Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 02-01-2025

Weekend Coffee with MarkZ. 02/01/2025

Hello all, good morning, happy weekend. Hello Sluggo, Sista Sledge, Red Canary, Rain Man. Hello Degu, Little Ol’ Me, Turd.


What’s up friend? Hello Miss Kukla, good morning. Hopefully you enjoyed your evening yesterday. Who’s your daddy? Hello Old Rounder.


Hello Miss Wendy, hello Bonnie and Half Pint. Let me stay focused this morning so we can take maximum advantage of our time. How fast can a stock market sentiment change in an instant? Just ask NVIDIA investors nearly $600 billion of market value wiped out overnight.


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That is noblegoldinvestments.com or markzgold.com. Don’t just grow your wealth, guard it. Yeah, where is everybody native Dow gal? Everybody’s enjoying the weekend or avoiding flying in a plane or your brief update guys. I cannot find proof of percent on the ground in Iraq, but I can say factually that he has a team there on the ground.


So we are watching things closely, typical back and forth politics in Iraq. Budget herbal, we’ve got some breakthroughs, especially on a salary revenue side of it. We do hope to have that complete past budget breakthrough on the subject tomorrow.


At least they’re telling us it will be in front of parliament. A lot of back and forth stuff from sovereign funds to trade, kicking off the summit or should I say the expo today. Let’s see, what is that? What do you guys investment development, prosperity, the 48 session, the Baghdad International Fair, kicking off many from out of country, including 1000 companies represented from the US.


It’s getting fun there. Lumina is praying for your safety. It’s not been a good time on planes.


You’re going to be just fine though. Now we do have Lucas who firmly trounced Matt and his appearance. Remember folks, we spend the first 45 minutes or so having fun with Matt and Lucas on Saturdays before we dive into the news proper.


Hmm. News proper. I can get the proper news, the news proper, the proper hour.


What is the word? I just forgot what country we lived in for a sec. Right? Well, yeah, I may have a biscuit with my tea. How are you doing this morning, Mark? Man, I’m fantastic.


Jesus Believer chiming in. Twitch is really blocking up your streams with lots of ads now instead of what used to be two ads. Now you get four plus the two sets.


It’s crazy. Hey, Matt. Hey, good morning, you guys.


How are you doing? We’re good. How about yourself? I’m doing great. You know, it’s been up for a while.


Just being BSing with the wife, you know, so it’s just great. It’s a great morning, man. Speaking of which, can you wish John Stapleton a happy birthday? Happy birthday, John Stapleton.


Z, there you go. Honeybee. 69.


Woo! Right? You remember when you were 69, Matt? You’re not even 69 yet, are you? No, no, I’ll be 67 coming up. But, yeah, if I make it, we’ll see. Well, I suggest that you try some of these Five Matrix mushrooms.


I mean, there are a lot of proven health benefits, and I’d kind of like to keep you around just so we can torture you for a few more years. You know what? I take a lot of the mushroom gummies, you know, especially lately. I go on streaks.


But last night I went to this restaurant, and they had these cheese dough balls, you know. Oh, Lord. I mean, I’ll never eat those again.


I think I got something stuck in my heart or something. Are you a little constipated today? No, not that part. It’s just my chest feels heavy from them dough balls, man.


It’s just sad, you know. It’s just like, good Lord. You know, I ate them to be sociable, but, man, I don’t even know what’s in them.


And afterwards, you know, friends are going, God, did you even taste the cheese in there or whatever they were? And I said, hell no. It tasted like, I don’t know what it was, man. Did you like it? At the time, yeah, because, you know, you’re having a few beers.


It doesn’t matter what you’re eating, really, you know. But it was, but no, it just, I don’t know, man. It’s kind of heavy on me, man.


So, anyway. Lucas, what does that mean? Does it mean like one of them fell into a heart canal or something, or what happened there? Go ahead, Lucas. I’m waiting for this one.


I’m going to bow out and go hide under a rock for the next 15 minutes. I’m just kidding around. I’m fine.


I feel great, man. It’s just a great day. A great day in the neighborhood, for sure.


Todd, we’re definitely going to get to what they have that helps control sugar, because they have a few things that are scientifically proven to have some effects, from the mushrooms, black seed oil, and then the apple cider vinegar. But if you guys want to dive into that one bigger, we can. For sure.


Yeah, and we do have, you know, like you say, like the apple cider vinegar really helps with regulating stomach acid, which in turn, you know, helps regulate sugar and insulin, as well as the mushrooms, the black seed oil, and the miracle gold. It does a pretty good job. But guys, like honestly, the best way to regulate sugar is just don’t eat it.


Yep, and look at what else affects the glycemic index. Yeah, whatever. All right, I’m fumbling.


Glycemic index. Did I get that right, Q Ball? Glycemic index, yeah. Your rice, potatoes.


It’s just so hard. It’s more to sugar than sugar. It is.


It is really hard. And a lot of people, even people who take, you know, Mark, a lot of people are like, well, like I don’t eat anything all day. I’ve been trying to lose weight, but I’ve just been drinking protein shakes.


And they’re like, well, we’re just using whey isolate. I’m like, well, that whey isolate protein is turning directly to sugar. Yeah, you’ll get some transfer over, and you will get some protein synthesis from the branched chain amino acids, but like the majority of it’s going to turn to sugar in your body.


They’re like, what? No one tells us that. I’m like, well, that’s what happens when you eat, you know, whey isolate. And they’re like, well, how do I get, you know, I need a lot of protein.


I said, just eat meat. It’s a crazy thing, right? It’s worked for millions of years. I mean, like literally our ancestors have used it, you know, for 6,000 years, 7,000 years.


Yeah, and like it’s not going to change. So I don’t think that we are to a point yet where we’re smart enough to be able to replace meat at any given point. So that’s kind of what it is.


Why does mankind have the need to think they are smarter than God? Yeah, whatever. It’s a God complex. It really is.


It’s always the ability of like, I feel that I’m stronger, more powerful, smarter than you. And maybe it’s not ill intended all the time. Sometimes it’s just that feeling of like, hey, I want to feel important.


I want to feel like I’m helping mankind. And so they, you know, because here’s the thing, and maybe I shouldn’t say this on here, Mark. But I truly feel at one point in time, at one point in time, even Dr. Fauci had good intentions.


And somewhere along the line, it started to digress. I don’t feel like he’s always been like this. I do feel like there at some point in time in history, he actually truly and believed in his heart that he was helping humanity.


That would have been about the time he was six, is going to be my guess. Well, yeah. Still, at six years old, he felt like he wanted to help humanity.


I don’t think he made it past six minutes, that creep. But I’m just saying that like, what happens is that it goes to your friends. Hey, Lucas.


Lucas, I think his spaceship just took off. Are you all right, Lucas? Yeah, hold on. We can hear you now.


Lost in space. Danger, Lucas. Hey, let’s see.


Mark, who would Lucas have been on Lost in Space? Listen, I mentioned that name one time, and it’s like, nope, we’re switching your power off. It’s like… Exactly. The coincidences, I don’t know.


Maybe the entire world we live in is full of coincidences. Maybe. Maybe.


