MarkZ (Uncut) 01-27-2025
Coffee with MarkZ. 01/27/2025
Hello, all know StreamYard didn’t want to let us in. It just refused to start. Um, kept saying there’s a, uh, there’s a problem with whatever and uploading and kept trying.
Finally, it worked. Hello, Fred Emma. Hello, William Busy Caroline Taxman.
Mile High J Sample Fluffy Pup. Yeah, did you see the crazy billions of dollars of waste must found in football? Like the US government pays for, I mean, some of the craziest things like you’re like, what the? Beep. Hello, our farmer.
It’s good to see you. Happy birthday to Guardian Morgan. Let’s put that one in here.
Start our birthday list. Hello, Miss Libby. Hello, Summer and Rafe.
And, uh, wait, you’re getting some warm weather finally in Florida. Surrender and never wait. Never surrender, Melissa.
Don’t have it in me. Hello, Daisy Georgia Whipper. Well, William turned 40 yesterday.
Happy belated William. It’s probably a good sign that you’re in here with us and, uh, this early. So you must be feeling good.
Jeffrey Z. Miss Karen’s doing her 50th. Hello, the amazed Teddo. It’s a pleasure.
Quantum healing. What are you saying? Even football’s corrupt. Everybody but the Steelers.
Come on, just run with it here. Play along with me. Entertain the crazy man.
Sooner man, Iris. Oops. Bug.
Oh, we’re going to attempt a short mister. I don’t know. We think we have it worked out.
Hopefully we can get to him early and he will make his appearance. We also have Miss Bamber joining from wave. Watch a little later.
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Oh, we’ll get yours soon, 72Z. Chiefs versus the Eagles. It’s probably going to be the Chiefs again.
Personally, I’m over the Chiefs. I kind of like to see the Eagles win, even if they are NFC, but pretty confident it will be the Chiefs. Any good news, Mitzi? None of us know the timing.
Do I think it can be a drug out until December? No, no part of me at all. No part of me at all. I’m reading a few of these before it’s time.
Raul, nope, it’s the Eagles. Hello. Let’s see.
What a threat. I don’t know. The Eagles are looking incredible yesterday.
Squam Barkley is not human. And Jalen Carter destroyed the offensive line. Yeah.
Not to pick too hard on you, Washington. Commanders, Redskins, whatever. Football club, whatever.
The latest is out of D.C. with its insanity. Keep hoping that the Trump effect will kick in and the Redskins can return to being the Redskins. But that’s a team that played above themselves to get there.
I mean, they had a horseshoe up their butt. Nothing to beat on you guys. But, yeah, the NFC wasn’t looking too impressive this year.
Boy, I just got myself in trouble. MJ Washington beat themselves exactly. So, yeah, I’m not certain I would give but so much credit to the Eagles’ victory.
I mean, it’s great. They’re going to the Super Bowl. It’s awesome.
And I’m pulling for them. So many bad calls against Buffalo. I mean, heck, for that matter, the NFL is, like, sanctioning, correcting officials over the Steelers game too.
Still, there’s been some pretty rough officiating for many, many teams in many games this season. But, yeah, whatever. David, I was not up in the States over the weekend.
Hello Programmer says, I think the new Treasury Secretary has to be in before the RV, maybe even given some time to clean out. You know, I hadn’t given that much thought. Hello, Programmer.
It would make sense at the Treasury, not necessarily the Fed. But you could be on to something. I think things are moving along pretty nicely right now.
Not 100% what that means for timing, but we’ll go over what I’m hearing. We can all weigh it, measure it, decide for ourselves what we think of all the information because it is a little confusing and all over the place. It continues to be really positive, though.
Lions got robbed. Fay’s birthday. I should probably really speed it up and not wait today.
Oh, wait, it’s already because I started too late. Let’s just go ahead and get to it. Before I forget, over at Liberty on Mainstream, the first episode with Mike Church aired over the weekend.
He also gets into some interesting birther conversations. You may agree. You may disagree.
But it is interesting to get different takes on it. And now we’re just going to keep running real quickly. The Power of More vs.
Alliance. This is the person who posted it, letting us know that it was to start conversations and was not actually a Supreme Court case. We’ll include those.
We’ll all be in links. All right, now we’re going to get into we should probably before we do the out of Iraq news, we should probably dive first into the rumors over the weekend. What do I do with this? Because I wrote part of them down right here.
There we go. Bond information continues to be pretty much all over. A couple of my biggest are now saying they expect theirs somewhere around February 10th.
Now, some of those bigger ones could be post R.V., though. I want to remind folks that because there’s different pots of money for this, this could be after, could be before, could be at the same time, but does not necessarily indicate that the whole thing is waiting that long. My wealth folks did not have to work over the weekend.
They were hoping to. Remember, again, though, guys, they were told they were on call this weekend and to count on one of the next few weekends having to start working every weekend for a while. So I’m going to take that as a positive, meaning, OK, we checked.
We checked one done out of the way and now we get to move on towards something really positive. Sure, there’s plenty of rumors out there about the end of the year. There’s also rumors about tonight.
They cloud it and clouded on purpose that we have so many groups and we do. I’m waiting for a couple of group check ins. It’s Monday morning.
We’re suffering from the Monday morning news. What do you call it? Brown out. So we can find out because we had a number of groups that were told at the end of last week within about 72 hours or so within a few days they would see full funding.
So we’re waiting to see what happens when the groups check in today. That’s probably it on your rumor side. Not a huge number of them yet, yet.
I can live with that. All right, let’s get to the stuff that we can put a finger on and read about in the news. Parliamentary finance, political consensus forced the passage of the budget amendment within the committee.
Now it’s got to go to Parliament. Been a lot of back and forth. Huge political pressure right now to finish the amendments and pass them for Articles 12 and 14, the same ones we’ve been waiting on.
This is almost 100% the back and forth with the urban region over the cost of the fuel. Huge pressure now. We’re coming out of committee going to full Parliament.
So we are making progress and it’s expected in this session. What does that mean? That means in the next couple of days the way they translated that one. I looked at three different translations today and is expected in the next couple of days.
Governor of Central Bank, we provide the necessary support to the international companies that wish to invest in Iraq, including American companies and banks. Don’t pay attention. American banks.
All those banks have been telling you how long? They have never and never will. Well, craziest thing. They are getting ready to come to a really cool fair.
Some of them have already been back and forth. Minister of Commerce calls for the establishment of an exhibition made in America in Iraq and the presence of American companies in the sessions of the Baghdad exhibition. I feel like I’m chewing through my cowgut this morning.
All the banks have been telling you forever. They have never and never will. They’re there.
Chase, great example. So much press. There’s so much press that we can go in and read how the banks are there.
So when you listen to the low-level teller, just remember they’re not in a level of no. They would like to be. Some of them may take the time to read and study.
But I love this one because we have it in print. Companies, banks bringing in. Now, this does create a tremendous amount of potential for American companies, though, because they want a made-in-America exhibition.
