Weekend Coffee with MarkZ. 03/01/2025
hello all yep yep oh isn’t it an interesting day hello folks happy birthday to uh your grandson Aaron hello Mile High Texas Navy Mom hello flipper Deo totally awesome good to see you over on the kick side hello Miss Cheryl Jimmy Miss caledo K wait King Of Wands hello gary7 good to see you in the house hello Miss Wendy Patriot Hero trying to keep up with everybody this m this morning Pierce Barbie Patriots snow wolf Z’s a goner by the end of the weekend for 00 we’ll see what happens many European
uh leaders came to his defense they weren’t they weren’t brave enough to uh insult Trump they just said they’re going to stand with uh Ukraine no matter what that being France uh that being Spain a couple of smaller ones um Dy we’ll see uh the power their conviction many of these same countries are the ones begging the US for Military Support so don’t know how that one’s going to work I mean hell the uh military in the UK has gotten so rough that they’re now uh stationing a couple of us service
member on their few remaining ships so that they don’t get attacked yeah human Shields and that is the general state of the overall military condition of Europe so while they may talk a lot of smack yeah I’m not trying to hurt any feelings here just trying to give you the facts uh Janet Bond people being paid has nothing to do with the rate that we get paid on currency two separate gigs but that they seem to be starting to receive dollars very much means that we are soon do we know when no we do not
know when um de now guys this is somebody that lives in the EU well I guess do Sweden count tetto I’m just getting on that front I do like Sweden of course the Swedish people are reeling from a lot of societal issues from the EU and pushing uh unvetted migrants into the country kind of a real mess got a lot of friends there they’re not happy boy some brutal memes out there just common sense Trump’s very right everybody’s trying to get him to call Putin this and call Putin that and he’s like look that’s that’s not smart I have
to sit down negotiating table with this person and carry on an adult conversation calling each other all kinds of obscene names before those uh talks well it’s stupid nothing more than that it’s just stupid he anybody that doesn’t get that well you probably rank right up there with stupid uh Z definitely baited him he wanted them to look rough I did not see militia man last night what did he share hopefully it was something uh Michael said that’s why I left Sweden in the the EU yeah a lot Michael you not you are
not alone on that one You Are Not Alone which is sad because it’s such a beautiful country cold but beautiful yeah I don’t know if it was a goal of his to make him meltdown or not Bobby lay yes Bonds were always supposed to be paid first in Fiat or at least the first payments were supposed to be Fiat before it transitioned uh Williams nothing special to tell you I was told just reach out to the bank and tell them what your condition is and they would make arrangements to come to you so um I assume that’s still the fact
William Ukraine setting up emergency session to impeach zinsky now guys there were there was some misinformation leaked on that front about a former politician um in uh the Ukraine that supposedly had come out guys he couldn’t have come out and said that he was in jail for something else but there are some credible stories coming out of the Ukraine right now that they are looking to uh they are pushing him to step down nothing fresh on the Zim guys we will do that first 45 minutes we’re going to spend hanging out with um Matt
and Lucas well with Matt because Lucas had made it in this morning uh the positive news when we get to it I’m goingon to hit this real quickly so we can get on to joining our time with Matt Lucas pkk declares ceasefire with turkey guys this is a uh militant arm uh in the Kurdish region of Iraq that is after more than 40 Years of conflict it is a ceasefire as they are working out many celebrations going on in Northern Iraq even into Southern turkey uh today after uh okal land’s announcement to lay down
the arms they’re talking about the pkk Parliamentary move to end the Turkish presence in Iraq peace is erupting in much of the Middle East as we speak and uh Lots going on on that front we we’ll have a lot to talk about digital currency will reduce money Printing and fight money laundering it’s a little different than it looks but we’re going to talk about it when it’s time uh my contacts are in scun this morning working I hope for an update uh to let me know what they were working on was it wealth management was it
exchange James is 66th today oh man the chat’s great this morning all right guys let’s let’s let’s get Matt in here so we can properly this morning make him feel Lov hey good morning Mark uh yeah Lucas should be coming in pretty quick here but we’ll see but uh yeah everything is going good how you doing I’m good how about yourself have you been keeping up with any of the crazy news oh yeah yeah for sure 100% I do it’s uh and I always got my eye on the street you know and uh but uh yeah yeah that was cool about uh
zalinsky you know I like to see punks like him told off but uh you yeah that was great that’s why Vance you know it’s like everybody says you know people think Trump’s only got four years you know now advaned will be there too oh yeah you know just pray for Vans to be alive that’s all you know and uh I’m surprised we’ve not seen more active hits or attempts at uh Trump so far the uh level of security must be through the roof yeah I would think they don’t even get close you know it’s uh I used to see
the security when presidents would come to town in the 90s and uh in Minneapolis area cuz I worked at the airport and uh you know there’s a there’s a lot what you don’t see there’s a lot of always a lot of people around it’s uh there’s a lot of people around I I don’t think it’s like the days when you know that guy came up to Reagan and did that tried to shoot well he did shoot him but yes yeah and uh tried to kill him I mean those it’s pretty tough to even get a shot off they really have a huge
perimeter of people around and I got to see uh a motorcade come by one time and uh there’s so many people around it’s unbelievable it’s not like they kind of make it on TV on TV shows and stuff make it look like it’s like 30 40 people it’s more like 4,000 whenever they’re moving they’re all over the place people don’t know it they you know and I I guess I shouldn’t say so anyways there’s a lot of people protect them I think Vance and Trump will be protected but they did fall down at his rally that time for
sure they screwed up you know yeah there was a lot of people against Trump you know a lot of local law enforcement and whatever not doing their job so that’s what a lot of social media the watching the social media it’s been uh stunning the number of folks on the left that are like that’s it no uh there were two presidents in that room there was only one president in that room that was zalinsky I’d rather zalinsky be my president I stand with Ukraine plans work go on they’d love somebody else to die at front lines for
you yeah yeah that’s that’s a shame All That Dying there just these folks I’m like they’re they’re they’re anti-American and pro-ukrainian but they live in America as far as I’m concerned you go to Ukraine I got nothing for you yeah you want to go fight for Ukraine go ahead you know there’s a me meanwhile there are Americans dying there are people still homeless uh in California and North Carolina and Tennessee heck all over the place and homeless vets and where’s your priorities I’m glad most of these people
