MarkZ Morning (Uncut) 03-25-2025
he finds quick employment going to be a bit of a contraction fundamentals are correcting um hello bad street I don’t know what happened you know I’ve not reached out to nater in a while I need to just give a check in hello eagleclaw hello hick town girl easy chair hello Tom gigb hello rum doctor hello hoops and cuq ball and Jim and Beantown good to see you guys over on the kick side hello Mouse mitts Miss Jenny May Hayes Biz Evelyn tiger Paul Alicia hello Happy Hound and Jazzy
dancer and Raider Daddy from the Philippines checking in well you are I’m not I’m checking in from the home of good coffee hello Tahoe hello trout whisper there glad you’re catching us hope you get electricity soon let’s see Kim’s a contraction because the largest employers laying off that is definitely part of it your basic fundamentals we’ve been artificially sticking trillions of dollars in the economy every year hundreds of billions just in US Aid and suddenly we’re taking that out and uh unemploy a lot of waste
ful employees so yeah there’s a correction ahead we’re going to be way better off for it but done change that it does have some short-term effects minus 33 what is whoaa whoa whoa Cleveland is minus 33 or just it’s 33 in Cleveland probably 33 in Cleveland for this time of year Fred said please continue to prayers for a mom we are going on three nights no sleep Home Health a nurse coming after lunch trying to stay awake Fred praying for you brother shett depal always a pleasure flying squirrel uh Jim asking for prayers for
Jim Thompson need prayers going out to my sister who’s in the hospital and intensive care and on a ventilator sending prayers your way 33 that makes more sense Joe I do love that shirt brother I do love that shirt Todd said I was a victim of contraction my job was eliminate a lot of people are getting that which makes it tough you know Dave I don’t know on the gas Tas tax whether it will go away or not that’s a question I’ve never asked reading a few I know we need to dive in Jerry good to see you hello Miss
Shell hello RV fly hey you’re late now I like some of these chat handles see who who who who contraction yes company lost two of their largest client clients Grant someone was last employee hired first fired that checks out not what you want to hear but last hired first fired usually does 57th birthday is Sunday the 30th 440 44th in iversary of Reagan’s assassination attempt Michael we’ll be celebrating on Sunday be kind mark my spirit is so alive full of love and excitement this morning that’s a good thing to be full
of a gravity warp drive uh I have heard that most likely uh Ilan Omar and AOC are going to get criminal charges yeah I’ve heard that as well over inciting in other words going on and helping people avoid uh Ice immigration enforcement Etc so by law yeah probably going to get popped 60th birthday today for Scott so we got uh Jacqueline Peak celebrating birthday we got Scott got Brook turning the big 20 this morning oh wait a minute ah we talked about this some yesterday there was a group in floresent Colorado protesting something
Trump did the few liberals up here and got on the Rachel Mall show they were proud of that and got blasted on Facebook for it now it gets even more interesting because they found that like 84% of the people there based on Geo fencing were well serial protesters meaning they showed up all over the country to protest they went from protest to protest to protest to protest uh the overwhelming majority had attended nine or more protests yeah I think paid for opposition yeah we shared an article on that yesterday morning it was
interesting Goose girl I wish I knew for absolute certainty when it was happening I don’t I feel like it’s sooner than Mr C thinks Mr C constantly thinks further out because it helps him like deal with the roller coaster and I understand that approach I’m a little more of an optimist I’m more of a half full than half empty um I don’t think we’re waiting that far uh we do get a lot of pingpong going on in the news right now we’ll talk about it our youngest daughter Robin turned the big 50 now you feel whole yeah I can
see that Gary happy birthday though to Robin secret agent 99’s got one as well uh oh wait big one ends in a zero what 20 finally 20 happy birthday secret agent Lorna’s birthday we are supposed to have today um Jonathan Otto again from red light therapy so many people people asking questions so we’ll bring him in about 45 minutes in for anybody that wants to stick around for that one mushroom ladies tonight after we do the evening podcast uh Fred where is email well mine is the original marks but if
you’re going to put in your own email if You’ got friends that want to sell their dinar for people to reach out to I would love not being a middleman happy turn six today he’s my dog oh chasing Dragon Happy Birthday to happy yeah somebody looking for where I was I don’t do Monday nights no Monday night no Friday night they usually just tend to be slow and I’m trying to slow my work week down to like 60 hours Rick good question I’ll have to ask militia man when he’s got time he’s been in the middle of uh moving a bunch
of stuff so he really has been pressured Paul celebrating the big 72 happy birthday Paul all right nothing to do but start let’s get into some of the news give us time today although with the uh cuckoo news we can probably squeeze in some Q&A time today we’ll sing Happy Birthday early though before some of the Q&A so we don’t like get crunched when it’s time for uh Mr atto let’s talk about Iraq first then we’ll get into all the rumors and the Ping pong I’m referring to Etc discuss investment opportunities
American delegation to Iraq soon uh they’re headed there they want to discuss big business longterm business deals and cooperation throughout the region we continue to see this uh he added that Iraq will soon receive a highlevel delegation that includes representatives of major American companies discuss investment opportunities see the new and stable new and stable this is important reality in Iraq in addition to holding meetings with government officials and local companies because we were told once
stable I’ll give you a new rate that’s a shabibi uh comment from some years past just give me safe and stable I’ll give you a new dinar so uh the these let me know that longterm they are definitely definitely honing in on it or should I say in the bigger picture Parliament Finance now here’s what I meant by the Ping pongs back and forth when I say this this is not a government this is a former government official um parliamentary Finance exclude sending the budget within the next two months in other words they are
still hiding that value in that budget um so ruled on Tuesday that they will send the tables within the next giving us that further out now when I read this guys I want you to pay attention because this is similar to what we were Hearing in Kuwait as well no we can’t do this for months no we’re not going to have the budget ready for a month or two and then bam I I am very hopeful that this is not some kind of delay but simply them putting smoke in front of our eyes a smoke screen because it very much fits with the pattern that
we have seen in the past with revaluations because we get one article say nope it’s coming uh the next week or so and then we get one that says Nope two months and then they give us the back and forth pingpong game divert divert divert Ira rolls out tier this one is an important one too goes on with the safe stable but more importantly it’s the Financial borders that they had to control uh and I was told that this would be a very key step that they would lock down or control their financial borders Iraq rolls out ter TI historic
step towards boosting international trade and reducing transport costs according to the website of the American Transport bulletin which specialized in commercial shipping Affairs Iraq will begin next week the application of global system of Transport Mark marking the beginning of a new er in the field of leg Logistics and international trade in other words secured their financial borders trade plus guys tariffs and income fees excise import you name it big pieces there the movement behind the scenes the
upcoming US Iran agreement radical change and Regional strategies uh this one coming out of Baghdad today a former uh parliamentary Minister muhamad khi said on Tuesday that they uh the US Iranian agreement will be concluded within the next four months which concludes includes excuse me a comprehensive solution to complex Regional files which will change Regional strategies remove the Spectre of war from the region there’s even talk on the US side that maybe will allow you to do some refining uh for uh nuclear
power but we will monitor it and you’re not allowed to weaponize in other words they’re working on a compromise that will allow for Iranian uh energy Independence but not allow for weapon systems we may be getting a break here I don’t I don’t trust much coming out of Iran of course in Iran they probably don’t much trust trust much coming out of the West so Tit for Tat on that front uh but watching these things come to some level of Peace some level of conclusion is very important for our value changes safe stable region safe
stable world leader long-term investment guess you get where we’re going on that one now on the bond side guys back and forth I mean all over the place from very excited hey we are uh hitting our uh final uh contracts uh getting those people saying hey we’ve seen some dollars move others saying no I’m ready to flip mine it’s ping pong guys and they’re doing it on purpose I am trying not to uh partake I heard all the same reports that it was going overnight last night I wasn’t seeing key people where
they were supposed to be I was seeing key people in transit to be where they’re supposed to be uh but I was not expecting last night uh not all Bond contacts have gone Mia some are just simply refusing to speak so we’ve got a combination of those just refusing to speak hey how’s the weather I’ll talk to anything but bonds I’ve got some that simply just go straight to voicemail and I’ve got others telling me that they are receiving final contracts and I got quite a few that are trying to get more
people to uh I shouldn’t put how do I put this one so you guys don’t continue to blow up my email when I have somebody that wants to purchase bonds or flip them I will let you know and then you guys can send me the emails sending the emails before do you no good because they go in the trash box because I can’t do anything with them until I’m asked just want to be very clear on that don’t send me the ones where you got bonds that you want to get flipped because I can’t do anything with them yet I would
give you the other I would give you the purchasers contacts not mine okay just trying to get that one out and save myself getting loaded up let’s see honey golden posted a great Bank story of a VP JP Morgan conforming we’ve had confirming we’ve had so many great banking stories lately and all of them are preparing for foreign currency exchange Michelle flip flipping them means somebody that buys them and resells them just like let’s say you see a great deal on a uh I don’t know a 73 Volkswagen so
