MarkZ Evening (Uncut) 03-19-2025
Evening News with MarkZ. 03/19/2025
Hello all. Good to see you in the house. Hello, Grandma Evie.
Hello, Trish. Hello, buddy. I saw Daniel.
Daniel, you ready to get your YouTube back? Hello, Flipper. Hello, QBallSoulAuroram. Hello, Bug, Jim, Miss Kukla.
Hello, Sissy and Josie. Hello, I see George checking in. ShaolinMonk.
Oh, boy. That’s, wow. That’s not really a weird reason.
Believer and Weather Joe. Hello, Rain Man. Hello, Jules and Lee.
Sup, Lumbago. Hello, PGMDragonfly. Hello, DivaNurse.
Yeah, can we just get a number? Oddly quiet day today, especially on the Bond side. Makes me scratch my head. I want somebody to return a call or actually answer.
Actually, have their phone on would be a bonus. Hello, Mr. Happy. Dwayne, what’s up? It’s good to see you in the house, Intercessor.
Always a pleasure, FloweringButterfly. Yeah, how bad are the ads on Rumble? I know a few folks that are used to Twitch. I mean, you’re really used to them.
But I’m kind of curious how they are on Rumble. How many do you get? Is it just the beginning? Whip, I will not forget to sing, but somebody’s got to get me some birthdays. So far, I got zilch, nothing.
Turns having a birthday. All right. I was worried I wasn’t going to get to sing.
Supposed to RMS, I’m supposed to get out of YouTube jail at like five or six o’clock in the morning on Friday. So theoretically, I will be able to broadcast from YouTube. Hello.
Whoa, whoa. I’m going to try to catch this one. It’s ripping.
Hello, GreenedLadyBirthday. I might need help from the mods to get through this. Everybody starts tossing in when they’ve got one.
Mark Zorro, I like that one. It was the nickname way back as a younger man when the Antonio Banderas film came out. A number of people decided I was Zorro.
Hello, Ocelot. Tiny connecting the dots. Let’s see.
I appreciate that. Blue seems to be it. Let’s see.
Faith having her 72nd today. Yes, I will be off Twitch when YouTube lets me back in, guys. We’re only on Twitch temporarily until Twitch does something about the overwhelming amount of hate that they’re allowing on there.
I’m not staying. I’m not going to monetize a company that’s that well. You get where I’m going.
They’re openly allowed to call for pretty much the death of Jews or the death of Christians or the death of conservatives, and they don’t seem to worry about the podcasters that call for those things. It’s horrendous. Not the podcast, the people out there.
They’re content creators. Yeah, podcasters. We’ll run with that one.
Cody’s birthday. Twitch got some explaining to do if they want us to come back full time. Let’s see.
Ili and Omar might be on our way out. AOC is now facing massive legal problems. Yeah, the world is turning upside, well, upside right, probably, finally.
Let’s see. Right after you asked how the ads were on Rumble, I got a 30-second ad on Twitch. They don’t even target their advertising very well.
Ah, Cascade. I saw that one. Cascade Sparrow’s birthday is today as well.
72 as well. That’s a coinkydinky. Abby’s born in July.
Trying to keep up with all of these. Let’s see. Yeah, I’m going to have to add another monitor, and then I’ll be able to do better answering your questions.
It’s really difficult with the setup I’ve got right now. All right, let’s get through this so I can be ready for Whiskey and Wisdom, maybe even crank it up a touch early if possible, get some time with you. We’re going to dive straight into news without further ado.
Again, Bond side, I’m getting a lot of quiet. I’m getting straight to voicemail, so nothing’s even picking up. I don’t know if they just don’t want to answer yet or their expectations, or maybe they already have the answers.
Of course, I do have continuing to get more people that are part of Bond groups that are getting notified for travel. We’re waiting for them to release those travel dollars. I think it makes more sense for them to go ahead and process all the ones that they already physically hold the bonds.
I think that’s probably what we’re watching occur right now, which has me pretty excited. Let’s get over here. Where’s it at? There it is.
Sudani launches projects to rehabilitate the electricity networks and expand stations for summer 2025. Trump has been pushing them. The country has been pushing them, making answers, so they are full tilt to get things ready for no Iranian influence and do a better job for the Iraqi people.
This is all part of that stable on their own two feet so that they can change or increase the purchasing power. Parliamentary Finance Committee budget tables do not include job grades. What does that mean? Any of the new job headings, they’re trying to simplify as much as they can the budget tables, which they are expecting.