Cheryl said, I bought mushroom coffee for my husband’s neuropathy. He’s getting feeling back in his feet. So happy.


All right. Tell us some words like that. For sure, you got to stay grounded there, you know.


I think it’s the key. As soon as spring hits everybody, or if you’re in a warm climate, get out there and go barefoot a lot. You know, that’s good for you.


Matt, what would that be like now in Minnesota? If I were rolling around there this morning, barefoot. I mean, I do quite literally roll around. But no, let’s say I could, and was just walking about, pulling the old, like, you know, Yeti thing.


Barefoot out in the woods looking at the squirrels. How cold would it be? You know, it’s not bad. I started doing this about, as a matter of fact, it was kind of weird.


About two months ago, I went out to the car barefoot, you know, in the cold. It felt good. So now in the morning, I go out and walk for about two minutes barefoot, no matter how cold it is.


You know, because, you know, those people that go out in the cold water in the morning, you know, to shock your body. I figure with all the nerve endings in your feet, it would work. And I think it helps me.


It really does. So it doesn’t. It’s proven to increase circulation.


Yeah. So I go out there and they get, by the time, sometimes I get in there a little bit numb, you know. But they warm up, you know.


So, I mean, I’m telling you the truth, you guys. It’s kind of weird. But I thought, I didn’t want to dump in the cold tub, you know, deal.


Start that, you know, because that’s like, you know, I’d probably have a heart attack. Because, you know, you can’t be, you know, I think that’s a scam in a way. Because if you’re older and you jump in a super cold freezing tank, you know, I think you could shock your system.


It might have a heart attack. Yeah, like one of those paddle deals, you know. And all of a sudden, just zap you.


You know, I was talking about that the other day with a buddy of mine. I got this muscle stimulizer back in, oh, my God, it was 88 when I had my knee fixed. And we were drinking, well, I shouldn’t even say it, but we were having beers one night.


We didn’t even know what to get. There’s nothing more fun than a TENS unit when you’re sitting around the house drinking with friends. Yeah, so we hooked it up to his chest, you know.


And we put it all the way up and turned it on. And he goes, oh. And, honestly, God, I think his heart went out of rhythm or something.


But it was all right. You know, everything turned out fine. You know, but it was weird.


You know, but we didn’t know about that stuff back in 88, you know. Well, some people did. Wait a second.


Yeah, you did, Lucas, because you were probably a kindergartener at the time, like super brain, you know. I just want to know if we can get, like, one of those zapping dog collars, you know, with the remote when you’re trying to teach them. And when you come down to Puerto Rico with Lucas, we go out and we get to, like, anytime somebody says something inappropriate, zzz.


Yeah, I probably could use something like that on me. It would probably work great. Just wake me up, too, if I doze off all of a sudden.


Oh, yeah, he’s a little tired, you know. You know what? That really would have been a great deal back in high school or something, because I did doze off a lot. I didn’t care if I put my head down at any time and fell asleep.


It didn’t bother me whatsoever. Did you guys ever put your head down and fall asleep? No. Really? Are you kidding me? I grew up in a – I graduated with 27 kids.


Like, the teacher was on – every single teacher was on top of it. Wow. Not to mention my mother was a teacher.


Trust me. I did a couple things. Guess who was the first one to find out? Who? You know what, though? Your school was funnier than mine.


My mother. Yeah. Yeah.


You guys were able to stay awake. Mine was boring, you know. Well, he didn’t have a choice.


I didn’t have a choice. It was out of fear, Matt. It wasn’t out of choice.


It was self-preservation. Yes. Hey, and listen.


You remember those big science tests? Did you guys either have one of those where they were kind of long and you’d have, like, three or four people at each one? Do you remember those? What do you mean? Like, the science test? Or you mean, like, when they had, like, group things going on? No, it would be like a table. It would be, like, about, I don’t know, 24 inches, and then they’d sit, like, four chairs at them during your biology or science class. But those were the worst for me because when I’d put my head down on there, for some reason, it would just hold my mouth open just perfect, and it would just start a drool puddle, you know, going.


You know, and that didn’t happen often, but my wife was in my class, and I slept through the whole class that day, and the teacher said to my wife, Betsy, he goes, you know what, can you have Matt start to behave, you know? And I go, you know, I woke up from that deal, and good Lord, there was a puddle there. It was unbelievable. I didn’t even know you could have that much saliva in your mouth, you know? Did you guys know that, Lucas? No, I’ve never measured the amount.


No, but I mean. I mean, it was unbelievable. I mean, it wasn’t just, like, three or four inches long.


It seemed like it was about a foot in every direction, like a large pizza or something, you know? And I thought maybe they poured a little water on there, you know, and then woke me up and said I did it, but apparently they didn’t, you know? But anyway, that’s that. Hey, you guys want to hear about the specials? Oh, geez, we haven’t even done the specials yet. That’s crazy.


Yeah, okay. So, you guys, I kind of kid around a little bit. Most of the stuff I say I stretch a little bit, but not much.


That part, you know, the pizza puddle wasn’t stretched, but anyway. Okay, so you go to thecbdgurus.com, T-H-E-C-B-D-G-U-R-U-S dot com. And then you go into the wholesale, and then you hit Mark’s button on top there.


It says Mark Z, and then you’re in there. And if you’re not in there and you haven’t put your code word in, you put in lowercase K-R-A-M-C-B-D, then you’re in the site. And then the specials we got this week, you guys are, let me take a look here quick.


Okay, you get 8% off used code FEB8. Every order over $30 gets $10,000,000 boulevard. And let’s see, we got any questions, texting, if you need a text question.


612-412-8343, or if you want to put an order in, you’re a new person or need some help with an order, call 612-412-8343. And Wendy’s standing by, and if she gets too busy, we got Amy standing by. And it’s the greatest.


I got the best two phone answering in the world. Right, Lucas? I mean, honestly, she’s more knowledgeable than Matt. Let’s just put it that way.


Well, I’m not arguing that point, but I agree. No, she’s awesome. Of course she is, she’s more knowledgeable.


And she’s a great resource for you guys to call in, ask questions to. And, you know, especially on a lot of the variety of products, like, hey, what do I do if I want to take these two products together? You know, what do you suggest? So she can definitely help you out on that front. She’s more knowledgeable than me.


I mean, she’s super knowledgeable in this area. So she’s been doing it forever. So use her as a great resource, guys.


She’ll definitely help you out. I mean, it helps. Not only is she a biology major, worked in the industry forever, but we grew up with my father, who is the vitamin guru.


Really? See, I never heard that story. Oh, yeah. I mean, he’s lotions, potions.


When it comes to nutrition, he has been chasing it since. He’s a pioneer in that field. That is awesome.


You know what? I want to hear more about this later. Chip out the old block there for sure. You know, and you know what I asked Wendy after, I think it was the first couple of weeks, I said, how’s it going? She goes, oh, it’s going great.


You know, I really like, I said, what’s the best part about it? You know, you know, I try to inquire, you know, just I wonder I really do. And she said, it’s really fun to help people because a lot of people go on with problems. And she she’s very, very knowledgeable.


