MarkZ (Uncut) 01-02-2025
all right let’s try that one again hello Mark yes it is and it isn’t um a private event if you look at it the way Kuwait did it it was about 10 days before they put it on Forex um I don’t have a suggestion for Iranian real I honestly don’t know if it’s legal right now sanctions go back and forth all the time um somebody in chat if you know those answers please sound off for Mark so that he can uh get those answers on possibly where to pick up hello Miss Laney Tennessee sweetheart
Chicago Mama kie Arizona Barbie Duo Duran promise maggots good to see you Mitsy Colleen Oki Bob Michelle Hoops Dan the man yeah hello hello oh oh I know I need to stay somewhat on Q as we step into 2025 one thing is clear dollarization is not stopping it’s accelerating China and other brics nations are scared of trump and them making them more determined to reduce their dependence on US dollar establish themselves as global economic superpowers their secret weapon gold in fact China resumed byy gold you know
what’s even more telling they under report their bu doesn’t it make you wonder why they recognize its Global value and ability to withstand economic shocks gold is a global asset with an innate value it’s tangible reliable and immune to economic manipulation China and other bricks countries want to be prepared they just don’t want it known even the US is doing it guys but that isn’t just about Nations it’s about you it’s a world that’s shifting economic power gold is your personal hedge against uncertainty Noble gold
Investments can help you secure your financial future with gold visit noblegold today to learn more with a qualified account receive 10 1 o Silver American Eagle coins that’s Noble gold um I think you guys are uh familiar with just how cool they look just I mean got to admit they look cool um but that is either noble noble gold or markz gold that’s easier I’d use it hello Sergio hello Ted gets up wait I like Junior Mints they’re like mini more chocolate version of a York
Peppermint Patty and I can feel the cool wind blowing through my hair anybody remember those ads I’ve got a Scott hiding in the background before I pop in 100K and 500k reals on Amazon of the people are saying now keep in mind right now it is1 US dollar if you were in Iran would buy you about $850,000 R so keep that in mind when you’re looking it values Junior mint and the freezer oh that is good stuff yeah Marian remembers those commercials hello Miss Jamie in New York hello Captain Peggy it’s looking
different you’re not right I did change shirts today spilled something on the one I was wearing okay fine I was having an isai bolt got I on it uh oh Charlie just said Georgia has lost about 12 players to the transfer portal and they’re starting cuac to injury uhoh uh oh I’m gonna get an entire uh playby playay from Fred on that one biggest Georgia dogs fan you’ve ever ever found hello Mr War Turtle I’d like to thank you for that it’s exceptionally kind keeping a track on the uh time although I really need to dive in so we can get a
little time with Dr Scott he’s even got something really cool for you folks I’m going to drop a link for you something he has been working on you will find this link in your chat on YouTube twitch and Rumble if you’re over on uh Odyssey well I’ll click the button if you’re watching from any other platforms you’re not going to see it in chat so I’m going to put it on the screen so you can see it oh WK I’m not surprised we got Miss KLA in the house yeah but they’ve got three black and white shirts trying to help them beat
the Irish on BS calls oh this is gonna be fun listening to this back and forth hello bliss now hello Jason I’m with you gladly give it up for that and I like it a lot and I’ll give it up all right let me drop that link another time or two probably going to start a little early hate to upset you folks uh on the twitch side but let’s see turkey backtracks on Alliance joins Saudi Arabia turkey and Saudi Arabia won’t join braks as both Nations pull back their membership plans it’s because they’re walking a tight
rope they don’t know which way it’s going to run they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place how serious is Trump on that front how not serious do he just mean that we’re going gold stand or two there are so many shifts going on right now in World politics so many shifts Trad tiger on the other hand is saying pulling for whoever Notre Dames playing go dogs that be D A wgs when you’re talking about George dogs RW it’s good to see our resident philosopher in the house as our lives are shaped not as much by our
experiences by our expectations you know there’s no reason I can’t drag uh Dr Scott in here to go through some of the news with me might even have some insight for us hey how you doing evening I’m good how are you all right hey had to have something to show you guys you thought you’d like it do I need to highlight yeah you just have to highlight it there Lime in the Coconut okay that was no there’s more but yeah we have we have other things but I thought you like that one I do we’re going to be doing this one first
and we might as well just Dive Right In if that’s okay with you so we can get to the Dr Scott portion of this evening so we’ll just dive in a little head now guys I have wait I should back up here here because I’m curious to see if Dr Scott is getting the same blank wall I’m hitting I have so many contacts that arrived back this morning through time in their perspective time zones um in positions from banking to groups to bonds you name it and I am getting silence I mean this I was not expecting
that I had so many them the you know as of yesterday and ear we hours this morning uh saying they were going to be checking in with me and I’m getting nothing so I was just kind of curious from your take on this one because uh that is I don’t know take it as a good sign a bad sign I don’t know how to take it at all yeah I mean it it feels much more like a political issue like I’ve been saying for a while I mean I was kind of hoping for the December 31st thing you know that you know click over to that um