you see it for like two grand you know somebody that wants to buy it for like four grand so you buy it sell it make your money same idea flippers they want to buy them and then flip them they would not be spending uh hundreds of millions and billions of dollars if they thought it was going to be a while before they could flip them that’s the takeway from that one Parkside ladybug you’re killing meay see I’m getting practiced at it I’m just messing with you aray uh Harold I trashed one of them and
I saw the other and I haven’t had a chance to read it yet I am squished for time and it was on the on the uh humanitarian Ian project side or the Eco Village and I still have it unopened then you sent me another one that was like repetitive that I’d already seen so I trashed and I’m trying to remember what it was I don’t remember what it was but I was like yeah know that one go in the trash John celebrating 68 years reading a few of these for I dive back in Erica you know those rumors run all over the place Erica posted just heard
that we wasted our money on the Zim bonds that Banks won’t be redeeming them I have too many high-profile pay masters that are insistent they’re going so for me they’re absolutely worth rolling the dice risk versus reward that was my approach to it you all have to make your own decisions this is not Financial advice this is education entertainment whatever you want to call it you got to make your own decisions based on fundamentals certain currencies make more sense than certain bonds because you can like point in the real world you
can say hey we have examples of this doesn’t mean they’re out and I continue to hear they are going to be covered oh uh that’s what it was Harold yeah I’ve only received that like 500 times on the 20 different videos on the Elon Musk wheelchair unfortunately Tesla doesn’t have any information on it yet yeah I’ve been following it very closely waiting for something more solid tree beard then I succeeded corus piano I’m with you it’ be great to get off this uh this hold out of this holding pattern I want
clearance to land now Rick I guess that’s kind of my take too bought the Zim cheap worst case I’m out 200 bucks but I very much believe I’m going to do very well with it no part of me thinks that I’m not going to be able to uh Mary I’ve always said from the beginning that I consider Venezuela to be a crapshoot on timing not that it’s not eventually going to go because the uh to at some point Venezuela is going to do extremely well because of the natural resources per capita highest in the world the question is is the win a
lot of political back and forth I’m hopeful but I would not consider it 100% yet that’s my take on it everybody else is allowed their own take Cindy my son’s interest in Ying dragons Cindy to me a lot of it depends on timing we continue to hear lots of rumors of uh counterfeit ones that have been printed in the last year or so I know for me I won’t buy any more new ones unless the persons had them in their position possession and I can prove it uh for a number of years that’s my thoughts on that one just
because I know that the call them the redeeming Aries the bond they’re having a lot of problem with uh vetting Bond so for me I’d be a little afraid of it uh Wally Lane will 850,000 R if it exchanges the way we think so yeah it absolutely be uh lifechanging if it does like it did what early 70s when it revalued last life changing did like Kuwait life changing let’s say go goes for four bucks what’s 850k times 4 anybody want to break out that math on the Fly 32 times four was that like 30 wait 3.8 million I think that’s like
$3.8 million let’s break out and see how bad my math has gotten 850,000 times let’s just say four and make it easy yeah 3.4 million bucks so not as high as I thought my math is SL slipping let me turn this uh Banner off and get back to you guys about time now thank you for that super sticker it’s going quickly guys uh oh Tina’s birthday or you guys know where’s sred I know where is Caitlyn’s mom AKA sred happy birthday s sred sorry guys coffee’s trying to beat me back up Wendy coins from where like coins
from our own countries yeah they’re not changing but if you’re talking about coins from other countries yeah they just do the math I got a lot of folks on the uh Rumble side helping me with math you’re much appreciated hello royal tranch royal T oh Royal T ranch reading a few of these bounc back and forth yeah CD all right here’s a good one for you guys I’m kind of on this one same time science is something you keep chasing advancement is something you keep chasing until something makes it unnecessary that’s that’s best way I can
come up with describe that one cdh2 oh house said ver okay said if Elon has a new wheelchair and many others other new medical devices I pray this does not mean that Med beds aren’t coming yeah a lot of people are like that why do you need all those things and I’m like eh till we have Med beds I’m G to keep getting things that help make my life more convenient oh Karen now this one might be a good one Argentine president Javier Malay orders the release of all remaining documents related to Nazis who
fled to Argentina from Germany after World War II oo guys this is getting interesting we do have some fun stuff coming in the new speaking of which let’s hit the next one wait yeah I don’t know want to hit another one first Epstein files we got more Epstein files hitting all right let’s just go Ahad and hit these anyways the US consumers melting down here’s why well I can give you the short of that one we have decades and Decades of broken fundamentals where we have squeezed all kinds of money into the market deficit
spending specific spefically poly colly I’ve not heard that um Wells Fargo is the only one taking Zim I’ve never heard that from anybody all right now let’s go back to the US consumer melting we have been feeding the US economy Redbull and cotton candy and Snickers bars for the last I don’t know 50 years roughly 53 years 54 years and deficit spending and Fiat money and hypothecated with check printers going on stop Yes fundamentals tell us we have to correct how bad is that going to be that’s the question
that we have to correct is Undisputed I don’t think there’s an economist out there that isn’t smoking some happy pie or hanging out at the bar with AOC that doesn’t think there are some uncomfortable times ahead as we contract and adjust because everything is so overinflated which means we will have deflation meaning prices will drop a lot of people will freak out when they find out the money the car they spent 40 Grand on is worth you know 25 Grand or the $200,000 house is more like a $120,000 house they don’t see the
positive of that they only see the negative I get it it’s a little uh shock because the world doesn’t work like they think it works fundamentals have to come around we’re already starting to see real estate markets starting to uh contract in areas others are doing really well um we’ seen this every time there’s a correction certain areas do better than others is that the Tampa Market in Florida’s really taking it on the chin right now see ad Dawn birthday let me add that one then I got a little bit of fun going in
here Andy I like that one so it’s not good to start every day with a red bull and a Snickers what does the world come to Fred loving Red Bull and Snickers oh wait a minute lowest sales on Ford Mustang since 1966 that shows the car market I want you to think about that Robert wow and that’s like when the when it first came because what it came out in 65 and a half you’re trying to tell me that the Mustang 2 one of the biggest turds on the planet is out selling the new Mustang and the new Mustangs are I mean kind of badass
man I mean they’re sharp looking they scream that Cody I mean the not a Ford man but I tell you new Mustangs are pretty ba reading a few of those oh weer smart I got seedlings planted in the ground yesterday hope it’s not too early how many people are doing a garden this year sound off we’ll take a short uh break before we dive into a few more stories I am curious who was planning on whether it’s a box garden whether it’s tomato plants in a pot on your porch there it is finally said it out loud I’m not a Ford person I have had
some good Fords in my life but the new Mustang is pretty pretty cool looking in my book I think that is one of the few that did it right I’m not a big fan of the new Camaro body style I don’t think they did it right let’s see grow indoors doing pot gardening organic farm 28 Acres wow James that is awesome Audrey’s doing two gardens Robert’s already planted vertical farming I’m thinking about doing a vertical or an interesting tape uh a liquid film technology on some Hydroponics I’m thinking about it let’s see me still
have tomatoes from planting in October wow Lance you need a trust to buy the new Mustang yeah Post RV maybe daily word probably smart I’m in PA ain’t put nothing out until May Marx is already in the ground Mark Mr Williams hick town having a garden is my favorite thing to do love it I got to get better at it gardening here in northern Minnesota patri snow wolf they’re putting it in Weezer doing containers except for sweet speed mclam tomato skins and seeds are bad oh yeah we already knew that part oh wait a minute
C Peggy I have thought about a bread machine I do like good fresh bread uh Joe doing a tower garden hydroponic snow Sue Su Garden here I just got eight Acres I’m going to plant a small garden in the section of good for you booger I’m trying to get better man I had Lily Pad said store your fresh tomatoes and wood ash completely covered they last for months i’ never heard that before let’s see Knox hello Dolores happy birthday [Music] Dolores we got a lot of birthdays today I’m might have to stop early just sing
Happy Birthday to everybody before we can have uh Jonathan in oh Joe three minutes to go on your sourdough this morning on my way Joe let’s see dowsing dock I see you over there Tru tiny yeah you have to wait for the snow to clear up for the plant the garden just reading a few of those before I jump back in all right let’s get back to it let’s see or Eagle Claw Mark I can’t wait to start canning garden fresh creen beans tell you what you can take mine too uh Vick you know we’re gonna get to the epsteam let’s get into a little more
right now let’s keep running we did the fundamentals Trump see this is the long term this is where we do well once we get through a correction Trump announces Hyundai’s 21 billion investment in Louisiana in other to get around dealing with all the tariffs and shipping it’s a twof for here it now makes more sense for them to bring those manufacturing jobs to the US in other words high paying jobs South Korean based Hyundai announced guys Hyundai is the largest automaker in the world 20 billion doll investment in the
