MarkZ Evening (Uncut) 03-25-2025
Music Happy birthday, Real GG. Happy birthday. Now, I did see this one, and I am still loving from Lone Ranger over on the Rumble side posted.
Time to inform me that vegetarian is a Native American word. Translated to English, it means lousy hunter. All right.
Thought that one was just great. Anthony, what is up, my buddy? I’m in the greenhouse getting ready for spring. Get ready.
Get those shoots ready, those sprouts, those little babies ready. Hello, Jerry and Steven in West Virginia. Hello, Mile High.
Hello, Blissfully. What do we have over here? We got Flipper15, Maga45, Patriot, Half Pint, totally awesome. Sissy, the normal suspect crew over on Ick.
Hello, Firecracker. Hello, Michael. Hello, Miss Cheryl, New York Shepard.
Hello, Miss Susan, 94 in Tucson. Dude, what, Ben? A foot of snow? No. No.
Hello, Jason Ott. Hello, Garden Lady. We should probably be diving in so we can maximize our time with the mushroom ladies later.
Hello, Cool B. Hello, Mr. Vestal, Mr. McIntyre. Oh, Matthew, it’s heating up. Get ready for a bunch of them.
Promises made, promises kept. We got a few of the, we got some big ones on that front today. Like, big ones.
Hello, Lynn R. in Arizona. Mr. Hepler, always a pleasure. Daily Word, Dr. Harrah, Manhattan.
Dave Pasa, como esta, native gal? Is Trump plowing the way for Iraq to be secure? Yes, he is, in a big way. Boy, I tell you, that’s going to be one of the first things to talk about this evening, too. Hello, Mr. Rose.
David, daughter’s 40th birthday. Her name is Yvonne. I’m really getting old, David, just stop blinking, man.
I got a 32, I mean, it’ll be a 33 this year. I’m going to hit 50. What happened? When did all this go on, this getting older stuff? Let’s see.
Illegal stopped into, no, I did not see that. Gold bars, found gold bars, worked 200, probably just trying to escape China with money, unless he was going south. But yeah, Trump’s got some doozies today, guys, some doozies.
Gunner headed back to State College Park. It is a pretty area up in State College. Trying to keep up with all these.
You guys are going too quickly. Yeah, Rain Man, I am, but what happened? When did this happen? Hello, Oklahoma. It’s good to be back over on the YouTube side.
But the neat thing is, as we have gone back to YouTube, Rumble’s kicking butt. Rumble does like two or three times on average, at least, more than YouTube. So I got to figure out a way to straighten out the chat so I can give you Rumblers a little more attention.
You deserve it. Oh, Moose, I was gone five minutes and we’re going to have to restock the liquor cabinet. Maybe we should have had Tequila Tuesday.
We could have had fun. Maurice. Group’s getting more educated, missing the days when they could ask, do we need to trust? I’ve got to dig deep, Maurice, and find a second wind.
I need to make certain I have patience for all the folks and the new folks. Special D, you’ll have to tell me how to go. I’m looking very forward to getting to try one soon.
Good chance I will get to meet Jonathan in person this weekend. I think we’ve got it lined up for Sunday. Hello, Miss Sarah.
It’s always good to see you. 7 2 Z. Always a pleasure. Donna just said Frank’s excited for this week.
There’s a lot to get excited about. We’ll talk about it. Let’s go.
Wait, let’s go. Just said I prefer rumble over you to the censorship takes me off, guys. And this is probably a question I should ask the twitchers on here.
I went off Twitch because I was offended by them. But if you guys want to give your money to Twitch, should I keep broadcasting to Twitch if you’re OK on the format? But I mean, that being said, we’re still on YouTube and YouTube is a censorship juggernaut with zero respect for free speech. And they send their money to all kinds of folks.
So should I cave and start going to Twitch again as well? I know that makes it kind of tough for the mods, but I mean, keep kick for those that have found it. But I am curious to see what you guys think on that front. Donna says, don’t cave when he says drop you to.
There’s just so many people that won’t make the transition that I feel like I need to. Would it be better for me just to go completely to rumble yet would. Real fire, I’m ready for them to, like, have a market ready wheelchair.
They keep teasing me. Oh, no. Wow.
Thirty three, though. Mark lost my thirty three year old horse early this morning, so I so wanted her to with me when this goes. Oh, that’s a tough one.
Run free. Sandy’s dream. Yeah, I think my favorite horse that I have was let’s see.
Niblet is charming black lady. I know a lot of name. M.G. lockstep.
I like that. I don’t care. Just give me an RV.
Then you can go wherever you want to go. Gee, I’m with you. Barefoot.
Why does Joe Joe Rogan’s actually been dropkicked like once or censored and they quickly turned course Joe because he’s millions of use. They won’t mess with me because the size they totally mess with me. Joe’s too big, too quick.
Sloop. John B. 73 yesterday. Happy belated my brother.
We should probably just start whipping to it and keep running. Rock Fortress is much easier for PDK to describe and transcribe the notes from YouTube. So we’ll stay there then.
Rock Fortress, as long as we can stay there, probably is much easier. Mitchell Mitchell and you got a point there, right? Let’s keep running. Broncos free grandson is eight today.
Like when did that happen? You’re not old enough to have an eight year old grandson. I mean, I’m old enough to have them, but. To know a Prince Aero, pure quarter and fast, I love hearing your horror stories to Avonlea’s or Avonlea’s third birthday yesterday, Deborah, that is something we’re celebrating.
Michelle, we were talking about Tesla’s supposed to be having a new wheelchair. They had talked also about how it could load itself in and out of the car so I could get up, get in the car, and it would go load itself. That would be worth it.
Some neat, neat tech that is potentially here. 30 day, 30 days. Alright, let’s just, let’s get to ripping.
Talk about the news that is out there so that we can get on to some of the fun stuff this evening. Hawk, you got it. Banner’s up.
Hello, Janine. It’s good to see you, Janine Cade. We’re going to start here with the news.
Sudanese, Sudani. Iraq’s witnessing a state of recovery, growth and progress, and prosperity. I found that one an interesting highlight as they’re talking about the prosperity, the peace, the, everything that’s happening in Iraq.
But then they talk about the folding in the military in the article. And this is an important piece for the U.S. to give their blessings on those changes. They need to make certain those forces are domesticated, meaning now under the Sudanese government, meaning the Iraqi government’s in charge of those military forces.
And they talk about it, you know, I would say in depth, relatively in depth here. And they talk about just how far they have come. But that seems to be like the basis of this one, which is an important one.
We’ve been told that some of the most important things are what are we doing with those military forces to make certain they’re domesticated? And what are we doing about HCL? And these are the things they have been broaching in the news nonstop. So I love that one. Because Shabibi said give me safe, stable, and I will give you a new value.
