MarkZ Evening (Uncut) 03-04-2025
Evening News with MarkZ. 03/04/2025
This is a test. Mark, it definitely appears so, brother. It’s getting fun.
We got a few fun things for this evening. I am going to go relatively quickly so that I will get a short break, eat a late dinner before the State of the Union address over at Liberty on Main. Oh, Kurt, wait, wait, wait.
What had to do CPR on my wife last night? Kurt, I don’t know the details, but praying for you. That had to be terrifying. Miss Jeannie, the new music’s growing on me.
I have to admit, it’s growing on me. ADC, yeah, I’m kind of mixed. I think we just need to go ahead and I need to invest a short amount on an intro-outro and get my buddy Jeremy, see if I can pay him a little bit to give us something cool.
Liberty on Main’s got a cool one. Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a cool one? Michael Brush, I’ve been through the 60s twice. Happy birthday, brother Michael.
Hello, Food Dog, 572 Shadow. Bruce on early? I guess everybody’s getting early, getting everything knocked out for the State of the Union address. The Soto, hello, KKB, Mile High, Trish.
Hello, MGU Girl, Old Stokes. Hello, Jim, how are things in Beantown? Hello, Pinky Girl. All the folks over on the kick side of this thing.
It’s slowly growing over there. Hello, Jojo Baby. Hello, LG Lady.
Dr. Sarah. But yeah, Mark, auctions are ended. We got a couple of articles on that one to get through this evening, a couple of fun ones.
First, a word from the sponsor for the evening. If you’re like me and you’re getting to that age where your body just hurts all the time, then listen up. Don’t reach for another painkiller until you learn about this little-known turmeric hack for pain and inflammation.
You’ve probably already heard about turmeric being used to fight inflammation and joint pain. But here’s the thing, not all turmeric is created equal. Regular turmeric powder in your pantry might help a little.
But a leading pain doctor from Connecticut discovered a special turmeric extract that is 200 times more powerful than the one you find in standard turmeric. And when he shared this turmeric hack with his patients, results were shocking. This turmeric extract attacks pain at the source, turning it off like a light switch so the pain not only goes away but stays away.
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It’s incredible stuff. Once you start taking it regularly, really notice the difference. But again, you can’t just take any old turmeric.
So if you want to learn more about Dr. Josh’s turmeric hack and the exact method for how long to use it in your daily routine, just go to forward slash markz. The link’s going to be in the description, like right underneath you. If you are on Rumble or on YouTube, just click it and start your journey towards a pain-free, healthier life.
You can just click that link if you want to take that step. Hello, Janice. Hello, Monty.
I’m sorry, I’m just reading some of these, enjoying my time with you guys before we whip through the news and get ready for this evening. Yeah, Annabelle’s mom, it’s funny, since the USAID eruption, have you noticed that the protests, the anti-Trump ones, etc., have gotten considerably smaller? It’s like, you know, without a paycheck, most people doubt the strength of their convictions. Oh, Judy, isn’t that great? Just had a friend whose college loan mysteriously showed zero cent picks, proving there was a previous balance.
You’ve got to love how this stuff is working. I’m enjoying these. Eagle Claw, yep, they always were a disruption.
I kind of like Navy D here. MAGA, make American government accountable. I like that one.
Make American government accountable. Navy D, I think you’re on to something. Yeah, Buzz Taglia, right? Does he have any idea he’s going to interrupt our time to watch Curse of Oak Island? Cannonball Run intro.
Boy, I wish I could get permission to use that one, Adam. We’re going to have to make our own version of that song so it doesn’t trip the censors. Stevie B’s son’s birthday.
Happy birthday to him. Hello, Rhonda. Oh, I know, I don’t have to wait as long.
I should probably get jumping in tonight. Lynx Post is speaking, of which you guys can catch it here if you want to join us for the watch party with Zester and I over at Liberty on Main Street. I’m going to drop that link again.
And again, you can also just find it, Liberty on Main Street at YouTube. I don’t think he’s got a link set up yet for Rumble, so right now the only link we have is YouTube to share on that front. Let’s see, Linda, have you set a meet and greet? No, we’re already talking to Ron.
We’ll see what we can get worked out for this next weekend. I will be in Cape Canaveral for the Quantum Summit. They’ve got us so packed, there’s not going to be time for a separate meet and greet.
They’ve got that every minute scheduled kind of thing. Watch party will start about 15 minutes before the State of the Union, but the chat room is already up. It is already up and open if you guys want to pop in.
There’s 85 people already logged into both streams. Cecilia, with all the jobs he’s bringing back to the U.S., they would have no problem getting another job, although they may have to be held accountable for their work. They might actually have to show up to work.
