Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 02-28-2025

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 02/28/2025

good morning all checking to make certain the mic’s on hello Wendy Hill hemp Christian May Hunter guy Joe clear hello Soul arum hello TP and Captain Peggy hello moose and farmer good to see you over there on the kickside hello Mr Lee Mr Booze esste files because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the sons of men is full set for them to do evil we got a few updates on that one some uh interesting uh politics going on hello my R and hello Aletta Marie hello J tronin getting a farm I like

that one hello Josh and Tahoe hello Mr M hello Chris beo good morning good morning yeah a lot happening in the news this morning should make for an interesting day I’ve not looked to see what the markets are doing but the markets ahead of us from uh pretty much all over the US are tanking today so I was kind of curious oh W we’re already up 221 points figure if you can make sense out of that one I mean you know in the rest of the world we got things going on like Nik stock index tumbles five month

low what else do we have stock market crashday bloodbath on delal Street the Indian stock market I you know for some reason it’s all peachy here maybe it’s the Trump effect hello MJ I see you over there on Rumble Patriot here I think it’s a great chance at the upen list could be uh cover for this we got Dorene with a birthday we got katrinia with a birthday happy birthday Miss Rogers hello Chile Wyoming hello Mich shelle Bell I see husband Bob Kelly’s husband Bob with a birthday good morning Dr

Jonathan say good morning Mark I have military patience and their Spirits are not letting them respond to elon’s email of five things yeah it seems like there’s a bit of a pissing contest going on wonder who’s going to win that one I think we already know that answer Anna’s going to have a birthday on Tuesday see if we can get her done before then uhoh Michelle in Prime Time 60th happy birthday trying to keep up with you guys Q drop number 700 will this be suicide weekend or next isn’t it a great

question you know I would I didn’t know if they were serious or not when they posted last night but the searches in the Hollywood area and a few in the DC did see a considerable pickup on non-extradition countries to the US so I do believe there are some afraid people running around out there hello dink new enves Madison’s sixth birthday we got Miss Madison celebrating and then we got another one right here let’s see uh husband Brian celebrating a birthday today Wendy gonna do one tomorrow I say Wendy Michael’s uh wife

is going to do one tomorrow so I’ll put her down on tomorrow hello Gerald hello let’s see well we’ll talk about that’s a good question Sheila we’re waiting for an update uh is the New York office of the FBI and State Department of Investigations are they digging in and refusing because so far they refused to turn over the information I would not be surprised to see some type of Federal Marshals storm some offices today for that information Ray good to have you in the house wh Judy’s going to celebrate on

Sunday so we’re going to put you on the uh Saturday list Miss Judy just so we don’t forget you oh Sandy 67 in Georgia today that’s t pack your bags pedos flight leaving for Club Kido right morning Mark have my 60th birthday on the 23rd Mike happy bladed let’s see silver color 75 birthdays 79 and 38 years married oh you did it on your birthday on the whole married thing congratulations silver color happy birthday thanks for bringing that one over uh Michael 58 and chat noua home of the Bessie Smith

strut and for you folks that live in the area during Riverbend Festival have never been shame on you it’s a lot of fun yeah Melissa I won’t be surprised if they pulled a Hillary and destroyed yeah I mean what have we what else have we learned Obama administration pointedly told them to drop in uh prosecution of Hillary Clinton we’ve learned so many like bombs uh Intel truth bombs whatever stuff that should already be sending people to jail I hope this Administration is taking that seriously trying to keep up with all of

you folks all right it’s close enough Let’s uh start getting into uh some news here’s one I really should though let me let me switch back for a second while I pull this one this one’s kind of a fun one for you folks I’m going to drop this link in all of the different platforms this one over at Arcadia economics the shocking history of the Fort Knox gold audits what’s been done before what hasn’t been done there’s some really good historical ones for uh today so I’m going to start dropping those things into um chat

so you guys can see them on all the different platforms for any of those that want to do a little uh homework later then we’re going to get back to actual uh news or I say we are think we’re about to get to it yeah now we’re getting to it uh my computer was lagging guys sorry about that one news time in the coming hours Iraq begins to resume oil exports in the Kurdistan region the uh testing checking of the pipelines going a little better than I think some were expecting and they do when they say within hours could

be within uh a day or two but they are hoping to be started this weekend is what I am getting from it talking about the flow of oil they still want to make certain they stay uh in line with OPEC to keep oil prices up but they have they’re going to start with like 185,000 barrels a day and then ramp up that’s a huge income increase for uh for Iraq part of the reforms and balanced budgets uh what else do we have around the world the bond side guys tons of folks expecting dollars spendable uh on the weekend very upbeat stuff I still am

looking for a good update on the um group side which I just don’t have what I do know is that I have a wealth management I’ve had one respond they are told that they are working both days this weekend don’t know what that means uh what it is they’re doing uh but they said they are expected to uh work uh pretty much full day Saturday and a partial Day on Sunday so we’ll see what that is we’re also uh you know pretty well into the uh tax season wealth management season so it could be unrelated yeah I love that pigs are

flying in the pipelines I like that one I’m gonna take this off just so uh it’s not uh distracting while I keep moving yeah Glenn Beck is Right Between the uh SD NY FBI and CIA threats we have an internal Civil War that’s exactly what we’ve got going Rob problem is they’re picking on somebody that isn’t going to be a rollover they got somebody that will actually stand up to them now so it’s going to be very painful in New York today I can only imagine what is going on as we speak all right we already touched on

this one stock market crash today this is India uh this is uh throughout the week we have seen an implosion the Nikki Stock Exchange tumbles F Monon low amongst us tariff concerns pray to what it can do to uh although we’re going to have more on that coming uh on this show on tariffs because well seems these economic uh how do I put academic economists economists that work in the world of Academia most of them have little or no experience in the world real world and how money actually flows they just have

their textbooks and they’re really cool in theory but then when you take it out there into the field and do it in real life vastly different we get to touch on just how ignorant some of them are on real life hey but that’s okay because I’m probably ignorant on the academic side of it now because it’s been so long although I’ll take my knowledge over theirs any day of the week even the New York Times is saying by gold this coming from Peter Schiff and crew over at uh shiff gold recent piece New York

