MarkZ (Uncut) 01-21-2025
Coffee with MarkZ and Zester joins for EO commentary. 01/21/2025
Good morning, all, as we enter our first full day of taking America back. Hello, Peachtree Patriot. Hello, Moose Farmer.
Congratulations to you, Ohio State fans. Hello, Grumpy. Whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait, break it up here.
Happy birthday, Whip. Oh, wait, Whip, it’s your birthday? Also, JB, aka Gene’s birthday. Happy birthday.
Glorious morning to Yinzall. Yeah, Denardu, another broadcast. I can’t wait to see the J6ers being reunited.
Very, very, yeah. Tearfully excited for them. I have been in contact with some that have gone through the journey and their families and it’s, they’ve put them through hell.
Some of them getting a parting beating. Husband 67th for Horse Whisperer. Happy birthday to your husband, Horse Whisperer.
Hello, Kazen. Let’s see, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, X reporting some locations have not yet released their prisoners. Yeah, they are not too excited about the speed in which they do it.
Hello, Lori, Lollipop’s belated birthday. Happy belated, Lori. You picked a heck of a good day to have a birthday.
Jack, much about last night, screamed RV to me and reset. Tony, you don’t sign up for a QFS account. There’s nothing for you to do until it’s time to go exchange in the QFS systems live.
Anybody trying to sell you one now is 99.999% scamming you. In other words, don’t. Don’t fall for any of them.
There are a bunch of them out there and they have taken so many for money. They’re hard earned money, which is not okay, XRP guru drill, baby drill. There goes Iraq economy, flood the market.
Yes, but they have a lot going for them on the oil prices, but we’ll get into it. Don’t worry. And they just found something in Iraq that’s through the roof.
We even have some fun news out of Vietnam going full Malil, taking a page out of Argentina’s book. Here’s some exciting stuff to cover today. Private prisons.
I don’t think there should be anything like that. Very interested how it was clearly shown Trump did not place his hand on the Bible when swearing in, yet Rubio did. So did JD Vance.
Perhaps Trump was already president. Maybe there’s some truth to the early swearing in ceremony. What do you think? Could be.
Liberty, we’ve been waiting for that one. AG here in Michigan filing a challenge against the executive order regarding the 14th amendment. Specifically, it was the birther clause that is, we knew it was going to happen.
They started filing lawsuits yesterday at like 1205, like within minutes they were waiting for him to take office and the lawsuits, so that lawsuits started flying. Oh yeah, sure. We’re going to work together.
We want to make. Oh, sure. Yeah.
My butt. We’re in for one heck of a show and a ride. Get ready.
U.S. out of who? U.S. out of Paris. Climate accords, border app shut down. Guys, they did not hesitate.
Trump administration hit. I mean, they’re at the party. Meanwhile, they’re on the phone.
They’re texting. They’re happening. Border patrol already kicking in.
I mean, my God, the flurry of activity overnight has been something and yesterday during the events. So, yeah, pretty exciting stuff. Americans are expected to spend more money on heating bills this season than on holiday gifts.
Home heating is expected to increase 8.7% to an average of $941 this winter forecast, which beats the expected $902 the average household spends on Christmas gifts. And I will admit, guys, this thing is really cool. It is going in the luggage.
Anytime I go back to see you guys in the great white north, this portable secret weapon, love how toasty and warm it makes a house feel without extra heating costs by a portable but powerful mini heater that makes nearly any room warm and cozy in no time, compact enough to take anywhere but strong enough to warm up bedroom, office, living room, anywhere. I want instant warmth or you do. Plus includes built-in overheat protection, adjustable heat levels and simple warmth to toasty comfort, making it perfect for my family.
Your family does your wallet, do your wallet a favor and grab one up to 60% off this winter season at Plus if you order now, you’ll receive free expedited shipping, 60 day satisfaction guarantee and several other free bonuses. Auntie Anne, I did not get an apology from YouTube for yesterday’s rudeness, but just to add insult to injury, I’ve got some fun cat GPT stuff on how pissy they were yesterday over Trump’s inauguration. Steve and Holly, anybody got information pertaining to Moore versus Alliant? Everybody calm down on that one.
We have paperwork showing where it came up through the lower courts, but we have nothing recorded yet, which is not unusual at the Supreme Court of it actually being heard there. We’ve got real interesting paperwork back and forth, but it is most likely just a simple recording issue with the change of administrations and staffing and it occurring in January close to the holiday season. So just everybody stay calm on that.
We are tracking it to find out how real it is. To me, it is screaming Nassera and it’s something to be excited about, but we need it to show up in the proper places and channels. Yeah, we appreciate that.
We had fun yesterday. Militiaman had good news last night. Now there’s a lot screaming that direction that’s been very positive.
We’re going to dive in in just a few minutes. Don’t worry. A lot of smoke and mirrors going on.
Sit back and watch. Look beyond what you see in plain sight. Excellent suggestion.
Matthew, I’m kind of with you. We’re going to need, I mean, the executive orders, all this stuff is cool. It’s awesome.
Now we’re going to need to see something we can sink our teeth into, like really sink our teeth into. Roland, just optics. I really believe he was sworn in before to keep there from being any kind of gap.
Yeah, I definitely had a chuckle when Millie’s portrait was removed from the Pentagon. Lots to cover today. We will bring in Zester for a bit to go through some of the executive orders.
He’s still researching some of them. As we speak, we’ve both been late night, early morning to bring it to you. Hello, Ms. Shaw.
Pleasure to see you. Hello, Chris. Well, we’re going to get into it, Crystal.
We got some that point towards Nisera. We even had one specifically. Let me find this one for you guys.
America’s first trade policy went in effect with them. We’re going to go right down here to section E. Secretary of Treasury shall review and assess the policies, practices of major United States trading partners with respect to the rate of exchange between their currencies and the U.S. dollar pursuant to section blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The Secretary of Treasury shall recommend appropriate measures to counter currency manipulation misalignment that prevents effective balance of payments, aka, guys, look for parity.
