get paid. They all got the same rate, 391.

So contractors in Iraq got paid. 391 contractors, not citizens but contractors. Again this morning coming from Iraq they are seeing the lower genome draw. Maybe just Curtis in.

They’re saying they’ve been told that 10,000 note is $10 or 10 dinar, even though the rate hasn’t changed or that’s what it’s going to be, 10 dinars. So they know that. Let me think. The banks did receive their memos yesterday that we were waiting for on Wednesday.

Even down to the branch level, they were told that this is. They’re getting new currencies to exchange is what a total. And it’s supposed to be effective this weekend, as early as 5:00 this evening. They do know they’re supposed to expect to start exchanging finally.

And we’re told they want the complete exchange, which is us, the Internet people, to be over with by 31st December. They are going to start. They’re not going to change on Christmas, they told us that today, but they’re going to change every other day all the way up. And they want to get everybody in by the 31st.

And supposedly they said for tax purposes. Maybe for their tax purposes, I have no idea. Or Maybe it’s a 20% tax, but they said for tax purposes. So we are looking good.

When we Talked about the $7 rate Depends on how much you have. The $7 rate still being give out and that’s probably only above when you get the 50 million at the 2850 and that offers them $7. Well, that’s what they did so far. Trying to think was there something else.

We’re just waiting. I think it’s gonna go, guys. I think it’s gonna go because a lot of people are concerned and they’re concerned because the government might shut down at midnight. Government was a.

I’m gonna tell you what they said to me. This from government officials was just informed that Trump and Elon has informed the Republican Party they intend and want to delay government budget funding approval until after he is sworn in. So what does that mean? It means if they shut the government down at midnight, there’s going to be no federal workers, there’s going to be a skeleton crew, nobody to make decisions, nobody to get things done.

And their concern is if they don’t start this before then, the banks won’t be able to operate as far as this. So all the approvals were redone this morning, had to be processed and he thought would go into effect at 3 Eastern 22 minutes ago while we waited till 3 Eastern to do the call. Take them some time to start actually processing, whether it’s tonight or tomorrow morning. But everything was resigned.

Everybody’s happy. They had celebration parties today at the.


And everybody’s going back to their Respective countries tonight and in the morning, this thing is over, over, over, over, done. And trying to get it active before midnight in case you guys shut the government down. They’re not saying these guys, it’s just you guys know what happened. Hopefully you’re paying attention to what’s happening.

The Senate, the House, Republicans, Democrats all had agreed to keep the government going. Supposedly Elon Musk didn’t like it. If you watch the news, it’ll tell you why. So Trump called Republicans, told him, don’t pass.

Now Speaker Johnson, who’s a Republican, is in trouble with the Republicans for bringing it just chaos. But 38, 38 Republicans voted against it. 38 said they are not going to do what Elon Musk wants to do. He’s not the President.

But anyway, that’s why we are where we are. This confusion is worrying a whole lot of people about what’s going to happen or what’s going to happen right here. And that was your big push today to get it out and get it done and hopefully before midnight. So it’ll probably be right after five.

But I know it’s going because I got a call at 6:00 in the morning from the bank that said be ready. That’s it, be ready. Well, I already know they got the memo yesterday saying we’re going start this weekend, which will be Friday. So this morning said be ready.

So I’m ready. I hope you guys are ready. Nothing has changed in the other rates. All the currencies are go.

So it’s a good day. Ray, you got any questions? Because that’s all you guys really want to know today, where we’re at. Oh wait, I did ask.

I said, okay, well actually I didn’t really ask. When the guy said, donnie, you don’t sound like you believe it. And I said, well, how many times have you guys already said it’s done, it’s done, it’s done, it’s over. But they’re telling me they’re more excited than they ever been and that this time is really over.

Everybody’s leaving. They signed the last documents. It’s over. It’s just a matter of what time do they start, whether it’s tonight or tomorrow morning, I guess everything got processed 26 minutes ago because it was supposed to be completed and dispersed and everything out by 3:00.

We could go anytime tonight or if the bank’s shoes are starting in the morning, that’s when we can go. So it should be good again. They wanted to be done by the 31st they said they wanted the Internet people, our group to be done by the 31st. So that’s what they’re working on.

All right, Ray, we got questions, answers. Guys, we only got another 30 minutes because it’s gonna be a short call today because we might be doing a second call later.

Okay, Twin says if for some reason we cannot listen to Tony’s call to subscribers only announcing the info we need for our exchange, will those subscribed be able to listen when they can due to time differences? Well, we’re going to be recording it, right. So they can cheque it out.

We are going to record it.

