Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 01-30-2025

Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 01/30/2025

Hello, all. Good evening. Hello, Gypsy Baron, Gino, Patsy, Mr. Lee, Mile High, Spanker.


I’m reading some of these. Just wow. Let’s see if I can face some of this one down.


The FLCCC Alliance is now the Independent Medical Alliance. It’s a dot org. All right.


Reading some of these. The world is changing and changing quickly. Buckle up.


Hello, jeans. Oh, hello, lily pad. Wasn’t that exciting? U.S. Department of Treasury withdrawals from the network of central banks and supervisors for greening financial system.


They stopped playing the game. Ah, Cindy, isn’t that awesome? We watched my son get sworn into the Navy this morning. So proud.


You should be. And we are proud of her. Proud, excuse me, proud of him.


That is, that is awesome. Please, please, please give our heartfelt thoughts and thanks of gratitude. Reading a few of these.


Mary, you’re welcome. Hello, Concern 2835 Citizen. Hello, Vegas 72Z, the rain man.


It is pretty daggone good. The only time it, if your coffee maker doesn’t get hot, like you got an older Keurig or something, it doesn’t do as well. It wants, it wants the water to get out like it’s supposed to.


Hello, Vincent. Beam me up. Biz, Florida Gator.


Daily word. Captain Peggy. Yeah, probably better you guys can’t read what’s going on over at Rumble.


Hello, Jenny in Charlotte. Hello, Miss Annie. Is it done? It is certainly screaming that direction.


Not quite done yet, Anthony, but we do have a couple of good ones. I should probably rip through them before we bring Dr. Scott in. Active two days in D.C. Yeah, the math isn’t mathing.


Who got to watch all the fun Ash Patel just lighten up? No, you got two minutes. I mean, he just, whoo, brutal. Militia man does hope to make it to me in the morning briefly before Mr. Cottrell.


It’s running, Karen. I have no idea on the boulevard. I have none.


We’ll ask Dr. Scott in case he has some, but I don’t think he does. Now he’s shaking his head. No.


Hello, Tom. I guess I could just like let you watch with me. Like we say hello to everybody.


Hey, how you doing guys? So are the rumors true? Have you been replaced? We know you were a little under the weather. Are you now a clone? Is this Dr. Scott Young 2.0? Absolutely. No, dude.


I mean, I, you know, we were talking about this. I mean, last Thursday you said it looked like I was, I was gonna, I was going through it and then Friday I got bad and then Saturday I had to do a Twitter spaces and I thought I was not gonna make it through an hour and 45 minutes of that. So yeah, I’m feeling so much better, but I just sound bad.


Hey, you’re starting to look better. Mark, they’re shatter banning you on YouTube. I tried every, yeah, Texas artist.


I’m so used to it. I probably should start broadcasting to Twitter spaces, uh, occasionally just to get used to it. Sad, but what else do they have right now? Uh, you have the biggest outlet.


So you have they’ve lost everywhere they can turn on the political front. They’re still a private company. So as they, as long as they keep it passive aggressive and, uh, don’t like completely remove me and just shadow ban, they can effectively shorten my reach.


Um, they don’t want to demonetize as much as they were because that’s too blatant. So they’ll just like, you know, code in a little shadow ban a little because they disagree with our politics. Last thing they would want is somebody like me going viral.


Yeah, but they have no idea how much more reach you’re getting. I mean, you and I’ve talked about this privately, but there’s some, there’s some way bigger people that are watching you. Exactly.


And then even then YouTube part of it. I mean, like me, you, all of us, we end up probably a hundred times more than they catch on YouTube, uh, is clips and shorts all over a Tik TOK and everywhere else translated to streaming sites in Brazil and Japan and all over the place. They, they’re trying, but they’re failing.


And this is the reason why CNN and everybody else are well, firing all their people. They don’t need them. They can’t afford them anymore.


Well, weren’t you excited about, uh, what’s the new press over there. I forgot her name, 27 year old woman. She just is at 11.


Leave it. I like calling her. Leave it, Levitt.


Leave it. Okay. Well, let’s do leave it.


Uh, I like that one too. Um, she is just kicking teeth in. Um, and she’s actually said podcasters are going to get a And I have applied good.


Uh, but realistically I’m not in the top 100, uh, size-wise. So, I mean, if they’ve got to pick a number, I’m probably not going to be it. Yeah.


But you know, the reality is their reach. If we really looked at, I mean, I have some people doing some of in there or the, you know, the, the statistics in the background and the, the reach that, that CNN and these other ones have are way lower than we even, then they’ll show it’s, it’s maybe, you know, 10 to a hundred times less than they’re showing out there. And so I, you know, I know you get maybe a 21 K per night.


