Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 03/07/2025
hello Jay and Amy so what are you guys giving up for Lent anybody in here giving it much thought yet hello Janet it’s been a long time since we’ve had anything like this newswise it’s very positive the same time it really doesn’t give us an exact timing but it is exceptionally positive hello Joe hello RW our resident philosopher never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty truth and compassion against Injustice and lying and grief people all over the world would do this it would change the earth yes it would
that and pl a garden oh geez Michael 21 cats and four dogs Skyline good to see you Skyline Ministries Pastor Dan and Beth hello Gypsy Baron reading some of uh your stuff back and forth here on the different platforms I see uh flipper and krest and dowsing doc over on the uh kick side hello Sister Sledge truck tiny hello Miss Gwen green te uh Karen Krypto Kenny it’s good to see uh yeah I think we should definitely do that we should give up being broke and just uh embrace the fact that we’re rich
sh Dragon I love this one I’m giving up birthdays for Lent oh I hear you Don you giving up no I’m not giving up the gold man Keeny it’s too important Don it’s too important hello Andrew good to have you in the house hello Diamond spur from wait from freezing Oklahoma hoping to be 75 later today oh boy enjoy that one H you know I better stay on this one the reason behind wrinkles isn’t always an our control it’s more about uh it’s more than about reducing stress and eating a healthy diet as we age our body’s
natural collagen production declines which leads to visible signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin in fact studies show that after age of 20 collagen production decreases by about 1% a year so I’m using this amazing product and obsessed with result results premium supplement designed to replenish your body’s collagen levels and combat the effects of Aging this unique formula uses the top five critically important types of collagen for skin Health to help reduce visible signs of aging reduce wrinkles promote a youthful glow
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button see Grand risings all if I miss Monday please wish M hubby a happy 85th W awesome Cosmic a happy pre-birthday for your husband Rob J checking in from Sunny cool Michigan Derek yes they still have tickets available um there is a good chance that there will be one or two extra available too it’s like freebies I’ve got a couple of people that may not be making it that said they would send their QR code so just touch base with me Derek you’ve got my cont just in case if you’re going to be in
the area might be able to get you a freebie certainly going to try anyways born again how do I get an 800 number whatever to set the Redemption Center make certain you’ve signed up it um for me I was told from uh two different banking contacts in Wealth Management SL Redemption uh that their plan was to send directions immediately upon release of rates to um those uh news aggregating sites so that they could share their contacts in
other words how to reach them what to do Etc that’s what I tell my family and friends you’re not already in a group already don’t have an SKR any of those things I tell them to go sign up to our Recaps for their free email newsletters Jeff I appreciate that super sticker ah busted G’s son Zach’s birthday Scooby-Doo’s birthday Zach’s birthday good morning Scott in Toronto Canada reading a few of these I know it’s probably time to get started because we don’t have to wait as long anymore and then we get more time with
Mr C so why don’t I do that Rodney I’m ready bro brother I’m ready to get you down here for whiskey and cigar and post medbed I get to drive that car I think it’s a good deal or we just have to get another one if it’s not yours that looks fun let’s see somebody what do we know about the general 64 group it’s still a thing it’s still ready they’ve still aggregated everything it’s still very much alive I don’t know Rick what you what do you guys think hey Mark figured out when Trump said in the speech we’re going to
Mars soon I think he meant EBS Mars is space forces military auxiliary radio system I don’t know that would be a cool a cool uh what do you guys call it when it’s um signal Ops or something like that uh Grand granddaughter Berkeley’s 13th and we add yet another teenager to the mix happy birthday young Miss Berkeley oh wait happy 99th heavenli birthday to her dad World War I vet marinees Susan happy Heaven leth oh wow flight level mom’s 97th birthday Kei that I mean a flight level that is something Kathy huge Praise My
Daddy had a lower lobe of lung removed for Cancer all lymph nodes and margins clear they got it all no chemo or radiation needed wanted for your family know prayers were answered sometimes God uses a doctor sometimes the miracle is somebody else I always love that and you guys have all heard the version of it where there’s a flood and the folks pray God you know save us from this flood so when the rain first starts coming it’s up to their porch they’re sitting on the front porch and Rescuers come up a little flatboat hey can we get
you out of here we’re ready to get you out of here let’s take you your dog whatever let’s get you safe no no don’t worry about it I pray God’s got this one a couple hours go by now they’ve moved up to the roof people come by with a helicopter this time they drop down the line say okay we need to get you and your animals out of here it’s time to go we’re here to rescue you and save you nope don’t worry about it I prayed God’s got this he said he’d save me sure enough water rises they drown get to the Pearly
Gates hey why am I here why I die you know I prayed God said he’s got this he’s like yeah yeah he did he sent you a johnboat then he sent you a helicopter then he figured you’re just too dumb too many people look for miraculous Miracles when God’s already done it he’s changed somebody’s life to put the right person there to help them the right doctor the right whatever and I think that’s what happened you got that Miracle Aiden’s birthday I know you guys didn’t need that story grandson Boer was just bored oh
look you’re 19th get out of here Isn’t that cool I’m you I’m lowkey a little envious jealous in a good very positive supportive way Mr longan a grandson Boer was born Monday uh March 3rd at 3:30 a.m. or 19 wow and for those that want to pile on this morning since I won’t be here for a podcast tomorrow morning due to travel uh Sunny de hobble thank you for that subscription over there the mama of Mark Z and Stacy Z and Wendy Z Etc is uh her birthday is tomorrow March 8th March 8th no I’m not going to
tell you how old my mother is I don’t want to get in trouble I I I don’t want that you know I just don’t want that on me so uh Happy pre-birthday Mom I’ll be singing for you today although I’ll call you tomorrow anyways it’s your birthday all right let’s get to some news it is that time let’s start here with Iraqi news and then we’ll get to uh whatever rumors there are right now parliamentary budget tables have not reached the finance committee so far we’re still asking ourselves why there is one very obvious
answer to this question and that is because it will have a rate change in it this is what I’m hearing from contexts in Iraq now this isn’t just hopeful boards and gurus I’m hearing that they continue to delay until they’re allowed to release because it will have rates hidden in there not hidden in there blatantly in there for everybody to see and that’s why we’re seeing this I hope that is accurate it certainly makes a lot of sense Washington calls on Iraq to dispense with Iran’s energy as soon as
possible they’re pushing guys there’s a massive effort to remove all Iranian influence in guys and they have sped it up they’re not talking about remove it in a month or two months or six months no they’re talking about immediately right now let’s float forward to this one major gas projects fixed in floating platforms to Boost energy in Iraq in other words so they no longer need Iranian and also no longer flare gas saving money and helping the environment it’s always fun to throw a green spin on it just makes
it a little more sellable uh so yeah the push they want to be able toh take care of all of their own power plans they’ve already said that within a year they will be but their goal is to be passively independent within uh 120 days or so within about four months from all Iranian energy it’s going to be uh kind of butts and elbows this is the one that has me thinking we are not going to see the Iranian real in the first round I don’t know for certain guys but this is one of those things that just makes me go maybe
not US Treasury secretary if I were Iranian I would convert my money to a currency other than and the Toman meaning that the us is going to break Iran unless Iran changes their uh tune completely deescalate uh cancels any dollars going to uh terrorist organizations and paramilitary uh immediately stop working on nuclear arms then they are going to crush them financially United States will disrupt Iran’s oil sector completely according to uh Scott sent who said Washington would also halt tyron’s abilities to
manufacture drone stressing United States would exact maximum pressure on Iran through sanctions United States will Target Regional parties to facilitate the transfer of revenues to Iran they’re not even talking about just fiscally and sanctions and things like that guys they’re actively saying look you don’t disband that military we will do surgical strikes and we will remove them from the face of the planet we are done playing the game this is interesting to watch this because it is one heck of a push to remove Iranian INF
