MarkZ (Uncut) 01-22-2025
Coffee with MarkZ. 01/22/2025
Hello all, good morning. Day 2 has dawned. Hello MJ, hello 30 Day Challengers, hello Freezing Network Fisher and all the rest.
41 in Tampa, aren’t you glad you moved south for the weather? Hello Kevin, man it’s always good. Hello Moose, hello Degu, hello Turd and Libby and Becky. Hello Stacey, Morton, Georgia, Whipper, Will, Senor Dixon, good to see you.
I see 2 degrees in west central Wyoming this morning, up from minus 22 yesterday morning. Hello from the freezing sea coast, New Hampshire. Oh, I bet it is chilly.
Hello Ms. Leslie Kay, it’s happy hump day, or as Zester has renamed it, happy trump day. Mr. Gillespie is snowing in PR yet. Guys, Todd, my brother, I’d tell you the weather but you’ll be mad at me.
Dr. Sarah, see Dr. Sarah gets it. 0 degrees in Ohio, was 9 degrees southeast Texas, 57 in Fort Lauderdale, that’s improving the further south. NARD, minus 15 in Metro Detroit.
Country Chick, having lumbar surgery tomorrow, don’t RV without me. Country Chick, I think it’s best if we RV without you so that when you recover you’re ready to go. We’ll think about you the whole time and you won’t miss out.
10 in Illinois, 9 degrees in Jersey. Thank God I got a tractor right. 24 in Virginia Beach.
We’ll get into something good, don’t worry Sam. Beach Taffy. Hello Carl, Captain G. Yes, that’s what I did for today.
Figured I would give you guys a little celebratory gear to show up in today. 36 in Chandler, Arizona. Hello MJ, hello Happy Camper, minus 18 in northern Michigan.
Hello Sin Stone, Susan wishing Mama Happy Heavenly 95th. 28 in Metairie, Louisiana. Boy, I don’t even know, I probably butchered that pronunciation.
Kirby, daughter of Waycross, Georgia, had 2.5 inches of snow, 6 inches in Pensacola, Florida. News reports, 4 inches in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Climate change, right? Do you folks remember in the 70s? They were telling us that we were about to have an apocalyptic ice age, a mini ice age coming if we didn’t change what we did.
Then by the end of the, by the time we got midway through the 80s, it wasn’t even that. It wasn’t a heat wave, it was that the hole in the ozone was going to allow it to cook everybody on earth and we were all going to die. X-rayed to death by an overpowerful sun.
Then by the early 90s, we were all going to drown. New York was going to be underwater, Louisiana was going to be underwater, Florida, the panhandle wasn’t even there to get snowed on. Heck, the water was supposed to make it all the way to Raleigh, I think, in the Carolinas.
Norfolk was supposed to be underwater. Yeah, I don’t know what it is now. All I know is everybody that told me that I was going to die if I lived anywhere near the coast has a beach house and they kept buying them and buying more of them.
The guy that told me the most that I was going to die bought one in Martha’s Vineyard. The other guy that told me a lot that I was going to die bought one in California and he’s got a huge house in Tennessee with multiple SUVs and planes. Oh, that’s Al Gore.
I don’t know. I’m not saying we don’t need to take care of our environment at all, but I think we can stop with that fear-mongering. Where’s the golden hard hat, right? I’m ready to get to work reading these.
Don’t forget Y2K and don’t forget the good money that was made during Y2K, going in and changing one line of code. Hello, Gone Fishin’, hello Gaga, who’s celebrating Michael’s birthday? Minus six Fahrenheit in Niagara, Ontario last night. So cold the neighboring farmers had to wind turbines on all night to keep the vineyards from being frozen out.
Wow. And Anna, thank you for all of us folks here that refuse to do the math and convert like the rest of the world. Celsius for doing the translation for us.
Let’s see. Send some cold temps to Australia where we’re having a heat wave tomorrow. Friday in the Southeast Queensland will be over 37 degrees Celsius.
That’s over a hundred guys. If you ever want to do like the rough math, and I mean, it’s rough. It is not perfect.
Just one degree Celsius is three degrees Fahrenheit. That’s just like the rough math, the rule of thumb, not dead on in any way, just a quick, easy way to do it in your own head. Yeah, that’s going to be hot where they’re at.
It’s going to be like a hundred, what, 110, I think, roughly. Yeah. Lilypad.
I actually showed a picture of that in one of the articles. Poor Millie, right? Let’s see. Bearcat, Militiaman theorizes the IQD is worth about 40% more than Kuwait due to oil reserves.
My math speculates IQD around 450. Bearcat, I agree with Militiaman’s math, very much so. So you look at reserves, of course.
I don’t know if he took into account the 2 billion barrels that they just discovered in Central that was announced this week in Central Iraq. DD, my dad says there’s snow in Wilmington, North Carolina. Waiting for my daughter to check in.
She was going to send pictures of snow in Greenville, North Carolina. They were expecting at least a couple inches. Don’t know if they got it overnight.
Let’s see. Tinkerbell, good morning, my chilly friend. Did you freeze walking? Oh, wait, that was Mel.
I was trying to find, ah, here’s the one I was looking for from Furmama. Woke up at seven degrees here in sunny Hayesville, North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Hopefully you, well, you’re in here chatting, so hopefully you have a secure home that hasn’t been washed away.
Trump is expected to be there in two days. I know, speaking of the whole cold thing, it’s a great time to give the last ad of the month for your stay warm heater with the remote. Would be awfully handy in the Carolina mountains right now or anywhere at Louisiana.
