Coffee with MarkZ. 01/13/2025
good morning good morning sloozy Leslie daily word Texas Gurley K killroy hello happy pants 72z triumphant and Gypsy hello R man and cuq ball and firecracker Mel of a Hess l k happy coffeee this morning I’m certainly enjoying some hello Angie cluff hello Trump cheerleader and hope and Bor and Joan’s mom and Guffy hello Kevin next equipment Krabby TP how’s everybody this morning hello Mike Iris Fred how is everyone today everybody sound have you survived the weekend between the cold weather the suffering in Western North Carolina the
suffering in California hurricane possible tsunami and uh Japan seems to all be breaking loose stop what you’re doing and ask yourself this if the food supply collapsed tomorrow how long would you survive a week three days the harsh reality is most people wouldn’t even make it that long look around a castri catastrophic event of biblical proportions is looming prices skyrocketing crops failing cyber attacks natural disasters solar flares terrorist attacks and more put us at risk of not being able to eat and
provide food for our family so I’m protecting my family from that risk of famine fighter and wouldn’t want to be caught in disaster without it famine Fighters designed to help my family not only survive but to thrive with 16 scrumptious varieties of food and long-term storage long-term food storage solution includes beef white chicken meat buttermilk pancakes macaroni and cheese honey wheat bread chocolate pudding and so much more plus all this food is stored in thick Ultra durable pack packaging and securing its
quality for months or even years do your family favor and secure your food storage while they’re having a New Year special at surviv com before disaster strikes plus F order now you’ll receive a 30-day risk-free trial and free copies of final famine and the red dragon report once again that is survival you can also find the link in the description on YouTube and on Rumble are you ready to rumble I always like saying that one and it’s big 75th birthday today happy birthday Miss
an reading a few of these this morning how is everybody let’s see Susan good morning please send Good Vibes for my brother I’m taking them tomorrow for his second knee replacement surgery uhoh here we go Mike C let me give you guys some uh love for you folks commanders with a uh with a big one my Steelers with a horrendous loss commanders win Bills win bills I think you are now my favorite in the AFC Texans uh what we got Vikings and Rams tonight if anybody needs a distraction from The Real World
young at heart I’ve been told over and over and over that unless you have a large a large gift from somebody else that you don’t need a notorized copy but if you feel like you need one get one don’t worry about it don’t lose any sleep over it just everyone in my banking contacts have said no come on when you go to the grocery store do you need a notorized letter because you got $200 that your uh somebody gave you for groceries handle it any way you want to do it though and there is a slim chance that
he’s right just not what I’m hearing Jean says broke go lines wait the Dow supposed to supposed to not do well today so I’m genuinely surprised that it’s up Ted will this be our week that’s a great question that’s a great question question I know that a number of Bond contacts suddenly are more convinced that this is our week they were afraid it was going to be after but the overwhelming majority are now saying they’re getting dollars before uh to the tune of 1% sometime well depending on which ones and then
9% uh within a week or two after so they’re excited we’ll get into it we’ll talk about everything I’m hearing Pros cons Etc hello C kby good morning humanitarian hero Kirby have you guys survived the cold when when’s it turning warm for you all maver just said mm was all excited it’s been some fantastic news now we just need to it to translate into dollars and appointments for us um hi Mark what are your thoughts on JD Vance not attending the inauguration as much as Donald Trump is is a Target around the world I think for
continuity of government I think it’s a very good thing that JD Vance isn’t attending I think that is probably smart and I’m guessing that a more capable Secret Service is telling him hey look we need to start doing what’s safe and sound Ma just posted HCL got approved in Parliament today I don’t think that’s going to be accur it could be and we’re missing something but we’re being told uh Iraqi Parliament did not get a quorum today to do the second reading of HCL uh but they do expect it tomorrow they were a member or two short
now we’ll see because this could very much she could be right this very much could be some of that crazy disinformation things like we saw in Kuwait the day of very much could be but that’s not what I’m getting out of Iraqi press right now uh Jason I’m told we will have full access to the amount when we exchange yes on currency that is what I’ve been told over and over and over Tommy you’re going to see the Trump inauguration on the 20th I know there are a lot of people out there with a lot of different
theories I’m just telling you what I think and I think their theories are wrong Sean you’re tired what’s that Black Box behind you me take that out can you see the black box that’s drone drone batteries charging them up from the weekend reading a few of these uh the Big Bopper what about Madura saying that Venezuela is going to liberate Puerto Rico from the United States um it’s possible right it’s possible that’s what he’s thinking I really don’t believe that was really madur I believe that was a deep
fake the film himy it all looked like it was a younger version of Madura I don’t know maybe he truly did say that it’s laughable at best Venezuelan military is not very capable in comparison of course we did see the US military get kind of she lacked um in the Middle East by some Isis or whatever and they had tougher time than you would expect especially in Afghanistan but I would uh I doubt they would have that success Puerto Rico is too strategically important the full might would come in uh there would be
cities totally Mia in Venezuela within hours that would be an allout not going to happen but it did make a really fun sound bite for him and for those that are going what in the heck is he talking about a video I think yesterday or over the weekend popped up with Maduro supposedly claiming that he is going to liberate Puerto Rico from the United States tyranny which is going to be a real surprise because there are eight Puerto Ricans living in the US for every one Puerto Rican living in Puerto Rico
so they’re going to be really surprised that they got liberated it laughable not to say that there aren’t probably half a dozen people on the island that would be excited if he showed up there’s also a half a dozen people on the island would be excited if Satan showed up there you know there’s a million here that’ll be excited when Jesus shows up see Zoom news Baghdad the Iraqi parliaments completed the second reading of the federal budget law Amendment which seeks to break the oil export deadlock in the Kurdistan region holded
since March see I love this Diane these man I wish I had that article to share with you because I think this is important uh because we we get competing articles we get competing articles they’ve done it they’ve not done it they’ve done it they’ve not done it and this is on purpose guys to Cloud things so Diane thank you for putting that one in there love it love it because that is exactly the things we are looking for in the last days warm that’s what’s warm oh I bet uh yeah I think uh somebody here
Korum just summed it up expect smok and mirrors and a ton of them a ton of them let’s see Juan did an interview with Warren on Saturday he thinks we will not be able to do they will not be able to do a public inauguration I think it’s foolish to do a public inauguration as many people want to assassinate Trump go after Trump Etc think it’d be kind of foolish also at the same time I realize he has bigger coones than any modernday political uh in the US at least um candidate uh politician not that he’s
really a politician public figure put it that way what’s my gut screaming somewhere between now and the 22nd I hope my gut’s right oh Greg we’re going to get into that you got Jack Smith resigning you’ve got Christopher Ray resigning it’s like all the rats are jumping Shi they’re running down the Rope trying to get off to the dock Gil Wake Me Up When spring is here Jill says no public inauguration please uh Michael said asked Alexa last when will the Iraqi Nar r value she said June 3rd probably Michael because all