I will increase your purchasing power. Iraq enters a new trade era and is approaching the path of development. Here we go.
We’re working on these ports, floating gas ports, you name it. Here we have the development road. We’re talking about all the future potential, the gateway.
This one really gets into how they are making the Suez Canal like unnecessary. Huge dollars and money and they are just all over the report. Also quoted D.R. Brito saying with reduced transportation times and costs across the country and region, it will be this is a historic moment for global trade and for promoting economic integration with the Middle East.
They’re telling us what they’re doing here, guys. Safe, stable, growth, value. Sudani told us almost two years ago that that is the goal.
The white reform papers, they’re going to get it safe. They’re going to get stable. They’re going to get their currency stable.
Then they’re going to raise the purchasing power of all Iraqis, they’re telling you guys. And they got elections coming, which means they’re going to need to pull the trigger. Here’s another fun one.
Baghdad announces that it has seen Trump’s message to Khamenei about Hussein. This is a new channel for dialogue. They are particularly upbeat about the potential to sit down and have great talks, that they are coming to agreements.
They are ready to sit down and have talks, negotiations about the future, future directions of Iranian American relations and the Middle East. It’s getting fun to watch this roll out, guys. Getting fun to watch it roll out.
Diane, I am a little bit giddy tonight. I am still continuing to get a lot of news from different groups that are moving people and getting in place. There is a concerted effort to squash leaks so that it doesn’t betray any timing.
I will respect that, at least for now, for certain. As long as I continue to see progress, I won’t squeal too much. Many of you guys out there, I’m certain it’s all over the boards with people talking and their expectations.
I don’t know the timing. I do know from the movement of people that it appears to be very close. I do know they continue to move some bond people.
Still looking for a couple of key people on the bond side that I’m waiting for to move, meaning bond holders, larger bond holders. I’m waiting for them to get spendable dollars, not somewhere in between, not a flipper. I’ve got a couple of friends in real life.
That’s what I’m waiting for. Because when I know they’ve got money, I don’t have to go, you know, somebody was introduced to somebody I shook hands with. I want to be able to say these people that I’ve known for years have many dollars.
I think that that could be happening at any moment. I’ve got a couple of them with meetings late this week, where they expect to be fully funded. Now we’ll see if they get it or not.
There’s actually a lot of tangible news. You follow the Iraq and the articles and it gets even more fun with Trump just breaking it down. President Trump orders immediate declassification, FBI’s crossfire hurricane files.
When it comes to disclosure front, buckle up kids, you’re going to get more of that. So this is where they have weaponized the intelligence community to affect the outcome of an election. Here you’ve got Trump dumping it, pushing it in here, pointing it out and declassifying it all.
It’s hitting the fan guys. Declassification promises made, promises kept. Here’s another huge one for Trump today.
Trump tackles election integrity with sweeping executive order will punish states that don’t comply. In other words, he is forcing the Supreme Court to deal with it. The order will cut federal funding for states that refuse to take steps to secure their elections.
Task the Department of Homeland Security with ensuring that illegal immigrants are not voting and adds a citizenship question on the federal voting form for the first time. Yes, it is legal to add it. He is, all right, how do you say this and put it in a to try to get it across to like drive it home.
Richard, you’re gonna have to find a way to reach out to them or leave a email in there, space it apart or whatever you have Zim to sell or trade for. We got a few people that want to trade currency, but guys, I don’t have time to be the in between person. I’m overloaded.
All right, wait, where was that before I let myself get distracted by that one? D class is on the way. So when you hear from Speed Racer three to 10 days, once I hear they have those spendable dollars is generally what we believe to be accurate. It’s ripping.
I’m gonna try to keep up with it. Did you hear about the person in tier four a that is on a three hour call to go redeem it was on and Tilly Bob No, I didn’t hear about that one. But I have a number of people that have been put on notice and told that they have to be ready within so many hours.
That’s what I say. We’re getting people moved. Now what happens? It’s really cool.
And it sounds great. And it gets everybody excited. But until they actually call them, don’t get too excited yet.
Amen, Don King. All right, where was that? We did federal funding, citizenship questions. Order also calls for prosecution of foreign interference in US elections like paying a British boot to produce a fabricated hoax against Canada, which nothing’s ever been done about even now, right.
And right here, they are releasing that information. They’re declassifying it all and releasing it. Here we’ve got Hey, they’re get to go after foreign interference.
Trump is setting the stage guys. He is setting the stage for all those arrests that you folks have been looking for and it gets even better. Let’s bounce over here.
The real Epstein files are coming. Here’s what to know. I just love this one.
Trump administration. Oh, wait, let’s just pop down here. No, let’s read the first one.
The Trump administration is proving once again that promises made or promises kept after successfully releasing over 80,000 pages of files connected the assassination of John F. Kennedy focus is now shifted to perhaps what should be an even more explosive collection of documents. The Jeffrey Epstein files. As you know, there was a huge document dump of files related Jeffrey Epstein case last month that was to say the least underwhelming.
Part of the problem it turns out was that rogue officials pay attention to this rogue officials out of the Southern District of New York office had with held documents from the Department of Justice. Now do you think the DOJ was like to hide those? I’ll pretend I didn’t see him. Or is the DOJ going to be like, mother effer, we could have taken these bastards down if we’d have only had this information.
Which one do you think it is? Was the Biden DOJ purposely working with them to hide those documents so they could pretend they didn’t have them? Are they genuinely surprised? It’s a combination of both. Watching this is just fantastic. On the disclosure front.
I just love it. Crossfire Hurricane, Epstein, bounce over here, Trump forcing the constitutional crisis and the courts with his executive order. He is very familiar and so is his administration crew, staff, consultants, whatever you want to call them.
With the legal ramifications and the constitutional law here, Trump is laying the groundwork for a coup d’etat in a good way, or a retaking. One of my favorite, not that I am certain, Jim Woodward, glad to have he’s a monthly supporter over on the rumble side. Biden’s written answers to special counsel her have hit.
Yep, now we get to take a look at some of the well, it drives it home. Just how mentally incompetent Joe Biden was in these days, which is forcing the left mainstream media to be exposed on how they knowingly, willfully, willingly signed up to cover the mental decline. The backlash is going to be huge from this one.
No, they don’t seem to be still pursuing. But I do believe that this will drive a serious wedge. I mean, and now what to me is pretty interesting is some of the organizations that are coming out and dealing with it.
We’ve got mainstream media that is now jumping on board as well to take this one up and a number of these subjects, which has really been interesting. We’re talking like, you know, crews like the New Yorker, Weipo, you name it, Washington Post, that are dealing with this one. So look, we know he was guilty.
We now can see his own, his own. What’s the word I’m looking for here? As he has been interviewed his own words, combination thereof. I just love it.
