Militia Man (Uncut) 01-20-2025
MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Corruption $5 Billion Halbousi-New Currency Notes-Cash Economy-WB-WTO-24 Budget
Hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia Man and crew patreon community by clicking the link in the caption Hey, good evening. Everybody militia man and crew. It’s been a good day and could be a very historic day tomorrow So hey, let’s just get involved into the Iraqi dinar and I think if everybody’s been paying attention at least for the last Couple of months or years you’re going to be able to find that what Forward slash mm and DC re W brings to the table and There’s so much information that we offer to be able to follow along with the study that we have It’s kind of really important because even though you may have been here for 5 10 15 20 years If you’re not really paying attention and up to date You may have some sentiment that doesn’t feel good.
That’s fine. No problem. But the cool part is is that what we bring is a very positive outlook because of the nature of the Data that comes out and we read over that so that’s one of the reasons why I think all of you know all you special followers are have been with me for so long and You see that so that I’m glad you’re with me And that’s the key point is that there’s so many positive people out there that pay attention and see that you know What progress is progress and the progress that we’ve seen in the last two years is? Something that I’ve never witnessed in all my 15 years.
So that’s a good thing But here today, I just want to remind people that there’s been a lot of politicians and a lot of corruption in Iraq’s past And is it over yet? No, but not advocating that but have there been some really significant issues and will they? Come to light. Well, yes, interestingly enough a Politician reveals the value of how Lucy’s he was a previous speaker of the house It says the politician reveals the value of how Lucy’s money deposited in foreign banks It says that a member of Sovereignty Alliance revealed the amounts deposited in the head of the progress Alliance Muhammad al-Halbusi is in foreign banks. They wanted to say that Muhammad al-Halbusi has or Suggested that have more than five billion five billion dollars that were transferred from Iraq during his tenure as governor and Speaker of the House of Representatives and his supervision of the Reconstruction campaign in provinces affected by the terrorist operations and Using his relations with senior officials in the central government he was able to collect huge sums of money and distribute them to banks and banks of neighboring countries So five billion dollars, so they go on to stress that political influences prevented holding Halbusi accountable So he wasn’t held accountable but now they’re referring him to the judiciary and Despite the existence of conclusive evidence proving his involvement in corruption files theft of huge sums of money from the anbar budget and humanitarian organizations Numerous corruption files and the confiscation of state lands Seizing them and turning them to an investment opportunities So basically, but you know The corruption is being exposed and there’s no doubt about it.
And so is it going to go far deeper? Well, we had an article the other day. I think we talked about it that suggests that that’s Underway so but that’s just a brief but five billion dollars you guys that’s a lot of money I can help a lot of people and especially if it’s all clawed back. I Mean we could be talking about not just five billion We could be talking about hundreds of billions of dollars that have been Taken from Iraq that that people are in question for and I don’t know if you’ve ever read the Panama Papers And we’ll get into it but There’s just data out there that supports that the corruption was really deep and it’s it’s been ongoing for 20 years But the new electronic system In my view is going to be completely Absolved of all that or at least it’s going to be exposing those that try and do it Hence, we have these electronic systems like the escada system at the borders they’re they’re digital and They have a little bit less or a lot less Human interference, so so keep that in mind When you when you think about that five billion dollars, where would that go today? It’s it’s amazing.
And why would he have five billion dollars on his pay grade? You go what it’s a lot of money. All right. So anyway above above and beyond then But it’s a positive note it really is because they’re taking advantage of The systems to be able to find that information And that’s built into the government plan, which al-saddam is set up Iraq launches new banknotes.
