Coffee with MarkZ. 03/11/2025
Music Reggie boy, I think we got 120 in us And wasn’t at one point in the Bible where they’re gonna limit man’s growth to or excuse me age to 120 Is any any good Bible scholars in here on that front? To me, I’d be perfectly content with a hundred and twenty healthy years Hello, David Hello Jill Hello grumpy and Wendy and Mira and slug oh hello, Texas girly girl Hello, Arizona one. Hello half fine Hello old Stokes and MGU girl. Hello Mitzi Hello miss Linda saw you it’s good to see you in the house But try to keep up with these it’s ripping fast If for the host about to rock we salute you But Jason I figure they’re about halfway to the correction on the NASDAQ.
Not certain how they’re handing handling the Dow But it desperately needed fundamentals still matter And they will rule at the end of the day. Hello King’s hacienda. Hello flight level Hello, Tahoe Mindy see and Christian May Rebecca 120 it sounds like a really long time it does but you know as A young man The thoughts of being you know 30 seemed a long way away the thoughts of being 50 seemed like whoa, holy smokes now I guess it I guess it changes the older you get the more life you experience Let’s see preacher Patriot the days of our years are three score years and 10 and if by reason of strength they before score years yet Is there strength labor and sorrow for soon cut away off and we fly away? wait three score scores 40 am I missing that one? Genesis 6 3 I see Psalms talking about some different ones Freddie her and good to have you in the house.
Hopefully you enjoy your time here Karen looking for help and getting a job widowed mom live near Greenville, South Carolina back first degree in business After getting laid off started my own. All right, if anybody out there knows of something 23 score in 10. Yeah, I want more than that.
That’s 70. We need more than that. Definitely more than that L I’d be happier with three or four hundred years.
I’m I want to hang out like Moses Hello Adam It’s time for you to be wearing a gold shirt every day. That way we know the cigars moonshine biscuits and gravy are coming each Adam you do know what I love brother hang the mankini in the background Is it our month I don’t know for certain but it certainly feels great Oh Kathy 120 years cool. I’m middle-aged again Hello, miss Jamie, how are things in New York? Hopefully you are well All right, well Zim holders doing humanitarian projects we offer to structure payment system over specified amount of years Apple I’m told that they will be offered a Structured payout based on their humanitarian project and its needs that it will be based solely on that front After you get your personal portion of the Zim which is paid immediately in up front, but anything additional for humanitarian I’m told is paid over time Based on as you need it for the project, so it would be totally different for everybody Xavier Noah was 950 Thousand less stuck around a bit Ward oh i’m already 72.
So according three scored in 10 I’m kind of with you ward. Oh, let’s let’s keep sticking it around Rain, genesis 6 3 the lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever because he also is flesh Nevertheless his days shall be 120 years 969 from Methuselah Yeah, ray, I would much rather see the mankini hanging in the background than on me. Hey, and I take no offense It’s Ray the older I get the less I want to offend everybody.
Well, I shouldn’t say that The less I want to offend the people that are important to me the more I want to offend all the other ones out there They have not figured out one of And boy, I heard this put a different way and I I never put it in such a simple term But at the uh summit the quantum summit this weekend jeff one of the uh speakers Made the comment that ignorance is an opportunity And i’ve always thought if you don’t know something it’s an opportunity to get to learn it But he just broke it down in such a simple term ignorance is an opportunity In other words, not necessarily a bad thing just means you don’t know but it’s an opportunity To change that to learn And I love that unfortunately humanity has not embraced that ignorance is an opportunity to learn to better oneself So that’s like one of my new favorite things Yes penny I see you moving my mouse for me About time now. Thank you for that super sticker um, let’s see greg mark looking like mike might just have a chance at aoc of course it would have been If she ends up in jail Okay kitty Oh my all right Okay Jason, I am still hearing that those dates are solid. I’m still getting that from the bond side They’re still telling me their expectations are to have All the historic bonds knocked out in the month with the overwhelming majority Dollar wise by the 17th or 18th and that should be more than enough for us to get announcements.
We hope um Reading a few of these I know I need to just jump back in. Okay, fine We’re probably far enough along Melissa, yep. I agree with that mark See, it seems that some individuals look at ignorance as a choice and they’ve chosen ignorance and refuse to move beyond it Yeah, it is stunning because it is ignorance is a conscience choice Once you are familiar with or you’re like, you know, I don’t know much about that one Continued ignorance is a choice because you can fix it.