Times encourage readers to buy go noting its record-breaking run since 201 20 oh and then they dive into anti-infl inflationary although they do kind of miss the point uh to a little degree they’re like oh look at the potential rise they don’t look at as a store value in the history or the inflation but anyways they’re now saying buy gold I love it watching Everybody catch up to us because we were already there the gold at Fort Knox was stolen from Americans many of you guys are going to appreciate this piece it’s a his

historical look on where did the gold come from uh much of it was stolen from Americans by one not honoring World War One gold bonds where people uh bought gold bonds they were supposed to be paid out on gold then the government said n we don’t have no we’re not going to do that I’m just sorry your money’s no good I bet these are some bonds that are gonna have to be paid out with the sah jera um I had not even heard about these bonds before but they’re also talking about when Roosevelt all all of this

gold theft that they’re talking about occurred during Roosevelt during FDR’s great socialist climb so where did it come from it gets into where it came from from after 33 the gold coins everything uh since his effort Roosevelt’s effort to end the gold Reserve System because well it didn’t let you just hypothecate it’s uh crazy the default on the 1934 gold based liberty bonds that’s why I Wasing talking about great historical very interesting talks about some of the gold from other countries now we are still

waiting for a real audit what’s real what’s not we’re gonna get ter guys I know I’m going kind of quickly this morning because I want extra Mr C time many of you guys do too uh JK Lok I agree with you says buy silver then flip it to goal when the gold silver ratio drops get more gold that way in the end Absol I couldn’t agree with your uh with with your take on it more neither one of us are licensed gold dealers or Brokers so just take this as education entertainment tell you what I’m doing anyways I’m just watching a few of those

I’m going to keep running Peach Tree in the coming days I think we’re going to see some more Bond money move over the weekend and then possibly see currency movement if we I should have a group updates over the weekend because I get an update from one of my contacts on Saturday evenings and I’m hoping to get an idea of what groups are talking about if groups chatter picks up that I’m feeling really good about the next uh I don’t know four or five days but that’s if we get something out of the groups

right now they have been very quiet lo and behold Trump says an additional 10% tariff on China to start March 4th because precursors and chemical are still moving China’s not done their part so going to take that 25 stack on a 10 anyways tariffs going up heavily on China share of trade coming out of China has dropped considerably uh now it gets a little more interesting because the tariffs on both Canada and Mexico that were delayed go into effect March 4th Trump confirmed on February 27 social media platform

said yep said illicit drugs are still pouring into our country for Mexico and Canada very high and unacceptable levels we cannot allow this scourge of elista drugs continue to harm the USA and therefore until it stops were seriously limited proposed tariff scheduled to go into effect on March 4th will indeed go into effect the scheduled in other words you guys when we first said we were going to do them you didn’t take us seriously you fought you pitched a fit fine we put the tariffs on you oh okay

then you laid a little lip service there but you didn’t do much um course Canada I don’t think has done anything yet other than promised that they were going to do something uh Mexico at least took the effort to send uh 10,000 troops and actually mve military I think you’ll see the uh tariffs with Mexico curbed before you see the tariffs with Canada curbed because well Trump takes this seriously the human trafficking and the trafficking of Fentanyl and opioids over the Border he takes it very seriously

matter of fact we’ve got another piece on that and Mexico does seem to be at least making an effort even if it’s not a wholehearted effort and well anything short of a wholehearted effort is not going to be accepted here we go Mexico extradites 29 cartel drug lords to the US As Trump not backing away from the Tariff war in other words they are saying okay well I guess he’s serious here take 29 of these uh drug lords cartel members that you’ve been trying to get for uh prosecution in the US for some time here here we’ll give you these

cartel uh members right out of our jail system let you prosecute him go after him so Mexico is making some effort unlike Canada you’re going to start seeing him talk about the Canadian 51st state again so if that butt hurts you should probably call your politician say you know we really should do something about this before it brutalizes our economy ingred says they’re guard yeah where are they guarding them from they’re guarding them from the US into there of course I’m not at the border so I may have some of that

wrong ah Canada just had a five 454 person takedown on fentanyl Brink Ben I love it so do you think it’s just more of him keeping the coals under Canada’s feet and Canada’s actually making an effort now Canadians in here scream and tell me your thoughts on this one do you think Trump’s just being a little like over the top or do you think uh he is worried that Trudeau and Company will quickly stop if he doesn’t keep their feet to the fire what do you guys think boy I tell you Robert kada has the

biggest drug dealers the RCMP we’ve got the CIA ingred Alberta will become a republic I’m really curious what wish I could go spend some time in Canada and find out but guys I wouldn’t be allowed in Canada after the trucker thing at least not until you got a new prime minister I donated I know I showed up on their radar I got debanked watching a few of these only province in Canada doing anything to com combat the drugs and border crossings is Alberta it’s getting interesting in here I’ve seen a number of you folks comment

that Alberta doesn’t go the way of the rest of Canada and uh they’re trying to do their parts this is interesting guys Todd said would love to be the 51st wow Bob can wow I know we have guys because of the algorithm I can tell that we have very large contingent of of Canadian viewers and listeners me personally I would rather to see Canada with a proper Constitution and independent in its own country well because of Pride I mean that would be like me saying oh fine you know our government sucks so bad here in

the US why don’t we just let Mexico or Canada run us and I’ll just become a Canadian or a Mexican I don’t know seems like a personal national pride thing for me I’d want to I would want to stay Canadian if i’ had been born Canadian I lived in can Canada hey flip it flip it if you’re an American citizen and think about if the roles were reversed and your nation was going to change what would you think you were just going to become a state of Mexico or a state of Canada what would you think research shows the canidates and

probate I’ve seen a lot of that Terry there there is a lot a lot of what looks like solid evidence saying that Canada in fact does belong to the US and has for a very long time Scott I don’t know this answer if I had to make my guess i’ there’s probably a quarter of a million or so currency holders uh in tier 4B uh worldwide because the people in those countries it’s probably going to be 200 million but overwhelming majority of those are just you know they live in those country and they hold now don’t

look don’t how do I put project too much into that one because uh here in the US how much money do you guys normally have rolling around extra at the end of the month in your bank accounts uh the average American I mean what is it almost 60% of Americans have no money me left at the end of the month so when you think about although that just gave me a thought boy I tell you end of the month is the perfect time to do revaluation if you’re going to go way up in those countries um or before payday whenever it is in those

countries there’s not much to change there will be the wealthy that have more in there but the overwhelming majority of people in US is the most prosperous country in the world pretty much so if you look at these other countries there’s like nothing in their bank accounts much of the time nothing in their pockets because they’re living dayt day so uh a lot of people are like oh my God every person on the street in Vietnam every person on the street in Iraq or whatever country you think’s going to revalue they’re like oh my God

everybody there’s going to be a massive millionaire it’s just not true you guys hold exponentially more than most of the citizens in those countries hold I just thought I’d point that one out while I was on the uh side train there all right let’s get Mr C in here early if he’s willing Elizabeth exactly about five bucks at the end of each month and many many many are in that situation uh just like me I keep telling you guys hey man I see great progress the progress doesn’t help folks that are living in their cars or living under a

bridge it’s tough for a lot of people out there I know I keep pushing the folks hey man there’s so much good happening I’m pushing you with the good happening not to tell you that it’s not important that you’re living in a car or whatever it’s to tell you that there’s hope I know hope feels far away when you’re living on nothing I’ve been there in my past I get it what is yeah Todd what is the personal income tax rate in Canada roughly how much do you guys pay in income taxes oh wow all right let me get this

