Fort Knox Audit Could Collapse The Fiat System (Uncut) 02-21-2025
Fort Knox Audit Could Collapse The Fiat System
it’s a very serious very dangerous thing and these sorts of Revelations if there is a revelation can collapse the entire inflationary system in an instant if something is found out that shouldn’t be found out this is dangerous stuff right now you can swap any uncirculated 1 oz gold coin or 1 o carded bar for an ms62 $20 Liberty with no extra premium whatsoever just ship us your gold coins or bars and exchange them for ms62 numismatic Liberty that no extra cost call us for details hey everyone this is Elijah K
Johnson with liberty and finance and back with us today is our good friend rafy Farber from the endgame investor on substack rafie thank you so much for joining us today hey Elijah good to be back and I’m excited every day now yeah likeing I’m more excited uh every day it seems like with even Trump now talking about auditing Fort Knox I think that’s fantastic idea we’ll see what what happens with that gold outflows from London are incredible in the last couple uh I guess the last month or so flowing
over to the comex we’re seeing all-time highs in Gold where would you like to start uh well we could start the audit of Fort Knox you know what the hell definitely I mean it seems like R Rand Paul was really pushing for this El mus B was on it now Trump is addressing it uh himself regarding that Fort kns will be audited and you know they won’t be happy if not all the golds there so um how do you think this will play out um I’m having these memories from back in 2012 from the Ron Paul 2012 campaign that’s when I that’s pretty
much when I woke up and understood that everything was an illusion uh Ron Paul is a big big part of that as he was for many of us I think um and I I remember back in 2012 I think Trump was running also for president but that was when he was still a joke um and he was and he’s I think he was speaking at like a Ron Paul friendly event or something and he was saying like I love Ron Paul he’s a great guy um but he can’t win and everyone booed him um so like that that was that was like the first hint that maybe Trump
really did like Ron and maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy even though he was kind of a joke back then so the fact that he’s seriously he’s taking this seriously in audit of for KNX is like a thing that that matters first of all it means that to some degree not to a not to the full extent but to some degree he understands that gold is money because you’re not you’re not going to audit you know Cushing Oklahoma for how much oil is there that’s all you’re always keeping track of that and the only reason that you wouldn’t count
gold is because you think it’s irrelevant and like it’s just like a a a big fortress of a bunch of metal stacked in piles that nobody ever does anything with that’s that’s how the Fiat enthusiasts describe it and on the surface that’s that’s correct but it’s it represents all the it represents all the money circulating around if you as we all know if you fake the amount of gold certificates you create a business cycle you create a boom bus and that’s it so I think the gold is there per like what do I know I’m not an intelligence
officer I don’t you know I don’t work for us Aid or the CIA I don’t really know exactly what’s there but I have I would I wouldn’t be surprised if the gold is actually there and the issue is who owns it and how many claims per bar or whatever it is um I have a feeling that they they would re hypothecate and they would encumber it multiple times uh for whatever Bank purposes so the audit shouldn’t really primarily be focused on is the stuff actually there come I see it can I like hold it and weigh it okay
fine but who owns it exactly and so you got to find the paper trail and that’s the big that’s the big deal uh and if we find that there are many claimants on each bar uh there’s going to be some Mayhem I mean this is a dangerous thing to do the the the core of government power of corruption The Core Power of corruption what causes corruption and what makes it so powerful is the inflationary process it’s not something you can just start right it’s something that you have to establish huge huge amounts of
trust and reliability for and that’s what the United States established after it basically conquered the world after World War II defeated the Nazis uh managed Europe uh put together the West as we know it put together the entire post uh World War II political reality and so everyone relied on the US and when from that power it was able to inflate over the gold Supply and that inflation goes into everything everything that’s that is corrupt is corrupt because of the inflation so you can’t fix the education system without