And yet I know that’s probably more like a hundred. Yeah. I mean, part of that, we do, um, the, another, if we get saved, we get 20, uh, there, then we’ll end up getting 11 or 12,000 at rumble over time over like a day.


And if not as many people watch live on rumble, but a lot of people watch the recorded, I’m really surprised. It doesn’t count Twitch Odyssey. And then all the repeats, um, like even when they’re trying to show one of 20,000, the, the overall reach is two and a half, three times.


They’re trying, they’re just failing, which is good. Hello, honey B. CNN just started a new streaming app. They tried that once before and shut it down.


And it was horrible. I mean, wasn’t it in the, the, all the, uh, the airports and then they shut it down after a while. Yeah.


They tried and they tried making it kind of podcast like, but the corporate people, the mainstream media people, they have to make it too polished, too scripted to whatever people want to hear real. I couldn’t read a script if I had to. I mean, I literally have no ability to do it because of my dyslexia.


And I swear to you, I I’m not ever be able to do that, but I can like, you know, speak from the hip though. Yeah. I’m just like, uh, exactly.


Uh, exactly. Uh, Caroline, leave it. See, you see why I call her, leave it.


Yeah. But I call her, leave it. I think it’s too, it’s too much more fun, too much more fun.


And it’s good spirited and man, do I think she is a class act and brutally sharp in a good way. You got to imagine that she has a great staff around her who are prepping her on that kind of stuff. But I would, I, my thing would be if I was her, um, I’d say I’d, I’d start making up new rules.


You guys lie in here. Uh, and then you’re going to be, uh, you’re going to be banned for a week. If you lie twice, you’re done.


And then you have to, you have to reapply with someone new. Um, and then after a little bit, if you, if you, you want to disagree, go ahead. You know, my opinion is XYZ fine.


Um, but you don’t get to lie about, about issues and, and act like it’s real news. And I think that would, would, um, just flush the airlock of most of these people because most podcasters are going, I just want to, what really is the difference in podcasting is we’re telling you what we see. And, and so you would say, wait a second, we’re seeing this out in the real world.


And she might go, you know what? That’s a good point. Cause we’re looking at this issue. Hey, man, that’s a great thing to do.


If you believe mainstream media right now, everybody out there is about to lose their social security. Trump is taking everybody’s social security. Do you have any idea? I mean, he was responsible for the plane accident because he wanted to cut funding, um, to TSA, which TSA has nothing to do with air traffic control.


I mean, he, within like what, nine days of taking office, he was already crashing planes, destroying everybody’s inheritance. And oh my God, I mean, you poor women, you’re never going to have another choice for yourself. I mean, it’s what, as I read and they firmly believe it, uh, social media, Facebook specifically is turned into well, support room for the delusion.


Here’s what, here’s what I, I started to, and I wrote a letter to my exiting employee here, who kind of very left wing, very wonderful person. Right. And yet I wrote a letter and I said, you know what? We really are.


We’re both people who love our city, love our state, love our country. We just have different desires here. You know who are real enemies? It’s those idiots up in the DC or, you know, in the, you know, the state government kind of stuff.


And, and when we would, if we would just drop the, the, you know, the disunification that they really want, the separators that they would want and focus on things that we are similar to. And, and, you know, and I, that’s why I think the EBS is very critical, um, a very critical timeframe. And we are in a massive countdown.


When that happens, you’re going to see everyone line up, unify, not because they’re unifying under, you know, under Mark’s banner or unifying under even unifying necessarily under Trump, they’re unifying under their country with that they’re unifying under God. When that happens, watch out, Satan is going to be really scared. Terrified.


Um, Greg, we got a lot to talk about on the news side and let’s do that real quickly. Dr. Scott, I’m going to sideline you for just a moment and get through some of this, uh, just the Iraqi portion when it’s time to get into the others. I, I, I know you want to go over some terms and definitions, but I really would like to get some of your take on just the, uh, the Trumpcano that has erupted in DC.


All right, let’s, uh, let’s start. Well, let’s put up the news banner first. Nothing fun from the bonds groups, banks, they remain quiet.


And I’m hoping Dr. Scott might have something different for you, but I doubt it. Um, cause I have too many excellent sources that are all keeping it tight. I was informed, uh, late this afternoon though, that, uh, my wealth management contact, uh, said, uh, he and two of his coworkers were told they will be working Saturday and Sunday at a facility.


