MarkZ (Uncut) 01-17-2025
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 01/17/2025
Hello, all. Good morning. It is Code Man Friday.
Hello, Jill. Hello, Karen, Rain Man, Chad, TP, Texas Girly Girl, Lori Jean. Lithium batteries release toxins when burnt.
Smart meters have lithium batteries. Boy, they’re having a problem right now with a lithium plant in California burning. Hello, MJ Hill City, Anna Liberated.
I hope this is our last Friday. If not, I’ll still be here. Even if we do go, I’ll still be here.
Daggone it. I am good, brother. How are you? Hello, Mr. Coons.
Happy Hound, it’s good to see you too, Real Eyes. Hello, Anna Rita, Patriot Maw Maw, Jay and Amy, it’s good to see the two of you. Now, where’s the rest of my crew? Where’s RW? Where’s Kirby? Hello, David.
Where’s Mr. Cantu? Where’s the rest of my crew? Where are my people? Hello, Boca Bum, Real Chris Cockerell, Blake, Woo Dan. Hello, Todd. Ooh, let me keep going here.
Americans are expected to spend more money on heating bills this season than on holiday gifts. Home heating is expected to increase by 8.7%. Average of $941 this year forecast, which beats the expected 902 the average household spent on Christmas gifts. That’s why I use portable secret weapon.
Boy, I’m telling you, I wish I had this thing. My last visit to the Carolinas even has a remote. Really cool.
Tried it out in the bathroom. The portable secret weapon, love how toasty and warm it’ll make you feel in your home without all the extra heating costs. Device is portable, but powerful mini heater makes nearly any room warm and cozy in no time.
It’s compact enough to take anywhere, but strong enough to warm up bedroom, office, living room, uh, anywhere else you want instant warmth. Plus it includes built in overheat protection and adjustable heat levels from simple warmth to toasty comfort, making it perfect from a family. Can’t wait to take that thing.
Bet Riley’s going to be so jealous. Do your wallet a favor and grab one up to 60% off this winter season. Only at stay warm plus order today and you’ll receive free expedited shipping, 60 day satisfaction guarantee and several other free bonuses.
Once again, that is state warm now dot com 55% off for a limited time. Guys get to our last cold winter before we’re all snowbirds. Hello, Ranger Cindy’s birthday.
See if I can catch that one. Let’s move it over here. My least happy birthday, Miss Cindy.
Let’s see. Today’s my wife Cindy’s birthday. Won’t give a number, but when she was born, Kennedy was president.
Seatbelts were optional. Not too much older than me. Jason, I saw that little clip Dan Bongino.
Trump did a call into the Dan Bongino show and said you’ll be very happy with what they have to announce at 20th. I’m hoping it’s a new new asset back currency. That’s what I’m hoping they’re announcing.
I know it might be a little premature, but that’s what I’m hoping. Wisenheimer going to do that birthday thing. Happy birthday 60th.
That’s a good even one. Hello, Mr. Jameson. Why are you telling me it’s your birthday? Hello, Biz.
Hello. Let’s see. What is your guess on the total value of Denar held in the US? That’s a great question.
Anybody care to guess at that one? Let’s see. I heard some projections back in the day, but I don’t know how accurate they are. If I had to make my guess, probably 10 trillion.
That’s just a guess. I could be wrong, but I’m guessing nearly 10% of what’s in circulation could be here. Mike Church gave you a shout out this morning.
Leah’s mama. That is fantastic. You’re going to see us doing a lot more with Mike in the coming weeks.
Like Mike calls it the way it is. Ryan’s birthday. Let’s see.
Can I purchase my pop and peanuts for a nickel again? That’s right. We just want to get back to what we need, right? Guy’s saying that one. Oh, glory days.
Hello, she will. Let’s see. I just heard that President Trump ordered the borders closed.
He will be ordering the borders closed. Don’t think we have to worry about that one. Probably the first thing he does.
Max on his seventh. Happy birthday, Max. Confederate pirate.
Let’s get this ship underway. Hey, man, I’m ready to fly the Jolly Roger if I have to. Brad, let’s see.
You asked me to ask about. Brad, we are hoping on that one they can be back up and running. We don’t know for certain yet, but some of your options on that one.
Let’s see if I can. Crap, I just clicked the wrong button. Give me a minute, guys.
I may have to wait until we have Mr. C to pull up some links for you, Brad, just so I don’t take away from the show because I didn’t have the links ready for you. A ten-year-old son of myself are extremely cold and bitter, homeless and old. Dear Jesus, boy, that is too, too early.
Praying for you, praying for you. It’s Wade’s birthday, 64 today. Guys, Wade from Wade and Gina with my free water store.
Wade’s birthday today. Happy birthday, buddy. Boy, you got me shaken up.
I’m like ready to start sending things. Hello, Joseph Pierre. See if I can keep up with all these.
Rocker Mom’s birthday. I think everybody was waiting for Friday for the birthday. I thought there were a bunch earlier.
Supreme Court just ruled TikTok to shut down unless sold, which means they’ll sell it. They’ll take the time. They’ll get to keep using it.
A lot of people were bouncing to Red Locker or something like that, another Chinese app. They were enjoying all the extra free new users. Let’s see.
Are you okay today, Mark? Got some sleep? I did get some sleep. It must have been late to keep your eyes and faces. I was like, oh, wait a minute.
I looked pretty tired when I just did that too. Red Note, thank you. That’s what it was.
Alyssa helped me out there. Massive, like millions of extra users added to Red Note. Chef Melaniesa, if the camping event happens, we are just told next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, stay off streets.
Expect freeze, ice, and possible snow. Yes, even in New Orleans. How do I make a camping event if they keep us off the streets? They’ll give you permission to travel.
I was told that a long time ago, that there would probably be an excuse to shut things down, but when you set your appointment, they would digitally send you your travel papers. What is the sleep you speak of, right, Biz? I got pretty good sleep last night. Haven’t had enough of it this week, but I did pretty well last night.
Bank Note World has lower denomination 20 XEM notes printed in 2024 with stack of gold bars on front on sale for five bucks. Money, I don’t know what to tell you. I’d have to do a little research on that one to see if it tells you much and find out which series.
Is it the last of the, was it ZLW or whatever, or is it the new Zig? I would need to do just a little research based on the gold bar. I assume it’s the new Zig. Some basic math might tell you whether it’s a great deal or not, because it’s backed by a certain amount of physical gold if it’s the new one.
See, the Dow has surged over 300 points on last trading day before Trump’s inauguration. NASDAQ leads jumping stocks as rate cut hopes revive. Oh, dear Jesus.
Yeah, let’s cut the rates. Inflation’s going up. Let’s go ahead and cut the rates and really screw Donald Trump and the American people.
Oh, wait a minute. I’m going to try to catch this one. Oh, Nico, yeah, I’ll run into it real quickly.
I’m trying to catch just this one. It was a bank shutting down. I think it said Bank of Oklahoma.
Can somebody find me anything on that one? I’m going to miss a lot because I need to dive into news. Hold your questions for now or re-ask. So I can hit this real quickly.
We’re going to start here. Well, the Israeli security cabinet approves Gaza ceasefire. This is a big one.
In my opinion, we were told peace would suddenly break out in the Middle East right before. Is that it? Oh, mortgages, fraud. I wanted to share this one.
A fantastic comment from a Supreme Court justice. That one’s a fun one. Now let’s get into the news.
Among them is an Iraqi cleric. List of personalities attending Trump’s inauguration. He says he supports him because he’s a supporter of same-sex marriages.
Important to the cleric because of their religious beliefs. But I do find it very interesting that there is so much support for Trump in Iraq and Iraqi folks and Arab folks. I think this is a big positive for peace coming out of the gate for Trump and is necessary for us.
Parliamentary integrity intends to uncover a number of corruption files. Boy, this sounds like Nassar to Sarah. We’ve got to disclose everything.
When they say a file, it’s a case, and they are unloading them to clean it up. We see this in more and more governments right now. To me, it is a precursor or the introduction to Nassar, I hope, or at least to disclosure.
Iraq’s liquidity crisis is worsening. I just love the picture. Can you put that box in my house? 70% of the money is hoarded in homes.
