Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 01/10/2025
hey guys we are having Rumble problems I will be a moment or two maybe even a minute I’m going to have to do a restart bear with it I’m going to try to get Rumble up and running just letting the mods know bear with it don’t even think you’re G to have anything to look at for a minute we’ll try though we’ll leave something up here all right we’ll see how that went see if it suddenly start to uh work so uh just bear with me folks I’ve never seen him change stream Keys like that in the middle of the
stream it’s um all right maybe some interesting Tech issues going for them hello one ton hello JJ mg over on the rumble side which should be coming up at oh I know what I’ve got to do got one more thing who whoa whoa got to remove then we add back bam think we’re about to have it squared hello mity JB hello TP JJ Texas girly girl Hello Hicktown girl and flipper yep there it goes Rumble is finally up three days off let’s play pray it happens Pierre boy I tell you it feels like uh something we’re familiar with Nero
burned Rome and laughed on a hill playing the violin he needed the real estate hello Tom hello Jillian I’m uh trying to keep up with everything I’m supposed to do the tech issue threw me off a touch nothing bad though as we enter 2025 dollarization is accelerating China and Bricks nations are reducing their dependence on the US dollar in their secret weapon gold China is buying gold quietly Under reporting their purchases why because they know Gold’s Global value its ability to withstand economic
shocks and its immunity to manipulation this isn’t just about Nations it’s about you gold is your personal hedge against uncertainty Noble gold Investments can help you secure your financial future with gold you can V visit them at either markz or noblegold now with a qualified account you can receive 10 one ounce silver American SE Silver Eagle coins that is Noble gold Investments or markz doesn’t hurt to have a few extra of those laying around does it hello Joan wait wait let’s see if we
can find at Knoxville Tennessee chilly and awaiting snow we have snowing bigly at Lakes Gunnersville and Alabama let’s see stocks Federal mer Adam if he’s having a fit about Sudan he’s really gonna have a fit about some of the shenanigans Maliki is pulling right now I think it is great theater great great theater Kirby made it live Sunday going to be the big 76 happy birthday pre-birthday Kirby I even had you on my list to sing early in case you like maybe the wife’s going to take you somewhere for the birthday or you’re
just going to spend it quietly at home watching the snowfall about time now appreciate you greatly they hadn’t H just reading some of these uh comments back and forth Charlotte saying happy 73rd Heavenly birthday to my late husband Carrie also 65th to my friend Sher and friends clinky oh we got a lot of birthdays hello Jeremy AKA Freedom hello Penny hello karita Kelly shoot oh wait I think it’s Kelly’s birthday too let’s see today’s my hubby oh John’s birthday he home today happy birthday John got another birthday an’s grandson
Zaden happy birthday Zaden big eight the snow apocalypse has begun in Middle Tennessee hello triumphant Zigler let’s see married 10 years used to do things once a year got too expensive now we’re doing it every five years last year took her to London this year I think I’ll go get her Thomas both sabic and Gary appreciate your humor I do too ktie boy Titan Freedom Fighter I’m glad you enjoyed that you can’t make it up AEM Jeff you know if we’re gonna we’re gonna beat back those Trump policies we’re just gonna have to
fart harder yeah that was just too funny you know there are a whole heck of a lot of studies out there that show you the conservatives have a higher IQ than liberals all right ah mom’s heavenli birthday to her little brother or his I should have looked at that one Christina thank you for the super sticker sar’s let’s see Sunday the 12th 45 and ready to Jive kind of like that one wait 45 and ready to thrive Jive and thrive thrive to Jive hello Chris guns and guitars uh let’s see Amy that’s a great question if we
understand the Sarah correctly yes Co Cody boy flight level the stock market is really confused this morning GE yeah it’s got a golden hue yeah hey you all Southern nor wait hey you all Southern F Northern Michigan wants it snow back snowmobile sucks on the dirt right Richard um wildfires lot of back and forth uh they also Hunter Biden lost his house or the one he was renting or not paying the rent on that was 15,000 a month anyways you know that whole story Mill Gibson has lost his James Wood has lost his
exponentially more liberals lost theirs than conservatives but still it’s heartbreaking whether you are liberal conservative whatever I don’t want you to be burnt out of your home well unless you’re an evil bastard then sure I’m good with it uh no ruthan and we are desperately looking please guys if there’s an update on Trump sentencing please share it in the chat is this our dad great question is this our week is it’s not our week I’m getting mixed signals on that from heck yes our week to no our week’s not until
the 21st I’m getting a lot of back and forth right now on what is the week yeah so sorry for Gibson for James Wood for so many dev’s gonna have hers on Sunday the 12th as 1 71 still going Full Tilt good for you 7 I bet the insurance companies didn’t cancel their policies I think they did cancel was it James’s one of the big famous ones had theirs canceled like two or three weeks ago easy chair someday you could but how could you justify paying 15 grand a month for a house rent that’s nuts maybe like for your retirement you
uh rent a mansion and you save for it and you rent a mansion for a month or two maybe I yeah I’d have a tough time ever justifying that even with an RV Karen hey guys six inches of snow still coming down hello hick town girl Joe says Trump will not be sentenced Merchant does need checked in I’m with you uh Lan I seem to remember that too Lan said I think James Wood said they canceled his insurance I seem to remember that as well oh he was cancelled four months ago maybe that’ll make him feel better because you know as
conservative was four months ago maybe the Liberals only got canceled two weeks ago but I I don’t know when they were or if unconditional discharge oh who Jerry saying okay it wasn’t charged they gave him an unconditional discharge is this is this accurate this could affect some markets of course the markets are tumbling now because somebody uh Bureau of Labor Statistics put in a smoking hot labor report job market it’s Stellar there’s nothing to worry about which means there’s not going to be rate Cuts so the
stock Market which was already expected to be a little down today is probably going to tank for a while don’t know if it’ll correct or not I’m just reading a few of these trying to see if you guys are giving updates see Trump said something about everything will change with the presidency if he’s sentenced uh Penny that’s what they are reporting s clling on you’re you’re playing it smart uh Judy saying unconditional discharge per Newsmax accurate Fox News as well now Mike you got something going on
here own your own home charge yourself 15K for income for for for rent and pay it to I kind of like the way you think there Mike the trust can rent your home from you Deborah happy birthday all right thanks for the updates I saw beam you up updating um Hulk let’s do that uh Ruth ner jera would kick in it well doesn’t matter I was always told that whoever’s president they’ll be removed uh when the sah deer kicks in then there will be elections and Military will be in charge for 120 days that’s what I was always
thought we’ll see what happens perhaps they’ve worked out something else let’s dive into some of the or the lack of news this morning Texas artist I don’t know fully what it means Texas artist wants to know what the unconditional discharge means so I am uh going try to do some digging while Mr C is on parliamentary Integrity the Central Bank failed to control the rise of the dollar according to this one upset Parliament member Hadi Al salami I gotta kick out of this one it’s kind of like the uh