You can choose to learn Yeah, right. Ignorance is not bliss Hmm i’m with you buzz rocket media and and and it is Starting to or they’re attempting to make better headway meaning the the left the deep state whatever you want to call them mainstream media mockingbird um Intelligence agencies and heck at this point the uk is an open war With the united states in my book they may not have picked up a gun yet But they are doing their absolute best to undermine the united states. Yeah, I said that or at least donald trump um The longer this goes trump opens up to mainstream medium criticism regarding the economy needs a magic trump card to surprise everyone he does He’s doing what is necessary and he’s correcting the economy He’s like, yeah, you may get a recession while we fix it long term You’re getting the medicine you didn’t want to take for all of these decades That’s what he really needs.
Is that necessary to sarah? Boop Jaco still says the dems will go extinct and I sure hope he’s right. I think common sense will largely pair their numbers down Repentance repentance is a good thing. Oh whip man.
I’m glad you guys are on it Glad you guys are on it If you like me wait, wait, let me make certain I get this one, right? I don’t want to mess this one up If You’re like me and you’re getting to that age where your body just hurts all the time then listen up Don’t reach for another painkiller until you learn about this little known tumeric hack for pain and inflammation You’ve probably heard or already heard about tumeric being used to fight inflammation and joint pain But here’s one thing all not all tumeric is equal or created equal Regular tumeric powder in your pantry might help a little but a leading pain doctor from connecticut Discovered a special tumeric extract that is 200 times more powerful Than what you’d find in your standard tumeric and when he shared this tumeric hack with his patients the results were shocking Sumer extract attacks pain at the source turning it off like a light switch that pain not only goes away, but stays away. Dr Josh brains behind it all has spent over 20 years helping hundreds of thousands Americans finally break free from constant aches and stiffness and his tumeric hack Has been the backbone of their success saying about expensive surgeries pain injections are ineffective over-the-counter medications Say hello to pain-free living. It’s incredible stuff once you start taking it regularly noticed a huge different But once again, you just can’t take just any old tumeric So if you want to learn more about dr Josh’s tumeric hack and the exact method for how to use it in your daily routine just go to golden forward slash mark z The links right below in the bottom of the description makes it super super easy guys And sometimes you gotta hit the more button.
We got a number of birthdays Let’s see linda celebrating 60. We’ve got a heavenly birthday. Uh As well.
Oh wait, i’m seeing some interesting ones in here Let me make certain I get all these right Yep maria kukla’s mom would have been 98 today. So, um, keep that in mind when you speak with her days send prayers uh her direction See, I bank at wells fargo change your names and now don’t call themselves. Well fargo That they call themselves a military Okay, I find that very interesting I’d be curious what the name of the bank is Yeah, black pepper is such a catalyst to help with uptake.
It’s good stuff Amy, where were you yesterday? Happy belated miss amy. We’ll put you on today’s list Jackie It is a new site and it should go completely live this week You’ll be looking jackie for and these pictures aren’t perfect guys. Um, the new labeling will go up.
So so don’t panic when you see them Uh, the site is biozots Had to make all the attorneys happy I’ll put that one over there, but it will be back up at some point this week and you’ll know where to go If you are interested All right, just got that part done boy, I get a lot of questions on that every day Cool raul, let’s see. What you got? I have a story about a friend of mine who went to chase bank and saw a kiosk machine that said exchanges Does anybody know what that means? Hopefully it means exchanges Throw your currency in there and the machine let it do it right in front of your eyes Wouldn’t that be a neat way to do it boy? Won’t that throw everybody off? Yeah, i’m looking forward to it. Uh Joe will have all those codes in no time Uh this week Sorry guys, i’m having to work around a cattail on the mouse I did like audrey hepburn, you know, nothing is impossible.
The word itself says i’m possible Ooh from audrey hepburn. I like that one Tom I like that go to chase. Let me know what you see man.
Let me know what you see brother Send me a message Uh tilly bob that code for glint to get the free debit card is andy 24 andy 24 Maryland celebrating her 90th All right, let’s get into uh some information guys, I can’t believe i’ve gone this long i’m too rested i’m not used to this Boy, does it feel good to have gotten a decent night’s sleep? so much better Uh, we do have a doctor joining, uh at the end a doctor and researcher joining at the end of this evening’s podcast For anybody wants to stick around we’ll get into more details on that one later Uh, but i’m i’m pretty stoked about this one because of his uh, some of his differing approaches on health For anybody who wants to stick around tonight after the news A la lock iraq has one of the highest arab gold reserves with 162 tons Yeah, this is making the news again iraq wants you to know us to know the world to know How many physical assets what they have in their foreign currency reserves, etc. They want you to know that they are one of the only solvent Countries in the world and Pretty much in the region. There are a few in that area, but they have a net surplus They’re not a debtor nation.