one out and ready I got you quick and early today Mr C I see that good morning I like it though good morning yes let’s see how long they let me stay on I think they’re going to let you stay the whole day today yeah Black Irish how many government employees are really Bots the reason why so many didn’t respond to elon’s request yeah how many of them are actually working what have we learned that a number of them uh from um US Treasury that’re getting paid we can’t find them so I wonder if we have nearly as many

government employees as we say we do or if we just have you know I I I don’t know I mean somebody in a political family gets to borrow all the extra social Security numbers have them hired at agencies and just collect paychecks I don’t know there’s craziness going on Mr C what do you think that would not be surprising to me uh I thought about the uh what Mar talked about with payments going up to people who are at least 140 150 years old uh you wonder how many of the of the um the olders grandfathered

themselves in with the democratic governments and if you look at a lot of this occurred from LBJ on so it makes sense to me that there’s a lot of lot of crap going on in the backside back stairwell said that yeah uh this boy I tell you boy I’m I’m reading so many so many folks are very frustrated uh because things haven’t moved I think see things moving but by dragging this out the white hats are doing almost as much damage as the rats Jason I’d argue more what do you think Mr C I certainly hopefully are uh this is a

tremendous infrastructure from the RS that has to be taken down and we’re seeing it played out in various little pieces and and pods for example the FBI uh local office in New York City I mean it makes sense to me this there’s a in 2007 when Leo and I went to City Bank and in um uh Smith Barney we found that there was a tremendous amount of money that being fled to Al-Qaeda andl uh from the politicians from people that we would know about uh it’s it’s like they’re trying to promote their own jobs

to continue them on for decades which obviously we’re seeing so it’s not surprising to me that things are being disrupted in the background but I’m really really happy to see a lot of the activity happening right now with the white hats and with the Red Hats I think it’s great um no I do think that one yeah uh I I’m encouraged but I’m not content uh Amy asking a question if we’re behind on taxes should we catch up or wait it out and see what happens thanks in advance one I mean I would be an idiot to give you any other uh advice

than uh stay current or cut a payment deal uh or you know the black SUVs are going to pull up out front what do you think Mr C it’s good question I’m not quite sure I know we’ve had our ups and downs and them I’m just not sure right know what’s going on um I am encouraged by the fact that we’re now talking openly about getting rid of the IRS about the uh the the recovery of monies uh and I’m really I find it very exciting and encouraging but I honestly can’t tell you just like what you said we’re not licensed to be able to tell

certain things to do or not to do and I’d be very to do so um yeah it would be a tough one now I did get an update guys uh IRS employees received an email letting them know that the government is downsizing a lot of in consolidating locations leases Etc um because right now they have it’s like 80% vacancy in F it’s something crazy in federal buildings um because so many worked uh from home they would get a new one and just like a bloated government they would get a new facility do nothing with the old facility and it’s still sitting

there so I mean you know they’ve got an ungodly amount of unus square footage in the government so that’s part of what Doge has identified part of what they’re getting rid of part of when you’re seeing the 110 120 IRS offices will uh be closed many of them won’t be closed they’ll be moved uh a lot of government offices are going to be moving and consolidating but they said it starts in June and goes for about a year with all these uh office spaces being Consolidated uh ET Etc but it went out to the IRS saying hey we’ll let you know

if you have a job if you’re Ed if you got to move change States maybe move to uh some other it’s being used to thin the ranks I believe oh it’s one more it’s one closer step to Nara which is the elimination of the IRS and income taxes so we make sense to me uh it yeah it’s a it’s a great kind of slow roll out of it um a lot of people still asking if uh we think they’re going to have to pay taxes on the exchange I don’t think you will but I’m prepared in case I have to do I think I’d be fullish not to

prepare correct I agree do you think we I I don’t think we’ll have to pay do you think we’ll have to pay no um all right somebody what are Red Hats I assume they mean US America first people in the hill with the white hats or black hats or guys Red Hats go ahead the red I’m sorry the red hats are a discarded uh group of ex military and current military that are on their own kick to get rid of the RS yeah I did not know that that’s that’s what they but I’m glad to know that um there’s supposed to be some great

liberal boycott today where they’re not going to shop he how are they gonna live without their Starbucks how are they gonna I mean who are they going to Virtue signal if nobody sees them virtue signal I’m just I don’t think it’s gonna affect sales in this country a drop know I mean um May maybe in protest I won’t yeah no I I don’t feel a need to go run out and uh and Shop to offset anybody although I do need to do errands and shopping today speaking of which no podcast tonight I’m caving to uh all the

suggestions they’ve told me to go get a life I think my life is going to be simply things like grocery store and stuff like that but hey it’s necessary in life um poly boy how did I miss this Mr C is right good information about the Red Hats uh now I have I’ve had so many Indian contacts a lot of them in Canada checking in we’re watching L’s return to the original owners the 99 year leases have all expired uh we’re seeing payments uh going at different Indian Nation settlements for government wrongs

in the past to me it tells me that we are preparing or slow rolling out in aarah jera I’m looking for more have you seen any fun ones for yourself Mr s I’m trying to understand some of these um after the RV does the US need to pay back with they own on us treasuries no they do not I think what’s interesting about what Trump is doing with the gold cards the goldgreen cards is that this is a public way to show how we can uh pay off the debts now I think that’s a public version of what’s going to happen with the RV but that’s just

the way they it’s just being described a lot of what he is doing I see is faad for what the sah is going to kick it into after the RV oh say that one again what okay what Trump is doing with a lot of these programs that musk is UN covering all this money for payback for reduction of the debt Etc I think it’s just a facade of wallpaper for those of us for those that don’t really know what’s going on the on the inside to see that yes there there’s a way to pay down the debt even though when the RV happens the

debt goes away for me I think he’s laying the fiscally responsible groundwork that we you’re going to need to not get in this position Again by making this so public do I believe uh the past debt all that will get wiped yeah but I think they’ve got to really make a point kind of like Scared Straight the TV show where they take troubled kids and they uh take them through you know hardcore jail to scare them into um changing their behavior and thoughts I think that’s I think that’s what Trump is doing to the government

and the American people right now is scared straight the other thing that I find very fascinating is uh his call to go to Fort NX and look at the Gold I find that I was going to talk about this and then I see that forr comes out his latest uh school he talks about what happened to the gold at uh for Knox as well as the gold that was set in the bank of England when the queen looked at the bank of England gold her gold and they found that it was nothing more than Tung and ingots and he comes up and talks about

the Chinese investigators found out in 1995 to 1997 while Alan Greenman was the chairman of the FED Reserve at 1.2 million 400 ounce punon blanks were allegedly manufactured that’s how senior St the gold and what you’re going to see with the for Knox is that if not all most of the gold there if it’s there at all it’s going to be the the tungsten bars with gold PL also for fford goes down and talks about what makes the situation even worse is that Bill Clinton and allowed the fake gold to be leveraged a thousand

