MarkZ Morning (Uncut) 03-21-2025
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 03/21/2025
Hello, it’s good to be with you all. I didn’t know if it was going to happen today. Even if it is a rumble kick kind of thing, boy did they throw curves today.
For those who want to know why I’m not here, get on Telegram, X or True Social, you’d already know, you can answer your own questions. Because God knows, on top of everything else I had to deal with, the 50 emails asking me where I’m at was pretty annoying. Hello, Tom.
Hello, Expleodosius. Hello, Rum Doctor. Hello, Bearcat.
Wish we’d have slipped into the redemption office earlier. Hello, Bengals. You’ll answer your own questions if you’ll just follow on X, Truth, or sign up for the Intel room on Telegram whenever you don’t see it.
You guys are having a ball. For those that aren’t used to being in rumble, I think you’re getting a lesson this morning. And because of the YouTube, and before anybody asks, let me get to it because you’ve already asked.
We are off YouTube for a week. I am challenging, trying. Yesterday when we were talking about that sad you put on questionable spots on your skin.
And then I said, hey, I’ve seen some really cool videos, etc. Seems really effective. Make certain you ask your doctor.
I guess that was too much. So there’s a word now that has YouTube doubling down on only conservative podcasters. Any alternative treatment is now medical misinformation.
No matter how accurate, no matter how many studies you give them, it’s misinformation. In other words, it’s a convenient way to remove conservative podcasters. Because God knows you can look all over YouTube and find exponentially, well, things that are just downright patently not right.
But anyways, so I decided to turn Twitch back on for the week. Until we were back on, I decided to turn Twitch back on for one week. I hate to give money to them, but hey, YouTube doesn’t want it.
We’ll let Twitch have a little. Too much swear jar abuse. No, that’s perfectly okay.
So if you want to be safe, follow us on Rumble this week. Hello, Jay Morris. Hello, Eeyore Critter.
Love. Yeah, right. No longer.
Medical misinformation is redundant. I’m afraid to say anything. We may not get to discuss health for a while.
So yeah, it turned into a rough one. A short morning appointment turned into almost five hours on the road because of a jackknife rig blocking, causing the entire autopista, the toll road to shut down this morning. And during that journey is when I got the email from YouTube shutting things down.
So it just, it’s a morning and I’m not going to talk about it anymore. But you will not find me. Once again, you will not find me on YouTube for one week.
It will probably not be back until probably not until a week from actually not this Saturday, but next Saturday, most likely before we get to return to YouTube. Maybe earlier. Who knows? We are fighting it because we are clearly in the right.
I even I even I’d like a preface, guys, all these treatments, all these cool things, make certain you show the information, work with your doctors on it. That wasn’t enough for them. So now you got your you got your heads up.
I’m going to count on you guys to tell anybody else that comes in and ask the same questions over and over and over and over again. But I knew you guys would be upset if we didn’t get a little in and I like it. Hey, Cameron, I appreciate Mr. C is going to join us Monday morning.
They also boy, I tell you, a militia man called to commiserate because he’s had all kinds of tech problems as well over the last 24 hours or so. They’re working hard, working hard to shut us up. I tell you, the truth does scare them, doesn’t it? Although you did see Chuck Schumer caved.
We knew it was going to happen. Schumer caves. He obviously finally took a look at the polls showing that about 70 percent of voters blame the Democrats for the impending shutdown.
So what did Schumer do? He said, look, they’re just going to use it to their benefit. It’s going to hurt us. We need to sign this thing, move on and find a different way.
Well, I’m glad you are smart enough to figure that out. Unfortunately, AOC and the rest have now declared war on Chuck Schumer over it. So, yeah, I got a bit of a civil war going on in the Democratic Party, which was already splintered and they are making worse.
Well, they’re taking bad and making it worse. Good for them. In other words, their bads are good.
Isn’t that confusing? Libby, I’m with you. Let it be our weekend. Now, I will not be over at Trolling News.
YouTube in that was very clear. If you go to another channel, they will permanently remove both. So I’m just going to leave YouTube alone for the week.
You talk to one of your friends, they’re like, where is he at? I’m not there. Will not be on YouTube until that is lifted. It may take an opportunity to remove a lot of old content off YouTube.
Because in the past, they have used it as an opportunity once you get a first strike, because then they get to double it. They have used it as an opportunity to go through your entire history of your channel. They did that during the height of the bug, and they made it nearly impossible to podcast.