Okay, guys.

To refer back to it. You just might not post it soon as we get there.

Right. All right. The Raven. Okay, the raven says there was a time that I gifted 25k dinar notes.

My question is, can they call the 800 number to exchange their notes if they only have one?

Nothing beats the failure. But a try. I mean. All right.

I don’t know. All right.

Okay. MN Dinar says you are getting a number and authorization code for TNT members to use. Will you be getting a different number for us to share with those who have giving currency? We have given currency.

No. Matter of fact, they’re not supposed to benefit from this. Really only PNT members who’ve been contributing are the ones who supposed to benefit from it. I mean from the number I’m saying everybody can go experience shapes.

Everybody can get that rate. I was trying to do something for TNT members who’ve been the last two years have been paying, supporting and doing this not for the last 15 years. We’ve been getting it all for free and still want it all for free. And couldn’t even see their way to pay $10 for one month much less two or three.

That’s 200,000 people that listen, trust me. 200,000 people haven’t paid $10 one time. 2,000 people haven’t paid $1010. So no, that is for you.

And I want that for you for you to go to the front of the line. Don’t worry about them. Just tell them to go to the bank like everybody else. See what they can do during the ring.

All right.

Okay. Doc says, does Iraq have any say in the release dates or time? Are they waiting like us?

They’re waiting like us. Well, it’s been released in Iraq. That’s how they’re paying the contractors and they’re paying them the rate. It just hasn’t gone to the citizens just like us.

Like our VIPs are getting paid the New rate people. We’re getting paid the new rate, but just not us. So unfortunately for them, we’re all crabs in a barrel us and then we all gonna get paid at the same time.

Okay, MB 6040 says if the government shuts down, will that delay the release of the rv?

Yeah, I already talked about. That’s why they’re trying to push this out before midnight supposedly. Okay, who knows what’s going to happen if they shut the government down.

Okay, Ocean Lover says is the authorization code for the higher rates to be used with Wells Fargo only or other big banks as well.

No, that’s Wells Fargo. And guys, I still haven’t got the code and I said it again today, we’re this close this thing happened. Still haven’t given me the code, they still haven’t told me how it’s gonna work now to then say they made some kind of last minute changes, but couldn’t even tell me what those were yet. So we’ll see what happens.

Okay, C.J. pern says the RL USD is a new stable currency coin on the ripple network placed by the US and government bonds. What does this cryptocurrency have to do with the launch of the rv? Why do we have to wait for it to get activated?

I have no idea. I don’t know why everybody came out with that. Soon it’s done, it’s gonna go it’s their dealings. But they’re saying the same thing, that the dinar and this money will really is supposed to be the security for this new digital coin or the the backing for this new digital coin.

All right.

Okay. Retired at 50, celebrating a birthday on today. So we’ll get that in to. Retired at 50.

Happy birthday.

I wanna wanna wish you a happy birthday. I wanna wanna help you celebrate. I wanna wanna wish you lots of presents. I wanna wanna help you eat your.

If you’re bossy, possibly in the island way. You’ll be jamming all night to the light of day.

Your birthday.

Birthday is your day to shine. Another year and you’ll be looking fine. It’s time to party, time to celebrate. Yeah.

Okay, that takes us to live callers, 3, 12 area code. Let’s start with you.

Good afternoon, Ray. Good afternoon, Tony. How are you?


Oh, super, fantastic, how are you?

Oh, I’m excellent. I’m down here in your home state having a good time.

You know, that’s exactly why I was getting ready to say why you even on this call Let somebody who talk who need to talk. You don’t need to talk. Bye. Go to the next.

Oh, wow. Hey, folks, you could have been here.

What’s going on? How was the Christmas party?

Oh, it was super fantastic. Awesome. A to Z, all of that. But y’all don’t want to hear about that.

My quick question, just from what you said, if the government does shut down tonight, if they push it through but the government does shut down anyway, won’t they just.


Won’t that just stop this from happening? Then they’re doing anything more for the rest of the year. How is that going to play out?

I don’t know. This is what I know. They did it. They authorised.

If it didn’t go through and come Monday morning or Sunday and the government is shut down at midnight tonight, then there’s nobody there to authorise it. Right. There’s no fence, there’s no truck, there’s nobody to tell the banks to go. So that’s why they’re trying to get it done now while there is somebody there.

But if it doesn’t go, I mean, there was a deal on Tuesday. It was all worked out until Elon Musk didn’t like he wasn’t getting this part. And then Trump tells them to scuttle the whole thing and yesterday they do a new vote and it didn’t pass because 38 Republicans said, We’re not doing that. So today they’re trying to divide the budget up and only vote on part of it.

