Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ Morning (Uncut) 03-18-2025

Coffee with MarkZ. 03/18/2025

Good morning, all. Karen, glad you’re catching us live. Hello, Lost in Q8.


Hello, Bug, Sissy, Gypsy, Trish. Hello, Captain Peggy. Hello, Sharon.


Hello, Lee. How is everybody this morning? Hello, Seeking Truth, a joyful voice. Hello, Billy Little.


Hello, Taco Tuesday, right? Hello, M. Dobbs, Airborne. Jay and Amy, good to see you in the house. Hello, Wyatt’s Colt, Felix.


Hello, Maleon, Georgia, Whipperwill. Hopefully you’re keeping them straight over there on the Twitch side. Bernard, we’ll see if we can get one knocked out.


I do ask for prayers for healing for Bearded Patriot this morning. Hello, Country Chick, B. Baker. B. Baker, we’re off YouTube for the week.


We’ve been on Rumble and Twitch with no problem at all. We get to come back Friday or Saturday this week to YouTube. Definitely gonna have to play a different game over there.


Hello, Redhead. Hello, J. Simple, Crazy Dog Mommy. Oh, man, is it good.


Let’s see. Cold and snowy in Central Alberta this morning. Robo, still getting used to seeing you on Rumble, right? It’ll be back over there soon.


Let’s see, Gary Ross. Good morning, Mark from Sunny Cameron, North Carolina. 12 eggs in the incubator in three weeks.


See how many heads. Oh, neat. Kind of like to get back to that again.


Kind of enjoyed having the different chickens. Let’s see. So, please address July 2026.


Andy was talking about on a podcast that he, no, that he believed that’s when the U.S. would reset. Guys, it’s based on the same thing. I mean, I shouldn’t say the same.


We all have an opinion that he sees the need for a reset. We’re going to get into that this morning, is what you need to take away from it. He knows the timing as well as I know the timing.


Although, based on bonds and stuff, I think the timing is way sooner than he thinks. Teebo, Marcie, I know you don’t like green beans, but maybe you can wear a golden green bean t-shirt when it goes. That’d be all right.


What happened to YouTube? Boy, I tell you, we’re getting tired of telling everybody what happened to YouTube every time somebody else joins after we’ve talked about it so many times. But get used to it. YouTube loves any excuse to ban folks.


So they gave us a one-week strike when we were talking about Bloodroot and how some people use it to treat their skin cancer in conjunction with a doctor. But that really freaked them out. You don’t use the word treat, treatment, cure, any of those words.


I wasn’t getting there. I was just saying, hey, it sounds neat. I’ve seen cool videos and I’ve read a study or two.


And then I asked folks their thoughts and folks were more than willing to talk about their successes. That ticked off YouTube. So we’re gone for a week.


And I had to do a bad boy training class on what they consider medical misinformation. And boy, I tell you, I should have filmed that and recorded that. If I ever have to go through that again, I will.


Because you can see the blatant disregard for common sense and science in their little test is all they’re doing is trying to convince you that two plus two equals five. Oh no, Patches the Clown. You don’t have to feel bad for asking.


Just every time I think about it, I get a little more irritated with YouTube. Righteous indignation. That’s what we’re going to call it.


That’s what we’re going to run with. Batman. There are rumors that there’s going to be some JFK information released today or at least another bevy of files.


Reading through these, waiting. Well, I guess we don’t have to wait. Oh, wait a minute.


We do have to wait. We’re on Twitch again for the week. And then we will leave Twitch after the week.


Unless they finally do the right thing and clean up their anti-Semitic and hate speech and hate against conservatives. And they don’t seem to be much concerned. I do not believe Hamas has stalled the RV Knut.


Let’s see. Actually, here’s a good one. Okay, that didn’t work.


Give me a minute. I’m trying to capture a from N.C. Maybell. The comment over on Rumble.


Let me highlight that one for you guys. I said, Mark, did you notice that the countries he is banning travel to are expected to RV reason? Not all of them, but many of them. And why you would want to cancel that travel would be because you freeze the financial borders.


That was something we were told to look for in Iraq. Right when it was going, they would freeze the financial borders. So to me, he’s setting up for the logistics of value changes.


Wow. Supposedly 80,000 JFK docs supposed to hit today, but still not all of them. That’s how much they’ve been keeping buried.


