MarkZ (Uncut) 02-05-2025
Evening News with MarkZ. 02/05/2025
Hello all, good evening. Boy, it seems bright in here. Lights seem solid, right? Hello, DJ Rain Man Sluggo, Captain Spiffy.
I’m watching the White House press briefing. The flag is different. Please vet this with me now.
A lot of people are vetting every flag they see, and I’m counting on you guys to do it for me. Ha ha ha, sapling learning. No, afraid not, but I tell you, I hope to go soon.
Hello, CG 2212. Hello, Fluffy Pup. He said, good afternoon, Phoenix had protests today at the Capitol.
Brainless, yeah, it’s getting, boy, I tell you, it must be difficult getting that much free rent. Speaking of free rent, one of you guys helped me figure some things out today. So obvious.
As a student, or should I say, as somebody that has taken a lot of time to understand and learn how Donald Trump operates and his motivations and et cetera, I should have seen this one. I’m modestly embarrassed today when the light dawned. When it finally, the light bulb, like right over my head, ding.
It was epic, and you guys are like, what in the heck is he talking about? Arab world and international leaders reject Trump’s Gaza plan. Trump’s plan for the United States to take over and redevelop Gaza Strip while relocating its residents found few supporters abroad. Matter of fact, they’re downright upset and they want to do something about it.
They have suddenly started putting together plans as to what they think should happen in Palestine. They kept saying, it’s not our problem, not our problem. So Trump was like, fine, we’ll take the problem.
We’ll deal with it. No problem. We’ll just do it.
Suddenly, they woke up. It was Trump’s modest proposal moment. He played them like a fiddle.
I mean, like really good. I mean, like a kid that just went down to Georgia and jumped up on a hickory stump, said, boy, let me tell you what. He played them like a fiddle.
Suddenly, they’re very interested in putting forth plans, money, resources, manpower, you name it. They were suddenly ready to fix the problems. It was epic.
Why did I not see that? Thank you, by the way, for pointing that out. Like, whoo, yep, art of war, and I missed it. I keep telling everybody exactly, Robert.
Told you once, you son of a, I’m the best there’s ever been. Yep, chickens in the bread pan, picking out dough. Granny, does your dog bite? No, child, no.
Wow. D. Rogers, people have been suffering for years, but I tell you, the disclosure right now is huge, and we kept being told. We kept being told that disclosure was absolutely key and crucial, and what have we been living through? Massive, massive amounts of disclosure, and boy, today, I didn’t think the last couple weeks could get any more crazy, wild, and fruitful.
Unreal. Randy, we ain’t seen nothing yet. They are kicking its butt.
I did zester. That’s what AI made for us. AI seems to be doing better, too.
Oh, boy, we got something on that one coming, too. I’m telling you, you’re tired of winning yet. By the time the podcast is over this evening, and I do plan on going pretty quickly tonight because I got whiskey and wisdom, I’m really looking forward to it.
I feel celebratory, so I am going to keep it, but you guys better be ready because it’s about to come at you at about a million miles an hour right after we get through. A little word from our sponsor for tonight. An important study by the American Heart Association recently released stating the worst time of the year for heart attacks.
They found that heart attacks surge around Christmas and New Year’s with the most cardiac events happening on December 25th, December 26th, January 1st. Doctors say the increase in heart attacks at this time of the year is most likely a combination of factors, including low temperature, low winter temperatures. Guys, we’ve got another major one coming at us.
Oh, wait, I’m reading the wrong one, guys. No, I’m not. I’m dead on.
This is one that I agree with. All right, let’s get back to it. Holiday stress overindulgence of food and drink.
It’ll do it to you. That’s why I give my heart the ingredients it needs to perform its best with this incredible new pill, and I’m obsessed with the results. Uses a triple action formula that helps manage my blood pressure, support my cholesterol levels, balance my blood sugar levels, manage my weight all in one serving a day.
Best part is it does this with clinically proven all natural ingredients, including white mulberry leaf, cinnamon bark powder, juniper berry, and more. Do your body a favor and grab a bottle today while it’s 40% off during their holiday special, only at That is Plus, if you order today, you’re deliberately rushed at no additional cost. That is It’s designed to increase good cholesterol, helps reverse insulin resistance, which should theoretically help with edema and many other things, and helps with excess weight and obesity.
I haven’t been trying that one long, but it does seem to be pretty effective. I try all these. They send guys to give my honest opinion.
Cindy, no, I got no clue. We’ve talked about them probably a thousand times over the last couple of years, but what is it you’re trying to find out? I continue to hear the rumors that the agrochecks will be worth about $330,000 U.S. per one billion in agrochecks. We’ll find out how accurate it is.