I mean, she’s even threw a few things at me, you know, trying to improve me. And I think it’s going to work. Oh, I’m just kidding.


But anyways, let’s get it probably won’t. It’s not because the suggestions aren’t good. It’s just because you say you’re that screwed.


Are you saying you’re that screwed up? I mean, I wasn’t going to mention it. I think so much of our stuff, you know, it’s just that I don’t know how I could take any more things. You know, it’s like, well, it’s not about taking more things.


It may be, you know, because they’ve worked so well. But maybe you’re to the point now where you need to actually probably cut 90% of them out and create a baseline and see what your body actually does better with and what, you know, what it absorbs better. Rather than take everything because everyone’s different.


So, you know, your body may be super perceptive, you know, to say CBG as opposed to, you know, and CBN, but your body doesn’t digest, you know, THC well. So you may have to alter, you know, what you’re taking to kind of, you know, just take CBN and CBG and then less THC to get like better results. So it’s kind of hard because you have to kind of, one, know your body and two, create that baseline and figure out what’s the best, you know, best way to move forward.


You know what, you know, when you’re seeing all those letters, Lucas, it flashed back. I was thinking of Michael Jackson with that song ABC. That’s all I could think of.


CBC, CBG, CBN. But no, Lucas, you’re awesome, man. But anyway, so let’s get down to the specials here.


Our front row, we got the lion’s mane. We got the turkey tail. We got the high five.


And you don’t get high off the mushroom coffee. It’s just five mushrooms, you know, and that was my label guy Jordan’s idea. And yeah, I like the label.


And then we have the pet treats with mushrooms. We got those in there. Just beef, no chicken.


So and don’t ask when it’s coming in. Hopefully by the end of the next week. And then we’ve got the immunity.


It’s always good to have a little immunity, you know, especially with all the germy people out there in the world, you know. And, you know, I was listening to they were just so shocked that by the meat plants in Kansas, there was tuberculosis surfacing. Oh, my God.


What a shock. Well, I guess if you let 5,000 people in from around the world that are, I don’t know, they probably got that kind of thing. Well, anyways, I regressed.


Okay. So now we’ve got, should I even have said anything like that, you guys? Yeah, you just keep running. I mean, it’s true.


It’s true. It was unbelievable. Oh, we had a breakout.


Well, yeah, because you let in 50 zillion people that were, you know, not very healthy or whatever. Good Lord. I don’t know what’s going on.


But anyways, let’s see. We got the 10 milligram, 10 count gummies in that people have been clamoring for. They’re in the sixth position there for $10.


And then the next product we have is 120 count Matt’s Favorites. You’ll see it’s a new bag. See, we’re going to this new, what do we call it, labeling, Lucas? What do we call it? You call it a better name than I do.


We got new packages. So you’ll see sometimes the old packages and then you’ll see the new packages because we’re switching over. But it’s the same product 100%.


Okay. So we got the regular gummies, sleep gummies, Delta 8 gummies. We got Miracle Gold gummies.


We got oils. We got lotions. We got everything.


And you know what? The product I think is still the best is the 14,000, the Miracle Gold double bottles, you guys. They’re just, especially the ones with THC, healthy for you. And I did have a question during the week.


I’m just going to ask it now, Lucas. You know, somebody wanted to know what kind of black seed oil is in our oil. And I said, well, it’s black seed oil, you know.


And that was kind of weird. Well, it’s because there are different types of black seed oil. Okay.


And it’s more about one, the purity. And secondly, where it comes from. So, like, those two things are super important.


And, you know, it’s crazy, Mark, that we haven’t, you know, I think I’m like, man, we’ve talked about this. But I’m like, man, it’s probably been three years ago since we’ve said it on the, you know, and told about the story of how we, I even came about with the black seed oil and kind of found out about it. And, you know, sourced it and went over to Egypt and talked to a family member of a guy who actually does all the cold pressing here in the United States on the West Coast.


And so met with his, you know, met with his family and their grow and all this stuff. Like, I mean, it’s a crazy story of how I even got involved and found out about this. But trust me, I have looked the source directly in the eye overseas.


That’s wild. Yeah, it is. Sparkplug, what’s good for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis? I didn’t know it caused arthritis too.


I mean, don’t get me wrong. I suffer from psoriasis on occasion, but yeah. Your thoughts on that one? I mean, again, we kind of have to say it every time on the show, you know, just so you guys, you know, for our own, but like one, we’re not doctors.


And so depending on how bad it is and things like that, you definitely want to consult your doctor with any of these things. But I would definitely take in and start with two things. One, the 14,000 full-spec tincture, just because it works so great for inflammation and reducing pain.


And then also the Miracle Gold. A lot of people have had much success on, even that I’ve talked about it on the show, that you will find that it has helped so much with their psoriasis. Right.


Yeah. I use Lotion 2000, and when it’s really bad, I use, I put Miracle Gold oil directly on it. That’s what I do.


Right on. Well, hey, so if anybody wants any of the specials, you’re in there, you get them. And, you know, a lot of people say, what’s the deal with the CBD and why is it so great and everything, and the THC? You know, I would just go in and read about it, because the first time I ever took the stuff, you know, it was, I was literally just beat down and I was laying on a couch, you know, in Colorado after going hiking and getting that.


Elevation sickness, you know, I thought I was going to be out for about three days. And then I went and took a pretty good supply of CBD. And, man, I was up and around in about three hours.


And ever since then, I’ve been a believer in this stuff because a lot of times it works immediately. You know, so just to let you know, it doesn’t take a lot of time to really start working. And the coffee in the morning, that starts working immediately, usually, too.


The feeling I get on that is not so hyper as regular coffee. And you get relaxed, you know. I think it’s the heat pulling out the polysaccharides.


That’s my theory as to why it works so quickly. Oh, okay, cool. But, yeah.


So, anyways, that’s about it. Do you have any questions for me, Lucas and Mark? On the specials? No, but, you know, what can I say? I don’t know. Let’s see.


Hey, what’s going on, Mark? You got a big plan today? Anything going on for yourself? No, no huge plans for the day. And I kind of like it that way. Yeah, me too.


Me too. I mean, I’m horribly, horribly behind on emails and that stuff. But I really need to just walk away and just let it be.


Yep, yeah, for sure. Yeah, Lucas is too. I’ve sent many to him and he hasn’t answered me.


So, he’s got to get out of that. Yeah. Listen, I am spending the next today and tomorrow with the kids.


We are just going to hang out. We are going to do stuff, whatever. I don’t care.


You know, because then next week I’ll be gone, the week after I’ll be gone, the week after I’ll be gone. Like, it’s going to be, you know, kind of rough for the next, you know, three to five weeks. So, yeah.


No, I just, you know, and it kind of hurts because, you know, friendships and stuff like that. They’re like, hey, I want to hang out. You know, let’s go do something.


Like, no, sorry, guys. Any free time I have right now is just with the kiddos. I was going to say, for me, if friends want to see me, they’ve got to come to me and just hang out while I’m working.


Exactly. I have taken a time this week and had lunch with Zach, which was good. But, yeah, not a huge amount of time for anybody extra right now in my world.


