Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregory Manorino. It is Sunday, December 29, 2024. My newest segment of markets.
A look ahead people. We’re going to look ahead here and we’re going to hear just a little bit or maybe a lot of it into what we can expect is going to happen Moving forward into 2025, starting with the immediate future and then moving further out. Now with that, I want you to keep something in mind. What we are seeing here, none of it, and I mean zero, is an accident.
Everything we are seeing, everything that’s being put together here is by design. There is no way that those that run the system. And who runs the system, Is it presidents, is it kings, is it queens, is it dictators or monarchs? Absolutely not.
It’s world central banks who run the economy, the financial markets and the financial system as a whole. You’re not supposed to know that. Again, you must be convinced that it’s a sole player, for example, the president who’s responsible for these kinds of things because they got to be kept in the dark. You can’t be allowed to know who the real puppet masters are.
The puppet masters here of the economy, the financial system, the markets is in fact central banks who are coordinating the greatest wealth transfer that’s ever been seen in the history of the world. A wipeout of the middle class population of the world to issue in a new system, a neo feudal system as well. Extreme halves, extreme have nots. And that’s where we’re going.
Just understand we’re going to talk about here. It’s just a matter of understanding who’s actually in control, who’s pulling the strings here and why. We, you and I are being led frankly to the slaughter here. This is again the end game.
Now let’s talk with regard to the immediate future. Right now this is in your inbox if you subscribe to my newsletter, which again people is 100% free. Link in the description of this video sent this out to all of you guys and girls yesterday. This will show up in the Trends Journal and probably some other publications as well.
But you guys and girls get it first. You know why? Because. Because you’re one of my lions and I got your back.
Always. So with that said, let’s, let’s go through this. And I want to cover something else with you as well, so bear with me because we have a lot of stuff to talk about. So again, friends, markets in the economy collision course 2025 immediately.
And this is happening right now, moving into 2025, both the bond slash debt market and the stock market are on a direct collision course. Now, I want you to look at something here. Look at this chart. What I wrote is, look at this particular chart.
You’re going to see two peaks. You see this peak here and you see that peak there. This is April of this year and what subsequently happened when we. Again, where we are today, where we are with where we were back in April.
Now this precipitated a very interesting turn of events. Keep your eyes on that for a second. I’m going to show you what I’m talking about. Now again, April, where the MMRI peaked.
This is what happened to the S P500. We had a significant sell off. You see that? This was mid, late April.
Now again, mental picture, keep that in your mind. Keep that in your mind. Now with that, let’s, let’s move forward here. There was that significant sell off.
Now what happens to the stock market moving into 2025 is 100% dependent on. Obviously, you know what I’m going to say. At least I hope you do more easy money policy and lower rates. People, there remains no connection whatsoever between the economy and the stock market.
And you and I have been talking about this forever. Stock market economy. The worse off that the economy gets, and we’ve nailed this one to the wall, the higher the stock market would go. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
In this kind of a situation here, you have to understand that easy money policy and artificially suppressed rates, what does it do? It destroys the purchasing power of the currency. This is an economic wrecking ball. This is why we’re in this spot we’re in right now.
And this is not just a phenomenon here in the United States. You all know this already, at least you should. Politicians aren’t going to tell you that. They’re going to make promises to you about lower rates because you think it’s all beautiful and perfect.
It’s going to make your life good. No, it’s going to make your life a lot worse. Here we need higher rates because we need a stronger currency. Understand?
A stronger currency would improve your ability to buy anything. Here with your central bank issued notes, in this case dollars issued by the Federal Reserve for which you do not own. They’re owned, in this case by the Federal Reserve and they’re owed back to the Federal Reserve plus interest they create out of nothing. Again, the faster they can wreck the economy, the higher the market’s going to go to a point.