New Orleans with snow. It’s craziness. Americans are expected to spend more money on heating bills this season than on holiday gifts.
Home heating is expected to increase by 8.7% to an average of $941 this winter. Forecast, which beats the expected 902 that they were spending on Christmas gifts. That’s why I use portable secret weapon, guys.
It should go in the luggage if you’re fortunate enough to live warm and you have to visit cold. I love how toasty warm it makes any room or home without the extra heating costs of a big central system device. Portable but powerful mini heater that makes nearly any room warm and cozy in no time.
It’s compact enough to take anywhere, but strong enough to warm up bedroom, office, living room or anywhere else you want nearly instant warmth. Plus includes built in overheat protection, adjustable heat levels from simple worth warmth to toasty comfort, making it perfect for the family. Do your wallet a favor and grab one up to 60% off this winter season.
Only stay warm now dot com plus order today and you’ll receive pre expedited shipping, 60 day satisfaction guarantee and several other free bonuses. Once again, that is stay warm now dot com. Let’s see.
Back in 2000 moved Austin. It was 112 degrees that summer. Panama Beach, Florida has been renamed Birdsville Mac.
I can imagine. Good tenacious D. It’s good to hear that. I’m always worried when a new advertiser comes on board.
Birdsville, I kind of like that one. Trek. Thank you, Trek.
College football season, guys, I’ll take I’ll take offers on which shirt I should wear that day. Oh, wait, 11 inches of snow in Babby, Alabama. Oh, that’s crazy.
Hillbilly rubbing it in. Just kidding. Hillbilly.
Good for you. Seventy four degrees Fahrenheit near the beach in Chatham, Thailand. Jay, now that the South’s taking our cold, Montana’s warming up nicely.
See, even the earth is going back to normal. Now that Trump’s in office, you’re like, wait a minute. I’m like, no, you know, I remember growing up in the 70s and 80s.
It used to actually snow and get cold. Donny, I appreciate you. I can only imagine.
Just Deb said Triple A is busy in Rhode Island this morning. Lots of dead batteries in this cold. It’s one thing I was fortunate enough to.
Well, I shouldn’t say smart enough. The good country boy upbringing always had extra cables in the car for this time of year and toe straps for the truck. Can tell you how many people pulled out over the years just passing by.
All right, let’s get into the news. And yes, we did get one update from a bond conference call last night. They were told in their call very solidly that it appears the Trump was the magic.
Things are moving forward. They have their marching orders and expect to deliver everything to them tomorrow for their final contracts. That makes two different ones that have checked in and said, yes, we were waiting for Trump to be in office.
Decision was been made. They are moving forward. I am very hopeful that I will get similar responses from a couple of other of the bond contacts were expected to check in today.
Now, what I’ve not heard anything from yet is from Indian nations or any of my bigger three. We’ll call them for a groups just to keep things from getting kooky. 30 day challengers.
They have not been paid yet. They were told that they are now moving forward, processing and putting money in accounts and will fund them on Thursday is what they are told to expect. As of last night, Spencer, if I understand the conversation correctly, it means they will get paid.
So I’m like this. I’m like this right now. I’m like this.
I’m like this. Is this going to be another pump and dump? Is this going to be where I’m going to be like all upset on tomorrow or disappointed? Or does this mean they’re going to be rolling around with dollars? I am. Yeah, I’ll admit I kind of feel like, you know, right.
Well, I shouldn’t put it that way because I didn’t get nervous before. But I kind of feel like right before prom or something. Yeah, Libby, I’m with you.
I need to hear paid. That’s the only way I’m going to feel warm and fuzzy is paid. All right, now let’s get into it because we do have some interesting stuff coming in Iraq.
And I’m certain there are a lot of other things I’ve missed. And you guys will remind me of member of the parliamentary parliamentary finance determines the most dangerous matter in the twenty twenty five budget, getting the budget completed so they can stay on track with projects. It is a huge, huge part of the future and the growth of Iraq.
They are concerned that all the infighting between the Kurdish region and Baghdad could derail them. They said, hey, we need to settle this thing this week to make certain that the budget excuse me, that the projects do not stall. Iraq’s economy is on the brink of collapse.
This really feels out. Guys, don’t don’t buy into the craziness here. Expect expert warns of consequences of failure to pass.
Article 12. This is back to the budget one. Just pointing out how important it is to finish that, that they are at a crossroads where they will either explode in growth with a golden age ahead or they will fall right back to the crazy if they don’t get this sorted and sorted immediately.
So this one, while having a shocking headline, is really just there to remind them that they need to get on it. Parliamentary finance on oil revenues. Kurdistan has not delivered anything to Baghdad.
Who do you believe in this one? Do you believe Barzoni? Now we’re going to get into more of that one because he is throwing his arms wide open for Trump. Do we believe Sudan? Which one do we believe here? The federal government has issued all kinds of paperwork saying, hey, look, we’re doing our part. It’d be nice if you did your part.
We’re paying everybody. Here’s the receipts. Your federal government can make up whatever they do.
Just like a budget of office counting, wait, no, Bureau of Labor Statistics under the Biden administration, CPI levels, much of it fabricated once the experts go back in and take a look. Then they quietly correct it later. So who do we blame here? Or is this just theater to cover up how close we are? I really think this is theater when you look at the behavior of these two individuals outside of, yeah, I think you’re right.
I really believe this is a little bit of make believe for move time as things are moving forward because people are still getting paid. We’re getting that from the street, not in the timely manner they want, but we are getting that from the street level, which is the only news I trust anymore. From the House of Kurdistan, Barzani sends message to Trump.