us um like they failed to control the right they don’t have an exchange rate they’ve got all kinds of sanctions and they did a heck of a good job considering what they were working with now if you get a newer rate and you remove the sanctions you wouldn’t have the problem but I just I love the way politicians just point fingers at each other instead of you know get into the problem of the solution because it helps them get elected you just have to find a disaffected portion of society and kiss their ass and this is exactly what we
are seeing we’re seeing an Insurgent of that from the Maliki factions suddenly they’re not going to it’s it’s not going to be successful but they’re certainly going to try using their heavy machinery bosra contractors union threatens government with angry demonstrations and Road blockages they’re threatening to bring their heavy equipment to Baghdad in a week or two and block the streets and who is the person helping them organize these things yeah I know it’s going to be crazy Maliki Maliki the union decided to
escalate it steps in the coming uh period including participation in demonstration and Maliki of course I don’t blame them uh doing best to inflame I don’t think anybody’s going to bite the government continues to put out the bank balances the statements where the money went uh Maliki crew and and uh one or two folks in in herbal region Kurdish region uh trying to whip up public support or public discontent does not seem to be working and then they’re now in the midst of reforming the Kurdish uh
Regional government the KR G uh and HCL is supposed to be discussed on Sunday in Iraqi Parliament according to new sources there uh just a note backing up to yesterday the BP kir cook thing that’s really big news Kook shutting of Kook was enough to devastate the Iraqi economy getting it fully back up and running including the refinery there will pretty much remove Iraq’s need to get refined petroleum products from anywhere and start exporting a portion um so that one is huge economically that is one of the biggest bonuses we have
seen for Iraq in the last probably two years and we’ve seen a lot of really positive things so that alone um I I should have done a deeper dive unfortunately uh we had another couple of researchers uh point out some of those things to me overnight saying hey man it’s even bigger than you than you felt it was and gave me some of that background I was like you know this is awesome so I was very excited about that one uh I’ve got uh on call for my wealth management folks that are supposed to help in Redemption I was hoping to find
out that they’re absolutely working but they are Justus an on call uh and I’ve got silence out of my bond folks still right now so uh scratching the head hoping yeah Iraqi sources I’ve got a couple of them that feel like this is it it um they have contractors that they are in contact with that are suddenly being called in as well I have a couple one that I know very well that has already called in and won’t tell me what a ren renegotiated rate was on contracts um got another uh one that I’m just not certain
I completely trust telling me 391 but I don’t know for certain that’s not somebody I know well it’s contact somebody said here you need to talk to this person now reading one or two things watching the I still think the uh RV is event driven they got to have enough events done to P pull the switch Greg unconditional discharge sentence means defendant is released from all disability arising under a sentence including Probation and Parole in other words they’re finding him guilty so that they can say he’s
convicted felon because he’s been sentenced but there’s no punishment that’s kind of what I’m getting they just want to be able to say yeah he’s a convicted felon at least that’s how it sounds to me uh oh is’t that a good question gag order comes down Merchant can be dragged through because of his daughter the connections the money of the family took o no or was that urger on I don’t know pick one of them of the corrupted judges yeah these are some good questions Here Deborah I got you for that birthday
we’re pretty excited about it for you or with you so you have to be careful of who your neighbors are get FBI to do a report you’ll find you may not want to live next to certain in certain neighborhoods yeah I guess that’s probably Joyce I have found if I want better police protection and I want to make certain that I am monitored at all times by officials I just put a bunch of trump gear out front um put up a cross make certain all religious holidays you put up something nice and every government agen will be
watching you because they’re going to think you are a ter a domestic terrorist uh just uh be be a loud Patriot you’re gonna have police they are all the time watching over you like Shepherds watching their flock at night oh yeah and a rainbow flag Charlotte so glad president is now a convicted F right we we we check that one off the Box Thing uh Matt I’m with you I absolutely think this is for misdirection I mean it if anything has felt like theater in this journey of late this feels like theater Matt so I’m I am with you on
that comment very with you on that one uh truth lover Tucker Carlson said there might be a preemptive pardon being given to fou by B oh yeah we guarantee it uh Liz Cheney is going to get one Anthony fouchy is gonna get one um who else who else am I missing guys um Nancy py will probably get one Mitt Romney will probably get one no he’s gonna hand them out like um chicklets at the airport when you land for vacation anybody with a quarter is going to be walking away with a couple packs of Chicklets
and that 25 cents is all the uh political behind the door backrubs and tugs yeah that’s just it you can’t pardon crimes not being charged for there many constitutional Scholars agree with you Roy Hobs on that one absolutely 100% agree with you on that one personally I do too having studed studied constitutional law very much agree with that comment it will end up at Supreme Court most of these preemptive um pardons will be shot down in my opinion by the Supreme Court now it would be kind of cool if they stick
you’re like wait because public opinion is going to try the rest of them their lives are going to be miserable but how much fun could Trump have and if Trump wants to make certain that it does not survive and that it all gets overturned he could do the same thing day one January 20th of 2025 we’re talking 10 days from now if Trump immediately signed I don’t know 5,000 preemptive pardons for people uh for conservatives conservative podcasters conservative voices Matt Gates uh Marjorie Taylor green just I
mean just blanket uh preemptive pardons for some of these voices Alex Jones just just pick any one of them to melt them down like an Elon Musk they would melt down the left would rise up and insist that there’s no such thing then maybe we can find a little bit of Justice yeah Maliki is losing his public Mojo quickly I’m almost at this point Point thinking Maliki has been turned uh not turned but threatened enough that he is playing a role uh he’s like trying to play the bad guy sometimes good guy
sometimes a bad guy in order to get this across the Finish Line to to Cloud timing it’s it’s the only thing that really makes sense blanket pardons for all the J sexers you name it it would change everything so quickly it’s okay just pardon himself Supreme Court won’t block it but they’re going to go ahead and immediately file the appeal which is kind of a good thing because it’s getting obliterated on the appeal side almost everything that they have tried to stick Trump with so it’ll probably work out better long term this
way or he just takes the shots and shows the scars and like yeah all right whatever you’re just mad we’re still going to do the right thing uh yeah Janice uh Mark the left doesn’t know enough to get out of the rain as my dear Mama used to say like one of the favorite things I’ve had for a while Rossy thank you um if you’re going to be stupid you better be tough and unfortunately those on the left just aren’t very tough so they’re having a tough time because they’re not very tough and they’re definitely tend towards
