Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ Evening (Uncut) 03-11-2025

Evening News with MarkZ. 03/11/2025

Eric, yes, yes it is, to put you in a trance. You will manifest this well. I love it.


Hello, Miss Google Speed Racer Sluggo Cheeseburger. It’s good to have you in the house. Where you been? Hello, DS Benjamin.


Hello, Rosie Posey. Hello, Half Pint and Hoops. Hello, Miss Sissy.


Hello, Julie, Anna. Jeanette, 12 monkeys. Scott in Delaware celebrating his 51st.


Happy birthday, Scott. Oh, cuties. How are you, Texas Fierce? Hands and hearts, Pottery Janet.


Hello, Darlene Maverick. I better stay a little focused so we can get through news, because then we do have Jonathan Otto joining us after we do news and everything this evening. I’m looking forward to it.


You know me and health things. I embrace them. What have I told you? The groundbreaking studies from Uncovered Therapy, so powerful it’s helping people achieve what they once thought impossible, from reversing biological aging to melting away stubborn fat, from regulating thyroid function to calming overactive immune responses, all the way down to achieving cancer remission.


It’s true. In a 413-person study, patients using this therapy were four times more likely to achieve complete remission from prostate cancer. In another clinical trial, 9 out of 10 autoimmune patients saw significant symptom reliefs.


The secret revolutionary technology that recharges your cells, mitochondria, the powerhouse behind healing, Red Life has the most advanced system that uses dual LED technology, delivering two healing wavelengths at once, giving you double the results in one session. Plus, these devices have the highest irradiance in the space, ensuring maximum power, delivering for deep cellular healing, and there are no harmful EMFs. Unlike costly treatments or supplements that you must keep buying, this is a one-time investment the whole family can use for years.


Want to learn more? Go to myredlife.com and use the coupon code MARKZ to get 10% off your purchase, but act fast, this special won’t last, or at least not won’t last long. Kim Marie, did I already? I definitely slipped one in earlier today. That’s the insanity of the time we’re going through.


You just, yeah. We’ll keep working on it. No, honestly, I just put on a red shirt this morning.


I was feeling like red. Xavier, he’s definitely playing chess, not checkers. I think he’s playing Risk and kicking butt and taking over the world.


Ooh, they’re not going to take that one. I see Don King even talking about Red Light Machine works well for sinuses. I love hearing these reports, but I’m really looking forward to somebody who is very versed to share with us.


He should be in here, I don’t know, 20 minutes or so, so let’s keep running. Peace in the Ukraine by Friday. It is possible.


They are now making negotiations. Now in negotiations for a ceasefire. Oh, Fred, it’s your inner Georgia Bulldog trying to come out.


DJ, this snowball is definitely picking up speed. Probably the best news so far. And fortunately, it came from more than one source, so it makes me feel better.


It also makes me feel better sharing it because I don’t feel like I’m outing information that isn’t all over the boards already or will be. Yeah, we’ve got private individual bondholders that are now receiving their travel funds to head that way and get their exchanges done, and that’s huge. We’ve seen them send dollars to, like, paymasters or larger facilitators, but today is the first time I’ve tracked a couple of sources, different individuals that have been given their travel dollars to go handle their portion of their bond exchanges, so that’s, like, just downright awesome.


It’s an absolute first in this thing, which always makes me feel a little better. Oh, wait a minute. What did I miss? Red hot and ladies or something? I’m getting a little scared.


Ah, it is good. Yeah, that alone is great news. If all we did was come in tonight, deliver that one, and call it a night, it’d be just fine, but we do have some interesting things happening in our rack.


The mechanism of publishing data on the sale and purchase of foreign currencies. This is all about more proof that we can touch, read, feel good about how they have changed those currency auctions, and it may have taken them a couple months to get where they’re supposed to, but they are there, so they’re ready for that switch to flip. In other words, all their banking is now going through globally, internationally accepted processes.


Give me safe, give me stable, give me new rate. Just a reminder to what should be said. Sudani withdraws Hashid retirement law from parliament.


What does this mean, guys? This is actually a good thing. They’ve had a very difficult time because of the popular mobilization forces, and it is clogged up their parliament, so he’s just like, fine, we’re going to pull the law. We’re going to work on it.


Let’s keep moving forward. He was having different groups boycotting. They couldn’t get consensus, so they would just have some ministers because of the nature of this and how controversial it is, just want to show up, so it was paralyzing their parliamentary procedures, so he’s like, all right, we’re going to table this work on this.


We’ll present it. Let’s go ahead and get everything else we have. We have on the table done, including budget tables.


Yeah, they’re back in the news again. Mount ministerial council discusses budget schedules and the local global oil market. In other words, they are planning on how to deal with all the new realities of the world and Trump pushing oil down, but allowing them more volume to make up for the loss of dollars, what it means.


Budget schedules is huge, guys, because they’re also working on which companies, who needs dollars first to make certain the pipeline thumps to support their currency and their country and their citizens. Here’s another big piece for us today in March 11, Iraq and UNAMI discuss mechanisms for implementing the UN Security Council resolution. What is this? In other words, they are implementing the end of the UN involvement in Iraq.


What did we learn way back in the beginning? That before we left in that capacity completely, we would be paid and we’re getting ready to leave in that capacity, which means we should be paid. In order to pay us value change, you got it, guys. This was talked about much back in the early late.


Well, how would I say this? Right around 2010, 2012, this was a major discussion that this would be a key point for us. And we’re seeing this key point now. Pretty exciting.


Exciting stuff going on right now. All right. Let me take off the news banner for a moment so I can hang out with you and then we’ll hit just a couple news stories before it’s time for Mr. Otto.


Eyes are a little bit crossed. Really did well today mentally getting through the day. Still going to be another early day and I should be ready to hit it hard tomorrow.


Be back to normal. Wait a minute. Flying Hawaiian.


Anyone heard John Peltier, fire chief during Maui fires, is now a co-conspirator in the Diddy files. No, you can’t make that up. Seriously.


Wow. That’s you can’t make up the level incestuous level. I mean, it’s nuts how so many of these things and so many of these people in these positions are so interlaced.


Gary, I’m with you. Show me the money. It’s time to show me the money.


I think we’ll get to show you the money. Judy, when we say tier three, those historic bonds are part of tier three. So, yes, it would be tier three.


Can’t wait to step one back with you. You got to be careful of them Duke boys. They’re busy out there straightening the curves and flattening the hills.


No fresh on CMKM, CMKX, the original farm claims. We had some seriously good movement on the original farm claims for a short bit and then everything went dry newswise. Yeah, I did have one rumor that Omega was getting ready to reach out to folks very quietly individually to update information, but that’s just a rumor at this point.


I’m waiting to find somebody that gets reached out to amongst that group. But I did have one bank one in here that I thought you guys would enjoy. Somebody I’ve gotten to know at a personal level during this journey.


And I stepped into this isn’t me. This is somebody else. But Sharon, I stepped into my blank, blank bank in rural mountainous Georgia, like below the Tennessee line kind of thing yesterday and the branch VP saw me and she came over to me.


She said that she was wrong about the RV being a scam and that I was right and wise to have invested in it. She said something very big is about to happen. And that was all that she could say.


Needless to say, I was nearly taken off my feet by it because the last time we spoke well over a year ago, she looked at me like I was the dumbest person on earth to have believed in the RV. What a difference time can make. You know, a little more in here, but it’s personal.


I don’t want to give away who the person is, but let’s see. When the lady told me what she said, we’re talking about the BP, the branch VP. She was very nervous as well as excited.


The tellers do not know, and she is the only one in the branch that does. That’s been brought up to speed. So she’s over a few branches in her position.


Isn’t that just cool? Isn’t that just cool? And I’ve told you guys, I’ve had a number of bankers reach out recently with similar stories going, hey, you know, they told us it was all a scam. I’ve been telling people for years because the bank was telling us, and now they’re telling a key portion of them that are going to be involved. No, it wasn’t a scam.


It’s real. Getting them prepared. So that one felt good.


Get used to those people seeing the light. I love it. Linda, yeah, praying as well.


Let’s get her done. Pit her, pat her. Rod, have you thought about a mannequin to wear? You know, that’s a good idea.


I can put one in the corner. Dress it up each day. What I really would prefer would be to get like a Captain Morgan back there.


He can be sitting there with his leg up. Oh, Trash Panda. Boy, if you start that rumor, it’s going to be all over Telegram, right? The rumor is they were going to release the RV this past weekend, but couldn’t because you weren’t home.