Baghdad in the region, our doors are open. We want to work with you guys. We cannot wait to have you in here.
We want to be modern. We want investment. We want to embrace the world.
We want to show you just how much we can do. Just bring it to us. We hope that these efforts will result in a new reality that fulfills the aspirations of our people in the region, he concluded.
And he says, we will solve any of our disputes so that we can all move forward as a nation and a people, the Kurdish people and the Iraqi nation. He even goes in to say, hey, make certain you work with Baghdad. Western economic openness, these number of articles this week after they’ve been removed from the red list of dangerous countries to invest in, a lot of dollars running that direction as we speak, foreign direct investment.
Many of these projects will allow them to broaden their economic base, making their currency worth more and far more stable. Increased cooperation between Iraq and Belgium here. This is all part of it.
We have seen how many countries? We’re in three countries since removed from the red list in less than a week. Major countries now coming to invest in Iraq in its long term. Then you look at the increased oil fields.
It’s fun. Ooh, wait. Breaking a release, January 6th, political prisoner claims to have evidence that he will present to Congress proving Nancy Pelosi’s responsibility for the events of January 6th.
Bring it, bring it, bring it, bring it. Let’s see on TV this morning, Michigan SOS, secretary of state has decided to run for governor in 2026. Boo hiss.
Yeah, not familiar enough with your secretary of state. Peden, that’s what I’m hoping. I’m hoping the bond folks are right.
There’s a lot of millionaires in the next morning or two. All right. It’s coming fast and hard here.
Donnie, I appreciate you. Wasn’t certain if I’d highlighted that one. Wait, wait.
Flying squirrels birthday. Happy birthday to flying squirrels. All right.
Happy birthday, Megan. Reading a few of these. Yeah, we’re ready.
We’re done with the excuses. Yeah, no, I assumed you meant daughter. I got that one.
I’m reading through some of these. Then we’ll go millionaires in fiat. No, we’re looking for millionaires and billionaires in asset backed.
Although I don’t know about you. I know, you know, Ryan and I, we’d probably settle for millionaires and fiat for a short time. David, I’m specifically talking about, well, this person had German bonds.
I’ve got somebody with a lot of Asian bonds, dragon bonds that I’m hoping for an update from already. I was hoping for one last night. So hopefully I’ll get an update today from that one.
But the one that was told that they’re moving forward was very specifically a German bond. Just in case that’s important, and I really, until you mentioned it, had not thought to ask somebody else on that one. In other words, looking for the Asian side, I just got excited to start bonds.
Oh, appointment tomorrow, moving forward. What do I think the timing is on Forex? Total guys, total guess. I could have egg on my face next week.
I think we’re going on Forex Saturday night, Sunday morning. Starlink and Stargate are not the same thing, Dennis. What’s happening in Reno? That’s actually where one of my bond updates came from that is being told that everything started moving once Trump was sat.
Sweet pea, Mark is already here. So yeah, we don’t have to worry about him joining. Just kidding.
Andy is not joining this morning, guys. He had a weather-related issue. To be very specific on what this weather-related issue is, because I don’t want you guys worrying too much about Andy during this polar vortex.
But he’s in Whistler skiing. Conference ended, weather was great. Andy is getting a must, a must, well, I shouldn’t say a must, a well-deserved break from his schedule, a well-deserved break.
Yeah, isn’t that, ooh, I didn’t think about that, Jody. We do know that on Friday, Trump will be passing right on top of Reno. Would be a great excuse.
May my birthday at 75 be blessed with a significant event. Amen. Yeah, what do I even like? I mean, I don’t even know what to use for your name.
We’re going to shorten it to drag. Let’s see, I heard the Doge website’s up and running and also the U.S. Treasury opened an XRP account. Jody, I can tell you absolutely that they did open an XRP account.
And I’m trying to keep up. You guys are blasting me with questions. Donna, we got an update from Rod last night.
Two successful surgeries on his back and one of his fingers. They are debating his condition, shape, whatever, for another surgery on his ankle and wrist. They don’t know if they’re going to do those yet.
He is recovering. His spirits are good. He is just very sore.
56 in California. Wait, Trump’s going to North Carolina today? I thought he was going to go on Friday afternoon. Birthday Monday, the 27th, hopefully he’ll be celebrating.
Yeah, amen, Gloria. I think there’s a great chance he will be. Hello, LSU girl.
Bolivar and Zim, hopefully to follow. Johnny, I would expect him to be within hours. Now, Aussie Mom, never directly with Trump.
Never directly with Trump that I know of. I’m reading through these. It’s whipping.
Aussie Mom, Rod Seal was in a bad car accident. Reading through a few of these, we’re going to dive back into news. Don’t worry.
Gary, you’ll be missed tonight. Sabik, if you’re over there on Rumble, we’re going to need you to bounce over later to fill in. Lily said Western North Carolina people were being thrown out of hotels and tents, so Trump’s going today.
That feels much better. Do I have a predicted rate from Narendong? I don’t know what to tell you, 30-day challenger. Everybody’s guessing.
What makes the most sense is $4 to $4.50 or so for Nare, which makes the most sense. For Dong, it’s probably $2 to $3. We’ll see.
Some of the stuff we’ve seen most often is about $3.90 to $4 showing up for the Nare and about $2.40 or $2.50 showing up for the Dong. We don’t know. Hmm.
I’m trying to keep up with some of the comments. You guys are on a rip. Zimbabwe, still being told it goes at the same time.
Still being told the same thing on the boulevard. No idea what to tell you guys on Pango today. Yeah, guys, I have not vetted Trump going to North Carolina today.