Just about removed me permanently then. They went back like two years, two and a half years, and took another comment completely out of context. Without the minute or two before, the minute or two after.
Which means I’ll probably do a massive channel cleanup during the downtime. And Desert Sky, once again, is not going to show up. Ah, you found it.
I missed that one. Let’s see. Did anyone see on the news, those who don’t sleep are depressed, have anxiety, are more likely to believe conspiracy theories? You mean the crazy ones like Trump hired an assassin to shoot him in the ear? Or the massive electoral fraud that occurred to allow Trump to win that the left is claiming? You know, conspiracy theories.
Kik is supposed to already be open. Yeah, I’m on Kik. It’s already open.
I’m just fishing. My problem with Twitch, again, is that Bezos and crew are allowing extreme anti-Semitic people to stay on. That have called for death, death to Jews, death to whatever.
I mean, absolutely horrendous stuff. That’s the reason I won’t stay consistently on Twitch. I will not support that level of hate.
I mean, five years ago, the U.S. government would have shut them down for what is being spread. Ten years ago, the U.S. government would have shut Twitch down for what they’re allowing to spread and be said. The hate.
It’s horrendous what Twitch is allowing. I guess I could be okay. I shouldn’t say I’d never be okay with it, but I guess I could understand it more if Twitch allowed free speech on both sides of the aisle, but they only allow one set of free speech.
The one that they agree with. The fact that they’ll allow that, but you can’t say anything derogatory about somebody of another religion. Let’s say Islam or something, but you’re allowed to say whatever you want about Judaism.
You’re allowed to say whatever you want about Christians or Christianity, but you can’t say anything about – yeah, no. See, like Kik. Kik is wide open, and yes, there is some hate speech on there, but it’s on both sides.
In other words, they’re not picking one or picking the other, so I assume you have to be smart enough to make your own decisions and figure out what is okay to say and what’s not. I’m going to try to keep up with you guys. Probably should just hit the news.
Tomorrow morning, again, Rumble. Rumble will be tomorrow morning. Rumble, Twitch, Kik, and Odyssey, of course.
Reading a few. All right, let’s just get to it. This is going to be the news time banner.
We’re going to start in Iraq. So sorry about the unconventional Friday, guys. Oil prices rise and Brent crude reaches $7.40 a barrel.
All the fear in Iraq seems to be undeserved. Stabilizing fuel oil prices means stabilizing the economy. Much of the articles for the last two weeks, we can park, just like I told you we’d be able to.
Iraq starts a 40-kilometer gas pipeline in Basra. Fuel power plants should be done within 120 days before the summer season, replacing the Iranian gas shortage or the gas that was coming from Iran. Another one of those that I said look for, watch, and we shared some of the earliest stories on.
Here we have it. It’s official. They’re doing everything they can to remove any Iranian influence.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fawad Hassan chairs the 13th meeting to follow up preparations for the Arab summit. Why did I put that one in there? We’ve been told now for a very long time that part of the negotiations for Iraq to host the Arab summit was that they have a new rate. It’s coming in May, which means they need to be done before.
Boy, I tell you, March is looking exceptionally good right now. I’m still hearing very positive things from Bonds. I’m not hearing any positive stuff from Groups.
Well, I shouldn’t say. I’m not hearing anything negative. I’m just waiting for more activity on the Group side.
Before I feel like boom, I’m going to stamp my approval on it, get myself excited, and go buy a new set of dancing shoes. Arab summit again. We even saw a number of articles about lifting the purchasing power before hosting the Arab summit, and here we go.
They’re hosting the Arab summit. I guess I can talk to you guys for just a moment before we keep on going with news. Booger, are you the only mod? We’ve got Mile High.
Let’s see. We’ve got Mile High Trish. Booger.
Is it just you two? I think it may just be you two. I’ve only seen two anyways. Ah, Mikula’s there.
Ah, but no Ranch. Okay. We’ll work on those things.
Make certain I stay with your comments. Cowboy boots. There you go, Critter Loveney.
Cowboy boots, not dancing shoes. I like it. All right, let’s hit some more of the news.
Of course, Schumer folding was big news as he has finally read the polling data that shows that around 70% of Americans are blaming the Democrats for the potential shutdown of the U.S. government. He knew that there was a no win for the Democratic Party. There’s no win, period.
