Iraq Dinar News-ASYCUDA System-Single Window-WTO-Digital Dinar (Uncut) 03-19-2025
MM&C-Iraq Dinar News-ASYCUDA System-Single Window-WTO-Digital Dinar-Global Financial Transformations
Hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia Man and crew patreon community by clicking the link in the caption Hey, good evening everybody. It’s militia man. It’s Tuesday the 18th, and we have a lot of good news Sorry, I missed you guys yesterday like on my usual But I just couldn’t get it done.
Okay, so we just took some extra time and here we are alright So look if you want to have some clues about why Iraq is going to be be powerful It’s like you kind of follow the money I’m not sure about you traders out there but you all probably find out that you listen to a lot of the billionaires because they got to be billionaires because the nature of What they do they trade successfully? All right, so there’s a gentleman by the name of sir Saw Iris, I think it is It says he talks about his projects in Iraq the returns are much greater than any stable country So he’s basically kind of touting in Iraq Well, who is this guy? Well? Naguib serious. He’s an Egyptian businessman and he’s a multi-billionaire I think he comes like I think they state that he’s like one of the Wealthy his family is one of the wealthiest in all of Egypt So it says that he says that we have projects in Iraq including the establishment of a new city in Baghdad With investments amounting to about 15 billion dollars. It says it’s distributed as loans and capital He indicates that Iraq is a very promising country And I think we all can see that the reasons why but he says the people of Iraq They love the Egyptians beat the Egyptian people and he goes on to say that resorting to difficult markets such as Iraq However, the return from it is much greater than the return from any stable country So it’s like an emerging market, you know, it’s not necessarily stable yet It’s going to be though and during that time from Not being stable sort of unstable getting to stable is going to have where that that push comes He goes on and says that any stable country We see big traders competing with each other and the level of competition there is fierce Explaining that in Iraq.
There’s not much competition and You can work comfortably at this stage. That’s what he feels they can do this now comfortably and with less competition Is that going to get is that going to change in the future? Probably likely so but one of the reason why the billionaires or billionaires is they know what they own and they get into markets early Okay, so I’ve already said that he’s a he’s one of the wealthiest families you guys can look him up he lives in Cairo He speaks look Arabic English German and French so he’s well seasoned around the world and he’s been listed in Forbes magazine as one of the fifth richest people in persons in Africa and He’s what he’s he’s in he’s in Iraq getting ready to do business. And the cool part is is We own a slice of that pie already having Iraqi dinner and when we bring it to you with militia man and crew Come on in see us enjoy the ad free information you get with patreon and you get the Discord chat room it comes as a bonus All right So come and enjoy the community and I thank all my community for being with this for the last couple of years in our support it’s been amazing and We’re watching some Fantastic stuff.
I think everybody should be really excited about that and then last last thing is just Thank you very much for your kind support and also to the team effort that we have at militia man and crew This article is al-sudani He’s talking with Turkey. He says we’re working to resume the Kurdistan oil exports Okay, I know that this is probably from yesterday But the bottom line is I know there’s some extra new stuff from today, but I like to get to My key points and even if it’s a little bit of old news for you. I’ve just tied it in my view So it says Monday the Turkish Ministry of Energy the natural resources His name is by Rakata.
He is he visited Baghdad he he’s goes on and says he emphasizes that the strengthening in the Cooperation with water sector to ensure regular water imports for Iraq So think development road project on this you guys The Prime Minister indicated the government is making significant efforts to resume oil exports from the Kurdistan region of Iraq Indicating the negotiations are ongoing with foreign oil companies Contracted with the region to resolve some technical issues related to resuming exports So on Sunday, he talks to us about the foreign minister followed Hussein he agreed with the Turkish energy and natural resources minister and he basically has stated that They want to a double the amount of electricity that that Turkey will provide While exploring the possibility of importing Turkish gas to cover the needs of power plants, so it’s fascinating they’re talking about water they’re talking about oil and and They’re talking about all of this coming together. Now. It says the two sides discussed renewing the cyan oil pop Pipeline contract and the possibility of extending it southward to boost Iraq’s exports to Europe So not only they’re talking about turning it on the pipeline.
They’re talking about expanding a pipeline That’s that that’s big you guys. We just recently talked about that. The pipeline has been tested Everything’s pretty much ready to go and same back to salaries haven’t been paid yet and The oil hasn’t flowed there’s probably more to that story too as as we see with the ice cutter system the taxation We’re gonna get into some of that stuff But he says Baghdad confirmed its readiness to increase the supply capacity via the joint line to 600 Megawatts while Ankara pledged to double supplies in the coming months So we all know that they need water.