aren’t parents because they are clearly putting everybody’s kids ahead of their own anyways all right enough that language uh while you guys are talking I’ll go pay the swear jar go Lucas can pay for it yeah but uh anyways is uh is Lucas in or should we just yeah no Lucas is here okay let’s do all the specials first then we get down to it but we got some really good specials you guys so let’s check them all out there um let’s see if you want to get in an order and you’re new to the show it’s uh great you showed up because
that’s cool and you know what I think every show you get Mark you get about 5% new people at least you know maybe not yeah well over I think over about a 3-we period you know so but yeah that’s yeah you got I think you got a lot more people out there than show you do or but you you got a ton of people watching your show but anyways um so anyways you guys if you want to get into the site you go to the CBD gurus.com and then when you get in there you hit the wholesale button on top there and then Mark’s name will show up
it’s Mark Z wholesale and then you’re automatically in the weekly specials before you get to the weekly special well you look at the weekly special see if your favorite products in there which a lot of time it is and then then uh if it’s not you can always hit the blue tabs on top you know when you first come into that area and there’s other products you can buy too but anyways let’s get to the specials okay they started on a Friday in the morning there at 9:48 and uh we have a Mark Z 14 that’s 14% off discount or but not both
or you can get uh currency with your order so you can either get the discount or the currency at 20 bucks and not including discounts and shipping you get uh $40,000 dong at $80 and not including discounts and shipping you get $100,000 dong and then at 150 not including shipping you get 160,000 dong and 5 million Boulevard okay now if you uh want to get some help on your order call uh Wendy or Amy they’re both working today at 612 412 8343 or or you can text that number a question and uh we’ll answer it by text
or I’ll have somebody get to you as fast as we can okay and then uh that’s it you got the number there to call in if you have any problems or you can send an email too if uh you got any questions or comments or whatever the contact at the CBD gurus.com okay now the specials we got this week you guys um are the immunity the the capsules we got those at 30 bucks we got the super immunity at 72 bucks that’s about uh two and a half times as strong as the uh the the uh immunity soft gels I can’t even get it
right sorry guys okay so then you got the uh regular gummies 50 milligrams gummies uh CBD in each gummy there’s 30 of them in there for 25 bucks sorry about that I’m sorry you guys I’ll get it together here okay and so now the next product we have it’s in different size packages you get 10 5 milligram gummies for $6 okay and uh we were getting a lot of action on that yesterday so if you like the five milligram THC gummies there you go yeah they’re good size in my book yeah various size packages we got twos fives
ones maybe even threes and fours it’s just I got to look and see how many we got there and then uh see we get these off to stores you guys but uh we just got some left over from the fall of last year so anyways um and they’re good and we got uh the 60 comp mushroom uh four mushroom gummies 38 bucks we got the uh pain cream for uh 23 on sale again save seven the pain cream 2000 lotion 2000 we got the X freeze roll on in yay yay yeah Lucas Yay good yeah hey hey we ship when we can when when they deliver they deliver like I
that’s like Matt’s like hey can you give them a call and see when they’re goingon to be delivered I’m like who do you think I don’t work for UPS he’s like oh yeah oh yeah just let me know when they’re going to deliver today I was like all right I’ll I’ll dial up his number and see okay yeah thanks all right and then we got turkey tail 120 count there we got the Lions man 120 count we got the miracle goals all three th sizes one with THC that’s been a super hit you know when we first got it I thought uh I didn’t know it was going
to sell as good as it did but it sells about four times as more than I thought it would and that’s a good because it’s a good product and people they wouldn’t buy it they wouldn’t keep repeat buying it if they didn’t like the effects of it so maybe we can have Lucas tell the effects of that product after I’m done here then we got the regular gummies we got uh oh man the THC and the lot of CBD the 1500 and the 14,000 the 14,000 that’s a double bottle people like that we got a regular oils we got
all kinds of stuff in there just scroll down and we also have some not too many left though these small people really took note yesterday I think when I said that and small people are fine because that small would probably fit my wife for sure well yeah it would it would you know I got to watch it yeah it still would y Okay so that’s it for the specials honest to God I’m glad she ain’t standing right here because she would have threw something at me right there hey look can can somebody call her
no I mean I was thinking that it would fit her but then you know you know what she’s actually really in pretty good shape now she’s getting in better shape all the time she’s in better shape than me so I couldn’t even fit that small on one arm probably I probably could I know LC good his arms are smaller yeah poor poor balber I have a vulture neck I don’t know what a vulture neck is but suddenly I’m in a lot of pain I can’t move my head without shooting pain I have the one THC so she got the smallest on me I
take four nothing happens unfortunately because of the size of them probably GNA take more I don’t know how functional you’ll be any thoughts on that one uh Lucas she takes the one milligram you said she took four and it wasn’t hitting the pain very much well see that b was inever pain a five would be my introduction yeah I would probably do you know the 255 full spec um another good one just because the concentration of CBD as well um is the 14,000 tinure so that still has in one full dropper like two and a half milligrams of
THC so you’re still getting a decent amount of THC but you guys got to realize like it’s not just about you know the THC concentration on the pain uh CBD over a long time uh really really really does well with managing pain and inflammation gotta and those nerves you got to watch them you really got to get to your orthopedist or chiropractor or whatever because uh you pinch NS long enough and it can start killing them you know your body’s telling you hey get this thing fixed somehow you know and
like Lucas my back was hurting the other day and uh it’s true he got after me he says you got to stretch more you and when I’m stretching it it’s like hell you know but now I stretched for you know like four days in a row and now it feels good so he was right you know but Mark because Matt was like oh yeah just take this and it’ll help I’m like yes but here’s the thing it’s collectively and we’ve talked about this before on the show as well it’s not about just taking one thing like you you have to make sure that you’re well
hydrated you have to make sure that you’re stretching that you’re getting enough sleep um and good sleep you know you’re eating correctly because you’re eating correctly affects your gut M you know microbiome and that in turn affects your you know your overall immunity it affects your sleep patterns I mean all of this is connected holistically and you have to make sure that you’re doing it all correctly and I know it’s like well how do I know where you know if I’m doing it correctly it’s like just start
off small and and just do you know like listen if if you’re going to sit there and eat McDonald’s you you know twice a week you know you’re like may maybe that’s the first thing you cut out um but you got to start down the road of slowly changing your habits to get you to a place where you’re starting to change your patterns and how you view uh you know your just your everyday life and that’s why I told Matt I was like listen I know you don’t stretch but guess what it’s about time to start that’s right yep and uh