I’m told most likely over the weekend on Sunday right now was my update this morning. There are many rumors that that rate will be in those budget tables. Other than that, pretty quiet on the news side.
That’s all I’ve got on bonds. I haven’t heard anything on CMKX. I haven’t heard anything on prosperity or anything more fun.
A disappointing news day on that front, but we do have some interesting things. Let me see if I got this one. We missed that one.
Miss Julie’s 60th birthday. Happy belated Jay Catano. Yeah, it is.
I just saw this one from BJ Hallie. No ads for me on Rumble, but I will say one week ago Jumbo Egg sold for $6.92. Today selling for $4.82. Definitely headed in the right direction. Cheryl Orcott saying daughter-in-law’s cousin and see, let’s see, a medically induced coma needing prayers.
Also, we have a young baby. Let me share this one. One of our own, Gerald.
See if I can find the picture for you. Give me just a minute. Poor Caitlin, his sick young girl, fever, hospital, you name it.
Prayers for her quick healing. Yeah, they’re trying to mean like ears nausea. She’s having a rough go of it, so prayers there as well.
Oh, isn’t that cute, the little one? She’s a cute one. All right, let’s keep going with news so that I can get ready for whiskey and wisdom. Brian’s, let’s see, happy birthday to hub Brian.
Brian’s birthday. Back to the news. Very concerning one going on right now.
This is how desperate that the left is right now. Infowars, Owen Troyer, swatted as conservatives continue to be targeted. It’s not just Infowars.
Come on, if you’re going to target somebody, I guess that one’s acceptable to them. It’s not, but that’s the way the left thinks. To give you an idea of the other people that have been swatted of late, Juanita Broderick, Cat Turd, all these in the last few days.
Chase Geyser swatted in the last few days, and it goes, the list gets long. They are trying to kill conservatives. That’s exactly what it is.
Cash Patel says he is going after them. My suggestion, if you are a podcaster or a conservative, reach out to your local law enforcement. Make certain that they know you’re a target, or could be.
Share your personal number. I know when, during the COVID hubbub, that’s what I did in North Carolina. Fortunately, I had many friends working in law enforcement, so I went and sat down with them, and they put me with the right person at my local substation, had long conversations, invited them over to go through the home, so that they knew all about it, where it was at.
I did get a call, hey, we’re hearing something strange happening over there. I said, you’re welcome to come over. Easy, simple, make certain you are proactive, because this is dangerous, what they’re attempting to do.
I mean, they’re firebombing Teslas. They released a listing of all Tesla owners in the U.S., so that people could target them. Gave them their addresses.
They’re desperate, which means we’re winning, guys. Means we’re winning. They’re that desperate.
Ninja Mama, wait, you’re not banned again, are you? I can still see you. Chrissy Noem said they’re going after swatting. Kaush Patel says they’re going after swatting.
I mean, every law enforcement right now agency is making it a priority, but they’re going to have to, they’re going to have to make these swatters serve time. They’re going to have to go after them. I did have somebody who works with Anonymous.
Supposedly, Anonymous is getting involved, the notorious hacking crew, or white hat hacking crew, to track down and locate them. Per billion, MC, wait, M, Cal, Pennagallum, totally messed that one up. Per one billion is what I was told.
Okay, let’s keep, wait, PSA, David. Oh, I saw. Okay.
Brad, I should make YouTube beg me. Although the increased folks over on Rumble certainly got notice from Rumble. Administrator from Rumble reached out today and said, hey, is there anything you need? So, I’m looking forward to a conversation with management at Rumble.
See if we can make a switch at some point. Tech is just so much better at YouTube. The fact that they are censored Nazis is really rough, and where they put their money is rough as well.
All right, Europe goes full totalitarian and puts the entire Western world at risk. Yes, it does. They are cracking down now, and if you think you have free speech, if you’re in Europe, you do not have free speech.
You gave up your guns, you do not have free speech, and they are finally learning that lesson. Yes, it took a decade or two, but now you do not have free speech. Stop, drop, and think about this.
Look throughout history. Confiscation of arms. Freedom of speech has never survived the confiscation of arms in any society.
They would like to point out that, well, it did in Australia. No, it did not. They lost their freedom of speech.
They now have bills where, because they have a multicultural, they cannot have free speech. Yes, they have a law now. UK, they lock you up for it.
Germany, they lock you up for it. I have to think of this one. I was just reading an article on it.