They need the electricity and they and they also going to need gas That’s that’s what they do. That’s what they’re gonna. It’s amazing that all of it is Necessary for the development road road project They’re gonna need to get oil to flow water to quantities gas and electricity All of that is going to come with this project and you can see that they’ve come a long way And they’re not gonna they’re not gonna stop as we as we can clearly see Okay, so who’s one of the biggest winners? Well Turkey Turkey is one of the biggest winners in this article says the biggest winner of Iraq Turkey energy agreement It says this development will boost the region’s economy as Turkish companies are expected to establish their headquarters in herbal Given geographical proximity and their strong relations between the regional government and Ankara particularly with the Kurdistan Democratic Party He adds that the region will be keen to ratify the agreement not only to achieve economic gains, but also to strengthen its rapprochement with Washington and Reduce its dependence on Iranian gas in line with American desires.
So they have a motivation Turkey has a motivation Iraq has a motivation I guess to some to some that might be one of those things where you like it or not that’s what they’re going to try to do an Opportunity for the Kurdistan region to regain its economic role and reopen the door to exporting its oil through the Turkish port of Syan Which could contribute to revitalizing its financial resources strengthening its regional presence So ultimately, what are they going to do they’re using the leverage it sounds like oil and water and gas to Get this pipeline Going, but I think there’s probably even a little more to it than that. And what I would imagine is Again, the electricity gas and water are all you know items of interest. And of course, yes What are they going to be doing? They’re going to be Helping with the The development road project and What are the things that we’re going to be talking about and see is that you know? Look, the central bank is talking about openly about a digital currency and we’re also seeing articles There’s are coming out about the ice cutter system and
we’re also talking about the single window system And so if you guys have any idea about what that single window is I think you guys should probably look into it because it’s about trade Investment clarifies mechanisms for supporting investors and services provided to the what the single window and Here they talk about the National Investment Commission Hanan Shazmin and they go on and state that the single window department is the main Gateway, the single window department is the main gateway Communication with investors and aims to simplify procedures and facilitate investment with Iraq Okay, remember the article a while back it talked about the single window and what they were talking about is taking care of investors that are over a 250 million dollar investment That’s a big money you guys that’s those are the big boys 250 million or more, right? Okay, so it says This this lot this lady says that the single window provides a set of key services and she goes on and describes Here it is including strategic projects.
Well, right It says the department is responsible for issuing investment licenses for various projects including strategic projects Valuing exceeding 250 million. So she says it right there The window provides advice the necessary data for information to investors in addition to issuing special bulletins to help them make informed Investment decisions. And so what we just saw is follow the money.
Remember the billionaires there and then we’re talking about Who who likely has 250 million to invest billionaires do? It says the single window will also provide logistical support to investors including assistance and obtaining entry visas I mean, they’re gonna get the they’re gonna get the You know the perks hotel reservations transportation arrangements they’re all going to be there to what to help facilitate investors and support projects and Those investors with it, you know with information regarding local guidelines and regulations of sort
Okay Completing their licensing and all the all the different things that go with that It’s it’s probably pretty intense everyone So it says the aim is services is to create an attractive and transparent investment environment that facilitates local and foreign Investors to implement their projects efficiently effectively which contributes to enhancing economic development in the country Okay, so that’s what they’re talking about when there’s talking about supporting those investors And so when we’re talking about people that have 250 million to invest or more you’re thinking about some high-end people and you’re also thinking about some very professional people and that they they want accurate information they Do want transparency and I think the new electronic systems in place that we’re seeing now I’m I would assume that they’re very aware of it Interesting thing I as a snippet I want to show that look it says here that the automated system for customs data ice cutter Developed by UNCT ID supports the World Trade Organization trade Facilitation agreement by helping countries implement the single window systems and modernized customs procedures
And so this is a snippet about What is the single window? Okay, and that’s what they just said. It is a single window What does it do it supports the World Trade Organization? Isn’t that fascinating we’ve been waiting for Iraq to change the value of their currency prior to them getting into full accession and This is the type of thing that you should see or we have been maybe unknown and Unaware of but yet it’s right in front of us because of these articles that come out about the single window But understanding exactly what that single window is. I’m not so sure everybody understands what that is But it says here the escutta system is an integrated customs management system It’s designed to automate and streamline customs procedures for international trade and transport operations and they go on to say that The WTS the WTO is trade facilitation agreement they call it the TFA emphasizes the importance of a electronic single window systems for trade and the escutta system helps Countries implement these systems and they go on there’s numerous things.