United States joining a growing list of foreign companies investing in the world’s largest economy so let’s see 5.8 billion steel plant Louisiana Hyundai said the new facility will hire about 14 00 employees and manufactur Next Generation steel used by its two factories to produce electric vehicles and that’s before it even makes it to the factory to build the cars great news for America as they bring manufacturing home yes there’s some discomfort during the process all hands on deck FBI Flagship field office
reportedly focused on epine files over every else this article breaking later midday yesterday as promised by Donald Trump the JFK assassination files were finally released on March 18th so far no truly bombshell people still combing through it 880,000 Pages then they dropped another late 17 a lot of pages to get through um but now we’re also hearing that the FBI’s Flagship field office with more than a thousand agents and another thousand or so Civ employees and they are focused on going through
the Epstein case files for well they say possible public they always have to hedge their bets it’s literally all hands on deck One Source familiar with the matter tells me adding that dozens and dozens of agents are working around the clock on the case instead of on their regular duties I even saw an agent walking in with a pillow The Source said um they’re breaking it all down making certain that they are working to protect the victims uh and then releasing everything else in other words they’re scrubbing anything that may tell
who the victim is or give their identity they’re leaving the perpetrators or the guilty folks in there um but I thought well I shouldn’t say I thought I think that is fantastic they’ve only had it a couple weeks they’re going through I think it worked out to about three truckloads of paperwork they have to go through and sanitize for victims they couldn’t start on this before I know a lot of people are upset going why didn’t they release this day one they couldn’t release it day one it was not prepared
to release day one it couldn’t be prepared to release day one because they weren’t allowed to have the files until then and then they had to search for them and if it weren’t for a whistleblower they wouldn’t have gotten them then so uh to me well done I want it faster of course but they are promises made Promises Kept they continue timing may not be the same Stellar level that we all want and hope but realistically doing well big Garden organic lla I like it yes stre beer we talked about that yesterday morning outing Audi’s bringing
manufacturing base to the US they want to manufacture all their Audi models here new beef plant in North Plat Nebraska 400 million 800 850 Jobs go Trump guys over and over and over you’re watching it actually making things happen he’s killing it whip yeah people have got to get realistic on their expectations the right way Mark why does your YouTube channel only show 12,000 followers oh wait you’re talking on which one you’re talking about Rumble Rumble they’ve got it mixed because I was broadcasting from my
um profile instead of from the channel because they don’t make it very clear got a conversation later this week to see if they can straighten that out at Rumble but it it actually works out to about 52,000 people between uh the way they had channels chopped up and when people have followed me at Rumble there’s actually about like 52k Rumble here lately has been kicking YouTubes but let’s see Lily Pad ice arrest more than 370 in Massachusetts 205 of those arrested has significant criminal convictions or
charges uh Hunter guy theoretically yes our dollar will gain a lot of purchasing power was just asking because of deflation how they beat up our dollar if it’s going to adjust to we do expect it to adjust meaning its purchasing power to increase all right let’s sing birthday early just to get that out of the way folks for those that have birthdays then we can do Q&A until it is time for Jonathan to join us um so we got Dolores Dawn sred John Jacqueline happy birthday hope you’re enjoying that vacation Brooke turning
the big 20 Scott Robin secret agent 99 not turning 99 Lorna happy the dog Paul anybody else celebra and sound off I’m just going to go ahead and sing early on that part so we can get back to it VRE I love that original Mark Z that’s because we’re tired of YouTube censorship I’m going to reward folks on that front um on the uh Rumble side I’m gonna start doing a lot more on Rumble like Rumble only when I want to uh get things across gun trp why did you deflate it after Today’s Show I thought it was
fantastic we got a lot of good pieces in here we just don’t have an exact timing I’m definitely not taking anything negative out of today’s news clearly they have us getting close or they want to be playing pingpong with us right now so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love may all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you to all those celebrating all right now let’s uh get back to it Jay simple they said they found a leaker at
the Pentagon yeah that wouldn’t surprise me are you guys keeping up with this one where uh they were sending uh unfortunately better for worse they were sending texts about the houth and it’s turned into quite a hubub or the Democrats are trying to turn it into one about how to deal with the houth and a newspaper editor got plugged in instead of our national security director somehow they punched in the wrong number yeah it’s appearing that that was done purposely by a holdover staff member from the Biden
Administration I’m waiting for the story to break but that is what I’m hearing reported now now what’s the facts we got to get to the bottom of it Jordan turn 35 grand baby Noah turn two and you’re going to turn 61 on the 30 it’s going to be a big month for Mom I don’t know if we’re going to get him if we’re going to get him when we’re going to get him on the Doge checks there is nothing that I consider solid on that front right now that I’ve been able to find Tim Walt’s messed up I believe yeah all you gotta
have is like a name with walls Walts whatever and you start doing some mess ups that’s what it appears but they’re saying that somebody gave them the wrong one on purpose oo let’s see we just had the super famous antique car show in Myrtle Beach I hate I wasn’t there that would have been fun yeah yes mainstream media is focusing on that and people losing their minds I love it you look at all the intelligence leaks that happened during the uh Biden Administration plethora of them um and they’re somehow upset over this one it
doesn’t appear to have affected anybody it’s still though I mean security is important and they need to do better but it does give them something to focus on do I think they’ve uh figured out time travel I think somebody’s figured out time travel I think they’re keeping it close to the vest let’s see land lover question when the announcement comes on RV via emails will the currency seller stop selling foreign currencies yes for a very short period and then they will immediately like very quickly go back to selling
them just at a new rate that’s what they’re in business to do I’m with you Andy says I think we need a meet and greet at a Barrett Jackson or meum auction once this goes I’m in see Ray I’m G to be 57 in June go ahead and sing for me because I plan on being busy Ray I’ll probably be hanging out with you down at the mine so we’ll sing it in person funnier about the leak was Hillary coming out and talking then immediately getting destroyed on next turn of yeah I bet the response is whipped we’re talking about security
leak uh Hillary one of the worst on the planet the private server in a closet the bleach bit hammers everything else uh another one like sww well listening to him uh talk about leaks wait you’re the one that was sleeping with a Chinese spy giving her everything like really inside information and you were sitting on the uh foreign R yeah you can’t even make up that level of crazy Terry currency prices will change just like gas prices at the pump yeah they’ll just adjust keep moving yeah flying squirrel I’m in I
I’ll go hit the car auctions uh Emma I’m guessing you missed us talking about the yellow dragon bonds earlier I’m hearing some great values the question uh is of course being whether you have properly vetted yours to make certain that they are good real not counterfeit Etc I’ve heard great things but it’s also all over the board so I don’t know what to tell you on value [ __ ] you’ll be safe I won’t try to buy the 69 Camaro I’ll try to beat you up more on Firebirds uh I think many of the higher
ups are going to be held accountable I do yeah for real who knows what all Fang Fang found out during bang bang time a bunch I guarantee you whoa power’s doing some funky stuff here guys hopefully we’re going to get uh Auto in power is doing some really funky stuff I got all kinds of things blinking and jumping and power switching see there you go Claire I like that one another 69 Firebird Elanor WWE bang bang time right bang bang bang bang oh Roy said uh swell went to gf’s massage parlor you give info and we wub
you long time now that is so wrong but kind of funny uh no I haven’t given you a gut report I don’t know what to say uh Rainman I have have uh solar that immediately kicks in so I won’t lose power but the internet connection might lose it from like down the road kind of thing Richard I don’t think there’s any penalty they got to pay on the 31st personally I know there are a lot of stories about that running around but I can’t find anybody in an upper position that agrees with it not saying it’s not
accurate just saying I can’t verify that in any way so I don’t think it is I love the card talk Stan it’ be lovely if the IQD was 10 the only way that would make sense for the IQD to go at 10 is if the US dollar loses some value at least that’s my take see what I want to know did you get paid in or no I have not gotten paid I have not gotten paid where do all these stupid rumors come from reading a few of those I know let me uh find out where uh Auto is or if we got forgotten today reading a few all right let’s uh
dog nails I want to mind the gas Tas but went to the roads instead oh I Am with You dog nails I could live with the gas TX the road tax whatever you guys call it at the gas pump because it makes sense that we will want nicer roads we’re going to pay a little more to have better roads and I would you know that’s a that’s a reasonable thing to me but if they’re spending it efficiently uh efficiently and not losing it a Fortune of it to um we yeah to bureaucracy yeah no Andy that’s exactly what I was thinking as I was doing this
if it is a bigger problem on the island there’s a good chance that he doesn’t have power because he is on the island also over on the West Side there’s a good chance he’s powerless right now there is definitely a possibility that he is suddenly without about it Phil this will be fun Mark I heard a rumor that you’re CGI what does your AI self think about that oh wait a minute I gotta think about that one because if my AI were thinking it would he even know I don’t know I wish I were CGI when I hurt or
