Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ Evening (Uncut) 02-25-2025

Evening News with Dr. Scott Young and MarkZ. 02/25/2025

This is a test. Hello all, I’m still not a big fan of that new music, but wait a minute guys, I got extra things playing, give me just a minute. Um, let’s see here.


Kick, we got it working, but it’s going on in the background, so I’m trying to stop it. All right, this is annoying. So sorry guys.


All right, I got it figured out now, now I can get back to it. All right, that was, that was distracting. Elevator music, that’s exactly what it is.


Hello, Angelina. How are you? Get everybody else up here. Hello, Texas girly girl.


Hello, TP, turd, fur, towboat, whip. Hello, sissy and sassy and young at heart. Yes, but now that I have Kick working, we’re experimenting right now.


I will probably not activate Twitch in the morning, so enjoy it. Hello, Mr. Soba. Esther, it’s good to see you in the house.


We do, guys, we’ve got a pretty packed schedule this evening, so I’m going to go pretty quickly, which we can. We can start starting earlier because we won’t be waiting for the Twitch ads, which will be nice. So we’re just going to go ahead and hit it, and then I’m going to go ahead and get Dr. Scott in, and then the mushroom ladies.


I’m looking forward to it. All right, let’s just go ahead and dive in with some news. After the announcement of the census results, economists are current problems are incomparable to what will happen in 10 years.


What are they saying? The Iraqi government makes a little more sense than the US government. They take a look at their accurate census and do the math. Are we going to have jobs? Are we going to have infrastructure based on the age? Where are they going to be in 10 years? The answer is they have to grow industry.


They have to grow non-government jobs, or they’re going to have 34% unemployment because they have too many young people, which means those young people are going to need jobs, which means they’re going to have to invest in their future. I love this thinking. Can we not get some of this common sense thinking here in the States? It’s great to see somebody considering fundamentals again.


Pretty cool. Under the patronage of the prime minister, sign an agreement to rehabilitate four fields in Kirkuk with a British company. Here we go, guys.


This is one of the keys. One of the reasons we lost value was over Kirkuk. One of the reasons we’ll be gaining value is over Kirkuk.


These are huge international. These companies would not be spending billions of dollars if they didn’t believe there was going to be some value there. All right.


Household debt balances continue steady increase. Delinquency transactions remain elevated. What does this mean? This is from your own Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


Well, if you can call it ours. Not certain we can really call it ours because it’s, well, not really a bank. But anyways, let’s just ignore that part.


It’s giving you the fundamentals, guys. We are massively in debt. To give you an idea of just how far in debt Dr. Scott did send some pretty fun stuff.


Let me see if I can find these for you. Move these over here. Still get a kick out of this one.


I can’t wait to share it with you guys. It’s just absolutely epic. All right.


Let’s have a bit of fun first. Yep. Hi, Pete.


Did he regret to say that I just can’t take this cruel world anymore? It appears that he’s sitting at the desk writing his suicide letter. Okay. Anybody else find that funny? I thought that was hilarious.


I thought that was downright epic. I don’t know where Dr. Scott found that one, but I love it. All right.


On a different note, I know I’m ripping through these things. This one is really interesting because it tells you how much we need to reset. Global debt reaches $315 trillion.


Guys, do you have any idea where that’s going to come from? 2016, it was 221T. Can you see the trajectory that we’re on? Reset, reset. I love how this is working.


All right. Where am I at? This is where it’s time to slow it down, talk about bonds. I’ve had quite a few bond check-ins today.


They are being given their schedule for payouts this week. They are being told to expect their payouts where they fit as payments start. I got a number of sources telling me they were told they would get their spot in line for this week tomorrow on that schedule.


I’m very excited. It appears that bonds are indeed moving forward. No, I do not have somebody with dollars yet, but I have so many confirmations that what was done today was to arrange where they fit in the payment process to start immediately.


I’m going to take that one as a great one. I’m awfully excited about it. I’ll be more excited once I find out their schedules tomorrow and know what to expect.


It was very fruitful, all the updates that they received. That one felt good. Now, let me slow down just a minute and add Dr. Scott in here because I know I’ve just been on a rip.


Trying to maximize the time tonight, Dr. Scott. How are you doing? Cross-eyed. How are you? I know the feeling.


I’ve been that way for a while. Taking off for a trip to Dallas. We’ll just be gone for a couple of days.


That’s why we’re doing it a little bit early so we could answer some of your questions with that too. Which is a great thing. Did you see that the acting IRS commissioner steps down citing just didn’t want to work with Doge? Listen, that’s the acting one? Is that the dude that Trump put in or he’s the one from Biden? I couldn’t tell.


Let’s see. Well, unfortunately, this one’s going to be behind the paywall. If I understand it, the acting one already stepping down because the one before that was put in by Biden had already stepped down.


Yeah. I don’t think Trump would have put one in for a short period of time with that too. Happy birthday, Gigi.


Happy birthday, Gigi. I wish we’d known earlier for when we were singing. Oh, before I forget, extra prayers.


My buddy Rudy is having a surgery, a muscle reattached. Probably nothing to worry about, but just wants the extra prayers. All right.


I got a really fun one for you that I’m certain you’re going to have an opinion on, Dr. Scott. Secret transgender sex group uncovered operating within the U.S. intelligence services over at the NSA. Yeah, you can’t make this one up.


Yeah, they had all kinds of fun stuff in their two different chat rooms they had set up on our government servers. Let’s see. Rufo shared on Monday via X that employees from the NSA, Central and CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency discussed top topics like, well, genital castration, artificial vaginas, urine fetishes, sex polycules.


Oh, I had to look that one up. And gang bangs through a service called Intel Link, a chat system that is supposed to be used for government work. The federal fetishes have never, nevertheless, used two channels in Interlink related to pride and LGBT identity in order to discuss the obscene sexual behaviors.


Like, what the hell? Can’t you come to work and be professional? I mean- Well, there is a there is a strong push on a little bit on Twitter and a lot on TikTok, just interesting kind of thing over the last week or two. And then also on legacy media that are pushing out, you know, oh, these poor workers who have been let go. And I mean, you know, so I’m kind of going, wait, what do you do there? And the answer is they screw around or, you know, and then I have a person, Trina, a good friend of yours and ours.


And she said she has a she’s a friend or something like that. It has only been at her at some agency and was let go because she’d only been there for a year or so. And the response is, and I guess my response is that as a private business owner, when I look at things and I had to do this in December, when I look at things and I go, this isn’t working, we have to make a change, you know, I’ll be I’ll be quick to let go of someone in that in that way.


It’s hard as all get out to do. But, you know, I at least will get to it at that point. Whereas in the government, they could have 18 people, you know, in there doing a job and only two people needed to do it.


So what are they really ever doing, is the question I have. Now, I’m with you now. I saw this one, Apollo Beach Bum.


Do you hear Trump selling gold cards to wealthy people who want to invest and work in America? Five million bucks each. They bypassed the green card, said they will make enough to pay off the debt. You know, we are one of the few countries that does not have an investment, an investment visa or an investment citizenship.


It is very standard around the world where if you have somebody with resources that can pass the background checks, etc. So it’s not like you’ve got some crook from wherever paying to come in. These are legitimate wealthy people that would like to be a citizen and work in many of these countries for benefits or taxes or whatever.


So I kind of applaud that. I don’t know about you guys. I know it sucks for somebody that doesn’t have it.


But the Republican Party really needs to lean into immigration reform. Sorry about the distraction. That’s okay.


Gary Seven says, what should the tax accountants need to do so they’re more prepared for Nomura IRS? And such a great question, Gary. I’ve said over and over again, first off, accountants, these tax accountants, and there are people who are tax accountants and bookkeepers and all kinds of different roles or auditors. Listen, we’re going to need all of these people.


But listen, if something was in Mark’s industry, and whether he liked it or disliked it, and it was actually directly affecting his industry, shouldn’t he know about it? Even if he didn’t necessarily believe it was going to happen, he should at least have a clue about that. And I actually said that in front of a whole bunch of college kids that were all going to be audiologists. And there was two main issues that are happening in my field.


And I said, what’s your response to that? And they said, I’ll have one. I said, it’s your job to have a response whether you agree with it or not. And we have tax accountants walking around and they haven’t even prepared anything.


And the IRS stuff is obviously drying up. So the simple thing is start thinking through. I actually have a video that will be on Wednesday that’s talking about financial planners.


