War, Debt & $15K Gold: The Surprising Forecast | Robert Kiyosaki (Uncut) 01-31-2025
War, Debt & $15K Gold: The Surprising Forecast | Robert Kiyosaki
Kitco News special coverage of the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference is brought to you by Snowline gold Hey everyone, welcome back to Kitco News coverage here at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference a lot of buzz in the room And my next guest has a dire warning about the economy and a bold prediction for gold silver in Bitcoin Of course, he’s best known as the author of rich dad poor dad The number one personal finance book of all time our friend Robert Kiyosaki. Good to see you and congratulations. I love I appreciate that I appreciate that We had you on this show a year ago today and I went and I watched the tape yesterday and you were so Accurate about your calls.
I mean we were talking about Trump entering the White House He thought that was gonna happen. Here we are and as we’re at this show Donald Trump’s inauguration will take place. I wanted to talk though first.
Yeah, he invited me to his inauguration I knew it, but I’d rather be here. You would rather be here. I’m happier here.
Yeah, I don’t blame you So talk to me. I mean you’ve been coming to the show a very long time Robert But you’re also involved in the deals. I mean the community knows you what’s the market sentiment this year? Well, I think we’re gonna look at the bigger picture.
Yeah So I carry this around now. It’s a 1964 Kennedy half-dollar And right after that it went to the 65 and I was 17 years old 64 long before you were born and it went from silver to copper and That was Gresham’s law and Gresham’s law states when bad money enters a system Good money goes into hiding But it’s even worse than that is when bad money is in a system like the fake US dollars We’re printing a trillion dollars every hundred days now What happens when you print fake money? The people like us get richer people with assets get richer But the poor middle class what goes up to our expenses like chicken gets more expensive Gas gets more expensive housing gets more expensive. So when you print fake money, what Gresham’s law is saying Is that our homelessness is going to keep going? And people can’t afford to live these things, right? And the more they print this the fake stuff like this this here is trash to me Yeah, yeah, but the more they print that to cover our expenses The more our problems increase so fake money is causing huge problems But nobody says anything about this is what senior kids at school and learn nothing about money Well, I mean you can write a book like rich dad poor dad the fundamental since you writing that book is not really changed You know If you look at the actual mythology behind investing I mean, I’m curious because I was reading one of your recent posts on X and you said that this giant market crash is already here You know It’s gonna reshape the financial system really widen the gap of what you’re talking about between the rich and the poor is the middle class even existent Homelessness is going through drug abuse is going up.
I’m not Republican or Democrat, but you watch what a person does You know Trump put the wall up, but into the wall down. I mean I think he’s one of the biggest crop Biden’s one of the crimp that the biting crime family I call it and I know Donald Trump. I know I wrote two books with Donald He’s two sons and I had good friends and they’re good kids But you look at Biden hunter Biden a drug dealer different day Well, he’s part of their like size part in there.
Yeah, so Okay, let’s get back into that warning sign that you’re talking about because the market has been crazy I mean the S&P keeps going up and up and up NVIDIA. I know that you think we’re in for a correction Where are we at? What are the warning signs? We need to watch for let’s go back to them Go back to the start of it. Yeah 2008 this guy Bernanke Ben Bernanke Professor I don’t like professors He starts printing tons of fake money and he blew the world economy Into the everything bubble.
So everything’s in a bubble today So I wrote a book and it was a 2014 wrote Rich dad’s prophecy about the by the biggest stock market crash is coming. We’re in it right now There’s the S&P is about to collapse And when that happens, then all the baby boomers with 401k Social Security is bust Medicare is bust So that’s why I’ve always been a hard hard hard asset But do you think this wealth transfer you’re talking about right now, you know the rich getting richer We’ve seen Elon in the White House. I mean, is it is it going to continue to evolve? I mean, are we gonna get the middle class back or is the rich you’re gonna get just keep getting richer Yeah, you know this guy named Jordan Peterson He said you think tough men are bad way to see the damage a weak leader does and this guy Biden and Kamala They’re criminals.
They’re what look at what they’ve done. Not what they say Trump puts the wall up Biden drops the ball down Fentanyl use goes up. Yeah child trafficking goes up and then in the California today that guy Gavin haircut Newsom and That woman what her name is the mayor the black woman.