They want our best manufacturers, our best tractor makers, equipment makers, food makers, et cetera, to show up and pitch their wares for the Iraqi people. This could be a very large market and a very prosperous country for folks. This excites me because it’s also international.
They want to greatly develop their context. And we got a bunch of other articles coming out of Iraq, mostly having to do with imprisonment in the government’s drawers, parliamentary calls to speed up the implementation of oil and gas. Now it’s on theirs.
This article, that one dropped early yesterday before they moved past committee. We got a bunch of these. But it is general budget in the Kurdistan region, Vice President sending budget tables that the news has dominated this weekend in Iraq by the soon, well, the very, the budget laws being passed soon, expectations.
There’s going to be more to hit, but we’re going to take that out of the way so I can see what you guys are talking about for a moment, and then we’re going to keep diving in. Now this wouldn’t surprise me. This would not surprise me to see the debt jubilee take a little longer or be pieced out over time so it doesn’t flood the market.
That wouldn’t surprise me, God’s chosen. Doesn’t mean that’s what I’ve heard, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Al Yasari added there’s a political consensus to pass the amendment to the budget law resolving the difference between Baghdad and Erbil to expedite the 2025 budget tables.
It is obliterating the news. It is dominating the news right now. Yes, Little Miss.
Cat sleeping right here, side of the keyboard, pushing the monitor and camera around. And let’s see, do we think it will revalue this month? What do you guys think? I think it’s more likely early in the first half of February. What do you guys think? And keep in mind, I do not have a crystal ball.
I have a lot of great, great sources slash whatever, but they are being kept in the dark as well. But what do you guys think? DOD closing for 10 days, cutting down foreign stuff for the next 75 days. We’re watching this era roll out right in front of our eyes.
Cheesehead man thinks February, grumpy February. Penny, I mean, I’m not certain if that one’s supposed to be. Kevin thinks April.
CA Taylor, I just don’t, I don’t think that anymore. I’m going to run with you, James. We’re not going to nail the timing.
I think we can get close. Savvy left it up to God. Gay says March 4th could be after DJT’s speech.
Beverly, our expectation is what keeps moving. It’s probably not moved once. It’s probably our expectation.
Andres, yeah, this one I am confident you are not correct on, but some people feel that way, and if it makes it easier for them, think that way. And then be surprised when it goes. If you have currency, of course, if you give up your currency, then you really have no point.
Yeah. Then it shouldn’t really matter when it goes to you. Reading a few.
Raul, it’ll be sooner than that. That’s funny. Frank seems to think March 4, original inauguration.
Trump invited by address to Congress on March 4th. Susan, Suzanne just says before Memorial. David, David thinks next February.
We know that we are moving at a much quicker pace. We know that the U.S. government is pressuring Iraq to complete it now. Now, this is a first in history of this thing, seeing that pressure that we’re seeing from U.S. Western countries for Iraq to move forward.
And that, to me, is an enormous step. We’ve only seen obstacles thrown before for them now. I mean, even in the press, you can read how America is pushing them to finish their economic reforms now.
America desperately needs it. The Biden administration has just about finished the destruction of the American economy. So you’re going to see the Trump administration push it because they left them a hell of a time bomb and it’s ticking.
So in order for them to defuse it and fix it, they need to change this thing. That’s my take on it. I mean, it is a mad dash push to get them to finish this puppy.
Sunflower, Cali, not giving in, but the doubt keeps coming in. That’s the devil. That’s what he does.
He sits there and gives you doubt, gives you doubt. Never sits over here and tells you about all the awesome stuff that’s happened, all the tremendous progress in the last few months or the last year or so since Zidane’s been there. Doesn’t whisper in your ear that part.
Doesn’t whisper in how the U.S. government’s pushing to change rates, how they found another 2 billion barrels of oil in just one field, how they have Kirkuk coming online, how they’ve upgraded, they’ve stopped 96% of the fraud in their banking system. That little voice in there that keeps throwing in the doubt, it’s not going to tell you all the tremendous progress they’ve made. 24-hour electricity, Internet, electronic banking.
So now you’ve got to decide which one you want to listen to. Al, I did not double-check with Mr. C, but he is expected today. So let me hurry through articles in hopes that we can get him for at least a short bit before Ms. Linda joins.
I’m going to whip through some news, guys, and it is some fun stuff. All right, Trump administration tests the power to email every federal employee at once. I had some federal employees check in.
They got a second test today. New feature announced by the Office of Personnel Management aligns with the goals of DOJ. Make it more efficient.
You can talk to them all at once from a central email. You don’t have to jump through hoops, send it to different agencies, wait for the agencies to send it down. We are becoming efficient.
It’s also pretty cool when it is time for EBS. Trump destroys L.A. mayor to her face during wild press conference spat. No, it was absolutely epic.
And he was like, we got to get government out of the way and let people get in and clean up their homes. She’s like, well, we can work on that and try to get approval in the next week or two. He’s like, no, you can just get the hell out of the way and let people take over.
We can sit here and wait for government for weeks and weeks and weeks to clean things before construction can start. Or we can just let people do their own thing, you know, fix it themselves instead of looking at their burnt lives, wanting to salvage it and being told by police they’re not allowed to go into their own property. He called BS, I mean, his left and right.
He obliterated management. And boy, did he point out he drew reference. This one’s a great one because it also draws reference.
Got it in here somewhere. We’ll get into it. Over Western North Carolina, Florida, etc.
And references the aid that was given to Puerto Rico, Dora Maria, that never got distributed because of government. He’s pointing that out. All this money and FEMA spent not going to the people, not getting distributed.
He’s like, we either have to fix it or we have to do away with it. You pick it. Which is it? You want to fight me? We’ll do away with it.
You want to work with me? We’ll fix it. Loved it. I mean, what a what a weekend for him.
And it just keeps getting better. Columbia to accept all deported illegal immigrants after Trump tariff threat. According to the White House, as a matter of fact, Columbia over the weekend said turned away their first shipments on Saturday.
Sent them back, said we’re not taking them. Trump said, fine. Let’s do it.
Twenty five percent tariff on all Colombian goods. Lasted 10 hours before the Colombian president said we will take them and we will send our own presidential plane to pick up and start fearing the ones that you brought and had to turn around and take back. So there you go.
The first trade war where they talked big and turned away their own illegal citizens that illegally came now headed back to Colombia with with the. Approval of the Colombian government, the shortest trade war in U.S. history, I think at 10 hours, boy, I tell you, it’s going to get even more interesting before before the morning is out. Mexico accepted for deportation flights this week.
White House says Mexico was another one that said they weren’t taking them. Guys, we’re not sending our castoffs, we’re sending the ones that jumped the border illegally. They are citizens of those countries and we are sending them back.
Many of them are wanted in those countries. They are going back. Remember, they’re getting rid of the violent criminals first and then we go from there.
So if you are here illegally, now is your chance. If you’re not a if you are not a violent criminal, you better jump through your hoops and get legal. Just a note, because we don’t even touch these numbers.
Switzerland achieves the highest deportation rate in Europe in twenty twenty four. Sixty percent of illegals they are catching and removing the highest in Europe. If the U.S. did that, I want you to think about that.