If you would just think a little bit, you might come up with a good answer. Yeah, I knew this one was going to be an interesting one. Rich people should not have that advantage.


I guess look at it a different way. They can make it the regular way. It just takes longer.


The difference is they bring more jobs when they come. These are people that are probably already going to pursue citizenship. And we definitely need a way to level the playing field.


In an ideal world, we’d have a balanced budget and you wouldn’t need it. But think of every one of those that annoys you that comes in and shouldn’t have that advantage. They are taking how much tax… What’s the word I’m looking for? Each family or whatever based on the number of people in America, they’re all responsible.


I forget what the number is now. It’s like 20 grand a person you’re born with in tax debt. Think about all those people when they come in that no longer have that burden to pay down the debt.


So you got to look, you got to do like so many things in business. You got to do the costs, the benefits, and you got to weigh… The ROI, yeah. Yeah.


You just got to look at them like dispassionately to a large degree and say, okay, does it save a lot of families that are here a lot of undue strain, stress? So you just got to weigh and measure it and then make grown up decisions. But it is… This is a good one. I think… And I get it.


I’m not a huge fan of it either, but I see its effectiveness. Sorry about that. This is a good one.


It’s been brought up about two or three times. Susan says, last secret service agent that leaped onto the back of the JFK limo died today. I was just asked about this same thing too.


What’s your response to that? Well, it’s interesting timing. At the same time, look at the age. It could absolutely just be coincidence.


I mean, the fellow was what? I think it was 87. I think that’s what’s being reported. So I don’t want to read too much into it because some things are just, well, what they seem to be.


It’s curious timing with the release of that information that is expected any day now. And I am… Yeah, I’m with so many others. I’m tired of hearing it sitting on the desk.


Oh, I’ve got it on my desk. Oh, we’re going through it. No, no, get it out.


Right. This is one that they need to speed up if they want us to trust them. Promises made, promises kept.


Keep the promise, give it to us. And we do, guys. We have to demand those things.


I know it seems like we’re petulant children, but if we’re ever going to reestablish faith in government, the government needs to do what it says it’s going to do. And it does feel like there is a timing in the back of their mind. They’re pushing this over and over again.


Yeah, Laurie, I totally agree. There’s no coincidence. As I was asked about this today, I said, do you think that the Pope is dead? I said, how many times has he been dead? I mean, the same thing we had with Jimmy Carter.


Why haven’t we seen the audit yet? Fort Knox audit hasn’t happened. Is this Trump giving… I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that last little part. I didn’t do it fast enough.


That’s okay. I was moving too quickly. But what do you think? Is he giving time to restock the gold? In other words, did he throw it out there purposely giving them a chance to get it back where it goes before they pay the price? Or do you think he got… I postulized this morning that perhaps he did it on purpose to give them time to watch them panic and start moving large amounts of gold, because he can see where it’s all hidden at that point, because they’re going to panic and start moving things.


And I think that’s a very plausible idea. I think a secondary plausible idea might be, now we’re just going to start talking about the gold-backed currency. And I had a question today of a friend of mine, and he was like, well, what’s the deal with the gold at Fort Knox? And I was like, well, first off, I don’t think that there’s ever… I mean, I don’t think there’s been gold at Fort Knox for generations.


I mean, I don’t know how long. And it backs up investments at the banks. So it’s basically… I think it’s putting under the gun the banks, which in essence, the central bankers.


And yet, I don’t think they have any control over that money right now. I think the gold is super set in different areas of this country and other countries, and you could never find it in a million years. I don’t believe it personally, but that’s me.


I’m just enjoying reading some of the comments. That’s probably one of the best things about having you on here, when you do join us, is giving me a chance to be distracted with comments and seeing what people are talking about. Yeah, I’m pretty certain you’re right, surfer.


To me, the fact that they are not knee-deep in us, have not gone after us, shows me that call them white hats, call them whatever, we are clearly winning, or they would not be suffering through… Dan Bongino is a deputy director, Cash Patel, Pam Bondi, they would not be suffering through this if they were winning. If the dark hats or the black hat, whatever you guys want to call them, the cabal, if they were winning, you would not be seeing this. To me, that means we’re making great strides.


Let’s see, Corvette Kid wants to know if we have any thoughts on post-RV interest rates that could be available for us. Many in this room are older and would be of interest, pun intended. Yeah, many of them will be interested in the interest they could earn.


I do have… Dr. Scott, I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a couple of people that are professionals now that have been getting some training on what our platforms may look like after this for platform trading. These are for people of wealth. I think even now, the cheapest platform you can find is like 400 grand and you can earn crazy interest rates, 30%, 40% per year safely insured, stuff like that or more, which is nuts and crazy, but those things are going to be available and they’ve expressed interest after the fact coming on board and having those discussions.


They don’t want to talk until there’s money in accounts and I don’t blame them. No need to kick all the tires on the lot. I kind of suspect that interest rates might be a lot lower than we think.


The reason why, if interest rates, when you have a high debt situation where the economy is in debt, for instance, in the early 1980s and late 70s, interest rates on credit cards were 18, 19%. So the interest rates that you would give in a savings account was what, six, seven, eight, 10% kind of crazy numbers. I kind of expect interest rates might be quite a bit less.


And frankly, you’re going to have to give permission or permission level capabilities on any bank account before an interest rate can be done, which means that they’re taking that money and utilizing it for their own benefit to make an interest rate on and giving some of that, some portion of that back to you. So if you’re making 5%, they better be making seven or 8% at least on their money so that they can actually have a reason to do it and pay the people to move that money around. And that’s something to remember when you sign up for something that earns interest, you are signing up for a discretionary account, meaning they can move your money.


They have access. Your money is now their money and they will pay you for getting to use your money. That’s the interest you earn, but it also comes with the risk.


Go ahead. We didn’t answer the question about the rate or the RV. Why does that have to start in Iraq? And I don’t think it necessarily does.


I mean, we focus on Iraq because Iraq is easier to note because of the times that, for instance, what is it, like 91 and then different times over the years where Iraq’s economy was really good. They came in and they RV’d it out on a reverse level. Whereas the reality I think that happens, it’s not just saying Iraq where we always like to think about it.


And, you know, that’s trying to, you know, give people looking at it in a very different light. I think that there has to be a rate for almost all of the currencies out there. Now, does that mean that they will happen in the first basket for every single tiny currency out there? If there is a, you know, some level of exchange might not be.


Okay. I don’t know that for sure, but I would, I would suspect that they already know what those rates are. And so I think it comes from a military standpoint, from a, you know, from a Trump standpoint and saying, let’s set the, set the number and it’s set.


And then it’s all set for all of the different ones out there. Just my thought. Um, that, that kind of makes sense.


Urgent news circulating from Iraq. Hadi al-Amiri and Fala al-Fahda were arrested by an American force and were intended to escape from. Ooh, that’s a probably a lot of scared people running right now on the corruption side, all around the globe.


I mean, it really is. They’re coming all over. Oh, Chris K. Don’t tease me.


First arrest Comey or maybe Schiff. All right. I feel properly teased.


And, uh, before I spend any more time typing and making noises, it does not appear that emojis are slowing the feed over on kick. I’d kind of like you to folks used all they wanted for a day or two when we’re using it. Just see if it stays smooth or if it changes once we have more people live over there.


So I’m kind of curious. So mods over on the kick side, please do not bust them down over emojis. Cause I want to see how it behaves considering an experiment.


All right. Now let’s, uh, put this one up. Uh, peace finder.


That is much appreciated. All right. Now back to you.


Yep. So I’m just looking at any questions there. Okay.


U.S. Black Hawk hell helicopters landed in, uh, not enough job. Sorry. Airport today as special forces stormed in with cameras, snapping pics of the entrance exits and VIP lounge, even the bathrooms.


I think that’s going to be happening worldwide on a lot of levels and just, and yet some of that stuff has already already happened. I think, uh, so that’s, I think this is the public part. This isn’t the high behind the doors where they were slowly catching people working on them or whatever.


I think, I think we’re, what we’re watching there is the public portion of these before the release. That’s what I think we’re watching. Uh, CJ mama, Barry said, uh, when a blank percentage of bondholders get spending money, uh, to fund the tier four B notifications, this is a question Mark.


