MarkZ (Uncut) 03-09-2025
Coffee with MarkZ. 03/10/2025
Music Music Hello, good morning. Good morning. Hello, Peachtree, Patriot, Atlanta.
Hello, Fluff It Up. Give me just a minute. I’m going to try to get caught up with, get all the pages open.
Moving a little slow. Hello, Hoops, Soul, Aurum, Sapling, Learning. Hello, TP.
Hello, Pammy K, Little Ol’ Me, Robert G.T. Hello, Flight Level, Ms. Calpito. Hello, Goose Girl. Very much enjoyed the event.
Very much enjoyed it. But man, did they have us packed time wise. It was like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
That a lot of folks couldn’t get to go see. Love doing those. I just wish that it was more intimate so you had a chance to really sit and talk with folks.
Hello, Guardian Morgan. Hello, Terry. Elena, super sweet girl, Terry.
Hello, Pontiac. Hello, Miss Laura. Hello, Jeffrey Green.
Getting thunder and lightning in Florida. Hello, Libby. Hello, Triumphant.
Hello, Jean. Oh boy, I better stay on track this morning. The reason behind wrinkles isn’t always in our control.
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Wait, X is having some outage, too. Boy, I tell you, they are really losing it over Elon Musk. The whole world’s trying to figure out which way to run, how to handle things.
I hear you, Ed. No, it was a good time with folks. I just wish I’d had some more time with folks.
Kevin, I think needs some prayers. Prayers, please. Put my dog down February 7th.
Put my wife’s dog down this morning. Oh, dear Jesus, it’s got to be tough. Ken, sharing an IRS story, had a balance due from 2023, just sent to external collections.
I didn’t know that was even a thing. That’s pretty strange. Very strange in my book, Ken.
Let’s see. Kathy just said, Martin, see you and Zestron. Okay, Mike looked very handsome in the photos from the event.
It was good to see him in person. That’s right. Weather is changing.
Let’s see if we can knock out an RV this month, hopefully. My wife’s birthday and 28th anniversary yesterday. Happy belated Ron to your wife and happy anniversary to you guys.
See, YouTube is showing a lot of commercials for single and double engine planes. Have you been searching on them, Duane? Or have you watched any videos on them? I think it’s a sign for times that are coming. Ron L., good to have you in the house.
Jeff Friese. That’s what I thought. Jeff Friese said it’s a scam, no external collections.
Brad, we are making a change to that one and it should be up this week. Let me get that. I’ll get back with you on that code.
The website is going to be It should be live this week. It should be live this week. I’ll get you those codes tomorrow.
It’s ripping. I don’t know how many people were there, but it was a very large convention room plus the online folks. A couple hundred people at the event.
J and Amy, it’s good to see you. I don’t know. I’ve probably got 50 text messages, 500 emails.
It’s going to be a day getting settled back in and trying to get caught up. We are definitely moving forward. We’re going to talk about that and bonds and all that stuff in just a couple of minutes.
Trying to keep up with all these, I probably just need to jump in. Let’s see. Mark a question.
Does Donald Trump know Mr. C.? He definitely knows who he is. Trying to remember the congressman that was sent to collect some of the paperwork underneath Trump from Mr. Cutrell. Very familiar with who he is.
And what is this S role? Not certain on the S role for debt forgiveness thing. Let’s see. Does he know his role? Yes, very much knows his role.
Grandma Sally, I’m not a doctor, so while I could give some suggestions, some websites, some links for education and things for you, you’re still going to have to shoot it past your doctor. I’ve not researched pancreatic cancer specifically, but I’ll make it a note and try between now and Wednesday to look at some of the studies that show some of the things that are effective. Maybe give you some ammunition to take to the doc and say, hey, can we consider this? And what’s worked for other people? Science, science.
I like science. You search for it. Trying to keep up with this.
JR Nevada. What is this that they’re saying? Let’s start making appointments. Chase Bank.
Oh, dear Jesus. You can’t until it goes. Junior Nevada.
You can’t make an appointment. There’s some really bad information going on out there, and a lot of it’s being taken out of context. Joy, no.
Could have already signed. Boy, how much crap’s going around out there. I may have to start reading the boards just so I know how to respond to it all.
Gail, happy birthday. Yeah, I always, I mean, when you see cancer, you automatically, because just the overwhelming number of studies coming out, many of them peer reviewed, by the way, on both Ivermectin and Finben, you do. It makes you go, you know, where does this fit? And there’s so many protocols out there that talk about it and how you would fit it in.
Of course, turkey tail mushrooms, a go-to, kind of like a shotgun approach to cancer for nutrients, help build your body, reduce the side effects from chemo. There’s so much research out there. It’s overwhelming.
Rough life. It is good to see you in the house. Hello, Ted.
All right. Nothing to do but dive in, right? Let’s dive in with what we can touch first, and then we’ll get into what I’m hearing from bonded groups to et cetera. Bark cancer does suck.