This is a basic welcome to economics lesson. When they hoard it, you put it under your mattress. It goes out of circulation.
This has historically been one of the problems with the gold standard people. Save it. This is a good thing for individuals, a bad thing for fiat, because there’s not enough circulating to stimulate the economy.
People are holding on to it, not spending it. This is what they’re doing in Iraq, but different reason. They’re just now learning to accept and embrace a banking system.
Of course, they’re afraid, hey, what happens if power’s out? It’s only been a recent thing that we have 24-hour electricity in many areas and regions. How are we going to spend it if it’s just digital? We got to have it physically. This is the mindset that they are having to overcome, and in order to do it, they’re going to need people to use a banking system to inject liquidity, or they are going to have to print a large amount.
When I say this, though, this will also explain why it’s not as big a deal that they have printed as much, because it’s outside of the system, which means it doesn’t inflate the liquidity pool. Could it, if everybody went and spent it at the exact same time, or when I say exact time, over a few days, all that money went back into the system, then it could cause inflationary pressures, but this is huge. In the US, 95% probably of all of our money is inside the banking system, so it’s like liquidity is right there whenever it’s needed by the banks or industry.
That is not true in Iraq, which means they can have more paper money printed than we can have as a percentage. This should help support the value of our currency. I know that’s a long one.
It would be difficult to explain for most. I hope you guys understand it. Central Bank of Iraq links the sales of real estate to banks to counter money laundering.
I shared this last night, but not as many people watch evening podcasts, so I wanted to touch on it. This one’s a big one. This is forcing more money to go through the legitimate system, so we can know what’s there, and we can make certain that people aren’t doing some dirty, dirty deeds.
Here’s the one that I am excited about. This is the one that should get you guys excited. This is my huge article, what I consider a very key article for the week.
Definitely, for the day, it should be enough to give you warm and fuzzies to last you until next week. Instead of granting exclusivity exclusively to foreign banks’ proposal to put the dollar on TataWall platforms as they are changing how the system works, the foreign remittances, etc., they have it set up so it goes through just foreign banks, putting the burden of KYC, your customer, money laundering on those foreign banks. They’re here saying, hey, no, we’ve got to take it internal.
We’ve got to get modernized enough in our bank system, and we are now, that we do it through our banks as well when they need a dollar transaction out of country, but we’re going to need to put it on a platform. In order to do this and function, they’re going to have to do a couple of things, so this is what they’re getting ready to do. Hantush suggested the possibility of converting the dollar to trading platforms in the stock market to be sold to beneficiaries through direct deals instead of sending the dollar exclusively to banks, stressing the need to regulate these operations by switching to the 4X market and applying mechanisms that ensure that money is not transferred until the arrival of goods guaranteed by banks.
In order to make the next step for them, it has to be traded through platform, just like the US dollar is, just like the British pound is, just like the euro is. What does that mean? That would mean fully international 4X basket currency. It would much bigger value, most likely, overwhelmingly most likely.
This to me was my favorite article of the morning. We got a lot more to hit, don’t worry. On the bond side, expectations are overwhelmingly right now, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, immediately following the inauguration.
I am hearing a lot of chatter that they could have a rate change over the weekend. I am not going to let myself ride that roller coaster. I am going to be hopeful that we are seeing that soon.
I mean, he’s not even in office yet. Stay calm. Keep your hands and arms inside the ride at all time until we pull into the station.
I appreciate you, Miss Texas Mary. Let me pull this banner off. I know there’s going to be more questions and I just missed a bunch.
Fines and penalties. Deli, boy, I tell you, we’re going back in the early days. Fines and penalties, most of them are associated with historic settlements like CMKX, where they owe fines and penalties for taking so long to do it.
It was part of the settlement. They also, it’s our understanding, own fines and penalties for dragging out many of the programs, specifically prosperity packages from Omega to Heritage to Freedom. There’s so many of them.
So, they owe fines and penalties. It’s a settlement and they have taken their time settling it. So, they have to pay.
It was built into the structure of these things. If they didn’t execute when they were supposed to, it would keep accruing fines and penalties because the money has already been put in place for it. So, it’s sitting in there in the bank building equity and interest.
So, that equity interest is owed to us. Mostly, when they talk about fines and penalties, though, Shelley, they’re talking about for CMKX, CMKM shareholders, 90% of the time when they’re referring to fines and penalties, that’s what they’re referring to. If you’ve never owned CMKX or CMKM, CMKM is the company, CMKX is the stock ticker, then it doesn’t mean anything to you guys at all, other than it is tied to go at the exact same time.
So, if you hear that I have gotten my fines and penalties, then you know you are this close within possibly hours of your notice. So, we watch them. Skeeter, you like that one? It is all about, I’m a beaver, believe beavers.
Enoch, let’s see, my dad’s birthday is the 23rd. I bought him a lot of Boulevard for his birthday, but with the recent political stuff with Maduro, I’m a little concerned. I go back and forth.
Right now, I feel pretty good that Venezuela is going to be in the first basket. I have no doubt that it’s going to go pretty soon after the first one if it doesn’t go at the same time. But right now, I’m hearing it’s going at the same time.
They’ve slowed their domestic inflation greatly down to like 48%, which after 1300% is huge. Manufacturing is picking up. They’re starting to make a lot of the right decisions there.
So, I’m not convinced that Maduro’s, that this isn’t made for TV. At least that’s my hope because it is. It’s cuckoo.
Ellie, I still think even with the change, we will see more banks close. Boy, this thing’s running fast. Let me see if I can keep up with it.
Copybear, happy birthday, John and Lacey. From 28-week midbabies to six years old. Oh, yeah, no, they are great.
That is great. John and Lacey’s birthday. Mr. Cantu, paying it forward for those who are in need on the third cup of cocoa juice.
Tell the wife we said hello, Mr. Cantu. I’m on my second cup of go-go juice, drinking CBD Guru’s five matrix coffee. That’s what I’m having this morning.
Hello, Keno, I’m a realtor in the Tampa area. I have a $1.2 million condo listing. Three showings in the past three months.
Seven showings over the last 10 days. Signs, maybe Keno, they’re getting ready to have that extra money. I’m trying to keep up with you all.
Yeah, I’m so ready to stop. Yeah, I’m with you, Pierre. Stop being poor and being blessed to help myself and others.
Looking forward to helping others. Deborah’s birthday, 59. Happy birthday, Deborah.
Jeez, I just finished my third. Gonna be paying all day, right? About the first two hours after I finish coffee. Requires a few trips to the restroom.
Oh, jeez, I am negligent on something. Excuse me, something I need to talk about. Mike Rowe sponsors Noble Tennessee Whiskey.
You should drink a toast to them on Whiskey and Wisdom. If I can find any. Tom, 66 today.
All right. Now, something that I need to address. Then we’re going to hit a few more articles and get to Mr. C on time.
Daggone it, I’m committed. Let me get this pulled up. All right.
Rod Steel was in an accident. Family reached out to me this morning. He was in a bad car accident, guys.
A number, multiple broken bones. He has multiple broken bones and will have surgery to repair the worst today. So we want to send prayers.
One of the big reasons I’m letting you all know is he has a number and he doesn’t have access, guys, to computer to track down who he has appearances with over the coming, because we don’t know how long it’s going to take before Rod’s in good enough shape to go home. I’m certain there will be some financial needs there. I will keep you guys posted on that, whether it’s a cash app or GoFundMe or whatever it is for Rod.
He’s in good spirits considering, but you can imagine the pain. I mean, by the time you reach our age, last thing you want to do is multiple broken bones slapped around and beat up in a car. He is with us.
We’re not worried that we’re losing at this point. He is going to have a pretty long road to recovery on top of everything else he’s dealt with. So just prayers for Rod Steel and family.
It’s going to be kind of a tough one logistically to take care of, get through. A med bed would be a nice thing right now. If you had to withdraw from crypto, would you choose XLM or XRP? Boy, that’s a really tough one because the XRP run and the change in news, which means it’s spiked.
So, Tristan, are we talking long term or short term? When I say that, like in six months, in a year, if it’s six months, a year, I’m totally taking XRP. If it’s over that, I’m taking XLM. That’s my personal opinion.
It’s not advice. Either one of them I like. Even Ripple’s starting to run.
