Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel (Uncut) — Tuesday. January 21, 2025
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight. It’s Tuesday, January 21st. And you’re listening to The Big Call.
Welcome everybody from all around the globe as we are currently under day two of the new Trump administration and the new Trump presidency. And I’m excited as a result from everything that happened yesterday during the inauguration and the new direction that our country is going in now. So I’m excited about it.
Let’s go ahead and pray the call in. And then we’ll go to Sue for what should be a really uplifting and edifying teaching for us from her. So that’s really good.
Let’s go ahead and pray the call. Lord God, thank you so much for everything that we have right now, the blessings that we’re living in right now, the shower of blessings. And thank you most of all for the love that we have one for another and the resources that we currently have and the fact that we’re about to receive an even greater blessing.
So we’re looking forward to that with open arms to receive, give back out from what we receive to bless other people and lift up humanity. Thank you for that opportunity that we have that we’re called to and thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen and amen.
Sue, this is a special time. We love this time of teaching. It helps ground us, it edifies us and it brings us closer and closer not only to each other, but also to God.
Thank you for providing that teaching for us, Sue. That was beautiful, Bruce. And this is a particularly powerful teaching, but you be the judge.
It’s up to you to decide that. And I wanna dedicate it to all the ways that each of us get to experience the people in our lives that show up consistently every day bringing some affection, some joy, something that warms your heart because I see this next period of life on earth as being driven by deep and loving relationship and it’s called pass the small test. Many people don’t enjoy God’s favor as they should because they don’t pass the small test.
Being excellent may not be some huge adjustment you need to make. It may mean just leaving 10 minutes earlier so you can get to work on time. It may mean showing something of kindness or consideration to another.
It may mean not making personal phone calls on work time, just a small thing. It may mean showing someone that you care. Nobody would know it, but the scripture says it’s the little foxes that spoil the vines.
If I’d put up that water bottle week after week without cleaning it, nobody would have known except God and me. I could have gotten away with it, but here’s the key. I don’t want something small to keep God from releasing something big into my life.
I don’t wanna hold back love to keep myself safe. A while back, I was in a store’s parking lot and it was very windy outside. When I opened my car door, several pieces of trash blew out on the ground.
As I went to pick them up, the wind caught them and they flew about 15 or 20 feet in different directions. I was in a hurry and didn’t feel like going over to pick up those scraps. I looked around and there were already all kinds of other trash in the parking lot.
I came up with several good excuses not to pick them up. I know this, I know this state right here. I almost convinced myself to let them go, but at the last moment, I decided I was going to be a person of excellence and pick up my trash.
The scraps had blown here and there. As I ended up running all over that parking lot, my mind was saying, what in the world am I doing out here? It doesn’t matter, let this stuff go. When I finally picked up all the scattered trash, I came back to my car.
Yeah, I hadn’t realized it, but a couple was sitting in the car next to mine, watching the whole thing. They rolled their window down and said, hey, we saw that. And then the lady said something very interesting.
We were watching to see what you were going to do. And I thought, oh, thank you, Jesus. Whether you realize it or not, people are watching you.
Whether you realize it or not, God and your spirit are watching you. Make sure you’re representing God and God’s love the right way. And God’s excellence and love and blessing will be poured upon you.
That’s our teaching for tonight. Thank you, Sue. That was a really good, that was a good test.
That was a small test, but it was also something that could end up becoming a larger test. Yeah, thank you for that, Sue. What really gets me is I’m glad he did the right thing.
And he did have a couple people that witnessed his work in cleaning that trash up that blew out of his car and he might’ve picked up some additional trash. I don’t know. But what’s interesting about that is, to me, two things.
Number one, guys, don’t get me wrong. I just can’t understand why anyone would let trash blow out of their own car. In other words, why do you have trash in your car to begin with? If you had trash and you’d gone to a drive-through and you had some trash and you throw it back in the bag and you drop it off wherever you’re going, at home or at work, let’s say, and gonna throw it away there, I’m just not one of these guys that ever had trash in their car, ever.
I might’ve had a drink cup and then that saw its way to the trash. But I don’t know. Some people, and you know who you are, have trash in the back seat, have trash on the floor.
They’ve got cars that are full of garbage. I don’t understand it. It’s just not something I grew up doing or believed that I would.
I always wanted my car to look nice and I never had that problem. So I know I’m getting off course with this a little bit soon, Bob, but I just, that struck me. I was like, wait a minute.
If you’re gonna be a person of excellence, why do you have trash in your car that could blow out? That’s my comment about that. But the small foxes spoil the vines. It’s the little things.
It’s kind of like the little things that get us. Sometimes it’s the little things that get us and then we have to go, well, yeah, it’s the little things and it’s all little things. In other words, there’s not too many big things.
They’re all kind of little things. So I think it’s good that we can take a teaching like this and then decide whether it’s something that is applicable to us, and I’m sure it is to everyone. But I love the beginning of the teaching, Sue, where you talked about where a person can say something kind to another person or lift another person up or give a smile.
Sometimes you check your own countenance on your face. You go, am I smiling to where somebody would smile back if I smiled at them? And I think it’s sort of like make sure that, even you don’t have to be super happy to have a smile on your face, but at least be able to greet one another as the Bible says, with a holy kiss. In other words, be friendly to other people.
I know in the city, Sue, in New York, in the Big Apple, you know, it’s a little different. You don’t look at somebody in the eye. You know, what are you talking here? You want some of me? You want some of me? You want some of this? No, no, we don’t do that in certain cities, in certain places, but the idea of not making eye contact, that is very foreign to me.
You know, I like being able to greet somebody. And even if you’re not gonna sit around for a conversation, at least say something nice. Say something uplifting.
Say something that will benefit the other person. You know, be friendly. You know, be friendly.
I think God wants us, he definitely said, you know, this great commandment I give to you, the one commandment is that you love one another. You know, that you love one another. Love one another as you love yourself.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. And it’s like, who’s our neighbor? Everyone else but you is your neighbor. So that’s a good commandment.
And that is a commandment. It’s not a suggestion. So we have to work on that, maybe.
Maybe we have to work on loving one another. And, but that should be what we’re trying to do. Is, and we will do that big time, Sue and Bob, when we, you know, when we get started with our projects and we get together and we do some regional get-togethers, all of that, it’s gonna be like old home week.
It’s gonna be really exciting. I’m very excited right now about where we are and I can’t wait to explain all that, explain you what I know when my Intel segment rolls around. So thank you for that teaching, Sue.
I thought it was short and sweet and it was a really good one. Bob, what about your view on this teaching tonight? I know you will pull something out of it and your experience that will be uplifting and encouraging to us. Well, thank you, Bruce.
And thanks, Sue. That was really great. It was just, the message was so beautiful and the way it was delivered with the softness in your voice that just made it even more beautiful.
That’s amazing, thank you, thank you. Yeah, and I love the part at the beginning where you’re saying that, you know, God has something big in store for you. And I couldn’t help thinking over the last couple of days that started with the inauguration and then the press conference afterwards and all of that, and here we were able to see this demonstration of something big.
And so this teaching tonight was apropos and, you know, you’re saying God has something big in mind for you, in store for you. Well, that’s great. And you also get to co-create it with him right from the very beginning.