Cancer does. Gabriel, prayers from older brother Vince past Saturday morning. He was my go-to person.
Gabriel, that’s got to be tough. Well, I know it’s tough. Praying for you.
All right. Iran’s first position on stopping the supply of gas to Iraq. Things don’t translate well.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Iran on Monday that the termination of exemptions from Iraq reflect violation of law and crimes against humanity. This is Iran saying that the US doing energy sanctions against Iran is violating international law. The country that finances terrorist organizations that attack America all over the region and the area, how they build and give arms to enemies that try to kill us.
I’m sorry. I’m laughing at this one. The audacity, the insanity of Iranian minister even saying.
All right. We have not received a message from Washington so far. We will not accept negotiations under threats, intimidations, or pressure.
He said noting the US threat to use force violates international laws and exposes the nature of decision makers in Washington. I guess you’ve missed the many, many, many decades of rhetoric coming out of Iran about death to the infidel, how all Americans should die, about hiring assassins to go after our president. I’m just like supporting the Houthis that attack our ships.
I don’t even know where to go with this one as I read this one other than, holy shit, Batman, you’re stupid. I’m sorry, guys. The Iranian complaint just left me flabbergasted.
In what world? All right. US gas move, Iraq’s race to avert a power crisis. This is all about those sanctions against Iranian gas.
They do go into what is needed to avoid it. They talk about the temporary floating platforms. They talk about setting up many more power plants.
This one’s interesting because US has gone full tilt with Iraq to remove Iranian influence and to build Iraqi infrastructure. This is actually very good for Iraq. I think they’re still pretty surprised.
They are adding power plants as well, bringing in gas until they build the internal structures in Iraq for permanent. They’re bringing in all kinds of floating pipelines, et cetera, until they can build out the actual pipelines to burn Iraqi gas instead. They are coming up with their interim plan and their long-term plan, and they’re executing it at the same time.
We can even get into, it tells us just the number of power plants. That’s it. They’re adding more than 540 buildings slash power plants, a third of them before this summer.
This is not just to replace what’s presently there. It’s to bring it up to speed for a future, an industrial, technological future for the nation of Iraq. This is showing you the speed and the commitment that the US has to Iraq being on its feet so it can have a new value.
This is something that we did not see under the last administration. This is an all-out press to put Iraq into the forefront of the region. With that, we get those economic reforms and the restoration, as Sudani puts it, higher value gas, lifting the purchasing power of all Iraqis is what he said.
Official working hours will be suspended in Iraq next Sunday. This one has me scratching my head thinking the moment I saw it because of where it falls date-wise on the 16th. I keep hearing so many things pointing to 17th, 18th, right in that time period.
Then we get this. I saw this piece. I’m like, maybe I could be reading too much into it.
But official working hours will be suspended. Why are they going to be suspended? The General Secretary of the Council of Ministries said an official statement received by Shafak News Agency that it was decided to suspend the official working hours on Sunday, March 16th, coinciding with the anniversary of crimes committed by the Saddam Baathist regime against the Iraqi people, which included the massacres of Halabhaj, masquerades of popular uprising, the assassination of scholars, and the targeting of parties. So as they are remembering all those crimes against humanity, they will be shutting down their government.
What a great time to do something and make a massive change to put Iraq back on its feet. Government advisor 2025 budget will reach Parliament before the end of Ramadan. In other words, it will reach it with its tables in the month of March.
Economic reforms again. All right. A couple of interesting things from a couple of bond contacts.
Everything very well positioned. The mass majority of money they’re being told definitely moves in the month of March. This is their month for their redemptions.
We do have a of them with dollars, small, small dollars. My understanding is the bulk of the dollars move all at the same time on the same day. I’m getting that from four different bond contacts that are in different groups.
They’re all saying that the big dollars release all at once for all of them, and they are well underway in the processing and staging slash whatever for that release. A couple of groups working hard. They’re also being told this is their month.
So I’m going like this, crossing my fingers that it’s true, and we don’t get a letdown at the end of this one because, boy, am I getting a lot of chatter right now. I know then the logical part says, yes, but we still need to take care of power. We still need to take care of this war or that war.
We’re never going to be in a perfect spot for this. So at some point, they’re going to have to pull the trigger one way or the other. In other words, are we at an acceptable point for them to do this? All right.
I’m just going to leave some of these. Now, I’ve had fantastic news over the weekend. Now, let’s see if it manifests.
Texas artists, I don’t have an update as of Saturday where they had a tentative opportunity to exchange some currency. They had not gone. They were so hopeful for Sunday, but I don’t have an update to tell you.
I heard this morning that British Petroleum signed a contract with Iraq. Yes, they did for four of the fields in Kirkuk. Matter of fact, give me about two minutes.