All right, I guess we can keep running for a few minutes here until it is time. Lots of things we can talk about and keep ourselves busy. That is the fun part of your RV news is just more of those confirmations and so much coming from the bond side.


So it makes me feel good. Oh, wait, God’s chosen, yeah. Oh, no, no, no.


Kukla, thanks for singing for my mom’s birthday. Bless ya. I know it was a tough one for you, but you know she was loved.


House passes full year stopgap as Democrats cross, as Democrat crosses party lines. Massey votes no. So we have one Republican vote no, but we had Democrat jump line.


Now we do, guys. We already have, this is stewing for a fight procedurally. They can still kill it in the Senate.


So Senate’s going to need 60 votes. It will not be easy. But that they have passed this initial bill three days before their deadline is actually very, very comforting to know that they are unusually on top of dealing with this budgetary issue.


But they do have a number of Democrats that have signaled that they will absolutely jump ship and vote for it. Moderate Senate Democrats, including Gene Shaheen of New Hampshire, Jackie Rosin of Nevada, Mark Kelly of Arizona, have given no indication how they’ll vote, while Senator John Fetterman said he would support it. So we do have a number of Democrats that either have committed to or are considering jumping the aisle in order to vote for this continuing resolution to keep things going.


Still trying to figure out where this Fetterman thing fits in. I’m open to all of your conspiracy theories. Appreciate it.


Look, there’s the one, the only. Everybody says hello to pickles. Say it again.


Ah, Karen, we do love good news. Good evening, Miss Paula. Reading for you, Rob.


It’s good to see you in the house. Yeah, Lynn, it is kind of stunning why Arizonans keep, I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.


Of course, I also don’t trust the election process in Arizona after what they’ve done the last few years. I mean, it’s a crap show. I know too many that work in elections and they’ll tell you it’s a crap show.


That’s a spooky thing. Hello, Mr. Mochel. As always, Mrs. Pickles.


Fetterman conspiracy theory. His wife’s connected to the deep state. I don’t trust him.


I definitely don’t. But here lately, either part of the show or showing some backbone or jumping ship, I don’t know. Version 3.0, 5.0, who knows? See ya, exactly.


Wanted Captain Morgan in a mankini. I mean, yeah, a gold one to show off for the ladies. Tim Foote is a classic.


I finally hooked up a CD player to my Sony amp and played American Pie. My, my Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee But the levee Yeah, we all got to start just doing it. You can tag on it.


Now it’s going to be in my head all night and I’m going to have to listen to it. Let’s see. See, Jeremy’s going to know.


Not sure what’s in the water and PA that most Fetterman got voted in. But maybe there’s hope for him after all, right? Maybe he’s drinking better water now. Oh, but I’m glad I saw you in here.


This is a reminder. I am dropping the link. It is live now.


Hopefully I don’t get in trouble. This is live for anybody that needs. Well, here, just let me show you.


Now you will be assaulted with disclaimers. It makes lawyers and regulators very happy. Just understand the game.


Biozox premium research compounds for scientific studies. There is a 25% discount that’s automatically added when you check out. It is live and you can order biozox.com forward slash original Mark Z. Link is in the description.


A lot of you folks have been desperately waiting for this one. It looks like we’re even going to start offering a subscription for those that want to order every month or every other month down the road. So I’m pretty excited they’ve come online.


Wait, wait. I’m going to try to slow it down. Dan Scavino has some interesting posts lately also.


Word is the cash trying to get a secured line to the White House to circumvent PAM. Oh, I wonder if there’s any truth to that one. Let’s see.


Campy ran on the fact that he was an astronaut and no other statements and he was put in because of corruption. That would check out. Milo, I think it’s a great idea.


I mean, Captain Peggy did offer to let me borrow her golden bikini when I was in Florida just in case this thing went off. Yeah, Patricia, I’m not convinced which version we’re on right now. Let’s see.


Okay, Mark, run this by Trump. Offers paid transfer of Bitcoin to Federal Reserve to pay down debt, then goes to Fort Knox and no gold, sells Federal Reserve, owes us and has canceled the rest of the debt. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Richard, I kind of like your theory.


One way you will know if I’m getting credit for it, you don’t have to punch in a name specific, you’ll see here at the top, you were shopping with the original Mark Z. Right there, you see where it says that at the top of it. You’ll see it if you make the right link. Oh, Christian told you.


My problem is I can imagine things and I’m still like wounded on that one. Yeah, I agree with you. Zester might be any gold mankinis as well.


Jordan, they’re expected to go at exactly the same time. Iraq saying that they have to argue for before we go to the redemption, but same time. Jeff, I’m being told very much so on the Zim.


We’ll talk more in depth on the Zim tomorrow morning before it is time for Andy and Jason Cousins with Glint. I’ve not heard of any new rates on the boulevard. Although it’s my understanding Fearless Floyd’s been doing the whole series on the boulevard if you guys want to go find them and check it out.


Snowman, link for what isn’t in the description? The link for bio is not in the description. I can certainly add it tomorrow to the description if you would like. Again, it is in the chat is where you find it.


Like, sorry, off to the right where everybody’s chatting or you just sent a message. That is where the link has been being placed. And at this point, I guarantee you many mods have stolen it if you need it again.


The good news is now you won’t have to worry about all the extra codes and stuff. They’ve made it much simpler to use. Kim, I’m very much being told agrochecks are still in play.


I hope he’s wrong too, but this has always been a concern, guys. This has always been a concern with that one and the Iranian currency as well. There’s always been a worry that they may not make the first basket, and there is a chance.


There’s a chance Venezuela may not make it. I’m still hearing that it’s going to, but when I look at it politically, I don’t know how they’re going to go ahead and do it. So just be prepared either way.


Thank you, Ms. Kukula, for putting that in Telegram. RetiredC5, I appreciate you. Still waiting for you to get down here again, man.


I think I like that. A gold singlet would be better. Maybe I could, like, hit up Dallas and see if he’ll let me borrow a wrestling uniform or outfit.


Something real fierce looking. That’d be fun. God’s chosen.


There’s not a set time. I’m told whatever is not in the first basket will go as each one is ready to convert. Albert, I’ve just not heard anything on the Pango.


I just don’t know what to tell anybody. I had that conversation with a number of other sources over the weekend at the Quantum Summit, and they were in the same boat I was in, not being able to get anything on it. So that made it a little tough.


Andy, I thought about that, too, but how many people really, other than us, are going to rush out and buy it, and they can just put a limit on us? I very much believe multi-currency accounts will be safe. Very much believe so. All right, let’s… David, you just have to do the math on billions, as opposed to trillions.


Just subtract the zeros. All right, guys, I’m going to hit just one or two more, and then we’re going to get over to Mr. Otto. Let’s see.


We talked about stopgap spending. We had a couple more to touch on. One, we did see a breakthrough.


The U.S. immediate lifts pause on intel and military aid to Ukraine as a 30-day truce plan is agreed on. They are pitching it to Russia now. We may be in the beginning days of peace, possibly as early as Friday of this week.


So they are turning on the defensive capabilities that they had turned off and looking for a possible ceasefire, a 30-day ceasefire, while they work through all the other details. Russia has made huge inroads into the Kursk region. So I guess at this point, Ukraine’s in a desperate move to get some kind of bargaining power.


They did just have their largest assault on Moscow via drone in the last 24 hours or so. Little update there, just saying peace. Peace looks like it could be breaking out soon.


Of course, we covered that earlier today on the Iranian front as well. Musk remains the world’s richest man despite Democrats’ war on Tesla. You know, I’ve talked about this on and off, but I haven’t shared many articles on it about the vandalism.


This is going on at Tesla lots across the nation. This is also going on at charging stations across the nation where very unhinged people mentally and politically are, well, violent. But he’s still, after their all-out war on him and the loss of, what, 40% of value of Tesla, he is still the world’s richest man at 300.6 billion, he’s lost 29 billion recently in stock valuation because of the, well, sell-off as they’ve targeted him.


Makes for interesting news. We did see the market try to do a little recovering today and just couldn’t quite get its feet under it. We got reductions in tariffs.


We got delays in tariffs. We had a number of things that were boistering. The market otherwise would have been much uglier.


But like I said again, Wall Street and Main Street no longer cross, so figure out what your exposure is. Don’t overreact. Now I’m gonna bring in Mr. Otto.


If he’s ready, you just wave at me if you’re ready. All right, I like it. I gotta wave, I gotta nod.


