Militia Man (Uncut) 01-30-2025
MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Global Investments-American Companies-Economic Renaissance-World Bank Support
Hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the Militia Man and Crew Patreon community by clicking the link in the caption Hey, good evening everybody. Today’s the 29th it’s a Big day. I think there’s been some really good news and I think that we’re gonna just dig into it So thank you for being with us here at Militia Man and Crew at forward slash mm and D C R E W. So, thank you everybody Here’s an article says the successful strategic policies of al-sudani’s government constituted a qualitative shift in the development of international and regional relations I like qualitative because that means it’s a good shift and its development of International and regional relations and I think you’ll probably see the theme in the news as of yesterday and today that That’s definitely happening.
It’s awesome The Secretary General of the Generations Gathering with Muhammad Shia al-sudani considered that the successful strategic policies of al-sudani’s government constituted a qualitative shift in the development of international and regional relations It says Iraq’s diplomacy has proven its worth and entitlement to move Iraq from the stage of Decline from the past and flabbiness to the stage of a leadership position and pioneering and strengthening and developing international and regional Arab relations and investing them in Ways that serve the public interest of the country So a qualitative shift is is where Iraq is it is at this point with international entities And here’s this by the Prime Minister It says that the government is committed to diversifying the economy and eliminating the monopoly of rents So they’re gonna just they’re gonna move from oil to oil gas non oil revenue streams We’ve talked about that numerous times that says he points out Iraq’s global position is now gaining a brighter image in economic growth and reforms and increasing levels of cooperation in all energy forums and Iraq has become a fundamental pillar in Stability of a global oil market. It’s fascinating and it is on the way to becoming a regional center for energy Industries and Iraq contributes to the stability of the global oil market by relying on strong and solid Economy they’re Pushing forward. That’s what they’re doing it’s really it’s really kind of exciting to see how much progress that Iraq has made the last two years and The effects that it’s having on a global scale How al-hassan? Okay It says al-sudani strengthened the energy vision with tangible proposals for cooperation and partnership between the public and the private sectors He says I’m honored to be with you today to discuss a transition to sustainable energy Which is a critical issue facing Iraq and the world He goes on to say Iraq’s transition to using clean energy is not only limited to mitigating the effects of climate change But is a catalyst for innovation creating new energies or new new industries and opening up economic opportunities They’re probably going to be opening up economic opportunities again for the international and regional and local people so It’s pretty it’s pretty fascinating It says that the president Latif Jamal Rashid during his participation in the Davo conference just recently renewed Iraq’s commitment to reducing gas flaring by 2028 and improving air quality, which is clear evidence of Iraq’s determination to take measures He goes on and stresses that these initiatives represent pivotal steps towards building a sustainable and resilient future for Iraq It goes on and continues and says that the international cooperation and private sector participation are vital to achieving this transformative agenda that that the government plan has Al-sudani has been having one achievement after the other and the results are just Out there for everybody to see it’s like if you can’t see it now, it’s like man Well, just do more digging.
Okay, we you can do that at patreon and in our discord chat room You’ll be you’ll be amazed Okay, so it says Tuesday yesterday The planning minister out to men discussed with the World Bank vice president for the Middle East and North Africa On a number of development issues and financing strategic projects World Bank’s not going to be involved. There’s not money as far as I can tell I think you guys would probably agree with me But anyway He explains that during the meeting aspects of joint cooperation between Iraq and the World Bank were discussed in ways to enhance it to serve The development process in Iraq, so they’re there. They’re there to do what they do It says the two sides discussed the possibility of the World Bank financing a number of strategic projects that serve development in Iraq and achieve the desire economic diversification including the railway link project between Iraq and Turkey Within the development road project as well as the electrical link project with neighboring countries Especially with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the state of Kuwait in addition to discussing cooperation in the field of highway projects water management and the development and expansion of Baghdad International Airport See what I mean? The World Bank’s got his hand in the key components of Rebuilding Iraq Says the vice president of the World Bank stressed that Iraq is a priority priority within their future plans Expressing readiness to support in support to strategic projects and various development sectors You know the the World Bank’s been Been around with Iraq since as far as I know probably since 2003 So they’ve been around for a long time And that’s what we’re seeing is the plan that they’ve been working on for all those years So everybody that’s been involved in this for 20 years plus.