But they are clearly setting a policy where we’re not going to have unbalanced. A lot of fun stuff, a lot of fun stuff. We should probably just go ahead and dive right in there, hit the news banner so that we can get into some of the even bigger things going on.
So let’s start here. Political Parliament Agreement settles the controversy of three laws. Okay, preparation, one big basket, moving a number of their controversial laws together to get them wrapped up.
Very interesting day in Iraqi politics. Government representative in Parliament sends amendment to amendment regarding budget law. I know, sounds like a mouthful.
This one specifically, it’s over our rate. They are pushing for it to have budget settled. It’s all about the oil of the Kurdish region.
Oh, we got some fun ones coming today, guys. I mean, some fun ones. Committees reach final stages of completing the hosting statement of the information preparation for voting on the amendment on this day.
Means we should have had some action today. They are waiting to squeeze in one last number, and then they will have the draft on the complimentary 2020 or the budget table. So we should have rates.
I know I’m missing something in there. I’ll try to remember what that other piece was. It’s tickling in my head.
It has me pretty excited, though. Waiting for the information to come back from the outside firm on the cost so they can plug it in, and then bam, then they adjust all their budget tables. When they adjust budget tables, it’s an ideal time to adjust, well, value.
Pretty exciting stuff coming out of Iraq this morning. We’re just going to keep running. Iraq, the discovery of the largest oil storage in the center of the country with 2 billion barrels.
Every time we turn around, we find out they have more resources. Oh, wait, they got gold. Oh, wait, they got rare earth minerals.
Oh, wait, another 2 billion barrels of oil. Anybody want to do the math? Let’s do a little math. Even today’s rates, we’ll figure it at 70 instead of the about 80.
We’ll go $70. We’ll go times 2 billion. Everybody, you can do that math.
You don’t even need me, do you? Yep, you don’t need me. $140 billion more in value that can go to support their currency. Huge chunk for what’s been printed.
Close to the Trump inauguration, Iran’s militias control Iraq and the president will fix the situation. Hey, they’re even looking forward to it. They’re ready to drop, kick, and go totally sovereign.
US in negotiations, or I shouldn’t say, they are talking coordinating to remove that influence now so that Iraq can be 100% sovereign. Positive stuff, guys. Oh, this one was another big one.
Leaving the red list is an important step to attract international companies. This is all about going fully international without restrictions as they go off the red list. Describing the exit from the red list to the orange or effective achievement, starting point to entry for international where they are no longer considered the dangerous one, not the safest, but not before where they were told, don’t do business with that country.
That is part of going international, international value, international trade. To go international, they need an international currency that’s not restricted like theirs is in most countries now. That’s just really good stuff coming out of Iraq this morning.
Here’s a fun one for you. Communist Vietnam follows Libertarian Malia’s path in a surprising turn. Time to start hatcheting government, making things efficient.
I love this one statement that is in here. Hopefully I can find this one again for you. Here it is.
Highlighted it for myself. A senior Communist Party official stressed the urgency of these reforms in a recent speech. Sometimes you have to take bitter medicine, endure pain and remove tumors to have a healthy and strong body.
These statements underscore the seriousness with which the proposed changes are being approached. Didn’t we hear those guys suddenly not Communist, suddenly efficient, suddenly transparent. Here he’s talking about sometimes you get to take the bitter medicine.
So we’re talking about a massive overall now occurring in Vietnam. We know that over the last roughly nine months to a year, they have been chasing every bit of corruption they can in their government and removing those corporate tendrils of corruption from their government. This one’s a big one for our value in Vietnam as they are clearly on board with the, in my opinion, just Sarah’s stuff.
We talked about that one. We’re going to have a zester in here soon. We’ll save some of this part.
Actually, I’m going to breathe for just a minute. See what you guys are saying. Boo, boo, boo.
Woo, woo’s mama. I’ll copy the link and just drop it in for you. It’s just stay warm Stay warm Carrie, I think my cats are Communist.
They expect free food and keep talking about meow. See when Ryder, let’s see what, when Ryder saying Al Sudani is at Davos now, is it possible for the RV to occur with them out of country? Sure. Absolutely.
Probably preferable with him being Davis, good or bad international. Don’t read too much into that one. Also last night while President Trump was signing executive orders, he did mention Spain being a member of BRICS.
He said that he was going to put a hundred percent tariff on all BRICS nations. He wants, all right, we’ll do a deeper dive this week on Trump take and his rhetoric on BRICS because it has a lot of people confused. We’ll take a deeper dive and it’s good stuff.
Maybe I’ll start working on Dr. Scott, see if he wants to tackle that one. But it is interesting because Trump keeps telling us we need parity, we need asset backed dollars, the whole world needs them. The way that some of the BRICS countries have worked in the past is, especially with China, they’ll fiat it and Trump’s trying to get away from it.
We’ll do a deeper dive. I’m not going to do it justice without bringing the right research material in front of us at the same time. Trump’s day one executive orders, boy, did he let it rip.
Signed orders to rescind dozens executive actions from former President Joe Biden, improve border security, clamp down on legal immigration, ramp up energy production, federally define gender, and give the social media platform TikTok 75 days to find a buyer before the ban takes effect. In other words, he stalled the ban. While many presidents are likely to be challenged in the courtroom, yes, there are going to be many that are going.
We’ve got a proclamation declaring an invasion is going on at the southern border, guaranteeing state’s protection against such invasion, evoking executive orders related to the surge of illegal immigration. He’s even named the cartels as terrorist organizations. Man, he has let it rip.
It is going to allow a tremendous amount of resources to be used. If you are a cartel member, it’s a good time to leave the U.S. completely. Very good time.
If you can get out before it’s too late for you. Executive order entitled Protecting American People Against Invasion. The unprecedented mission of illegal aliens.
Hello, Kim Marie. Thank you for the jar of unspeakable thoughts and words. I love that.
Cute. Ordering securing of the southern border by various methods, including building a border wall and ending the CBP, the Border Patrol 1 app. Done.