Google wants to know what helps blood pressure. Oh, geez. I mean, they have some things, depending on the cause.


Of course, don’t mess around with the heart. That’s one. Consult a doctor if you have questions.


Just a general, if it’s like hypertension, could a, you know, a CBD or whatever, even in the evenings, help? Sure. But I’m always going to say go try Dr. Harry’s over at Health Guardian, his Cardio for Life. Am I doing okay or did I just get in trouble? No, you’re doing great.


And that’s the thing is, like, with blood pressure, there’s so many different reasons, so many different reasons. I mean, but, hey, guys, the thing you’ve got to start off with, think about it this way. Your health is directly dependent upon two things that you have done for your entire life.


One, what you have put into your body and what you are currently putting into your body. And secondly, your, just your overall exercise regimen, methodology. And I don’t want to say exercise, because you don’t have to go exercise.


Like you have to, like, hey, when I get home, instead of sitting down, I’m going to go walk for an hour. You know? And so, but the biggest thing is, is those two things. Like, what do you do on a regular basis? And what food are you guys putting in your body? I mean, yes, we sell and have really been believers of, like, both the mushrooms as well as the cannabinoids for your system that can really, really help you because of kind of the poisons that we’ve put in our body over the course of the last, you know, 30, 40, 50, 70 years.


But nothing is going to replace just the overall taking care of your body with eating correctly and, you know, just moving. He’s not wrong. He’s dead right.


It’s a hard conversation to have because people just want, people just want that magic bullet to be able to help them. Like, guys, yes, it’ll help, but it will never, never replace. You know, it’s that old saying.


A good, solid diet and exercise regimen. Well, and you can’t, and, you know, even, what’s that old saying? You can’t, you can’t out, you can’t out exercise a bad diet. I mean, you can work out as hard as you can, but if you’re not eating correctly, nothing will change.


And so it’s like, you guys got like, it’s it all. Our body works very, very systematically altogether. And it’s, it’s, it’s not easy.


At all. Free them from the matrix. Is it okay to give immunity to a six-year-old who had the flu? I mean, I would, if it were my six-year-old, that being said, when you’re starting talking about pediatrics, et cetera, I mean, our go-to has to be asked the doctor.


If it were my child, yeah, I wouldn’t hesitate at all. How about you, Lucas? I mean, you have children. It’s just dosing.


I mean, I, I have, so, but, but yeah, I mean, it’s one of those things where just talk to your doctor about it. I mean, it’s not, it doesn’t make them high. There’s, there’s no THC in there.


But, but again, you know, you really need to talk to, I guess, in this case, a pediatrician. Yeah. That’s, that’s the acceptable answer in today’s litigious world.


Exactly. Litigious world. Yeah.


That’s a good Lord. The lawyers. Well, here’s a curious one.


What helps with frostbite? Flaxseed oil. I mean, I would think you’ve got to do something to really stimulate circulation, but I got, I mean, of course I would immediately start thinking like lion’s mane to help the nerves repair, but any, any thoughts? I mean, that’s really a wild one. I might even wait and see if Wendy Z chimes in and chat on that one.


Of course, I just would like to make it known. She’s welcome to come in here on the camera and join us. Yeah.


I like how you just threw her under the bus on that one. Yeah. Right.


It’s been happening for her entire life since I arrived. You know, that thing, the thing with kids though, like when you say you wouldn’t have, I wouldn’t hesitate either. Mark, it’s just the dose and you know, but, but the, you know, talk to the doctor deal.


I mean, it’s I mean, I hope you got a good doctor. Cause the doctors, I know it’s like, oh, I mean, some of them are good, but truly I don’t even want to get into that. No, no, better not to.


No, it’s a, I do got some good doctors for sure though. And I, Hey, you know what? Here’s something I could bring up to people. Cause I get this question at least almost once a day, my sciatic nerve, you know, sure.


It’s acting up and it’s okay. So I had nerve damage and here’s what’s off for people. Okay.


And this has got nothing to do with us selling this at all. But so I had shots put in my certain nerves. Oh my God.


This in my spine, this was back in around 2000. And at that time, you know, the deal you had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days. They had to keep an eye on you.


Well, now they’ve got it refined where doctors can look at your back and they, they can see nerves that are inflamed through ultrasound. And this came up the other day when I had my knee drain, I was talking to a nurse and she was telling me about, I said, she mentioned it and I said, Oh yeah, yeah. He’s a Dr. Adam there.


And she goes, Oh yeah, he’s, I’ve heard he’s real good. And I said, he’s great. And they got a new doctor at this.


It’s a big orthopedic clinic in Minneapolis area, by far the best one. But now I know they’ve got two, maybe three that use this ultrasound and they hit the nerves and it’s not with a steroid solution or a what’s the other one where you can only have it so much. God, I just had it in my knee the other day, but you could actually do it weekly if you had to.


I only had to do it the one time and it worked fine. So if you got nerve damage, just keep searching and searching in your area, the doctor who uses the ultrasound and there, there might, who knows, there might only be four or 500 of them in the United States right now that are doing it. Cause it’s such a new technique, but they can see through the ultrasound.


It only takes 15 minutes. You go into a little clinic, you know, and you put your doctor robot and they go in there and they, you know, and they got you down. They got a couple of systems, but it’s awesome, man.


You got nerve damage. They can do stuff to it now. So don’t think you got to live with that.


You don’t. Yeah, but you got to search for it because going through all the different doctors and finding this out and that out. Cause you, if you went, you went into 99% of the doctors and asked them about what I just told you about, you know, just family doctors, they would, they would think you were on the planet, the planet Mars.


They wouldn’t even have any idea what you just said. I just said, so you, even in the orthopedic clinics, then you got to find the people who even know about it and they don’t, but those they’re out there, you guys, so I’m telling you, you’ve got nerve damage. They can just find that search and search and search.


And you’ll find that person that’ll do that. And if you, you know what, I, I don’t even want to say call. If I was on the other side of the United States and I was where I was, I, I don’t care where it was.


I’d find that like the guy I have, you know, but I, I’m not, I, you know, I don’t want to overwhelm them. You know, Hey, look, I mean, you know, if you’re willing to share the doctor, I think he’s about to have a bunch of people show up at his house. I mean, it is.


You know what, as far as I’m concerned, that would be fine. So if you want to text in there sometime, but I mean, I would, for what he did for me, I would travel from here to, you know, I live in Minnesota. I’d go to Southern California for, and even if it costs me five grand out of my own money to fix what I had fixed, you know, I’m telling you, there are things out there that people don’t know about and they can fix up your nerves.


They really can. So, and it’s, you know, people, when you say, Hey, I got sciatica, what can I take for it? Well, it’s pretty complicated stuff, you know, it’s, uh, you guys know of anything that can just take something really overnight and fix that? I don’t think so. You know, can you, I’m not sure.


I mean, there’s things that can help, but the pain, you can mask the pain, you know, with THC. Usually anything that’s instant is treating symptoms. Not.


Yeah. Yeah. I just, I just thought I’d bring that up because you guys, and when I was hurting like a son of a gun, you know, it was so hard to search and search and search.