stupid theater for the few sleepers left JD Vance resigned from the Senate today ready for the 20th I’m with you guys I’m over the BS to yeah who was that one David I’m I am totally with you all right let’s keep running wait wait I heard Arthur ingon has been hanging around he deserves it in my opinion but United We Stand they’re like turkeys they look up at the rain all right let’s uh Greg pulled all my hair out waiting for the RV oh oh what a cut oh man I gotta stop laughing Rossy said it was cut Soldier I greatly
appreciate that you are much appreciated you guys are just epic all right let’s uh yeah Sarah’s saying unconditional discharges conviction without sentencing fines or probation this will give him the title of yeah that’s exactly what their goal was Sarah and that it’s not just so lwh hanging is stunning stunning all right let’s uh rip through a little bit more news and then get to Mr SE uh 10 thou I mean 10 dead so far 10,000 structures burned in Los Angeles area Inferno fire damage could exceed
150 billion yesterday when we were uh estimating around 57 or 60 billion it was already one of the most uh costly fires in American history heart goes out to you folks we can talk talk about the politics all day long Nome of course believes that uh everybody is just politicizing it and playing politics look we don’t want to play politics people are suffering I get that I do there’s something very important here though because you do it all the time if there is a shooting then everybody on the left plays
politics um when a government agency utterly fails we need to play politics this is the key time to play politics and Trump he’s really good at something I would not do it the way he does it but he’s really good at something there’s two different approaches you can take um and sometimes it’s used for good sometimes for bad what do I mean I’m talking about the bully pulpit of the presidency or an office or even a celebrity Ronald Reagan did it for compassion and capitalism he would do it in more of a positive way if
some if a if a CEO or a big business owner did something really kind and loving for the community’s employees he would highlight it he would talk about it he would praise the person and other people because of that praise the bully pulpit of the presidency they wanted to do similar they wanted to do positive things and good things um Trump he’s one of the best he uses bullying in order to affect positive change I know this seems backwards to some folks on the left but think of it like you know in third grade and the
bully picks on the kid eating his boogers so he stops eating his boogers in public and now the kid doesn’t get picked on uh you know sometimes bullying can be positive it depends on are you doing it mean spirited or not um so you have to be careful with it it’s I know a lot of people out there that’ been bullied are like no no no I do think some depending on the time can be effective whether it’s positive bullying or negative bullying but Trump does it he will bully the folks into doing the right thing in other words he’ll point
out how stupid it was or how evil it was or how messed up it was so that those people get ridiculed for the bad behavior Reagan did it in a positive one heck uh probably one of the Masters of the bully pulpit um who I could not disagree with politically more than anybody else was Obama he used the bully pulpit extremely well so for me listening to Newsome say oh my God don’t politicize this you have politicized everything from immigration to drugs to uh wealthy people corporations taxes I mean find something let’s just go on
back to to uh the whole like Co crazy uh when you did your virtue signaling and bullying and politicalization of everything so I’m just calling BS on the entire conversation call it for what it is Elon Musk and Alice Weedle how common sense politics can save Germany I’ve only watched a couple of Clips guys uh very common sense very straight down the middle of Truth fantastic interview between the two of them uh they kept things very rounded and didn’t take any a BS well done how much trouble did I get in yeah
unfortunately hex ragon nothing yet on cmkx and fnps painfully quiet on that front painfully quiet on that front it’s being reported Trump’s gag order has been lifted I’m going to try to keep up with a couple couple comments uh actually we need to get to Mr C do some uh rearranging so we so uh we can fit everything uh and a lot of people are overthinking this one giving you their suggestions I am told when they open they will open a new account for you period uh when you uh exchange your currency I was told that even if you
come with 10 currencies they’re going to put it all in one account and you can go move things around after with your private personal banker uh but I am told at the exchange everything goes in a brand new account here’s your new card here’s your personal banker if you want to move money to other accounts do whatever you want here’s your new cool special account special card thank you ma’am see you later it makes sense to me I know in the past when I’ve ever sold bigger things business uh homes whatever they usually do when they get
that money like well we put another account or we can start you this really cool account they start you a brand new account I have not cover this one yet but I probably should soon if you cover the resignations of Chancellor Austria Centrist and the Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Austria head of the Liberal Party in the same week as Trudeau no I haven’t but I probably should I briefly touched on some of the changes but I should probably go more in depth because we are seeing a serious shift in World
politics uh Richard I absolutely believe that’s how cmkx has happened it’s going to be like a blightning bold out of the night when all the other things go we go very much think that’s how it’s going to happen ah David baby Daisy’s being bored today I bet you are a proud grandpa unconditional discharge no prison no prob no conditions I guess we can move on from that one I’ll be ready for Mr C Cas staff of two or more persons conspired overthrow put down and Destroy by force the government United States
they shall each be fined Yeah Boy K staff the meetings with the White House with the bid Administration and the doj between Fanny Willis between uh we know merchin uh we’re not certain about ear gon meeting uh based on visitors records at least this is what I’ve read visitors records to the White House yeah no it’s it would be very easy to show that they colluded to pull down Donald Trump very easy I believe to prove that now reading a few of these we’re just ready for Mr C he’s probably having
some phone issues right now because this is unusual for him I hope it’s because his doorbell rang at least that’s what I’m hoping dad G it you had me lowkey hoping that uh your doorbell rang and I wouldn’t gonna talk to you this morning good morning good morning uh unfortunately that did not happen yet so sorry about that Ah that’s okay uh well okay it’s not okay but fine just have to go along with it that’s all right we just got to go on with it until we get through this one um yeah Lind I don’t know if Mr C is
your best answer for this one but the question is Mr C is it a good idea to exchange with a friend who also has currency oh going at the same time uh I see what they’re saying yeah do you do you want to answer that or you want to stay out of it oh I think that’s a good idea if you want to go and make sure you’re safe with going with a friend that’s fine I don’t see a problem with that um makes sense to me at least back and forth to to the meeting I probably makes a lot of sense um what do you want
to talk about one it’s good to it’s good to talk to you um anything big anything new anybody come to see any feelings on timing you know all the normal questions normal questions uh I still see this happening around the 20th um as much as I would like it to happen sooner uh is seems to be lining up for that purpose um no one’s come to see me no one’s really talk to me um although the word that I am getting is that we’re still on standby and we to rock and roll but not yet I mean the way I look at it at this