If the U.S. did that just from the last four years, that would be over 10 million that would be removed. I mean, think about those numbers and I think you’ll do more from fires virtually worthless. Inspector General Liz Warren freaks out over purge.
He sent out a bunch of emails. You want to know what the email said? You’re fired. This is going to cause a lot of lawsuits and that’s what he wants.
He’s like, let’s get it over with. You’re going to fight this thing. Let’s go in and have the fight.
Because at least while we’re having the fight and drawing it out for months, they’re not working for us. But go right ahead. Let’s have the fight.
Constitutionally, I expect that he has a lot of basis to win most of his fights and even the ones he doesn’t win, he will still get a lot of positive benefit from. So it may not be the massive win, but it will be at least a win for him as he takes the woke folk out of government and removes positions that should never have been created. And his point with most of the inspector generals, their political appointments and the IGs are not to oversee the organizations, but to protect the organizations from the people, meaning that they have become their own glob, cancerous glob on the American people and the government.
He’s just going to clean house. Yes, he’s going to break some good things when he breaks a lot of bad things. So you got to weigh it on the whole.
It just keeps getting better. Don’t really care. Margaret Vance shuts down CBS journalists over unvetted migrants.
He’s like, I don’t care. She’s like, I can’t believe we’re going to do it this way. We absolutely can’t unleash thousands of unvetted people in our country, said Vance.
Just like the guy who planned the terrorist attack in Oklahoma a few months ago. He was allegedly properly vetted, but he wasn’t. I don’t want my children sharing a room.
People are not properly vetted. He continued. Brennan tried to pivot, said it wasn’t clear if he was radicalized when he got here or while he was living here.
He’s like, I don’t care. I love it. He’s like, yeah, she kept coming up with all these reasons why not.
He’s like, I don’t care. I don’t care. We got to do the right thing.
I don’t care. I just thought it was great. Gene, keep in mind, you can go back 30 years through Melania’s past.
She loves low hanging hats. That’s something she has liked before we ever got into clones and doubles and all of that speak. She has always loved lower hats.
I assume looking at her very stunning eyes that they are very sensitive to light. I want to read too much into that one. A lot of people read too much into that one.
Just a couple of add-ons here. Trump’s World Economic Forum speech. Here’s just a summary of it.
It was epic. Here’s one I probably should have put in a different order. CIA says COVID-19 more likely came from a Chinese lab.
Whoa. Now one of the three top U.S. bodies that think it came from the lab. This is the same group that went after all of us for pointing out that it most likely came from a lab.
Isn’t it fun to watch them come full circle? All right. Now I’m ready if Mr. C would like to call in. We’ll go for a short bit to make up for what we missed.
We’re going to use a different platform to get him in through WhatsApp. I’m just checking real quickly to see if he is still on schedule or if we dropped the ball. There it is.
It will most likely have to move to WhatsApp. Let’s give it a try. We’ll see what they think of us, Mr. C. Okay.
Good morning. If it doesn’t work, let’s back up and do the WhatsApp approach. You got it.
All right. So far, so good. Unreal.
Unreal how we’re not allowed to talk. All right. We’re trying a different approach.
Give it a moment and we’ll see if we did well. Shedlady, I did see about Trump doing a Trump hotel in Vietnam. I do not think it was fake news at all.
Vietnam is a heck of a growing market and industrial powerhouse for the U.S. A lot of U.S. companies going back and forth. I’m certain many of those leaders would love to stay in a Trump facility. They really are world-class facilities.
All right. Give me just a moment, guys. I’m going to do my part and make this happen.
He might beat me to it, but we’re getting to it. Let’s see. Going to try to back up here.
I should have tried this part. See how I do with this. Maine just had a slowdown 4.1. ML, I’m still hearing they’re taking the Zimbons.
I’ve not heard anything saying differently. I know there are a few out there saying that. I do not think they’re accurate.
Let’s give it a shot. I think this is going to work. We can hear you and hear you well.
Everybody was hoping to have an RV over the weekend. I still think we’re in a great spot. I would love for us to be across the finish line, but I think we’re getting close quickly.
How are you feeling this morning? I agree. I’m not sure exactly when, but I think we’re very close to it now. I don’t think it’s going to be delayed.
I think they’re just lining up the ducks to be able to shoot them in a row. I think within the next week or two, maybe. I don’t know.
It looks good to me. I’m very encouraged. Honestly, that timeline you’re hoping for is exactly what I’m hearing from the overwhelming majority of sources right now.
I hope it’s accurate. Let’s see. It’s Gerard’s 67th birthday.
If you have any extra really good news or anything you want to share, Gerard said he’s down for a birthday present. I wish I did. It’s been a very tough year.
I’m just waiting for these guys to show up. It’s unfortunate, but that’s the way it is. We do not have specific timeframes.
I’ve got to wait until they show up. I don’t really have any good news on that. Any questions you felt like we didn’t really knock out on Friday because of the communication issues you want to talk about first? Actually, no, I don’t.
It was a tough time to get everything organized. Obviously, they’re still trying to beat us up. No, I don’t have any questions at this moment.
Fire away if you have any. Do you think a lot of what we’re watching with the deportation flights and all those is part of that sovereignty thing? Or is it just a clean-up operation? I don’t need to think necessarily yet. I think it’s still clean-up.
Trump making good on his campaign promises and getting ready for the RV. Remember, the RV is contingent upon safety of your funds. The more we can get these criminals out of here, the better it’s going to be.
I think they’re gearing up for the rats going down and everything getting ready for release. That’s what makes the most sense to me. What we believe is happening is happening.
That’s what makes the most sense, absolutely. What does Mr. Cutrell think about executive orders Trump’s issued? Is it playing out similar to how you thought it would? It’s going quicker than I thought. After all these years of seeing five, six presidents promising and then not doing anything, it’s a relief and it’s very encouraging.
I’m really pleased with what’s going on. You need to have legislation to make it full effect. I think that’s what they’re working on starting today in Florida.
I think it’s a good idea. I love these executive orders. I really do.
A little fern with a question for you. Mr. Cutrell, Trump said debt will be obliterated at the World Economic Forum speech that he gave. Do you think he was referring to you doing your thing, derivatives canceling, just that removal of fraudulent debt? Do you think he was actually giving—I mean, he said debt would be obliterated.
Is he talking about some bigger, wishful, grand political thing, there’s a chicken in every pot? Or do you think he was putting it in front of us? I think he was talking worldwide because remember, when I put the codes in, the derivatives are stripped from all balance sheets. At that point, there’s a debt jubilee. I know that’s for everybody around the world, so it’s not just us.
It’s not just the U.S. I think it’s a good thing. I believe he was laying down the path of where we’re going to go. Price Home Selling.
Mr. C. mentions that debt cancellation all the time, guys. Just remember, it’s really not a jubilee. They’re not out of the goodness of their heart forgiving you.
It is fraudulent. It’s fraud being canceled. Right.
It’s based on the massive fraud of which all debt today is based upon, and that’s going to be eliminated. So the debt jubilee is just a term used for the relief from all debt. There is a lot.