Where were we at? Still three and a quarter this morning on XRP. A lot of you folks are XRP for me. If I’m going long, long term, I like XLM better.
If I’m going shorter term, I like XRP better. But even then, on the XLM, I would still take XRP for the next few months and then move it into XLM because I still think there’s more of a profit taking to be had short term in XRP. 47, you’re almost back to even.
A lot of people did buy in at its height. Good news is it’ll go screaming. Fred, feel bad for Rodney, was dealing with cancer at the same time.
Yeah, he has just been battling prostate cancer and getting through that and doing well and then he gets hit with this. SpendRight, I still do think. I’m still having conversations.
I’m just trying to prove as much as I can before you. Some of what I have heard recently, and I don’t want to get anything or anybody in, as folks that claim to represent or do represent, there’s going to be a lot of proofing in this. To me, there are a lot of hacks and charlatans out there in the med bed side of this thing, but do I believe they are absolutely? Drums talked about them.
Too many have talked about them. Dr. Stephen Greer has talked about them. Full-blown medical-respected scientists have talked about them and that being the future.
I am hearing that they’re not going to make you immortal, that you can go up to three times and have about 40 years added. You could have roughly 120 extra years in your life with good health if what I am hearing is accurate, which will be huge. Think about that.
It gives you more generations, gives you more time to accomplish those things, but doesn’t allow us to lose our humanity, give up our soul or anything like that. For me, I can live with that one. Fred, 90, still walks.
Good for Fred. Yeah, right. Kathy, can I add 40 more years? I’m tired now.
How about 40 in good health? Let’s say you’re 70, but I’m told that it’s very interesting because if you want to take the 40 years off your age, let’s say you’re 80, and you could take that 40 years by just going back to 40, but as I understand it, let’s say you’re 30, then it just slows your aging. That’s my understanding of how it works. Now, guys, this is all, I mean, this is some sci-fi.
We hope, we pray that it’s accurate, but that’s pretty cool to me. I mean, at my age, I don’t want to knock off 40 years. I’d just be getting my driver’s license.
I looked like I was 10 when I was 16. Not interested in going that far back. See, Sergio, 40 more healthy years to enjoy my kids and wife would be great.
See, I’m with you, Sergio. To me, it’s all about that extra time with my family. Take mom, take dad, drag them off to the med bed, maybe play ball.
SLD, how am I doing since procedure? It really helped for about three months or so, and then it started tapering off, so it appears that each treatment for me makes a major difference in my capabilities for about four months, so I just have to go accordingly until there’s med beds. I’m going to just, I’ve got to get, I got to work a little extra, make a little extra money so that I can afford to go three times a year instead of twice a year, and then I think I’ll be in pretty good shape maintaining until med beds get me across the finish line. Yeah, Lone Ranger, as long as I don’t have to go back to high school, I’ll be happy.
Frank, Marty, where we’re going, we don’t need roads. Yeah, right. The question isn’t, are you ready for 40 more years of life? Is the world ready for 40 more years of you? So, I just find it interesting.
I mean, there’s a lot out there. We don’t know exactly what it’s going to look like, but I am, you know, I enjoy the chatter. I enjoy the mental exercise, the hope that it gives, and I do believe to some degree it will greatly help and increase our life and our quality of life.
Hold on there. Let’s see if I can find this one. Folks asking for now, this is going to be my suggestion for many of you guys, just because Dave Mahoney’s got a spot that is up.
They have their immune boosters. They’ve got it all here. They’ve got it mixed where it is ivermectin and fenben together.
They’ve got ivermectin here, NAC, antibiotics, etc. You can find it. It’s or just go to Hopefully Meridian will be back up and running soon, and you guys won’t have to worry about it.
I am very, very hopeful. Cricket 68. Guys, I’ve got to get to it.
It’s time for Mr. C, and I’ve got stuff I’ve not finished. I’m going to whip through it in about 60 seconds and get to Mr. C. Let’s see. Against Russia forever, the UK.
Wait, did I do this one first? Yeah, we did that. That was my favorite one. All right.
Against Russia forever, UK. Ukraine leader signed a landmark 100-year pact indefinitely. The UK is going to send three billion pounds for eternity indefinitely.
They’ve not put an end date or an expiration on it every year. You guys are going to give three billion pounds to the Ukraine. I would like to point out that the Ukraine has exponentially more natural resources than the UK does.
I would think that maybe they should reconsider this. I mean, if you’re a British taxpayer, how would you like to know that you are supplementing the lifestyles of one of the most corrupt countries as far as their leadership goes? Not individuals. I know some world-class people from the Ukraine.
One of the most corrupt governments in the world, you’re going to give them three billion pounds, and they have exponentially more resources than you. They’re wealthier than you, but you’re giving them the money. It’s one of those where the rich man’s dancing and the poor man’s paying the band.
I don’t know about you, but if I were in the UK, I’d be calling BS on that one. Dave and Zoe, I don’t understand. Get money to void what’s void.
You’ll have to give me more to work with here. All right. I got to hurry through this one.
Armed LA residents patrol neighborhoods in violation of evacuation orders, taking matters into their own hands legally, calmly, but with conviction. Gavin and crew wanting them out. Looting happened.
They said, screw this. It’s my property. We will go in there.
They are doing a neighborhood watch and march and armed legally through the neighborhood to keep an eye on it. They have been catching looters, not lynching looters or anything like that, guys, legally detaining them until law enforcement arrives, cutting the crime rate because law enforcement won’t. They would like to, but their hands are tied by their politicians.
All right. California abandons regulations, phasing out diesel trucks. Yep.
They threw in the towel. They’re like, the grid’s not going to be ready. It can’t handle it.
Common sense is finally setting in and they don’t think they can get the special allowance before Trump leaves office. A lot of pushback. I mean, look at California.
Highest tax rates in the country. Highest gas rates in the country. Some of the infrastructure in the country because it hasn’t been updated in so long.
They are 45th in education. What’s the best education system in the United States? There’s only four states worse than California now. They are 45th in education.
You have the highest gas tax in the country. What’s it doing for you? Highest energy fees in the country. What’s it doing for you? Seems to me that the more money you give California, the worse job they do.
Unreal. All right. Two more and we’re out of here.
LA County land grab fears ignite. They’re going to turn Altadena into one big apartment complex. Yep.
Smart LA 2028. It’s almost like the thing’s planned. I would like to think not, but it certainly tickles at the back of the head, making me wonder.
Turkey confirms key gas pipeline was attacked after Kremlin accused the United States. Yep. One of the last links of energy to Europe from Russia that will force more gas, et cetera, to be purchased, compressed natural gas to be purchased, CNG from the United States shipped over at a considerably higher rate in order to keep the lights on throughout the rest of the winter.
The US does it. I have no doubt that we did it. I could be wrong, but think about it.
Every time you turn around from Nord Stream, we seem to be making attacking infrastructure whenever it suits us around the world through our intelligence agencies or through a proxy. It is screwing the people of Europe because we don’t like Russia. We hate Russia so much that we are willing to screw the people that are supposed to be our allies, our partners in this thing, and we are screwing the people of those countries because of their goods, their jobs, their houses, their costs, their living, you name it.
We’re screwing them because we don’t like Russia, kind of like what’s going on right now. They hate Donald Trump so much that they are sabotaging the economy on the way out the door to stick to Donald Trump. Who’s the people that get screwed? It’s you and me.
Now in Europe, the US doesn’t like Russia, so he gets screwed. People in France, people in Germany, people in the UK are getting screwed to the wall because Joe doesn’t like Putin. It’s sick.
Anyways, Mr. C, call us in quick. We, the people, don’t hate Russia. No, we don’t.
We like the people. We may not agree with your government sometimes, but that’s a different story. Hello, Mr. C. Good morning, Mark.
How are you today? I’m good. How about yourself? A little under the weather. I think the coldness is finally hitting me, and I’m not entirely 100%.
Oh, no. How long can you make it with us? Oh, we’ll go as far as I can, as usual. Now you’re making me feel a little better about six minutes over.
It’s no problem. I feel like I’m not 100%, but I’m fighting off the cold, and it’s just crazy. He’s just catching up with me.