I absolutely pray and hope it is accurate. If it is, we’ll talk all about it this evening on the podcast. Yeah, he would be a great way to celebrate an anniversary when you buy him a new truck for your anniversary.
Maybe I’m just projecting on what I would want. Daniel, yeah, unfortunately nobody knows the rates. We’re guessing at them on what is the most logical, what have we seen the most, etc.
Tom, you should do an extra long whiskey and wisdom to celebrate. Maybe. He stated North Carolina on Wednesday and Cali on Friday.
I can live with that. Thank you for posting that one in there. Okay, hold on.
Let me make certain I… Bev, well, here’s a really easy one. Contract rate simply means an improved rate you get going through a private exchange for somebody. Like, say the government wants to pick up your dinar specifically for oil for dinar, or it’s a large purchase from the bank and they’re willing to waive fees, give you two or 3% more to get you in as a depositor, etc.
That’s like a contract rate, special rate. It’s a difference between getting to use your discount for being in the military at Home Depot and not getting to use your discount for being in the military at Home Depot. Think of it that way to keep it simple.
Or having your special shopping cart at Harris Teeter’s poses somebody that doesn’t and you get all the extra perks. I have not looked at gas prices today. Stop worrying about where your currency came from.
Just make certain you go in and look at all of the security details on it. Hold on, guys. All right, there we go.
All right. That was the Wren wife question. I know I thought but absolutely.
Wren wife, do they care when you go to the grocery store with a new $100 bill, whether you got it when somebody made change or gave you dollars back at the grocery store, or whether or not you picked it up from the bank teller when you cashed your check, they don’t give a damn. $2.99 at Costco. That’s actually pretty good considering where you live, Leo.
Don’t know if Trump has a trip planned to Hawaii. I can tell you logistically, just days into a presidency, that’s going to be a tough nut to handle. Even California is probably a tough nut for him to handle right now in travel.
Think through logistics, folks. We still have the same set of physics today that we had three days ago. There’s still distance, time, speed.
Rossi, no, those hours would not give you time to buy more Zim and Boulevard, and they’re doing that for a reason. That’s why it makes more sense for everything to be a shotgun start. I’m reading through these, trying to keep up with you all.
Joseph, I’ve not heard anything on this one. Somebody’s saying something from Frank, stating they will exchange $1,250 for $1,000. I’ve not heard anything like that at all from any source.
Even spoke with a great Iraqi source this morning. My guess is that’s just information that needs properly vetted. Cat hair all over my face.
It just wanders around when you have a long haired cat. $2.33 a gallon in Roswell. Richard, I really don’t think we have to wait for 30% of bonds to go.
I think they have it positioned and ready. I think when they pull the trigger, it’s all at one time at this point. I personally think they’ve had too much time.
They’ve had plenty of time to have over that amount vetted, already in intake, already gone through KYC, et cetera. I think it’s going to be bam. Davey, my folks on the ground say the ATMs do not have lower denomination notes in them.
They do say we’ve got some that work in banking there that say they did put in the technologies there, the machines there. They could start distributing lower notes at any moment, meaning that they are equipped. If they weren’t going to do a lower denomination in them, why would they have ordered and set up their ATMs or new ATMs and new equipment in the banking system? Why would they have set them up for lower denominations if they weren’t going to have lower denominations? You wouldn’t go to the extra money, would you? It would only, like here and most of the ATMs in the US, they spit out $20 bills and that’s all you’re going to get out of them.
Why would they set it up for a lot of them to be able to spit out four or five, six different size notes if they weren’t going to have lower denominations? It wouldn’t make any sense. Gracie, I really don’t know what to tell you on yellow dragon bonds. I’ve heard numbers all over the place from 18,500 a piece to $1 billion a piece.
Don’t have any idea what to tell you. Just keep reading through it. Now, here’s another one to think about.
MyChoicesFreedom, our ATM now gives a choice of nomination for a good while now. In the US banking system, as the way inflation is run, why would you have lower denominations even in the US ATMs? Think about it. Probably the smallest thing they should put in them because of today’s inflation is a 20, but for some reason now, fives, tens, 20s.
I know the technology has gotten better and it’s easier to make chips that’ll process all of them, et cetera, but what’s the logic based on its value? I’ve not heard of changes in value or expected value, in probably four years. Trill Bross, oh, dear Jesus. Trill Bross, he’s only been there 48 hours.
It’s too soon. Certainly seems to be running that direction quickly. Jimbo, I will absolutely have a special live stream when it happens.
I will come running to the computer, laptop set up, everything is set up to be ready to go live as soon as it goes. Sabic said, I told my wife I wanted to be cremated. She made me an appointment for Tuesday.
Let’s see. Trump to North Carolina and California, latest stop to Nevada. He said to thank Nevada for their votes.
Very question. Yeah, I’m with you, Lady Mahogany. Isn’t that convenient? Thank you for popping in on that one.
Ren, I’m not hearing of a limit on Zim for projects. I just have not heard that. Mr. C is good, tired of the cold, ready to move south.
He said even with his heaters blowing full blast in his office, he’s cold. Alessandra, when I tell you guys I have no idea what to say on Pango, I have no idea what to say on Pango. I mean, I don’t even have an inkling of an idea.
I don’t even have the foggiest notion of what it might be. So in other words, unless something changes, I have no clue what to tell you guys. I’m with you, LSU girl.
Just bring it with you. When in doubt, take it with you. Frank, I think the reason that it is so cold right now across the U.S. in the polar vortex is the angels on high, God himself, making certain it stays cold.