And you know, what we’ve heard and not necessarily, yeah, they have to have spendable money. That first one to 10%, um, is about 30% of them. Um, and, and that’s kind of the number that we hear a lot.


Um, it’s like we’re watching Kentucky Derby. Yeah, they’re all lined up. They’re all ready.


We’re just waiting for the starting pistol to go. He’s so much faster reading than I am. I mean, I just, I’m jealous.


I don’t know if it’s always a good thing. I can’t do it as fast as you are. I’m like, oh my gosh, you can’t do it.


Um, any comment on holding a currency and wise accounts? I have thought about that a lot. I mean, you know, I know people have different electronic means for their accounts. I don’t know how that’s going to happen.


Um, I mean, I, I have a funny feeling. What that does is, is there might be some level of, of rate, but some people, you can buy them for super cheap, the different currencies. Are they going to be at the same price? I don’t know.


Uh, so that’s, that’s a hard one to, to say. And since you can’t take your cell phone in there and, and show them your, your stuff, how would you be able to do that? I don’t know. I don’t know how it’s going to work.


Um, here’s one for you. What do you think, Dr. Scott? Do you think there will be a time we will need to wait until the dust settles after it all goes with the reset before we start humanitarian projects? Do you think there’ll be a short delay as, uh, they let prices settle, whatever? I mean, there’s going to be a short delay just for execution of humanitarian projects. What I have heard and some of the research my wife and I’ve done, my wife’s done a little bit more on the, on that particular area that I have, but I would say this is, um, you, you know, you’re pitching a project.


Okay. And, and, you know, like, uh, just keep thinking about Mark’s project, right? He’s, and I’m using the term lightly here, the taco trucks for the inmates. Okay.


So in essence, you know, he wants to be able to make some people, um, self-sufficient in essence. Um, what that is, is a, is basically a problem statement. Okay.


This is what you would, he would set it out of, and, and he might have some information and some basic numbers, but then you have to have, um, you know, whatever you might call them, humanitarian specialists or whatever you might call them, you’re going to have to have people who are going to have to do full on written projects. So whether they’re, you know, they’re, they’re through treasury or whatever, they’re going to have people who are going to look at those projects and say, okay, yes, we tacitly agreed to that one, but now we got to write it up. And so now has to have a big proposal.


And once the proposals written up with all the figures for his taco truck idea, um, and how many people he wants to do it and what area, what area could he do that in? You know, are there other people saying the same thing? Do we include him on a project with other people who are doing the exact same idea on and on and on? Or do we set it regionally that could take three months at least, you know, so don’t expect projects to like float out there like a week or a week or two later, you know, you might get a tacit approval, but it takes time to work up those projects with that too. That’s kind of my take. I’m not too worried that they have to give us a delay because just the simple logistics of putting stuff in place is going to require time.


Um, if you’re looking for like an instant style, um, humanitarian project, be prepared to go out and get debit cards for when you see a family in need, just some prepaid cards, something like that. You’re trying to make a difference locally. Just think, just think through the logistics, what helps right then with immediate needs and then move from there.


All right, cat. She’s taking over my mouth again. Patricia asks a question.


Uh, would you pay off all of your debts with the RV or wait for an Asara to start up? Listen, I mean, it’s, it’s my personal belief, Scott, you know, I, I know Mr. C is a little bit like this, but, um, when we move into a Goldback currency and the QFS is on, the debts are already gone. I I’ve had people go, I’m going to pay off my house and I’m going to pay off the car and I’m going to pay in like, okay, can you hold on just a half a second? Uh, you know, so the RV occurs, which means in essence, the Goldback currency and the Goldback situation is in play and the QFS is available, you know, through, you know, through all the accounts, which means they’re QFS compliant, right? So would you pay off your debts? I wouldn’t pay anything off. I would be watching what they’re doing.


Um, it’s not going to hurt you to wait a week or two, you know, through it. And, and you might look at your debts and it might take time for the websites to go, you know, to be updated, but, um, I’m not, I’m not looking to change those things at all. What, why do I want to, why do I want to have in essence, if I, if I owed on a house and making up numbers, $150,000 on a house and I owed that much still, why would I want to give them $150,000 and then try to get that money back since it’s already been paid off? Right.


It’s a lot of confusion, a lot of timeframe. I just wouldn’t, I just wouldn’t spend a moment time looking at that stuff and worry about that. If a rack goes at 322, what are the chances we get a lower rate at 76? Um, only get the right, you know, the reality is what, what Mark is talking about, and this is, you know, Mark’s kind of statement is that’s the street rate in essence.


Okay. Is there a, or a front screen rate? Is there a back screen rate? And, and he’s not willing to get into that, you know, and he doesn’t know it either. Um, is it lower? I don’t think so that the, the back screen rate has to be a higher rate than the front screen rate.


Okay. And it only goes for a short period of time. Mark does a really good job at talking about this.


It has to go on for a short period, what two weeks, and then they have to flip the currency of the new Iraqi dinar into a one-to-one with everyone else. So, um, it’s never going to be lower in essence from that front screen with it too. Yeah.


People are going to be crazy spending money, um, occupied with a new life before the humanitarian project takes off. And there’s going to be people, by the way, and Mark just said, you’re going to want to be able to help. Well, that’s why you have a trust team and you’re going to list off what they need, right? So you’re going to want to go and say, Hey man, I want to help, you know, Joe out.


Great. Start looking at all the processes out there and you know, that Joe might need, and then you’re going to, you know, tell that trust team, go and do that. And, and you know, you should have the money to be able to do some of that stuff to help them out, but be careful.


Right. And, and, you know, be careful at looking at that. So you might want to be spending some of your own money and then, you know, get refunded back from the humanitarian team.


Just a thought. Um, I know some people are looking at that as, as well as an idea. Yeah.


Cat problems. She knocked my glasses out of my hand. She was like, that looks like fun.


A lot of people guys, I mean, think about it. We want to do humanitarian projects, but there are many out there that want to do great humanitarian projects that don’t have solid or safe or consistent housing right now. Right.


I mean, there are plenty that do as well, but I mean, there can be, most people are going to need to take care of their own house and family first and then start helping others. And guys don’t feel guilty for that. No, I mean, I mean, it’s, it’s just like when you’re in the airplane, you know, put on your mask first, put on your mask first and then help others.


But a great intern, one whip just, uh, over on the, um, rumble side mentioned, oh yeah, let’s, uh, you know, go get a bunch of grocery cards. That is some kind of, those are some kind of immediate needs. It would be easy.


I mean, roll down to the Piggly Wiggly, you know, and spend however much buying, you know, prepaid grocery cards and that kind of thing. I mean, it’s a great idea. You see a family, you see them struggling or don’t using the calculator, trying to figure out what they can and can’t buy.


Bam, hand them a card. Just said, uh, I’m paying this forward. Just say somebody was there when I need it.


God was there. Now I’m here and believe in angels because God may be using you as an angel, right? Uh, critter lover said, I heard we can take, uh, get 300 to 3000 bucks in cash. I don’t believe that.


I know, I know Bruce likes that idea or some of those ideas. I just don’t see it. Um, I don’t see that again.


We’re talking about whether you like the word and I know there’s a couple of people like this exchange center bank redemption center. I mean, listen, we’re talking exchange center and a redemption center is the same basic concept. Um, and, and they’re not going to be sitting there.


They’re trying to change it from one currency to another. It’s put into a new QFS account because you probably don’t have an account with that place and they’re setting it up. It is, it, it, you know, they’re not going to have cash sitting around there.


You want to go get cash, go get cash somewhere. You want to 72Z. I kind of like this one.


Take a truckload of food to the food banks, right? Roll up to Sam’s, get you a, or a Costco or one of those, uh, or the local farmers market, clean them out and take it all to the food bank. I love that idea. Hey, um, Ed Densmore says, um, hi Mark.


Um, and this is, you want, maybe you want to answer this. He wants you to answer it, but with a QFS system in place, do we need a VPN? I think that’s a fascinating question, but well, yes, QFS system, all of your bank accounts is not going to protect your online digital data from other things. Or that may be coming after your family because, you know, your VPN, you were shopping for, you know, your seven-year-old granddaughter’s a dance tutu or something like that.


So there’s other reasons you would want to protect yourself on that front. That’s kind of my take on that one. I would still take cybersecurity very seriously.