but I also know for a fact that that they are ramping up the information in um um in and around DC and I will tell you I U I’ll give you something that you guys might actually find fascinating related to that um I have a guy that just keeps running into the most powerful people you’ll ever see um and he said that everyone in DC is absolutely panicking right now and now we’ve heard that before but I haven’t heard it from a direct source in the way that he put it they know this thing is coming down and they know it’s coming
like a flood and they know it’s around the time frame a little bit before you know Trump gets in office hey they’re they’re definitely reacting to something and maybe they’re expect I mean like just this one um there’s a tractor trailer stopped I 85 North in South Carolina right now um bomb threat it’s believed they don’t know if it does or doesn’t they’ve got to you know go through the whole process um but I mean we’re we’re looking at at least potentially three terrorist attacks and that’s what they’re telling
us about uh in the last 48 hours it’s you name it all over the the nation right now all over the US and I assume it’s pretty similar in Europe right now and if you’re in Europe please sound off I know the time difference could be throwing it off uh but the number of reports of very increased military um presence from National Guard in the Subways in New York to Law Officers even on the streets between um Dallas and uh Fort Worth I mean it is uh it it’s crazy right now the reports I’m getting from everybody is they have
truly ramped up police presence all or I shouldn’t say wait but police Works police military slash um law enforcement efforts all across the nation uh in the last probably 36 hours so it’s crazy so I’m curious how everybody else is singing I know I need to get on to RV related stuff but we knew it was going to be nuts yep um let’s see operator 6 who said there would be no yeah I don’t know who said there would not be one I said pretty much from the beginning you know maybe not but I foresee one happening and one
happened yeah I thought there wouldn’t be election but you know I mean sorry I I don’t make the rules up yeah um no treat in Ireland bring it on Mary we’ll get busy and bring on Joe that’s exactly what he means uh all right I’m trying to and we were told there’ be distractions there are distractions let’s hit a couple of these real quickly Dr Scott oil prices jumps above $75 a barrel after Chinese president’s remarks uh he simply remarked that they would do whatever it took to stimulate the Chinese economy write bad checks
whatever it took China has been on the ropes they are trying to convince people it’s okay this is one of those that can go quickly One Direction or the other so little now I love this one Iraq Iraq ranks first in the world in the concentration of Natural Resources what does this mean this is probably uh one of your key stories for the evening heck for the month um and hopefully uh well I don’t know I’m hoping the next probably 20 days of this month just go by in a world because we got so many fun things
to do I’m going to leave that message right there and see if anybody can piece it together and I’ll ignore the questions about it but all right let’s get to this economic model and managing investing Diversified wealth except for oil and gas Iraq has the highest per kilometer natural resources in the world believe the uh what are they like number nine in the world for all over natural resources but number one in the world based on land mass meaning per per square kilometer more resources natural
resources we’re talking about valuable oil gas precious heavy metal minerals you name it uh Rare Earth minerals you name this is the wealthiest per square kilometer nation in the world that’s that’s people out there oh they can’t afford it I’m like what do you mean they can’t afford it they’re actually exponentially more valuable than we are in the US they’re exponentially more valuable when you look at uh their resources than Saudi Arabia than Kuwait than Jordan not even close we’re not even in
the same ballpark uh so when they’re looking for values to support currency this one’s a great one these articles will be up over at the original markz Let’s uh fresh that one s already H oh wow it’s getting a beat up right now should have already popped up all right there it is um okay let’s keep going where was I at all right we got that one after the electronic platform stopped and answer the questions of Iraqi circles about the new mechanisms I’ve been including these so you guys that want to do a deeper dive on the
conversations going you can um one of the biggest things I get a kick out of this one uh one of the reasons they’re pushing this banking onto Iraq is so that they don’t have smuggling operations um money going to Dollars going to Iran terrorist organizations at least this is excuse I have now I love this one because this one’s coming directly out of Iraq one of the reasons they want to uh I love this uh control the exchange rate stabilize prices dollar with their banking system control dollar exchange this is important but
here I love this one and they want to prevent the smuggling of dollars why there’s any indications that dollars it is used in smuggling operations or there’s inflation demand for it du to to Illegal ends look at that one what is the number one form of payment for smuggling illegal drugs arms human trafficking which is a bigger Market than drugs in the world and we’ve got right here US dollars they have to control the US dollars in the market because they are used for all these illegal ends I just couldn’t resist that
one I saw that one Dr scotton I mean it’s what is it 94% of all illicit crime around the world is conducted with dollars not Bitcoin not xrp dollars cold hard us cash well what what’s the CTA they they they passed a CTA a corporate transparency act that which has the Boi and I did a big deep dive on it several times and it’s already stuck in fifth Court fifth Circuit Court it says you don’t have to file it but here’s the funny thing just the other day uh China hacked the treasury Department now I think about that for a