It’s an interesting article Iraq launches new banknotes with innovative security signs for the visually impaired It says the central bank reviewed that this these approved security markers through a technical bulletin received by this specific news agency pointing to the introduction of prominent signs on new banknotes to enable the visually impaired to recognize the categories of Papers by touch so It seems like it’s new currency I don’t know that I have any currencies or maybe maybe you do but I don’t that you can feel bumps or anything like that So the visually impaired can figure that out. So that’s definitely to me is something new So in the context of awareness He says the bank indicated that the public will have enough time to adapt to these new banknotes Stressing the importance of sharing this information with those around them So they’re hoping that the awareness is going to Stimulate the people to understand and learn about it It says the central bank of Iraq confirmed that the new banknotes will be traded along with the old ones So there’s new ones that are going to be traded with along with the old ones and there will be no intention to withdraw old banknotes from circulation So you got to remember one thing They’ve already withdrawn a lot of banknotes out of the system a Lot and we talked about that over and over again for the last few years Is that they were actually destroying the money perfectly good money I watched the videos on my own And so we I know that to me and what the best of my knowledge is that that’s that’s a true fact. I Could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
It was a very long video So if you can find it, I suggest you watch it because it’s it’s really powerful And I if you do if you do watch it you do find it I like to see it again to be honest Okay, the central bank of Iraq reviewed the excellence enjoyed by Iraqi banknotes as they are one of the most complex Security marks and were manufactured from the best types of paper used in printing banknotes to ensure quality and safety So that’s this is the focus of this they showed they show pictures of this this article and they show Older currency of course, but they’re not going to share with you the new currency because of counterfeiting You see an article out today that they got people that are they found to have a significant amount of 50,000 50,000 notes 50,000 K notes if you will To be counterfeit, okay, so that’s one of the key things in Monetary policy when they they go to revalue a country is that they have high security? They they want to tamp down Currency manipulation they want to stamp out the black market, which you probably sell today They want to do all that and that’s all part of the process So but this article has so much importance is that you really should just dig in deep and just say look There’s only a few paragraphs in here that are really powerful But you should really take it into consideration and feel grounded and feel that hope that I feel in that confidence That’s where I come from So says the bank stress that any attempt to manufacture Possess or pass on fake banknotes is a criminal act that is severely punished by law calling for the delivery of any fake banknotes to the Police and to the Central Bank of Iraq and you ask yourself well if they’re gonna be reproducing new 25k notes for 1310 as an exchange rate to the US dollar you go well, why are you doing that now? I mean you already have many security features the 25k note for instance is full of them You have to ask who’s like oh, so do they really do mean new notes? I think they do I really honestly do It says the headquarters of the Central Bank of Iraq is located in the center of Baghdad And they have branches around the country where they have Basra Mosul herbal in the Kurdistan region so they’re basically just telling us that they’re They’re on top of it, and they are on top of it their jobs not to tell you the exchange rate They’re not your jobs not to tell you the exchange rate But their job is to inform the citizens and that article basically is suggesting what they do I do a very I do a lengthy depth thought process of my own in in my room in And you can find it also in our free discord chat room And I would suggest if you if you’re interested come on in and take a look out of it because it’s It’s very informative, and it’s a real-time data It’s not from 16 15 20 years ago, it’s it’s now so okay Here’s an article by somebody that we trust and what we follow at least because of the nature of his his historic Background and that he’s definitely considered credible in In our study, that’s for sure I’m sorry. He says banks are are the lever of sustainable development It’s going to be it turns out. We all know that should be true.
It says An economic banker and banking advisor for Samir on the Surrey confirms today The completion of the central banks like that part the completion of the central banks procedures for implementing the goals and initiatives of its Limits third strategy 2024 and 2026 Which is concerned with developing and restructuring the banking sector in accordance with the consulting and auditing companies We talked about Ernst and Young And others okay, so keep that in mind that are currently cooperating with a central bank in the government in this field have reached and That it should not be limited to support But rather go beyond that to include the banking sector in making economic financial banking and investment decisions, so this this for instance International auditing companies Ernst and Young or whoever that is They want them to go beyond that they want them to Include making economic financial and banking investment decisions, I think that’s a key point and Then on the story spoke about the challenges of the of Iraqi economy and opportunities for reform of the banking sector in the government And its programs, but it says the central banks future vision for the role of the banking sector is sustainable development in light of efforts Currently being made to Activate and revolutionize the productive economic sectors other than oil which is not oil right to diversify sources of national income and achieve financial stability Financial stability yes and Sustainability to keep it ongoing But it says that on the role of the government and the central bank in regulating foreign trade financing income Completing infrastructure projects to achieve comprehensive digital transformation another big issue that we’ve talked about over time and Expand the use of electronic payment tools in achieving financial inclusion And so that’s the program that the World Bank the IMF the Bank of International Settlements They’ve been this plans been around for a long time Financial inclusion means to make fairness for everybody