Getting excited though. All right, let’s get into some news. Then we will get into any bond slash whatever.


Hello, T Gillespie. You lost me for a few days. I was in the VA hospital on Friday.


Whoa. I didn’t know you had an issue on YouTube. Oh, it’s good to have you back.


Correct for life. I appreciate you very much. That was very kind.


Yeah, all alike. I’ve heard the same thing. The governor, the CBI is supposed to be visiting and meeting with Trump.


I’ve heard the same rumors. Let’s hope it really takes off. Iran nears LNG, liquid natural gas deal with Algeria.


What’s this one about? In the next two months, they are submitting a deal for gas to replace the Iranian gas because of sanctions. So we are watching all of this come together. They’re setting up mobile platforms, pipelines, et cetera, to negate the need for any Iranian natural gas.


The all out Trump war on settling differences in the Middle East, especially with Iran, as it funds terrorists left and right, has really ramped up in the last few days, including strikes on Houthis in Yemen. Trying to settle that one, remove any Iranian influence. It’s all part of getting stable enough for a value change.


Iraq adopts a balanced foreign policy to enhance internal stability amid regional tensions. What does that mean? They’re becoming the Middle East, Switzerland, also business, travel and banking. It’s almost like they’re Denmark, Switzerland and Germany all in one to the Middle East.


It’s all about stability, guys. When I do these, I know it gets or just seems repetitive. But they said safe, stable will give you new value.


They’re white reforms. These are all the steps that they talked about in those so that they could rise, excuse me, raise the purchasing value of all Iraqi citizens. Parliamentary demands to reduce the salaries of those with higher degrees.


Okay, that doesn’t really translate well. What they’re doing is they’re going in and they are analyzing or taking another look at some of the salaries from the most high paid government officials. Do they make sense? Are they completely over the top and too much? Because what you had in the past in their government was, well, rewarding your friends and folks that gave you the favor.


So you would have government employees making obscene money. And they’re going in. Think of this like their doge.


They’re going in, they’re cleaning it up and taking another look at those salaries to make certain that they are in line with sanity and fiscal responsibility. This is all part of Nasser Jassar in my book. And I love watching it.


Hello, Bahisi. Love watching it. Now here, watch this one.


U.S. Treasury Secretary says White House is trying to stave off financial crisis. Pay attention to the words they’re using, guys. However, the secretary said there are no guarantees that a recession will not occur.


Well, fortunately for you, Scott, we’re already in one. Have been for almost two years. So look, should be a very short one since we’re probably coming out the other side already.


So Treasury Secretary Scott McCain said on Sunday that policies initiated by the Trump administration are designed to head off a financial crisis that may be the result of major government spending over the past several years. But caution, there are no guarantees that no recession will occur. In other words, this could be a little tough as we take our medicine.


But there’s a really cool thing he talks about in here and what we have to do. Talking about the preventing the more serious crisis, talking about the possibility of recession. There’s no reason it has to.


But I can tell you that if we kept on this track, what I could guarantee is we would have had a financial crisis. I’ve studied it. I’ve taught it.


And if we had kept at this spending level that everything was unsustainable, we are resetting and we are putting things on a sustainable path. Right there, there’s your red line. We are resetting and putting things back on a sustainable path.


That’s what Trump’s doing. He’s hitting the button, the reset button. Same government, responsible payments and currencies with real value.


Let’s see, shorty. All right. I have to look for that one.


Passive aggressive people that show up to troll after we go off air. We’ll look for that one. We’ll get it removed.


Reading a few of these before I keep moving. A question that I’m absolutely going to get to. Let’s do this one.


  1. Gillespie. There are many rumors that it is today. I’m looking for the confirmations.


Some of the earliest we were hearing has been that 17-18 were going to be huge on the bond side and that we would soon expect announcements on the currency side. I’m waiting for those confirmations from bond folks. We have a number of people that are physically sitting in three different locations.


Most of them being in Europe right now. The expectations are high and I’m waiting for an update or a report. Wait a minute.


Let’s see. Buddy, give me just a second. Yes, I see the bank from the guy on the Blue Ridge Bank story yesterday.


I’m going to go to the bank and start. Wait. I’ll have to look and see if I can find that one.


I am way behind. Last few days, you guys have obliterated my inbox on top of work. I’m going to see if I can find that one in case it’s something I should be sharing with you guys.