Because what God has in mind is not necessarily going to have to be a big surprise that all of a sudden, you know, he lays the good stuff on you. You can attract it with your own intentions and your own desires, what makes you joyful. And then the something big can come as you pray and listen and design what it is that is big for you, you know, and speak it out loud and really feel it.
And as you pray for it and listen, you know, that’s the guidance that will come along. And then you can do what we witnessed over these last two days, which is action. Get ready to act, get ready to do things.
And, you know, those actions are the little things. Each little thing that is done can be a stepping stone and a building block to that which you designed, you know, as a co-creator with God. And you can be inspired to take these actions, you know, from what we’re seeing over the last two days, an example.
And we can act with that same focus and speed and, you know, and with a joyful anticipation of the great things that are to come. That’s good, Bob, thank you. I like that a lot, Bob, and I think that you hit the nail on the head.
And that’s so good to be able to co-create things with God and to have the ability to envision what you want, envision what you would like to see happen. And then, like you said, Bob, speak that into existence. Speak forward what it is you want.
See it, envision it, and then speak it forward. And speak it out, really good. Thank you, Bob.
What about you, Sue? How did this teaching speak to you? And what would you say about it? Well, it’s fun for me. I’m sitting here and I’ll give you, it’s called Interception. And please write it down and look it up if you want.
It’s like what’s happening inside of you in response to your experience. So when Bob was saying thank you for reading it so softly, that was a wonderful example of interception. So right now, my insides are just like playing with the joy of what you both brought and how I’m gonna try to bring it all together.
In my early career, I started in New York. And I was always amazed by not your experience, Bruce, but how people in New York, to be walking in those crowded streets and bringing somebody from, say, the Midwest, and they’d freak out. But I always had this feeling of connection with other people.
Some people were distracted, just like it is now. But there was this feeling of, wow, we’re in this amazing place, walking down Fifth Avenue. And I always felt a sense of connection.
So I wanna remove that as being, having connection wherever you are. That’s number one. Number one, just take out some of these things.
But to me, what we’re talking about, and I love what you said, Bob, is about having compassion for the people that have the cars that are loaded with trash because somehow, some way, they’re going to evolve so that they realize that’s a reflection of what they feel about themselves. And I think there’s gonna be, this is gonna be so big in this year, so big, because there are gonna be two things in my mind, having watched what was going on with post-election, watching this woman giving a speech for different factions of society and Trump didn’t like it. And I was listening to really what was going on.
And to me, it’s two things, having compassion and love for each other, that’s one. But now we’re gonna be in this phase where it’s also gonna be about having authentic boundaries, authentic boundaries, like what Bob said, you know, focus inside yourself and find out what you wanna co-create with God. I think this is gonna be so pivotal.
I hope this is one of the most important things I’ve ever, ever said, because it’s not gonna come from outside of you as much. It’s gotta come from, this is where I am, this is what I can do right now and I’m gonna try to do better every day. And if you do that and you don’t say, you should be this, you should do that, letting something outside of you, we’ve all had that experience.
It’s like, how can I invite you to be more loving? How can I invite myself to be more kind when I’m expressing my needs? How can I do it so that each of us understand that we’re in the process of getting better and practicing, this happened to me just two days ago, I saw some bottles on the side of the road, I walked by them and I thought, I don’t wanna touch those dirty bottles. And then I realized that I had gloves in my hands, little shot bottles, I looked around, I said, okay, if I can find somebody with their garbage outside, this is like very, very cold weather and I went by it and I almost ignored it, but it bugged me, I heard something. And I said, okay, wait a minute, I have gloves in my hand, I can put on the gloves, I see that repository, but I did exactly the same thing.
But it just for some reason, my heart hurt seeing this trash on the side of the road near people’s houses and it bothered me. And it hurt my heart that the earth was just like, oh, I’m just gonna discard something and I don’t care, you’re just a piece of trash. It’s like, no, I can’t let that happen to the ground that I walk in and delight in.
That’s where it was coming from, not from a, it was coming from honoring the earth. So here’s the point to close it up or wrap it up. I think it’s going to be a very powerful time of integration, of being able to say, okay, so I’m the person with the car or I’ve got this habit or I’ve got that habit or I wanna get angry or whatever.
Just do your best to take a little small step in the direction of doing better. Take a small step and be more loving. Take a small step in doing what you say you’re gonna do.
Take a small step, just practice something a little bit better and you’re doing a very good job and acknowledge yourself, acknowledge yourself. And when you bring that into you, instead of letting something outside of you shame you, make you wrong, then you’re becoming the most loving version, the most excellent version because you’re loving yourself and prioritizing that love, God’s love in you. That’s how I feel about it.
Well, that’s really good, Sue, I like that. Very good. Well, I’m happy that you saw those bottles and were able to pick them up.
But I did, I walked by them. I mean, I wasn’t instant. It’s like I walked by and I felt bad and then I went back.
Yeah, yeah, I think that’s so good. Well, I think that’s good that you were prompted to look inside and say, you know, I don’t want this. I can revise that, I can revise that, mm-hmm.
Yeah, I don’t want you, yeah, I can just go back and clean this up for the earth, which I walk on and other people see and walk on and everything else. Okay. That’s great, I think.
Well, very good commentary. Thank you for that commentary, Sue, and bringing that teaching out to us and Bob and his commentary, always, always good. Let’s see, I had something else I was gonna mention, but I think I’ll wait.
So Sue, this is a great time, Tuesday night. We look at praise reports and we look at prayer requests, both, because we never know which Tuesday or Thursday might be our last on a live call like this. So what are we, what are we receiving in the way of those prayer or praise requests tonight? Well, I have three, I don’t know what to call this, three mentions, and I’m gonna start with Pastor Scott.
So we’re gonna start with Pastor Scott, because he’s absent. And so let’s everybody put their hand to their heart, if that feels authentic to you, and or just get in a prayerful state, and just give, when you really love something, when you really love, you’re not separate from what you love. And so we wanna think about Pastor Scott being a part of us, and the fact that he’s not here, and we’re gonna start with a prayer request.
So let’s just consider writing as usual prayer requests. Let’s just see him as being part of his own perfectly healthy, perfectly renewed, getting into the med beds, doing whatever it needs, being ushered into the highest state of health that he could ever realize in Christ. And we just see that that path is laid out for him, that he’s on the path, and we send him love and well wishes, and support him deeply and fully in 100% miraculous restored health.
So that’s number one. Number two, from my beloved sister Faith, beautiful thing. Thank you for letting us know that you’re here, Faith.
And number three, from my father-in-law’s younger sister is transitioning tonight. We don’t expect her to pull through. She is 77, lots of health issues and a beautiful soul.
Thank you for letting us know and sharing that here, Faith. And so we see your beautiful soul being surrounded with a celebration of her life, a celebration of the journey she’s about to undertake, and being surrounded by Christ, the highest angels, to journey, to experience the freedom of the kingdom of God. And to just see her celebrated by all of you being unified in love, in the miracle of death, in the miracle of the life that you still get to be in.
And we thank you for letting us know, and we see her transition as a beautiful opening to the mysteries of God for all of you. In Jesus’ name, we say amen. And so now, I think I did that.