second China tracks treasury hacks the treasury Department and the treasury Department would have the Boi information like oh yeah I’m gonna put my Boi information in in treasury so it can get hacked um you know that the the craziness is is never ending and that only happened I think it was yesterday or the day before it’s yeah two days ago roughly um yeah no it’s some interesting what’s going on I definitely feel like this one’s it and that window that we’ve been looking for I don’t know about you
Dr Scott I was told it would start on the 2 between the 2nd and the 10th I don’t know if you’re hearing anything I’ve got more news here to go through pry close you know the second to the seventh is yeah and then if you got some that insist that Trump has to be back so it’ll be more like 20 something of the month but uh we were clearly uh stepping right into it with the end of auctions the conversations earlier this week as we hit the last two days of the month as they were discussing um where do I even have that
one uh low I’m trying to remember the term they used small notes as they were discussing small notes in the economy um or the introduction of small notes so I’m I’m I’m particularly uh particularly excited about where we’re at all right let me hit one or two more um but I did this one’s a great one for those that just want to have more knowledge you don’t want to run just with I don’t know latest Guru slash whatever you know hug of whatever uh I firmly believe you should ground it on what’s Happening that you can track and
Trace and that your neighbors don’t look at you like you’re crazy when you talk about it uh here’s an interesting one for you credit card default surg 50% we’re talking about in the first nine months of 2024 we’re just now getting the year end data it’s starting to trickle in that is a massive from the year before we’re talking about the highest I I’m trying to remember since when uh somewhere in here I think it gave us 2010 2010 since 2010 and that was coming out of the 2008 crisis we’ve been in a recession for two years for
anybody that’s paying attention and it’s ugly arguably a depression uh Vegas when you account for inflation and you don’t allow the changing of figures coming out of our government which is fine because then they turn around and correct them three months later quietly on page eight Vegas Police say very strange similarities between cybertruck bombing and Bourbon Street Massacre uh what I didn’t know is they found more bombs located in other areas throughout uh New Orleans so it definitely appears to have been more
than one is there more to come they’re noting the similarities and one of the things I did not know this morning was that the driver of the Cyber truck was already dead before it exploded he had already there saying it appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound uh he was shot in the head the gun was between his feet and the floor floorboard of the car but the Cyber truck had full drive or full assistant what whatever it is where it can drive for you um and there are claims that it was activated that he may
have been shot somewhere or shot himself somewhere else and it drove there in detonated I don’t know there’s a lot not making sense from the military training to you name it but I did think when I saw this one be a lot of people calling BS on that a lot of people questioning the FBI and the FBI has nobody blame but themselves they have so mishandled so many things for so many years uh from laptops to Russian dis I mean you name it they have been caught blatantly lying to the American people so much in the
last five six years that nobody believes them they’ wounded their own reputation and at some point they got to face up to it and they should probably try absolute transparency if they want to get any kind of trust back but when I hit this one Dr Scott I don’t know about you they’re talking about some of the similarities um and the strange similarities the differences that I many the author here whoever’s writing it for uh Zero Hedge pointed out that nobody has any faith in them so nobody’s trusting what they are saying at all
that’s my biggest takeaway FBI is baffled I’m just reading these things uh so many articles I have read today uh on the front I where do you go uh so many of the OS don’t even fit uh it’s almost like I guess I should just say it military connection is this like some kind of like mind [Music] altering I I don’t know MK Ultra stuff the only thing I can think of cuz uh I mean two of the Cities listed in the top 17 cities are New Orleans and and uh Vegas they’re both from Fort Benning um where does it where can it
stop we got the New York nightclub shooting um you’ve got independent journalists there that the footage claiming that it was possibly related uh of course officials there saying no no no no no it’s just gangs don’t worry go on about your business you’re totally safe it’s just some gangs having a war here shooting people up which is worse Terris conflicts in the Middle East is that better than conflict here from gangs from South of the Border I mean what what’s better people are dead and I I think you know every time
you see this kind of thing you have to think false flag man vuring candidate thank you someone brought that I saw that I was thinking of that exact idea when someone was talking about Obama anyway oh um hold on I do have a picture they do believe that they found the missing and guys remember I use a lot of humor and satire and sarcasm as a way to get points across without getting in so much trouble um and two it’s just grav humor helps um but I I I can’t resist you know where this is going so they found a uh picture on the phone of