There will be some uncomfortable times during that transition, though, guys. There will be some uncomfortable times during the transition. All right, let’s start diving into a little bit of news.
Oh, crap. Let’s see if we can make this one right. I’m trying to mess up my new banner.
There we go. News time. We’re going to start in Iraq.
Parliamentary finance. We expect the budget schedule to reach Parliament in the middle of the month. Then we turn around, and within an hour or two, we get another article.
Budget tables will reach Parliament next week. But then in the article, they talk about hitting this week, and then refer to the concerned committee for review, put to a vote. They do expect those later this week, budget tables, to arrive, vote, et cetera.
It will all be wrapped up shortly. This is getting fun. Oil floating platform gas pipeline project will be completed in 120 days.
Why is this important, guys? Remember they’re cutting off Iranian gas. Everybody freaking out how we’re going to get through the summer. This is going to be very difficult.
It will be towards the summer when it is up and running, but they have greatly accelerated the timeline for the floating gas dock so that gas from other nations, from U.S., et cetera, can be pumped into Iraq for their energy needs so they do not have people dying over the summer from heat. They have greatly increased, or should I say sped up the timeline for this project. I mean, they’re cutting like a year or two off of things.
As they scramble, get Iraq completely on its own feet, which I think is huge. Now, here you go on your auctions. 20 Iraqi banks carry out international transfers within the new system.
No new sanctions. They’re being qualified in cooperation. They’ve got more coming on, 20 already there.
They no longer need the auctions any longer. Then the one that has a lot of people concerned, can the central bank solve liquidity crisis with a new digital currency? A lot of talk about it lately, guys. Remember, in Iraq, they are not as modernized as far as cell phone, bank accounts, et cetera.
This is not something you are going to see right away. The backbone infrastructure does not exist yet. But they’ve talked about it in the past.
They’ve talked about what it’s going to look like. They call it the Adenar. It’s going to be gold asset on a basket of currencies.
They’ve talked about this in the past. It will be, we’re told, a fully backed digital currency with actual assets. Not like the ones you see floated for the central bank digital currency in the EU or the one that was floated under the Biden administration in the US.
We’re talking about a solid asset-backed digital ledger system. Really cool. They’re working quickly for us now on the, let’s see what I can share and not on the bond side because it’s getting a little bit funky for me.
We got some more fun coming on that front. Let me see if I can find this. Things are just screaming in right now.
I’m trying to find a particular piece on a bond update. Let’s see. I remember where I’ve got it.
Give me just a minute, guys. I don’t want to get any of these details wrong or get myself in any trouble. So bear with me.
All right, all right. Okay. I think what I can comfortably say at this point is the overwhelming majority of my bond sources, they are exceptionally excited after everything that they have learned today, appointments they have been to, et cetera.
They’re now being told all the seven major groups will be paid over the next roughly two weeks in full. Guys, that doesn’t mean we’re waiting that long. This is huge news because that means they are rolling it out, that they will have received their full funding, and it is starting right away.
So I’m taking that one as exceptionally great news just because the number of bond contacts that were excited and checked in today and said, yes, today is the day. We really did move forward. So they’ve been very, very, very excited.
So that I’m going to take as an exceptional one. I’m even being told they are starting to take some of the historic art that is tied to bonds. All right, that’s about all I can share on that part.
So I don’t – ooh, no, William. I didn’t say anything about next week. You said that.
I’m trying not to get myself in trouble and say too much. The IRS is drafting plans to cut as much as half of its 90,000-person workforce. This is the Associated Press sources say.
You have massive, massive cutbacks, closures. Of course, many in the IRS itself now believing that they will be gone or just processing the national sales tax income. It’s getting fun out there, guys.
You’re watching this air just air it happen in real life. All right, let’s get to – okay, I already did turn off the news time banner because I’m running Radiant. Let’s see.
Radiant Shalom is celebrating 68th birthday. Happy birthday, Radiant Shalom. I got myself distracted there.
What do you guys want to talk about now? Let’s talk about hours after Trump paused, all arms to the Ukraine. Zelensky reportedly ready to sign mineral deal under Trump’s strong leadership. Can I tell you how many things changed today? First day of sanctions, the phones lit up.
I guess both Mexico and Canada didn’t think it was real. Of course, you did have an awfully, awfully brave – I’m saying that with some sarcasm associated. Let me make certain I get this one in there.
Ontario’s Doug Ford says he would cut electricity to U.S. over tariffs. Boy, then it gets even more interesting because then you have a group of attorneys and politicians from Alberta that are sending a delegation to D.C. to discuss statehood. They are tired of Ottawa dictating crazy to them.