They’re a creditor nation Uh, this is important guys safe stable. They are laying the groundwork They’re laying the foundation to be able to change their rates On the region’s oil parliamentarian the u.s. Embassy imposed the amendment of article 12. Okay.
What does that mean u.s? Has come in and started putting a lot of weight for Security and for stability in the uh with the hcl kirkuk region this one’s fun guys the u.s has stepped in because uh, Article 12 or finishing this hcl took a bit of a curve when a number of the companies were like, yeah, well You know, it’s been kind of a pain to get our dollars So we want them up front before we’re going to push or pull or pump anything and the u.s is stepping in With assurances and guarantees that they are working with the iraqi government to make things happen. I think you’re about to see things Launch off of stuff. There are some very interesting groundbreaking things going on right now in that region And uh one of them I was going to save for another article or two down the road, but it is so good I may not be able to restrain myself iraq iraqi fat With german and spanish privileges oil factories inaugurator hurley.
May. Okay, that doesn’t make any stinking sense in the translation But what it means and i’ve talked about um iraq moving outside of just developing natural resources. They want to go to finished products Meaning like refineries Uh finished motor oil they they want to be able to process it theirs and others To round out their economy.
So what’s not as dependent on what’s pumping opec limits demand, etc. In other words, they are trying to recession proof Their economy because when you’re processing the world doesn’t matter what it is per barrel You’re making your money on that process. So they are looking at uh up in their game going to more vertical integration general company for hydraulic industries revealed on tuesday details of the progress work in the project of bottling and manufacturing industrial oils Another one rounding out their economy.
They told you this is what they were doing So there’d be stability and there would be more stability in their local economy and in their uh, uh Strength of their currency and bam here. They are they’re doing everything they told us they were going to do guys. They are nailing it Uh, just an interesting one for me because we’re seeing this all over the world is iraq stepping into the future Cryptocurrencies advisor of sudanese reveals the latest developments.
Yes, they’re studying many of them They want to make certain they get this one right for the people of iraq, but they are going to embrace the new world of digital and Crypto to blend it with their assets. I love it reading these things in iraq. Here’s your big one right now Iran’s on fire angry protests and an unprecedented collapse of the tomans Their currency is an absolute free fall protest around the country.
We may soon have different leadership in iran Had no clue that trump was going to be so effective. Today’s the first day that goes into effect on banishing. Um, Iranian natural gas and stuff for energy.
So it’s a mad dash going on in iraq presently Finished floating platforms, uh temporary power plants. In other words, they’ve got to be ready for this summer And the u.s is lending Massive support to iraq right now to make that happen so that the iranian sanctions do not cripple the iraqi people Uh, so watching this progress. This is more cooperation between our governments Than i’ve ever seen in iraq Before it was the u.s dictating to the iraqi government what they were going to do now.
It is the u.s working with beside Not not not using iraq but working with iraq to achieve these things This is a massive change in how they are handling things Relations between iraq and u.s. So this one a lot of fun And not to be left out today for a change Central bank injects more than 5 trillion vnd into the market for liquidity to keep liquidity going they want you to know where their Rates have been but they may need to change the value of their currency guys uh Still very they got a lot of positive factors, but our vietnam may have to adjust values Vietnam to sign a u.s deals as trade energy officials meet document shows vietnam wanting to work closely with the u.s They don’t want to deal with uh tariffs and sanctions So they are working hand in hand To make certain that everybody gets what they want out of their relationship vietnam wants to grow with the u.s Vietnam needs to raise the value of their currency and they’re injecting a little liquidity That’s one thing that happens when people start saving or they get concerned uh about the world they start uh They don’t give away their dollars when you lose that liquidity in the market. It can artificially squeeze Your uh your economy similar we’ve had this before After the scare of 1929 what really devastated was liquidity went away people weren’t willing once they got over that initial collapse They were holding on to their money too tightly So they were a little concerned about what’s going on in the world and very rightfully saved money Many central banks at the time weren’t prepared for things like that So when you lose liquidity currencies of flow it flows It’s got to keep moving in order to make the economy work if the flow stops it breaks uh vietnam Understands this economically so they have through bonds Added more liquidity to their market to make certain that industry keeps growing and growth rates keep going And then looking at trade surplus, it’s interesting because they do trade more send more to us than we send to them They need to raise the strength of the currency so it doesn’t artificially imbalance that trade Unlike many countries where they’ll devalue their currency which hurts the people in the country In order to compete more internationally vietnam’s going a different route. They’re going the right way.