I like the way I did that. I’m sorry that I- You did a wonderful job on that, Sue. I know you have to still, I was thinking, I was thinking how beautiful that was.
And it’s mostly a picnic order of how to bring this out because I’ve got Jeannie’s here too. And it was like, Pastor Scott, Faith, and now we’re gonna go to Jeannie. That’s what I’m really, not just the prayer.
It’s not the prayer. It was like, how do I order this so it makes sense? So it magnifies the importance. Yeah.
Thank you. Three days until the National Pro-Life March in DC. The 52nd Annual March for Life in Washington is on Friday, January 24th, 2025.
The march will take place on the National Mall and will end at the U.S. Capitol. I’ll be attending the march for the first time. Please pray for everyone’s safety.
Thank you so much. 43 days until Ash Wednesday, 3-5-25. 59 days until spring, 3-20-25.
89 days until Easter, 4-20-25. National Hugging Day, Tuesday, 1-21-25. I’m putting hugs like in my little family office.
I’m making sure that everybody’s comfortable with hugs. We love all types of hugs, from the one arm bro hug to full bear hugs. I have the research on hugs.
National Hug Your Puppy Day. Yay. Thank you.
21-20. This is puppies. Hat people stand down.
I love puppies too. It’s National Hug Your Puppy Day. Pick up your puppy and give him or her a hug.
Little Miss A. Come In From the Cold Day, Wednesday, 1-22-25. Time to come into a warm room to appreciate National Come In From the Cold Day. Celebration of Life Day, Wednesday, 1-22-25.
Through Celebration of Life Day, which lands on January 22nd, was originally instituted to celebrate the children in our lives. It has come to signify all that’s good about being alive. It’s easy to forget sometimes, but we’re all fortunate to be here.
Take time to celebrate that the good far outweighs the bad in this life. It all starts with gratitude and appreciation for where you are right now and wherever you hope your dreams take you. Every life is precious, individual and a huge gift.
So take a little extra time today to celebrate it. Heavenly Father, today and every day, we thank you and appreciate all the blessings in our lives. Help us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving, recognizing the good in every day.
Thank you for all the leaders, listeners, Pastor Scott’s healing, safe inauguration, med beds for everyone, and RV blessing. And R&R, right, Jeannie? Everyone have a safe and blessed week. And that’s for you too, Jeannie.
From Jeannie. Right. Thank you, Jeannie.
Thank you very much. And yes, National Right to Life Day, Friday, in the D.C. on the Mall. Yeah, that’ll be a great event, I’m sure.
Yeah, we’ll probably watch a little news coverage for that. And Jeannie, you’re going to that event, I understand. You’re going there.
So that’s cool. It should be a great event. Sue, thank you for that.
Appreciate all of that. And let’s go into what it is that if I understand right, you will announce a new class tonight to us. And then that way we can look forward to signing up for that class.
And it’ll occur if we don’t go first or if we don’t get numbers first. So I can’t wait to hear what that class is all about. And anything else that is on your mind that you’ve been working on and thinking about and would like to bring out to us tonight.
Thank you, Bruce. I’m going to start with a quote that I found today. And I just, for where we’re going and for what we’re doing, I just love this.
And I’ll say it slowly so you can write it down. Be so deeply aligned with your dream that it starts chasing you. Be so deeply aligned with your dream that it starts chasing you.
And so a lot of people on this call, their biggest dream is to know God deeply, to know love so deeply and to know themselves as love. And I think that love, really big love, really whole love, love that’s not depleting and getting drained by overtaking care of others, but love that’s reciprocal, reciprocal because you’re focusing on the love inside of you, the love of God. You’re paying attention.
You’re prioritizing. You’re prioritizing balance with your love. And so you’re regenerating.
The people you’re in relationship are getting regenerated. There’s more energy coming. There’s more reciprocity.
There’s, you’re feeling like there’s energy growing from your love. Can you feel that difference, everybody? It’s not an external thing. It’s a centering in love.
It’s a oneness with love. And your reality is gonna show you. Your reality is you pictured outside of you.
So when your body’s healthy, when you have joy, when you have the ability to do things that you love, I have this woman when I was walking, Bruce, I forgot to tell you. She said, she’s just, she sees me in my neighborhood and she came up and she said, they will know you by your fruits. That’s your oneness with your dream.
So. She said that to you, Sue? Yeah, yeah, she was, she just said, yeah. She just came up.
This is a woman that I was walking one day and she just comes up out of nowhere and hands me, I live in a Walt Disney movie, hands me a red hibiscus flower. I mean, I have some strange things that happen, but I’m gonna read you a testimonial. Yeah, but that’s a great one.
I think it’s the class. Yeah, it was really, but it was cool. You will know them by, she just came up and she was driving her car and she slowed down.
She said, she rolled the window down. She said, you will know them by their fruits. I just went, okay.
Okay, so here’s something. And I have two things to bring out tonight. Let your dream chase you.
Let your dream chase you. You helped us. Hi Sue, I hear you on the big call and I can just imagine you get a lot of emails, but I hope this will help others.
I don’t know if you know this, but there’s a lot of overwhelming and contradictory talk and conversation around the MedBeds and between the classes, the meditation and the walkthrough of the interview and how to design what needs to be taken care of in your body. And then how you expanded the 65 other possibilities you offer. My husband and I are just so much clearer, prepared and awake to not only what we’re going to heal, but what is possible.
So we just wanted to thank you, Sheila. And Mark. So this is kind of last call.
That’s been a long time. Oh, we’re gonna ring a bell. Ring a bell.
You can ring the bell for the MedBed 100. Oh, you like that, huh? Well, I’ve reminded me of the Marco Bell. Remember the Marco Bell, Sue? Oh, yeah.
Yes, oh my gosh. Yeah, I wonder what you did with that little glass bell. I don’t know.
That was for the day. That was for the day, what we were all talking to you. So the MedBed 100 program, just really quickly, is a program that has been part of a long-term journey, but particularly in negligible senescence is really where I was focusing on, but it brought me into all these other branches.
And it’s been fascinating for me for over 26 years. And then I’m around a lot of scientists and people that, excuse me, and just gave me lots of ideas. And we just spent a lot of time researching what is gonna be possible that’s organic, that’s out there, and that’s gonna be really healthy in terms of seven different skills, creativity, brain science-based, getting your brain chemistry balanced, things that they may already know how to do, but by you articulating it, it’s gonna help the whole collective, because I’m sure they’re gonna put this into an AI database.
It’s gonna help you choose not only what you need to fix, and we go through that, and walking you through how to write down what you need to have taken care of, how to imagine what is possible by looking at 65 other characteristics. We actually show you how to process that. It’s gonna require some reflect, it’s gonna require about three hours of time.
So let me say that right up front. To really do it right, you gotta think about, you gotta write it down. We do it very specifically.
We teach you the skill of making effective, informed med bed decisions. We make it fun by being in the classes where you’re hearing all these people, you mean I can really not have gray hair? I mean, you’re gonna hear all this. It’s gonna be fun for you.
It’s gonna make it so you’re part of an intimate experience of people trying on the reality of the med bed. And it’s informed by the people that Bruce and I have been exposed to. How would you describe who they are? Say it very simply, and then I’ll go to the class.