Um, whether or not that means it’s to handle currency or whether that is something they need to do in preparation, or maybe that’s something they need to do on the wealth management side that I don’t know, but very unusual that they are telling them to expect both days, um, and definitely tell them to come in on Saturday. So that to me is fun. I don’t know if anybody else is hearing similar in other areas.


Some people have contacts, uh, in Texas, Kansas, we’ve got some other centers that are expected to be centers. So I’m hoping they will check into Iraqi par- Iraqi parliament to pass budget law amendments on Sunday. Uh, we have a date.


Uh, it is expected that it will pass pretty close to as is, um, which is interesting. The press backlash on the KRG government as more and more facts have been put to the people has been substantial, uh, which would end the deadlock. It would also allow a lot more money to go to the region, um, because of the federal it’s better all the way around.


So we may have a solution and they’re getting pretty excited about it. Article 12 in the budget, the gateway to the new conflict in the lifeline of the Kurds, boy, it translates poorly, uh, saying just that, Hey, this is a lifeline. This is what’s going to allow them to, uh, get their salaries, get what they need the money everywhere.


All the dollars go where there’s, I shouldn’t say dollar all the money goes where it’s supposed to. And we’ve got the articles on it, guys. You don’t have to take my word for it.


I did find this one very interesting. Guess what just started Iraqi bank training on cross border payments and financial integrity because they are getting ready to be sending money in and out of the country left and right. So they have started the training on the cross borders that they’ll be prepared.


Guys, this is not a difficult one. This is, you know, a couple of days of training and bam, you’re ready to go. This is not like, Oh my God, it’s going to take nine months of school.


It’s not like that at all. This one to me is a great telltale sign. Uh, why do all these bank, uh, employees need to know how to handle cross border payments and larger transactions and make certain they’re safe and secure? I mean, it doesn’t make any sense, right? They’re not using the banks.


They’re not transferring internationally much preparation. I love it. Do Iraq’s large cash reserves really reassure or mask a coming financial crisis? I love these articles because it is like the antithesis of what we saw earlier is the back and forth.


It is the same fun articles that we, um, read before Kuwait went before, uh, China went this one though, if you read between the lines, it actually tells you, uh, that they, um, in the end, the monetary reserves remain mere numbers on paper unless they’re translated into realistic economic policies that diversify income. All this fun sounding stuff, but they tell you that they have great reserves. I love the back and forth in the articles that we see, Dr. Scott.


It’s it. I mean, you can always count on the craziness, um, that, but, Oh wait, there is a little bit more before, uh, that you have to cloud things. Something extraordinary is taking place in the gold vaults below Manhattan.


They’re filling up. Wealthy people are hoarding it left and right before it was calls and much of it was running to China. Overwhelming majority is still running to China, but even on Comex, they’re trying to stock up right now, desperately trying to stock up on those metals, gold pushing through 2,800.


If you look at the charts, there’s, there’s a void in where it should go next. Um, depending on whose charts you look at, uh, most of them, I’ve seen the probably the lowest one is like 29, five or somewhere in there. Most of them are pushing somewhere between three and 3,100 before they see any more resistance, like a great sucking sound on gold.


Doesn’t mean it’s going to go there. Just means if you are one of those chart people that love resistances and supports and all those things, probably a time to be a bit bullish about gold. If you’re going to be bullish about gold, you can play the one that’s, uh, probably has more room, which is silver right now.


So I’ve, it’s been so interesting watching this. And then you watch China’s central bank. It’s in a rough, rough spot as the, uh, one is the currency is slipping in value extremely quickly, which is going to push China into a corner.


They’re going to have to do something. They have tried nearly everything they could and it has not worked. They tried turning on the spigots.


It hadn’t worked sort of helicopter money to all their people. And now they have to deal with the possibility of trade wars and tariffs. Um, they somewhat offset that by the value dropping on the one.


So it means that they have a trade advantage. The problem is now that trade advantage just offsets tariffs, which means their companies have lower profit margin, which means they can pay their employees less. They already had a run on banks and failing banks is a systemic problem in their economy over the last year and a half.


It all started. If you guys remember with, um, what was it ever something I’m trying to remember the, uh, the big ones. Oh, wait a minute.


I muted you just Evergrande, Evergrande, uh, Shimona. There were a number of those banks that were hitting the skids, huge, huge ones, and then a lot of regional ones. And it has just, yes, it hasn’t gotten any better.


China is getting desperate from the outside be different. If I live there, although I do have some contacts inside and, uh, they agree, they’re just terrified of how to get the message out. The government just, you, you send a message like that to the world.