Just love watching this all come out. Everything we told you, it was true, it was real. And now it’s out there for the public to see and mainstream media to deal with the backlash as they have been caught openly in their lies.
Puppet masters, that’s a great one. They were self-confession, his own testimony. That was the word I was looking for.
We have in his own testimony. I never intended to retain any mark. I just didn’t know.
Following my vice president, I don’t recall encountering. Oh, wait a minute. That’s my Bill Clinton voice.
When I asked, he’s like, you know, I’m sorry. Yeah, I had a lot of the information. Yeah, it was classified, but I didn’t know.
I didn’t know it was Will Fleet breaking the law left and right. Disclosure, disclosure, disclosure. It’s it.
All right, guys, got to clear. All right. Got a tickle in the throat, guys.
I’m going to bring the ladies in a moment early to bail me out here. So hopefully you’re ready for that one. Let me unmute you.
Oh, I was eating popcorn before the podcast. Oh, no. The back of my throat.
Deep Frank, CMKX is definitely not a dead horse. I am looking for an update. My last update was end of last week.
Sorry, sidetracked there. Now I’m back with you. I’m gonna take off the news banner.
Do you want me to stall for a little bit? Oh, no, we’re good. We’re good. Kristen didn’t get the link, but then she got the link.
And I don’t know if she’s having trouble getting in or what, but she’s she should be here for this. Oh, good, good, good, good. Yes, it’s all good.
It’s all good. Sounds exciting. Sounds like we’re at a place in the world that is unlike anything we’ve ever imagined before, right? Yes, it does appear that way.
I mean, we kept saying when’s somebody gonna pay the price? When are they gonna release it? And that’s exactly what they’re doing. Yeah, I think. Yeah, you know, my sister is one of those who says, Oh, nothing’s ever gonna happen to anybody.
Nobody’s ever gonna get punished. But yeah, she gets so she gets so upset. And I know a lot of people feel that way.
I just feel like, you know, God’s in charge. And it’s all in his timing. We have nothing to do with it.
Right? Right. Yep. Yeah, it’s all coming together in a wonderful way.
Not the way we would have thought to bring it together. But it is coming together in an amazing in an amazing way. And we just have to love people through the process.
There are going to be people that are really, really, you know, taken back by a lot of what they’re going to find out. And I think we just need to be there and love them through the process. Because we I really believe that we’ve all been put on this journey for a reason.
Yeah, I will definitely agree with you on that one. I just didn’t realize the learning curve was going to be so tough. Yeah.
Oh, you’re not kidding. So I’ll go ahead and get started. And you just keep an eye out for Kristen.
And when she gets in, maybe I don’t know if she’s having problems, but she hasn’t. She hasn’t texted me back. So I think she’s just trying to get in Dale.
Can you call Kurt and see what’s going on with Kristen? Yeah, we’ll get her right in. Yeah, whatever you want. I’ve got some really good stuff.
So first of all, gosh, we so appreciate this platform. And we so appreciate the community. And I know that the testimonials are things that I get so many emails on that people just say, Oh, please, we love the testimonials.
And so I’m going to give a couple of those. The first testimonial is really fun. Mark is in Puerto Rico.
And someone in Florida, that Mark introduced me to is an affiliate. He met a groomer in Florida, who became an affiliate, who told us about her dogs. Her.
We should probably say pet groomer here. A pet groomer. Yes, thank you.
Oh my gosh, a pet groomer. Whoo. A pet groomer.
And I’m part of the Biden family. Exactly. Or a sniffer.
So she and you know, my backup, you ever noticed how little kids just gravitate to Donald Trump. It’s kind of a cute thing. It tells you a lot.
You got a guy that whenever he’s around little kids, they just gravitate to him. Kids are so smart, right? Anyhow, so this because it doesn’t matter. I mean, he’s the president.
There’s all this security. Yeah. Even Elon’s kid or whoever, they’re just like all over him like right up in grabbing hold.
Yes. But those kids are those kids are like animals. They know they have a sense about them.
So I just love that. So yeah, so this pet groomer told us about a dog that is in Las Vegas, which is I’m in Boulder City about an hour. And it was so amazing because he had spent $31,000 $31,000 to take care of this dog.
They still didn’t know what was wrong. They they sent him home with a lot of meds. And I ran up there was an hour away.
And I took him a bag of our mush ponies because this was a big dog, a German Shepherd dog. Otis Otis is absolutely amazing. And Otis was not doing well.
So this is a $15 a month product, right? And so there she is. Hey, Kristen. This, this little dog, I’m telling him Otis’s story.
So Otis, after three weeks, I get a text from this young man who you know, he just loves his dog, obviously $31,000 later. And he said, Diana, everything that we had done for this pup, everything we had done and nothing has been as fantastic as this $15 a month treatment. So now we’re about six months into it.
Otis has gotten his weight back, they’ve actually put them on our food, our freeze dried food, he’s taking our mineral therapy, and the dog is doing fantastic. But isn’t it crazy how that world of Puerto Rico to Florida to Las Vegas? I mean, it I love that. So that’s one of our great testimonials.
Another great testimonial today is about a little girl that’s 16 that’s disabled, and a little girl that’s 16 that has such bad visible acne. And every time you look at her, her little face is just hot and red, and it just breaks your heart. So we started her on one of the products we’re going to talk about today that has a reishi mushroom in it.
And on the third day, her mom called me and said, I want you to look at my daughter. She woke up this morning and said, Mommy, my face doesn’t hurt. And I just, I can’t look at her.
And she said, well, you know, I’m not going to look at you. And I said, well, I’m not going to look at you. And she said, well, I’m not going to look at you.
And I said, well, I’m not going to look at you. And she said, well, I’m not going to look at you. And she said, well, I’m not going to look at you.
And she said, well, I was like, oh. And when I saw her face, it had gone from this red, angry, oh, my gosh, looked so painful face down to wow. Wow.
So we’re so excited to see what this is going to do for this little one. And again, it’s this mushroom therapy. And we’re going to talk about that.
And then I also want to talk about a horse. I felt so bad listening to the one woman who had lost her horse at 33. We had a horse in our stables that is local to us that was having chronic diarrhea and the vet was just like, we don’t know what to do.
And they have, they tried quite a few things. And so we literally put the horse on mush ponies and within 24 hours, I got a picture on my phone of solid poop, you know, only in our business, but it does evaluate how a lot of things are going. And they were just like, hallelujah, this is amazing because the horse was actually getting really dehydrated.
So, you know, that, that’s why we do what we do. These testimonials come fast and furious. Kristen and I, we talk about this often, we don’t get tired of them, but sometimes we just expect them and we forget how glorious they are and how incredible they are.