point though Mr C is uh you I don’t want to wait till the 20th either or until the inauguration the 21st but we’re awfully close to it so I guess it while it chafes it doesn’t hurt as much as it would have hurt uh back in like you know September if I thought I had to wait this long right well again I try not to think about it because it is 35 years that we’ve been and I’ve been doing this so it’s um one more day one more week one more month so be it um the the understanding is it’s a Taun team you
have to survive to win and to survive you gotta get off that roller coaster yeah um I was just looking at some of the medals prices you Gold’s popped over gold took a run after sitting pretty flat for a while silver up almost 40 cents today all right uh yeah what’s the score unfortunately the score is still z z DAV D asked the score I’ve told people before that that’s how uh we pretty much greet each other in the morning you know what’s the score score z0 no calls no visits uh yeah this one I’m gonna see if
I can make sense of it it’s not is it not strange that all of these events items Bank issues ETC did not matter when the fake Trail was signing things that took place back in 2019 go ahead that’s a great point that is correct that was a it was actually an interesting little sting because the objective was not to release the gold treaty but to actually have certain people make a lot of money and continue with rats that’s what that was about I’m going to keep reading some of these if you see some you just keep
diving Mr C if we don’t get RNR um because it would ruin the economy oh like restitution from U birth certificates that kind of thing I assume is what they mean what would they do with all the money that was earned from our birth certificates it’s gone it’s water under the bridge gone yeah f it it’s gone um that was only digital and when we transfer to the new gold back currency scenario around the world uh that’s all gone um yeah there’s a lot of these boy there’s so many rumors out there Mr it’s
it’s it’s downright stupid right now um question from Miss catrell news out last night that the Rodriguez estate was releasing money from narah deera don’t you have to enter codes for that to go and the answer is no totally different bucket of money and will you be under an NDA okay number one uh the whole idea of the gold treaty is that every signatory to the treaty must align themselves with when the Golden Dragon releases that’s number one number two that’s going to happen when your money is safe number
three that means that they’ve already started picking up the RS in a big purp loock operation that’ll be fed and number four no that at that point there will not be an NDA for me at least in fact I don’t have an NDA um honestly I don’t think they’re gonna I think they because well here there’s a great question to lead in my thoughts on this one Jason said Mr C are we ever going to get the whole truth this movie sucks and that’s part of it they want you to tell the whole truth that’s why I do not think I think they
depending on the roll out they might try or when they do it they may try to keep you quiet until you know middle of the next day or something but I do not think they’re going to try to keep you quiet I think they want you to scream the truth I agree with that because uh their their attitude towards me is kind of interesting uh they’re not informing me but they’re keeping me out there sort of like a the carrot on this on the stick uh for everybody to try to attack and that’s how I feel like I am I’m the
carrot but yeah I think the uh the whole truth is going to come out in in fact that’s a primary item from the Golden Dragon uh that the truth must be out there everyone must understand the truth see the truth hear the truth watch the truth and see just how badly we’ve been def fronted literally for all of our Lives um with regard to myself uh that’s why I’m writing the book and it’s very difficult to write a 30 basically a 32 33 year old uh scenario that that has tremendous amounts of of items that
happened events in fact I’ve got over 30,000 documents here I’m trying to assemble into a book and it’s not easy but I’m finding more and more that it does make sense a lot of people are I I’ve noticed in the comments are wondering why the heck am I was I chosen why am I here you know where did I get this authority to sign off for this treaty basically because I came up with an alternative way of funding homes for the homeless and this goes back to the 80s I was just reading this morning an April 10th 1989
letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development H telling me that when this was to me from the um uh coordinator for affordable housing out of Pittsburgh telling me that this is a new source of investment funds that’s thly welcome and when we hired uh when we got into this thing we tried to do it in Youngtown we actually hired a PhD from Colombia Dr Phil green Paul Green I’m sorry to Comm in and evaluate not only the portfolio that I put together to fund this process but also to evaluate the efficacy of funding the
homeless from the CMOS Clos Etc which I had put together in the leite 80s and it’s very interesting in that that led directly to my being on the radar of trump not Trump of Bush senior Bush Jr of uh various other peoples in Washington stating that you know this is a new Venture it’s a new way of looking at things and they did not want to lose control so they put me under their umbrella and that that’s how I got stucked into this um yeah any regrets regrets yeah I lost my son I lost my daughter-in-law they’re both
dead because of this adventure um they made my life hell they made my my wife’s life hell and uh she believes that she got she got colon cancer only because of the stress that was that was started with this operation so yeah it’s there some regrets here but basically CL this I am not going to work for somebody who who says I work for him I I I’m the one that took the exams I’m the one that that struggled through taking all that Mickey Mouse stuff working for EF hun etc etc and there was no way I was GNA
let somebody else tell me what I was going to do this is America that’s how I grew up U on a farm a farm kid I got a way to uh I had a way to get to College got to a degree went to the service came out wanted to start something new and then I was told by the current president at that time I was required to work for him because everybody works for him I told the sh it go away um pretty much most people did whether they knew it or not umz Majid still pushing Sudan corrupt we will find out ad toz that’s such a tough
one uh because he might be right I might be right I believe that uh maliki’s the bad one Sudani is the good one but like I keep saying we’re I think we’re all going to be surprised at the end of this when uh when Fred and Wilma and Shaggy and Scooby start pulling masks off and we find out who’s behind that some of them in other words who the good guys are the good people who the bad ones are um so I don’t want to be too damning when I say it because I could be wrong I just hope other people think when they make such statements
that they also could be wrong although I do love this one whip work in progress and Mr C is being dangled out there like a pinata gotta love them I mean you really have you’re like pinata Mike they dangle you out you’re the lightning rod they run you up so tall they put you like on top of Mount Olympus for you to take the abuse so that they can quietly work behind the scenes on this thing it was very interesting I I spent a lot time looking at this uh recently because my daughter was here this week younger daughter and
we were looking at uh putting together family albums Etc we were talking about this and that you know they wanted to use me because I had a had had a clean clear record and and my I was fine no problems and yet at the same time I wanted to make sure I could not make any money on the deal so I was brought into all these different transactions which were legit on one hand is what what I was telling them with how to how to do it and on the other hand they wanted to do it in a what shall we say a fraudulent manner to make sure that it