so that Iraq can move forward they are seriously cranking it up yeah I I think that’s most likely what we’re going to see eight shot is a very quick change in tune in Iran possibly as early as this weekend as things continue to move forward uh what is okay aladar’s position on the overthrow of the political system in Iraq wait overthrow everybody Panic no calm down because I know everybody pan not everybody many people just just lost their minds and panic a lot of folks out there trying to sew descent just like we have in the US
just like you have in Europe as they or UK or France as they try to pit one party against the other because they like uh the instability they flourish under it Aladar not giving into it this has got to be one of the most disciplined Shiite leaders I have seen in a very long time he is focused he said no we got a good framework we’re working together we’re making it happen he said in the past yeah I would have been pushing for an overthrow because the government was so corrupt now no they’re working hard for
the uh Iraqi people is it perfect no but it is the best we have had in my lifetime so we’re gon to make this happen I’m gonna continue to strengthen the Iraqi government and work with them this one is just this one’s big guys this one removes so many of those detractors that are trying to cause um division within the Iraqi government and this is one of those things is just absolutely enormous part of safe and stable uh gonna flashback again I know you guys are tired of hearing it well probably not tired of hearing it but
we’re going to go back to shabibi give me safe give me secure I’ll give you a uh a new dinar just waiting for that before we flush the system make the system flush with cash excuse me flush the system is not the accurate word wrong connotation there right right let me get rid of the news time banner I do have an update from my redemptions wealth management they are working this weekend uh they do not know if it’s going to be redemptions or not but they are prepared I don’t have a cmkx x update uh bonds my bond contacts I’ve
still they’ve got a number of appointments uh between here and the 17th $4 things seem to be moving very pleasantly forward on the bond front um I think we’re down getting ready to process uh as far as I’ve been tracking it I think group number three is getting ready to process on that front so it does seem like we have real measurable movement there which makes me feel pretty good um now news banners gone Madison’s 21 did you warn her what the morning after 21st birthday is like I love this one CJ’s birthday as well CJ
saying happy birthday to your mom we share the day March 8th 1956 yeah I’m not going to tell you uh what year for my mother I don’t want to get in that kind of trouble now I’m just picking mom doesn’t care she looks phenomenal for her age and she is a classy lady she would probably tell you herself with great pride because she has done so well oh well here’s another one Megan tomorrow March 8th beautiful at 34 see look we’ll do a pre-birthday for Miss Megan Cathy’s uh birthday to my wonderful blessing AKA my daughter kids
really are the best blessings we can have in life I don’t care what anybody says about that one Peggy Knights having the 45th wedding anniversary Allan Peggy Knight congratulations Gypsy Glenn haven’t heard your gut my gut right now somewhere around or before the 17th or 18th of March is where my guts at right now praying that that holds up Mary Peterson what is group three I identified the top uh roughly six to eight Bond groups uh different people in them and it’s my understanding they’re getting ready to move on that third
group of large Bond holders that are aggregated ruthan I will not be on tomorrow morning I don’t know what travel is going to look like and I will be an event in Florida so no I I you might see me but we’re GNA plan on no any podcast over the weekend will be unscheduled and last minute Betty’s birthday was yesterday happy belated Betty uh meme I didn’t say anything about April 2nd March 5th 7th grandchild NY Logan gear the fourth boy Larry that’s awesome I love all these I will not be on tonight will not be on tonight next
schedule podcast is Monday morning uh 10:00 am guys I get in very late like after midnight on Monday so if I’m a little late Monday morning don’t be upset we’re going to have one though uh Joe let me figure out if it’s okay for me to answer that one but it’s not aggregators uh Clinton made it to 61 happy birthday Amy see we’ll be here for your birthday bring the gold outfit to Florida I’ll be all right without it Julie’s gonna share her birthday with me Mom I’m putting all you guys in here for today I’m singing to you
today I don’t know what you’re referring to what do you think about Trump saying second appointment was going to be big or second something I assume you mean appointment I don’t know what to tell you I haven’t seen that comment or what it’s uh referring to see Karen Mark do you think we will RV when the bond holders do their currency art yeah same time no Karen I think we’re going the same time I think they’re holding them in their currency until they announce for us Manhattan Bourne’s going to celebrate 76 tomorrow
gez folks of course we are doing two days wrapped in here so Tony’s gonna celebrate tomorrow trying trying to keep up it’s yeah I’m gonna miss a bunch of these you guys are going so quickly Octavia tomorrow I like some of these names is the price of meat going up don’t know what to tell you on that one it’s going to depend on the meet restrictions um temporarily possibly if they limit from out of area but sanctions have been put on hold until uh April so shouldn’t see anything I mean we did cold beef herds drastically under Biden
of course we C 55 million laying hens as well in the last few days of the Biden Administration so as just normal things work through the supply chain yeah it’s going to be a bit of a crunch but you got to remember that that crunch when you get really mad and the price goes up don’t fall for the thing oh my god look Trump said he’d lower it and it went up have you ever heard of sabotage yeah sabotage has been going on heavily during the lame duck session of Biden there’s some fun stuff on that one
coming too let’s hurry and get to it eggs have already started to stabilize Barbara yes I will actually be back to Puerto Rico about midnight Sunday hoay I will definitely say hi to melan Amber over uh when we go do the event all right let me keep running I’m going to miss a lot of these so I can focus social security rectifying the beneficiary records of people aged 100 or older they’re like you know don’t know if there’s fraud there but we know we got to clean it up we know the people aren’t going to have faith in the system
until we Rectify those fix any clerical errors remove any whatever uh which I was pretty impressed Social Security went from fighting Trump to now embracing it and have announced plans to save another 800 million for fiscal year 2025 not by not by cutting anybody’s benefits by streamlining the work process updating computer systems processes uh getting rid of Social Security offices that are just sitting there empty or not used cleaning up leases cancelling all the extra things that they’re having
you know cleaning contracts on empty buildings things like this streamlining getting rid of people that refuse to come back to work in other words just streamlining they’re talking about saving that kind of money which is there in just waste right now so uh it is kind of well I shouldn’t say kind of it’s really reassuring to see Social Security Administration embracing Doge they should have embraced it they should never have had to embrace it it should have been part of uh the court or whatever mindset from day one the
vision Brazilian Supreme Court Justice orders the arrest of the US citizen for political speech Yes somebody originally from Brazil been a US citizen for over 20 years uh made the uh mistake of speaking out against this Tyrant and uh was there visiting and got locked up for comment that they made in the US but they got locked up in Brazil this Brazil right now is where democracy and freedom of speech go to die well they can also go to the UK they got their choice depends on whether they want to speak English or Portuguese when
they go to give up their freedoms guys this one is one to watch I loved loved my time in Brazil some tremendous world-class uh people they need a government reset here if it were me and the US I would be if I were the Trump Administration I would be demanding the release of that US citizen uh and I would probably cancel all travel maybe even lock up a few Brazilian citizens that are in the US and say hey look we’ll exchange them if you want in other words they need to do something severe this person is
trashing uh the rights the god-given rights of the Brazilian people left and right this is the same one I was fearful when I went to Brazil that I may not be able to leave um I very much considered not going because of Alexandre de mores he is that terrifying for anybody with common sense that believes in free speech and individual rights he’s a menace he should be removed I know I’m not a Brazilian citizen but I can see what he’s doing to your country I can see the division he’s causing the unrest
he’s causing and he’s doing it on purpose in my opinion I know many of you guys didn’t need that tiate for me it just it’s really irritating to watch this Injustice around the world somebody’s got to speak up Kevin Torres thank you for that super sticker raja’s 63rd tomorrow Happy Birthday all right I love this one let’s get rid of that one Trump revoked security clearances for employees at L firm associated with the still dossier yeah The Firm was paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign to hire Fusion GPS which then
hired former British byy Christopher steel to conduct Research into Trump for the falsified dossier has been disproven repeatedly uh but the the firm in question is Perkins Koy this same firm is responsible for representing tons of NOS you name it about any slime ball leftist or organization on the planet goes through that law firm if you look at Partners in that law firm if you look at attorneys hire by law firm it’s a who’s who’s of global uh slime balls in my opinion uh so for me this is one huge because not