Now, I think we’re getting close to this, this moment here in time, which we’ve all been looking forward to, I think in a kind of a roundabout, twisted kind of way. So again, there remains no connection at all between the economy and the stock market. With that, we will see lower rates moving forward as promised by President Select Trump and promised by the Federal Reserve. Imagine having a US President on the same page as the Federal Reserve.
You think there was maybe a correlation here, why we got the selection here? You understand what I’m talking about? There was no election, in case you didn’t know that. Anyway, with lower rates will come significantly more currency devaluation, loss of purchasing power, meaning higher prices.
Are we on the same page here? Okay. Do you think it’s going to stop by some miracle, some turn of events is going to make the dollar stronger as the Fed lowers rates, as you’re being promised this by President Select Trump? You think that’s really going to change here?
Of course not. Central banks have been on a mission now people, since the inception of central banking to destroy the purchasing power of the currency to allow central banks to inflate. You understand the mechanism here. Central banks destroy the purchasing power of the currency.
They have to get, they get to create more of their product, which is debt. Issue it to the world and it makes them stronger and it destroys us all, you understand? Should be pretty simple. It gets bigger than that because we’re being bridged into a new system.
You all know that, at least I hope you do. Right now with regard to cryptocurrencies, the Bitcoin president here adding Bitcoin to the US Strategic reserves, Russia now talking about it, other nations now talking about they’re all going to do it. This is a mechanism here to push us into the tokenized system which you and I have discussed, I think before everybody else. But anyway, let’s do this here with that, lower rates promised by President Select Trump and the Federal Reserve means higher prices across the board.
It also means a lower standard of living here in the United States and around the world. Again, central banks are not done. They’re going to destroy the purchasing power of the currency moving forward faster. You have to understand the system, the debt based system that we have demands that more debt be pulled into the system and they’re going to find something else to do it, another mechanism, whether it’s going to be whatever it is, they’re not done with us.
As again, the bridge to the new system, although it’s being built very rapidly, the merging of banks with cryptocurrencies here, the system of maximum control. We’re going to see this moving forward. Let me get back to reading this because I cover a lot of this here anyway. I go off on these little tangents from, from time to time.
So a lower standard of living is coming and there ain’t no way out of it. All right? In 2025, central banks will continue to pressure their respective currencies and continue to artificially suppress rates which in theory should push world stock markets higher, slash inflating much bigger bubbles. However, there also remains the specter of an uncontrolled sell off in the debt market which will occur at one point.
Okay, but, but when, okay, And I wrote here at a point which will be chosen by central banks themselves. You have to understand right now, central banks collectively, none more so than the Fed is the number one issuer and buyer of debt. This revolving door is like a, a swirling vortex allowing central banks to inflate. We’re paying the price for it, you understand?
And there is no way again that this is going to stop. We are not being, we’re not hearing a word or a peep whatsoever about being brought back into a constitutional money system. Gold, okay? We’re being pulled further away from that.
Being thrust into a system that we neither voted for nor wanted. You understand? Your votes don’t matter anyway. We got the crypto president is going to make sure we are pulled further away from a constitutional money system and thrust into the tokenized system.
I think we’re pretty much on the same page, at least I hope we are. Now remember this people, if you need to know one thing, well, some of this here, this is what you need to know. And I’ve been telling you this forever. Cash seeks yield.
Now with that low and you’re. We’re going to get lower rates here. You were promised by the president select and the Federal Reserve, okay, which is in the process of lowering rates right now, which is the last thing we need. We need higher rates.
We need. Higher rates would boost the purchasing power of the currency and improve your standard of living. But you can’t know that. You understand?
You must be treated like cattle or more like, like a mushroom being kept in the dark and fed crap. You understand? I hope you hope you understand this. Anyway, so anyway, cash sheets.
Now with that cash seeks yield. With that low artificial depressed rates will drive cash into assets producing higher yield and greater returns. Now the entire mechanism of suppressed rates, lower rates is specifically set up to drive cash in to risk assets like stocks. And that’s why we’ve seen this Record high, Record high.