Um, Tejana makes says, is every country revaluing or only the BRICS countries? Okay. This is Scott again. I’m not, I’m not going to claim anything else, but I believe that the BRICS countries are every country out there that are on this thing.


You can’t have a country out there being rogue. And maybe that’s been happening in the past. That’s kind of slowed us down.


Um, but I believe all the countries already have are on the system of the, you know, the 209 countries. Um, just reading. I mean, you got, you guys have got some great ones for Dr. Scott.


Uh, forgive it if it’s already covered, but do you think hold up has been anything to do with looking to see and verify Fort Knox gold inventory? You think that’s had anything? I don’t believe it. Um, I mean, I mean, whether or not you believe that there are, you know, there, I believe this is an exposure. Um, Doge is an exposure and, and who is the first one to set it? It’s, it’s Elon that that’s, that brought it up.


And then, you know, there was a big exchange and what was a Rand Paul, is that right? Ron Paul, Ron Paul, the older man jumps in and says, I’ll help you do that. Um, I believe that’s, that’s exposure level, you know, kind of issues. And I think it’s, it’s another way of introducing the concept to the economic public.


And by the way, the economic public, people would just know economics, but they don’t get what we’re doing here. So really good question. So, and I’ve gotten this question a million times.


If what happens if we lease a car, does the payment go away or, you know, does it continue and we don’t own the car and we should, I assume that we’d never take possession. Okay. Um, there was a, uh, I had some, I had a Hyundai, um, that it was a lease to own.


And I mean, it was like a three-year lease with a lower payment. And then it went on for seven years if you wanted to, and at three years you could buy it or turn it in, um, basically. And you, you had a lot less money that you, um, you know, an equity in the car with that too.


So is it a lease to own, or is it a lease, you know, kind of system? Most people who lease cars are the people who like to turn it around in two years, or they’re using it for business means that, you know, like they, they got it because they don’t, they don’t want to have a car that has high mileage, you know, and they’re doing a drive a ton kind of thing. So I can’t answer which, which way that is, but I’m going to tell you, there’s a bunch of people who don’t realize that the car was a lease to own. If it’s a lease to own, it’s got that set up in there.


You own it. Um, if it’s a lease to lease, it’s like an apartment, you know, just because the apartment owner got it paid off doesn’t mean you got it paid off because you’re just renting that apartment. And so in essence, think of it as a lease, as a rent.


I’m, uh, enjoying reading through so many of these, um, somebody said are these railroad bonds, Maryland? I’m not certain because I didn’t see what you’re talking about in reference there, but, um, historic bonds, some are railroad, some are silver, some are, I mean, there’s all kinds of different historic bonds in here. Yeah. I’ve been hearing that one here just recently that we’ve seen, you know, maybe 500 million in gold and silver confiscated drugs and a thousand cars.


I mean, what was underneath there? And I, you know, I forget which of the, of the, uh, of the buildings had a one, two or seven that had the gold in there. Uh, and which one had the computer systems, but yeah, they’re definitely in there with that too. As to both of you, would you like your thoughts about, um, what’s going to happen with business and people who work for these companies decided just to stay home? How are these people keep, how do these people, people keep working? That’s why I don’t think they’re paying you out huge dollars.


That’s exactly why I don’t think. If we’re talking about like, um, public companies, um, you know, like the, like the governmental programs, I mean, you’re out of a job, you got to go find another job. Um, if you’re talking about private companies, there’s going to be a lot of private companies, like, let’s give you an example.


How about, um, you know, H&R Block, you know, their whole thing is about taxes. How much are they going to, are they going to exist? It’s going to be like Xerox, you know, did they change? Did they move, move forward? If they don’t move forward, they’re done. But that’s happens with everyone with that too.


I don’t know of any, by the way, do you recommend any sites to educate yourself on ZIM bonds projects? Listen, do what’s here. Okay. Do what’s in your heart, work from there.


What do you feel like? If you want to think big, you can think big. If you want to think, if you’re thinking small, stay right there. It’s not, not a problem with that too.


Um, will the RV flatten the national debt? First off, the national debt is unpayable. And I’m going to tell you where you can find the national debt unpayable point. It’s in the 14th amendment under the fourth section.


And it says, if a, if a, if the country’s people, I mean, they’re, uh, they’re elected officials do insurrection upon the, the people of America, the, the public debt is invalid. Therefore it is not valid. And they’ll just basically say, you’re just going to eat it.


Guys who helped you set up the VPN, IT guys, that’s why. If you want, um, because they’ve got, you have software versions. You don’t need anybody to set that up.


That’s easy guys. Virtual shield.com forward slash Mark Z. If you’re interested, the software one, um, but it does slow the computer a little. I, that’s what I use, but I also use it when I’m traveling in an area out of area.


Cause a lot of the apps, you can’t pay your bills. Uh, you know, here in Puerto Rico, I can’t pay a lot of my domestic bills from back home and stuff without it to convince it that I’m in the, uh, 48 States. Um, but if you travel much, yeah, it’s, it’s nice.


Uh, a better option once we are all well healed, if you want real security is to, uh, there’s some really awesome hardware VPNs out there. And I am certain that we will find some companies that we trust to work with moving forward. I’ve already had a number of wealth managers reaching out as we work on getting, uh, uh, trying to get a preliminary list for folks for fiduciaries, people that’ll work with you that are also currency holders, et cetera.


So, I mean, we’re working on a lot of those things for when it happens. Uh, Gary asked the question, uh, do you think Dong could go at a third of what the Denar would revalue at? Well, since, and I could be wrong in the exact percentage here, but it’s, it’s at least 70%, um, of where Iraq gets its, you know, materials are from, you know, uh, Vietnam. So I don’t think that 33% would be, would make sense.


Um, I’ve always thought it’s going to be, you know, two thirds ish and, and higher with that too, at least to that number. Um, is it possible waiting for the new U.S. owned currency to, in order? And for me, no, cause it happens at the same time, but what are your thoughts, uh, Dr. Scott? I think the U S N currency is already in play. I mean, from what I keep hearing on so many levels, it’s, it’s sitting in a vault.


Okay. So, and that’s what you would do. If you’re going to do this, you don’t like it.


It’s kind of like this. It’s not like you guys say, you know, we only have a certain number of hours in a night. Let’s say we’re doing game night, right? You put a certain number of hours in a night.


Would you say, let’s put away this game, let’s think about it. And, and, and then we’ll play the next game maybe in an hour or two. Well, if you just want to spend time, you know, you know, shooting the, shooting the breeze.


Great. But you know, if you really want to be prepare yourself, you would actually have a preparation, um, that it’s already sitting waiting to be utilized. So the U S N the, the QFS, you know, all of the, you know, the capabilities, all of us, different sites, you know, that have the debt issues on there, all of it have to be sitting, waiting in the wings ready to go in just a second.


Um, yeah, I just wanted to, uh, that one to me, I thought was, uh, interesting. I saw somebody comment and I don’t know why I didn’t carry a article into, uh, this evening, but the Ukraine’s tentatively agrees to Trump’s rare earth mineral debt without a requirement for them to join NATO. Cause the U S like, we’re not going to make that agreement.


We’re just not. Um, so I do find it interesting. They’re finally figuring out that, Hey, there’s gotta be a vested interest.


Otherwise it really doesn’t matter. I mean, you know, we, we, we don’t want to see people dying, but at the same time, we don’t want to kill Americans. That’s part of putting America first.


Uh, now Lynn said, um, do you need to write up? Um, do you need to write up if you’re already involved in the project that you want to expand upon it? I think there’s a lot of these projects. Um, listen, if you were going to do something like, you know, you want to do a park for kids, you know, in your, in your neighborhood or something like that, it’s super needed. And that’s, you know, well, it’s probably done by the time you finish the overall project with that too.


But I think there’s a lot of projects that there are next level, next level and next level. So you might not be thinking that way, but that’s actually, what’s going to help. They’re going to be people that will help you.


Um, and I always think of them to Scott terminology as venture capitalists. They come along and help you to figure out, you know, how to utilize that project so it can actually be bigger. And you might say, I’m, uh, I don’t want to go that far.


I’m out. That’s fine. Um, you can be out, you could go only to a certain extent and then, you know, go, go beyond.


Some people are going to want to go really, really big. So that’s fine. I know.


Kudos to them. Um, yeah. What about the audit? It’s coming.