Whiskey and Wisdom is on the regular channel tonight. Sorry, Karen. That’s like the hundredth time somebody’s asked me that today, and I’ve said the same thing every time.
But I did like the idea of starting to do some over there so that there’s content up. Did I hear from Liz? Not that I know of, but at the same time, well, here. Let’s just hold it up and give you an idea of how far I am behind.
Let’s back it up. We’ll put it up here. See that little thing, 9,000.
Let’s see, what? 9,665 unanswered emails that I haven’t been able to get to, so great chance I’ve missed it. Reading these, it is Whiskey and Wisdom Wednesday. Yeah, no doubt popular, but whip a slacker.
The problem is it’s a few hundred a day. In order for me to get through my emails in my waking hours, I’d have to answer about one every minute. So when people call and they ask me like, I mean, excuse me, email and ask 20, 30 questions or write me a book, guys, I’d love to read it all.
I would. It’s just not humanly possible. I could hire a team of 20 people and not answer all the emails every day.
Now I know I’m going to miss a bunch. Dave, I thought my stem cell treatment was very, very helpful. My only drawback is based on my results, I feel like I would need to go about every four or five months, probably three times a year instead of twice a year.
Richard, you’re killing me small. That was funny, though, sir. Oh, Rob, I’m impressed.
Well done. I do, I feel so horribly left out. Medina, we will work on having Miss Linda back on so she can answer your questions.
Oh, God. Yeah, Jesus believer. They told us margarine was good.
What did we find out? It was horrendous. We would have been way better off with butter. I know the Heart Association is wrong more often than they are correct.
Hello, Miss Maria. Hello, Davey. All right, where are we at? We’re at 809.
We’re getting ready to hit it with a vengeance. Ramsalini, I got one yesterday, and boy did I need it. Hunter Guy, well played.
Well played. All right, guys, you’ll all appreciate this one. I’ll just put it over here in chat so I can highlight it, bringing it over from Rumble.
Well played, Hunter Guy, well played. Hope Ambassador, President Trump always has a plan, Mark. No one’s going to see everything.
There’s a lot more you probably aren’t seeing yet. No, that sums it up. All right, Scott, many of us are loading up on what we think is going to go well.
Hello, Blazing Truth. I do not have an update on Rod. I’ll try to get one before Whiskey and Wisdom or before tomorrow morning, and it’s running so fast.
Jen, third time to ask. One, Jen, first 10 minutes is wasting your time usually to ask questions, just a heads up because I’m so busy saying hello to everybody. Do you know what Trump means by public-private partnerships? Absolutely, I know what he means.
What has been very successful in the past is when government partners with private industry to help bring in revenue for the state, meaning what’s a good example? Like a state that has a lot of mineral rights, they could partner with outside companies to come in and drill, and then they could be as the landholder. They could receive royalties. That’s a public-private partnership.
Let’s say Duke Power wants to build a new hydroelectric plant, and there’s a river that’s perfect for it, and the land is owned by – is government land. Well, they could say, look, we’ll partner. We have the land.
We can help with the permitting process because that’s kind of our gig, and we receive part of the cut from the revenue. That is a public-private partnership. Those are just some small examples.
It is much bigger and deeper than that. Similar to port facilities, et cetera. Yeah, Alaska oil, great example, Gary.
Okay, it’s not actually, but you know what I mean. Great example, sir. Oil wells bearded, that is definitely the easiest go-to as an example, especially when you look at the amount of government land tied up.
Indian nations could be taking advantage of that greatly, and some do already. Mad Max, no, I believe Trump’s proposal for Gaza was his modest proposal moment. You must have missed the first, what, five minutes or so, Mad Max, because we talked about that one.
All right, let’s get to it. Well, I’ll just do a quick recap, and then I’m going to dive into news because we need to go at a pretty quick clip this evening. Arab world and international leaders reject Trump’s Gaza plan.
Matter of fact, they freaked out. They all got together. They started calling each other.
They started saying, hey, no, this is crazy. No, no, no, we think you should do this. We think you should do that.
No, no, no, we’ll help do this. The same crew of suspects that said it was not their problem, they didn’t want to take any of the refugees, they fought it, they didn’t want to help, they didn’t want to send arms. Either way, I mean, they really, really fought doing much of anything other than lip service and rhetoric.
Suddenly they are all coming forward with plans and are like, no, no, no, no, no, we’ll take care of this. This is our problem. We’ll take care of it.
You stay out of it. Trump played them like a fiddle. He put forward a proposal that was preposterous, absolutely preposterous, kind of like for you guys that never took the time to read it.
