Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ Evening (Uncut) 02-19-2025

Evening News with MarkZ. 02/19/2025

All right. Another of those nights with Rumble problems. If you are on Rumble, hold tight, folks.


I’m going to have to go out and back in. I’m going to leave an article up. It should stay up.


Well, it didn’t stay up. Give me a minute, guys. I should have it back up soon.


And you folks on Rumble. Rumble’s got some… Yep. All right.


Should start working soon for you folks over on the Rumble side, if you are there. Hello, Jim. Hello, Green Tea.


Hello, Freedom. FreedomUS21. I’m also on other platforms right now.


I’m not doing just Rumble. So I can’t say something, because it’s all one stream. Same on YouTube.


So I can’t say anything. I think you get what I’m saying. Saw that comment.


I would have to give up YouTube completely to have a freer voice. And since over half still watch on YouTube, I’m still there. Hello, Rain Man.


Hello, Flying Hawaiian. Mr. Helper. Hello, Speed Race, for a better state on it.


After an extremely warm summer in 2024 that saw a spike in power bills, now households are seeing the same problem with heating bills as America heads into the peak of a frigid winter. Families are bringing attention to exceptionally high heating bills they received earlier this month that are almost double that of the previous month. It’s rising utility costs or even forcing some to have to decide between paying for food and medicine or their heating bill.


So I use this amazing portable heater. I absolutely love how toasty warm it makes the house without the added heating cost. It’s an amazing device.


It’s a portable, powerful mini heater that makes any of the rooms warm and cozy in no time. It’s compact enough that I can take it anywhere, but powerful enough to warm a bedroom, office, dream room, boite in the Carolinas right now you need it. Anywhere else you need that nearly instant warmth.


Plus, this includes built-in safety features like overheat protection, adjustable heat levels from simple warmth to toasty comfort, which, who doesn’t love it? Family, me, you name it. And lower heating bills is an icing on the cake. Do you all a favor and grab one up to 60% off this winter season only at staywarmnow.com. Plus, order today and you’ll receive free expedited shipping, a 60-day satisfaction guarantee, and several other free bonuses.


Once again, that is staywarmnow.com. Nancy asked me for prayers. My roommate apparently forgot to get proof of insurance, so the apartment is threatening eviction. Ah, you hurry and fix it and, yeah.


That cue ball kind of happens with those eating bills. Jackie, I don’t know if it’s still snowing at mom’s house. If she’s watching, she’ll tell me.


I don’t think it is, though. I think it has passed. I see everybody checking in from Canada Land.


How are you up there? Hello, Iris, Savvy, Lily. Has anybody checked in to find out how Booger’s birthday has been so far? Treebeard, good to see you in the house. Just keeping up with everything you guys are talking about.


Let’s see. Stewball C stands for Cottrell, C-O-T-T-R-E-L-L. He’s on every Friday.


A lot of people still try to call him by every kind of different names. People are fixated with calling him Cantrell. I don’t know where that came up.


Like C-A-N-T-R-E-L. No clue where that came from. But it’s Cottrell, C-O-T-T-R-E-L-L.


Easy guy to research and find. We need to do that. I’ll work on them, guys.


I’ll see if I can get a lot of that paperwork. Again, the links, dig them up and share them. Friday would be a good thing for those that are curious for some of that background.


Breaking. President Trump announces he is considering giving Americans 20% of the savings generated by Doge following a proposal by Elon Musk. Thousands is a good thing.


Uh-oh. See, we got an answer already. Uh-oh.


She says still snowing. They say we’re getting an inch an hour. They think it may be as much as 12 inches by the time it quits.


This is Virginia Beach, guys. The Virginia Beach area. Wow.


All I can say is wow. Hello, Ms. Lynn Hoops. How are things up in the burg, the amazed? Carolyn says I live in the Hampton Roads area across the bay from Virginia Beach, and it’s still snowing.


Not supposed to stop until tomorrow morning. That’s going to be something for you all. Pup Grammy says daughter’s injured.


I’m partial to the area because, well, family. My mother’s there. My niece and nephew are there.


One of my sisters is there. Of course, the commander is there. Stepbrother, his family.


Oh, man, he’s got a great family. Lauren, Kate, and Josh, just some neat kids. I’m blessed, highly blessed and highly favored.