she does is search the net for what somebody has said probably the first thing she saw was somebody writing a little article picking a date that said hey it’s gonna happen June 3 so Alexa because her only source of information is publicly publicly accessible Internet it’s probably exactly what she said if I write one uh today that says it’s going to happen on June 8th then bam that’s probably what she’s going to say tomorrow when you ask Hera when my gut is screaming I gave it some food or went to the bathroom one
right oh man we’re way over we’ve been doing the news already so let’s just uh keep on with that we do have the mushroom ladies today I’m pretty excited about getting them in an extra time this month we’ve got a few we’re going to try to uh get through all right let’s uh let’s start oh first I am simply going to drop this one you guys can listen to it in the background if you’d like I’m going to drop a link if I can get myself a little more Tech capable I’m putting it in chat couple of guys discussing birth
certificates numbers accounts stuff like that uh I’m not including it because I think we’re going to get millions and millions of dollars from it I’m including it because it shows you the level of fraud of the world the banking world the Swift system the Federal Reserve System the Vatican London you name it you pick it so I wanted to share that just to drive that home uh so I did I put a link in for that if you guys want to see it it’ll also be in today’s links now let’s get to everything else competing articles we’ve got one
saying second reading went well expect the third one I think it was tomorrow is what the uh what she was saying we have one saying they’re having a difficult time organizing sessions and passing laws and couldn’t get theirs off the ground today because of a lack of Quorum competing articles guys this is smoke and mirrors Sudani and bar barzani confirmed the organization of obligations in accordance with the Constitution what has been improved by the specifications boy that’s a mouthful this is the one that makes me
think that perhaps the one that they did indeed read it and it went well as a more factual article because of the very pleasant sitdown between bani who controls or president of Figure Head of the herbal Kurdish region and of course uh Al Sudani who is the leader of the country itself also Baghdad faction so they’re sitting down they’re saying hey we got this we’re discussing the difference we got to put the Iraqi people for we’re moving forward things are looking great we’re getting money we’re working out
everything anyways feel good so that kind of makes me feel like they did have a second reading uh then we get into all of I don’t think the popes resigned though boy wouldn’t that be nice uh three and a half trillion on the Iranian Factor Why is Washington refusing to leave Iraq a lot of back and forth on this right now in Iraq do not look for the US to quickly move uh unless they have set up um free zone well the Zone bases Etc the US needs to project strength to the region right now their best bet is to
work very closely with Iraq who is becoming the Undisputed leader of the region surpassing the UAE quickly or catching up so I to me in Saudi Arabia this is very important I do believe he is going to strengthen it but he’s going to strengthen it with the blessings of the Iraqi uh government not against them so look for a lot of breakthroughs in the coming days on this front that’s what I’m hearing now we already talked about what I’m hearing from bonds uh we touched on that one first uh groups very quiet so far I do
have a couple of Bankers with afternoon meetings uh that have been called that are in wealth management um I’ve got surprisingly enough and they’re within an hour of two I have two that have been called one for well I I I better not name the banks or get myself in trouble from that Source Patriot hero if there is a lawsuit I can’t find it we hear really good Feelgood uh sound clips and bites and comments like that but haven’t been able to find one for us to join he p and Trump said Iraq talks differently publicly than they do
privately absolutely aeden that is something that we must you must I must we must the world must understand this is It’s a mindset difference in the Arab world and actually much of the world it’s a dog eat dog world and you have to project something totally different than what you are or they will eat you alive um so that I mean that is very very very true um to pacify certain factions they’re going to come out no we’re kicking them out and then behind the doors they’re trying to make things as
safe and secure as they can so that sir you nailed I go back and forth on that one with Trump is holding dinar uh unless he’s already put it in some kind of trust kind of need to go before I mean we’ll see how that or like at the exact moment before he like you know the morning that he takes office hulke um I’ve got a number of them that are now looking for before I’ve got a couple that are um 21st 22nd that are now being given dates for final contracts and 1% uh between let me look over here uh
about middle of this week through um uh middle of next week a 1% and then right after everybody gets their 1% then they do 9% coming to a total of 10 and then they set up tranches for balance on the storic bonds that’s the word right now from a couple of sources I’m crossing my fingers I’d feel better if I knew some of them already had their 1% so that’s what I was hearing on the bond side we talked about it earlier but I did start it before I put up the news Banner all right we don’t have the news
banner up anymore so let’s talk about everything else uh righteous Oaks Simon Park said there’s no RV they’ve been lying to us I yeah how how do you even I’ll just say I disagree greatly no fresh news on the Zim uh find it curious tonight Ira shutting down for two hours to update well they’re updating their electronic payment system specifically for border for Customs not their entire electronic system they are due today to shut down and do an update a scheduled update on the electric electronic platform for
collecting Customs it was all part of that your remember we talked last week or right like right at January 1st where they went to the scooter system they went to the international standard for all their borders that way if you’re trying to come across their border and if you’re wanted in any other country it pops up it shows up if it’s got to be a customs it tracks it um there all right let’s leave that one uh right there oh RW I did get to thumb through a good bit of it this weekend RW very much
been enjoying it thank you again let’s see where was that on that one HL Smith my Wells Fargo finally confirmed RV RV they all know what’s coming they know there’s a complete change to the system they know it’s going asset back they know it’s going to Gold’s going to carry a much bigger beat and you can have the conversation with any Banker at any upper level or politician and they’ll talk about broad things not specifics we know the world’s changing we know we’re getting a new system we know it’s asset
backed is it going to have all the same terminology you like or I use or they going to call it something different does it matter it’s a new system we’re asset backed and nations with currencies that are backed by assets have more value what have we done fundamentals man fundamentals do you know air oh dun that’s fantastic send an email I don’t know if I can uh bounce anywhere or not but it would be nice to at least say hello and shake a hand we’ll try because that’s not far away about time now thank you for the super sticker I
still it’s good to see you Kevin Boom appreciate you much brother you are appreciated uh yeah spiritually content we do believe I do believe everybody I talk to believes that they will be as well we also believe that there will be a breakup of the EU as far as currencies and Germany will go back to the mark etc etc on currencies as they work towards parity which really needs to happen because the German people got screwed in the euro thing they’re supporting I forget what the number is but it’s like 60% of the value
of the euro is supported by it’s something up there I mean I don’t know if that’s an exact figure guys but it’s something up there that is backed by the German so the German people are backing pretty much everybody else’s country in the Euro and uh EU as well on their backs which means they should have more value the other countries should have a little less so it’s going to be interesting to see how this goes I know I just upset some folks around the world but it’s true uh Umar is saying no Simon said the RV
