MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Dollar Auction by End of 2024-USA Security Inplace-Circulation Banknotes-Metals
hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia man and crew patreon Community by clicking the link in the caption hey everybody happy Sunday uh I don’t know about you guys but um yes today is Sunday but this whole week’s felt like Sunday but I’ve realized today Sunday so um anyway that’s just a little bit of humor but hey we have um excuse me a few things that we did this this week we’ve we’ kind of had a
lot of information from our super Samson uh in our patreon Forum with militia man and crew and also of course um a massive amount of data that comes in with um our Discord chat room so I hope you guys enjoy all that and collectively follow along because what the videos that we have are just a portion of uh what we get inside our room all right so just keep that in mind but here’s some interesting things okay well hey guess who’s here everybody it’s Wall-E so this time it’s Wall-E so he’s going to be in the
background look we did um our video the other day and we talked about issuance and treasuries we’re talking about the creation of money but which what is that issuance is currency treasuries or bonds okay that’s liquidity so keep that in keep that in mind keep that in um perspective because they talked about that just now yesterday the day before they’ve been talking about certain things that they are going to do but they also talked about it a while back they talked about it the beginning of 2004 they also talked about a lot of
things that were going to happen in 2004 back in 2023 and that’s pretty much why that remember the tripar budget is all inclusive of 203 24 and 25 not going to get into the budget we’re not going to get into that tonight but there’s other things firstly I’m going to just say this is that uh we all know that the United States and the coalition forces have been around Iraq since 2003 and uh it turns out that there’s always been pressure on to remove um our forces the Coalition forces not just United States
but others too but ultimately this article today is coming coming just a little bit I won’t get into too much of it remember though that um the region still has some turmoil and one of the turmoils is and there’s been some change which is um probably a good thing for the neighbor which is Syria but there’s also some other things that are going on in the background which you know I’m not a political adviser or anything or a military guy per se was in the I was in the United States Coast Guard of course
but but that’s about it but anyway the point is is that um an American official as high as up as the President says uh in a TV uh Speech in the past but he says we will Pro protect and defend the region which includes Iraq Jordan and others from any possible repercussions as a result of developments that happen in Syria okay so but what does it say this he says the above is is blatant evidence that the Iraq still needs the International Coalition to protect it from the potential dangers that still
hover around it and it’s evidence that all the strength that Iraq has and in various other addresses is insufficient for self-defense and does not serve the purpose okay so it’s not really hammering them or anything or saying there no security or anything like that but at this stage of the game in the world um Iraq’s probably not fully ready to uh be able to take care of the security needs that she has and think about it for a minute what we’re expecting to happen is going to need a lot of security and a lot of
reassurances because there’s going to be a lot of uh Coalition influence when it comes to business and they need to have that security in place and who is the ones that talk about that well a lot of people that talk about it is the H they’re always complaining and they they’re trying to get them to leave and they are always complaining about sovereignty and all these other other issues but at the end of the day the bottom line is where does it come from who’s the one that talks about that the people that talk about that it
says here it says Iraq has the right to request today an extension of the survival of foreign forces on its territory if it deems necessary for any reason it says the decision is up to the government and the C commander-in Chief of the Armed Forces it has nothing to do with the House of Representatives nothing okay so if it’s Al Sudani wants us and wants the Coalition so be it subsequent commander-in Chiefs of the country of Iraq if they want it so be it so we can put that to bed so the next items I want to talk about is the um
and Iraq is basically talking about some really important stuff and it’s going to be short and sweet tonight but uh it says here that Iraq to permanently end the controversial dollar auction by the end of 2024 now remember now that there was going to be an imminent suspension we talked about that in our last video and we’re going to see evidence of that again so that’s obviously when um and they say uh it says the foreign currency sale window and electronic platform by the end of 2024 that’s just in a couple of
days a few days it says they’re affirming that the decision is final so it’s going to happen that’s it final we reassured the markets and consumers noting that the vast majority of the Traders have already adapted to the new system which no longer provides direct dollar access from the central bank now remember they we had talked about 97% we were talking about 95 5% for a long time they ratcheted that up just a little bit but under the new system set to fully replace the auction Traders will be
required to deposit their funds in Iraqi dinars and then you think about it we have some other stuff we’re going talk about replacement we’re talking about exchange we’re talking about currency we’ll even talk about Metals okay they don’t have Metals by the way remember that but they haven’t had them for over 20 years okay it says that um they will Traders will be required to deposit those funds in Iraqi dinars at local banks that have established Partnerships with foreign correspondent banks these correspondent Banks working