only did they remove security clearance of anybody worked there but they have launched investigations into their clients as well uh not to mention that they went on a Dei strike uh excuse me binge and refuse to hire anybody unless they fit their Dei whatever in other words it did not matter what the qualifications were Merit didn’t matter so they violated in the last few years they invited a lot of laws in the US and hiring discrimination laws have been uh compromised so going after him I don’t blame him clean up
that cess poool you got to let them know that nobody gets a free ride anymore we need real arrests we need real action we don’t need we don’t need the retoric we need work action Trump if NATO continues don’t pay wait if NATO countries don’t pay their fair share us won’t defend how’s it taking us so long to say just this Common Sense thing if NATO countries don’t pay their fair share the US won’t defend them we won’t come rushing if you don’t do your part in your military highlevel US Ukraine meetings set for Riad after zalinski
apologizes things are back on things are moving now when let’s back up a touch here if NATO countries don’t P pay their fair share the US won’t defend one of the things going on right now of course is Europe wanting the U us to be the military that saves them that supports them that provides peace for them they realize they don’t have the ability to go in and guarantee peace in the Ukraine because they don’t have the military to do it at this point could they have it the next five six years if they start
spending money now and taking their own security seriously sure problem is they don’t have it now and they need it now so what we have right now is the European Union which is what 450 million roughly people in the European Union and they’re asking the US which has what 340 342 million somewhere in there to defend the 450 million because they can’t take care of themselves against a country that only has 140 145 million something like that so you’re asking an you’re asking a group of countries with like
all right let’s just uh clean up the numbers here roughly 450 million people they’re asking a nation with less than 350 million people to stand up to the bully that only has 140 some million people because they’re afraid of them does anybody follow the logic in this one when you look at their combined gdps you look at their population they’re asking a smaller country to defend them because they can’t defend themselves at this point against a nation that is almost a quarter of their size really is pretty pathetic it’s like
you’re the big fit whatever person you’re asking the scrawny geek over here to protect you from another bully because you’re afraid it it’s it’s not a good look Europe I know I just offended a lot of Europeans sometimes you need offended does bribe money to keep me out of time out if it works and use it for the all right Biz Trudeau is stepping down when elections happen this spring I think that’s my understanding uh let’s see I only know of three other people in my circle that hold dinard do you think the banks will
be I do not think the banks are going to be overwhelmed do I think they’re going to be busy for a couple weeks yes but they’re going to be more busy helping on the wealth management side after the fact that they will be with just the Redemption process I know a lot of people are looking for and be blown away and I think that’s just not logical let’s hurry and get through a last few we need Mr C actually uh we already did this one and I just noticed the time this will make Democrats act the even
more unhinged they broke out some of the numbers uh after the um speech and let’s see thought they had the oh they do have them in here they have got the numbers and how many people survey after the uh Speech 77% of people support Trump’s plan to cut government waste and spending 77% back is immigration border policy 76% of the people that watched it approve of Trump’s speech 76% approve moving Congressman uh that in uh interrupted his speech 74% say his speech was presidential in other words it’s a really tough day to be Democrat
last one very quickly we need Mr C in here could a bombshell Discovery render all of Biden’s presidential actions null and void it appears that the only the only let’s see let me make certain I get this one dead on the Biden presidency might have been the greatest con job ever per perpetrated on the American people a shocking investigation by the Heritage Foundation oversight project has revealed that virtually every document bearing Joe Biden signature during his presidency was signed by an autopen except for one the
only one not signed by an autopen meaning that we know that he physically signed the only one that we know he signed was his uh when he stepped down resigned from the race from the nominee the only one that we can prove whoever controlled the auto pen controlled the presidency we gathered every document we could find with Biden signature over the course of his presidency all used the same autopen except for the announcement of the former president was dropping out of the race uh Missour Attorney General Andrew
Bailey’s asked the doj to investigate whether Biden’s cognitive mental decline allowed un elected officials to make decisions without his knowledge or approval what does that mean every law every order every everything that he signed will be struck down and removed this one is enormous and huge we know that he wasn’t running things I mean does nobody remember when he had no idea that he’d cut off Natural Gas compressed natural gas deliveries to Europe he had no idea oh no we paused them for a study no you you stopped them
uh and he was blown away he didn’t believe it and that was just one of many examples and it also explains why when he was giving speeches and people said you did this and he’s like no I didn’t do that no that’s not true he had no idea he wasn’t there they were running it without him and now they have the receipts this is gonna get fun all right Mr C call Quick right Tortuga love it all right K Jr put out information about what really happened between Putin and the Ukraine and NATO waight I’ve not seen that Joan looking
forward to it um eight intercessor I I don’t know what to tell you they’ve got us so covered up timing wise I’m certain there will be free time but I don’t have anything that I know of scheduled wise boy things are getting interesting Mr C yes they are good morning good morning took us a while to get in but we got hey I I I love it I did go just a couple minutes over there was so much uh fun stuff to go over this morning exciting times no it is uh did you uh hear that last one about them uh I mean quite literally attorney generals
are going after B Administration when they discovered that all but one of his orders were signed by an autopen not him oh I understand that it makes sense to me all right anything you want to cover this morning before we start unloading questions on you well the first thing I’d like to do is say thank you to Lyman to appreciate the conversation we had and um hopefully you got the books I sent you um the second thing is I’ve been asked for a a synopsis basically on things that need to happen prior to RV and obviously the
first one is Ukraine has to be ended and that seemingly is on the track to do that but who knows then Gaza has to be cleaned up right the gold treaty what The Round Up with the rats and they obviously no coming to see me so there we are other than that fireway um all right I’ve had a number of people that um they’re wanting to know where and I know we’ve done this so many times the money that allows you to sign codes and a lot of people confused I mean there’s so many Intel people out there going you
no longer matter in this you don’t have codes and all those things um which is normal we get that every so often it you know rears its head or whatever and even with all the affidavits documents and everything else that are out there and available nobody seems to read them it’s just easier to to to listen to whoever speaks than to do their own research but figured we would just start you on that one on those considering that bush senior by signature and then uh allow people to believe that I work for him it makes
sense to me that what makes sense and we lost them oh no there you are oh that was weird you’re still here okay the interesting thing is that um Bush senior needed to have me out there as a beard because nobody would work with him especially the Chinese so it makes it makes sense a lot but we do know that the money is coming from the gold that was taken off the northern North American Hemisphere and it’s it’s under the control of the golden dragons and I’m I’m in this thing because they they used my companies they
stole money under my company name put it into an account uh under NATO with $300 trillion dollar in it under my name under the control of Bush senior and for that reason and a few others the Golden Dragon put me in the text of the gold treaty that’s as simple as that um yeah simple as why they put you in there um do you want to touch on where the money comes from again I mean we’ve just got so many new people well the money is basically a gold bullion that has been specifically designated for the uh gold the backing
of all currency for the signatories of the gold treaty for a gold back currency on a parity basis which means a dollar equals a pound equals a rubble with the elimination of the value for Fiat dollars and the elimination of all derivatives around the world which will then automatically give you a uh a debt juine now where that money comes from it’s been put together since God the early 70s when all this started under Nixon with the cundo trust when he basically signed an agreement with ch and Li to uh basically hypothecate and