is real but no one’s becoming a billionaire I was told Umar many many years ago and this may offend some people in this but I was told um by some key architects in this that it would create a lot of millionaires and a handful of billionaires and that’s also part of the reason I don’t think think you’re getting a dollar to a dollar for your Zim because they were very clear on that one yeah Tilly Bob I’m with you Iraqi government’s talking about the value changes many countries are so it makes more sense that he’s just uh downplaying
it which is probably smart to keep people’s expectations low let’s see Kevin our grandfather turned one Friday I got her a two pound Tomahawk riye she loves say wa waa wait oh your granddaughter turned what holy smokes what did she do with a tomahawk riye that would have been hilarious to see her eyes Kevin oh rough life we are starting to get times where the IQD shows up we’re also seeing a number of apps platforms Etc now offering IQD options and pairings it is clear to me that they are very much becoming
International uh something to watch this week it starts today we have 13 Senate hearings throughout the week today TR well I should say confirmation hearings we’ve got 13 people trying to get confirmed this week Senate’s going to be busy politics are going to be the mud is going to be slinging all week what a great time to pull something like this off during all of the diversions all right so let’s uh run here here’s your earthquake 6.8 magnitude in Japan prayers tsunami advisor issued for those keeping up this
morning uh here we can bounce here earthquake 6.8 magnitude struck Japan southwestern region late on Monday prompting authorities to issue a tsunami advisory uh let’s see issued to tsunami for waves up to 1 meter following the earthquake at around 9:119 last night I guess it well wait no we’re so far different time oh so it just happened very very very recently just a couple of hours ago so be careful if you’re out on the beach they’re not looking for a massive City destroying one but could certainly
take your dog or you if you’re on the beach uh do not forget guys I know that so many of us are watching California right now but do not forget FEMA government is showing up in California with billions of dollars passing around like candy to help people there are still people suffering they’re still hurting I’m not saying that they’re not I’m just saying that they seem to have forgotten Western North Carolina at the same time while people are freezing to death in a polar vortex still have 90 some per of trash laying around still
have no Services Bridges Etc as all the focus uh shifts West I’m not trying to say don’t pay attention to it I’m just saying don’t forget because it seems that they want to take care of the rich Democrats on the west coast but don’t care much about the conservatives in the mountains in uh in the Carolinas uh Georgia Tennessee Etc so a message tall Americans from Storm ravaged Western North Carolina Jason war with Valley strong relief and nonpr organization focused on providing Aid to thousands of residents this place
in Western North Carolina by Hurricane Helen released a Tik Tok video discussing the hars of the paliside rate it really was a good one in other words he’s going yeah man it hurts it’s tough then he broke down what is still happening there it was just simply hey don’t forget us we’re all hurting uh that Ward continued we have a polar vortex slamming Western North Carolina with people going through 10 gallons of propane a night wondering when they’re going to be getting their next tank many people living just like
this donated campers sheds tents whatever they can do um just I people out and then FEMA decides that they are going to cut a lot of the aid over this past week saying hey you didn’t update this you didn’t update that a lot of people getting kicked out of hotels at the same time the polar vortex it just hurts people living like this bicycles and Tents as everything they have has been destroyed their cars swept away they’re paying mortgages on houses that are rubble and not livable and this one’s a heartbreaker if
you want to see it this is the line to get propane and it goes for miles in both directions this is propane that many from this community have helped donate many from the Carolina’s rural areas from around the world helped donate propane and tanks and Phillips this is what’s keeping many of these people alive right now miles to get in and they don’t know when they’re going to run out out or if they’re going to get more all right you got the notion there guys don’t forget Inferno plague Palisades braces for Santa AA Windstorm
as death toll Rises it is I mean it’s horrendous guys watching what’s happening in uh California have you noticed that almost perfectly though the fire affected regions are almost perfect for a real new you know high-speed uh rail through there it’s almost like they plan this thing one meter high tsunami is like jumbo shrimp wi Rider yeah it is pretty much it is amazing how just three feet of difference can make though in Surf let’s see who will European citizens who worked a year in the US maintains Us address US bank account
will they B HC I’m told they can exchange anywhere they want as long as they’re legally there that’s what I’ve been told so if you’re legally there let’s just say you’re here on vacation but you’re legal legally on a Visa you’re here on a work visa I’m being told yes I’m being told that when n Jer rolls out in countries and you want to take advantage of that that’s when you have to go back to wherever you I guess belong in other words if you’re here in the US working but ner gives a lot of benefits to you I’m told
you have to go back there to collect does that make sense hope it does uh bowler well I have to exit as my wife has called me and said my birthday breakfast is now ready thank you all who who bowler is it your birthday can we sing to the bowler if so bowler Happy Birthday Julie tsunami expected in California based on boots on the ground citizens journalist recording water Julie a lot of um journalist um Geographic whatever are expecting somewhere in the next what I think three two days uh based on the Rumblings the
I know there’s a word for it geological something where they measure all of it they they there is a heightened alert for a uh earthquake a lot of course you guys do realize we’re what four months away from the fire season in California and it’s already this bad and the winds are picking up it would have been a really good time to have working fire hydrants and reservoirs with water and I know pointing blame at this point maybe not be may not be politically correct but we kind of need to so that we can fix it you kind
of need to be screaming about the poor response I mean it’s horrendous and we need to focus on the victims absolutely but at the same time if we don’t point out the flaws and execution how are we going to fix it down the road you got to learn from it and you got to hold those responsible I mean it’s really tough to decipher the differences between being grossly inept and deliberate sabotage they are so close that finding the meaningful difference well there isn’t a meaningful difference if you’re that in EP at your
job and people die Etc things break economies crash then it almost be comforting if you were just purposely diabolical because then we can then we can point out and say there’s a reason as long as we keep these evil people out of it these diabolical people but when it’s just gross and epos incompetence then that gets tougher much tougher and that un un fortunately is where I think 90% of our problem is I think that a few people that want a sabotage made certain we hired enough inept people and Bam they
recruited a bunch of people to their cause a bunch of useful idiots yeah sweet te that would be accurate kamala’s house got robbed I did hear that and I think they uh actually UFO Wisconsin they released mug shots I think they caught like a couple of them and guess what illegal aliens right that’s what I heard that’s the rumor running around based on the mug shots and things coming out of California from the police agencies before I forget we did lose Huna flash over the weekend um prayers to the
family Juno believes deliberate or deliberate incompetence I think they deliberately hired incompetent people so that it would break and crash yeah see Jess there you go somebody else gets it I believe that’s exactly it evil people hire stupid people and they do it on purpose uh death toll now 24 I think we still have about two more dozen missing I’ve heard reports from two dozen to three dozen that are completely unaccounted for that were in regions or houses but they’ve not been able to search and rescue uh so there’s a chance