was it was U it was always funny to me I don’t understand people who want to do things illegally rather than legally but that’s what they did and so they brought me into their fold um they said keep your friends closer and your enemies closer yet and that’s where I was uh and it only came to AE when I did my Master’s thesis which I wrote and it made me um Untouchable what that was called I was Untouchable they could not get rid of me because the Master’s thesis was in writing it was there it was legit it was confirmed by the
university by the college at that time so they couldn’t do anything about it and then when I started the affidavits with Chris to the queen uh that’s when things really started going Ness because they they try which way they could to shut us down and they ended up killing Chris for that reason um yeah I don’t think you need to worry too much I had a fellow named author one time tell me that uh you were very well protected um yeah sorry I I didn’t mean to distract you that’s quite all right that’s comforting to a certain
degree but you know you really can’t rely upon what somebody says and that’s why I carrye it’s it’s a remarkable thing that we’ve gone through when I married my wife she was so anti-gun it was unbelievable she would shoot the shotgun and shoot the rifle and then say get rid of it she had a hard time for many many years but when this stuff started to creep in and we really started to see the the darkness that was around us she then became an advocate for both of us to carry which was a remarkable change that that’s I
mean that’s profound that’s a profound change um dink with a question here my mom has dementia when this goes how or who would be allowed to do or exchange or whatever would it be my brother who does her banking dink one I’m not a professional so I mean it’s not legal advice I just tell you as a human being that took care of his grandparents and took care of all their Banking and stuff well one set of grandparents that it would make it would be the easiest for him to do it but any of you can do it um
that’s pretty easy you just have to do it or reach out and have an attorney do it hand it and say here we need take if you’re just worried but for me I’ll would just call your brother have the conversation and uh you guys decide together who’s doing it Mr C what do you think I mean if if needed you can do an attorney in fact document which means that the the uh beneficiary or the client in this case the mother month of law when they’ give Authority for X Y and Z to set up the account and to get
the the items necessary to access the account but that’s not really a difficult thing to do no it’s not a difficult thing to do did you keep your license active Mr C no actually uh what happened was in 93 I was caught up in such a um a mess because various people were making charges and suing me that we had to take a withdrawal for the broker dealer so in a in essence everything was warehoused well it’s gone beyond that but that’s the way it is so you parked them all yeah to yeah I was just wondering
because when I was uh when I was reading that out I was saying oh I’m not a licensed professional whatever is like wait a minute I might be able to say he is a licensed professional um but you par your license so uh to me it’s crazy because we have to qualify everything you can have all the education but you’re like I’m just going to park that license and not pay the renewal fee this year or pay a a parking fee for so many of these Professional Services have that you have the education you have
everything but because you didn’t now you don’t have to disclose it really is crazy why do we have all I’m sorry one of the interesting things that has occurred is that niagar security Inc which is the broker dealer that was stolen by Bush senior and everybody else I’ve tried many many times to deactivate and get rid of the company and they won’t let me it’s still on the books it’s an active Corporation um H uh Frank with one for you Mr C when the qfs kicks in will it end the Swift system completely and if so will
the Peter out or stay alive I guess will it complete will it the Swift just die will it just Peter out or whatever for example could it remain alive here in the UK no uh Swift is dead as soon as the the RV occurs and the qfs kicks in and there’s a big reason for that source of funds use of funds Swift allowed the banks to use the money for as much as 72 hours before they were notify you that they had received XYZ funds and that’s how they got to play with the money that was one way but to primarily Swift is out the
door um that’s what I’ve been told from the beginning that uh the mechanisms are already there for Swiss for Swift system to be shut down um yeah right your away as long as you end but I stay at holiday and express one time that I can say anything I want okay good cowboy Mr SE Post RV just all that do you think broker dealers will even still be a thing oh yes absolutely STS and bonds in the sale of which need to be regulated and they will still be around uh and then the to look at why that’s necessary go back to the
1929 crash when you look at bucket shops Etc without the blue sky laws and the Securities regulations this would have been the 29 crash would have been far worse unbelievable you know what happened over and over and over so yes it will be around and I’m hoping that the Malone act will come back into play it will bring back the ND the National Association of security dealers to the US and bring it back from the UK um what back to the UK back from the UK back from okay that’s where it is right now V has
allowed what they call finra to to go to the UK and that’s where they’re centering all this stuff now and our regulations and that’s not the the reason for the uh security spoker dealers to exist it’s because of the 1933 act 34 Act and the 19 19 39 act uh and that’s us law that’s not European law or UK law okay uh just reading a bunch of these uh where are the arrest I boy I tell you I am so ready for those do you really I mean do you feel like there are some going on behind the scenes or they saving this all for one massive fast
roll out I think that’s why Biden is so gunhoo and getting rid of GMO because that that’s the antha to these guys because they know at GMO there’s a there’s a scaffold in a r waiting for every one of them and I think that’s going to be around for a long time and yes I do believe they are grabbing those people those rats that are not in the lineline in particular and taking them down for adjudication uh and I think it’s great because they’re getting somewhat of a handle on what’s going on and I think it
should be moved up should be increased and whether there’s 911 uh offenders in gimo or not this needs to be where we you use the Military Tribunal and grab these people for crimes against humanity um that do Doby here just saying the rest have been happening since 2018 I mean we do know from some very credible whistleblowers that there have been um uh what’s the word I’m looking for like trees and cour are cour going on in the DC area uh as well that they have taken over some of the uh the pretty
much empty Federal buildings there to do something I mean we have we’ve had some very credible non RV related not like you know Mr C or Guru this or that uh we have had some credible whistleblowers that have worked with the government coming out saying yeah there are secret tribunals happening there are those in the military who I’ve spoken on the side that in quico as well as GMO and also over at Guam there are many many many identifiable rats walking around with shackles um that are awaiting adjudication so yes I
I I see that um I I I do too and I I lose it sometimes because we’re not seeing it like right out there front and center you know because we all want it no we want it right here we want that aha moment so people can see it but there are a lot of very positive things happening on that front I got to remind myself and it doesn’t hurt when you guys do on occasion I like Mr brightside’s comment will there be a movie about your story called rat bastards I don’t know I I assume I’m loading up so many events in this book