Where’s the med bed? Right. We hope they’re soon. There’s so many competing ones or computing information, and now we just got to find out what’s real or not.
But to me, just hearing it gives me hope. That’s all. That’s the only reason I shared it.
I feel like people need a little hope. I agree. Totally.
Some realistic hope, because there are some out there that I don’t think are going to come to fruition, but there are some out there I very much think should and could and will. Well, that is the question, Mark, isn’t it? We’ve gone through at least five presidents who agreed to do this for the RV, and then renamed. So now the question is, are we going to get there finally? Right.
Yeah, exactly. All right. Mr. C, any big things you want to share? Did you enjoy your time with Interpol on the Chinese this week? I wish.
I’ll tell you. I am really, really tired. My neighbors, I was talking to them this morning as we were cleaning off the cars from snow and cold, et cetera.
We’re all ready to leave. It’s funny. Comes out.
Yeah, really. I wish that they did arrive. I’m hoping that they will arrive, but nothing yet.
Very quiet. Yeah, we don’t want it. Well, part of me likes the quiet.
Part of me wishes we were doing a party and a dance right now. Yeah, really? We’re getting close to that. I had word this week that we are now looking at the documentation that I submitted to the Queen, as well to the World Court, as well as to President Trump.
So now they’re looking at it seriously. So all we can do is keep our fingers crossed. Yeah, and pray.
Let’s see. Thousands. Yeah, there will be.
Yeah, my guess is there will be a line for med beds. So when they do come out, whatever they look like, just remember, let the people that need it the most go first. Right.
Yeah. Just, you know, if you’re as you just got a sore knee, but somebody else is dying of cancer, let the person dying of cancer go first. You can deal with your sore knee for another couple of weeks.
Absolutely. But I am looking forward to learning to play tennis with you and Stacey, Mr. C. Well, it sounds good. I am keeping up with tennis, which is good.
We have some very good workouts. But one of the what I’m doing right now is kind of funny because I find at my age, either somebody is way too old for me or way too young. And therefore I’m just hitting with the pro.
So it’s kind of interesting. But it’s a good workout. Yeah, that’s the important part.
And you’re still doing it after how many strokes, everything you’ve been through, you’re still doing it. That’s pretty impressive. I gave him a Christmas item over Christmas, and he asked me why I did that.
And I said, well, it’s an investment in my health. At the very least. Yeah, it is an investment in your health.
Now, B Stark wants to know what documents did you send, Mr. C? You referring to the one sent to the Trump administration like last? Well, you know what I’m referencing. Yeah, if you look at the affidavit book that I put out, that’s what I gave to Trump, as well as there were 300 documents, the thesis, the affidavits that I submitted to the queen, which she then submitted to the world court. And that’s how I got involved in the gold treaty.
Those documents are very interesting because it’s the inside scope of what was going on during the senior W and Obama administrations and the whack-a-mole program, which the golden dragon went through. Yes, you can do it. No, you can’t.
Yes, you can. No, you can’t. So that’s what I submitted.
300 documents and they were verified by the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, as well as now we find that Interpol is relooking at them for what’s happening in the UK, because the UK is very, very shaky right now. The Bank of England may or may not exist after the RV because of what has happened in the past. So they have to rectify their role in all of this.
They do have to rectify their role in all of this. I’m trying to start keeping an eye out for some questions for you. If you see some, you jump in.
Okay. Oh, we did have one. I should have sent you.
In Zachary Moore versus Alliant Credit Union, Pennington Justin Solito was like, mortgages are fraud. The money doesn’t exist. I should have sent that to you.
I think you would have enjoyed that one because you keep saying fraud. What’s the word you use? Visa, whatever, all of it. Well, based on derivatives, all debt is based on derivatives around the world through the banking system.
That is a fraudulent operation where they hypothecated mortgages out of the Bank of England, actually, and then gave free money to the banks to spend wherever they wanted to. That is all fraud. That’s what the debt jubilee is about.
Once I put the codes in, three things occur immediately. Fiat currency goes to zero until after the exchange. There’s a time for that exchange.
The second thing is, immediately, all derivatives go off the balance sheets, totally zeroed out. The third thing is a debt jubilee goes into position around the world. All debts are forgiven, gone, because they’re based on fraud.
That’s what I keep trying to explain to people. The right, the wrong, the whatever. Fraud is fraud.
It has to be corrected. Yeah, it really is. It’s really quite interesting to me to see how the bouncing dust bunnies are traveling today with the situation in California.
Everybody’s wondering how they can rebuild, and the banks have no money for mortgages. It’s going to be interesting. No, it is.
It’s the most devastating fire in American history, property value-wise, just because of where it happened. It’s tough, but you’ve got to rebuild after everyone. There’s always going to be fights over zoning, this, that, the other, but the way they’re loosening certain things and not other things, to me, they’re looking forward to building a large-scale apartment, almost like a 15-minute city right there.
It’s a little alarming in my book. To answer the question about reverse mortgages, reverse mortgages are basically equity that you have on your mortgage itself. As far as giving you a loan against it, yeah, it’s a fraud.
That’s my take on it. The loans to medical, the loans to student loans, we all get mad at Biden because he’s forgiven student loans. We’re like, yeah, but now that’s stuck on us.
We only need to be mad if it is actually stuck on us, but it is kind of a kick in the teeth for everybody that responsibly paid their bills and went to school, and then somebody who didn’t gets a freebie. I see the question from Rita, and that goes into what BuzzRocket Media is saying. Should we be concerned about Trump is just now learning about this? No, Trump is not just learning about this.
He had it presented to him in October of 2019, some documents to him. Yeah, we probably should have told him that when he sent the documents, guys, it wasn’t yesterday. It was in 2019.
After the fake meeting with the fake control at Hunting Valley in Cleveland, where they presented somebody who was going to work with the rats, quote unquote, and he represented, it was supposed to be me, but it wasn’t. They gave him a $4.5 trillion gold certificate and I think 11 bags of gold dust worth about $50 billion. Well, that’s a lot of good, but when Interpol found out about that meeting and what took place, they reversed everything and stopped it.
But are we concerned about Trump now as he’s taking the oath on Monday? I don’t know. I’m not concerned about it, but it is interesting to see what the past has been. I’m hoping with the momentum that has been carried through because of the November 5th election, that it’s going to be a one, two, three operation of law.
Once again, we always have that question mark. Are they willing to step over the threshold and recreate a new world? That I cannot answer. Do I think we’re finally at that point? Yes, but it’s still an unknown until we cross the line.
Yes. UK deal with Ukraine has to be a money laundering shortly. Will the RV end that if the Bank of England won’t exist after all? I mean, we do.
We talk about the end of the Fed or becoming US Treasury, but don’t we expect similar things for all of the bigger countries that they go back to their no longer corporate, their republic democracies, the way they’re supposed to be? Right. There’s a multitude of questions actually in this little item. Ukraine and money laundering, that’s going to be shut down.
In fact, I’ve got a funny feeling that Putin’s going to say, okay, fine. I’ll agree to a peace deal with Ukraine as long as you agree to the RV. I think that’s what’s going to happen because Putin and Xi are two of the major signatories of the gold treaty.
I also understand that last night Trump had a conversation, fairly good one, with Xi promising more cooperation in the future, which I also believe is going to be, I’ll agree to all this if you agree to the RV. So there’s a catch, and almost like a catch-22 in this whole system. The other item, Bank of England must survive, will survive, but it has to rectify the bad things that it did for many decades.
And that also includes Queen Elizabeth who paid the price and King Charles who will pay the price because they made a tremendous amount of money off our tax dollars. That would be an understatement. They made generational wealth off of our generations.
That’s correct. Mary, of course they cashed your mortgage check. It hadn’t changed yet.
So yeah, I mean, of course they did. Until the very moment it changes, they’re going to keep cashing them just like the IRS is still going to chase you. Maybe not as hard, but they’re still chasing some people.
They’re going to play this game out to the very end. Money is money with these people. And I had a long conversation with my wife about this because even after all these years, she still does not comprehend the truly evilness of how people, how they think.
And I’ll tell you, it was a real eye-opener with me, the 40 days and nights, et cetera, that I spent with Leo with London, because it was a real education as to how they think, which is so bizarre to every one of us, little people, say it that way, that they are so into entitlement. It is ours. It’s not yours.