some of them will be okay there’s also an excellent chance that some of them won’t be uh Tim a little different uh for us to be the only way we get to stay is if we’re there with their blessing and not actively participating in police activities in other words if we say we want to lease 200 acres for military base we want to lease a thousand acres for military base but it’s not us running their military it’s not us in there running fores running all over the pro the land I know it seems like it’s like
what’s the right word here semantics but it’s an important one on this one I’ll try to get enough time today to search through a few more articles they’ve discussed it and try to explain the difference but it means a lot of difference to the Iraqi people a lot of difference the Iraqi people a real deep dive on the fires what’s going on there if you guys want uh now we’re watching the rats run down the moing lines trying to jump ship in A Farewell Address Ray urges the FBI now this is the funniest damn thing I’ve
seen today guys and just go ahead and stock the curse jar because I cannot let let this one go past Ray urges the FBI wa wait here here I can’t to stay above partisanship and policy who whoaa wait you’re saying that they need to stay above it doesn’t it mean they had to be above it in order to stay above it we’re talking about the same FBI that buried the laptop the same FBI that buried the Russian collusion the same FBI oh God do I just need to keep going I mean this is the most laughable moment of 2025 and
God knows I know I mean we’re what 13 days into it we’ve had a bunch of them but I will have to admit at this point Ry you have taken the cake stay above partisanship and politics that implies that they’ve ever been above it and God knows since you’ve been there we know they have not been above it so you got to get a chuckle I think you should like say in a farewell address Ray urges them to rise above the partnership in politics that’s the way I read that one it’s not meant to make you laugh it’s meant to Gaslight you because they
hate us they do hate us I mean how many more comments do you need from the left where they talk about the inconvenience of the public the inconvenience of Truth the inconvenience of people getting to vote I mean it’s really inconvenient that you and I have an opinion that we live in a uh Republic it’s a really inconvenient to them and I would like to keep it inconvenient to them yep doj confirms special councel Jack Smith has resigned boy I tell you it gets even more they are jumping shift left and right we have multiple people
dropping cases uh was it Chuck chukan I never get that one quite right dropping things uh they seem to be running for the hills early of course uh Ray saving his firing that was going to occur next Monday so he’s just trying to get ahead of it he just stepped out before he got fired and he’ll get a cush little job running some Law Department at some really woke College probably one that has little or no implication to all of us or the real world real world anymore you know some place like Harvard or something like
that some place that’s so lost themselves in their wokeness that they’re no longer a hallowed institution Maverick said get a bigger cuss J it’s just starting uh Maverick I think I’m gonna need a 55 gallon drum I might have to get a whiskey barrel put Uncle bracelets on ready for the new La fire chief lots of begging for pardons Todd I still think Trump should come out day one like first thing he does is sign like he should have them all prepared you know I don’t know 100 200 a thousand preemptive uh pardons for all of his
crew himself his family I mean he should pardon himself day one after what uh Biden’s done and he should do it to force the Constitutional crisis that needs to happen I mean can hey look Don Jr if you’re watching any of your crew I would love one too just for giggles just so we can have fun with it make a big deal out of it uh Texas Mary said I worked with Ray out of California then One Day in 2020 he just disappeared with not with no one would not well I guess no one wow wonder if he was part of the corrupt Ray family
oh with a ray I thought you meant that Ray H Roy I agree with you Trump should pardon himself first oh we’re definitely we’re in an information War big time and 42 H exactly that’s why I say go ahead and start go ahead and start whipping them out because this is one that I think the Supreme Court will have no choice but to take and and pick up the valley we already talked about my Steelers losing earlier today you just came late that was like one of the first things we discussed not overly happy about it but
also not surprised by it if you want to be just a step better than mediocracy keep the current coaching staff although they made some really good changes in coaching I just don’t think that tomson has the fire that he needs anymore and and when I say that I don’t think he stands up to ownership and general management the way he should they give him a crap and he just toes a line he puts his head down he does what he considers the right thing and tries to develop him and saying hey look give me somebody with
Talent he’s too nice is his problem glad I quit smoking the news said Biden’s going to ban cigarettes on his way it wouldn’t surprise me Tim Fu this all gives new meaning to the phrase pardon me pardon me please pardon me oh it does all right we are G to move on to uh we have the mushroom ladies in the wings and I’m excited about that today especially as every time I turn around we get reports of more and more people with cancer Kevin just said he is attending it was all a joke but I tell you for security
reasons I think it’d be better if he didn’t Kevin what do you think oh yeah the last nail in Biden’s coffee would be banning cigarettes I’m reading through a few of these before it’s time uh Stephanie’s looking for the Vikings to beat the Rams I’ll be okay either way on that one I guess for Matt’s sake I’d like to see the Vikings win thanks to my mother 78 years ago today I get the awesome privilege of seeing what God is doing in the Earth today thanks Mong pickle ball Patriot happy birthday we also have Ann bowler
anybody else sound off uh paty my favorite now for the AFC I don’t know if they’ll make it past uh Kansas City but from the AFC side I’m now pulling for the bills myself another good Blue Collar hardworking town with some good people uh let’s see yeah um try to watch some of these all right what we I’ve just got a saying let’s get to it ban cigarettes but not arsonic it doesn’t make any sense the way they’re doing free crack pipes but ban cigarettes now you can’t make up the craziness you can’t make up the craziness and yes the
B Administration gave out free crack pipes that’s not a question that’s a fact uh Deb I seriously don’t know if JD Vance is gonna get sworn in Via Zoom or something like that for safety I don’t know I could see it but I don’t know what’s real or not on that front I’ve not taken enough Deep dive to study any the articles on that one Roland’s youngest birthday’s daughter is going to be tomorrow Purple People Eater darly a lot of bills fans in here scuro Canada has drug vending machines this is nuts
nuts so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love make all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to all those celebrating yeah will the real JD Vance please stand up well the real Slim Shady nard says Go Lions not opposed by the Lions either reading a few of these on the birthday side then we’re going to move over okay there’s just so much coming I’m looking forward to reading more I’ll be in chat as the mushroom ladies take
over uh Bert saying Mark Z ask our legal if it’s possible to prosecute the politicians that contribute to people’s deaths open borders Wildlife prep gain for accessory to murder it’s difficult because you have to prove the burden of proof is extremely high is it possible it is this is something that I’ve actually done a deep dive on already but the level of proof you need is so extreme that it’s going to be difficult for them to to to handle it that way do I believe there is enough documentation on the fouchy side I
do I do all right guys let’s move over and bring them in hello ladies well hello there how are you I’m good I’m excited about my week I’m excited about I mean it’s gonna be a crap show all week with uh like smoke mirrors and political mudslinging but I’m really excited for it well when someone said that it was a a dog and pony show I thought hey wait that is an insult to dogs and ponies yeah right I feel bad for the jackasses and the elephants yeah oh gosh Mark you know what we so appreciate you we appreciate the