the New Orleans um and okay this is probably bad time but I’m going to show it anyways anybody no all right I thought it was funny wrong but funny watching all right I better just shut up before I get in trouble it’s as fun as when they had the like in the Hood the mysterious shooter and it was Hillary from New York from the uh all right uh see Dan at least somebody thought it was bad taste but funny uh okay what else can we talk about Dr oh one or two more things I’m turning it over to you yep 10 questions
we should be asking ourselves s about the New Year’s Day Terror attacks the one that really hit me was number three um Dr shamad Su Den Jabar had threatened to kill his own family before joining Isis with the intention of committing terrorism on us soil did law enforcement know about any of this beforehand if so why was nothing done in a series of videos a suspect in the deadly New Year’s attack New Orleans discussed planning to kill his family and having dreams now this is important this is where I’m hitting on the MK Ultra thing
and having dreams that helped Inspire him to join Isis according to multiple officials briefed on the investigation uh shamod Den Jabar the 42y old man who police suspect drove a p i mean where’s this suspect he drove it in there they shot him jumping out of it I mean only about like you know 300 people saw him do it all right let’s let’s run with this legal e lawyer crap according to multiple officials briefed on the investigation uh made a chilling recordings while driving from his home in Texas to Louisiana authorities
believe Jabar US citizen Army veteran who served in Afghanistan made references in the videos to his divorce and how he had first planned to gather his family for a celebration with the intention of killing them two officials who have been briefed on the recording said but Jabar said in the videos that he changed his plans and joined Isis and referenced several dreams dreams uh that he had about why he should be joining the terrorist group according to officials what is like every nearly every um
witness Etc from the MK Ultra disclosure while almost every one of them said it started with them having strange dreams anybody I mean I don’t know Charles Manson one of the very first MK Ultras I I would believe that one yeah philanthropic too soon no it isn’t I just feel bad we have people in here that have friends family Etc that were some of those victims um so you know for me for them it feels too soon at the same time as quickly as we forget things in this nation I think we need to talk about these things now
uh oh this is a great reminder though um from the folks over at the international man it’s not the end of the world we talk about it we talk about how things have gone funky how all this the sun’s still going to come up tomorrow guys there is still a better future ahead I just wanted to throw that one at the end all right now I’m talking to you well I had something that was kind of interesting it was uh it was a scripture that came to my mind and then another one at the same time frame and it was a first Samuel uh 16:7 and I’m
pulling it out of my head here so it’s um though a man looks on the outer appearance God looks upon the heart and I’m sitting there going okay so what does that have to do with anything and then I was popping over to um Hebrews 4:12 where it says the word of God is alive and active sharper than any double-edged sword uh separating as as deeply as Soul and Spirit bone and Marrow able to understand the intents and thoughts of the heart and so I was kind of P you know just pontificating those little scriptures and they didn’t
seem to relate and I was thinking about a a conversation that keeps coming back up um you know root rotates in but some some of these new agers that will say like at you know at your appointments you’re going to have to have these aliens who scan you and I’m going nope doesn’t happen because only God knows the intents and thoughts of the heart so you know I when when people say that I just like no it’s not I I don’t believe that’s the case either and secondly I just keep coming back this one because
it just keeps coming out over and over again you know people asking about when you go to an appointment and you go to an appointment in a bank you only will talk about the things that bankers talk about if you guys you guys need to every single one of you before things happen I would I would ask that you just take money into the bank take a check into the bank and get it flipped over and look around at the bank and tell me what do you see you see uh you know loan issues and changeovers to IRAs and all
kinds of mon monetary issues that’s all you see you don’t see conversations about crazy things that they wouldn’t know anything about so don’t ask questions that don’t have anything to do with the monetary issue that you’re looking at um Jame chaos a different way of spelling CH H OAS chaos okay yeah c h AOS sorry about that one I do thing slightly dyslexic but I’ve learn to work with it uh oh before I forget James happy birthday to your lovely bride hello kimosabi all right what do you want to talk about this evening now
that we’ve gotten all this one uh this far well I mean that was my big area secondly that I was kind of bringing up here and I I sort of mentioned it but you know there are there’s conversations all about the Doge stuff like I was talking about a minute ago this my friend of mine was was explaining that you know as he meets these people and I mean I’m almost jealous because every time I he meets some of these crazy cabal and some of them you know not bad people but happen to be hooked into you know the politics of a state and then
the politics of of DC and you’re just like holy cow these people are they know this whole situation is about to change you know some some people are feeling in their heart like well if Trump doesn’t do something by 20 I mean uh 20th you go man they know it’s coming they’re actually talking about whether Kamala should certify the vote um and do the same thing that Pence did uh or they tried to get Pence to do yeah well yeah that they try I mean but you know Pence went the other direction you know um he