Actually, how many people have ever read a modest proposal in here? I would think the overwhelming majority have read it at some point. But it was when during the famines in Ireland, I believe it was Ireland, it’s been, I don’t know, 30, 40 years since I read it last. I should read it again.
They proposed in order to stave off the starvation that people should start eating their children, their babies, because, well, one, there wasn’t enough food for the babies, the adults. I mean, the babies can’t live without the adults. So the adults should just, you know, have a baby roast.
It was not at all in any way serious. He made a proposal that was so preposterous that nobody, they were like, wait a minute, okay, we need to stop complaining and come up with some answers. And that’s what happened.
Trump did the same thing. He proposed a modest proposal. Absolutely and utterly epic.
Well played. I did not see it coming. All right.
Boy, what did I just do with that? I think I canceled that one. Mr. Cantu, for those in need, fourth time trying, YouTube kept blocking Mr. Cantu. They want you to save your money for the new bride.
It’s good to see you in here, Ruby. Art of the deal. He played it well.
All right, guys, let’s get into news time. And I do have a little piece that has me pretty excited, but I’m afraid to share it because I don’t think you guys are going to pay attention to me if I share it. I absolutely plan to.
I just think I’m going to get through the Iraqi articles first. Al-Mashdani calls on political blocs for an emergency meeting to end differences and discuss challenges. What the heck is he talking about at the presidential palace? They are meeting, guys.
Emergency meetings. We have got to finish this out. We have got to find… There was a no quorum partway through the day today where the Sunnis left.
Like, yep, nope, we’re not going to be here. So they are calling emergency meetings. They’re like, look, let’s get together again.
We were so successful last week on some of these subjects when we got together over the weekend and we met outside of the regular area. We sat down, we talked face-to-face, shook hands, looked each other in the eyes and had meaningful dialogue and made a lot of progress. So they’re calling for it again this weekend to work through any, well, obstacles.
Parliamentary finance discusses with U.S. delegation the file of contracts for foreign oil companies operating in Kurdistan. This is all… And this is the U.S. stepping in to help as well. This is all getting things figured out so that they can put final numbers on those budget tables for the Kurdish and the HCL.
Big happenings going on. I mean, just a great day of news. Sudanese sponsors a sign of a contract to develop the Diwanaya.
Boy, I messed… I butchered that one and I apologize to the folks from Iraq. Refinery by adding a refinery unit of 70,000 barrels a day. This is an $800 million deal.
It brings in extra equipment, fracking equipment, hydrofracking specifically, project from waste, liquid, solid gas. This one is another big one and another one that greatly increases output and dollars for Iraq. Most people I don’t think realize the world’s energy needs are pretty much… will pretty much double over the next, what, six years.
It is a massive change and if we are not prepared for it and ahead of it, growth will stall. People will lose potential. Huge one, guys.
Big one. This is obviously showing the long-term commitment to their development and how this one’s fun. Ah, I should have put this one with the other article.
The Taliban calls on countries supporting justice to stand against Trump’s decision against Gaza. Oh, I love this one. Trump calls on countries supporting justice.
The least justice-based crew, probably in the entire world. I mean, just ask the women in Afghanistan how full of justice the Afghani… well, the Taliban is. Horrendous.
But anyways, I get a kick out of it because this is more of exactly that. Trump made the proposal. Now suddenly, it has the Arab World Uniting saying, you know, this is our problem.
We really should fix it because if not, that crazy orange man, he will fix it and you probably won’t like how he fixes it. So that, to me, was just… that was pure gold on the winning stage. Pure gold.
That was the script where we named Gazalaga. That’s just… Yeah, Trump talks about creating energy at the data center sites. In other words, closer to all of those sites.
The technological improvements. Guys, we have to have more energy to fuel this growth. Now, let’s keep running.
Trump cancels U.S. exemption of Iraq to import electricity and gas from Iran. We talked about that some this morning. It does.
It greatly weakens Iran, which will bring them to the bargaining table. This one, to me, he is perfectly willing to go here because he knows what’s at stake. He’s made some other statements.
He said, there is no way that we will accept three big things with Iran today. Well, in the last 24 hours or so. If he’s assassinated, blow up Iran, they’re responsible.
That’s not quite exactly what he said, but I’m paraphrasing. So he, very, very, very strong public statement on that one. Of course, you have the U.S. consumption for Iraq to import electricity, sanctions.
But he did also put out an olive leaf saying, hey, we’d love to work with you. And here’s the deal. We want you to be stable and sovereign, whatever.
But you don’t get nuclear arms. You don’t get to finance terrorism anymore. And you get to play on the world stage.