Well, Ronnie, I did check the stock market. Honestly, I thought it was going to be down further over fears of trade wars, but perhaps Colombia caving so quickly. The market’s not taking it as such a difficult whatever because it was expanding.
The peso took a hit overnight. Colombia’s currency took a hit overnight. Concerns over because Mexico’s leader is just wants to oppose anything Trump.
So I’m kind of surprised the market’s doing as well as it is today. All right, let’s get into this question. Help me understand.
Mr. C. is supposed to get the coach to kick this off. I’m having a hard time believing that the higher ups would want him out there broadcasting his role in this. Confused.
Boy, they didn’t for a long time. But you want to tackle that one? I probably still don’t, which is why they’re giving us troubles. But, you know, I made it because of what I did with Trump Sr. And the Golden Dragon saw that and saw just how relentless I was about pursuing this, getting our country back.
And that’s how I got put into the gold treaty. I don’t see it any other way. Also, too, the significance of the theft that Sr. posed around the world.
He stole all the money that was given to the G7, put under my name in the detail area and under his control. So, I mean, basically, I’m the what shall I call the poster boy of what Trump has been doing to everybody. What, cleaning house? Yeah.
Let’s see. Rick wants to know if it’s still possible to purchase Mr. C’s thesis. Absolutely.
You go to the original Mark Z dot com. You look for the little button up here that says Mr. C and you can get the details here on on the book. But make certain to include your first name, last name, address, phone number away so we can get in touch with you.
A lot of people order them, send dollars and don’t send what he needs for him to be able to send the book to you. Correct. Also, on Friday, after the phone fiasco that we had, they also shut down my printer.
And these, you know, the cartridges, most of the cartridges we’re getting today are coming out of China. So they have to be with a new chip. And what they’re doing, what they’ve done on my machines is they’ve nullified the chip numbers.
So it’s really interesting. I got new ones coming in today, but who knows what’s going to happen. But the books are still available.
Thank you. That’s a good thing. Jules Bell said just report.
Trump is now considering rejoining the who. What’s up with that? Trump said we’re not going to be part of the who unless all of the other countries start carrying their part of load. We should not have to.
You know, we’re not that big a country compared to many of the bigger ones. Why are we carrying 90 percent of the cost of the load when other countries far bigger than us aren’t paying their fair share? That’s what that’s what he said about most of these organizations. Either give us a say and make the math work out on payment or we’re leaving.
And I’m guessing the who is already caving and other countries are already caving. Well, I think it’s because of the COVID, obviously. And, you know, remember, the who is still out to try to kill all of us off.
So it’s not surprising that we’ve got out of it. No, it’s not surprising. I’m with Kevin.
I’d I’d assume get out of NATO personally right now until NATO has a come to Jesus rational common sense epiphany. I agree. Yeah, but I’m I’m with that with all these things.
I mean, the agencies might sound really cool, might sound like come by. I might sound like a great thing. I mean, they give them really cool names when they want you to think good things about them, just like they did the Patriot Act.
Boy, did you feel really good about that? I’m pushing to support the Patriot Act, but it was anything but Patriot. They do that all these news, all the foundation for truth and honesty and politics when it’s nothing like that. The battle, though, the organization to stop misinformation when it’s actually the one to protect misinformation, just crazy crap.
I don’t believe anything. I’m sorry. I legalized the way to lie to us without any kind of accountability.
Now, wait, I did not catch this. Lilypad said last night that Trump said BRICS is the new you. And what do you think on that one? That’s a great idea.
Well, it’s just a form of negotiating, so I think it’s a great idea. I’m certain there’s a million pirated versions out there. They’re not that I’m supporting crime or anything, but I do think it’s important.
If you are confused, you shouldn’t be. This is typical Trump negotiating. Absolutely.
Yeah, I hope we don’t have to water the tree of liberty, at least not with blood this time. We’re supposed to ask you how. How.
Hold on here, guys. We’re supposed to call interrupted me right here. How is Mrs. C doing? She’s doing pretty good.
She’s at work today. She actually had a doctor’s appointment this morning, which I was unable to attend. But she’s doing better.
Much better. Yeah, I love this. Kathy said, yeah, I got his book.
It was a great read. I mean, it’s just so simple. Amazon would have it.
Absolutely. I’m sorry, guys. I’ve got somebody that keeps dialing in.
Hold on. Let me make certain that one stops. Hate to do that one to you.
No, no, no, no, no, no. Just making. I’m trying to make certain it just stops doing its thing so it doesn’t interrupt anymore.
Unfortunately, not everybody respects our time together. Oh, wait a minute. Now it decided to take you off of speaker.
Let’s get you back on speaker. That’s better. OK, has the Trump administration reached out directly to you yet? Not that I think they will, but they could have.
No, no. I don’t see anybody coming to see me until they actually show up. Again, everybody listens to my phones and communication systems, so I don’t see them doing anything until they’re actually ready to go.
It’s been a while since like them, their war on your tech has spilled over to me. So I honestly, I dodged the bullet for longer than I thought I would. Yeah, it’s kind of surprising.
I’m not quite sure what they’re trying to do. They shut us down and silence us on the RV or basically the holdovers from the deep state are still involved in the phone companies. So they’re still trying to limit our exposure to everybody.
Gotcha. Oh, wait. Ellie just said censoring got worse.
They’re even removing family from my phone. I think it’s a last ditch effort to get as many of us ticked off or mad at each other as possible. That’s my opinion, because we now have just people randomly, not moderators doing it.
They’ll just take a normal person and remove them right out of, I mean, just put them in YouTube jail. It’s not happening at Rumble, but it’s happening. I mean, it’s crazy the censorship we’re getting right now.
Wow. Crazy. Okay.
Let’s see your take on the Canadian tariffs, et cetera. Well, we do. Canada is really the energy center of the American course, the American climate, really.
Because when you go up there, you see power everywhere, freeze and water and dams and electricity. It’s amazing up there. And we are the major clients, so it’s not surprising we have somewhat of a bill, more or less.
But I believe that with Trump in charge now, we’re going to finally resolve that issue. And I think what’s going on, China, I’m sorry, Canada, is our offshore base right off the coast here, which is my coast of the lake. There’s a tremendous amount, as I was saying the last time we actually spoke about this, Canada, and Montreal in particular, was a 90 percent operation for the money forfeiting operations around the world to favor the Bush operation.
So it’s not surprising that he wants to get that under control. I like this. Mark said, if they show up when you’re not home, will they just put a note on your door, Mr. Seed? They know when he’s home.
Well, they know exactly where I am at every minute of the day, so I don’t worry about that. The bad thing is they also know where everybody in here is during the day. Unless you have the intestinal fortitude to leave your tech behind and drive away, they know where you’re at.
Absolutely. In today’s world, guys, you don’t need to be cuffed or restricted to your house. You don’t need to wear a boot.
We all carry them around in our pockets or purses or whatever now. All right. Sovereign and free.