was going to um desertified the vote in supposedly and then certified the vote only after the j6 conversation well what what might they change you know because we know that they were involved in all that stuff so what changes in the minds of people if they put something together because Jamie Rasin actually has said and he said this back in uh summertime that we are going to uh look at Trump and say that he cannot serve under the 14th Amendment under the fourth section and they’re utilizing Amendment ever
ratified no that was one that was it AB absolutely that that’s you’re talk thinking about the 16th Amendment but the 14th amendment in in 1868 absolutely was before the corporation and was ratified and it is actually a perfect reference to executive order 13848 where it talks about the election uh issues and you know all the craziness with that and it says that we are under that Trump put us under um emergency orders and I go wait a second if we have been under emergency ORD since 2018 what’s going on now
so I’m seeing just a couple here and then I really need to turn it over to you sure huge year for I we could answer questions as we go here so yeah um well do you want to share anything before we let them just rip on questions um do you want to explain anything on your qfs definitions Rainman uh what it does is it allows Iraq to go International which means they can move forward with um pegging their currency to assets and a common basket of currencies from the Middle East they’ve talked about it in
depth we’ve shared a ton of articles on it with uh their goal uh last one that I thought was really good was about two weeks ago um all right uh where do you want to go on this one do you want to well I mean I’ll just tell you this if you want to get the qfs what I did is I you know kind of did some you know quick definitions you know talked about cbdcs and all these different things that that are possibilities that people think of I did talk about cryptos inside of there and then I said what the qfs is not and
what we suspect about the qfs now I passed this by uh Mark I also passed it by a bunch of other people to kind of say hey what kinds of things do we need to add or subtract in here um and again we’re just listen I’m just kind of guessing on some of these areas I’m telling you that some of these other areas are going to be you know are what we believe will be inside of that again it’s not an account I explain that a little bit more there too so I just got my website people to uh pop it on the we
website so you can download that anytime you’d like to so there you go that is awesome that you took the time to put that together for so many people uh having questions um looking for some questions here that come up let’s see do uh Dr Scott does it touch on the rlu no the qfs uh one really doesn’t know so they having auctions just through the bank oh okay well thoughts on Chevron that’s a really good one um Chevron disrupts every three-letter agency right now and I find it fascinating that Chevron happened
earlier in I don’t know like almost 11 or so months ago and then we have do jumping up so what what Chevron does is a allows um everyone else to say no to your regulations and by the way do you know that almost all the hospitals right now are are requiring masks and they’re mandating it okay so and that’s what that’s what most of these requirements mandates silly things that come out there too so do we expect uh to get a different appointment from historical bonds well if you have that you probably
you probably have to go earlier than the normal 4B as far as I know um you might have to tell them where you you know tell them what you have to you have to tell them what you have and they’ll probably send you to a different place that’s what I was told that if you have historic bonds you’re supposed to let them not necessarily the number you have but you’re supposed to let them know what you have because it could change where you exchange those things that’s what I was told have been told from nearly the beginning on that one so
I believe it makes perfect sense you have to have the right person that knows how to read those I that’s just the deal um Robert yeah it’s a little we’re trying to go through that now we shared a piece on it this morning on the electronic platform they have changed the terminology they believe that is what went through 11 originally was supposed to be seven um throughout the day I’ve learned that supposedly it went through 11 certified Banks so it’s operating the same way it would in the us if we were handling transactions in
other currencies um so uh yeah how do I put that one be patient on some of that on the platforms because uh the way they report them as opposed to just the amount that went through banks uh I’m told they did not have an actual auction but then they turned around and used the same reporting platform but changed a lot of the terminology on it um it was they called them total re reinforcements from abroad um overseas enhancement requests so I don’t know if they’ve just changed the terminology but they’re still using
the same basic report format I don’t know if it’s because they’re doing it the way they’re supposed to be doing it it’s too soon to give you ex you know the level of detail that you want we could be telling you the wrong thing I guess is what I’m saying the banks the folks in Iraq are telling me that it went through the new channels like it is supposed to uh Ms mom said will medical and hospital bills be zeros or zeroed out I think that’s what she’s saying um guys go look at Tucker Carlson he has a new
video out just the last couple days he has a pharmacist on there I think if that’s a pharmacist the guy is killing it I mean he is so amazing when you listen to him and and he’s talking about my wife my wife’s a nurse I’m an audiologist we’re sitting there going yeah that’s exactly what happens to the insurances um you know so I would say this to you listen these uh these hospitals these you have to charge two and three and four times um higher just to accomplish an amount I’m gonna give you an example years and years ago a guy