Yeah, four Kirkuk fields in addition to the rehabilitation expansion of the gas facilities in North Gas Company. Now, we are going to flash back to some comments made by Shabibi soon after he was explaining what happened, why they reduced values, what really hurt the Iraqi dinar the most, and specifically named losing the Kirkuk fields. They couldn’t support themselves financially because Kirkuk fields was such a huge portion of it, and here we’ve got the Kirkuk fields coming back online plus some.
In other words, they are massively increasing the production Kirkuk. So, I thought that was very, very, very interesting. Yeah, Karen, I’m with you.
Now, this is better than normal for a Monday morning. Normally, Monday mornings are no news at all, and we keep getting a lot on the ISO 20022. The question is, are we going to get value change? We’re watching it, seeing what makes sense.
Oil is supposedly flowing through the pipeline, but I haven’t been able to find a story this week. Rumors were they were cranking it up finally. On Sunday, they worked through, but we do have a piece in here.
Where is it? Wait, let me see if I can find it. Okay, I had one in here. I’ve got to figure out where that article is.
Talking about the budget tables arriving, I was looking for it. Bob Hofer, no podcast on Monday nights anymore, no Monday nights or Friday nights, so no podcast this evening. William, I don’t know.
Stories are back and forth. Remember the stories when Kuwait went. The very morning of the stories said that they couldn’t go for a while, six to nine months before they had their infrastructure ready.
They were talking about just isn’t time to change things yet, and they did it that day. China, they ran three days worth of news stories talking about how they weren’t prepared, how the rate was getting worse, how they were going to need to lower the rate to compete because they weren’t making as many dollars or whatever. We’re going back into the 1990s, the last considerable revaluation of the Chinese currencies.
Within three days of just bashing articles about how they couldn’t do it, they were going to need to go the other direction. In other words, they were going to need to deflate their currency, and then bam, it went up. I’m not going to get too caught up and going, oh my God, there’s this going on, there’s that going on.
They can’t do it yet. I’m going to watch. No water compares.
Let’s make certain I can drop this. Guys, they are going live this week. They are going live this week, but it’s in chat, and there it is.
Oh, wait a minute. I thought I had it highlighted. I’ll drop it in the links.
Well, I mean in the chat another time on all the different platforms for anybody that’s interested. If you know any other influencers that would like a link, they do pay an affiliate commission. Curveballs and head fakes.
That’s exactly it, curveballs and head fakes. Now, somehow we got to make sense out of it. Does anybody remember exactly what day when Iraq revalued, wait, when Kuwait revalued? For some reason, I want to say it was like a Tuesday or a Thursday.
It’s one of those things I should know over the years, but it’s been years. I’m with you, Michael Lee. The boulevard is starting to look really good, and they can’t exchange it because of US sanctions.
We’re already seeing increased values. We already know it’s going up. We know that they have launched about two weeks ago a massive effort in the streets to remove currency.
We know that they are making currency moves to support the value of their currency and increase it. That is easy to document in the real world. Gary, they are running it.
Let’s see. Mark, I heard a few weeks ago that if oil dropped 65 barrel, then they would open the Kirkcook oil field to raise the production over 130 million barrels per week to make up the loss. They’ve talked about it.
At the same time, OPEC is leaning on them to cut production to raise the price, but Iraq is like, we really can’t. We need to increase production when price goes down because we’ve got budgets. We’ve got things to pay.
All these very aggressive, long-term infrastructure things they’re attacking, if all they were worried about was maintaining the status quo, yes, they would cut to so that the value goes up. They’d pump less, but they are in an expansionary position right now in Iraq. They’re trying to build infrastructure for long-term prosperity for the country, so they can’t afford to play that OPEC game.
I think you’re about to see Donald Trump make a move against OPEC with a few key countries. I could be wrong, but I feel the positioning coming on for it between the increased production coming out of the US. You’ve got OPEC playing games with Canada, et cetera, as well.
I think Trump’s about to make a backdoor play to greatly reduce OPEC’s influence in the oil world to lower the cost of energy. He needs it lowered. While he builds infrastructure, while we get new technologies, et cetera, he needs to increase power consumption because he is preparing the US through a turbulent period before growth, similar to what Iraq’s doing right now.
The goal is to grow, is to expand American influence, size of the economy, you name it. Stock market’s going to stay a little rocky as they work through tariffs, although I’m beginning to believe that he is doing some of this on purpose because what he is doing is slowly trimming down. What his policies are doing is slowly trimming down the peonies and the excess in the market or the overvaluations in the market.
He’s growing other parts to make up for it. This is very, very interesting. That is one thing, Kurt, that I thought about, and I don’t know the effects, but Kurt, it occurred to me that the US could simply really up its purchases just for the strategic petroleum reserve coming out of Iraq, in other words, reload it to make up for that price difference.
They really could soften that effect on the Iraqi economy by doing just that, Kurt. I don’t think that would account for OPEC production numbers because it wouldn’t be going into circulation. It would be going into storage.