They have automated tools to facilitate trade reduce transaction times and costs and improve security, so if the new world if the new escutta system has a blockchain environment and the billionaires want transparency the Single window wants transparency and they want real data They’re gonna get that with the new system and that’s going to be a real powerful engine, okay All right. So it says the UNCTAD which the you know develops the escutta is committed to supporting that implementation of the WTO’s trade facilitation agreement and What do they what this is one of the things that I found to be interesting was an example that they give as a depth some part of this definition It says examples of ice cut as impacts for instance They say Jamaica a country after ratifying the WTO trade facilitation agreement Collaborated with escutta to develop a single window. See what they’re saying that single window just like Iraq did System called J Swift.
I find that name very interesting and I have to dig into it a little deeper And maybe I’ll do another video on it if I can find What I believe it is and I have a feeling that that Swift J Swift is part of the new Blockchain technology and I wouldn’t be surprised to find it if I am on to something here Basically, the J Swift has streamlined customs procedures. That’s what they did in Jamaica. It sounds like there were exceptional and that they were Successful so it says Escutta is an operational in over a hundred countries including developing countries and helps them modernize customs, etc, etc
So if you think about that for a minute how and take it into totality is that all of these things were showing The direction that we’ve been talking about and headed and I’ll probably have to talk about just a little bit more but here is the article that’s discusses to international and national teams the Implementation of the automation and modernization System and what are they going to be talking about the Escutta? It says the latest developments from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which is the UN CTAD which is part of Escutta right or they have Working in conjunction with right that says in addition to discussing future steps to enhance customs efficiency and facilitate procedures This gentleman by the name of Dow would he stresses that the importance of joint cooperation between national and international bodies to achieve the project’s goals stressing the need to overcome the challenging and Challenges facing the implementation of the program.
So this meeting that they had the General Customs Authority Basically, I would say that they were at the top level at this stage because we already know that they’ve implemented it in certain portions of the country and now they’re talking about the implementation of the program and if there’s any challenges and that sounds to me like because there’s going to be Over time, you know, these systems become better and better and more efficient It’s kind of like Windows you got Windows 1 2 3 4 15, right?
And they’ll probably end up doing that with the Escutta system because of the fact how fast Technology is coming in and how efficient it really truly is and what they learn from it Okay, so ultimately the you know, there’s international teams that are working with these goals with this full ex full the fullest they’re basically doing it to the most extent that they can and They’ve been working on these systems with the borders of Iraq for some time and there’s no no wonder that they’ll have some challenges And so it’s obvious that they’re working to hammer all those out And when you’re doing it at the highest level
And they seem to me that they will probably be the board members But here again the customs begins operating so they’re saying that the customs it begins Operating the Escutta system at Abu Fluha’s customs in Basra It says the commencement so they’ve already started of the implementation of the electronic automation system Escutta at the Abu Fluha’s Customs in Basra government in a step aimed at developing this customs work and facilitating these trade procedures He notified or he noted that this step is part of the digital modernization plans Adopted by the customs authority at various borders digital monitor Modernization so that’s pretty big you guys I’m pretty sure that that’s what they’re talking about when they’re talking about how efficient this is going to be It’s going to have to deal with transparency and that modernization So it says the modern systems used globally
so they’re gonna they’re getting in line with things like the J Swift Okay, and now I’m wondering if that Swift has a connection to the Swift I s o 20 o 22 if that does then you can think wow these guys are really further along than we’ve ever imagined And that’s that’s probably a powerful thing, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m accurate on that I’m thinking that this is a major step forward in the international systems of trade It’s to me it’s not just only going to have a Significant impact or effect on Iraq. It’s going to have a global impact The revenue streams that will be a part of this will likely meet and beat Iraq’s oil Income all of this is basically if you think about it is supported by the or will be supported in Supporting a real effective exchange rate into the future because of those revenue streams In my view is the IMF the World Bank the Bank of International Settlements the US Treasury Etc will all be a part of Iraq’s financial future and the single window Will also be opened to tip the Will be the tip of the iceberg That’s how I see it. So I would say get ready.