If I give you something, I lose something. That whole type of philosophy has got to be done away with. I should get to this.
Because even with ours, they look at as theirs. We’re just using it until they want it. Absolutely.
I mean, it’s crazy the mindset that, I mean, even our taxes, they look at as theirs. So you’re supposed to give a percentage of everything to them. And honestly, they would prefer you give a lot more of a percentage than what you give.
I agree. Excuse me, but this takes me back to what Bush Sr. did to me. I had a partner, a minority partner, my broker dealer, who was close to the Bush people, the senior people.
He went to the Houstonian, which was, I believe, 91, 92, in that area. They had already sold my company, but I did not know that. He tried to convince me that I should work for Sr. Now, we were on a conference call, and I know Sr. was on the other end of that call, because he was in the White House, and Mark was down in, another Mark, was down in the Houstonian.
And we ended up with a screaming match, because I refused to work for Sr. I’m the one that took the exams. I’m the one that qualified. I went through hell to get that broker dealer approved with the funding of the homeless program that I had put together.
And we just went back and forth. It was like, of course, you’re going to work for Bush Sr., because he owns you. Wait a minute, nobody owns my butt, but me.
And that’s pretty much how we ended this. I almost shoved up his butt. That’s how I got into the gold trading.
Yeah, see, they liked it. Mark and Mr. C., what do you expect Monday with the inauguration? A lot of people are like, I don’t think the inauguration is happening. He’s going to show up and not swear and cause a crisis.
And Ms. Erick gets in. I expect a pretty normal inauguration day with festivities. What do you think? I agree.
It is imperative, and I use that word strongly, that he takes the oath and becomes president again. The reason is that all the executive orders that he signed in 2017, 2018, still need that power level in order to execute. I think the new executive orders coming down will also need that.
Now, do I believe the RV is going to happen at that point? I don’t know. I wish I did. I’ll tell you, because I’m not sleeping very well these days, because I relive a lot of the times where it’s tomorrow, it’s tomorrow, it’s tomorrow, or even tonight.
As you know, Mark, it never showed up. This is a very nervous time for me. I believe in the system.
I believe in the gold treaty. I believe it will happen. But when it’s going to happen, I have no idea.
Yeah, and that’s really ringing true over the next five days or a week or whatever with all expectations. Keeping yourself calm, not feeling a letdown if it hasn’t already happened, that kind of thing. This is a tough time, guys.
Remember that in the rooms, because a lot of… All right. I guess that’s it. As Klingon in the house, will your thesis be available after this goes? Absolutely.
Once I get paid, I’m setting up an actual publishing company to publish it out, as well as the thesis and other documents in my book that I’m still trying to write. Absolutely. How long have you been waiting for this thing? You can probably give it to us down to the minute, but we’ll settle for roughly how many years? As of November, it’s 35 years.
I was told it was always a big question mark from 1990 through 2011, but in November of 2011, that’s when I was told by Interpol. Yeah, they stole my name, my company, my signature. They marketed me around the world.
The money all went to Sr. Sr. got this account of $300 trillion with my name on it that he controls. All that money is not mine, but a good portion of it was G7’s money that was allocated to them from the sale and hypothecation of the precious metals that went to the Shanghai Shack operation in China. It’s been a long time, 35 years.
It’s a long run. Most people I don’t think fully understand just how long ago this effort was started. It started with Kennedy, and the mantle was picked back up with Reagan.
That’s where it really picked up steam. You came in. All of it is like a fallout from that.
Yeah, Interpol has been on this since 1972. That’s been a long haul for them, too. But I mean, think about it.
You go back to the creature Jekyll Island. You go back to when all this started and that fight back. It took decades and decades and decades to get to this point.
It’s hopefully not going to take as many decades to get out of it. I am very hopeful that QFS will solve that problem by tracking source of funds, use of funds, and have transparency in the rule of law. Those four items will make sure that this will never happen again.
Amen. Janine, my comments are getting blocked. Think about how you’re phrasing them.
Try changing a word or two. The AI bot will catch you if you’re using a lot of caps. It’s probably my moderators that are removing you because it clogs up our chat when we’re trying to see things that we need to talk about, kind of like, Tom, I hope you win district attorney, but yeah, don’t use all the caps.
I see that. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it is YouTube. You’ve got to their AI chat bot.
You’ve got to rethink how you’re asking it. For whatever reason, we don’t write the rules. They do.
Change how you ask it. Switch it up a little bit. It happens to me when I comment on here.
Sometimes I’ll have to retype it three or four times to get it before it’ll post. Yeah, it does. The act of 1871 got us in this mess.
Yeah. Leticia, yeah, once we get the RV, I will come on screen. Right now, I got too many targets on the back.
Yeah, trust me. I wish I could take my face off the screen. I’ll bet.
Too late for that one now. Let’s see, Kevin, thank you for that. Dave and Zoe, we’re going to figure out a way to get money to Boyd.
Don’t know how yet, but going to try to figure out. Hopefully, Boyd will send me an email. Just behind the scenes stuff there.
Mr. C, are you seeing any fun questions you want to tackle? I’m looking. I’m looking. Yeah.
Boy, I tell you, this hasn’t happened yet, but Mr. C, are you scheduled any time in the near future to testify about all the information you have on the Bush family? No, I’m not. In fact, that’s kind of an interesting question because I’ve been waiting for it, but I don’t think it’s going to occur until after the RV and we get into the actual nitty-gritty of what happened. Let’s see.
Yeah, really is. I mean, the elite in our world still, as far as they’re concerned, this is still serfdom and you are serfs. Mark, your face is embedded in my mind.
I see you more than my boyfriend. That’s scary. Kim asking any thoughts on how far from the inauguration to the RV? Unfortunately, that’s one I don’t know what to say.
I wish I knew. I really am tired of it. Yeah, I’m with you on that one.
I’m looking for more good stuff for you. Does anyone know if when this goes, does Trump and others have to be reelected? I would assume yes. Mr. C, what do you think? Well, it depends on how much of the Sarah protocols are in the gold treaty protocols.
As we were told many, many, many years ago, there will be an election after 120 days. I don’t know if that’s really the case because of the recent election of November 5. I just don’t know. I wish I knew exactly what to tell you guys.
I think that if all they did was enough disclosure, they could probably get away with not. I would imagine so many in politics would just resign once the laundry is aired, meaning you wouldn’t have to. You would be replacing the seats left and right.
The comment on the last question or comment, I don’t believe that Bush Sr. was a communist. I think he was a rat, a gangster. That’s what he was promoted to be.
He was the chameleon that led the populace to believe that he was a war hero and that he was someone to look up to. In other words, in my experience, he was a lying rat. Yeah, no, exactly.
How do you put globalist? To me, he was an evil globalist. He was like every time you saw that evil character from a James Bond movie that wanted to conquer and take over the world, that was him. I think they were all modeled after him.
I agree. That’s my take on that one. Fake war hero.
Guys, we’ve got people that think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread too. In that case, I would suggest you go on YouTube and look at the YouTube items for John Krakow. He was a CIA analyst.
He really came to know what the rats are willing to do and what they have done. I’ll tell you, it is very, very interesting to see that happening in the open, especially on YouTube because you know they’re censoring, but what he says is real. No question about it.
Yeah, no doubt. Preston Bush was the bad one. You go in, you do any kind of deep dive, you’ll find out how Preston was raising money for the Nazis in New York.
Some of the stuff and you read it and you study it and then you verify it from five, six, seven sources and you’re just like, dear God, how did these people ever rise to power? Because Bush Sr. put them in place. That’s how. A lot of the board of directors of the Fortune 500 were placed there by Bush and company.
That’s why we have this crazy economic situation with major corporations that would rather see you be a slave than an actual citizen holding a job, etc. All right. I just noticed time, Mr. C. We should probably start getting you up soon.
I’m survived. How about that? I would like to say thank you to Nevada Handyman Bob. I do appreciate your contributions and the form that you’re using.
It’s really great. Ed Lyman, thank you very much for your comments. I wish you well.
I appreciate you, Mr. C. Greatly. Thank you. Thank you very much for the opportunity and we’ll see you next week.