How would you say that? How would I describe who they are? I would say one of our contacts, one of our contacts is the person who is over all of the regional med bed representatives for the United States, and has also had influence with international positioning of med beds, specifically I know in the South, in the Far East. So he’s like the guy. He’s the guy.
And that’s where Sue found out that we had 26,450 med bed centers in the United States proper. For 26,450 here, and that’s times two med beds for each center. Right, right.
So here’s what’s significant about this program is it takes that kind of credible, high-level information. It allows you to play in that information and 26 years of research that supports the little things that you can’t find anywhere unless you’re a geek, like the person that’s speaking to you right now. Right, Bruce and Pop? Total geek.
And that’s it. Okay, so here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna ask you to send an email to integratedminds at and just put MedBed100.
And then you just put your name, your telephone number, and let us know if you have PayPal or not. Doesn’t matter, you don’t have to have. And we’re gonna send you an invoice.
Now, realize that we have to do this piece by piece by piece for privacy, et cetera. So as long as we’ve sent you and responded, so if you wanna get that tonight, do it tonight. You’ll be first in line because we think we’re very close.
I’m sorry, I’m not taking his, listen to Bruce’s intel. So just be aware of that. And as long as we’ve sent you an invoice, you’re good no matter what.
You’re good. In other words, as long as we’re connected and we said, okay, we’re gonna be sending you an invoice, boom, we will honor that. If the numbers come out and all of a sudden we have to go, okay, we’ll see you at 10 tomorrow night, you will receive your MedBed100 program.
So I think- You’ll get it. I don’t like creating scarcity or false urgency. I just like being real.
Okay, so that’s one. And then two is, let’s see, let’s go into, what do you become when you’re stepping out of the MedBeds? What will your relationships look like in the new earth? And how will they redefine your life? So you’re gonna have a new relationship to money. This is really big stuff.
I want you to really just begin to just kind of understand you’re gonna have a new relationship to money. Look at how relationships have been formed based on financial and emotional exchange. It is so huge.
What is about to take place? So huge. What we need is sovereign leadership for a new earth. And this new course is called Quantum Leaders, Future Founders.
And the reason why you want to come is because you’re going to need practice in unlearning and helping the people that you hire, helping the new choices that are in your partnership. It’s not gonna be about, oh, honey, I’ve got $100 trillion, can I buy you that house? No, I have $100 trillion, thank you. It’s gonna be, how are we gonna? Of my own, it’s a, and I mean it.
You don’t have to go, if you’re doing any research on the state of relationship, number one, relationship to love, not control, not power, not money, and least of all, not a lack of connection. Connection, collaboration, authenticity, and deep alignment. And if you don’t know who you are, and if you’re walking around with old wounds, giving your power to the outside, not being able to listen inside yourself, and you’re running those old programs, it could be tough.
I’m gonna be, I’m being, I’m not running on my own. I’m being brutal, and you’re gonna need to be brutally honest. You’re gonna need to be brutally honest with yourself, because God and the future of our world is counting on you to be kind, to be honest, to be exploring, but to be choosing the best in every now moment.
And Quantum Leadership Future Founders is gonna show you in just two classes. I mean, we’re doing it because we said it would be two classes. It’s gonna be Thursday the 23rd and the 24th.
I’ll send out a go at 10, and a final go at four. All you have to remember is your investment will be due between four and 6.30, and then you join the class, or you listen to the replay at 7.25, Thursday the 23rd and the 24th, Friday. And that’s Eastern time, 7.25 Eastern.
At Eastern time, and you can pay for the course, and if you can’t be participating, here’s what you’re gonna get to take away in this course. Your eyes are gonna be open to, the first night is gonna be the practices and the boundaries, new expanded boundaries, so that you can let go of everything that isn’t serving you, and give yourself space to make the best decisions. And this is informed by Christ, and interpersonal neurobiology, literally how your nervous system is going to learn.
These courses are designed in how to get the motivation to get out of old traps, how to get the motivation, and the permission to be your best self, and stand and ask for people to come along with you, and how to have the motivation to let go, when you need to let go. So that’s gonna be the first night, second night, you have to join the class to find out. But the point is, this is gonna teach you deep joy, and vibrant, secure relationships.
This is gonna teach you how to not have people avoiding conflict, it’s gonna say, okay, what about this? Let’s sit down. No, I don’t wanna talk about it, it’s too emotional, it’s too this, it’s too that. That can’t work, that’s not gonna work.
It’s not gonna work in this future. But you can’t attack people, you can’t have defensiveness, you can’t have all these. It’s relationship skill based for quantum founders.
And when you learn how to stand in the best and the highest, for you and your relationship, and you continuously ask and invite, that’s gonna create a space for really beautiful self-knowing, for a beautiful new society, and a beautiful practice that you’re gonna just, it’s gonna make it so much simpler for you to be there and prioritize your highest and best self. That’s the goal. So if you want to prioritize who your best self is, and how he or she can show up, and you’re like, okay, for me, I’m only gonna be with people that are saying, I’m prioritizing relationship skills.
I’m not kidding. Let the whole world hear that. If you’re not prioritizing relationship skills, well.
You will have no part of me. Well, it’s just, it’s like, it’s gonna be the most important thing. It can’t be in separation anymore.
It can’t be men and women being separate. So what are you doing to learn about how to be in relationship, or a healthy relationship, or what’s your relationship with your purpose? It’s all gonna be that. It’s not gonna be about money.
It’s not gonna be about fame. It’s not gonna be all of that. This is the course to set you up.
I mean, it could be a whole year everyday course, but it’s gonna get you two evenings to start you down the road so you can get people to walk with you from isolation to meaningful connection and collaboration. Sounds good. So all you need to do is send an email to Integrated Minds.
I wanna thank everybody, including you, Bruce, and Bob, and everybody. You can tell after being on the big call for nine and a half years. You can tell what you must all be getting good at.
We’re all practicing. If you’re serious, you’re practicing getting better and better. You’re applying yourself.
And I’m saying here, right here, as I leave this big call probably, I hope, that the number one thing to practice is love, self-love, and quality-aligned relationship. Join us by sending us an email. Quantum, and then just put, it’s $100 for both classes, and then just put your name and telephone number, and we will be sending it out Thursday morning at 10.
Like, here we go, we’re getting ready. Four o’clock is the final go, so I wouldn’t ask you to pay for anything until four to six, and then joining us on the call on Thursday night, as long as the numbers are right. $100.
$100 for two classes. $100, $50 each class. Game-changing.
As long as you practice it, you will walk into your new life with very strong initial skills. This is skill-based training, and that’s my segment for tonight. Thank you, Sue, excellent.
Thank you for that new offering, and I’ll recap that, and then everybody is already starting to send you emails. Yep, don’t forget Quantum. That’s what you put in the subject line when you send the emails for the class.
Starts Thursday the 23rd, and Friday the 24th at 7.25 p.m. Eastern, and for those that want the, what we’re calling the MedBed 100, I think I would go ahead and send those off tonight. Send those off to Sue tonight. Use the same email, IntegratedMinds at, and that’ll be a great way to get caught up on everything you want to know about the MedBeds and how to prepare yourself with your list of things that you would like to have seen in your body and your mind, everything.