Record high. Record high as of late, except for the recent sell off, which, you know, I get out of the market now. Hold that thought. So this mechanism could potentially keep the price of commodities down or suppressed, creating an opportunity by commodities at fire sale prices.
Now, with regard to cryptocurrencies here, let’s cover what we got so far. The mechanism is very simple. You’re going to see artificially suppressed rates, more currency devaluation, a weaker currency, not just here in the United States, but around the world. Although you’ve been promised this by President select, working with the Federal Reserve to lower rates.
Do you see how they’re working together here? You still just can’t see it here. It’s. You just elude you.
It’s outside your ability to think. I hope not. This is the alliance that we now have. And I told you this was going to happen before the presidential selection.
I told you how it would work out. We would find out who would be the one who would be working more with the Fed to issue in the new system here and to destroy the currency or the all the other theatrics that you see going on right now with Doge and cutting government spending, only to pay off more much higher debts and deficits moving forward. It’s a shell game. You’re being sold a shell game.
I don’t know how many of you actually understand that. Probably most of you, at least I hope so if you follow this blog. But you’re being sold a shell game. Imagine our shock here.
Imagine another deception. So with cryptocurrencies here, I expect to see cryptocurrencies go widely more mainstream moving forward and added to not just the US Strategic reserves as promised by Trump, but also nations who will follow suit. Now with that, we will see a more rapid push into a new system with more groundwork which is all being laid out right now. It started to be laid out before the presidential selection.
You were being promised that we were going to become the crypto capital of the world. You remember all that before the selection? Well, now it’s happening because they knew who would be chosen. Understand?
Yeah. There was no election. Again, let’s move forward a new system with more groundwork being done to bridge the system into full tokenization. You want to know what that’s all about?
Click on the link in the description of this video to my newsletter and just search for tokenized system tokenization. You’re going to learn all about it. How we, you and I, we nailed this one to the wall again. I believe this before anybody else.
Now you can expect, and this must happen, it’s already going on. Rapid deregulation of the banks and a merger between the banks and the cryptocurrencies. This is a key to the new system. You’re going to see more of this moving forward.
We should also expect to see a continuation of more fake data across the board and additional economic propaganda. Are you ready? On a massive scale, you’re going to be told the same things you hear now, how strong we are. Our economy is booming.
Meanwhile people can’t get by. The middle class is being systematically eradicated. Let us move forward. Expect to see skyrocketing debt and deficits with the potential for supply chain disruptions and a severe economic slowdown.
Again, are you expecting, let’s go back the currency to the dollar or central bank issue notes to just gain purchasing power here and make your life easier. Meanwhile, you’re being promised lower rates. No, ain’t gonna happen. If you believe honestly the tale that you were told, how inflation is a product of economic policy put forth by a specific president, it ain’t the truth.
Monetary policy is performed by central banks. They run the system. You were deceived, you were lied to. Imagine our shock.
It’s central banks who run it all. They’re the ones who are responsible for creating hermeshee devaluation, which is inflation. Oh wow. You really thought it was presidents that do that.
Let us move forward here. Negative rates. The prospect for negative rates is very, very high. The potential here is very, very high.
We are going to see the economy slow faster and then you’re going to hear, hold on a minute now. Let’s stimulate. Let’s stimulate the economy by pumping more easy money into it. Which means what you can’t be told.
Currency devaluation. When the central banks create small currency, it devalues the purchasing power of that currency. Lower rates. Another mechanism here, the prime one, to devalue the purchasing power of the currency.
It’ll be on the same page here. Moving into 2025. We will continue to see the same wealth transfer mechanism which has led not just the United States, but the world’s middle class population to where it is now. The effect of currency purchasing power destruction brought on directly by artificially suppressed race is an economic wrecking machine.
No one told you that one, did they? No other question, not one question about monetary policy during the presidential clown show debate. Does that tell you anything or no? No, it doesn’t tell you nothing.