Uh, if you are Chinese and next thing you know, you can’t find you or your family. Right. But the businesses, you know, in China are, are massively struggling.


They, there’s nothing happening guys. And if American businesses are having major troubles too, so are the Chinese businesses. It is guys, I can just keep saying, you know, I know you’re going, well, I thought this was supposed to be done.


Um, but it is a matter of time. There is, it is a countdown and we just don’t know when that countdown is going to tip over, but there is no way to stop it. Um, speed racer, I am told, no, they do not have a stockpile of IQD.


I have been told that many of the banking families have been trying to buy from us and they’re willing to pay more because that’s how they can turn it in over time for oil. Um, so the CCP doesn’t have, they weren’t allowed after the Gulf war. Um, so I don’t know.


I mean, anything they have, they had to buy as individuals like you or me or to have people buy. So no, they don’t have, they don’t have enough to offset all their woes. If that’s the question.


Oh man, Greg, this is going to be great. Speaking of trade, the Baghdad exhibition opens next Saturday with participation of a thousand companies. It’s going to be just huge.


Nate, what do you think about the plane and Blackhawk crash that it smells that the Blackhawk took off from Saudi embassy land? Um, there’s a lot that doesn’t make sense. And I do not want to just fill the airwaves with conjecture, uh, until we learn a little more, but there’s a whole heck of a lot that doesn’t make sense. There were some key dignitaries on there that happened to be traveling with a Russian skating.


There’s just a lot that is not adding up. So rather than talk about the side of my butt, when I’m not a hundred percent certain, because there’s so much, uh, conflicting information right now, I’m just going to say it doesn’t add up right now with the news and the details that we have now. What is fun here? Look, we’ll be announcing the tariffs.


Trump is supposed to decide tonight on whether to impose the sweeping 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico guarantee you the buttholes in leadership right now could, uh, poop about trans Atlantic wires. If they swallowed a penny right now, they’re so uptight and worried. Yeah, but I think, I think in the reality, they know it’s coming.


They know it’s been coming for quite a while, you know, so it’s, it’s only the cabal that, that is the one that’s freaking out about this. You know, I want to give you a bank story. If you guys want to have, saw a fun one too.


Um, I was, you know, we had, uh, some, because I’ve been sick for a while there and I wasn’t in on Monday and Tuesday and I didn’t do the deposit on, on Wednesday. So I, you know, rushed to get the deposit out and someone gave a whole bunch of cash. Um, and I just don’t normally see a lot of, you know, major hundred R bills.


And so, you know, in behind the bank, um, you know, behind the counters, there’s a counter behind that their, their front counter. And it’s the normal ones they’ve been going to. And the guy turned around and shoved it in like a big Xerox looking machine.


And I was like, dude, that’s kind of new. And he goes, yeah, it is new. We just got it.


I said, is it for the new currency? He goes, yeah. And I’m like, uh-huh. And I’m going those machines up there could actually do everything, but they were turning to their right and just shoving it in their machines.


I, I swear to you guys, they know that the currency is out there. They just don’t know what it means. You know, I keep, I keep getting this question that people go, yeah, but they don’t understand.


I said, Nassar and they thought I was crazy and I’m going, you know, it’s like walking into, you know, a non football group of people and saying, you know, what happened last night? You know, in the third quarter, did, did they really fumble the ball? And you’re going, what are you talking about? Right. They’ve never, they don’t sit there and look at it. They don’t know that the information, you know, and they don’t utilize the terminology.


No. Oh, you’re still muted somehow. Yeah.


Speaking of which, before we jump into like, you know, do we have any last fun politics before we turn you loose with some of those definitions? One thing I forgot to mention this morning with Trump administration ends protected status for Venezuelans. This one is gonna cause a lot. I’ve got friends that may get caught up in this one.


But they knew, they knew they were here temporary. Well, not here stateside. And they knew it was ending at some point.


So of course, fortunately for them, they were here legally and moved forward. So I don’t think they will because they were doing everything right. But it is, it’s a huge move because many criminal elements took advantage of that to enter the US.


And everybody should be vetted and vetted properly. Another thing I forgot to mention this morning, I was just too, had too much to get to. Pentagon revokes General Mark Milley’s security clearance and pulls his security detail.


I mean, the man actively worked, in my opinion, on treason with China behind the scenes to make certain that they, to let them know that the military was in charge of Trump. And not to worry, they can do what they wanted. Don’t worry about Trump.


We’re in charge of him. We won’t take his orders. Well, think about it for a second.


It’s the shot across the bow. And that’s all it is, guys. Don’t think that’s like, well, that’s the end, right? We got them out.