It’s gonna really be good. So thank you, Sue. Appreciate that very much.
You’re welcome, Richard. Yeah, absolutely. So we’re gonna turn the page over, and as we run into a new chapter with Bob and Boomers, let’s see what Bob would have for us tonight in the way of anything new.
We know that we finished up a sale, but let’s see where we stand, Bob. What do we have in the way of any new things to talk about, and obviously, testimonials that we all love to hear. Yeah, sure, Bruce.
I’m ready, and we do have a new sale that’s going on. We finished up the sale that we ran through Christmas and the New Year, and right now, what we’re doing for people is we’re giving them a double discount for auto-ship orders. So people that are new and sign up to a new auto-ship or if they’re already a customer and they want to put something onto auto-ship or they’ve already got something on auto-ship and they want to add something new to the list, we’re going to give a double discount.
So normally, people get 10% off plus free shipping for being on the Subscribe and Save program. Now, they’re going to get 20% off for that month that they sign up for it. Okay, all right.
Yeah, and so just to clarify one thing too, Bruce, when people have their subscription program, we tell them that they’re going to get free shipping even if they’re in Canada, okay? And the other day, we got an email from a gentleman saying it doesn’t turn out to really be free shipping because when his product landed in Canada, the Canada Post charged him money to send, you know, it’s the rest of the way from the border. Now, we’ve heard of that happening, but it doesn’t happen with every shipment. Some people, it really does arrive for free, but I wanted to be sure that our friends in Canada know that there’s that possibility.
It doesn’t seem to be predictable, but it can happen. But our intention is to do it for free, and we can’t know what, if anything, Canada Post is going to charge. So we just can’t do any more than what we can, which is to get it to Canada for free, all right? And we do have some testimonials that came in, and they’re just like nice, short, sweet testimonials.
This one’s from a lady that wrote in and said, my husband and I take Boomer Boost daily. We always feel better for it. It’s easy to tell when we skip a day.
We just don’t have enough oomph for the day. We don’t take vitamins because Boomer Boost seems to have everything we need, which was part of the whole idea with the creation of Boomer Boost was to make it real easy for people. And when we first started, and we decided to go down to the vitamin shop and another vitamin store and see what it would cost for somebody to try to piece together the ingredients in Boomer Boost at the level of concentration and the dose and all that.
And this would have been in the year 2010, 15 years ago. We went and we gathered up all the different things and we added the price together. And it came out to just under $200.
Now, nowadays, I mean, in the last 10 years, the inflation of the price of these products has easily doubled. So if you’re to try to do that today, you would probably be looking at $400. We had price increases in certain years that were 10, 12, 13% on the cost of certain items.
And especially in the last four years, the inflation was just tremendous. And so that’s what was the idea was we wanted to have a powder that was produced in a facility that could order large amounts of the individual ingredients so they could get a discount and then go to the work, which is a substantial amount of work to mix up all those ingredients and then make sure that it’s pure, there’s no contamination in it and then jar it and send it to us. It is quite an effort.
And almost every time that we place an order for thousands of jars of Boomer Boost, we have to twist the arm of the manufacturer kind of up behind his back and just push on it a little bit because he’s like, oh my God, we gotta make this Boomer Boost again. It’s such a labor, it’s so hard to do. And then what I always do is I always say to him, listen, did I tell you yet about what happened with this lady that took Boomer Boost when she was really sick and what happened and how she got out of the hospital and stuff like that? And as soon as I start telling him the testimonials, he gives in and agrees to make it.
That’s good. So here’s another lady who takes Boomer Boost and she takes barley with it. And she made this one sentence saying, looking forward to my automatic monthly order.
This keeps me active. Here’s another lady, takes the barley and Boomer Boost together. I love these products and I use them every day in my morning coffee and sometimes in my afternoon coffee.
Thank you. Oh, there you go. Thank you for this wonderful formulation.
Yes. That’s cool. Yeah.
Got a really good one about a good night formula. And then here’s one that came in about Myotrol. This lady writes this.
I’ve never seen a testimonial like this one. I fell on some ice yesterday. I fell on ice yesterday.
And after four days, I felt nothing. And I’ve been taking Myotrol. I went to the gym and worked out the next day for two hours and I still feel good.
True. That’s awesome. She takes a fall.
In other words, she fell on the ice. Yeah. And then she, normally you’d get inflammation, you’d feel sore the second or third day, you’d be hurting, you wouldn’t even begin to wanna get out or go to the gym, and yet she didn’t feel anything.
Yeah. That’s awesome. Then she went to the gym.
Yeah. And there’s a few other ones too, but I just wanted to take a minute to talk about a study that just came out. It was very interesting.
And it was a study about fibromyalgia, which is a very debilitating kind of syndrome that makes people feel painful all over their bodies for no apparent reason. And this was an article where they’ve been studying this and doing research studies with little electric shocks with people to look at the dysregulation of pain regulation. So typically, your nervous system has, in regard to pain, has one part of it that signals the pain and another that suppresses it so that there’s kind of a balance.
And now what they’re starting to discover is that fibromyalgia kind of starts in the spinal cord and the ability to regulate these two things is not working properly. And they go into a lot of the science of it with different things about gene expression and the ability of chloride to help maintain the balance of fluid in the cell and out of the cell and what can inhibit chloride’s ability to do it. And they went on and on with no particular recommendation for helping.
But at the very end, they say, in addition, brain-derived nootropic factor, BDNF, is a regulator of KCC2, which is a regulator of chloride. So interventions aimed at BDNF could be a target for future research. So now they’re saying that BDNF is involved in pain regulation.
Now we’re talking about a lady who just fell on the ice and is doing just fine, has been taking Myotrol, which one of the ways Myotrol was designed was specifically to up-regulate or increase BDNF. Okay. And it wasn’t done for helping with the regulation of chloride.
It was done because Eric Kurtz, the scientist, knew that BDNF was also acting as a motivation type of molecule. So when you’re sitting on the couch and you think to yourself, I need to get up and go outside and go for a walk, you have to have BDNF available to make the connection between your thought and your muscles actually moving to get you up off the couch. And that’s why we find when people take Myotrol, all of a sudden they have a spring in their attitude.
And when they think about, hey, it’s time to go walk or exercise, they bounce up off the couch and go because they have plenty of BDNF that’s signaling the muscles to move. It’s involuntary. And so with fibromyalgia, they’re now saying that BDNF is also involved in the regulation of the spinal cord and its inhibitory capabilities.
Now, we’ve known for a long time that fibromyalgia, people with fibromyalgia respond really well to taking Boomer Boost and even better when they take Boomer Boost and barley. And we’ve been told, and they keep saying here in this study, Bruce, that they don’t really know what the deal is, like why exactly people are having trouble with their chloride balance. They’re just kind of hallucinating that it might be BDNF, right? And they’re like, we have no other possible explanation for it, all right? Well, guess what? People with fibromyalgia have very, very high inflammation, right? Yeah, right.
And we also know that it’s the mother of all nutritional deficiency diseases. When you look at the blood work of someone who has heart disease or Parkinson’s disease, they are low in certain nutrients. But people that have fibromyalgia are low in everything.