Uh, what about, uh, somebody had asked about past debts? We very much, uh, their institutional debts. We expect them if they came from fractional based banks, we expect them just to disappear like the fraud that they were. Right.


Um, someone said, would a humanitarian, I mean, would an animal clinic be a humanitarian? Yes. Um, Mark is one of the first people that’s really started to talk about this, that I have been, I have been saying this for a long time. I just haven’t shared it with a lot of people.


If you’re creating jobs, that’s a good thing. Um, the community benefits by you coming in and creating jobs. Um, so, I mean, Mark just brought up the, the conversation that, you know, someone was saying, well, what if someone wants to come from, you know, wherever, wherever land to America, and then they’re going to put some $5 million bond in, you know, what do you think that they’re going to do when they’re coming to America? They maybe want to set up a business, so they’re going to be able to create jobs.


That’s a good thing. Um, so trust me, that is right up the alley of something they’re going to love. Yeah.


No, to me guys, if you want to create jobs, if they want to create jobs, you look at the hopelessness and much of the working class, um, I call it pills and poverty, which has embraced much of the rural areas all across America and the areas of lost manufacturing from Detroit to, uh, East Bend to, I mean, there’s so many areas have just been devastated as the sucking sound of jobs leaving. So, I mean, they have no hope. So they turn in their hopelessness.


They try to fill a void in an ideal world. They’d fill it with Jesus and find direction, but we don’t live in that ideal world. Uh, so, I mean, having that gainful employment, people coming, opening business, you guys opening businesses, maybe you got, maybe there’s dozen of you guys that want to group together and rebuild America’s steel industry or something along those lines.


I mean, we need it. Uh, I would not, I would not hesitate if I found the right person coming from China or somewhere else that had a great manufacturing background to come and help me set up a plants. If they truly want to be here and want to be American, want to eat apple pie.


Of course they can watch football instead of baseball. I’m good with that, but they can watch soccer. I don’t care.


Just love American, love the constitution. By the way, Brickway say, says this, um, Iraqi RV is not the Nassar Jassara. Um, it is, it’s just a portion of it.


It’s a great question for you. If someone passed away, will their debt be forgiven too? Well, yeah. I mean, and I, I know there’s a lot of weird stuff when it comes to that.


I mean, you know, and that’s, that’s a long, the birth certificate conversation that happens in the straw man kind of idea. That’s what they do. I mean, we’ve seen what 60 million people who, I mean more than 60 million more people are getting social security that don’t even exist in the United States.


Um, don’t think that those same people don’t have debts that they created. Right. Um, you know, my, uh, I mean, when I tried to do, you know, pay, uh, an IRS debt the years ago, I couldn’t do it because someone had stolen my social security number.


So every year when I would, um, file my taxes, I had to have an identifier number. Um, and so, I mean, that’s, that’s and, and here’s what they do. And I’m like, how can they do this? Well, you know, the IRS will just send off like 40 different, you know, returns to the same address.


And like, no one looks at that and says, wait a second, that doesn’t feel right. Um, so I think there are debts that people have and they’re of, of anyone, it’s going to be all of the debts because what you’re not looking, you’re thinking about what, what will that affect me? What the banking industry is going to be required to do is wipe those debts, all of those debts that are on their books with that too. I’m posting in here.


I’ve got somebody that needs to sell, uh, Denard to get through to the finish line. Some of theirs, uh, just posted it with, uh, the person’s email. It’s going to be up to you guys to reach out.


Uh, it is in the chat. Just wanted to do that. Um, we don’t have much longer Dr. Scott before I’ve got to bring in the mushroom ladies.


Uh, is it okay if, I get you to sound off on your thoughts on med beds. I’ve had a lot of comments in here. So many people getting sick.


We’ve lost so many people recently and it really is going to, you know, chafe a little bit when you lost a close family member this month and maybe in, you know, four months from now, uh, there’s med beds. I mean, that part’s going to hurt. Um, just know that God’s got a bigger plan.


We just don’t necessarily understand, but it’s still going to hurt. So any thoughts on that? Well, I’m not a, I’m not one of those people that looks at Star Trek med beds kind of thing. Um, you know, so I’m not one of those people looks at that and says, Oh, that’s what we’re going to see.


And they’re going to reconstitutionalize you and all, all the other little crazier things. But listen, I believe that the med bed conversation, there is a, is, is an easier dealt with in a couple of different ways. Are there possibilities for something that could fix my knees? I’d love to hear it.


Okay. I’m all over that or fix what, what Mark is dealing with. I’m all over that stuff.


But what I, we do know is that there’s been a conversation of the suppressed technologies of the 6,000 technologies, but it’s not just 6,000 technologies that we’re talking about in the patent office. So what is in that patent office that could have done something or they, you know, patented a cure for cancer or patented a cure for something or other? Um, I think that’s going to be released and we’re going to see a lot of that stuff being fixed. I think we’re, RFK is showing you that we need to take out the gross things out of our food.


That’s going to fix a lot of things too. Um, so, you know, I mean, why don’t, I don’t think there’s just going to be an instant rollout of these little med beds. And please don’t ask that question when you’re in an RV situation, go in there, talk about money.


That’s it. Walk out. Okay.


If they have any, you know, collected material, grab the material. That’s great. But do not ask, ask that question.


Um, how much do we have? I don’t know. Um, I don’t know, but I’m, not really interested in something that would like change my DNA. I just wouldn’t touch it.


So that’s, that’s the Scott viewpoint. Uh, that’s, uh, yeah, I’m going to run with the, uh, the same take on that one. Um, at least for now I’m perfectly willing to, you know, I’ve lived with it this long, uh, crypto mojo.


I can’t clarify on your conflicting information, Boulevard currency years, et cetera. I’ve heard all of them and that it will change because each year represents a certain number of Boulevard and they’ve added zeros, remove zeros. I’ve been told from day one that you will have to do that math.


They will do the math for you when you go, uh, when there is a rate, but that it will be, uh, contingent upon the year. In other words, the newer ones, because they represent more zeros will be worth more than the older ones, which represent less zeros, but what the rate couldn’t tell you. That’s what I’ve been told.


I don’t know if that helps hurts, but like I’ve said before, I am not you guys best source for Boulevard. I simply can’t get anything that I consider reasonable out of any of my sources on what value to expect. If that changes, you won’t have to ask.


I’ll be screaming it. All right, Dr. Scott, I got to wrap you up so I can get to the mushroom ladies. Are you up for a short prayer first? Yep.


All right. Lord Jesus, I just come to you right now, especially on the people who are struggling with illnesses and other kinds of issues with that too. And, and, um, injuries.


And we just, we just play pray the blood of Jesus over them. I just put every single one of those things at the cross. And I say, you cover it.


You fix it. Lord God, you bring your truth. You bring the debt forgiveness and that brings in so much healing.


Lord God, we just ask for your healing. And that’s the important part with that. We just thank you that you do not bring up our anxieties, but we drop them at the foot of the cross as well.


And we leave them for you. Thank you so much. And Amy pray.


Amen. Amen. Dr. Scott, I can’t thank you enough.


I’m going to move on to, uh, Oh, well here, I’m going to squeeze you at one more. It’s all today. The Russians backed out of bricks and new currency and struck deal with the U S over some minerals.


There are so many new sort, new sources reporting that the U S and Russia are in talks to work together on a number of commodities resources between both countries and projects. A lot of people like what the hell did they get out of bricks and go into, uh, go into to Sarah. Exactly.


With real solid gold back currency between, I mean, if you’re looking at how the world is shaping up right now, if you study, it’s a major shift in world powers. Um, China has made it very clear that they want to own the entire world. I would not be surprised to see Donald Trump and Putin making the logical conclusion that the overwhelmingly large Christian nations need to band together, um, or be eaten up and picked off one by one.


To me, it makes sense. Uh, the enemy of my enemy is my ally kind of thing. I mean, I don’t know, guys, do some geopolitical thinking on that one, open up your mind and say, Hmm, what makes sense about this? Why would he not want to bricks currency? Well, the only way he’s going to avoid a bricks currency is if we go asset backed, meaning then you don’t need one.


Right. So, I mean, if you ask me, it’s screaming to Sarah all over the place, everybody just pay attention. Exactly.


All right. See you next week. Take care.


Okay. All right. Looking forward to bringing in, uh, ladies, and they have brought some videos.