So today we are here to educate. We’re going to talk about a couple of products and we’re going to talk a little bit about the company and who we are because a lot of people have asked us about who we are and how did we get where we are at? Kristen and I are both animal lovers, we’re fur baby mamas. Kristen is certified in mycology and pet nutrition.
I’m certified in pet nutrition and holistic pet care. And we get thousands and thousands of stories of how this simple little mushroom does the job so efficiently to support the immune system that can take care of so many things. So I’m going to start about my journey because it’s a pretty big milestone for me.
February 20th, 2020, so it was 2-20-2020, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. It was a really scary time. The world was shut down, it was pandemic, and then you’re told you have cancer.
And I can tell you that when those words come across the phone or from a doctor to you, the things that go through your head are, am I going to live, am I going to die, can we afford this, am I going to lose my house, what’s going to happen to my husband, how sick am I going to be? I can just tell you that it’s just overwhelming what happens in your mind. And then everybody you know, when you start telling people, starts telling you what you should do. So then you shut down.
For me, I had already been working with this mushroom for animals and for people. And I knew that I should start taking this mushroom. I took three times the normal dosage, which was 10 a day.
Normally for someone my size, it would have been three a day. And 30 days later, I had been approved to go in for surgery. I had to go through two police checkpoints to get in for pre-op blood work.
I came home and got a call from the oncology department that they wanted to do a teleconference with me immediately, which was a very scary phone call to get. And there was my doctor with a big smile on his face. And he said, what are you doing? And I just thought that was so bizarre.
It’s like I’m packing a bag to go in for surgery. I don’t know. What do you want me to say? Having a party? And he goes, Diana, you’re in remission.
You’re in remission. What are you doing? And so I told him what I was doing. I’m taking the coils for the colon mushroom.
He said, send me everything you have. You got to be operating on tomorrow. We need to take this tumor out of your body.
And I’m going to recommend chemotherapy because it’s a very aggressive cancer. You have a 10% chance of reoccurrence with chemotherapy. You have a 40% chance of reoccurrence without.
I’m a gambler, but I’m not that big of a gambler. And I just felt it right in my heart, even though everything that I had ever thought about chemotherapy was not something I would do. I did six months of heart chemotherapy.
I continued to take 10 of the coils for the colon every day. During that time, I didn’t lose my hair. I didn’t throw up once during chemotherapy.
I had some bad days. There was a couple of days my husband had to carry me to bed, but most days were pretty okay. I didn’t look like a cancer patient.
And so what I know is that as my body was literally being ravaged, as every healthy cell was being destroyed, the immune system had the support it needed from the coils for the colon mushroom to rebuild and replenish and make me whole again. So I go through this six month journey and then they do the gamut of tests, every test you can imagine. Prior to this all starting, I was osteoporosis.
It runs in my family and I had bone deck scans that showed I was in pretty bad osteoporosis case. After this was all over and they did the tests, there was no osteoporosis. It was like, what? Wait, what? Well, then we start reading some of the studies from Sloan Ketterling and MD Anderson and we find out that this mushroom actually can help complement people going through chemotherapy as well as it can help with the bone building and of course the anti-inflammatory properties, all the things that this mushroom can do.
So five days ago, I hit the five year mark, five years, five years in remission, which means I can really say that I am C-U-R-E-D. I can’t say it because we don’t want to get Mark put back in YouTube jail, but I can spell it. And that to me is the most incredible thing and you know, Mike Barris said something really interesting to me the other night.
He said, you know, Diana, isn’t it interesting that you went into this thing and you actually came out better than when you went into it? And I just thought, wow, you’re right. So I’m an affiliate for this company because I feel like I need to shout it from the rooftop. We need to help animals.
We need to help people. We need to show people that there are other ways to do things that are natural and God given. And so my story as an affiliate is that we get incredible testimonials, but it’s also been very lucrative, which is not something that I had even thought would happen.
That wasn’t why I started, you know, helping out with this product. I’m on a two month mushroom therapy tour. We are going around the country, stopping at animal rescues.
We were at a deer farm. We were at a great Pyrenees breeding facility. We’ve been at animal retirement homes.
We’ve been at shelters, giving away product and helping people to understand that there are some things they can do that are natural, affordable and just holistic. So my story has been pretty exciting and I want Kristen to share her story, but also give you a little bit of information about our company. And then I’m going to talk about a couple of products and then we’re going to announce a contest and something really cool.
So take it away, Kristen. Of course, Diana, your story always just is so encouraging and inspiring for me, because especially right now over this last couple of years, we’ve seen so many people dealing with that very same issue and it is scary and there’s so much uncertainty and fear and just it’s so discouraging when you get that news. So it’s encouraging to know that not only is there something out there that has a lot of irrefutable studies that is attached to it, but also there are people like you that are having incredible experiences once they get this food into their bodies and their bodies are supposed to function.
Their bodies are now functioning the way they were supposed to be functioning all along and their own immune system is then taking over and doing what it was intelligently designed to do. And it’s because of stories like yours is actually why I really got involved with what this company is doing, because I’m not one to hear about things happening and then not do something about it. Right.
When I hear that there are animals struggling or suffering or people struggling or suffering and I know there’s a solution for it, I have to do something right. I just can’t look the other way. And so my story started about eight years ago when we got a call from a really close friend, actually pretty much a family member of ours through marriage.
And he told us, look, you know, we’re we’re starting this company. We’ve been seeing what’s been happening in the world and we’ve decided enough is enough and we want to do something about it. And what happened was one of his partners, Simon, he his mom was dealing with a pretty serious condition in her lung and she was being seen by Sloan Kettering for several years and they had tried everything they could.
There was nothing more that they could do. So they pretty much told her to get her affairs in order. So Simon was reaching out to family members to let them know the condition that she was in.
And he called his cousin in Japan, who happened to be a physician, and he said, I know that your mom is going through this. I’m going to send you over a really pure and potent strain of this mushroom called the coriolis versicolor mushroom. I want you to get this into her system because what it’ll do is it’ll feed her immune system and her body can have that immune support that it needs.
So we sent it over from Japan and within a month of her, it took a couple of weeks, of course, to get there from Japan. But within a month, she was feeling a lot better. And two months later, she was feeling completely back to normal.
So four months later, she goes back to Sloan Kettering, which they had only given her a couple of months. So they were very surprised to see her. And when they saw her and the shape that she was in, they were like, what have you done? Like what happened? And she said, I’ve been taking this this mushroom.
It’s really pure. It’s really potent. My nephew sent it to me.
They said, please give us any information that you have on this mushroom. And that’s actually where the first study started in the United States was because of his mother at Sloan Kettering. And from there now it’s expanded.