And he’s like me, like, all right, let’s loosen up the vocal cords. Yeah, great to connect. Oh, it’s great to connect.


Now, I’m pretty excited about this because it’s something I’ve kind of played with in the past, but it was a cheap Chinese knockoff, so I cannot wait. I don’t even know where to start. I’ve read so much on you in the last day or two, and I’m just now meeting you in person for the first time.


So how do we even start this? I had so many people the moment I mentioned your name were like, oh, no, I’ve seen him, or I’ve got a lot of just telling me things, so it’s been eye-opening. That’s awesome. Oh, no, I’ve seen him.


That sounds bad. Yeah, right? Oh, yeah, I saw him. No, that’s great.


It’s funny. It’s interesting. For the last 10 years, I’ve been publishing a lot of information about all kinds of major situations.


For example, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been in a couple of my different films back then. So cool. I mean, you’ve done interviews.


You’ve sat down with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. That’s going to make you a rock star in this community. Oh, I appreciate that. Well, yeah, people are just people, but I’m grateful that anyone that even has anything negative to say against him that are inside the movement would say, well, is he better than anyone else that could have taken that position, let alone somebody that could activate change? And I think that Make America Health Again, really, we have to make ourselves healthy again.


There’s a lot of things that we can all do to take control of our own situations. But in terms of where to start with me, I think it’s just we’ll talk about red light therapy. And yeah, my background.


So investigative journalism. I graduated from the University of New England and the University of Newcastle in Australia with a couple of different degrees with a focus in journalism. But as I became aware of the real issues going on in the world over the past two decades, I took a strong humanitarian approach to anti-human trafficking.


I actually am doing quite a bit of work with people like Tim Tebow in anti-human trafficking, which is obviously anyone that understands the severity of that issue understands that there is no future for humanity if things keep escalating at the rates that they are. And safety for children. I have young children.


What does life look like for them and their friends? We have to fight against these things. So I’ve had a strong humanitarian background and still do. But that same approach to decoding problems and real world problems and finding real world solutions is how I took to health and investigation in natural health.


And so 10 years ago, I was a producer on a documentary series called The Truth About Cancer. Then shortly thereafter, Robert Kennedy was featured in The Truth About Vaccines. I was a producer on that.


He came up in another series I did more recently. But yeah, these are the types of works I’ve been producing. And then with a supplement company focused on… We’re coming on seven years.


People are talking about parasite cleansing now. I was doing that seven years ago. Now we’re talking about combining red light therapy with parasite cleansing because of how that works as a dual punch against parasites.


But it’s just… Anyway, I’d be curious on where you want to go with this. But I’m excited to be on the show and grateful that you saw a good reason to have me on to chat with your audience. Yeah, for me, I don’t even know where to start because, I mean, I am fascinated.


Not a conversation I’ve ever had with you, but I have limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2L subset myosinomyopathy. I know it’s a mouthful. Wow.


So when I see these things that may help repairing muscle or just even the aches and pains from it, I always tune in more than the average person. Yeah. When you’re hurting, you pay attention to these.


I don’t even know where to start with my questions. I got a lot of them just on red light therapies and some of the differences and what you guys do differently. But I also don’t fully understand just everything you’ve got or what you guys can do.


Yeah. No, I think that’s awesome. And thank you for being open about the conditions that you’ve kind of been given a label for so that it’s a great case in point because these then become issues that we then can go into, okay, this and other autoimmune-related diseases because this type of muscular atrophy would fall into an autoimmune category where the body is, right? You’ve ticked that box, right? Autoimmune, the body, like somehow degrading, attacking itself.


Yeah, fantastic. And so I was just reading a comment there. But these issues, thankfully, they have solutions.


And the majority of the solutions lie in something called regenerative medicine. And so how do you regenerate the body and cause the body to regenerate? Once you get into that realm of things, you could see lifelong conditions turn around and really shocking things, like things you wouldn’t expect, like eyesight recovery is one where you’d think, okay, well, this is just kind of a slow and gradual thing. It’s sad, and that’s what it is.


But then you look at the clinical studies that are well-proven. Even mainstream guys like Dr. Andrew Huberman has commented on these studies, 17% eye improvement after one session. Clinically speaking, across the board, and I’ve seen much higher numbers than that, even in 90-year-olds, but that’s just across the board as a blanket approach just for one session.


I mean, we’re not even talking about what it would look like to do three sessions a week, seven sessions a week. Look at what that looks like over three months, six months. Do I see examples where people completely get things that they never thought they’d get back, like a complete reversal of myocarditis? There’s clinical studies on it showing that, an 80% reduction in a short period of time with red light therapy.


And this was a university out of Tel Aviv in Israel. Then you’ve got, you just keep going through these studies and they’re all different types of conditions. And you’d say, yeah, but why are you saying now eyesight? Then you’re saying heart.


Then fibromyalgia is one of the conditions that’s come up here with Lori. My wife’s name is Lori, so this is another Lori here, not my wife. And yes, fibromyalgia.


Remember, these are all labels. Yes, and there’s lots of great studies. And people can use their internet to even prove what I’m saying, where you put into Google fibromyalgia, red light therapy, and you’ll look at the studies.


It’s a very well proven science. It’s been used for all different types of cancer, not only breast cancer, prostate cancer, but bone, lung cancer, unrespectable lung cancer, meaning that you can’t perform surgery on these types of cancer. And it’s proven to be not only like a little bit effective, but I’m talking like lung cancer study, overall response rate of 87%.


87% of the people in the study had a significant improvement in the quality of life. Now let’s talk about complete remission. Prostate cancer study, European Journal, 10 control centers across Europe, 413 participants, two year period.


So a lot of people, two years, control group that didn’t take it. So you can see the difference between the group that did and didn’t. 49% remission in the group that took the red light therapy.


It was called photodynamic therapy, where they add in something that helps the absorption of light. In this case, they use the deep sea bacteria, which is way out there when you think about it. It’s a mainstream study, by the way.


They’re still doing regular therapies. But anyway, the ones that are more well known, methylene blue, curcumin, berberine, they’re all considered photosensitive elements that become then a photodynamic treatment. But the control group was only 13.5%. So if you didn’t take red light therapy, you had a 13.5% chance of being in remission in two years.


You had a 49% chance of being in remission. Four times greater likelihood of beating prostate cancer. And the list just keeps going.


The breast cancer studies showed a 40% drop in 24 hours. These are on PubMed, these studies. 40% drop in proliferation of breast tumor cell lines in both triple negative and non-triple negative breast cancer.


And that was using the four different wavelengths of red light, but 660 was the only one that could do that. So mind-blowing information. And it really is that well documented.


It arguably is the most advanced and most studied science of modern times. And it’s in the mainstream literature. But Cleveland Clinic will even tell you it’s good for you.


Yeah, we see all kinds of things out there in like the beauty world. Oh no, it’s just gonna help your body create more collagen, get rid of wrinkles. And there are many, many people out there, wealthier ladies or even number of men that spend really good money to get red light therapy for their wrinkles.


Yeah, exactly. And there’s multiple reasons why it’s working too, because there’s something called face mapping where the reason why it’s getting rid of broken capillaries and droopy eyelids and water retention in the face and wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, is because it’s also helping with organ function. And when you cleanse the liver, the colon, and you wouldn’t think of red light therapy helping to cleanse these agents in the body.


You’d kind of think of detoxifying agents. But cells can perform all types of activities, including detoxification, when they have the power to do so. So the voltage is the thing to look for.


How do you increase the cell’s voltage so it can perform its functions? Red light therapy is the best way to improve voltage and function. So then all of a sudden, yes, people then see all these benefits on the skin, but it’s partly to do with the fact they’re also having systemic improvement in their whole body. When you said that, because one of the things I noticed when I was doing my research before bringing you in was effectiveness with thyroid-based things.


I really haven’t been able to find anything other than some just natural supplements that might help a little, but nothing I don’t have. But so many people in my community have mentioned thyroid before, so I started doing research. Yes, okay, thyroid, awesome.


And then there’s a comment there on osteoporosis. Yes, and I’ll answer the one that just came in the chat on osteoporosis, bone density. One of the keys there is it’s helping the health of the bone.


So typically if you’re getting medication or even supplementation, it’s trying to quiet down the inflammation, but you wanna look at how to actually have healthy bones if you’re thinking about osteoporosis. So how do I make my bones more dense, more strong? And it’s surprising that you would think of this light. It looks like it’s just for my skin, but near-infrared penetrates the bones.