While at the same time pushing more wealth up to the 1 and 2 percenters and the elite. I hope we’re on the same page now with regard to something else I want you guys and girls to know. This is also in your inbox. Now have a look at this chart.
This is the relationship between the federal funds rate and the 10 year yield going back to 19, 1990. Every time we’ve had an inverse or a flip between the federal funds rate and the 10 year yield, which is exactly what we have right now, it has led to a meltdown. Let’s, let’s, let’s see if Greg is correct here. All right, that’s the dot com bubble.
That is the financial meltdown 2008. And this is where we are now. Do you see any similarities here? Oh, you can’t see that either.
I know you can. People. Look, man, do you really honestly believe that if we know this, the Federal Reserve doesn’t know this? Our loving, caring politicians don’t know this as well?
They can’t tell you. They can’t tell you and they won’t tell you. Because what this is going to lead to again is the grand finale. The wealth transfer right out of you, sucked straight out of you, right out of your accounts, right up to the one or two percentage, just as it happens every other time before.
But this time again, the bridge to the new system is being built. They’re going to tell you we have a solution for you and you’re going to take it and you’re going to accept it. Because the hardship that this is going to create, just like remember that, you know, the dot com bubble meltdown. Okay, maybe you don’t remember that one.
Maybe you’re not as old as Greg Mannarino. Okay? But you all remember the financial crisis and what happened. People losing their houses, being thrown out into the street, homelessness exploding.
Well, these are much worse. Worse, much, much worse right now. And that’s where we are. Do you see that?
Okay. Little piece of information for you. So people, again, this, this is in your inbox right now. You subscribe to my, my newsletter here as well as this as well.
Got you. I will never let you down. Moving into 2025. I got you back more so than ever before.
I’ve made that promise to you since forever. People, raise your awareness as to what’s going on and then take action. Do something about it. There’s no saving grace here.
For those of you that think that things are just going to change because the figurehead behind the Resolute desk is. It looks differently. No, it’s central banks who run it all. The rest of it’s just a sit.
You might as well be watching a sitcom. It’s a show to convince you that things are going to change. They’re not going to change because it’s central banks running it all. And they’re all well aware of what I have just shown you here.
So what does it mean for you? You got to think about again, your investments, how you’re going to get through what’s coming here ain’t going to be pretty. And I’m telling you that right now. We should always have the high ground.
If none of this happens and we’re all just frankly fantastic, if we don’t learn anything from the past, which it doesn’t seem like people do ever, they have to relive it over and over and over again like, like a nightmare. And this is also deliberately engineered. Again, who was responsible for this? Is it really presidents, kings, queens, dictators or monarchs?
No, it’s central banks. They people. The reason why there was not a single question about monetary policy or the Federal Reserve during the clown show debate, which was just a setup as well. Okay.
Would keep your eye off the ball. You have to think it’s one of these two people that are, you know, in some kind of a running or a competition. Here there was no competition. There was no running here.
There was no election either. It was a selection. Okay. Why there was not a single question about the Federal Reserve monetary policy?
Because you can’t look there. You can’t look there. Look over here, don’t look there. You can’t know who’s running it all.
Who’s responsible for, for inflation via currency devaluation. Why the mechanism here of artificially suppressed rates and therefore currency pricing, power destruction has led us to where we are right now. We need the polar opposite of this. When you hear a presidential selectee promising you lower rates, you know they’re working directly with the Federal Reserve to bring about the end.
Not the end, the rest of this shit thing. This, this, this nonsense. We’re going to cut government spending. They’re cutting anything off the shell game because the debts and are going to balloon moving forward.
You think that’s going to change? You really, really do. It’s going to change this time? No, it’s not going to change at all.
It’s just all just a game. And you’re being played like a grand piano. Not me. I don’t know about you, but I ain’t being played like a grand piano.