And I don’t wear the mankini when it’s time to go exchange out of respect for everybody’s eyeballs. That’s what I think is going on. I’m not certain, but he’s prepping me not to put it on in public.
Can I run with that one? That’s my new theory. Oh, LG lady, that had to be tough. I mean, that’s got to be some serious PTSD, PTSD, PTSD.
After being mugged at an ATM, I hadn’t used one for 30 years till recently. That’s got to be a tough one. I’m sorry that happened to you.
BBTG, giddy up, Nassera. Not agreeing with President Trump’s MRNA, well, it’s not an MRNA donation, Vicky. This is something that is extremely different.
It’s technology, most of it on quantum computing, saying that it could help develop new things like that. The number of truthers that took his announcement and went AWOL, totally off reservation with it and misconstrued it, has been, well, pretty stunning. Here’s Chef Melanesa sounding off again.
Blessed morning, everyone. Over a foot of snow dropped by me yesterday. Heavy winds, but absolutely beautiful.
Just waiting for the melt to get above freezing tomorrow here in New Orleans. Car blocked with snow and over a foot in the driveway, cannot move. Someone was actually skiing down Bourbon Street and ice skating on Canal Street in New Orleans.
For sure, once in my lifetime, my Italian wedding meatball soup sure came in handy. Now, does somebody have to get married for you to make that meatball soup? Because I like the meatball wedding soup. I just, wow, it’s dropped to seven degrees now.
No. Buddy, I’m with you. I think viewers are going to be gone if I show myself in that mankini.
And the ones that stick around, I might need to be more worried about than the ones that leave. Wow, Erica just said U.S. debt clock added a doge section. I realize I really will have soup.
Ten degrees in Utah, I know there’s more to get to. Just reading a few, Larry from Oracle fully said mRNA custom cancer vaccine from blood samples. Yes, no, I got that part.
But what Trump was talking about the investment in quantum computing and AI computing. So I think he’s, I think Trump’s getting painted with Larry’s comments. That’s my take on it when I listened to it anyways.
I had a more FEG leaf in time. Just reading through these. Denver girl, no mankini, please.
I won’t force you guys to wear it, but it certainly is fun to joke about. Crypto deli, hey, we appreciate that because I’m not certain if any of us are sane. Crypto deli, you’ll have to tell us what country you live in.
Yeah, we miss Barrett Jackson. And for that, I’m pretty upset. I mean, I’m more upset about the people that have passed away without the technology, but Tennessee bee lady.
Now that is a good one. That’s how you’ll know I have been to a med bed. You’ll see me walk out wearing a mankini.
Now that would be a good use of it. Joe, you think, I’ve had a number of people point this out. Many, many truthers.
Oh, before I forget Mustang medic, Mustang medic is joining us next Tuesday morning here. So we are going to have Mustang medic on. We’re just going to get his take on everything happening in DC.
Any of the comms, any of the hidden stuff, looking forward to it. Find out what’s going on in the Mustang medic world. Yeah, so all right.
Get back to their part. Larry, think how many of you guys think that Trump let them say all those things and pointed them out because he wanted to highlight and Trump does this often. He wants to bring attention to somebody and then let them do the deep dive where he seems to that he highlights them and then lets everybody go loose.
So I mean, how many think that that’s a possibility? I mean, hammock here thinks exactly. I’m exchanging everything at once. If you guys do what you want, not giving financial advice.
Stevie G says probably had him say it on purpose because he wants to focus attention on MRNA. Karen’s like absolutely happy hound, 100%. Joy, we will applause you when you walk out with a mankini and then quickly, Joy, look away.
Kitty Haven, I just released two kitties that I fixed yesterday, just waiting till it warms up just a little. I wish more people would take that approach, like especially here in Puerto Rico, because they have such a problem and it makes no sense to me here. The thought of a dog catcher is so foreign to them and they have such a problem with stray animals.
Some of them downright dangerous. I’ve seen it with pets getting torn to pieces by the packs of stray dogs. I saw a jogger get harassed and attacked.
Fortunately, he was able to beat him off with a stick, but it’s kind of spooky. Why don’t more do just that? If the people are so against kill slash whatever, at least catch them, fix them, and then release them so that the problem is short term. I don’t have any comments on what Barron said to Joe at the inauguration.
There have been so many funny memes, gifs, et cetera, and little spoofs where he says different things, where they’ve dubbed in the voice or they’ve put what they believe he said, but it did. Boy, Joe’s face went south. His the bless.
Not all AI is evil, but AI certainly could be evil and scary. I’ve not thought about this till now, and I could be totally off, but for some of our biblical scholars out there, and they talk about how seductive slash whatever and tells you everything you want to hear, could the antichrist be AI? I don’t know. It just kind of occurred to me right then when I saw that, from his to bless.
I would be curious to see what you guys… V Stark, North Coast, in the Camojo Tio area, near Arecibo. Wayne, oh yeah, no, your book’s freaking awesome. Every time I got a little free time, I read on it.
Very enjoyable, and if you guys don’t know, Wayne is our resident… Wait, did I get this upside down? No, I got it upside right. He is our resident philosopher in here. Very much been enjoying Retired C5.
I appreciate you, brother. What are you and the missus getting back down here in the warm? I watch Terminator. I think that’s why we all feel that way.
Between Terminator and the Matrix, I think we’re all afraid of AI. Fur Mama, it’s absolutely where you should put your animal and veterans shelter, plus we have a very high concentration of veterans here, very high. XRP Guru, I think you are on it with Trump and his comments.