They’re taking care of their people And giving a better playing field to the u.s. I love getting to see Vietnam articles when we get to learn about them and their need to strengthen their currency Let’s see tree beard a family member of mine just got their social security check usually 747 bucks this month was suddenly six grand don’t count on it being that every month tree beard But in that awesome little breathing room before the switch Uh, what about the iraqi parliament being able to get quorum to pass in it? Yeah, I know they’ve been a bit of a faux pas, but then uh daniel every couple days They have an amazing session and pass everything they needed to Right now the biggest problem going on in iraq, uh parliament is all over the Mobilization forces and a lot of shakedown right now as who these get named terrorists who the organizations had a lot of training investment in some of the uh paramilitary or Mobilization forces in iraq that were fighting when isis was there So there’s a lot of back and forth as we watch this play out i’m keeping an eye on it. I don’t want to pester people with unnecessary Information, but i’m watching it in case it does become germane to the conversation Benny hills trump raises canadian steel aluminum tariffs 50 percent in retail retaliation for interior energy duties the yeah, the crap show is getting better It’s coming to a head Okay But do your own research because what you were reading in the news and what is happening in the real world are vastly different right now Do your research? Uh, texas artists, uh, we already covered that one yesterday. They have not received yet They were uh being told that tentatively they could get a saturday or sunday.
They were hoping to be able to get them in for a Currency exchange, but it has not happened yet I am checking in constantly to find out And the bond update still holds true the bond update. I shared yesterday morning still holds true Reading a few of these before I keep going. Let me turn off this banner.
We can turn that off now Yeah, kevin listen to cnn for my research, is that good Yes, and I usually watch julia’s child, uh rerun so I know how to better tune my engine right Totally Dow down 437 it was looking a little better in the futures, but i’m not surprised and Oh, wait a minute tv your eyes still dark after good night, please tell me. Oh, no i’m doing fine But it’s going to take another night or two before these bags go away I feel so much better today though. Fred god almighty.
My brain works again it was like Trying to move through jello yesterday or like you know uh A hot august day humid august day in the carolinas where you’re walking through, you know, 110th humidity Danny have a good one. Enjoy the gym Now I saw another one in here and i’m gonna try to uh Yeah, sudani and parliament are a mirror image of trump and dems greg. You’re not wrong There are a lot of similarities right there Trying to keep up Sorry guys there was a comment or two that I was looking to be able to answer and i’m not finding it Market way down silver running After people in the last day or two sold down their medals to cover their shorts and their puts now They’re trying to find something more secure It does it continually continually continually goes back to fundamentals and the fundamentals are still broken Even if trump is in the presidency He’s dealing with hundreds of years Quite literally a financial mismanagement he’s dealing with uh What is most likely the impending collapse of the federal reserve right now? And he’s one of the few people I think that could get us through this time period this period in history Uh, sheila.
Yeah, I don’t know if this one works. I’ve read that the new governor of canada was placed there. This is all The corporation, yeah, I don’t know if he knows that but his politics are so extreme that he does run the risk of dissolving it collapsing it namely Gary no fresh bond news since yesterday morning.
So if you had yesterday morning’s bond news you are in good shape Medina don’t worry It’s my body. I know how it works When I don’t get sleep, it’s a family-wide thing. We get bags under our eyes.
They go away within a day or two of resting Oh booger It was fun All right. Let’s keep going May you live in interesting times. Well jabril.
That’s one thing you and I have in common We are living in some very interesting times a matter of fact We have that in common with everybody in this community some very interesting times not always fun. Interesting doesn’t mean pleasant Must says massive cyber attack on x originated in the ukraine area, of course, we’re trying to claim No They just using ip addresses out of ukraine doesn’t necessarily have to mean it came from ukraine There’s a lot of back and forth and misinformation running around on the many attacks the outright war Coordinated effort of the deep state right now And anybody that tells you differently is well ignorant. They haven’t taken the time to read the tea leaves You don’t even need tea leaves for this one.
It’s right out there in the open Let’s see elon musk has been attacked on what three different fronts in the last couple of days we have physical attacks on tesla dealerships We of course have the massive attack on x and we have the doge attacks all over social media It’s a very coordinated attack and this is very typical very typical typical of the globalist and intelligence agencies They go after everybody around you and they’ll go after Their credentials their whatever and attempt to tear somebody down. They’ll make up whatever they want because they can’t They got all the computer hackers. They got all the people they put 15 20 false, uh stories out there in the news It creates a bot uh, the bots all Agree that this is going on or comment on it and they’re not even real people next thing, you know You have a full-blown conspiracy that everybody believes the mainstream media helps the spouse Right now we are watching a tremendous assault on everybody they can around trump right now Uh public enemy number one to the globalist and the censorship state is elon musk because he believes in free speech With something and government efficiency These are things they just can’t take they’re going after their ability to Mockingbird medias He’s removing their ability to cite opus by using free speech we make our own decisions He’s going after all of their grift through government agencies and finding out where all the bodies are and they are cutting them off desperate I don’t know about you.