and you know there are places that have junk food and uh good food too you know so like don’t like even like a place like bies I went rolling in there man they got a lot of crazy food but they got good you can pick healthier choices yeah yeah just get your damaging choices yeah and McDonald’s I I don’t know if they have do they have some healthy stuff I guess I mean yeah you could just like I I I don’t know would like if you were in there like look this if I got well the green malt that must have some
vegetables in it for the Shamrock deal um all right we got all kinds of fun stuff in here uh Jesse yes the soap is in you can find it under the buttons where it says 300 milligram CBD soap you can select your options uh milk collagen honey it’s in stock oatmeal milk honey in stock wild passion wild wild Fashion Is Awesome soap there you know yeah I haven’t tried this uh this wild passion I’ll send you some Mark it’s got a very nice like a like a like a a fruit smell but not real overpowering you know well now here’s
the question if I use that soap the lady’s going to be excited or the guy’s going to be excited because I’m a little worried about something called wild passion I would would agree and is this a formulation that they found at P Diddy’s house no no this is a formulation that uh okay when you walk by no it it’s great good they found it at P Matty’s house P Matty one and uh or squirrel Daddy but no it’s h the the wild passion is not actually that like floral it’s actually a little bit it’s a little more subtle um because it’s used
with more organic material whereas if things are made with uh uh synthetic oils and such you get a lot more vibrant uh smells and it’s just kind of how it works and if you use more natural it’s a little more duller um so you don’t have to worry about it being like super uh florally pungent if you will no that’s probably a bonus because um it’s nothing uh emasculating than smelling very you know not masculine yeah and those uh you know what the milk and collagen soap if you want something really good for your face
you know the wash it every day with that’s that’s pretty good stuff and then the the oatmeal milk and honey that’s uh that’s good stuff too man I mean it’s uh I’m I’m just surprised that um I’m not surprised how good they are they’re just great you know I don’t know what to say I mean I use them all the time I really do so that’s that’s that’s why random women which is a little awkward with the wife come up the mat just to touch his skin you know they did when I was younger but now it’s like they run no
they run from me no they no you know what they really don’t the GS they’re all right with me you know what it is I’m not a very handsome man I’ll admit it you know but I do you know what you just got to talk to people once you start talking to them they get by how hideous you are like me so and then that’s the trth I mean you know when when we’re out to when okay especially when I went out to lunch or eat dinner or whatever with Lucas now and then you know okay so right away he makes a better impression because he’s more
handsome and everything but as dinner wears on and the the Mater deer the waitress walked back and he still makes a better impression so I lose you thought I was going to say something else didn’t you Lucas I was waiting for it no I mean really you guys I tell you what going out to dinner with Lucas is pretty awesome man he’s like uh I said do you know these people he goes no not really got ex like they treat him like he’s a he’s like he’s like a Kingpin or something you know it’s fun Lucas I’m giving you a comment com
comiment condiment no comment condiment when we were eating out yeah I passed the condiment there we go but anyways no he’s uh if you ever get a chance to go out to eat with them I’m sure mark the same way we me and Mark will meet pretty quick here but uh yeah he’s it’s it was a highlight of my life really going out to eat with them we there was other people there of course you know but anyway I don’t even know why I’m saying this all right I’m just calling for time here but no I’m really not I I was going
to go somewhere with it but I thought no it’s not right man because tell them your true feelings you know honest to God but uh yeah we went to what was the name of that restaurant where they had the good food Lucas God that was a good place I like that do you remember the name of it what what did we have I’m God I can’t remember but the people were super nice and I said I said do you know these people L you know honest to God remember the owner came over oh yeah yeah bu house yeah it’s um uh but that’s
the thing it’s like I it’s kind of hilarious though because I like to just kind of just meet and talk to people and a lot of people honestly think about it if I was a waitress or a waiter I guess in my situation I’d be a waiter right um but well you never know these days you know I guess I could choose either one um but uh you know but like I just want to just hang out and you know talk to people and you know meet people have fun and it’s like some people go in there and it’s like no like you know you just
do what I tell you to do I’m like gosh dang it like I wouldn’t even if I that’s the problem I would never become a waiter because if people weren’t friendly to me I’m like I’m not going to serve you go somewhere else yeah I think no I think you’d be a good waiter I’ve been around a lot of weight people in my days listen but here’s the thing Matt people are rude like I don’t know when it started I don’t know why it started but people have just gotten super rude and and not only rude but just crude and how they
how they communicate with each other um I I don’t know if it was during the lockdown where people just all of a sudden forgot how to be nice to people and forgot how to just you know be a regular human being but apparently um at some point in time that all happened all right I think it’s racism well it’s it’s always racism but how did we get back to that one I’m just kidding I don’t know where match just like yeah it’s just like hey if there’s a problem with people it’s racism no I’m just kidding I’m surprised that hadn’t
already popped up on on this whole sininsky Trump thing I know I know it’s like Trump does not like zinski because he’s racist it’s like would anyone buy that it’s like yes they would and they would run with it and I’m just like are you guys kidding me it’s I get yeah and then the the Press I know this is a Sidetrack we need to get back to CBD but then the press in the left is like oh my God you know Trump yeah now he’s fully supporting the uh Nazis in Russia oh my God now he’s and I’m like wait a minute
wait a minute one side actually has a Nazi Brigade I mean Washington Post New York Times all the liberal Rags around the world wrote about it for a decade how they have active and then the Biden Administration let them have arms again and said well we don’t have any gross violations of human rights plenty of violations of human rights where they were doing some nasty crap but not gross violations so you got one side screaming I mean the Russians millions of people to the Nazis millions they hate them
with every core of their being because of it I mean just all right anyways I’m I’m gonna stop now hey Lucas Mark Mark you you brought this on and tell me if I’m wrong because you’re you’re a real guy who reads A Lot in the history buff didn’t a lot of the old Nazi families settle in Ukraine after Germany or am I wrong yeah most of them in eastern Ukraine some yes but you also had a lot of uh dues that kind of hid there during World War II as well so I mean one of the biggest trading partners for Russia