I think it is Bulgaria. No freedom of speech. France, no freedom.
Germany, no freedom of speech. Freedom of speech has never survived the confiscation of arms. This is history 101 for anybody out there paying attention, but as I am watching what is going on in Europe, I am afraid Europe may fall.
It is happening again. Europe is once again going totalitarian, and this time there is a decidedly familiar communist stench. The outcome was predictable for many of us in the alternative media, and the situation is not only going to get worse in the next few years, but what does this mean for the rest of the world? European elites casting off humanist masks and going outright Orwellian.
What kind of chaos can we expect to unfold? Great read if you guys are up for it. Brandon Smith over at I would highly suggest it. I would also like to mention that there are reports of India, the nation of India, law enforcement raiding George Soros’s Open Society offices.
I am being told that some of them were raided today, so perhaps the pushback is happening. We’re going to pray. All right.
That’s really all I had for this evening. It was a slow news day. Romania.
Thank you, Dog Day Live. That’s the country I was trying to remember. Reading a few of these.
Oh, let’s see. My sister has a Tesla. People don’t realize they have sentry mode.
The cameras are watching the entire surrounding. People will pay for these. There will be many, many, many prosecutions.
Kukla, with a reminder for the Helping Hands community, it is probably more important. She’s highlighted these. There won’t be as much money for the community when advertising dies, and advertising died when YouTube killed us.
Keep it out there if somebody needs help. Try to help each other when you can. All right.
We’re going to call it a wrap after we sing happy birthday. Turn, Greenid, Faith, Cody, Cascade, Brian, anybody else sound off? I’m going to sing, then I’m going to take a short break before coming back for whiskey and wisdom. About eight of his businesses were raided.
Just look at that. It’s getting nuts right now. Getting nuts.
Car 54, they call it swatting because the police send a swat-type group to your house to wake up the gun. Yeah, you wake up, guns in your face, kicking in doors. Everybody’s jumpy.
They got the trigger. They’ve been told that you’re holding live hostages or whatever. It gets terrifying.
Jay Rainey said, Mark, your John Dowling interview was great. Post again for those who missed it. Mods, I don’t know if you have those or not.
I’ve got it right here. Let me copy that and paste it. I very much enjoyed my time with Mr. Dowling.
We recorded it yesterday. He posted it this morning. I’m going to drop that link.
Give me a minute, guys. I got a lot of different screens I got to look at when I do this one. B Temple, yes, we did chance the link for the JFK files, but not on the website.
Kukla, if I send that to you, can you get that one into Telegram? But just in case, they are right here. Let’s drop those. And they are very telling, and they don’t speak a very pretty story about the CIA and Israel.
It’s almost like they work together. Read them. We also get to find out that they have been doing psyops on us for many, many years.
It’s discussed in a number of the files back and forth as just, you know, kind of, well, we don’t know what to trust because we do know that we’ve implanted these. It’s it, man. I’m telling you, it is something.
Kukla says it’s already in Telegram. Hallie, yes, for those not paying attention, we’re ditching Twitch until they get rid of one or two pool of hate podcasters that are on there. Like Extreme, calling for violence.
CronTrap, yeah, I don’t know if I’d call it disappointing. I’m going to run with not a whole lot of news. It’s probably great because of the bond people that are not responding and the ones that are being told and they’re collecting their information for travel dollars.
So for me, not necessarily disappointing, but not as exciting as I would have hoped. Pad Florida State Whiskey and Wisdom is going to be right where you’re at now. Just look in Rumble after this podcast.
I will put up the link and you guys can go back to talking. Give me about five minutes. All right, you birthday people.
How many times can I sing to you tonight? But HCL is close to done until they officially check it off the list. Bond folks, hey, I like that one. Maybe they’re still passed out.
I’m hoping that was it, right? Tommy, wait, your clocks haven’t gone forward yet. When do you guys get your daylight saving? All right, I’m going to sing maybe three or four times today just for fun. So they tell me it’s your birthday.
Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live, may you love. May all your dreams come true.
Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. To all those celebrating, happy birthday. Oh yeah, Claire, we didn’t realize it at the time.
We had been in the house for about two years, sitting at home one night, knock on the door, hubby goes out, it’s police, they got calls of kids screaming and stuff. Yeah, the left is unhinged. Unhinged.
All right, guys, I’m going for whiskey and wisdom. Supposedly Mike Bear has had a lot of great information this week, so we will quiz him on whiskey and wisdom here in about 30, well, 40 minutes. See you guys there.