See, Taylor, there are a lot of folks making a backdoor play to get rid of Zelensky. Kuwait revalued March 24th, 1991. Thank you, Alley Cat, for $3.47. As for FIRE, I won’t touch a new—I mean, I would have to do all kinds of tremendous vetting before I would touch buying a historic bond right now because there’s so many fakes that have been launched on the market in last year or two.
Greg, yeah, that’s what we were talking about a little earlier on the budget tables. Parliament says they get them in a month. Sudani has gotten smarter and just says, oh, we’ll have them by the end of the month.
We’ll have them this month. Even if he’s going to have them tomorrow, he’s still going to say, oh, no, we’ll have them—Sudani’s getting smarter. He’s giving himself a little bit of room because he’s getting used to curveballs.
Richard, CMKX, in my opinion, should absolutely still expect compensation. I know myself as a shareholder, I still expect compensation. Alexander, I appreciate you.
All right. What else do we have? Quilting for Life says Kuwait then revalued on a Sunday. Did it? I don’t remember the day on that one.
Richard said, agree, March strategic reserves are off book. That’s the way I see it, Richard Fall, and that would be an answer, especially as we’re dealing with some of those shortages or whatever you want to call it in Iraq right now that they’re going through because of the sanctions against Iran. Us increasing our purchases for the strategic reserve really would make a huge difference and make certain Iraq stayed stable through the process.
Northwest Treasure Seeker, in my honest opinion, yes, I think we’re going before, but at the same time, I don’t know when we’re going. I just know what I’m being told from folks that either own bonds, party groups, or my contacts work in banking or government. Mad number of people saying X is down.
All right, let’s get into some international politics. What was that thing doing? Trump warns of transition period for economy as tariffs begin to take effect. I have said this over and over, and I’m glad somebody else is paying attention.
I’m also glad that he was willing to go on and say, hey, it’s going to be a little pain as we fix this thing, but we’re going for the long term, not the short term. And he pointed out that the Chinese make 100 years economic plans in the US. A long term plan is 25 years.
So just pointing that out, and I thought it was great. From Trump, let’s see, there’s a period of transition because what we’re doing is very big. We’re bringing wealth back to America, Trump said in an interview with Maria.
You guys already know this from Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures. When asked about business leaders’ voice and concerns about the uncertainty of market volatility as tariff announcements have caused, Trump said that his focus remains on the future. Look, what I have to do is build a strong country.
You can’t really watch the stock market, he said. If you look at China, they have a 100-year perspective. We have a quarter.
We go by quarters. You can’t go by that. You have to do what’s right.
What we’re doing is we’re building a tremendous foundation for the future. Love it. Foundation for the future, and that’s exactly what they’re pushing to do.
Going into the whole tariff thing, we’ll be talking about that one a lot over the coming days because he is. So many people here just thinking, oh my God, just give me new value. He has to build a foundation so when that change occurs, it is not just gone.
Getting excited. Let’s see. Ivan said it was a Sunday.
Appreciate that. Kirby, it will take some time. Reasonable costs come down.
Lots of moving parts now. Patience. Exactly.
The difference is he is paying attention right now to the fundamentals. I’m talking about seriously solid, sound, grounded fundamentals, and I love it. Anna Liberated, all I know is some point this week.
I don’t know the day this week, but all I’m told is it is this week. Yeah, the tariffs have been delayed for Canada. All the new incoming or supposed incoming President, Prime Minister of Canada is doubling down and saying, we’re going to keep tearing.
If we’re going to keep tearing, we’re going to just fight this thing. We don’t need your American goods. He is talking.
He’s talking tougher than Trudeau. We’ll see how that one goes for him. All right.
I see some of these I need to not talk about. Who is Mark Carney, Canada’s next Prime Minister? Speaking of which, the exact time he will become Prime Minister is yet to be determined, with Trudeau saying last week transition period will be necessary. Trudeau, you lost the vote, man.
Get out. Former central banker Mark Carney. Now, pay attention to this.
Former central banker Mark Carney has won the Liberal leadership race and become the Prime Minister after transition is ironed out with outgoing leader Justin Trudeau. Carney bested two former cabinet members and former Liberal MP in a campaign that had little drama between candidates. It had very little because it was already determined.
They focused their criticisms on US President Trump and conservative leader Pierre Polivere. We’ve got a real big push coming from a couple of globalist countries. Of course, I don’t think they realize where they fit in this size-wise.
Carney received the most endorsements from the Liberal cabinet and caucus, greatly surpassed his opponents in fundraising. In other words, he was put there. Fundraising for political candidates because of, how do I put this one, population numbers, especially in Canada because you don’t have as many people for that big grassroots injection of money, so they take it from other sources more often.
Boy, I’m getting in trouble. I’m going to get some nasty messages from some Canadians and some other ones from other Canadians are going to be like, man, you nailed it. They’re forced because of the population.