Oh, I see what you’re saying. No. He ran across the banker while he was up that direction.


The banker was from Atlanta. Making certain I got that one. That makes sense.


Let’s see. He also said 15,000 IRS to be laid off. He also promoted the two whistleblowers to dig into fraud and bad employees.


Oh, I’m just loving it. Just loving it. People in here giving their thoughts on timing.


This is getting trying to keep up with all of you. All right, let’s keep running here. Fall guy.


Okay, Mark. So going asset back would put us on responsible spending if I understand the economics exactly. You can’t spend money you don’t have.


So the budget would have to fit with money that they actually have in values. Of course, the sense talked about it. Trump’s talked about it.


Resetting and adjusting the value of gold, which they value at like what 42 bucks or so right now an ounce. And changing everything about our monetary supply. All right, let’s do some more news.


I enjoyed that one. He’s just telling us exactly what’s happening. They’re heading off a financial crisis.


They know that the current system will implode. The Trump administration is trying to do it the soft way. It’s more difficult.


The easiest way it is just to let it implode. Let the financial markets implode all around the world and then pick up the pieces. Trump administration is dedicated to not doing it that way.


They want to soften the blow to the average person. Here’s some of the infighting going on in this process. Fired workers return to federal agencies, but are put on paid leave.


So you got a judge saying, no, they have to come back. And the department saying, OK, fine, we’re stuck with you. And we got to pay you while this goes through court.


But you’re on administrative leave. You’re getting paid. Stay home.


Don’t come in. We don’t want you damaging these, well, government offices. We don’t want you in them.


We don’t trust you. And we don’t need you. Has anybody noticed? Are you losing government benefits? I mean, have you suddenly, excuse me, I shouldn’t say benefits, services.


Has anybody, you know, is the trash still getting picked up? Are the lights still on or all these things? Because thousands, many thousands of government employees have been sent home. So in your personal life, have you missed them? Do you notice it? I still think that is the best way to look at it. We shut down government for six months.


What will we miss? What do we even notice? Because then we only need to bring back those jobs and no others. Trump and Secret Service Protection for Hunter and Ashley Biden. Of course, Hunter was taking advantage of it and moving to South Africa and expecting everybody to take care of him.


He’s just like, screw this. We’re done. Usually of recent, they have carried on the children of the former president.


They carry it for about six months after. But they’re not required to. They’re only required to give that protection to the ex-president and the ex-president’s spouse.


Trump ended it. He’s like, look, you guys are going to abuse it. Let’s just cancel it.


And then another big piece for us. Putin demands halt to all Western arms. Ukraine ahead of Trump call.


We’re getting ready to have a call where the two are expected to pound out. The difference is here. Both sides want the 30-day ceasefire.


Russia, on the other hand, says, yes, we would like to have it, but not if you’re just going to rearm, which is usually what ceasefires are done. In other words, the losing side takes the opportunity to bolster their resources, get more arms, get whatever. So Putin’s demanding a halt to Western arms, and he wants to be able to inspect any ships coming in or out or some mechanism to make certain they’re not just taking the opportunity to rearm themselves.


But this call could be, guys, this call could be the beginning of your peace in the Ukraine. Making sense? Because a lot of people are like, Mr. C is like, yeah, that needs settled. Could be settled before we see Mr. C on Friday.


Hello. Let’s see. Let’s see, 36 but 21 states a week.


I’m just reading so many of these things. I’ve not seen anything. Have you guys seen anything current? An audit for Fort Knox.


Is it already starting to like just spin out of the news cycle or people are forgetting it already? We have a horribly short memory here in the states. Yeah, T, I can tell you from my experience that the VA medical hasn’t skipped a beat like the lamestream media says. It’s fear mongering.


They want to convince you that Trump’s going after your Medicaid, that he’s going after your Medicare, that he’s going after Social Security. And all he’s trying to do is make certain we don’t lose those programs. He’s trying desperately to defend them and shore them up.


The opposite of what the press is telling you, but try to make sense of these. It’s getting tougher because of the way the screen set up for me to be able to go back and look at everybody else’s. Let’s see the price of gold.


Well, right now, the price of gold is and as of this morning, it is really, really making a run. We’re sitting at a 3041 record highs, silver up to 3432. Of course, it could have changed since I refreshed a little while ago.