times creating the flatless quadrillions of derivatives that are destroying the financial system that’s why the RV is so important because it gets rid of the derivatives and we go back to a good standards yeah derivatives to me are Financial cancer um absolutely Nick do uh Mark do you think every country well this one I’m going to say Mr C do you think every country will be able to redeem every currency yes the worldwide scenario a major current that we have we have uh curreny of are going to be making that change to

the to the reevaluation so yes they are um all right Todd with a question with all the current US debt where could the money come from to refund historical taxes paid oh that’s already been put into place again it goes back to the gold uh buum that has been backed by the by the gold and dragon NL and that money has already been allocated for the Pension funds and for the fraudulent operations us Deb most likely uh there I think there’s more than there’s more than one version of the US Deb one is what was

siphoned off by the rats and the other is contracts Etc that were uh business bonified business operations and I think what we’re going to find is the debts going to go away yes but some of it’s going to be paid some of it’s not going to be paid yeah I think some going to get paid some not Trump signed an executive order before he left in his first term like I think pretty much the last day making certain that all US savings bonds would be honored no matter what um so for me that was him setting up for Nera

jera um to make certain now this one uh yeah I don’t know how this one’s going to read but I’m just going to read it said Mike bar said yesterday Bond holders cashing out in Zurich Reno here 4 a starting to set appointments for exchange Redemption your thoughts since youve not been paid yet Mr C you haven’t done a code is it possible they’re settling some uh bonds and starting to set appointments uh and then they just see you right before uh everybody gets their spendable money what do you think on

that one well again it goes back to constructive receipt versus economic receipt economic receipt will happen and that means you can actually spend the money when they come see me and give me the codes until that time it’s all constructive and yes they can pay commissions etc etc but that’s not the big load the big load is when the are vehic is um that’s kind of my take on that one and some of these historic bonds are totally different pots of money than you so it it doesn’t bother me at all corre

they’d be saying you know why does why does that orange juice taste funny and you’re using apples I just I I don’t see the conflict um wait wait let’s see the banks where I live said they are funded local and don’t plan to go gold back will they be close to bank have to go go back go back the currency will be very worried about those Banks because once we call a gold back currency they have to run through the US Treasury as our Central Bank not the Federal Reserve so all that stuff goes out the

window um now here’s one that I’ve really been looking forward to asking beat me to it I mean the the amount of expectation but being put in place by the truther Community the RV the community the I mean you pick a community right now for March 4th expecting Trump to I mean you know announce everything for marshals to run in during the State of the Union I mean it is over the top with expectations do you expect any kind of crazy magical whatever on uh on the fourth or I don’t know if you expect anything on

the fourth I’ll just leave it there I consider this to be a very dangerous time we’re so close to the event that everybody’s going crazy chck a Little’s out going Al big time but no I do not expect that I think it’s going to happen very behind the scenes Bam Bam Bam and then all of a sudden it’s going to be out there with EBS I do not expect to see any any uh until the RV happens um booger I don’t know if he’s still selling or not um I’ll wait for an email from him and let you know uh let’s see street race uh Daniel saying will

there be much difference between a Street rate and a special bank rate asking for wise account people um that’s probably more of a question for me than you Mr C absolutely go for it um not much of a difference on wi’s uh as opposed to whatever rate the bank would get uh I’m told that they will be very very very close on those currencies but totally different on the dinar um because one you paid a lot less for the ones you got on wise so they should go at whatever that International Forex rate shows I know it won’t be

called Forex but whatever that international rate is is exactly what it will be in your bank account hopefully that made sense uh Tom Rob is talking about if derivatives go away will ETF go away well that depends on what etf’s based on um I’ve not seen one ETF that’s only based on actual derivatives because actual don’t exist it’s a compilation of a compilation of a compilation but they don’t exist as a real security so I don’t see that uh being equivalent I’m uh sitting here uh taking care of uh

administrative on the back there Mr C you know Wise does not carry dinar Rusty shoe therefore it doesn’t doesn’t worry me at all on that one what does Mr C think about zalinsky coming to America the sudden Movement we are starting to get today he is supposed to sign a deal pledging uh Rare Earth mineralsnatural Resources to the tune of about 500 billion pledge to the us so that the US will recover their dollars even I mean excuse me their money sent to the Ukraine even it’s over time plus it does

give us a vested interest in uh at least most of the Ukraine staying the Ukraine what do you think of the progress lack of progress or whatever you want to call it the the developments this week on Russia and the Ukraine well I think it’s very good and encouraging you have one has to understand that this is only state one that means the parties Ukraine and United States are getting together as to what they they agreed to for the payments of backing Ukraine the next stage is going to be Ukraine USA versus Putin and Russia as

to what they accept as overall saire agreements so this is not over yet the RV will not occur until this is over um I I think it’s going to be over this weekend I could be wrong but boy I’ve got a lot of very hopeful uh State Department slash uh I don’t know where you would fit them in in the government that think that we’re about to have a massive breakthrough and I I hope they’re right um thank you too I’m reading through see I can find some more will he ever know who the Chinese Elders are and have a chance to

thank them for for everything after this I know one of them you’ll probably get to know Mr C what do you think think any of them will come forward you think they will stay reclusive uh that’s a very good question um I think it’s going to depend on what happens inside China itself whether the CCP is really going to get torn down and taken away or not if it still exists to some degree there’s going to be a problem with these people identifying who they are there’re no within the Chinese Society but I would be very

surprised until it’s a clear feel they’ll BR themselves to public f um uh Janice with a question for you will the stock market still exists and if yes how will it change your thoughts on stock market yes the stock market will exist and so the values are going to reflect the changes in the currency values are therefore a revaluation of the currencies and I think that’s going to happen and I I think it’s going to be a much more transparent operation is currently yeah I do believe still exists um yeah it does make sense for it

not to exist in my book I I I think they I hope they make a shorting illegal um for that matter I don’t think they should allow leverage on the uh stock market period I think it’s a CH I think there’s going to be a change in that because we’re going to go back to the 33 and 34 for implementation as well as execution and I think we’re going to see a lot more oversight with real claws all if not you’re gonna see me kicking and screaming in DC good I’ll be glad to uh kick and scream with you if it does any good uh a

couple of people asking what your thoughts are what do you think Social Security is going to look like after this thing is it going to look the same are people going to pay in is it going to become independent again uh any thoughts what do you think it’ll look like from amount to structured to any thoughts on it be real surprised if it becomes independent it needs to be part of the government because that’s part of the uh the overall frame Social Security operation um do I believe it’s going to

exist yes do I believe it’s going to continue on U certain amount of money you’re not going to get paid a lot or anything I think it’s going to be there and I think you’re going to have to pay into it yeah I think you’re going to have to pay into it um and unfortunately in an Ideal World we’d all be fiscally educated and the government wouldn’t have to set aside for us but the reality is some people aren’t so it makes sense for the country to put aside a fund like that I just wish they would put it uh in like a w excuse me