There aren’t as many people to donate. They’re forced to take outside money. Boy, did he take a lot of outside money on this one, not from the people.
It doesn’t matter, I guess, what the Canadian people actually want. It’s what the influencers or the corporations want up there. He’s doubling down.
He’s saying, I can go toe to toe. Big net zero. This is a step backwards for Canada, in my opinion, massive step backwards.
Let’s get into more of the insanity going around. Yes, those are boobies. Titty tantrum, topless French women shriek, Donald Trump, hell, Vladimir Putin, hell, Elon Musk to protest fascist epidemic.
Now, I want you to pay attention to this. They’re talking about this fascist epidemic. They’ve got a word for it in here.
They’re far right groups. They’ve got another word. Yeah, just far true.
The group of around 40 women from the group, Femin, you got it where we’re going here, demonstrate on the streets, protest against far right forces and fascism in Europe to coincide with the International Women’s Day celebrations, groups calling for a feminist Europe. Now, they shouted, hell, Donald Trump, hell, Vladimir Putin, hell, Elon Musk, hell, Victor Orban, hell, Georgia Malani, hell, Marine Le Pen. Now, I would like a reminder in here as they’re talking about fascists and trying to lump fascists and far right.
It really sounds pretty cool when they’re doing the whole Hitler thing. Did you not study history? Democrat Socialist Party, the far left overtook Europe. There seems to be a little problem with your history books.
I’m going to need you to look this up. You are over here, hell, whatever, calling them fascists, but it was the right that liberated you from the fascist extremist left. Yeah, I know this gets really confusing.
This whole history thing is difficult to pick up a book, but just a reminder that what you are referring to here were far left Democrat Socialists that had very similar political opinions to the folks in this Femin crew that they’re espousing right here. It’s a special kind of stupid. Does nobody study history anymore? Democracy dies in Romania after winning in December.
I’m going to totally butcher the poor fellow’s name. Georgia school now banned from May presidential election. Yeah, where do I take this one? If you guys, we talked about it back when the initial election, they’re saying, no, no, we invalidated the first election.
Couldn’t be. There’s no way all these people supported him. Probably it’s just some Russian bots or something.
Obviously, obviously not a proper election because I don’t know Russia. They overturned the results in the runoffs. Now, they’ve got a court system that has decided that he’s not allowed to run.
Why? Because he’s conservative. He can’t run. He’s conservative.
We’re going to have to remove democracy to save democracy. It’s not up to the people of Romania who they get to elect. They took to the streets, literally hundreds of thousands of people, at least 100,000 people.
You couldn’t find the end of the crowd and the cameras to protest this. Supposedly, a thousand people signed protests or reasons why he shouldn’t be allowed to run. The Supreme Court there decided because of all these reasons and these thousand people that we’re just going to, he’s no longer legally allowed to run.
How does this work? Since you have hundreds of thousands of people protesting what you just did, do they get to all send you 100,000 petitions for the liberal candidates to not run and now they’re not allowed to run? How does this work in Romania? Is this where democracy goes to die in a new world? Obviously, it died north of the border in Canada with Mark Carney. It died with Keir Starmer in the UK. They’re trying to do it in Romania, which is traditionally a pretty conservative country.
They learned their lesson. It was that whole communism, World War II thing. They figured it out.
Where does this stop? It has to stop here. We are the battlefront again, and the world is switching towards the middle, towards rational common sense again. You do always run, guys, when there’s this big of a political movement or a populist uprising.
You do always run the risk of it going very off the rails. We’ve seen it a number of times in history. We’ve also seen wonderful things happen and the right leaders step up, but it is an interesting time.
Hard to pick up a book 10 seconds, Tom, and TikTok, right? No, it is. Blazing truth, looks like I got, yeah, I got in 48 hours, had an hour and a half sleep. I did get good sleep Saturday night, got in eight hours, and then last night didn’t get much because we didn’t get in until two something in the morning.
Lost another wheelchair to the mishandling gods of the airline industry. It was a long night. I haven’t had much sleep.
I’ll look better tomorrow. See, Randy just said, if you’re 100% cray-cray, you’re right on the money. Just think 100 degrees from the Matrix.
Randy, unfortunately, you’re not wrong. Lucy Liu, I love this. I know a number of people, too.
Lucy Liu just said, I know a group of people that benefited from the 91 Kuwaiti revaluation. I know too many of them in person. The new one in my real life, I didn’t even know he had taken advantage of it.
I just know he had done very well. Then through this process, I’ve met a number of people that have and gotten to shake their hands, gotten to talk to them. Gotten to relive their stories of how they got involved, what they did.
History has shown us just how real these things are. A truck tiny. No, I should have said, you should see the other guy.
Yeah, he’s got four black eyes. These are called my sleep meters. It’s a family trait.