alongside us financial institutions will oversee compliance and verification and procedures if you want to rewind go back to 2018 if you guys want to do a Google search you’re going to find that the fatf has been lifted back then okay look at it up we’re not going to get into what that means but Iraq is in a very position uh it says financial experts believe the shift distances the Central Bank from the potential of manipulation or fraudulent activities and protects it from possible us sanctions that could
cause severe consequences for Iraq’s economy so basically what they’re saying is that in this particular case is that what they’re doing right now is if they don’t do it there could be consequences we said we said something about that the other night as well the deadline for shutting down the the platform is fixed and will not be extended so they’re reiterating that the dollar auction is to be by the end of the year uh it’s fixed they’re not going to change it’s going to happen okay why is it why is that important well there’s
that black market they’re going to have a problem and they’re not going to be able to do that anymore and they’re going to go to a new system it’s a new electronic system remember the electronic unified system that’s been already hooked up so in other words Baghdad in herbal are already ready so what they’re telling us is again that 97% of those financial transfers are already being conducted with this new system okay it says Traders are unlikely to face any issues unless their funds are held with Banks without
correspondent Partnerships so look that there’s just going to be a need to be able to if you’re going to do trade you’re going to have to do it with inside the parameters that are actually fatf qualified okay and if you’re on um some of these ofac lists things of that nature um you’re going to have a problem okay uh he goes on and explains that starting on January 2nd 2025 key date January 2nd 2025 the Central Bank of Iraq will no longer directly sell currency for external transfer transactions related to financing
foreign trade and other payments to local banks on a daily basis and we’ve already been telling you that well that’s going to be the correspondent Banks and the other Banks to be able to do that they’re not going to have direct access to the central bank any any longer and this here’s a here’s this is huge you guys I think is that SLE okay he’s an adviser in a rentier economy Iraq the majority of markets demand for foreign currency is met through the country’s International reserves managed by the Central Bank of Iraq however the
mechanism has now changed significantly now the definition of mechanism they don’t ever tell us exactly what it is it could mean a lot of things it can mean interest rates it can mean exchange rates can mean uh screwdriver for instance what tools are you going to use keyword tools but it says today has now changed significantly that was mentioned today by this gentleman and he’s highly respected okay so in my view they have a system in place and there should be a seamless transition by when they gave us a date
it should be now listen I’m just giving you the information that they say this is in my opinion of what these items are being told to us from them I don’t make it up so I take it very seriously as you guys all know and I try to give the best we at Mish man and crew and DCW our Discord chat room proves it okay we do the best that we can we’re not always wrong I mean we’re not always right but sometimes we are wrong but we try to make it right if we are and that’s because we learn that’s that’s what it’s all about okay
it says we’ve been likely uh expecting a mechanism to change significantly why because we’re going to see that they’re going to need something they’re going to need a mechanism for what well to do trade and they’re going to need a mechanism for if you have a replacement currency you’re going to need a replacement currency means why well we all know that destroyed money uh damaged money buried money all kinds of different events Could Happen they’re going to need to be reported if that it replacement comes because the
expectation is now that they’re going to show you show you that they have an expectation of having uh money coming in and they’re going to tell you that they have there’s a document out today uh dear Samson brought it to us today too which is showing that there’s about a 5,000 Word document that talks about specific things I’ll get into that next but however that mechanism and we’re talking about how having changed significantly he’s talking about it today okay so look what what what does it appear it appears like uh what
they’re doing is gearing for a change and that change is coming and they and they give you a time frame didn’t say it’s going to be that day but you know an exchange rate could come uh when ala loock is ready to tell you or tell us and the world but if that mechanism has to deal with an exchange rate they’re talking about that today that’s that’s fascinating I think I think you guys will have to read it come on in if you haven’t seen it uh please dig in and enjoy it or do your own Google search
and find it you’ll you’ll see that I’m talking about what’s in print instruction standards for the circulation and exchange of Bank notes and the mechanisms for counting and sorting this comes out today it says the continuation of our circular number 3449 dated 115 2024 again what why is that important well they talked about and told you about that back in uh the first month of this year and they’re talking about it’s going to be gone these items are going to be certain things and are going to happen within
this year okay it says instruction standards for bank note trading and replacement and Counting and sorting mechanisms a further circular uh to that date on 1:5 2024 it says regarding the unification of updating controls and instructions for the standards of Bank notes and trading and replacement they attach basically the principles standards and instructions that will be adopted in what counting and sorting operations and the receipt and delivery of Bank notes they expectation is they’re going to have a
lot of money coming in okay it says it’s to be implemented in accordance starting when January 2nd 2025 that’s what they say here starting from that time frame okay so it goes on and says uh instruction standards bank note Trading replacement and Counting and sorting so think about it replacement if you’re going to change the value of your currency you’re going to have to replace that currency because you’re going to have a need you’re going to have a need for something if you have a significant mechanism change it has
