Iraq Dinar News-Success-Electronic Money Transfers-Accelerated Pace (Uncut) 03-01-2025
Hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia Man and crew patreon community by clicking the link in the caption Good evening everybody militia man and crew here I hope everybody’s having a great day because it looks like we got clear skies across the United States. It’s fabulous I mean, there’s no, you know Nothing, but blue sky. So that’s good.
I like blue sky because that’s sky’s the limit Hey listen today, there’s well it was actually yesterday, but We’re going to start off with an article that’s talking about the three presidencies of Iraq And it says the presidency’s confirmed the success of Iraq’s policy So they have three presidencies It sounds like to me that the three presidencies have been vocal and in public talking about that They have success So it says the three presidencies confirmed that Iraqis policy in dealing with regional developments has achieved clear success It says Jamal Rashid It says Iraq’s new policy is based on respecting the sovereignty of states and the choices of peoples while committing to establishing Friendly and balanced relations with everyone rejecting any interference and internal affairs. So they’re standing up for themselves It sounds like the prime minister Shia al-saddani He says our government has been keen over the past two years to follow a policy based on the principle of Iraq first You probably have to go back about a couple of days ago and we talked about this but There’s some meaning behind that but the bottom line is Iraq’s principles first It says the speaker of Mohammed Shia al-saddani the speaker of Parliament
He stresses that Iraq is stable in terms of security and stability and they’ve proven that And also in terms of their economy Because as it has adopted a non aligned approach which is happening around in the region So that’s all inclusive has succeeded in doing so and we’re now working to build a pivotal role for it in the area. So like the first things in line or the presidencies that they set the stage and what we’re going to see is the impact of that I think that what we’re going to say here though is that Iraq’s talking about they’re talking about Iraq first is Interests of Iraq and its people that’s the bottom dollar all at the forefront of priorities mission to positive interaction with the regional environment and the international community Basically stated that we’ve strengthened our relations with the sisterly and friendly countries around the region On a basis of common interests and mutual respect, which is made Iraq a bridge for dialogue and cooperation Sort of like they are still sticking with their mediator position Al-saddani comes out and says Iraq’s openness at the regional international levels as part of the ongoing approach to expanding economic partnerships and benefiting from International expertise to support the national economy as these efforts are not limited to a specific party they’re talking about politics, but rather included partnerships in the international community as a cooperation is being strength strengthened in various fields of ensuring and achieving sustainable development He says for this reason We launched the development road project to be an economic and cultural social bridge linking Asia to the Europe So ultimately ultimately the bottom line as he’s just talking about security and stability knocking down terrorism and they have strong relations with members of the International coalition.
So the coalition that has been in place for quite some time is still What it’s still headed by the United States of America. So but they’re still in good shape they’re still doing the things that they say they’re going to do and And that’s pretty powerful. So I like it when the three presidencies get together because it shows unity and that’s that’s big It says here the Association of Banks So the Central Bank of Iraq will launch a platform to facilitate electronic money transfers This was back on Wednesday a new project to facilitate financial transfers within Iraq’s electronically while pointing to its efforts to facilitate money transfers through open banking
To me it all about you but open banking means that they’re going to be opening to the world I don’t know what else you could take from it because open banking means they’re open, right? It’s not just talking about branches because we already know that they’ve already been they’ve been open for a long time okay, so the servicing of transferring electronic financial accounts between banks or Cards is currently not available in Iraq So they’re talking about I think what’s in the past because we all know that they are available in Iraq cards are The central bank is working on developing a special platform.
I think we already know that that’s this is past tense They’ve already done that Says which will greatly facilitate money transfers With the country via mobile phones or websites and allow possibility of transferring money from one bank to another from one card to another Well, first off if they’re going to be able to transfer money from one bank to another and from one card to another If they’re gonna do it cross-borders Obviously, they’ve got something else in mind and and this is just to me is just fluff That’s old news but committing to Militiaman and crew and take it take a peek at what we have to offer our discord is just packed full of information Disc that’s with militiaman and crew chat room or whatever.
Okay, so don’t forget Electronic payment devices are witnessing continuous development as we all know, especially with the presence of a national switchboard That’s kind of one of the first times we’ve seen that maybe once or twice a national switchboard in the Central Bank of Iraq So they have something new that’s in the Central Bank of Iraq And then they go on to say although some cards and payment devices still depend on specific systems Okay. So the other words, hey, we’re moving to a new model new upgrade.