Sovereign wealth fund where it automatically went there and our country grew its business footprint uh to invest in the American people but that’s you know my wishful world I know it’s naive um Sergio will 401ks change and put the responsibility back to the employees to pay the taxes I think 401ks are going away what do you think Mr C meaning you get your money out I don’t think I don’t think you’re GNA need the special tax structure of a 401k well that’s that’s the big question because how are taxes going to be

changed we go away from the income tax uh model how do we do this then and that’s a very good question because that’s something we never really talked about when I was talking with the interpo guys um yeah for me I think it’s going to be like a vat some type of uh and vat is not the right word just let’s say a national sales tax it makes more sense to me then you don’t have to worry I mean put everything you want in retirement the way they structure it now to me limits how many people invest in

their retirement because the money’s going to be worth less down the road unless you’re earn a crap ton of Interest then you’re going to have to pay extra tax on it reducing what you’re actually earning on it makes the current system and tax structure does not uh reward somebody that saves the current tax structure penalizes people that save I think we’d have a much more if we change tax structure have a much more uh I don’t know fiscally responsible uh world and Country I mean businesses now make decisions not based on what’s best

for the business or the growth or the long-term employment but what are the tax implications for that year that is not a way to run an effing business I think that’s why Trump has put this tariff operation into play is by the time he finish we’ll have a totally Level Playing Field across the board and when the RV they’ll have everybody with the same goldback currency around the world of of parody values and you’ll have this tff system that’ll make sure that taxes per country are on a level on a level T so um and on something

reasonable for the people to shoulder the burden um now I did I forgot to cover something while I was doing articles earlier Mr C so getting your take might actually be a little fun in here uh on Trump and tariffs according to the tax Foundation economists imposing these tariffs on Canada Mexico and China will reduce long-term GDP by 0.4% now when I say this I look at all these Talking Heads talking about oh my God what are these tariffs going to do to us they’re not taking into account that yes GDP may may be reduced by 04

per. but we’re suddenly going to have very full employment with much higher wages and we won’t be losing value on our currency if it goes across uh uh you know going out for imbalances in trade with other countries I don’t think they’re looking at the long term they’re looking at a very very shortterm um static look at the economy which is my biggest problem with pretty much every academic Economist out there they think the world is static they they’re they’re keesy and instead of Supply sided they they don’t think the

economy lives Breeze and response okay fine you’re going to earn 0.4% less money but the costs of your goods are going to be 20 30% lower your income is going to be 10 15% higher if you do the math let’s just say your budget Mr C you and the wife bring in 100 Grand a year uh but your bills are 110 well let’s say if you could bring in 90 but your bills were suddenly only 50,000 a year you’d have 40 grand left over that’s where I’m like quality of living and the difference between what you spend and what you get to save is

enormous with these tariffs I don’t understand the short-sided approach politics and the the basic problem that I see happening is that after all this occurs we we’re gonna we’re going to need full employment the problem right now is the generations that have been educated uh for the last what 15 20 30 years have fully been de educated basically become dber and the problem that we see is what companies are going to employ these people that have to be re-educated literally and what cost and that’s what’re we’re just

out talking about that uh in fact my wife and I just had a discussion yesterday evening about this where the employees that they currently have for the county car are are are very diminished in their abilities to think and to be able to solve problems and it’s causing problems no it really is the the lack of um financial and economic education in our lawmakers really is atrocious I mean it’s scary it’s terrifying um let’s see Nancy with a question Mr C since Bush senior is gone who would you like

to see as the first arrest if you can’t have Bush senior who do you get well thank you I was GNA answer I was going to answer that question actually uh Bush senior’s gone yes that’s true Clinton still around the Clinton clintons I hope they’re all down keep right now Obama uh Biden uh there are so many people is this 30,000 is nothing compared to what they’re gonna have to pull down and so as far as I’m concerned if they start Tak some of the lead people in DC and the bankers International bankers I think it’s going

to be a happy day don’t I just know there’s a whole crew that have to be taken out quite frankly uh given the current situation we the MC papers I believe those the the FBI the US attorneys who swore an oath to protect and preserve the Constitution when they took their office should be taken out and hung right there on one Center in New York City that’s I guess we can’t do it in DC no I’m with you um that’s Ry arrest the dead man again yeah I’m kind of with you dig him up arrest him again make it a

point for every charge bued Cromwell retried him cut his head off and stuck on a Pik well I’ll tell you that’s what my wife wants to do with Senor so there we are yeah wow all right oh wow um I am supposed to tell you that you’re supposed to finish with something positive it’s not time to finish yet but Savvy we know that Mr C is cutting in and out some on occasion 90% of it is solid um unfortunately we don’t control the telecommunication system I wish we did actually no I really don’t want that

headache excuse me Mark to go to that that that is a question that that that plagues everything the problem that we have still still is the problem when we went into the co scenario they had placed the rats had placed people specifically people and the uh systems of the phone companies and communication systems so they could override uh cut or uncut uh engag or disengage all conversations and that was proven to me by the interp guys cu they take all conversation it’s around the world but quite frankly we have no control no

matter where we go even with this current app that we’re work we’re using they still have the ability to influence how we’re seen or how we’re heard so it’s something we have to live with for a while yeah unfortunately the uh what what what what’s the word for that the you know the Big Brother the observation state or the I mean they do every every bit of uh metadata you guys and I have every phone call every email a computer records it now whether or not somebody’s going to listen to that that’s a

question uh but my guess is there’s an AI listening to every conversation you have or an electronic device can pick it up oh uh and that’s big years last six stars so it’s it’s be five down six and that’s across the around the World um Tammy with one Mr C what will happen with thrift store business tax when used items won’t be taxed anymore that’s a great question um is there going to be a business tax of some kind because you have a business I mean that is one I mean your your business model is selling

you like a used car lot even though somebody pay the tax on a new one do they just tax a business a lower percentage since it’s already been taxed so that the government still has some kind of Revenue on that front in other words maybe it’s I don’t know 3% uh if you buy from a thrift or use Car Lot instead of 6% from a new one I’m just spitballing numbers and thoughts here Mr C I’ve given that zero thought before never occurred to me to question that one I agree we’ve never discussed it so I really don’t have an answer I’m sorry

all I can think of Tammy is logical if we’re going to do away with double taxation perhaps they just charge a larger amount for a business tax for your local government so there’s still revenue for you know municipality Etc or do they charge a reduced rate I I don’t know that’s that’s an interesting question Tammy I’m GNA see if I can find an answer from anybody um I’m listening to some of these um Melissa want Mr have a question will the real puppet master be exposed that has been controlling the Deep

