“They Can’t Prevent the Crash That Is Going To Happen” (Uncut) 03-04-2025
URGENT WARNING: “They Can’t Prevent the Crash That Is Going To Happen” – Mike Maloney
The Atlanta Fed is predicting here the onset of a recession, and I think once it starts, the unraveling will be uncontrollable, and we are in for, like, they’re going to… Powell has to do another Ben Bernanke. Wow! The world economy has exited the boom-bust cycle, according to BlackRock. Now this is old, it’s from December 5th, but here’s something that’s even older.
According to this economist Irving Fisher, the nation is marching along a permanently high plateau of prosperity. And the day after he said that, the stock market would peak, and the crash of 1929 began, leading to the Great Depression. So, the fund managers survey, fund managers, 89% of them say that U.S. equities are overvalued.
The U.S. stock market valuations are at extreme level. This is non-financial market capitalization, so they’re eliminating banks, non-financials, banks and institutions like that. Divided by non-financial corporate gross value added, and what you see here is 1929, the peak, and where we are today.
Oh man! So, those two came from bar charts. North Star says that Amazon has gone nowhere versus gold for seven years. So, this is the price of Amazon stock divided by the price of gold, and there’s two outcomes to this wedge that is developing.
One, there could be a big bull market in Amazon stock versus gold, the least likely outcome. There could be a secular multi-year bear market versus gold, the most likely outcome. And he’s got some potential projections here.
And then, North Star also, tech versus gold. So, gold was outperforming tech from 1999 to 2011, and then tech has been outperforming gold, but he’s drawn some trend lines here. And you’ve got one, two, three hits on here, so that’s a good trend line, a support line.
And then, because of this dip here, he’s drawn a parallel line, which is the correct way to do this, up through here. And we have a four-year moving average here, this green line. And you’ll notice the green line stays above all of the peaks here, and then it stays below and sort of supports all of the dips on the way up for technology until just now.
It broke the four-year moving average, and it broke both of these trend lines. And so, this is bad news. Another piece of capital rotation puzzle is falling into place as tech breaks down versus gold.
So, capital rotation, that’s capital being in one sector and then leaving all of the speculative sectors for sectors that are safe haven investments and so on. And then, the Russell 2000, the Wilshire 5000, these are the broadest measures of the stock market. It contains a lot of stocks, not just all of the darlings.
So, the capital rotation process is underway. Stock markets are rolling over, priced in gold. This is a harbinger of big trouble ahead.
It could be a few days or several months away. But stock markets are entering a dangerous period. And here we’ve got the stock markets breaking a trend line.
It calls this early warning. And I would suggest that, yes, this is an early warning. Probably run for your life.
Here we’ve got the job openings total. So, what you have to look at here is the correlation that it used to have between the S&P 500 and job openings. And suddenly, as of 2022, there’s this enormous divergence happening.
This one is real. This one is like fantasy land. That is the problem.
You know that the job openings data, this is real. This one is a fantasy. And so, I believe that stock market investors are going to have a rude awakening sometime soon.
Berkshire Hathaway, the world’s most successful investor. Warren Buffett, his cash position as a percentage of assets is the highest in history. This is from Josh Phillip Farr.
Credit card debt hits a record $1.21 trillion. You’ve got to look. It was barely over $900 billion back before the lockdowns and everything that happened after that.
Well, people have been living off of their credit cards. This is one of the big problems ahead. Consumer loans, credit cards, and revolving credit.
This is from Finance-A-Lot. I just wanted to reemphasize the significance of this chart. This is the banking cartel pulling the plug on the entire economy.
I think it’s just a buildup of too much credit card debt. It looks identical because it’s all planned. It may or may not be planned, but there is a certain point where you just can’t go any deeper in debt.
And then things roll over. Well, here we are. This is February 2020.
March is when the lockdowns and everything started to happen. But what you see here, there’s two technical indicators, and I’m sorry, but I’m not going to take the time to explain what they are. I normally define everything, but you’re just going to have to do your own research on the MACD and the RSI indicators.
So the green is the RSI. The MACD is the yellow line here. And what you see is a rollover in the MACD and these sudden notches in the RSI, and then everything falls off a cliff.
And credit card debt, this is from COVID in here, the lockdowns and everything. Everybody’s maxed out, but what we’re seeing here is a rollover, almost identical, and then the RSI indicator doing these choppy little jogs. But this is the biggest one of the bunch.
Will this be the biggest recession of the bunch? Now, Treasury Secretary Scott Besant was just questioned if we were in a recession. And his answer was, we’re seeing the hangover from the excess spending of the Biden four years. In six to 12 months, it becomes Trump’s economy.
Well, yes, we are seeing the hangover, but this is misdirection. He did not answer the question. He’s misdirecting it.
And so if anything does happen, he can blame it on the previous administration and the previous administration will deserve the blame. But I would argue with this six to 12 months, I’d say six to 24 months or even 36 months before it totally becomes Trump’s economy. Stuff lasts, so when they manipulate the economy, there are consequences that can take years or even in this case, it can take decades.
It was 2008 where Ben Bernanke did these enormous manipulations. And the bust that we’re headed for is the Bernanke bust. There are things where he papered over the cracks in the foundation of the economy, but the cracks are only getting bigger.
And it’s just like wallpaper of dollar bills holding the cracks together, papering over them. Translation, they want the market to crash soon. That’s not the translation.
Translation, they can’t prevent the crash that’s going to happen and they are scared fecesless. They are scared excrementless. This is the 10-year minus the 2-year treasury and this is the most often used predictor of whether or not we’re going to have a recession or whether we’re in one or what.