And especially when you’re kind of just down, you know what I mean? It’s tough, you know, I’m sure you go through it too, Mark, you know, everybody does, you know, but when you, but that’s the time you really got to search for that doctor that’s going to help you, you know? And, uh, yeah. Anyway, let’s squeeze in a few more. Anything for neuropathy buddy of mine swears by a lines main, uh, the capsules, uh, eating lines main over the gummies.


Um, and a combination of that and he uses lotion 2000 on the extremities. We have a lot of people said that we’ve also had people mentioned that the miracle gold seems to help them. Uh, uh, Lucas, you on that one thoughts.


That those two are really the, the biggest ones. Um, the lines main and then, you know, the same thing, whether it be the lotion 2000 with the CBG or the, uh, you know, even, you know, the miracle gold, especially because the higher concentration of CBG. So, uh, you know, externally.


Um, so those are the two things that, you know, a lot of people have seen. I don’t myself have neuropathy. Uh, uh, so, um, you know, not a great test guinea pig on that in particular, but you know, we’ve seen it over the last, you know, even two years, just on people who have used it in that can, you know, those two products in conjunction with one another that have had really, really great success.


Um, I was just taught, I know this is totally out of context, but just mentioned I’m holding good holding steady at one 63 loss 40. That’s impressive. All I can say, folks that have made that kind of change.


Congratulations. It’s awesome. Uh, soap, soap.


So they got soaps. Yeah. You guys, uh, the soaps.


Yeah. Well, they’re out right now and they, hopefully we get them in by next week, not beginning of week, maybe by the end of the week, hopefully, but we’ll see. And, uh, sometimes we just get out of them.


You know, we had somebody right before the holidays, buy them all out. And then we, we had a shipment that was coming in, got screwed up. So that had to go back.


And, uh, it wasn’t, you know, it’s just one of those things, you know, wasn’t a manufacturing. So something happened to the truck. So now we got another shipment coming and hopefully it’ll get you really quick, you know? So that’s just the way it is.


You guys. And, uh, Hey, and, uh, Oh my gosh. Yeah.


Just bear with the shipping around the United States for all the shipments going out there. I, you know, I swear to God, I just, I keep telling people, man, I hope nobody ever comes up to me and says, Hey man, I’m out of work. Cause I think the post office could hire a million people right now and they still wouldn’t have enough, you know? So, you know, and it’s, I, I worked there 10 years.


It was a good job. So anyways, that’s that. But, uh, Hey, if you want to get in an order, go to the CBD gurus.com, go to Mark C wholesale.


And, uh, then when you’re in the site there, you just ended the specials, you get the currency this week and over 30 bucks and, uh, you get, uh, 8% discount Feb eight. And, uh, that’ll, that’ll be the discount there you guys. And, uh, yeah, I can’t wait for, you know, uh, this would be a fun day today, you know? So it’s going to be an awesome day.


Yeah. I’m just, I got nothing really planned, but I can plan anything I want, which is awesome. I actually got a couple of things planned, but, uh, we, we and Lucas were going to get together, but then he, he, he, he canceled.


Cause he’s too busy. And when he said you guys, when he said that, you know, my friends, yeah, I was the one he was talking about. The problem is you wanted to meet him in Vegas and you know, he’s been working all weeks.


His wife really needs a break with the young kids. And of course Lucas wants to see his kids. Um, I know it’s a rare thing in today’s world, but, um, sorry, it was either hang out and play with the kids and be responsible father or go have fun with you and keep you company at the strip club in Vegas.


I never do that stuff for sure. Here’s your parting question. Is lotion 2000 good to put on your face to moisturize it? I’ve used it on occasion, but I’ve not used it longterm on my face.


So like sound off in chat, especially you ladies, if you have used it, um, on your face regularly. I do it all the time and I don’t get any like zit breakouts. So man, it’s awesome.


Well, because with the CBG, it’s a really great antimicrobial. So, you know, it will help with, uh, you know, I guess in that regard, Matt, your zips and all that stuff. Well, no, but I mean, apparently you have a lot of problems with zits on your face.


It was, yeah, it was a couple of years in high school where I got zitified, man. But, uh, yeah. And, uh, but then it went away.


But, uh, anyways, no, I put a lotion on sometimes and I forget to even wash it off or something. It just, it’s in there, man. It, it don’t, it’s great, man.


I got the skin of a baby squirrel, you know, so little pink baby squirrel on my face. No, it’s a good, good stuff, you guys. But Mark, I just want to thank you for having us on.


And, uh, I just, uh, I hope you guys, uh, maybe go in there and get some of the currency, some good products, support Mark show. And if you’re a new person, give Wendy a call because she’s got all the good info. And, but don’t just like, don’t just call her to bugger, you know, to call her if you got something good, cause it’s Saturday.


And, uh, she probably wants to go maybe do something later today. So don’t keep her too long. Yeah.


So, uh, beat her up over the next hour or two guys. So that she needs a nap and she’s too tired to go enjoy her afternoon. No, I’m just kidding.


I mean, she does have a, uh, her daughter’s, uh, wedding to plan and stuff like that. So, I mean, I know she’s busy. Oh, wow.


Yeah. Okay. That’s cool.


Right. All right. Well, thanks Mark.


Anytime Matt. It was a pleasure. I’ll be in chat if you guys have any questions for me.


Have a good day guys. Thanks Lucas. Enjoy the kids.


I will. Thanks guys. All right.


Bye guys. I’m still staying in lymphedema. A lot of new studies out showing that, um, it can be largely affected by insulin resistance.


I know that going carnivore and adding miracle gold, I mean, it reduced mine by 90% like that. And intermittent fasting is supposed to be exceptional for it too. There’s a lot out there.


I mean, a lot of doctors, uh, you can study what they have to say on it. A lot of doctors on, uh, that have YouTube videos on the subject have, uh, sounded off on that one and everybody I know that has lymphedema that has tried intermittent fasting and being more, um, carnivore based diet has had tremendous results. All right, let’s get into it.


News time. Uh, I do have some wealth managers at work today. I hope to get something out of them at the end of the day to find out what they accomplished today.


Was it wealth management related? Was it some kind of year in advance review where they’re, uh, setting their goals for the year or was it currency related? Uh, that we should know later this afternoon, if it’s anything good, we’ll put it in telegram or tweet it or something or truth it. Um, other than that, very quiet from that side. I have had a number of bonds folks checking in, uh, that are expecting, um, uh, final cut spendable money between the third and the seventh, uh, this coming week.


That’s makes me feel good. I still have a number of them. They’re looking for more like the 11th or 12th.


Um, they could be after, uh, we reset not all bonds have to go before is what I have been told for well over a decade. Um, the, before I forget on news, uh, another jet private jet crashing a air ambulance, uh, in Northeast Philadelphia. I mean, a Lear 55, it nosedived.


I don’t know if you guys have seen this thing, but I mean, it was like, wham, it came down like a missile. I mean, a Lear is fast, wicked fast jet, but that is, that’s something else sheer craziness in the skies right now for some reason. And no, I don’t think it has anything to do with, uh, Donald Trump getting elected.