up through like 2012 or 13 before the US engineered coup in uh Russia was um Ukraine Russian Ukraine phenomenal relations anyways uh if people care about history or science or facts not that they seem to it’s all about just the whatever virtue signaling the Press tells us to care about so anyways let’s let’s get back to CBD let’s get back to funds right suddenly need to take more deltate gummies to feel it the same been using them for years formula change question mark no your resistance is gone
up well formulation has changed some but I run across the same problem every year or two and I have to stop using deltate for a couple of days and it resets the system so I’ll just switch to like Delta 9 or I just Thug it out and don’t use anything for a couple days and it resets the system how was that for an answer Lucas it was good I mean I mean the thing is though technically according to uh our systems we actually need to like to really do a hard reset is uh 40 5 days wow I didn’t know it was that long but
that’s a good I can’t go that long without good sleep y well I know that that that’s the only hard part quick question on Delta can you mix Delta 9 and Delta eight together Lucas is it good I I mean technically yes you can do can I actually recommend it on the show no like I don’t think you should I know Mark does um I have personally but uh to do it you like like how I did I started like really really low be ready to sleep yeah yeah and and not something you do if you want to function it’s something you want to do if you sleep at
least that’s my take I’m not a doctor you know definitely talk to your doctors whenever you have a concern 100% And you know that’s the biggest thing is finding a good doctor that is willing to work with you on these you know alternative ways instead of just taking a pill from the pharmaceutical companies and calling it a day it’s like no find someone who’s willing to be like hey I don’t want to take that crap I want to take something more natural and uh you know help me and guide me on what do you think I should
do or my you know the dosaging and um like all of that is just super super important and being able to work with someone I’ll answer that next question in 10 seconds ready yes what to use for itchy skin Matt Miracle Gold 3000 them on your skin because obviously you’ve got some sort of microbes in there and if you don’t it’s I think it’s going to heal it anyway in that area and also use the uh our CBD soap three or with 300 milligrams in there I’d go for the collagen use that when you’re taking your shower washing your hands whatever
even you know put it on there and then use the Miracle Gold 3000 what do you think Lucas was that good yeah I think both of those I mean you’re gonna right away You’re Gonna feel um you know just the absorption of especially of the Miracle Gold of the black seed oil into your skin um so you’re I mean you’re gonna get relief pretty darn quick quick thing on black seed oil too if you go on Amazon or whatever or any online deal and you see it super cheap it’s it it won’t help you do anything it’ll just it’ll probably do more harm
than good because there’s nothing in it then it’s uh because like I go back to when Kevin bought me that 16 oce bottle for nine bucks and I know he’s not listening I don’t want to hurt his feelings but I just I poured it out so hey snow wolf that’s exactly why I made it not necessarily for the weight loss but for the gut issue Health like that I have like substantially in myself and it uh it’s crazy that that like I went a year and a half trying to find something that would actually work and that’s when I started formulating it
because I just couldn’t F like it was miserable I I mean I was literally miserable um it it was kind of the one of the worst years um of trying to deal with that I mean it was Mark I’m not joking I probably had heartburn I don’t know two to five times a day I I even got so bad like we were driving back um we were on the road and it was like late at night and it hit again and like I ended up on the side of the road just throwing up like it was my stomach gal I don’t know what the heck happened and it was right after covid I I I don’t
know if that messed I have no idea but uh that’s originally why I created the the Miracle Gold was to help with the with my gut health issues so it’s good to hear that you know other people are also experiencing um you know great results from that yeah it’s good to take care of your gut that’s one place they proven there’s actual uh in the heart area in your brain and in the gut there’s a there’s a what do they call them waves that it’s almost like a Thinking Center it thinks so you got to take care of that I know
you guys maybe have not heard about that but what’s it called there’s like almost like brain waves in your stomach so take care of it see when it growls I think it’s and I’m just making a joke about the growling part but have you guys heard that before or am I nuts no it’s true you can just just all you gotta do is Google it are there brain there’s a big connection between the brain and the gut yeah so it really is just Google brain waves in your stomach it’s real deal so we got a couple I want to hit on while we have
time uh Dita first how many you know how much of the miracle goal were you taking for your gut to try to work on uh the heartburn now this is overtime this isn’t just like a taking of Tums um but uh Lucas you want to touch that one then we’ve got somebody asking about pituitary gland tum yeah so th this is not an like it’s not an antd guys this is you got you got to get out of your thinking pattern that this is something that is going to like how pharmace Pharmaceuticals are created to mask your symptoms or to help the
symptoms right this is not that mentality so like I wouldn’t take it when I had heartburn because there’s nothing you can really do and honestly the black seed oil isn’t going to make it any better so what at least in the moment so I just took it in the morning I took uh pretty much I took like um like a half dropper in the morning and about three hours later I took another half dropper so like 6: am and 9:00 am and that over it took about a week uh for it to really help start regulating and getting my stomach acid back to
normal but it was a week I mean like I mean I was dealing with heartburn you know like I said two to four times a day and you know started taking the blackseed oil and after a week um like all of a sudden it was like gone and it really just but it’s not something that’s like oh I got harburn I need to take black SE like it doesn’t work like that all right now we got this one I find interesting uh any suggestions for pituitary gland tumor uh one first thing to remember is not doctors here um so shoot whatever we talk past if it’s
cancerous tons of research showing that CBD is uh very effective and helping with that battle uh mushrooms tons of evidence showing that they are very helpful in dealing with uh or helping uh in conjunction with um treatments of course then we’re not even get into the ibeck and fin Ben but uh to me it sounds like throw it all and see what your doctor thinks yeah exactly because like again like we talked about guys why it’s good and we’re not doctors to get with someone like in this case your oncologist and talk through with these
options and be like hey this is the route I want to go work with me on a dosing plan for me specifically that I can work with you because you’re going to have to do blood draws constantly you’re going to have to manage that and like that’s just something and that way your doctor oncologist can be like okay this is your blood panel this is what’s going on let’s up the dose on you know this side of things whether it be the mushrooms or whatever let’s lower it on the you know CBD and THC side um so so