So I’m going to have to, uh, it’s going to take me a minute to, uh, bring those up. So I’m going to bring them in, let them talk for a minute. Uh, they’ve got a godly number for me to bring out, which is great.


This is going to be so much fun. But Mark, Mark, something really important just happened that you have to hear. I saw on Telegram that Elon Musk just posted this and it said, dear Elon, my five things I did.


I ran, I played, I looked out the window. I walked on Mark’s computer. I woke daddy up in the middle of the night, and then I knocked the glasses out of his hands.


I promise Elon next week’s report will be much better. Love, Penny. Can you believe that? Strangely enough, that makes a lot of sense.


You’re setting up some videos, Mark. We are so excited. This is Testimonial Tuesday.


Um, we have, we could, we could be on the show for 15 hours and not be not, not miss one. Um, and I know you’ve got some you’re going to play, but I want to start with one that I think is the most telling of what has happened since you’ve allowed us to be on this platform and how much we appreciate the support. The day that you put us on October 31st, 2023, a wonderful, beautiful woman in your community named Nancy Jo contacted me.


Nancy Jo was not in good shape. Nancy Jo’s days were limited. She had multiple hip fractures.


She had cancer, two different types of cancer. And long story short, after working with Nancy all this time, um, things have changed. Um, I got an update from her today.


Now we’re talking almost two years, Mark, and she was not given much time. And she said, I just really want you to know how good I’m doing. I’ve had my third clean PET scan.


So there’s really nothing to report except that my cancer markers continue to go down. They were 89 at one point, 25 being healthy. And today they’re 17.2. And I just want you to know that I am so excited about what’s happened to me.


I’m out of a walker. I’m able to live my life. And now I think I want to become an affiliate.


How cool was that? How cool is that? I mean, she has a story. She wants to change other lives and she’s got her own testimony and story to do it. Yes.


And it’s because of this platform. And after you show a couple of videos, we have a few testimonials. It won’t go too long tonight, but boy, we have some great stuff to share.


No, I’m excited, but you’re just going to have to tell me from your, uh, list. I mean, uh, I don’t know if you did them in order. Cause I’ve got them in human.


Any way you want. I’ll just start going down the, uh, the list if you would like. Oh, whatever you want.


Let’s see if I can, uh, are you guys able to hear this once it starts? Oh, I just got back from a mission trip to Peru. I was gone for 10 days. I started on the, uh, in force plus, um, mushroom therapy before I left, I doubled up on it.


And, uh, during the time I was gone, I continued. And I will tell you that out of the 12 people that went on this mission, I was the only one who did not have some form of stomach issue or some form of illness either during or after the trip. So if you’re looking for something that’s going to keep your gut health healthy, that’s the stuff.


Yeah, that was Chris. And, uh, he just went on another mission and before he went, he bought enough for everybody who was going to be on the mission so that they could all start on, uh, the, the health product before they went and none of them got sick and they came home and none of them were sick. It’s kind of, it’s kind of fun.


And then overweight. I’m slowly picking them through because the way it opens up. So I’m just going to, uh, keep throwing them at you guys.


Just keep throwing them at us. I’ve been overweight my whole life and developed diabetes many years ago. About two years had been on insulin, about 70 to 80 units and tried every kind of diet to control my sugar, diabetes, get healthy.


And lo and behold, I get a hold of this clarity mushroom. And I just basically cleared up my mind, cleared up my thinking and my cravings dissipated away. Cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, even just cravings for food altogether.


And I started losing weight. And today I’m down 65 pounds and I haven’t had any diabetic medication. I’m on no medication at all for about seven months.


And I love it. Thank you for the clarity mushroom and Pet Club 247. Yeah, that is Kurt.


And, uh, he has such a story. His wife’s autoimmune disease was, um, has been taken care of and wait till you hear their story about their dog. Oh my gosh.


I’m Scott. I was introduced. I’m Scott.


I was introduced to the end force while I was living in Spain. Um, I had really bad skin cancer. In fact, another one came up on my back.


I had two of them. They wanted $2,300 to cut them out. And I decided to try the more natural approach.


So I could, nothing was really working in Spain, but I had it for five years. Uh, and, uh, I tried the end force and within two days, my, the color of it went from black into a red. So I knew something was working and then it started shrinking.


And then within a month, it was much reduced by probably about 70%. And so now I don’t, I don’t really worry about anything. Um, it’s also helped me sleep a lot.


I sleep much better. I have a lot more energy. So anyway, it’s worked well for me.


I highly, highly recommend it. And that’s my story. Nice.


Nice. Yeah. Another, another great one, a human testimonial.


We’ve got, I think one more, we’ve got some animal testimonials and we’ve got stacks of them, but I know we don’t have time to go through all of those tonight, but some of them are really good. Almost $300. Literally we eliminated almost $300 a month in other supplements.


And for me, I wanted a full test of the mushrooms I’m taking for three months now, nothing but the mushrooms. Every winter I would go through two or three different times where I would get a cold and I’d get all stuffed up every winter. Okay.


So I was on these mushrooms while last winter, cause we started in December and now it’s April. So doing only the mushrooms, not once, not once did I have any kind of a virus that stuffed me up that at all. And in addition to that, even though that could seem like a coincidence, what isn’t a coincidence is every morning when I wake up, I am stuffed up.


The difference is within 20 to 30 minutes of being vertical and not being laying flat and getting up and moving around, everything drains. It completely clears up in its own. That has never happened in my life.


Never happened in my life. It’s the mushrooms. I’m not even taking anything else.


You know, I’m just taking the mushrooms. It’s just the mushroom. I love that.


I love that so much. And that’s the thing. It’s just the whole food.


It’s just a mushroom. God made it perfectly. All right.


Which one was that? That was the nasal one, I think. Gotcha. Oh man.


So we’ve still got like a three more people ones here. You can go down to, go ahead if you want to go down to the end. I don’t know.


Some of these people ones are great because you should, I mean, if you’re, if you’re okay with it. Yeah. Yeah.


So much we want to share and we’re so grateful that so many people are benefiting and their animals. Hi. So my name is Shelly Irons and I have been using the Enforce for about three months now.


And my mother, she’s been using the Enforce for about three months as well. And both of us have noticed a change in our eyesight. My mother has diabetes.


So she’s had a lot of difficulty with her eyes, especially driving at night. And now she says she sees a lot more clear and I have a lot of issues with red eyes from it being so dry. And it seems like it was affecting my vision.


Well, I’ve been able to see a lot clearer as well. So that’s just really amazing that we’ve experienced that from using the Enforce. And we’re really glad that we were able to find this product because it has been amazing for us.


And Mrs. Copito, who just asked about inflammation. Absolutely. This is one of the most incredible things that the inflammation, anti-inflammatory properties of the coriolis versicobal mushroom.


I want to tell you about the, I want to tell you about these mushrooms restore because I have diabetes, fatty liver, chronic kidney disease. I took one a day and I went to the doctor. They had prescribed me Jardians and I refused to take it because of the side effects.


So I just took the mushrooms and my last reading was 7.2. And when I went for my A1C reading, 5.3. It only took one pill a day for me. I am so enthusiastic about these because I would order stuff from junk books and they wouldn’t work. And I was hesitant, but I am so happy now.


I’m under control. You should try it. No, I love that.


I love her. I know it’s just making such a difference. And when these videos come in.


If you guys are wondering, if you want to look more into what everyone’s talking about, you can find all of these mushrooms at markzpets.com. That’s where you can go to learn more about them. All right. We got one more people, one, and then we get into some pets.


Very family members. Hi, my name is Lucas Carpenter. I was born with a rare genetic disease called cystic fibrosis.


That essentially just causes a lot of inflammation throughout my body and mucus buildup in all my organs, especially my lungs and digestive tract. I’ve tried hundreds of medications and supplements to try to ease the symptoms and nothing’s really worked. I recently had to stop taking a corrective medication I was on due to severe side effects.


At that point, I basically gave up hope. I decided to let nature take its course. A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine introduced me to Enforce Gold from Pet Club 24-7.


He told me that there’s been a lot of research about it. It’s helped a lot of people with many different ailments. I agreed to try it.


I was skeptical. As you guys said, I’ve tried hundreds of other supplements and medications and none helped very much. But within the first week of taking it, I noticed a huge difference.


First was an influx of energy. I’ve noticed I was able to breathe clearer. My lungs just opened up every time I breathe, and that’s not natural for cystic fibrosis.