Hey, you guys might, I’d be interested to see what you all have to say on it. All right, let’s get into Iraq investment development, prosperity, the 48 session, the Baghdad international fair kicks off this evening. Lots of companies, lots of international.


This will be one of the biggest in a very long time, if not the biggest in history form is they are attracting inter national business. Boy, we’ve got a couple of pieces on that that shows the pressure to be fully international. And a lot of it coming from the Trump organization or should I say administration, herbal Baghdad teams near finalization of salary discussions as they feel like they are close, uh, hopefully and most likely tomorrow they will have all that pounded out the meetings, the, uh, special get togethers at Sudanese, uh, the time together to pound through things unofficially so that they can go and take care of it officially.


And there really is, you cannot replace sitting in a room eye to eye, baking hands, looking them in the eyes as you work through negotiations. You can’t, I mean, it’s, it zooms is sitting in the courtroom with all the Roberts rules, rules of order, all that. Is that effective? Yes, somewhat, but it is tough to replace that a human connection when we sit down and say, okay, what’s important to you, what’s important to me, what’s a reasonable take.


And then, uh, getting down to it. Newt Gingrich was famous for doing that with bill Clinton of all people, but he was very effective. He sat down with a white board and said, okay, what are your top five goals? What are my top five goals now? Hey, look, we have three of the same top five.


Now what can we agree on? Let’s, let’s take care of those. That’s what they’re doing in Iraq right now and they are making progress. Now the press is still all over the board.


You get these articles, then you get the old crap ones, which is very reminiscent of Kuwait and China. Uh, why doesn’t Iraq have a sovereign fund to get out of the neck of the rentier economy? Hey, they get more money than they need. They’re making it.


They’re not piling on deficits like everybody else. They have more reserves than they have currency. It is time for a sovereign investment fund so that they are not rentier, meaning that their economy is a surplus economy.


It is full of abundance. They want to move into finished petrochemicals, finished gas. They want to be able to sell compressed gas.


They want to be able to sell all about expanding that economy to make it extremely stable. Serious warning of economic collapse in Iraq. Employees salaries at stakes.


This is what I was telling you. We’ve got articles. Nope, it’s all squared away.


Oh my God. Uh, what happens if oil drops all of these things? Uh, just the normal back and forth we get, uh, we get them in the U S and ours too. You’ll have one expert come out and tell you how dire the situation.


Another one come out and tell you how full of abundance it is. Uh, but they keep telling us if they can’t move money, then it could cause a problem with values. That’s part of the pressure to be international.


Battle against counterfeiters, money laundering. How does Iraq seek to protect national currency? Oh, print new bills. Oh, that’s part of it.


Yeah. Many more security features in it to me. How many, how many of these have we seen articles where countries around the world are suddenly telling us they’re going to print new bills or new security features.


I think this is them hiding the changes in plain sight. It’s almost like every day another country tells us this. And here’s your one, uh, part of what the Trump administration regime change in Syria has Iraq factions backtracking on push for U S withdrawal.


Now they’re saying, no, you know, look, we can work with you guys. Then we’d have another one in here that I hope to be able to show. Uh, next article.


So suddenly they want to work with America. They love tell it. Here’s another one.


Uh, since economist Rashid Al-Hadami said on Saturday at the United States, since its occupation of Iraq in 2003, until now follows an economic policy that turns from the recovery of the economy and makes it fate linked to the financial policy, the U S federal reserve through its dominance over the resources of oil sales and preventing the entry of major international companies. So established projects, in other words, until now they have been working against a U S federal reserve administrations that have not been supportive of their independence. And now suddenly they have somebody that wants to make this work, wants to put them at the forefront.


Um, I’m just loving, uh, reading what they’re telling us out of Iraq. They’re saying, Hey, wait a minute, because our mainstream press tells us how evil the current administration is the new administration. Uh, but meanwhile you go to the countries outside of the U S and they’ll tell you just how hopeful they are because suddenly they have somebody working with them on the Scott percent thing.


Again, I am told, uh, he is not physically there. At least I can find no proof. Uh, I have had contacts there confirm, uh, concrete confirmations that he does have a team working with them there though.


So I’m going to take that and be content. Uh, hopefully he does appear. I don’t believe he has to appear, but it, it, it would just give me warm fuzzies.


I know there’s probably a lot more. Now I’ll, uh, take a break here and look for questions before we keep going. You can only find the main international.


Okay. I’m not, I’m coming in too far behind tiger. Paul.


It’s good to see you. Lisa Henders, right? What world are we in? Is it what it seems? Is it not what it seems? That’s part of what we have to do is we have to critically think and figure out what the truth is right now. Gina.


Yeah. I don’t want to see some of these videos. Definitely people on board the aircraft, extreme graphic pictures of body parts.


There’s some tough, tough videos out there. Uh, sorry, Shirley, we’re past the health ones. I’ve got some ideas on that, but we’ll save those for Monday or just reach out to my sister.


She’ll have a lot of ideas for you. Uh, Jeff, you will not have any problem if you’re way behind on your bills. Once you redeem, it will be a complete reset.


The whole world will change how it deals with you. The same bank manager that reamed your butt the day before the day you come into a redeem is suddenly going to be waiting on you hand and foot. Everything will be forgiven because suddenly you have money.


That is the way it works. Miss Jean already put you on the, on the birthday list. We’re excited about it.


Uh, JL pot, the name of the site for glint, glint, hey, G L I N T pay pay.com. And then U S it’s like slash us or something like that to get to. Otherwise it’s going to be everything UK and there are some different rules. Let me, uh, copy that link for you.


So just make certain you’d like, you may have to hit the slash us and put it in yourself. Remember Andy 24 for the code. If you want your free debit cards, uh, yes, glint pay.com forward slash U S. And I’m dropping the link for you guys.


I’m reading some of your comments, Catherine, you’re on the list too. So is John and Dale so far, kind of like Jed clamp at Mr. Drysdale. Exactly.


Oh, Mullin tea. Surely you’re going to like it. It’ll be a huge help.


Also, if you’ve got thicker mucus, more fluid, more liquid to help thin it and break it down. If you got, if you do over the counter Guava center, things that I have heard suggested by many, many doctors, of course, consult one. If you have any questions, a number of things like, um, Sarah peptase things that break down biofilms will help thin that too.


Now we’re ripping through, I’m reading a few of these. I’m going to keep going. All the planes have to be grounded on the switch to quantum.


Otherwise planes would fall out of the sky. They have to turn off the old nuclear system for deep sake. All right.


I’ll read that one. I’m reading a few of those. You guys has comments.


All right. Little more news out there on Trump effect, et cetera. Trump repeats a hundred percent tariff warnings over D dollarization.


This is bricks. He says, if you’re going to D dollarize, he is totally okay with you going asset back sound. He’s okay with bricks as a, as preferred trading partners, all those things.


He just doesn’t want a standardized bricks currency. Now, surprisingly, uh, they have played with some, but what they’ve really focused on and bricks, at least Putin has constantly said, I mean, uh, we’ve heard them one or two comments. Oh yeah.