Well. There’s some evidence that hey They’re still hard at it, and it’s coming to fruition It says the government of the Central Bank of Alialaq Yes, the governor of the Central Bank Alialaq. Sorry you guys it says the imminent Launch of an initiative to finance industrial projects while pointing out that the financial financial stability is no less important than political and security and stability so effectively we have relative political stability, but we do have security And if you guys notice that it doesn’t look like the United States is going to go anywhere soon They effectively have a strategic program that they’re working on and I think you know all know that United States isn’t leaving and when we’re going to talk about a few of those companies and the reasons why they are You know the United States protects their interests, and if the if their interests are in Iraq They’re going to have protection and interestingly enough there their allies Are going to have the same interest taken care of one one article that I didn’t put in tonight But I want to since I remembered it now is that If you guys remember back in 2024 early in throughout 2024 you see that Japan has a huge interest in a development of new technologies 5g that stuff well remember that they have Sovereign guarantees for that investment, and if you guys on a global scale realize that Japan has been in some you know financial troubles, etc.
So what they have done is set up a situation where they can be I Guess involved in some of the construction so of course it’ll be revenue streams for not only Iraq But for Japan as well and those sovereign guarantees Were a key component, so they they are definitely Involved and there’s an article out today about Japan in Iraq or within the last Within the last 10 days, and that’s big because the US Treasury put out and we have that in patreon a statement by Scott dissent he’s a new secretary treasury they had meetings with Japan and His support for Japan not only for the Indochina Pacific region, but also around the world and By them saying that without saying it Would be probably inclusive based off the information that we’ve had from last year and present so that Japan’s part of it So what we’re seeing is a collective of many countries Europe we see There’s another big big entity that was out today, but I’ll probably really cross it tonight and share that but It’s just it’s all internationalism. I think it’s a Dutch companies and so they’re they’re involved So, but we’ll see. Okay.
It says the government central bank alley lock It says the imminent of imminent launch of an initiative to finance Industrial projects while pointing out that the financial stability is no less important like I mentioned The initiatives undertaken by the central bank represent tools to move the wheel of development and enhance economic stimulus and they are Unconventional policies aimed at supporting the overall economy. So they’re doing things a little bit different than just regular conventional They got unconventional policies. It says the central bank is one of the global banking institutions The central bank is one of the global banking institutions that adopt Unconventional monetary policies.
So the central bank is concerned with achieving economic stability Especially since energy factors are directly linked to the economic situation by supporting factories companies and others the central bank intervenes in supporting and financing various projects Including renewable energy projects whether through direct or indirect support Again, like to Japan indirect support sovereign guarantees And so the importance of monetary financial stability indicating that it it’s no less important again the political and security Stability, so it’s there are ongoing trade arrangements between financial industrial projects in a coordination with the Iraq Trade Bank of Iraq and the Industrial Bank Indicating that the liquidity available at the assent at the Trade Bank of Iraq will be used to support these projects In addition to the funds of the industrial bank What’s the aim? Well, they’re gonna say the aim is for launching a major initiative to finance Industrial projects which is expected to see the light soon It says the Council of Ministers has agreed to enhance cooperation between the government banks with financial stimulus financial surplus to finance Industrial projects through those banks and it is the competent authority in this field The imminent law which is what it’s the imminent launch of this major initiative Those are pretty powerful wolf words. I mean that says that they’re gonna do it whether we like it or not I don’t mind. I think the central bank governor is Definitely focused so take a look at that article today In patreon, I have my opinions on most all these articles that you see here tonight I don’t I don’t have time to tonight unfortunately to get into every single one because I’ve got quite a Bit of stuff to go into but you can find it all in as you know.
I Rack on the threshold of an economic renaissance. I like that economic renaissance something new Al sudanese advisors reveals the plans for the next stage he goes on and says His advisor Soleil Mohamed Soleil and he’s he’s definitely a reputable source he he says Iraq is high economic capabilities as witnessed a cohesion between Renaissance and infrastructure on the one hand and strategic development Thinking on the other hand most notably the development path development road path, right? The thinking is on the other hand most notably that path that will attract local and international investments in addition to the effective government contribution which will constitute an unprecedented Renaissance in the country, especially in the residential Construction sector new cities that have launched their projects and will not stop. I love that and They are the best way to economic prosperity on the one hand and raise the level of unemployment No raise the level of employment.
Forgive me in the country on the other hand. All right, so It says here Iraq is all also enjoys unprecedented price stability as the annual growth rate did not exceed 2.9% compared to a 6% increase in their GDP growth. That’s pretty big.
That’s pretty big And it says the development of steady pace allows for the governance that they are witnessing a remarkable progress By the way, it says the launch will come through diversifying the industrial sector both for private and governmental with a focus on moving from crude oil production to petroleum derivatives production and the petrochemical industry There’s going to be a lot additional revenues He stressed that Iraq is the ninth country in the world in terms of natural resources We all know that Iraq’s got a lot As its lands contain more than 16 trillion US dollars worth of these resources in terms of market value 16 trillion dollars in assets. That’s insane Okay, noting that investing in these natural resources and manufacturing them will increase their added value several times Whether for the purposes of national industries or for export Remember we talked about inputs and outputs how they’re going to benefit from both. That’s what they’re talking about It’s it’s very big.