Instead of budgeting, we do it. I don’t know what’s going to happen today. I know we got till midnight. I know, like everything else, everybody is scared of what’s going to happen if it don’t get done.

Hopefully that enough motivation for us to get started before midnight.

Okay, so if we get started before midnight and then the government shut down, won’t they just stop it again on Monday?

No, because then the banks have authorization now. They’re already.

Okay, okay.

The banks are run by the government, so they just need to get the person to say go.

Okay, thank you, sir.

I appreciate you.

Thank you.

All right. Okay, bye bye.

Five, one, zero. Erico, you’re on that.


Yes, sir.

Oh, okay. Thank you. I’m curious. You said after the first of the year you weren’t going to be using the same system.

You’re going to go back to another system. Is it. Is it going to be similar to this one where there’s a number that we could call in and get information, or is it just, I’m blind, so I got to get used to a New system. So I’m curious how that’s gonna work.

I don’t know. I’m trying to get a tech guy to write a new programme so that it sends out individual links to each person and they can only be used one time. And that way nobody can share it. And plus, it’ll be all personal property and I can sue all these other gurus for putting out my information, my calls and everything else.

Okay, so. Okay, so you’ll send a text, an email. An email out with each week with a new number then?

Oh, yeah.

Okay. Okay. That’s all I was kind of concerned about. I’m trying to get prepared for this.

Okay, thank you so much and have a blessed Christmas. I’m assuming we’re not gonna have a call. I’m assuming we’re not gonna have a call Christmas, though.

I’m assuming that Tuesday. I don’t know the system. I’m not gonna have a new number for each individual call. I’m probably gonna have a new link.

So we can do it like we’re doing now and probably have one call in number just like we do right now.

That’d be great. Thank you. Thank you so much.

All right.

Okay. Seven, three, one. Erica, you’re on.

Hey, I just have one quick question on the hundred dollars is that you talked about a hundred dollar subscription, is that gonna be. If you just call in and do a hundred dollar donation, is that going to apply or is there a special way to get on Subscription link.

You click on the link and right there where it says a hundred dollars, it says one month subscription. If you are subscribed, I’m moving you over to the new system. If you’re just making a payment, you’re just making a payment. I’m only moving people over.

There are people who are part of the subscription subscription service. And so hopefully that’ll start tonight. And that’s gonna be.

So it said, it actually says subscription on the $100 click.

It does.


Says level one monthly subscription. That’s what it says.

Okay. Just making sure. I didn’t want to miss out on it.

Okay. All right.

Thank you, sir.

All right.

Thank you. Eight two, eight area code. You’re on.

Hey, fellas. Appreciate everything you guys do.

I’m gonna get right to the point.


Let’s see, the boulevard that you’re doing.

The soboreno, the ones that say 500 mil are actually $500,000, is that correct?



And my other question is, just because.

It’S been washed back and forth, the digitalis if I have 100 digitalis, that equals $100 million, correct?


Equals 100 million sovereign.

Oh, I did. I’m sorry, but I was trying not to confuse everybody. But that’s all I had. I appreciate your time.

All right.

Thank you.

All right. Thank you, sir.

972. Eric Hill, you’re on.

Hey, fellow. Danny in Dallas.

Hey, Danny.

Hey, what’s going on, man?

Oh, my goodness. I hope I just drove away from. I hope my last job. I got a big old smile on my face and that gummy.

If those Republicans mess up, I’m gonna be a Democrat tomorrow. Tomorrow.

That. That’s it.

That settles it.

Oh, my. I don’t think I have any questions that are pertinent. I’m so excited about what’s going on. Obviously, there’s a.

There’s all kind of stories that we could talk about out here, waiting for it. Whether it was 15 days or 15 years, it really doesn’t matter. I did. I did talk to three people this last week, told them about it for the first time.

They said they think they’ll research it and get back with me. I think they may be too late. And then I had one fella who passed away Thanksgiving Day, and his son, whom I’ve never met, called me and said, dad says I’ve got some dinar in a note that he’s left me. And I said, well, I believe he does.

He said, well, I’m gonna get with you.

So we.

We sat down at Applebee’s and I went through the whole story, which he was. He was not believing it until finally I just. I reasoned with, said, what do you got to lose? Your dad did all the work.

You’re gonna ride for free. So it was good.

It was good.

But hopefully this is the day. It’s the day.

Hopefully it is. We can be done with.

Yes, sir.

There you go. Thanks so much for what you guys have done. See ya.

Okay, thank you.

All right, let’s see what happens. All right.