platform um and we’re thankful for all that you’re doing we can’t wait for the day that we get to see you in the manini we see to see you in the manini um I think we’re going to put it on the doll back there oh there you go it’s about the size of it people have been waiting to see it on you I think you owe it to them so I’m Diana this is Kristen and uh we’re the mushroom ladies we’re both certified in pet nutrition and Kristen is certified in micology um I want to give a quick update on the free giveaway
food contest um we had over 500 pictures of animals from community that came in mark it was so much fun we had dogs cats Turtles snakes we had uh you have a huge four-legged following you have a huge two-legged following you have a no-legged following one woman told me that her dog runs in the room when you start talking um on her television um so you obviously um have a fur baby following and that’s pretty exciting um we sent out over $500 worth of um freeze-dried food um and we also sent out a whole bunch of seat Bel belts
we’ve got more uh on their way uh we they were on back order so if you haven’t got your seat Bel yet uh it is on its way I think today was the day that we got all the rest of them mailed so we really appreciate the opportunity to give back and when you order from marxy it allows us to give back um my next um philanthropic thing is I want to donate some freeze dried food to those people that are in the Carolinas I know there’s a lot of animals that are hurting um and we we need to be able to
do something like that so again when you order from this platform you’re helping us to help others and we do appreciate that so much um couple testimonials you know I’ve had a lot of people that have said to me Mark uh we love the testimonials tell us more testimonials so um that’s what’s so amazing about what we do is when people call us and tell us what’s going on and we get these amazing testimonials you know I it just warms my heart but it also just verifies that what we’re doing is a good thing
for people and for animals so one of the testimonials that we got um is a followup from our last time we were on we have a dog in Australia a big dog who’s older 12 years old and mommy and daddy live um in a house with a spiral staircase I don’t even think I could get up that staircase um but this pup couldn’t get up for it for the longest time and they actually had moved their bed down into the living room so that they would be sleeping where the dog was sleeping which I thought was really sweet um they have since moved their
bedroom back up to the top of the St file staircase because the dog is bounding up the staircase every single night um he’s been on our mush Pony’s product now for about five months and they’ve seen a huge difference in the pup the pup is feeling better his joints are doing better because of the glucosamine condroitin and you know I just love that story um another story is we have an older woman Sarah who called me to tell me that through the holiday through the whole holiday season everyone she knew was sick everyone flu
cold pneumonia neuro virus Co you name it everybody was sick and I think we’ve all experienced that um everybody that we know you know has got something and she said I was the only one and I’m the oldest she said I was the only one who wasn’t sick and I know it was because my immune system was working perfectly because of the Coral’s vers aola mushroom and she said she wanted to start all her grandkids on the gummies which Kristen’s going to talk about in a little bit because she wants the grandkids to quit being sick all the
time too but I just thought that was such a great story and then lastly we have a little dachon who’s 14 who’s been experiencing some really high liver enzymes this is not the first fifth or 10th time we’ve heard this story um and the liver enzymes test were coming back close to 800 which is dangerous after two weeks on the Special Sauce this little pup is was down to 300 again not the first time we’ve heard this and then after another week the liver enzymes are back in line so you know when we have
documented irrefutable numbers that’s when we can just say yeah we see that this is working so today we want to talk to all of you that got a new puppy for Christmas or a new kitty cat or you rescued a new pup or a new kitty cat um thank you for that but sometimes we think that these young animals are perfectly healthy and we really don’t need to do anything um they’re young they don’t need a supplement they’re young they don’t need immune support but but let’s just kind of back up and think about that this is the time that the
animal is working the hardest its body is working the hardest to develop to grow to grow bone to get the organs in check to the skin the coat everything’s growing so fast think about a dog a big dog 24 months a small dog a year to 18 months until they’re fully grown they have to do all of that growing and developing in such a short amount of time so if we can support their immune system through the process it with the corals for the cola mushroom if we can support the um body with good nutrition
what you’re going to do is you’re going to set your animal up for with a foundation that’s Rock Solid and as they get older they’re going to have less problems in their senior years it’s just like a child with good nutrition with good immune system the same thing is going to happen so these young pups and kittens are just maximizing every resource they have in order to develop and grow so let’s not forget them when we think about supplements and we think about the coils for the cola mushroom um
and also good nutrition now for the rescues those of you that have rescued bless you thank you we know there’s a a lot of pups out there that need rescued um I have a rescue and he’s a handful so trust me I know that when you get a rescue you you get a lot of baggage with it um but remember they’ve been through a lot too who knows what they’ve been through we don’t know what their environment has been like we don’t know how they’ve been treated we don’t know how they’ve been nourished these animals
that we rescue actually need more than a normal animal they need good nutrition they need the support from the immune system being supported with the coils for the cola mushroom and it’s so important that you guys think about that and Christ’s going to talk a little bit too a little bit later about the treats and toys that you’re giving your your new baby so so today we’re here to educate a little bit um we’re animal lovers but we’re also pet parents and we want our fur babies and our our friends
and family to live longer and live healthier and as Mark stated you know cancer the number of cancer it it just makes me crazy um January 17th of last year the American Cancer Society said that the new cancer um cases surpassed two million which was a record high I’m sure it’s higher this year 50% of all of our dogs die of cancer um in the veterinarians office and as much as we love our veterinarians and we know that they’re not doing things nefariously we also know that they make 34% off Pharmaceuticals we also know they spend
very little time on nutrition um and it it just breaks my heart when we see these animals that go into the veterinarian’s office and walk out with a prescription no different than people when it could be something so simple as let’s get them on a better diet and let’s get them a little bit of immune support with with our product the coils Versa Cola mushroom our goal is that we want every parent P pet parent every pup every cat on this mushroom every day it’s all natural it doesn’t harm the liver and the kidneys like most of our
prescription drugs do and a lot of you know my cancer story and I’m G to briefly tell it and share it and then I’m going to turn it over to Kristen but um 2020 I was diagnosed with colon cancer and it was a pretty scary time because the world was completely shut down and we ended up not having anything in our toolbox except we had to wait we we had to wait 30 days to be approved for surgery so um after learning a little bit more about this mushroom you know I had known about it I had been offering it to people and pets I had
seen good results I decided to start taking it now normal dosage for a human would be one per 50 pounds I started taking 10 because I knew that the body would just get rid of what it didn’t need and I knew that I needed to pretty much slap my immune system into submission because obviously something had gone wrong and that’s why I was compromised and that’s why um you know I got cancer 30 days later um when I had blood work done before surgery I was told I was in remission um that was a pretty amazing amazing day for me but