So get in line pay attention and We’ve already told you about it. So it’s it’s going to be on them to get sorted He says this is the decision of the Council of Ministers in the Central Bank Their their aim has been to what stimulate the use of electronic payment, right? We’ve already seen all that and have led to a clear development over the past two years So they’re reiterating how Sudan has been doing all these things that just didn’t get started It’s been over the last couple of years and with expectations of greater growth into the future So again, they’ve been working on this for two years there it’s nothing new and Obviously, I think they’re further along than they suggest but they just reiterate a lot of things. It’s like kind of like a reassurance So here’s an article that’s fascinating too because they’re going to be talking about digital currency digital currency Okay, so electronic currency
All right, so there’s gonna be some warnings out sometime tonight that I’ll share with you So as a digital currency to be launched in Iraq between economic and opportunities and potential risks He explains that the importance of this step lies in several aspects most notably that it provides a more efficient and transparent means of electronic payment which reduces the reliance on paper money and limits the informal economy Which is you guys that informal more in formal economy is the parallel market the black market Okay, he adds that it contributes to enhancing financial inclusion That’s all for the people by facilitating digital transactions Especially in a country like Iraq where a large percentage of the population is still outside the formal banking system That’s probably a lot of that money that they’ve been holding on to and they’ve been Gradually for the last couple of years getting those folks in line as far as I know.
I think that they have They’re still far beyond that But they’re reiterating it He says this this step is not without risks, especially in light of the challenges facing the Iraqi financial system He adds that the most prominent concerns the possibility of using digital currency in smuggling operations especially if there are no strict mechanisms to monitor digital transit transactions as Iraq already suffers from challenges and controlling the money Transfers through the informal transfers So they’re focusing in on that black market and they say that any weakness in managing digital currency Could lead to its exploitation by illegal networks. So there’s the sending out sub tool warnings Al-saadi says this he says there are risks related to monetary stability as a Rapid transition to digital currency may lead to pressures on the traditional banking system Especially if banks are not technically and practically prepared for this change Banks and people have been warned that and he’s reiterating it and telling us that the traditional banking System if not technically and practically prepared in other words if you’re not playing by the rules It says the International Economic Affairs expert pointed out that in order to ensure the success of the step
It is necessary for the central bank to follow a well-thought-out policy to implement it gradually and with clear legal Framework to regulate the use of digital currency He goes on and he’s stressing that there is a need to strengthen the digital banking Infrastructure and ensure the readiness of the financial system to accommodate this transformation without affecting economic stability I don’t know if you guys read this the way I do but the need to strengthen the digital banking and infrastructure To ensure a readiness of financial system to accommodate this transformation without affecting economic stability Readiness of the financial system to accommodate this transformation So they want to make sure that everybody’s ready to accommodate the transformation Something’s changing without affecting economic stability So in other words, they want to they want to do what they’re going to do, but without affecting the economic stability of it Hence you have all these massive gold reserves. They bought 20 tons.
They’ve increased their dollar reserves all that stuff They’ve kept inflation low everything and I think that that’s you know, if you’ve been around long enough And understand and read our study You’ll understand that this shouldn’t be new So it says if this policy is implemented in caution and transparency The central bank’s digital currency, so they’re talking about specifically they’re going to have a digital currency can be an effective tool to strengthen the Iraqi economy and push it towards more modernity and Financial openness. So obviously they said the transformation without affecting the economic stability There’s been a plan in place ready to go if this policy is implemented with caution and transparency So in other words if it’s been done properly And I believe that they’ve been working on it for a couple of years have they not they sure have so it says it’ll push towards more modernity like around the world and financial openness open banking remember Pretty cool. It’s really good It says that the financial banking system will witness fundamental transformations Including the decline of paper currencies to be replaced by digital payments for central banks And says the central bank is moving to create its own digital currency To gradually replace the paper process is happening in some central banks in the world I think they’ve already probably been working on this probably the last decade and I think that the last two years is just evidence of Just how far along they really are and you know, we’ve never seen this type of information before He says that we are seriously considering establishing a data center data centers Or what’s going to do the new technology? And they’re going to do this we’re in Iraq It says the bank has begun has begun to move on the issue as part of the digital transformation steps So look if you think about this in more depth, you’re gonna start thinking about the Forex as we’ve had in other previous articles but yet they have They haven’t we haven’t seen it on the Forex just yet But but then when you see warnings about the Forex and you see things But like their nature of the education that they’re putting out you have to assume that when they have warnings to Alarm bells should be going up going.
Whoa. These guys are really doing something. It’s pretty fascinating So it says here.
This one is the parliamentary finance It says digital transformation in banks is progressing at an accelerated pace The Finance Committee is keen to support the banking set system Establish all legislation and laws that serve the sector. It says the goal is to strengthen the banking system after a period of previous Procrastination so they’re doing it because they were procrastinating in the past and that has been addressed. So they there’s no more procrastination It says he’s expressing his hope that the banking system will develop for the better.