If I got bags under my eyes, I’ve been burning the candle at too many ends, trying to find that third and fourth wick on that candle. But I will get rested today. Tanker and a cargo ship collide with each other off Lincolnshire Coast, both on fire.
Oh, dear Jesus. Another thing I noticed over the weekend, have you noticed the massive assault on both Elon Musk and RFK over the weekend? Of course, there are measles cases popping up. Historically, nothing big, but they’re getting really, really covered in the news, which means everybody’s going to assume this is big, even though there’s nothing that unusual about this measles uptick.
Other than it’s extremely well populated and mainstream media now saying, oh, my God, look at this. RFK’s already, already damaging America with this crazy anti-vax or whatever one he does believe in measles, measles vaccines. So that doesn’t check out if you study or research anything, but they’re all over the news channel showing all this uptick.
He’s only been in that position, what guys, two weeks, three weeks. He can’t possibly have caused a measles outbreak, but if you’re a liberal and you listen to social media, or you watch the news, you absolutely think that RFK Jr. just through his naive ways, his dangerous ways has caused a measles outbreak. It has got to be the stupidest, dumbest, most illogical thing I have seen on top of many that I have seen recently from the globalists and the left of mainstream media.
But this one doesn’t pass any kind of common sense litmus test. It is almost the definition of stupid insanity, and they’re running with it all over the news. I was catching it Sunday during the travels.
I was like, are people this stupid? And then it occurred to me, yes, they are. I guess I should just get to the point where I accept that many people in the world probably should not be able to vote. I know that sounds mean because we believe in a proper republic, a representative democracy, where all citizens should get to vote.
But I begin to believe some of them are too dumb to vote. Maybe we should go back to what we used to do where you had to pass some kind of written test to show that you know enough about politics and country and economy to even be able to vote. I know it sounds rough, but dear Jesus, if the people are dumb enough to believe what they were seeing on that front, then they’re obviously too dumb to vote.
Of course, if nobody votes for them, then yeah. Let’s see. Oh no, another wheelchair that ran.
No, no, no, no. It didn’t run off. They broke it.
They broke it in Orlando. Somebody asked Stacey’s email. I don’t know what she’s using right now.
Your best bet would just be to shoot Stacey a text and ask her what email she wants to use because I don’t know off the top of my head. Somebody asked Stacey’s email. Just shoot her a text and say, hey, I need your email.
I can’t believe the stupid people in the U.S. that don’t want to find out where the taxpayer’s money is going. Right, William? What is political about finding out where the taxpayer’s money is going? What’s political about ending waste? You can fight over which waste you think is waste, but how do you know until you see what’s there? In other words, until you see the books, how do you know which waste is good, which waste is bad? What projects make sense? What don’t? Because we haven’t done an audit. I mean, don’t get me wrong.
We audit Department of Defense all the time, and I think they’ve passed one audit in 20 years. Yeah, audits are a good thing. Finding out where your money is going is a good thing.
Getting rid of waste and grip is a good thing. Yeah, Karen, right? That we did everything the old-fashioned way. There was measles, chicken pox, or whatever.
All the moms put the kids together. They played. They got it.
They got over it, and bam, they embrace herd immunity. We’re only talking about hundreds of years of germ theory, but they’re trying to turn it on its ear. Yeah, I know.
I definitely need a pit crew when traveling, so they don’t. Somebody go with it. It’s a lightweight carbon fiber chair just built for travel.
Many of you folks have seen it doing events or traveling or meeting many of you guys in purpose. I mean, okay, I am sleepy. Meeting many of you folks in person, and this one surprised me.
I was flying JetBlue, but that doesn’t change who the ground crews that are loading or unloading, but I’ve always had just tremendous luck with JetBlue. It’s my favorite airline. They treat me better than any other airline, but this one, yeah, tough one.
Fortunately, it was still functional enough. I just had to hold up one of the arms that broke off on the frame, so I was still able to use it, and once they come look at it, I’ll be able to slap duct tape on it until the replacement arrives. They’ll fix it.
They’ll take care of it. They’re top-notch. It just meant that I had to stay up doing claims and phone calls with the claim specialist and all that, so instead of getting seven hours of sleep, I got like maybe five, so I’m running on six and a half hours sleep in four days, but it’s going to be great.
That’s right, Jack. This is what terrifies them. Go gold-backed, go asset-backed with a proper ledger system, and suddenly their corruption goes away because they can’t hide it anymore.
Yeah, I realize I appreciate that one. Richard Fall, I don’t know the tentative appointment. They were saying, we’ll give you a tentative for Saturday or Sunday.
I know we did not have it on Saturday because I got to touch base with them over the weekend, but I don’t know if they maintained the one on Sunday or not, but I could have an email or something in there waiting for me saying, yes, yes, I definitely remember the chicken pox party, Sergio. See, my liberal friends blame them not being able to share the spread of it since they have fired and closed all the government agencies. Well, that’s just, how many government agencies? You know, not one person’s left the CDC, not one person’s left the FDA yet.