There are over 400 published studies that have been done over almost 30 years now. So this is very heavily studied what this mushroom does for the body. So once they saw that with Simon’s mother, of course, when you experience something good like that, you want to share it with anybody that you know that’s dealing with anything because the immune system is the best bet because it knows exactly what’s wrong in the body.
It knows exactly what to do to fix it. But it’s just so weak and compromised that it just can’t work to its full potential. It can’t handle everything all at once.
So as people were telling them with different things they were dealing with, they started recommending this mushroom. Eventually, they asked if they could bring this particular strain to the United States to be manufactured and processed here. And that way we could get it to people faster because, as you know, when people are dealing with these catastrophic situations, then every minute matters.
You know, not everybody has two or three weeks to wait. So they sent it over and and they extracted, they just perfected the extraction process while it’s in its mycelial phase. And they started they started a company offering it for people here in the United States.
And they were getting all of these same results. But what happened was in 2017, after years of offering it for people and seeing how the body could do a complete turnaround once it had that natural immune support, they had Steve lost his dog to bone cancer. Gino lost his dog.
And two of Steve’s daughters all lost their dogs to the same thing at the same time in the same year. And that’s when they found out that the pet industry is very loosely regulated and 50 percent of our pets are getting sick or dying early because most of what we buy from the stores is toxic for them. So they thought, hmm, we’ve seen now what this mushroom does for people.
I wonder if it’s safe for animals. And sure enough, they found a study by the University of Pennsylvania that showed that it was not only safe for animals, but actually incredibly beneficial for them, especially when they’re dealing with that same concern. And so they thought, let’s make some fun ways to get this mushroom into our pets’ bodies, because I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to give your pet like a capsule before, but a lot of times they just spit it out and you’re back at square one.
So they decided, let’s make this into dog treats. Let’s add this into a handmade gravy called special sauce for dogs and cats. Let’s bake this into horse cakes for horses so that we can get this immune support into animals’ bodies as well.
And so that’s how this company started, was in response to what our pets were going through and all of the unnecessary suffering that they were dealing with. And they reached out to us and shared their hearts. They shared what God had had put on their hearts and their vision for what they were trying to accomplish, that they wanted to change the way that pets were being treated.
And they had this very powerful mushroom that was really helpful. And so, of course, we were like, absolutely. We just felt it right in our gut that this is something special.
This is something very powerful that could be an answer to prayer for a lot of people. So they sent us some of the mush puppies, which are the little dog biscuits. And three days after we got them, we had a really close friend who had posted on social media that they had to say goodbye to their dog, Zenta, because she was almost 15 years old.
She was not doing well. She had an immune deficiency and her paw pads were peeling off. Her eyes were white and she was going blind.
Her fur would just come out in clumps when you would try to pet her. She was in so much pain that she couldn’t even walk anymore. They had to lift her up to take her outside to use the restroom and then pick her back up and bring her back inside.
And so the veterinarian said, of course, you know, an average Husky lives to be 12 and she’s almost 15. So it might be time to say goodbye. And they just didn’t feel like she was ready yet.
She was still eating. So they said, you know, what can we do? We’re not ready to say goodbye yet. And he goes, well, we can pretty much put her on home hospice.
They gave her a couple hundred dollars worth of narcotics and steroids just to keep her comfortable in her last few months with them. And so we told them, look, we have these little dog biscuits with a mushroom in it. We we have no idea what it could do for Zenta.
But at the very least, in this little time that you have left with her, if it could improve the quality of her life at all, then it would be worth it. That was that was our heart was to bring her comfort as she was going through all of this. And so we got the mush puppies to her.
She started having three or four of these little biscuits every day. Four days later, they called us. What did you give our dog? And we were like, why? What what’s going on? They said she just jumped on the couch.
She hasn’t jumped on the couch in a year and a half. Yeah. And they were like, do you think it’s these mushroom treats? And we said, honestly, we don’t know.
We’ve seen the studies. We know what the researchers are finding. But have you done anything else different? They said, no, this is the only thing that we’ve done different.
And we said, then just keep giving them to her. It’s just a food. It’s no different from eating a mushroom on a salad.
It doesn’t interact with any of our medications or or it doesn’t. You can’t get addicted, can overdose or no side effects to it. Let’s just keep giving this food to her and see how her body responds.
Well, a month later, her paw pads were recovering. Her fur was growing back in. Her eyes were clearing up.
The crystallization was breaking apart in her eyes. And at that point, we realized that her own immune system was doing wonderful things for her body. So we took her off of everything else.
We put her solely on the mush puppies and the special sauce. And then to lived another four and a half years from that point, she was almost 20 years old when she finally passed. And during those extra years that they got with her, she was going on five mile hikes.
She was playing with the puppies. She was she met the grandbabies who she never would have met. And they have all these wonderful videos and pictures of the grandbabies rolling over her and playing with her.
So it was just a wonderful story. When we saw that happen with Zenta, it went from our mind into our heart. And we realized, man, if we could just see this with one more dog, if if we could just see this one more time, it would be worth it.
And we thought that stories like Zenta was was a fluke. We were like, what are the odds? The very first dog that we gave it to did this. But no, we saw over and over and over again.
Dog after dog, cat after cat, horse after horse with all different types of situations that they were dealing with. Their own bodies were regulating and rebalancing and renewing and repairing what was happening inside of the body. So what’s funny is that people after seeing this with their pets were like, wait a minute, you know, my dog has no idea what a placebo is.
They have no clue. There’s a mushroom in this biscuit that we’re giving them. It either works or it doesn’t.
And they’re seeing such great turnarounds relatively quickly. So like, what can we get? The same strain of mushroom is obviously a very potent strain. And so, of course, they have the human capsules that they made available on the website as well so that people could get that same type of immune support and have those same types of experiences.
And so it’s been the most rewarding journey, just such a blessing to be a part of a movement that’s really changing the way that pets and people are being treated and what’s going on. And it’s been just very powerful work that we’re excited every morning to see who we’re going to talk to. And we’re so satisfied every night when we go to bed, knowing that we made a difference in the world and we made it a little bit better today for at least a few animals or a few people.
So we’re just incredibly grateful for what we’re experiencing. And we’re really confident that regardless of what you or maybe someone that you love or care about is going through, we’re really confident that confident that this could be a solution for them. And, you know, the thing about Zenta the day before she passed and she actually died from an accident, which was really sad.
But she had five miles that day. It’s crazy. So, yeah, this really has been amazing.
And we’ve had so many people asking about the website. It is Mark Z Pets dot com. And you can email me at the original Mark Z Pets at Gmail dot com.
There is a phone number out there, but I’m going to tell you, phone calls are hard for me to get back to email. I will step up three and four in the morning and get them all done. So if you can email me, it’s a lot easier than trying to get an answer on the phone or you can text me.