And the answer is you still have to attack the issues that we know have occurred here. You know, guys, this is something I down, I mean, I created, you guys can download it on drscottyoung.com. And I talk a lot about this. Mark went through the documents.


So he kind of give you an idea. It’s, I think it’s five pages, if I remember right. So I think it’d be really helpful for you to kind of look at.


You’re still getting so much misinformation that I think you’re going to struggle if you don’t have some clue about it. So you can go to drscottyoung.com and go to downloads and you can download that thing too. So that’s just a thing I wanted to share with you guys as we kind of, you know, get close to that kind of timeframe with that.


I guess my big thing too, is this, you know, some people are wondering, you know, what do I need to do? What do I need to, you know, get set up for? Man, shouldn’t you have all of your documents and not everything ready to go? Wouldn’t you really want to be prepared for this kind of thing? I think you should get your documents out and kind of get them cleaned up. Yeah, I think it’s, and you know, I don’t want to let false hope or sensationalism, but I do think it is time to search through the drawers, search through the whatever, make certain you have it all in one place. You’ve got it all figured out, maybe do another count, just so you know.


I think it’s time to get very organized. And as we’ve said though before, you know, I think you and I talked about this last week. I think we were talking about it, but I could be totally wrong with me being sick, but you know, like I think that little Trump countdown on the executive orders for the JFK files, man, that is going to be a big issue.


They got 15 days and I don’t even know how many days we got left. Did you hear, I mean, it had to be the, you know, guys, I know I’ll probably offend with my middle school potty humor on this one, but you guys had to have heard the collective boom Biden response this afternoon when they were, Kash Patel got into the human trafficking and asked about Epstein and he’s like, yeah, oh yeah, we need to disclose everything. The people have a right and they need to know that we were fighting securing against human trafficking and pedophilia against, I mean, he.


Yeah, but remember what Kash Patel has said, Kash Patel, he, no, each one of them have their own different way. Pam Bondi’s got a, you know, got a piece to it. You know, Kristi Noem is over there dealing with the illegals in different ways.


You’ve got, you know, RFK going to be dealing, he is, he does not believe in, in the jab here. Don’t, don’t believe any of that stuff. He’s just trying to get through this kind of thing.


You know, you can’t, you can’t worry about lying to the devil. I always say that, like if you’re all worried about lying to the devil, I just, I don’t worry about that, that kind of stuff. That the reality is, you know, they’re all ridiculous.


Actually, one of the things I saw on the RFK one is he put Bernie Sanders on the, on the stand too. He goes, yeah, you’re taking $1.5 million from, you know, from the, the vaccine companies and, and, and he goes, and he started, he got red in the face. I took that money per, you know, per person.


There’s those individual people. And, and you can see RFK back there that he’s going to take them all down. And he wrote it on and today, throughout the day, he has been dumping everybody else’s.


It’s how much they took this, how much they took. Yep. And cash for tell has already told us this one thing.


He’s seen all the JFK files. He’s seen all the RFK. He’s seen the MLK.


And he says, he’s seen nine 11. He says, I’ve seen it all and I’m going to drop it. And when it’s, and when it’s still, that’s a good one, Todd.


That’s awesome. But, but honestly, yeah, he’s, he’s good. I’m not, but seriously, cash does his thing and they can’t stop him.


I mean, like they know that they have to, they have to let them in. And here’s, and here’s why I say to you that that you could say, well, they won’t let them in the article two under section three. And I didn’t understand this, this particular article.


It said that the president can dismiss either or both houses of Congress. If they’re critically unable to do their job, I mean, that’s the little Scott wording and, and he can dismiss them and do what he needs to accomplish in essence. And it’s a very strange article.


And I came across it and I’m like, you have got to be kidding me. So, and, and I had been tracking this about a month and a half ago when I knew, you know, cash was going to come up and, and they were going to have their hissy fit and, and the FBI. And I, I, you know, I was thinking, okay, but Trump isn’t a president.


He’s the inaugurated president. He’s in a legal situation and he can wipe them out and say, and he can just set them aside. And Mark’s already said too, you can put them up for a 450 day timeframe, you know, temporary timeframe.


Yeah. It’s like 300 days at a cliff or something like that, but you’re allowed to do it like three times. I mean, in effect.


Yeah. But, but he didn’t even have to do that. He can dismiss them and, and put them in as, you know, in, into their, their commissioner roles or whatever that, you know, director roles and he didn’t even have to have them.


So, so trust me this state and he’s got all the legal stuff on their, on his side. And so, but I tell you what, the JFK file, those are the ones that I we are ready for that thing to nearly happen. I think we are.