They just have really, really poor ability to have nutrition. And the efforts of the dieticians do not help. So we don’t know if it’s a digestion issue.
We don’t know if it is an absorption issue. We don’t know if it’s the ability of the nutrients to cross from the blood into the cell, right? No one’s ever done those studies before, but we do know when you give people good nutrition like Boomer Boost, their fibromyalgia tends to go away. And so we’re looking at this going, yeah.
We’re looking at it and we’re going, hmm. And then when you give them barley, it’s even better. Right? And so we’re looking at it going, maybe because of their nutrition deficiency, they’re unable to meet the demand that’s being called for from their DNA for things like antioxidants.
And what are antioxidants made of? They are enzymes that need minerals, that need amino acids, that need a lot of hydrogen. And to put them all together, you have to have adequate nutrition. So maybe if we were to measure it, people would have very high C-reactive protein, very low amounts of superoxide dismutase.
When you give them good nutrition, that all changes. And so now we’re discovering tonight through this study that the addition of BDNF to the great nutrition we’re giving people could really be a key for fibromyalgia. And lo and behold, Bruce, we have a tremendous testimonial from one of your listeners whose fibromyalgia disappeared literally after 15 years of having excruciating pain.
Wow, that’s so made up. Barley and Boomer Boost and Myotrol. And within two weeks, yep, within two weeks, it’s gone.
I told that to Aaron Kurtz. And all he did was silence. How did he respond to that? Yeah, for a little bit, there was silence.
And then all of a sudden, he went, wow. He didn’t know. He didn’t know.
And he still doesn’t know, because I haven’t told him yet about this study that came out yesterday where they’re talking about BDNF regulating the spinal cord’s capability to inhibit the pain response. And the BDNF is somehow involved in it. So what I’m gonna do tonight before I go to bed, I’m gonna email him this article.
Oh, that’s so cool, Bob. And the more we work with Myotrol, the more we’re discovering these things. And the more that you find that it can do and help.
Yeah. That’s cool, Bob, very cool. So anyway, that’s what I have for tonight, Bruce.
If people wanna take advantage of our double discount sale, give us a call at the office or go online. It works right online by yourself if you are. That’s it.
Well, that’s terrific, Bob. Really good. Now, let’s let them know that we get to the website by going to That’s my site.
And you’ll see, when you hit the landing page, you’ll see a banner at the top that says Boomers on it. It’s a direct link into Bob’s site. So you click on the banner, it’ll take you right in to Bob’s site.
You can go through and you can learn about all the different products and you can see the products that are on sale. And you can also look to see the subscribe and save feature, which is what gives you the subscription service so that you can get the 10% off and then double that with anything new that you’re adding to your subscribe and save. Or if you’re starting out brand new with it, you’ll get it on all of the products that you have in that subscribe and save for one month.
So instead of 10%, you’ll get 20% off on all those products that you put on subscribe and save for your first month. And that’s a really good deal. And it makes sense.
Myatrol has had such rave reviews and everybody’s got great testimonials with it. And in this one lady’s case, it solved her problem. And it’s just, it’s something that if you do that in combination with Boomer Boost and Barley, whether it’s Heirloom Barley or Gladiator Barley, it effectuates the Boomer Boost by up to five times.
So by using Boomer Boost and Barley together, you’re getting a really good combination. And that’s why it’s called the dynamic combo. So add that and put in anything else that you wanna put on your subscribe and save.
If you’re not a great sleeper and you’re not getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night and you wake up and sometimes you can’t get back to sleep, that’s where the goodnight formula comes in and that will help you sleep, that’s for sure. And it definitely works in at least 95% of the people that try it. So I’m a big believer in the goodnight formula.
And then of course, we all need vitamin D3. It’s not expensive, it’s inexpensive, but you need that. And so take some of that too.
Get that all lined up for your subscribe and save and start saving money and getting proper nutrition. Because that’s gonna keep the fibromyalgia and some of these other autoimmune diseases from coming in. It’s just a way to secure your immunity and keep your immune system really on alert.
So you won’t be falling down and getting a cold or a flu or anything like that that’s coming in because it’s so-called cold and flu season. You don’t have to be subject to that at all. Keep the proper nutrition, get some exercise, walk around, do those things, and you’ll be in much, much better health.
And that’ll help take care of any weight issues that you have. If you eat properly and you have good nutrition, you’re not gonna add weight, you don’t gain weight. It’s like you don’t feel the hunger because your body is supported for once with good nutrition.
And you’re not looking for things to snack on or that kind of thing, fast food type stuff. It’s totally different when you have a healthy eating plan. And you don’t have to diet.
You don’t have to go on a diet to lose weight. Your body will release the excess weight by burning the fat that it has stored up. And you want it to burn fat first and then that’s what happens.
Well, Bob, I guess I said enough about that. Thank you very much, I appreciate that. I think I love testimonials and I love to hear that unfortunately the lady fell on the ice, which happens a lot like this.
And if you’re down in New Orleans, New Orleans, if you’re down in New Orleans and you’ve got four inches of snow with four more inches coming, be careful and stay inside. And just be careful even walking, even walking. And boy, it’s just, we gotta be careful in the winter.
We really do, we have to be careful. Not just slip and slide on snow or ice. And stay healthy.
Stay inside for the most part because it’s a little cold out there. All right, Bob, thank you very much, I appreciate it. Let’s talk about where we are in the Intel world.
First of all, I wanna say something that I found out, oh, I don’t know, when was it? Maybe between the last call we had, which was last Thursday, and then five nights later we’ve got the Tuesday night call. Well, in the last, I’m gonna call it three or four days, I heard something that really blew my mind. And that was, you guys know, I’ve been talking about this could go at any moment.
This can go under Biden. This can go before President Trump gets back into the Oval Office. This can, well, you know what? I was misinformed and I misinformed you guys.
This could not go before President Trump made his way back into the Oval Office. And the information we were getting might have been coded and we took the code wrong or whatever happened, but I have a mea culpa, my fault, my bad. I just wanted to tell you guys, I’m sorry that I misinformed you about that Intel because one side of me was saying, I don’t know, I don’t know if it’s gonna go before Trump’s back.
I don’t know. And the other was saying, well, I’m being told it can. I’m being told it can go out.
You know, we can get this thing started. Well, evidently the truth was it couldn’t go until after President Trump is back in. The good news is he is back in as of yesterday, the 20th of January.
Probably would have saved us all a little bit of headache and a little bit of worry and a little bit of whatever. But now that we’ve crossed that threshold, that President Trump is back and just killing it on executive orders and policies and getting back hostages and everything finishing the wall. You know, guys, I don’t know, I don’t know about you, but I just have to put the last four years in our rear view mirror.
Yes, we did some good things. We got some good things that happened in the last four years, but ultimately we paid the price for higher inflation, bad policy, no policy. You know, it was horrible.
But God was consistent with us to keep us moving forward to give us the faith to continue to believe for this. And I have good news. And the good news is that we are moving forward.
Listen, we had heard that we would start today, Tuesday, with our notifications and set appointments to start tomorrow. And then we were told later on this afternoon by two or three of our better sources, that, nope, it wasn’t going to be today, but it is going to be tomorrow. Well, fortunately, we asked why.