That’s between 800 and around 1100 nanometers. And that near-infrared that you can’t see penetrates the bones. So coming over to your question there, Mark, on thyroid.


Thyroid’s one of the ones I’m so excited about and so passionate about because I could almost say most women struggle with a hypothyroid, even though you’d say, yeah, well, there’s this percentage, like 25%, 30%, but the issue is that we’re all on a pendulum where, okay, so these people are acute, so they’ve got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. They’ve got a very underactive thyroid. These people are hyperactive with Graves’ disease.


And so these are just these clinical cases. But what you’ll find is the same toxins that were in the environment that caused the person next to you to get hypothyroidism is the same toxin that you’re exposed to as well. And so everyone’s thyroids, and especially women, are being affected because it’s a 10 to one ratio, women and men.


And so then thinking about how to regenerate the thyroid then becomes something that is essential. Otherwise, you’re just slowly losing function. You’re becoming more dependent on drugs like Synthroid, Levothyroxine, et cetera.


So then let’s see what the clinical studies say on this, Mark. Like, okay, here’s an example of a study that was poorly conducted, yet the outcome was amazing. By poorly conducted, I don’t mean it wasn’t conducted under robust methodology.


It was, but here’s what they did. They gave them Red Light twice a week for three weeks. And then they take them off it.


Three months later, they test their thyroid markers and everything has changed. Their reduction in Levothyroxine across the board, so the amount that they need to supplement to take the thyroid hormone, has dramatically reduced across the board for everyone. And then body mass index has changed.


So all of them have lost weight. And I’m talking about like, what’s that? Six sessions, twice a week for three weeks, six sessions. And then being off it for three months.


Hip to waist ratio dramatically reduced. Water retention. So what it does with the thyroid is what it does with other organ cells, which is that it’s interfacing with the mitochondria.


Mitochondria account for about 25% of the cell typically in these organ cells, heart cells and eyes. Cerebellum actually have a lot. They have hundreds of thousands of mitochondria per cell.


But thyroid is going to have a few thousand, somewhere around there, mitochondria. They need energy to produce what to, they need light to produce energy as they produce the adenosine triphosphate ATP. This then becomes the powerhouse to charge the whole cell and make it performance functions, including the essential power that the body needs to create thyroid hormones like T3, T4.


Hence why the reduction of the thyroid hormones and their thyroid antibody levels all drop. Their TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone markers drop. And this is so exciting for people.


And I’ve seen cases that have been really radical where even Graves, which you can’t find as much on the internet on Graves, you can find a lot on underactive thyroid, Hashimoto’s, et cetera. But I’ve seen cases and one that’s coming to mind right now is a woman named Shannon who was bedridden. She was barely able to walk.


She previously was competing in marathons, hence why she wanted to continue competing in marathons. She was encouraged by a friend of hers that had used our red light therapy panels. They both had them.


She said, look, get in front of it, get it over your whole body, especially make sure it’s up against your thyroid. It’s anecdotal, but this woman ended up going back to compete in the marathon within two and a half weeks. Her blood mark is completely normalized.


Her doctors were shocked because her markers were so bad across the board. Everything had changed within that period. And the difference between the study I mentioned and that was that she did it every day for half an hour.


She was very close to the panel and then she got tested immediately, hence why the results would outperform even the study that I mentioned beforehand. So there you go. I’m getting just so many saying, oh, you’re going to have to come back.


We got all kinds of questions. That’s awesome. Oh no, Jonathan wasn’t a bad one then.


That’s great. Just on that front, I had people asking things because when you said eyes, I immediately had over in chat. Can you see the chat on the right of your screen, what they’re talking about? Let me see.


Yes, I can now. Awesome. Yeah, just hit the comments.


Now you can see what they’re discussing in this one, but we’ve got people in other platforms that you won’t be able to see in here from Rumble and Click that are also asking questions. And one of the biggest I’m getting in here is cataracts. As soon as you mentioned eyesight, and I have no idea.


Yeah. No, it’s great. I’m glad that people are asking all these questions.


So let’s pull up a little bit here. I’m going to just pull up. I’ve done a little bit of research on.


If you ever want to share research, there’s a present button down there, and you can share what’s on your screen. Yes. So it is being used.


What’s interesting that it’s being used for macular degeneration. I’ll give you some examples of that. And I’ve seen great cases of that firsthand.


It’s hypothesized that it could help with cataracts. There’s not a ton of studies that say, okay, yes, this will work. But there is some limited evidence that’s showing that it is effective.


But the thing there is to also look at just eye health in general. And I’ll give you an example. This is one that came up.


And I just pour through. I shared with you those clinical results, but I’ll give you an example of a 93-year-old. This only came up like a week ago for a woman that had purchased some of our devices.


She was caring for a 93-year-old. She put a device over this woman’s eyes. And the clinical studies show that you can be in front of it for like three minutes.


And in this case, after applying it, having her eyes open and closing her eyes for the majority of the time, because the near-infrared is going to penetrate straight through the eyelid and go through the entire eyeball. This woman, 93, with dementia, says, what’s wrong with the TV? And the care is saying, what do you mean what’s wrong with the TV? She’s not expecting it to work like that. She’s like thinking maybe in a few months there’ll be some results.


What’s wrong with the TV? No, something’s wrong with the TV. What’s happening with this TV? And she said, what’s wrong? Like, what’s happening? And she says, I can read what it says. And then she says, what? What do you mean? And she says, I can read what it says and I can see the color.


I can distinguish the colors. I can’t see the colors normally and I can’t read it. And then she sits there with the remote.


She changes the channel. It goes to the stocks channel. It can read the fine print of the stock channel.


And I’m not saying everyone will get those results that quickly, because that’s, again, that’s a lot more than 17% from someone that couldn’t read fine print to being able to. And at that age as well, which starts getting through these limiting beliefs that we’re older and then our bodies don’t regenerate. They do.


They just need what they need. So, yes, that is good. A lot of people asking.


They gave me a code of Mark Z for you guys. I don’t know where it goes in there. Yeah.


Yeah. So just when you check out, yeah, when you check out, you just put in Mark Z when you’re checking out. But I had a number of people asking for the link while we’ve been talking, or while you’ve been talking.


I’ve been listening. No, awesome. That’s great.


No, I appreciate it. Yeah, I’m getting such great questions and comments. Look, it’s really fun.


And what I’ll do is it sounds like you’re happy for me to present a couple of things because I want to give people. Oh, God, yes, please. That’s awesome, man.


I love it. Because I think what I can give to people here is some of the key tools to understand the mechanisms because people are going to have like a million questions, this condition, that condition. But if I can tell you the mechanism, then you’ll start understanding how this all works and comes together.


Okay. Hey, Ashy, you want to come over here? You want to come over here, young man? I like that. I like your outfit, man.


That’s beautiful. Oh, sharp. All right, Ashy.


Look, that’s Mark. That’s T or Mark. Hello, Ashy.


Mark Z. Hey, Ashy, do you like red light therapy? No. You don’t? But why were you doing it last night then? You seem like you liked it when you were doing it last night when you do it all the time. Do you like it or you don’t like it? Yes.


You do like it. Okay. All right.


You better go to mommy, okay? I love you, Ashy. You go have fun. Good night.


And I’ll see you not tomorrow, but the next day, okay? Okay. You want to give daddy a hug goodbye? All right. That’s good enough.


I love you. I miss mine being young. They’re grown and out of the nest now.


I’m sure you always get flashbacks. With my six-year-old, I’ll get flashbacks to when he was an infant in my arms. Oh, yeah.


And it doesn’t change. I’ve got them at 32 and 28 and 22, and it doesn’t change. You still… That’s beautiful.


But it’s awesome. All right. That’s beautiful.


Okay. So check this out. And I’ve got some breakthrough cases of things that you wouldn’t think that would even work.


One that I need to make sure I remember to pull up was a child that had a stroke when she was born, Leah. And the group that was behind this case study, they published their work in the British Medical Journal, so it wasn’t just this random case study. They could prove everything they were saying, but this child got her functionality back.


Within three months, she was back to normal by her own admission. You watch her in video and went from having no social or very limited social abilities that caused her to be bullied to being completely socially active and a fun, happy, healthy child with normal test scores from extremely poor. So things you wouldn’t think would be so effective.


And there’s certain people that the sooner they can get this, the better, because it’s going to help turn around a lot of things. You have a look at this study that’s showing red light therapy improves cardiac recovery by an 80% reduction in heart muscle scarring. And I’ll show you this clinical study here.