And boy, I tell you, I don’t like to see this fear mongering. Guys, quit worrying about it. You know, this, this whole, they got enough to worry about.


Illegals aren’t like camped out around the corner, peeking through the fences to follow you to the exchange center. No. And, and the reality that Trump has said over a year ago, hey man, thank you, Jar.


Jar, that’s exceptionally kind, but I will, because it takes a little while for it to come in through YouTube, but we need to restock the humanitarian fund for folks. Even, even when this goes, we’re going to need, and of course I know a lot of people will donate them, but we still have a lot of people that have zero currency. Right.


But you know, here’s the thing. Homan has, has talked about this, but Trump has been talking about this for more than a year. We know where everyone is.


He has literally said that. Most of them have gotten cell phones. They have, they’ve had little, um, there are little, uh, wrist tags.


Those got, those got GPS tags on them. And so they’ve been tagged and bagged and all you have to do is go up and, and, and frankly, they’re, they’re, they’re dumb. They’re sitting in a hotel room because they’re, they’re getting a hotel for free.


So you just go in there and just go get out and, and, and, and they just walk them all out. You’re not really hearing all the stuff that’s ready. It is so simple to get them out.


It does take a little time, but not, not as much time as you think. What documents? Well, I would say this, listen, anyone who’s ever done a business bank account, let me just tell you what those business bank account things. Cause I’ve done it so many times.


I can’t even tell you. Okay. Whether I’ve done it, you know, in a nonprofit or a profit organization, you want to have, um, like your last couple of paychecks you want to have, um, you know, your, uh, you know, any, let me show a 401k if, if you want to be able to show that, you know, kind of thing.


Um, you know, a couple electricity or, you know, gas bill or something like that. And, and, you know, it’s funny is you can just, every time you get those things in the mail, just replace it out and in your packet and you just do a quick replacement out there. It’s a really simple thing.


And, and as a business owner, you know, I’ve done this, I, I have, you know, available for me because, you know, I have to somehow, I have to, I have to prove things all the time, you know, to these insurance agencies or different agencies. So I keep a running file. So I’ll have like in my folders 24.


And so in 24, I have all the folders of all the stuff I need. If I need to make a loan or do a, a new situation or stop a new bank account, I’m going to have to drop those documents and they’re really simple. Um, that’s it.


I mean, and you don’t have to do much more than that. Yeah. I’ve been told just, you know, if you’re curious what you’re going to need other than your current currency bond slash whatever, uh, call a bank that you think might be redeeming bank.


Don’t tell them you’re coming to redeem. Just say, I’m interested in opening an account. I just want to keep it simple.


What would I need to bring with me? A business account? Yeah. Ask them cause that’s the better way. Cause the personal accounts a little different.


It would be extra, but there’s a lot of corporate stuff they won’t need. Right. Well, you don’t need, I mean, for instance, most corporate accounts also ask for like, you know, your documentation of your EINs and all the other weird things too.


But, but, but I just tell you like, it’s like a couple extra documents related to, um, you know, who you are. If you just have to give some of that stuff and, and you’re, and you’re setting ready to go. Yeah.


I’m just, uh, Becky, don’t worry about donating money. We’re okay. I mean, it’s always appreciated, but right now I would rather you guys take care of those, uh, in front of you, especially if you need it yourself.


But you got plenty of people in your own towns and communities that could use you when you can. I very much appreciate it. I do.


I don’t want to like say I don’t or anything, but I just, when you know so many people are in need, just take care of each other. That’s if there’s anything our world needs right now is people that give a damn about it, truly care, not because they’re virtue signaling. Um, Judy asked the question, I’m retired.


I only get social security with the, with the bills where yes, you know, just, just collect two or three of those bills and you’re in good shape. Um, you know, obviously have like a couple forms of ID simple, you know, it’s, it’s not that big a deal as, as big of a deal as you think with that too. Now we’re going to follow Roy’s, uh, the humor here.


Can we use a home car warranty hearing aid and life alert spam letters? Yeah. So a second ID and it was the hearing aid one with you. I mean, he is totally, uh, another one of the funniest role you will meet.


Yeah, no, I said, I love those kinds of things, but yeah, just, you know, real bills, you guys can pull them, you know, you can easily pull that stuff and you go online and, and, and, and print off those forms. If your photo ID is not up to date, that is one thing that I would try to get. I am told that they understand that some people can’t, they’re homeless, whatever.