walked into me got so mad that I charged like 235 bucks on the hearing test and I said did you see on the rightand corner what I actually got for it and he he was still talking about that I said I got 15 bucks for it um that’s that’s how bad they are with this kind of thing so I believe that kind of stuff is it’s the number one uh part that goes that keeps you on bankruptcy so I think that’s going away again I never hear that I mean how can you give a receipt on something something that was given to
you you know binders Keepers that’s kind of why I look at it who a cinematographer from Hollywood I find it really encouraging to watch people in these different Industries waking up I mean guys how many former intelligence officials have come out and jumped on board with us because what they have seen inside how many Pol politicians now are you know former politicians and some current that are on the it’s happening the world’s changing you can either change with it and be prepared or you can be just some of the
Canon fodder it’s up to you um Johnny says any educated price on what darar ends up as the the reality is you will not know um what why would you know uh will Bank CDs be safe yes because it’s a bank it’s it’s an account that that can be found so for instance think of all of your financial information whether it’s the credit issue which has you know your assets minus your your debts in there versus all of your bank information all the bank information is totally visible you got to flip everything you can’t just
flip part of it trying to look for some other things that people are saying here so what really happened of money um pays by insurance if you didn’t receive it uh I’m not sure if you didn’t receive it oh I’m sorry I know what you’re saying here’s what happens they discount the rate off um so for instance what happens is they will tell you that you have contractual discounts on there and by the way I I signed contracts with several of these companies back in 2006 when I started the practice and by the way they changed the
the rate over and over again and never informed me on that so then you know I have no idea so like it just gets thrown through a washing machine and then it comes out with some magical rate with it too um do we have to take USA dollars first off no the whole point of this thing is is to be gold backed which would flip over from the US dollar to US note um well what happens to the treasury is that they are the one that counts the currency so in essence the controlling levers of setting the currency rate it remember that gold has
to be set to a rate so it because it’s happened every single time in history when we’ve had a gold back currency or an asset back currency you have to set the rate of that number and so it’ll be set by treasury whatever that is let’s see here what else can we find here some was 20 MPS labor party holy cow there are so many wait it’s just imploding there so many people I mean listen I’ve been thinking about this one how come if if the Boi information and the CTA um I think it’s CTA um they’re pushing this thing but Janet Yellen
Yellen is already resigned and I go I have never seen the ATF person resigned didn’t the FBI guy resign it’s so many people resign I’ve never heard of this before and I actually asked my friend about this because he was you know he has a person that that’s in um I can’t say the department so I I better not say that and he said he said yeah everyone is trying to get away as fast as they can trying to get away from stuff so why would they not why would they not be safe I I just don’t see any reason again you could go take your see
I you’re having people say well take your money to a bank or take it to a Redemption Center I’m like they are the same thing I I don’t know what you’re talking about now there are banks who don’t know anything about it so why would you go to them makes no sense um so it does have to happen but listen I mean we always want to be really tight on dates like within 120 days could they could they push it off 6 eight months to to kind of get things done after nsar would it bother you no as long as they we show progress toward
that kind of thing and they say well we’re going to set the election for all the other other events out in July or something like that um saying the banks get credit from the government for a denial loans um I don’t understand the denial loans thing am I missing something yeah I’m missing something in there too bud all right Keith rephrase and uh yeah put it back up there uh the IRS is definitely up and running it’s not running as well they’ve had uh restricted hours computer systems have been down nearly as much as they’ve
been up uh being told not to pursue this or pursue that it’s it’s really weird what’s going on there right now we have a number of people that work uh happily at the IRS in our community right but but think about this only 4% of of the government is at four no 6% of the government is at their desk the IRS needs to be at their desk if you’re I mean pick the agency why would they want to be at their desk with that too Mr happy I’m just chuckling uh someone said Sasha said um do you have uh do you have to go to a
local base if you have Zim I don’t think so that’s going to be pretty straightforward with that I have heard that a number will be at bases because percentage of military large number of them hold currencies so it’s just convenient to do some of the exchanges on or near bases told that is not a an absolute concrete rule denied loan applications I think is what they are uh referring to you I just assume the loan never originated never got made money never traded hands so it didn’t matter but I may be missing
something here um well you know what I would say to him and and I wish I could was sitting in front of them do you believe in a goldb back currency and I know he does do you believe that the FED is a problem and I know he does believe that do you believe the IRS is a problem from a constitutional basis yes there you go you you just answered it for for me this one’s a little tougher because one analytically the man’s brilliant he really is um but his approach his web crawling approach also has some very key flaws in it it can be