and laer the money that they the gold and boxes that they received from the FDR Administration during World War II and that is now um Contraband technically under under under Clinton so it needs to have uh a a Us official to allow it and that’s basically when we go into the RV and allows that transition it’s a complicated scenario but it’s very simple really uh the gold has been taken offshore like a like a tsunami it comes back after when they come see me um yeah it took me about three minutes to find uh one site here Mr C
hold on a little bit of a curve for you Al Hodges and Michael C catrell update going back to 2015 uh this site happens to have uh many of the affidavits and contract excuse me a a government all documents Etc they’ve been notorized signed Etc a lot of back and forth on them they’ve got images of them you have put so much of this out there over the years and this isn’t even the site I was looking for that have most the uh affidavits and documentation on it it is so easy for people to check these things and they just don’t
absolutely now I will warn you there is another Michael catrell out there that pled guilty to some kind of porn charges but it’s not it’s not this one just happens to have the same name not even from the same area uh so when you do your search I need you to use your brain on what you see on it I AG um Matthew it takes longer than that to do an arrest to build your case and I do believe many are already happening I think you’re being unrealistic in your timing a lot of people are upset we haven’t seen the rest yet at the same
time she’s only been the attorney general for a couple of weeks and I don’t know if any of these folks have ever worked on a prosecution but you have to dot your eyes and cross your tees I know it’s a pain in the butt you’re like oh my God we’ve been at this so many years and we have problem is she’s not been in that position that many years I mean she just got last Friday multiple truckloads of stuff she’s had them one week on um on the Epstein files it just is unreasonable to think that could have already gone
through truckloads of material built the case and have it prepared to go ahead and do the arrest it’s just it’s unrealistic as much as we want it we’ve got to be realistic sorry also fine also understand that GMO is active because they are Prosecuting crimes against humanity as well as treason and they’re picking up people on the slide so that that’s happening as as it goes on and the buildup of gito which has now become public uh for 30,000 plus that’s basically for the rats now we do see and this is one
that’s caused me some confusion we see so many things and it’s a new source that I think’s a crap new source but they’re in the pool um real raw news um the Michael backs or whatever I I don’t when I read their stuff it’s so out there but the same time then they turned around made it into the Press pool although what you see when they put out their articles vastly different that when you see what they post on X so there may be a lot more to these that have been going on and we don’t see because they talk about what’s happened
at GMO what’s happened in all these places um so there may be a lot more arrests that are well underway that I just don’t give them credit for that’s very possible uh I think it with a large grain of salt but even so knowing that the the the Jag of just Prosecuting is just a good thing for me and this is happening around the world by the way not just in Geto it’s around the world I agree with you I definitely think we’re seeing it around the world um all right I know we’ve got to ask these questions I’ve had a ton of
people trying to get your opinion on Zim and no matter how many times we have this conversation what’s your thoughts on Zim right now what are you hearing I’m not hearing anything and haven’t told to stay out of the currency Arena I’m not looking that’s what I was trying to get out for you folks I’m not being a smart but or whatever I’m just saying Mr C was asked very specifically not to get involved in the currencies because it wasn’t a good look for him because of his position in this process so asking him about specific
currencies is going to do you about as much good as going down to the convenience store and asking the clerk about um all the different currencies right or about asking a plumber about you know nuclear Isotopes I do know one plumber that can tell you everything about him but Ray is an exception he’s brilliant smart boy that’s a weird thing when it does it and you’re still there um you know know yeah I’m oh easy chair just said if real raw news is half true we’re in good shape I agree with you easy
share um definitely agree with you on that one uh all right so what do you think it it appears that things are shaking loose quickly we got a meeting coming up in Riad Saudi Arabia between Ukraine and Russian officials uh suddenly we we turned off the missiles to the Ukraine they can’t use them now the US supplied ones I guess there’s some type software slash whatever encrypted Trump just had them turned off so it does appear that peace is on the verge of occurring in the Ukraine one way or the other um
Middle East it appears that we are about to get the compromises as Iran is very clearly folding do you think we’re close enough to go ahead and do this thing well I’m kind of on offense on this one uh I was just asked by one of my one of my my mentor just the other day um why this thing is moving faster and and to me the checklist is so large and it has to be done in in a sequential basis I just don’t see this happening right now uh now I hope I’m wrong obviously it’s been 35 years I’ve never been right on this thing so it doesn’t
matter but the are of climax but unfortunately there are so many you may have we lost you for a second there all right back up just two minutes and start again okay the right path to get a get done but I just don’t see it happening tonight tomorrow or this weekend as much as I would like to um there’s a lot of heavy things that have to be done prior to the RV and for some reason we seem to be going two steps forward one step back as even though St is pushing hard we’re still not entirely there yet in my
opinion and he’s pushing hard I can see the progress I just the thought of not being you know within a couple of days because so many people are hurting I just my brain doesn’t want to gra grasp the uh thought that it could still be weeks or even months because I don’t think I think we’re looking at I think we’re sooner but I also question whether that is hopeful thinking on my part um all right that’s part of the really coose to ride that you have to be careful of because uh if you’re not careful you can get very SI this you
very quickly you can uh Scarlet with one it was stated if I’m not mistaken that the RV will not be released until all wars have stopped if this is true wouldn’t it be delayed due to Europe and Ukrainian War I don’t think all wars have to stop that’s an unrealistic expectation until Christ returns because are you still yeah we’re still here now the question about all war is being stopped um when you look Ukraine and Gaza we’re there we’re just about finished for those and when that happens I think this is going to go
down I think it is this one’s more one for me KDs asking is the dinar with who’s picture on it good to exchange we don’t know what to tell you um the overwhelming majority of people say no there are a handful of people that say yes I don’t know what to tell you um and I have yeah uh I’ve got people from Iraq to say yes it’ll be accepted I’ve got people outside of Iraq to say no no way guess I’ll leave it there some of the lower denominations with Hussein are still used in the country I mean the
larger of the small denominations to make change so for me there is some logic that they could accept them but there’s it’s a crapshoot I wouldn’t count on it question does the new usn have to be announced publicly prior to going to the Redemption Center to exchange no no that’s a matter of of law it’s called an operation of law soon as they come see me give me the codes I answer the codes the US becomes active all right that’s definitely my take we’re going to know that we’re going to exchange before we see the new
note in circulation is my take um let’s see I heard we’re getting hey Dy Kim Clement said RV in the Summer Boy A lot of people are trying to look at it that way now who said what when uh let’s see looking for more Mr C if you see one here’s pamc question Mr say if all bank loans mortgages credit cards have been so severely hypothecated and fraudulent then wouldn’t we all be entitled to receive back all interest paid well yes you should but the problem is this the Chinese having put up the gold bullion for this
revaluation uh boy they’re messing with us okay so the Chinese that put up all the whatever for this and then we lost you we’re talking about the hypothecated loans really boy they playing games today wow yeah we did good they messed with us hard for two weeks then they backed off and then they’re back at it y oh well um Carolyn hey hey what’s the chance could happen tomorrow in the E the Chinese Elders hold eight say sacred I quit looking for stuff like that a long time ago how about you yeah it’s it could I was told it
could happen anytime that was in July 2016 but as far as the mechanics of the C treating um protocols I just don’t stand happening that quickly right now to many things have to be cleared up um Welly a lot of people are confused on this one uh Dobby wants to know a question for you bitcoin’s fiat currency what are your thoughts as to why Trump would use it as a digital Reserve currency for me it’s it’s not a currency so the question’s flawed there my take on it um just like Mona Lisa is not not a
currency but it still has a value so they hold it as its value the currency is is one that you can go and take and buy products and goods with uh a store value is something you would have to go and trade in other words I can’t directly take it I have to convert the Bitcoin before I can buy something it’s not a currency so he’s same same reason he would hold art or gold or something like that well gold may not be the best example but why he may hold something else of value in in a reserve that’s a tough we we need to do