Yep, we’re up 3038 for gold, silver 3421 right now and running. I was talking about how gold is valued for the US government right now, and it’s valued somebody sound off. It’s 3040 some bucks is what they say it’s worth, the gold we have.


And of course, we all know better than that because we know how much gold is worth. So if you let it go to market value, suddenly we have a lot more assets. Let’s see, Gary said, Mark, I haven’t noticed, but at the same time, the 18 page USSF document looks like they’re using Fort Knox as a false flag.


They could be. I mean, we’re going to go back. I know it’s a crazy talk, right? Grabbed the tinfoil hat.


But you said gold will break the Federal Reserve. Let’s see, Karen 2525. Could the narrative of financial crisis be setting us up for a market crash or a significant drop? Absolutely.


Jason, yeah, egg prices are finally dropping. Isn’t it crazy when you stop killing the chickens, let them grow up and lay eggs? I’m reading through so many of these. Liz Rice, morning, just been listening and reading.


Please keep me in your thoughts. Not life threatening, just living in a house full of Democrats. They get their news from The View.


Liz, I feel bad for you. Let’s see, Matt C. Sacks. As per Lillipad, CNN host Anna Navarro suggests that Donald Trump is less mentally fit than Joe Biden.


At least they’re finally beginning to admit that Joe Biden was not mentally fit. We’ll take that as a win. We’ll take that as a big win.


And Surfer, yes, they did. Gold will destroy the Fed. You’re about to watch the Fed be destroyed.


Are they going to destroy it through revaluing it so that the Treasury doesn’t need the Fed? Is it going to destroy the Fed when we find out how they’ve mismanaged it? When we do the audit or when we walk into Fortnite? What do you think? When it says gold’s going to destroy it, what do you guys, what’s your take? How’s it going to destroy it? I’m curious, curious to see what you guys have to say. Did you see Trump’s post saying Obama wasn’t an elected president? I have not seen that. But Trump has hit us with so many brutal truths in the last couple of days.


He’s really ratcheted up. He’s talking about how everything’s changing April 2nd. He’s gone out with the auto pen.


He’s like, no, we’re not going to honor all these things where we can’t even determine whether they’re supposed to be honored or who signed or who did. And he’s taking the absolute right approach because now they have to drag it all out in the open. He has gone completely scorched earth on this thing.


Let’s see. Jay, yeah, everybody’s going gold mining. I’m just, man, these, you guys are on it today in Pennsylvania.


The price has not dropped in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Note, gas only went down 10 cents while Whippity Doo’s still paying $3.44 a gallon and eggs are only certain, yeah, overall still coming down, but it needs to come down faster. Trump’s trying to deal with decades of runaway spending and an obscene move in spending under the Biden administration.


Yes, Nani, and there are many reporting that Hunter Biden signed his own pardon with his dad’s name, and it seems to match handwriting analysis from many on other documents with Hunter. Yeah, I’m with Sharon. I’m praying that the conversation with Putin goes well and that we get peace.


It’s because of the utterly worthless ferns, FRNs. Yeah, the fundamentals actually started, but they really, really kicked in in 71 when we went off of any kind of gold standard, and you can see what happened to your earning, your wage. It all went sideways.


Our cost to live went like this, but our purchasing power went like this. It went nuts in 71. RV Today, we were a bad boy on YouTube.


We get to go back Friday or Saturday. Remember how long we can stay on there. Qdrop was a reply on the board to a question.


Do we have the gold? Qdrop 2619. Yes, gold shall destroy the Fed. Let’s see.


Paul Guy thinks, I believe documents are found that show the gold was moved from Fort Knox, and we find out the Fed was hiding it, and then Trump moves it to Treasury. You think that I could buy that one? Let’s see. Remember, April 22nd is really the new year in Julian calendar.


Could the calendar flip? Who knows? Let’s see. Nugs Kronish, our constitution says the gold is the only foreign monetary systems for the people. Yeah, it specifically mentions, well, it says any state.


They can only coin, they can’t coin their own currency, only gold and silver. Yeah, I love that one. Doyle and Fort Myers judge, turn the plane around.


Trump said, ah, it’s international waters. Oops, too late. Jubilee and Goblin, it was good to see you over there.