But I mean, can you understand where they’re coming from? They’re corrupt. They’ve been living for free. They’ve owned the world and all that’s going away.
They’re terrified So, yes, they’re going after elon at a massive massive pace Uh, let’s see. Oh, here you go. There was still a massive attack against x we’re getting attacked every day But this was done with a lot of resources.
That’s something to remember guys Somebody had to have millions of dollars for a nation the size of this attack required coordination Perhaps an intelligence agency that makes the most sense or in In Cooperation or coordination with intelligence agencies, that’s the only way to make this one work They need they need national level resources to do what they are doing in these attacks Protests against doge tesla stores attacked x is down. They are chasing it in every direction they can Supposedly newsweek is saying the hacking group dark storm team has reported or claimed responsibility for the ddos attack on the platform according to a public telegram post which Come on public telegram post Doesn’t mean it’s real in any way So this is the story they’re spinning but all of the and all god now I mean down detectors if you read people’s comments is very clear that there are a lot of bots out there with pre Pre-written scripts as to what they are supposed to say It’s interesting to watch this one play out guys, but we know what is we know what’s at stake And here’s part of it rubio slash is 83 Of the usaid programs hails doge for supporting historic reform The rest of them are getting moved directly into the state department where they can be monitored and executed like they’re supposed to Yeah, all right Because of musk and doge we know about all the waste now rubio has removed that waste That is Billions and billions of billions of dollars. They just took from the ngos and from the globalists.
They’re pretty upset And i’m glad they’re upset They don’t have to be mad though. They can just go away or they can just go away mad. I don’t care 75th to you dennis Oh Dennis and denise twins V-start they’re going after truthers as well.
Yes, they are and it’s only a matter of time before I get a ton more attacks again I’d be curious to find out what stories they make up this time Uh, this one will probably be a ketamine, um Fueled a naked jog through san juan or something. I don’t know. They’ll come up with something crazy I mean heck we had guys where can I find this one? Let’s find this one let’s I wasn’t even going to include this one in but to give you the level of craziness out there info wars reporter brutally murdered outside austin residents Info wars reporter.
Jamie white has died in what host alex jones says was a brutal murder Which occurred around midnight outside of his austin apartment? 11 57 austin p well pm austin pd responded to a call at 2300 block Douglas street finding a white male victim with obvious signs of trauma according to a pd public information officer uh, lee ratliff White was transported to a local hospital where he died shortly after arrivals pretty much early in the investigation homicide You don’t be releasing more information as they’re able Uh, according to jones staff at info wars group concerned after white did not show up to work on monday We sent some people over this morning and when he didn’t answer the phone because he’s always Uh here early loves to work loves to fight tyranny loves promote freedom He passed away at the hospital very soon after they got him there. Jamie was our best writer jones said We’re still looking for the who the what and the where but based on the number of attacks at info wars and the people there including owen schroyer so many I am not surprised and people love love to beat and demonize alex jones and I did I mean i’m not a fan of his delivery process, but His accuracy level has been Astounding As he has called many of the deep states moves ahead of time and many of his team have been attacked They’re going after everybody They can’t pat no, I didn’t get punched in the eyes. That’s what happens when I don’t get any sleep It will take a couple days to recover from that one Yeah prayers going out to jamie’s family, um, but he did That when you’re saying they’re going after many like that They are they’re trying to shut the voices up in any way they can guys because they don’t want the truth out there They can cut a man’s tongue out, but they’re not going to hide his truth Unfortunately, they think they can cut his tongue out and that’s going to hide the truth.