I mean, they got plans, but it’s still the same organization that screwed everything up during COVID over the last four years for the most part. There hasn’t been time to dismantle it yet. Hey, everything about their logic is just stupid.
All right. Fred, they broke it, which means somebody dropped it on its left side. It’s the only way to break what they broke.
Somebody dropped it on the left side. It’s an airline industry as a whole’s problem. It’s an airline industry that does not take care of or make proper efforts for handicap.
I know the, oh my God, yes, we do. No, you don’t. No, you don’t.
I’ve had some employees at different airlines that are just fantastic and jump through hoops and do their best, but the level of care just isn’t there for handling the equipment. It’s not just wheelchairs, it’s oxygen generators, it’s machines, it’s medical equipment does not do well near the airline industry. They handle it kind of like the United Postal Service.
They just slam everything everywhere. You send a vase and you end up getting glass dust no matter how well you pack it, kind of like that. By Cece, happy birthday or Cosmic Q. I’m going to run with Cosmic Q. Let’s do some birthdays.
Yeah, I can’t believe Trump jumped on that plane, threw my wheelchair off of it. No, that’s a family friend. That’s a family friend that Zester was with there.
Top-notch family, top-notch young lady. It was not, don’t read too much into that one. Divine Fire’s birthday.
Happy birthday. Yeah, at this point though, because it is such an expensive wheelchair for the weight to make it, when people are helping me to make it go in and out, be able to get it in and out of cars and I probably shouldn’t complain. I should just make certain I always have a travel backup somewhere once they get me back home so I’m not stuck not being able to go to stores or any necessary shopping or appointments and stuff.
But at this point, they’re replacing it every year and a half with a new one. Patty, that’s kind of what I said too. Let’s see.
Pam Patriot, just got back from Mexico. My birthday was Saturday the 8th. 63 years old.
Happy birthday, Pam. You know, Saturday the 8th was my mom’s birthday too. It is a, well, lack of respect.
Jipper, yep, agree. Have a second. I’ll start saving a little money.
A couple months, I’ll get an extra backup. Just to be safe. We’re eating a few, then we’ll do birthdays and get out of here and see you guys in the morning.
I’ll be rested. We’ll have a lot more information. Oh, wow.
Two Terrys and me. You at United States Postal Service lost your 401k distribution check. Yeah, boy.
Hope you didn’t have any bills that were desperately due. Hawk, my mom is doing well. My sisters and I got her, well, the family, the kids, we pitched in to get her some sofas to replace them.
They were getting pretty worn and she’s a pretty happy mom. Freedom Forged. Good to see you in the house, Jeremy.
Yeah, TJ, every other yard sells used wheelchair in Florida. I may have to go looking for some used wheelchairs in Florida. Next time I’m there, I’ll come back with an extra.
Oh, yeah, they didn’t drop it from that far. I think they just dropped it from like the bottom of the plane. It’s carbon fiber.
To break carbon fiber. It broke in a different place than the last one broke. Let’s see.
This weekend on a flight from Fort Lauderdale to Nassau, I flew Bahamas Air. There was 300 people from JetBlue stuck because JetBlue would not take their luggage. What? Uh, I’ve always had great luck with JetBlue.
My absolute last, I mean, if I have no other choice, I’ll fly American, but they have screwed things up so many times over the years that I’m just done trying. Uh, man, they’re supposed to let me, uh, keep the, uh, the broken one until the replacement arrives. Uh, Sandy, I’ve done that before, like sitting there watching them.
Let’s see. I did not see this one. Did you see Jasmine Crockett from Texas interview talk about common, no common sense.
It’s not a criminal violation to enter the country illegally. How, how’s, I mean, just that very definition. Right.
That would be like, all right, somebody breaks into my house, empties my fridge, takes a shower, sleeps in my bed. Did they do anything wrong? Oh, they just needed a place to lay down. That was my house.
That’s my broken door. That’s my cut fence at the border. That’s my parents’ tax money.
That’s my kids’ futures. I’ll walk in and take their stuff. I mean, that’s a, that’s an extra level of stupid.
Not saying that some people don’t desperately need to escape other situations. They don’t believe, I mean, they, they, many of them, they want a great future and all those things, but you can’t have to figure out how to do it. Right.
I know it’s not fun. I know it’s not easy. I know it needs reform.
So do something about that. I really think this is a golden opportunity. I think Republicans should throw a major curve and do some very serious common sense immigration reform to make the process, one, more thorough, more safer, not more safer.
Boy, that’s, that’s rough. But we need the people. We have a shrinking population.
We’re not having enough babies. We need immigrants, but we need legal law abiding that want to be here and want to embrace the constitution, or we need to start having a lot more babies or both. That’s right, Kirby.
I agree. I prayed. God said, healing is yours.