Ah, the Amphib base. I’ve stayed there before. Nate, I can feel the shift.


Greg, tentatively we’re planning on on the 12th somewhere in the Cape Canaveral area. Trying to get all that buttoned down tomorrow or Friday. I’m reading what you guys have to say.


I know it’s 807. We’re going to dive in quickly. I’m going to nail the news as quickly as I can, so I’ll be ready for whiskey and wisdom.


Zester, it has been a very long work day for the both of us. I think both of us have cross eyes. Yeah, I don’t know if he will make it tonight.


If he does, he’ll probably call it short. Please pray for Fernando and his team as they are on a dangerous mission right now. They’re going into an area tonight where nine people were attacked and killed last night.


Let me see what I’m allowed to say on that front. There’s one piece of information I’d like to share, but I need to make certain I don’t mess up and share anything. Let’s see.


All right. Yeah, I don’t know if I should say how those nine died yesterday or not, Dave. I don’t want to put anybody in a bad position, but they are on a life and death mission right now, the folks over at ATB.


So if you could, give Fernando and crew prayers for success and safety. It’s all snowflake work. Does that count? That’s great.


Old fartman is 21 years, 61 years old. Yeah, let’s get this thing knocked out in the next two weeks and be done with it so old fart can move on with life. Before I forget, Purple Rider had a birthday today.


I shouldn’t say I forgot. I didn’t see it in time to announce it. Purple Rider, happy birthday.


TP Lou, that is awfully kind of you over on the rumble side. Yeah, anybody catch Trump’s speech today? I didn’t catch it. Something big? I mean, he’s been nailing it.


And he and Zelensky are definitely having a bit of a spat. And I think Zelensky is picking the wrong side in this one. Vote on Kash Patel is supposed to be tomorrow.


Three days later. One week later. Two weeks later.


They’re doing their best not to get them, but I think they’re going to get them. Trish’s birthday tomorrow. I am ready.


LSU girl, I’m ready for my retribution. Come on, Elon, right? Be a thinker, it’s possible. I’m just reading a few of these.


I know we got to dive in. Oh, it’s 810. Let’s get to it.


A bit of news out of Iraq. Guys, I continue to get more and more bond updates. And the timing is being confirmed from nearly every one of them between.


Let’s see. Let me do that math. Over the next.


12 days ought to be very busy on that front. I’m still a little confused because I’ve not heard much from groups yet. I had a couple of folks that are involved in higher levels with groups that recently went to be in place.


And all they’ll say is they are working hard, but I’ve not heard a leak. Bond crew started talking recently because they are being set. Their final appointments have been given all kinds of updates, even some background as to what’s been going on.


We continue to hear that this is an absolute top priority for Trump. I hope that’s accurate. And that we’re off the stuck spot.


So I just want to share that. Now, let’s get into Iraq. Kurdistan Council of Ministers confirms its aspirations to resume the region’s oil exports as soon as possible.


This one really is big, guys. They’re talking about resuming them still in the month of February before March even starts. They are supposed to fully resume next week.


It’s our understanding, my understanding, that this may be one of the big keys we have been waiting on. Parliamentary finance. U.S. sanctions will exasperate the dollar crisis.


And there’s no government plan. There is a government plan. But we have a minister, a parliamentary minister that didn’t get the memo, actually probably got the memo.


What they’re doing is reinforcing that they are going to have to make a change and change the value. If the U.S. is going to continue de-dollarizing, then they are going to be forced to increase the value. I’m loving watching some of these.


Official denial and popular fears. The spread of the counterfeit Iraqi denier raises the panic of citizens and merchants. Guys, 99.9% nothing you need to worry about when you see that.


Do not panic. There are a million videos out there where you can check security features. The claim is that there has recently been a large influx of counterfeit bills coming out of Iran.


The CBI says while they have caught a few, it has not been widespread or large. But this does pave the way for new bills with new security features. What has been in the news recently in Iraq? Oh, you know, we’re worried about this.


We’re going to need better security features. We’re worried about possible counterfeiting. Perfect cover.


We know in 2018, guys, that they did a contract with Delaware to print all new currencies for the country. Great cover in my book. Restructuring Iraqi banks.