I’ll do my best. But emailing is going to be your best. So I just want to talk about a couple of things.
Kristen, thank you so much. You know, it’s just been such a joy doing this together. And I’ve watched you go through an autoimmune condition where you were in the hospital a lot.
And guess what? You’re not. And I think that is amazing. So we’re going to talk about two quick stories, two products, and then we’re going to announce some fun stuff.
And then we’ll turn it back over to Mark. First of all, the little girl that I was talking about with severe acne. So we have a product that’s called Body Bomb and we have it for pets and for people.
This product is my new favorite thing in the whole world. I mean, I’m 66 years old. I don’t use anything else on my skin except this.
This bottle, I’m eight weeks into it, and you can see that it’s hardly even like there’s hardly even any gone from the top. It lasts for a long time. It’s $15.99 and it has the reishi mushroom in it, which is proven and known as like an age reverser, a free radical cleanser.
It actually helps helps your skin with anti aging inflammation, things like eczema, psoriasis, so many things this will help you with. And this product with the reishi mushroom also has arrowroot powder. It also has shea butter, organic coconut oil.
It is just an incredible product. Like I said, I’m putting this on twice a day and that’s all I’m using. And I absolutely love it.
But the story of that little girl was just just made my heart sing because I know now I’m down south. I went through Alabama. I’m very susceptible to bug bites.
I am bit from head to toe. And I am so happy that I have this because I’ve been able to dab it on every single bite and there are a lot. I don’t know how people live down here and don’t.
I mean, I’m just a mess, but I guess I’m pretty susceptible to it. But this has been so helpful. The other product I want to talk about is our chill doggies.
This is an all natural product. It’s all herbs and it has the lion’s mane mushroom. The lion’s mane mushroom is really well known for cognitive issues.
Yes, we ship to Canada. Someone else asked about Scotland. Twenty nine countries.
You can just go in and go to shop now after you go to Marksy pets dot com. Go to shop now and then go up to the right hand corner and change the flag to the country that you want. And then it’ll calculate all of the taxes and tariffs and all of that.
So this product, this chill doggies product. Oh, my goodness. It does exactly what it says.
It chills the doggy. It just chills the doggy. So this is the best name ever because the lion’s mane actually affects the cognitive issues.
So it does some things neurologically for the dog. Then we have, you know, just amazing blend of herbs which will take the dog down a notch. If you’ve got a pup that literally has, you know, separation issues, anxiety, my dog has motion sickness.
And this keeps him from getting so upset that he throws up. If you have dogs that are severely aggressive when they go on the walk, give them a little chill doggies and chill the doggy before he goes out. So many incredible stories are coming from this product.
Fourth of July, fireworks, thunderstorms. We were in a thunderstorm yesterday and my little doggie got a chill doggie because he was like, we don’t have thunderstorms in Las Vegas. So he didn’t know what the heck it was.
And it really did help. So we’re so excited to be offering those products. And we do have a way of people can bulk buy if they would like to bulk buy and get some discounts.
We also have smart ship, which gives them free shipping. But we have a promotion coming up. We are going to be giving away some food for Easter and it’s going to be a contest.
So if you can send to the original Mark the pets at Gmail dot com, a one minute video of your pup or your person telling us a story about their experience with any of our products. We want some more testimonials. We did a testimonial show with Mark in early February, and it went over so well.
I mean, people were crying listening to these testimonials. It was so amazing to see. And there’s always that one testimonial that somebody can relate to, like like my story.
So we definitely would love to have a one minute video. Be careful what you say. You can’t use certain words and, you know, we can’t put it on because we’ll put Mark back in YouTube jail and we don’t want to do that.
But we will be drawing some names and we will be. We will be drawing names and we will be taking care of of getting this free food out to some people. So we’re excited about that.
And then the next thing that we’re going to introduce and we’re going to talk about this King, oh, these King Charles Cavaliers. Those are amazing dogs. Most most of that breed.
They do have some sensitive issues. Why don’t you email me at the original Mark the pets at Gmail dot com and we’ll chat about some of our options. One woman on here was asking what the difference between our mush puppy and our mush puppy plus was.
And that is just that it’s 45 percent more of the mushroom in it. The Coriolis versicolor mushroom is the mushroom that I took. It’s in our product called in force, which is a green bottle.
And it is a capsule that you can open. The mushroom that you put on your face is the reishi mushroom. And that is the one that Mark just put up on the screen.
Good job on that, Mark, by the way. And that stuff is just off. I would love to see some more testimonials, some before and after pictures of people’s conditions that this just helps it lay down and does so many good things for it.
But I see people asking what it’s called. It’s called the body bomb. Yes.
And I don’t know if you can see our faces, but that’s all we use is the body. And I’m eight weeks. I have no makeup on.
Well, a little bit of makeup, but neither. And I’m almost 67 years old. I am seeing just amazing things because of this.
So then the next thing we’re going to introduce, what’s exciting is that we are going to be doing an affiliate call, a 15 minute zoom on Saturday morning at nine a.m. Pacific noon East Coast. And if you would like the link and you would like to join us, please email me at the original Mark Z at Gmail. Sorry, the original Mark Z Pets at Gmail dot com.
We’ve got to get that right. And we will be able to get you a link and you’ll be able to jump on. It’s only 15 minutes.
We are looking for voices. Kristen and I have said all along we want a million voices. We want people out there sharing.
This is so important that people know what’s out there that can help them through the situations they’re going through. I’m grateful every day that I knew about this mushroom. I don’t know where I would be today.
I’m five years and I’m better than I’ve ever been. So, yeah, we’re pretty exciting. It’s a mushroom mission.
It’s a mineral mission. It’s a nutritional mission. Anything we can do to help our fur babies.
So, again, we are having a contest. Send us a one minute video testimonial of the use of the product, whether it’s the human product or the dog product, cat product, horse product. And definitely include your cat and dog in it, because those are always fun.
And I had one today where somebody said my great pyrenees could hardly walk and now she’s running and yet pictures of her running in the backyard. It just warms my heart. And then we will be doing a contest for some free giveaway on food.
Kukla and I are going to work on that together. And then the affiliate call, which will be this Saturday morning. Just send me a little note that says send me the link and I’ll send you the link.
So that’s where we are. It’s Mark Z Pets dot com and the original Mark Z Pets at Gmail. So anything else, Kristen, that you would like to add? I see this question up here, and it’s not only for pets, it’s dogs, cats, horses and humans.
So when you do go to the website on the very top, you’ll see the different categories that you can click on. So we we want to treat all pets and people better. If you click on humans, like Diana had mentioned, the green bottle, the enforced coriolis versus the color mushroom.