Take care of your people and do the right thing. And yeah, we’re going to work with you. Sanctions will be over.
No problem. This one to me is another one of those Canadian and Mexican moments and Panama moments where he is putting it out there and he is perfectly willing to follow up and uphold his threats. They’re not threats.
They are facts. He will do it. So he’s canceling the exemption.
Now I’m betting that in the next few days, because after Trump sanctions, Iranian rial plunges to an all time low. It is absolutely imploded. One US dollar will buy you 85,750 Iranian rial.
What does that tell you? Let’s do a little math. And one, two, three, what? $13, $14 will buy you a million Iranian rial. So Iran is reeling in a matter of hours from that announcement.
Do you think they are going to be willing to sit down at the table now? Do you think they’re going to be willing to say, you know, do you think the people, the Iranian people who are suffering very much real suffering because of this, do you think they’re suddenly willing to say to their leaders, you know, we want to live. We want to raise our children. We want to see them have a future.
Do you think they’re going to like rethink their approach? I think they will. Trad, woohoo, fixing to buy some rial real quick. I did not see Elon trolling Tim Walls.
I missed that one. All right, let’s keep running. I’ve got another one in here.
And many of the questions you guys are asking right now, you’re just going to stop asking after I finish this one. Oh, no, I finished that one. I’ve got some other absolutely fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun stuff.
Florida RV, I missed that. Oh, I love the, I like the gold garbage bag. Looks great.
Thank you for that as much appreciated. All right, let’s get back to it. Let’s go back to my fun face for a moment.
Oh, guys, let’s see. Did you guys notice that we found out two things today before I, oh, no, I need to do this one first because I don’t need to keep you guys on the edge of your seats anymore. I’ve got someone from the East Coast that I had the privilege of meeting when I was in Reno aggregating Dinara many years ago with the Wounded Warrior slash whatever crew.
I don’t know the details, but I know that a very sudden trip west has now been initiated. He has gotten a call to be there. Don’t know what for yet.
I do not know what for. All I know is I got the call. I’ve got to get there.
Could be absolutely, totally separate. Could be something because of his role. But that to me, I mean, that’s first time, guys.
He, I don’t, I do not think he’s made that trip in close to four years. So when I heard this particular individual because it’s somebody I know in real life and real life is important. I got very excited today when I got that news.
I wanted to share that. That’s the piece I hadn’t shared yet because it could be huge. Could be nothing.
I think it’s huge. I don’t know what to tell you. There’s so many sanctions on Iranian rail, you might not be able to get it.
So it gave me tremendous warm and fuzzies. Let me turn this one off. Speaking of more, he’s probably in the air right now.
Or he’s driving the whole way if he couldn’t get a flight. No CMKM news. Nothing on any currencies specifically.
They are still staying quiet on the bond side and right now on the group side other than what I just shared. Huge one. Argentina announces a withdrawal from the WHO over the COVID lockdown economic catastrophe.
Matter of fact, he went further. Angel M, he is neither a bondholder nor a paymaster. He works for a group.
Okay, let’s get back to this one and then I’m going to leave that question alone completely. If you guys can’t figure it out in chat, just go back and listen to it if you missed it. All right, let’s see.
The Argentina government’s announced its decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization response to the catastrophic economic impact of COVID-19 lockdowns. Matter of fact, he went further in his statements. These are some more statements from him.
Oh, wait. Let’s go back up here and just start because it gets really good. The WHO was established in 1948 to coordinate global health emergency responses, but it failed its most significant test.
It promoted indefinite quarantines without scientific backing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement reads in English translation. These quarantines caused one of the largest economic catastrophes in world history.
This is Malil. This is his words, of course, translated from Spanish into English. According to the statement, under the 1998 Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court, such lockdown policies could be classified as a crime against humanity.
I love this one. It goes on and on and on. Let’s have a little more fun with him.
Malil’s office stated that in Argentina, the WHO responded to a government that kept children out of school, left hundreds of thousands of workers without income, caused businesses and SMEs to go bankrupt. And despite all of this led to the loss of 130,000 lives, it is urgent that the international community reassesses the role of super national organizations funded by all that fail to fulfill the purpose for which they were created, engage in political maneuvering, and attempt to impose their will on member states. Boy, you guys tired of winning yet? I mean, this is unreal watching this play out.
Mike should be on Whiskey and Wisdom this evening. He has had some good intel, I hear, so a lot of people are hoping that he will briefly share before we get into having fun. Okay, here’s that other article, and I’m going to… Actually, you don’t need it.
