okay everybody here we go it’s me Greg manino Tuesday December 31st 2024 the last day of the year uh just real quick tomorrow the market is closed for New Year’s Day I will not be doing a market report pre or postm Market obviously there is no market tomorrow uh but I will see you on Thursday the first trading day of the year I’ll cover that later but let’s let’s just start to put a few things into perspective people I want you to understand something very clearly what’s going to happen to Curren
sees plural Central Bank issued notes moving into 2025 including the US style you probably know what I’m going to say but I don’t want you to fall for a trap door that is being set for you right now for years years a decade more more than a decade I’ve been explaining to all of you we’ve covered it here multiple times that for the foreseeable future and this is going to remain in effect the US Dollar on a relative strength basis in other words comparing it to other currencies you’re going to remain the
prettiest Bell at the ball the trapo that gets set for you is okay look how strong the dollar is on a relative strength basis it’s going to remain that way but on an absolute strength basis Central Bank issued notes collectively are going to lose more purchasing power this includes the dollar how do we know that what do we know is getting set up right now the Federal Reserve okay who’s responsible for monetary policy okay it’s not presidents kings queens dictators monarchs um will be lowering rates uh multiple times throughout this
in fact it’s being portrayed as being forced to do it because the economy is going to Crater moving forward this is exactly the setup here people look man let let let’s get real none of this none of it at all whatsoever and I mean zero is by accident a comedy of errors we are here by Design This Is A A A system that is being set up to fail you understand okay and we got a warning actually it wasn’t a warning from actually I have a picture of it yesterday we got a warning here from Trump okay warning of a Great
Depression this is no warning you know what this really is it’s a promise it’s going to happen and you knew that before he said it people what being thrust not only into a new system that we we don’t want we didn’t vote for you know what I’m talking about this this this merger it makes me want to vomit I’m telling you the truth here between deregulated Banks so maybe they’re not going to have any regulation at all moving forward you understand what happened yesterday uh uh the Trump Administration is looking to
to completely deregulate the banks all right beautiful predatory institutions they’re going to pounce all over you and that’s what you voted for right no you didn’t and you can’t stop it there’s just no way out of it understand what’s going to happen here the merger and deregulation of cryptocurrencies and Banks being put together here to bridge us into the new system is going to happen very very rapidly it it started to get set up prior to the election that’s how we know again it’s in your face there was no election wake up
people wake the freak up finally so this is a promise now with regard to that you’re going to see currency devaluation as central banks continue to inflate as their only Power why do you think it is that we’re being pulled further and further and further and further away from a constitutional money system being thrust into a a digital token system because we’re going back to a commodity back system people wake up start to think real okay and snap out of the delusion that you’ve been hypnotized into during the runup to the selection
here snap out of it really snap out of it it’s in your freaking face and they tell you what they’re going to do before it happens anyway look um with regard to the currencies you got to understand what’s going to happen here you there’s a trapo being set up for you with with regard to the dollar okay you’re going to hear over and over and over and over again how strong the dollar is I don’t want you to just laugh at it they’re talking about a relative strength basis not an absolute strength the absolute
purchasing power the value of central bank issue notes around the world is in free fall this means it’s over here for the economy henceforth why Trump here said we’re moving into what is he saying a Great Depression here we’re already in what is yet to be defined people look man people can’t survive they’re borrowing and borrowing and borrowing beyond their eyeballs here just to maintain the illusion of a middle class existence sound familiar to you we’ve only spoken about this would happen for
10 years this mechanism is going to get worse and all these people are doing to themselves is assuring them a front seat on the roller coaster ride into the the the pit of financial obscurity on a massive scale as they create the dependency on the system that’s what this is all about right now creating dependency and you know this cuz we’ve covered it over and over again but I believe we’re going to see this accelerate moving into next year as the FED continues to cut rates cut rates cut rates cut rates cut rates you got that
same promise from president select Trump you don’t believe he said that because some of you still don’t I read through the comments oh Greg Trump never promised us lower rates really people it doesn’t take a lot of effort to just do let you know Google these things you make yourself look stupid when you post a comment like this oh Greg is wrong Trump never promised lower rates during the runup to the presidential selection here and you don’t look it up for yourself and honestly look I don’t want