It’s a lot of money folks a lot of money It says Salaez says that the financing strategy includes industrial pot Projects on five levels most of which are projects related to construction in the housing of those related development roadworks Development roadworks, okay, then pharmaceutical industries with a focus on the government’s economic philosophy based on a partnership between the state and the market with broad security This vision moves away from economic liberal liberal liberalism and its risks So it looks like the Riyadh Bank was established to help support those And provide small and medium-sized loans to young people and that initiative it sounds like it’s geared for the youth of the country as They’re about 60% of the workforce so all the all these things that you’re hearing are part of that plan and the project for Iraq to move forward and We’re watching it happen now. I think He says that our this article says our relationship with America will become stronger with an initiative that al-sudani will announce soon And these are just expectations of his advisor A guy by the name of Farad Allah al-din and he’s an advisor for foreign affairs He says the business landscape in the country has already changed He also said that the projects allocated to American companies in the coming years Estimated at tens of billions of dollars while he expected Prime Minister Muhammad she also Donnie to announce a pioneering financial Initiative that he said could change the business landscape in Iraq and strengthen its relationship with the United States This is a long read but I would suggest everybody get familiar with it because it’s It’s definitely lengthy. It’s it’s quite a few pages But ultimately where do they stress they stress that they have a strong cooperation between Iraq and the United States And that’s back to that security the United States forces aren’t leaving anytime soon Likely not the UK, etc But anyway under the Prime Minister Muhammad she also Donnie He has what what he says is Iraq first policy that they have adopted Okay, and it’s and he says it’s an income in a inclusive approach that prioritizes Shared interests and that would include he has to prioritize those interests So it says the strong and thriving u.s. Iraq relationship promotes stability and prosperity in the region Says but the u.s. Iraq Iraq relationship extends beyond military and security cooperation encompassing sectors as diverse as energy and then again agricultural education and economic development Al-sidani is currently leading Iraq through an ambitious reconstruction effort with funding exceeding any allocation in the past two decades Here we go you guys for the you know, the u.s. Interests Exxon Mobil Chevron General Electric Baker Hughes KBR Halliburton Okay, all of these companies could be worth tens of billions over the next few years He goes on and says the financial institutions including the Export-Import Bank and the International Monetary Fund have expressed interest in supporting these efforts.
So they got support. They got a global support. It’s it’s wonderful It says notably the Prime Minister is expected to announce a major financial Initiative that could change the business landscape in Iraq and further strengthen its relationship with the United States Really? I’m pretty sure that’s probably going to happen Definitely.
It says American companies are increasingly drawn to Iraq as evidenced by the growing activities of the u.s. Iraq Business Council while the events of the American Chamber of Commerce in Iraq now attract more American business than ever before and lastly it says With and after the new administration take took office on January 20th The Prime Minister said that Iraq is ready to cooperate with that new administration that we have here in the u.s And here’s a snippet says Iraq’s political leaders will meet in Baghdad tonight the residents of the Prime Minister Shia also dying to discuss amendments to the budget law the general budget law and that was tonight and That’s already done But anyway, the meeting will bring together the speaker of the parliament lawmakers and representatives From the Shia the Sunni and the Kurdish factions the news reports suggest so that’s another fascinating thing a major announcement coming Can’t imagine what that’s going to be. It’s going to be about according to that. It’s going to be about an initiative What’s it going to take? I don’t think they have an initiative that’s going to support all those companies and benefit all those companies that are with that An exchange rate of 1310 I think they’ll have a real effective exchange rate and I would like to think that our study has been really quality and shows that The relationship between what’s they were talking about tonight about the general budget law Is a very key component that we have to pay attention to Most hopeful we’ll find the results out any time now from what happened today and then see what happens for tomorrow and over the weekend We’ll see what see what they say our relationship with America will become stronger with initiative Talking about kind of like what they just talked about Al Sudhani will announce soon.
So they reiterate it it says the business landscape in the country has changed and Again, this one goes on and reiterates about Exxon and all those different companies It’s a lengthy read as well. So I’m not going to keep going over all of it, but let’s put it this way They have a strong and thriving u.s. Relationship that promotes the stability in the region the u.s. Iraq Again extends beyond the military and again, they reiterate that This has been ongoing for Decades two decades at least so that’s interesting interesting stuff Minister of Finance of Iraq provides an attractive investment environment based on advanced infrastructure It goes on says Iraq provides an attractive investment based on advanced infrastructure referring to the opportunities available to foreign investors In especially in the banking and energy and manufacturing. Well, I think that’s pretty obvious that we’ve talked about it already They’re stressing the readiness of even check companies.