State well that’s part of the perx uh the crimes they’ve been indicted for uh as well as the crimes committed and yes I think we’ll see um all right what’s the backup plan in case something happens to you your wife finally gets irritated with you and tosses you off the tennis court or you know M truck runs over you I been told that there he is a backup for me I don’t know who it is uh and I’m not really concerned about it obviously because I’m not going to be here if that happens but I I know that

they have made Ines for every trustee that’s been in the system so I’m not worried about it all right left behind real estate business homes Vehicles Etc from illegals or anybody leaving I assume they line up a sell and they and and they still get paid they just call A realtor they look at the home they take care of selling it for them it is kind of crazy that somebody here illegally can get a home loan I mean that’s kind of crazy I I agree that’s um that’s actually a crime to misuse of funds uh from the

government from FEA Etc um let’s see will loans look different in the future I know they’ll originate differently but do you think they’ll look differently uh one I would assume that that any interest paids going to have to change but your thoughts Mr what what’s a loan going to look like say I need to go buy a new car buy a house get a mortgage we a loan like that I’m not talking like like a payday loan I’m talking about I’m gonna buy a big ticket item like a new car or a new house I don’t see much different except

for the interest rates that’s going to be very different but other than that I don’t see uh a contract for a buy sell contract uh is not going to change that much if at all um yeah I don’t think there’s going to be an enormous one other than the origination of the F the funds because they won’t be able to hypothecate them um or at least not to the level they do now I don’t think there should be any hypothecation period uh Quantum hilling who’s the Puppet Master at the tippy top I’ll I’ll tell you what I think uh Mr C

you ready for my theory on this one the puppet master who is the Puppet Master at the very tippy top it’s Satan everybody else is like his uh his his Board of Fallen Angels every one of them is uh Evil slash whatever even if it’s not reality that’s what I call it because they answer to their own greed their own evil desires and it is more like a uh board of directors and he is the CEO as they bring in other people the George Soros uh you Bill Gates whatever you guys think on that front and you know a truly evil individual

they bring in a Hillary and Obama uh but I I firmly believe they answered to Satan maybe they give it a different face but that level of just pure evil and greed that is the tippy top uh Puppet Master that’s my take what’s yours well I quite agree with that uh because they have to corrupt the person for them to be in the infrastructure and Corruption means that you you’ve at some point to uh disobey God and that you have you’re now walking down the path of neog or Satan or whoever but it’s not for the benit of humanity that’s for TR

and to me it’s just yeah all right uh we can squeeze in maybe one more how do you anticipate insurance will be sold or needed I still think we’ll need insurance I don’t necessarily think it’s going to be forced on us like it has in the past is going to be around uh would you like or not because there always liabilities and credits for the liabilities are always do and if you’re not walking around you can’t pay the liability on a business side that is a requirement You’ got to have that so I don’t see any differences really

um that’s way it is um yeah this one still keeps wondering back I heard some time ago tax will go at first purchase only basis house cars there’s no SEC secondary owner tax yeah it’s Greg that still makes sense for me that it would operate that way and a thrift store just won’t have to pay taxes on goods sold because they already been paid what it would do it would encourage people to hold on Mr C take better care of things it would encourage manufacturers to build a better quality product if they’re only

going to sell it once yes the TOs that product might go up but people out there rather than buy it and throw it away they but you know I could save taxes if I renovated this or if I just fixed that car or if I you know um had a better quality piece of furniture I wouldn’t need to throw it away and buy a new one and pay tax again I think it would be kind of a Renaissance on the Disposable economy that we live in now I think we’d go back to building like we used to where you wanted it to last you know you

wanted a roof to the last 100 years instead of 10 and you throw it away and pay again for new shingles that’s kind of my take Greg one has to understand that the human nature the human being is not going to change because of the RV we’re always gonna have people trying to cut edges and also try to uh outsmart somebody so it’s always going to be around that’s why source of funds use of funds transparency qfs that’s why it’s all important um so important all right you want to give us anything really positive

before you step out Mr C positive is just looking at what’s going on we’re getting to the end of this and it’s it’s extremely uh exciting to me uh I’m I’m really encouraged and excited about it for the first time in 35 years I really see the end coming and I’m very very happy about it other than that I wish to say thank you to Li uh our conversation was great I appreciate it and that’s you I think we’re doing great I think it’s fantastic yeah I know I I I do I just I just feel bad for those that have

already hit their end financially or p and lost and then there definitely needs to be a wall of Heroes for those or the fallen soldiers in this one gretings all right Mr C I can’t thank you enough for taking the time again not a problem thank you for the opportunity to get on my sh box we’ll see you next week and take care take care here all right the illustrious notorious Mr C um I do have uh Matt and crew I don’t know if we’re gonna have Lucas or not there’s only big Matt in the back so uh Lucas might be slacking

off I love picking poking the bear but we do have a lot of birthdays to do first and then we’ll bring big Matt in to see what kind of specials are going to hit us this weekend and just for a little bit of fun Dorene katrinia uh Bob Michelle Madison Brian silver color uh Michael Debbie so many birthdays today so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love may all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to all those celebrating what

my gut telling me somebody had ask guys I don’t know what my gut’s telling me I’m waiting to get for my gut to get an update from a friend that’s working out west right now no podcast tonight jet I’m gonna stop doing Monday night and Friday nights I would gladly record one for you but I need to trim about 10 hours a week out of my work schedule and those are the easiest places to trim it I want to get down to about a 60h hour work week I’m killing myself at this rate mentally my body’s hanging on but

all I’m doing is wash rinse repeat wake up work until time to sleep sleep get up and work until it’s time to sleep I got to change that all right guys so uh just letting you know on that one we did the birthday thing uh oh let me bring the ladies in right that was inappropriate right no 100% acceptable but you do need to stop working so much you yeah all right you’re telling me to stop working so much you may work more than me well true but here’s the thing I go in phases like I’ll do four to six months of like that

whole thing like get up at 5:30 6 AM work until 10 11 o’clock at night and do that seven days a week for like six months and then I just crash right then I have to go you know three four weeks of kind of relaxing and and getting myself because you’re right you do that too long and your mind just crashes it does it just it’s bad and old hang on to anything like before you know I could go months upon months even you know a couple years with that speed and no problem but man the older I get like I

just can’t I just can’t hold on so you you know put in a put in a couple hundred hours you know for a couple weeks and then you know just put in 50 or 60 hours the next week and so I’ve found that you just gotta kind of break break that up you got to or you’ll have nothing left for the Sprint Floyd said I also advise Mar slow down yeah when Floyd was here uh he got to experience my work week um yeah he was like you got to slow down it’s hard though because some of you know some of the projects some of

the things you’re doing are really exciting and they’re fun and you want to just keep going and it’s not work but what you realize is is that you know when you uh you know your pie of your mind is only so big and um I I use pie because you know Matt loves pie and he has a uncontrollable desire for pie Matt what’s your favorite kind of pie Matt I think lemon cream pie the Frozen stuff you buy like when I was on the show the other night Mark I was eating a piece laying in bed you know what kind of like that too I also like like uh