I know how incompetent are these Democrats? I love Republican or Democrat, but I’m saying yeah, you can’t find worse people than that Yeah, I mean in the face of what you’re seeing in California. It’s so devastating. I mean I Don’t even know how they’re gonna rebuild at this point, but that would be some considering a wealth transfer in itself, too.
Yeah, I Can’t believe what’s happening So that’s why gold and silver. I like Bitcoin. Yeah, because it’s got integrity This has integrity this but definition of integrity is it holds its shape See this holds its shape and that’s why I like it.
It’s real. So talk to me a bit of Bitcoin I was watching our last tape from last year. You said you had 66 Bitcoin you’re holding now We have new all-time highs.
Of course, we just reached a hundred and four thousand when we were speaking You buying more I have 85 now. Okay, I’m not I shouldn’t say that. Yeah, maybe not I buy it I buy gold and silver I’m a big I’m a silver buff.
That’s why I hold this because I think this And so let’s say This I Hold this up for people in my talks, which would you rather have the $20 bill or this half dollar? Yeah They always choose this so interesting But my business is my prediction This goes to $70 Is that what I was gonna ask you because I mean you recently posted on X silver is gonna take off Supply low demand up by now before the price of silver goes up What will be the driver to get silver to that $70 mark? Well, it’s awesome. I’m an investing on lithium. Yeah It’s solar and you know people are shifting to so I now drive a SUV with We called it Evie.
I like okay. No hybrid. No catalytic converter for you But I also have gas car I own gas oil well, right But that he is a nice car You were talking a little bit last year when we had you on about you know Obviously with the Biden government taking back any drilling permits.
We’ve saw the price of oil go through the roof Trump coming in with that new pro energy policy America first. I mean, is it gonna be drill baby drill? What’s your anticipation? Let me flip it on you. Okay America is a Saudi Arabia of debt So while Saudi Arabia prompts oil We pump death throughout the world, which is why Kitco is so important why we really want more things that are real So as you drill a baby drill, but what are they printing? Yeah, I’ll say it again.
This is what saddens me When you print money We get richer but the poor middle class get poor because chicken and eggs get more expensive So we have this homelessness problem and then Biden drops the wall Fentanyl, I think that took out 300,000 or 30,000 people last year And most of our homeless is either Can’t afford it or they have drug problems where they’re mentally ill So I’m not Republican or Democrat. I’m glad my friend Trump won What are these guys doing to our country? Well, what is your friend gonna have to deal with now taking the keys this week? I mean what kind of a White House and economy is he going into is he gonna be able to come and save the day? I don’t know. I met with Vivek’s partner His name is Derek Darren Derek teach This guy Vivek is a smart guy What they’re fighting against is woke Entering the financial markets So Vivek is fighting these guys like Blackrock when they go into the well You have to have ESG you have to have woke principle, right? If you don’t have woke principles who won’t give you your money So Vivek his group They went after our Starbucks And they said you’ve got to stop giving away Free food and toilets and all this he says you must look out for a shareholder equity So Vivek is a hard guy on Sound money sound stock markets and all that.
So that’s what Trump’s bringing. Yeah. Yeah the best minds I mean some would argue you get the top leadership in there going in and at least advising him It’s not his first time to town with a load of wood this time around right? He knows what to expect Your view on the US dollar hasn’t changed I mean obviously fiat is not what you’re about but has anything surprised you in this De-dollarization trend of 2024.
I mean Bitcoin to a hundred thousand kids buying gold for the first time I mean people are waking up and there’s a Trump dollar now. What do you think of that? It’s a joke. Oh, I mean the market back to real.
Yeah, let me give the definition of integrity Is it holds its shape this holds its shape this is toilet paper That’s the problem But you’ve always had the you’ve always been more of a Bitcoin advocate You’re not doing the meme coins the Trump coins nothing. I’m not smart enough Yeah, but people are I mean it had the market cap of occidental petroleum in 12 hours. I mean, it’s it’s fascinating So there’s obviously liquidity still in the market.