there’s so many different variables that come into play um so many uh boy Kathy wheo with one milligram of Xanax with 50 milligrams of Trazodone and 20 milligrams of melatonin doesn’t keep you at sleep what CBD products do you suggest I’m like wow that should put like an elephant down um for me I started with 20 milligrams of Delta eight and that put me down uh but I don’t I don’t even know where to go on that one I mean that’s could be a lot of Lifestyle Changes exercise in the morning change what you’re eating and
when protein an hour to just protein an hour or two before bed will keep you from waking up in the middle of the night as often I mean there’s tons of science uh anybody want to touch it you know I just gonna say one thing Mark with that with that protein um so one thing that I have tried so when Matt came I mean I was still a little bit heavier uh like 2 45ish or something and I’m down to like 215 right now um and uh you know just doing the you know just doing really a lot of meat um I do meat eggs um you
know and I was doing them more for weight loss but what one thing that I’ve realized that really helps cutting out all sugar I eat Max three grams of sugar a day and people are like oh three grams that’s a decent amount it’s like no three grams of sugar a day is like two you know three gummies that’s it wow so I I’ve really cut the sugar intake but one thing that I have not I was not counting on my sleep has improved tenfold getting rid of any and all uh carbs and sugar for my diet like my sleep is unreal now so you know maybe
that’s something to look at as well with the sleep is to really focus on improving your diet along with these other things plus one of the benefits is getting rid of or not getting rid and making a heck dent on your insulin resistance losing weight I mean there’s so many yeah getting rid of the sugars and carbs it’s stunning what it’ll do for your body stunning EMA swelling I mean it really is stunning what it’ll do for you yeah lots of research all right what CBD product has the highest amount of THC per gummy I
assume it’s just a 10 milligram gummies right yeah 10 milligram 10 count gummies Yep they’re in the Delta 8 and Delta 9 gummy area right now but guys 10 milligrams of D9 is a lot of D9 yeah that’s uh that that that that’ll make you feel like you’re uh back in high school or college or wherever again yeah I mean everyone’s like oh I’ve taken the 25 you know Delta eights the 10 D9 shouldn’t be bad oh it’s a it’s it’s a lot heavier than the 25 d8s a lot heavier than the 25 d8s somebody was just talking about about um
how addictive sugar is it lights up the exact same spots in your brain as cocaine pure cocaine it is yeah everybody out there going oh my God I can’t believe that they’re addicted to something you’re looking at the most addictive substance known to mankind and that is sugar you you know what Mark uh about uh it took about uh two weeks to get over it the sugar I’m telling you what I have never in my life fell a pole like my wife was like no because I asked her I was like hey you need to hold me accountable I cannot you
know right to get through this and she was like okay like it’s just sugar oh my gosh after about like I would say probably day or four three or four was probably the worst like I went downstairs I was gonna like literally sneaking food for my wife and I was just going to get a little tiny just a bite just a bite a little and I got like you know this little nugget of uh like granola um downstairs and she she she was on to me and uh she came downstairs and knocked it out of my hand she’s like what are you doing I
like oh my gosh I was like I need sugar so bad right now we I’m weak and I’m just like I look back at I’m like oh my gosh like it was like I was like looking for my cocaine like I’m like where ‘s it at where’s it at and I was like it is unreal how just addictive it is and you don’t realize till you stop you want me to answer the next one I’ll give her a shot tell me if I’m wrong okay all right this question Beach lover for cancer and health what CBD should I take without THC should I should I take now guys we’re not talking
about any cures here anything crazy like that we’re just talking about what science and what people here have said have helped I would take them Miracle Gold 3000 either 1 oz or 2 oz bottle I’d take the Super immunity because of the cbga and the cbda how it penetrates that brain uh brain blood barrier and then I would also take the um the turkey tail mushrooms is that right you guys was that good yeah the turkey tail and the Rishi um are really good as well um and I think you’re right on track I think the
the you know the Miracle Gold um along with the immunity which is kind of crazy to think about on the immunity side but the cbga and CBG um especially on the Miracle golden immunity are the the starters um or as they call it the mother of all the canabo because all the canabo it starts out when the plant develops it starts out with cbga so the acid um the precursor before CBG and so everything comes through all the canab no THC CBD CBC everything comes through CBG so but but again like this is why
it’s so important guys especially down this path and I cannot stress this enough it’s all about dosing and working with your doctor and oncologist with your blood panels to make sure you are dosing correctly that is that is so important he and if anybody wants to order go to the CBD gurus.com go to the wholesale area and uh hit mark C and then uh you go to down and uh oh if you have to get into that area and it shows a box you put in lowercase k r a m CBD and then you’re in the specials and everything so you can
order if you have any questions for sure give a call 612 412 8343 uh Wendy and Amy are standing by today and also uh if you have any questions here especially if you’re new because a lot of new people have questions give a call and uh you’ll be all said okay and uh yeah just wanted to throw that in there you guys all right I know Matt’s paying better attention to the time than Lucas and I but I got one quick one for you um somebody asking about the deltate soft gels I know that they were coming back and were expected
any day but what’s the update on that one just so I can answer that one before we uh skip out um it’s you know we got to decide me and Lucas if we’re going to bring those back I mean it’s uh what do you we want to discuss it here but we got to decide on that that’s all I we can but it’s uh we’ve been kind of wrestling it back and forth Mark for several reasons um and it’s it’s I I know we’re out of time we’ll have to discuss it next time but it’s it’s a little bit more complicated than just bringing it back or not
bringing it back yeah and uh but we do have that gummies for sure so that’s that’s a great thing and uh I I think we will it’s just uh we there’s something we’re working through right now and uh we’ll get it done so did I say that right no yeah you’re fine one I just wanted to share this one for you guys before we wrapped love CBD products entire family using them we have an adult daughter who’s mentally challenged and subject to seizures she takes one 5 milligram Delta 9 in the morning and one before bed no seizures
in two years that’s awesome right I mean that’s awesome oh mighty if science mattered I mean that same THD that everybody screams about being the devil it’s the only sub it’s the only substance scientifically proven to slow my muscle disease so for me yeah no I’m a big believer because I’ve seen you know I’ve seen a father go through cancer grandmother go through cancer and all those and I’ve seen what these things do for them yeah for sure when somebody you love has uh prostate cancer breast cancer or whatever it change it changes
you awfully quick on what you think is right what you think’s wrong or good you are not a kid on that front and then when you see how effective these things are that they’ve been demonizing for years then you have to ask yourself who are the evil poop heads here good choice of words I’m trying man I don’t have I don’t have enough cash on me for this dag on jar that I’m filling yeah you better you better start getting some ones maybe some twos to uh you know kind of help you on a double right what’s what’s the cost every time you