By the end of the second week, I could tell a difference in my digestive tract. I was able to eat more and have less negative effects. I’m very excited to see how these products carry forward in the next three months, six months, year.


The cool thing about this, Mark, is so many of your community that have tried our products, they’ve introduced it to other people. That’s what we’re so excited about. Our affiliate program is growing, but it’s also just about helping people and helping animals.


Speaking of animals. Wait a minute. Let’s try it again.


Morgan and Zippy. Hi, everyone. This is Morgan and Zippy.


Zippy is really, really excited to go out for his night walk, so he doesn’t want to be up here with me. But this is to show you how well the Super Sauce from Pet Club 247 works. Zippy went from being confused and imbalanced most of the time, bumping into things, crying at night, to his cognition just being so, so, so much better in the last four months that he’s been on this.


He loves the taste. He gobbles it right up, and so does my 10-year-old, Jack Russell. And this is the one that we have.


It is the Sirloin Steak, and it’s for immune system health with the Coriolis Versicolor. I don’t know if I’m saying that right, but we really love this. My little seniors are doing a lot better.


Zippy is Zippy again, and I hope that he stays that way for many, many years. So this actually lasts my little guys a good week or so. I get three of these a month, so I really do recommend this.


Again, the Super Sauce for all dogs. It helps with their hips and joints. It also helps with skin and coat, and the mushrooms are really that immunity component.


So go grab some. I get three packs a month, and it lasts us that month until we get our next order. And you want some? He wants me to give him some right now.


I love it. So Zippy is Zippy again. Zippy is Zippin’, yep.


I love it. We hear that a lot. Your chihuahua’s name is Zippy, too.


That’s so cute. I love that name. Tell you about Tutu.


Oh, now we got Tutu coming. So I want to tell you about Tutu, a 16-year-old poodle that we had that was not doing real well, was on her palate most of the time. And my friends, Diana and Dale, they gave us some Super Sauce.


And we gave this to Tutu, and she, while not perfect, I mean a 16-year-old dog, but she did start to play again and start being a normal dog. And this went on for about three years to the point that my wife called the Super Sauce, Awesome Saucem. And to this day, that’s what she calls it.


So Tutu did die about three years later at 19, and really was kind of a heartbreaker. But we then got a new dog by the name of Jimmy. He is a chihuahua mix.


He was in kind of bad shape because we always do rescue dogs. And we immediately started him on Super Sauce. And we also started him on the soft food, as well as the kibble.


And he’s doing very, very well. And we expect for him to be a joy in our lives for many, many years to come. Thank you and have a good day.


You know, the cool thing about that dog, that dog had three more good quality years, not just living on a pillow. And that was what made everything for us. That was what was amazing for us to watch.


Good quality of life. Quality of life is so stinking important. It’s not like necessarily trying to get more years out of life, trying to get more life out of years.


And with pets, that is so true. Wait, I’m going to start this one over. In one week, went from 700 to 320-ish.


And in the following week, Maya’s enzyme numbers were normal. Maya’s vet was amazed by her numbers and progress. I will continue to recommend Pet Club 247 products to everyone I know.


Thank you. Yeah, that was a good recommendation. I do see someone asking again.


It’s markzpets.com. Or if you have a question, the original markzpets at gmail.com. And I answer every single email, even if I’m up until three in the morning doing it, I answer them. All right, I’m working on Zanta here for the next one. Oh, this is a heart-wrenching one.


All right, we’re just about ready with them. Here we go. I’m Gail.


This is my husband, Kurt. And we are Zanta’s parents. She’s 16 years old.


And two years ago, we got a diagnosis for Zanta as her pod child for peeling off that she has an autoimmune disease. The vet said, just make her comfortable until her organs give out in a few months, or we can just go ahead and relieve her of her miseries now. And so we just didn’t feel like it was time.


So we posted on social media. We were very sad, of course. A great friend came by and said, look, I think that this might be helpful for Zanta.


And we said, coriolis versa, whatta, whatta, whatta. We started giving them to Zanta, just these little biscuits and thinking, okay, we can’t hurt, right? And at least she’ll be treated well. Well, little did we know four days later, Zanta was jumping on the couch.


So we started really taking note. And within a week, we were already backing down on her medications. And here we are today.


Zanta is completely medicine-free. Two years later, she just went on a desert hike with us yesterday for five miles and did absolutely amazing. So we’re so grateful to Pet Club 24-7 for giving her absolute quality of life over these last two years.


It’s been amazing. And we can’t wait to see what’s in store for us in the future. Yep.


Thank you. Nice. Nice.


Yeah. And that was an autoimmune disease. You know, that’s what’s amazing.


Animals have those too. Hopefully we have Winston. So my name is Lucy.


This is Isabel. She’s a five-year-old border collie corgi mix. And when my husband left for basic, I rescued her.


When I had gotten her, she had been kept in a cage for about two months. She wasn’t let out. She was kind of living in her own filth and everything.


And what happened was she was starting to get cage rot on her skin. This is what we had when we first got her. And four days after starting the mush puppies, one treat a day, this is what her skin turned into.


So just seeing the difference in her skin and the amount of energy that she has now. And she is very overweight, but she’s starting to muscle tone because of how much energy she’s getting from the mush puppies. So we’re very glad that we started her on the treat.


Nice. I’m loving these stories. You just have to bear with the tech, because I make it all happen.


But this is why we’re so passionate about what we’re doing. I mean, this is our experience nine out of 10 times. We’re seeing lives changed, and it’s so powerful and meaningful.


Oh, wait a minute here. Let’s do this on the right one. Hi, my name is Heather.


I belong to Sandy. She is an 11-year-old mix. She came to us by happy accident.


And we discovered she had some issues up and down the stairs, getting in her favorite chair. And one day, about two weeks after using the mush puppies, I realized I had forgotten to put her step in front of her chair. Well, turns out she didn’t need it, because she jumped in that chair and never missed a beat.


So I am convinced and 100% happy that we started using these products, because you can see in her face, in her eyes, that she’s just happy. And she’s not in pain. And she runs through the yard like she’s a puppy again.


So I’m really glad that Kristen introduced us to these products. Nice. Nice.


Yeah, you know, these stories never get old. They just never get old. And the videos that keep coming into us.


I mean, we encourage everybody, if you’ve got a success story. I have Roxanne, and she’s just precious. And she was actually hit by a car in Mexicali.


And Roxanne was set to be euthanized for that reason, because she had to have her back legs removed. And in the process, though, we found out that Roxanne was in complete kidney failure. I started giving Roxanne the Bucky bites, the mush puppies.


And I have her blood work done every year because, you know, we want to monitor just what stage she was in in the kidney failure. I was so excited because Roxanne actually is not in kidney failure anymore. I really plan on having her a lot longer.


And she feels so good now, I can actually take her in her wheelchair to the end of my driveway and back, which is a pretty long driveway. And before she really couldn’t even stay in it for more than, you know, five minutes. So she’s going to be around a long time.


Oh, go Roxanne. I love that one. Yeah.


And bless her heart for adopting a dog with special needs. You know. Yeah, a lot of people would not be up for that.


Yeah, a lot of work. Yeah. Yes, it is.


All right. A couple more here. My name is John and this is my beautiful wife, Lori.


And this is our Star Wars Ewok. His name is Scout. And we have Scout for about 11 years now.


And we started noticing about three years ago, he started slowing down. He was unable to jump on the bed. He was kind of a little bit grumpier.


And when my daughter’s Macy and Rye would take him on walks, he would walk for about, you know, 30 yards and then he’d lay down and they’d carry him the rest of the way. So I heard about Pet Club 24-7 and about the products from a gentleman that I really trust and share a friendship with. And he mentioned to me that they have products that are going to help him with his arthritis, help him build his immune system.


And I said, OK, no problem. Let’s try him out. And I kid you guys not within about two to three days, we started noticing a little difference.


And then we took Scout on a walk probably about a week after we started using the products, the Mush Poppies, and he would walk the entire way. He would walk at least a mile. And it’s just been completely amazing.


He’s a new dog. He’s 11 years old, which is around, you know, 80 years into dog years. And he’s just happy.


He’s more energetic. He’s not the grumpy old man he used to be. And we’re just so thankful.