which are very very interesting to me as to this kid from Ira all of a sudden stuck in the vill with a attorney as well as officials from various governments telling me this that and whatever it’s it was really incredible um if there’s a movie I don’t think I’ll be around for it but if there is a movie it’ll be interesting because the the episodes are unbelievable and I feel like U I stepped in the shoes of Owen medals who was another Farm Boy from Mar Ohio actually um who became part and parcel to the OSS
as well as brought back in by by Eisenhower to run the money uh and it’s it’s very very it’s incredible really when you think about it and eventually I do believe that at some point there will be movies about this but whether I’m involved I am not you um I certainly hope you are um yeah I’m sorry I’m gonna read a few more I’ve had some pretty fun ones that I don’t want to even mention all right here’s a good good one though I have had a lot of these any news for Canada Mr C scultura asking I’ve had a lot of questions
lately because this thing is so us Centric um how do I explain to all these folks that you don’t panic just because we don’t talk specifically about Canada or France or Germany uh you want you want to jump on that one Mr C for me Canada is imperative to the RV and why is that because out of Quebec Canada masterminded all of the actions for the rats around the world Canada was instrumental totally had been since World War II so Canada is very very much involved in this even though the seven Banks control your lives up
there which are are 27 now but they are the ones who actually took the orders who did the packaging for the private placements and then they allocated it to the various Banks involved so Canada is not out of it they’re very very very much involved key key piece here uh Russell D added what something to me that’s pretty interesting and it it makes sense said the Swift system will still run along with the new digital system because both digital and Fiat currencies will still be utilized until our system goes entirely digital in
other words during that transition period until they completely get rid of um all the notes get replaced it would make sense possibly for it to run alongside for a short short time maybe what do you think the problem now is this I believe it was 20 2011 2012 that they did away with the the authenticity of Swift itself being the master of moving of money FPS came in at that point Swift is nothing more than a communication system between Banks or financial institutions but it became a method by which they could say oh your
money’s been transer but we still haven’t received it sorry uh we got 7 days or 72 hours to make sure we got it at which point they can allocate for for for fading in a moment’s notice and they can run that for 72 hours they could make tons and tons and tons of money so as a mechanism for moving money Swift has been taken out of the game a long time ago but it still may be around for communication purposes but its Reliance is less and less because of sips and sips is instantaneous what you now see
on your checking in your credit card business even even fed now um which is a double-edged sword it can be a positive and a negative um a positive if it’s not used for Central Bank digital currency and treasury uses it instead of fed but that’s like technology knives guns everything can be used for good or for bad or most everything Doby here’s a good question for are you and your wife going to take use of the military Med beds when available ble to stay around for more years that’s actually a very good
question because yes we’ve had some serious discussions about that just recently which is another interesting things to me about my my wife and her uh beginning to understand what’s what’s really going on here uh yes one I need a bed bed bed because of what uh my internal system is now showing me from The Strokes that I’ve had Etc that I do need realignment number one number two my wife yes she’s going to take advantage of it because of her back situation but there’s no there’s no cure for that right now so she’s hoping that
that will alleviate the problems I also have problems with my daughters um and it’s unfortunate but that is that’s necessary but yes we are intending to do that I hope you do because uh you’re teaching me to uh golf I mean to play tennis absolutely I get ribbed about that a lot because my wife does want to go to Puerto Rico which is amazing oh man I think she would love visiting here she can just come down for just like just snow shoving season we think about it and the more it’s cold up here now
our snow is still coming but uh I’m beginning to really see this year uh the the uh what shall we say the the fry the human body uh I figured coming into this year no big deal I’m 75 big deal but I’ll tell you what after that week of stillo I’m tired really tired I bet um there here’s one that is running around Mr C um to me I don’t see it happening but do you think the trump card maybe president Trump refusing the inauguration process refusing the inauguration disolves the USA Inc and all that um’s included military would
step up as they have taken the oath to uphold the constitution for the people I don’t see it happening because there’s already a mechanism if he’s not uh transition the person’s already steing out inauguration day I would assume the present speaker of the house would just take over as president what I see about this is that when he has inaugurated on the 20th he need that authorization to change the course of the nation itself uh economically and also politically but also too I believe that when they start
rounding up the illegal immigrants we go immediately into martial law that kicks in the protocols of the sah and at that point we see the the purp walks all the rest of those I think it’s all tied together but he needs the authority to do that and so far that Authority rests with Biden who is not going to do it um Kelly uh yeah the whole n just whatever but nearly three million Brits here are one paycheck from homelessness uh yeah I mean percentage wise same here in the states does Mr C think our
hideous government will be taken out soon replaced uh improved whatever word you want to use yes I do uh this is a worldwide operation is not just in the US you have to understand that the the queen and the King Charles the death on Prince Charles were very much involved in these transactions uh internationally which is why she tried to use my affidavit at the r of Court as their defense which kind of backfired but that’s just the way it was but yeah see the UK and many many nations in fact practically every nation in the world is
going to be changed in more R Rish quote unquote than what we’ve had before because the rats are going to be called out of it C that going be called out for adjudication so yeah I do see the UK changing um no I definitely do I think all of our westernized governments are going to be changing um all right last question for you any big travel plans coming Mr C you gonna jump on a plane and go anywhere uh do you think they will have you go anywhere for Logistics or do you get to just stay home or you
going to jump on a plane and head to Hawaii for vacation you you know I’m not going anywhere and the reason is this we need to be sure about the aircraft that we’re flying that cannot be taken over in Crash I’ll tell you that worries me a lot uh I’ve been invited various places and I will not get on aircraft unless we owe the aircraft and we know that it’s it’s secure from from uh automation somebody taking it over I’m not interested in traveling I did a lot of traveling in the 90s early 2000s I’ve
had enough uh notless I really have to but um there’s plenty to do here and there’s plenty to do uh on the internet etc etc so I have no intention to traveling just yet uh okay okay I I I cheated well I didn’t I lied I’m gonna ask you one more question before I let you go do these worldwide leaders uh do do they know this is coming do they know some of them are going to be arrested do they do do they have any idea what is has headed their Direction they’ve known about this since 2005 and six a deathling in 2011 because