We could always make a common currency, but I really think that one is just for negotiating strength. Because if you read all of their internal dialogue meetings, et cetera, what they’re pushing for is just a standardized platform outside of Swift. So they can move back and forth in their native currencies.


Uh, not necessarily replacing the dollar, but taking away the dollar’s ability to sanction the heck out of them, which to me is smart. There is a huge in-between here that many are not paying attention to. Bricks is trying to create something like we have with the G seven or the G 20.


They’re just looking for the bricks version thereof and sound money back and forth with each other. Trump slaps 25% tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and 10% on China. They kicked in today, February 1st.


Uh, they have been slapped on, or this article is actually from a yesterday afternoon telling us that it is about to hit and it was going to hit and go into effect today, uh, on the first, uh, Canada says, we will retaliate dollar for dollar. We’re going to get even, this is going to be something to watch guys. Um, him willing to do this with our two biggest trading partners, got to be a little bit of uncertainty that goes with this and the markets come Monday morning, uh, how those countries react.


Do they suddenly start carrying their weight or not? That’s going to be the question. Uh, it’s going to be a lot to watch on Monday and Tuesday this week for international politics and how the U S is treated, how we treat others around us, our neighbors, our neighbors treat us, which is very important. Cause our neighbors have been treating us like crap, fully taking advantage of a treasury department.


Oh man, this one’s fun. Treasury department’s highest ranking career official rage quits after Musk’s doge team probes the payment system. It appears these bureaucrats do not like being second guess.


They do not like having somebody come in, uh, and take a look at their work. Best way to put this one. Have you guys ever watched like restaurant rescue where experts come in and say, Hey, look, these are the things that you really need to improve on and change because you’re going broke, going bankrupt.


It’s not working. And if you want to fix it, here’s some of the changes you really need to Institute. They don’t even want you looking.


They don’t even want the consultant to come. They know what they’re doing is broken. They know that the U S can no longer go down this path, that it’s untenable, that we will collapse under a load of debt into the ash heaps of history.


Probably spectacular failure if they don’t change it, but everybody needs to change. But them, uh, their inefficiencies, no problem. Everybody else’s inefficiencies are a problem.


These agencies need to embrace the necessary change because they know it is necessary. They know that the ship and its present course will sink and crash and burn, but they’re hiding it. This is, you guys have seen it.


Uh, the pencil pushers in your workplaces that just make things miserable for no other reason than they need to have this boom, their set of rules. This is how it works. No matter whether it’s the most efficient, the least efficient, whether it makes sense or doesn’t make sense.


These are, well, you’re familiar with them. It’s the overly empowered hall monitor in middle school. Um, it is the overenthusiastic, um, rule Nazi that you work with where you’re like, you know, this doesn’t make any sense, but it doesn’t matter.


That doesn’t make any sense. This is, this is the process. This is how we do it.


It doesn’t matter if it’s abusive, inefficient, wasteful, any of those things, it’s the system they know. The resistance in the halls of government are extreme right now. Uh, I do believe that this gentleman, that David Liberich is going to very much regret, uh, his decision while he was ticked off in retrospect, it’s probably going to catch a lot of flack from people like me, maybe a great, great, great, great person, maybe just exceptional same time, quit pushing your, pushing your rule book and read it and see, do these rules make any sense? Are they productive? Is this the most efficient way to do it and be okay with somebody coming in and saying, Hey, you know, with, I mean, these people are coming in good faith to help you clean up your system and save money and be more efficient.


That’s what they’re doing. You should embrace it and say, you know, we really should be more efficient because every penny we waste is a penny of tax dollars. Americans don’t have to give us, it’s not our money.


It’s their money. We should be responsible with their money. This to me is so common sense, but they don’t look, the career bureaucrats do not look at it that way.


Overwhelmingly do not look at it that way. There are some that pay attention to go, you know, do we really need the lobster Thermidor to be served at the congressional luncheon? When it would be okay with a ham, Sammy, maybe a turkey sandwich. Why do we have to spend $500 a plate when we could spend $20 and save the American taxpayer money and still get work done? It’s just the simple common sense things that you and I have to embrace in our day-to-day life because we don’t get free money.


They get free money. Problem is that money’s not free. It’s free to them, but it’s not free money.


Teddo. I appreciate you. Ah, M I R or M L R happy birthday.


We’re going to run with M L R homeowner associations. Gypsy. Most of them are in their deeds.


So as far as I’m concerned, Mr. C’s commented, you’re most likely going to still have them. There’s nothing between bar law and constitutional law that says you can’t have a homeowner’s association. You’re probably still going to have them.


Mark make a pulled pork. I do make tremendous pulled pork. I’m reading a few of these.


The doge one just really does chafe me that they are fighting the changes they know have to happen. It’s the same guys. Another perfect example is that, you know, not you meaning everybody, but many out there, they know they have to make a change for their health.


They know they have to eat more responsible, or it’s going to cause major health issues. They know if they don’t change, it’s going to go South, but it’s too difficult to change. They don’t want to take the medicine.


They don’t want to do without the coffee ice cream and the cake at night. They, they, they don’t want to give up their French fries, but they know they have to, if they want to be healthy. That’s the same thing the bureaucrats are doing now.


They don’t want to change. They like it. It’s comfortable.


It’s what they know, but if they want to be healthy, they got to change. That’s the spot we’re at right now. A to Z happy birthday.


A to Z. Yeah, it is the deep state world we live in and New York shepherd. I continue to hear that we will be going back under common law. That has been a reoccurring theme from the get go.


I mean, I’ve got attorney’s offices and friends that have been studying with their continuing education, common law to be prepared. What that’s going to look like though. It cannot be an instant rollout.


System is going to need time to absorb changes. Patriot Paul’s birthday. Happy birthday, Paul.


Good to have you in the house. Jackie doesn’t Congress get discounts and deliveries from the local liquor store to Nancy Pelosi created a congressional liquor store. They got their own little liquor store in Capitol Hill.


Yeah, that’s going away is the rumor where they get a discount on their liquor. I mean, I could see where that was more efficient. She could spend more time working than going to the liquor store because she liked the liquor store.


Reading, reading. Sherrilyn, nobody knows for absolute 100% certainty what goes when. The general consensus is Indonesia, Vietnam, Iraq, most likely Venezuela.


At the same time, we don’t know for 100% certain what’s going. And we certainly don’t know the timing. General conjecture on timing is the next few weeks.


Just remember, everybody is guessing. Some of them are doing a really bad job at it. Not that my record’s really any better than theirs at this point, because it hadn’t gone.


Trad Tiger, it will take some time for tax and estate attorneys to become knowledgeable about new trust laws. Susan, Mr. C. believes we will get notifications from the bank stating our mortgages are paid in full. Christine says, I see your chat, but nothing else.


It’s something on your end. We can’t change that. There’s a button you got to push somewhere in your YouTube app to see us.


All the legislators like to be drunk when they pass, passing their bills. So we people have to read what they have passed after the fact. Yeah, just pass a law if you want to know what’s in it.


Crazy. I can’t believe I mean, it would be so embarrassing to have said that. Oh, do you guys I snuck in a link last night.