manipulated if you know what you’re doing if I were to go on especially if I had some help and using different IPS around the world I create enough articles about uh ner not being accurate or whatever um then I could I could totally fool her we web WebCrawler uh the way he gains his uh information and stuff it’s not necessarily easy to do but there has been a concerted effort I mean you used to be able to and many of the people here still have it printed from government websites he used to be able
to download ner right off our Congressional Record and look at it um and then they made that disappear somewhere I think it was around 2004 or five somewhere in there um but so many people have these things like printed stacked out I’ve seen them with my own eyes and suddenly they scrub the web just like they do all the time when something happens that they don’t want to happen they just scrub it starts disappearing or they add to the web to make it look like something happened change history they they do it all the
time that’s where the flaw is if they’re actively trying to remove it suppress it or Cloud it it’s pretty easy to do unfortunately and you have no idea what the disinformation level is going on as well so there’s misinformation is someone who’s trying to say something knows is not true versus disinformation someone’s putting it out there and has no clue about it with it too so treasury has purchased the banks I I don’t see them to roll into Banks they like so I mean you could argue that they kind of have
but but purchase doesn’t is not the right way of saying um okay so we we talk about this quite a bit is you have bankruptcy reorganization that means that it it has to be some level of government involvement that just essentially that that point uh so if you have a student loan and you make your payments and president trump abolishes it does that loan then void well yeah I mean if you had a a $10,000 loan you paid it down to $5,000 and $5,000 gone well then you have no more loan so yeah Savvy I feel so bad because I
didn’t print so many of these things because I you know I had them all saved away all out there on the web they’re not going to change the internet right and then bam suddenly they started changing the internet Google owns it Google right wrong the alphabet agency pretty much owns all of our alphabet agencies uh directly or indirectly I mean you know we had the FBI the CIA all of them working directly with these agencies to manipulate all the news you got uh from 2020 2021 from election stuff to January I mean they fabricated
A Whole New World they did and and you know even on my La last book here um I have um saved sites and I always save my sites because I know where they are and what I found is like about half of those sites that I had um that I had perfectly saved set exact to that that exact point referenced it in the book they’re gone um esta boy a lot of people worry about this I don’t see why it won it’s just absolutely not I just believe they’re going at the same time at least Vietnam uh Iraq Indonesia but maybe
let’s just say that that Frank’s right I don’t think he is on this front think he has some fantastic contacts out of Iraq but I very much think he’s wrong on this one but let’s just say he’s right what are you going to do if are you Diversified do you have some where you could exchange do well buy some dong after I don’t understand why people are letting this one drive them nuts it would be one heck of a possibility for you guys to really do well but I I as to I no part of me thinks he’s right on that front on many things
I think he is dead on it but on that one definitely not that’s yeah Mark you’re not the only one many people here have seen it saw it back in the day printed it out when it was still on the government’s own website before they changed the world I how often do they do that I mean how crazy do people think they are how much this Mandela effect really is a Mandela effect it’s really how we remember it but they changed the history of it rewrote the books well what what have a feeling though that they really have
done is they had they didn’t delete it they just um they they wiped it from the web web search ability and so they hid those they hid those sites and that’s what I’m seeing I think the filters come off here so yeah no I think so too I’m with you flipper though uh if Frank’s right they’re gonna pay big I almost hope he’s right um and uh D Decker says um is a swift completely shut down the Swift system cannot shut down until you flip over to treasury that’s what the qfs is qfs is a replacement of the connections from the
Swift system uh reading a few Dr Scott will the RNR money be attached to Social Security payments I just don’t believe in that R INR payments I know brce talk about it all the time so I don’t believe in those I wish it were true but I don’t see how the world’s going to function if it is right so Social Security it’s going to go up a lot what’s the number we don’t know yeah how many articles were written by like I mean like mainstream ones you can use like the Wayback machine uh articles that talked about it no it is
crazy it makes you like you’re scratching your head what’s real what’s not right because then when you fact check your memory things are different that’s what I love like especially on the one the number of people that took the time to print it or take screenshots of it and they still exist but the documents all don’t exist it’s craziest thing definitely makes you scratch your head and wonder if you’re sane or not Mickey said a question should we have a a TR our trust in order first off have your information in order
but if you put your a trust in there so many things are going to change don’t get worried about it um yeah I don’t even know on some of these uh do you I I don’t know don’t know that answer I know that he keeps uh he was threatening to abolish them use the US dollar for a short while and then reboot his entire um treasury uh just because of what was printed the crap the whatever I just don’t I don’t know what to tell you wish I did here’s your buck skin cowgir which I’m guessing asking which banks that are Zim and dinard taking I’m