podcasts on that one completely because there is so much confusion out there and so much misinformation and half information everything on that front I think he just plating the coinbase people uh in vrv frankly because it it bucks the Constitution gold and silver the only things that are allowed by Constitution and Bitcoin is not based on any of that um I am with Buzz rocket on this one Buzz rocket said Trump needs to needs our economy fixed time is ticking he’s going to look bad the longer this
goes he does have a very limited time scale in which to operate he’s got to pull off a massive change within his first two years before midterms so I mean he’s got to move at break neck speed he’s gota he’s gota unwind 50 60 years to heck over a hundred years um of global reach or what whatever and he’s got to do it all within two years I mean it’s there’s a clear reason why he’s going as fast as he is already to me um Danny just said if uh World War II wait if the war in Ukraine has to be over before we RV that must have been
why the Dem Democratic rats told zalinsky to be an ass that makes sense oh yeah that’s absolutely they need that money um Todd with a comment he’s got six months realistically before he starts losing support Todd you already hear grumblings he already has a he he knows that the clock is ticking and Ticking very hard on him very hard on them um all right JC 73 with so many items on this checklist to complete I’m curious of Mr C if Mr C thinks the RV would even happen before this summer I have no idea I really don’t uh
that’s a game that has cost me a lot um to try to figure out prognosticate the date uh four strokes heart attackable pass I I’m not gonna play that game I’m just not um yeah you can’t I know it’s difficult I know it’s tough but it’ll drive you nuts put it on the Shelf work as hard as you can to keep your life as stable as you can till we get to the finish line and that’s the best advice I can give I know it’s not perfect advice I just I know this isn’t easy all right Matt C the difference between the RV and
Iraq revalue or they the same thing well Iraq is not the the major indicator of the release of the gold for the gold treaty there are separate barrels of gold bullion for that Iraq is in a separate category uh however they are uh signatory to the treaty and they will do an RV but any RV that they do in Iraq is going to be domestic until at till the execution of the gold treaty because you cannot preed uh the RV to the execution of the of the treaty itself and that means the release of the C to me now here is an interesting one Jeff
Demmer said you know that interrupting on the phone where it’s beeping is are you sure are you looking at the phone what happens is it not could it be interpo calling to tell you that they’re on the way no they wouldn’t do that they would just show up I love it I’m also with heavy on this one why anyone thinks this continuing sop is useful is quite Beyond Comprehension I mean if you if you’re not awake now you’re never going to wake up that’s my take on it of course I said that I said that you know I said that a couple years ago Mr C
and The Awakening in the last couple of months heck and The Awakening since January 20th of this year has been huge yeah I agree uh we have to look at this long term uh interpole started this operation back in 1972 here it is 2025 uh we got a ways to go because the problem is so horrific around the world that it is a major major task to collect all these rats and and take them down at the same time and that’s what we’re trying to get to again safety of your money transparency uh source of funds use of
funds and the rule of law um important ones Jan Lee uh what do you think is Doge the new name for Nera it does seem that we are getting a lot of nerik things out of uh Doge what do you think those is the audit that should have happened many many years ago on the FED on the US government itself on the corporation Corporation as far as far as I’m concerned has never really been audited ever since it’s uh it’s operation starting in 1871 1872 um yes speaking of Doge I’ve see a couple of people here between the all
the different platforms want to know if you think uh as soon as we said Doge hey do you think they’re really gonna think they might send out a dividend a lot of people are looking for that helicopter money to help them get through right now um I wouldn’t look for anything soon your thoughts or do you have any thoughts on that one I’d be real surprised even though they’re talking about in check uh an interesting way uh it’s not the usual uh check like the co money but I I just don’t I’m not sure that that’s
really going to happen because they need to get rid of at least one two trillion dollars before they can actually release this Stu so I I don’t know I like fora Christian uh Doge’s chapter seven proceedings on corporate on the corporation you know really could be I mean you got to find out what’s there when you do the bankruptcy for the corporation you may be on to something there um Patty with the noise in the background they’re just letting us know that they’re they’re letting you and I know that they’re listening I like that
one that’s probably accurate it’s a real strange scenario they uh they have curtailed a lot of my communications uh with my wife uh they won’t let us have Direct Communications uh the last couple days so on the phone Etc so it’s very interesting but yeah they’re letting me know they’re letting you know that they’re watching and they they’re monitoring what we’re saying I know very much so um oh geez just notice the time uh I know we started three or four minutes late so if we can keep you for another
just few minutes hey yeah the lonely Paco just said yeah it’s never going to be absolutely perfect to release the RV so you have to find that acceptable moment and release it that’s my take I I am not looking for that perfect moment when there’s perfect piece perfect whatever perfect everything because come on we don’t live in a perfect world right um it is a massive massive undertaking so what in your opinion is there anything we should be looking for next boy that’s a broad category I’m not quite
sure I really can’t predict this stuff uh it just depends on so many of the cogs being aligned correctly for the real to turn so I really just don’t know um all right here’s a good one for you Mr C will the dragons gold or whoever is putting up the gold for this thing be valued at the current market price 29 29 294 what whatever it is um and will it go to the US and then be available to our banks to fund our exchanges how do you think that process is going to work is it backing up uh of course I don’t think all of it’s backing
up US money I think some of it’s backing up other countries but do they hand it off to the US T treasury not Federal Reserve as an asset and will it be like because right now it’s what $42 or something like that are they gonna uncork it well in the first place the Federal Reserve will not exist when the RV happens they’re they’re automatically going back to where they were prior to 1951 52 and that means they’re part of Treasury and which which where they really belong uh treasury becomes our Central Bank and also becomes the
central banks around the world for for The Sovereign treasuries so that’s number one number two the value of the gold H whatever the value they pay and I’m not sure what it’s going to be whether it’s GNA be 2900 or 3,000 I have no idea but it is that’s already plugged in it has been since 2011 2012 when the interport went through the bis Bank of international settlement and cleaned out the books so as far as I know I’ve never been told what the values are going to be but I do know they’ll be stable um which is yeah I’m definitely
looking for stable I don’t know what to expect if they uncork it a much higher value would definitely help support currencies around the world before they reset um but after the reset it’s going to change everything you’re metal won’t be worth as many dollars but those dollars will buy a lot more so in effect it’s still going to be worth a lot more so it’s kind of confusing to think about it’s lot like watching one of the time Loop time whatever Star Treks back in the day it’s a mental exercise all right Mr C we probably need
to start wrapping you up anything you want to cover uh no problem uh thank you for the opportunity uh SOB sobx is nice I hope I was wrong I hope they show up tonight on the weekend but I’m ready anytime they are but as far as I’m concerned uh when they show they show and I will be here next week to answer any more questions I’m looking forward to seeing you next week after the uh after the uh RV all right Mr C Take Care thank you much thanks all right Mr C um I like this one I got just a couple want to comment and we’re going
to get Matt Lucas in here as soon as I sing happy birthday for those who want to stick around have fun probably going to have a little more fun with them today than normal uh because uh tomorrow uh being a travel day and no idea when and if I can even uh do any kind of broadcast Janes said I asked to tell her to local Bank in Hawaii if they had seen the new current rainbow currency and she asked the manager said yeah but I don’t know why they call it a rainbow if it looks more blue to me in other words the
Mander is like well it’s awfully blue I don’t know why they want to call it a rainbow in that neat this is somebody wasn’t nothing to hide just say yeah why is it rainbow was more blue it’s my understand and that is perhaps because they’ve only seen part of the bills and not all the bills I am understanding there’s a lot more colors and that’s why we call it rainbow that one was pretty good Moses I won’t be in Miami I’ll be in E Canaveral I will be at let me see if I can find this one uh will be at the Rison Resort at the Port