This is the mushroom that specifically supports the immune system. I know we’re very conditioned to want to look at different symptoms and things that people are experiencing and ask, will it help with this? Will it help with that specific thing? But this is a whole food. It’s no different from eating a mushroom on a salad.
What it does is it feeds the immune system and then the immune system intelligently goes into the body and it prioritizes where it needs to do the work first. And it methodically works through the body’s addressing the root cause or the source of whatever we’re experiencing in the first place. So regardless of what your pet might be going through or you or someone that you love might be going through, every pet, every person, every day should be getting this coriolis versus the color mushroom into their system.
It should just be a staple food that we eat every single day. All of the answers are out in nature. God has given us everything that we need abundantly available for us in nature.
And we need to return back to that because our bodies know how to metabolize that our pets, bodies know how to metabolize that. So that’s why we’re having all of these wonderful experiences as the body starts getting that natural support that it deserves. I’m loving the comment from Diana.
My dog dances for this special sauce. He loves it. I want a video of that.
You’re a good dancer. I know Cody dances. My dog dances.
He gets up on two legs and spins around. He’s a fresh puppy. He loves it.
So, yeah, if you could send us some of those, we would just love those because you know what? And when things are dark and times are tough and we can see these testimonials, let me tell you, all that it does is warm our heart and it goes like from our mind into our heart, like Kristen said. So, yeah. So any other questions here that we can help with? We are absolutely happy.
Will the mushroom help with chronic fatigue? You know, what’s interesting about that is that the energy that I had during my chemotherapy was amazing. I never I didn’t take naps. I wasn’t very tired.
And we have seen people say that not only does when the immune system is working properly, you end up being able to sleep better and you end up having at the end of the day, you still have some energy left. But it doesn’t make you jittery like some supplements will do. It just feeds the body so that the body performs to its ultimate performance.
And that’s what’s excited about the sustained energy, which is what makes it very different. It’s a sustained energy. Yeah.
Yeah, we’ve noticed that. I mean, I I’ve heard people say at the end of the day, I had no energy left. But now when they’re on the quails for Socola, at the end of their energy, that’s equal to the end of the day that they’re feeling like, wow, this is pretty amazing.
So, yeah, it’s exciting. Yeah. So someone else had asked in here about some different conditions with their dog.
And you know what I’m going to tell you is that if you have a certain condition and you would like a consultation with me, please just email me. Also, I’m happy to look at the types of foods you’re feeding and do a food analysis for you. A lot of people are feeding really good foods out there and they don’t know it.
And then a lot of people are feeling really junk foods are paying a lot for them. And we want to do whatever we can to help steer you in the right direction. Not necessarily always to our food.
You know, we really want to see what you’re feeding and help you through that. So, yeah, if I can recommend something, Diana, something that’s unique about this mushroom is it’s a modulator. It’s an immune modulator.
So, again, it doesn’t interact with anything. You can’t get addicted. You can’t overdose.
There are no side effects. So especially if you’re dealing with something or your pets dealing with something, the more of it you get into the system, the faster, the better it works, because it really acts as a catalyst for that immune system to start going to work and start modulating what’s happening inside of the body, which is why it was really helpful for me with my own immune deficiency. And so when when anyone is taking like the end force, for example, we recommend if just for general well-being to be proactive so you don’t have to get to that point where you have to make those tough decisions.
We just have a recommended amount based off of weight for your pet. It’s written on the website and also on the packaging how much we recommend for people. It’s one capsule or tablet for every 50 pounds.
But if your pet or you are dealing with some some concerns, then we recommend two to three times that suggested amount just at first until your body starts responding to it. And then you can go back down to the recommended amount. Now, if you’re dealing with something more severe, like what Diana was dealing with at the beginning, we recommend four to five times that amount just to start like especially for the first 30 days, because it will help to modulate that immune system, really get it functioning properly.
And then you’ll start seeing the changes. And then you can go back down to the regular suggested amount of one capsule or tablet for every 50 pound. But for the smaller animals, we actually do have people that take the end force capsules, the green bottle, and there’s a powder inside.
So you can actually open that, pop that open and mix the powder in with their feed. And they could just they just eat it up right there with their food. Yeah, a lot of people do that for rabbits and hamsters and stuff.
Marianne has just said, and I love this, I think Marianne and I have been emailing her seven year old German Shepherd dog had a big abscess on her shoulder. Now she wouldn’t eat the mush pony. She’s a big dog.
So they started using the end force coils tablets. And it’s been a month later and the abscess actually broke and the dog is healed. So, I mean, I just love that about the fact that, you know, with one thing doesn’t work, let’s try something else.
And and especially with our kitty cats, sometimes they’re a little bit more finicky and they don’t want to try the special sauce. Sometimes you have to expose them a couple of times because they’re going to do things on their terms. But we have had people who have opened that capsule.
Also, the liver treats. We have a freeze dried liver treat. We’ve got chickens.
We’ve got a road runner eating it. We’ve got we’ve had a lot of other animals out there that have tried that and they really like it. So it’s a good thing.
So, yeah, mushroom powder has like a savory flavor. So it actually tastes really good. And especially if you mix it in, like if you have, for example, a child that’s very particular and only eat applesauce and you can mix it in with applesauce and then they can get it into their system or, you know, you can mix it in with coffee or smoothies or whatever you want, you can pop open that capsule and it has a really nice, savory flavor, very natural.
All of everything that we offer is 100 percent naturally sourced, which is very important to us because the body does not know how to process synthetic or artificially made ingredients. So everything is naturally sourced. So you can taste like you can taste the natural flavors of it.
I saw and I didn’t get to see the whole thing, but there was somebody with an 80 pound 14 year old dog that was having issues with his back legs. All of our mushroom products and our Bucky bites, our mineral products have naturally sourced glucosamine, chondroitin, keratin, which is going to help give the hips and legs and joints more support. The great Pyrenees that I was talking about a little while ago could hardly move.
And they said couldn’t go down even down one step to go outside like he would just stand there and they would have to help him. And today he was running because his body was just given a little extra immune support. But naturally sourced glucosamine, chondroitin, keratin were lubricating and helping the joints.
And and he was moving so much better. So I would try that. And then someone says opening the capsules.
I open them and put them in coffee. I think I invented mushroom coffee five years ago because I didn’t want to pop 10 pills a day. So I was opening them and putting them in coffee in the morning.
And then in the evening, my husband was putting them in a little bit of warm water with some lemon and it kind of like made a tea for me. So, yeah, I I do that. And Diana, you’re saying you open it and put it on your boy’s food.
We have a really good testimony of a three year old little boy who was getting ready to go on steroids. They had tried everything with him. His little body was just fighting this chronic, crusty, runny nose thing every day.
And the grandma finally took some action and put it in his little warm milk smoothie before he went to bed. And when he woke up in the morning, his nose was clear. And it has just been the best story ever.