which it’s G to be the the I mean think of them as the as the big 13 Banks I mean or just the FED Banks okay so do we know what that is some people still say Wells Fargo and Chase I don’t know um I’m not too worried about it yeah I’m not e on this one beard didn’t ask him the question about double dipping uh beard well one we’re assuming that they care if we double dip that’s could be our first logic flaw right there what happens if they don’t care what happens if that doesn’t matter to them at all
and they’re only doing one at a time um then what we make too many logic arguments based on logic that may be false so everything after would still be false or just luckily get right like you know the random person picking their uh NCAA brackets and just gets lucky um so I don’t know what to tell you on that one but I I would assume that you and I are thinking properly and they don’t want to allow double dipping because it could really throw off economic balance in countries um for me that’s always why I
have assumed it was all going at once it’s what makes the most sense uh someone says our catastic says so do we need Bank insurance after the qf on the accounts after the qfs listen uh do we have it on the on the front end maybe on the back end the currency itself is guaranteed in essence okay it’s guaranteed by an asset so unless all the system systems change and then they become a Fiat see you put insurance on things that you can’t um insure or you can’t in essence replace gold you can replace and so I mean some
people have asked the question does the uh do the big tier you know top tier Banks do they have 100% gold on hand and that’s a big question I don’t know that they’ll have that um and they can still be called the gold backed if the treasury itself covers it I don’t know uh first off qfs is not up running you can’t invest in it you will never be able to invest in it so if you put any money in it you lost it most likely that’s not what anybody wants to hear but nope sorry it’s not something you can do yet until it goes live until Mr C
does his job as we understand understand it and I could be wrong this is for Education entertainment only we have to say it right let’s get back and see if we can find another question or oh I’ve already gone way over um all right let’s uh maybe one more yeah one more question sounds good before before I uh totally take advantage of the moderators um t no there’s definitely more gold than people think there’s so much off balance she or off Ledger assets that’s one of the biggest things we’ve been watching over the last couple
of weeks has been so much m0o monetary zero things that have been off Ledger suddenly going on Ledger it’s really exciting to see this sudden discovery of stuff that’s been outside of the system what do you mean by outside of the system um when I buy this physical stuff I put it over here it’s no longer in the system it’s not a dollar bill it’s not a it’s not paper money that’s being bought traded every day I’ve taken it off Ledger and put it over here now if I take what silver I have and stack it in
the bank as a guarantee on a loan then suddenly now it’s back on the books it becomes M2 because it’s not flowing around people are spending it they borrowed against it now if I just threw it in the bank and we’re buying and selling with it bought Goods with it then it becomes M1 it’s in it’s in circulation kind of a short I know that is not exact but it is a Layman’s explanation of how that one works right I have one last question I can see uh what information on the baddies had um on all of us the white hats have used
the goods to get them first off we kind of we all believe that you know you have to deal with the stuff and youve and they’ve already dealt with some things so I think some of that stuff will go uh will deaths be sold to debt collector go away yes and I mean there’s a contractual nature to having bank if I had a a debt with with Mark and he sells it to his brother-in-law do I own do I owe his brother-in-law why I ow I ow Mark right um let’s see before I forget somebody mentioned this I keep it in a
plastic thing I don’t know if you guys can see uh because of Salt Air how quickly things here turn if you don’t keep it like sealed just like your car if you live at the beach rust somebody had commented on how I had it in plastic Mr I’m entertained and informed thank you that was awesome all right here’s gonna be your parting question do you think Med beds are real I think medical there are massive medical cures out there uh for uh for the Jabs I think that there are massive medical cures for uh for
many of the blood boring illnesses and they’re very simple um I think the other parts have to be dealt with in a much more unique way um so do we have them I don’t I don’t know I mean listen I don’t have the stuff that Mark has but I know I have um just horrible knees and they hurt all the time so I don’t know i’ I’d love to see that happening but I would say you know I tamped down my uh my my perception of that stuff all the time I’m with you all right let’s call this one a wrap Dr Scott can’t thank you
enough for taking the time out this evening like you do nearly every Thursday and know the holidays threw us off changed a lot of schedules Etc but thank you uh and for all the work you do putting together I know we don’t necessarily have everything dead on but uh you’re putting it out there and you’re doing giving it your best and I appreciate that we all do I’m just waiting for the pot shots so I get it we live with them you know there’s a way for you not to get deal with a pot shots don’t say anything just you know keep
your head down do nothing in life that’s your option you either take the shots or you don’t all right guys see you all tomorrow morning with Mr C Mr C is planning on being here tomorrow so short of uh short of something big we will see him thank you Dr Scott all right