They’re like, you know, it’s our best trading partner. The rest of Canada doesn’t represent us. We’d like to join.
Can we get statehood? Can Alberta get statehood? Yeah, that’s real. Those conversations are actually occurring right now. I’m just going to let you guys – because we have so many people here from the U.S. and from Canada, do I think it’s going to happen? No.
Do I think it is going to send an exceptionally strong message to the Canadian government that they need to consider equalizing on the tariff side? Cissy Owens, happy 78th birthday. Peg had a happy birthday too, celebrated 89 years. I’m trying to keep up with you guys.
Yeah, Family Man, as I read it, it’s 100-year cooperation on those. They don’t actually own all the leases on the minerals. But, Sancha, if you want that information, it was in the links from this morning’s podcast.
You can go to, and you can find the link for that there. You can read it yourself, which I highly suggest, rather than taking everybody’s word for it. All right, back to this.
Where was I at? Zelensky, suddenly ready. They may announce tonight. They may announce tonight.
It also appears that – well, according to Scott Besent, many officials both in Canada and the U.S., the number of phone calls back and forth between the Canadian government and the Mexican government and the U.S. government have been nearly overwhelming today as they are attempting to work through. I think you will find some kind of meeting in the middle could be announced this evening. Definitely, bottom line, we do know that U.S. military moved 3,000 more active-duty troops in the process.
That story was released on the 2nd of this month. We also know that they have been positioning military assets at the border for the war on the cartels. It would be a really bad time.
I tell you, if you’re in a cartel, it’s time to run. It’s time to have a serious change of heart, find Jesus, and find a new place. Get a job down.
I mean, build houses, work at the local restaurant. It is time to change what you do because they are coming for you with the righteous indignation of the Mexican people and the American people. It’s going to get wild.
Dr. Vicki, I appreciate that one. I believe the boulevard is still going. All right, let’s keep running.
Musk says all government agencies are cooperating with DOJ. Now, this one I found interesting because of one little paragraph in it. The head of the new cost-cutting efforts added that some federal agencies will respond on behalf of their employees with a mass email.
This is something I did not consider in this one, guys. Musk, with Trump’s backing, has pressed for the emails as a means to hold workers accountable and as a pulse check to make sure all federal employees on the payroll actually exist. Come to find out, they have a lot of people that kind of died years ago and paychecks are still going out.
I don’t know about how many or exactly the numbers, but it appears that some of the people in the government payrolls, well, didn’t exist. So in order to find out if they require all active employees of the federal government to send them an email saying, hey, this is what we accomplished this week, then somebody’s got to go figure out all those bogus accounts and respond for them, which creates one heck of a digital footprint and fingerprint to find out. It appears there was a lot more going on with that, hey, send me an email with five things you’ve accomplished this week than I had given thought to.
I consider myself a pretty good chess player, but I’m out of my league on this one. This is something else. The brain trust that has been put together, the number of people that have been put together to chase this down is, well, it’s awe-inspiring.
RW, I appreciate you very much. Thank you to our resident philosopher. Ooh, Fearless Floyd’s doing a series on the boulevard.
Pretty great. No, that’s awesome. Somebody needed to.
I’m glad he took it upon himself. I like that. Be kind.
Bad boys, bad boys. What you going to do? What you going to do when they come for you? Like that one. Love that one.
Todd, yeah, Musk talked about that earlier. He knows what he did. He knew he had to do it, but he did.
He is taking a lot of shots for all of us. All right, we already talked about the Canadian one. Let’s get back to Pentagon announces $80 million in savings from the very first Doge review.
Of course, most of these savings, I mean, it’s just $80 million a year, right? But already $80 million. $80 million is a lot of money. At least it is to me.
To American taxpayers, consider a real sizable amount. The Department of Defense has identified more than $80 million through Elon Musk and his Department of Government efficiency team that it says is wasteful spending. A spokesperson confirmed.
Yeah, I know. We’re kind of excited about it. Now, I want you guys to follow this.
As examples, Parnell said that the U.S. Air Force allocated $1.9 million for holistic DEI transformation and training. $6 million went to the University of Montana to strengthen American democracy. $1.6 million went to the University of Florida to study social and institutional detriment of vulnerability and resilience to climate hazards in African Sahel.
All right, guys, we spent $1.6 million to the University of Florida to study social and institutional detriment of vulnerability and resilience to climate hazards in African Sahel. Does anybody know the freaking whatever that that means? I mean, do we just give it a gibberish name? Everybody’s like, oh, OK, it’s worth a couple million dollars. Mating habits, rabbits, things.
I mean, what else are we going to study? Rabbits mate. You can just go watch them. A little uncomfortable, but you get where I’m going on that front.