This is an interesting thought, I think. Cartels aren’t just drug gangs. Any group conspiring to manipulate systems like the Bar Association could qualify.
Trump’s executive order classifies cartels as terrorists. That’s kind of a good point. It is, but I doubt very much the Bar Association is going to actually be termed as a terrorist operation because it is the mainstay of our legal system at this point.
Perhaps the IRV is a different story, but right now, I don’t see it. Jay Simple, I paid a hundred bucks for six eggs. They’re all hatched.
All right. Some of the jokes in here is just fantastic. Mr. C, I do not believe there will be an EBS that shuts down the whole nation for 10 days, government, internet, much more.
How about you? Do you think there’s going to be an EBS and everything’s getting shut down for 10 days, government, internet, everything? There’s two separate items. EBS is an automatic. That’s going to be within the time frame they come see me, and that’s a given.
That is a mainstay of the whole IRV operation by the Golden Dragon. He wants everybody to know exactly what the rats have done and the perp walks and what the crimes are. With regards to the 10-day shutdown, I think that is a misnomer.
I do not believe they’re going to shut down our economy or they’re going to shut down the internet for 10 days. I just don’t see it. No one ever talked about that when we were talking about the aftermath of the IRV.
All my sources keep telling me that the entire internet is not going down. They’ll control your social media, etc., to make certain you get all of the disclosure, but they’re not shutting everything down in areas only based on operations if they’ve got to clean something up. We’re a prime example of that, Mark, because if they want to shut us down, they will do so.
That doesn’t mean they’re shutting down the internet. They’re just shutting us down. Care.
Phones track us, Mark? Absolutely. Care. If you’ve not paid any attention to what we learned from Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, maybe I should put together a few of those great articles from over the last few years for you.
I don’t know exactly whether I’m upstairs, downstairs, or outside. It’s very evident. I’m not surprised about that at all.
Yeah. Coral, I have tried that many times. Go back to factory resetting.
It works great. Go to the tech. Check the phone.
Reset the phone. Works great until I talk to Mr. C. Then I’ve got to do the same thing over. We’re going to figure it out, though.
We’ve got a system now. Maybe they’ll back off on the other one because we’re going to always find a way. Sounds good.
Yeah. Shaker built cell phones. 100% tracking devices.
It goes both ways on the tracking devices, just like it did in 2000 mules geofencing. We could tell who was going repeatedly and where they were at, which locations, where they picked up ballots, where they dropped them off, etc. It can be a positive and a negative.
Hugh said 10 days is for the cabal, not us. That’s a great way to look at it. Meaning they’re going to have the 10 days of darkness as we do everything to come after them.
I like that idea. I like that idea. All right.
I can only go a few more minutes with you before we need to move on, just because it’s a Monday. Mr. C., is there anything you would like to add? One, I want to thank you for taking time to join us today after Friday. Not a problem.
Anytime I can do it, we’ll do it. All I want to do is just say thank you to Lyman. I do appreciate it very much.
We will get there. You’re ready to work and survive. I really think we need to get paid first.
Other than that, Mark, thank you for the opportunity. We’ll do this again, I hope, in the near future. In a couple of days.
Thank you very much. Everyone, good luck. Let’s hope they show up tonight.
All right. Take care. Thank you, Mr. C. You too.
Thanks. I’m glad we got that one in. I do want to go ahead and do birthdays before Ms. Linda joins us.
She should be here within the next few minutes. James, no. He’s not met him face-to-face, only worked through intermediaries.
That’s his story to tell. All right. We’ve got Guardian Morgan, William, Karen, Mia, Faye, Gerard.
Anybody else? Sound off. I’m going to sing, and then we’re going to get to Ms. Linda. So they tell me it’s your birthday.
Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live. May you love.
May all your dreams come true. Happy birthday. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to you and to all those celebrating with Cody Boy. Guys, I will ask Sheila again, but once again, she is very involved in the bond process. So she is very legally limited as to what she can and can’t do.
And join us. Song of joy. Happy birthday.
All right. We’re about to bring the Wave Watch folks in. And I am ready for that one.
Soon as they just popped in the back studio, I’m waiting for them to be at the desk. There we go. Perfect opportunity.
Hello, Ms. Linda. Well, hello, hello. Hello, hello.
It’s good to see you. And so much going on in our world today. So thank you for having me on.
I’m a Kansas City person. Guess what I did last night. I’m guessing.
No, I mean, that’s congratulations for you guys. I’m just great. I did that.
The whole Taylor Swift, Kelsey, whatever has me just going, you know, I’m just over it. I’m ready for somebody else to win. Yes.
That’s got to be like conflicting for you, Kansas City fans, because you’re like, yeah, Kansas City. Yeah, Kansas City. You’re like about that.
There were lots of fireworks here last night, but also some negative comments, like you’re saying. That makes sense. How do you want to start this? Do you want me to just let you rip? Do you want me to show web page? I mean.
Oh, that’d be perfect. Yeah, we’ll go like this and I’ll remove my face and I’ll be right here as needed and listening. And then I do have a few slides I can show.
You’ve shared them before. You know how to go through that process. I’ll as soon as you do the present or share or whatever, I’ll put them up.
Okay. Well. All right.
It looks like I am here to tell you all about the wave watch. So we do have a new watch that has been updated. It’s 40 percent lighter for you.
Lots of things have changed on the new watch. So let me see if I can get to some slides here. I think they might be just a little bit better.
I’m keeping myself ready for when it when it hits the present button when you’re ready. I’ll be ready. Here we go.
Oh, wait a minute. Not there yet. Not.
Well, yeah, it was just got all your screen instead. Let’s see if it’s ready now. I think we’re ready.
You just have to. One more attempt here. I think we’re going to be in fantastic shape for this one.
All right. Okay. So we have a product that I developed several years ago.
It’s called the wave watch. And if you haven’t heard about it before, this is some information to share with you just about frequencies and how frequencies can be used to actually change your life very, very easily. So some of you are already wave watch users, but we have a new updated version, like I was starting to say.
And so we’ve tried to make it easier because we did have over a thousand frequencies on the other watch. And I spent a lot of time educating. I was a teacher before, so I did love to educate.
And I was able to share with you that if you were wanting to do something for parasites, that you also needed to do some lymph detox. And I tried to teach you how to put those ideas together. Well, now in the new wave watch, those ideas have all been put together for you.
So we have gone from about 1100 frequencies now on this watch to 145 folders. So like if you’re having kidney problems, you just find the kidney folder and play it. So it does make it so much easier for you.
Much, much easier to use. Now, it’s not quite as specific because we were asked by the FDA not to be specific. And so the phrasing is general, and this keeps it within a general wellness product.
And so that makes it very easy for people to use and to understand by saying it’s a general wellness. And we cannot be as specific as we used to be. So here’s the first idea that you could do is to learn more about first wave.
We call it the best folder to start with. And these are the ideas that you can have. We have rose gold or we have graphite.
We have two wristbands included for you and two different views. So you can order rose gold or graphite. And then you also get a free Velcro band.
