Economists Uncut

“Once This Breaches $50 It’s Off to the Stratosphere” (Uncut) 03-19-2025

The Big SILVER Short “Once This Breaches $50 It’s Off to the Stratosphere” – Mike Maloney

When the squeeze comes and it appears to be happening right now, this is going to be explosive. When they’re buying back these shorts, it is upward pressure on price. The price has to go up when you’ve got more buyers than sellers and these are people that sold something that does not belong to them.


It’s borrowed and it has to be returned. And so this is just one more thing out of the many things that’s going to add up to the gold and silver explosion that is coming. I want to congratulate all of you hardworking people at the Federal Reserve.


You guys have done a phenomenal job of destroying the US dollar. This is the price, the price of gold going from roughly 35 bucks an ounce up to three thousand dollars an ounce. This is the value of the US dollar.


How much gold can you buy with one of them? It used to be the dollar was worth one thirty-fifth of an ounce of gold. Today it is worth one three thousandth of an ounce of gold. What kind of change is that? Well, it’s a fall in purchasing power of 99.31 percent.


So that’s how much value it has lost. The value remaining of the pre-Federal Reserve US dollar is 0.689 or 0.7. So for each dollar it is worth about seven-tenths of a penny. This is just totally insane.


So this is Reset Time 2030. It says that gold for us Canadians, watching our incompetent governments destroy our currency for the past 20 years in one image. So it’s a chart of gold.


Gold is a mandatory own even at these prices. Still a long way to fall before our currency is worthless. So bald guy money.


Silver is already at an all-time high in other currencies like Aussie dollars. When the dollar index comes down, and it will come down, silver will make a new high in US dollars well above $50. It’s coming.


So I want to thank Grady, I guess is how you say that, for this chart pointing out this big bull that has been, you know, I follow Clive Mond once in a while, and he’s been pointing this out for a very long time. And the breakouts that have happened, and the resistance points. And this is not a whole, we’re up to where there’s not a whole lot of resistance coming.


And it’s very, very old resistance. It isn’t like there’s a bunch of people that bought back in 2011 that are waiting to 2025 to go, oh, I’m finally even I’ll get there’s going to be a few. But still, that’s 15 years ago, the people that are disappointed, unloaded their positions at a loss.


I just stuck with it. You know, I was buying silver all through this. And well before.


In fact, in 2008, here, I pretty much doubled my position in silver. And then in 2020, during the COVID crash, I was able to add an enormous amount to my position. And so I’ve got a lot of silver between 11 and $13.


Moving on, Nick Laird sent these great charts. This is gold quarterly. And what you see here is we’ve got a breakout that just happened.


This is gold yearly. And you know, this is 1721. So 1776 is in here.


So this goes back to the gold price, basically in England and so on before the US actually existed. This is just after the Civil War. It’s a fascinating story.


And it’s worth watching. There was actually a movie about some of this. I’ve got it on DVD.


I haven’t watched it yet, but I will. There was an attempt to corner the market on gold right after the Civil War. And so we’ve got a breakout again.


This is the silver monthly. And it shows, you know, I was probably the first person. I’m not positive, but I think I was.


You know, we were all pointing out, everybody was pointing out the cup and handle that silver was making in this century. They didn’t point out the giant cup and handle that started back in 1980. And so I’ve been pointing that out ever since.


So this from 1980 to today, the energy is building. Once this breaches that $50 level, it is just off to the stratosphere. The quarterly tick and then also the yearly tick going all the way back to the cornering attempt during the Civil War.


And then you have the demonetization of silver happening at the same time as the Comstock load and the Silver Valley in Idaho was discovered. The Comstock load just barfed out this immense quantity of silver in a very short period of time. The Silver Valley in Idaho is still one of the richest regions of silver in the world.


So this is the concentration of traders as far as short position only measured in days of global silver production, all mining production on earth. And the eight largest traders are short by almost a half a year’s production. And then you look at other commodities such as gold, and you’ve got like a quarter year of production and then less for all the other commodities.


This is just insane, this short position. Now, those same banks, these are mostly bullion. These large traders are the bullion banks.


Those same banks also have long positions. And if you take the long position, the short position minus the long position, you get their naked shorts, how exposed they are. And all of these shorts have to be covered.


And the longs are not big enough. You’ve got, you had about a half a year there, just under a half year, 180 days. Here you’ve got under 90 days.


So it’s half. So when the squeeze comes, and it appears to be happening right now, this is going to be explosive. The gold flows around the world, the weekly transparent holdings at the commodities exchange, the ETFs, and so on, mutual funds.


Well, it looked like they got things under control. And then, you know, like, like they pulled it off again. Because what they’re doing is they’re covering up the fraud that they have perpetrated with this fractional reserve scheme that they’ve got going on at the, you know, all these naked short sales, where they just make up ounces of silver and gold out of thin air and sell them to people.


So, but it’s on again, look at this, this big weekly change here in 3 million ounces is the latest change. And silver is continuing, you look at how the inventories are, so the flows are coming in. Here, again, is that beautiful cup and handle.


And what we were pointing out, you know, most analysts were pointing out that there was this cup and handle here, this is silver. And it’s just setting up for an explosive move. But there are fundamental drivers underneath this that are quite exciting.


So, King Kong 988 says that PSLV, that’s the Sprott Silver Fund, physical silver inventory consists of thousand ounce bars. The COMEX has thousand ounce bars for their silver contracts. So it looks like by massively shorting PSLV, it’s very likely that someone doesn’t want PSLV to stand for delivery, because PSLV is a closed fund.