Well, don’t we all He goes and says he stresses that the digital transformation in banks is proceeding at an accelerating pace According to the chart and figures noting that the banks must have a role in the economic development aspect of the country by supporting projects one of the things that you guys if you don’t remember is though that they’re talking they’re hoping that the Citizens will bring all that hoarded money from abroad like in the United States and around the world Along with all the citizens that are having it there They’re in there under their mattresses and in their garages or whatever they have right to do what? Bring it into the banking system so that they can have a deposit They can get they can get what they deserve as far as their purchasing power in the future But they can also use that money the banks can use that money to be able to facilitate The reconstruction effort and that’s what a new economy would do Okay, and that’s probably why some of the interest rates that you see in their savings accounts is a stimulus to that So the acceleration of the digital transformation they say it has begun. They’re openly stating it now They are at least they’re not putting the brakes on as far as I’m concerned Be sure the Finance Committee is in support of the system. It says and all cylinders to me are On high for good reason So here we go.
The future begins now with the transition to the comprehensive digital transformation So during this past two years, there’s been cooperation between the central bank and the government Which is fascinating because you know, they’re really trying to work in tandem Unified Treasury account things of all that nature are all to me in place Okay, and it says with the personal support and follow-up by the Prime Minister And with the chairmanship, okay, they talk about a digital transformation committee Says what there was an essential step to activate and accelerate the transformational digital government and the transition from a cash economy To a digital economy using technology to improve financial inclusion developing information technology establishing digital banks using artificial intelligence and banking services And using modern technologies and loans compliance risk management combating money laundering and Terrorist financing and combating fraud they talked about the modernity being modern, right? Okay, so there you have it They’re talking about that as well Okay He basically states that there’s an indicator that confirms the success of the plans and procedures adopted to achieve major Transformation with a distinguished national effort for digital transformation and the electronic payment payment system And there they go on it says the central bank is currently examining and auditing about 70 requests to license new digital banks according to the precise controls because remember they’re focusing in on the banks and the citizens but they’re talking about precise controls and Conditions that have been by the central bank regarding licensing to new digital banks Digital you guys think about it. We’re going to a new Technology, so all the things that we’ve seen in the past are going to kind of go by the wayside It’s going to be completely different. It’s going to be transparent.
It’s going to be fast It’s going to be somewhat furious and those that don’t play by the rules. They’re gonna have a major problem and That’ll even go with the Forex too, but we’ll move on It says that this facility facilitates the provision of smart banking services It reduces the chances of fraud and corruption. That’s new technology provides data on the nature of Transactions so it’s going to have technology that talks about data and their control and compliance in other words If you’re not playing by the rules It’s going to be it’s going to be it’ll be seen that’s why you see a lot of blowback from certain parties and certain circumstances Those that don’t want to be exposed are having a problem, and it’s global It’s around the world.
It’s not just with Iraq In my opinion, so it says Iraq banks today are witnessing a qualitative transformation in their banking operations Especially with regard to banks with that or banks that will transform from traditional Entities to smart digital platforms and issue digital Financial Identities that facilitate financial transactions without the need for banks and you notice here in America and in other different places in the country You’re seeing less and less branches of banks It’s a fact but It goes on says the financial and banking system will witness the decline of paper currencies To be replaced by digital payments for central banks and that the central bank is moving to create its own digital currency to gradually replace the paper processes happening in some central banks in the world as well as working to establish a data center in Iraq similar to the major centers in the world as it is the indispensable part of the digital economy and The basis for artificial intelligence applications big data analysis and the Internet and that the central bank of Iraq has begun Steps in this direction. I love the word begun. So this is completely an underweighting process and What are we looking for? We’re just looking for them to Show us what they’re what the final end product is Okay.
So again, what are they doing Iraq’s banks are witnessing qualitative transformations in operations with their Especially with regard to future banks that will Transition from traditional to smart platforms and they’ll issue digital financial identities, etc so Iraq is going digital everybody. I mean, it’s it’s really fascinating And so when we talked about warnings, this article is going to be one that supports that It says Iraqi government bank warns against trading in digital currencies and for it 4x activity Why are you talking about 4x today or yesterday even to do it today, too, though? But a couple days in a row they’re talking about 4x Well, isn’t that an expectation of what we’re expecting? Why would you be warning people about trading in digital currencies on the 4x if you weren’t going he wouldn’t There’s no reason to even bring it up. So anyway based on the directives of the Central Bank of Iraq it says we warn all citizens not to use digital payment tools actively deal with the 4x and Currencies on their own account or on behalf of others whether directly or indirectly on their cards or wallets So they’re giving a major warning So it says here why? Dealing with unlicensed entities that promote these activities Exposes citizens to legal action and the last the loss of their rights So in this particular case, it’s talking about the citizens and but I also know that they include banks But at the moment that there we are they’re talking about the 4x.