Are you worried that the people buying? These are buying it with their last dollars, I mean what happens when that I just said I was showing this guy Bitcoin That day it dropped 30,000 bucks, you know something like me And I said you shouldn’t buy Bitcoin. No volatility through the roof, but the ROI has been there I mean look at the returns this year. Has anything surprised you on the gold front? I mean Continues to be resilient this year.
Are we gonna see 3,000? What’s your price outlook for gold? Gold is I think I think I like what Jim records says 15,000. Okay, and What I liked was Jim Rogers who was so as his partner He just dumped his stocks and he’s buying silver So a lot of times the hard paper guys in the paper asset guys like stocks. That’s a p500 Are going hard hard hard metals right now Integrity means it holds its shape This holds its shape and I see homelessness because this is in the system.
Yeah fake money where Gresham’s laws in the system You know, you’re talking about paper and some would argue. I mean, we’re at a mining conference, right? We’d still need to get in the ground and get some of this metal out of the ground Are you looking at investments here as an opportunity for that? Of course? How big of an opportunity is that because we haven’t been able to put a lot of you know holes in the ground Well, I I bought Bitcoin at 6,000. I thought I was late I was early, you know, and the reason you come to a VR I see it could kill here Is this aware the real entrepreneurs are I love that? Everybody’s got a deal, you know, Vancouver to me is the capitalist city of the whole America Everybody’s got a deal here, you know, if you’re at S&P 500 puke don’t come here Yeah, you come here because you want to find the hottest new deal coming up and precious metals Just watch the Federal Reserve Bank keeps printing money This is the place to be because as they print money what’s going on here at VR.
I see gets more valuable Yeah, this is rail. This is fake. Our national debt is about thirty six thirty six point three trillion dollars Growing every day.
I have a quiz for you smart guy if I printed One dollar a second or I spent a dollar a second. How long would it take me to spend a trillion dollars? Oh God now you have me doing some math here on the air a long time Oh, I’m second over here one second 60 seconds in a minute 24 hours 20 years Thirty one thousand six hundred eighty eight years That’s from Andy Sheckman. No kidding.
No check and he’s a smart boy. Yes. We’ve had Andy on the show He’s always telling me the little bits and puts reality 31,000 688 years to spend a trillion dollars at a second a dollar And we print a trillion dollars every hundred days That’s why you should be here not in the S&P 500.
That’s interesting You know I had an analyst on yesterday and we were talking about how for American buyers coming to the market because the value of the Canadian dollar is so low buying these stocks right now You’re also getting a little exchange bump as well I mean you can really go up and pick up some haircuts and some sales here at the show. Well, you want to be early My rich son always said to me your profits made when you buy Not when you sell Interesting. See I come here to a VRIC and I listen to your show all the time because I want to be early not late My biggest concern not the only concern with the baby boomers Were the first generation of the 401k or our RSP in Canada? And they’re loaded with S&P 500 stocks, you know the magnificent seven and all that other garbage How much gold have you got how much silver have you got how much Bitcoin have you got they’re all stacked in paper Yeah, and as I said when Bernanke blew this economy into a bubble And it’s coming down right now as we speak.
Let’s talk about what your friends gonna have to do here I mean coming into the economy Is he gonna have to keep printing money put some stimulus in it? No one wants a bad market their first year. I Feel for him. Yeah, I He’s a good man with two books with him his sons are great kids, but then this fire breaks out and he was just on YouTube saying we’re on the verge of World War three So Jordan Peterson another Canadian this is if you think tough men are dangerous See the damage a weak leader can do Biden and Kamala Harris.
I’m not Republican Democrat. They’re a weak. Yeah.
Well, this is the problem I mean all year we’ve had this data released by the Fed who works with that administration And then they come out months later and revise it and say oh a million jobs disappeared Don’t worry nothing to worry about is the transparency that Trump is talking about Governing the United States. Is it going to come to fruition? Is he going to be transparent about this stuff and start showing people what’s actually taking place? Trump is early. You should see some of the tweets.
He came up with what it acts as whatever they call it He was warning about the California fires Trump was saying you better clear that stuff out and here it is So, you know Trump is prescient. You can see the future. Yeah, and some half I’m more confident him than Hunter Biden Yeah, no kidding.