Take care. All right, folks. The illustrious, notorious Mr. C. We got birthdays and then those that would like to stick around, we’ll have Matt and Lucas podcast this evening.
It will most likely just be a recorded one. News has been coming awfully slow in the evening. I figured I would just take whichever the important ones were and do a short recording.
Hopefully, there’s enough to even do that. Fridays have been real hit and miss. All right, you birthday folks.
Cricket, Fred, Cindy, Weisenhammer, Ryan’s Max, Wade, our own Wade, Rocker Mom, John and Lacey, the notorious duo, Deborah and Tom. Seeing if I have any others that I have missed. As you know, I very much think the External Revenue Service will replace them.
So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live.
May you love. Make all your dreams come true. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. To all those celebrating.
I see Derek celebrating the thirty ninth. Todd, I’ll be on tomorrow morning like normal. Tomorrow morning like normal.
I’m just repeating some of these. I’m waiting for hopefully we’re going to get Matt and Lucas in here today. Mom, Edith celebrating birthday as well as I just continue to read some of these and we wait for the fellers to pop in.
It all goes back to England. Pretty much like half the evil in the world goes back to England. Maybe sometimes via the Vatican, but now we’re talking.
Now we have the big, notorious, the man, the myth, the big Matt Jay. Hi, Mark. Good morning.
Good morning, Matt. I was like, you don’t love me anymore. No, sorry about being late.
I just was talking to Lucas and we go, yeah, we’re going on pretty quick here. And all of a sudden I just move next thing, you know, ready to roll. So, yeah, no, Matt, are you and Lucas going to pop in on the other channel like Monday when we’re doing live coverage of some of the inauguration and events and stuff? Maybe we can have like a call it like Gummy Monday or the gummy inauguration or something.
Oh, yeah, we’ve got we’re all set for that. We got something special for everybody today in honor of Mr. Trump. And we got a Trump eight discount.
We’ve got a 10 count gummy. We specifically put 15 in there for everybody for Trump. And yeah, we’re all set.
So speaking of which, you know, since we’re waiting for Lucas. Oh, I’m here. I know.
So wait for you to take the bait. See if we could surprise Matt. Fair enough.
All right. Oh, wait, you’re not good. You can do immunity drops.
Is this is this rumor accurate? I mean, immunity drops. What’s that mean? One of the super immunity, the drops, are they out of stock? Yeah, Lucas, I meant to ask you about that the other day. Are they are we almost there? We actually they are actually yesterday we mix it up.
It is being homogenized. That stuff takes about 96 hours of settling before we can touch it again. So we homogenize it 96 hours.
Gosh, I shouldn’t be telling all this. But it’s actually to really get a good, you know, you need about four days of that. And then you read homogenous 24 hours heat up and then and then we’ll bottle.
So, you know, a little bit more time. We’re going to let it, you know, kind of sit over the weekend, we try to that’s how we kind of do it to just kind of alleviate that. So we’ll probably we’re looking at probably bottling.
I don’t know, probably Tuesday ish. Which means end of next week, probably the earliest for it’s in stock again. If I do my math, right? Because then it’s gonna be shipped to Matt.
Yeah, this time of year, this stuff’s kind of, you know, it’s really, really hard to source some of the ingredients. So, you know, it’s just basically, I mean, this time of year, with everyone kind of feeling ill or under the weather, I kind of get it. So but we’ve got the regular immunity, you guys in the bottles if you need that right away.
So speaking of which, you want to tell us how to get into the site and all that good stuff. Well, we got the chance here, Matt. Yeah, 100%.
You guys we go to get in our site, you go to the T-H-E-C-B-D-G-U-R-U-S dot com. And then when you get in there, there’ll be the wholesale button on top there. And you just hit Mark Z. And then you’re in.
And then you put in a word. It’s not a word. It’s just the letters, lowercase K-R-A-M-C-B-D.
And that’s Mark’s name backwards, but then just CBD. So it’s K-R-A-M-C-B-D. And then you punch in there and you’re in the special.
And you also can get anything that’s not on special. And the blue buttons on top, you just look for the product you want, you know. And a lot of the mushrooms are in the gummies.
Mushrooms are in the capsules, you know, the coffee and that. And actually, Trump wear, we only got one thing there today. It’s a shirt.
But that’s anyways. Here I go. Okay.
So I don’t I’m kind of excited for this whole thing, truthfully. So anyway, starting on January 17th at 922 this morning, we had we started our new special and all orders receive eight percent off. But you have to put in the code, you guys.
It’s Trump eight. And then at one hundred bucks, if you do total or more, you get ten million Bolivar. And we used to give out more Bolivar, but the price went up.
You know, if you go in and check it just about two and a half times now. So no big deal. It’s just the supply for the guys getting that they just can’t get as much anymore.
And then the we got seven products below that have dinner on it. And then let’s see if you need any help placing your order. Just call six one two four one two eight three four three.
And you’ll get through to Wendy and she can help you put in an order, answer questions, whatever. She’s she’s answering the phone as we speak. And if you don’t get her right away, just if you have to leave a text and I’ll get it over to her to call you back if you need.
Just give me the send the text to the same number and we’ll get back to you on that. OK, so you’ll be all set to answer questions if you need help putting an order in and you’re new or you just can’t don’t know how to run a computer. Believe it.
There’s a lot of people that don’t, you know. So just get a hold of us. Questions will answer.
- And then you go down to the specials, and boy, I just zoomed right past them. I don’t even know.
I lost. I was looking at a mark and I my computer. I lost everything.
Let me get in there. I got to get into the site again. They were good.
They’re gone. That’s all right. I can tell you the first one, super full spectrum gummies, 10 count plus a thousand free dinar and five extra gummies.
Yeah, that’s an awesome product, you guys. And just that’s our regular five milligram gummies, DHC. So it’s we’re celebrating for all your all the buddies that starting on Tuesday through Friday, they can’t handle the new Trump.
And what’s going to happen to slip them a gummy to relax? You know, so just tell them what it is first, you know, and then. Right. But we got the regular gummies with dinar.
We got sleep gummies with dinar. We got Delta gummies with dinar. We got Miracle Gold gummies with dinar.
We got the mushroom gummies, the four mushroom gummies with dinar. And we’ve got the Miracle Gold with dinar. And then we’ve got all the other products, you guys.
And then we got all a bunch of stuff on special. Go in there and check it out. You won’t be disappointed.
And now to the questions with Lucas and Mark and Matt. Yeah. Well, wait, wait, wait a minute.
The questions with with with Matt and Matt’s like my job’s over. I’m done. I’m out of here.
Friday. Oh, no, I can listen. I’m good at it.
You know, you are good at it, man. And I know that yourself enough credit. Yeah, I know these products.
You know, I really do. I’ve taught a lot of people. You know what? It’s so nice to see all the people get healed up and different things, you know, a lot of stuff.
And then anyways, somewhere down the road, we’ll have your sister come on after a couple of weeks until the people that help because they like to call in and tell you how much it’s helpful. We don’t I don’t even give you probably one one hundredth of what people say, you know. No, I know.
And you should. And I know we should for sure. I know Wendy’s been giving me some of it and, you know, commenting on some of the conversations with folks and sharing some some stuff, which I think is just great.
Yeah, it is great. And, you know, we’ve got beef pet treats and some of the pet treats are still waiting on them, you guys. So just don’t don’t if it’s not in, we’re trying to get stuff in as fast as we can.
And we had a little snafu on the salt. So we got to we got to we got to made over again. So anyways, just bear with us.
- And the soap. Hey, Matt, have you heard about hemp honey? It’s farmed from bees that only have hemp flowers to pollinate.
In other words, they put beehives next to big hemp fields. You know what that is, that that’s a great idea because I knew they had hemp honey, but they didn’t. They were just mixing the the product in with it.
But so these guys got the hemp right in the honey. Yeah, I got the bees right. Right.
Well, fields and then honey. Yeah. And so from what I’ve heard, it’s actually really, really top tier honey.
Now, I’ve heard it’s like up there with what is it, the my you go, whatever the what is that one from like Australia or New Zealand? I don’t know. So you have all kinds of people like sounding off in here. But it’s really good, honey.