dollar a dollar I mean I’ve already got a couple in there from this morning and I’m behind you are I’m an expected picture with that thing filled don’t be cheating either boy have a good one Mark yeah Mark thanks for having us on everybody and uh have a great day and uh yeah just be ready like the squirrel just be ready he’s got his claws and I think it’s time to I think I’m gonna go shopping today and get another gun no I I don’t even know what the hell I’m talking about but that’s my day you know what I hope
everybody has a great day I’m uh we’re just going shopping today all right you go have fun yep you guys take can you see can you see the screen with me yeah oh yeah when she asks you uh how much uh she needs she just needs to go like this like how big how much money do you need and she just holds up like how big the stack she wants to go shopping with oh yeah well yeah bring in the uh if it’s that big it’s got to be the boulevar or something all right let’s get out I’m not getting out of here you getting out
of here maybe that’ll be a good shopping spree in a couple months so that could be a great one I hope within a week or two yeah I just I just put a couple months because you know I just try to be more conservative on it I don’t know I mean I hope it happens today I really do and you know what there are signs the tea leaves what do they call them the tea leaves the crystal ball yeah read the tea leaves the magic eight ball the whatever you want to call it I think I’m going to introduce a new thing to our show next
time the eightball so people can ask questions I’ll just shake it give answers I think we need hey thanks Mark have a great day take care see you guysbody bye bye uh before I can possibly forget fly foot me I haven’t had a chance to thank you over on the rumble side um thank you you uh Greg of course thank you and kimarie for the curse jar uh donation thank you um yeah the signs are there let’s get to a quick recap on news time because we kind of touched on it at first some people on Saturdays don’t join until well 45 in so
let’s get to it pkk pkk declares ceasefire with turkey after more than 40 Years of conflict outlawed Kurdish militants have declared a ceasefire with turkey after a landmark uh call by the jailed pkk leader Abdullah aalan asked the group to disband said you know it’s time it’s time for us to put down we have uh we’ve worked it differences put it down it’s time to stop the war it’s time to settle things and live in peace I love it after uh his announcement to lay down arms parliamentary parliamentary move to end
Turkish pres uh presence in Iraq in other words peace is breaking out in the Middle East and it’s specifically the Kurdish region of Iraq as they are working through uh pumping uh which we should be pumping early in the week uh if not over the weekend officially 185,000 barrels a day is the initial which is Big um huge uh bonds side guys pretty quiet this morning groups we do have a couple couple of groups of and working no updates from them my Redemption Center contacts are working but I don’t know
what they’re working at hoping for an update today I’ve been unable to get one so far Angel even sending some from uh from Europe for me I appreciate you for that for the swear jar you are much appreciated um yeah so many positive things happen oil sets next Tuesday as a date for a meeting with oil companies in the region as it starts to pump these are uh final meetings to finish any outstanding debt to uh finish those files sudanes advisor same guy we’ve been talking for a while the guy that took shab’s place Mazar Muhammad salil
financial advisor of the Prime Minister on Saturday outlin the benefits of issuing a digital currency from Central Bank said no no we will slowly overtime transition out the cash as we come up the speed and we have more control over our current and it enters the digital space meaning we’ll be able to track it um so this is over time over time they will do it matter of fact they even mention it in here uh Quantum Leap Forward blah blah blah reducing cost production distribution enhancing transparency increasing consumer uh um
spending savings investment foreign transfers suddenly become and they’re talking about coming up to our digital world but it’s also important to note that as they are setting these with a proper Ledger we have to go back because they discussed this a couple of years ago with what they uh presented to the world as the I dinar where they would have an asset backed dinar combination of gold oil and a basket of currencies that they were going to introduce the IDR and then any cash you had was a physical
representation of that token or digital currency whatever you want so it did have physical backing this is very different than what we hear when we hear about Central Bank digital currencies that are backed by nothing and that are Fiat this is very different they’ve discovered it I mean excuse me discussed it very openly in the past in Iraq so nobody nobody panic when they see these you should be getting excited um other than that pretty quiet nothing specific to any one currency overnight let’s see o and the series on itchy
boots went through turkey and Kurdistan nothing M gracious people evening at the border crossings o what’s even more dangerous Mexico border crossing if you think about it yes and no I mean we’ve got our issues with um border and Canada Border in Mexico the overwhelming majority of drugs come through the southern border overwhelming number of uh migrants come from Southern border but the overwhelming majority majority of um Middle Eastern Islamic uh Etc come through the Canadian border and that’s
part of what has Trump upset it’s not only stopping I mean was it like 50 pounds on average I think of of um oh come on here fentanyl come through the Canadian border as opposed to like 20,000 pounds of fentol come across the southern border so on the drug side it’s not even close but on the dangerous immigrant side surprisingly closer than you think so it’s all those I’ve never watched itchy boots Channel I have to check that out a lot of money being made at the US borders it’s just different as to what
comes across one as to what comes across the other Kirby I appreciate you Kathy this will be uh I believe the fourth time in 120 years where Iraq has revalued a currency uh definitely not the first time there’s a lot of historic precedence I believe it was late 70s last time we saw a major move up um after they had a period of stability um but yeah no there’s a lot there’s a lot of history on this one let me turn this Banner off lot to talk about lots to discuss this morning core inflation down the fed’s preferred
method to meas measure inflation core personal consumption expends has dropped seven-month low of 2.6 who do we give credit do we give credit to Biden do we give credit to Trump core inflation when we see it drop it’s usually because of a reduction in the uh energy cost that’s the quickest way to make a change to core inflation uh what have we seen uh change considerably under Trump even even though we have Biden emptying the Strategic petroleum reserves or excuse me the Strategic political reserves and
selling gas and putting us in a bad spot uh Trump’s drill drill drill baby rhetoric has helped to stabilize oil prices worldwide leading to a drop in core inflation yeah he said he was going to and he made Moves immediately love this one for you guys Governor desandis is right let’s eliminate Florida’s property taxes column over at the Tampa Bay Times uh they are putting forth legislation to be voted now guys they have to vote and pass it in the Florida legislator but they’re saying you know we’ve done the math we