Six, 1 0, Erico, you’re on.

Hey, good afternoon, Ray. Good afternoon, Tony. It is G Man, npa.

Hey, sir.

Hey, man. How you doing?

Doing super. Fantastic. Gentlemen, it is another dynamite day here in the usa, and I’m going to keep it to the very short version so you can wrap things up. Ladies and gentlemen, for all of you who are new to the call and all of you who didn’t know, all these calls and all the means of communication that Ray and Tony use to keep us informed need to be paid for.

That’s up to all of us out here in the currency community to send in our payments in order to buy airtime. To keep this information superstation on the air, you can help by going to www. TNTsuper fantastic.com, clicking on that red payment button and when you do, scroll down to where you will see the sentence that says click here to use the debit or credit card of your choice. Click on those click here instructions that will then take you to the payment support page where at the top of the page it says subscribe to our paid members list.

Under that you’ll be asked to fill out all your information. Please double cheque your spelling, make sure everything that you’ve typed in there is spelled correctly and then remember you must subscribe to the paid members list first and then secondly you must send in your payment. So first subscribe to the paid members list first, then send in your payment. And when you’re sending in your payments, it’s easier to send in your payment from a desktop computer, laptop computer or those are bigger screens and the payment support page is seen much more easily on those larger screens.

And as Tony has said on prior phone calls, if you’re sending in your payment from your cell phone, turn your cell phone sideways, it will give you a little bigger screen. You’ll just have to scroll up and down on your cell phone in order to see the entire payment support page. If you are someone who needs help changing their email address, or if you need help changing your phone number, or if you need help changing your payment method, go to the TNT super fantastic.com website. Click on the blue forum button.

That will then take you to the TNT latest blasts and tweets. Click on the latest blasts and tweets. That will open up a menu page of information there. And the second sticky note there is step by step instructions to get on Tony’s new email list.

Ray has put that in there for us, ladies and gentlemen. It’s in black and white. Just click on those instructions and everything will be explained to you there. And if you’re someone who’s not gotten Tony’s emails, please double cheque your trash folder, double cheque your spam folder, cheque your promotions folder, cheque your marketing folder.

And if you still don’t find Tony’s emails there, you are responsible for calling your email service provider and questioning them and have them help you find those emails. Tony can’t do it. I can’t do it. Ray can’t do it.

You have to call your email service provider and find out from them. Where those emails are. As always, Ray and Tony, thank you gentlemen for all you continue to do for us. Thank you again to both of your family continuing to share you with us.

Thank you to those 13 task force members who are still out there making sure that the bankers and meeting facilities are going to be available for us post RV so we can get all that banking information. And I hope that everyone has a terrific time on the Christmas lights tour tonight and everybody have a safe trip. Going home again, Ray and Tony, thank you gentlemen. Make it a dynamite weekend.

Thank you very much.

All right, thank you sir. Appreciate it.

You’re welcome Tony. And you’re welcome, Ray.

All right, thank you.

All right again guys, they talk about it. Hopefully I get the numbers, the information here. After five or tomorrow morning I will remove all of the other options except for the subscription. We’ll do our 10 days of payout and our 10 days of giving and then everybody else will be removed except for the subscribers who will go on to the next programme.

All right, 404 because we’re about to run out of time. Oh, you want me to do it? Hello.

Okay, good. You’ve really. In terms of your last kind of comments there were clarifying the question that I was having. It’s getting that the, the banks getting their, their authorization that will essentially get the process started.

It’s not that some of us have to go and actually go to the bank at that point to be considered official. When the banks get their authorization to go that’s fine and we can be starting at any point at that point calling in with the numbers. Correct. Does that make sense?

Somebody already sent me a question. The memo they got yesterday, the branches got was from their upper echelon. They told them that there’s been some new currencies authorised to be traded and it’s going to start this weekend. Be ready for influx of people.

Excuse me. That’s what it said to the branches. Now the other day the Fed said they were sending a memo out to the banks to tell them to start. Those are two different memos but we’re waiting for the bank to get it and I don’t know if they got it or not because they haven’t started.

But we do know they notified all their branches yesterday that it was going to start.

So maybe they did okay because. And at that point when they get that authorization and are starting the process essentially even if we don’t go in 24 hours later, there’s no risk of things being cancelled out because it’s already in the financial mode and we aren’t running the risk of, as Derek Green was saying, being in a stalemate and hold pattern. It’s once the banks start, it’s, it’s going, we’re, we’re off to the races as it were.