Stuttdown last night. Appointments canceled. You’re either coming in properly, legally or not at all now.
Declaration of national emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border. We talked about that realignment of the U.S. refugee admission program to better align with American principles and interests. An executive order ending birthright citizenship, restoration of death penalty for killing of federal agents or law enforcement.
Declaring cartels as terrorist organizations. All these are huge. Protection from foreign terrorists and other national security and public safety threats related to southern border reform on hiring federal government based on merit only.
No longer filling a spot. You’ve got to be the best person for the job. In order to hold former government officials accountable for election interference and unlawful disclosure of sensitive information, referring to the national security officials who co-signed the letter suggesting Biden’s laptop was this information.
Matter of fact, he removed their security clearances from forty nine of the folks on that list. I think two of them are dead. Freeze.
Preventing bureaucrats from issuing any more regulations until the administration has full control of the government. Hiring freeze for the federal government and a requirement for all federal employees to return to full time person working with guys. We’re going to lose probably 20 percent of our government employees like that.
I mean, just like that. We do have some out there that work great. I’m reading through some of these.
Gino. Yeah, there was a lot of bond news here on my list. Should have mentioned that one already.
I’ve got three different bond sources that say they will process this afternoon. They have been told today is go day that bonds this afternoon go off of stuck. I don’t know what’s going to happen between now and then as to or that or yesterday as to this afternoon when they say they are supposed to go full tilt.
But I. Don’t know if it’s something the Trump administration had to do or is doing today, I don’t know that answer, but I’ve had a number of sources say it is now on and these are international. So this is all over the globe getting the same story from different sources. I find it very reassuring.
I will be sitting around pins and needles throughout the day and tomorrow waiting to see a bond person with full blown money excited. Final contracts, etc. I should have mentioned that was right here on my list.
Another one. Rubio confirmed secretary of state unanimously. Putin issued a statement and said, we are now ready for open dialogue about a long and long lasting and permanent peace in the Ukraine.
Now that Trump is president, let’s sit down and make this happen. Thought that one was a great one. Working on more versus the line guys, we’re going to try to get to it.
Meaning try to get to the truth. It’s easy to find some stuff on it, but not easy to find everything. Those are the things on my list I haven’t covered yet.
Do you guys see just did you watch him crying during the swearing in ceremony? I mean, the tears coming down his face. Oh, I was talking about Biden. I’m cracking myself up this morning.
Boot Gal, I think probably more, but I want to be conservative on what I think will leave. Vampire Sunset, I wasn’t expecting one. We already have all the executive orders we need on it right now.
Federal policy, no longer gender or D.E.I., it’s all merit, energy and environment. Drill, baby, drill, including taking the gloves off of Alaska. Huge financial boom for Alaska inbound.
Of course, we already talked about Paris Climate Accord, temporary withdrawal of all offshore wind leasing in order to review government leasing and permitting practices. In order to reevaluate and realign U.S. foreign aid, if you’re attacking us, you’re treating us like crap, you don’t get foreign aid. It’s really cool.
You’re not doing your part. You’re not getting foreign aid. If you’re selling us fentanyl, you’re not getting foreign aid.
Memorandum to immediately grant six month interim security clearance to certain personnel hired by the Trump administration. Pretty normal stuff. We see this in almost every administration.
Of course, Merrick, first policy directive to the secretary of state who has now been sat. Taxes, tariffs, I mean, there’s so much coming. We’ll dive into more of this with Sester in a few minutes because he’ll be joining us soon.
And I want to get through a few more stories. Here’s your story. Trump’s NCBP1 app used by migrants to secure U.S. entry appointments.
It’s down. Back to the functionality, CPP1, previously allowed undocumented immigrants to submit advanced information, a schedule is no longer available. And existing appointments have been canceled.
They’re not even going to respond. They’re just like, we’re done playing the game. Trump pardons 1500 January 6th defendants commutes 14 sentences.
He took it in the case to case basis like he promised. I can only imagine the hours people have put in since the election to go through every one of these cases and make certain that those with that deserve to be released are. Which is the overwhelming majority.
So promise made, promise kept. Senate passes the Lakeland-Riley Act, first bill approved by new Congress. You can’t make this one up, guys.
Lakeland-Riley, the bill that Democrats refused to touch, refused to touch, fought it, didn’t want the bad press. Well, suddenly they’re all about it. Yeah, you won’t believe this one.
Senate passed it 64 to 35. I mean, nearly, nearly veto proof margin on this one, which means a number of Democrats. I mean, we can do the math if you guys would like 15 of them or so to be exact.
Jump ship 14, I believe is the number, jump ship on the Democratic Party to pass the new bill, the Lakeland-Riley Act, which would force them to dropkick these folks out of country. It’s pretty exciting. We can talk about it.
Legislation requires Department of Homeland Security to detain illegal immigrants arrested for theft, burglary, shoplifting. In other words, if you’re here, you’re here on a provisionary basis, no setting you back out on the street so you can do bad stuff. I’m just, if you’ll notice how they did this one, they waited for Trump to take office.
This is clearly one that many Democrats wanted to vote for, but they knew it was going to be difficult when they told their base. So they do it now and they can blame the Trump, blame Trump, all these things happening. Of course, it wouldn’t happen if they didn’t vote for it.
But they can do it here, day one of the Trump administration. So in two years, they can be distanced enough so that they can pander to their base again or what they think is their base. If they paid attention to their base, this bill would have passed when they first presented it.
It wouldn’t be here right now. It would already be a rule and many people would still be alive. God bless.
Susie Q, we appreciate you. Thank you. Lady Maga, Mexico’s putting thousands of shelter beds for the ones at the border.
It’s going to get crazy, guys. People will suffer. People will prosper.
A lot’s got to shake out and work through the system. All right. What the asylum seekers caught with 30,000 high caliber rifle rounds in Arizona.
OK, not quite 30,000, but daggone close to it within a couple hundred. Ten thousand rounds of 50. How? I mean, just all right.