Flying Squirrel, April 2nd’s a big date. My house, Moose and I will be married 35 years. Congratulations, when it’s time.


Yeah, all right. Let’s keep running. What else do you guys want to talk about this morning? Any questions you want to tackle? What are we looking at for the Dow? Down 159 points after the last two days, making substantial gains.


It’s going sideways. It’s skewing. Let’s see.


In the original agreement when they formed the Fed, an initial gold get out free card was agreed upon based on number of ounces. Yes, the original amount works out to like, I think, half a billion bucks. Wait, no, 500 billion, I think.


Is that correct? And today’s cost is all we actually have to pay back the Fed. And that’s about if we revalue gold to current values, that’s about all. I mean, that’s what we’d have.


We could go boom here. Bye. I’m with Surfer.


We’re watching the destruction of the deep state. Cute. Nothing can stop what’s coming.


You can’t stop it. It’s here on our time. And we get to watch it.


Loving it. You know, TP, I wonder how that works. So Trump cancels Secret Service for Hunter.


And of course, Hunter’s in South Africa right now. Country with some, well, not a great record for human rights. And he cancels it.


He had, what, I think like 18 active agents just to keep him out of trouble. How does it work? Do they just go, all right, take care, see you, pack your bags, fly home? Is there an interim period where they say, all right, in one week, we are leaving. You’re now on your own.


I wonder how they handle that one. I wonder how they, oh, before I forget, over at BioZox, they’re going to change how the discounts work. Still getting 25% off, but a lot of people were getting confused and sharing wrong links.


So make certain you have the right link for whichever influencer you want. My code to get 25% is just MZ25, MZ25 over at BioZox if anybody is interested, slash whatever. But remember, MZ25, MZ25 is that code.


I’m with you, Hank. Why do you need to pay back a debt that’s based on debt and fraud? It’s because you got to pay back just that initial amount. The rest, you don’t have to pay.


Trump did offer a sanctuary to the farmers that are being hunted and removed from South Africa. Let’s see, Jazzy, Mark, my woke daughter, informed me this weekend, mainstream media news is fake news. She asked if I knew that.


Duh, for years I’ve known. Oh, I mean, look, she’s finally doing a little waking up, right? PB, do I think the silver certificates that exist in fiat form or printed on money, theoretically, they’re not fiat form, but do I think they need to be exchanged? Yes, I do. I’ve been told over and over that each one on it represents a Morgan silver dollar, which is like 0.74, I think it is, of an ounce.


So if you add a five, you go five times 0.74 times whatever the value of silver is. At least that’s what I’ve been told. It makes sense to me.


Phillip, I hope we can exchange Boulevard soon. Isn’t it frustrating to be able to look and see a value and not be able to do anything about it? Not huge, but considerable. Sharon, they’re just going active with the MZ25 for the code now.


Look for if you see them. Jeremy helped do website stuff for us. So if you see somebody that says Freedom Forge in there, let them talk.


Let’s see, we should be able to cash to get a cash advance on CMKX after all these years. You would think we could, UFO. I mean, the money’s already been waiting for us for how long? Waiting for release.


Mr. Mayhew decided he didn’t want to risk it and made certain that they were paying us an asset-backed dollars. Hey, we finished everything early this morning. Let’s see, LKHud in September 11, 2001.


The Pentagon was supposed to announce NASERA that day. At 11 a.m., Daddy Bush took the Twin Towers. A lot of people have shared that.


A lot of plugged-in people have said the exact same thing. Let’s see, rooms in the basement without windows. Oh, I’m reading some of this stuff.


Yeah, Trump knows what’s going on, and he’s digging hard, fighting hard to expose. Let’s see, if anyone has questions about BIOZOX, use the contact form on the website. And yeah, Riley or Jeremy will get back to you.


I wonder, oh, how many Libs will be shocked at the JFK files? How many conservatives, Texas girly girl, are going to be shocked by the JFK files? When you find out the role that many Republicans, deep state people had in that operation, how many Republicans are going to be shocked and outraged? I’m talking about the Liz Cheney-slash-whatever-Brino crew. Think it’s a great awakening. We’ve already been watching it.


We see so many more people awake now than before. But I think we’re going to be surprised at just how much more waking up is going on. Hello, RW.


Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it on a false start or no start at all. Amen.