Government’s plan to protect the financial sector. Yep, get it in the banks. Doing a complete overhaul.


International standards connected to the world. I.E. no sanctions. International.


Connected to the world. Allaloc, inflation drops to 3%. We shared an earlier one this week as they were talking about inflation.


Actually, it may have been Saturday, I think. Now we’ve got official numbers coming out, guys. It puts them on par with the United States.


And they keep talking about the currency and fluctuations. But meanwhile, they are very much controlling their inflation rate. Safe.


Stable. We’re going to go back to Shabibi. Safe.


Stable. I’ll give you an increased value. I’ll give you a new dinar.


Economist explains the reasons for launching financial bonds. I love this. It’s like Economics 101.


How many times have I said this recently? Somebody in Iraq has been studying Austrian economics, and they get it. Instead of running deficits, you sell bonds to the people to cover shortages. Instead of printing extra money out of nowhere, you sell it to the people in bonds.


They kind of used to do that in the U.S. until nobody wanted to buy them. Then they became like T-bills, mechanisms, tools, etc. But then the bond gets paid back, and you don’t have a deficit.


I love how this works. Hello, Al. Lilypad, they don’t need a rate.


Why would they need a rate to get a bond paid? They’re getting paid in whatever country they’re in in that native currency. So the short is, they don’t need a rate to get paid. Patriot, does anyone else find it interesting or annoying? Well, it’s the nature of the beast as to why.


Oh, is that Nikita? It kind of looks like Nikita. Free dog. I can’t tell from here.


Yeah, anyways. It’s because of the nature of the beast. When we get to four, it’s done.


There’s no information coming about four. There’s all kinds of information about all the steps in between, but there really is nothing on four, because at that point, it’s finished. But that’s, in short, why you don’t get anything specific to four, because at that point, you’ve already crossed the finish line.


You know, the race is a mile, and you’re running four laps around the track. You’re really not too worried about all the obstacles after the finish line, because you’ve already crossed the finish line. That’s why you don’t.


I thought about that, too. I was like, you know, duh. Oh, we already talked about that one.


Ah, we can take down the news banner. We’re only going to hit one or two more, and then I’m going to get out of here and ready for whiskey and wisdom, and boy, do I need it. Boy, do I need it.


Well, I just need the downtime. Been a long, long, long work day. The new banner is less offensive to me.


Indian nations have not been paid yet. I cannot find proof that they have distributed funds. Damn the man.


I prayed for you today, Boog, that the sugar in your cake made you sweeter. I just want Booger to be wholly, completely healthy. Don’t know if Matt’s joining us.


Don’t know if Andy’s joining us. Andy said earlier he could probably join late. I’ve not had an update from Matt.


He does have the link. Lucas has the link. Andy has the link.


Zester may limit his time tonight, though. Just reading some of these. Mary, I’ve been telling you exactly why on the number of days.


If you’ve been watching any of the podcasts this week, just go back, rewatch them if you’re still asking the question. Patriot, yep, she’s my seventh Akita rescue. Great catch.


Patriot, we had two of them, Nicky and Robin, when the kids were younger. Actually, I think Nicky passed before the kids were old enough to remember. All right, let’s get to it.


Mainstream media melts down over jaw-dropping pivot in U.S. foreign policy after Trump ripped dictator Zelensky. I mean, he’s not wrong. Mainstream media is upset, but he’s not wrong.


What have they done? CNN, boy, I tell you, they’re whipping out the Russia gate first thing. Oh, he’s just a mouthpiece because he thinks that Zelensky is a dictator. Well, I mean, what did he do? He outlawed all press but one official station.


You’re not allowed to report news. He suspended elections. And then he persecuted and closed down churches.


Not all churches, depends. Are they running it and do they control who’s in the pulpit? I mean, he’s not wrong when he calls Zelensky a dictator. I mean, you can make the argument, at least, that is for certain.


Now, there were some good ones in here. He’s in year six of his five-year term. He declared martial law February 2022 and has banned elections since then, banned 11 political parties, passed laws in 2022 to censor journalists and combined all news into one government station.


Journalists investigating his corruption get conscripted and thrown to the front lines to die. Now there’s a fight over whether or not 4% is inaccurate or not, and they’re saying Trump pulled that number out of his butt. Who knows? We know his popularity has tanked in the Ukraine.