We have the one out of Afghanistan leaders in theirs. Trump’s energy dominance agenda looks like Texas. This is a fantastic one over at Real Clear Wire.
This is where I pulled some of those numbers for our demands, what has happened, the regulations that have already been rolled back, and this is coming from folks in the industry, and they’re talking about, hey, costs are down, we are quickly moving, it’s only been three weeks, and they are seeing a massive difference in the industry and mobilization for more energy. This one to me was just a really neat one. I just want to put it there, feather in a cap, because people on the left are going, nothing’s changed, why aren’t gas prices down, why aren’t eggs cheaper? It does take a little time, but when it comes to absolutely stunning level of speed in an industry like this, because of the permitting, because of the dollars required, contracts, putting together teams to go in and resurface wells or drill new ones, I love this one because it tells you just how quickly he is on it.
He made the promise, and he is fulfilling it. Ah, a huge win for daughters around the world. Trump signs an order, well, excuse me, at least in the U.S., and many countries will follow.
Trump signs an order barring men from women’s sport. Schools that fail to comply will face investigations by the U.S. Department of Education could lose federal funding. I guess that tells us that he’s not getting rid of the U.S. Department of Education, huh? It will put a stop to dangerous and unfair situations where male compete against females in school and amateur athletics, according to a White House official.
Bank took four years to get us in this mess. It’s going to take more than three weeks to get us out. It’s taken even more than that to get us in this mess.
They just put it in overdrive four years ago, but you are absolutely right. So they are losing their minds, and we’re going to hit a couple more of these, and then we will discuss why that thumbnail, although most of you have already figured it out. The Trump effect is real.
Google ditches DEI hiring targets. Matter of fact, they’re looking to get rid of their entire DEI staff. Yes, it’s a rough day.
People are going to start being based on their merit, the quality of their work, not on whatever, not because of the color of their skin, the way they’ve dyed their hair, who they want to sleep with, or any of those things. It will be done on the merit of their work. Sounds very familiar to what Martin Luther King said in a few speeches.
White House confirms. Oh, man, the stuff that hit today. Oh, this is just epic.
Another one. We talked about some of this earlier. White House confirms.
Political propped up by millions of dollars from U.S. government to the tune of a little over $8 million a year for Politico. Meanwhile, all the other organizations and journalistic outlets that have been struggling, they didn’t get any money. But isn’t it curious that Politico, that maneuvered to have the Hunter Laptop story banned and everyone discussing it censored, Politico peddled the illegal Supreme Court leak that led to the near assassination of multiple Supreme Court justices, and now we find out the regime was funneling tens of millions of dollars of our money to Politico.
Ah, Sean Davis from The Federalist point that out. Yes, White House briefing today. I can confirm.
This is coming from our press secretary. I can confirm that the more than $8 million. Well, yeah, she did.
I want to rewrite that one. The $8 million taxpayer money that have gone to essentially subsidizing subscriptions to Politico will no longer be happening. The Doge team is working on canceling those payments now.
Getting fun, guys. Winning, winning, winning. Here’s the little end one to have a little bit of fun with.
The DOJ will not fire FBI agents who acted ethically in January six cases according to official. The entire world melded down. No, this is retribution.
So they put out an official statement from the FBI acting U.S. Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove or probably Bove made the promise days after the DOJ requested information of thousands FBI agents involved in the probes of the events on January six. He said, let me be clear. No FBI employee who simply followed orders and carried out their duties in an ethical manner with respect to January six investigations is at risk of termination or other penalties.
He said in a memorandum to employees. Both said that the only workers who should be concerned are those who acted with corrupt or partisan intent. Of course, he’s already got the receipts and many acted exactly that.
With corruption and with partisan intent. Many there did not. So they have nothing to worry about.
If you did nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about. Quit worrying. If you are a partisan hack, if you suffer from TTS and went after them with a vengeance because you hate orange hair, then, yeah, you got a lot of shit to worry about.
I’d consider taking the early buyout and leaving if it were me. And I were one of those because I do believe if you’re out of the agency, you’re going to have less to worry about, less retribution. And it gives you an instant eight months.
If they catch you guilty, I doubt you’re getting any severance. I know. It’s just me like trying to help the process.
Moose said I saw the doobies in concert. I’m jealous. That would have been awesome.
All right, guys. That’s all I had to cover this evening. But it was a lot of fun.
Look forward to seeing those who are going to join for whiskey and wisdom. The usual crew of suspects. I do rather expect that we will have Matt pop in for story time.
And we always enjoy story time with Matt. For the rest, hopefully I’ll see you by 10 in the morning tomorrow, Eastern, 10 Eastern. Take care.
Have a good evening. And God bless.