I’m uncomfortable and too many people have met me in person Phil but I do get a kick out of some of those uh ra no I’m with you I don’t want him to release the tapes that show what was going on that would be too much for me and if for some reason we can’t have Jonathan this morning don’t worry we will back up and Punt and we’ll still get them in sometime this week Diddy files I know they’re coming too I know they’re further behind Cass say I still have a 2002 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am oh hang on to
it until it’s worth a fortune Texas girly girl talking to Tom hoty in California the tax on cigarettes is supposed to go towards school yeah right just like guys when we go play the lottery almost every one of them supposed to go to the education nearly every single Lotto is still in serious arear to the state as to what they’re supposed to give them and haven’t yet it’s a joke thank you Lori Michael that is certainly what I have heard I have heard most likely to be 30 50 30 to 50 million for your own
pocket on Zim uh more if there’s a project but all of that money goes to project um I’ve heard as low as 11 11 million per 100t most what I’ve heard is 30 to 50 and I hope it’s accurate that’s huge that’s great money I’m just reading a few of these as we wait to see what’s going on here whether we’re going to get Jonathan in the house or not reading a few uh have you seen Kos Patel has announced a task force going after all of the uh Tesla terrorism oh now Doug that might be fun it could be like Max Headroom of the old
TV show that was I did that was kind of funny oh Jenna cool hey I used that website you mentioned the other day that’s the money one what is it yeah to find you know uh old dollars out there and then you put in your state but only $1 still kind of neat to see them pop in there though wasn’t it Andy depends on taxes if you GI the currency because of what you paid for it then if there’s a tax consequence it would be avoiding a lot of that theoretically I am not an accountant
though so ask an accountant hello Beach Brad inals mom they always raise taxes for schools but the schools never see it yet does nobody get offended that about half the money we spend federally for Education doesn’t make it to the classroom like they collect it at the state level but then the state sends it federal government who takes their cut and then sends it back to the state if it just stayed at the state there’ll be a lot more money for the state a lot more money going into the classroom Peggy that’s funny
ah wait wait wait Dr hair I use that missing money website my dad has around 700 bucks so I need to figure out how to get it sign up had them sent it to you Robert my first car bought in 70 was a 69 Firebird AIT oh I forgot about those with the 256 man I forgot about that one four barrel yeah all right that’s straight six while not a barn burner was a good tough motor though good tough motor Kevin Mark do you believe I still believe that we’re going to get the federal income tax money that we have
paid in our lifesty Mr CA said that Al talked about it way back when I first met Al Hodes in person all right uh Otto is having a tough time finding the uh link so I am going toh get that figured out and get it sent over give me just a minute guys let me uh let’s see uhhuh well there’s a reason let’s try this one again gonna try it again bear with me guys think we’re about to have it squared away all right there we go now I think we’re about to see them which I’m looking forward to bam yeah now we’re going to be set now
we should have them shortly all right that’s happened to me a couple times lately when I send somebody an email with the link the link which I like copy paste and put in there and then it doesn’t show up on the email oh Kevin no I hear you yeah I guess that that that is a good way to look at it if we’re going to get those taxes back it’s not as uncomfortable to go ahead and pay them Mr C certainly believes that tree beard I still think the centers of Highway should be planted in hemp cut down road
noise Farmland oxygen uh or carbon SE sequester yeah right you know how to say that one sequestering I’m just reading through these guys waiting for uh for him to make it I am uh all right back over I appreciate that Kevin Barbara I’m get I get to try them soon matter of fact I can probably get that figured out uh today because he just popped in he’s waiting for camera to get set up and Etc explains why he wasn’t in it was on my end I think he’s ready for us now though hey look we’re waiting for your mic to
go live dime Nicholls say Hey Dad I found my deceased dad on missing oh a lot of family have said similar things Pang one emails the original Mark Z now we’re just waiting for the uh for the mic to go live mock hey thank you so much yeah looks like you are uh what an in s Juan yes that’s right you got it you you know the area I took one look at your window and I was like he’s not in ring con awesome man it’s great to get with you man i’ I’ve been looking forward to this uh sorry for the little delay there and
getting into the studio oh that’s that that that turned out to be my fault I went in and checked it and you’re right uh it was empty I had hit like control I’ve had that happen a couple of times lately where I do Control Paste send the email and then it disappears in transit that’s awesome I don’t know if it’s because I’m old oh yeah no let’s not say that that’s not true every these things happen to the best of us no what happens everybody but me no it happens to me too that’s the way it works um where do we start today uh with
questions do you have things you want to tell us about first sure I think that um yeah look uh that out there we go um well um absolutely I think you know getting people all the uh insight into the latest and greatest uh will be great and uh let’s see I would love to see what people’s questions are I would love to um you know jam with you with questions that you have um and then you know I could from there launch into some things that will help kind of explain for everyone why certain things work or
are the way they they are etc etc I think that would be that’d be great what do you think it sounds like a good plan to me you just tell me how you want me to handle it all right man well let’s start with some questions what do you think all right C Maldo is the red light good for broken bones that don’t want to heal in other words uh slow healing would that give them a little more energy any any studies out on that front nobody here’s claiming any cures guys talk to your doctor if you have any
questions I just want to like you know the normal disclaimers yeah absolutely um so yeah I’ll give those disclaimers as well so this is for entertainment educational purposes only consult with your local doctor uh or healthc care provider for um you know specific answers and you know Contra indications for your own self and your health and um you know enjoy this information and uh this is not intended to treat cure or diagnose any condition or disease um and this is uh this information is provided with the
SE research and findings on my uh interest in red light therapy and um yeah do your own due diligence and um and that is that so let me answer this one um that all being said I will give uh some some answers to this so one of the one of the great things I can help people understand is just simply like you know putting in these time and okay there he is yeah we lost you there for a moment okay sure sorry I was just saying um when you search for these things putting in those keyw of what you’re looking for and then you you’ll
quickly see here from uh sources here and and so we need to make sure everything’s validated by studies you know here here at the the tip of the iceberg here Studies have show that red light therapy can increase bone density enhance the mechanical properties of of healed fractures and then let’s go down to the role of low-level laser therapy which is red light therapy these are different names it’s llt uh which is here the finding is in bone healing and the abstract here is saying for example that lowlevel laser therapy is a
treatment that is increasingly used in opedic practices in Vivo and inv vitro which means in the petri dish and in life in in either animals or humans and in these cases there’s lots of human studies on this um that that lowlevel laser therapy promotes angiogenesis fracture healing and osteogenic differentiation of stem cells however underlying mechanisms during bone formation remain largely unknown which is super exciting to think about the fact that what they’re saying is it it works but there’s reasons that it’s
working that we don’t know but here’s some of the factors such as wavelength energy density irradiation and frequency can influence the cellular mechanisms moreover the effects of llt are different according to cell types treated and so this is an interesting uh finding here so there um this is uh red light therapy for broken bones fast healing support red light therapy for broken bones offers natural ways to promote faster healing reduce inflammation and support bone strength the the issue is that if
if these companies or these sites are just blatantly saying things that aren’t true there’s all these FTC and FDA um challenges so they are actually saying quite conservative Things based on studies that back what they’re saying um as you can see like I then reference from a website and then we go back to the NIH which is also a website but I’m talking about a government database uh the effect of near infrared light on inv vitro cellular atps Etc near fored so this is like 800 810 830 850 1060 these
are near infared wavelengths so you can’t see them with the the uned eye um you you they’re not visible so it’s it’s really kind quite funny that even like to turn light on and to think that it could do something for you as a stretch in the mind you got me Mark I’ve got you I’m still uh watching along yeah awesome so it’s it’s quite a stretch for the mind to imagine that and then on top of that if you have a bias and you just put near infrared without red you will not see any light and so you’re like what am I doing I’m just
standing in front of something there’s not I can’t even see anything and um and it’s not intensely it’s warm so you can see okay I can feel some warmth but it’s not even hot so it’s a bit of a mind Bender but yeah look at this uh this is uh which is shown uh is an optional treatment so n fored is an one optional potential treatment for complications of fracture healing which is shown to stimulate cellular proliferation and enhance the healing of uh let’s see of and I believe the next word was bones
um so cell cell culture all groups gave significant increase in ATP which is a Denine triphosphate within 5 to 10 minutes with Decay to Baseline by 45 minutes 660 ners near infrared which is interesting that there there that’s actually red so they’ve kind of they’ve categorized that interest in an interesting way so 660 is is red but they’re broadly characterizing that within near infrared was because it’s it’s red but I can see why they categorize it like that it’s not technically the way to refer to it