We even have that, guys, from a former boxer or actor that is the mayor of Kiev that said, hey, look, he needs to go, but I’m not going to challenge him. Nobody’s going to challenge him now while we’re in the middle of the war, but he needs to go. But the moment that there is any kind of peace, they want him replaced, and that’s coming from a number of other politicians in the Ukraine.


Yeah, you’re getting it all. It’s a dictator without election, refused to have elections, better move faster, you won’t have a country. So it’s dropping down into a slugfest, a screen fest.


Don’t think it’s the best way to handle foreign policy, but it’s probably the only way to get through to them, hey, you need to find peace. You need to sit at the table. You need to stop having a fit.


You need to time to man up, time to sit down, have some very uncomfortable conversations, not refuse to, not say, well, I’m not going here, I’m not going there. And now he’s insistent on the NATO thing again. Guys, once again, the U.S. has promised twice, documented that they would not expand NATO into the Ukraine over and over.


Now he’s mad because he’s not been expanded into the Ukraine. U.S. has said over and over and over. The first time we said it was when Clinton was president.


We will not expand into the Ukraine. Just like the U.S. would not like Russia putting missiles in Niagara Falls or in Tijuana right across the border. This is common sense, painfully common sense to anybody with a brain.


He was asked about the question of the U.S. taking NATO membership off the table. It wasn’t on the table. Somewhat shocking European allies this week.


If we’re not in NATO, then as I said, NATO has to be in the Ukraine. We will need an army comparable to the soldiers of Russia. What’s realistic here? I’m not trying to be mean.


I’m not trying to upset if you’re Ukrainian or if you hate Trump or if you worship Zelensky or whatever, but a little hard, cold reality wouldn’t hurt. So that’s still on the news as it continues to percolate. U.S., I mean, there are many out there thinking the U.S. will just replace Zelensky so they can find peace.


I think they would just let him implode, but they are pushing. In other words, it’s coming to a head. Mr. Xi has said peace in the Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine, and he believes we get a reset.


Here’s your big one for the night. Zelensky had it made under Joe. Modernity reporting, guys, this is not the only one reporting.


There are many news outlets now reporting that Trump could be about to ban COVID vaccines. Pull them until they are retested with all the proper safety protocols. Meaning most likely years.


There has been more and more disclosure, more and more peer-reviewed studies coming out, and it is becoming, well, overwhelmingly damning, in my opinion, from the number of peer-reviewed scientific studies I’ve read. I know I’m not a doctor. Consult your doctor.


Matter of fact, print the studies and hand them to them. Have them read them and then talk about it. Informed consent means you are informed.


Informed consent means your doctor should also be informed. Many of your doctors don’t even know there’s peer-reviewed studies on it. Unfortunately, I’ve had that conversation with a couple of them, and they said, no, there aren’t.


So I quickly pulled up, oh, I don’t know, about 20 and sent them to them. So they face ban for all Americans and a radical U-turn until there are proper safety testing, something that has existed from the beginning until then. I think that’s just huge.


I told you it was coming. They told you it was coming. Lilypad, matter of fact, the first mRNA sample was 2019 in December, according to documentation that was received at the Chapel Hill University.


Wait, COVID hadn’t come out yet, but they already had their trial. Right, right. Two and two makes four.


All right. Kukla, you are right. I need to call it a wrap.


I went further than I should have. Love every stinkin’ one of you. Well, not every one of you.


There’s one or two that I really don’t. Just kidding. Or am I? Yeah, I’m tired.


I will see you, right? Exactly what I voted for. I like that car 54. That’s what I voted for.


See you guys. Well, those that are joining for whiskey and wisdom, the rest of you I’ll see tomorrow morning. We are supposed to have, I believe it’s the Mushroom Ladies, tomorrow morning with us as well at the end, after we do all the news and do the normal show, for those that like to stick around and ask them a lot of questions.


Carolyn, I am kind of in a bratty mood. Three of you enjoy your pre-gaming. I’m just tired.


I’m punch silly. I’m punch dumb. What do you guys call it when you’ve just worked yourself to a frazzle? I’m going to sleep great tonight.


I’m fine. Just a tremendous amount of work, and I have had so much fun assaulting it. All right.


Now I’ll see you guys.

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