Yes. You guys are asking me some questions I can’t answer. Yes, I know some people that have dollars, and I’m just going to leave it as vague as that.
Yeah, I’m still trying to figure out, like, why are we studying? Why are we studying the vulnerability and resilience to climate hazards in African Sahel? I mean, there are a lot of things that I think would be important to study, like maybe our own environment in the United States, maybe the same thing. If you’re living in the UK, you’re going to want to take care of your own people. Maybe in Canada, you want to take care of your own people.
Mexico, dear Jesus, you want to talk about failures in government. I don’t think you can find a bigger failure than the Mexican government. I know I’m going to upset a few people.
The cartels have been running. People have been living in fear of their lives for how many years? Decades? Anything? You just like the resources. Do you like the will? The cojones? I mean, what is it you lack? I would think any government out there that’s dealing with that would say to the United States or any altruistic government that’s willing to give them overwhelming military support to fix their problem, you would think they would embrace it and say, you know, we need to fix this.
We need to fix it for the Mexican people. We need to fix it for the American people, for all the hundreds of thousands that we lose to fentanyl poisoning, overdoses, whatever you want to call it. You would think if the Mexican government gave a rat’s whatever about their own people, they would say, yes, we would love to have those resources.
We would love to squash the murdering cartels that are taking over entire towns, rampaging, human trafficking, all of it. You would think if the Mexican government cared enough about their people, they would say, you know, it’s time for us to work together. Thank you.
Have they said that yet? No. That tells you all you need to know about the current Mexican government, in my opinion. I know.
I just upset a lot of people. But, you know, I can be pretty harsh like that. So, Ukraine already has 100 years contracts, European.
We already talked about that one earlier, Greg. We shared that article this morning, if you guys want to read it, exactly what’s in it. There is still plenty of room for the U.S. on that front.
I’m reading a few or three of those before I keep going. We’ve only got one or two more, and then I know I need to wrap it up. Kim, that’s great.
No fun bank stories for this evening. Okay, we just talked about the doge, talked about the savings. I do expect that to be kind of a theme this evening.
I expect we will hear a lot on doge. We will also hear on the trade tariff war. I think he is going to be foolish if he doesn’t use some very solid numbers this evening to let us know just what’s happened and how quickly.
Probably the only other things of real note for me today in the news was the Democrat senators shooting down or successfully killing a bill in filibuster. Now, there’s an executive order. Congress was trying to codify it.
If a crazy, I don’t know, Liz Cheney type rises to power, they’re not going to write another executive order canceling this order to keep men out of women’s sports in our schools. So I think it was 47 or 48 Democratic senators all voted that it is OK for men to be in women’s sports. I mean, it doesn’t matter that 70 percent of the American people find it very offensive and want them out of women’s and girls sports.
The Democratic senators told their constituents to screw off, that you don’t matter, that your daughters don’t matter, your nieces don’t matter, your granddaughters don’t matter. They don’t care. They think it’s more important.
Well, I don’t know what it is they think is more important, but clearly they must not have their own daughters. I mean, actual daughters. That’s the only one that other really upset me today is like, how in the world do they do that? I mean, you know that 70, you know that the overwhelming majority of every one of your constituents, overwhelming majority want that bill passed, but you’re still you’re still going to die on that hill knowing with complete confidence that you are wrong and you’re still going to die on that hill.
Definition of insanity. All right, guys, I know I need to. Yeah, many of the politicians are paid by the cartels.
They are. So when do you get brave enough to cut it off? When do you get brave enough? Yeah, Janice, so much for let’s all work together. We all knew that was lip service.
We knew we were going to have to push it through, make it obnoxious. That’s somebody already in time out. Yeah, I wonder what you posted to go to time out.
Kind of surprised I’m still here on YouTube. Two thirds. Let’s let’s do more.
It’s a wrap. I’ll see you guys this evening. I’m certain I’m missing a few things.
We’ll talk about it this evening as I am. If I am missing anything. All right, guys.
For the rest of you. We do have Andy tomorrow. He has confirmed that he will be with us.
I’m just reading a few of those. All right. That’s it.
I’m out of here. See you guys. For those that are going to join the watch party, I’ll probably come a little early and join in chat.
Now I’m going to get a late dinner and I will be back at about eight forty five Eastern about eight forty five Eastern. That is roughly an hour and 15 minutes from now. Abby, you’re super stickers.
Very appreciated. Thank you. I don’t think a water sign lady.
I don’t think Elon has the gold before. I’m going to be surprised if they’re already doing it. Bono was from tier.
Yeah, no, I’m talking about the ones that are in tier three. We’re talking about the historic bonds. All right.
Now I’m getting out of here. Bye, guys.