that’s when the massive uh theft of bush Senor came to light that he stole all the money that was that was uh forfeited and made around the world for the precious Medals of the changai she group and it was allocated and and placed with the G7 members uh Bush Senor went around Clon all under he stole it using promise and then placed it in an account at n-ac under my name under his control so yeah the leaders know they know what’s happening they know what’s going to happen and they’re trying to uh insulate
themselves as much as they can but it’s going to be um difficult for them to uh to escape see it that way all right Mr C we appreciate you today especially uh you being SP and staying a little extra no problem I would like to say this if I could the handyman Bob thank you thank you thank you and Lyman thank you very much for your comments and get well soon other than that Mark thank you for the opportunity for getting on my Soap Box uh great questions this week great questions yeah there were some great
questions in there’ll see you next week take care all right the uh not torious illustrious Cod man uh birthdays we got Kirby’s coming on Sunday we had joh uh yeah John Zaden Deborah we had a couple more yeah Bob until after the appeal right till after the appeal now all those shirts saying I voted for the Felon are accurate um law fair is kind of fun it’s now has become yeah what is legal is not necessarily moral ethical what’s moral and ethical is not necessarily legal it’s the perversion of a legal system the debasement of the
currency by uprinting and the corruption of the legal system is always some of the last two signs of a failing Nation or country they always accompany it so do we breathe more life in become the Phoenix which is I believe what we will do from the eagle to the Phoenix um or do we go to the ashp of history ashpit of History I guess a lot of that will be up to us all right you birthday folks so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love may all your dreams come true happy birthday
happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to all those celebrating now for those oh let’s see Adam’s 29th happy birthday probably if you now I get to have a little bit of fun I don’t know if Lucas is gonna make it or if it’s just like Matt and I hanging out hey Mark how you doing but now I do I’m doing great and I just wanted to tell folks how good of a person you are um you know Matt and I were talking this morning and he offered he offered to stage beating me up so he can get thrown in the clink
with Trump and be cellmates so he could protect him I mean he was willing he was willing to take a baseball bat to my knee so I couldn’t walk be in there and protect Trump and I was willing to take the beating are they throwing him in jail I haven’t heard no no no they’re not they’re not uh they found him guilty but uh no punishment and that exact term I I’ll remember it I’m probably going to forget it 50 times before the day is out for what they what they termed it um the yeah I can’t without without
prejudice or something like that so in other words no probation no no anything no fines boom you were guilty take care oh boy that’s that’s a good one I mean that’s good I mean he anything anyway I mean no he didn’t but now they can now they can legally claim that he is a convicted felon oh boy good so UNC un wait unconditional discharge yeah nice unconditional discharge yeah um it may take a little while for that one to stick yeah that’s uh that’s something else it’s something it really is it just just goes to show
man some people got nothing to do man this these are the same people that were uh Hall monitors making everybody’s life miserable the hall monitors yeah oh yeah yeah they did make everybody’s life miserable till they got Pie faed as we’re running in the building you know we we used to go over to the bakery me and my buddy uh Henning the old wrestler and uh we would wear a it would be in the middle of winter so we’d wear a face mask so you can only see her eyes and mouth running in back in in the hall
monitor Maggie came at him and he Le pie faced her she was only about 5’2 and she fell down you know we we keep kept going cuz it was pretty big high school and then we go hide and get away with it but uh that’s unbelievable with the the whole Hall monitors yeah they’re probably in charge now yeah the yeah exactly I think I think Jack Smith was a hall monitor yeah probably worse at the uh at the middle school of self-righteous Pricks uh right but all right anyway let me let me try to clean myself up and put a more
positive spin on yeah my mother said I couldn’t say something nice I shouldn’t say anything at all so I’m just gonna try to be quiet oh okay what happened qball wants to know Matt is there any changes in the discount and code and stuff this weekend so I figured that was like the perfect loow hanging fruit to uh go right here and let you tell us how to get into the site and where to go yep cuq ball 100% so uh to get in the site you guys you go to the CBD and then you go to see that little
wholesale button on top there you just hit that and Mark will show up his name and then you just hit Mark’s name and then what happens is if uh you’ve been in there before like Mark just did he went right in but if you got to put in the code word it’s lowercase k r a m CBD and then you’re into the specials and the speci of the week starting with the discount for cuq ball is uh at 75 bucks you get 4,000 darar and 5 million bouar and then if you do a $100 order I hope that’s right I got Let me refresh
my computer here Mark yeah at $100 you get uh just put in 8% discount and it says use code 8 off8 ooff there you go and then you’re all set and then if you want any questions on orders or anything you can uh call uh call uh Wendy she’s answering the phone 612 412 8343 or you can uh text uh 61241 28343 and uh we’ll get your U message returned you whatever the problem is or you need help with anything okay and what’s that Mark Bo said I’m gonna need a a 20K dinar note for my swear jar there make one might put a 25k note
in for my swear jar it may take all the RV money to uh cover my swear jar Matt just just to I may be looking for a loan did you swear a little bit today oh no no no just of late uh one or two that were questionable tonight but but I wouldn’t consider them actual profanity yeah I I got to cut down on the profanity too I know my wife hates it you know but it’s just I don’t know she she says you’re worse than a bking she calls me now and I go a viking she goes yeah just the way you acted like a viking and I just go oh my God sorry
about that well you are in Minnesota and we’ve heard that a lot of Vikings settled in Minnesota yeah and it’s probably true because I was at my psychic one time and then she was telling me about I was a viking way back because uh you know some of my ancestors are from Sweden and uh so anyways I probably was I’m guessing did they yeah they had Vikings in Sweden didn’t they yeah I think mean all right so what’s a good name for you is it gonna be like Matt Olaf Johnson I mean you know what what Viking name do you want us to
squeeze in between there like uh or or is like Matt gunterson Johnson or something like that I mean what do we throw or we just say Matt the terrible Johnson oh yeah I haven’t even thought of that one but we’ll go with uh let’s see a biking name let’s go with the I no I don’t know man I I just don’t know I was going to say something something that probably would have got me in trouble but anyways no it um yeah just I don’t know Mark whatever you make up is good with me I’ll take it you know it’s
good the Viking oh my God then she goes uh you know I was I was talking to her one day and I said uh tell me about my buddy John Big John she goes oh then she’s doing her thinking and she goes you mean the wrestler and I said yeah yeah I know a bunch of John’s but yeah the rest that’s what I’m talking about she goes she goes oh my God she goes you guys were brothers in Stockholm at one time is he is he from Sweden too and I said I don’t know let me check with him and then I did I checked with him and um