But here’s the thing is that, you know, obviously when a bee eats it, it’s not like they’re able to, you know, digest it in a way that still allows for any of the cannabinoids to transfer over. Manuka, that was the word I was looking for, folks. Thank you.
Yeah, I should. I should have known that I was probably going to get an answer out of Wendy on that one. Manuka honey.
Oh, it’s that honey like that. It’s amazing. You feel like sickness coming on.
You take a tablespoon or so of it. And it’s just it’s amazing how quickly you can fight those things off. And there’s some honey from Turkey that’s even better.
I’m writing that down. It’s called Manuka, M-U-N-K-A. Yep.
- Yeah. And if you have a tough time, Matt, just message Wendy and she’ll get you straight.
OK, I’ll talk to her, I guess. Yeah. Matter of fact, if you want, Matt, if you’re interested in placing an order, you need her to help you through it.
You can get 612-412-8343. There you go. That’s it for sure.
Yep. Wendy’s standing by. Well, you know what? There’s no way she’s busy right now because it’s already been a busy morning with that.
Those 15 count come 15 count coming. We’re only paying for 10 on sale with dinner. So, yeah, you kind of like that.
Yeah, that’s that’s a pretty cool deal. Like I said, next week. So like.
All right. I’m sitting here looking at the back and it says 10 count five milligrams. So it’s actually a 15 count, a 10 count bag.
Yeah. So we have the we have the bags. And so we’re like, you know, for this whole weekend, we’re like, you know what? Let’s just let’s just put 50 percent more gummies in the pack.
We know it says 10. But hey, it’s always a nice little surprise when you’re expecting 10 gummies and there’s 15 in there. It almost be like in today’s world going for a bag of chips when you go to like so subway or something and actually getting a bag of chips.
Yeah, exactly. You know, I guess I’m lucky they raised the price of chips up because, man, I was eating so many through my 20s that I’ve slacked off because they’re. Are you saying you don’t eat any chips anymore? No, I do.
But they were so easy to grab when they were like ninety nine cents, you know, for the big box, you know, I would just go walking by the aisle and just grab my arm and like tip a bunch over into it. But now I don’t. So anyways, I mean, I can afford the five.
No, they’re actually they’re six bucks for a box. Yeah, they’re getting up there, the chips, you know. Yeah.
When when do when do we start or when do you guys start shipping the the THC, the seltzer water stuff? Well, I know we got to wait for freezing, but have you thought about like roughly are we going to play it by year based on weather? Probably early March. I mean, early March, maybe end of February. Hopefully we get a warm up at the beginning of February, you know, and then you can if it’s going to stay warm.
Yeah, we’ll ship them. But it’s just got to stay warm like this this week, man. We’re getting down below zero again here in about three days by below.
Yeah. So are we. Do you want me to show you my weather, guys? No, no, no.
Oh, my gosh. The craziest part down there, Matt, is like, you know, he has, you know, Mark has the craziest weather. He has no idea.
One day it could be seventy seven. One day it could be seventy eight. I mean, it’s crazy.
I know. Like it’s a constant guess as to what’s going to happen. Yeah, I just know this time of year it’s going to be somewhere between seventy nine and eighty three during the day.
Oh, hey, and by the way, we have our summer breeze lotion for twenty dollars. So if you like it and it’s not just for summer, it’s for all season. So, you know, with the lovely smell and everything that’s going, it makes me think of summer when I use it, even though it works great year round.
But it is it’s almost like it’s kind of like smelling that warm apple cider makes you think of Christmas. Yeah, but it makes you think about summer. There’s a limited amount of those summer breeze.
So you guys, if you if you want one, seriously, get in there quick because we we’ve got a counter on them. So I’m not trying to push it. I just know they’re going to be gone by this afternoon.
So and we probably won’t get them in until spring or summer. No, there you go. It’s your chance to empty him out of stock and make him have to pester Lucas Lucas.
Come on, Lucas. I think it’s a good plan. A joyful voice sounded out that my girlfriend could not sleep, took half a gum at work.
She’s happy and rested. See, it’s happier. It works.
I mean, it’s amazing what a good night’s sleep will do for you. Oh, I mean, a good night’s sleep, Mark. I mean, people don’t realize, like, not only does it enhance your mood, I mean, it increases, you know, for men like testosterone levels.
And, you know, it also yeah, I mean, it does. How do you think like if you’re if your body cannot rest and your synapses gaps cannot be repaired, which are repaired during sleep, all of this is affected your gut health, your immunity, all of this. If you don’t get sleep, your entire body suffers significantly.
And not to mention those around you. Well, I mean, collateral damage. Exactly.
The valley asking is the CBD CBD guru coffee low aesthetic. You know, to me it is. That’s what I’m drinking right now when I’ve been drinking some of the other coffees, because I like coffee with a punch.
And occasionally when you drink coffee with a punch for too, too long, it does your stomach will get I call it coffee stomach because of the acidity. And that’s when I you know, that’s when I’ll drink. Definitely drink the mushroom coffee because it’s lower and that way I don’t have to give it up till I go back to drinking like the stuff that knocks you off your socks.
Well, even the low acidity, you know, even the some of the acidity mark that’s in the coffee is really helped by the mushrooms in the coffee. So it kind of helps, you know, counterbalance that out, especially when it hits your gut. How about you, Matt? Your thoughts on that front? I mean, for me, I mean, it’s one of the most palatable on the acidity front because I know a lot of people have and I in the past have had some problems with acidity and coffee and no complaints.
I agree with you. I mean, I never I mean, they’re talked about this maybe more than three or four times, but I did have an ulcer at one time when I was in that, you know, it heals, you know, but that was a long time ago. But now my stomach is great on that stuff.
I think I could drink it all day long at night and I think I’d be fine. All right. Well, I know that, you know, I totally am picturing another one of these chipmunk scenes where we tried to see how many gummies you could fit in your mouth.
So we’ll like go around filming you all day long and you’re only going to be drinking the mushroom coffee. You know, I will if I had more than 10 cups, maybe like a half a gallon or something, I might have a little a little jittery. No, just I’d probably have a heart attack if I drank like a gallon of it or something.
Yeah, we don’t want you to have a heart attack. We want to have fun with you because you are extremely sporting on that front. We do like our Matt challenges here.
I cannot tell you how much we enjoy him. Oh, you know, we’re going to never come see me on a Wednesday night, pop in for whiskey and wisdom or any of those things anymore, Matt, because you have no idea how much these people love you. You know what? And Lucas will vouch for this, but I will have more free time pretty quick here.
Right, Lucas? And I will come on Wednesday, I promise, because Lucas Lucas isn’t working so hard anymore. Yeah, I think I’ve got an assistant and he’s actually a singer and he actually can do rap. He’s a rapper.
He’s. Did you know that, Lucas, that Paul came in and Chris? No. Yes.
Yes. He’s done it many times. He’s very good at it.
But I don’t think I rap the birthday song and pop in on occasion when I need a break. Oh, you know what? I’ll have him come in on a Wednesday with me, you know, and just you just bring up any subject he thinks for about three seconds and he can sing usually for at least 30 seconds. You know, it’s actually pretty fun.
I mean, he’s like a genius that way. And I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m looking forward to.
Yeah, I’m looking forward to meeting this guy and having him on with us on like a Wednesday night because we can throw him some scenarios like, hey, look, man, was this how squirrel ran in, grabbed the wrong nut, you know, ran off the table with that peaking in its mouth when, you know, you had the walnuts set out for it or whatever. I mean, I could see some fun here. Oh, you know, this is and this is the truth.
One time when we were in the insurance business together, we were in front of a room and we were doing an annuity seminar and all the slides. This was back in about 90, 90, 90. And he brought the wrong school of slides.
He brought his Florida vacation slides with his family. And in this thing supposed to go for 40 minutes, you know, with his talk. And I looked at him and I thought we were in trouble, you know, because he went off the slides and talked about things.
He put those slides up and he talked. He made it into an annuity subject deal. And it was the greatest thing ever.
And we know it was the greatest thing ever because his sales that night, you know, I was just helping him. I was like a helper with him. But he could just off the cuff.
Boom, he flew into it. And he’s great, man. You’ll see.