though was significantly more effective than 830 nanometers which with fiber blast or either wavelength with osteoblast animal study significant increase in the fracture healing grade in the 660 animated group at day 14 but with no differences at day 21 so um significant increase which is great at day 14 so very rapid um the study demonstrated an immediate increase in ATP production in vitro and in an and an initial acceleration of callous formation in the fracture healing process in the presence of nared so
pretty cool hey I I look at that one and then um then then I’ve got somebody asked I’ve had a couple of questions but this one specifically was somebody asking does red light therapy help with traumatic brain injury so I just did a quick one I just threw it in the old search engine all right come on red light therapy and TBI and Bam about uh about a dozen studies popped up and I just picked one at Pub Med because less chance of uh YouTube slapping me down if I share something on a government website yep so I mean like yeah when in
doubt that’s probably your best place to start folks red light therapy and what kidney function red light therapy and TBI red light therapy and whatever it is that’s bothering you would probably be a great way to start exactly and so sometimes you just don’t know that you can even look for these things and then you can and then you’d say yeah but I don’t feel like I’m a I’m a like Bonafide researcher or I’m not a doctor and these things but um you know it’s not really profitable to think like that because you’re doing the same
thing that they have to do and you’ve got the same brain that they have and sometimes a high IQ for example it works against people because their EQ which is the emotional intelligent intelligence quoti is too low so they don’t follow through with things and so it’s you just kind of need a bit of WID and a bit of uh fortitude to just check things out and then and then apply them uh that’s kind of the the pathway to success but um there you go you you found a great study which was um I just saw it at a uh
because somebody had asked about TBI right yes and then here we have like yeah here we go we review the let me make this large so I can read it um we review the general topic of traumatic brain injury such and such they’re using light emitting diode so LED so another great confirmation because if you’re using uh like a different type of Technology let’s say you’re using an incandescent bulb or a h hallogen bulb it’s it’s not the same thing and so you can’t expect the same results does that make sense um
completely yeah so you’ve got to kind of be aware of that and specifically the nanometers because we just went through a study that was using 660 and I believe it was 810 and that was um that was important because 660 was more effective in the sense than 810 but you can use them at at the same time because guess what um you’re not only trying to deal with the bone fracture you’re trying to support all your cellular health and so why not use both of those wavelengths so you can also support your kidneys your liver
your lungs which are all going to be more responsive at 810 830 850 1060 uh while you’re doing the 660 maybe potentially for the bone bone fracture or wound healing or bone um uh breaks Etc and so this is an example so they’re using here um LED they’re using um U looking at but the the results there sham controlled veterans um go t sleep in cognitive function six weeks starting at 10 months LED based device Etc so you could read and see that the the findings are conclusive what is that um and so we can
keep going with some more I’ll just pull up a couple here that I’m finding on uh TBI here yeah and I’ve got someone else that’s used infrared for like 30 years and alter of healing is it the same or is it deeper and stronger for healing bones I mean I think just think back to light bulb LED Technologies and all those things over the last 30 years I can only imagine how much more effective because you can get better targeting the Tech’s gotten better it’s gotten far more affordable for high quality so you
know a red light from 30 years ago as today I I would imagine would be pretty different I would think yeah true if they’re using the same thing from 30 years ago technology has developed for sure and I believe that that question is specifically um to do with far INF fored which I can make that comparison which is a really important one because faren fored is is good for certain things but it’s it’s uh not good for a lot of the questions that are being asked specifically it has a it has a secondary action for for example
increasing immunity is going to be helpful and um just tying a bow in the last one so that people can walk away with a conclusion there um like remember that here in the headline the headline does say it all significant improvements in cognitive performance which uh you could see on my screen there uh significant improvements in cognitive performance Post transcranial Red near infrared light emitting diet treatments and chronic mild traumatic brain injury open protocol study so that’s a significant Improvement who would not
want a significant Improvement and in the in many cases this can be complete reversal and this is to do with nitric oxide and this is to do with uh the the production of an increased production of adenosine triphosphate uh nitric oxide production released locally U so increasing Regional cerebral flow uh it’s non-invasive painless non-thermal um which is you know it has insignificant uh risks which is great and then here you’ve got the 11 U people and then you’ve got starting at these time periods for had a history of
multiple concussions uh they’re applied for 10 minutes to each of 11 scalp placements uh LEDs were placed on midline from front to back hairline and bilaterally on frontal Etc and then these tests would performed at one week two uh one and one and two months uh after the 18th treatment a significant linear Trend was observed linear boom like that’s you’re seeing like a straight line up um or to the to that effect um was observed for the effect of the LED treatment over time um and then participants reported improved sleep and
fewer post-traumatic stress recall participants uh and uh sorry and fewer post traumatic stress disorder symptoms if present uh participants and family reported better ability to perform social interpersonal and occupational functions uh these open protocol data suggests that Placebo controlled studies are warranted um how how awesome is that I just what a great study and here you just saw us real time Mark and I just pulling up something on something that was asked and we found a a really wonderful study
and you saw the parameters of how to use it as well but generally speaking just when in doubt just get your head in front of the device and and arguably each part of your head so the front the side the back the top okay so and and ideally not just the head because guess what your head is connected to your heart which is and and connected to your gut and connected to your organs like your which is connected to like we’ve even had people as it say for pregnant women and uh a quick study just showed
uh a number of Articles saying yes but don’t put it direct because the there aren’t enough studies if you put it directly on the belly so I was just reading a few of those um see what doctors have to say don’t don’t take my word for it exactly follow the science you got it yeah it’s it you’re right that it’s generally considered uh safe uh for for pregnant women and there will be a lot of women that based on their doctor’s recommendations will in put it over their belly so that the baby can get that light and they will do that
based on their doctor’s recommendations and things like that there’s certain sensitive subjects that I don’t want to go too much in detail on but um but you can see that this is happening for example um there there is Redlight therapy specifically for NE neonatal care so it’s not even for the mother it’s for the baby which is you know in indirectly for the mother and they’re using even 480 blue light for neonatal care in for the baby in the womb well this red and neof for red light and so uh so those those studies exist which is
which is awesome and and so you can kind of uh you know look at look at that information that exists and then do your research and and then put that in front of a physician so that was a question was it Mark that got asked was it yes cool um just reading of a few of these um wait is it safe Janice I have to see that when somebody asking dog kit problems there’s a lot of research out there on pets that’s one thing I had a lot of fun uh Jonathan or Mr Otto whatever I’m supposed to call you oh yeah anything you could call me any of
those things okay so anything um I did after after we had you on I just started looking and I was just like reading study after study I I just started throwing random things at it and was really because it does it’s like a battery for your mitochondria is what it looks like when I when I’m reading it and and like uh then I’m going back and forth and they’ve got them course hair whatever and then somebody else does a study it increases testosterone in men after two weeks of like 20 minutes a day
or something testosterone goes up 170% and I was these are all like scientific studies over and over and I was like this is just awesome wow well thank you for showing that one on testosterone I think everyone’s G to go crazy about that not just the men but the women especially um yeah I mean testosterone increases sex driv in women too yeah strength I mean at least that’s what all the studies say you got it and blow testosterone is is really ruining see look my memory solid I just looked it up real quick and it
shows 170% increase in testosterone after exposure red light for two weeks hey I’m not doing too bad considering two weeks ago when you were on yeah no that is that is impressive marck I I actually love it when people can recall these facts it’s it’s something that I try to do um and to accelerate in so that I can just be a good resource for people um the reason why a lot of doctors get me into train them and their clinics and their their uh experts in their clinics is because I just simply because I have the ability
to retain facts and to cross reference it and that’s that’s the simplest it is retain the facts and cross reference um then janana says uh uh safe for people with lupus so I did a quick study red light therapy offers several potential benefits for Lupus patients reduce inflammation therapy’s anti-inflammatory properties can help minimize systemic pain and Aid and disease recovery improve skin Health combat skin damage common and lupus such as uh whatever papules is acne and discy Butterfly rashes and handsome uni I mean
I just I just loving uh getting the opportunity ignorance is an opportunity you get to fix it you got it man I love that yes and and so that’s a that’s a great example lupus would be one of those cases where you would that would be one where people would say lupus rosacea these are uh conditions where you’re sensitive to the Sun and so they would be the ones that people would say okay watch out be careful uh but what’s fascinating about red light therapy is that one I I always give God the credit