then I really wasn’t sure what remission was um yeah it means your cancer has like stopped growing and what does that really mean well I found out that um every cancer has a marker and this is important for all of us is you know we need to know what our numbers are so that we know what the doctors are are using to see whether we’re progressing or digressing in my case um my numbers were off the charts 2.5 would have been healthy but that day I was 0.5 I did do chemotherapy because I had a very aggressive cancer with a high
reoccurrence rate 40% chance without chemo 10% chance with chemo I didn’t want to I didn’t want to you know play the craps table I wanted to just you know do whatever I could do for my body I came out of chemo in better shape than I went into into chemo uh I came out with a higher bone Dex scan uh how does that happen well we know that these mushrooms are pretty amazing and we know that they have some bone building property we also know that SLO ketering and some of the big cancer institutes have said during chemotherapy this
mushroom can actually complement chemotherapy I didn’t throw up I didn’t lose my hair I didn’t look like a cancer patient so next month I get to celebrate the big fiveyear Mark which basically means I am c d a word I can’t say um isn’t that sad that I can’t say that in in conjunction to what we’re doing there’s so many natural things we can do out there and I’ve talked to so many of you that are dealing with these issues and I’m more than happy if you just want to email me at the original markz pets
atgmailcom and we can talk a little bit about what we can do to help um but before I turn over to Kristen um we had been asked for a chart um a chart for what does the mushrooms do so we have a chart and um basically talks about each mushroom and what it does and KLA has put it up in the telegram room thank you KLA I don’t know what we would do without her um but you can also find it on the website if you go to humans and then click on one of the mushrooms and then scroll down the chart will be right
there for you to be able to see so it can kind of help you to decide what mushroom besides you know we have a corn mushroom we have complimentary mushroom which Kristen’s going to talk about which mushrooms will be best for you so with that I’m gonna turn it over to Kristen and she’s going to share a little bit about mushroom therapy yeah thanks Diana and I see Roy is asking about anti-inflam what’s best for anti-inflammatory with puppies I see a lot of people asking questions in the comments and first I’d like to say yes
Fearless Floyd this cat does have an opposable thumb that he is using to be positive I saw your comment there and I chuckled but you know we’re we’re really on a mission we’re on a mushroom Mission a mineral Mission a Nutrition Mission we’re not doctors we’re not veterinarians we’re Greatful for all of the well-meaning and well-intentioned doctors and veterinarians that are out there making a difference and doing work but what we’re certified in is nutrition that’s what we’ve studied that’s what
we’ve devoted Our Lives to we realize that a lot of what’s been given our pets most of the foods treats and toys that we give them are toxic just like for us a lot of what we’re consuming is toxic water quality is poor air quality is poor um we’re putting lots of chemicals on ourselves we’re cleaning with chemicals in our homes and our pets are absorbing those chemicals through their paw pads and their noses and their tongues so there’s just this toxic overload and there are things that we can do nutritionally that can give our
bodies the best chance to not only de detox but actually repair recover regulate rebalance everything that’s happening inside of the body so that’s our mission is just to really educate people and connect them with options that can get the proper nutrition into their pets bodies and into their own bodies and once that proper nutrition is in the body watch how the body’s able to help with the with the inflammation 99% of pain and disease comes from inflammation in the body watch what the body can do for allergies and high
enzymes and you know systems that are out of out of balance or out of whack autoimmune conditions where the immune systems actually confused the immune system can be modulated if the proper foods are being fed to the body so what we really want to do is connect people with all of this information because well-informed people make better decisions and then take a lot of this money that’s been misdirected through big Pharma and through the pet industry and put it back into the pockets of people we know people that are paying
hundreds sometimes thousands of dollars a month for these medications and these treatments which shortterm are helping our pets or are helping ourselves because it’s it makes us feel like there’s less suffering but long term it’s just kind of putting a Band-Aid on it it’s not really going to the root cause or the source of those conditions or you know those what people are experiencing or these health concerns it’s just kind of masking the symptoms of it when the immune system can go to the source of what’s creating the
symptoms in the first place and it can address that it can address the root cause once the root cause is handled then all of the symptoms go away all of these diseases and illnesses and a lot of things that we’re experiencing with our pets and with ourselves just magically go away once the root cause is addressed and so just by getting that proper immune support through eating the best foods it really is supporting the body and helping animal and people with the smallest of things like you had mentioned colds and viruses and
infections and allergies all the way up to the most catastrophic life-threatening conditions that a lot of us are dealing with and so there there are so many great natural immune supporting options that are available and we encourage you to do a lot of research there’s so much information that’s available online but one thing that we found especially being certified in nutrition is there is one particular mushroom that is kind of like the king of all mushrooms and it really supports the immune system as a matter of fact
there are over 400 published studies on this mushroom over 30 years of studying that show all these researchers are finding the same thing that show that the cholis Versa color mushroom is the best immune support for the body that’s available right now and because it’s just a whole food it’s not a medication it’s not a cure it’s not a treatment it’s just a food that feeds the immune system so it doesn’t interact with any other medications or treatments you can’t take too much you can’t get addicted you can’t overdose there’s no
toxicity to it and it um and there are no side effects to it as well it’s no different from eating a mushroom on a salad and what this mushroom has in it are specifically two types of polysaccharides PSP and psk that act as a catalyst for the immune system so even if you are experiencing something with your pets or yourself that’s autoimmune where the immune systems confused it’s not a booster it’s not a stimulator it’s a modulator so it can help the immune system find its way back home I had a
really bad autoimmune disease where my inflammation levels which were supposed to be less than one my antithyroid globulin levels were over 500 they were 522 and it supposed to be less than one and once I started feeding my body uh really pure potent strain of the cholis versicolor mushroom my antithyroid globulin levels within six months went back down below one and so once that body gets that immune support it can do really miraculous things and that’s why the stories Diana is sharing with you
the experiences people are sharing with Mark Z um all that’s happening it’s not surprising to us like we’re really really confident now it is a whole food it’s not a medicine so a lot of times people will say I have this specific intention the spefic specific thing that I want this mushroom to do for the body it it does not do any specific thing it feeds the immune system and then the immune system work once it’s functioning optimally is what does all of the work inside of the body it’s the most
important system in our body and we need to be feeding it the right things so we do have a lot of different options you know a lot of times people will ask because they’s so like you go Google it or go search coralus Versa color mushroom online and there are just so many options so if you’re ly taking it make sure you’re using a strain that’s very potent make sure that it’s tested regularly for Purity that’s something that’s very important um we do have a a very very potent strain of it which is