the Rison Resort at the port in Cape Canaveral uh which means if you’re looking for one-on-one time even if you’re not going to the event um that evening I am certain that we will be in the lounge area whatever doing meet and greets with folks uh in the evenings on Saturday uh or lunch or during breaks oh eight shot said the blues are $100 bills Christian’s birthday all right let’s do a bunch of these things uh well may wait a minute quit worrying about being left out on the crypto boat that’s my take on this one if it’s not
something you’re comfortable with understand you’re probably safer not jumping in uh if you want to get an education get one is there an opportunity I think there’s great opportunities also a great opportunity to lose your butt on them right now so uh you can always go the safe route invest in metal Silver food uh all those things kind of my take all right Christian Linda disco winner Raja Octavia Tony Manhattan Julie moms my mother hi Mom Scooby-Doo Zach Berkeley Aiden Madison CJ Megan Betty Clint so many birthdays
so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love may all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to all those celebrating Timothy and Laura I’ve seen that Sim couple times from you but I’ve got no idea what it is so you’d have to give me some more background or give me a clue before I can make any comment all right guys I’m excited about uh getting these fellas in big Matt good morning Mark I want to say Lucas beat you but you actually beat
him good morning okay well that’s all right so uh you know what you would say that I’m glad you think it’s okay well no I don’t I I couldn’t justify it I I had to I I I just couldn’t I had I had to be honest uh but it was going to be fun I wanted to pick on uh Matt but felt like I need to do the right thing don’t worry we’ll find an opportunity oh God yes we will before this podcast is over you know what see when I when I get you guys both together at the same time and uh well I’m going to be a little bit
shaky there because well I know marel encouraged Lucas to beat on me but and it’ll probably happen and all a sudden we’ll be sitting there hey guys how’s everybody doing next thing you know Mark will go get him Lucas and all of a sudden I’ll get tackled L Lucas Lucas can really do good tackles my bet it’s that it’s that wrestling and powerlifting and everything he’s ready yeah no he’s I’ve been back into it Matt I haven’t told Matt but I have uh the last two months because there’s a competition here uh in August
so I I started so yeah we we we shall see I have to the hard part is is cutting um doing the powerlifting and cutting 30 pounds oh yeah know yeah yeah know so that’s uh I’m about halfway there um but uh it’s it’s not been fun I’ll tell you that much no I can imagine all right before we uh yeah no he’s uh it’s not mud wrestling it’s um it’s jello wrestling yes jello wrestling that that’s what I’m into that’s the competition yeah no Fred you’re done when you say you’re done and I just refuse to say I’m done I’m Gonna Keep
swinging till uh till I can’t swing all right let’s do this part before uh Lucas and I find an opportunity to uh have some fun with you we should probably let you do the uh the obligatory okay so you guys if you want to order and you’re new to the game here it’s uh the CBD and then when you get in there you’ll see the little wholesale button on the top and you hit the wholesale and then you get uh you’ll see Mark Z and just hit that then you’re in and if you have to put in the code word
it’s lowercase KR CBD and then in your you’re in the specials you’re all set okay so we started at 9:00 this morning we’re going to go with the mark z14 code um we’re going to keep that so you can either get that or the free currency not both you get but if you whatever you get no matter what at 125 bucks you’re going to get the uh free lotion so I’ll tell you what the categor is here at 20 bucks you get 40,000 dong free at a 100 not including postage and discounts you get a 100,000 dong and 10
million boulevar but if you just go up uh to 125 which is virtually getting something two for one we’ll get the 100,000 dong the 10 million Boulevard in a free lotion 2,000 so $25 more you get another product plus you get the free lotion so that’s a good deal so just wanted to put that out there and uh then we go to uh if you have any questions on uh ordering new people or you know if you need a little help or whatever uh text 612 412 8343 or call that number and uh wendy’ll be answering and then Amy backs her up
on any questions or help with orders if you do need help if you can do them yourself that’s great too but uh and then we got U let’s see the specials this week you guys here we go we’ve got the uh 30 count gummies we got the 30 count uh sleep the regular gummies I’m sorry they’re creating 30 count sleep the 30 count uh Lions B with cbga and uh then we’ve got the uh Miracle Gold gummies with the Miracle Gold we’ve got the pain cream the lotion we got 5 cents there we got the roll on we got the 10 of those gummies and in
miscellaneous packs those are from stores we use them in but uh we’re given those and we’re almost out of those so if you want them um go for it you know as long as they’re up we still got some more of those and then uh you got the uh regular 10 count uh THC gummies the 5 milligrams five flavors those are $9 we got the, 1500 uh super full spectrum oil with the THC that’s 25 we got the 14,000 double bottle with the 14,000 canids and the THC in there that’s probably one of the best oils you can get anywhere in
the world right there you think so Lucas I yeah I think in the world for sure but anyways and then we got the 10 count 10 milligram gummies and then oh there’s there it is Matt’s favorite 51 milligram gummies right there um THC $29 and then the rest of the items let’s get on with the questions just go in there and check them out everybody and if uh that’s it you know we got a few other specials in there but just check them out and you’re all set okay how’s that you guys is that all right you got any
questions it you know I think you’re killing it there you’re getting good at that part I think you practice you are thanks guys yeah just wait till you know what I again you know what I might just I might you know what if I get a flight I might fly down there and surprise you mark who knows that would make my day yeah I’ll send you hotel information they still have rooms available you let me know and I think it’d be a good one for you to be there yeah that’s it Cape canabal right Cape canabal you fly into
Orlando and then you take about a 40 at um Uber ride to drop you off oh okay nice yeah it’s not bad at all hey hey Matt you know I I know we’ll uh people you know maybe start throwing out some questions if you guys have any but I think uh something I’m really really interested in as Matt is um along with the you know the currency is uh the crypto Summit which I think is a a huge part of this and I and I don’t know Mark I didn’t have a chance to uh catch the early part of the show but is this is
this thing going to be a flop or is that actually gonna be a the cryp going to attend or the crypto Summit at the White House later today well both are they go is it going to you know start propelling things or do you think it’s going to be just kind of like a you know more like a stunt that’s G up in a little bit of a flop no I think it’s going to be more of a bit of a pep rally show like solidarity with the potential future of money um or one of the mechanisms for the future of money I think it’s GNA be
more of a uh pep rally good for the overall crypto Market but I’m not looking for any I’m not looking for any uh come to Jesus moments this afternoon out of the crypto Summit well I’m just glad they’re having it oh amen no no no they need to embrace because thing I keep saying and more and more crypto projects are coming to the Forefront that are asset backed you you mix those two things where they can’t f up they can’t create out of thin air they can’t do those you give it value you make it easy to use and functional
like a like a normal currency and it’s your way to limit the central banks it’s your checks and balances anytime there’s been a check and a balance you look at economy the government’s doing something nefarious with the money then the people find something else that works like people of Zimbabwe started using US Dollars um so many examples of that around the world where they were like no we’re just going to use this currency we don’t care what the government’s doing you guys are stoned well and it’s creating substance
right and so like me and Matt have even talked about how is there even a possibility we you know started going down the rabbit hole looking like hey can people go on to the site and purch products with say xrp yeah we can make that happen I know just well and so and so be a and I think more and more companies getting to the place of hey we will take you know crypto here um and start normalizing that I think that’s really where um we’re going to see this or the validity of crypto really start to
Skyrocket I think so too the more functional you make it the more it’s going to dig into it I mean at some point it’d be neat for you guys instead of giving out currency maybe do something where you can send uh crypto to the person ah you bought whatever we’re gonna send you some of this new meme coin the new whatever just for fun to let people you know play with it yep well it’s coming Lucas well I don’t want to give it too far ahead but we did the the final tests on it um I I think the hardest part is just uh
explaining you know and doing the videos of showing like Hey how do you you create your own wallet how do you accept the crypto all of that but uh we did kind of the the last final tests on it uh this week so I’d say here in the next probably one to two weeks uh that is going to either take place of you know maybe we’ll do like a week of currency week of crypto or we’ll do both or we’re still kind of you know playing around with that idea but that’s definitely you know it’s going to be a little bit more