Sheriff Mark Daniels of Cochise County, Arizona, revealed Sunday in a Facebook post that in mid-January, Cochise County Narcotics Trafficking Alliance Assisted Homeland Security Investigation Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and seized 10,000 rounds, 50 caliber ammunition, 19,640 rounds of seven point six two by three nine ammunition for multiple vehicles. Guys, are you familiar with these guns? Fifty cow, they match. Mount them on Humvees, mount them on bigger vehicles.
I mean, these are ones that you go assault other armies with the seven six two three nine eight K forty seven rounds all in here. With ill equal, I think one one natural born citizen working with them. Now, stop, drop, think they caught this group.
How many are out there that they have not caught? What percentage of crime like that gets caught? What doesn’t you guys are doing? We are not out of the woods yet. I wish I could tell you it’s all going to be a golden age. You know, just go ahead and ride the rainbow, hug the tree, sing Kumbaya.
It’s all going to be fantastic. Guys, we have a scary number of folks in the country. We have a scary number of people that actually belong here that are pretty scary.
So just keep that in mind, just because he was inaugurated yesterday doesn’t mean we are going to have a sudden period of peace and everything’s going to be perfect. We still have to pay attention. We still have to fight.
Just means we have somebody in our corner now. Yeah, a number of you folks got it. Unicorn rainbow parts harder, right? Savvy.
We just have to remember what King Jeffrey said, and we just have to fart harder, guys. Be interested to see Zester’s take on these caliber, I mean, the ammunition being moved. I think the only people running around with money for this are either other nations or cartels, nobody else is going to, I mean, think about the money involved.
I believe in the rule of law, but Biden preemptively pardons Fauci, Schiff, Cheney, Milley and family members. You know who he didn’t pardon? Venman. Venman’s wife is pissed.
You’re like, you know, he sacrificed his career for you. You guys were supposed to take care of him. You’re supposed to protect them.
You protect all these people, but you won’t protect them. She’s really upset. Venman’s probably going, ah, crap.
I just became the sacrificial lamb. So they feel like they got some retribution. Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be Venman today.
Probably a very unhappy chap who will pardon Biden. Of course, everybody can or did. Now it will go to court and we will see what sticks.
Here’s one to piss you off. Yesterday, I didn’t even bring it up. Can you please, I was trying to get Chad GPT to make me a thumbnail for yesterday morning’s podcast.
Can you please make me a YouTube thumbnail for my podcast today? We will be having a watch party for Trump’s inauguration. Yep, said can’t do it, said won’t do it. It said thumbnail request.
Over here. Can you guys see that? Thumbnail request denied because Trump was being inaugurated. Talked about the rounds, the thousands of rounds of ammunition and cartel hands just roaming freely in Arizona.
Clearly, Chad GPT is still woke and decided that we are not going to let you. I tried so many different ways to no avail to get it to make a thumbnail. Then played with it.
Well, what happens if I wanted it to make a thumbnail for Biden’s inauguration or Harris’s? No problem. Spit right out. But it would not make one celebrating anything Trump for the inauguration.
We still have a heck of a fight out there, guys. It’s not over. I mean, it feels good that we’re headed in the right direction.
Uh, here’s a really good one for you guys over at American thinker. Anybody who wants to explain how bad the Biden administration is has to start with COVID. A real deep dive over just how piss poor job the Biden administration did their failures from Afghanistan, withdrawal, COVID, um, misinformation, ministry of truth, uh, public health safety.
Uh, of course, uh, we’re even going to get into, um, the hate crimes, uh, from Judaism. You just name it. It is amazing.
When you stop really back up and look, it is clearly the worst presidency in American history. It’s been a rough four years, guys. It’s been a rough four years now.
Get you in here. Hey, what is, uh, Bobson? Howdy everybody out there. Hope everybody’s having a great first full day of Trump’s second presidency.
Uh, here, let’s see. Recently, 7 million rounds of five, five, six and other ammo calibers disappeared Mexico from two tractor trailers from the idea ammunition, uh, factory. Appears to be an inside job.
I’m just, there’s plenty to be afraid of guys. Well, I shouldn’t say afraid of that is going to be a pretty major change in regards to the Southern border starting immediately. And so, uh, things like that, most likely those are cartels and well, the cartels are now officially terrorist organizations, international terrorist organizations, international terrorist organizations, which do allow them to go after them.
Yeah. You’re in Mexico’s new leader. I mean, she has, cause she’s a liberal.
She has to, you know, hit all the soundbites complaining about Trump. Um, but secretly, you know, she’s gotta be going. Hell yeah.
He’s coming after the cartels and he gets to be the bad guy. And I get to just sit here and go, Oh my God, I wish I could help you guys. I mean, you know, I know, you know, that you’re in this community and you got all that money and all that good stuff and you could threaten my family, but you know, my hands are tied here.
It’s Donald Trump’s fault. Yeah. Well, I should go to Mexico immediately, immediately came out and condemned.
Um, all of the, um, executive orders that mentioned the cartels or the Southern border. So they didn’t come out and immediately condemn, um, president Trump was asked while he was actually signing the, the executive order asked if special forces would potentially be entering in to, uh, to Mexico in order to chase them down. And he said, Hey, crazier things have happened.
I’m pretty much just joking along with the reporters as they went. It was pretty darn funny, but. Hey, he also issued an executive order.
I’m sending a Northern command, um, to secure the border immediately. And so there, there really is so much to dig into on the executive order front and a lot of it in regards to the Southern border, a lot of it in reference, but he said he was going to secure the border, he’s going to take massive action on the Southern border, uh, within hours of taking office, he did, um, pretty much everything he promised he was doing. Day one, he has done so far.
Yeah. Yeah. And it was, it was kind of odd.
Uh, you can see that there was a whole lot more legalese preparation for this second term, um, because of the way that the executive orders are structured. Um, so even with that one, he ended up going in and specifically having an executive order in regards to state legislation, discussing state sovereignty, and then also discussing, um, individual Americans sovereignty. And so it was, it was interesting to see where effectively by going through and arguing for the protection of the average American citizen, regardless of where they’re at, he’s arguing that that is what actually allows for him to go through and deport anybody that has recently gotten here that has not gone through the proper channels.