Can you see when I hold up the Velcro band? Okay, not sure. I’m not hearing anything here. Did you try to wait? Did you try to make it play sound on your end? No, I did not.
Okay. Yeah, I just didn’t know if you could see me holding up the wristband. Oh, here we can make it show you holding up the wristband.
Yeah, because I can’t see myself. So I didn’t know if I was. Yeah, we can see it.
It really is. I mean. Okay.
Yeah. So this is the new version and our disclaimer. Remember, I was telling you this is a general wellness product and it is for self care and overall wellness.
It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. And this wave watch is not FDA approved or classified as a medical device. It is basically like a song.
This is a really fancy song player with over, like I mentioned, 1100 songs that can be so helpful to rebalance your system. So I think the whole idea is easy to describe. If you’ve ever played a song, you have a favorite song and you play it over and over again.
Doesn’t it change your, you know, your well-being or your emotions or something within just a short period of time? I think everybody’s had an experience on that. And so that’s what we are literally talking about is the power of sound or frequencies to work within your body. And everything has a frequency.
It it’s been discovered years ago. All you have to do is read the Bible and you will know about frequencies that everything has a sound and all the ancient tools that people use to try to work with those. So really, all I’ve done is update that idea and put songs, specific songs for specific problems on a watch for you to wear.
And it has a speaker on the back so that it will play the song, basically, which does sound a little bit like a bee buzz. When you say that, Mark, it does. Yeah.
You know, it’s, you know, a little bit of an insect sound. And but there’s 1100 unique sounds. They don’t all sound alive.
So it’s playing this sound or song and your body is absorbing it through the back of the watch. So that’s kind of important to to do. I know my mother is an enormous fan.
Her essential tremors. It has been life changing for her. That’s a I would never get a choice whether I have you on or don’t have you on occasionally because of just the difference it has made.
And, you know, I I just so appreciate her enthusiasm for the wave watch. It just you know, it’s so near to my heart to hear that the work I’ve done has helped people. You know, that’s the whole idea behind it.
You you put something together thinking that it’s going to change your life and it may change other people’s. And I don’t know if I told the story. I don’t know how many of your listeners are new, Mark, that I was a teacher for many years.
And then both my mother and sister developed breast cancer at the same time. And my medical doctors just told me I’m going to flip that back, just told me to have a double mastectomy and forget about it. And I’m kind of looking at the doctor incredulously.
And I think I said something like, I’m not interested in that. But my mind was just going crazy. It’s like, are you kidding me? That’s your only choice is to do a double mastectomy because my mother, my sister had breast cancer.
I didn’t have anything wrong. So I started a business called B.R.A.W.S. And it’s an acronym, Breast Research Awareness and Support. And I have been telling my clients for over 15 years, I’ve been working with them on natural ideas to work with their breast health.
And what I discovered over the years was that there were so many things. There are parasites. There are viruses.
There are emotions that will cause our breast health problems. And you can extrapolate this to any problem that we have, not just breast problems. But the list just kept getting bigger and bigger.
And I was telling women about more and more natural products and things that they can do when I just kind of gave up. And I go, there has to be an easier way. And there was.
It was frequencies. I found a frequency for every single idea that I needed for my women’s breast care. And I still kind of cry about this a little bit.
I don’t know if you can see. But I’ve had nine women who’ve had breast lumps go away in about 30 minutes. Now, that’s not a double blind study, but just those testimonies are written and available to see.
So it does change lives. Those women didn’t have to have surgery. I’m not saying it was cancerous at all.
I’m just saying it was a breast lump. And so when your mom shares with me about essential trimmers, you know, it’s one of those testimonies that is very near and dear to my heart. So thank her so much for telling you what to do, I guess.
Right, Mark? I have two sons working for me now, too. So I kind of they’re working for me. But you are a little bit different.
You know, anyway. Here’s a good one. And then I’ve got another question waiting that I really would like to.
Well, I’m not sure I have the right screen up. I can see all the rich frequency addresses parasites. Where would I find it in the watch? Somebody with a watch is asking.
Okay. So that’s I don’t know if that’s a 1.0 watch or a 2.0, which is what I’m showing you on the screen right now. But if you are on the 2.0 watch, you are basically going to just go to the category that’s labeled first wave.
And I’m answering this right way up. Let me show you the unboxing first. And then we’ll finish up the parasite ones.
I’ll click just a couple more buttons. We’re watching the unboxing now. Okay.
And then I did have a 24 page booklet. And that has actually gone down to about one page because we went from over 1100 frequencies, which we still have. But we just label them differently and put them all together so that you just press a button and it will play about 10 frequencies in an hour timeline.
So that works really well. And so I don’t know if you can see on this folder right here what I’d like you to play first. If you have this particular watch or even if you have the older watch.
I spent hours teaching people to use these ideas right here. So it’s right here. And there’s one that’s called para wave.
So that’s parasites. And that’s what we’re talking about. So let me give you just a few more.
I think I can. I kind of mentioned this before and skip through this. Here it is.
So first wave actually has wave relief, which is more like pain and inflammation, swelling, you know, joint discomfort, that kind of thing. And then para wave is in there. Lime wave.
And this is a big explanation here. I am talking about Lyme disease. And we have to be very careful of our wording here.
But so many people today are having problems with Lyme disease and they do not realize it. So, Mark, this is a big thing that I’m so proud that the WaveWatch has on it. And there are so many co-infections with Lyme disease.
You don’t have to be bitten by a tick anymore. They have found it in every single body fluid. One person in the family can have Lyme disease from somewhere and then everybody in the family can pick it up.
But they are not realizing this because these little pathogens are stealth pathogens and the medical community doesn’t pick it up. And then another thing is that every single person in a family that might have it have different symptoms. There are 300 at least.
That’s been going on for a while. They may have discovered more. But there are 300 diseases connected to Lyme disease.
So this is something that I want you to run first off. That’s why it’s in the first wave folder, because it is so important for you to learn how to protect yourself some way from this. Now, this is an example I always tell, and I hope I’m not too boring if you’ve seen this on another program.
But you can get on an airplane. Perfectly fine. And you can get off of an airplane with Lyme disease.
If your body and your immune system is not working correctly, you have been on that airplane with air circulating. And if somebody has it, you have picked it up is a very good possibility. And then you have no idea what made you sick because Lyme disease is not from a tick bite any longer.
It still is, but not any longer. So be very careful with that and kind of check that in the back of your mind. That’s why it’s in the first wave folder so that you will play it.
Just learn to utilize these frequencies here as a big overall body protection. And then wait. I’m going to have to start using it because I suffer from Lyme.
So this is awesome. OK, keep going. And then another thing, and the reason that we reorganize the original 1.0 a little bit more, was because I had about 25 different co-infections in the Lyme folder.
And people would just read. They would read through it, pick through it, and they would play, say, Lyme disease, because that’s what they were told that they have. But all of those other ideas are connected, and they come up at different times.
So your doctors could be giving you an antibiotic, and that might help with the bacterial infections. But then the parasitic infections connected with Lyme disease get wild. So we just put it all in one folder so that you would play all of it and not sort and sift through it.