that same genre you got that like that ice box lemon I also like that like ice box ch chocolate one too oh yeah the pretty much it’s just like pudding in a frozen shell with whipped cream on it but whatever it used to be the Ritz cream pie but there’s another brand French silk pie what is it is it like French silk pie it’s like the chocolate pudding it’s almost like a pudding mousse yeah there’s about four or five different flavors it’s another company that makes them now they’re better than the old Ritz’s man I used to live on the

ritzes when I was a kid you know did you Lucas did you eat the Ritz pie mark you know about that we have Rich Pi we had moon pies oh moones okay now you got to realize that like I mean I grew up way in the country so like we didn’t buy stuff like like I mean all of our we probably had 30 frozen pies in any given moment in the in the freezer oh yeah that and so like our our neighbor um she she was she passed away a long time ago but I I mean I was in high school and she was in her 90s still picking uh and making Gooseberry pie

which is horrible to make God that would be Heaven because you know you like they’re very prickly and you got to peel like each one like it’s a but she loved making it and I’ll tell you what I even more so loved eating it oh man no my favorite my grandmother well we had like a back in Pennsylvania we had a purple plum tree loved that one she would do it with like short bread uh and then you put cream and sugar on it and eat it with the oh yeah you know my favorite though was um we had a big mulberry tree

and then we had one in when we moved to North Carolina grandfather retired but the mulberries you only got like one cobbler a year out of it because the birds love the mulberries oh yeah Mulberry cobbler I mean that’s just like whoa I mean I like pie but gosh man I I love things like bread pudding and like I mean I like pie but bread pudding cakes and cookies not to be cocky but I make a really good bread pudding there uh uh Lucas do you really oh I’m just saying that you just became my best friend there what wait I wasn’t

before what you were on the fence I yeah I know I know you got mad so you you just topped it over now because Matt can’t make a darn bread pudding to save his life wait Matt you can’t make like dessert well yeah oh I just buy those frozen pies but anyways in our neighborhood we had uh had rhubarb and crab apple pies did you guys ever have any of that oh yeah we even had like Pimon pie too but there was a there was a field of crab apple trees about a block away and then we had the rhubarb in our yard it

would just grow every year my mom was so proud of that she was she didn’t have to do nothing she’d always brag about it but anyway um the uh when you were mentioning your uh your week was going from 70 to 60 hours Mark immediately and you said Monday and Friday thought to myself you know what I could skip dinner on Monday night and Friday night and I guarantee you I’m going to because my goal would be 70 lbs get down 10 I think it would take about I don’t know four weeks if I just those two dinners on the

week you know Skip them and just have like a glass of water I bet I’d lose 10 pounds about every three four weeks so yeah yeah I’m not willing to do that part yet I’ve already lost about 10 I’m afraid if I keep losing weight there won’t be anything left yeah it just gave me an idea there you know yeah no it’s not a bad idea you know before uh Lucas and I go down a uh another rabbit hole and get you distracted um you should probably tell us how to find the website if anything’s going on fun over there with specials

this week oh we do have some great specials and uh we’re going to get right to them here so if you want to go to the CBD gurus.com you’ll see the you’ll be right into the uh area where you can go to wholesale the CBD gurus.com go to wholesale and hit marxy wholesale and then when you hit that if uh you got to put in the code word it’s lowercase k r m CBD and then from there you’re in the specials and then when you scroll down it says uh starting the uh February 28th 9:48 a.m. we got uh a 12% or no excuse

me 14% discount it’s called mark z14 whoa I finally made it into a code word Mark z14 and uh for 14% discount or but not both you can have the currency so it’s a big choice this week at 20 bucks you get 40,000 dong at 80 bucks you get 100,000 dong at50 you get 160,000 dong and 5 million Boulevard and that currency won’t be on your packing slip but it’ll be uh you know sent from the warehouse and the guys know to put it in on the amounts and that’s after the discounts and shipping excuse me before it or what

am I saying you can’t count those in the total that’s all I’m saying discounts and shipping okay and then uh we go down to the specials and I got some real good ones here especially if you like five milligram THC gummies I got well first if you have any questions you should message 61241 28343 yeah yeah call my friend uh my my friends Wendy or Amy Wendy if Wendy usually takes most of the calls but the Overflow goes to Amy and I I didn’t mean to miss those guys why can’t we call a guy too I mean are are you

like a misogynist or something I’m totally messing with you keep going well you well I’m third I’m I’m third on the list there but okay massage you know when was it Wednesday that’s another thing I didn’t bring up when I was on the show I almost went and had a massage earlier and uh cuz I was so wiped out you know after being you know out out with my it was just like a back injury but anyways the massage place is already closed God there’s like four of them there it’s unbelievable but one of them’s named uh roses uh Massage

Emporium the other one yeah okay I see where this is going no no these are all legit places I wouldn’t go to any of those I’ve been happily married for I don’t know how many years now it’s since the 19th century so anyways way into the 19 but anyway we’re not saying it wasn’t it didn’t happen on accident great I mean you would not purposely do anything right okay I get it we gotard Mark hey my brain’s too old guys give me a break no I’m just kid hey so we got the immunity for 30 bucks I just want to we’ll get into the specials

more in depth tomorrow or else when you get in here you can just scroll down and see them all but we got the immunity for 30 that’s uh 30 of the soft gels we got the immunity bottle it’s three times stronger the oil dropper for 72 we’ve got the regular gummies for 25 and the regular gummies got 50 milligrams of all bunch of different CBDs but here’s a special I want to tell you about it’s it’s a good one for you guys to like these 5 milligram TC gummies I got a bunch of packs in different sizes okay

and uh any 10 gummies in different size packs are uh $6 so you can order as many as you want and uh you know maybe we’ll run out tomorrow or something or the next day Sunday but we got enough to service your needs there and then we got the uh we got the mushrooms the pain creams the miracle Golds the uh all kinds of gummies and we got uh I don’t oh the Rons in on in stock NOW Rons yeah we finally got them there and uh we’re all set so that’s all the specials we’ll go in more in depth tomorrow and I even

got some Trump shirts for you small people for 388 down there still so if you want a trump shirt I’ll tell you what I wore that twice this week and everybody loved it I one guy even wanted me to model it what store were we in the grocery store yeah and uh I said no I don’t have time for that while we were at the deli but anyway okay so that’s all the specials everybody and uh go in there and Order and have a great time it’s uh the first day of the rest of senorita is what life he always says that to me Mark he

go when I call him he goes oh senorita and I go what are you talking about Jackie wants to know if the free sample lotion still applies if they ask you had offered that I believe it was just Wednesday night I think that’s a Wednesday night only thing Jackie yeah yeah it it it we’ll we’ll do it again next Wednesday but right now it would just be like uh it would be overwhelming so we’re not we can’t do it because I don’t have that many of them I’ve only got so but you can buy the x-freeze uh 8 O

lotion that’s the same thing and uh just uh but you know our 2,000 lotion that’s great pain cream’s great it’s all great okay questions for Lucas and Mark and uh when they can’t answer them I’ll take over um all right somebody gave an excellent idea there for a red pill gummy maybe we could make a red pill gummy it’s in the shape it’s color red it’s a gummy but it looks like a red pill but it has like like 15 20 milligrams of Delta 9 because once you find out the truth you’re probably going to need to calm