because it’s it’s the Sun that the red light therapy device is modeling uh it’s not mankind has not developed this we didn’t invent it God did and we’ve replicated it and we’ve made it um accessible and we you know put it in front of people and close to people but um it is actually repairing sun damage for people it is uh it is doing things for people that even you know when they’re sensitive to the sun they’re getting tremendous results and so showed this one on Immaculate degeneration while you’ve got it here and I’ll pull
up one on Lupus as well um yeah I’m seeing a couple immaculate generation some saying they don’t know the longterm because they haven’t studied longterm but it shows a slowing effect on the diseases what some of the studies I’m reading in here um and and and there’s guides on it different doctors talking about it different uh that I saw a couple University sites talking about it as well so it appears there’s quite a bit of research on the effectiveness of it and I have yet to find anything negative
other than just saying hey we don’t have a whole lot of longterm in other words we don’t have 20 30 40 year studies we’ve got 10 year studies and everything looks great kind of thing is what it appears reading through them uh you want to jump on the lupus one oh yeah exactly and I I’ll come back to macul degeneration remind me to tell you a really awesome story can you see these energ you can tell the macular generation first and then come back to Lupus if you want oh yeah well I’m I’m here now this we’re leaving these epic
Cliffhangers for people um Cliffhangers are good yeah you keep people excited you can see these images Mark yes so I mean that is a a really interesting example so this is with kous lupus and uh this look these skin conditions it’s interesting so 1903 Neil finson won the Nobel Prize for for light therapy to reverse lupus vulgaris fascinating right so 1903 so um so this is this is using light therapy for for for lupus and so you’ve got even the before and after pictures and I’m just straight here on
pbet NIH government website um and here you see the before and after photos of a 38- year old woman and uh her hands her feet you see each of these images her arms uh what an awesome uh turnaround so you just have to look with your own two eyes you don’t have to know all you don’t have to know every detail of everything there is to know you you see these images and you say okay wow there’s there’s some hope here and then the patient had been disabled and housebound for over four years because of cutaneous
eruptions joint pain and fatigue that were resistant to three years of prazone and hydroxychloroquine sulfate treatments uh so then you see these eruptions uh and then they’re in the fingers lower panels uh same regions following three weeks of daily dose uh low do UV AI IR radiation treatment showing complete elimination see this Line This is a good one showing complete elimination ofle her joint joint pain and fatigue responded uh with the rash she arose from her sick bed and went to work for
the first time in four years U there you go uh love those and then and it wasn’t just the one this reversed the the disy regions in a total of three patients um okay then you have more details there you can read and then you’ve got yeah you just keep going through these studies and uh they are they’re fantastic uh so uh Immaculate degeneration so I’ll tell you a a really cool uh story uh so this there’s a woman that was uh learning from from this just like just like you guys are and she then went and purchased our device a couple
of devices and she then went to visit a 93y Old that she’s a care for who has macular degeneration and has uh dementia and so this woman was uh you know kind of living with a low quality of life and often it’s not just one issue she had a lot of pain neuropathy especially in her feet and So within 21 minutes of having a light over her eyes so the the light was over over her eyes for two minutes eyes open two minutes eyes closed and they they kind of just she just kind of went with a few few the things that she knows the
studies show that 3 minutes eyes open is in the morning it has to be the morning for like conditions related to the eyes particularly this study that I’m referencing was with myopia and it was a 17% Improvement in eyesight um that was reported across like universally across the treated group um that was the median uh number which is awesome within uh like actually just a few sessions performed within the single week but uh this one woman she within 21 minutes she said what’s wrong with the television
and this is a part of the effects of dementia uh and she said what do you mean she says something’s wrong with the television what is wrong with the television she’s very emphatic about it so she’s kind of bewildered about what’s happening something has changed with the television she said what do you mean she said well I can read it I can read the words and this was 21 minutes after the light was applied to her eyes uh with uh with a woman that’s Str you know she’s almost mid 90s and uh and then she was
just thrilled she’s flicking around the channel she’s on the stocks Channel she’s actually able to read it and she’s able to distinguish color and then she um she then later is saying well what’s wrong with my feet now what change with my feet what did you do to my feet she says what do you mean what did I do she’s again one wondering you know is say something bad did something bad happen and then she says they don’t have any pain she says they hurt all the time they don’t have any pain and this is now
maintained the pain hasn’t come back she’s continued on some of the treatments and this was with just something like 10 or 20 minutes with a red light therapy belt over her her feet and uh that that turned that around for her uh which is awesome so you got some more uh great things there to share we can share some more studies on Immaculate de generation but why don’t you pull up what you’re looking at there mark because we’re just having a little bit too much fun here a minute I mean I I just keep going to
these and I’m like man this one uh somebody said granuloma and Yari no no clue what it is so I just I look it up and then saying hey we don’t have a as much on red light but lots on laser so Light and Laser based treatments for granuloma anular um we’ll even go to Pub Med uh make YouTube happy and uh yeah it talks about some of the different uh treatments and some where they’ve got enough information some no uh body of evidence for light is sparse okay they’re saying this one there’s not a whole lot I’m trying to find more they
had me somebody had me looking oh I may have messed that one up I think I just hit the wrong one um they had me looking up macular generation and oh my God the amount of stuff on this one is overwhelming on the positive side I’m just so much we get to look up it’s it’s fun uh why don’t you share what you found on MC degeneration all right we’re g to bounce over to this one this one coming from eye surgery guide um Progressive eye condition okay uh this one may not be as much I’m trying to go back and find the
ones with the studies just bear with me guys go back and forth because I’m doing this all live yeah no it’s uh it’s fun it’s uh it’s real real time and then people are also just seeing out processes so that people can do the same thing um here’s uh if you look at my screen when you’re ready but this is with granuloma annual air with LED red light and the reason why I’m emphasizing LED is because one most of the studies we’ve been referencing are all LED studies which is great uh but uh the the reason why it’s advantageous to have
proved that it’s LED based is it means that you can do atome treatments uh whereas with lasers um it’s very specific and there’s overheating issues with lasers uh I I’m not against lasers I think they they’re helpful but um when you find that you could do this at home with very costeffective devices versus abnormally expensive devices that have overheating issues that can be physici only you kind of lose on the opportunity to continually do the treatments that you need does that make sense uh so have
a look at this is an example so um so uh light therapy has potential treatment some studies suggest that red light therapy uh LED can help reduce inflammation and improve the appearance of granuloma anular specifically red light therapy 660 nanometers so that’s been proven there uh to prevent ultraviolet UV induced uh arth uh aritha and there’s the study there um that you could see and that’s particularly with light emitting diodes which is LEDs for the granuloma anul a and uh then you could see that it’s been used here so
now you’ve got a couple of uh you’ve got say a bit of a bonus here have they been used uh LED red uh have been used studied for a wide variety of uses including wound healing photo damage which is sun damage typically the treatment of NM csc’s pre-cancers warts and the prevention of oral mucosa mucos mucos mucositis in cancer patients and then here they’ve used a 630 nanometer um penetration or nanometer um in patients who have undergone uh various treatments here and significant Improvement of
Edema uh Emma bruising and pain on the treated side of face uh and so then you’ve got the ablation here this is a a blinded study which means that they’re using the um you know parameters that help determine that there is um not the participants kind of imagining that they got better hence the blinding of the study uh and then they’re using this photosensitizing agent which is am aminol linic acid or the methyl form here uh combined with red LED and to statistically improve scar appearance after two or more
treatments and uh that is that’s awesome because uh now what this does is it pushes people into saying okay well uh I could get this aminol linic acid and combine it or I could get one that’s more available which would be methylene blue is very easily accessible and then you’ve got curcumin berberine and um several others uh that will help people to achieve those results so that they can use a photosensitizing agent to uh significantly enhance the benefit of that therapy uh to increase the absorption of the light into the cells
which include into the healthy cells and into the disease cells had somebody specifically on the skin cancer are there many studies there on that front there are which is which is awesome um so like with uh with lymphomas they like the cutaneous lymphoma is they pertain to the skin uh that’s an example and then you’ve got also the melanoma cases which which is often has a a correlation with the sun um arguably it’s deeply connected to the fact that people are on other things that cause the sun to be damaging to them so
imagine you’re eating a lot of seed oils and as a result you’re unable to let me just fix that one second uh as a result you’re unable to uh be able to you know solve uh like a lot of these issues um and when you’re exposed to the Sun and you’re you’re you’re having issues with your diet then the sun can be more damaging and there are things that are being sprayed into our world I won’t go into too much detail that cause there to be some more issues there but um so we can look up the studies on