I could say 90% of you better realize where we’re at and why we are here. Okay? This is just a mechanism to issue us into a new system, a new paradigm, a completely new set of rules which I’ve been telling you about for 10 freaking years. We’re on the same page.
I hope so anyway. For the immediate future for you guys and girls, I want you to take, I want you to look at this one more time. April, where we are now in April, this is what happened to the stock market. A significant sell off.
The Fed jumped in here, if you recall, and started buying it all. And what did that do? Pushed the MMRI down. The market went up, up.
Is that going to happen now? I can’t tell you. I can’t tell you that. The Fed could absolutely jump in here and start buying more.
The long end of the year curve. It’s very interesting here. I actually forgot to read that part to you, but I’m not going to read it. I’m just going to tell you what happened on last Wednesday when the Federal Reserve cut rates.
Well, the entire yield curve basically stayed basically flat. But the long end, the 10 year to the 30, did the polar opposite of what it should have done. It came up instead of went down. It caused the stock market to sell off 1100 points.
That’s when I got out of the market. Market tried to recover. It couldn’t do it. It couldn’t do it.
Is the Fed going to get in here now and start buying more? Is it going to buy more long term debt and keep those bond yields suppressed to push more cash into the market? We’re at year’s end here. The fat cat, fat cats on Wall Street.
The year end bonus bonuses are based on year end stock price moving into January. All bets are off. We’ll see where this goes here. And look man, what you want to take away from all of this is we got a big problem.
Should tell you something, all right, I’m not a gloomer, I’m not a doomer. I’m a guy here who’s trying to raise your awareness. If you think I’m a doomer or a gloomer, maybe you need to go, go to a circus or something along that it’s something that’ll distract you from reality. Most people are distracted from reality.
Not you. You guys are, are here. You understand what’s going on. You see what’s happening to people.
You see how the wealthy, the wealth is being shoved faster right up to the 1 and 2 percentage here. How we’re being bridged into the new system, this new tokenized system via the merger between banks and cryptocurrencies. Something you didn’t vote for. You thought he was lying when he told you we’re going to be the crypto capital capital of the world to pull us further away from a constitutional money.
Since I’m talking about Trump. You guys are seriously putting your faith in the wrong place again. It invariably look back on history, leads to destruction of the people. You know where your faith needs to be, the Almighty, nowhere else.
Don’t put your faith in any one person. It’s just the wrong thing to do. It ends up very badly. All right, guys and girls, Listen, man, I hope you got something out of this video.
I really, really do. No, I did not, unfortunately, read through this entire paper, but if you want to read this in its entirety again, people, it’s free. I send this to you guys and girls first, all right? Before it goes out to any of the publications.
You guys and girls get it first because I take care of you. I want you guys and girls who follow this blog to be ahead of the curve, and I’m working my hardest to make that happen. Okay? You want to read this in its entirety and really understand where we’re going again, this is in your inbox right now.
If you subscribe to my newsletter, all the charts I just showed you and everything is right there right now. Read through it, make sense of it, make up your own mind, okay? Think about what I talk about all the time. Verify everything I say or don’t take anything I say as the absolute truth here, okay?
There is only, again, one absolute truth. You know what I’m talking about? Okay? Some people get very angry when I mention the Almighty over here.
If you don’t like that, if it really gets under your skin, you don’t need to be here, all right? I want winners here. I want lions here. I want people to understand what’s really going on here.
And if that’s too much for certain people, you’re free to go wherever you want to go. I am doing my best in working my hardest to make this as easily understandable as possible. So you can either do nothing, which is an action in itself, or do something about what’s happening here with regard to the market. You and I have nailed this to the wall with regard to cryptocurrencies, we’ve nailed this to the wall.
With regard to gold and silver, we’ve nailed that one to the wall, too. Again, the game remains. Risk on, risk on is going to turn risk off. Cash is going to bleed out of the debt market at the point of their ch.