Do I see a tale? I see a tale. Hey, Penny. Pat, she has the most beautiful tail on the planet.
Look at that. Oh, that’s funny. On your shoulder.
Oh, that’s hysterical. Well, I do see someone asking about brain support. And there are several studies that have been done specifically on the lion’s mane mushroom providing nerve and brain support.
It is a beautiful tale. It’s distracting. And there are several studies that have been done on the lion’s mane mushroom and how it’s really helpful for nerve and brain support.
And we have a complementary product called the Enforce Clarity, which is the lion’s mane mushroom. So we’ve seen some really great results. You know, when we when we do the Enforce, which is the Coriolis versicolor mushroom, and add the clarity with it.
They work together in a synergy. And it really helps to help to provide that extra nerve and brain support. And I also see someone asking about brain support.
I see someone asking about autism. And again, they’re all of these studies that I’m referring to have been published in the National Library of Medicine. You can just look them up yourself.
But there are some great studies being done specifically on the combination of Coriolis versicolor, Reishi and lion’s mane mushroom together and what it’s been doing for autism and the results that they’re seeing. And you can look those up yourself. So what we’re recommending is doing a combination of the Enforce Plus with the clarity for that, if that’s one of your concerns.
And then I also see someone asking about cardiovascular support. And we also have a mushroom called the shiitake mushroom, which is another complementary mushroom that plays well with the Coriolis versicolor mushroom and a product called Enforce Shield. And the shiitake mushroom is really great for cardiovascular support.
It’s rich in antioxidants, a great source of natural vitamin D. And it actually promotes antiviral functions inside of the body. So when you take that along with the Coriolis versicolor mushroom, again, they work together in a synergy. So they actually help to accelerate your progress and it kind of amplifies the results.
So that is what I would do if I were dealing with those types of issues. So with the person who’s asking about the bone cancer in the dog, the osteosarcoma, you know, the University of Pennsylvania Veterinarian School put it in writing. And it’s a great study where they said, if your dog has the big C and it takes the Coriolis versicolor mushroom, it will live longer and healthier than if it didn’t take it.
Those are the exact words of the study that I’m quoting. When you see something that radical coming from a university, you know that they had to dot their I’s, cross their T’s before they publish something like that. So, you know, one of the things that I didn’t mention earlier is every product that we have has a money back guarantee, 30 days.
You’re not happy? Let us know. We will give you a refund. That’s how confident we are in our product line and how confident we are that you’re going to see the results that you’re hoping to see.
So yes, for the person who is asking about that question, it is something that we’ve seen some pretty good results with. Yeah, even I see someone asking about the Huntington, same thing. We want to get that nerve and brain support into the body as quickly as possible.
So if it were me, I would do a combination of the Coriolis versicolor mushroom and the lion’s mane mushroom. So the InForce and the Clarity together will help to get that natural support into the body so that it can start addressing those issues. Yeah, and just to end the one thing, in 2024, the Medical Society actually linked the brain to the immune system.
This was a huge, huge thing because what that does is it opens up so many new things to be looked at differently because before the link to the immune system for things like Parkinson’s and epilepsy and seizures just wasn’t there. But now that they have actually identified this link and we have things like the lion’s mane mushroom that can actually go into the brain and start working with the brain, and then we have the InForce that works with the immune system, I mean, it’s just a win-win for everybody. It’s a power duo there.
And I see someone asking about allergies as well. I myself, I used to take an allergy pill almost every single day for years because my allergies were so bad. I would just get really bad sinus infections and sinus pressures.
And once I started taking the InForce and my own immune system started handling what was happening in my body, and now it’s been over five years and I haven’t taken a single, not one allergy pill, not a single ibuprofen, no medications at all in over five years. When I feel allergies coming on or if I feel like a cold or something coming on, all I do is I just eat more mushrooms. I just take some extra mushrooms, let my own immune system address it and handle it.
Yeah, and my husband and I have seen that. If we know we’re going to be in a big crowded area or at an event where there’s lots of people, we know there’s going to be lots of things running around the room that we don’t want to catch. We’ll just, you know, take a couple extra, the Coriolis versicola.
While we were driving here, all of a sudden I said, I’m getting a little tiny sore throat and I just took two additional Coriolis versicola and it went away. We had been at a big event with a lot of people. So the skin conditions, you will definitely see.
But yeah, definitely email me and we’ll talk about the food you’re feeding and we’ll talk about what we can do. But someone’s mentioning shingles. I’ve never had shingles.
I have only heard that it’s the most painful, horrible thing ever. So, you know, one of the things I would suggest, definitely treat it from the inside and the outside. I would put some body balm on it.
As long as they’re not open and bleeding, I would put some body balm on it and I would also get that immune system, the support it needs through the Coriolis versicola enforced products. So yeah, so Mark, thank you for your time. It’s been wonderful.
And if we didn’t get to your question, we don’t want you to feel like you’re not going to get the answer that you need. So please email us at the Please email us so that we can have a more in-depth conversation with you and maybe answer some questions that you may have. And go to if you want to learn more about what we’ve been talking about.
And you can see a lot more details there as well. It might answer some of your questions also. Yes, exactly.
Good answer. Yeah. The mustache is gone.
Wait, yes. It’s now sitting over here. This mouth doesn’t work.
And the cord’s fluffy and she just plopped down on the mouse pad and I just have to work around her. Mark, that tells us who you are. I remember four or five years ago watching you and there was a stink bug on your computer screen.
And you were like, most people would have just smashed it. You were like, come on, come on, come on. You took it, you put it out the window, and I’m going, oh, God, this is a good man.
So you just let her go and let her do her thing. His name was probably Fred. Yeah, probably.
Fred Thomas, I don’t know. I gave him all names. They’re sweet bugs.
Oh, it was so funny. I just remember going, oh, my gosh, what a good man he is. All right.
A number of questions left unanswered, but you can reach out to them directly. Email me. It’s the fastest, best way to get your answers, because I’ll stay up all night doing emails tonight and the next few nights.
And she makes it easy right here on the screen. If you’re trying to find it, the original MarkzPets at, the website They made a night. It forwards it to their site.
It’s just easier to remember for you guys. Yes. Thank you for joining, ladies.
For the rest, I’ll be back at 10 a.m. Eastern tomorrow. We will not have Andy. He is flying to Europe.
He’s having a daddy-daughter trip. So good for him. Good for him.
Right? I got to do something like that. My daughter’s graduating from college, too. So that’s another conversation.
Yeah, yeah. I’ll take her to Bucky’s. That’s it.
Bye-bye. Bye-bye. I’ve seen a bunch of those.
All right. Everybody, I’ll see you tomorrow at 10. Ladies, thank you.
Bye-bye. Thanks, Mark.