It’s not Somebody else will step up And if they take that person down somebody else will step up. We will continue we will continue until truth wins Joanna, see yes, you missed bond news But it was just to let you know that we still seem to be on track uh that what we shared yesterday morning still seems very much to be uh, The current and we’ve had a number of supporting information from them saying that yes That still appears to be accurate I just got to change the lighting Let’s see in regards to bp signing would they have signed under the current iraqi rate? Uh, the rate won’t matter in the signature on that contract the contracts have the ability to change with the rate Yeah fred, right Right Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute somebody’s got three main coon babies. Oh At some point I need to find a male, uh to keep penny Company, she needs some company I don’t want to have to train another one, but She needs company See dawn, so If it happens the 17th or 18th, does that mean that we’re able to go then? Yeah within a few days or exactly then we’d be able to go if it does Right all cats need a kitten Uh cooby It’s my opinion that we already have some of those politicians have already gone and done tribunals We have from very credible sources not through their community Not whatever people uh still working with the upper echelons of uh government letting us know that there have been um Trials and etc going on, uh in dc Do you know we’re not rich yet? Well, I think we’re pre-rich Rossi Annabelle is hanging out in north carolina still loving life and I share pictures whenever i’m back home Had zero interest in moving Was miserable Uh richard, there’s no set level at which uh the snp, uh, you know That the general consensus was that we would get about a 40 correction Not what people want to hear fiery, leo My son riley lives there and takes care of everything Along with his dog rue a beautiful yellow lab female Wow, joseph, that is huge.
Thank you for that. That is over the top much appreciated Got them rocking Uh, what makes you think once bonds are paid? They will immediately be able to exchange our currency because that’s what i’ve been told from the get-go matter of fact That’s what I was told in a very interesting day sitting in reno with al hodges uh And some representatives from some of the largest groups as al was going through boxes and boxes of historic documentation from queen of england and the world court and everything else, uh, Uh showing me and teaching me And that’s what they told me David erwin tesla stock dropped 40 yesterday awful loss minus 180 in recent weeks. It’s a war the bankers have joined the war guys Now like the bankers were trying to float and keep the stock market up now.
They’re trying to implode it similar to what they did in 19, uh 29 when they wanted to implode it Similar to what they’ve done before they’ve wanted a monetary or banking Change they did something similar in 1913. They are they’re manipulating the market no matter what our opinions our thoughts are They’re trying to implode wall street right now because they think it would devastate trump and trump’s political will and his ability to get Things done. So they’re trying to tear down the stock market right now That’s what they’re doing And everybody should know That’s what they’re doing So just watch it See, it would be more of an issue if wall street and main street still crossed.
There’s no intersection there anymore guys uh They put up a roadblock at the intersection. They put up buildings The road no longer intersects or goes there you look at small business, um Optimism small businesses opening etc We’re disconnecting from that corporate world right now and when you see the down jones taking its hit these are the larger corporations This is rarely the smaller businesses. Does it have some trickle-down effect? Yes, but it’s small Main street is ignoring what is going on and they’re still out there plugging Uh making things happen.
Where are we at? Did I recently update that? Yeah, I thought I did 572 down Um, so we’re watching some of the highest level of optimism in small business small business ownerships But we are seeing devastation in the large corporate. This is a good thing This is what brings it back to the people may not be what the large corporations or what mainstream media? uh wants because they love throwing out that that meter that that Measure of success for a president or at least they think it’s a measure of success for me It’s not a measure of success. I don’t give a damn How jeff bezos is doing ask me if I care How bezos or any of these zuckerberg any of these guys are doing? I don’t blackrock.
I don’t care How’s my neighbor across the street doing? How’s my mother my father doing? How are my siblings doing? What’s the future for my children? I don’t give a rat’s butt about those billionaires Or about those massive corporations what I care about are the people in the working class I care about the lady working down at the little restaurant down here I care about the guy that owns it or the lady that owns it I care about all the real people the guy running a little excavator out here helping people These are the people I care about. I don’t care about wall street But they’re going to cover it up in the news how I need to carry about wall street Yeah, i’m with you If I could figure out how to get a cyber truck right now, I would be getting a cyber truck Yeah, single parent out there struggling trying to make it work trying to keep the dream alive So when I look at this and I look at the mainstream news right now on how they’re doing their best to attack Donald trump and this movement and talk about how dangerous it is How we’re going to get temporary, uh inflation. Sure.
I understand that I understand the economics. Do you? I mean, I I know many of you guys in here, but I don’t think That all of the very well-paid insulated folks understand what’s happening on the street Uh Gail that link is in the description of this video If you’re watching this video, you have the link yourself already in the description of the video that you’re watching on your phone Or on your computer But it’s an easy one. I’ll grab it for you and post it So george fleshman bank story a friend of mine went into m and t bank a few months ago Bank manager said they do not exchange he went in last week.
I same question bank manager said yes, we do now George they’re coming online. They’re preparing for it. I’ve gotten that from so many small bank I’ve gotten that from bankers that told me I was crazy uh in the past What four months I probably had three or four local bankers from back in the carolinas that I know personally they were telling me Yeah, you know, you know, that’s probably just a scam that have now Message say hey, that’s not a scam when it’s time.