He says things like MRNA or whatever. You’re right, he’s forcing the media to cover. He’s forcing people to do their own research.
Whether he does it intentionally or not, that’s what he does. That’s an interesting take. You could be onto something there, Leslie.
I just know all you guys need to be nicer to your AI if you’re working it. I know I say please and thank you when I use it. I want it to like me when it comes for the humans.
Keep me around as a pet. Milton, I’m still laughing at that one. Ellison said making specific based cancer vaxxers available, not mandatory ones.
That is a big difference. I would be paying a lot of attention to Monkey Works right now. Well, I shouldn’t say I would be.
I’m telling you guys, I’m paying special attention to Monkey Works. I want to know who’s going where all of a sudden. Who’s headed to do some vacationing at the resort? Oh, Confederate Pirate.
You guys excited about talking about the bishop pleading with Trump? Boy, that one’s going to be a fun section. Let’s get to it. I can’t believe I’ve left so much of the fun stuff of the week out.
Trump pardoned Silk Road founder Ross Ulbrich. Slams scum that worked to convict them. Pull an unconditional pardon.
Words cannot express how grateful we are. Trump’s the man of his word. He just saved Ross’s life.
Ross is a free man. A lot of excitement there in the tech world. A lot of rough things went on there.
Not that he made the platform, how you use it. It’s a double-edged sword. It means freedom, but it also comes with one heck of a… When you make something powerful, it can be used for good or it can be used for bad.
That’s the way I’ve always felt about the technology, Black Silk Road, anonymity, crypto, you name it. It is how you use it that makes it good or makes it evil. This one will though cement Trump with a lot of the younger generation or the libertarian mindset or crowd.
Enough, honestly, to guarantee Republicans, if they will stay in that more libertarian mindset, more common sense mindset. Libertarians, not the complete answer, never has been. Doesn’t make enough… Well, that could be a long one.
We’ll talk about it a lot in the coming days over on Liberty and Main Street, but he could solidify Republican control for decades. Here we go. Panamanian authorities audit Hong Kong-based port operator near Panama Canal.
Trump restated that we would take it. It’s not working for us. Authorities in Panama announced on January 20th on Inauguration Day that they have launched an audit of the Hong Kong-based port operator that controls ports near Panama Canal.
It is time to clean it up. We’re going to make certain that they haven’t been overcharging, that they’re doing their job right, that there isn’t a security issue. You may see a new port operator.
Trump is getting exactly what he wanted done. Why do people not read Art of the Deal? It’s been there since the late 1980s. Take the time to read it if you want to understand them.
MG, Trump being back has helped. I’m very excited about that. What’s the 30-day challenge? I don’t know.
It’s some ad. Somebody asked me what the 30-day challenge is. I don’t know.
It’s just some ad over here on Epoch Times. We’re reading through, all right, Trump gets what he wants. How much work did he have to do? Other than mentioning it half a dozen times in interviews, slash whatever, putting the press out there, he knew it would self-correct.
All federal DEI offices to be closed by Wednesday. Executive EOD workers placed on paid leave. According to the White House, Trump administration’s Office of Personnel Management has notified the heads of all federal agencies and departments of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Offices are to be closed by the end of the day, Wednesday. That’s today, guys, and all staff to be placed on paid leave. That is how dangerous the Trump administration and many of the Make America First, many people around the world, many rulers.
At this point, I can tell you that over half of America agrees with them. They believe them so dangerous that, no, they do realize it would cause all kinds of lawfare issues, court cases, you name it, for them to just fire them. What have they done? They put them on paid leave while they go through and get all their options.
I personally think this is a good idea. I know the argument, it’s paid, it’s paid vacation, whatever, but he also knew the spin. I can’t believe he would unemploy all these people that gave and dedicated and all that.
What has he done? He puts them on paid leave. They’re going to go. It was an easier, more palatable for the people to throw them on paid leave temporarily while they do the audit review and then remove them.
He is simply dotting his I’s, crossing his T’s, and he’s willing, in order to get that dangerous ideology out of government, he is willing to pay to get it out. I have to agree with his take on this one because it makes it happen now instead of doing the review, taking 90 days, six months, a year to root them out because of how entrenched the blob has gotten. This saves them that.
Boom. They’re out. Their influence is gone.
Now it is time to dismantle their paycheck. I think he did it the right way because it is now. The ideology is what is dangerous needs fixed.
Now it’s time to start. How do you put that one? You know the structure’s unsound, so you take the hot tub off the second floor before you start rebuilding it. Trump demands an apology from radical left hardline Trump-hating bishop over politicized sermon.
Well, one, what the hell was the church thinking putting this lady up there or whatever? I mean, what is the logic? One more dig at Trump. I can tell you that some traditions will be changing after this one. All right.
The so-called bishop who spoke at the National Prayer Service on Tuesday morning was a radical left hardline Trump-hater. She brought her church into the world of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, not compelling or smart.
She failed to mention the large number of illegal migrants that came into our country and killed people. Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions. That is a documented fact.
It is a giant crime wave that is taking place in the USA. Apart from inappropriate statements, the service was very boring and uninspiring. These are Trump’s words.
She’s not very good at her job. She and her church owe the public an apology. I agree.
One, in the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy on the people in our country who are scared. Why are they scared? She said there are gay, lesbian, and transgender children, Democrat, Republican, independent families, some who fear for the lives. Why? Why do they fear for the lives? Has somebody made a specific threat? Did you call law enforcement? None of your laws changed overnight.
Nothing changed. Election was had. Nothing changed.
Here we’re two days later. Nobody’s rounding up gay people. This is an induced hysteria.