Why didn’t it go yesterday? Or excuse me, why didn’t it go today, Tuesday? And it ends up that there were three factors. One was to get the proper green light from the U.S. Treasury and that is the new restored Republic Treasury. Okay, that.
Number two, we needed Iraq to do something, which we think is publish their new rate Wednesday, tomorrow morning in their Gazette, their official publication. Could be a new rate or the same rate, but published in the Gazette. That’s my gut on it, because we don’t know it absolutely.
And three, Iran. Oh my God, what about it? Well, President Trump had a meeting with two of his generals to discuss this problem in Iran and it had to do with the funding of Hamas. And they solved that problem on the phones with Iran at 1.30 today.
So are all three of those things out of the way? I think they will be once Iraq does what they’re going to do and that would ostensibly be tomorrow morning by putting the new rate in the Gazette. So let’s hope that all three of those things are no longer issues that we have to deal with and that we are able to move forward. Now, here’s the, remember I had that timeline, which I like a timeline.
I like to see things in a linear fashion that are happening like that. Well, the one aspect of it was we have to pay off the fines and penalties, the adjudicated settlements like CMKX and any others that are there, and the so-called intermediaries, which are farm claims, ranch claims, Native American claims, and which I thought those were already paid, but I’m not sure if everything’s complete on that. And any other intermediaries that would be considered like that.
That’s like first, and that should happen overnight tonight or tomorrow morning. Overnight tonight or in the morning, those should be handled. And then at nine o’clock in the morning tomorrow, and that’s Eastern time, we should have the admirals groups funded either into their individual bank accounts, which could happen in some cases, or most likely into their quantum account, that they need to activate with their quantum card, just like we have to activate our quantum account after our exchange.
So that, and then when will they get notified? Do they get notified right at nine in the morning, or do they wait for email notifications to confirm what has happened for them throughout the day tomorrow? And then when are we supposed to be notified? Well, we’re supposed to be notified at noon, and it’s noon in each time zone, around noon. Don’t hold me to 12 noon exact, but it could be exact, could be a little before, a little bit after, but it’s gonna be around noon. As one of the pieces came to us talking about when we’re ready to pop our champagne corks at lunch tomorrow, so that’s signifying lunchtime or noon, we should be getting our notifications on Tier 4b, or the internet group.
Now, my theory has been for a couple of years at least, it would make sense if it was noon in every time zone. Noon Eastern, noon Central, noon Mountain, and noon Pacific, and even noon Alaska, noon Hawaii. As we go through, from East to West.
And it appears that that was correct, that that would be the case. So, in a way it’s a staggered start for Tier 4b, with us getting notified essentially an hour apart based on the time zone that we’re in, Eastern, Central, Mountain, or Pacific. So, that’s what was brought out to me today, with clarification.
And I just think we’re looking very good to get started with this. You know, guys, I hope they have solved whatever, and I know that they have, whatever the problem was with Iran. I know that Iraq has been ready and not ready, ready and not ready.
And they should be ready, we know their lower denominations are out, not only in ATMs, but also in the airport, kiosks, and also in businesses throughout the country. And so, how much more ready do they have to be? Do they have an international rate? Yes. And we’ve known this, and it seems like they were gonna get a new international rate on Sunday, this past Sunday, but I haven’t been able to confirm it.
And our contacts in Iraq don’t wanna put that in writing, they don’t wanna send it to us in a text or an email. So, we don’t really know exactly where it is. Now, we do know that our rate at the Redemption Center for the Dinar is, they plan to offer us the contract rate, which is tied to the per barrel price of oil, and use North Sea Brent crude if you wanna check that.
That seems to be about the price that Iraq is selling oil for. And we know that we have a rate on the DONG that is very good, and we know that the ZIM is on par with the U.S. dollar. Now, one other thing that is interesting for us is, when it comes to the, gosh, what direction was I going with this? Well, we’re looking to get notified tomorrow, and with any success, we set our appointments tomorrow that could start in some jurisdictions as early as Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday evening.
Some markets with different demographics may start on Thursday. So, Wednesday, setting appointments, Thursday, exchanges start, except in some markets, they might start on Wednesday. Where there’s a high concentration of currency holders, like in parts of Florida, in other parts of the country, Texas, maybe, they may start a little earlier.
They might start tomorrow afternoon, evening, provided the numbers do come out around noon, central time for Texas, eastern time, of course, for Florida. So, we’re excited to see all that occur and see that begin. As far as we know, and that’s always a caveat, as far as we know, there is nothing else to hold us up from going.
Now that President Trump is back, he’s in the Oval Office, he’s just killing it on executive orders, and boy, everything that he said he would do, promises made, promises kept, he’s doing it. He actually did a lot yesterday and still made it to three gala events last night after doing a press conference. I saw two, two press conferences, one yesterday from the Oval Office and another one today, and the media just won’t let up.
They just are, you know, they haven’t learned it very much, really. We should get, we should get some disclosure of events in the month of February and March, and we should have, for those of us who are currency holders that are going in for currency exchanges and redemption of the ZIM, currency slash bond, as they do consider it a bond because of its intrinsic value, we will get, oh, Bruce, let me complete that thought. So we’re gonna be doing that at the redemption centers, and realize this, the ZIM is not something that’s gonna be handled at the banks.
You need to set an appointment to go into the redemption center to redeem your ZIM. Also, there’s no contract rate for the denar, as we’re being told, at banks, but only at redemption centers. So it’s really a good idea to set the appointment and go in and get your appointment done in 40 minutes or less.
And if you’re a ZIM holder and you’ve got some, you’ve got projects, you wanna let them know in probably more like three to five minutes. We used to say five to eight minutes. Probably you have about three to five minutes to explain the overview of your projects.
And that’s really great. But it’s gonna go quickly. I think the appointment is gonna go just boom, boom, boom.
It’s gonna go pretty quickly. There’s a lot to get done, you know, with the setting up of your initial account and your quantum account. You’ve got a Wells Fargo account and a quantum account.
You know, you’ll be signing the NDA early in your appointment, probably right at the beginning when they’re going through the know your customer, see who you are. They know who you are already. So even the identification of who you are with your ID, with your utility bill, it’s gonna go very quickly.
And they don’t want receipts. They don’t care about, long as you have legitimate bonafide currency, you’re fine. That Dilaruma sheet is gonna take off and start running.
And it’s gonna count and verify currency quickly, multiple currencies. Just help them out. And if you’ve got several, four or five different currencies, make sure you have each one in a separate little envelope or something where, you know, where they can obviously do DONG and then do DINAR and then do ZIM.
They’ll probably want ZIM first, but whatever. And then RUPIA and Afghani. And don’t forget your Venezuelan Bolivar, if you have that and so on.
They’ll just go right through them and keep a tab on it. But what I was gonna say is your RNR, if you’re a currency holder, it could very well already be in your quantum account. So the idea of getting a direct deposit into your social security bank account, not your social security, but in your bank account where you get your social security, if you’re 62 and older and you’re taking it already.