melanoma um melanoma and I mean I I I even looked up irritable bowel syndrome and there’s studies showing how it helps improve um irritable B I’m just like this is it’s almost getting more fun to find something it doesn’t help with yeah exactly i’ I’ve tried that and that’s why I was emphasizing um lupus and rosacea which which both would be the two that you would say be careful uh and then the other one would be epilepsy because you’re sensitive to light when you’re got epilepsy so then let’s let’s
um let’s push the boundaries with that as well let’s see what we can discuss real time on that um uh ell so so thanks for your patience guys while we do some yeah there you go look and then again you’ve got the exact opposite finding that you would think okay be careful if you’ve got epilepsy don’t do red light therapy that would be the that would be the answer but then here’s an AI overview but remember these are all linked to uh scientific studies so then we can go chase each of these rabbit holes
um okay yeah so then here we go uh so while red life therapy photobi modulation shows promise as a potential non-invasive treatment for epilepsy reducing seizure frequency okay so that that would be important and offering neuroprotection more research is needed to confirm its Effectiveness and safety in humans which is always true so don’t like let a line like that discourage you every single condition and even though you might have seen some Blockbuster result in 50 studies this line will always still be true more research is
needed more research is needed it is but um yeah so uh neur protection for uh here we go so photobiomodulation may offer neuro protection for individuals with epilepsy potentially improving neuronal health and function uh red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t involve drugs or surgery minimizing the risk of adverse effects improve mitochondrial function so these are the reasons why it’s working so ferto biomodulation may improve mitochondrial function which is important for neuronal health why would
that be so important well you have thousands of mitochondria in your brain cells you know your cerebellum cells have hundreds of thousands of mitochondria per cerebellum cell and they account for a large percentage in most cases around 25% of the cell and and there are organel that are surrounding the nucleus that are the energy Powerhouse for the cells and so with without them you can’t perform any function cell cellular function so if you somehow you know just had them deleted out of your body you wouldn’t
survive you wouldn’t live all functions of your body would just stop immediately and you would you would die instantly if you had no mitochondria which is true for any kind of cellular function but the fact that your cells are just functioning just enough to keep you alive but you’re not thriving that’s the that’s the difference here so when we charge them with light and light is the best thing to stimulate mitochondria to produce adenosine triphosphate ATP and then you’re able to um to you know deal
with that and let’s have a look at you’re able to then perform cells are increased in their effectiveness to be able to perform all functions which include um DNA repair and stem cell production and mitochondrial regeneration and mitophagy which is the collapse and apoptosis of unhealthy mitochondria siness mitochondria that are poisoning other mitochondria once they uh pay you know die out new uh new mitochondria regenerated those new and healthy mitochondria are causing the adequate and effective stem cell production in
the body naturally so these are things that normally you think oh you know if only had had the money I could do um stem cell therapy and then people often put uh red light uh sorry they often put stem cells in the body just to find out that it’s done really not much or anything for them because they uh are just going into the same environment and so they kind of are like you know seeds that have gone into an unfertile soil ground and the more seeds didn’t make the outcome any different whereas if you
give the your cells that are already in your body body what they need for Effective functioning then you can you can see these amazing results so the these are um to lowrisk Nature its lowrisk nature M nature makes it a viable option for individuals seeking alternative complimentary therapies for managing epilepsy um uh reducing seizures neuro protection let’s have a look here at uh reduced seizure activity is seen here this is on PubMed lights for epilepsy in this review we can consider the effectiveness of potenti potential new
treatment for epilepsy know as photo modulation use of red and Ne fored and body tissues recent studies and animal models have shown that photo modulation reduces seizure like activity improves neuronal survival further it has an excellent safety record with little or no evidence of side effects and is non-invasive taken together this treatment appears to be ideal treatment for patients suffering from epilepsy which is certainly worthy for further consideration so I only went to epilepsy not because I got asked the question
because I took the challenge that you took Mark and wanted to to go to the hardest most uh Contra indicative uh condition that would maybe lead us to say listen guys if you have this don’t do it because Mark and I what’s our first protocol here it’s not even to help you our first protocol is to do no harm to not harm you that’s the first premise so I will tell you do not do this if you have these conditions I’m just trying to find that I’m just trying to find it Mark help me somebody help me me the
because I want to live with with a good conscience knowing that I did not leave any stone left unturned show me a condition that this doesn’t work for yeah I mean it’s I can’t find one that it makes worse but I can find many that it shows that it has some very solid beneficial uh uh actions but I mean like thyroid so I did the quick one and looked up thyroid and article after article um with red light for thyroid and thy thyroid conditions and thyroid Health um stimulating hormone production supporting reducing inflammation I mean
I’m just it is it’s got a point where I’m like I wonder if there’s I wonder if I can stump it and find something it doesn’t help with now some indicators some have more studies than others some of the studies you’re just like holy crap this is beyond awesome and other ones are like well you know it looks like it does but we haven’t nobody’s done any like you know peer-reviewed studies to find out on some of the things exactly and remember people had to be Trailblazers here as well and there are
around 75,000 diagnosed conditions that’s a huge problem when you think about it because now we’re dealing with okay now you’ve got to do maybe you know 50 or 100 studies on every single one of these now you’re talking about millions of studies that need to be conducted uh kind of because of the problem of having so many different diagnosises that are almost like rabbit holes that kind of it’s almost a distraction in a way because we we like we’re dealing with the language of man right now but really what what should we
be doing we should be talking about what cells need what’s what’s disrupting cellular function what are the actual triggers that cause these conditions and that’s where you would deal with parasites heavy metal toxicity um there the study on pesticides showing that animal Venoms are used for pesticides shows this other category of toxicity which I’m not going to go into detail on that but people just need to be aware that this category of toxin toxins that are in the environment and in the body so that that
is the most prolific use of of pesticide so that’s the specific poison that lodges itself in the body and then bacteria and so now with those four categories and then you could say even inflammatory foods like like gluten would be an inflammatory food that crosses the the intestinal lining um inter in intestinal permeability known as leaky gut leaky gut causing leaky brain so now you’ve got these like let’s say five triggers now from this now we can look at the root that’s arguably causing all of the
75,000 which you’d say nutrient deficiency would be another but but that is largely being caused by all of these toxins these toxins are causing that issue now how does red light therapy help correct this issue so I could show you red light therapy as an anti-parasitic I could show you red light therapy as an an anti-venom with the bothrops aspa snake so reducing edema and myotoxicity which is toxicity caused by drugs uh that use Venoms and Venoms that are in the the body and that’s the that’s the definition of the
word myotoxicity and then you’ve got um the bacterial reaction so red light therapy it has a strong reaction to bacterial infection and um helping balance even uh good and bad back bacteria because it’s supporting good while help helping to H get the body to destroy the bad um and then yes all these These are the root causes Mark and then when you realize it’s dealing with these mechanisms then it makes sense why it’s working for these conditions and it starts making more sense now because it’s dealing with these root causes if
you can deal with parasites you’re you’re now correcting something called the mitochondrial stem cell cell the mitochondrial stem cell connection when parasites Lodge themselves inside the cells which is intracellular parasitic infection then if you irradiate those cells with light you’re helping to destroy those parasites based on clinical studies which now is stopped the disruption to the mitochondrial stem cell connection which is what’s causing the flourishing of healthy new cells so your body’s functioning in a healthy way
and a normal in a normal manner um so that’s an example and that makes sense why now we have so many studies because we haven’t even been talking about cancer but those cancer studies that we discussed a lot last session like the breast cancer study that showed a 40% drop it’s on PubMed within 24 hours uh in vitro but human cell lines uh how good is that one right that and that’s just the light itself that wasn’t using a photosensitizer that was just the light itself but it was four different wavelengths tested and it was only 660
that did that did that drop so 660 is certainly a star player uh the the eye study I mentioned before was 7 670 sorry uh all the things pertaining to lungs bones uh tentis they’re all in the 810s typically 810 830 850 1060 um all of those conditions typically respond to those wavelengths I’m going to run into a time constraint soon so uh I’d love to throw this one at you uh for our last one what makes you red light different than the other ones on the market I mean I you know I’ve seen you do the test with the