Mainstream media has done wonderful psyop. This lady believes it. She really believes that a bunch of people in red Trump hats that firmly actually support Trump—we’re not talking about the paid actors that they pay to run around and do dumb crap wearing Trump hats pretending to be Proud Boys or whatever.
We’re not talking about those. That’s another one of those documented things. Pay attention, folks.
She’s convinced that this army of Trump-supporting people are going to come into every home and ask you your sexual preference, see what you’re wearing, throw you out on the street. It’s not happening. She has firmly embraced the blue-and-on crap.
She probably also believes that Trump paid somebody to shoot his ear from hundreds of yards on a windy day in Ohio. Some of the crazy, unrational, unhinged thoughts—and here it is in full display for a cuckoo, cocoa puff. I’m guessing she hasn’t spent much time reading the Bible, or at least not paying attention, or she’s one of those that says the Bible’s never literal.
The Bible is often very literal. Yes, it does use examples and stories and parables to get things across, but it is also very often crystal clear, black and white, right and wrong. She’s a believer.
Sure, I would trust someone to shoot my ear from 130 yards away. Makes perfect sense, especially if I could find a young one, maybe 20-something, without a whole lot of official training or marksmanship awards or trophies. Yeah, I would totally do that.
That’s absolute and utter insanity, and here it is on full display in Washington, D.C. But if all you ever did was listen to mainstream media, you would believe it. You would believe what Mockingbird Media has done to you. You would believe the propaganda, and clearly this lady has embraced it.
Additionally, she called on Trump to aid people fleeing war. Here’s another good one, though. People who pick our crops, clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms or meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work in night shifts in hospitals.
They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of our immigrants are not criminals. If you’re here illegally, you’re a criminal. It’s just how it works.
It’s not like this is a simple litmus test, yes or no, or did you do it legally or did you not? I mean, this is really a simple, simple one to understand. This is not difficult. Did you do it legally or not? If you did not do it legally, then yes, you’re a criminal until you correct that.
This is a really simple one. Here she’s caught in a complete fallacy of logic. I mean, a complete fallacy or logic fallacy.
But here, this one should be very offensive if you are an immigrant, and especially if you came here legally. People who are picking our crops, cleaning our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash our dishes after we eat in restaurants. Is this all immigrants are good for, according to her? I mean, this is certainly what it sounds like to me, that we need more cheap labor.
Where was she in the 1840s? Was she one of those? Would she have been there defending slavery? Well, who’s going to pick our crops? Is she another one of those Nancy Pelosi’s? How are we going to eat if we don’t have illegal immigrants to take advantage of? I mean, this is a democratic thing, has been since the 1800s. They don’t want to pick their own crops. They don’t want to wash their own dishes.
The thought of eating at home or the thought of a properly born American having to do menial labor is offensive to her or something. I mean, I don’t know. I am offended for immigrants all over the country because of this lady’s comments, that she thinks you guys are only good enough to pick your crops and clean your office buildings.
Yeah, and DJT is only referring to illegals. He’s got no problem with immigration. He’s a fan of immigration, just needs to be legal and thoughtful.
Yeah, this lady, I mean, I’m embarrassed for her. I mean, personally, I believe what guys, it was Episcopalian, right? And I know I’m about to offend Bishop Budd’s profile. There we go, the mask and all.
Does that? Yeah. You should have seen that one coming. All right.
I don’t know about you, but Episcopalian church would just got uninvited to any future function or government function, if it were me. That would have been it. I’d have been done.
I’d say you got to clean your house and your church and at least be respectful. Speaking of being respectful, this whole, like, go back to work thing with Trump, where did I find that in here? Somewhere in here. We had an article.
I may not have added it. We can start in here. The whole, and must return to office.
The whole doing away with the DEI in the workplace. Bye. Here we go.
Where is it? Not there. Not there. Ah, getting out by Wednesday.
What is so difficult, Betterman? Here’s a great example. While I do appreciate his little bit of a move back towards sane thinking, the absolute disrespect for the office you carry for the country in which you were elected, for the people that elected you, the people that employ you. This is not only in politics.
You go to work. You don’t have the respect to show up to work, to dress accordingly. I would not want you working for me.
I would not want you working for the American people if you do not respect us, the job, the office, or the people enough. If you are a politician, you kind of need to dress accordingly. I’m not talking about you need to put on three-piece stuff.
I know you need to be real. Put on some nicer pants and a shirt. Maybe wear an Ohio State shirt.
Of course, he’s in Pennsylvania. Maybe you can wear an Eagles or a Pittsburgh or a Penn State or something kind of shirt, but you owe it to those around you to show up and have some self-respect. Respect them.
Pull your pants up. Better yet, put real pants on. Dress accordingly.
Work accordingly. If you’re a guy, don’t come to work in six-inch heels with balloons and a brassiere and lipstick on. That is not respectful.
You are coming to work to get things done. They’re hiring you to get things done. This is a trade.
You get traded money for work, money for time and labor. This is not a magic thing. You should respect it or go to work somewhere else.
This is part of why the DEI thing is so dangerous. Respect your country. Respect your constituents.
Respect the taxpayers that paid you to be there. You are disrespecting grandma, aunt, son, everybody out there paying taxes when you work for the U.S. government, the military, etc. If your money comes from the taxpayers, you owe them respect.
Dress accordingly. Work hard or you are disrespecting them and us. Why is that such a difficult thing for them to understand? Kathy, well, let’s see if I can find this one.