It’ll be good to get you back over to YouTube, RW. Libs will claim that the JFK files are fake. The only know-how to lie, I think you’re right, TP.


Sharon says the Epstein files are going to be more revealing. Which ones do you think are going to be the big groundbreakers? Jackie O, there’s a lot of research that says it’s possible. It’s one of those, I’m afraid to say anything after getting popped from YouTube.


Weird Noor, I’ll see if we can get Zester to come on and do a deeper dive this evening. I’ll see if he wants to know if we can do a deeper dive on the Bitcoin bill that was filed yesterday. All right.


Who’s doing birthdays? Just so I’ve got them when it’s time. Sound off. See who we’ve got coming up.


Let’s see. Jada Granite. Do I still believe that the nuclear plants in Iran have to be taken out? Yes, but I think they may already be taken out.


Or it could be like the weapons of mass destruction. Many of them didn’t exist. There were some, but many of them didn’t.


Gary, I think it’s very interesting that Hunter’s in South Africa. Has anybody asked why? Is it because of the tremendous amount of corruption that has gone through there? Is it because of sources, influence there? Why South Africa? You’ve got to ask yourself. You have to ask yourself that question.


If he could go anywhere else, because we know his penchant for a great lifestyle and all those good things, why South Africa? Can anybody make sense of it? Let’s see. Texas gal said rumors that Hunter’s wife’s from South Africa and they’re visiting family. Hey, see your dad Bill’s birthday.


Somebody talking about how rampant human trafficking is in South Africa. Oh, Machu 45 years, 45 anniversary, 45th anniversary. That is awesome.


Congratulations. Obama protections there. Sunflower saying that not just America, the JFK files will resonate around the world.


I’ll agree with you. Maybe Hunter’s a needle. I want to be.


Yeah. Sandhills, we are going to start putting some of the podcasts on X as well. South Africa is, I mean, it’s a beautiful country.


Just needs cleaned up. Hammock Epstein files will bring us straight to Israel. I believe you are correct.


And I believe it will expose CIA and Mossad. Q says Israel will be safe for last. I don’t expect Epstein files anytime soon unless we’re at the end and we get them.


Oh, here’s a word that you can’t say unless you want to be instantly removed. So I’m going to say it because of where we’re at. You want to get removed from Facebook, YouTube, anything.


You talk about harp and weather right now. It is become a trigger word to remove people from any of the, not any, most of the platforms right now. It is a word you can’t use.


If I were on YouTube today, that alone would probably be enough to have my video removed. Just saying harp and weather. Probably the most telling thing is not what you’re allowed to say, but what you’re not allowed to say.


And you’re not allowed to talk about treating diseases and you’re not allowed to talk about sound money. I mean, think about things you’re not allowed to talk about. We’re not allowed to talk about pedophilia.


They’ll start removing you, manipulating weather. They’ll start manipulating, removing you. Yet Ninja Mom just saying, if you say harp, WWG1W, where we, where one, where we go, where one goes, we all go, okay, I’m messing that one up.


But you got it. Jason just said, got banned from Facebook for using harp. I love Facebook jail.


Phillip is saying, Mark, what’s your gut saying? When do we get to the redemption centers to bring home cash? If I had a couple more answers from the bond side this morning, I’d feel better saying this. But if you asked me that question yesterday, I would say, I think we’re going to see bonds, settlements, all of them throughout March and somewhere towards the end of March or very beginning of April. I think is when currency people go just based on what I’m looking at.


It’s not based on what somebody’s told me, but somebody wanted my gut. So I gave it to you. Let’s see the most technological advance Iranian ship getting took out last night.


Makes me feel warm and fuzzy. It was a massive guys. Let’s see.


We’ve got an article somewhere here on it. Okay, there’s one on it. Fresh airstrikes target Houthis as Rubio promises no let up until shipping lanes are safe.


The Houthi rebels that are financed from Iran. Let’s see. They give a total number of targets on here.


Let’s see if I can get down to. All right, here you go. Rubio said that the Houthis had targeted US Navy directly 174 times and attacked commercial vessels 145 times in the past 18 months using guided precision anti-ship weaponry.


And they’re not kind of going after them. They’re going after them with tremendous prejudice as they are going after the Houthis. Now, yes, some innocent people have died in Yemen because of it.


A handful, which is fairly impressive considering the numbers and size of the strikes. Dave, yeah. In other words, where we should be using for them.