You’ll see. Lucas, what do you think? Is he as good as I say he is or not? Yeah, but I mean, you can’t just like just throw him out there without telling him. I mean, come on.
This is a CBD gurus, Lucas. He has to do what I say. Oh, geez.
Hey, Mark. My job, though, is not complete, though, because I did want to answer that. That was a good question on the alkalinity that someone asked.
Is there anything to make my body more alkaline, which is, you know, we actually surprisingly we haven’t got that question on the show, but we actually get that pretty significantly through email and text as well. And we always go to the mushrooms, lion’s mane, especially along with some reishi have some some great alkalinity. I just what we want to say, like just my brain just fried there for a second.
But the mushrooms really bring your body down on the pH. So it really helps kind of stabilize your gut health and in the same time brings the acidity in your body down, which is curious because I had noticed that I had started like keeping these on my desk if I’m getting a little acidic or whatever stomach not quite. Maybe I didn’t eat the right thing for breakfast or something.
And I take to him and it calms me. But I never thought about the why or any of it. I was just found myself doing it.
Yeah, that’s interesting. Yeah. So it really does a really good job at that.
So it’s really I used to have severe issues. The other one that is a good one as well, because I made it specifically for my over acidic stomach was the miracle gold. So the black seed oil as well, really, really helps with that, too.
So I mean, I mean, as you know, like, I mean, it’s been years ago, Mark, when we released it. But, you know, I struggled for almost a little over a year with just massive issues with too much acidity. And that stuff really, really helped.
So and now I haven’t had an issue since. Yeah, it’s wild to think it’s been that long and the miracle gold, it’s like, where did the time go, guys? You know what? It was Matt pulled over on a field. You know what, cue ball? Get off my back.
You know, I am starting to feel my age. And I’ll tell you what, even more so than that is the the physical repercussions of aging starting to I can’t even like the doctor told me I can’t live for three weeks as I’m starting to have rotator cuff and tendonitis and all this stuff. Like, you got to be kidding me.
Like, this is absurd. Welcome to Matt and I’s world. Oh, my gosh.
Exactly. I do not want to be a part of this club. I do not this club.
I revoke. I know I revoke my card. Take it.
Leave me alone. Kick me out. I don’t get change.
Change this secret knock at the door. Yes. Yes.
Do not let me in. It beats the alternative. That’s not aging at all.
Oh, my gosh. Hey, are we still are we still are you still doing a show tomorrow morning? Well, it’s only if you’re gonna be here. Of course.
Otherwise, I’m taking the day off. Listen, the high is only like four degrees. So I will be doing nothing.
The show will be what I’m looking forward to. Yeah, I’m looking for that, too. Maybe we can have the kids stop by and, you know, like cheer everybody up.
I’m totally down for that. I mean, it might be fun. Matt, anything you want to mention? We probably should give it a wrap here.
Well, I just want to if you’ve never tried our products, give them a shot, you know, and be a person to try them because they truly have changed my life, you know, even though I’m in this business. And, you know, when I first talked to Mark in that field and I was wandering and just like aimlessly and they wouldn’t I wouldn’t say I don’t think my phone was working. I had a real cheap phone at the time, Mark.
But anyways, OK, so you get in the you go to the CBD gurus dot com and then you go into the wholesale and you put in Marxi wholesale and lowercase K.R.M. CBD and you’re in and then you just start ordering. You see the specials and look at that code. Eight percent off.
Just Trump eight. Yep. Trump eight.
Oh, and then the other thing, too, if you scroll down, go all the way down to the specials on the bottom. I still got some medium and small shirts for five. Eighty eight.
I’m just going to keep lowering the price till they’re gone. I got about one hundred and forty left. And the reason I have some left to you guys is not too many adults are small and medium sized, truthfully.
That’s why. Yeah. Yeah.
Not many adults. And, you know, I mean, if you want to talk, if you want to toughen your kid up, put him in one for you. Send him off to school.
Exactly. I like to see you in a small shirt, Matt. But only if we can cut it off and make it a crop top.
Oh, trust me. It’ll on that. The small would be a crop top.
Yeah. Man, I you know what? I might have to go to the forex now. No, I’m just kidding.
I know I could I could fit in a two X and it’s it’s makes me look buff. The three X makes me look normal. So no, I trust me.
There’s no way I look buffed anymore. But you know what? I’m going to get there. Yeah.
The three X or four X would probably make me look like Aunt Tootie in a Moo Moo. Oh, God, that brings back memories. Now I’m at the lake right now.
I’m four years old and she just passed me a ice cold beer in a bottle and a wedding. Oh, my God. All the memories.
I went from the pacifier to the beer bottle in one day with grammar. Oh, geez. All right.
It’s going to be me and my main teeny crop top Trump shirt. We’re going to be sitting there at the RV park. I’m not going to visit you to look like this is going to be Joe Dirt.
I’m even going to exactly where it comes to mind. I decided we’re going to have a cattle ranch at every park, too. Oh, see, that way we can have like, you know, a fresh, you know, what is this Brokeback Mountain? I mean, you two, man, teeny in a crop top riding your horses on the sunset like too many Christmas.
Hey, look, you’re going to be riding next to us wearing a Moo Moo. Look, man, this is the three amigos. We’re having our fourth one.
Oh, gee, many Christmas. We’ve really got off the edge. We need like the bard that goes with us now that he’s got this Paul cat and he can just like hang behind us with like a little mandolin.
Well, what’s the little like guitar thing that they play? And he can break into song about everything we do on a, you know, just randomly on occasion for theatrical effect. Mandolin. Yeah, no, we’re not going there.
Yeah. Ukulele. There you go.
Hey, you know, if he’s available tomorrow, I’ll have him make an appearance quick. Do any any people just grab one subject and he’ll he’ll do a nice little rap song for it. So very, very good singer.
You know what? I was at a deal one time and there was a guy who was a Kenny G was up on the stage and then my buddy Paul, he went on a different stage. Paul was three times better than Kenny G. I didn’t even know who Kenny G was at the time. All of a sudden he started singing and I go, who’s Kenny G? I had no idea.
Do you get hurt? I know. I know who he is now. I was just kidding.
I just didn’t know who he was at the time. That was he wasn’t my deal. But anyways, he’s good.
I mean, he was good for sure. And then I was standing about five feet in front of the stage and I was told to sit down. I had my back to him.
I didn’t even know he was I didn’t even know what was going on. I was drinking too much at night anyway. Well, Matt, you said check your phone.
I don’t know if it’s something that you need to check your phone now before we kick you off of here. I will. I will.
I for sure. No, not now. I’ll check it after the show.
But thanks for having us on, Mark. I appreciate it. You’re awesome.
All you guys out there are awesome, especially everybody who voted for Trump. And thank God we still love you even if you didn’t do. Yeah, exactly.
Your sanity. But yeah. And and remember to come in contact with one of these people who’s got the big little bag of gummies with five because there’s a few extra for you that you’re probably going to get.
Right. I like jungle. So this is getting beyond strange.
What kind of bar is this? Now, Kenny G. Kenny G. What kind of bar is this? Kenny? Yeah. What’s that lady have an Adam’s apple? Kenny G. All right. I’m getting best bar ever.
This is going to look like something from Star Wars of Matt and I are in charge. Yeah. And Lucas, you’re not mad because, you know, Kenny G’s like his favorite, you know.
So anyway, sorry, Lucas. I didn’t mean to. He is one of my favorites.
Yeah, it did. You know, I met Lucas in Florida. We went and got a bite to eat that Zester went with us.
And yeah, I didn’t know why he wanted me to bring a roll of quarters, but it was so he could play Kenny G on the jukebox. Darn right it was. Yeah, I mean.
I appreciate you immensely. And I’ll see you guys tomorrow because I just can’t quit you. Yeah.
Oh, OK. Let’s go. Let’s go riding, Mark.
OK, see you. Thank you. We’ll see you guys.
See you guys. Love and kiss you. But yeah, hugs and kisses.
I’m out of here. To the rest of you tonight could be alive. Most likely will be recorded.
We’ll see how the news goes. Fridays have been slow and we’ll play it by ear. Take care.
See you guys soon. 100 percent either way tomorrow morning, 945 a.m. Eastern with the gurus for more of these shenanigans.