Okay, here’s the thing. We found out that the servers that handle social security are limited in that they can’t deal with anything over $500,000. Okay, so the point is they’re not capable of handling the amounts as a direct deposit to our accounts because of the server limitation.
So we should see our lump sum RNR, lump sum, coming to us at the redemption center. Now, what they do with other folks that aren’t on social security that are 60 and older, I’m not quite sure. And you know, there are three tiers of groups.
The first tier, let’s call it group A, are people that are 30 to 45 years of age. They’ll get their RNR, restitution and reconciliation allowance is another way to say that. Their RNR over three years.
So three times 12 is 36, 36 monthly installments, let’s call it, to them. And that should start in the month of February, okay, for the people of that age group, 30 to 45. 45 to 60, that is a group that will get theirs paid out over two years.
24, 12 times two is 24, 24 monthly installments. They will also begin to receive theirs in the month of February. So we’re the ones in the group, let’s say we, I’m saying anybody that’s 60 and older that is exchanging currency should have it in their quantum account.
And then you’ll use your quantum card to move those funds from your quantum account into your Wells Fargo primary account. And then eventually when you get more accounts set up, if you need to, you’ll have secondary accounts underneath the primary. And those, both of those primary and secondary Wells accounts will earn interest at a rate of at least 12%, which is phenomenal.
And I’m gonna ask that mine would be paid out at 12% as APY, and that’s, you should receive that. I’m gonna take it quarterly. I think it’s probably payable monthly, but I’d rather take it as a lump sum every quarter.
And see that in my account that way. So it would obviously take 90 days for that interest to be accrued and for it to be applied and put into that account. Believe that’s how they’re gonna do it.
We’ll see. Obviously you can work with that. So that’s really the gist of what I had to say tonight.
I don’t know that there’s anything else that we need to know right now, but to get the toll-free numbers, which Lord willing is tomorrow at noon-ish, noon-ish tomorrow, and then we should be able to call setter appointments and exchange on Thursday with some exceptions that might be going in high demographic areas. It could start as early as tomorrow afternoon or evening. Okay? So the main thing is now, knowing that that is the plan for it to come out tomorrow, we need to get busy sending Sue an email for two things.
One, if you don’t have the MedBed 100, then you wanna go ahead and get that so you’ll be really up to speed on everything for the MedBeds. And by the way, if you have Zim and you have a dire medical, physical-type need, that is a priority. You’re in the highest level to be seen and to set an appointment.
So keep that in mind, and you let them know when you’re going in for your exchange appointment that you would like to get in the MedBed. And if you’re in dire need, maybe they know it, maybe they don’t, you have to tell them about it, and that should give you a better priority to get started. Let’s see.
So this is the time to get up with Sue about the MedBed 100, which is $100 for two classes that have already taken place, and you’re gonna get the recordings as a link that you can listen to at your own leisure. Okay? So you wanna send that to integratedminds at, and just put the subject line MedBed 100, and then go ahead and make sure that you’ve got your name and phone number in your email, and then let her know that either you have PayPal or you’re looking to get a PayPal invoice, in which case you just take the invoice, you put your credit card on it, credit card numbers on it, forward it back to Sue, and then she will process it. Well, actually, I think PayPal will process it, yeah.
They will process it, but that’s how that works. Let’s see what else. The other thing is the new class.
Quantum Leaders, Future Founders. But I just say, in the subject line, put quantum. Quantum Leaders, Future, I was gonna say Future Farmers, Future Founders.
Future Founders. And if you just wanna put quantum in the subject line, same thing, integratedminds at She’ll be sending out the notices for the classes that will start Thursday the 23rd, that’s this Thursday, two nights from now, at 7.25 p.m. Eastern time, and then she’ll give you the go on when to begin to remit for those two classes, $100, and then she’ll send that out to you, and you’ll get the go signal when you send that email in. You’ll know when to receive that and when the funds will be due before the class starts.
Okay, starts 7.25 p.m. Thursday night, same thing Friday night, and you’re golden. You’ve got it. So those classes will occur if the numbers are not out.
So obviously, we would love to see the numbers, but if you’re interested in the class, just say, yep, I’m in. I’m in for quantum. Quantum class, I’m in.
Just let her know. And then if the time comes and the request is made to send in the money, you’ll get it in your email, okay? So that’s really what I wanted to say tonight. I like that Bob has a new sale on the Subscribe and Save.
Any products that are put in there get not only the 10%, but double the 20% entry shipping, and I guess unless you’re in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, you’ll get free shipping. No, I’m just kidding. Moose Jaw’s way up north in Canada, way up north, and I’m sure there are other places.
And I wonder if we have any listeners in Moose Jaw. I wonder if we have any listeners in Kamloops, for that matter. I bet you we do.
I bet we do. And Alberta, of course, we should have. British Columbia, yes.
Even in the matter times, in the matter times, Prince Edward Island and all those areas. That’s a beautiful area of Canada. I love that.
I was up there one time for a week and played golf 36 holes a day for five days in Prince Edward Island. Beautiful place to visit. And that was in September, and it was still decent temps.
Really nice. All right, guys. I guess that’s about all I can say tonight.
But do this. Remember, we’re gonna get together for some regional get-togethers, some regional meetings. You know, after all this goes, and we’ve got feedback from you on Rebuild America, and I’m looking for 5,000 of our listeners, maybe more, maybe less, but 5,000 that will want to help us on Rebuild America, and we’ll explain how that’s gonna work, what that would look like.
But if you send us your email, and you’ve registered it on, then we will send you out an email with the 800 number when we get that, and we’ll also send you out any podcast that I do, that any of us does, that we can forward to you. And then you’d click on them and just listen to them at your own pace. But that’s how we’re gonna communicate with you after these numbers come out.
Listen, it’s conceivable Thursday, we would do a celebration call if we get numbers tomorrow and start exchanges on Thursday. I believe we will probably still do a short celebration call Thursday night at the regular time. So stay tuned for that possibility, but in the meantime, make sure, if you’ve already sent your email, we have it, we’ve got it on the site, and I just wanna make sure everybody’s aware.
That’s how we’re gonna be able to get in touch with you about the future projects that we’re doing. Rebuild America, Rebuild International, the Veterans Retreat Network, the Pastoral Retreat Network, those are my four projects. And I want you guys to help participate with me on Rebuild America and maybe Rebuild International too.
If you have an ability to want to help in that area, we could probably use some help there too. All right, so let’s let that happen. Let’s pray the call out, and we’ll look forward to receiving everything that we’re looking for tomorrow.
Let’s do that. All right. Lord God, we thank you so much for all that you’ve done for us, for everything that we are, everything that you would like us to be, everything that we see ourselves as our future selves becoming.
Thank you for this life that we have, for the love of the Father, love of Jesus Christ, and love of the Holy Spirit. Bless us, oh Lord, and give us, we pray, the blessing so that we can help humanity, not only here in the United States, but around the globe. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen.
And thank you, SAP team, for getting the call out all over the world. Thank you, Sue and Bob, GCK. Thank you, Jeannie.
Pastor Scott, continued healing for you. And thank you, Big Call Universe, for tuning in and listening over the past 13 years. Everybody have a beautiful night’s sleep tonight.
Let’s see what occurs tomorrow. Good night, everybody.