If I were a Democrat right now, I would just try to expose as much fraud as you can in the budget. I would try to jump on board and pick your battles. Unfortunately, they’re not, which has caused the lawfare, which is exactly what Trump has wanted.
He wants the lawfare. He wants the petty lawsuits. He wants judges to step in the way because it forces these things to the Supreme Court to clarify with presidents forever and always into the future.
So very, very, very long-term approach that the Trump administration is taking. Speaking of Trump, 98 protesters arrested after occupying Trump Tower to demand a release to pro-Palestinian activists. Once again, mostly peaceful.
This one was actually mostly peaceful, unlike the recent protests at Tesla dealerships where people have been injured, property is damaged, cars firebombed, buildings, etc. Look it up in the news. It’s factual.
Wait, I don’t have to clarify those things. I’m not on YouTube. I don’t have to spoon-feed dumb.
I just wanted to touch on that one because we were hearing about that yesterday, and some of you guys may not have seen the news. They were removed, some very upset folks. Come to find out it’s illegal to ruin people’s businesses.
Putin issues a U.S. list—issues to the U.S., I guess I should say, a list of demands to achieve a 30-day ceasefire. I mentioned yesterday a ceasefire really doesn’t make sense to Russia as a—all right, whoever’s winning, ceasefires don’t work for them, not unless there are some serious stipulations. So the Russians shot back and said, yeah, we’ll do a 30-day ceasefire.
But here, there are a couple of very key things. You cannot use this to rearm, reposition. In other words, you have to freeze the battlefield.
Make certain I get these right. A ceasefire would be—Russia is saying a ceasefire would be exploited by the West and Ukraine to halt the advance of Russian armies. Supply the Ukrainian army with more weapons, continue extensive mobilization.
Ukraine has strengthened the repressive and anti-Russian nature of the Ukrainian political regime. They have been very clear. The only way they will agree to it is if they are absolutely not allowed to conduct mobilization, will not train soldiers, and will not receive weapons.
I think that is very reasonable demands. I would make the same if I were in a similar position. The U.S. would make similar if they were in a similar position.
Makes sense. So they listed out the demands. We could have peace.
If the U.S. and the Ukraine—or I should say if they agreed to those restrictions, then we could have a 30-day ceasefire starting at some point today or over the weekend. Critter Love, you’re correct. Trump is very smart.
He’s taking them down this time. He’s beating them at their own game. He was far more prepared.
The Marine Corps informed Senate that the Ukraine war is impacting readiness. I know. It’s a crazy thing.
When the Biden administration was busy providing all kinds of equipment at a serious discount, not counting on what it was going to cost to replace it—here’s an example—provided over $2 billion. The Marine Corps provided over $2 billion in equipment and munitions to the Armed Forces of Ukraine via PDA, Presidential Drawdown Authority. The problem is it’s going to cost over $5 billion to replace it.
They don’t have enough arms, munitions, et cetera, to be combat ready, to train, to have in store on hand if they are called into a conflict. They’re saying, hey, guys, you got to fix this. We knew that one was coming.
And in this one, just a reminder, how many more of these do you need to see, the Ukrainian soldiers, this is how they recruit? How many verified from news agencies all around the world with the forced conscription going on before you realize that there is nothing democratic or democracy or republic about the Ukraine? He had four years to prepare, and he did it well. Maddie Jack wants to know what the admiral fringe is on the flag behind the president. It goes back and forth depending on where they’re at.
It’s important to you and I, to a lot of the folks in those positions that are setting up the rooms, they don’t understand. They don’t understand what they’re doing. Some do, overwhelming majority, 98% of the people in D.C. setting up with the flags and all that have no clue what they’re doing.
They’re just, here’s flags, let’s put them here. That’s a painful, painful lesson. T Parker said, hi, Martini Prayers was diagnosed with prostate cancer Monday.
I love you guys. So many studies, T Parker, Rishi Mustroom, et cetera. So many peer-reviewed studies that you can take and share with your doctor in hopes that they can formulate a more effective approach.
Non, I, mom, I, unfortunately, no, I don’t know what to tell you on the gold foil Zims or the silver foil Zims. I get a lot of mixed stories, probably 60 or 70% of my sources say they will not be honoring them because they’re just for collectors. 20, 30% probably say that, or somewhere in there, 30, whatever the difference is, believe that they may well be exchanged.