And then in the other ones, when he’s talking about state sovereignty, that’s where he actually argues that the federal government has the obligation to protect states from invasion. And that is a key part of what the states actually signed up for by joining the union. Uh, and so that was very interesting, uh, seeing how the team has definitely gotten far better at working the legal front, at least on day one in comparison to what we saw day one of 2017.
It’s a, all right, we’ve got a couple of them coming in. No, there was not 200 executive orders. Um, I do, I do wonder whether that he is not arguing about some of the ones that had a lot in it.
And so like he did during actually one of the first of the executive orders that dropped, um, the initial rescissions of harmful executive orders and actions, he did rescind 78 executive orders and memos that had been issued by the Biden administration. And then when he actually goes through any issues out of pardons, well, he specifically names a specific amount of pardons in regards to January 6th. Um, and then also inside of the corruption executive order, which.
I think we could have expected this one, but I also was surprised to read it and read through the verbiage. He goes through and specifically names all of the different national security people from, uh, from the past eight years, essentially, that they have strong, strong evidence that they have abused their security clearance. And so in that executive order, he calls for the immediate removal of all security clearances for people such as John Bolton.
Many other big, big names on that list. And also demands that within 90 days, the United States federal government will have conducted an in-depth and thorough investigation into determining what information they released, what classified information was released by those, uh, I believe it was about 50 individuals that he rescinded security clearance for, and so maybe if you start adding up all of these different ones and you start to think about it that way, well then, uh, in all honesty, he issued many, many hundreds of technically, uh, specific orders. Yeah.
And some of it is directives, et cetera, where he doesn’t need executive orders. He can give directives to the different organizations. So yeah, kind of tit for tat.
What do you want to call it? But not 200 official executive orders. Yeah. And I, I would, um, I’m expecting this to not really slow down all that much, uh, over the coming, you know, the first week.
And so I think we’re going to see more. Yeah. Uh, Rafe saying 51 clearances wiped.
Uh, I know there were like 49 of 51 and they were still going. The clearances swiped all these folks in the intelligence community that were just blatantly lying, knowingly lying, et cetera, on Russian collusion laptop. And that I hate, he didn’t do more of that, like straight out, like in the last administration, when he was president’s first time, but I do know.
Uh, then that is one size I’ve seen a few comments on, uh, on J six. Um, there is a little bit to kind of dig into there. And so that part is specifically directed towards a certain set of people.
A certain set of people are actually named their names are written in there. And that’s because I’m imagining they got a little bit more public attention for, for their, uh, uh, for, for being arrested over it. And then it also just specifically states anybody that on that day or near.
The Capitol building that committed any of these specific crimes will be released. So folks that did commit violent crimes, folks that did bunch of police officer, they’re not getting parked. Um, and so there is a distinction in there.
Uh, and I do wonder with some of the reports coming out immediately from some folks saying, Hey, well, this guy, I know it’s not getting released. I don’t know if this is the case yet, but I would wonder, well, maybe they’re not getting released because they specifically committed one of the crimes that Trump did not part. Uh, you’re muted there pops.
There are some where he has said, yeah, they did do crimes, but, um, they’ve already served longer than they would have been punished under any. So he’s commuting the balance of some of those. It’s my understanding that will take a, could take up to a week or so for it to properly go through the system.
Um, the good news is many of them have been being released overnight. Of course we want everybody that’s been, I mean, no matter what the crime. Uh, so many people have been unfairly prosecuted or indentured, whatever you guys want to call it.
So I’m getting pretty excited about it. Isn’t abuse their security clearance treason. That’s a good question.
Laney. Seems like a pretty solid argument to me. And I know for those saying the 51, I do believe, um, two are now deceased.
Um, and so I don’t know what was the point of removing their clearances, but I know that they are being investigated, even though those two people have, uh, have left us since that point. Yeah. It’s friends making music.
I’m, uh, I don’t know at what point, uh, our, uh, government got so sloppy that they would leave people with a security clearances that didn’t need security clearances anymore. Yeah. It doesn’t seem to make most of the ones with them are like on the private contractor side.
I, they, I mean, the core pocracy and abuses in our military, industrial, pharmaceutical, industrial, you know, pay for prison, private prison, industrial complex. I mean, I don’t even know where to go. Some of the people that get government access to all kinds of things that they should not get.
Uh, I think Cheryl, uh, on that one, that’s definitely a, and that’s, I think that’s why some of the executive orders were actually worded the ways that they were, um, by, by actually going through and claiming and declaring that there is an invasion. It is now the federal government’s explicit right to go through and effectively defend the state sovereignty. And so in that way, we’re going to have to see Cheryl.
I’m certain that we will have the Californias of the world are going to raise all kinds of legal objections. And I would imagine in all honesty, there probably have been thousands of injunctions, uh, filed in the courts at various different levels just since this morning from liberal, uh, liberal lawmakers trying to go ahead and shut this down or slow it down. So that, that I think is going to happen, Cheryl, but I seems as if Trump’s team has really thought this one through to make it extremely difficult for the states to just flat out deny and to make it nearly impossible for local municipalities to refuse to comply, especially, I mean, taking federal dollars, funding dollars from them, like you don’t boom federal funding.
So, I mean, there’s been, I’m trying to remember which two, but, um, I remember democratic governor going, you know, we’re just going to have to play along because we need the funding, which is a great out for them. Uh, they get to sell their base. Oh, I didn’t have a choice that mean Trump.
And then they’re going like, yes, probably taken care of. Yeah. A lot of folks are going to use him as a, uh, scapegoat.
Um, I got nothing for you on this one. Uh, Zester, any word on the Trump Melania crypto that was released last night? Uh, it actually released on Saturday. It’s been out Trump token released on Saturday.