It will be mine. I will not need it at some point. Penny was so sweet when I got back.
She was so sweet. It’ll be a while before I get a chance to start on that rest. But, man, why should you have to buy a backup? One thing I have learned, I had one wheelchair go belly up.
Controller blew out. The other one, they dropped. When you rely on them for your day to day life, it’s best to have a backup plan.
I’m stupid. Let me in. Let me in.
I’m special. Joy, you’re very welcome. I would not have left you guys hanging.
Not all of you folks could travel and say, although I met so many just awesome people, lovely preacher’s wife, boy, just some sweet stuff with a lovely card. One of the greatest couples in the, I swear, PGH, you and Rick might have some competition. I mean, this older couple was just amazing.
Clarence and his wife, he was originally, of course, Mayor considers for pretty much their entire lives, but he was originally from Jamaica and she was from Bahamas. Just what an amazing, amazing couple. Just so sweet.
I met just so many just world-class people. I see Maria stopped in. I’m trying to think, oh God almighty, I had so much fun.
Of course, we had fun torturing booger over the weekend. Captain Peggy and her husband were there. Just awesome people.
Such a good time. Patsy. Yeah, no, it’s JetBlue has always been great in my book.
Never had a problem with them and they jumped right on it. They didn’t fight anything. They didn’t whatever.
They’re just, I’m so sorry. Let’s get this fixed. They did everything.
The lady just so helpful. I mean, they even called last night to speed things up. I mean, they’re doing everything right.
Unfortunately, things do happen on occasion. It’s how you handle it that shows me what I should think of your company. Cynthia, no, he does not.
Boy, a lot of people from the pictures from this weekend. I’m just reading some of these. Had a little extra time.
I know we need to be wrapped up. I need to be singing happy birthday. I’m with you, Kathy.
I just need a med bed and then I don’t need the chair. I’m just enjoying some of these. I know I need to get to it, get some rest and get some work done.
It’ll be work a few hours, rest a short bit, work a few hours until I get through the day. And then this evening it’ll just be early to bed and I will be fit as a fiddle and ready to roll tomorrow. Bitcoin down to 79.
Just watch it. It’s one of those things. Many of those are long term.
You don’t watch the fluctuations because they’re going to do like that unless you want to take advantage of them when there’s a dip by more when it’s up. So you can certainly take advantage of those fluctuations. All right.
Let’s sing Gale, Cosmic Q, Divine Fire, Pam, anybody else sound off. So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling.
May you live. May you love me. All your dreams come true.
Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday. Adam, don’t you love this? Oil is tanking fast. Oh, my God, the economy is going to die.
Oil is tanking fast. I want you to stop and think about this one. Just a few years ago, whenever oil was down, it was a great sign.
It showed how effective the president was, how effective your government was. What a good job you were doing. I mean, things were calm enough.
International tensions weren’t so high that oil was shooting up. Oil shoots up every time there’s a calamity or every time there is political unrest, oil goes up. But now suddenly we’re mad because oil’s not way up.
Wait a minute. When oil is consistent and lower cost, it lowers all of our costs. Ninety percent of the cost of your food is in energy, the energy to plow the field, turn the field, weed the field, the trucks, the tractors, all the laborers that drive their vehicles to come to work, the plastics, the packaging that they get packaged into driving a truck to the store, the power to keep the lights on and the coolers going.
Ninety percent of the cost of your food is power. So we get a massive reduction in your cost of living when oil comes down. And it means that things are politically a little more stable around the world because we don’t have unrest, which drives the price of oil up in case it limits supply.
But somehow right now, according to mainstream media, oil being down is a bad thing. Anybody follow the ever changing logic of the left? It’s kind of fun. It’s like if you ever play those imagination games as like kids or with your kids, it’s something I used to do with my kids a lot.
We play imagination games. We just totally make something up like we had a pet mouse squeaky and we throw them around, squeaky run all over the place and we talked to squeaky. So that ever changing logic.
I mean, it was kind of fun. You would start a story and somebody else would like kind of make the next chapter. Somebody else would make the next chapter.
And then this happened and we’d have a lot of fun. But that’s kind of watching mainstream media right now. You just it’s kind of fun to see what they’re going to come up with next.
I mean, it’s. Always gets more and more outlandish, which makes it even more fun to watch Ryan with you, Donna. I mean, they are some phenomenal actors.
It’s good to see. Hopefully you’re feeling well. We’re all wrinkled globally.
God’s ironing us out. I like that God’s chosen. All right, folks, I am going to work, rest, work, rest the rest of the afternoon and evening.
Get a great night’s sleep. Curl up with the light of my life, Penny. Oh, she’s awesome.
I’ll see you in the morning. You ever play. That’s that is what’s going on, Dave.
We’ve got to come up with a great meme for that. All right. Just for mainstream media.
See you guys in the morning, 10 a.m. Eastern.