We’d be interested in you coming to us type of conversations So for me i’m loving watching what’s happening I just want it to happen faster because the people well People are losing everything trek. I appreciate you for the neighbor across the street. Oh There are so many great cancer Nutrients help whatever you guys want to call them.
I can’t ever use that c word but Treatment options out there both natural and in mainstream medicine. I love the number of cancer docs now that are working with mainstream, uh, excuse me with uh, nutritional medicine Backing up and going, you know, we may not be right on this Let’s let’s do a little more research and let the science speak. I’m loving watching this movement.
We’re seeing in medicine Rossi just said I have a small let’s see. I have a what’s a small year old who could use a new home She loads of fun I I’m afraid to put her around a normal sized cat because i’m afraid it won’t go well because she’s so big But i’m also afraid to get a kitten because she doesn’t scratch anything she doesn’t scratch sofas She doesn’t pick up. Whatever.
She she the only thing she scratches is her scratching post And she can tear a scratch and post up But she does not tear it Blankets sofas furniture. She’s so good on that front that i’m afraid to uh, add one uh for the mushroom ladies Let’s see my pet Club, let’s see here use this one. There are a couple of them that will redirect you i’m just giving you the one that It redirects you to because it’s the easiest Marcia I do have somebody that had an older main coon male Just a little bit older than penny and I was going to reach out to see if uh, she still wanted to find noah a home Yeah Pennies are good.
See penny right? All the pennies are good i’m enjoying some of you guys’s comments. I know there’s probably more to get to but Uh, she kind of likes being the only child but She misses like when you get back if you’ve had to step out for the afternoon You can tell she was awfully lonely because then it’s like Plastered to you Reading a few of these what do you guys want to do now? And we can talk keep talking about the state of the world and all of those things uh, iran urging opec to unite against trump sanctions, uh trying to it’s It’s interesting watching the craziness in our world right now Seeing if there’s anything fun new in the news Uh, c.a. taylor super weird about the two giant ships collecting. I mean colliding one of them was clearly under automated pilot It is kind of weird Tv singer slandered god in the worst way at bernie rally, which tv singer did that? I don’t think they understand how many people are still creating.
Oh That has probably been one of the things i’ve enjoyed. Uh most looking at the numbers the percentage of americans That are identifying as christians or even active christian christians going to church is increasing for one of the first times In modern history or in decades. We’re seeing more and more people uh openly, uh express their opinions on christianity and going back into the church, so Um We went through decades of decline in church attendance membership and in those that identified as christians and here in the u.s That is changing We’re now seeing it start the other direction which uh Hopefully means we’re about to have a revival I just get very concerned in this Space what do you guys want to call it? Do we call this space this community because I think of community as our community Some people think of it as a truth or community some think of it as all those things But i’m just going to say in this space um Something that worries me is this.
Oh, it’s just the higher vibration. Oh, let’s just be a good person Oh, it’s just this I just uh, just a reminder. There’s one way one way To heaven i’m the light the life and the truth.
No man come with it I mean, I know you’ve heard all this before but i’m very concerned with Many of the takes out there Um, oh, no, it’s a high vibration. It’s this. Uh, it’s just this this mantis whatever alien it’s this it’s that guys I very much believe aliens exist I do But also look at these things biblically the bible tells us they exist But the bible also tells us even even knowing if you’ve read enoch and so many other books, you know, they exist You know, the vibrations matter, you know that all this matters, but there’s still only one way and there’s too many out there pitching A new age religion where you don’t need the christ part.
You still need the christ part boy the life and the light come on I just that’s my danger warning Especially after this past weekend some just wonderful world-class people with conversations. I just kept you know, we’re You know, keep your eyes keep your eyes on god. I know you you guys are going.
Okay. I didn’t need that this morning Um Calloway any of the discount stuff for freedom forged should be built into it should be already built into it um and if not, jeremy will correct me in chat, but We usually don’t make you do extra codes for freedom forged Yeah Yeah conscious livings all those things are important but don’t take your eye off of Who sacrificed themselves to make it work? Pipeline oh man, well, that’s we briefly touched on their pipeline oil as Let’s see if I can find the way Yes, the u.s embassy is applying pressure and applying pressure on the oil companies to finish article 12 Um, I was told they were going to start pumping finally after much delays, uh yesterday But I don’t have an update on that front So I don’t know if they did or didn’t but I do know that the u.s embassy and now gotten involved In uh sitting down with company and we can read about it in the iraqi news. So we know what’s happening oh, I say that but we can read about a lot of things in american news and we don’t know what’s actually happening, but Oh a trans singer Well Guess that singer is going to find out when they get to the pearly gates Who was right and who was wrong? See, uh, saint s jamie Requesting prayers three day old son unable to breathe independently.