can make this work we can end property taxes in Florida huge you think about the number of retirees that moved to areas like that doing away with that is enormous to their to their bills their ability to survive deal with curves so uh I kind of like that one I think they are slow balling in soft balling in te- balling putting it on the tea Nera for you guys nothing new at all on the dong Judy Social Security announces significant Workforce reductions oh my God Trump is making cuts at the Social Security uh
Administration well at least that’s what the headlines say well he is on administrative cost in otherwise in other words he is modernizing it so it does not require as much overhead and we can make certain that the people that deserve it are getting it providing for more stability long-term potential security uh he is streamlining getting rid of the waste heck we might be able to start paying people more when we start paying the ones that are actually alive and we get rid of all the pencil pushers in between that aren’t needed uh
when you have 40 people doing the job that one person could do with the proper Hardware computer programs Etc does it not make more sense to invest you know out of those 40 people one person could do it with the right stuff does it not make sense to invest one or two year salary for some of the other people to put in it so you don’t have to pay the other 39 people does it not make a little bit of sense would that not be more efficient I don’t know about you guys but any of you out there ever own
to business is it make more sense for you to pay somebody a little more that can do the work of four or five people or pay four or five people less and spend three or four times more on labor or does it make more sense to pay one person well and get the job done efficiently and effectively and save money overall this is all we’re talking about this is business at the government level somebody that understands business at the government level it’s really fun to read through these and get the details of how
much um and where they are headed on this front because it’s it’s going to be a massive change for for all the folks at the street and the street level perhaps they can actually get a living amount of money I me think about the money you put in Social Security every year you get out I think that number on average is about a quarter of what you put in like each year so but you put in over the span of like most 40 45 years most Americans you’re not going to collect for 40 45 years and every year you do
collect you’re only collecting a fraction of what you put in per year really is a crap deal we need to fix it we need to clean it up we need to be able to pay our seniors a reasonable amount and our disabled a reasonable amount and in order to do that you have got to get rid of the waste and streamline the process such common sense why do so many people have such a difficult time with it and why does mainstream media is so absolutely irresponsible to phrase it and put it the way they do to work people up when
they know how dangerous it is I I agree we need to go after misinformation and disinformation and our government and mainstream media has been spreading it at an obscene rate for a long time just there you go Cathy very simple Common Sense make it great zinsky regrets what happened today Ukrainian officials desperate to get deal back on track after Oval Office meltdown Trump not interested zalinsky wanted to come back that evening and apologize nope not even gonna have a conversation nope go home
little man of course that was pretty offensive too and mean-spirited but hey look I’m not the one that called the president of the United States a little um if you want the translation uh what is it I’m trying to remember the first one Whatever Susa called him a little yeah on not even National Television worldwide stage and you want them to negotiate with you you came asking and you had a deal worked out and because he didn’t call somebody the mean name that you wanted to call them which was horribly
irresponsible you had a fit that is not somebody that I believe is stable enough to run a country I the left is always telling you how unstable Donald Trump is they’re telling you how he is half coocked and he says things he shouldn’t who just took that and took it to a level that Trump doesn’t touch sininsky so if you’re on the left and you’re like oh my God I can’t believe you know something came out of Trump’s mouth he’s so irresponsible with what he says back up a little your hero is even more irresponsible this
zinski boy I’m having a tough time yes Lisa again some of them have actually gotten dollars fly foot uh will Venezuelan Boulevard with different years exchange at the same rate all right that’s a loaded question flyfoot me per boulevar yes per Bill no because each bill represents a different level of zeros Etc hopefully this makes sense if it doesn’t make sense put up your hand like right now and scream that it makes no sense when we get over here to the venezuel Boulevard the different years represent
different numbers of zeros so of course they’re going to have different values a 2020 you add eight a 2019 adds eight you get up here and you’re adding 14 once you go 20201 and up so you have to do the math on the Boulevard and how many zeros are attached to it I am told that the rate will be the same per Boulevard but each bill represents based on a series a vastly different number of Boulevard does that make sense I hope that makes sense because it is causing a lot of confusion because how they red
denominated their bills and their different series they made it very confusing not around a country but he looks great in Hills and tights oh that’s harsh all the past films you guys all right let me rain it back in you what do you guys want to do for a little bit wasn’t wasn’t ready for that much to happen that quickly on the news front all right from Epstein to Diddy Spotlight Shines on James comey’s prosecutor daughter she keeps showing up in all of these trials or mistrials or whatever from Epstein to Maxwell I mean this this
young lady only hit 30 just a couple years ago when she’s already been on just some massive I mean since since she was like 25 or 26 on some really big ones and almost every one of them ends up in minimal or hand slap prosecutions or suicided so it does make you kind of wonder what’s going on at least it makes anybody with a thinking or questioning mind Wonder could be absolutely coincidence a thinly covered new news story from December that suddenly relevant again New York prosecutor uh maren Comey whose father
James Comey famously refused to prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information and then participated in the Russian collusion hoax joined the prosecution against combes uh the younger Comey has previously worked as lead prosecutor on both the Jeffrey Epstein and jlan Maxwell case as well as that of former Epstein cellmate Nicholas cigle uh comes is currently facing multiple series legal chart okay we already know that P Diddy combes uh Miss conduct cond conduct you name it and somehow she’s in charge of
this one we know that anytime a comey’s involved there are no real prosecutions I mean at this point can we arrest anybody do you think we could settle for one we keep hearing about all these oh we’re going to get Justice oh we’re going to get arrest oh who’s going to be the first arrest hell I’d settle for any arrest doesn’t have to be anybody big at this point beginning to wonder how ineffectual these prosecutors are and how long pamb Bonnie and Trump’s uh uh FBI Etc are going to put up with this
how long I understand that cash Patel hasn’t been on the ground long and has more uh a gargantuan herculan uh effort in front of them to get the FBI pulled in but I’m really uh disappointed so far that we have not seen more I know it takes time I get it but I think if they were very public in their progress on this it would help the American people I don’t know about you guys on that front I’m not trying to beat or cast doubt because Lord knows that the mainstream meeting the left has taken a new approach and if you guys