meter to look at um what it’s putting off um wavelengths Etc or what’s the word I’m looking for here uh IR Radiance Radiance IR Radiance absolutely Mo so the radiance the the emfs uh yeah and then there you could see a a device real time on that video just underneath um uh if you scroll down while I’m chatting on this but here you’re looking at an example of of one out of one of our devices and you can when you look on this page you could choose the one that meets your budget and your needs um so
here you’ve got an A Radiance of over 205 Mills per centimeter squared at 3 inches so in order to perform this you’ll notice in the placebo studies that they don’t get better uh unfortunately or in all the studies I’ve read there I’ve never read a single study where they said the placebos did well as well they all decline um or or they or they don’t get better and uh so that would and which means that they actually gave them a fake light in a lot of cases and so think about that like you could actually get something you say
well it’s red it doesn’t mean that it’s real um so you can you can uh determine that by testing the radians or going with your your um manufacturer or the company and looking at the tested already so 205 m per cenm squ at 3 in and that’s uh an immense amount of power and it’s the the highest that I’ve seen in the market and um so we’re leading in that field so that’s one two is the wavelength so we have nine different wavelengths which is 480 590 630 660 670 810 830 850 1060 so that’s nine different wavelengths and so that it’s
signaling all these parts of the body at the same time so it’s really critical to understand will all the different wavelengths that we’re talking about well you don’t even if you just have this one issue like you’ve got this thyroid issue and that’s all you seem to care about right now but really like considering that lung cancer is killing more people than breast cancer colon cancer prostate cancer and uh and uh uh like combined uh then lung cancer would be something that everyone should say let’s
get ahead of this and so one of the studies I presented recently was the 87% overall response with people with lung cancer to red light therapy so 87% showed a significant Improvement in their outcomes uh with using this so then it’s just an example of the fact that use all the different wavelengths so you get ahead of the problem instead of just kind of dealing with only the issue that you feel like all you know this is just the one issue I have I want to prevent this use all the wavelengths at the same
time and and then what you’re doing is you’re signaling all these processes um at these various levels in your body um simultaneously and that’s activating nitric oxide in these areas of the body activating cytochrom SE oxidase which is critical for cellular respiration which is cell basically the breathing of your cells in your mitochondria um at these different levels then uh EMF so like you got to have a zero zero EMF which as is zero these meters this is going to go crazy because I’m I’m in the middle of a
city skyscrapers are around me and uh so it doesn’t give me the uh so me putting that this up to a device now it’s still going to keep going off because I’m in a such a high Wi-Fi environment but in a previous video I put it up to the device Mark you saw it the audience saw it it’s a zero reading uh so those three things would be critical to look at and then the fourth thing or uh not in order is the Dual LED so two different wavelengths coming out of the Same Led that’s profound because what it means is
that practically every bulb has red and near infrared light coming through the same bulb so that’s amazing because what means is instead of spreading it out you’ll have one one red light bulb one near infrared uh instead you’ve got you’ve got it coming out of every every single one so notice how this all has if I put the function on all now you’ve got oh run timer mode or brightness Ed it so I’ve got all of these coming through all nine different wavelengths they’re all coming out of this device at the same time and
this is this is the uh RL Pro 200 when you scroll down on the page and you check it out and Yeah notice I don’t have my eyes closed I’m still in the morning hours and this is really good for my eyesight at the at the three minutes uh people use your own research and you know talk to your physician all that kind of thing um but and the RL Pro um 300 is is is bigger than this it’s wider it’s tall it allows you to actually cover all your organs at the same time from head to groin all the critical organs um and so that’s my
strongest recommendation because your time is very valuable and the investment you’re making is something that will like last a long time will last your lifetime it’s a lifetime uh rated lifespan but um then but as you can see you’ve got this is all red and every bulb has has near infrared coming out of this as well so a 8 10 830 8850 1060 all the near for red all at the same time so it’s now evenly dispersed and the the bulbs that you have here you’ve doubled it so like with our with our red light
Pro 300 then that’s got 288 bulbs but it’s 7 576 total because they’re dual LEDs two different frequencies coming out of the same bulb which means a double concentration over the your critical organs um hardly any companies are offering the Dual LEDs which is super sad in a way because it’s it’s just more power it’s an even spread um I want all those wavelengths on top of those critical organs so that’s it Mark I mean it’s it’s it’s so awesome man and just and and like a nutshell in terms of people realizing that it’s the
cheapest thing you can do for your health because it’s not something you keep reordering um you know like having a few supplements I’ve got a supplement company I think that people you know get great results on these things but if there’s any one thing you’re not going to skip it needs to be the light therapies uh you just saw what we did if we put any supplement in we wouldn’t find the studies that we just found then Mark um so diverse and it’s one thing that the whole family does so it’s not just you that’s using it it’s you your
partner or your your mother your father your your loved ones your neighbors that have problems that need help like we actually have a responsibility to get these therapies into our home because our our loved ones need us so then that you know you may be if you’re paying $50 a month on supplements for the year you’re up at you know $600 over 10 years it’s $6,000 and then you you’re still you don’t own it it’s gone now you you’re you’re reordering that’s just one person you got another person you keep
stacking this and then what people can do is they could do it on a payment plan so you’re only paying $20 $50 a month whatever that number is or you just Factor it in your mind okay this is what this is GNA cost me over this time and it ends up costing just dollars a month instead of um instead of like you know these large sums of money so it’s super affordable and and it’s something that anyone can do and everyone can do and we we really need to do this and the biggest thing I tell people look at this like you’ve got
mitochondria in these critical organs what are you doing to feed them and what are you going to do with uh like low functioning kidneys and liver and your heart not not not functioning and regenerating the way it’s supposed to and your brain cells just you know you you’re having issues here and these cells are becoming senescent what do you they’re so valuable do you understand how valuable these organs are to you these cells are to you what are you doing that’s feeding them and it’s like just think about that and think about
the fact that if you if you’re not doing this you’re actually making more expensive more painful decisions later on that then are are the ones that are not the happy ones these are the one this is a this is something that can change your life and it’s like it it’s like you you have to get on top of this stuff otherwise you’re waiting for problems and I just don’t want to see that happen to people and so that’s why I encourage people take action try something like this and and you’re covered by a warranty and a three-year
warranty and a 60-day money back guarantee so you could try it and see what it does for your life and your health and we just are just here to support and just see you get the best results possible that’s what I really care about um thank you uh we’re going to have to drag you back pretty much monthly for a Q&A oh dude I would love that it’s so much fun and you’re such a great uh researcher as well you you kind of retain the facts I’m like telling doctors to remember the things that you just kind of pulled up and the way your
mind works that people are like blessed to have you as a as a leader there I appreciate that no I really mean it I really mean it folks you’re looking for them you’re looking for my my uh we he did give us a code if you guys want a discount um mark z m a r KZ I don’t know if it was a discount just to make certain credit goes where it’s supposed to but it’s it is gives them an additional 10% so you’ll see discounts applied on the page and free gifts that we’ve added in and then if you just you
put in the code Mark Z then that will put an additional 10% off so it would be a huge um blessing there for people for sure and uh so yeah it’s that simple the Cliffhanger sorry Mark was on the on the thyroid so it was a dramatic reduction in the levoxin even though they did a some pretty bad studies um in it and because they they put them on it for like two weeks three weeks twice a week and then took them off for three months and even though they did that that the poor parameters that you you
you heard about like that’s not not a good way to do the study right Mark you can see that right you take them off it and then test them three months later and uh you see a dramatic reduction in the Leo thyoxin uh the thyroid stimulating hormone levels have dropped dropped significantly the antibody levels have dropped significantly their ability to produce T3 and T4 have increased significantly hence the reduced need for Leo thyoxin and then uh there then all the weight loss benefits then are recorded the hip to waist ratio
the body mass index all of these things have significantly improved which is typically an issue with hypothyroidism and um and then when we talked about the ones that we were on like when you look up Graves disease it’s the one where you see like there’s not a lot of studies on this one but then I’ve seen firsthand the studies on graves like I I mean people get amazing results and we’ve seen in two and a half weeks people go from being bedridden and having terrible markers and their doctors being
flabbergasted at the complete turnaround going I think of Shannon who went to then compete in a marathon two and a half weeks after uh she was bed and hardly able to walk um and her doctors are saying we don’t understand what you’ve done and this was like being in front of it for 30 minutes a day having it over her thyroid having it over her head organs and um this made a game changer for her and with people with chronic fatigue what we’re seeing is if people have their eyes open