That’s that that’s the country to invest in the Iraqi market, especially in the fields of technology and Industry so the finance minister has been a hard-headed Tafsani Herself and then here is one where it says Sudanese meeting with the leaders of the parliamentary factions has ended So that meeting tonight has ended they were talking about what the amendment to the 2024 budget I believe that there’s amendments, but it is a tripartite budget and I think that they have to have 23 and 24 final accounts, which will probably take into consideration that amendment but I would assume that that amendment is critical because they’ve been keeping it really tight to the chest and for him to be At his home or his palace wherever you want to call it To have all these these guests They got the Kurdistan Workers Party faction in the Iraqi Parliament said that the general understanding was reached in the meeting with the leaders of the factions in the parliament to pass the amendment To the budget law on the resumption of oil exports from Turkey through through Turkey So anyway, it says according to the standing between the Kurdish and Sunni and Shia factions. They suggest that 200 Ministers of Parliament are expected to vote on them in the amendment next Sunday That’s in a couple of days and therefore, you know if that amendment needs to be exposed They’re probably not going to leak that out. They’re gonna probably going to keep it pretty tight to the chest Prior to okay, so that’s that’s a big deal You know one of the things that I had I don’t have it with me tonight But I did get some information from the guy he’s his name is Hafid and he’s he’s Saudi Arabia citizen, but he and he works in Saudi Arabia, but he’s also a citizen of the UK and He has a lot of helpful information because he has some good friends that are He went to college with he’s IT guy.
Anyway, he gave us some really good information in patreon and I would suggest if you guys are members that if you haven’t seen it, you might scroll back and find that because it’s a it’s a it’s kind of a story about The people on the street what they’ve been taught a lot of people think that Iraq is and it doesn’t Understand and the elders don’t understand about electronic payments. They don’t understand about You know what’s going on they absolutely do and There’s evidence of that and that’s real data And it’s coming from a real source and one of the things that he liked about us is that patreon we have integrity We try to keep to the news the best we can if we make an error We try to write that and that’s what I am. I think that I’ve got a really good following I think that you guys appreciate that Especially when I when you see the numbers on on my youtube channel Got 99 percent likes I think on average and that’s for two years So again that integrity and it’s one of the things he says he likes about me and that’s and he says I roll the same Way and he doesn’t like the the fluff He likes to get the real data as best as he can and and that’s why he’s sticking with us Okay, so that’s it’s good information.
So check that out So anyway, this article talks about Al Sudanese in need of the House of Representatives to the group to approve the amendment to the budget law without change according to the statement the meeting witnessed a review of The progress of the implementation of the government program and the importance of supporting government steps in completing services Economic projects that have direct contact with the citizens lives That’s all he’s been about and that’s that’s even goes to as high as if we haven’t heard from him Al-sudar al-sadr. He’s been all about the people notice. He’s been pretty quiet Al-sistani, you know the grand ayatollah.
He is also same same all for the supreme Needs of the country so based on the role of the federal general budget law as a fundamental pillar for implementing the obligations contained in the government program and In a manner that takes into account the supreme national interest It says that latest amendment submitted by the government to the law was discussed as the prime minister confirms his commitment to this Text that addresses the issue of the cost of producing a barrel of oil It goes on and tells you that when it was done the ministers in the 45th session on November 5th confirmed a letter of the government representative in the House of Representatives and it says that on January 23rd Which was a few days ago Which is the same text that was voted on within the Parliament Finance Committee, so nothing changed on that amendment and they had that on their on their docket tonight at al-sudani’s house and It says the government text said to amend the federal budget law and it was Emphasized the government’s plans and programs should be supported in a manner that achieves the supreme interest of Iraqis Everywhere that doesn’t mean just Iraq that means wherever they are they’re gonna have their interests included So really, thank you very much for being with me tonight I’ll finish that out and look look I think at the end of the day That data speaks for itself. We can tell that this Weekend if you will is a it’s going to be a very interesting time frame for us But it’s really kind of a critical time for as they even use the word crucial in Part of one of those articles. They definitely have a critical time as far as I’m concerned.
That’s my word but anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed and Hey, do me a favor hit that like button subscribe If you like the content and again for all your support and help it’s been much appreciated and every little bit counts we have PayPal Zelle and Venmo and Thanks again. Enjoy your night Once again guys, don’t forget to hit that like button If you like this content subscribe to the channel or join us at the militia man and crew patreon community for even more exclusive content You can also donate to this channel by hitting the links in the banner to help keep this page up and running Your generous support is greatly appreciated as always much much appreciated. Thank you so much and have a great day