haven’t figured it out then a little worried about you uh have started seating social media chat rooms like ours saying I voted for Trump but I’m really mad because this hadn’t happened in other words they’re doing their best to se doubt and Splinter communities they’re going oh my God you know I was such a big whatever and you you’ll notice overwhelming majority of these accounts if you go back in time on them you’ll find out they’re Democrats uh or you can’t go back in time because they didn’t exist but they boy they’ll throw
the American flag they’ll put the red hat they they’ll give you everything that you want to think to make you think oh my god there really is a mega person they’re really upset with Trump maybe I should be mad at him too guys the war they’re they’re now turning now that they have failed so miserably in their confrontational approach that they are now taking a very very very gorilla um color Revolution approach and you guys need to be mindful of it because they are they are doing their best to play
with their heads and SE descent I think it’s a whole lot easier to do the same thing to them because we don’t even have to se like BS descent we don’t have to even make up an account we can use their own words and actions against them and just highlight them we don’t have to do anything else one Titan yeah probably pretty smart at this point I’m seeing posts that Obama Susan Rice and blinkin told zilinsky to stand up to Trump yeah that to me when you have us leaders and some of the things coming out of shift’s
mouth right now are one just off color and irresponsible but I would say they absolutely border on straight up treason with what some of the left are screaming and saying right now and many of them I believe have already crossed what I would consider treason or what any rational thing thinkg person throughout history would have considered treason oh the Oscars that might be fun as somebody tries to make a statement the fene thing is so deep and so corrupt that it would totally upend the world I doubt we will see anything
on this one oh I think we’re going to see it and I think they’re ready to let those chips fall one thing you will notice that the left is constantly trying to sew doubt so that we don’t push for it all to come out they are pushing to say well you know there’s this picture of trump with um EP all Trump flew on his plane you know I haven’t been able to find that they say it’s in the logs I’ve looked um we do know uh for a fact according to uh probably the person that has done a better job going through the Attorney
General from the Bahamas that got canned by Biden because she pushed the full release of the epine files that she had so he went down and insisted that she be removed and she was quickly gone but she was very clear no no they worked with Donald Trump to get evidence on Epstein he’s never been to the island so he may have used a plane owned by Epstein in the past but even that is questionable uh they’re trying to say well no he was a party uh with that with P didy that’s true uh because they were not not a p
did’s uh you know lotion parties but he did appear uh throughout history occasionally at some of the biggest parties in New York you know you stop by it’s all of the pp circumstances before he was ever president he did make appearance at some of those which you know kind of questionable nobody knew at that point what uh P was at were doing by the time it turned into drug lotions he had already made the decision this isn’t a good guy I don’t need to be around them and he doesn’t drink but they’re attempting to paint it
that way to cast doubt it’s all about putting in cracks in the dam making people question so do your own research just don’t be shaken easily have some strength in your convictions and beliefs although uh guys uh you know if you want to podcast later I think booger is willing to do one for us fill in for me so I can get a vacation if you’ve never had the privilege of talking to booger for long it would be a hoot for you what if we could ever talk him into doing it I’m reading a few of these it’s it’s
about that time we should probably sing Happy Birthday soon and call it uh Infidel we won’t have any of that language in here just reading a few booger on Whiskey booger doing a podcast is scary booger on Whiskey and WIS oh God it’d be a hoot guys he is funny let’s see what a dog Day live Dog Day live over on the rumble side said they’ve investigated Trump from head to toe from inside and outside in I’m not worried about if they really had something un Trump they would have pulled it out oh you are so right Dog
Day live you you’re making a great Point guys if they knew if they had anything does any part of you think it would not already be out in the open I mean they had to pay people to make up stories about Russian hookers and golden showers they had to pay people to come up with um Russian collusion they had to pay people guys if they had anything they be paying for it like that they would just be releasing it that’s a great point over there nobody has been researched more than he has they have looked and looked and
looked his face 69 tomorrow Happy Birthday no fed now will not be our digital currency there’s a lot of confusion over what fed now is fed now is a payment processing system to move money that would be like saying is Swift the new currency Swift isn’t your currency I think that could probably be its own like 20 podcasts on just how much M misinformation is running around on fed now trying to keep up with you guys lots of birthdays happening Debbie 74 today happy birthday to Debbie Wendy Judy Aaron James another just James James
Katherine turning bagetti 1 Carson turning 13 today uh granddaughter twice this week she turned five on Wednesday a happy belated so many birthdays yeah Trump banned Epstein from Margo when Epstein uh this is even before his first conviction he found out he was chasing younger people and was like yeah no I’m not going to have that at my club trying to keep up with uh all of you folks see if I’m missing any fun birthdays over on the kick side I think I’ve got them all fortunately the mods cover me and bring things over Mr Chips
happy birthday let’s do it so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love make all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you to all those celebrating Janie 77 tomorrow Willoughby does anyone know how long the RV will exchange supposed to leave Tuesday for 10 days stop worrying I’ve been told you have the absolute minimum of 30 days and most likely you will have about 90 days is what I’ve been told for a decade you’re not going to miss it folks
stop panicking when you have to travel stay calm my grandmother to turn use m matter that’s glad we all have a good sense of humor or most some some folks have no sense of humor I say something and they I get the nasty email I’m like my God they missed that it was humor Clinton you’re GNA survive it we’re not gonna let we’re not going to let cancer get you first all right let’s get out of here I will see you all the Monday morning unless something big happens uh I am I am cancelling Monday night and Friday night podcast casts so
I can make more time and work a reason would you know the average America only works 34.1 hours I mean that’s still like you know you still gotta have a life and stuff but geez I need to take a clue see you guys Monday morning thank you all the moderators uh oh let’s see before I forget the IRS has got to return to inperson work by March 10th they have waved all the exemptions uh so it’s going to be very interesting to see what happens and how many well leave now I’m out of here see you guys