stopping the inflation because the inflation will find its way into the education system to fund something that should not be funded that’s what it does uh so to bring it back to your question or to the topic of of of an audit auditing Fort Knox and also it’s not just Fort Knox there’s some in New York and there’s some in Denver I mean the the gold certificates that are on the fed’s balance sheet are a collection of all three fortnox is the biggest one but there’s one in Denver I think one in New York so assuming all these three
places are going to be audited you are basically you’re going into the the the bedroom or the holy of holies of the deep State because that is the core of their power they just they don’t want you to know that it is they might not even be conscious fully that it really is but that’s that’s it that’s the that’s the bedroom that’s or the or the dungeon what whatever the most important room in the house is for them so a auditing it uh if they do it honestly if Trump does it honestly and I think Elon
musk was saying that he’s going to like live broadcast it or something I don’t know if that’s going to happen he might just be um sensationalist but it’s it’s a very serious very dangerous thing and these sorts of Revelations if there is a revelation can collapse the entire inflationary system in an instant if something is found out that shouldn’t be found out this is dangerous stuff it’s necessary but it’s dangerous now the theory out there is that the US has as you mentioned kind of re hypothecated the gold or sold it
multiple times and so on to suppress the gold price your um your hunch is that that probably has happened so it’s more not so much that the goal’s not there but that multiple people have claims on it yeah that’s that’s my theory I think it would be it would be too irresponsible like even even for the Deep state to actually get rid of this stuff when really you don’t have to move it anywhere you just to assign different owners or promises to different people and they say well you have this now you
can trade against it and then everyone thinks they own it but that’s what the inflationary system is you don’t have to move the stuff so why why would it not be there if nobody actually has to they’re not going to like make a deal with a jeweler like you know do you want some of our golden for knock you can make some necklaces that’s not what’s happening it stays monetary if it stays monetary there’s no reason for it to move so it’ll probably be there the question is who owns it and that that’s
that’s a bigger question um and there’s some there’s some theories now that that may be the gold coming in from London and we can go into this next topic uh if you want to H in a question but it could be that that some of the gold that’s transferring from London or wherever it’s coming from into New York could be uh the federal government trying to cover its lack of supplies before the audit that I I don’t I don’t know if that’s true that’s that’s like that’s pure speculation cuz no body knows it’s just like stories that people
are saying maybe um I mean we’ll see it does seem like it’s all happening at once here but that those London outflows are quite surprising we’re seeing millions and millions of ounces in January flowed from London over to the comc so um any idea what that is all about if it’s if it’s not just to cover you know any missing gold at four knock uh I’ve I’ve been trying to figure this out since 2020 um so first of all what I what I am seeing um before I get into some theories and I I still can’t answer this question fully but I can
give some analogies that might shed some light on on what’s Happening so if you look at the charts of the the gold supplies in comix we don’t know the eligible supplies the stuff that’s not for sale are not for sale publicly against contracts we don’t know who owns any of that that’s totally opaque um um no idea uh if you look at the amount of eligible gold not for sale that’s the there were the spike in 2020 of that supply versus the spike now it’s about the same in quantity it’s a little less now uh we’re not quite at the
record highs we’re close uh but it’s taken a quarter of the time that it took in 2020 to accumulate the same amount of gold so we’re going at quadruple the speed assuming this stuff is real um and now the question why why is this happening um look the dry answer is that Futures are worth more in New York than the spot price in London so you buy the spot in London you sell it against Futures in New York and you pocket the difference that’s the dry answer as to what but the deeper question is why is
gold worth more New York than London that’s what we want to know um and I I don’t have a an answer for that question other than to say uh that you know when your body’s in trouble when you’re in a panic what’s going to happen is like the blood’s going to exit your your extremities and it’s going to go into your core uh either you’re in a flight or fight fight or flight or you’re you’re in a hypothermia situation where you need to preserve all your heat um your your hands will start freezing you’ll start