complex rather than us just sending the currency with the product but um you know I think it’s going to be worthwhile for uh you know little you know some giveaways some fun giveaways and we might even play a little uh we might even do a little uh Willy Wonka uh where uh you know you know well hey you know you get the golden ticket or something and you get a uh you know maybe like 10x the amount of crypto in your uh you know with your order so we we we might have some fun with it at least starting out
you know there’s one final test guess what it is Mark the final test I think this weekend you know you know what it is don’t you Lucas I don’t know what it is know what it it’s it’s not hard to guess once once he tells you but tell him that so here’s the final test when it’s all ready to go I sit down at a computer and I’m the guinea pig because if I can do it you know and go through it and get it all done that means trust me 90% well 90% you can do it and then the other people will be able to call our number Wendy or Amy and
they’ll tell you how to do it so we’re going to make it so it’s going to be real friendly to get in there and make it work so and trust me guys if if Matt can figure it out you can figure it out this is just epic um just epic so many of these great ones um let’s do this one first then then I’ve got a fun one to ask Susan just said anything you have for Respiratory or COPD other than the only one I can think of is the Miracle Gold and I want to suggest Mullen Leaf but you guys don’t carry Mullen Leaf no
but at the same time like I would say that the the Mullen Leaf you know again you know we’re not doctors so definitely uh get with your doctor or your uh family physician to kind of go over this but uh I’ll tell you what right now uh there’s a lot of lot of research out there on Mullen you know what though research out there I like the cbda cbga combo oh the immunity definitely helps the oil that really helps 100% because you got to lower your inflammation inflammation is the biggest so the miracle Gold’s really
going to help um with the inflammation that you know the the hard part with the I think a lot of people don’t like about the Mullen Mark is that they have to you know inhale it um W which a lot of people are not are you know kind of against that I know you can drink it in tea I know there’s like some other op options uh but you got to get down that inflammation and so taking something ingestible like the uh you know the Miracle Gold or some of the cbga cbda stuff that’ll help with the inflammation
will really kind of you know help help that and start to you know go the opposite direction which is the goal here now we have one of the most important questions Matt tell us what it’s like eating one of those large chocolate bars in one sitting oh oh I’ve never done it I’ve had um well with the THC in it I couldn’t do that for sure but like the ones we just gave out as a promo there yeah on Wednesday specifically what would it be like if you ate a lot of that chocolate in one sitting would it be very
relaxing for the relaxation part I would go out of the there’s 24 squares in a bar I would go for two or one to three one to three yeah two two is good two is good three is good four for me would be maybe a little bit too much so just remember that you know and there’s been people and uh you know everybody’s got a friend like that you you know oh yeah just take a little bit to start out next thing you know they’re just diving into the bag and you know and then there and it takes a while and it could be trouble you know
it just uh not trouble but you get a little too buzzed and you’re sitting in the corner you know what I mean and uh I’ve never had that happen I just uh I know my limits so but uh you know the other night I uh on the show on the whiskey show I uh I took a couple and I made it home and I was just I was sitting out in the out in the uh driveway Mark when I was talking to you guys I was just listening relaxing but I it did relax me I you know what I really liked it and I do hope you know because it ended last night I do hope there’s at
least 10 of those left because that I I do like them I want to keep them myself yeah yeah if you decide to fly to Florida bring one with you for me I will you know what I I’m going to try and make it happen I’m just it’s one I’m just going to be on a mission you know I’ll just uh I’m pretty sure I can make it I’m gonna I’m GNA try it’s uh the hardest part for me is sitting on the plane you know back and forth but you know that’s that’s a way go there’s an excellent chance that you can get direct from Minnesota to uh Orlando oh
yeah that’s the only way I would do it yeah when I go to a different airport and got to get out and get on another plane or something and that’s uh that for me isn’t the best thing you know but uh last time I flew I had to take Scotty with me he’s like a sha not a shaer room but a attendant for me you know not like he has like I slow him down or anything it’s just that you know he’s on his phone and computer it would be even more fun if you bring Scotty this weekend if you can make it happen oh man I you know
what it’s it’s not a if I make I can make it happen all you got to do is ask him but now then his wife I think me and his wife are getting along all right you know and going until you ask him last minute to go to uh or because he wouldn’t turn it down he would say yeah yeah and then uh and then I’d say is it all right with your wife and he go oh yeah and then until I see her the next time within a couple weeks and she’s not even talking to me you know and then and then I go oh is everything all right and
she goes oh of course Matt and you know it’s just like no it is and and then and but you know what he he you know what I you know what I might do it you know I just thought of something U you know what I guess this is great we’re actually watching a dog for somebody that’s going to be down in Orlando too I just remembered that just bring the dog with you show up at their hotel hey I brought your dog but see now this is a great excuse because now my wife can’t go she did steer with the dog and then
I poor doggies over there and if you want to know how to have a happy marriage no it’s uh yeah we’ll see it’s h we’ll see yeah we’ll see see what happens now Andy wants to know if uh we’ve ever discussed anything for gout or if you have any gout ideas um you know the Miracle Gold for me like I I I’ve talked about it before it’s just it’s my feet they don’t get real puffy they really don’t I could just feel a little bit on the bottom sometimes you know it’s because I’m probably older but not much you know not where I got like
big puffy feet like some of my buddies you know but uh but when I use the Miracle Gold it all kind of goes away within a couple days so maybe that could that help your gout too probably because I don’t have gout and guessing my brother used to but I don’t and the pain and inflammation right is that scientific enough no I’m just kidding no I think a lot of people do like uh Mark you know even like the 14,000 tincture you know it it has a little bit of THC in there a lot of CBD um and a few other cannabinoids as well
to kind of help with really the pain and inflammation and I think a lot of people have uh actually applied more of the Miracle Gold to the uh to the bottoms of the feet as well as taking or ingesting some of the 14,000 and that’s just what from people the show um that I remember have said that how they kind of attacked it yeah I mean if it I know it helps with the fungus on the toes I mean if it helps with that it probably helps with gout too right I you know it’s uh I don’t know just give it a shot I mean it
works for everything else I mean it those brown recluse spider bites it cleared those up right away and it really helps with Burns it helps with fungus on the toes I don’t know man it’s it’s good stuff it’s all in the black seed what Lucas uses he uses the best you know you guys he always uses the best that’s what Lucas is about he’s the best oh gez no it’s not even about being the best it’s it’s it’s really um you know they have the different grades but it’s also it’s more even more so important as to where you actually
Source it from and who you’re sourcing it there’s like a million different ways to extract this oil um and being and being able to do it you know kind of the the more natural and as you guys have seen We’ve ran out a lot um and we won’t have it in stock for good long periods of time and yeah I could go and you know get the other stuff um that’s even pretty decent but you know they they use more how do I put it I I’m I have ndas in place so I can’t really go into it too much but what I can tell you is that
a lot of its newer day and age technology to do the extraction whereas these guys they’re I love them they’re super old school and they will only do it you know kind of the uh more of the original way that it was uh extracted so um so what you’re saying is you’re under an NDA yeah that is correct okay I’m waiting for everybody to take that and run the wrong direction I mean you know it’s it’s kind of cool though because they don’t you know they don’t want to uh uh they have a process that is unlike any other and
you know they want to keep it that way and they don’t want other people to uh duplicate it so I get it now I’ve seen some yeah I I don’t blame them at all a short sidebreak here at Susan uh the conference I’m headed to is the Quantum Summit 2 at the r Rison Resort at the Port cape canabal in Florida this weekend the event is Saturday and Sunday so I’ll be there both days all day long uh sorry about that uh sideline there I just didn’t want them to keep asking in chat uh brown recluse is serious uh you know before I met the CBD
gurus my daughter had a bite it was rough doctor you know the the normal panics and collidal silver is what we had to put on it and after the doctors throwing everything in the kitchen sink and medicines and thousands of thousands of dollars of stuff at it a 20 or $30 bottle of Cho silver cleared it right up isn’t that crazy how that is why wouldn’t they just go toward that you know I don’t know if I still get I think I got those pictures somewhere um of the uh the one lady who used our product her