You can see the clinical study. So after a heart attack or stroke, heart scarring can lead to dangerously paper-thin heart walls. And now here, look at this finding here.


If applied to these cells a few hours after a heart attack, the scarring that weakens the heart muscle can be reduced by up to 80%. And then it’s causing the light. In this case, they’re using lasers.


Lasers and LEDs are very similar in their mechanism. And there are studies where LEDs are outperforming the lasers. So it just brings a therapy that was only, like, was uber-expensive, kind of risky because of the overheating of the lasers, and had to be under physician supervision to being in your home that you can use regularly and daily.


So that’s a huge breakthrough that happened. And the LEDs replicate the technology. What you’ll find as well as I go through the studies, you’ll find all the studies I’m going to present are all on LEDs because that’s actually where all the science is, which is super cool.


But yeah, so it’s using the laser, in this case, the red light laser on the heart and causing the stem cells in the body to migrate. And also they’re putting bone marrow stem cells there. But fasting will achieve rapid proliferation of stem cells as well, so to keep that in mind.


So this one was interesting where it showed that certain wavelengths of red and infrared are able to lessen lung fibrosis and inflammation. Red light therapy has been proven here to relieve diabetic patients’ discomfort and enhance blood circulation. These ones are good ones.


It’s improving tissue repair after injury. It’s working with collagen synthesis, osteoblast activity, and bone density. So it’s boosting bone growth factors, improve blood vessel formation and circulation, and stimulates the synthesis of energy in bone cells.


That’s all you need to know. And then it doesn’t matter which osteo XYZ condition you’ve got diagnosed with. Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on what causes the body to have healthy bones.


And guess what happens? Whatever condition you got labeled with starts becoming no longer an issue. And again, these studies are showing this. People with mild Alzheimer’s disease have better cognitive function because of the degradation of formaldehyde in the brain through red light therapy, which is awesome, considering these are hard to get out of the brain.


Kidney damage. I mean, kidney is one of those things that scares even me because I know that when people lose kidney function, then it’s not a good life at that point. And so you want to work on that.


But here’s examples of when I talk about wavelengths and how they penetrate. Like here’s the 480 penetrating through the epidermis to the dermis, getting 630, 660, which was the proven wavelength for breast cancer. And I’m going to show that study so people can see with their own two eyes, because it’s really hard to believe when somebody said 40 percent reduction in 24 hours.


I would never believe that. Even me, if I was talking to one of my most respected doctors that I was talking to, I wouldn’t believe it. I need to see the study.


Then I believe it or at least entertain it. But then if I see a lot of things supporting that study, then I believe it, which is where I’m at right now, because it’s very cruel to give people an unrealistic expectation of what a therapy can do for them. That being said, I would still always support like with antiparasitics, other therapies to help with the process.


But you can see how like the 810 up to 1060 are all getting through the subcutaneous tissue, the muscle, the bone interior tissues. But just because the other ones are not like the 600 more shallow, it doesn’t mean that they’re not as beneficial. They’re actually more beneficial for certain conditions that relate to that layer of the body and vice versa.


So that’s like the key to understand. But if you look at these wavelengths and how they’re performing, these are clinical studies done on these wavelengths of LEDs. So these are all LED studies, weight loss, fat burning, cellulite reduction, metabolism between 630 and 850, anti-aging, acne scars, rosacea.


So you wouldn’t think of one thing performing so many different functions. But if you understand mitochondria, it’s simply improving cell function. So you can argue that it’s not even – the light’s not doing it.


The cells are doing it. They’re just getting the stimulation from the light. So the cells do it.


God does it. It’s replicating sunlight. Yeah, to me it makes sense because you’re recharging the battery similar to when we ground and how much – I mean there’s so much research there.


It improves healing about 30 percent. So for me this makes sense. Frequencies, light, it all makes sense to me.


You get it. Scientifically speaking. Yeah, well I’m glad it does because it was a bit of a shocker to me.


I didn’t really think that these things would be so beneficial. Imagine turning around an oral health issue with light therapy so that you don’t have to go through an expensive, painful, and invasive procedure that could lead to other problems. Imagine regenerating your teeth so that you can actually get – avoid like a root canal and things like this.


And these are things that are coming out because everything is regenerative. And these are breakthroughs here. Go ahead.


You’ve got me going. I’m going to be like my ADHD is more fun. No, you go for it, man.


It’s more fun me chatting with you than it is hearing my own voice. No, I mean I’m just loving this. I mean because you’ve got people with scarred lungs, especially after what happened four years ago or so.


I mean there’s a lot of damage out there. That it could have any positive effect is pretty cool. Absolutely, and I’ll show you that.


I’ll show you that right now. Let’s have a look at lungs. Check out this.


Here’s a good one on lungs. This is lung cancer, so let alone scarring. But this was the study there that showed that PDT, which is photodynamic therapy, proved an alternative for palliative chemotherapy or radiotherapy and unresectable, meaning that you can’t perform surgery on this type of lung cancer as it achieved an overall response of nearly 87% and improved patient quality of life.


And here’s the clinical study here on PubMed. So wouldn’t you want to just at least throw this in the mix if you were battling lung cancer or maybe even look at it as a treatment that would be your mainstay? These are things that I present. Yes.


Yeah. When we wrap up this evening, you’re going to have to stay in the studio so we can talk about when you’re coming back because we have about 20 million more questions. Yeah, that’s awesome.


We can go through some of those. That’ll be great. And I’ll show you these ones.


Here’s a shocker. This one will change the way you see some things. I’m not saying that this is a typical result.


You can see my screen there, Mark. Yeah, let me do the tech thing here, the one-man shop thing. I love it, man.


This is how we do things in 2025. I love how we’ve taken the power from big medicine or corporate medicine, corporate mainstream media because that was your only way to get to people at that time was through mainstream media. The problem is mainstream media was pretty much owned by big pharma.


So I love that we’re having these conversations and getting these things over. All right. It’s so true.


And props to you for being a part of the solution and giving your loyal and faithful followers something that will potentially change their lives forever. And as well, there’s so many therapies I can tell you about. This one is an example of something that costs so little because it’s like a one and done, and it is extraordinarily affordable today, and that’s because of the advent of LED technology, etc.


But getting a sunrise and sunset is an example of how that could just really help you. And there is a difference, and these results, which I’m going to show with you here, are examples where being so close to something that has a lot of power, how it can really speed things up, which is why a lot of clinics are using our red light therapy devices. Top cancer clinics.


I was actually, while I was on here, just got a text from, named Gary Brekker Ringabel, and anyway, he’s probably the most famous and well-known in red light therapy, but he’s even asked for help with a friend of his with cancer. And the clinic that he’s getting help at is using our devices, and that doctor, thankfully, is really grateful and looking forward and is getting my help on not only the red light part, but other parts of the treatment to add in because that’s where my expertise has been, to bring therapies that are not well-known to the doctors so that they can help their patients with this, or in this case, directly to the patient. But here’s a great example again.


So this was a 2006 pilot study, so very small, only three patients, just disclaimer there, but three for three is nothing short of spectacular. So the indolence CBCL, which is continuous B-cell lymphoma, and then you’ve got the photodynamic therapy. They use their photosensitizer, which is ALA, not aminolubing, it’s aminolubulinic acid, not alpha-lipoic acid, sorry, and it was a 630 nanometer wavelength.


But this finding here, which was that all patients achieved complete remission after up to two sessions, and again, it’s not normal to see these kinds of results, but here’s the peer-reviewed study on PubMed, and you’ll see the text directly. All the treated patients had complete remission as defined as a clinical and a histologic complete absence of CBCL, continuous B-cell lymphoma, after a maximum of two photodynamic therapy sessions at a one-week interval. They didn’t experience side effects and pain.


Okay, what’s happening here? This is the breast cancer study, and I’ll show it direct from the study here. This is where they used the four different wavelengths, and after 24 hours, after irradiating with these four different wavelengths, they found that it was 660. This nanometer wavelength possessed antiproliferative effects against both cell lines, which is triple negative and non-triple negative, which you can see here, with 40% reduction of cell viability, which means that it—and then so they’re seeing it flattened within large cell size, showing that it’s cell-senescent, meaning that it’s dying.


The cancer cells are actually dying as a result of this. Amazing. It’s 660, and then you look at that graph I showed you before.


It’s hitting right where the region is, where this problem arguably is occurring from, or at least interfacing with. It’s giving the body what it needs here. The mitochondria are going to work doing what they need to do.