why we’re getting so many great results and we’re just so thankful for that God has given us this and we want to be good stewards of it but we bake it into dog biscuits for dogs called the mush puppies that you can give them so it’s just more fun to give them a treat um we also add it into a handmade gravy for dogs and cats called the super sauce which has additional or it’s the Special Sauce now it has additional vitamins and minerals and antioxidants in it and again they can’t get too much of it if
they’re having some really serious concerns you might want to give them a little bit extra just at the beginning so that they can get that uh immune system really ramping up and working in their favor and if you have a horse or any ecoin really or sometimes dogs that are the size of horses or a guy on here that says he has a really big horse with a i me really big dog with a really big tumor yes so we recommend the mush ponies this is going to be very cost effective so if you are on a tight budget you want to make those
dollar stretch the mush Ponies are a good way to do that you can just give your dog half of one or a quarter of one and at least get that that immune support into their system so that their bodies can start functioning optimally now the cholis Versa color mushroom is a core mushroom we have a saying especially with what we’ve experienced that every pet every person every day should be taking the coralus versacolor mushroom regardless of what you’re experiencing because getting that immune support is the most important thing you
can do especially with everything that the world is throwing at us right now it’s easy to feel like a victim it’s easy to be scared and feel uncertain and feel like we don’t have control over a lot of things but there are some things that we can control we can control what we’re consuming and we can use our own discernment to like for those of you that are wondering or looking for something and you’re listening to us speak truth resonates at a different frequency like it’s something that you can just feel in your gut so we can
control raising our own discernment and you know listening to the right people like Mark Z and people that really care that are really wanting to give back so we want to get this core mushroom into everyone so a lot of times people will ask like that’s really great you have all these human grade products for pets should I be eating the mush puppies like should I be eating the mush ponies what can I take for myself so we did add a human section because it there’s just a lot of people a lot of these conditions
are up by the thousands of percent in the United States over this last five years and I think we all know why and so there are some human products as well if you want to give it a try and see what it can do for your body we have the enforce capsules which is just the cholis versus the color mushroom this is what Diana was taking with what she was experiencing this is what I took when I had my autoimmune condition like she said we recommend one capsule for every 5050 pounds um if you’re dealing with
something that’s a health concern but not necessarily life-threatening like my autoimmune condition then we recommend two to three times that amount just when you get started to help the body get in control and then if you’re dealing with something more catastrophic like what Diana was dealing with we recommend four to five times that amount if you can afford it we don’t ever want to stretch people beond their means because even getting a little bit into your body is better than nothing but for just Exel
get progress the more the mushroom you eat at the beginning the better and then you can go down as your as your immune system really starts kicking in and ramping up now we also have the inforce plus which has the cholis versicolor mushroom and a little bit of Rishi mushroom and this is really helpful for alkalinizing the body also helps with regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels um cholesterol levels all of those types of things although we most if you’re dealing with cholesterol issues I highly Rec recommend for free
go in the Sun get sunlight it will the sun will convert your cholesterol into Vitamin D so it will do two things it will help lower your cholesterol levels and help raise your vitamin D levels which is also very supportive of the immune system this is something that you can do for free sunlight is free you don’t have to pay for it now we also have the myi mushroom in the enforce restore and we added this product as a complimentary mushroom because there’s so much toxicity in the body right now that a lot of people are having liver
problems and pancreatic problems as the body’s trying to filter all of this out so this can help you get extra support we also have the clarity is the lion’s main mushroom again dementia Parkinson’s disease Alzheimer’s neuropathy are all up hundreds of percent over the last five years so if you look at the research on the Lion’s Man Mushroom it’s really helpful for nerve and brain support and it’s also very helpful for regulating a healthy weight and helping to manage your weight properly by remapping the
brain not through crash diets or fats but by actually changing the chemistry of the body and remapping the brain so the clarity can be really really helpful for that and then especially as we’re in cold and flu season we have the infor shield which is the shitake mushroom and this is a great source of vitamin D very rich in antioxidants also helps to promote antiviral functions in the body so all three of those mushrooms complement the cholis versacolor mushroom so we recommend first and foremost get the cholis versacolor into
your body to help your immune system and then you can always use the other ones to complement that and there’s also some other human products that we have like for children we have the gummies you know if you have kids that think it makes them think they’re getting candy but it’s 100% natural we have the chocolate chip cookies with the mineral Rich sea salt in it so there’s just a lot of options and ways to get it into the system um and we encourage people just give it a try and see what it can
do for the body now we’re also on a mineral Mission we’re just so minerally depleted our pets especially are dealing with a lot of heart and kidney problems because they’re minerally deficient so if you do have a pet that’s chewing on rocks chewing on wood eating a lot of grass or dirt sometimes they’ll even eat their own poop or they’ll eat other animals poop that’s their body that’s their way of tell telling you or showing you that their bodies need minerals they’re minerally depleted and naturally
shed deer and Elk antler is a great source for minerals so again those are free those are laying out in nature abundantly and that’s something that you can get give your pet to help them especially if you’re able to put it in split it in half so they have access to all of that marrow in the middle of it that helps them get a lot of the lipids that they need for their growth and development it helps them get collagen which strengthens their bones and ligaments and tendons and cartilage and muscles the antler gives them calcium
which supports bone and dental health um glucosamine which supports their joints and tissues pottassium for nerve and mus muscle function I get a little excited say that one F looks like a little Tongue Tied um it also helps give them phosphorus again to help the bones and the teeth and then magnesium which is really important which helps their energy it stores and releases their energy so those are a lot of the different things again antler are free abundantly laying out in ground on the ground in nature you can give your pets
if you don’t have a source of antler we do offer natural grade antler splits and pole toys using untreated hemp rope it’s much safer for your pets to Che on than those traditional toys because we’re finding bleach stuffing sty plastic pieces of tennis balls heavily dyed and processed cotton and nylon fibers synthetic fibers that can actually shred their digestive system all of these artificial things they’re swallowing bits and pieces of it and unless they’re able to pass it themselves or we do some type of
emergency surgery it’s now poisoning them from the inside out so natural toys are much better for them because as they swallow these pieces of it it’s better for their system now especially if your pets chewing on rocks or wood or eating their poop or they have liver or kidney problems or heart problems we definitely want to get this mineral Rich antler powder into their system so we do have dog biscuits called the Bucky bites that have that antler powder just to make sure that they’re getting all the