That is true. Okay, we don’t have to worry about the government getting shut down, anybody changing or anybody saying, because then it’s on forex, it’s international, there’s no change, we just gonna go now, our higher rates are gonna supposedly go. Until they do the percentage we agreed upon, I don’t know how many days that’s gonna take for them to run out because I don’t know how many people will go in there. And the other thing is they said this morning there’s been some changes and I don’t know what those changes are but hopefully by the time I get the 800 number I’ll be able to tell you what they are.

Great. And your plans on the 800 number essentially are to do a call where you and Ray would just give us the number, not even worried, with question answers and then follow up with it in writing on the TNT or emails to the subscribed members. Is that how you’re planning to do it so that we have those numbers?

Okay, so I don’t know how I’m going to get it. If they just send me a link and say hey, just send this link out, people click on it and it explains everything. You don’t have to do anything, then I’m okay with that. If there’s something I need to explain or say, hey, this is what I would do.

When I go through it, we’re going to talk about that but I’m going to send out a text and an email saying hey, I have the 800 numbers. This is what time we’re doing the call. So I can’t explain anything. The next letter, if it again the link goes in, I will send out the link but it probably do the call so I can explain it so people don’t just jump on the phone and not know what they’re doing.

Okay, right, right. Well, 10 days from whenever all of this happens, we know that that’s when we’ll be starting our TNT Super Fantastic or Pay it Forward project. And it looks like a very exciting end of 2024 going into 2025. And again guys, you’ve helped us stay, stay the course and we appreciate it so much and have yourself a great, great weekend.

Happy Tor folks over there in North Carolina and thanks again guys. Appreciate It. I know you’re running short on time, so I will close my mouth and happy holidays. Merry Christmas.

All right, thank you.



All right. All right, guys, it is Christmas weekend. A lot of parties and everything. Matter of fact, Ray, and then we’re going to do something as a group.

I’m going to a Christmas party myself tonight. It just happens to be at a bar. Anyway, I want you guys to enjoy your weekends. Know that hopefully this thing will start today.

Hopefully before I get to the bar. So I know when to get it started. And we’ll do the calls and things that we need to do to go there. All right.

But before I even send out the emails to you, as soon as I get it, I’m removing all the options on the back because I just want the real TNT people to go forward. Everybody’s gonna get the information, but those are only ones I want to go for. You’re already getting email. All right, so with that, do what I’m gonna do.

Enjoy the rest of your day. Be super fantastic while you’re doing it and share the super fantastic. All right, Ray.

All right, ladies and gents, that’s going to do it for us for this hump day. No, this is a Wednesday. What day is this? Oh, it’s Friday.

We’re having too much fun. That’s going to do it for us for this Friday. This fantabulous Earth Friday. Keep believing.

We sure do.

This keeps me going.

On those days when I feel like giving up. Fire.

Be over I believe.

The rain.

Will go away I believe that I can make it through it oh, I believe it’s already I want you to.

Already see yourself out of the storm.

The clouds will move it’s time for you to smile again Come on, shine I believe my family will get better I believe God will provide I believe the promise that he made oh, I believe oh, it’s already done. The blessing is yours. God’s already pre approved you for it. Come on, Bacardi.

I believe that my God is a healer. Yes, he is. And I believe that I will survive. Oh, I I believe that I got iron.

Oh, I believe I know it is already done. The word tells us that if any two of us shall agree on anything on earth, that God will do it for us in heaven. And I know sometimes life has a way of knocking you down to the point where you can’t even pray for yourself.

But today I want to agree with.

You that it’s getting ready to get better.

And right now we are giving you.

Your problems an expiration date and we’re saying it’s over. That you’ve been crying long enough, that you’ve been worried long enough. That you’ve been struggling long enough. And I believe that God’s going to do it for you.

I believe God’s going to do it. Yes, he will. You. If nobody wants to help you, God.

Will fix it.

I know you’ve been crying at night, but I came by to let you know that it’s gonna get better. To the female parents. Go in the room and ground your children. Put your arms around them and let them know it’s gonna get better.

Trust in him. Hang on in there. God told me to tell you it’s gonna get better. God’s gonna do it.

You can’t handle. You can’t handle to give it to Jesus. If you believe it. I believe your money’s going to get better.

Things are going to work out for you. Good. Tell somebody. Oh, you got to believe now to bow down.

You tell what you say. You need to call somebody right now and tell them God you’re doing. If you don’t remember anything else, I believe.

Remember this.

Your storm is over. I believe your rain has gone away.

The clouds have moved.

I believe you make it through it. Oh, I believe it’s already done.

I’m excited about your future.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap. Enjoy your fantabulous Earth Friday. We are out of here.

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