All of a sudden, situations start turning around. The bone cancer results are amazing, but this just gives you a lot of results. And we can go through more questions there.


This was the prostate cancer study that I showed, which is the 49%, but more importantly, here it is straight from the University College London peer-reviewed publication, and here you see the—it’s VTP, which is the vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy, injecting a light-sensitive drug into the bloodstream and activating it with a laser-destroyed tumor tissue in the prostate. And in this case, with having a LED close to the prostate or even directly against it and taking photodynamic substances like methylene blue, curcumin, berberine, people could seek to replicate this type of thing from home, from my research and from what we’re seeing firsthand. But here it was, they published it in the Lancet Oncology, which found that half the patients, which is 49%, treated with VTP went into complete remission compared to 13.5% in the control group.


So there’s some of the hot topics there. Yeah, I’m just still like—I think we’re all just like, whoa. Oh, many in this community research alternative medicine options and devices.


So Topaz is asking the question, and I’m certain it has to do with penetration and layers and levels, but wants to know how it differs from blue light—red light therapy, blue light therapy. Yeah, yeah, great. So blue light therapy is surprisingly very effective, and there’s a reason why, like, for example, with our devices, we actually put blue light in there, but you can control that.


So you can actually take it out or keep it in. The reason why it’s there is because it works the best for circadian rhythm, skin rejuvenation, skin bacteria. It’s proven to work very well for neonatal care, babies in the womb.


It’s proven to be really good for mood. And the difference is that it’s 480 nanometers, which denotes the penetration, but red is from 600 to 700, so it’s in that range. And if it’s late 500s, then it’s orange, and it gets towards yellow.


And so they’re just interfacing with different parts. So my biggest recommendation is to do all the different wavelengths actually together, and it’s part of the reason why with what we did with our devices is that we made that people do nine different wavelengths at one time. Because if you saw that research, you’d be like, well, which one do I use? And it would just become complicated, but the real issue is what does the body need? And the answer is it actually needs—it’s obvious that the body needs full-spectrum light, so the sun is giving you all these different wavelengths.


Most importantly, the optical range, which is between 600 and 1100, because that’s the red and near-infrared, that’s where—that’s really the only wavelengths that are really working heavily with the mitochondria. So you need those wavelengths more than anything else. The issue with a full-spectrum bulb, like if you’re using an incandescent bulb or a halogen bulb, is that 90% of that power would go into the heat, whereas with LED, 90% of the power goes into the light, and the light is what the body is receiving for the mitochondria.


So this is why the studies—there’s a reason why none of the studies—I’ve never found a single study, and I’d like to find them, because that’s where I tell people to go. If you have just $10 to your name, then get a $10 chicken lamp off Amazon or from somewhere that has a red tint, and it’s going to be beneficial, but nowhere near to the same extent from all the research I’ve done, hence why the studies don’t exist on it. And your body is the only one you’ve got, so I would invest in something like that that, funny enough, ends up becoming cheaper than the cheapest supplement because you reorder a supplement every month, $30 a month for the year is $360.


Ten years, that’s $3,500, and that’s just for you, whereas if you have a device, you’re using it for your whole family, potentially, depending on how many is in your home and your relatives and your neighbors and stuff like that, so it ends up being by far the cheapest thing you could possibly do. Somebody says here, I thought LEDs were bad for us. The LEDs that are in homes that are cheap, that have high flicker rates, they’re harmful, but the LEDs that are—which, LED stands for light-emitting diode—if it’s a constant source, it’s extraordinarily therapeutic, and that’s why, like, notice those studies I showed, it actually said LED this did this and dropped this by this much in this time period, so there are LEDs that are doing that.


And the other thing that people would say would be that they have EMFs, but I could show you that with a meter, that they don’t. They don’t have EMFs, and I’m just looking away from my device here. I can show that real time.


Let’s see what I got here. What other questions stand out there? I wanted to acknowledge, I think, which—was it Kathy? Susie? Oh, yeah, somebody’s saying, cost-per-use, my panelist probably paid for itself, so she’s—yeah, that’s a good point. And it was—somebody had lost their mother to triple negative breast cancer.


I just want to acknowledge that, because that’s really sad. And she said, wish I had known that then. Yeah, it was Kathy, and bless you.


I’m sorry, I really am. I hate that. I hate that so much, that there are therapies that help.


And the thing that helps—it keeps me going when I feel those things, because I feel them about loved ones that I’ve lost along the line, and that I wish that I had this knowledge, you know, 10 years ago, or even three years ago. And the thing that keeps me going is when, like, my little boy ran in here. Like, what does the world look like for him and for his children? And that’s what keeps me going, because I can’t look backward, but I can look forward.


And so I just want to give that to you, and I’m sure that’s what your mom would want, to know that you’re safe and that you’re taken care of, and she would rest well in that, and you’ll be reunited in heaven. I do believe that with all my heart. Yeah, I mean, we’re getting so many specific questions.


Is there a place they can find you? I mean, of course, we’ve got the—just hitting the site, MyRedLight.com. If you buy anything, guys, code when you check out Mark Z, just so they know where it came from. But I’m seeing a lot of people saying, hey, they get a regular email or a newsletter from you or something along those lines. Is that up? Yeah, that’s great.


Absolutely. So we’ve got a series coming out called Healing Revolution, as an example. That’s HealingRevolutionSeries.com. And so if you go there, you’ll be able to get access to our brand-new series that’s coming out, and then you’ll get regular reminders from us, and that’s a free nine-episode documentary series that will arguably be the best thing you’ve ever watched.


It’s that good and got a lot of the world’s best experts. If you liked what you’ve heard from me here, you’ll see that, and you get all that content free. And we share all the therapies that you can do from home for free, which is awesome.


And so this is a game-changer for people. I love the fact you’re giving away free knowledge too, I mean, because things cost money, but not everything has to be expensive. Knowledge is usually free.


Absolutely, absolutely. Let me grab something here. Okay, I’m back.


I switched away to you sitting down in another picture while you were gone there. Yeah, no, that’s awesome. And I think in that particular shot, I was wearing even the same thing, which is super funny.


So then I just looked like I was still there. And yes, I’m going to just even show, because there’s a few people that are worried about LEDs. And this is just one area where you would think, okay, well, if LEDs are a thing, and my biggest recommendation, this is just one I’ve got sitting next to me here.


But full body is always my strongest recommendation for people. So every organ in their body had to groin. So now you’ll see this on.


You see how much light is coming through there. And people would say, yeah, Jonathan, what about your eyes? But I told you to study about with the eyes, so that was three minutes. So look, I’ve got a meter here, so a zero reading for EMFs.


And now it’s against the device. Notice that that’s zero. So that’s an example of the fact that you’re not getting toxic EMFs.


So what you’re saying is this is not going off. Yeah, now it’s up at 20. You can see it going off.


And that’s you putting it up by podcast lights? Yeah, I’m putting it up against this computer with my cell phone as the webcam. And that reading is going high. People got that in their pocket all the time.


But now it’s gone back to zero once it’s away from there. So people don’t have to worry about EMFs with that, which is great news. And it’s another sign that you’re not getting toxic radio waves and things like that.


So really helpful on that side. Go ahead. Just curious on how long it takes if somebody orders a device.


Oh, yeah, sure. So we’ve got how long it takes when people order? Yes. Yeah, so we’ve got that listed on the site.


So one of the things it’s really good for people to be aware of that because we shot to kind of massive exposure. And there were actually like a lot of doctors and famous people in the movement that got behind us because they were getting all these kinds of results with their families. And then all of a sudden we were selling so many devices that it became like the most sought after device in the world, basically.


But I can’t say that. But Red Light was during that season for sure. That’s very, very much the case.


But so what happened was we just made clear guidelines for what people should expect. And so we’ve told people around six weeks in terms of when you place your order, expect around six weeks. And what I’m doing as well to really take care of people is that we’re meeting with people weekly during this time, which is I’ve got like coaching programs and people pay several thousand dollars for those coaching programs.


But we’ve just included that. So it’s a really great thing. So you’re getting that like that touch that because we my mission has always been really clear is helping people get better.


And a lot of people need some support. So it becomes an additional thing that you just get when you place your order, which is cheaper to buy the device than pay for the separate counseling. Yeah, exactly.


I did have some people asking things like Alzheimer’s and dementia. And I don’t I just don’t know. And I. Yeah, great studies on Alzheimer’s and dementia.