Yeah, khakis, polo shirt. I’d even settle for a decent-looking sweatsuit. The last thing you want when it comes to fashion is Bill Belichick telling politicians what to wear because he’s a slob.
He’s a good coach, but he dresses like a slob, just like Fetterman. Disrespectful. Yeah, maybe I am old and grouchy.
I had one in here. Let me try to find it. Kathy, once again, hopefully for the last blah, blah time, I have not heard that from a single one of my sources ever.
Ed could be right. Ed could have been right on that one. I do not in any way believe he was correct.
And I’ve said it a thousand times. So it’s definitely one of those I get tired of answering. Nothing against you, of course, at all.
Just if my opinion ever changes on it, I’ll let you know. Till then, don’t ask again. Old and grouchy.
No, I’m definitely a little old and grouchy. You know, I think I’ve deserved it. At this point, I just want the punks to stay off my yard and pull up your pants.
Yeah, we need a dress code. Dress accordingly. Dress for work.
If you’re not going to dress for work, don’t come to work. And if you don’t come to work, fired. All right, where were we at on all those? He definitely deserved that.
Here’s your last one. TikTok owner. ByteDance plans to spend 12 billion.
AI chip investing spree. Trump unveils Stargate. Specifically, a joint venture between OpenAI, SoftBank, Oracle aimed at investing tens of billions of dollars to bolster America’s artificial intelligence infrastructure.
Now, guys, when you look at that, it’s not just AI. It’s also chips. Chips that would be necessary to power.
This is a big thing around the world. Investment companies, they see the potential. They don’t want to miss the bus.
Fear of missing out is kind of dominating it. At the same time, I am okay with him using the fear of being left behind because we desperately need the infrastructure here domestically for technology, meaning we need our chip factories here so that China can’t shut us down. Buried inside of this Stargate project is bringing at an accelerated rate, bringing manufacturing back to the United States.
In order to do what he’s looking to do, spend those billions of dollars, it has to go into manufacturing. In order to make the chip factories, there’s a lot you got to manufacture. Not just the chips.
There’s the technology for the equipment, the machines, the manufacturing technology. What he is doing here under the guise of exploding our AI footprint, that’s just an added bonus. He is very quietly and very quickly getting America safe from global pressures, from the supply chain, from being dominated by China.
He is accelerating the process. He did it with Panama and free trade. He’s doing it through free trade around the world.
He’s doing it when he talks about Greenland. He’s talking about when they invest in steel factories, the massive investment that he is pushing in our ship building capacity. Guys, buried in this, half a trillion dollars is a tremendous amount of investment in US-based manufacturing.
That is jobs. Just this one alone estimated over 100,000 high-paying tech jobs. How about we have the most modern auto plants, steel plants, manufacturing base, textiles, food.
Peachy Keen should have handed them a sports coat like they do at high-end restaurants. Peachy Keen, I kind of like that. I’m just reading a few of these, guys.
I know I need to be wrapping here. We’re already over time. All right.
Let’s call it a wrap. Going to be back two more times this evening. Hopefully, we will get more updates from the bond side throughout the day or the group side.
Tentatively, I am hearing Thursday should be very exciting, at least on the move forward in bonds. Don’t know if that means if they go that we’re getting an announcement or not, but I’m still very encouraged by the chatter I’m getting right now. Stay grounded, though, because we’ve heard this type of chatter before.
All right, you birthday people. All I’ve got so far is Sharon W., Michael, Megan, and Drag. Anybody else sound off? They tell me it’s your birthday.
Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live, may you love. May all your dreams come true.
Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday. I did figure out why Trump has been convinced that the H1NB or whatever is important to keep for now.
I’m being told that he plans to use that to help a large number of manufacturing experts because we don’t have the same technologies we had U.S. wise from the manufacturing front that we used to have as far as cutting edge is going to be used to bring in more manufacturing technology, meaning individuals that understand it can execute it and want to be fully American and they want to bring manufacturing here, so it makes sense to me. UFO Wisconsin, yeah, you can get a lullaby after the bank appointments. We all need a big nap after that.
See you guys this evening. See, Whip, I mean, I’ve said it forever that he needed to, and I doubt he was listening to me because it is just so common sense. Think of the number of people from billionaires to tech giants that the CCP has gone after that have tremendous amount of manufacturing experience, technology.
Technology sometimes isn’t meaning chips and robotics. Sometimes it means just understanding simple manufacturing processes and the will and ability to make these projects happen. To me, it was such common sense.
I mean, you look at the cost of medical here. Why would you not, if they are qualified foreign doctors, because we can’t get enough through our med schools now, it will take a decade to bring the schools up to speed with real science and educators, why not bring in qualified doctors from around the world that want to move here? I know it sucks for the other countries, it’s losing the talent, but if you want to quickly lower the cost of medicine in the US, go a hundredfold on H1NB for doctors that can pass the background checks, pass the required medical or truly qualified, bring them in. It’ll drop the cost.
It’ll drop what doctors make and it’ll lower the cost of your medicine. Bring them in. If you want to lower the cost of pharmaceuticals, we don’t make them here.
Find the people that know, that have the plants, that built the plants to make the chemical precursors, to make the pharmaceuticals, bring them in. I mean, they already exist. They’re in the world.
They’re living in a communist country. They fear for their lives every day. Hey, you want to eat apple pie? You want to watch baseball? You want to love America? Come on, because we’re shrinking without immigration and in the interim, we need to start having our children.
We need to do and fix our education system and we need to educate people for the next generation of those positions. It’s just common sense. Yes, whiskey and wisdom.
It’s going to be fun. Now I’m getting out of here. See you guys this evening.