legs were just horendous you know and uh well she used that on there and just within two three weeks it was clearing up and by about I think it was six or seven or eight weeks the legs look really good I mean they look so bad I mean it was just unimaginable you know and she said and then when she was putting that on there then uh some droplets would come out of the skin you know and so I’m guessing it was forcing things out which was probably what made it do that Luke is force uh impurities out of the skin what you know I just I
don’t know what to call that but you know I’ve seen the pictures of it so not the skin but the muscle and all that so obviously was getting poison out of it or something yeah it’s your body just being able to heal and be able to push stuff out I mean I mean that’s the thing is that we got to realize our body really has a great ability um to defend itself but when the immunity is down and when the inflammation’s up the body can’t do it and so by getting a lot of the inflammation out of there your body
can naturally do what it’s made to do and it’s just that that’s what it is it’s like it’s not something to take over your body something to help your body um really kind of heal itself and kind of the same thing with like Brent hey on the uh on the that’s a big one like toe foot fungus that Miracle just take the Miracle Gold and apply it topically um it both the black seed oil as well as the CBG are just natural antimicrobials um so it will really really help with that stuff yeah within two weeks of buddy of
mine who’s got some bad legs they’re not bad anymore but uh they’re pretty bad and his toes were just horrendous and I he couldn’t even bend down to do it you know because his knee was so gooped up you know because he’ sit in the chair so I’d rub it in his toes and it only took two weeks and thank God because I didn’t want to rub it in there like for the fifth time you know and uh so it just I mean no I’m just kidding but I wouldn’t I think his nurse would have probably kept doing it not me but anyway I didn’t
I didn’t feel weird about it you know I usually don’t rub guys toes like that but he was in bad shape and he’s my I you Lucas’s toes no bet he did it was kind of weird I was asleep I woke up to it and I was like what’s going on if you’re healthy I ain’t rub I a’t rubbing your feet no I would let a gal rub my feet my mom used to be the foot massager you know so that was no big deal because it was therapeutic You’ just sit there and she’d rub your feet and she thought it was great you know she just loved
that stuff but uh I yeah GS I I don’t want no I’m not the guy massager either trust me if you I get a massage it’s a Gil if I rub my feet it’s a Gil I wouldn’t even wanted my dad rubb my feet like that the way my mom used to do it you know what I mean because it was like it wasn’t fungus toes it was just more like um muscle relaxation you know what I mean so it’s just I just draw the line that’s the way I am no big deal you know so anyway you know when I got my first uh massage was in Lake Tahoe do
you know how it happened you want to know you guys or not you don’t have to know it’s not x-rated or nothing I was swimming in this pool me and my wife with uh some older guys and the guy and his in his wife said leave him alone but uh him and his buddies they went for a massage I think it’s at Caesar’s at Tahoe I’m not sure it was a casino there and then he says hey can you hear me somebody’s got it on the computer there we go all right now go yeah so anyways and uh but anyways I went with these older guys I think I was only
about 20 they just invited me with them for the massage deal in the morning because it was kind of expensive or something I didn’t have any money you know we were just hanging out the pool drinking but then the wife got after him they said leave him alone he’s a young guy you’re corrupting him you know I think they truthfully to tell you truth I think they were like Mobsters guys you know but I was getting along we were drinking in the pool area it was fun you know so then it just they invited me to
their week morning massage you know with the okay that’s it but I wasn’t going to have no guy do it you know what I’m saying so here we go I know I went way off the rails here and I keep talking you guys can interrupt me you know how’s that sound raef asking the question so if you do not enter a discount code do you get a current you get the currency instead in other words if you use a discount you don’t get currency is that is that correct um yeah yeah it’s either one or the other if you get the discount you
put that code in no currency if you don’t put the discount in you’re automatically getting the currency unless you’re a retail person and then uh yeah we don’t do that with them because they don’t know about it we don’t want to freak them out you know so but uh yeah that’s how it works for sure when are you uh when you heading up Mark uh fly out uh the weat hours like 2:30 in the morning tonight in the morning whatever you call it I fly out uh 4:30 in the morning I get to uh Florida get to the hotel try to get a
two-hour nap then do an event all day get some sleep fly out midnight on uh actually at 9:30 on Sunday evening it’s going to be a for me but wow so there’s no so you’re not having a show tomorrow no show tomorrow you get you get it off to go spend it with the kids nice unless Matt shows up we’ll do an impromptu one from the uh from the lobby at some point Perfect Hey I’ve done that before I’m gonna do it because uh then the company’s got to pay for it so they got to pay for my whole trip down there I’m
gonna stay no you got to pay for your you got to pay for yourself no no the company’s paying for de and uh yeah so yeah it’s all gonna be first class for sure yeah right you’re gonna be in the back of the bus you’re not even taking a plane it’s gonna be a bus ride be a little short bus short bus down to it down there bus yeah so um yeah hey if anybody wants to order you go to the CBD and you go to the wholesale and hit the button go into Mark Z and then uh if you got to put the code in it’s lower case k
r m CBD and then you’re in the area to order and get in there in order and uh yeah but uh no I I don’t really spend money when I travel you guys I I go real cheap and stuff I really do like they got that is literally one of the cheapest people I know I’m not even kidding you’re so fun you know what for myself I am for others I’m not no that’s not true yeah but but I I trust me I totally get that but Mark have fun don’t get too crazy and if if you get any uh fun Insider info throw it our way oh absolutely hey and uh Mark I just want
to congratulate all the people who took advantage of our little uh Wednesday through uh Friday or uh Thursday night special you know because uh you’re going to like those chocolate bars you guys and uh oh they look good yeah and uh I might I might get to try one this weekend I’ll let you folks know you mark most definitely you because uh that overnight box I was going to get you I forgot so it’s going out today but it will be there tomorrow morning so sorry about that Mark it was kind of a wild day yesterday but uh yeah so um
that’s it everybody and have a great time and Mark you have a ball and uh Lucas you too because and I I’ll I’ll be having fun too especially well you know what I’m going to take one for the team and probably go to Florida for the weekend thanks Lucas for bringing that whole deal up so I can go there no I mean but seriously I should I really should you know I should so H the uh the chocolate was a uh special but you can still find chocolate on the website um they were doing a spe it’s worth tuning in Wednesday nights to
Whiskey and wisdom Matt comes on gives us a story most Wednesdays just some embarrassing story from his past which makes it like Epic awesome and then he throws a twisted good special that it most the time it’s not even in the site you have to know to put it in your comments uh it’s been free lotions it’s been free chocolates it’s been free gummies it’s been a number of those things but it doesn’t go on the site it’s only for people that are watching him when he jumps in on Wednesdays yeah I think we’re gonna try and do that
every Wednesday mark from now on do something like that really getting rolling there that’d be a good idea Lucas’s schedule’s been so busy lately I didn’t invite Lucas well Lucas is always invited but um yeah hey Lucas you want to come to Florida this weekend no no that would be a divorce well and crazy part is I’m gonna be in Florida I already have a ticket I’m heading out there Monday high five when you fly past I will I will I’ll give an air kiss all right I’ll have to leave mine lingering in the air for you because I
fly Sunday night perfect just make it a big one so it stays there can do hey have fun I appreciate you both you guys thank you for everything you do for the community and Matt hopefully I will see you keep me posted yeah I’m gonna see what the we got a lot of Charters going out here out of the Sun Country so I’m G to check it out see what they got right away but for sure Mark and uh if I don’t see you have a good weekend but for sure you’re getting that box in the morning all right my say forget again but I won’t Lucas will
remind me okay all right we’ll see you guys guys thank you bye bye all right guys uh for the rest Monday morning I will most 99.9% chance do something over the weekend but it’s going to be unscheduled I do enjoy when we do these events doing live at some point during meet and greet so that you can see some of the faces uh of the folks that you see in chat all the time for me it’s uh fun to uh let them come on and wave and uh say hello to all their friends on here in the community all right guys see you
Monday morning many of you I will see this weekend mods thank you have a great one