They don’t have an address. They can’t update it no matter how much they want to. I am told that they have a provision where you’ll have access to part of your money so you can take care of your immediate needs.


Like, uh, you know, get an extended stay, go get your license, whatever it is that you need to get full. But I am told that they are prepared because they understand that many people have moved or something or anything kind of happens, but you know, yeah, but it isn’t that big a deal to pop down to your DMV or, or these, you know, we have them in Oklahoma. They’re private ones.


You don’t have to go to the big DMVs, but these little private agencies and they’ll get you in and out like in seconds. And I mean, it’s a few bucks to get that little, you know, to, to update your, your address in there. It’s not that hard.


This would be kind of fun here. Um, but Cynthia just said, we’ll help people, the church and the church trying to figure out how to give a anonymously after, what if you could work on some of the church where the church passes around the, um, uh, collection tray, but instead of putting in, it’s going out. In other words, it’s like stack full of, uh, tithe envelopes that have a thousand bucks in it.


And you just pass around and say anybody in need, it’s not a question. You’re not being judged. We know there are people in need.


Take one. This is God given back. I just, I mean, that to me would be like really cool, especially in some of these, uh, areas and neighborhoods where the did not, where the congregations have been hit very hard by the policies.


Um, have an interesting question. Tim say there says, um, how much is my 500 K home going to be worth after, you know, RV inflation is taken out. Okay.


So let’s, and I’m going to make up, I’m going to do the math for you. Let’s just make up some, some numbers. Let’s say you put down, uh, $50,000.


Again, I’m making them numbers. Don’t, don’t quote me on numbers. And you bought it, you bought it for, you know, a half a million.


So that means that you, you know, your amount of money is 50 K. Okay. Now you have, you know, so that means you’re paying $450,000 and whatever interest rate you have. Right.


So forget about inflation. Cause you’re not going to calculate inflation. One of the things that happens when we go into a goldback currency, um, you know, house values we know are massively overpriced and insurances and several other things are overpriced.


What happens is that you instantly have paid off value. Now, if you turned around five seconds later, you might be able to sell it for 500,000. I don’t know.


But what if you waited, um, six months and you sold that same house and what’s the worst thing that happens? Your house is now worth two 50. Let’s say it’s gone down in value like that much. And you’re going, Oh my God, I’ve lost everything.


Well, wait a second. How much real value do you have in your pocket? You had $50,000 of equity. Now you have $250,000 of equity.


And by the way, you’re talking about relative values for your area. It’s called comps for a reason. That means if you’re going to buy a bigger house or downsize for whatever reason, you’re going to a bigger house.


Well, now you, you move from a $250,000 house to a $300,000 house and you put down $250,000 on it and you might just have to, you know, maybe you finance, you know, 50,000 hours or something like that in a very tiny finance point. You’re way ahead. You also have to remember that if the value of your home comes down because the dollar got so much stronger, the money you do have, the value you do have, and it has more purchasing power.


Correct. So while it may say it’s worthless, it buys exponentially more. This is one that’s been very difficult to explain to people because they’ve grown up in the Fiat inflationary world.


Right. Yeah. Would you rather have $10 that will buy you a new car or $10 or $100 that’ll buy you three pizzas? Right.


I mean, that’s an extreme example, but- But we’re in the same boat there, guys. We have to realize we’re talking about relative values, because we all need a home, right? And if you don’t have a home, well, it’s going to be less expensive to buy it. You already have a home and you’re downsizing because the kids have moved out and you want to have a smaller place.


Well, it’s just going to be less. So be good here. Gary says, Seven has a question.


Are there any lessons on how to purchase Al-Adil titles? I wish I had information. Yeah. Loyal tire.


I’ve seen a lot of… There’s a lot of YouTubes as to when you can and can’t. I have not studied it enough. I would assume when Nasser Jasser is real at all, then that is going to be something we’re going to see anyways.


But I do want to take more time or I want to find somebody that’s an expert that’s not going to get us in trouble and have them join us for a podcast because I’ve read quite a bit on it, but I am not in any way what I would consider an expert. Well, it’s got to… I mean, first off, just use titles for a second, okay? You have a car and you have a house, right? And let’s just say you finance both of them through Bank of America. So it’s got Scott and Bank of America.


As soon as the thing is off, who’s left on the title? First off, it’s only Scott, right? But it’s going to take, I don’t know, weeks to get that title back out to you. They got to clean the title and then they got to turn it and then mail you that title. So it’s going to take a little time for that kind of thing, for all of the systems to process that title back to you.


That might change all the lessons you might even think you have until that too. I’ve been saying as a credit system going away, I’ve been told doesn’t go completely away. It resets, it wipes.