You know, that’s that’s what I see what they’re telling us So here’s another article that’s maybe changing changing the topic just a smidgen but it’s about the Ministry of Finance you know the Ministry of Finance she has a legal authority and when she makes decisions She has that legal authority to do so and so she you have to take her very seriously so it says the Ministry of Finance participates in the plenary session of the United Nations Conference on trade and development in Geneva Plenary means has legal authority to act
Okay So tape Sammy, she’s the Ministry of Finance participated in the plenary session of the International Debt Management Conference What’s that? That’s the UNCTAD. Isn’t that what I just got through talking about ice cutter? They’re involved okay, where were they they were in Geneva and there was a Number of vital issues were raised in the context of governance and financial risk management It says the agenda witnessed a series of meetings addressed several topics including governance accountability Transparency again, isn’t that what those billionaires want they want? Transparency,
okay So anyway, let’s keep in mind the International Conference on Trade and Development, which is the UNCTAD is on Is ongoing right now from what is it yesterday? today and the 19th of this month and We all know that the UNCTAD developed the ice cutter system, which what it supports the World Trade Organization Facilitation by helping countries implement the single window systems to modernize their custom procedures for international trade I don’t know about the new guys But isn’t that sound like a powerful time to be invested in the Iraqi dinar? I would say so and I’m glad to be one of those and you know Shout out to the people that are in the Northwest Had a nice person stopped by my house today and I shout out to Sharon I hope you have a good evening and I want you to drive carefully. Okay, but anyway To reduce speculation a Sudanese adviser reveals a new monetary strategy Okay, so the Sudanese adviser.
I wonder if this is it is Mahar Mohammed Soleil he reviewed a new monetary strategy Sunday evening that seeks to reduce Speculation. So yes, everybody’s probably read this article I missed yesterday, but I’m hey, like I said, I just give you my views on what’s been happening and Not I don’t need to be first. I just like to be accurate As best I can It says here that Soleil says a new monetary strategy aims to gradually attract foreign exchange transactions to the officially regulated banking system This has a strategy focus on expanding of buying and selling foreign currency With at fixed and stable rates in line with current monetary policy He says that these steps coincide with enhancing the freedom of foreign exchange process With a high commitment to transparency and money governance in line with International standards.
They just keep they keep hammering that home It says a strategy that is being implemented in an organized in precise manner By the Iraqi banking system and specifically targets large transfers Remember those money Trent major transactions that are supposed to be done with the Iraqi dinar the digital dinar Yes, I think you guys remember that especially related to financing wholesale trade That’s commercial trade Soleil points out that the importance of stimulating electronic banking and transactions to reduce cash circulation So that again, they’re reiterating that they’re doing a cash less society Okay,
and he goes on and says which contributes to feeding the parallel market with cash dollars Thus reducing speculative operations that take place outside the framework of the law So basically once again the people that are using the parallel market if you’re on the wrong side of the trade You’re going to probably have a painful day one day Because that basically is not going to be looking good The Iraqi economy challenges and opportunities in light of global financial transformations It says here that the government is working seriously to reduce the reliance on the US dollar in domestic trade and promote the issue of the or the use of Iraq dinar in financial transactions They’re going to do major transactions and digital dinar.
They’re talking about that again In major the use of the Iraq dinar in financial transactions So he goes then says the importance of continued cooperation with international financial community to alleviate external burdens and restrictions on foreign currency transfers So they’re like they want to make sure that they’re able to get the dinar into the world for foreign currency transfers So basically, you know with Soleil still getting the word out in Iraq making a change and use and the use of the dollar
The dollar is going to go away especially in the country because the IMF requires That to be a part of article a compliance and I would say that to be In a digital environment that Iraq is not going to be able to do that at 1310 I think they’re going to have to have a real effective exchange rate Based off real fundamentals and we all know that some of the largest Auditing firms in the world have been working on this project with Iraq for years
So get used to it. I’m pretty sure that ceasing multi-currency practices is going to be well, it’s quite evident that so that’s what they’re talking about and With that being so evident that they’re going to cease to do multi-currency practices they’re going to have to obviously Do what we’re expecting and the digital dinar is going to have commercial purposes And they don’t have that at 1310 on a global front so I Think it’s I think it’s beautiful you guys it says Iraq confronts economic crisis with the digital dinar The parallel market is threatened with extinction Like I said, it’s gonna be painful where you guys, you know, it’s just gonna say goodbye The Central Bank of Iraq is preparing to launch the digital dinar so here again They’re talking about the Central Bank of Iraq is to launch the digital dinar marking the transition to digital currency management It facilitates instant money transfers with the country or across borders Reduces the logistical burden of issuing paper or metal currency.