shaking and your blood will head to your uh to your main organs uh to protect them to to keep them warm so we’re in a dollar world the the center of the entire Fiat system not just the United States but the entire planet is the US dollar uh and when there is stress in the monetary system just like your body does it takes blood out of the extremities and moves to the core that’s what’s going to happen when there’s monetary stress it happened in 2020 because there was severe monetary stress right they shut down the entire
planet for very logical reasons um of course as we all know and the blood which is the blood is the gold like the dollar is just the derivative but the actual liquidity is the gold the dollar trades above that uh it’s it’s moving into New York and it’s moving into New York again because I think there there are serious problems in the monetary circulatory system uh and that’s going to come out we don’t know exactly how but there’s there’s going to be news of some kind of financial collapse somewhere and all the
the gold bugs and the the the metal crowds say yeah yeah well we told you we didn’t know exactly what it was going to be it was going to happen so we’ll see what it is there’s going to be one it’s going to fall it’s going to be soon now when it comes to Gold outflows we’re also seeing that from GLD you’ve been reporting this I believe it’s GLD and possibly also SLV is seeing outflows right now so what is the significance of this okay so if I’m trying to figure out why someone would take gold from GLD or
SLV right first of all we contrast this with 2020 in 2020 gold is moving from London through from from London officially the claims were were London claims but I think the gold was physically coming from Switzerland most of it uh to fulfill those claims so in 2020 uh the gold was going mostly into the ETFs right it was coming from London going into GLD going the silver was coming from London going into SLV saw the Holdings of GLD and SLV just go way up with the price so in tandem now um GLD and SLV are pretty much even since
uh since mid December when this huge runaway move started happening right um and the other hint that we have that something weird is going on in GLD and the borrowing fees which uh was pointed out by Ronnie stoly and some of the other big uh and Greg hempy I think uh pointed it out a lot of the big uh guys in space like to brought attention to this um what’s what’s his name the name is the Destroyer the um Ronin running running Manley running the Destroyer right that’s the guy so he he pointed it
out also the the borrowing fees on these ETFs are uh on GLD yesterday was an all-time record 10.44% if I’m not mistaken so that means that that people are paying to borrow GLD they’re paying a lot of money to borrow GLD um and and that they’re presumably I have no proof of this they’re they’re redeeming baskets of shares for physical bullion and doing something with it why would they pay a 10% fee to do that well probably because it’s cheaper than getting gold at any other source uh so so basically the difference between now
and 2020 is that there’s demand for gold outside the ETFs to pull the gold out of GLD and SLV to put somewhere else somebody somebody wants the physical more than he wants the paper claims that’s the difference now in 2020 everyone was running after gold and running after paper claims and it was it was also hitting the other difference it it was hitting the retail market right now it’s not yet the premiums are still dead in the water um so that suggests that this is a this is a purely um wholesale Bank
derivative problem and not a physical supply problem so it’s it’s uh it’s slightly different a similar creature we’ll see where we’ll see where it goes because these these flows can’t last forever there there’s a finite amount of gold to come into the US from other sources it can’t keep going like this and what is that where we’re seeing a a strange situation where there’s so much Demand on you know the Futures market and the comx and all that but the retail Market is you know premiums are super super low on the buy and sell side
so it seems like the little guy isn’t buying and the big guy is or what’s going on um I’ve tried I’ve tried to reason that out also and what I’ve come up with what makes sense is in 2020 there was a real Panic it was like an end of the world Panic like nobody knew what this virus was going to do even even the people that ended up dissidents weren’t at that point I wasn’t I was suspicious but I wasn’t like oh this is crap I didn’t know maybe it was serious maybe the world was ending you know they’re going to shut down the world