And I’ve seen firsthand of people getting getting a lot of great results with it with their elderly parents. I’m actually about to start with like, I’ve actually never watched American football. But I like a close friend of mine is Tim Tebow, and he he’s mom.


You know, I won’t go into too much detail, but that’s a case that we’re working on right now. So just, you know, firsthand. But like.


OK, cool. So now come come to red light therapy. Let’s have a look at the clinical studies on dementia for red light therapy.


And it is one. It’s the near infrared wavelengths. The reason why it’s working is because of the mitochondria in the brain cells.


And what you’ll find here in this study is, is that it’s it’s improving sleep and giving people the deepest sleep. That’s one factor. But.


It’s. Yeah. So like I’m like anything here from.


Look, my EMF meter is going off here. It’s telling me that tell me there’s some some EMFs going on. So we not not from the device.


Yeah. I need to order one of those. Oh, yeah.


The EMF meter in front of computer screens are everywhere in front of me. Exactly. Yeah.


We got to be be careful with that. So like. Yeah.


So I’ll show you some examples. And I want to show people everyone can do this. So have a look at my screen here.


So if you put in dementia red light therapy, so you’ll see the overview. And so the reasons are it’s from everything from neurodegenerative neurogenesis. So stimulating the growth of new neurons.


So, OK, could that not be helpful? Of course, that’s going to be helpful. ATP production, which is a denison triphosphate, the mitochondria producing ATP. Then you’ve got reducing the the plaque in the brain.


And so and that’s doing that in vitro and in vivo, which means in a petri dish and in life. So either in vivo could mean in animals or or humans. And then most importantly here, the increased blood flow and enhanced brain function.


And so these these are all linked to medical sites, including like NIH here. So it photo by modulation when people see that word photo light bio life modulation to change something. So to change something with the process to change life through light.


So that’s pretty, pretty self-explanatory. But then the transcranial near infrared studies exist here. And these are only six minutes per session.


Positive effects on many mental state exams. And this here is an example. And like, you know, the Healthline study finds that red light therapy may help people with dementia and improvement in cognitive ability.


Near infrared light, you know, Alzheimer’s dot gov photo by modulation of therapy using. So it’s even if it’s been injured or it’s degenerating and it’s some small scale study concludes that infrared light therapy may improve memory and motor function with middle age, with mild, et cetera. And I’ll give you another example.


So this is 62. I don’t know what words will be the ones that we should avoid, but I can just give people the clues on this one. This is the European Society of Medicine.


Considering that a lot of the things that are happening to people, it’s hard for people to work out what’s happened as a result of certain toxins that either they got put into them or that have been going around our world for the past four years. And everyone knows what I’m talking about. You did well.


Thank you. So look at the results of this study. So this was 62 participants.


And so of these COVID cases, they had of the 62 patients, they’re using an LED pad. So remember, so I’ve been telling you about the LEDs. They did longer sessions than normal.


These are 64 to 84 minute long sessions and all acute symptoms were resolved within three days for 62 out of 62 patients. OK, now that’s not the best part. Here’s the best part.


Full recovery occurred within four sessions for all photobiomodulation patients. All but two cases resolved within one week. So the other ones got better in the next week, two, three, whatever it was.


Prophylactic, which means protective benefits, were recorded in 17 out of 17 asymptomatic to mild patients exposed to this, this word of infected family members. Photobiomodulation of this word includes total regression of dysapnea, ability to maintain SbO2 above 97 percent without oxygen supplementation. Get ready for the next ones.


And this is what I wanted to bring up in regards to dementia. Not this one, but this one also included relief from digestive distress, elimination of brain fog, improved memory, recall, restored executive function and symptomatic, symptomatically managing emotional deficits, total whole organ photobiomodulation treatments. How cool, right? Amazing.


I got a lot of a lot of autism questions coming in here. OK, all right. All right.


Let’s bring it on. OK, so autism. Autism is an example of a word that I mean, the word translates in your own world is is what the word means.


So it’s not it’s not like a like with all these conditions, it’s not these genes, for example, you think, OK, I’ve got an autism gene. I’ve got a breast cancer gene. They don’t exist.


I’ve got an Alzheimer’s gene. They don’t exist. They’re all labels.


And there’s about seventy five thousand different diagnosis is now. But it is it is a title that helps us understand a set of symptoms, which can mean that the child is nonverbal or that the child is aggressive. And and there are other therapies.


Surprisingly, we’re finding that this one’s going to be even more shocking. Nicotine is working extraordinarily well for children with autism. But there are great studies on this on PubMed, just like I showed these other ones, because their nicotine receptors are being affected.


I’m not talking obviously about smoking. I’m talking about nicotine gum or patches. Eggplant has nicotine.


Tomatoes have nicotine. Potatoes, eggplants, the second highest after tobacco. Tobacco is a lot higher.


But but the point being that these receptors, there’s six year studies on autism, for example, that show like a unilateral change in the emotional state of even adults with autism, with aggression. It completely deals with that. So I just wanted to mention a couple of things outside of red light therapy.


There’s a couple of things as well that I know some some things we probably can’t discuss on this on this forum. But the the light therapies is one that is one, again, that I’m most passionate about, because you saw cases like, you know, I mentioned the case study of the girl in this case, it was Leah, and she had a stroke when she was born. And this is an example of when you you don’t have enough oxygen to the brain.


And so with with these children, they need oxygen in their brain. And you would say, well, how does red light therapy give oxygen in the brain? I would think maybe hyperbaric would do that. But like light therapies, oxygen in the brain, that those things don’t go together in people’s mind.


But they do they do work in this way. So light therapies will stimulate the body to produce reactive oxygen species. So oxygen that is highly reactive in a good way.


And what that does is it causes something called mitophagy, which is the destruction of unhealthy mitochondria that are poisoning other mitochondria, they become senescent when they’re just not getting what they need. And then they poison the other mitochondria, the cells then become senescent, they’re referred to as zombie cells. And this is what you’ll see with an autistic case or any case of degeneration.


So what you want to do is replace with new healthy cells. And the studies on autism with red light therapy are amazing. There’s so many children that are getting their lives back because of these therapies.


And again, it is a mysterious diagnosis that is connected to toxicity that we all know what those big discussions are, like what’s causing that and what that big debate is around what’s one of the biggest drivers. But one of the drivers that we can talk about here is glyphosate. Glyphosate is certainly driving autism, but it’s a poison.


So it’s a poison that is, I mean, if you research what that actually is, it makes sense why it’s attacking the brain so much and causing so many cases of cancer and why there’s $11 billion in lawsuits won against them. And if you can use therapies that help remove these poisons out of the body by allowing the body to have the energy and electricity and voltage to be able to tackle the problems, be able to seek out the issue. In the case of how the reactive oxygen species work, it will target the disease cells and cause apoptosis.


So that’s how the reactive oxygen species like singlet oxygen work. So it’ll stimulate the body, produce these reactive oxygen species like singlet oxygen, cause apoptosis of unhealthy cells. All of a sudden, people are starting to say, well, you know, I’m thinking clearly now their side is improving or the issues that they had with their heart, like a heart muscle scarring, which is the hardest part of myocarditis.


Then you’re seeing things like this turn around, but you can do it if the cells are healthy. So don’t think about your whole body. Don’t even think about your whole organ.


Think about the cells within your organs. Think about how to fix the cell. Then all of a sudden things start performing normally, including with autism.


Can I squeeze one more in on you and we’ll probably wrap up, but don’t leave the studio when we finish because I’m fascinated. I want a minute with you if I can. Yeah, of course.


I don’t want to take you away from family, but I don’t want you to come back in here. They want you to come back and just answer their questions. In other words, we don’t share anything, but just answer their questions.


I think it’d just be really neat. Yeah, no, I’ve got a great group here. I love the questions.


Oh, they’re awesome. But this one specifically on anemia, they suffer with low red blood count. So constantly no energy, lethargic, everything that would be normal with the low red blood count.


Yeah, exactly. Yeah. OK, great.


So let’s have a look at like studies on red light therapy with anemia, which is like, for example, you’ll find that they’re like low level light therapy is referred to as LLT. So you’ll see these titles when you when you’re looking up studies. And again, everyone asking these questions.


I want you guys, which is I love seeing audiences get super educated on things. And so what you’ll find here is with with anemia that if sorry, what I’m saying is put it into put it into search engines, see what comes up and then and then and see how you can navigate that. And let’s see what it says, what it what it doesn’t say, because then you can ask more and more specific questions, because the answer like generally speaking across the board is yes, yes, yes.