It’s all a folder that works together. Very, very important to do. Fantastic.
Now, I do have somebody with a question that’s not Lyme-related when you’re ready. Okay. This one, I think it’s a good time.
So go ahead. That’s up to you. I mean, somebody with only 50% pancreas function, anything to help stimulate or help on that front? Well, we have a lot of folders for immune system support, and then there is a folder for pancreatic problems.
But I would also play all of these, because these are things that people, medical community, are not catching that can be bothering your system. So another one would be dental, because so many times people have trouble with different organ systems, and they do not realize that an infected tooth is making its way down and just a direct conduit to infections and destroying certain organ systems. And pancreas is a big one.
So every tooth goes to a different organ system and can be very harmful to it. So the dental. We’re getting like a load of questions from prostate to, I mean, you name it.
I mean, it’s almost like I’m going to have to have you here for a standalone. Well, I’ll go on with this just a little bit more and show just a few more things. But wave defense, this is why I want you to play this folder first, if you’re interested in the wave watch.
Again, you’re just going to touch a button, and it will play certain pathogens that are known to cause cancer. There’s not a better way to say that. I’m being just very honest.
So we do know that E. coli. We do know that Epstein-Barr. There are certain parasites.
The list goes on and on. So this is a folder to specifically try to defend, to help support your system for things that are known to cause that big C word. So that’s a very important one.
That’s why I put it in the first wave folder. And then, of course, we have wave detox. So we are talking about detox, and people do not detox.
But I think a lot of your audience, Mark, is going to know that you go outside, and there’s chemtrails in the air, and something is going on, you know? Are we absorbing those? You know, what is going on? So there are three separate categories here, and you can play chemical support if that’s a bit more of interest to you, environmental support would be more like for EMS, and I hope you’re up to date on that, that EMS are really negative. And so so many people have had trouble with EMS and are not realizing that that’s it, but they’ve got a watch on their hand that’s connected to the Internet, you know? Another three examples that I’ve told a lot, I had women in my breast care clinic who wore their cell phone in their bra, and one lady had three kinds of cancer underneath her cell phone, okay? Another lady had to wear her cell phone for work, and she put it in her pocket, and within six months, she had a huge lump tumor underneath that cell phone that had to be removed. And the third idea was an older lady that had a lifeline support, you know? And she was a little crippled, and when she bent over, her lifeline support hung over her left breast, and within less than a year, she had a huge problem with breast cancer directly under that lifeline support.
So think very carefully about any of your Internet connections, and that’s what this folder is specifically for, radiation, environmental problems, okay? And then metal support is kind of what it says it is, heavy metals, so all kinds of heavy metals in there. So that’s what we ask for you to play first when you have the WaveWatch, that’s a good starting point. And then this is what it looks like.
I’ve kind of showed a couple pictures of it, but we have two screens basically, and this one goes up and down so that you can select from about 20 different ideas. And then when you tap first wave, it opens to these ideas right here, and you can see that it says one out of two, and so you would just tap this arrow right here, and it would go to another screen so that you can see the last selection. So to me, it’s a lot easier to use.
It is just you have to learn that there’s some new wording on this WaveWatch if you have the other WaveWatch. That’s all the difference is. So I think I’ve described all of these, so I think we’re kind of at a point that I could let you know that we’ve got a big sale on, of course.
And so if you want to use the code MARKZ100, if you want to order one, we have a special, so $150 off and free shipping. And if you want to order two, there’s $300 off with the free shipping and $500 off for three. And again, you can pick your colors and work with it that way.
Okay, so let’s have some of those questions. Whatever you want to do, Mark. I think I’ve shared some information.
You shared a lot. The biggest one was just where to find you, et cetera, and it is, And don’t forget the code you got to put in in order to get the discount or you just don’t have to have the discount. Yeah, I would think the discount would be nice.
So let me see if I can get out of this and I’ll see if I can answer some questions here. We’ve got somebody wanting to know if you can actually use a watch and go through one of the things on screen. Oops, I missed that.
Say that again. We’ve got some people hoping you will just hold up the watch and go through a menu or two so they can get an idea how to start one, just get an idea of the ease of use. All right.
Okay, I’ll take this one off here. So there’s one button on the side, and you’re just going to hold this. I hope I can do this backwards here.
You’re doing great. Okay, and then it comes up, and then these are your screens to make some choices. So you can scroll.
And so if you’re interested in organs, you can just touch that system right there. And then there are five separate screens, like I showed you a little bit earlier. I don’t know if I can get any closer.
And so you can touch the right-hand arrow. You have choices on this screen, eye wellness, eye clarity, support, gallbladder. You know, we’re talking about different organ systems, or you can go back.
And cardio health is in here. So you could just go back one screen. If you wanted that one, you can touch cardio.
And then it opens into some more suggestions. And so you can play. You have a choice of arterial wellness, blood flow, et cetera.
So I kind of tried to show those to you on that little chart where I was showing you the first wave. So this watch is so much easier to use because everything is a little bit better organized for you so that you don’t have to worry about, oh, I forgot to play lymph node. You know, when you try to kill a parasite, don’t you want it out of your body? So you need to make sure that your organs are draining through the lymph nodes, basically.
And I spent a lot of time teaching this, you know. So I had a whole hour-long segment on parasites and how you work with that. And then you plugged in the lymph node idea.
Well, now that’s been done for you. So you don’t have to worry about any of those. So that’s the ease of using this.
And then so we have our timer and our calendar. And then at the very bottom, I’m not sure you can see this. Is it too shiny? Yeah, we can see it.
There it is. Urinary health. Yes.
Okay. And then it shows you right here how much time has gone by and how much is left, you know. So that works really well.
So you can touch it here to change that. And this goes to your screen setting. And it will show you where you’re doing it at.
Now, one thing that’s a little different on this one is that to adjust the volume, you actually touch it right here. And then the volume comes up. There you go.
And so you can adjust the volume that way. And that was a new feature to me. So the volume is adjustable that way.
I think I’m getting a little bit of glare here, though. You’re getting a little bit, but we get to this light angle and it works well. Maybe.
There we go. So anyway, so it is different than 1.0 WaveWatch. But I am trying to be as honest as I can and say that I was asked by the FDA to make sure that I was using the correct wording and to be more general.
So I couldn’t be as specific on the second WaveWatch. And that’s the reason for the changing in wording. But everything is there that was on the other WaveWatch in an actual more simple form to use.
A lot lighter. And my sons are saying more stylish. That’s what they wanted.
But if there’s one negative, I think, I think it’s so stylish, I forget that it’s a tool and I forget that I’m wearing it, you know, sometimes when I should be using it a little bit more. So that’s kind of fun. Okay.
Yes. And if you want to know where you’re at, like you say, you’re working on kidneys, kidney stones. You’re just going to look for kidneys.
And there is a, you know, a small sheet of paper that shows you all of that. And then we also have like a, I’m struggling for my words here and AI bot on the website. And you can just type in, you know, where do I find mental clarity? And it will tell you what folder to find that in.