down I think this is marketing genius I think every conservative out there will be buying uh you know a jar of these instead of saying you know energy companies say red pill gummies and then it would have like uh like it would come with like a fact sheet or a little booklet just blowing their minds about all the conspiracy theories where we were right okay you guys I got I got something even more crazy okay all right but crazier no but if you guys like it we’re gonna do it because it was brought

up and I kind of was like in shock it was me and uh Jordan Jordan and Scotty were with our uh with our uh clothing wear gal Blaze and Jordan out of nowhere it goes can we make some Epstein pants he was in shock and she goes you think so and I go I go no this wasn’t my idea but I don’t know with him in the news right now you think we should we have a picture and bars and then all the names of all the people all over the pants I yeah that’s yeah hey Mark when are they gonna release uh when are they

gonna release those names they released part of them well just flight log stuff uh and and there’s some really curious uh Curious things in there and some code names uh and miners I mean there’s some really interesting stuff that we’re just now finding on the flight logs that we hadn’t seen before but there is a massive fight in the FBI and uh the New York uh uh State Department of Investigations or whatever they call them they were supposed to release stuff they had already been ordered to release and had been

stonewalling uh they were ordered to release by 800 am this morning to Pam bondi’s office so don’t know in the news yet uh you guys may know more than I do in chat if you’ve been keeping an eye on news feeds whether or not that was turned over like it was supposed to be turned over there’s like a civil war going on between the left and the right and the bureaucracy of government and the people well guys what do you think of those Epstein pants you can have like an airplane on one side and then him on the

other then the names do you guys we just have like everybody like belongs in like a jumpuit but using other people’s faces Etc it gets into a real great area but we have them we can call them the gitmo vacation pants and it’s just a list of all uh um folks that we think have headed to GMO say did I hear correctly the gummies are now sugar-free the gummies have always been pretty much there’s a little bit of sugar coating them they’re PEC in a fe puree and we use tapioca so it actually cuts down especially on the um on the

you know just really raising your glycemic index uh so like I think pretty much what it comes down to is less than a gram of sugar uh per gummy so we we do try to keep it pretty uh you know pretty light on that front we don’t add a ton we’re not using um really any glucose or anything like that so um the majority of the sugar is on the uh really the outside just to keep them from sticking together now one thing we’ve actually started experimenting with this week is using uh Xylitol coating because xylol is more n like it’s an all

natural uh it has been shown to keep uh the co uh virus whatever they want to call it from uh multiplying there’s some real neat research on that really on zy with xylol yeah you might need to shoot that over to me matter of fact I happen to have a bottle here this had done a study and it’s got the zotol and just spring it was stunning what the research showed on whether or not the virus could even replicate with it in the system um so yeah I’ll have to see if I can find that research for you it might be a good

marketing one if you’re experimenting with it yeah we’ve been around one of the immunity if you did like an immunity gummy yeah well and we’ve been doing we’ve been playing around with uh we’re making the capsules the IM the newer immunity if you guys you know want the little higher dosage the new immunity capsules we have going on I don’t know do we have them on the the new site or not Matt but it’ll be about five it’ll be about five times the uh the potency so you know we’re playing around with a few new things that are going to

be coming out here in the next month yeah they’re not on there hey there was just a question too with the beef pet treats yeah they’re in stock on the uh you go into the pet area of uh when you’re in the uh marxy area you just hit the blue button there with pet stuff and uh they’re in there they’re in stock right now we don’t put all see we don’t put all our products on the specials there where you just scroll down when you get in there you just hit the blue buttons in there in there the only one

we’re out of stock right now is the beef mushroom ones and those will be back in stock uh it looks like uh maybe mid next week or Thursday or Friday next week so which would be great here’s a Lucas’s question then we should probably call it a wrap because Fridays well we usually don’t go this long we save most the questions for Saturday yeah Mike Lucas my best friend over 50 years was just diagnosed with having cancer cells in his prostate the doctor saying radiation or have it removed I told him to start

taking Ivory there are a lot of great studies on that one what else uh Mike uh Lucas had brought a really cool study about Rishi and its effect and of course turkey tail on cancers as well but Rishi specifically was named for prostate uh so you guys have your five Matrix that has it all what other products would have like both um the the multi- mushroom gummies as well so the capsules and the the gummies both but yeah I think in that study uh actually Mark I believe prostate was one of the exact uh ones that they tried to

Target so that that would be a great one um to look at but again you know like it’s always hard Mark with these scenarios because it’s like hey you really need to work with your oncologist because it’s it’s not just about taking it it’s also about you know your age your body weight where your health is where your numbers are on your blood tests um to know how much you should be taking um your like how many times per day I mean a lot of these questions and a lot of the dosing that we talk about is the more important aspect so you

really need to work with your oncologist to be able to figure out you know where all your numbers are how much you should be taking how advanced you are I I’m there’s a million questions that need answered um on kind of the dosing and that’s what the medical study did they they do all of that um so that’s why it’s super important to be able to work you know with the medical professional to give you kind of that guidance um let’s see yeah I’ve had this question asked a few times they’re wanting the

1500 milligram full spectrum the soft gels back and I think you guys were trying to or stepping away from soft gel I’m trying to remember the background on that one I’m I’m kind of asleep with the wheel on this one yeah no the uh let’s see no I didn’t talk to Mimi but um no we should have those back in uh by Tuesday or Wednesday next week and I’ll put them up in stock right away yeah no soft jails we’re going to have stuff in soft jails for sure but uh yeah we’ll uh we’ll get those going maybe um all right this is a good time

to start wrapping up anything you guys want to add before wait got some miracle gold should it be strictly for external use No George in internal or external on the Miracle Gold um anything you guys want to add in uh closing uh no just uh we’ll be we’re on tomorrow and we’ll see you guys tomorrow we’ll talk more tomorrow but uh yeah we’ll we’ll be able to answer a lot more questions on Saturdays that that’s usually the day we do more questions so come listen to the show and we’ll we’ll be the first on so um

yeah right on question we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll do the uh stump Lucas session oh geeez yeah because you can’t stump me that’s for sure yeah when are we gonna go back to doing a myel and Madness one of some sort Lucas once uh once you finished with the warehouse move and stuff we’ll talk about you know what yeah I honestly I’m pretty free this Monday I I think doing it like Monday night maybe but you’re not doing it Monday nights are you anymore yeah we can doing earlier Monday evening or afternoon one if you have time I’d be

fine with that let’s talk about you know a more reasonable hour no I agree um yeah let’s try to figure that out all right we’ll talk about that we’ll let you guys know Matt Lucas thank you thank you to the gurus for everything you mean to the program the community and to the rest of you see you tomorrow morning thanks Mark take care everybody thanks guys yeah bye bye

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