And it goes negative and then we have a recession. It goes negative and then we have a recession. Starting in the 90s, it goes negative and then so this when it’s negative, that’s an inversion.
The 10-year is paying less interest than the 2-year. Investors are demanding a greater return to loan the government currency for 2 years. Then they’re not as worried about loaning for 10 years as they are loaning for 2 years.
So it inverts and then when it un-inverts, the recession starts. It inverts and then when it un-inverts or you can say reverts, the recession starts. It inverts and then it reverts and the recession starts.
There’s a day here where it was negative. So it inverts and then it reverts and a recession starts. So somehow this actually predicted COVID.
And then the longest inversion in history, I believe, and it has reverted or un-inverted not long ago. And here we are today. And so it’s predicting that within a certain period of time, there will be a recession.
This is the dynamic yield curve. I used to show this a long time ago. So stock charts put this together.
It’s free. And these are all of the different yields that they are measuring. So it’s usually the 2 minus the 10 is what we just looked at or the 10 minus the 2. I’m sorry.
And so if you take this back to what date is this? This is 1999. And you go along and you look at these yields. So these are the different percent yields for the 3 month, the 2 year, the 5, 7, 10, 20, and 30.
And what you see is an inversion that happens of the 2 and the 10. It’s pretty extreme. And then crash.
And then you get an inversion here of the 2 and the 10. It inverts a couple of times. There the 2 is higher than the 10.
And then crash. And then even just before COVID, you actually, you did get that. That inversion was only for like a, it was on a particular day, I believe.
So there is the 2 and the 10 are almost equal. But there was the COVID crash. And then this longest inversion.
So this is the inversion longest and deepest. Look at how deep that is, the difference between the 2 and the 10. And it goes on and on and on.
And here we are today getting ready for BAM, something. So Geiger Capital says, Holy S hit. Atlanta Fed now projecting that Q1 GDP will be minus 1.5. A contraction.
Wow. Last week they were projecting plus 2.3. Four weeks ago they were projecting plus 3.9. So this is the Atlanta Fed going, We’re in for a contraction. Two quarters of economic contraction equals a recession.
So this, the Atlanta Fed is predicting here the onset of a recession. And I think once it starts, the unraveling will be uncontrollable. And we are in for like, they’re going to, Powell has to do another Ben Bernanke.
Just like he’s, you know, we know the Feds, Feds have shown their cards. We know what their solution is going to be. Print, print, print, and take interest rates down to zero.
So this is from the great Martis. I’m going to show a couple of his charts here. And he’s comparing 2025 to 2008.
And what you see here is a trading range that the Dow Jones Industrial Average was in. This is the Dow. And then a gain of 27.03% and a double top that has happened.
This is 2025. And then we go back to 2008. And you see a trading range.
And then a gain of 27.63%, 27.03%, 27.63%. Something that is sort of a tilted double top. I would have to check and see if this peak was in 3% of that peak. But if it’s pretty close, yes, it’s a double top.
And then the crash of 2008 and the global financial crisis. And then a close-up of the double top that’s in now. And this is a few days later.
And it was continuing down. Update. Don’t be alarmed.
It gets much worse. So, in other news, Procter & Gamble spent more than five years perfecting the technology and design behind Charmin UltraSoft SmoothTare. That’s these wavy perforations that Charmin UltraSoft SmoothTare has.
And Vice President Rob Reinerman says that the new toilet paper is all about delivering a better bathroom experience. Well, I hope this video delivers a better bathroom experience. Because the excrement is just about to hit the air acceleration device.
And so, Joe Rogan kicks off his Elon Musk interview with, is it true? This is the good news here. Is it true they’ve been shipping large quantities of gold back to the United States recently? And Make Gold Great Again says that gold is no longer a small indie flick. It’s a blockbuster, baby.
And it is. It’s in the news all the time now. David Morgan of silver-investor.com, or the Morgan Report, always used to say that 80% of the move comes in 20% of the time.
And we’re about to hit that 20% of the time right now. So, the great Martis is predicting that we’re probably going to fill this gap. Now, gaps, this is gold, and gaps, it’s gold futures.
Gaps have a 92% probability of being filled. And you can see, there was this gap back here. And then during day trading, five days later, during midday, it got filled.
And so, we’ve got this gap. And we’re probably going to go down and revisit that area. That is 2775.
Now, moving on, my friend, Jeff Clark of the Gold Advisor, says, If annual averages play out for gold, we have three weeks to get what we want from our shopping list. This is the average gold price gain-loss throughout the year. And it’s averaged all these years from 1975 to 2024.
If this started in 1998, it would be much, much greater. Because this encompasses the really bad, it excludes 71 through 74. And then it includes the 20-year-long bear market from 1980 to 2009.
And so, if we took a look at this data presented for just this bull market, these percentages would be all much higher. But there’s typically a peak, February 21st, and guess what? Gold peaked on the 24th, close enough. It’s doing a pullback right now.
And March 18th is the least amount of gain during that period. And then, starting in July, there is this big run-up at the end of the year. And actually, that run-up goes July through February.
Because this is a continuation of this. And so, moving on. Bald Guy Money reminds us that there’s only 2.5 troy ounces of silver for every 1 troy ounce of gold.
That’s a 2.5 to 1, so it’s a ratio of 2.5. The price ratio is 90. These things don’t add up. The price ratio is going to come… I don’t know if it’s ever going to get to 2.5. But I do know that it’s not going to stay at 90.
That’s absolutely what I do know. So, hmm, damn. I just realized I don’t have enough silver.
And that is from Make Gold Great Again. I want to thank you for watching. I hope you have a better bathroom experience.
We’ll see you next time.