We’re talking about the citizens Don’t deal with outside entities on your phones or anything without them being Playing by the rules if you’re if you’re going outside that and you’re using your current your phones to do illicit trade and circumvent the system I’m pretty sure the new technologies and artificial intelligence has got a way around that and they also warn them about Consequences and I don’t know if I don’t think anybody in Iraq wants to have consequences Could you imagine having a big chunk of money in your purchasing power disappear like that? I think they probably are open to that. Yes, there’s probably going to be some conspiracy theories about Overreach and all that kind of stuff. But the bottom line is if you play by the rules, I think you’re gonna be smiling Like I am because it’s powerful Okay, so look there’s no need to be warning And then no need for them to be warning people without something happening behind the scenes that is going to happen that You know, they need to know and they they need to be forewarned and so they they do that today And they did it yesterday.
So keep that in mind All right, because this is powerful information and my last article is going to be about a bank bank warns Iraq against or warns against using electronic payment tools and trading digital currencies and forex So the raffidane bank state bank Right interesting the raffidane banks being talked about because it’s one of the ones that’s being has been I think restructured Rashid bank probably the same way but raffidane bank warned against using electronic payment tools and trading digital currencies and forex it goes on and says They state that in line with directors of the Central Bank of Iraq Raffidane bank called on its customers to refrain from using electronic payment tools including cards electronic wallets in Digital trading currencies or forex activity whether for their personal account or for the account of others Directly or indirectly So they’re gonna know where the money is going Doesn’t matter whether you’re doing it directly or indirectly they’re gonna they’re gonna have An understanding of what kind of a transaction that is Okay So he points out that this warning comes within the framework of the raffidane banks awareness role and its keenest to protect the interests Of the customers and ensure the safety of their financial transactions. So ultimately everybody what we just heard is basically setting the stage for digital currencies Iraq being involved in that and that to be careful trading digital currencies Cryptocurrencies all those things on their wallets and their iPhones etc If you’re not within the system They’re gonna know that you’re not within the system. And so they’re giving them a warning So to all those folks that are out there in Iraq, they’re watching and I know that there’s a lot of them kudos on you guys Happy Ramadan coming in the next couple of days.
Looks like we have clear skies. And so I hope you guys all over there get the purchasing power you deserve and by the way Everybody here in the United States. We got some beautiful skies.
I guess the planets are aligning tonight. So let’s see what happens I think celestially Iraq is in line with that. They probably Is that just kind of a misnomer? But hey it is it’s been a beautiful day yesterday It was a beautiful night and it’s nice and clear clear skies in America.
And maybe we have clear skies and in Iraq tonight so they can Enjoy what’s happening? by the way What they’ve said what they’re telling us is in the news It’s imprint and militiamen and crew bring that and I thankful to my crew that helped bring this all together many of us work 10 or 12 hours a day, so But we do it because we’re passionate about what we own and I believe that we know what we own and It’s exciting times. So thanks for being with us tonight. And please again Thanks for all your help because I didn’t hit that 50k mark on subscriptions in one level patreon still Knocking it dead.
Our discord chat room is packed. Come on in enjoy and thank you hit that likes button Subscribe and we’ll see what the next goal is And I think what we’re gonna try to do is I wore gold tonight because golds on a move It’s been tapping around the 2900 range. I think it’s gonna keep moving I’m talking to my admin Greg if you guys come in Reach out to Greg because he helps keep this place running smoothly just as Gigi does she keeps the moderation Awesome keeps it smooth keeps it contained.
They have to play by rules though. Just check it out that way But the cool part is to is at the end of the day I’ve got a new gold thread coming so that’s gonna be about information just like we do here I’ve been around the gold market for the last 30 years I’m not as active as a lot of people out there But the bottom line is I have a good idea that real money Iraq’s money is gonna be real just like gold and silver is and I think a lot of countries currencies are gonna be Asset valued so we’ll see how that turns out. I could be wrong But the cool part is I don’t think so.
Look at gold price. It’s huge So enjoy and by the way, everybody you know how to find me with the with your help and support You just got to click below. So enjoy have a great weekend Once again guys, don’t forget to hit that like button If you like this content Subscribe to the channel or join us at the militia man and crew patreon community for even more exclusive content You can also donate to this channel by hitting the links in the banner to help keep this page up and running Your generous support is greatly appreciated as always much much appreciated.
Thank you so much and have a great day