to have access to banking Okay, he goes on and explains that the opportunities for reforming and developing the banking sector in 2025 are as follows it looks like there’s one two three four five different ones Starting off with the the developing the Iraqi banking system and its compliance with international banking and accounting standards is one enhancing citizens confidence in the banking sector locally and internationally recognizes It’s in transparency progress and strict commitment to International standards and obtaining the confidence of solid correspondent banks to deal with it Three converting banks to their primary function, which is financing and bank lending for development They go on to say that item four is that banks do not provide loans and making Facilities that help in the development as a lever for sustainable development Banks that do not provide for that Sustainable development lose their meaning as as banks So it detracts from being considered a bank which requires a specific position towards them from the central bank In 2025 that means starting now Seeking number five is the one I really like the most they’re seeking to move from a cash economy to a digital economy and Withdrawing money outside the banking cycle and introducing it into the banking system So what does that mean to you? I’m not sure but to me what it means is seeking to move from a cash economy to a digital economy and withdrawing money outside the banking Cycle and introducing it into the banking system means money abroad means Money that’s outside the banking system As far as I know that what I hold as an investor in the dinar is outside that banking system All the folks that are here that are Iraqis that have a lot of dinar Are gonna be outside that banking system and what they’re looking for was to draw in my money their money back into the country and What are they gonna do? They’re gonna use that money when it comes back To help their banking system create lending for reconstruction Development Etc real estate all of that stuff. So keep that in mind pay attention to it because in this particular article Banks are at the lever of sustainable development is when you want to read Okay, so make sure you go over it and look at it With a fine-tuned coat with a fine-toothed comb because it’s it’s very powerful Okay, this is a this article here is the Prime Minister’s advisor another gentleman that we We like to watch and his name is Mahar Mohammed Saleh Okay, what does he do? He’s the Prime Minister’s advisor for financial affairs And so obviously the Prime Minister listens to him just like the other gentleman It says The adoption of this electronic program for customs we talked about customs the ice cutter system So this is part of this article though It says the adoption of this electronic program for customs declaration represents an important part of the reform efforts branching out from the government program in the field of e-governance and financial and economic reform So they’re talking about e-governance the government financial and economic reform talking about banking etc reforms Which aims to modernize? administrative and financial systems Combat corruption and raise the efficiency of Iraq’s foreign trade. That’s going to be foreign trade cross-border trade Okay, this change in the pattern of customs declarations encourages companies So it’s foreign companies encourages companies to import and look probably local to Okay, the change in the pattern of their customs declarations encourages companies to import and export goods with ease and high speed That sounds like new technology doesn’t it high speed because in a cash society.
It’s not so fast Once you go digital it’s gonna be a lot faster, and if you have New blockchain technology, or I should just say I’ll leave it a technology With what they have today. I don’t know think of yourself going at 10 miles an hour But they might have software or hardware as you may will all you techies out there Forgive me, but they’ll have the Say a speed of 1500 as opposed to 10 That’s how fast in instantaneous. That’s their goal So keep that in mind Okay So it says the business environment in the national economy gives an advanced signal to investors and traders and it’s precise Operations should be positively reflected in the reports of multilateral international organizations keep that in mind when I say multilateral international Organizations within the framework of the progress of business Environment in the country including the world’s bank periodic reports so that tells you they invoke the World Bank is is paying attention and They’re describing why they would have that attention So here again.
We see the cogs of progress turning Around the whole world that includes this these multilateral international organizations In my view my eyes are wide open and why when they see international organizations I think of when you’re talking about digital you’re talking about the borders you’re talking about payments You’re talking about e-governance and financial and banking systems You’re talking about what you’re talking about the World Customs Organization who what works in side-by-side Hand-in-hand, I guess for specific reasons and Varied reasons, but WCO and the WTO the World Trade Organization Non oil revenue streams are going to be massive the WTO knows that just like the WCO does Okay, that’s why they’ve been in place That’s why we saw meetings with for instance with the neighbors the World Customs Organization was dealing with specific Comments and articles that talked about Specific meetings with their neighbor Iran of all places, but hey I’m not I’m not invoking anything other than just telling you what they say, but their neighbors are gonna have to have interconnectivity and That’s gonna be very important, and I think they’ve already probably had the heads up for quite some time It didn’t just happen today so anyway The next the next one is the Ministry of Trade Or the Minister of Trade stresses the importance of enhancing economic cooperation and facilitating the entry of the Japanese companies in the Iraqi market interesting Minister of Trade says he stresses at the importance of enhancing economic cooperation and facilitating the entry of Japanese Companies into the Iraqi market. Well, that’s a you know International come international entity. I mean, that’s what I should say So he says a fairy says he received the new Japanese ambassador to Iraq Akira and show To discuss ways to enhance and develop bilateral relationships between the two countries in the economic trade and investment fields facilitate the entry of Japanese companies Activate the joint committee and prepare for the ministers visit to Japan to hold additional meetings with the Japanese side It goes on.