any of you to look bad I believe that the people that follow our thing here are very smart so don’t make yourself look dumb don’t sell yourself short here before you post something like that look it up for yourself and again go back to Trump’s last tenure he was calling for negative rates which I think is where going here understanding that we’re already being promised of a Great Depression here see what I wrote there promise um means you’re going to see the potential is great for a negative rate environment they’re going
to sell it to you that way and what it means is again massive currency devaluation people I don’t know how to say this another way to you but I’ll say it one more time and I said it yesterday to have a strong economy you need a strong currency to have a strong currency you need a cur responding rate of interest high enough to support the purchasing power of the currency no one’s going to tell you that no politician going to tell you that no Central Bankers going to tell you that but that’s a fact and it should make
sense to you but what you’re going to see moving forward worldwide here is a further destruction of the purchasing power of the currency which means of course massive severe recession severe economic downturn Trump is saying depression anyway look let’s just step back to yesterday because this is incredible this is how the markets ended the day yesterday across the board all right this is far off from where we were earlier in the day the Dow was down about 800 points then a miracle happened a miracle I want to show it to you one
more time you see this the 10-year yield yesterday had its largest one day drop in a year who got in there to buy all that debt you have to understand how it works most a lot of you okay when when a Central Bank in this case because we know who did it gets into the debt market and buys the debt it forces the yield lower it pushes it lower there is no way any single investor I don’t care who it is has the Firepower to cause the far end of the yield curve between the 20 10 and 30 to drop so this is clearly intervention by the FED here
they didn’t they wanted to stop the bleeding in the market now this is still going on this morning the US 10e y has actually Fallen further which has pushed the mmri lower you see that we’re still in a danger zone here people let me say something let me show you something these are stock futures from this morning after yesterday’s sell off right now they’re pointing towards a higher open trading doesn’t start for about 40 minutes from the time I’m doing this now do you see what I wrote there do not
bottom fish if you’re one of my Lions the last thing I want you to do is bottom fish here I’m out of this Market I got out of this Market because what happened to the 10-year yield the market selloff after the FED made their announcement of cutting 25 basis points out of the federal funds rate excuse me and um I just didn’t like what I’m seeing here the market has not yet recovered as a matter of fact we the market tried to recover we fell 1100 points we got a little bit of a balance and now we’re
actually below that I don’t believe it’s over I don’t believe it’s over with regard to selling in this market market so why are you any you guys and girls keep writing to me and you know look I read through the comments Greg you getting back in you getting back in listen to watch my mouth here I am in no rush to get back in you understand I’m heavily still in all my crypto positions and I will continue and I am going to be adding more so to my commodity Holdings in my hand here people silver here gold
here you know what I’m talking about I will be adding to those and I will tell you exactly when if you subscribe to my newsletter again it’s free Link in the description of this video here this was yesterday by the way um they’re looking to this should tell you something here do you think that Banks should have absolutely no oversight no and or they should have more control over you is what I am saying is this what you really wanted did you vote for that I don’t think you did do you see the setup here the key to
the new system is Bank deregulation and merger with crypto and this is happening at an extreme Pace anyway with regard to Futures I showed you stock futures they are higher this morning do not bottom fish my lions with regard to Commodities here people I can’t tell you what a deal the century this is at least in my perspective don’t try to pick bottoms and tops here could we fall possibly I don’t care this is an insurance policy against what is going to happen a meltdown in the debt Market on a scale
you’re not going to believe it’s being set up it’s not by accident again no comedy bearers got us here cryptocurrencies higher and going much higher moving forward understand the mechanism here debt Market meltdown will occur the feds in here and I think they took action yesterday we never saw haven’t seen a drop like that in a year a massive drop in the 10 year year what did that do to the stock market the Dow went from down 800 points to finishing down only about 400 do you see the mechanism here or does it elude you I