They don’t go back and say, well, this was on your credit or that. In other words, we’re going to have to… What we do from that day on is going to determine our credit worthiness, et cetera. You have to have some way of weighing and measuring, but I am told how they do that will change drastically.


Well, it’s two simple points that make up credit scores. I mean, your credit score, it was a tough credit score, 820. 630 can get you at least some level of unsecured loan.


It’s about 800 now to get a house for a home loan in Puerto Rico. And I’m hearing that from other markets around the US where don’t even come to the table unless you are daggone close to 800 or over. Well, and it used to be if you had 730, 750, you got anything you wanted.


I mean, you were an A plus rating kind of thing and beyond that. So there’s two things that always affect credit or credit scores. It’s payment issues, like are you behind on your payments schedule? And secondly, how much debt to income you have, right? And people go, they don’t know your income.


Yes, they do. Man, the systems, the Equifax systems can see all that stuff, right? So what happens when they zero out the credit, how are they going to look at the back stuff? It’s already zeroed out. It doesn’t matter if you’re behind because it’s already been paid off.


And so the systems, I mean, the credit score system will kind of not have a lot of meaning. What I keep hearing over and over again is bankers are going to flip back to an old type of style and it’s so simple. They’re going to start looking at your ability to pay for something.


Simply put, like you’re going to go, I mean, because I’m going to tell you when I used to run loans for, I wasn’t running it, but I was with a hearing and manufacturer and we were, we would take loans from this one bank and it was way before you had those really easy loan capabilities and you had to do debt to income with those people, right? And they had to say, how much do you make, how much your wife make? And you had to put all of these little credit points on there, right? And so when you calculated all that stuff up, basically what you were doing is a budget. And so when banks start looking at this, they’re going to look at it as a budget kind of thing. Oops, you’re done.


Yeah. Jay-Z asked me a question here. Neighbor’s dog is barking.


That’s why I keep muting it and then I forget. I am going to do a copy on this one just to, and there are many of them out there. They are just currency calculator, inflation calculator, CPI.


He asked specifically from 1955 today, you take $1 in 1955, you would need, it would be 1178. And these are by the government’s numbers, not real numbers, but they’re close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades. So $1 of 1955 money would be 11.78. So 1 million in that money would have been roughly 12 million in today’s world.


So I mean, give you an idea of how much further your money, if the NAR only went for a dollar, but it went back to 1955 values, it would be the same thing as it going to 1178. So when you guys are like, oh my God, if it’s only two or $3, but if you’re getting that much more purchasing power, crazy values. And again, that’s why I get a little sideways when it gets like 1955.


And then we’re trying to peg the value. Well, okay. And the iPhone didn’t exist in 1985, I mean, 1955.


So what would have been the value of that? Okay. There are some things that we don’t have values from that timeframe and values. Listen, a pricing of anything is what the market will bear based upon like economic region and wage capability.


And so prices are kind of, there’s going to be fluctuators that are going to be crazy, but I’m going to tell you, they’re probably going to come up with a new groundbreaking technologies. And in that groundbreaking technology is going to mess people up and they’re going to pay a lot more for it. It’s going to be like, wait, how come that thing is way more expensive than I thought it would be? Supply and demand.


Supply and demand. Yeah. I just love that Cynthia Kennedy’s comment about needing new conspiracy theories because all the others came true.


I mean, there you go. Right. Yeah.


Whip, you missed it all. We already RV, we’ve all been to the bank and we came home. We don’t know where you’ve been.


So at this point, oh, and it’s over now. If you didn’t exchange before the podcast tonight, you can’t exchange. I mean, man, you were just late.


Just kidding. Whip, it’s good to see you. Dude.


All right. Looking at the time, Dr. Scott, I’m going to start wrapping up just because it’s been a long work day. Sure.


And I’m looking forward to, I might even like take a little time and read some this evening about an ice wall. I’ve been up since 3.15 in the morning and been working the whole time through. I’ve so behind.


But I got to tell you guys, just be in peace. You can’t fix anything. You can’t push the envelope.


Don’t stress over the things. Do not be anxious for anything, but with prayer and supplication, present your request to Christ. That’s the way I do it.


Makes sense. Amen. All right.


Everybody take care. Thanks for Dr. Scott. An extra thank you for rallying, even though you’ve been sick.


So thank you for being here. Happy to do it. And Mr. C is going to be with you tomorrow, right? Yeah.


We’re hoping for four RV news first to have militia man myself for the first 30 minutes and then Mr. C should be great. All right. See you then folks.

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