minerals that they need and like with Cody he stopped eating rocks within just about a week of getting the Bucky bites into his system so it can be really really helpful for you now I see this question here raw food is the optimal diet that’s what they’re eating out in nature now if you do want to give your pets raw if you want to feed them raw please do a lot of research because it’s not as simple as just laying out ground beef every day for them you want to make sure you’re giving them um organ Meats
that’s actually what they choose in the wild they go for the organs first because it’s the richest in vitamins and then they eat the rest they start with the organs and then move to the other parts of the body so just make sure you do a lot of research before you start feeding them RW so you make sure that they’re getting a lot of the minerals and the vitamins that they need and also make sure you’re using a good source of raw that doesn’t have the antibiotics the steroids the hormones a lot of the
stuff that’s being pumped into these animals is actually what your pet can be allergic to it’s not the actual animal protein itself it’s all the stuff that’s being pumped into the animals that our pets are reacting to so yes raw food is optimal um if you’re able to afford a diet like that and you do the the research to make sure you’re giving them the proper ingredients in it there’s a million different recipes online for raw food um the most important thing like Kristen says make sure you’re sourcing
it very well make sure you’re not leaving it out to where it spoils make sure it’s completely fresh now you can make your own food and a lot of this community does and I love sharing recipes um if somebody has some recipes please email them to me and if you need some recipes please ask me for them a lot of people do cook their own food for their dogs and then they put it in little balls and put it in the freezer and freeze it that’s also an Optimum way to feed your dog um we also have the great freeze dried food which is 200%
more nutrition than nutritious than most foods you can use that as a Topper um but we’ve had a couple of questions I think are pretty important here um someone said that the the mush puppies were a little too hard if they’re a little too hard then move your dog to the Su sauce um but email me and let’s talk about it maybe you know maybe and the super sauce will work a little better for that P and that’s something good to bring up we our treats are dental treats as well we purposefully bake them just a little bit
longer we bake at very low temperature so there are no carcinogens but we do purposefully bake it a little bit longer just to help keep their teeth and their jaws really strong and healthy and and also scrape off a lot of that bofilm that develops in their mouths because they’re eating soft foods a lot and and it’s not cleaning their teeth and and a lot of the foods unfortunately have like preservatives and just a lot of artificial ingredients in it so it also helps to scrape it off so if you do have
a pet with sensitive teeth or like gum disease or anything like that like she said you can soften it up add a little bit of water to it make a little mushy to soften it up or or we recommend the Special Sauce mix that in with their food because that has those additional vitamins and minerals and antioxidants in it well and a lot of questions about dogs with allergies um you know allergies come from in um so we have to take a good hard look at what you’re feeding the dog a lot of these dogs they
say oh they’re allergic to chicken they’re not allergic to chicken it’s the hormones they’re allergic to um so you do want to make sure that the first step is to go for the immune system whether it’s a human issue or an animal issue our first defense is our immune system so the first thing you need to do is get that immune system that’s support it needs with the Coral’s versola mushroom now I had a woman who said my dog won’t eat anything so you can take the human capsule you can open this and sprinkle
it on their food um it’s one capsule per 50 pounds so kind of do the math and you can get the same re reflective effect that you would get if you gave them the mush puppies you just won’t get the glucosamine conji and keratin that will help with their hips um and then we’ve had a couple of other people in here that were talking about you know tumors we have seen tumors this big disappear on dogs within two and three and four weeks um this woman that was just uh talking on here was saying that her um pup had a tumor starred him on
the product um took him off the product and the tumor came back um so what does that tell you and we’re seeing a if you’re wondering why more and more pets are developing more and more tumors unfortunately the more that we research in the more that we study the the more we’re finding a correlation between the development of tumors in the body and over vaccination of the pets so please do research on pet vaccination there’s a lot of research that’s available there are a lot of good people that are sing
up and being a voice for our animals and uh they’re finding that many of these tumors are developing at the site of of injection at these injection sites that’s where a lot of these tumors are developing and so please do some more research into that as well um you know the proper support that our pets need and what to do but uh again a lot of the research on the cholis Versa color mushroom shows the immune systems anti-tumor effects as that’s actually what most of the research is about and like she said we’re seeing tumors from
Little you know piz small ones all the way up to size of grapefruits or the size of your fist that the body is able to break apart and excrete and um if it’s if especially if it’s malignant or if it’s something that’s really really harmful for the body the immune system will kick right in and do its best to eliminate it and get rid of it so that’s something that we’re finding a lot with the lepomas the the tumors all different types of things yeah so um we don’t want to keep you guys here all day so we’re
going to close out pretty soon but for those of you who have taken your pets maybe um you know to family events or fourth of July or New Year’s or your animal has anxiety issues or car sickness we do have a wonderful product called chill doggies it’s all natural it’s just herbs it’s Rosemary it’s Lion’s man which gonna help mine calm down a little bit it’s catnip which for dogs calms them down this is an incredible product um and then I just want to thank all The Advocates out there mark you have created such an
incredible people that are working on your behalf on our behalf for the animals you got Australia and someone just asked if they’re were shipping to the UK yes and Mark I am pleased to tell you that you have your United Kingdom team starting next that’s awesome I know it’s really exciting so um we’re happy for all of you um a lot of you have asked how do you order marxy um and then go up to either humans dogs or cats and uh go to shop now and then humans dogs or cats or um horses and remember you can buy in bulk we do have
a bulk buying program a lot of people are taking advantage of that uh as they gotten to use the product and love the product and maybe they’ve partnered up with some other people the bulk buying program really saves a lot of money and smartship you know you know I’m not a big auto ship person I have had Auto ships where it’s taken me an act of Congress to get out of them you got to call the president I know oh I just got H I just got hats ordered that said U make our pets healthy again because someone had suggested that so I can’t
well I was gonna say we should make hats that say Maha make animals there you go I like that I should I’ll have to out make those too um but the smartship program is really convenient um it’s easy to get out of you just click one button you can put it on hold you can edit it it gives you free shipping and you can’t run out of the product this product you can’t just run down to the grocery store and get it if you run out and a lot of us are scattered and we’re too busy to remember to order so the smartship program is
really nice and I can walk you through that and help you with that so again just go to remember we’re all about helping the community and helping our animals and Mark we thank you so much for all you’ve done and everything you’ve done to support us and support all the animals of the world and the people I appreciate you ladies very much to the rest looking forward to seeing you all this evening at 7 pm Eastern hopefully we’ll get some good news bye guys see you tonight byebye