know you saw it I’m telling you how it worked out now we’re going to see a meltdown in the debt market and you know that at one point it’s being set up it’s the most biggest most massive bubble in history of the world here Trump wants to eliminate the debt ceiling and raise the debt uh the ability to borrow again you thought this was going to change it’s not going to I told you prior to the selection it was not going to you’re going to what you’re expecting here you think debts and deficits are going to
shrink you’re going to see them Skyrocket period the end um if you can’t accept that I am sorry uh that’s what’s going to happen now I want to show you one more thing before we get out of here people and this should really tell you something I’ve explained that I’ve been screaming from rooftops about the relationship between the federal fund rate and the 10-year yield we have an inversion here that is very dangerous and let me show you what I’m talking about again I’ve showed you this before going back to 1990 look at
what has happened here okay we got com bubble Financial meltdown crisis and this is where we are today this is where we are right now okay this should tell you something why Greg manarino is in no rush to get back into this freak show stock market which has no connection or bearing on reality whatsoever what we do know is the mechanism here of wiping out the economy and the people along with it via the mechanism of artificially suppressed rates people look man no one’s going to tell you this and all of
my economics people you all know if this what I’m about to tell you is true AR ly suppressed rates meaning you will see a loss of purchasing power is a wrecking ball for the economy a pendulum that keeps swinging back and forth faster and harder the lower and the more they suppress rates here the faster and larger the wrecking bll becomes as it devalues the currency but you’re being promised this by the by by by Trump who is working with the fed and if you don’t believe me does this make sense to you
the FED wants to lower rates okay they’re in the process of doing so you promis this by Trump who has no power to do so you understand that right the president does not have a printing press the president does not have the ability to buy debt but he promised you this realizing he’d be working closely with the FED to make it happen that’s who controls monetary policy you understand it’s not presidents but the mechanism here is massively destructive for the economy and we being set up we are being
set up for a great fall you understand you already got promised a Great Depression their playbook dictates and if you don’t believe me on this maybe you need to start doing your own little research on this it’s not too hard to do uh that they have to tell you first what they’re going to do see how you react to it and if you don’t push back they take it as consent so they can do whatever they want to you you understand I think most of you out here get it some of you the truth still elude you and it will
continue to do so until you accept the fact that things are not not what they appear to be anywhere here this is a grand deception here on a massive scale it’s biblical I’m telling you right freaking now anyway guys and girls look I hope you got something out of this video here do not do not do not fall for the Trap through the trap door of the dollar strength the dollar is getting destroyed along with central bank issue notes around the world as we are pushed into a system we need we do not want and
we did not vote for we you and me I would imagine you would rather see the United States as the Constitutional money system of the world constitutional Capital no but we’re being the crypto Capital why because the new system man don’t you see it’s too easy man too freaking easy all right guys and girls listen I will see all of you later 4:0 5: P p.m Eastern for the live stream understand what I want you to take away from this video is something you already know this is a wipe out this is a virtual reality
wipe out of the middle class and this extinction level event that I’ve been telling you and warning about or maybe promising you because I knew it was going to happen you knew this was going to happen you knew it and you think it’s going to stop it isn’t just wake up those of you that are still asleep all right look we got this um we’re in the right spots here please do not rush to get back into this Market do not bottom fish do not try to pick a bottom or tops and pretty much anything it will lead to
your demise honestly you’re going to get it right once in a while but right now things are looking very dire uh for this market and um you know I’ve been called a Perma bull for many many years now and being out of the market does not make me a bear I am still not a bear I am neutral because I am not short the market I’m not long the market I’m out right now I want to see where this goes I want to get back in here I would love to get back in here but I think it’s too dangerous right now in my opinion
opinion and of course you’re entitled to your own I’d love to hear from you one of the things we’ve spoken about here does this concern you at all or you think Greg manarino is way off base on this that this doesn’t tell us anything um I want to hear your take on that too people I will see you later 4:05 p.m. Eastern for the live stream all right we got this we got it all right love you all take care of yourselves and each other see you later