When you buy a bunch of shares of PSLV, they then have to go out into the market and acquire the silver. So the price of PSLV sells at a premium and a discount to the net value of the silver that they’re holding. There are some times where PSLV is severely undervalued.


I would doubt that now is one of them, because there is sort of a rush back into gold and silver right now. I didn’t look at it before making this video. There is a statement, I believe, on their website where you can see whether it’s at a premium or at a discount.


But when all of these people rush into silver and they buy PSLV shares, Sprott has to go and buy those thousand ounce bars on the open market. And so they go buy them from the commodities exchange. Well, if you short, you’re borrowing a share from somebody that already owns it, and you’re selling it to somebody else that’s going to be buying.


But Sprott doesn’t have to go out and buy that ounce. And so by somebody doing massive shorting, it means that Sprott doesn’t have, they’re not supposed to go out and be buying these thousand ounce bars to cover that. So it looks like someone doesn’t want PSLV to stand for delivery and withdraw these thousand ounce bars from the COMEX.


So what does this look like? It looks like this. This is insane. All of this has to be purchased back.


When they’re buying back these shorts, it is upward pressure on price. The price has to go up when you’ve got more buyers than sellers. And these are people that sold something that does not belong to them.


It’s borrowed and it has to be returned. And so this is one more, just one more thing out of the many things that’s going to add up to the gold and silver explosion that is coming. Ronan Manley says, as clarification, all of the good delivery, the high purity gold, was taken out of Fort Knox in 67 and 68, which would mean that there’s only coin melt bars from the 1933 gold nationalization.


And it was flown from the US to England and convoyed down to the Bank of England bowling office in the city of London. And the gold bars were withdrawn to the market. So they were sold into the market.


And this was part of the London gold pool where they had a scheme to try and control the price. And a whole lot of the gold did come from the United States. So this was the real Fort Knox heist, not Goldfinger, but a bunch of wealthy European bankers.


Who were they fronting for? And then this shows you that there is an emergency going on right now. The CME, this is the commodities exchange, they’re delisting gold kilo futures, London spot gold futures, London silver spot futures, and cleared OTC London gold forwards. And so this is a list of the things that they are delisting.


Why are they delisting them? Because it’s getting too close to where the fraud of the fractional reserve fraud that is all of these exchanges, this becomes exposed. They’re getting into what for them is a dangerous position. And last week, both the House and the US Senate voted to pass a bill and the Federal Reserve System gold certificates not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this act, the Federal Reserve Bank shall tender all outstanding gold certificates.


Now remember that I did a video just a while back that showed that 99.7% or something like that of all of America’s gold has been used. The Treasury hawked this gold as though the Federal Reserve is a pawn shop. It was used as collateral for $11 billion roughly outstanding gold certificates in their custody to the secretary not later than 90 days after the tender of such gold certificates.


The secretary shall issue new gold certificates to the Federal Reserve Banks that reflect the fair market value price of the gold held against such certificates by the Treasury as of the date specified by the secretary on each new gold certificate. Upon issue by the secretary, each Federal Reserve Bank that receives a new gold certificate shall remit the difference in cash value between the old and the new gold certificates to the Treasury for deposit into the general fund. They shouldn’t be doing fair market value.


They should be doing something that actually makes a dent in things because they’re going to issue these new gold certificates and within days they are going to be outdated. The gold price will be way beyond this. There’s basically, we are headed toward this economic crisis, this emergency right now.


All of these things are converging and this is some really, really big news. It’s another one of these. So the Bank of Montreal on the current dollar reset sees $4,000 gold as a possible scenario.


Actually, they see $4,000 gold and higher as a possible scenario. You’ve got to scroll to the bottom of this and it says that inevitably a liquidity injection event to save the auctions, the U.S. Treasury auctions, equals $3,000 plus gold is long forgotten. So $3,000 plus gold, which we’re at today, is long forgotten and it’s picking up passengers for some number well beyond, greater than $4,000 an ounce.


So they’re expecting greater than $4,000 an ounce gold. Now, their bar chart, there is now a 100% chance that the Federal Reserve will end QT before May according to polymarket. And so the voting is now at 100% and these polls tend to be a lot more correct than all of the analysts at these big banks and such.


So these analysts at the big banks, as fiat is debased, gold rises. It’s not a matter of if, but rather when. And this is like Goldman Sachs saying $1,500 gold within this year and it ends up beyond $2,000.


And then somebody says $2,000 gold is possible and it just blows past their estimates. All of these major institutions get this wrong consistently, year after year, yet people still listen to them. It’s amazing.


The Bank of England isn’t in default on its gold. It’s just going to take an infinite amount of time to deliver it again. That’s make gold great again.


Ronan Manley. And he told them that the delay in getting the gold out of the Bank of England was because gold is heavy. Silver stackers understand this more than anyone.


It takes years, then it happens all at once. And it does. Now, when I used to speak at events with Robert Kiyosaki back in the early 2000s, I would show all of these charts showing that there was a crisis coming.


And I was very right. The 2008 crisis was the resolution of the energy that these charts were showing was stored up. It all got released in the crisis of 2008.


But during these events in 2005, 2006, 2007, people would come to me and they go, well, when is it going to happen? When is it going to happen? And I would say, I don’t know. But sometimes these things take a while, but it is definitely going to happen. And my business partner years later said, you know what they’re really asking you, Mike, when they say, when is it going to happen? They’re asking you, OK, I don’t really want to buy gold and silver right now.


I want to stay in the stock market. But could you please pick up the phone and call me the second that hits the fan? So they were always asking when. Well, guess what? To all of those people that were asking when 1, 2, 3 now.


Thank you for watching.

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