maybe we’re all going to die I I nobody nobody knew everyone was scared so if you’re scared what do you do you buy gold and silver and stocks right stock portfolios were were crashing hard it was scary especially if you owned a lot of stocks so people saw their their stock portfolios losing dollar value right and and the world is shutting down is any are any of those companies that they own are going to survive so what they do well they contributed to the selling they sold some stocks they bought some gold and silver they wanted
some coins to like you know make them feel better and it’s spread out into like a lot of people not just the metal stackers but what do we have now like okay stocks are still like right near all-time highs the economy is functioning in the sense that we were not locking down anything that there’s no real end of thee World Vibe here there’s like everyone knows something’s happening because something’s definitely happening but you you have to you have to understand it’s only going to be understood by people like us that these
things are very important to like you know you talk to the norm on the street oh they’re going to audit Fort Knox they’ll be like what’s Fort Knox like oh I heard there’s a lot of gold there well who cares like what does that have to do with anything what what do I care so you’re going to have the standard People Like Us that that are still buying uh that that stack like because we always stack you know we buy a certain amount of month every two or three months whatever it is so that’s not GNA that’s not going to like inflate
premiums it’s not going to push them higher because we are what we are and we always buy um what you need is a panic in the public and what you need for that is crashing stock prices and the gold to S&P 500 ratio going a lot higher a lot faster that’ll freak people out and that will Spike premiums like really quickly so we haven’t seen that yet but we will it it has been really interesting this year as we’ve seen gold continue to run up really really close to 3,000 now um just your general take on that and where
you see gold heading from here you know maybe if if it is shown that there’s something fishy going on at Fort Knox I mean do we break through 3,000 pretty soon here we could break 3,000 any any hour now it could be a matter of hours but it doesn’t it doesn’t matter if we hit if we hit 3,000 it’ll make some headlines but the do this what we got to really get over the dollar amount doesn’t really matter that much I mean we can’t have a party once it hits 3,000 but you know once once it hits 3,000 then then so what does that say
anything other than it’s a nice round number not not really uh what what we’d have to see what would what really change things is if we see gold going up and other assets going down like bonds and stocks and the dollar Index itself like if they all go down and and gold like even stays stable to go up then that’s that’s scary for a lot of people right because gold goes up if if everything’s going up and Gold’s going up nobody cares nobody cares so let’s see gold at 3,000 and and you know the NASDAQ like down 5% in a day that
that would scare some people and that we should pay attention you’ve talked lot about this idea of gold revaluation and a lot of people are talking about this especially you know with Scott bessent as the treasury secretary being a big gold fan and you Trump wanting to audit Fort Knox and all all this stuff there’s a lot of Buzz about what if gold was revalued in your opinion what would that mean and would it really mean anything at the end of the day you’ve talked about how uh this would actually just be
a dollar devaluation what is your take on that yeah so that’s what it is it would be it wouldn’t exactly be a dollar devaluation it would be a debt devaluation um this this is what I’ve I’ve emphasized on on my channel on my Subs since I began this thing since I I became like a talking head in the gold and silver space that the gold standard never never ended we’re still on it because of the regression principle because of messian regression principle regression theorem I prefer saying principle just makes sounds better uh
all prices reach back into the past every economic transaction that we engage in today is connected to every economic transaction in the past just like Evolution right always goes back to you know DNA um recombining and meosis and and and reproduction what we are today is a result of every single relationship in the past just definitionally so you can’t get away from gold the the dollar started as a as a derivative of the gold that existed somewhere and prices prices evolved from there the difference now is that most of what is
the dollar is made up of debt to pay those same dollars and it LO Loops back in on itself so a gold revaluation gold is part of what the dollar is because it’s on the because the issuer of the dollar the ones who issue those things the FED has claims on gold and it has claims on debt paid in dollars which are claims on gold right it all go it all goes back um so on on its balance sheet it has this lie that everyone knows is a lie and everyone just thinks it’s stupid that says that the gold that the that that that the FED