yeah his people came from just very very short distance where our people came from in Stockholm there so any it was weird that was strange so you know I I like her man she comes up with some real goodies so haven’t in a while but anyways boom boom We Matt boom boom Johnson that was a good one Matt the terrible um muffin man was I mean Vikings ate muffins if they didn’t they should have Matt the muffin okay well no the muffin because we used to call you Matt The Muffin Man The Muffin Man The Muffin Man The Muffin Man I can’t even
remember that that must have been one morning where I was drinking or not drinking M no I was eating muffins yes right yes whip says we need a CBD Guru Viking hat now I’m just thinking like a picture of Matt and we stylize it Matt you send me a good like facial shot uh I’ll have like AI put like a viking with horns hats and let’s see not your not your Longboat CBD or I don’t know we’ll come up with something clever yeah for sure 100% And then I’ll I’ll give you the picture of my buddy because he used to be the
Berserker that’s that’s what his stage name was so he used to wear a helmet with horns on it and he he actually tried to well it was fake you know he tried to stab The Undertaker in one match and the sword sticks right up in the ring it’s pretty funny so anyway yeah the Berserker but it I’ll be yeah the Berserker yeah whatever whatever you want me to be I’ll be but anyways we could have the Viking squirrel oh that’s it that’s what he’s going to have instead of horns he’ll have two squirrels sitting on his Helm
helmet you know oh man I like the animals but now I got one in my garage and I can’t find them the only the only reason I know well it’s him or her they’re in there it might be a cat too just living in there now but I find some whiz you know on the concrete once in a while so anyways it’s still in I hope it leaves I leave the the door open now so it leaves but it probably won’t cuz it’s too why would it leave it can come and go whenever it wants right exactly and it’s warm in there and I keep looking
for tracks going out in the snow that it’s left and and it won’t you know no you you know what it’s doing Matt it’s sitting there and it waits for you to drive out of the driveway and leave the house then it goes out enjoys his time it jumps from the corner to the garage so you can’t see its tracks probably does hang out all day goes down to the local little tree or whatever and hangs out with the buddies maybe share you know a bag of nuts or something then jumps back over so you don’t see the tracks as soon as he hears your car
coming through the neighborhood yep yeah I uh I got I got my just got my third call while we’re on the phone here and the guys know or call me I’m on the show with you you know what I mean Mark so yeah they’re probably trying to stop the conversation all right seriously though can we squeeze in a couple of uh serious questions on you real quickly uh% then health related we we’ll we’ll tackle Tom guys but there are a couple like on the business side of it and I’ll do the best I can you know what you’re GNA be amazed
I really can do this stuff okay go ahead no I hear you uh when’s the water soluble 885 G to be back any updates on that one you know I talked to Lucas yesterday about that and uh I think it might might be coming in a couple days um you know so it uh I’m just trying to think he if he said that we’re going over everything it’s either going to be in a couple days or it’ll be by the end of next week I’m gonna push him okay sorry about that that’s all I know right now next question one I think claa nailed this
one Matt Loki Johnson because Loki was a Norse god of Mischief that would that would kind of work out uh yeah um I did have one oh uh the other question I’ve had uh pop in a couple of times on both platforms was when are the uh 10 milligram D9 is going to be back in stock so those questions we may have to ask Lucas and tell you guys in the morning or Matt might know the answer um I do not know the answer on that I we talked about that they oh what was the answer oh you know what sorry about that
they’re uh yeah they’re going to be I think they’re going to be here by uh I want to say uh Wednesday or Thursday next week so okay yeah they were they were they were drying put it that way and I’m telling you the truth they were drying I couldn’t even come up with that if I had to yeah yeah I hear you um Matt does the discount at a 100 bucks or more and the currency apply to the orders 100% it does yeah yeah yep so at at 75 you get the uh currency the currency and then at 100 you’ll get the discount too so you get both but as soon
as we get off the show I’ll have Scotty update that I’ll just say you get both on there yeah for sure um I I you know I see a great parting question here okay good one what was your handle in your wrestling days oh I was you know it would you know it changes you know it would have changed you know because they just want you to do you know what they want you to do you know start you start rolling and everything but I’m pretty sure I would have been good at it I was going to be the love butcher the wait the what the
love butcher the love butcher yep yep and uh that’s uh I mean wait that name is already saved for Mike bar in his wrestling yeah and it would have worked good because uh I actually was working with a guy when we at working at the uh I call it the meat factory it was uh called United dress beef but uh a coworker of mine Larry Larry Cameron he ended up uh you know he he got into wrestling he did he was really really successful wrestler really a good guy mean and him were good buddies at work and he became the black Butcher and I
would have been the love Butcher and uh we I think we would have been a great team because we got along great you know about the same size and uh yeah he but he died in the ring in Germany he uh yeah he got hurt he got he got a something in his stomach it was a rupture of a big artery or something like that but he was a really nice guy Larry Cameron yep so he was a black butcher I would have been the love Butcher and it would have been good you know it would have been great so all right yeah we know what it is now all
right but yeah you go the wrestling thing um God how many buddies of mine my school wrestled I think there was seven or eight of them they really a lot of them were real successful Rick Roode Henning uh Nord the Barbarian Berserker um let’s see let’s see Co the J what oh what the heck he was a Russian he was a Russian the Road Warriors um Scott Norton he was in the high school yeah we had a couple high schools there I think there was about 13 14 guys it was unbelievable yeah so when when we got together at parties and
stuff it was a we had a great time we got all got along great so it was a good deal yeah love with you kind like that one you know so I would had my white coat on you know with uh then I would have had like a butcher hat you know with hearts on it and then underneath the coat I would have had U like U like hot dog Strangler deal I would add a salami I would had all kinds of things you know just hitting people with and just I would have had a great time it would have been a lot of fun so lot of fun but
that’s uh yeah they still carry the five Matrix mushroom caps don’t you yeah we still got that just uh look in the capsule area and you know we’re gonna I swear to God we’re going to fix that website up it’s going to be unbelievable you’re going to really love it and we’ll actually have a mushroom section but it’s in the capsule area and then we uh and Luc is just D he just what Mark he’s calling again he’s trying to get on can you hear me oh yeah I can hear you now he was uh you faded why he was trying to call yeah but that’s all
right we’ll just hey we’ll see you tomorrow Mark okay yeah no that works great I’ll see you tomorrow yeah we’ll see you hey thanks for having me on Mark I’ll talk to you take care again guys uh the gurus big sponsors of the show huge help they make it all possible and they are appreciated all right guys I have no idea as low as slow as the news has been it is probably going to be a pretty newsest night but I’ll still be here if you want all right guys you all take care I’m going to hang out with uh Lucas
now that he’s here and then I think he already hung up oh well see you guys tonight