Snuck in a link. No, not last night, yesterday. With Obama talking about deporting, says it’s what we have to do.


The Democrats don’t remember that he was named the deporter. Wait. Deporter in chief, wait, like commander in chief, deporter in chief, was his nickname because he deported so many people.


So when we’ve got clips of all of them saying, nope, got to get them out there, he’ll illegally if they cross the border and didn’t do it legally, then they are illegal by definition. With Obama saying they must be removed. We got similar videos of Hillary Clinton saying it, Bill Clinton saying it.


Let’s see, reading through these guys, just a heads up, if you’re asking us or Maude to go back and look at older posts or posts you did a little earlier in the program, it’s a nightmare. You want us to see it? Not that I want you to spam, but 99% of the time, you’re going to need to go back and find it, copy paste it, bring it forward. Because if mods take the time to go back through all of the chat, then that means they can’t do their job in the present.


Jeff, I feel very confident we’ll be long gone and done before your birthday. Oh, Jenny, Penny’s perfect. She spends the morning, a couple hours at the desk until my lights come on.


She pretty much sleeps on the mouse and I have to work around her. And then as soon as the lights come on, she is up, she is out. She’s like, it’s too noisy in here, Pops.


Claire, how do you get a Whiskey and Wisdom shirt? You have to email Kukla at MZTieDyes at gmail.com. I don’t know what her plans are in the next set of shirts she’s making. She’s a believer. I posted a comment back in July 2024 that was deleted.


Could you check? Right. No, I get that a lot. Philanthropic, not up right now.


We desperately hope to be up in the next few weeks again. Who are we going to get as quarterback when we buy the Steelers? The Landshark? Get the RV if we’re getting med beds. Can we have Terry Bradshaw and Big Ben? I mean, what a duo.


They can trade snaps if they want to. Love it. Q-Ball said make friends with Kukla to get a Whiskey and Wisdom shirt.


Oh, that would be great. Reportedly, Chuck Schumer is now officially under investigation by the Department of Justice for making threats against conservatives, U.S. Supreme Court justices. Oh, I believe it.


He has. AOC is threatened. Schumer is threatened.


Oh, my God. Should we even get into Shifty Schiff and the number of threats? I mean, Hakeem Jeffries is threatened to fart on all of us because he wants to fart harder. Yeah, I’m never going to forget that comment.


I mean, him going national television, ranting, raving, and then he doubled down. He said it more than once. I can totally accept the occasional flub.


I make them. We all make them. Heck, I make one or two every time, but that one’s just comedic gold.


Uh-oh, Chris. We’ll be looking for Brady when MedMeds come out. I think Brady had more fun playing at Tampa than anywhere he has ever played.


He loved the people in New England. He did. But if you listen to him, and maybe it was his time in life, maybe it was getting less pressure, but he by far enjoyed his time at Tampa Bay more than anywhere.


So, in my opinion, if we get a MedMed and Tom Brady gets to come back, he’d be at Tampa. He doesn’t seem to like the cold weather anymore. Don’t blame him.


Maxine Waters, boy, I tell you, I don’t think there’s any, anybody that has made more threats, violent threats, than Maxine. Hitball, girl. Yeah, that was hilarious.


Hakeem Jeffries, we have to stop the Trump agenda. We must fight harder. We must chart harder.


David, can we go in and change the audio where it says chart harder? Might be fun. All right, what did Secret Squirrel have to say? Oh, my God, that picture is just epic, Secret Squirrel. But unable to watch lately.


My gift for keeping me updated. Did you still want some omelet? Oh, man, Secret Squirrel, if you’re up for it, I would love to try it. Now, Patsy, wouldn’t that be neat? Nader posted he’s organizing a group to go with him for five days and four nights.


I may have to reach out to Nader myself. That would be neat to get some time in Iraq. Don’t know if I can swing it right now, but it would be nice.


Roy, I want to see if I can talk some Amish into moving to Puerto Rico. They need farmers in the mountains. Some of the most fertile ground on the planet.


Can I tell you how comforting it would be for me to have Amish? If you go to Belize, the majority of the food is produced by the Mennonites that live there. At least that’s the way it was when I was in Belize, but it’s been some time. I’m just having fun reading through these.


Catherine says, I have Amish friends nearby. They’re amazing people. They are amazing people.


Many Amish friends. Joe, if you’re listening, let me know if you’ve got a crew that wants to come down. Of course, we’ve got to bring you in a boat.


We’ll make it happen. Trad, Belize Trust, supposed to be good. Yeah.


And there’s a good chance I’d be in Belize or El Salvador if Harris would have won just because of the persecution for conservative podcasters. Green, you see all the Mexico banking system down yesterday. We have had many people report this morning that they have been unable to schedule mortgage payments.


It started with Fred from a friend, and then I got a couple more in where people suddenly, hey, look, you’re not going to be able to do this for a few days because we are updating the banking system. This is across many different banks. There’s some craziness going on in our financial system right now.


Yeah, Sugar Mom is like, why not? Why did we not have good meme makers? Because we have great meme makers on the right. Let’s see. Michelle said, got a letter yesterday from our finance car company telling us our Toyota Land Cruiser was paid and contract finalized.


We still had three more contracted payments left. So happy. Ah, see, I got to love that one, Michelle.


So many stories like that one right now. Todd, how is law and order in Puerto Rico? Exponentially safer per capita than the U.S. Massively safer than it was in North Carolina. They will tell you, oh, my God, the crime is so rough here if you talk to someone from Puerto Rico.


But if you compare it to what we’re used to, it is nothing. Plus, you get to live free. I mean, people here, they’ll take their horse down to the bar, like on the street, through the traffic.


It’s not backwards. I mean, they got, you know, they got Walmart. They got Sam’s Club.


They got Home Depot. They got all those things. But you kind of have to really do something wrong before the police even harass you here.


They like live and let live. Amish Battlefield Country Store and Coffee. Oh, Kirby, I do.


They do make some great products there that when you send it, it is good. I’m retiring April 19th. Think that I do, Sergio.


I think you will be in good, good shape. Very much think so. Let’s do birthdays.


It’s already over to what passed the noon at, well, noon hour for me, 11 for you guys. I’m certain mods and everybody would like to get to it. So we’re going to celebrate with John, Gina, Catherine, Dale, MLR, A to Z, Paul, anybody else.


Sound off so that even if I don’t catch it, your friends can wish you happy birthday. So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling.


May you live, may you love, may all your dreams come true. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. To all those celebrating.


Dennis, I don’t know who posted it, but it’s about as good as the information they received on the debt forgiveness. Dennis saying, I saw last night we won’t see debt forgiveness until August 2025. I’m hearing at the moment we are V. All right, guys.


See you all. Well, if I get some good updates and things develop with budget and HCL overnight as they’re expected to tomorrow during the day in Iraq, you might see me tomorrow for a short one, maybe even a recorded one. But the next scheduled one is Monday morning, 10 a.m. Eastern.


Take care. Have a great weekend. Mods, have a great weekend.


Kukla, if anybody emails you, pinch them. Ken, happy birthday, 58. Now I’m getting out of here.


Bye, guys.

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