Now, I’m guessing that’ll get us removed from YouTube. Valerie, a lot of people have said that. Come over to YouTube and PP.


Well, PPNs. The problem is then you don’t get the revenue dollars that we try to use to help people in the community. So we stay for a reason.


Let’s see. I was listening to an interview yesterday. 107 talking about the weather.


And I was yelling at the radio screaming, right? Miss Trump, I didn’t say that at all. Maybe you guys shouldn’t ask my opinions because everybody takes it. Runs a totally wacky.


Runs any way they want to run with it. No, I think this is it. Let’s see.


Carolyn was talking all the Houthis yesterday. You’re going to see a lot of talking with them in the coming days. I’m with Wudan Food.


Wudan Food just said, I don’t believe anyone’s bringing home a pocket full of cash from their exchange would create gigantic security issues. I’ve been told over and over and over that they do not have cash sitting there for you to walk out with. You can go to another branch, go see the teller if you want to get some money out, but they’re not going to let you walk out of there with obscene stacks of cash for safety.


Wolfcat, appreciate having you as a monthly supporter. Spartan Roger, maybe I missed this, but when this happens, what happens to the value of dollars in banks and credit unions? They adjust to whatever the new note is for a, I’m told, a brief period of time you’ll be able to exchange them one to one. In other words, it would increase in value.


Trump appointed a new vice chair of the Federal Reserve. Proof the Federal Reserve is still open. Yeah, they’re supposed to just fold because there are certain jobs the Federal Reserve does that are going to be needed.


I’ve been told from day one that they would simply downsize it and then fold it into Treasury. Robo, South Africa has much natural beauty for a hunter to paint. That’s great.


Uh, why I’m going? Well, not really, Marla. I’m going to be at Doral at Trump’s resort there for a function. It’s like Charlie, myself, a bunch, a bunch of podcasters, influencers will be there.


It’s real easy to research. I just read a few. All right.


Fuzz, Wassy, I already did the gut today. A lot of people panicked. Too many of them panicked.


All right. We had the weather moving people. Wait.


We had the weather moving people announce on TV that they saved Queensland from Cyclone Alfred. Oh, I see what you’re saying. Yeah, we can’t do it.


But then they’re like, yeah, we did it and we saved you. I guess we’re going to call it a little bit short this morning. We’re going to go tonight.


I’ll see if I can get Zester on. I’m really, really planning on spending the day doing my best to get some kind of answer on the bond side. Did we get the movement that we’ve been expecting, that we’ve been waiting for, for today? So I’m going to chase, chase, chase, come back this evening at seven and see if I can learn more about the Bitcoin bill as well.


Zonya wants to know if I’m going to delete video after exchanges. Yes, I’m planning. All right.


That question is basically, am I going to remove my content from all the platforms leading up to it? Yes, most likely I will remove them, at least from YouTube. Just mass clean out stuff. Don’t worry.


I’ll still be here. We’ll still be doing these after. But I think for security reasons, yeah, I probably will.


For your security, for my security. Red Ryder, find out what’s under Fort Knox while I’m looking for stuff. Jubilant Goblin, I very much believe Bungie knows a true patriot.


I’ve just saw some more of those. All right. Hickey, no, we’ll be back on YouTube.


We’ve got a one week ban. We should be back Friday morning or Saturday morning. Mods, thank you so much for all the help.


Mick, yeah, a lot of videos out there talking about how well Vietnam’s doing. They’re not saying RV, but they’re talking about just how well it’s doing. To me, that is them laying the groundwork.


So when they do change value, people like, yeah, we’ve been doing, they’ve been telling us we’re doing so well. All right. That one’s it.


I’m going to say, wait, we’ve got Bill. Who else do we have on the birthdays? Going to sing, then I’m going to get busy and see what I can find between now and 7pm tonight. Dr. Feel, the final JFK assassination file set for release today may contain a private letter from Jackie Kennedy to President Lyndon Johnson after the assassination, along with missing conspiracy footage.


Oh, man, this could be a great day. Get ready. Buckle up.


Hopefully we’re going to learn a lot today. So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling.


May you live. May you love. Make all your dreams come true.


Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you.


To all those celebrating. I’m going to see you this evening at seven. Hopefully we get a lot to work with today.


Bye, guys.

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