So in other words, they’re going to get rid of paper and metal currency They’re going to reduce the burden of it. You’re not going to have to print and buy it or have it minted as Much as because they’re going to have the digital world It says the digital dinar aims to address these challenges providing by providing a safe and effective digital Alternative to paper money. It says the financial and banking system will witness fundamental transformations Including the decline of paper currencies and the replacement of digital payment for central banks The central bank is moving to create its own digital currency, which will gradually replace paper transactions as in the case with the central banks around the world a couple more comments basically says the Mohammed the digital dinar is a global trend is It’s it’s in the process of development payment systems, but basically it says What they’re going to be using is they’re using units of account exchange and storage of value With the digital economic community and via a highly sophisticated Rapid and accurate information system so that you can hear what they have to say.
Those words are sophisticated They’re fast they’re accurate and all that is based on Information information is coming from the newest technologies in the world So basically, what do they say? That’s this what they’re doing is thus ending the ambiguous or illegal use of money once and for all So in other words the parallel market once and for all you’re gonna get nailed So if you’re doing it,
it’s gonna be painful It says regarding the digital relations to digital dinars relationship to exchange rates Al Sudani’s advisor Soleil explains that the official exchange rate will be to the prevailing and sole rate the digital exchange rate adopted by monetary policy The parallel market will disappear in its current form as it is difficult to invent secondary digital markets whose operations operate outside the control of the digital monetary authority it also facilitates access to global digital exchanges for global payments and settlements
That’s just so powerful you guys Okay, it also says here that he explains that first is a high level of public awareness, which they’ve been doing the Awareness of the digital monetary system while the second is the availability of an advanced information communications and data technology infrastructure that Evolves continuously over time That’s exactly what I was trying to say. Is that earlier today? Is that that’s what they’re doing The data so when I said Windows 1 2 3 4 to 15 and whatever they’re talking about data technology infrastructure that evolves Continuously, so the new system even though once they get involved and they go live They’re going to be updating as time goes on. That’s really really interesting and good It says this gentleman by the name of Hashimi he points out the significant difference between digital currencies and crypto currencies So they’re setting the setting the record straight and it says here the former’s the former the between digital currencies and crypto currencies It says the former are issued and regulated by central banks such as the digital dollar and the digital Durham Okay, well crypto currencies such as Bitcoin are not subject to any official authority and their value depends on supply and demand making them Highly volatile.
Well, I think bitcoins gonna have a big change coming to them as well, especially when it comes to demand Especially by the United States, but it says the Central Bank of Iraq issues the digital dinar It will be the sole entity controlling the issuance and distribution of the digital currency Facilitating oversight preventing financial crimes unlike crypto currencies and we’re not just talking about Bitcoin, but all cryptocurrencies That may not be similar to Bitcoin but which operate on a decentralized system that is a difficult to a control and
He says basically relatively Some of the good things about the digital dinar it will be backed by the central bank It has it’ll have a relatively stable value Similar to paper currency in sense, but however, it will be traded Electronically only through bank accounts and wallets and it again will reduce paper money achieving financial occlusion and also it’ll reduce reliance on the dollar in daily transactions and so what they also go on to explain is the primary goal is to eliminate the phenomenon of cash hoarding because the citizens have in the past hoarded their cash and So they’re gonna they’re gonna try to get that back by, you know You know bringing that confidence into the banking system and they’re basically saying well if this works and implemented well, the digital dinar could help disperse hoarded liquidity and Stimulate lending and credit which is going to be part of getting that money back into the banking system
And I’m getting that money back into the banking system as part of this is all proud part of the process And so there you have it Everybody I think it was pretty powerful some of the key the key things that we went over were basically You know the follow the money with the Egyptian billionaire resuming oil exports Or I’ll tell we talked about water energy gas all of those things And one thing we didn’t talk about but we all know that we’re still waiting for for the salaries to be paid But the single window we talked about We talked about the ice cutter with which is all related to the WTO in shape and form Soleil talks about reducing cash circulation, which is the digital dinar They go on and say the challenges opportunities of the Iraqi dinar We talked about preparing the launch the digital dinar Ali Alak was involved in that And then we also talked about you know what killing the parallel market We’ve always said ever since we’ve been starting talking about this Is that eventually that when Iraq does do? Articulate compliance changes the value of a currency,
and they don’t have used for the dollar anymore Parallel markets gonna go away, so enjoy your night, and thank you for being with us Please do me a favor hit that subscribe button Hit those like buttons as well and again, thank you very much for all the donations that help keep Iraq dinar information coming through militia man and crew and I think that we have a lot more to offer too and In the distant the recent future so so anyway Thank you guys enjoy Once again guys don’t forget to hit that like button if you like this content Subscribe to the channel or join us at the militia man and crew patreon community for even more exclusive content You can also donate to this channel by hitting the links in the banner to help keep this page up and running Your generous support is greatly appreciated as always much much appreciated. Thank you so much. You have a great day