now significantly changed right okay that’s all going to be based off if the mechanism is happens to be the exchange rate in this particular case uh it could mean other things but we’re going to have to find out and wait and see but I I’ll tell you what I think it is I think that it’s got an exchange rate orientation because of what I get into okay the Central Bank of Iraq pursuant to its law 56 of 2020 24 has amended as amended is responsible for determining the categories of Iraq Iraqi banknotes paper and metal their
measurements and their shapes printing paper notes and minting metal coins right so if they haven’t already mted some they might be menting them in the future or they will be doing on subsequent whenever they’re damaged whenever they need to be replaced just like they do the currency normal behavior right what’s not normal about this what’s not normal about this for the last 20 years is that they don’t have any coins they don’t have any Metals why are they talking about it now and today that’s powerful you guys think
about it for a minute if that mechanism is now changed as solle says that the mechanism means that there’s going to have to be significant change they talk about that has been significantly changed now so if that’s the case what they’re going to do they’re going to be talking about metals that means the value of the exchange rate is going to change you don’t need coins at an exchange rate of 1310 okay it doesn’t work that way the value’s got to be there okay and it says here the paper notes metal coins and is
responsible for destroying and replacing them and identifying defective ones and it may refuse to replace and confiscate those banknotes and metals if they find conditions specified in instructions are met okay so that is pretty pretty big it’s pretty powerful you guys um R basically if you come into patreon you’ll find or if you go into the cbi’s website you’re going to find um a document that that shows this I I give out the link for that just because the fact remains is it’s lengthy and I didn’t want to put it in patreon um
because I give the link you guys can open it up and look at it CU say everybody’s time from scrolling so I did that for you guys um there isn’t a reason uh for mentioning the minting if there’s not going to be an exchange rate change in the near very near future um the country again the country has not used to the best of my knowledge metal coins for about 20 years plus years uh they took Metals out of circulation I believe back in 2003 2004 to me this document that I just speak of uh it’s speaks of circulation
of metal coins and their exchange and or replacement of them along with the bank notes to replace or exchange something is to take you know an action for a purpose and and or for you know transactions monetary transactions uh to be to be provided uh for those monetary Services it’s just the way it’s going to be if there’re not going to be many new coins or possibly have done so there would be no need to have a focus or even a mention of it at this point in time today Day Metal and coins they would not
be needed right so I find that that’ be a big powerful thing today because obviously they’re still talking about it then if they’re not going to change the value of the currency they probably didn’t have a need to focus in on it that’s just the way I see it okay um it says basically in my view that an exchange rate that has to have um inadequacy or which would bring a necessity to have them to be needed it’s it’s obvious that that’s what they’re talking about I mean to to me it is uh the action of changing or to facilitate
a need for coins would mean that there will be exchanging going on which will require replacement exchange replacement couple of key words circulation of money okay they’ll have to replace for instance the large notes with smaller notes and if you’re going to do that and you’ve created significant change you’re going to need fills okay coins they don’t have any they haven’t had them for 20 years that’s the power of all this so they’re going to have to have smaller denominations to do that fills or coins
fill that void if you will so a new a new exchange rate will need a significant value for that to be a part of this equation that’s basically where we’re coming up with you everybody so stacking sorting and bundling um currency notes their expectation is a lot of currencies coming into Iraq uh into the banks uh and they’re going to go through the proper channels and they’re going to have to have identification you’re going to have to have um you know uh accountability uh you come in with too much money too many
too many large category notes that don’t fit your pay grade they’re going to they’re going to want to know where you got the money it’s going to be pretty tight I think it’s going to be good I think this new system is going to work I think that they um have taken all the precautions they’ve in tunani watch has taken about two years and now they’ve given us some specific time frames um and this whole process uh for both of the things that I talked about that were pre uh um exchange rate change they they
talk about specific things dollar auction going away and they also talk about the counting and sorting and replacement of money and currency and when do they coincide they January 2nd 2025 their words not mine they’re powerful I think I hope you guys get the bigger picture I appreciate you you guys being with this thank you for all your support your kind help your donations please uh hit that like button if you like what we’re talking about we like to keep it going we like to hear from you um like subscribe and again your support
helps keep this place going PayPal venmo zel we appreciate your guys’ support thank you so much once again guys don’t forget to hit that like button if you like this content subscribe to the channel or join us at the militia man and crew patreon community for even more exclusive content you can also donate to this channel by hitting the links in the banner to help keep this page up and running your generous support is greatly appreciated as always much much appreciated thank you so much and have a great day