has a claim on which is in Fort Knox and other places that’s $42 22 haha isn’t that funny so that that means that all the dollars that are owed in debt are redeemable for gold at $42 which they’re not so when when you um okay so let let me take this to a a simpler analogy that uh when let’s say your your kid has a few coins in a piggy bank right and then your other kid this just happened in my family and and and somebody needs like a quarter right so he goes to the his piggy bank takes a quarter replaces it with an IOU one
quarter in the piggy bank right is the IOU one quarter is is that part of the money supply it’s not part of the money supply it’s it’s on par with a quarter that means that whoever has this paper is owed one quarter but if there aren’t enough quarters then then how many papers do you need to get one quarter right you keep issuing the papers and there’s not enough quarters so the paper isn’t worth one quarter it’s maybe worth two like 5 cents 10 cents depending on how many quarters actually exist right so most of the dollar is
debt it’s debt to owe to owe dollars but to own to owe what like what am I owing and that is you’re owing the gold at 42 but if you say oh that’s a lie I I can’t I don’t have enough gold to redeem the $6.8 trillion that are on the the feds B at $42 an hour there’s just not enough gold in the solers to do that so we’re going to we’re going to say this this is a lie we’re going to admit it and we’re going to say you know what the exchange rate is actually 42,000 not 42 because the the amount of dollars has
gone up a thousand times so what happens the debt those papers that said you know I owe you a quarter they get devalued to almost nothing which means all of the institutions that own this dollar denominated debt they lose all of that value overnight because just because you change the number on a balance sheet that it it sounds so stupid but that’s what will happen necessarily because whether you want to believe it or not whether you want to believe that gold is money or you think that it that you know
money is just a social construct like gender or whatever it doesn’t matter what you think gold is money so that’s what will happen it will devalue the debt and all the banks that own that debt will die almost instantly it seems like I mean there’s it seems like so many different uh stories in the gold market these days it really was it really is good to have you back on just to kind of clear this up for a lot of our viewers and there’s a lot of uh signs pointing in these directions but it’s important to kind of put it all
together here so we really appreciate your time rafie if our viewers are interested in learning more they can go to the endgame or endgame investor. we’ll put a link in the description of this video right next to your name there uh any last thoughts before the let you go and and tell us a bit about your substack yeah um my substack um I try to be entertaining I try to be fun I try to make it fun I’m having I’m having a lot of fun lately so it’s it’s been it’s been a lot of fun um very entertaining
for me uh I think the last post I have up there is is free um and I’m looking at it now uh one of my subscribers sent me this chart that equ that shows a chart of of golden paper marks in the 19 uh from 1919 to 1923 and Compares it to a CH of gold now it looks pretty similar uh so my subscribers are pretty fun too uh and I basically I’m I’m just trying to give a solid philosophical backing to what’s going on now so that no matter what happens in the market um you know that the that it is a sound practice to
accumulate sound money in a world where money is literally falling through our hands like sand uh it’s it’s really that way and what what’s my advice look um I’m I I saw this video recently maybe it was an Epicurious thing on on YouTube this guy that he’s really famous for eating hot peppers um and uh and breeding hot peppers so he like he he puts like the hottest pepper in the world in his mouth and he chew and he eats it and and they’re like well how do you like what’s your advice on eating peppers so he’s like enjoy it it tastes
good you know okay it’s hot it’s it’s going to burn you it’s going to make you tear up it’s going to like you know burn your throat maybe burn your intestines whatever but it’s not going to kill you enjoy it so we’re we’re going through like a hot pepper phase now it’s it’s going to be unpleasant but if you’re prepared you’ll be fine enjoy it it’s fun this is fun if you’re not having fun you know um relax just watch there’s a lot going on fantastic well we really always appreciate your time rafie thank you so
much and God bless you too right now you can swap any on circulated 1 oz gold coin or 1 oz carded bar for an ms62 $20 Liberty with no extra premium whatsoever just ship us your gold coins or bars and exchange them for ms62 numismatic Liberty at no extra cost call us for details