When the dead move again, who’s buying all the debt, who’s issuing all the debt? It’s central banks. Once this mechanism stops at a time of their choosing, this whole thing, we’re already in the full blown liquidity crisis. You all know that.
They’re ready. The Fed’s pulling liquidity out of the system right now. In case you don’t know. Look at the repo scam that they’re pulling on people right now.
Look it up for yourself. Federal Reserve repo operation the Federal Reserve has been utilizing this mechanism here of passing vast amounts of cash back and forth between institutions overnight for quite a long time. The Federal Reserve has been backing off on this here. In other words, moving lesser and lesser amounts of cash back and forth between institutions overnight.
All this is, is a mechanism to trick the system into believing it’s more liquid. The Fed is just a game by now. Engaging in this to a lesser degree is creating. Well, I wouldn’t say it’s creating because the problem is already there.
The trick is becoming less and less evident or less to the market. And we’re already in a big issue here. This liquidity is drying up. Even though the world is awash in debt right now, more so we’ve ever seen, is going to continue.
There’s not enough of it because the debt based system which we have is a curse. It’s a curse upon mankind and we need to return to a constitutional money system. I always point back to that because that’s the USS Constitution, that ship, that, that painting back there. Okay, we need to return to that.
Do you agree or do you really want to be the crypto capital of the world and let central banks run that system too into full tokenization? Is that what you wanted? Is that what you voted for? That’s what you got.
Wake up, man. Yeah, anyway, look, I know I’m preaching to the choir, guys and girls. This has been a very important video. If you got something out of this, let me know.
If you think I am completely wrong, I want to hear from you. Tell me why. Why? Because you let me out.
All right, I think I pretty much nailed it to the wall. And I think most of you, better than 90%, 95, see it exactly the way it really is. And I congratulate you on that. All right guys, to go.
So that’s it, man. This is 24, 25 immediately. And where we’re going here, I think we got it down honestly. And we’re not going to change Anything.
And we always look out for each other, as always. And that’s our strength here. Our real strength comes from those of you that don’t like to hear about it. You know that.
And anyway, guys and girls, look, love all of you with a heart. I mean that. I have a little issue tomorrow morning. I will not be able to do a pre market video.
My dog, Vega, as you know, she has a severe infection in that eye. She has to see the specialist tomorrow again. It’s a two hour drive for me. She’s got an appointment at 9am so unfortunately I will miss my pre market report.
But I got your back for the livestream tomorrow. I will be here. So I hope to see you tomorrow again post market. You will again real quick.
You will not see me in the morning, but you got this. You. What I want you to do right now is focus on what I told you in this video. Focus on these papers again, which are in your inbox.
You subscribe to my newsletter? If you have not subscribed to my newsletter, I don’t know what you’re waiting for. It’s really free now. The mmri.
Another one. This is free to you as well. Link in the description of this video. Keep your eyes on this.
We cover these peaks. I don’t know if we peaked here, we may not. And I covered this as well. This could present a major problem in the immediate future.
You see how the dots all line up here? It’s pretty simple to understand this stuff. All right, Love you all from the heart, people, always. We got each other’s backs.
I will see you not in the morning, but I will see you post market tomorrow. All right? Get this stuff out there, people, share it. You got something out of this video, I want to hear from you.
Give the video a thumbs up. Please share this video on your social networks. Let’s work together as a team to raise people’s awareness. The more people that we can get this information to, the better off we’re all going to be people, you know, in the words of Bob Marley, one love.
It’s all. That’s what we got here. And we got each other. And that’s it.
We’re being wiped out. We’re being destroyed by design here. If we don’t come together, if we don’t unite, if we remain a conquered people, a divided people, which we are, we all lose. That’s how they win.
If we come together, we win. You understand why you think they pushed us in the red corner and the blue corner and these people can’t get together with these people. We can’t come together to elicit change. They win.
Are we on the same page? See you tomorrow, people host market. Love you all from the heart and that’s all.