So that is on the website and available. So that makes it very easy. If you’re looking for a specific frequency and where you want to find it.
How long are each one of these songs slash frequencies, Are they different, different, each one of them based on what they’re trying to. Most of them are about 64 minutes, a little over an hour, but like the, the ones on the first wave folder that I just showed you can be a little bit longer. There is one in there for the Lyme’s disease that is about four hours, I think.
So there’s a lot to it and that’s why people aren’t playing it, but that’s why it’s so important. So you could basically set that and then it would run all night long. You don’t even have to worry about it.
Doug with a question. I’m construction. I would probably destroy it during the day.
No, you would, would it still work only having it on three or four hours a day or could you put it on your ankle? You can do that. But to me, I would make a bigger mess on my ankle. You know, I’d be hitting something and breaking it that way, but you can play it.
You can wear it at night. And that brings up another point. We have an amazing new sleep frequency set that my son’s designed and you can, let me see if I can show it to you.
I don’t know why I didn’t think about that earlier, but we’re going to go from here. We’re just going to touch this bottom one and we’re going to just go to sleep. We’re going to scroll.
We have to scroll. We’re looking for sleep. And then we, when we open sleep up, it has specific times.
So according to the time of evening you were going to bed, you press that button and say like you’re going to bed at 10 o’clock. It is automatically set to go through the organ systems that need the most support at that time. And that works with the circadian rhythms.
It works with the Chinese body clock. Like I’m always telling people, well, if you wake up from one to three, that means your liver needs some support. If you wake up from three to five, that means your lungs are having problems.
And so this is set. So at those times that it does work on those plus certain hormones plus the vagus nerve. And we have just had a lot of people have, you know, tremendous results with the new sleep frequencies.
Yeah, I’m going to have to try those. I hadn’t even thought of trying that. that’s really kind of fun because we don’t realize what all our body is doing at night.
So if you’re wearing the wave watch at night, it’s working on about 10 different organ systems that you don’t even have to worry about, you know, so the, the thyroids at like 10, nine, nine, 10, 11, it’s working on that. So again, and the vagus nerve, we don’t think to play those. So this is all coded in for you so that it’s working like that.
WC, does it need to touch your skin or on your desk? Like if you’re taking a nap or whatever, does it need to be on you or just sitting near you? It could be either way, but people are, you know, it is a bee buzz type sound. So that may not be the, you know, the most sleep conducive to me, but you can wear it and it absorbs it. Now, if you have a really loose on your skin, you’ll hear it more.
Or if you’re moving your hand, you know, it’s going to sound louder or different because it’s not touching your skin. So make sure that you do have it, you know, on fairly tight, not over tight, but not loose when you were wearing it so that the sound doesn’t change for you. Thank you for that one.
Let me add one more thing to that, Mark. If you are playing it on your desk, people have animals that they talk about, just come right up to the desk and they’ll sit right underneath it because they like that sound. So especially if you’re playing anxieties, our animals are so anxious today, seriously, and they love it.
Or maybe if the owner is just playing anxiety and it’s on their wrist, they will come up and, you know, snuggle with the owner more than they normally would because they are absorbing those frequencies too. Or if you’re holding your grandbaby in your lap and you’re playing anxiety, whatever your child, that baby will absorb those frequencies also. It goes from one person to another.
It’s really pretty interesting. That’s very cool. Campfire and sunsets.
How often do you use a certain one, say parasites? Does one session do it several days in a row? One session is fairly good, but I, you know, if you know you have a specific problem, I would play it two or three times. Yes. Well, here’s one.
They had a rash reaction on the one. Oh, I wonder if that may be the frequency, like the body fighting or a parasite, but material wise, any. Well, I think they were asking maybe about what it was made out of.
And so it is a different material. Yes. So I do not know.
And then the wristbands are completely different materials too. Or we also have the one for Velcro. That would be a different material.
I don’t know. Have you had any reports on vision with it? Blurry vision or diabetes, et cetera. And then somebody had asked battery life.
So I’m going to leave you those questions and let you. Yes. Well, somebody just put in our a zoom call that I did last week that their diabetes had gone down by a hundred points.
And I was trying to think if it was that person or someone else had given us a testimony on eyes. So definitely visual clarity has made some improvements for people. Yes.
And then the battery life, it depends on which, which watch you have, but some of the older 1.0 watches may have had just a little bit longer battery life, but these are about 10 to 11 hours. So you should be able to play them all night long without any problem and then have two or three hours in the morning or the evening, whenever you start, and then you can charge them. And we’ll put that that way.
We do ship overseas. We are a little bit trying to work a little bit more on tariffs and all that kind of thing for going overseas. That’s been a little bit hard as a brand new company to get that straightened out, but yes, we do ship overseas.
Dan just said, I use mine on the lady with MS cataracts for vision began clearing in about 30 seconds. I’m going to have to give it a shot. I didn’t, but I did have another one.
Can the 1.0 be updated with sleep settings? No, it has a couple, but the sleep settings are not updatable. They are specific to this watch right here. Now we do have a, you know, sleep settings on the other watch, but they were a little bit harder to put together because I, at that time, I really didn’t know how to tell people to run the Vegas nerve at night, you know? So now it’s all in there for you and you don’t even have to think about it.
So the 1.0 can be updated for some of these ideas, but it does not have the updated 11 hours of sleep. Sorry about that. Um, that how long is a recharge time? And then we’re going to ask you the promo code again, and I’ve got to get on with the work day.
Yeah, I bet you do. Uh, the, uh, battery takes one to two hours and it kind of depends on what kind of, you know, a plugin that you’re using because some of them are faster than others. And so, uh, you can, you know, change different ones and see about, um, your, your fasting charges.
One, we’ve been kind of working with that a little bit ourselves and, um, smart chargers, you know, work really well for that. Uh, awesome. Um, here, I figured this is a good one to, uh, I’m going to stop after this one.
There’s a lot more questions. We’ll just have to drag, uh, Linda back early next month. Um, long COVID, any suggestions? Yes, we do have, uh, several settings, uh, for that in the germ folder and there are specific settings for COVID.
We can’t be that specific, but it will say, you know, runs those ideas with, uh, microbial, um, and, uh, viruses. And it is covered in there. There are frequencies for so many of those.
And it is covered. So I think you asked me about the code. And so it’s Mark Z 100.
Make sure you’re using that. And wave watch W A V is for waves and vibrations. So you shouldn’t forget that.
So you’ll get $150 off. If you use the code in the next couple of days, that’s what it’s for. And I don’t know exactly when it ends towards the end, right at the end of the month, I believe.
And, uh, 150 off plus free shipping. And if you buy two of them, you’ll get 300 off. And if you buy three of them, you’ll get $500 off.
And website got wave, wave, Super easy to find. W A V W T C And make certain you remember Mark Z 100, because that’s a big time. If you decide to get one.
Um, all right, Linda, thank you for being here. I think it’s time for me to get off to the work day though. Thank you so much for having me.
Thanks for all, everything that you do, Mark. I appreciate you. And for the rest, see you this evening.
Bye guys. Bye. Bye.