And it was perfect timing because we lost our Yankee about a year and a half ago, and it was really hard on us. So I’m so thankful for Pet Club 24-7 for the products that they offer. Imagine if you could have your best friend around one more day or one more week or even one more year.


I’m so blessed and thankful that we were able to find this company and find these products for Scout. So thank you guys. Give it a shot.


We appreciate you. God bless everyone. Nice.


Nice. You make me emotional. I know.


I never get tired of this stuff ever. We’re going to check in on Wilson next. Wilson didn’t like the camera.


Wilson is our Staffordshire Terrier. He is approaching 14 years old. We want him to be around a little while longer, so we’re always taking good care of him.


Diana gave us Smush Puppies, and we took them to him for just a few days. And we could already notice he had a little more boldness in his eyes, a little more path in his step. And this breed is prone to, like, comas.


And he had a really big one in his armpit right here. And we noticed within a week or so that it was smaller. We couldn’t find it.


So he’s got some more on his side that have decreased in size considerably. And he loves his Smush Puppies. So I highly recommend Smush Puppies for your puppies.


Nice. There was a woman asking about lymphoma. That’s Wilson’s story.


We’ve seen amazing results with lymphomas. Working. Bear with me.


You’re doing a good job. You’re doing better than I’d be doing. This is our family dog Bubba.


He is a Shorty Jack Russell, and he brings a lot of love and laughter into our home. We just want to thank Pet Club for making healthy food and treats for our animals. Bubba has been on Pet Club food for a little over a year now.


He really likes the Sequoia dry food. And then I put a scoop of the Sequoia wet dog food in there with some hot water and stir it up. And he absolutely loves it.


And he likes the Mush Puppies. But his ultimate favorite is the Antlers. Those keep him busy for a really long time.


And he really, really, he really, really likes them. It makes us feel really good that the food and treats that we give them have healthy ingredients in them because we want him to be around for a really long time. Our previous dog was a Lab, and his name was Titus.


And we fed him in bulk, and we would just get his food from the big box grocery stores. And unfortunately, that food wasn’t very healthy for him. And he ended up getting cancer and passing away.


So we didn’t want to make that mistake with Bubba. So we were really fortunate to find Pet Club and find some really healthy food for him to eat. So we would just like to thank Pet Club.


And we just really appreciate the healthy food that they make so we can keep this guy around as long as we can. And again, you can find these products at marxdpets.com. We’re hoping to end the month strong because we want to do a big giveaway for Easter. So we appreciate all the orders and everything everybody’s been doing to support this platform and support us.


I’ve been working with Pet Club 24-7 for the past couple of months. I introduced the mush puppy treats to my dog. His name is Odie.


He’s a very old dog, but he is a mini Doberman Terrier mix. And ever since giving him the mush puppies, he’s been a lot more energetic. He hasn’t barked as much.


He’s definitely improved a lot. It seems as though he’s more easily recognized by the people who have walked into my house, which is great because I like him feeling more docile when there are guests coming over. Thank you so much Pet Club 24-7 for giving me the opportunity to introduce mush puppies to my dog.


Odie. I think the cat’s next. The cat’s one of my favorites.


Lil Dip is next. Lil Dip, yes. Lil Dip.


Whatever Lil Dip is. I have a 17-year-old cat. Oh, I see.


I see a repeat of people here, which I’m kind of enjoying because of the multiple pets. So I have a 17-year-old cat. As a cat gets older, they get thinner and thinner and thinner.


I’ve experienced that multiple times in my life with many cats that have aged down and passed away. Their bodies just don’t absorb the nutrients that there are in those foods, which I don’t think there are anymore. Regardless, they have to eat all the time.


Usually then what happens is I start throwing up a lot. That was a true with my 17-year-old Lil Dip. She was throwing up literally five to 10 times a week by the time I learned about these mushrooms.


She would sometimes just throw right back up in her bowl. She never even got away from her dishes when she was eating her food. She’d just upchuck it right back up.


By the time Lil Dip was eating approximately half a teaspoon of the sauce every day, as well as the dry food periodically, within just a few weeks of that, the throwing up slowed down and literally stopped. That’s what’s caused her to go from throwing up five to 10 times a week to maybe once or twice a month. It couldn’t be anything other than the mushrooms.


It’s made a huge difference for Lil Dip, who’s 17, for her quality of life. It was heartbreaking. That’s not happening anymore.


Nice. 17. Wow.


You can make a difference in an animal at that age. I love that. I hope this is true.


Now we’re going to a penny, but it’s not my penny before anybody. No, Penny Lane. This is heart-wrenching.


Although I might have that same cat tree. Yeah. You told me to get super sauce for my kitty.


She is 17, and they said that she had a tumor in her bladder. I just got back from the vet, and I’m happy crying. They said that the tumor in her bladder is almost completely gone.


I’ve been giving her that super sauce all the time, twice a day. I doubled the amount, like you said. I am just so beyond happy.


Thank you so much. I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for telling me to get this.


That’s it, Mark. That’s why we do this. That’s a good reason to do it.


Yeah. You get a call like that, or you get a call from people. I’ve been on the phone a lot this week since we were on with you last week.


It was amazing. People who are also going through some tough issues, and just make it all worth it. All right.


This is the last one I’ve got for us here. My horse, Braveheart. He was losing weight, and he was losing color, and losing his stamina.


We started giving him the mesh ponies, and within two months, he started gaining his weight back. I love that. I love that.


Yeah. We could go on for hours. I just want to thank your community.


I want to thank you. There’s a few people I need to shout out to real quick, because they’re waiting for phone calls from me. Poor Richard.


Richard had problems with his phone. Every time he called me, this Mexican operator would come on, and he couldn’t figure it out. He just figured it out.


Verizon screwed up his number. They got that fixed. Richard, you and I will talk tomorrow.


Julie, oh my gosh. Last time we were on your show, Mark, Julie heard us, and she heard my colon cancer story. She sent me the most tear-jerking email about how scared she was, because she had just been diagnosed with colon cancer also.


Her and I have been going back and forth. The fact that I feel like this platform has just allowed me to help her through what she’s getting ready to go through means everything. Thank you for that.


Again, let’s make it a good month, and end the month with some numbers so that we can do a really good Easter giveaway. I’m going to work with Kukla. We’re going to come up with something really good for Easter for some animals, and markcpets.com. I love it.


All right, ladies, I know we’ve gone a while. Is there anything else you want to add? That was just awesome. I very much enjoyed this evening doing it this way.


This was fun. All of you out there, send us your videos. We love getting your videos.


Keep them under a minute, because we don’t want to go on and on and on, even though we can. We appreciate it. Thanks again, Mark, for all you do.


Thanks for everything that your community is about, and all the new friends. We’ve made some great friends in this community. This is a really powerful community.


What I really appreciate about everyone who’s listening right now is there’s a lot of consumerism happening in the world, and people always wanting, what can I get? What can I get? This community is so contribution-focused, and always focusing on what can we give? How can we help? Always sharing their humanitarian projects, and all of the good things that they want to do with the resources that they’re blessed with. We’re just so grateful to be a part of this community, as well. We’re grateful for what God’s doing through all of us, 100%.


No, that was just awesome. Oh, Colleen, my eyes are leaking so badly. Oh, you have no idea.


Sometimes, when you walk out, I’ll be on the phone. I’m bawling, and he’s like, oh my gosh, what’s wrong? Nothing. It’s good.


You’re doing really good. The Valley did just ask how to take mushrooms for prostate cancer. Valley, very much oriented.


I don’t remember. You guys may remember, but there was a great study, I believe, out of Japan showing the reishi was exceptionally effective for prostate cancer, but that’s just tickling my head. I’m not certain, so if you’re willing to tackle that before we call it a wrap.


Email me at theoriginalmarkcpets at gmail, and we’ll talk. We have had incredible PSA numbers with the Enforce Plus, which is the reishi and the chlorella, especially all of it together. Some amazing things coming on with that, as well as what we’re seeing happening with Parkinson’s and epilepsy and neurological things that we never knew were attached to the immune system.


It’s pretty exciting what’s happening. I’m excited. Okay.


Thank you, ladies. Thanks, everybody else. Thank you.


See you guys in the morning. Should have Andy Sheckman with us as well. We’ll be getting Jason Cousins from Glint back again soon, too.


We’re trying to get him in. Been a lot of stuff going on in the gold world. All right.


Thank you, ladies. See you in the morning. Thanks, Mark.

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