Here’s a statement says minister of a ferry Stressed Iraq’s keenness to strengthen its partnerships with Japan It says the minister stressed readiness to facilitate the entry of these companies And it says the minister called on Japanese companies to speed up their entry into the Iraqi market and take advantage of promising investment opportunities referring to the commodity structure guided by preparing the ministry through which the needs of the Iraqi market can be Accurately identified accurately identified well, the WCO is going to accurately identify products coming in and out and as would the WTO It says the statement adds that the minister pointed to the great progress made so they made progress or the minister points to that great progress that has been made by Iraq in the filing of the joining of the World Trade Organization After resuming negotiations that were suspended for more than 16 years Stressing that this step represents a part of Iraq’s vision to enhance Iraq’s role in the global trading system Okay, they haven’t done that yet. They didn’t do it at 1310. Are they ever gonna do that? I don’t think so if they would or would do it or are going to do it Why haven’t they done it now, why didn’t they do it years ago because if there’s nothing’s gonna change They’re gonna keep it the same How are you gonna pay for that? How are they gonna do that? Okay.
I think it’s far cheaper for Iraq to just At the end of the day Bring on a real effective exchange rate to meet compliance with the art with article 8 of the IMF Article 4 if you will too. So anyway, so for his part the Japanese and bad Ambassador expressed his country’s desire to enhance cooperation with Iraq Open new horizons and in various economic and commercial fields Praising the development witnessed by Iraq recently on the economic security and political levels So you got a whole country praising Iraq about that and they invoke the WTO in the article Something to think about How many companies are they gonna bring in they’re talking about 23 Japanese companies? I think you guys can get the picture that What we’re seeing is is it’s not a fly-by-night situation It’s actually pretty important and it’s um, I think it’s pretty exciting. I hope you guys appreciate that Well, I hope you guys feel the same way too so Look here’s an article to that and I think this is my last one But the Parliamentary Finance Committee is close to voting on And amending article 12 of the budget law if you guys haven’t figured it out yet but article 12 has to do with oil crossing borders costs of extraction those types of things But anyway, it says the Finance Committee of the House of Representatives announced today Sunday the imminent vote on amending article 12 of the budget related to the Kurdistan region’s oil So we’ve watched them saying numerous articles today and I have I have plenty of them on my desk But the cool part is is that this one says the imminent vote today Have we seen the results of that yet? Did they do it yet? No, but if you look at the articles, you’re gonna see that they had no quorum.
They had the speaker going out trying to rally people back in etc They also talk about they were going to do it this evening They’re talking about many different things but the bottom line is this article has my focus because it says it’s an imminent vote on Amending article 12 of the budget relieved related to the Kurdistan region’s oil It didn’t just say it says they announced today on Sunday, but they didn’t say they did it today So but we’re watching to see how that turns out Because the truth of the matter is that if you’re gonna move oil You’re gonna need to have a value the budget tables are a key component of that. They haven’t exposed Those budget table amendments or they haven’t even given the 2023 final accounts Publicly so that we can see that. Yeah, so let’s see what happens, but it’s really powerful So it says the need for there to be a decision from the committee to submit the draft law to vote Expressing the hope and agreement will be reached to vote on the project that complements the 2023 budget Well, it’s not just a 2023 budget because the 2023 budget is part of the 2425 tripartite budget, but take notice It says a member committee Members have raised many paragraphs and submit proposals and we will raise them so that everyone is aware of them But they cannot be added Considering that the project is an amendment and it’s not budget table so there are two separate things that they’re pointing that out and I think that what we’re looking for obviously is that They just told us they have an imminent vote so that imminent vote means that there’s got to be one And so when when is it going to happen? Are we going to weigh up in the morning tomorrow and see it see a vote or are we going to have a Conversation with the Central Bank of Iraq first Because they’re all going to be interrelated So to see what happens we’re going to do that and that’s why I bring this information to you guys And thank you for being with me tonight.
I appreciate it I know it’s brief, but the nice part about it is is that it’s progress and that’s where we’re at So if you like my content Hit the like and subscribe button and thank you guys for all your help keeping this militia man and crew going taking care of everybody is a tough job and You guys help so much with PayPal Venmo and Zelle and it really does make a difference. So, thank you Once again guys, don’t forget to hit that like button If you like this content subscribe to the channel or join us at the militia man and crew patreon community for even more exclusive content You can also donate to this channel by hitting the links in the banner to help keep this page up and running So generous support is greatly appreciated as always Much much appreciated. Thank you so much.
You have a great day