Take them with you in hopes. That’s my suggestion. J2grano, it becomes more and more.
I mean, yeah, I’m still getting just covered up with rumors about things popping around the 17th or 18th. I’m praying. I am praying.
I’m tired. And they would, they would do it while the channel is parked. It almost makes sense.
If you want to shut things up, it would be a good time for them to do it while our reach is very restricted. Critter lover. Many of the bond people are.
Some are not. Some have not heard a thing. Some have not been notified.
And it’s been a real eye opener for all those that said they’re the biggest, they’re the first. And then to find out they weren’t the first and others have already gone, sat down, done final documents, all those things. No, we’re the only ones.
We’re number one. To find out that. No, they weren’t.
Angel to praise birthday. See Skye’s birthday. Who else has a birthday? It’s probably gonna be a pretty short one this morning and we will make up for it tomorrow.
The good news is with YouTube and things down, it’s going to leave me a lot more time this coming week to knock out some more like Q and A’s and stuff like that. We just won’t be able to spend that time together on YouTube. I’m reading along with folks here till I get a update.
Sorry, guys. I guess we’re done. My are in a car.
My are in a car. Oh, his birthday. Angel to praise.
Let’s sing happy birthday and we’ll see. I had sent a message to Matt Lucas to see if they wanted to pop on. I’ve not heard anything back with Friday being so messed up.
So I’ll go ahead and saying if I get a response back from them, Darla, 51, that strike is for one week, as mentioned earlier, one week. Lucy, America is a democracy. A republic is a form of a democracy, but to be far more accurate, you should just refer to it as a republic.
Mirna, you know, that makes far more sense because I’ve been trying to figure that handle out for a long time. So thank you for putting that in there. Mirna, minor, yeah, Mirna.
I’m running with that one. Dumplin, I like that. You also don’t have to worry about what you say on here.
You know, that’s a good point. Let’s have fun this week. Let’s have a lot of fun this week.
I love that. We’re going to have a lot of fun this week. I get to be more brutally honest than normal.
That’ll make it fun. All right, guys, let’s sing happy birthday. Hopefully we’ll see Matt or Lucas.
And if not, we’ll spend a little extra time with them tomorrow. So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling.
May you live, may you love, may all your dreams come true. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Kukla made it in.
It’s good to have you in there, Miss Kukla. All right, yeah, we can have a salty week on Rumble. We can roar on Rumble all week long.
It’ll be fun. We’ll have a lot of fun. Patricia, my mom watches on YouTube.
So I sent her a message, letting her know we weren’t going to be there. I’m probably going to have to start sending her links every time I set up Rumble for her to be able to find it. You just want to have a little fun now? What do you guys want to talk about since we got a little downtime? Anything? Ooh, all right.
Some good work news just came in. That’ll help. Help improve the day.
All right, I might as well just get to the day job, get what I can done and be ready for tomorrow. I am not in a rush tomorrow. After today, I say we enjoy it and have a little extra fun.
Maybe I’ll pop on. I don’t know. Let’s have fun.
All right, Kukla says something about Kik. Kik does not work very well. I’m pretty unimpressed with Kik.
I know a number of people use it, but it looks like a lot of extra work. What do you guys think of Kik? Sound off if you are over on Kik. I see CobGP, Top of the Valley, Chia Bites, Utah Patriot Vet.
Or do I just need to spend more time figuring it out? It’s fine on this end. I only use it. Oh, okay.
See you, Songfi. Love, love, love, Kik Alleycat. All right, I’ll pay attention to Kik and try to improve how it goes up, what it says each day.
We’ll spend some time on it. Clarissa, Kik’s not bad. I like it.
All right, I’ll spend more time on it then. You guys have spoken. TH37 or AKA Terry.
Tomorrow, I’ll be 15 minutes early. We’ll crank up 9.45 Eastern. 9.45 Eastern.
Remember, if you talk to somebody, tell them to look on Rumble. I won’t be on YouTube. I’ve never heard of D-Live, Jay Morris.
All right, folks. We might as well call it right there. I might as well get some work done and put in more effort for tomorrow, although I’ll put in a lot of effort today, if you guys had any idea.
This was a lot of work to make it happen, but we made it happen. See you guys tomorrow.