Okay, so everything we talked about the market crash, you know this economy that’s propped up on debt Obviously a bullish case for gold in silver. Is there one of the metals that you’re more bullish on? I mean, is it a silver moment? We didn’t really see it take off like gold last year Silver is about to take off because silver but I just look at the smart guys Yeah, like I love Jim Rogers and I love Jim records And so records is bullish on gold. But when Roger said he was selling his S&P 500 to buy silver That’s not a sign from God.
I don’t know what it is. Yeah, because I’m a silver buggy you right about this supply and demand issue I mean, you know supply low demand up. Is that is that what’s driving these middle prices? Do you think some people say that that’s just a you know, it’s not actually the case There’s a lot of silver out there in the market We could see $50 silver this year you’re saying I’m predicting 7 to 7 All right.
I’m a very I’m very bullish on so but the reason is because Silver is also a strategic metal. Yeah, and as Trump is saying we might be in the verge of war That means a demand for silver goes up as Andy Schickman says every Tomahawk missile has nothing 14 pounds of solver in it or something It’s every time they fire a rocket. It’s gone So it’s a strategic Military metal.
Yeah, you were talking was speaking of strategic military metals Copper is one as well and you were talking about, you know back in 64 going to 65 when they came off that silver standard Are you bullish on the copper front? I mean you mentioned lithium. What else are you looking at in the commodity space? I stuck with what I know and I’ve been saving this stuff since I was a kid. I have pennies I’ll tell you the story as I save all of these 65 I went to that fake fake metal.
So I saved all of these Silver coins you call it what dirty metal or whatever? And a whole bag of it. I went to school in New York. I’m living in Hawaii It’s a school in New York.
I came home. I said hey Bob Where’s my bag of money she goes I spent it But I was a kid, you know, yeah That’s the problem with rich people and poor people Rich people know what’s real poor people don’t That’s the difference. This is fake money.
This is real money. It has been for thousands of years. Yeah, it’s not going anywhere Okay, I’ll leave you with this one because we’re at this show What is the advice you give to people, you know The baby boomers the ones that are worried even the middle class who just don’t have enough money to go and buy eggs at the current prices How do they get ahead this year Bitcoin silver gold? I? Really don’t know.
Yeah, it’s late You know always remember your profits been when you buy Not when you sell so I think silver as you know used to be 50. It’s still only about 30 So it’s still like 40% under a market value So I’ve been a silver bug for years and years and years And what Andy Sheckman says that’s like 14 pounds of the stuff in every Tomahawk rocket. I became a believer again.
Totally totally I’m afraid we’re going to war. Yeah, do you think that Trump will come in and change that? I mean, he’s trying to get some ceasefires happening Little more strong man. Yeah, we need a strong leader Biden’s a weak leader and that’s that’s a Jordan Peterson’s if you think tough men are dangerous, but you see the damage a week They’re gonna do look at this guy Gavin Newsom in California and that other his cohort the mayor Where is she during the fire? She’s in Ghana doing a PR tour.
What is wrong with these dumb? I’m not Republican or Democrat you but I mean somebody has to be accountable for it Sam Altman was recently on X He has open AI and I thought he had an interesting tweet because he gave a million dollars to the Trump Inauguration fund and the Senate came after him trying to figure out and he put out on Twitter He said it’s funny when I donated the same million dollars to the Democrats. I never received one of these letters So maybe a little bit of change happening in Washington right now. I Don’t think we have a choice The mark is gonna dictate, you know, the market decides And like I said, I’m wearing the verge of war.
I went to Vietnam twice I don’t like what I see. I had dinner last night with a guy from Ukraine That’s tragic. Oh, and then what Biden did he fired rockets? Into Russia killed Russian troops He’s so Trump has got to be a strong man Completed I hate war, but he’s got a clean.
He’s got tighten up. So And look at China man, they have our rare earths and all this it’s all hard Assets and you’re investing in them right here. Robert Kiyosaki, of course It’s best known as the author of rich dad poor dad again number one personal finance book in history.
Always a pleasure my friends 25 how many languages? 50. Oh my gosh, Robert Kiyosaki. Thanks, my friend.
Appreciate your time I’m Jerry seven for all of us here at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference and Kitco news Of course, we’ll have great coverage coming all week long some top-notch guests Stay tuned hit the like button Kitco news special coverage of the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference is brought to you by snowline gold