He’s in an incubator. Holy smokes three day Oh definitely praying for you and for that that healing Uh amvd rv is constantly delayed by iraq and iraqi government in my opinion I don’t think it’s a rat in the iraqi government. I think it’s a rat most likely in uh, A couple of rats in the u.s government or bureaucracy and in the european She’s a female who sings bass Boy name sue, right A Patriot custodian.
Okay. I have no idea what you are meaning when you say zions and redemption centers. Um I’m guessing you’re referring to zim and redemption.
I’m still being told it’s good. A lot of people out there. Uh are going it’s you know They don’t think it is All I can say is i’ve got some very very high level folks that are very much convinced it is and that’s why I have it From fundamental levels and doesn’t make much sense to me from a humanitarian level It makes enormous sense But i’m still hearing from all of my sources I don’t have any single banking sources telling me.
No, it’s not going to be good or accepted or traded So i’m going to walk in faith on that one But also at the same time would not put all my eggs in one basket Very much believe that vietnam is going with iraq and seeing articles like these today Where the central bank is being pushed to adjust that rate up Um makes me feel good to uh Balance uh trade imbalances to get on a level playing field that I rep that vietnam needs to increase their rate It makes me feel good because we know they need to increase their rate. They’re way undervalued Yeah, duane. That’s kind of my take I would rather be wrong when I get to the end of life and realize that all I had to do was live good then Then the alternative thinking there is no judgment.
There is no whatever and there are no consequences for my life I would rather live believing there’s consequences for my life If it helps me become a better person if going to church on a sunday brings me comfort in a very tumultuous world Great I i’m still trying to find the negative of going to church and believing those things of Believing that I should be helping my neighbor taking care of others protecting the weak Or the downtrodden or the disadvantaged Yeah, I can live with that. I feel sorry for those that don’t believe Right, where do they get comfort in life? Even if it’s artificial comfort. I mean, I don’t think it is But it’s helped me be a better person that belief it’s helped me care more about others It’s helped me stay conscious of what i’m doing to others and Regretting when I don’t do what I should have done so for me I I That’s one of those, uh somebody out there, you know, and i’ve had this i’ve had this used.
Uh, by mike a atheist, uh, buddy of mine, he’s like You know, you’re wasting all the time. It doesn’t matter all these things. Are you gonna feel stupid? I was like Are you gonna feel stupid when you get there? And there was god and there was heaven and you’re spending an eternity in an uncomfortable situation I’ll take my oops because my oops brought me great comfort Brought me a close connection to those around me and my family and my church and all those.
So yeah I’m, okay with being wrong. I really am I don’t believe I am but I would much rather I would much rather me be wrong than them be wrong Because if i’m wrong doesn’t matter I still lived a better life if they’re wrong they got an eternity To pay for their mistake See trump will shortly be declaring a national emergency on electricity after canadian province of ontario imposes 25% surcharge on electricity exports to new york state michigan and minnesota I know it’s uncomfortable. I know people don’t necessarily like the way trump is doing it But it’s something that needs done if you have a better plan and you have it spelled out Then please put it out Tearing apart somebody else’s plan when you don’t have one.
Well, that’s weak sauce Uh, gary. Oh, I can’t prove i’ve heard some of these rumors this morning that iraq’s showing a new rate But my contacts in iraq say they’re not showing a new rate So i’m just gonna leave it there until we get proof one way or the other Oh, wow, tj, dude. I know that’s causing a lot of conflicted emotions man sending you some uh some support there No, that one’s gonna be a little bit tough Tough just do better with your family.
It’s all you can do All right, guys, it’s getting late. Let’s get out of here I don’t think i’ve uh forgotten everything should have a guest this evening and be getting back on to a regular, uh schedule And hopefully by tomorrow the the bags under the eyes won’t be so bad for you folks Deb, erikinson having a birthday as well as dennis and denise and scott and maria and well heavenly to miss maria joey Reggie boy lynda Um, oh can’t even read this amy marilyn There’s miss kukla sending prayers and support your way today So they tell me it’s your birthday Well, happy birthday, darling May you live may you love make all your dreams come true to you Happy birthday to all those Celebrating And gonna be back this evening. It will be a little longer this evening We do have a medical researcher slash doc joining us at the end this evening.
I’m looking forward to it It’ll be kind of a surprise for you guys. See you this evening