Um, I was actually quite upset. I was, uh, very far away from the computer and, uh, deeply regret that, uh, on Saturday because it cost me a, uh, well, one buttload of money because yes, Trump’s token did release Trump’s meme coin meme token released on on this past Saturday and exploded. Um, yeah, um, I actually, I haven’t checked this morning to see where it’s currently at, but I know as of the last time that I had looked at it, we were looking at, um, somewhere around a $15 billion market cap immediately folks made a, uh, one metric fortune on that one.
So yes, it is now currently valued at $38 and 31 cents per token with a $7 billion, $7.6 billion market cap. Um, uh, and so, yeah, folks made quite a lot of money on that one. It actually was doing a lot better before the Melania meme token launched.
And the second the Melania meme token launched, everybody sold their Trump token and bought the Melania token, trying to think that, you know, more upside, more potential gain. Um, both of these tokens, to my knowledge are on the Solana blockchain. Um, Melania token is not doing near as well as Trump token, but for some reason, I guess folks just, they saw another one launch, they figured, okay, the focus is now being taken off of Trump token.
And so a lot of people sold, um, it’s going to be some crazy ups and downs. I don’t know how many of mine would play unless you guys are just extremely adept or okay with not, uh, with losing some. Yeah, I, I have debated going through and, uh, and making a video showing people how to do it, uh, I was debating it on Sunday, making it, and I’m having a, uh, a moral question, uh, on that one, just because of my personal beliefs on meme tokens and because of how dangerous those groups get during these kinds of crazes, the scammers kick into next level.
And I know a lot of folks would be utilizing the Solana blockchain for the first time. Uh, yeah. And if that’s something everybody really wants, I will definitely make one.
I do actually have a video already that effectively shows you exactly how to do it because I show you how to buy Solana meme tokens. I just don’t specifically buy the Trump meme token. So there is one out there on crazy kryptonite.
If folks really, really, really want to go, uh, go to the casino this week. I hear you, but it really is. I mean, it’s a, you’re, you’re, you’re gambling dice, but the upside is so big and the downside is so minimal.
It’s kind of fun. Yeah. Oh yeah.
If you’re, uh, if you’re, if you’re disciplined with it and you don’t go going in there and throwing a bunch of money, you can’t afford to lose. It can be a lot of fun playing with the meme tokens, but a lot of folks tend to get into that fear of missing out. Price starts going up.
People start buying more and more and more and more, and people just keep pumping money into it. And then the price starts going down. And for some reason, everybody freezes and sits there holding the bag.
Um, yeah. XLM is positioning. I think for a run, I’ve been looking at some of the crypto markets going, Hmm.
Uh, it’s gotta be very interesting. And yeah, that does actually bring me to a question I know I’ve seen, um, from folks, uh, folks asking, well, where, where was our, uh, where was our executive order on crypto, which we did not get any specific executive order on cryptocurrency. Uh, I would say, keep in mind on the strategic reserve side, that is something because it’s, it’s a matter of funding.
We have to be able to fund it. That means that we have to pass a bill. The house of representatives, they do hold the purse strings.
Uh, and so on that front, I understand why we didn’t get anything saying that the United States was about to start buying Bitcoin or anything on, on day one, there wouldn’t be any available funds to do so, but, um, the one that we, we are expecting and has been on the plan for a long time is that we’re going to see one actually issuing essentially a cease and desist to, to the SEC and to some regulatory bodies saying, Hey, these things are no longer. No longer your jurisdiction. And so I’m still expecting that to come out in the first, uh, in the first weeks.
I don’t think after how much he made crypto a main part or a major part of his campaign that he’s going to let that sit for too long, but I think with the launch of two different crypto meme coins right before he is inaugurated and both of those crypto meme coins actually hand over a buttload of their tokens to him during his presidency, which enters into a very, very odd area of, doesn’t really seem right. And so I’ve also wondered, I’m wondering if he’s going to put them in down the road, um, because of that, because the last thing he would want to do is bring attention to, to crypto right immediately while there are so many folks going, Hey, dude, you launched two meme tokens like days before you’re inaugurated and you’re going to get paid for them during your presidency. I don’t know.
I’ve heard a lot of, uh, a lot of very strong opinions from the left on that one. And in all honesty, But if it had been, if it had been a Joe coin, if it had been a Joe coin, they wouldn’t have been worried at all. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
But Hey, we would be giving him an unending crap if the shoes were on the, uh, the other feet. And so, in my opinion, it, uh, just kind of goes that way because we, you know, we would be giving them tons of crap. We’d be all over them if a Democrat, uh, had done something of that nature.
So fair’s fair. I can see why folks are a little critical. Yeah, I can too.
Hit Brock. I hate to see some folks going, but that means a good question. It’s a 21st.
Uh, we don’t have a value change yet. We have a lot of things pointing that direction. It looks like they’ve made a lot of progress headed that way.
How many people had so much hope that it was going to be bam today within moments? And it still could be that they are jumping ship. I’m kind of curious. I mean, I understand, but I don’t understand.
So it was kind of like a, it’s kind of a, just put it on a shelf, come back later. Yeah. Hey, I know the other one, everybody around it.
Bobby lay Bobby lay lives on the Gulf of America. Yeah, that was a pretty darn fun one right there. That was a pretty darn fun one.
And that executive order actually had a few other things in there that, uh, that I know, I know we are not going the, that the left is not going to acknowledge. Trump actually, during that executive order stated that in specific places in Alaska, as a major example, that the names of places and of location should be named after, um, and should be named by traditional or native Alaskans. Um, which I thought that was one that, uh, well, it was definitely not going to get covered from the left.
Trump going in and saying, no, no, no, no. We need to make certain that, that the native peoples of Alaska get to make certain that the, the locations, um, in Alaska are named after their heritage. Um, the other one, Mount McKinley.
Um, I know he had mentioned that before, but I was really not expecting to read, uh, you know, three long paragraphs about how awesome president McKinley was and how we needed to name his mountain back for him. I’m just reading so much that. Yeah.