But then it’s then it’s well, what wavelengths and then what irradiance, which is the amount of power delivered and what time period? Where is it applied? What things do I put in my body to support that light therapy to give it enhanced benefits, which would either be a supplement like curcumin, methylene blue or berberine? They’re all proven photosensitizes. Chlorophyll is another one. I would argue that anything like from a high plant based diet, raw foods because they’re photosensitive compounds like remember the word photosynthesis.


So they absorb light. That’s how they produce energy. And and that’s why they’re nutritious.


And that’s why we need plants to survive or thrive, I would argue, because some people don’t really. They’ve kind of distanced themselves from plants, but it’s not exactly how the Bible reads when you read the Garden of Eden and that it was all like beautiful and fruits and vegetables do taste delicious. If we haven’t accustomed our taste buds for for like processed foods or excessive amounts of meat, et cetera.


But anyway, coming back to this, they’re the questions to ask about how they work together. But so these anemic subjects were irradiated with LED again. So notice how I just put this into Google and these are LED studies, effective red, red light emitting diode irradiation feasible.


It’s effective inhibiting heme aggregation and enhance the HBO2 content. So you start seeing this like immediately and then and then you can put this into. You know, chat, GBT, and then you could say, well, what wavelengths were used? What was their photosensitizes is the word to look for photosensitizes use, which ones are natural that are easy to get a hold of.


And then you’ll you’ll find sometimes they’re using ones are a little hard to get a hold of that kind of typically and maybe like pretty expensive. But ones that are basic, normal supplements that you could combine and then you can enhance the benefits. But this is yeah, these are these are great studies.


I mean, look at this in the presence of increased concentrations of bilirubin red cells exposed to fluorescent light, undergo membrane damage, hemolytic enema induced by light therapy and jaw and jaundice, etc. Effective near infrared blood photobiomodulation on red blood cells. Low level low level light therapy, which is which is photobiomodulation.


This is like another name protects red blood cells against oxidative stress and hemolysis during the extra corporeal circulation. And so you start seeing all these studies. And that was energetic homeostasis achieved through biophoton energy, which is bio life photon light.


So these are these like shouldn’t be a shock to people that there’s a lot of science on this, considering the Nobel Prize was won for light therapies in 1903 by Niels Finsen. So we’re talking about 120 years that this has been known for. And the last two decades heavily went into LED science because it it picked up the irradiance that they they could do so much back then.


But we can do so much more because of the amount of light that is delivered through LEDs and the fact that they are super robust. They like last a lifetime and they and then they also are super low in consumption of energy. They don’t have overheating risks or fire risks like other light sources.


So so that, yeah, they present this. So this whole collection of issues with the Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and then and then she’s her overall her overall health improved with daily medication being around biophoton generators. We’d go more into specifics of exactly what this is.


But the concept is the same as supplemental exposure to biophoton energy stabilizer in her blood components and her blood component levels and improved the sorry supplemental exposure to biophoton energy stabilized her blood component levels and improved the function functional and energetic conditions of all her organs and systems. So pretty pretty fascinating and and of of these in terms of the light therapies that have been most studied most proven across the board for different conditions is red and near infrared light between the 600 to 1100 nanometers of penetration and and then the and and the LEDs have have the most research on them and you’ll find that yourself as you just saw me anecdotally pulling up some studies to answer the questions. No, that was fantastic.


You’ve been just really open a lot of eyes were and raise a lot of questions today. So hopefully you’ll stick around in the studio for a moment. Yeah, of course.


No, it’s it’d be my pleasure and no problems, Mark. And I can just if if you got a second there, I can just summarize just a couple of things. Awesome to to look for something I didn’t mention.


So when you go to my red light.com, you’ll see that with our devices a couple of things to look for. Because once you once you learn about this, you you’ll discover you’ll say, okay, well, you know, I obviously want to get either the best or yeah, there you go. So and you can keep scrolling down, but I want to get like some devices that can cover like my full body and I want to get some technologies that I think that are going to be the best for me long term.


And what you’ll find with these devices is it ranges from like kind of whatever price like that you can afford. And the other thing is when you calculate what it costs you monthly and how many other things it can substitute, you’ll find that it becomes the most cost effective thing that you can do. But what we did with our devices is that you’ve got nine different wavelengths and you can keep going down there and I’ll show like real time here.


Yeah. Somebody says my cousin’s funeral is today. I needed this tonight.


We’ll bless you. That sounds just so sad. And yeah, keep going down.


So there’s an example there where you’ve got me with a with a panel. What’s going on there is I’m showing how you’ve got in this case, you can see the different tints and that and and every light there is lit up and near infrared. You can’t see it with the visible eye.


So this is the presence of dual LEDs. So and you can make that larger or like even play it, but just kind of keep off the sound. And yeah, hit play.


But so what yeah, so what you’ll see there is that all of these lights are lit, which is because it’s got two different frequencies coming out of the same LED. So you’ve got red and near infrared coming out, which is why you can see the visible light. But then the near infrared is coming out, which you can’t see, which is in this case is 810 838 50 and 1060.


So four different near infrared wavelengths that are all proven for different conditions. And you can see me controlling them or using simple settings so that I can just say, like, here’s a fat loss setting or here’s a here’s a setting for pets or for muscle recovery. And and so now the whole thing is now changed.


You saw it with blue lights before. Now it’s gone red and orange. And so that versatility is super key.


But beyond the versatility, having an even spread of red and near infrared across the body is super powerful because otherwise it’s it’s one. One does one. The next one does does the near infrared.


The next one does red. The next one does near infrared. And so it doesn’t stop the treatment from working, but it’s it’s double.


So what you can see with the lights in this case, let’s say if you’ve got 280 LEDs, it’s actually 576 because it’s dual. So that’s one really cool thing. And then you can control the the amount there on each wavelength.


So you could put it down at 50 percent or put it you could pulsate it if you if you want. That’s not my recommendation generally. But you then have all these functions.


But the most important thing of all things to to check for is the irradiance. So the amount of power that’s coming out of that device at three inches, this is 205 milliwatts per centimeter squared. So the clinics where you go to typically, I mean, it varies.


But most of the clinics are using beds that maybe came out five years ago or something like that. We we found we found that they typically tested 100 or under. So you’re paying 80 to 200 dollars per treatment, but you’re getting a device that’s basically half the power, generally speaking.


And you could test this independently with an irradiance meter. And so these are things to look for. And then once you once you understand that, you you’re able to get devices that then work and last a lifetime.


We did we got a three year warranty, but the rated lifespan is 50000 hours, which is many decades, actually well over 100 years, actually. But but with the whole family using it, you can expect it to last a lifetime because of the durability of the technology and that and that it’s it’s really hard cast iron. And so it’s it’s extraordinary.


Like I actually have my children late and I lay down on the panels sometimes as well, like which you’re supposed to be a couple of inches away when they tell to use it that way. But it’s but they’re that strong to be able to do that. So, yeah, people are saying, why don’t you wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the intensity? Well, that was it like a three minute video.


So the clinical studies are showing that you can have your eyes open for three minutes. It’s particularly beneficial if you’re doing that in the morning. And and if you’re over 40, you can expect a 17 percent improvement after one session.


And that’s with your eyes open directly into it. And that is that’s a peer reviewed study with with control group. The control groups that don’t do it don’t get better.


They typically all get worse and all the studies that I’ve looked at. So it’s not like a placebo. You can look at those yourself.


But yes, you can use protective eyewear. It will still get through the protective eyewear. You can also close your eyes and get through the eyelid.


So that and to conclude that, again, when you check out, use the code Marcy and that will give you an additional 10 percent off. Actually, that’s important for them to know. So you want to use the code to to to make an additional saving.


And we’ve got discounts and gifts on the pages. So that’s you know, so that’s a blessings there. Remember that guy’s Mark Z for that code saves 10 percent, which is a lot.


Well, I can’t thank you enough for the rest of you folks that are going to join. I’ll see you at 10 in the morning back. Tomorrow’s the long day.


Three podcasts, the morning news and then the whiskey and wisdom for a little fun tomorrow night with the crew. Jonathan or I don’t know what I’m supposed to call you. That’s that’s it.


Yeah, you got it. Much appreciated. And guys, I’m going to leave you right here so that I can talk to him.


So I’ll see you guys in the morning. Mods. Thanks.


I know we went long, but it was awesome. Bye, guys.

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