I would say continuing with down though, that on the Gulf of America, I think that our little assumption yesterday that maybe it’s in regards to, um, legalese or things of that nature saying, well, if I rename it, the Gulf of America, anything about the Gulf of Mexico or rules about the Gulf of Mexico would no longer make sense and we’d null and void. Um, the executive order specifically requires the United States government to purge, purge from all records, the name Gulf, uh, uh, anything besides the Gulf of, uh, of America. It specifically states that the Gulf of Mexico must be purged from all registries in the United States.
And so I would have to imagine that we were probably right on that one. And that yes, it’s also patriotic Gulf of America, yada, yada. But it seems like that he had, uh, another plan in mind.
I don’t think that was his first reason. No, I think it was a, uh, truly out of the box approach to it. Um, uh, New Mexico gout.
I don’t know if I would consider a derogatory remark. He was just saying that BRICS countries that are declaring war on American money or currency, that he would tariff them. Um, I think a lot of folks out there reading too much into that one.
Yeah. He just says that he’s going to support the U S dollar and the U S dollar above everything else. Um, but he also wants to make the U S dollar, uh, stable and sound and real money backing it and all those good things.
So I think everybody’s reading too much into that one right now, but we’ll do a deeper dive on it, hopefully Thursday. No, we, we still, I mean, yeah, there’s still so much more to dig into. I mean, some of the most interesting ones.
Uh, well, what I would say probably the most difficult and most interesting one is the suspension of birthright citizenship, um, and the executive order legally arguing for the suspension of, uh, birthright citizenship. Now that is, that’s something that has been essentially, uh, codified and accepted since the 14th amendment was added to the constitution. Now, of course, there are a lot of, there’s a lot of legalese to get into on that front was the 14th amendment ever legitimately added to the constitution because the Southern states were not allowed to vote on it back for yada, yada, yada on that front, but needless to say, that’s going to be probably the hardest one to defend in a courtroom just because of how much precedent has been set up for these.
Even if the precedent is wrong, it’s tough to get, it’s tough to get around precedents, even, you know, even if it wasn’t the right one, kind of like Roe versus Wade, how long did it take with bad precedents in the number of cases? It still happens. So, uh, that’s why it’s so important for the first time precedent is established for it to be challenged in court immediately, because if it is allowed to sit there long enough, it does begin to change the law. Um, yeah.
All right. That’s, that’s, that’s going to be a longer one. I’ll see if I can get some folks in to, uh, discuss that one.
Yeah. Yeah. No, that would definitely be an interesting one.
Definitely be, I do need to get paint for Zester’s wall. Don’t I, I don’t know. I’m finally gotten everything around the house done.
I’ve got to get the yard together and my room, my streaming room together. Is there a, the last on the agenda around here? Uh, no, Puerto Rico is not in the Gulf of America. We are before you get to the Gulf.
I’m happy Pete, which site is to buy crypto is best. Uh, of course I don’t know background slash whatever, but feeling for the easiest one, probably uphold. Do you want to tackle that? Coinbase is always Coinbase.
The answer is always Coinbase. Never not. It’s always Coinbase.
Anybody that tells you it’s not, I say Coinbase. I know people like other exchanges and they’re perfectly fine. They are absolutely perfectly fine, but I have dealt with infinitely more issues with the community with uphold and lobster than Coinbase.
Um, I have dealt with very, very few issues on Coinbase. There is a distinction there. Coinbase wallet is an app that you download on your phone.
It’s a separate wallet. That is not the Coinbase exchange. That’s the Coinbase wallet.
I’ve had tons of issues with that. Um, and so I would just highly recommend definitely avoid Coinbase wallet. Don’t go anywhere near it.
Not with a 10 foot pole. Um, uphold and lobster are perfectly good exchanges, um, or wallets or whatever. They’re, they kind of fit into a really weird category, but ultimately Coinbase tends to be the easiest one for, for the vast majority.
It’s not everybody. If you don’t have success with it, I would go Coinbase then uphold. Um, lobster has more issues than uphold.
Uh, reading some of those. I’ve not Sergeant Thorne seen anything on the media one. Well, if you guys kept up with that one, uh, I’ve not seen anything yet.
Uh, but I do know that, uh, Trump’s pushing for the death of Mockingbird media because it was weaponized against them. Hmm. Let’s see what all the laws that came up since president grant be abolished after the U S going to common laws.
If they do indeed, like we keep hearing and seeing, and there’s a lot of paperwork out there. Some of it fabricated, some of it real, uh, showing that they are, that they’ve dissolved corporation. Uh, some of it is fabricated out there, guys, double check, find what you can.
Uh, but yeah, theoretically all laws pass since what 1871 should be Nolan void. Some of them are pretty good laws that need to be there. Most of them are crap.
Any word, no, no word on bank contacts yet today, guys. I mean, we’re only hours. I mean, we’re not even, yeah, we’re approaching what 23 hours into this presidency.
Everybody breathe for a minute. Oh, I know just trying to get through, like I’m a, I’m going through bag, you know, coffee, like an absolute maniac trying to just get through reading all the executive orders and such, and I’m not full, I’m not gone through all of them, but I have not dug in to every single one fully, um, just because we have got so much that has come at us and not a ton of time to be able to dig into it and to figure out how the cards are actually going to land. Um, you know, who’s going to end up with a seat at the end of this.
And that’s the other thing to wait for. Some of these executive orders are going to be dead on arrival. And so we don’t know on that front either yet.
It’s about to get awfully interesting. Um, bumper, I would never buy crypto on Robin hood ever. Yeah, it does make it very, very easy.
It does make it very, very easy. The problem is they hold your crypto. Um, I do believe that you can remove now from Robin hood.
So for me, I was always like, Oh, hell no. Yeah, but Robin hood has a very weird way of doing their tax accounting. Um, a very weird way of doing their tax accounting that does get complicated and makes you feel like you’re going to need, uh, a one heck of a professional accountant to get through it.
Um, PayPal’s role on a crypto, uh, they’re, they’re offering you where you can use PayPal to pay with crypto. Now, basically, you know, they just charge you that, that in between fee and handle things. Yep.
For offloading, unloading. It’s just another payment option guys. Yeah.
And I, we, uh, apparently with, uh, a lot of the companies are saying that you’re going to start being able to see a lot of places, except your crypto as payment, um, matter of fact, I know for a fact that we’re, uh, in conversations, it’s very possible that very soon, uh, it’ll be, uh, you’ll be capable of buying, uh, different products with crypto and, uh, it’s, it’s happening, it’s happening. Um, embrace it. See what the market streamlines.
The market’s going to find out what works best, what more works most efficiently, all those things. Government always screws with it. The free market will figure it out.
I’m thinking about hitting the debt ceiling yelling, supposedly. Well, I shouldn’t say suppose she said that we were going to hit the debt ceiling, uh, yesterday when Trump took office, uh, and they would have to go into what she called extraordinary measures to, uh, keep paying the bills. Um, how do I put it? It’s like theater theater.
Theoretically are we? Yes. Cause they’ve already spent 20% of, uh, this year’s budget actually wasn’t a 30% of this year’s budget and we’re 20 days in, so it will cause issues. They’ve got plenty that they can poke and pull from.
And I guarantee you, Trump has canceled the movement of a lot of that money already that he, what he can give it a day or two. Yeah. Oh, um, uh, the tick tock.
I know that that’s one that folks have been, uh, have been questioning because, uh, he did make a comment that he wants to negotiate, wants to talk with, um, bite dance, LTD, the, uh, the company that owns tick tock. And he would like to discuss with them, um, a path forward. He says, if he, if he bans it, then it’s worthless.
If he lets it through, then it’s a trillion dollar business. And he said, the United States deserves half of it. And so he wants, uh, he wants the United States to have half of the, uh, the corporation that owns tick tock.
Um, but the tick tock executive order that he issued last night, um, essentially says, Hey, we’re looking into it. He gives, um, specific branches, 90 days to go through and analyze what tick tock’s been up to and what their privacy standards, uh, are really all about. Um, Sam sounded like he’s playing kind of hard ball with his power and all I see on this one does.
But, uh, Rosie RFK was there. We saw him in a number of things where we were doing our live coverage yesterday. And we had a lot of fun doing it.
I just, uh, after about seven or eight hours, I just hit a wall though on you guys. Um, but he was there. Uh, there’s quite a bit of film there.
We saw him there. I am surprised that Trump didn’t have him up there speaking more. He did speak at one point, uh, last night he had his whole family up and, uh, talked about how they were going to make America healthy again.
It was just later into the evening. Most people had stopped watching everything at that point. Uh, Vivek was there.
He was there in a number of them. Vivek is no longer going to be associated with DOJ because he is running for political office. Um, and Trump has said he’s can, he can do us more help there.
They’ll still consult with him. He’s just not officially on DOJ, uh, because they have a key position that they want him to fill. So there’s that one.
A lot of people reading too much into, uh, Vivek, uh, not being in DOJ. They’re just and Elon had already put together their plans. And so, um, I feel like essentially, uh, it’s just kind of being left to Elon and his crew to implement the plans they had already put together.
Um, yeah, Liberty on main, they shut us down. We were on rumble Liberty on main street on rumble. We were there all day long.
Yep. Yeah. We, we stayed on rumble.
I did not end the rumble one until, uh, I, I forget who was about to get on stage and start performing. Um, that was because I really wanted to get to the point where we got to read, uh, as many of the executive orders as possible, I would say for those that have not watched from when he goes through and he signs the real hall, he has all the reporters in there asking him questions as he goes through and signs the, uh, the EOs, and it is absolutely hilarious, some of his comebacks, uh, and some of the comments that he makes and that reporters make that top quality. Also during that time, he, um, he does reveal that Joe Biden did leave him a letter, which is considered to be, um, essentially just a precedent of the transfer of power is that the outgoing president leaves a private letter, typically private to the incoming president.
Um, Trump said that he would be reading it and then reading it aloud after he read it in private himself. Um, yeah, I’m trying to use anything else. We should probably start wrapping.
We got a lot of information to go through today before this evening’s podcast. I, there’s going to be a lot to unpack over the coming days. Uh, their bond contacts check in with, see if they moved.
Um, we should start hearing something out of the banking world, uh, throughout the day to day. Keep in mind guys, they were closed yesterday. Um, so it’s not surprising that we don’t have an update straight out of the, out of the gate this morning.
Hmm. Just reading a few of these. I thought, Oh, I believe we’re watching and witnessing a slow world out on the Sarah that I think will pick up speed quickly.
I’m just reading a few of those. All right, let’s call it a wrap right there. Make certain I did everything I did.
Sester, thank you for joining. Uh, trying to get away with, but I’ll go ahead and, uh, and sign off now. See you guys all, uh, all later.
But, uh, pops, you’re trying to forget a happy birthday. So I’ll leave that one to you. I saw you’ve got a lot of happy birthdays today.
Yeah, I got a fair amount, not a huge amount. I guess I’ll leave you doing it. Hey, all right.
You guys soon. See ya. Uh, Tammy’s 65th, uh, jeans, uh, a K J B whip McKeel little bar Braxton bill church.
I’m certain I’ve missed some sound off. Uh, farmer via no outside links. Hmm.
So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live.
May you love me. All your dreams come true. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Not just birthday.
Of course we saw Braxton’s all those celebrating. I’m all the space force yesterday. I’m wearing a space for shirt today in honor of just the overwhelming presence that they had yesterday.
It was seemed outsized. All right, guys. Oh, whip.
Yeah. You can’t forget whip happy birthday. I mean, booger even came back today, just to wish you happy birthday, which is pretty cool.
See you guys this evening. We are supposed to have the mushroom ladies tonight after we go through news and do all that good stuff. So if you’ve got questions, quiz them, uh, WJ’s birthday was Sunday.
Happy belated. Now we’re going away. See you guys.